HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/98 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 21, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. As you probably saw in the newspaper, the Board of Supervisors created the Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations. The committee will be made up of seven members, with one appointment from each supervisory district and two appointed at large. They will only address annexations within the 2010 Plan boundary and are supposed to focus their activities on creating informational materials on annexation. In speaking with staff from the County Administrative Office, they believe any appointments would be from within the 2010 plan area, from either city or unincorporated areas. Several Board members expressed concerns with the original proposal that was going to have the committee propose legislative modifications and coordinate testimony before the State Commission on Local Governance. They recommended a more narrow scope aimed at just providing public information on annexations. The Mayor spoke in opposition to the formation of the Committee, and several other cities, as well as Kern Tax, opposed the creation of the committee at the Board meeting. 2. We received some of the materials presented at the first meeting of the Commission on Local Governance. Biographical data for each commissioner and the proposed meeting schedule is attached. The comments by the Executive Director of Local Agency Formations show that the activities of the commission will need to be closely monitored as they will be discussing issues, and possibly making recommendations, critical to our city. 3. A press release and report is enclosed from Recreation and Parks regarding the recent aquatics audit of lifeguards employed by the City of Bakersfield. We received an overall rating of "Exceeds Standards", the highest possible rating. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 21, 1998 Page 2 4. A status report from Public Works on freeway and state highway projects in the metropolitan Bakersfield area is enclosed. 5. TheCIP Status Report for July and August is provided for your information. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Contact citizen regarding possible street closure for a southeast'community block party; · Report on time frame for road repair work on White Lane from El Potrero to the Freeway 99 overpass; · Staff to evaluate the street sweeping schedule for the Taylor Street and Demaret Avenue area; · Begin process for bike lane striping on Old Farm Road from Brimhall to Rosedale Highway; · Provide status report on placement of a stop sign on 8th and T Streets; · Review the issue of additional signage on Quailwood Drive near the school; · Provide status report on landscaping in the medians on Oleander. · 7. Amber Lawrence, who has been working in Public Works for the past two and a half years, will be joining our staff on Monday, August 24th. She will split her time between the City Manager's office and M.I.S. Amber is replacing Roberta Gafford, who will be moving to Human Resources full time. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst ?. 02 RUG-l. 7-98 ~ON 1~0', '18 ~ RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: August 17, 1998 Jane Gardner (805) 326-3011 Bakersfield Recreation and Parks' Lifeguards ~4mong the Best Lifeguards at City of Bakersfield pools have been rated among the best in a recently-completcd audit. Lifeguards observed during this audit scored an average 96% of points for demonstrating professionalism artd knowledge of safety and water rescue techniques. Three staff scored a perfect 100% - Chris Ancheta, Kelsey Musick, and Veronica Cruz. The audit was conducted by Jeff Ellis and Associates, Inc., an international aquatic safety consultant with 525 public and private client agencies. With an overall rating of"Exceeds Standards," Bakersfield Recreation and Parks' Aquatics program is in the top 10% of aquatics programs reviewed. In addition to receiving this high score for individual lifeguard performance, Bakersfield also exceeded standards for lifcg~d management of a simulated emergency, and quality of facilities, supervision, and administration. LifegUards gain high scores by being observed to be professional, watchful, clearly identifiable~ and "rescue ready." Points are also awarded for aquatics programs that feature state-of- the-ar~ rescue equipmeut and have staffwho demonstrate expertise in its use. "Safety is of paramount importance in aquatics programs," states Recreation ~nd Parks Director Stan Ford. "The citizens of Bakersfield should be proud of their Ii feguards/bt the work and dedication that it took to reach Ellis and Associates' high standards." DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: August 13, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Aquatics Audit Earlier this week, the stafffrom JeffEllis and Associates, Inc., conducted the second operational audit of our aquatics program for 1998. I am very pleased to be able to inform you that our overall evaluation from that au~tit earned the highest possible rating of"exceeds standards." The five lifeguards audited had an average score of 96, out of a possible 100. Three of the staff, Chris Ancheta, Kelsey Musick, and Veronica Cruz, received perfect scores of 100. A copy of the overall evaluation is attached. This year's performance is a substantial improvement over last year. In addition to the lifeguards and pool managers, I need to acknowledge Linda McVicker, Kellie Shanley, Dave Hilton, and Stacey Renz for their work in making our aquatics risk management programs one of the top programs in the country. c: Community Services Citizens' Advisory Committee John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Dolores Teubner, Assistant City Manager Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager Department Staff -' - AUG Jeff Ellis and Associate, nc. "International Aquatic Safety and Risk Management Consultants" Overall Audit Evaluation Client: BakerfieldDepartmentParks and Recreation Total numerical score for all individual lifeguard(s) observed: ~ Divided by number of lifeguard(s) observed: ~'~ Overall Individual Lifeguard Average: ~-~ Section One: Individual Lifeguard(s] Performance Evaluation: Exceeds ~s-~o0 F.~em ~ 4o-ee Ce,thirds Standards. '~0-90 AbowSMlldmd~ O-3l~ Fai~Standardn Section Two: Lifeguard Management. of a "Simulated Emergency" Above Standards Section Throe: Facility, Supervision, and Administrative Evaluation Exceeds Standards Some Inservk:e need for unconcious victims. Also secue the head and chest before strapping of the rea ~ of the body takes place. Observations am for the most part rated as excellent. Some fixing noted. R~,,'f~ Sul~med I~p~ Rhinehqll Date: 8111/98 August 13, 1998 To: Kern County Managers From: Eric G. Ziegler ' ' Re: Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century As you may know, the Commission on Local Governance for the 21 st Century conducted it's initial meeting in Sacramento on Wednesday, August 12, 1998. Since I was in the Sacramento area on other business, I attended the session. For your information, I have attached biographical data for each of the commissioners; the proposed meeting schedule; and a copy of the remarks of Mike Gotch, Executive Director of The California Association of LAFCOs. Others addressing the Commission were Don Benninghoven, Executive Director of the League of California Cities and a representative from CSAC. While I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Gotch and Mr. Benninghoven's :presentations, I was unable t° remain for the CSAC presentation. I CAN tell you that the Commission has a wide-ranging mission and even