HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 2, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. I will be off on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week. During my absence, John Stinson will be in charge. As usual, the office will have my number if you need to contact me. 2. The May/June ClP Status Report is attached. 3. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · survey the Panama No. 12 annexation area for installation of street lights; · placement of a "not a through street" sign at the entrance of Dennen Street. 4. The May Activity Report from Recreation and Parks is enclosed. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Theodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direct0--~ DATE: June 29, 1998 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - MAY/JUNE 1998 Attached is the status report for the Capital Improvement Program. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved; 2. Status of FY 1997-98 and pre-FY 1997-98 carried-over CIP projects; and 3. Construction Inspection Status Report. The following plans were approved since the last CIP status report: E6K008 Sewer Construction - Telemetry Phase II E7K001 Sewer Construction - Main Allen Road TSK050 Signal New, White Lane and Buena Vista TSK052 Signal New, Buena Vista and Ming Avenue TSK056 Signal New, Eastbound State Route 58 and Mt. Vernon Avenue The following Notices to Proceed were issued since the last report: T5K055 Lake Street Reconstruction TSK029 Signal New, Coffee Road and Olive Drive TSK053 Signal New, Fruitvale Avenue and Hageman Road P7K012/P6C001 Construction of Parking Lot at the Bakersfield Convention Center, Block 350 P6C005 Resurfacing of Tennis Courts, Siemon Park The following Notices of Completion were filed since the last status report: E6K018 Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Phase 1, excluding Abandonment of Existing Trunkline and Adjustment of Manholes to Grade E7K009 Beach Park Storm Drain Lift Station Improvements P5C002 Median Resurfacing and Reconstruction on Panorama Drive from Mt. Vernon Avenue to Bluff Street T6K006 Striping of Bicycle Lanes on Various Streets G:~GROUPDAT~Memo\C IP~MaySune.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital improvement Program Schedule - Men 6/29/98 ~J I January1998 February 1998 I March 1998 ~ April 1998 I May1990 1131 June1998 ~ July ;1998 I August 1998 I September 1998 October 1998 I November 1998 I Dece War~dd Proj. No. Description 2814111118125 ~ 18115122 1181~5122I 915112119{2613110117124 17[141211 815112119126121911612:~130'{6113120127{4111118125 11811512212916 2,5 T6K073 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CALIFORNIA/OAK ~i i i !,-~'roject_,~.,~e~a,,e,~ due to: i :~ .. i weather and utility ................. ~ .................. :: .............. ~' ":: i ........... Design~ conflicts. ~ ~ ....................................................... Bid Request/Award " .............. i ............................ i ....................... ~ iAward i ....................... of Bid i:: ................... : i i :i ................. i ~i ................. i .... :: ......................... : ................... ~ ............. i ......................... ":: .................... i ............................ ~ ......... : .......................... ! .................. i ....................... i ............. ; .......... Construction :: i i Notice to Proceed ~ :' i iii ,.F~,~T~~''~t NOtice of Completion : 2, T6K076 STREET IMPROVEMENTS -TRUXTUN/OAK ~ i i : : i : i Project delayed due to ......... : ..................... : .................... weather and u,,~,,,,,,,,y ..................... i ......................... i ~ ........................................................ Des.~_ian i i i i conflicts, i Bid ~=,~ */~ ,~,.~,~uesu~war~ .~ ~Award of Bid ~ : " ~ : ............... ~ .................. i ................ i ................. i ................. ; .................... ; ........................... ! ........................ : ...................... : ............... ; .................... ~ ......... Construction ' i i i No ~' ' i : ii t/ce to Proceed I ,,,~ Notice of Completion 4 TSK039 STREET IMPROVEMENTS -WHITE/MTN. VISTA ! i ~ ~ : ~ i i i i Project suspended f(~r completion of : ......................D~Sigr~ ..................................................... i i .................. i .................. ; Developer-required work. Project I ....... i ................... i ......................... i ....................... 'l' "ii i ! resumed 6/9/98. ! i ................ Re est/A ;d ................................ ' i ......... ' ................................ .............. i'" .................. ............,. ...................... ..... Construction ~ Notice to Proceed: ~ ~ ; ! i L ~/ Notice of Completion: ,'~ 2,3 P5C002 MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS -NORTH/NORTHEAST i i i : ................ Design ....................................... i ....................... i ..................... i .................... ii .............. :, ' . ~ ~ : : i : ' - ...... ' ,- ' ' Bid Request/Award :! .......... '.~ !Award of Bid i ii i i i ............. ! Construction i Notice to Proceed C ; ~ ~ Notice of Completion i i 6 T8K068 SIGNAL, NEW - RIDGEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL ~ ~ i ~ ~. ~ ~ i ~ ....... ! ................... ? .............. i ....................... : ....................... ; ....................... ; ..................... i ............... ~'i .............. i .................... : ................... ! ......... : :i for ~ : Desi~na i : ~Waiting i ' Bid Request/Award ..................... i .................. :: ................... ~ ................. } ............ Isi,n su~mitaL ........................ construction ....................................... rd. of BiEi ......... ................ i! .................... ~i ........................ Not/cci ............ to Proceed' ...... ~i .................... :. i ................... ~i .................... Notice of Compietioni ............. 2 T4K055 LAKE STREETAREA IMPROVEMENTS i i ; : i i i ~ u ~ n~es'g- : ' " ':: ................... i ................... ~: ...................... i .... B d Request/Award Construction ' i i i i Notice to Proceed C" } II I : ~ Notice o~ Completion 4 T8K053 SIGNAL, NEW-HAGEMAN/FRUITVALE i ~ ~ i i i i i : i .............. ! ................. ,. ......................... :: ................. ! ...................... ! ........ :: ................... ' ~ .................... ~ ...................................... ~ ......... Design, : ~ ~~: Bid Request/Award': d of Bid i .................. i ....................................................... [ .................................................... i i ................ ~i ............. il .............. .. i Construction } ......................... i .................. i .................. i .................... ! .................. i .................. i .................... i ..............~ ( ':: ................. i ...................... i ................... i ........... i ! i ! Notice to Proceed ~ . ' ' ' 2~ Notice of Completion 4 -~8K029 SIGNAL, NEW-COFFEE/OLIVE i :! ii :: * i :: i ...... Desig~ ..... i! i !i i i i i · i i i i ! i i i Bi~' R;quest~Awa;d ................................. die, Bid i ................. i .................. ; ................... i .................. i .................. i ................... i ........................ I' '~i ........... : ..................... ! .................. i ......... Construction i ! i Notice to Proceed (,"*. I ~ No ice of COmpletion aaboil01 Page 1 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield public Works Department '1997-98 Capital Improvement, Program Schedule - Mort 6/29/98 ~rdrd~ t January 1998 I February 1998 March1998 I April1998 t May 1998 [ June1998 ~ July1998 I August 1998 ,( I September 1998 I October 1998 November t998 I Dece W. Proj. No. Description 281 4 111118125 11 8 115122 11 8 115{22129J 5 1121191261 3 1101171241311 7 114121t 81 5 112119t261 2 I 9 116123j{301 6 1131201271 4 111118125 1J 8 1151221291 6 7 ESK027 SEWER REHAB., PUMP STA.- PLANZ/BENTON i i i ii i! ii i ........... Bi~'R;questJAWa~d ............................................. ;i ........... i i i Advertise fOrBids C ' i I~ Award of Bid .... ' .. __ Construction i i i i i i Notice to Pro( eed ~' ; ?,,~.~,. !, i ~ Notice of Completion 5 E7K009 SEWER REHAB., PUMP STA. - 19TH STREET i i i ~ ~ i : i ! ~ ! ! Plans have been completed, i Design ii ........................... i: ............... ' ~ Plan Approvall ................. il .......................... i ........................ ! ........ WOrkservicesbeingAgreement.Performed by $ ESK037 STORM DRAIN REHAB., PUMP STA. - TRUXTUN i i ! ~ ~ i i i i : ................................................................................ i .......... i ........... ~' ........... :: .... i .................. ::' ............ ~"~l~'"'~nr~r~,~i ..... IW0r~(t0 b~'pe~f0rmed'by ~li~; w0~% ore,vs. ] ...................... ii ......... i Design :: i : , _.__ -?-r- ..... I .! [ .................... 5 ESK038 SEWER REHAB., PUMP STA.-OFFICE PARK DR. i i i i , i i i i ' :i i i i i i Plans have been completed. :: i !: ..................... Design ................................ ~.i ....................... i ........ i ....................... ~ Plan Approvali ........................... i ...................... ~: ....... WOrkservicesbeingAgreement.performed by 7 TSK002 BRIDGE IMPROV. - WHITE LANE/99 (PSR) i i i 'Staff will now be completing PSR in-lieu of consultant. Work on' '"'1 ' i Consultant Procurement i .................... i ...................... i ................... ~ study will be on-going through FY 97-98 and into FY 98-99. ~ ................ i ................................. i ........................ ALL E6K008 SEWER CONSTRUCTION, TELEMETRY PH II i i i i ~ i i ; i i : Bid Request/Award .i ............... i, ........................... =i ............................ ::i ................. Advertise for Bidsi .................... ',, ,,, r ',;i .................. ' ,, , ~ lwardl .................. of Bid ..... i ...................... 'l'"i ............. ii i ..................... Construction i i i i i i Notice to Proc !ed ~~ Notice of C?mpletion $ E8K028 SEWER REHABILITATION, MAIN - STOCKDALE ~ ~ ~ Design i ii i!l .. :. ., ... :... ~ . ..:.. I '~ Pla~ Approval ii Bid Request/Award i i i i i AdvertiSe forbids ~ ~ : ~ Award of Jld Construction ........................................ i ........... i .................... i ....................... ! ............. i ................. !"' i Notice to Proceed ~ Notice of Completion 6 '-- E8K039 STORM DRAIN CONST., MAIN- WILSON RD i i :i :i :i !i i i :~i i ii Design Construction i ; :: i ii i Notice to 'r° ceed ~' : -~, : I '~ Notice Of Completion aaboil01 Page 2 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - l on 6/29/98 r-~ i i January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 April 1998 May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 August 1998~ September 1998 October 1998 November 1998 Dece 6 i E8K036 ISTORMD~INCONST.,MAIN-STINE ; ~ ~ ~ ; P~rojectbeingbda;pa~ofresudacingproje;t (T8K072)I .......... Deign ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ..... ~ .....~' ~ '~ "~-'- "alPlanA r(v AwaitingCaTrans"~pprova forbddng ' Bid RequesFAward ' · ~ ~ ~i Adve~ise for Bids ~" ,. ~, Award of Bid ~ ~ Construction :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ Notice to Proceed ~ ~ ..... ~'¢~',:~, '11 I r~,~ Notice of Completion 7 I TSK001 STREET IMPROVEMENTS- WHITE LANE ~ :' ;: :' : ~; ~~_Pl~ations complete ~ ~ :: , ~ ~ : ; ~ ~ ~ No~ e to Proceed ~ ~----7--~,~,~ .... ,,,;, Notice of Completion Bid RequesFAward :: ~ ~ [ =: Adve~ise for Bids ,:~'" ~, :'"'~ Award ofBid ~ ~ .............. ~ ............... PreliminaW design completed and under review by City staff and ............ ; i; 7 . ~;;~ .......... ': I Construct on ~ [ ~ Deveoper RverakesDeveoperw be construct ng project for TDF :: ~ Notic~'toProceed /"~ I ~ ~ '% Noticec [~ : ~~ credits. Agreement ~s bemg prepared. ~ : 4 TSK042 STREET IMPROV. - HAGEMAN/CALLOWAY :: :: : : : . ~ ~ ~ Bid RequesFAward ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Adverse for Bids ~"' -~-~ ' ~> Award of Bid Design ;~ :: ..... ~;~ , "~ Plan Approval ........... ............ ~'Bid ~e'q~esFAward .... . · .~' ... . I Project being redesigned as a replacement (in lieu of rehabilitation), ........... ~ ........... ~i .......... Ad~e~iSe: ' '": ............... for Bids ~';';' ....... :: ?~ ......... Award of Bid ~:~ land will be constructed Fy 98-99 with additional budgeted funds. VAR TSK072 STREET RESUEFACING ~ i ~ i :: ~ :~ :: ) ~ :~ :: :: ~ ;: :: :: :: ~: Plan~ complete and submi~ed to CalTrans I Design ~ ! ~ : ~ ' ~ *' rc¢ i for approval to bid. Anticipate bidding ~ ' , ~ i ; ! '~> Plan App al early[3uly. ~'BM Req~es~AWa~d ~ ........... ~ ............ ~ ~ ~ ........ A~e~ise'f~;Bids ~'.,' ..... :: ........ ,~,~ AWard~fBi~ ' ~ ~ ....... ~ ~ .... Construcbon ; ~ :; .......... :: ................ ~:, ....................... :! i .............. ~ ~: ~ ~:~ ............... Notice to Proceed .... ~ ....... ~ ~ ....... .... ( ............ ~ ............. :: ............ ~ ...... ~ Not i 3 P7H002 r REPAVING FIRESTATIONS .... ', ' : : : ,re ~ I ~.~:' Plan App~ )val ~ Council meebng. Bid Reques~Award ~ ~ ~ ~ Adve~ise for Bids ~ ' ~ ~ Award of Bid Construction i i Notic, to Proceed ~,~,, 4 TSK057 SIGNAL, NEW-WHITE/MOUNTAIN VISTA :~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........... ~'~ ~ ..... :: .... ~ ~ : ~ ....... ~" Contractor awaiting ...... ~ ................ ~" '~ .............. ~ .......... ~ to pro I: aaboil01 Page 3 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital mprovement Program Schedule - Men 6~29~98 January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 April 1998 May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 August 1998! September 1998 October 1998 November 1998 Dece W~ard Proj. No. Description 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 115 22 i 8 15 22 29 5 12 19126I 3 110 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 I 9 116 2.3 30I 6 113 20127 4 11 18 25 1 8 115 22129 6 2,3 T8K085 SIGNAL, NEW-PANORAMA/RIVER I il 'D;~'i'g'n ' i ~ Plan Approval 'Bid'R;quest/Awar~ Advertise f°rBids C ~ Award of Bid ....... ...... Construction : Notice to Proceed Notice of Completion SIGNAL, NEW - CALIFORNIA/N . .il Design ' ~ Plan Approval i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid Construction Notice to Proceed N0tice of Completion STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA LANE i : 'Oe i'g ......................: n ! Plan a.nrn~ I ............ i .......... .......... i ......... Bid Request/Award i '1 scope Of work has been expanded to include the complete widening and improvement of the northeast corner of panama & Stine. This / Advert/se' ' for Bids ~': A:~ Award of Bid i I additional work will require utility relocation which will result in a delay in the start of construction until Spring 1999. ' C~r~stru(~ti0n i ; II Notice to Proceed  REPAIR PARKING GARAGE ~ ~ i ~'~ Plan Approval Design i [ ' " i '~ t/A~,ard ~ : ~. i ~ Advertise forBids .