HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 7, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU/~IC, J~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Council Chamber remodel will be complete for the August 12th meeting. Because the remodel includes installation of a new voting system, microphone, etc., staff will be available to provide directions on how to use the new equipment from 4:30 to 5:15 on the night of the Council meeting. If you need to arrange for an earlier time on Wednesday, please call Assistant City Manager, Dolores Teubner. 2. We held a meeting with several of the city managers of Kern County on Tuesday, August 4th. The County CAO was also present to give his recommendations on the formation of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Annexations. The city managers reiterated their opposition to the creation of such a committee and explained their reasons, as noted in the attached summary. All the cities that attended will be writing letters of protest to the Board of Supervisors again. I'll be meeting with the County CAO next week to discuss this issue further and will keep you updated. 3. A press release from Ogden Entertainment is attached. They will hold a 3-day job fair at the Convention Center next week, August 10th - 12th, to fill the 350+ full-time and part-time positions that will be needed for the Convention Center and Centennial Garden. 4. Public Works has had to close an area of South H Street, south of Planz Road for emergency road repairs due to a hole in the road caused by a collapsed pipe. They expect the repairs to be completed by Friday evening, and the street will be reopened. 5. An update is enclosed from EDCD on the progress of establishing the two new redevelopment project areas. 6. Per the enclosed memo from Public Works, billing for roll off refuse cart service will be converted from the local haulers to City in August and September. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 7', 1998 Page 2 7. A report on FY 97-98 anti-graffiti activities is enclosed. 8. Also attached is a response to a Council referral for staff to review the equestrian trails plan in the vicinity of Jewetta Road to Allen Road. This matter will also be reviewed by the Urban Development Committee. 9. The Bakersfield Foundation has a subcommittee working on who should be in the "Hall of Fame" that will be located in the arena concourse. 10. It was interesting to note the local newspaper's sense of priorities this week. A team of the City, KEDC, and Castle & Cooke won 200 jobs with Pleasant Holidays, a travel reservation center. It got Iow level, back section coverage. A rumor of the possible loss of a similar number of oil jobs got front page above the fold. 11. At the arena - the seating installation has started, suite cabinetry is going in, and glass is being installed, along with kitchen equipment. Give me a call if you'd like an individual tour. 12. I will be on vacation from Thursday, August 13th through Friday, August 21st. John Stinson will be in charge during my absence, and the office will have my phone number, in case you need to contact me. AT:rs c: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst From: John W. Stinson To: Alan Tandy Date: 8/4/98 4:09PM Subject: City Manager's Meeting w/Scott Jones We met with Scott Jones and Adel Klien re. the Proposed Citizens Advisory Commitee on Annex~ition. Scott said the Board had already directed him to form the committee, and that he was meeting willh us to address his recommendations on how it would be formed. Eric did a good job of indicating the cities objections to the formation of a useless committee. He restated the argument we presented in our letters. Scott said, the Board was considering only having the committee cover the Metro Bakersfield are~. Eric opposed that as well saying that the county would create one for taft if they had a perceived problem there in the future. He also told them they shouldn't create a committee that would outlive the comissio~n they were designed to provide input to (the state commission sunsets in Dec. 1999). He also pressed for city representation on any committee formed proportional to the population of city residents in Kern County (since we are a majority of county residents). He said that there was no purpose to the commitee so why have it? We asked questions about cost. Of course they said there was no cost. I asked Scott albout the cost of producing the informational materials. He said they hadn't reviewed those costs. Each City in attendance (Wasco, Shaffer, Delano and Taft) will be writing another letter to the Board opposing the committee. The County seems undetered in their pursuit of this committee. I will prepare another letter to se~d. RUG. 5. 199B 11: Z?RM CITY OF DELRHO MO. 264 P. P COUNCIL MEM.ERS 1015 ELEVENTH AVENUE A~o.y M~n~z POST OFFICE BOX 939 MAYOR , Artllur B. ArmendaMz DELANO, CALIFORNIA 93216 MAYOR PRO TI=M Don Callahan NaDoleon R. Madrid Tess Santiago 1015 Eleventh Avenue City Hall crrY MANAGER Jemmy T. Tobias August 5, 1998 Board of Supervisors Kern County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Citizen Advisory Committee on Annexations Honorable Chairperson and Board Members: Thank you for the continuance of this item and opportunity to address your Board regarding the possible formation of a "Citizens Advisory Committee" on annexations. In Delano, we view annexations as a long, bureaucratic process. The state law clearly spells out ample opportunity for public comment at numerous hearings before both the local entity and the LAFCO Board. The addition of a committee will only serve to potentially add more confusion and additional bureaucracy. It seems completely unorthodox to seek input from a committee regarding annexation