though it was the formation of a Citizen's Committee on Annexation being proposed by the Kern County Board of Supervisors that gave rise to my interest in this· body, this Commission's recommendations to the Governor will be wide ranging and have the potential to impact almost every local government in California.. With this in mind, I suggest that you review the attached information and that the Kern County city managers, through KCAC and otherwise, become an active participant in whatever Processes the Commission ultimately adopts. I think that the California Association of LAFCOs presentation hints at the face of things to come and that we as managers are better off engaged than we are responding to someone else's ideas. I will be out of town until August 25. Perhaps we can schedule a manager's meeting the following week to discuss the Commission and it's work. Comments on this issue are welcome. AU6 I 7 1998 Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century I400 TENTH STREET, ROOM 206 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95812-3044 MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, August 12, '1998 Governor's Council ROom, State Capitol, Sacramento Pete\Wlson 9:30 a.m. until approximately 1:00 p.m~ ·. GOVE~,NO~ ·. · lacki Bacharach Introductions and roll call (5 minutes) Ruben Barrales Marian Bergeson Administration of Oath of Office (5 minutes) Herbert Boeckmann n Patricia Clarke Action: Election of Chair and Vice Chair (20 minutes) cody Cluff Remarks from Chair and Vice Chair Michael Colantuono Susan Golding Robert Hunt Introductory Comments with Q&A (15-30 minutes): ~icho~,Pet,s · Hon. Robert Hertz. berg, Assemblymember, DistriCt 40 (Author, AB 1484) Timothy Raney Carolyn Ratto Administrative Items (20 minutes): v~'m~am R,,ss · Discussion of operating and voting procedures /oh, S~ha= · Recording of minutes and commission actions · Lar.ryZarian · Action: Designation of Interim Executive Director · Discussion of process for selection of permanent executive director · 'Future meeting dates and'locations · Action: Determination of quorum and vote required for decisions · Action: Affirmation of per diem, pursuant to Govt Code Sec. 56302(0 Overview of Local Governmbnt Organization and Issues (90-120 minutes): o LAFCO responsibilities, procedures, and issues - Mike Gotch, S.R. Jones, and Dana Smith, California Association of LAFCOs ·Concerns of California cities - Don Benninghoven, Executive Director, League of California Cities ·Concerns of California counties - Steve Szaley, Executive Director, California State Association of Counties Statements and comments from the audience (maximum 5 minutes each) Member Discussion and Wrap-up: · 'Thoughts on approaches to legislative charge and scope of study · New business Adjournment Questions:' Call Ben Williams at (916) 322.3~70 COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNANCE · ' APPOINTMENTS Assembly Appointments Michael G. Colantuon°,' Esq. John J. Schatz, Esq. William D. Ross, Esq. ' Senate Appointments Nicholas C. Petris, Retired Legislator, Attorney (Oakland) Jacki Bacharach, Former CoUncilmember, City of Rancho Palos Verdes Robert F. Hunt, General Counsel, SEIU (Los Angeles) Governor's Appointments Ruben Barrales, Supervisor, San Mate° County Marian Bergeson, Secretary of Education & Child Development (Former Orange County Supervisor and State Senator) Bert BoeCkmann, Businessman (Los Angeles). Patricia Clark, Supervisor, Sutter County Cody Cluff, Businessman (Los Angeles) Susan Golding, Mayor, City of San Diego Tim Raney, Councilman, City of Citrus Heights Carolyn Ratto, Mayor, City of Turlock Larry Zarian, Councilman, City of Glendale Staff to Commission Dara Wheeler, Governor's Office on Planning and Research AUG. 12. 1998 3: 20PM ¢OPR HO. 045 P. 2/6 COM1HISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNANCE I~OR THE 21sr CENTURY .... MElVlBER BIOGRAPI-III~,S - -- **~Iacqueline "Jackl" Bacharach of Rancho Palos Verdes, was Mayor of Ratlcho Palos Verde. s, where she was a council membe~ for 14 years, and she was a member of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commf,siou. She is founding cbs'_-'_ of the Southern California Rideshare program and serves asa member'ofthe S~nao Advisory Commission on Cost Control in State Government, .Previously, Bacharach was Commissioner for tho National Co~rnission on hltennOdal 'Transportation, Chair of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, a member of the Alameda Corridor Trauspo~a~on Authority, a member of the Caltrans Advisory Comm__itte¢ on California High-Speed Rail, 'chair of the League of California Cities Tralsportation and Public Work~ Committee., President of the South Bay Cilics ASsociation, and President of the League of Women Voters for the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Sh~ has received numerous public service awards a~d honors and has been the owner of the consulting Firm of lacki Bacharach and Associates since 1993. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1966. Bacharach was appointed to the Commissiott by the Senate Rules Committee. **Ruben Barrales of Redwood City, has beeu a San Marco County Supervisor since 1992. He is also the Republican nominee for California State Controller. Barrales was recognized for his lead, ship in forming a uniquo coalition for local jurisdiction which brought about an 80% rcductiol~ in violent crime in East Pale Alto, which in 1992 had been named the Murder Capitol of the United States. He has also served as a leader in developing tho (}arfield Charier School ia the predominautly Latino neighborhood of East l~dwood City. Barrales has served as the County's representative on the Local Agency Form~on Commission and the Boy Conservation and Development Coromlssio~. Ho is a member of the board of directors of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce, and in 1996 was named "One of fha 100 Most Influential Hispanics in the United Slates.' He earned a joint bachelor's degree in political science and administrative studies from the University of California, Riverside in 1984. Bah'ales was appointed to the Commission by Governor Pete Wilson. **Marian Bergcs°n of Newport Beach, has been s~cretary of Child Dcvelopmenl aud Education since 1996. Previously, she served on the Orange County Board of Supervisors from 1994 to 1996, and was a state senator from 1984 to 1994 where she chaired the Senate Local Government Comm_ktee. She also served as a state asscmblywoman from 1978 to 1984 and on the Orange County ~Prallsportation Authority as well as the Orange County Fire Authority. Bcrgeson began her career in public service as an elementat7 school teacher in Santa Monica in the 1950s. She was elected to the Newport Mesa Unified School Board in 1965 and was elected president of the California School Boards Association in 1975, She earned a bachelors degree in education from Brigham Young University in 1949 and was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from Pepperdine University in 1993. Bcr§eson was appointed to the Commission by Governor Pete Wilson. **Herbert "Bert" Boeckmaun~ H of Northridge, is the owner and president of Galpin Motors, lnc., an organization with which he has been affiliated since 1953. Ho is currently a member oftha Los Angeles Police Commission, and previously serv~ on Mayor Richard Riordan's Select Blue l~bo~ Committee oll Budget and Finance, the Los Angeles County Local Agency Formation Commission, and the Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles. He i.s also a former member of the Califoraia New Motor Vehicle Board, He has received the Nolle Reagan Award for Community Service, the Free Enterprise Award, the Fernando Award, the American Patriot Award, the Dislingubhed Service Citation and Distinguished Service Medal of the Los Angeles Police Depateanent, the March of Dimes Humanitarian Award, tho Child Help's Lova of Children Award, and the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. In 1990, the Boys and Girls Club of San Femando celebrated '"Bert Boockmanu Day" in honor of the years of support d~at Bert has contributed to society. Bocckmann was also reco~mized by tho Horatio Al~er Association as one of the 10 most outstandi~ indlvia_~_-!s in the nalion in personifying tho principles and values of hard work, hone.sty, and selflessness. Hc atteaded the University of Southern California, Ho was honored with aa honoraryjmis doctorate from Peppcrdine University in 1987. Bo~c.lcma~n was appointed to the Commission by Governor Pete Wilson. AUG. 12. 