~,... ~ ', Bid Construction Notice to Proceed Notice of Completion ' :t-"ysad i ................. ! ~¥ Study Complete Design 6 T8K040 SIG. MOD. (CHANNELIZATION)-WHITE/AKERS , Design i t : . Plan Approval i Bid Re~st~A~va~d i! ................... i Projec,! dela, 'ed so staff could coordinate with developer i i , : : [....i i ..... [ on aajacen[. ~roject. Anticipate bidding early July. Advertise for Bids AwardlofBid :. Construction i :: i i Notice to Pro~ceed ~' ' ~.~' Notice of Compl o,~,,,~,**~'~'~'"', NEW - COLLEGE/FAIRFAX ~ i i i i ' 3 T8K065 il i i i Project design delayed due to water line I ,11 : ~ ................. i ! ................... ! conflict. Design being modified to eliminate ' ' Design : : : :. '~ Plan Approval conflict. 'Bid Reque;~A~va;c~ Advertise forBids ~~~ Award o. f Bid ii .............. Construction :; ............ r~o'~tice to Proceed : '-"^';, Notice of u~rl-omp'e"on , 2,5 TSK081 24TH STREET TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM Design Plan Approval :i :~'"lTrafficEngineeringwillperf°rmastudyt°determineappr°priate I '.. ' ...... ! ........ ..".".. . ' ' ' .. .' .... ' ..... . ' ' ." . ' . ..'.. ". ".' ...... : : measures to improve traffic flow and safety along 24th Street. aaboil01 Page 4 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 6/29/98 ~ I January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 ] April 1998 I May 1998 I June 1998 I July 1998 I Au~lust 19~8 I September 1998 I October 1998 November 1998 I Dece W___ard Proj. No. Description 2SI 4 111118125 1 18 115122 1 18 115122J291 5 112t19126t 3 1101171~41311 7 t14121 1281 5 1121191261.2 I 9 t16!t231301 6 1131201271 4 I~ 118125 1 18 115122129l 6 1 TSK055 SIGNAL, NEW - EB SR $8/MT VERNON i i , · : , '! "~ PlanApproval i ii Bid Request/Award ......... ) ........ i'i ............................ !i .......................... i .......................... i ..... i i ii i Advertise for Bids ~_ :. ~ iward of Bid i /' i i :: Construction ! i i! i i i Notice to Proc, ;ed ~ , . ~ iNotice of Completion 4 E8K004 WWTP ~3 - REPLACE WELL i : ......................................................................................... i... Due to recent acquisition of air-cooled pump ......................................... i t i i Design ! project is on hold until determination is made as to [i ~'Pi~n'App;~i ................. i[ .............................................................................. i... whether or not new well is required. Bid Request/Award · ........ [ ................ i ................. ! ...................... i ....................... ! ........ l ....... i ............................. i ........................... ..................................................................... ........................................... ................................ ..... i . A ve se,orB,ds Awardo, B,d ..... .................. ! ....... i ............................................................... Construction : i i i i i Notice to Pre teed ~ :. [ i ~ Notice of'Completion 4 TSK050 SIGNAL, NEW - WHITE/BUENA VISTA i i i i ii =i i: ii !) i =i ............................................................................................ : ................ ': ........................... ! ................ , ; ............................................... ; ............................ : .................... ~; ........... : ........................ : ............................... : .......................... i ...... ~ ~! I Project advertising early July] ! lo ~ ! '~ Award o:fBid \ ii i Bid Request/Award : ' . * ' ' Advertise r Bids I 4 T8KO$2 SIGNAL, NEW-BUENAVISTA/MING ~ i i ~ i ~ i i t ' ~ ~ Design '' ".' ........................... .'~pla~AP~-r,, Pro~ect adverbs~ng early July Bid Request/Award i !i I * ':' ' I i Advertise for Bids ~ i~ ~ Award ~f Bid i i i Construction ...... i : : i ~'otice to Proceed ~ i I ~ Not e of Completion, I TSK079 STREET IMPROVEMENTS -CASA LOMA #6 i ~ ~ ~ ! ~ i I i i Design 1 i ,, ~ :' i ! ~ Pl~nAppr Bid Request/Award i ii i i i i i ii i ii Advertise for Bids ...................................................................................... Construction :i ....................... !i .................... installation Infrastructure agreement Study complete, between the Street City lighting and Cai installation Water being on-going, prepared. Water Final System design ............................................................................................................................................. i No~ : and construction schedule for water system to be determined by Cai Water. : .... Bid"R;ques~,wa~-~i ............................................. !i ........... i i ................ i ............... i ................ i ' i ................... ii ..................... ;i ....... ii .............................. Advertise for Bids 6 T8K070 CORRIDOR STUDY - MING AVENUE :: i ! i :: i :: [ 1 :: :! Study i :: :: i ' : : : : Study Complete :: I . ALL T6K053 TOC INTERCONNECT ~ : : i First segment plan completed and awaiting Cai .................................................................................................. ~ .... Trans approval for bidding. Two additional i ..... : ........................ : ..................... : ....................... : ............................................... Design i segments are included with the resurfacing :: ~ p~an Approval it ....................... Bi~' R;' '~est/A~:i ................................................ ! ...... pro~ect. Design contlnu,ng on remaining segments, i .......... ! ...................... i ............................. ~ ....................... ~ ............................ ! ........... ,i ........... i ....................................................... Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :: . ,t : . ~ ~ . : . ......... Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of Completi aaboil01 Page 5 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 6~29~98 ] January1998 I February1998, March1998 I April1998 ] May1998 I June1998 ~ July1998 I 'August1998} I September1998 I October1998 War~d Proj. No.Description 2814]11118{25 ~181~5]22 118115]22]29t511211912613110]17]24]31]7114]21 a15]12]1912e1219]1e]~]3016113120127]4111118125 1181~51221 4 TSK078 SIGNAL, NEW - ALLEN/BRIMHALL..i i i i i~i i i/ i i ................................................................................... i ........................ i ............... i ............................ i ............................. i .............................. i ....................... i ..................... i .......... First sulSrnittslj reviewed and returned to Design. being made to scope of work. 7 T8K058 SIGNAL, NEW- PLANZ/SANDRA ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ Bid Request/Award i i i i Advert/se forBids i~ ~ ' ~ Award of Bid i i ii il .......................................................................................... Construction i! ........................... !i ............................. ?! ....................... i! ............................... i! ............................ Notice to Pr0ceed! .............. ~ i .................... i .........................II '""i ....................... ~ Not/ce of comPletionl .................... Aerial and preliminary survey work completed. Due to delays in t'inalizing I ..................................................................... i i the Kern R vet Freeway a gnment, th s proiect has been p aced on hold. $ 18K045 STRI=fiT IMPRO¥fiMfiNTS -ASHfi/HARRIS ~ i ! i i i i ~ :1 ~ i " ' ...................................................................6 T8K003 SIG. MOD. (CHANNELIZATION)-STOCKDALE ~" ................ i ....... ..................... i ...................... i ................. i ................... i .................... i ............. :: ................. ;I---i Design i : i : I ii . ' , I . II ~ Plan Approval aaboil01 Page 6 of Design 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1996-97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE · ' City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capita mprovement Program Schedule - /ion 6/29/98 - January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 April 1998 May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 Au~st 4998 September 1998 I October 1998 November 1998 Ward Proj. No. Description 281 4 Ill 1181251 1 I8 1151221 1 I8 1151221291 5 1121191281'3 [10117124131[ 7 [14121 1281 5 1121191261 2 I 9_1113123130I 6 1131201271 4 1111181251 1 I8 115122 2 T6L001 Chester Avenue Streetscape Design i .......... Bid Request/Award ~ Construction : ~, Notice of Completion 4 E6K018 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Buena Vista Ph I) ~ Design [ Bid Request/Award c0n~tiucti~n i : : 'i"~ Notice )f Completion 1,2,3 T7K012 Resurfacing Streets (ISTEA & Gas Tax) i ii [ + Project temporarily suspended due to weather ......... ' ....... II TTK013 . Design considerations. Project to restart early summer of 1998. Bid Request/Award ~ Construction i ~;~:~ "~'~' Notice of Completion All Q7K003 Pavement Management System Initial pavement data received and · i · reviewed Staff. , Consultant Procurement i t Implernentation ! : ...... ! ..... ........... ..... , ~r -- ;,~ Notice of ;ompletion 5 E6K012 Sewer Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Bank St.) i Design ] Contractor waiting for equipment deliveries. I Construction ; Notice to Proceed '-~[" ' ----,~:,; :,~, ~i Notice of Completion Final phase parking lot awarded. pole removal. . :: ........ ........... Await ng Pacific Be I Design Bid Request/Award f Construction ; ............. ~-. ........ ,,,,;, Notice of Completion 5 Q7K015 I Corporation Yard Wash Rack Upgrade · Project awarded. Awaiting I Design ~ ! i process ng of contracts. t Bid RequestlAWaid .......... [i'ii ........ :: ! O> AwardofBid :i i ] i ':i: .......... ::! ..... : ....... i: ......... Construction :: ; i Notice to Proceed .... ' . ..~,~' ~,,- Notice of Completion 7 ETK006 Sewer Rehabilitation - Panama Lane Lift Sta. I~-~ i i ........ i ...... i ......... i Project under construction ........... Design :. i i i Contractor incurring liquidated ',t i I Bid Request/Award t , i, ,i Construction :i Notice to Proceed C : '-'i i -' '~> Notice of~ ompletion mult969b Page 1 of Design 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Nlon 6129198 - i January 1998 February 1998 March 1998 Apr 1998 May 1998 June 1998 Ou y 1998 August 1998 September 1998 October 1998 November 1998 _Ward Proj. No. !Description 281 4 1 41 18 25 1 I 8 115 122 1 8 115122 1~9 1 5 '1 12 119 28 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 2128 5 12 ~91 28 1 2 I 9 11~123 30 8 43120 271 4 ~118 25 1 ~ 8 15 1 22 ............... i ....... i i ...... Awaiting finalization of agreement Desig'~ ........ i ~ i between City and Fox Theatre Group. Bid Request/Award 'I Construction !! i E7K001 I Sewer Construction - Main (Allen Road) i Project bid. Anticipating award i .... at City Council meeting of 7/15/98. , Design i . ~ Plan Approval i! ......... ~ ) IwardofBid i i : Bid Request/Award ! Advertise for Bids ~ ................... ~ ..... :: .......... [ Construction : i Notice to Procee~ ~' ~ ,, 4 E7K002 Sewer Const. - Main (Buena V,sta Phase II) ~ ...... Desgn ! Ii~:;, Plan Approval i ' Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids Award i ~f Bid i Construction i Notice to Proceed ~. $ E7K009 Storm Drain Rehab. - Lift Station (Beach Park) ~ i Design B id Requ est/Aw~;d :i Construction Notice to Proceed ~ Notice of Co~ ALL E6K008 Sewer Construction - Telemetry City Wide Design ! ....... i ' Bid Request/Award I , .Construction Notice to Proceed C ('~), C p 1 ' E6K004 WWT Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion ~ ~ ~: ' ~! Design ~ ~ : I Bid Request/Award : :i : : Construction Proceed ~ 6 I E7K012 WWT Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion I ..... Design .......................................................................................... i" Bid Request/Award I I Construction i : ~--.: mult969b Page 2 of Design 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION ,, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ~ PROJECT STATUS -- SUBDIVISION 06/01/98 P.M. OR DEVELOPEPJ % ~ TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. BUENA VISTA RD. RECONSTRUCTION CASTLE & COOKE LESH 40% VALLEY PLAZA STORM DRAIN COLOMBO CHOATE 90% PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% PM 10406 CALLOWAY DR. N/OF STOCKDALE GLENWOOD GARDENS LESH 50% PM 10456 COFFEE RD @ ROSEDALE HWY HOPPER PROPERTIES PIERCE 90% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE MITCHELL 30% TR 5418-4 VERDUGO & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 60% TR 5418-5 VERDUGO N/OF NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 0% TR 5418-6 VERDUGO & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 75% TR 5426-A HOWELL & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5426-B & C S/O STOCKDALE, W/O OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5426-D STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5426-F STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 20% TR 5426-G S/OF STOCKDALE & W/OF OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5427 OLD RIVER & MING AVE. i CASTLE & COOKE i LESH 10% TR 5429-A - F WHITE LANE & OLD RIVER -- PRIVATE TRACT~ CASTLE & COOKE-PRIVATEI MITCHELL 80% TR 5433-2 BERKSHIRE & AKERS ENNIS DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 60% TR 5436-2 & 3 RIVERLAKES & NORTH SHORE DRIVE COLEMAN ;LESH 80% TR 5478-2 COFFEE RD S/O OLIVE DRIVE H NESLEY ~LESH 50% TR 5478-3 COFFEE RD S/O OLIVE DRIVE HINESLEY LESH 20% TR 5479-1 S/O OLIVE DR & W/O COFFEE ROAD COLEMAN LESH 80% TR 5489-C BRIMHALL & OLD FARM CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% TR 5494 HAGEMAN & VERDUGO LESH 0% TR 5544-D1 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% ~ TR 5544-D2 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5544-D3 BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5552-A & B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. !WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT I LESH 30% TR 5602-C BRUNDAGE & OSWELL ADVANTAGE HOMES MITCHELL 30% TR 5846-2 FAIRFAX RD @ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 75% TR 5650-D HARRIS & RELIANCE ~ CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 40% TR 5664-1 PANAMA & RELIANCE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT COR MITCHELL 95% TR 5680-E E/OF CALLOWAY S/OF BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 5% TR 5688-J HARRIS & SUMMER SPRING KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 70% TR 5688-K & L HARRIS N/OF STINE KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 30% TR 5699-2 