issues, and yet have no representation from city,government. How do you review the annexation process with no input from those wh° administer it? This would be similar to establishing a committee regarding the issues involved in the construction of a house, and yet only placing landscaping contractors on the committee. While I feel the formation of the committee is ill advised, tf the committee is formed I suggest it not focus purely on the negative side of annexations from the county perspective. I suggest the committee explore al~l annexation issues. Issues to discuss could include the virtual "veto" power the county holds on all annexations, no matter if 100% property owner consent exists. Also the "60/40 splif' Issue, with the county receiving 60% of the taxes ir~ annexation areas, would be another good discussion item. These are legitimate issues that a truly neutral, non-biased committee should "review." Council & City Finance ! Rnance Econ. Dev./ Building Engineering Recreation Public Waste City Clerk Manager Admin.- Water Pnlic~ Planning Oept, Oel~t, Park's Wor~s Airport Treat,Plant Transit Personnel 721-3303 721-3300 721-3310 721-3315 721-3377 721-~340 721-3360 721-3380 72[-3335 721-3350 721-3~38 721-.~352 721-3333 721-3305 AUG. 5.1998 ll:~?AM ¢IT¥ OF DELAMO M0.~64 P.B Board of Supervisors August 5, 1998 Page 2 At times committees are very helpful, but they can also be an exercise in futility. VVhat makes a committee so attractive on this issue, an issue that your Board has very little jurisdiction over?. Committees would be much more appropriate and productive on issues in which your Board has jurisdiction, such as mandatory garbage collection. The City of Bakersfield either conducted their annexations legally or they didn't. It is that simple. If the annexations were not conducted properly, the citizens have a remedy in the courthouse. I am confident that the court would throw out an annexation that was conducted illegally. Unfortunately, sometimes we don't have all the answers for the public and unfortunately sometimes people are unhappy. Also, let's not forget the other 640,000 Kern County residents that don't show up at the meeting and ensure they are taken into conslderatlon. I respectfully ask that your Board please reconsider establishing the citizen advisory committee on annexations and please direct staff to work on these issues at a professional level:. City Manager JTT:pk CITY OF DELANO 1015 ELEVENTH AVE. · POST OFFICE BOX 939 · DELANO, CALIFORNIA 93216 -- i FROM.: Bak~$Cield CONUENTION CENTER PHONE NO. : 805 861 9904 Aug. 06 1998 Media Release Today's Date: August 6, 1998 Contact: Scott Norton: (805) 327-7553 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ogden Enterta~e~t Announces Job Fair For Full and Part-Time Positions at the new Bakersfield Centennial Garden and Convention Center Bakersfield, CA-- Ogden Entertainment, management compaOy for Centenoial Garden & Convention Center, announced today that a Job Fair for full and part-time stafl'will take place on August I0, 1 I, 12, 1998 l~om $:00 a.m. -Noon and 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.rn. each day at the Bakersfield Convention Center located at 1001 Truxtun Avenue in downtown Bakersfield. The }ob Fair will be held to fill the more than 350 full and part-time positions that will be required to run the existing Convention Center and new Centennial Garden. Bakersfield Centennial Garden is a new 10,000 seat multi-purpose arena scheduled to open in October '98 during the City's 100t~ birthday. Areas of possible employment include maintenance~ security, concessions, custodial, box office and evem related staff. Ogden Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer. 1ira FOss, Executive Director of Centennial Garden stated, "Ogden l~ntertainment and the City of Bakerstield are excited about the jobs created by this great facility and see them as further stimulation for the growth and revitalization of downtown Bakersfield. Not only will this be a fun place for residents to come see an event, it will also be a fun place to woFk". Ogden Corporation is a global company focused on three fundamental businesses- Entertainment, Aviation and Energy. Ogden Entertainment consists principally of venue managemem and food and beverage operations at argnag, stadiums, amphitheaters, civic/convetltion centers and other recreational facilities. Ogden Corporation also maintain.~; interests in themed attractions, live theater, concerts, g~ning and large ~ theaters and films, performing artist management, broadcast production services, recorded music and video development. Common stock of Ogden (OG) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM' RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DI DATE: AUGUST 6, 1998 SUBJECT: EMERGENCY ROAD REPAIRS - SOUTH 'H' STREET SOUTH OF PLANZ ROAD At approximately 8:00 p.m. on August 5, 1998, the Street Division was contacted regarding a hole in the street on South "H" Street just south of Planz Road, in the northbound lane. Kern Delta has a canal running parallel to South "H" Street with a canal branching west across South "H" Street. The crossing under South "H" Street is via two 48" corrugated steel pipes. The cause of the hole is due to a collapsed corrugated steel pipe. The Public Works Director was advised of the situation and personally responded to the location. At approximately 10:00 p.m., a decision was made to proceed with emergency repairs by replacing the two rusted out pipes with concrete pipe. Street Division crews took immediate traffic control measures by closing the street to begin preliminary excavation. By 7:00 a.m. the next morning, utility companies were contacted to immediately locate their facilities before proceeding with the repairs. Telephone calls