1998 3:.21PM GOPR MO. 0-45 P. 3/6 "*Patrleia "Trish" Clarke of A~derson, has been a Shasta County SUl~rvis0r ~ince 1991 and was recently re-elected for a third foUr-year term. She is the current chair of the board, and also served in that capacity in 1993. She also serves as chair of the executive board of the California Association of Local Area Formation Commissions (CALAPCo) and Shasta LAFCO, From 1985 to 1990, she was a pls..~!!lg commi_~sioner, city council member, and -,erred as mayor of the Cily of Anclerson for one year. She also .~rvcd as the chair of thc Anderson Fire Pro~eetion District, Clarke is a member of many civic and non-profit orgauiza~, including California · Womenin Timber, Shasta County tutti,women, Soropti, nist International, and the Anderson Womea's... ' ~provement Club. She is also a current member and past president of the Anderson Chamber of commerce aug serves onth¢ Shasta Alliance for Resources ,l: BnvironmCnt (SHARB) Stee~hlg Commi~e, Clarke wa~ appointed to lite Commi~ion by Governor Pete Wilson, · *Cody Cluff of Covina, is president of the B~tertsinment Industry Development Corporation, a self- sustaining, public-private parmership between the City and County of Los Angeles, four conlract cities, and the entertainment indusu'y. He served a~ Governor Wiison's appointee on the South Coast Air Quality Mana§ement District Board, He also served as Mayor Richard Riordan's liaison to ~he ente~_i,ment industry _~_._fl director of business retention fo~ the F. conomic Development Corporagon of Los Angeles County, Cluff currently serves on the boards of the San Gabriel Valley Commerce and Cities Consortium, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Southern California Council on Environment and Development, Los Angeles Sports and Bn~enahnne~t Commission, Boy Scouts of America and University of Southam California's F. ntert~inment Technology Center. He earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the California State University, Los Angeles in 1984. He has bean a certified public accountant since 1986, Cluffwas appointed to the _Con!~___/sslon by Governor Pctc Wilson. · *Michael G. Colantuono of Lo~ Angeles~ ~s a partner in P~chards, Wa~on & (~ershon, a municipal law firm with offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Orange County which serves 31 cites, more than 20 redevelopment agencies and many o~her public agencies throughou~ California. Colantuono iz a City Attorney of the ¢i~cs of Bars~ow, Cudahy ~nd La Habra Heights and ser~es as (~eneral Counsel to ~he Big Beer City Community Services Disu'k~ an ind~penden~ rpec~al ~ serving the unincorporar~ ureas of the East Big Bear · Valley in ~he San Bernerdino Mountains. He is among tho state's experts on'municipal finance aud has played a leading role'in the local government response ~o Propositions ~2 and ~-I 8. Colant~Ono gra&~¢d ma~,na vun~ laurie from Harvard College in 19~$ wi~h a degree in Government and received his law degree from thc Boalt Hail School of Law of th~ University of California in 19~8. Colanmono wes appointed to fl~e C, ommi~sion by ~he Assembly Pules Commi~ee. · *Susan Gelding of San Diego, has been mayor oftha City of San Diego since 1992. She was named one of the nation's 2.6 'mo~t dynamic mayors" by Newsweek Magazine, descn~oed as a progressive mayor who is ~reiur~ccting u~ban America." Gelding served as a member and chaired Governor Wilson's Military Base Reuse Task Force from 1993 to 1994. Prior to runuing for Mayor, Oolding served for eight yuan on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. She also served as deputy secretary of the Business, 7¥ansportation and Housing Agency for thc State of Californi~ under Governor George Deukrnojian and as a member of thc San Diego City Council. Before entering public service, she was a community newspaper publis~e~ and college inslntctor. Goldin§ earned a bachclor's degree in government and international relations from Carletoa College, a master'~ degree from Columbia University and taught as a Ph.D. fellow at Bmory University. She was awarded an houora~ doctor of laws degree from the California Western School ofLltw. (~olding was appointed to the CommissloIl by Governor Pete Wilson. · *Robert Francis Hunt of Los Angeles, is an attorney with the Service Employees International Union ($EIU), Local ~47. He served as a Business Representative and Organizer for Local ~47 from 19'/8-1992. Previously, he was an Organizer for the Citizen's Action League from 1976-197~. Hunt has been a member of the California State Bar Association since 1991, and is a member of both thc LOs Angeles County Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Rutgers University'in 1974, attended ~raduate -~chool at Duke University from 1974 to 1973, and earned a luris Doctorate from Loyola Law School in 1991. Hunt was appointed to the ConunLssion by the Senate Rules COmmittee. AUG. 12. 1998 3: £1PM GOPR MO. 045 P. 4/6 .............................. PP--L~ARF D~ '~ *Nicholas C. Pe~is of O~d, ~ a ~ed ~s~or ~d a r~cd ~omey, Hc w~ a self-employed a~omey ~om 19f0 W 1993. He se~ed ~ ~e S~¢'A~emb~ ~om 19~9 to'196g ~d ~e S~ S~ 1967-1996. Pe~is w~ a member of~e A!~ Co~W ~d Cal~o~ St~ B~ Ass~ia~o~ ~om 1950 ~ 1998. He is also a m~r of~ HoH~c ~ ~ofessio~ ~o~on. Pe~ e~ed.aBschelor's de~ ~om ~e U~versi~ of C~o~, Berkeley ~ 1943 ~d ~ LLB ~oTM S~ord Uni~ ~ 1949. Pe~s Co~ssion by ~o S~ ~es ~i~, **C..~mo~y ~n~. of Ci~s Hei~, C~enfly se~es ~ a come.tuber for ~e Ci~ of Ci~s H¢i~ ~co~om~d ~ 1997. As a coxcombs, ~¢y h~ been ~fively ~volved ~ ~¢ fo~afion of~¢ n~w c~ gove~t ~ ~ ~ revenue ne~a~ nego~i~ w~ ~¢ ~m~ of ~m, ~ey c~fly 'as a p~j~t ~g¢ md ~d use pl~er for B~ ~soc~es, ~omly, he s~N~ ~ a p~ner for ~e Ci~ of S~r~m ~d b~ wo~ f~ a l~a devel~ent ~mp~y, ~¢y ~ a memb¢ of~e Ci~s ~igh~ Ch~ber ~~ econo, cs ~m ~e U~v~si~ of C~o~ Da~ ~ 1988, ~ w~ ~ted m ~e C~mi~i~ by Governor P~ Wi~ *'Carol~ ~o of ~c~ ~s b~ a ~Iock Ci~ ~c~w~ ~ce I990 ~d ~yor ~o T~ s~ce 1996, 5h¢ s~es a~ ~e ~ ~ Nesi~nt ~d ~ ~den~ for ~ ~ of C~o~a Ci~¢s ~ h~ ~e ~ ~¢ LCC, she ~ s~ed on md ¢~ ~ous c~mi~ees de~g w~ le~o~ ~ven~ aud ~on~ and ~c pla~g. Ad~fion~y, she ~es ~ ~ c~ of~e N~o~ ~¢ of C~es Ad~o~ Co. cji ~d ~¢ C~o~ Ci~, Co~, ~d School Bo~ P~. school te~h~ ~d c~enfly s~es ~ au office m~ for h~ husb~d's ~ ~fice. ~o e~d abac~l~s de~ee Jn ~¢l~h tom Ho~ N~es College ~ O~d ~ 1972. ~o w~ appo~ed lo ~e CohEsion by Gov~or P~ W~om **Wil~m D. Ross ofP~o ~to h~ ~ PreSet of~¢ Law Offi~s of W~ D. RoSs fomerly sh~ ~ role of~idmt ~d ~om~y at ~ss & Sco~ ~om 1984-199~, Bef~¢ . ~omey ~ ~e Law Offi~ of Kogem ~ We~, He w~ a ~p~ for ~e Office of~e ~ ~¢1 ~ LOS ~gel~ ~om 1976-1981, ~ w~ a m~r of~e C~ of P~adem PlUg Co~si~ ~om 1981-1989, se~g ~ Chum ~ 19~6-19~8, He ~ s~ on M~ co~s to ~e ~nat~ ~ Govement Co~iu~ on ~i~ to ~¢ Sub~sion ~p A~ (1986) ~d ~e F~ ~ot~on D~i~ ~w 1987. a member of ~v~al lo~ gov~t ~d ~d ~e sec~ of~e ~s ~¢eles ~ ~d ~ B~ Associ~on, w~le co~y ~r¢~n~ 1~ gov~t (cities, co~e~, ~d ~¢d~ Stoics) ~d rt~ e~ developmen~ ~fit~enu on ma~ of gov~ or~ni~on ~d ~d ~. de~ ~ ~ow Dom ~f~d U~v¢~i~ ~ 1970 ~d a l~s Doctorate Dom Waer D~ct s~ ]9~. He w~ G~era ~g~ for ~ l~a Comm~ 5e~ces DisPel 1994. So~ ~ b~n a memb~ of~¢ S~ B~ s~ce 1989. He ~ sewed on ~mi!s~n of ~e Co~-$p~ial D~ct ~ ~0 s~ 1996, He ~ a m~h¢ of ~e B~d of Dk~ for bo~ ~e 5~ ~ B~ A~o~ ~d ~¢ ~o~ ~lt Re~ g~c~n Au~. He h~ b~n a m~ of~e ~ciafion ofC~ Wa~ Ag~c~s s~ 1985. He e~ aB~el~ of Sc~ ~ ~n 'B~ess A~~on ~m ~e U~ve~i~ of Redl~ ~ a l~is ~m~ Dom We~ S~ U~v~ ~llege of Law ~ I9~7. S¢h~ w~ ~po~d to ~e Co~is~ion by ~e ~s~bly ~es Co~e. La~ Za~ f Glen~e, ~ ~en a Gl~e Ci~ ~c~ s~ 198~. He se~ed ~ ~yor for Wflson's ap~t~ ~ ~ ~fo~ Wa~ ~mmlsslon s~c¢ 1997, ~d ~ on ~ Con~l Bo~d D~ 1987 ~ 1997. He ~ ~poi~d by President Ro~d Re~ to ~d se~ ~ ~- Commissio~ ~d E a [~er m~b~ ~d ~ce p~id~ of~ C~o~ ~or C~ o[C~mer~, He ~ a f~er ch~ of~e Gl~e Ho~ Au~, Gl~e Development A~cy, ~d Los ~¢~s ~o~o AU¢. 