PANAMA @ FARMER'S CANAL COLEMAN MITCHELL 95% TR 5716-3 MAIN PLAZA/GRANITE FALLS DEWALT LESH 70% TR 5716-6 MEACHAM & MAIN PLAZA DEWALT LESH 60% TR 5804-2 MESA MARIN & CAMINO LA PAZ 0% TR 5809-C PANAMA LN. & UNION WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 40% TR 5835-C HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 50% TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 85% TR 5838-C OLD RIVER & STOCKDALE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 95% TR 5838-D & E OLD RIVER & STOCKDALE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5841-A BROOKSIDE & N. LAURELGLEN TURMAN PIERCE 100% TR 5844 PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE MITCHELL 90% TR 5845 A&B PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5846-A HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 40% ,,, TR 5846-B - D HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5848A,B&C CAMPUS PARK/OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 80% TR 5859 NW CORNER PANAMA & UNION CARRIAGE HOMES I MITCHELL 40% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS -- SUBDIVISION o6/ol/98 PAGE 2 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. TR 5872-1 WHITE LN. & MOUNTAIN VISTA MIKE SOPER MITCHELL 95% TR 5873-1 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMEN1 MITCHELL 95% TR 5873-2&3 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMEN1 MITCHELL 40% TR 5876-B MING & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5877-B MING & OLD RIVER -- PRIVATE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5887 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. MITCHELL 0% TR 5891 COFFEE RD. & HAGEMAN COLEMAN LESH 25% TR 5892 VERDUGO & NORIEGA BRIAN BATEY LESH 25% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 06/01/98 START EST. COM % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION CENTER BLOCK 350 PARKING LOT KERN ASPHALT ALLEN 06/08/98 0% BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION CENTER BLOCK370/371 PARKING LOT KERN ASPHALT ALLEN 06/22/98 0% BANK STREET SEWER LIFT STATION PATSCHECK ELECTRIC CHOATE 06/29/98 0% BUENA VISTA ROAD REPLACE TRUNK SEWER UTAH PACIFIC CONST. BOLANOS 12/17/97 08/01/98 92% CALIFORNIA AVE @ "N" STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL MCKEE ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% CALIFORNIA AVE @ OAK ST STREET WIDENING GRIFFITH COMPANY MILLWEE 05/01/98 08/14/98 10% COFFEE ROAD @ OLIVE DRIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC BOLANOS 05/15/98 07/24/98 20% FIRE STATION NO. 11 SITE IMPROVEMENTS E & M CONSTRUCTORS 07/15/98 0% FIRE STN. NOS. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 PAINTING PAPAS PAINTING 07/15/98 0% FRUITVALE AVENUE @ HAGEMAN RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC BOLANOS 05/15/98 07/24/98 20% LAKE ST. BEALE TO ROBINSON STREET RECONSTRUCTION GRIFFITH COMPANY MAHAFFEY 06/08/98 0% MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION 06/29/98 0% PANAMA LANE @ SOUTH "H" ST. REPLACE SWR LIFT STATION PACIFIC RESOURCES CHOATE 03/16/98 06/30/98 55% PANORAMA DRIVE @ RIVER BLVD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL A C ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% SlEMON PARK RESURFACE TENNIS COURTS GRANITE CONSTRUCTION BOLANOS 05/26/98 07/06/98 50% STINE ROAD @ RIDGEVIEW H.S. FLASHING BEACONS SPRING MOUNTAIN INC FICK 04~06~98 06/12/98 95% TRUXTUN AVE @ OAK ST STREET WIDENING GRIFFITH COMPANY MILLWEE 05/01/98 08/14/98 10% VARIOUS LOCATIONS SWR LIFT STN. IMPROVEMENT FLO-SYSTEM, INC. FICK 04/06/98 06/12/98 95% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING GRIFFITH COMPANY BOLANOS 08/18/97 08/31/98 32% WHITE LANE STREET WIDENING STURGEON & SON CHOATE 03/16/98 06/30/98 10% WHITE LANE @ MOUNTAIN VISTA TRAFFIC SIGNAL MCKEE ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% WILSON RD / ORIOLE TO AKERS STORM DRAIN GRIFFITH COMPANY 07/15/98 0% MEMORANDUM DATE: July 1, 1998 TO: a ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/~~~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0017912/001, STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF SURVEY THE PANAMA NO. 12 ANNEXATION AREA FOR INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS." RESPONSE: General Services staff surveyed the existing street lighting within the Panama No. 12 annexation. The existing lighting was found to meet or exceed City Standards. The intersection of Panama Lane and Dennen Street does not currently have a street light. Staff will work with PG&E to see that a street light is installed at this location. cc: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent WF0017912.re£wpd City of Bakersfield REQ/JOB: WF0017912 / 001 PKOJ~CT: DAT~ P~INTED: 6~9~98 R~Q~ST DAT~: 6724~98 DATE~ GEN. LOC: W~D7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: ~F NBR: ~RG. 9. b. ~Q DEPT: CI~ CO~CIL ~E~ PRIORITY: ~Q~STOR: ~F~ - S~VA~IO ORIGIN: CITY CO~CIL ~FE~ USER ID: P~CE WO~ TYPR: D~SCRIPTION: ST~ET LIGHT INST~TION ~Q~gT COUNTS ***~FE~ TO P~LIC WO~S*** S~VAG~IO ~Q~STED ST~F S~Y ~E P~ NO. 12 ~~TION ~A FOR INST~LATION 0F ST~ET LIGRTS. Job Order Description: S~T LIOHT INST~TION ~atggo~: PUBLIC WO~S _ %'as~: ~SPONSE TO ~FE~ Assl~ed Depa~ment: P~LIC W0~S DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: June 30, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager//~// ~/ , FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recrejation and Parks SUBJECT: Monthly Report for May The following is a summary of the May activity for the divisions. If you require additional information, please let me know. STAFF I received three pieces of written correspondence that thank several members of the staff for their work and assistance (copies attached). They are Henry Joke, David Cebreros, Amy Boado, Alberta King, Richard Clark, and Zachary Lostaunau. I also need to mention that I received several phone calls thanking Henry Joke for the wonderful work that the tree crew does with trimming the trees around the city. RECREATION MLK Center: Total participation for drop-in programs was 1,767. Participation in other programs was: Tennis 26 Dance 28 Exercise 75 Quilting 15 Cinco de Mayo 100 Heart Smart 60 Youth Talent Show 9 groups plus 300 spectators Health Program 100 After-school program attendance was: Casa Loma 40 Franklin 30 Franklin West 52 McKinley 30 Stella Hills 75 William Penn 73 Silver Creek: Total participation by program was: Jazzercise 200 Tiny Tot Dance 210 Dance & Gymnastics 61 Ice Skating 36 Golf 36 Karate 24 Clogging 63 Dog Obedience 80 Tennis 144 Lap Swimming 120 Training for new lifeguards was held May 1, 2, 3, 9, & 10 and instruction for the new Learn to Swim program was held May 27-29. PARKS Tree Planting: Fifteen trees were planted at Beale Park in conjunction with the Kern Tree Foundation, Oleander Garden Organization, William Penn and Roosevelt elementary schools. Tennis Court Resurfacing: The resurfacing of the tennis courts at Siemon Park was started. Scheduled to be completed by the end of June. MISCELLANEOUS I received the draft report from the citizen survey. My comments have been incorporated in a revised draft and Drs. Nyberg and Hecht are working on the final report and executive summary. I anticipate that we can make a report to the city council and department citizen advisory board in August. c: Citizens' Community Service Advisory Committee John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Dolores Tuebner, Assistant City Manager Department Supervisors Friday May 29, 1098 Dear Henry: A little thank you note for having someone come out and trim the trees at 1522 Kentucky, it was greatly appreciated and they did a beautiful job. The man and lady that were out here were very nice. Thank you very much and if I am still a~ound you will probable hear from me again next year. Thank you again. Sincerely, Lillie Candelaria 1516 Kentucky Street City, t3305 2601 Laurel Drive Bakersfield CA 93304 April 2, 1998 Mr Stan Ford, Director Parks and Recreation Department City of Bakersfield, Ca Sir. I should like to commend you and your department for the prompt and satisfactory attention to those items that I was concerned about in the Wilson Park fenced area. It is good to know that our city is responsive to the needs of it's citiz- ens. I should further commend both Alberta and Richard for the friendly attitudes and the meticulous care given the park. I have never seen it look cleaner or more inviting. Thanking you again for a well administered department, I remain an appreciative user of the park. Ralph J. Vanderberg 2601 Laurel Ddve Bakersfield, CA 93304 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER DATE: June 30, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017911/001, WARD 7. STREET SIGN PLACEMENT ON DENNEN STREET. ':SAL VAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PLACE A STREET SIGN STATING 'WOT A THROUGH STREET"AT THE ENTRANCE OF DENNEN STREET" The Traffic Engineer reviewed the Dennen Street area. General Services was requested to place a "Not a Through Street" type sign on Dennen, just north of Panama Lane. This will advise drivers that Dennen street does not have an outlet to other streets. General Services will expedite the sign installation to have the sign in before the weekend. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0017911 .Dennen. Ref.wpd siw: P:\DATA\WP\1998\WF0017911 .Dennen. Ref.wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ~/J~B: WF0017911 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~29~98 REQUEST DATE: 6y24~98 SCHEDULE DATEE c~w: ST~T: LOCATION: COMPLETION: GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: HRG. 9. b. REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET SIGN PLACEMENT ON DENNEN STREET REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PLACE A STREET SIGN STATING "NOT A THROUGH STREET" AT THE ENTRANCE OF DENNEN STREET. Job Order Description: STREET SIGN PLACEMENT ON DENNEN STREET CTat,egory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS ST~T DATE / /__ COMPLETION DATE /