were made to locate materials, labor and equipment used to make the necessary repairs. Our very preliminary cost estimate is between $15,000.00 and $20,000 for materials, and $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 in labor and equipment. It is our intent to use City forces along with Griffith Company to expedite the repairs. BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM August 5, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct~ ~,~ SUBJECT: Redevelopment Project Area Update This memo is intended to provide you a status report on the progress being made towards the establishment of the two new redevelopment project areas. As of this date, most City departments have forwarded to my office, data which will help establish an administrative record of blighting influences found in both proposed project areas. Later on in the process, this data will be used to substantiate a legislative blight finding (by the City Council). On September 3, 1998, we anticipate presenting to the Planning Commission a Preliminary Plan for review and action. The significance of this step is that it lays out, in a very elementary fashion, the prevalent physical conditions found within the proposed project area. Additionally, the Planning Commission will be asked to establish the formal Project Area boundary. As you recall the City Council adopted the survey area boundaries for the proposed project areas on June 24, 1998. In the intervening time, no information has developed that indicates a change is required or necessary in the boundaries initially adopted by the Council. Anticipating the action by the Planning Commission, a special meeting of the Central District Development Agency has been set for August 24, 1998. The purpose of this meeting will be to review with the Agency the Preliminary Plan prior to the Planning Commission's action on September 3, 1998. Next week the consultant will be in town for two days c6nducting an intensive field study. Joining the consultant will be members of my staff. This effort will focus on developing documentary evidence needed for the blight findings. My overall assessment at this time is that everything is proceeding on schedule and as planned. Please call should you have any questions. AUG - 5 1998 dlk:P:\JWS\redeve poct area update.mere ~_____~ : CI MANAGEF~'S OFFICe. \ BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM DATE: August 5, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Directo SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW ROLL OFF SERVICE BILLING SYSTEM During the mOnths of August and September, roll off refuse service performed by local haulers will be converted to City billing, per the July 1997 amendment to the hauling contract and rate review by the City Council. New services starting after August, 1998 will be set up as City accounts. Initial deposits and landowner responsibility for ultimate bill payment will be used on new accounts to minimize bad debt. Customers currently in good standing with the haulers will be set up as regular commercial accounts in our system on September 1, 1998. These accounts will receive notice' of the change. We anticipate many calls on this change, because the haul rate will be more. However, most cUstomers will end up with a lower net cost due to the new inclusion of container rental in the haul rate. KB:smp c: Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Gregory Klimko, Finance Director Bill Descarey, Treasurer Nelson Smith, Accounting Supervisor i RECEIVED SMP S:\COMM\ROBILLINGSYSMEM.wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: AUGUST 4, 1998 SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION Attached is a copy of the 1997-98 Graffiti Report, dated July 28, 1998. If you need additional information, please let me know. Attachment G:'~GROUPDAT~MemoH 998tGraffifiReportJu128.wpd BAKERSFIELD Public Works Department AU~ ,6 ~ J998 MEMORANDUM ~NGINEEFtii'~G ~,_- D~PT. July 28, 1998 TO: Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent Myra McArthur, Planning Technician~.~ · FROM: SUBJECT: 1997-98 Graffiti Report The following is a summary of FY97~98 anti-graffiti activities: Removal Activities CDBG NON CDBG TOTAL Hot Line Calls 1,064 1,818 2,882 Sites painted or 3,051 4,631 7,682 power washed Square feet painted 640,500 1,283,800 1,924,300 Signs serviced 300 445 745 Preventive Activities In 1997-98 we established excellent working relations with the Panama-Buena Vista School District and the Rosedale School District. We also continued our preventive activities with the Bakersfield City School District. A total of 37 schools participated in anti-graffiti assemblies. These assemblies involved 8,960 children grades 4th through 6t~ from all three participating school districts. In April 1998, we received a total of 1,337 entries for the Anti-Graffiti Poster & Essay Contest. In May 1998, the winners were honored at the Civic Auditorium in front of about 1,000 people including parents, teachers and school administrators. In May 1998, Dr. John Bernard, Bakersfield School District Superintendent, approved for his district to participate in the Graffiti-Free Zone program that will begin in September 1998, and will be led by this office. To begin the program, in school year 1998-99, only five schools will be selected to implement the Graffiti-Free Zone program. The number of schools will gradually increase in the future. A two-three block radius surrounding the schools will display Graffiti- Free Zone signs. Students in the participating schools will report any graffiti within the zone to their student council, who in turn will contact the 32-ERASE Hotline. Participating children will be rewarded with "Graffiti-Free, Because of Me" buttons, and McDonald's coupons. All McDonald's