12. 1998 3: 22PM ~OPR NO. 045 P~ 5/6 Development Authority. He is also a former member ofthe Glendale Coardinating Council, the Boy Scouts of Am0rica, tho Glendale t"_-bs_mbor of Commerce and the 01endal¢ Kiwanis. Zarian wa~ appointed to the Commission by C/ovcmor PS Wilson, '~ ' AUC. 12. 1998 3: 22PM COPR MO. 045 P. 6/6 COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNANCE FOR THE 21s? CENTURY Schedule of Proposed Future Meeting Dates and Locations ~ Based upon the survey of member availability, the following dates are proposed for future meetings, which would probably bi, gin at 9:30 a.m. The suggested · ~ .- l°cations will cover all regions of the state having reasonably frequent air service to other pads of the state.' By ·scheduling meetings is various locations, it will' be easier for communities throughout California to participate in commission hearings. Holding meetings in the areas listed in the last section would create travel difficulties for some members, Proposed Meeting Date Proposed Meeting Location Wednesday, October 2·1, 1998 San Diego Wednesday, December 2, 1998 Los Angeles Wednesday, January 20, 1999 San Jose Friday, March 5, 1999 Inland Empire Friday, April 23, 1999 Oakland 't Friday, June 4, 1999 Burbank Subsequent meeting after June 4, Sacramento 1999 Major areas not proposed because of air travel cons~aints: Orange County · Central Coast · San Joaquin Valley · Far northern counties CALAFCO . California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Office (707) 944-9276 6521 Vista Drive, Youn.tville, CA 94599 .._:. FAX (707)944-9277 CHAIR P^T.~c,.c-~.~ Comments of Mike. Gotch, Executive Director of the California · County Member · ,- ' ' Sha. taL~¢O" Association' of ~Local Agency Formation CommissiOns v,c.-cH.n~ (CALAFCO) to the Commission on Local Governance for the B¥.o~B~E~ 21 st Century Distdct Member Sa.L~s Obi~L~CO August 12, 1998 Cit~, Members JACK DUNNAlVl Imperial L,~CO Good morning and welcome to the State Capitol. I am Mike Gotch, OEoR~^UST Executive Director of CALAFCO, the umbrella association which S~,,,aL,~CO represents all LAFCOs in California. JAN LF. JA PJverside LAFCO I congratulate you for your willingness to serve on this important }~¥mms Commission. The recommendations you make may be the first full scale Sa, Die~oL~CO effort in decades to focus attention on the pressures of urban Cn.,,t_~ mm~e,~ development and diminishing agricultural land. By agreeing to serve as o~oR~]~,u~,.~ members of'this Commission, you step squarely into the eye of the San Joaquin LAFCO h u rricane. DENNY BUNGARZ cie.. LA, CO My relationship with CALAFCO began in the 1970's .when I was ~ua ~^u]m,,,r :. appointed Executive Officer of the San Diego. LAFCO. After my election Sa.L,~sOU~.~CO to the San Diego City Council I served as that city's representative to District Members the Commission. Later I served as the public member in San Diego, DAV,-J^~,,~SO~ and after my election to the state legislature I chaired the Local Con~aCost~LA~CO Government Committee which reviewed all legislation affecting the Jo~wrrm~s authority of LAFCOs. This year I was asked to become CALAFCO's first Orange LAFCO Executive Director to help strengthen their focus, effectiveness, and ~o~woorro~ relationship with other local government associations. San Diego LAFCO ~.ublic Members Wh'y LAFCOs? LAURA DUNCAN mvaaaL~CO LAFCOs are independent regulatory commissions established within To~u~,r,~o~ each county. They function as the Legislature's agents to d~termine the Santa Barbara LAFCO · boundaries of cities and special districts. In some counties they are CALAFCO Staff highly regarded and widely, respected for the seriousness of their task. ~om-ca In other counties LAFCOs are considered the representative of an Executive D~ector -intrusivestate government. SR JONES Executive Officer Legislative Chair The State believes there is a public interest in having an independent c~Aiu~sot, panel coordinate boundary changes and review requests to extend Lega~ co..~e~ public services which may be growth inducing. The State alSo believes ..... these decisions should be made by Commissions in each county which will take into consideration local conditions. It is for these reasons the Cortese-Knox Act charges LAFCOs with two principal purposes: (1) to discourage urban sprawl, and (2) to encourage the orderly formation of local agencies.' · ":-:"We are all,familiar with the hopscotch boundaries which define many .:.~ · -::-.;.'-local'governments. Confusing boundaries often result in inefficient service delivery. Let me use the example of my hometown of San Diego · only because I am .most familiar With it. The situationl will: describe-.. . · occurred ·in 1959, long.before MayOr Golding'and I served together on ~ 'that' CitY Council! 3-he City of San Diego consists of more than a center city and.its contiguous neighborhoods. San Diego is also a second city along the international border separated by the cities of Chula Vista and National City. This border area has as its point of .contiguity an imaginary line running the length of San Diego Bay. A study done twenty five years ago, when some residents filed a detachment application with LAFCO, showed that the residents of the border area communities of San Diego paid $1 in taxes for every $2 they received in city services. Los Angeles has it's own finger of land connecting the city with its harbor. Many cities in California now surround unincorporated islands where public safety responses overlap. It is because of these kinds of annexation practices and boundary disputes that LAFCOs came into being. Let's review some legislative history. Orig!ns ·of LAFCO . ... Caiifomia's pOPulation groWth after'World War II skyrocketed, setting off a land rush among local governments eager to attract newcomers and prosperity. Too little consideration was given to the effects of their actions on agriculture and Open space. New cities were created and large tracts of land were annexed without full regard of the urban services that would need to be provided. The result was often the creation of county islands and illogically shaped urban boundaries. In 1958, Pat Brown was elected Governor of California and expressed concern that metropolitan areas in California were developing in a -. i'iaphazard fashion. The new Governor created a 20 member Blue Ribbon Commission to study the problem and,make legislative. recommendations. Excerpts from the Governor's charge to 'that Commission give an indication of his concern With the growth and · service delivery problems of 1959: "1, as Governor, share the pride that we have in the qualities of our State which have drawn so many people to the-slopes of the Pacific. This pride must be pared with resPonsibility. Numbers