establishments in Metropolitan Bakersfield support the Anti-Graffiti Program. Support from local educators Local educators are pleased to be part of the many educational activities conducted in the local schools throughout the year. Attached are a couple of letters indicating such support. Support from the business community The tremendous support received from the business community is summarized as follows: Monetary donations $13,950 In-Kind donations $52,000 Donations are specifically requested to expand the community awareness and the educational/preventive activities. Beautiful Bakersfield Award ' On April 18, 1998, the Anti-Graffiti Program was honored as the recipient of the Beautiful Bakersfield Award in the Public-Private Partnership category. The extensive and successful community participation we enjoy was highly praised. Civil Prosecution The City Attorneys Office handled 16 graffiti-related cases with a success rate of 87.5%. The total amount to be recovered totaled $13,200. Fourteen individuals responded willing to pay restitution, one has an unknown address, and one has no legal guardian. cc: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Joe Lozano, Public Works Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent Fred Baugher, Supervisor II Steve Chavez, Supervisor II Jake Wager, Economic Development Director BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ROOSEVELT SCHOOL BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305-4399 . Z3~4 ve~, S~.~ (805) 631'5460 IRMA LAYSHOT March 31, 1998 Ms. Myra McArthur. City of Bakersfield Anti-Graffiti Office 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Ms, McArthur, On behalf of our students, staff and I, we would like to thank you very much for your assembly on Anti-Graffiti. I understand that the students were highly alert and attentive to your informative presentation. Regretfully, I was unable to attend the assembly due to a previous commitment, therefore, our counselor, Mr. Williams was there. We trust that this program continues in our city. It is through people like you that our students will continue to make the right choices concerning graffiti. Sincerely, Irma Layshot Principal IL/ah BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAYSIDE SCHOOL EDUCATION CENTER, 1300 BAKER STREET ~eeo tai~ ~,~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 Saksrsr~d. ca~.otnia 9~o7 (805) 631-4600 February 23, 1998 Myra McArthur Anti-Graffiti Program City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Myra: Thank you for once again presenting the Anti-Graffiti Program to Wayside School. Our students are always very interested and enjoy taking part in the poster and essay contest. As we mentioned, our school has been graffiti-free since this program began and our students take pride in keeping Wayside clean. We believe by reaching children while they are still in elementary school, deviant behaviors such as tagging will be greatly reduced. You could tell by the questions that some of our students have older brothers, sisters and cousins who may be tagging and they were concerned about the consequences. As we educate our students, we also educate their families and friends. Again, thank you and your associate for a very enlightening assembly. Sincerely, Diane P. Shoop Counselor MEMORANDUM August 4, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIREC~. SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL #WF001795S KERN F__~UESTRIANS FOR PRESERVATION OF TRAILS -- REQUESTED TRAILS PLAN FOR THE BRIMHALL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT At the meeting of July 15, 1998, City Council referred a proposal to develop a horse trail along Jewetta Avenue and the future freeway for evaluation and recommendation. There is already some history on this which I feel should be brought to the City Council's attention. The subject proposal was considered during the March 1997 review and approval of the General Plan Amendment cycle for Castle & Cooke's property on Brimhall Road. The request was for a trail along Brimhall Road from Calloway Drive to Allen Road, connecting with a planned trail on Allen Road South of the Kern River Freeway. That trail would connect to Stockdale Highway and proceed East to a planned equestrian staging area (see attached Map #1 and letter from Carolyn Belli dated January 2, 1997). If the City had been in favor of the action, it could have compelled Castle & Cooke to design and install the proposed trail as a condition of approval, not for environmental reasons but as a design element of the General Plan. However, in this case neither the Public Works Department nor the Planning Commission supported the action and the condition wasn't imposed on the project (see attached minutes from the 1997 General Plan Hearing on this matter. Also, see attached letter from Castle & Cooke dated January 14, 1997). Ms. Belli missed the City Council meeting where the trail's matter was heard and acted upon as recommended by the Planning Commission. Subsequent to the action on the General Plan, Ms. Belli developed a new proposal to locate the trail along Jewetta Avenue South of Brimhall to the Kern River Freeway alignment then westward to Allen (see Map #2). Several meetings occurred involving various combinations of attendees including Ms. Belli, representatives of Castle & Cooke, Roger Mclntosh and City staff. The closest we came to a solution was Castle & Cooke's willingness to include without commitment Ms. Belli's request for a trail in the design of future subdivisions. North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District is cooperating with a trail along the western border of its twenty acre site at the southeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and Brimhall Road. However, the recently approved tentative tract map for Castle & Cooke's property doesn't include a connecting link south of the park and west to Allen Road. Alan Tandy, City Manager August 4, 1998 Page 2 A trails system connecting to the County's trails in Western Rosedale was adopted August, 1995(see attached Map #3). It does not go through this property. The trail's standard adopted for the Western Rosedale trails relies on its own twenty-four foot (24') right-of-way. The landscape right-of-way along Brimhall Road is ten feet (10'). The trail's standard for the Polo Grounds is thirty feet (30'). A trail cannot be accommodated within the ten foot (10') landscape area along Brimhall Road. Ms. Belli desires to have a trail through or along the periphery of the Brimhall project area. She has not been successful in obtaining support from Public Works, the Planning Commission, the property owner or the City Council based on the record of the actions taken. SG:jo cc: Trudy Slater m\mat8-4 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 RBY~/JOB: WF0017925 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~07~98 REQUEST DATE: 7/15/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: '/~15~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 7/27/98 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITy NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PMCCARTHY WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: EQUESTRIAN TRAILS PLAN REQUEST COMMENTS **DUAL REFERRAL TO URBAN DEVELOPMENT & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES*** MCDERMOTT REFERRED THE REVIEW OF THE EQUESTRIAN TRAILS PLAN IN THE VICINITY OF JEWETTA ROAD TO ALLEN ROAD. Job Order Description: EQUESTRIAN TRAILS PLAN Category: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COM Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COM START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / MAP SOUTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD PROJECT ~R-1 C-2PD 8 I ~ C-~ iR E ICHi R ! IC_.I ( ) C2 BRIMHALL I E(1/2)RS J---J ~ ~L - ~ AREA OF E(1/2)RS TRAIL R£OU£$T I I ~ R-S DENIED u~tr ' I I H/GH SCHOOL R- 1 A-20A I R- 1 A-1 PROPOSED KERN RIVER FREEWAY FP-S R-1 E1 AREA OF P.U.D. r .... 1 FP- P E1/2RS 'PREVIOUSL Y i i APPROVED i I FP-S TRAIL i I R-2 t \ E1/2RS I I \ \ R27£ ~iV, i~~_ / C-O C-2 FP-P STOCKD~E ' T30S, R27[ / R- 1 FP-S ~ ~ C-2 I.  ~ FP-P ~ ~ ~ . ~ / C-O FP-P A-20A / C-2 } R-1 $~0~ ~a), January 7, 1997 5:53]~n -- Fro~ ~B05 3270646' -- Page 21 J~-.'/-97 TUE 18:02 CITY PL~HNII, IG F~ NO. 805 3270646 P. 02 J~'mnry 2, 1997 ?ri~ipal Planner City of~mfield JAN 3 B~I~ CA 93301 ~ANNIN° V~P~2rMENT ~ ~. Gaut~: I ~ ~it~ ~ ~f~cn~ to ~ So~ ofB~ Ro~ Project t~t w~ ~n ~n Ro~ a~ ~y Road. ~ ~ o~e ~ West~ Ro~e S~c P~ ~ ~ ~o~ B~ ~ ~ ~& ~r ~ ri~. ~ ~~ p~jmt ~1 p~i~e Tom F~ter ~ I ~m~ ~t ~ Bm~ Fr~ B~ Dn~ ~ ~ Hogle of~lc mlution. ~tle ~ ~oke ~ ~ to pto~& a ~ ~o~ ~n Ro~ ~m Br~ Road wou~ ~d an ~pav~ tm~ on ~ ~uth ~& ofBr~ Ro~ ~ ~ ~ of~ ~n ~d~ p~i~ ~h oft~ p~ South of B~II R~md proj~ ~ t~ Kern ~ver. [ ~ e~los~g a ~'s~wing t~ pro~d t~. ~ you for yo~ ~midc~Qom 863~ 5025 P~ B~s~ld, CA 93301 Minutes, PC, 3120197 Page 5 Michael Houlihan summarized the Analysis of the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Roger Mclntosh gave a summary of the traffic report for the project. Staff report was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened. Lorna Brumfield stated she is a resident in the area and stated support for staff's recommendation and her feeling that it will resolve many concerns regarding the project. She stated she did not feel the EIR is a program EIR but~a project EIR. She stated they are not against growth and stated their strong support for staff's recommendation that no commercial be placed in the area. She was concerned about a third corner being developed as commercial or with apartments saying if this is done it would be very difficult to develop the fourth corner as residential and they feel their neighborhood should remain residential. - John Closs, 108 Capistrano Court, stated his concern regarding traffic. He stated his support for staff's conclusions and recommendations and urged the commission to support them. He felt the amount of commercial acreage is sufficient to support this area. Commissioner Brady asked staff for clarification of a commercial policy. Mr. Grady stated the policy is one-half mile separation and there is a policy against stringing commercial out along the arterials. Lynn Mihalyo stated her feeling that Commissioner Tkac has a conflict of interest due to the situation he stated at the beginning of this hearing and felt he should abstain from voting on this item. She gave information concerning meetings they had with the applicants concerning various possible proposals stating they tried very hard to work out a solution with them, however it was not possible. She stated their support for staff's recommendation. Greg Cronk, 109 Cortez Court, was concerned about lot sizes being proposed, stating he felt perhaps there could be a transition of larger lot sizes. '5-minute break was taken. Carolyn Belli represented Kern Equestrians for the Preservation of Trails, stating they are in favor of the project, however opposed to some of staff's recommendations. With development of this property the trails route currently used along Goose Lake Slough will no longer be available. The applicant has agreed to continue the trail northerly to Brimhall Road and along the south side of Brimhall Road to Jewetta to provide a connection to residences and the river. It would be possible by reducing the landscaping and making the multi-use trail a minimum acceptable width to provide space within the current easement with no additional cost incurred. Staff indicated Brimhall would not be the