will lead to nightmares unless we plan our growth and meet its challenges." He went on to say, "1 want the Commission to take a new and freSh look at the structure of local government in metropolitan areas. We do not .rule out the possibility that in some measure we may even leave behind present concepts of counties, cities, and districts." When the report Was presented to the GOvernor in December 1960 not a Iot'was done with it. After all, the legislature was part time and met only from January-June every other year.. Eventually a package of bills was introduced in the 1963 legislative session. The two most significant were carried by republican Senator Eugene Nisbet from San .Bernardino 'County and democratic Assemblyman John. KnOx from Alameda County. The Nisbet-bill created Local Agency Annexation Commissions in each county of California. The Knox bill created a single state agency called the Local Agency Formation Commission. The League of Cities and the Supervisors Association were divided about the merit of these bills, but their formal position was one of support and their lobbyists worked very hard to secure legislative approval. Ultimately a single bill was passed which created the local co_mmissions in place today. Without the support of the League of Cities and CSAC, the legislation would have been defeated. There is a LAFCO in every county except the City and County of San Francisco. They consist of two members of the board of supervisors, two members from city councils chosen by the mayors, and in about 1/2 of the counties, two members of special districts. District representation is at the option of the districts. These members are joined by one member selected from the general public. About 1/3 of the LAFCOs are independent, the remainder are sub' units of County government staffed. by the planning department or CAO's office. Over the years, some revisions to the Act were made to streamline and simplify annexation procedures and to add the requirement to adopt Spheres of Influence. But it was the pasSage of Proposition 13 in 1978 that triggered fierce competition between cities and counties for revenue generating development and put LAFCOs squarely in the center of land use controversies. LAFCOs are charged with curbing urban sprawl through the encouragement of infill development and the efficient use of infrastructure. They are charged with ensuringt~e logical and orderly formation of local government agencies. They have been given the power to coordinate the formation of new cities and special districts, to resolve boundary disputes, and to consolidate or dissolve existing agencies where feasible. They are also given responsibility to preserve agricultural and open space lands. But_with limited exceptions, LAFCOs ..cannot initiate proposals. They can only react to an application filed by a local government agency, land owner, or voters. ReCommendations-for Change - LAFCOs do a very good job of coordinating agencies and addressing the myriad of details that are a part of jurisdictional changes. The adoption of Spheres of Influence, defined as the probable future -:! boUndary of a local'government agency, are an important to01 to . 'prevent premature conversion of land to urban uses. LAFCOs are -.. experts at the procedures which have been set forth for the incorporation of new cities, the annexation and detachment of territory . - and other boundary changes. ~ - '"....~' ' ' '"' '" · · :., .-: . . , , ~ ' -.~ . · 'LAFCOs have difficulty' because the Cortese-Knox Act prevents them from imposing a condition which regulates land use. Yet, the very heart of LAFCOs purpose, to promote the logical formation of local agencies and to curb urban sprawl has LAFCOs making .... decisions which influence land use. 'Certainly the approval or denial of a city or district plan to annex territory and run'a sewer line past producing agricultural land has an impact on land use. if LAFCOs .. are to create logical boundaries, preserve open space · and agricultural lands, and promote the efficient delivery of services then this ambiguity must be removed. Clearer ..-.. policy direction should be provided by the Legislature. · In 1993 LAFCOs were given authority to initiate the consolidation or dissolution of special districts. For the first time LAFCOs can do more than study an issue. They can now act on that study if it determines a cost savings from consolidation would result. To their credit, special districts supported this legislation because it also simplified the .. .' ".cumbersome way districts gained their two seats on LAFCO. Since .. 1993, dozens of special districts have been eliminated. The authority for LAFCO to initiate consolidations or dissolution's should be expanded to apply to other units of local government. · City leaders seldom want to invest the effort to persuade county island residents to annex, and the residents themselves generally do not see the need to initiate a proposal. Yet there are islands of unincorporated area completely surrounded by cities, creating major service headaches. After Prop 13, the fiscal disincentive to join, paying the city property tax rate, disappeared. Yet 20 years later these islands exist in cities throughout Calif_o_rnia. LAFCOs should be given the authority to initiate the annexation--bf· coUnty. · 'islands to cities. · LAFCOs are often regarded as a County department, and in many ..... .................... -cases they are. One third of the LAFCOs employ their own independent staff; in the remainder they are county employees. This has caused cities and districts to question the objectivity of some LAFCOs. All LAFCOs are funded through application fees and the county general fund. Special Districts and Cities do not pay for the operation of LAFCO. Assemblyman Torlakson and Senator Rainey have addressed this'issue in AB 270, but should that bill fail I would encourage this Commission to look at independent staffing and an equal sharing of the budget responsibility. LAFCOs should be independent entities. As your Commission expands the process'of information collection and public testimony, CALAFCO will provide you with more specific legislative suggestions.' In the meantime, you and your staff are' encoUraged, to consider us a resource. Contact me if you have questions. We look forward to this chance to work with you to remove ~ambiguities and clarify the important role of LAFCOs in the structure of California government. I also have with me SR Jones, Executive Officer of Nevada County LAFCO and Elizabeth Kemper, Executive Officer of Yolo County LAFCO. We are available for any questions. August 20, 1998 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Jacques R. LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager State Route 99 The landscape project between Wilson Road and Golden State/Airport .Drive is continuing. Seismic Retrofit Pro_iect Work on State facilities are complete. Design on City facilities are in progress by outside consultants. All costs associated with these improvements are paid by the State. Kern River Freeway (S.R. 58 Adoption Study} Phase I of the Kern River freeway was funded by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) on June 3, 1998. The approved funding level for this project is $175 million which made it the single largest project in the entire State Transpo~rtation Improvement Program (STIP). The Route Adoption EIR is still not complete but is making progress. Apparently, the Federal review has taken longer than expected and has resulted in a delay of approximately 2 months. Preliminary work is also continuing on right of way and design. It is anticipated that right-of-way acquisition will take approximately 1 to 3 years. Construction