preferred route for equestrians, however in this case there is Minutes, PC, 3~20~97 Page 6 no alternative. She expressed deep concerns regarding the change in zoning of the 100-foot buffer from open space to residential. Commissioner Tavorn felt less land would be necessary if an alternate route by the high school were taken. Ms. Belli stated the problem with this is that the routes need to have access at the interchange which is just above Goose Lake Slough. If this route were taken access across the freeway would be impossible once it was constructed. Commissioner Tavorn felt perhaps accommodations could be made when the freeway is constructed. Commissioner Brady asked Ms. Belli if she understood t_hat future property owners would not be allowed to keep horses. She stated she did, however felt those people would benefit because this is a multi-use trail. He asked if she had made contact with the county regarding placement of trails. She stated it is being worked on. Commissioner Brady asked who would pay for the maintenance of this trail. She stated it would be paid for the same way as landscaping and sidewalks are paid for. Commissioner Brady asked if she had obtained any cost estimates for maintaining the - trail versus sidewalks. She stated she did not have this information. Commissioner Brady asked staff if the cost of putting in these trails would be more than a normal landscape strip. Rob Cramer, City Parks Division, said the cost would be higher. Bill Cooper, Kern River Parkway Committee, stated they are not opposing the project, however requested that the 8 linear acres remain open space. He stated Castle and Cooke has offered to give buffers and property and felt it would be irresponsible not to take the actions to maintain it as open space. Larry Hogle represented Castle and Cooke. He stated it is very important to keep in mind that this is in an infill project. He stated the majority of the area north of the Kern River Freeway is designated in the general plan as LR and is not being proposed for change. Regarding lot size he stated development will occur as to the market demand. Regarding the question concerning 18,000 square foot lots he stated there is a 5-6 year supply of these lots in this area. Concerning the staff report he stated they had proposed removal of collectors and did not feel they were necessary since as they approach tentative map phases of the project they will provide adequate circulation. Responding to statements made by Mr. Hogle concerning an agreement on collectors, Mr. LaRochelle said a clarification was necessary that the Old Farm 'Road collector between Stockdale and Brimhall exists. Perhaps when the freeway goes through there will be a grade separation of the collector. It was never the intent to have the freeway bisect that collector and prevent it from traversing north/south. He stated his agreement with this change and agreed with the applicant's assessment that the volumes do not support a four-lane collector. Mr. Hogle recommended the following language be inserted at the end of Condition #3: "or modified collector as approved by the City Engineer." Minutes, PC, 3~20~97 Page 7 Concerning the property south of Stockdale Highway Mr. Hogle stated they recommended it be removed from the Kern River Plan Element in light of the fact that the county stated they had no objection to this removal. This area is separated from the Kern River by the Cross Valley Canal, there is no direct access to the river and is not actually part of the Kern River Element. He stated the applicant feels very strongly that if the staff recommendation is followed allowing no commercial they would like to have the commercial designation left where it exists. Regarding the multi-family designation he did not feel that it will have the problems that some of the residents perceive. He stated their disagreement with staff's recommendation to divide it into 10 acre parcels. A 20-acre parcel is necessary so that it can contain its own recreational facilities. He stated they have agreed to provide a 16-foot right-of-way that would accommodate a multi-use trail and sidewalk. Craig Carver stated he and his partner own the property south of Stockdale Highway · and Allen Road and they support this project. He felt there is flexibility in working with the KEPT and Kern River Parkway Committees to relocate the buffer if it is a problem. - Mr. Gauthier responded to comment regarding this being a program EIR as opposed to a project EIR, clarifying the difference between the two. Lynn Mihalyo stated regarding the comment by the applicant's representative that they should be allowed commercial designated property because they have it at the present time, that if this logic is used they should continue to have an Estate Residential designation. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Boyle said regarding payment of trails, parks and easement it was his understanding the applicant can be asked to create an assessment district, and that then the homeowners can bring an initiative with 5 percent of the voters and undo the assessment district leaving the burden on the city. Ms. Marino said it was her understanding this was a possible effect of Proposition 218. Commissioner Boyle asked if the collector streets are kept would it make more sense to bring the trails down the collectors rather than taking them south on Allen Road to Stockdale Highway. Mr. LaRochelle said this would be more appropriate. Commissioner Boyle asked if the applicant would be willing to move the trails to the collector streets. Commissioner Hersh asked if the 16 feet proposed for the trail would be adequate. Mr. LaRochelle felt it would be inappropriate to locate the trails on an arterial and he was concerned that the sidewalk and trail were squeezed too close together. He stated he was uncomfortable with the proposed trail from a safety standpoint. Minutes, PC, 3/20/97 Page 8 Mr. Mclntosh answered Commissioner Boyle's previous question stating the collectors are not necessarily designed to have the same type of wall and landscape treatment along them. He outlined conflicts that will arise with placing the trails on collector streets. Commissioner Boyle recalled the existing trail plan adopted by the city uses collector streets. Regarding certifying an EIR, he asked if maintenance of parks should be considered as part of mitigation. Ms. Marino said the city is responsible for park maintenance. Mr. Grady stated this area is within the jurisdiction of the North Bakersfield Parks and Recreation District. Commissioner Boyle stated his agreement that this is where development should occur. He stated his concerns about the commercial property asking if the commercial properties around it are owned by the applicant. Bruce Freeman, Castle and Cooke, stated the_y own one parcel of 11.5 acres. Commissioner Boyle said regarding the transition of larger lots north of Brimhall to smaller lots south of Brimhall, this property was already zoned for Iow density residential under the general plan. He stated he supported the EIR and the project. Commissioner Brady stated he had a problem with people living in the county wanting to - continue a recreational activity at city expense and he felt this is a county problem because of their lack of provision of trails. He did not see a benefit to city residents and did not feel they should be responsible for paying for them. He stated he saw no effort of those using the trail to come up with an alternative funding source. He stated he would not be opposed to placement of the apartments at the proposed intersection. He stated he would support some flexibility regarding the location of collectors, however would not agree to elimination of them. Regarding the general commercial issue he felt it appeared to be sufficient for the area; however he may support as an alternative an office building or some other type site as opposed to a shopping center. He asked if the applicant had met with city residents north of Brimhall concerning this project and if there were issues raised at these meetings which were not resolved. Larry Hogle stated they held community meetings in which the surrounding property owners were invited of which residents of Brimhall Estate attended. He stated the questions of multi-family and commercial arose at these meetings and have not been resolved. Commissioner Tavorn asked about funding in the event future traffic problems arise. Mr. LaRochelle said within the current traffic impact fee program is a requirement for review every 3 Years to review such things as growth rate and where development is occurring. It allows for necessary adjustments. Discussion continued regarding traffic issues. Commissioner Tavorn stated his concerns about existing traffic situations. Commissioner Delgado complimented the applicant on completing projects as proposed. He agreed with Commissioner Brady that there must be another funding method for trails. He fe~t the core of staff's recommendation seems to be acceptable to more people than not. He stated his support for staff's position with regard to the location of the multi-family projects on the interior of this property. He stated his support for staff's recommendation with the exception of deletion of open space along the canal. Minutes, PC, 3120197 Page 9 Commissioner Boyle asked what thought has been given to provision of access from the senior citizen development immediately to the east in the event the commercial remains as proposed by the applicant. Mr. Freeman said it would be a great distance for anyone to walk and did not feel that the Rio Bravo canal would give another crossing. Commissioner Boyle agreed that the 100-foot access along the river should remain and stated his support for retaining the collectors or as approved by the city engineer. He also stated he was in agreement with the multi-family housing being on the interior of the area. Regarding commercial area he felt there was an advantage to having it in a location accessible especially to the senior citizen community. He was also in favor of trying to tie commercial property in with the Kern River Parkway. Mr. Hogle said as proposed the commercial area surrounds the staging are_a which provides a direct access to the Kern River. Chairman Hersh asked if the Buena Vista project was considered within the summary of traffic impacts. Mr. Mclntosh said the transportation impact fee program assumes a growth rate of 2.8 percent per year. Chairman Hersh said this is a general growth rate and does not pinpoint where the concentration of the growth effects are going to come from. He stated his feeling that the traffic impact fees are not adequate, stating he had a problem with projections of impact, remedies and levels of significant improvement after the fact. Regarding open space he agreed with previous comments that it should remain. Concerning trails he felt there is a lack of continuity between developments. He stated he would support the collectors and staffs recommendations on land use designations. He said he did not see the need for commercial especially with the 11.5 acres that already exist. He was concerned that the Kern River Plan Element is being chipped away. He stated he would support staffs recommendation with the exception that he thought the open space should be maintained. He said although he would support the EIR, however he was concerned that an all-comprehensive evaluation was not prepared. Responding to question by Commissioner Brady, Mr. Grady cited the developments which could occur on