should take approximately 2 years to complete. The connection to S.R. 99 will be a future phase and will be connected to the City's proposed crosstown freeway described below. S.R. 58 Southern Alternative (Crosstown Freeway} After construction of the Kern River Freeway, the next highest priority for the City of Bakersfield, and the Bakersfield Metropolitan area is the construction of the Crosstown Freeway. Together these two freeway segments comprise the Centennial Corridor which will eventually provide a direct connection of State Route 58 with State Route 5. The cross tom freeway, dubbed the "Centennial Transportation Corridor", has received Federal funding in the form of a demonstration project. Funding level for this demonstration project is $15,750,000. This funding amount should pay for all necessary studies through route adoption (approximately $7 million) with the rest utilized for right of way preservation. City staff will be attending a kick-off meeting on August 20, 1998 with CalTrans to discuss the project scope. South Beltway The Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan shows a "South Beltway" connecting Interstate 5 with S.R. 58 and S.R. 178, circling the southern part of the metro area. The preferred alignment starts at Interstate 5 at Taft Highway (S.R. 119) and continues eastward and northward, crossing S.R. 99 at approximately the alignment of Hosking Road. The route continues eastward, intersecting S.R. 58 at either Towerline Road or between Vineland Road and Edison Road. This project is also listed on our local Transportation Impact Fee Facilities List and as such can receive local funding from that source. However, a specific plan line has not been adopted for this route, so no right-of-way acquisition may yet proceed. The City and the County are proceeding with a Tier I Environmental Impact Report. The EIR will be available for review September 1, 1998.' The Specific Plan Line will be placed before the Planning Commission in December 1998. Following the Planning Commission, the City Council will hear the matter in January and February of 1999. The County is scheduled to hold their hearings in March, i999. Once the hearings are complete, the Specific Plan Line should be adopted. Highway 178 {~ Commanche Drive/Alfred Harrell Hwy The City, County and Caltrans met regarding a project to realign Commanche Drive to line up with Alfred Harrell Hwy. The initial meeting went well with Caltrans. They are interested in participating in a project. Subsequent meetings with the County have resulted in a non-committal response. We are currently trying to schedule another meeting with the County but as of this date have been unsuccessful. The City has budgeted funds in the 1998-99 Capital Improvement Program for this project. We are merely waiting for the County to contribute their share for the project to move forward. .. B A K E R S F I E L D ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: 0fl'-6qheodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer IV THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: August 7, 1998 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - JULY/AUGUST 1998 Attached is the status report for the Capital Improvement Program. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: ~" 1. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved; 2. Status of FY 1997-98 and pre-FY 1997-98 carried-over CIP projects; and 3. Construction Inspection Status Report. The following plans were approved since the last CIP status report: E8K036 Storm Drain Construction - Stine Road T8K072 Street Resurfacing T8K001 Street Improvements - White Lane at South H Street P7H002 Repaving Firestations There were no Notices to Proceed issued since the last report: The following Notices of Completion were filed since the last status report: TSK039 White Lane Widening, Mtn. Vista to Saddle Drive E6K008 Telemetry Improvements for Various Sewer Lift Stations FY 1996-97 P6C005 Siemon Park Tennis Courts Resurfacing G:\GROLrPDAT~Memo\C I P~l'ulyAugust.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule Thu 8/6/98 i II February1998 I March1998 , April1998 , May1998 ,13t June1998 I July1998 26', August1998 I Septembei1998 I October1998ti N°vember1998 ' December1998 I J Ward Proj. No.Description 25 1 18I~5)22 1 lslt5)~t2915i~2)lg126131to117124 171~4121t2815']~2l~91 21911612313016113112012714l~1'~8125 11 e 115122'129{6 1'~3120'.[2713 ;, 2,5 T6K073 STREET IMPROVEMENTS-CALIFORNIA/OAK ~ i : i ~ i Design i i i Bid Request/Award ~ iAward of Bid : i ~ i ~ .................... ; ................. i ....................... [ ....... , ........... ? ................... ~ ....................... i ..................... ! ....... ~ ....... i ........................... ! ........................ i ................... : ..... Construction :: NOtice to Proceed ..... " I~ Notice of letion 2,$ T6K076 STREETIMPROVEMENTS-TRUXTUN/OAK ~ ~ i i : i ...... '1 .............. De;i'g~ i ................. i .......................... i ..................... ii ........... i:' .......... ! .............. ii ................... i ............... " Bid Request/Award i ~ iiAward of Bid ii i i' i i. i ! ! J i ; i i I ...... ............ j C~tra'ct{0~ ........................................... i ............... : i ~ofice toP'r~ee~ '~ ........... ' ,', ....... !:", ..................... i ................ ii..,iL i. ............. ~' ~oti~e'Of~O~pie~O~ ................... }i ................. ii ...................... i .... 4 TSK039 STREET IMPROVEMENTS- WHITE/MTN. VISTA i i i i PrOject suspended for c(~mpletion of i i i ................... i ................. i ........................ i ............... Developer-required work. Project ...... :: .... L ................ i ............... i ................... i ....................... ~ ...................... i Design : : ~ resumed 6/9/98. : i ................. i ....................... i ..................... : ........... ' .............................. i .................. i "' ~ ................. ~ .................... ! ................ i .................... ! .......................... i .... Construction ii Notice to Pr°ceed C'" ; ' ' r ,-' ; .... ~ Not/ce of Completi°n : 6 T8K068 SIGNAL. NEW- RIDGEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL i i i i i i! i i i' '" .............. i ................... :. ......................... =: ......... i ............. i ............... ~Wait ng for ................... =: ........................... i ............................ i ........................ i .................... ' ..... Design ; i i i !, i Jsign submittal. J ! i ................... Bill Reqdes{i~waid ................... - ....... { ................. i ........................ i ......................... { ........ : ................ i ................... i .................... i .......................... :~" Construction i : Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of Completi( ,, i ., 2 T4K055 LAKE STREET AREA IMPROVEMENTS i:~ : ~! "~ ~ ~ ~ i ................... i .................. :: ........................ ~ ..................... i ................ ~ ................. i ..................... ? ............ , ...... ~: ...................... '! ...................... ~ ....................... i ...... Design i : ! ! i : :: ,~ ....... ~ Bid Request/Award °rBids~ ; .................... :, i i.,. ................ ~Awardi°fBid i ................... i ii ........ " ......... ~ ii ....................... ~ ii ................. i : ........................................................................... ! .............. ~ ........................ i .................... i ...................... ! ? ................ ! ............... ! ............... : ...................... ! ...................... ! .................... i ..... Construction · i ! i! Notice to Proceed i i ,/ Notice of Cc .plet/on i 4 ~ T~K053 SIGNAL. NEW-HAGEMAN/FRUITVALE .i i ~ ~ i ~ ~: . ~ Design i ................. i .................. i ...................... :: ......... . ......... i ...................... i .............. i : Bid Request/Award : i ~ : : : ...... ~ i .............. ~ ................. ~ ........................ i ...................... i ........................... i .................. ~ ....................... ! ........................ ~ .......................................... ~ .......................... Construction ~ ~ : ' ' ~ " ~ ~ ' - ~ { ~ Notice to Proceed C'~ .... j Notice of Completion 4 TSK029 SIGNAL, NEw-cOFFEE/OLIVE i i i i i i i ................................................................................. i .......... : ...... i ....................... ! ..... ' .......... :: ......... ; ............ i ...................................... :: ~ ........................... Design : : i : Bid Request]Award : i ! i ! : . i : i ,- ' . Construction ~ ! ! Notice to Proceed C. " . ~1 ~ Notice of Completion --'7 E8K027 SEWER REHAB., PUMP STA. - PLANZ/BENTON i i i i ' i i i : Design I i ! i i '~' Plan Approval i Bid Request/Award ! : Advertise for Bids~'~ ~ Award of Bid ¢ Construction ~ Notice to Proceed ~.. ~ No~ ice of Completion ! : :: aaboil01 page 1 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield,Public Works Department 4997-98 Capita mprovement Program Schedule - Thu 8/6/98 ~ { February 1998 March 1998 [ April 1998 I May 1998 I June 1998 I July 1998 ] August 1998 ] September i998 I October 1998 I November 1998 I December 1998" W_.__ard Proj. No. IDescription 25I 1 18 115122 1 ] 8 ]~51221291 5 J~2[~9126I 3 1~0l~712413~ I 7 l~412] 128l 5 112119]26l 219 1161231301 6 1~3ll20127 I 4 l~1 1 8125, 1 I 8 1~512212gl 6 1~31201~'71 $ EgK037 STORM DRAIN REHAB., PUMP STA. - TRUXTUN ~ i i i i i i ~ ~ Design i ' ' ' ~ Plan Approval I Work completed by Public Works crews and I :: i i :: .................... I Parks Department staff. I' :~ ..................... i ................... i ........................ :: ................ i ................................. --~ ESK038 SEWER REHAB., PUMP STA.- OFFICE PARK DR. :i ii i i i :i i :! ii ........... ;. i ................ i ................. i ........................................ Work being performe~l by Services . .i ....................... i ......................... i ....................... i ..................... ueslgn : * : _~ Plan APProval i ,' Agreement, with an anticipated . i i i! :~ .............. ~ ........... T ......... ~.:~ ........ - ............. i completion date of 8/14/98. : ..... 7 TSK002 BRIDGE IMPROV. - WHITE LANE/99 (PSR) i i:i i i i i i i i i : Consultant Procurement i: J: ......................................................... i i ...................... i ........................ t Tentative approwl by CalTran'.~ 6/99. ] ........................................... i ............. ALL ESK008 SEWER CONSTRUCTION, TELEMETRY - PH II :~ i i~ ~ : i i ~ ~ ! i Design : : : Plan Approva ! : Bid Request/Award i Advertise for Bids ~ i ~ Award of Bid i i i i Construction i i i Notice to Proceed ~:~..~.,~--~ ~ ~.:.-~.~ Not/c 9 of Completion ! $ E8K028 SEWER REHABILITATION, MAIN -STOCKDALE i Design : : i ! i ~ : i ~: I budgete~l for FY 98-99. I Bid Request/Award : Advertise forbids ~ Award of Bid i ~ Notice t° Pr~)ceed ~ ~ ~'~ ,/ Notice of Completion 6 E8K039 ISTORM DRAIN CONST., MAIN - WILSON RD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Design ~ ~ Plan Approval : Bid Request/Award ~ Advertise forbids ~ ~ Award of Bid :i i Construction i : Notice to Proceed ~ ~' ~ Otice of Completion --~ E8K036 STORM DRAIN CONST, MAIN - STINE [ ! :: :: I :: :: ! I Project being bid ~,/12 as part'of resurfacing !i ............... ! .................... i! ........................ i .......................i ...................... i .................. i .............. ] project. (TSK07~ Anticipate award 8/26/98 ....................................................I Design .... :: ~ Plan Approval :: :~ i :: : Bid Request/Award ~ ~ ard of Btc ! ! i i i :: i Notice to Proc. eed ~ ..... : ,? , ~ Notice o~ Completion ~ T8K001 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - WHITE LANE i i i i i i i i ] :; :; ! ..................... i ................ i .................... i .......... ' ........... i ...................... i .......................... i *-..~--. Project bid 7/29/98. Staff rec~ommends bid rejection and Design .- i ...... · i i i i :: '~ Plan Approvai i ' change order to current contact with Griffith Company. Item ............... i .................................... on 8/15/98 Council agenda. '1 .............. ~ .............................. B~d Request/Award '~ i ~ Construction , i ! i i t i Notice to Proceed ~ : :~2 Notice o~ completion i aaboil01 P~ge 2 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department ' 997=98 Capita Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 8/6/98 -II February1998 II March1998 I April1998 I May1998 I June1998 I July1998 261{ August1998 September1998I October1998 November1998I December1998 J _Ward Proj. No. Description 25 118115122 11811512212915112119126131101171241311711412112815i12119j 21911612313016113!12012714111118125 1 1811512212916113 20 27 3 4 TSK043 STREET IMPROVEMENTS HAGEMAN SUMP ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ii ~ ~ Design i i i i : i ~ i ~ i r~ Plan Apl; royal ii i i and under by City staff and Developer. i Preliminary design completed review Riverlakes Developer will be constructing project for TDF credits. Agreement ............. i .................. ~ '~ ............. :: ::" - ~ i is being prepared. Construction anticipated fall of 1998. i ! 4 TSK042 STREETIMPROV.-HAGEMAN/CALLOWAY i i i i i ~ ~ i i i i :, :: Design ......... - .......................... i i ' '~ '-/~' Plan Apl; roval i 1 E7K00$ SEWER REHABILITATION, MAIN- S. CHESTER :i i :i i ' :i i il i !i ii :i Design · : : : ' : ........... :- .................... :- : :- ~!~.!'~',~.~ Plan Approval i i Bid Request/Award i i i Project being redesigned as a replacement (in lieu of rehabilitation), ! Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid i i i iConstruction ! Land w be constructed Fy 98-99 with add t ona budgeted funds. i i Not/ce to Proceed ~ ~r VAR. TSK072 STREET RESURFACING ~ ! i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ .......... :: ........... i ..................... ! ................ ! ....... ' .......... ! ............................ i' ................... :: ....................... i .............. , I Project will bid S/12 with antic pated I .......... i ................... ! ........ .................. De'~ig~ .......................................... i i i i . : ~ Plan ApproVal i i I l award date of 8/26/98. I ! ................ Bid'Req~e;~/AWar~ ................ i : : i i AdvertiSe forBids ~ : ~.~ AwardofBi~ ........... i ........................ ii ................... i ................... ..................................................................... ~ ; .................. : ...................... : ................... : .......................................... !.. ~ ................ ! ........ Construction .................. i i i i i i i Not/ce to Procee ~ , i , i i 3 PTH002 REPAVING FIRESTATIONS Fire Station #11' improver lents awarded at ' Design i ..................... ii ................... ~.i ................. i ...................... ~ ...................... ~ Plan Approval~ .................. ii ........ 