the proposed commercial property. He felt allowing the commercial as proposed may allow for river access as suggested by Commissioner Boyle. He asked for further comment from commissioners on placement of a trail north to Brimhall and along Brimhall. He stated he had significant concerns about it with respect to potentially burdening city residents for maintenance of a trail and the fact that it may not lead anywhere because the county is not involved. Carolyn Belli said the trail goes south to the river and connects with the existing trail provided by this applicant. She stated at this time they are working with the county on a trail that goes up Jewetta. Commissioner Boyle asked if the trails could be approved with language that provides that some type of funding mechanism be put in place for their maintenance. Minutes, PC, 3120197 Page 10 Commissioner Delgado asked if a PCD zoning could be placed on the commercial property so that some of Commissioner Boyle's suggestions could be p~aced on the property. Mr. Grady said this could be done. Commissioner Delgado felt if this were to be done it needed to be done to the same standards as other trails and in the same traffic pattern area. Chairman Hersh asked if there would be a problem with the curve of the road with respect to commercial zoning being placed there. Mr. LaRochelle said the radius of the curve is over 3,000 feet which is twice as fiat as required therefore there should be no problem. Larry Hogle gave an alternative to the PCD zoning such that upon approval of the commercial zoning a condition be placed so that prior to construction a conditional use permit would be necessary. Mr. Grady felt if the commission is looking to exercise control of design of the project the PCD zoning would be the appropriate method. Commissioner Brady stated he would support a PCD. Chairman Hersh recognized Ms. Brumfield. She asked about the size of the PCD zoning. She stated her opposition to anything other than a PCD. Mr. Grady cited page 4 of the staff report which shows the commercial property to be a total of 23.46 gross acres. Ms. Brumfield raised the question of whether any commercial is necessary and stated she did not feel simply moving it resolves the issue. She recommended that perhaps it should be down-sized. Commissioner Brady cited an alternative description which showed reduction in acreage to 17 acres. He felt almost any kind of commercial center could be developed on this size parcel. Roger Mclntosh said there is a requirement with the mineral right holder to provide drilling islands within this area. One idea was to make the commercial area large enough to include a drilling island. Commissioner Brady stated he could accept the larger size commercial lot based on this requirement. Discussion continued regarding the trail issue. Mr. Grady said it is up to the commission to decide where the trail will be placed and whether the developer will be required to install the additional right-of-way that will accommodate both pedestrians and equestrians. Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz to make CEQA findings (Section 15091 and 15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines) and certify the Environmental Impact Report. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Delgado, Hersh NOES: None CALIFORNIA, INC. Bruce Davis Vice PresLdent January 14. 1997 · Carolyn Beili, President Kern Equestrians for Preservation of Trails 5025 Panorama Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Carolyn: I read the article on the Brimhall Project in today's Bakersfield Californian, and your letter with interest and some concern. The purpose of my concern is the implication that you thought there might be access for horses from the north end of this project to the Kern River. As you are aware, the proposed Westside Freeway, when built, will create a permanent barrier for those wishing to go from the Brimhall area to the Kern River. We are concerned that should Castle & Cooke install a horse trail in lieu of sidewalks along Allen Road, north of the Freeway, it will eventually be blocked by the construction of the Wes~side Freeway. The project might then have the appearance of a development with a confused theme. If the Freeway route can be modified such that direct access to the river area can be provided for horse riders from Brimhall Road, Castle & Cooke would be more positive about the proposal. We are still willing to install the trail in lieu of a sidewalk, we just feel that the Freeway may frustrate our efforts to accommodate you. Sincerely, Bruce Davis Vice President, Operations BD/kn copy: Planning Commission Members Marc Gauthier 10000 Ming Avenue (933111 · EO. Box 11165 · Bakersfield, CA 931~9-1165 · (805)664.6507 · Fax (805)66~042 9;~:0'[ L6, 9]: N~.[' ~Od ~L~ '~:3G 3HOOD ~ 3qJ. S~D 66~;8-F'6£-q08 MAP ~2 SOUTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD PROJECT ~/ ~ < I RS~OA l.--,--, II . i III I ~-~ ~ , ~I~-, ~,~.,~tt I,I > , <~) / em~u I I ~OAO I I I I ._ =11 = ~ ~= I= ~_/~z E(1/2)RS I R-lC~ I ~ R1 F J---~ J DISCUSSED WITH X ~ ~' ~ ', ] ~ ~-' A-20A ~ ~ -- -- -- ~ CASTLE ~ COOKE ~ { ~ /7 R-~ R-1 E~ AREA OF P.U.D. I 1 FP-P E1/2RS PREVIOUSLY I I APPROVED ~ I FP-S TRAIL I , I R-2J \ E1 i i C-2 R- 1 FP-S ~ ~ C-2 j " - / ~ c-oI FP-P A-2OA ' / C-2 I R- 1 ~ ~70~ I GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-95, SEGMENT VII ADOPT WESTERN ROSEDALE SPECIFIC PLAN MULTI-USE AND EOUESTRIAN TRAILS SYSTEM .... -,!' ........ ,~.-..~-. I / m ' ' I I .... [~-~- ~ '--r~-t-' I ~ I I ~ ~- ~ ..... I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ' ' 'i I I I I , , II ~1 I I I I I I m LEGEND I ~ I I MULTI-USE TRAIL WITH $TR[ET~) P~ I ~ ~ I MUL~-USE TRAIL WITHOUT STREET I EQU~RIAN T~IL ONLY I I I EXIS~NO FREEWAY ~ PRO~S[D FRE~AY