5/20/98processed.City Council mee lng. Contracts being ......... := ....................................... i Bid Request/Award i i i i AdvertiseforBids ~ :: ~ AwardofBid i Construction Notice to Proceed ~ I ;,~:-~' -'? Notice of Completion i 4 TSK057 SIGNAL, NEW - WHITE/MOUNTAIN VISTA i i ~ =~ ~ := i ~ ~ i.i i ............... i ................... i i ........................... C°ntract°r awaiting/ i ....................... Design ~ Plan Approval [equ pment delivery. .J Bid Request/Award i Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid ! Construction !Notice to Proceed ~,~- I i ._r.u~!z_~ lot/ce of'Completion i i 2,3 TSK055 SIGNAL, NEW- PANORAMA/RIVER :i ! i i :i i i ii . ............... [ ................ i ..................... i ................ i i .............. [Co~tractorawaiting I' i ................. i ..................... i .................... i ...................... i ..................... ii .... equipment dehvery ..................... D~'si'gl~ ........................................ i i i ~ Plan APproval i ~ i : i ., i i i :: B,d Request/Award !i ii Advertise for Bids ~ ' ~ ~ Award of Bid i - ii i i ii i! Construction <~, ~ i i i i NOtice to Proceed ,~ ~-- ' : ., : ".:~ ' ~ Notice of Completion i 1,2 TSK004 SIGNAL, NEW - CALIFORNIA/N i !i !i · i ';' i i ~ !~ ' :' : : - ........ De~'g.n :i .... ; ..................... i ............ ' ........... ;i ....... ~pla,.A~Pr(~t~al! ................ i ................. J eq.u,pment de,,very. J :: ~' ..:: ........... :: :: ............... ::. Bid Request/Award ! i Advertise r°r Bids ~, '; ,~ Award o~ Bid " Construction ........................... i } i i : NOt/ce to Proceed ~:: : : __;.~,~. ~ Notice ofComplet/on ii aaboil01 Page 3 of Design 1 City of E akersfie d Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 8/6/98 -'--' I I February1998 I March1995I April1998 , Ma¥1998 , June1998 , Ju1¥1998 26,, August1998 Septemberl~98 { October1998i~ November1998 [ December1998 ~ J ,D scriptio 25 IS 5l 2 1 5122129151 2119 131101 7 413 171 1 1 sl51 1 91 ,2191 6123130161 31 0 27 1 1 1 5 I l, Gl 12 161 3f OI2 13 6.7 T8K035 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA ~NE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .J ~ ~ : , , . ~. . . -, ."~" F ................ ~ ......... ~ ~: Plan Approval ~ :: ............... B~d 'R~'quesFA~ .............................. ~ [scope of work has been expanded to i"clude the complete widening and improvement 0f the no~heast corner of Panama & stine. Agreement with n0~heast corner [' Adve~ise for Bids ~ II J ~ A prope~ owner being prepared for owner to fund additional work. This additional work will require utili~ relocation which will result in a delay in the sta~ of constructi~ Construction ~ ~until Sprin~ 1999.~ ~ ~ Notice to Proce~ 2 PSD001 REPAIR PARKING GAUGE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig : : ~ Pla~ App ' " : : : Bid Reques~Award ~ Adve~ise for Bids I Award of Bid =: ~ ~ : ~ : Construction ~ : ~ : ..... NotiCe to Proceed Notice of com~ etlon 6 TSK040 SIG. MOD. (CHANNELIZATION)-WHITE/~ERS ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ :: ~ .' ~ ~ ~ prOject d~layed so staff ~uld coordinate w~h developer ' ...................... ~ ". ............................................................ l .... } ..................... ~ .......................................... ~ .......................... :: ......................... ~ ..................... :: '"; ...................... ~on adjacent project. Agreement r~e red from Deve oper ......................... ~ .......... BidRequesFAward ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~e~iseforBids ~ : ~ ~ AwardofBid ~[ ~ ~ Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~: ~ N°"cet°Pr°ceed C J : : ~ NoticeofCompletlon 3 TSK065 SIGNAL. NEW- COLLEGE/FAIRFAX ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid RequesFAward : Adve~lSe for Bids ~ ~ward Of Bid ~ : : ~ : ~ ~ ......... ~ .............. : ........ ~ .......................... ~ ............................. :: ..................... ~Construction ........................... "' Notice to Proceed ~:. ; I ~ I~otice of Comple.on 2,5 TSK081 24TH STREET T~FFIC SAFETY PROG~M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ Study : : : ~ I I ~ Study Complete~ .................................................................................. ~ ................... . ........ ~ ......................... ~ ............................ ~ ............. ,Traffic Engineering ~11 pedorm a study to determine appropriate measures to improve ~j '.'. .... *. '" . ........~'~ .' ' ......... ' .~'.~ .... ' ................................................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ traffic flow and safe~ along 24th Street. Construction funds budgeted for FY 98-99. 1 TSK056 SIGNAL. NEW - EB SR 58/MT VERNON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...................................................................................... Design ~ .................. ~: ............................... _ ] =.:: .................... '~ .~ ~ ~ ................ ~PlanApproyal'' ~ ........... .................. =~ ............. ,'~tr~q 'p del~e~.a~iting~1. '. '.."'.' ."'. ~. "...' ...' '".". ..... ..... . ~ ..... ''' .... Construction Notice to Proceed C IIIII ~ ~Notice of Completion 4 TSKOS0 SIGNAL, NEW- WHITE/BUENA VISTA :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ B~d Reques~Award ' ~ ~ :: [ :: ~ :: ' ~ .... ' e cfC m /el Construct,on ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ No,ce to Proceed C " '~ ; :~ Not,c ~ p 4 T8K052 SIGNAL. NEW - BUENA VIST~MING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~: :~ ~ :~ : Bid Reques~Award ' ~ A~e~se fOr Bids '~ " '"- :,'~,~] ~ Award of Bid ~ ~ Construction ~ ..................... ~ ........................................... ; ..................................... ~ .......................................................................... Nor/ce to P~ceed~ ............................ ~ I ~: .......................... :~ .............................. ~ ..........................................Notice of Completion' aaboil01 Page 4 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department '!997-98 Capita~ improvement Program Schedule - Thu 8~6~98 March 1998 1998 1998 June 1998 1998 1998 October ~998 November 1998 December 1998 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ..CASA LOMA #6 i Design i i Plan Approval Bid Request/Award / :: ] Infrastructure Study complete. Street lighting installation on-going. Water System installation Advertise for Bids ~'1 ..... Award Construction '] agreement between the City and Cai Water being prepared. Waiting for Cai-Water cost estimates, i ~ Final design an~l construction schedule for water system to be determined by Cai Water. Notice to Proceed STREET IMPROVEMENTS -CHESTER #3 ANNEX. Design : Plan Approval Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids /~ i ~ AWard Construction i Notice to Proceed TOC INTERCONNECT ! F!rst segment plan completed and awaiting Cai Trans approval for i .................................................................. bidding. Two additional segments are included with the resurfacing p[oject. CalTrans processing design approval Design continuing on i ~ "~ P~an , .. Design I ~ ............. : '~ . regaining segments. Bid Request/Award i :i Advertise for Bids Award of Bid Construction i i i Not/ce to Proceed Notice of Completion SIGNAL, NEW - ALLEN/BRIMHALL i ~ i : : First submittal reviewed and Consultant.II . . .... · · . ·... .... DeSi'gn ~ :: :? := ~ Plan Approva!TSK078RevisiOnSandbeingTSK059..made to s~G%.,'NEw:"RiM~A,L/~=wE~+'~ ................ i .... i ....................... ~ ........................ ~ ................................... i ...................... ~ D~*sign ............... Plan Approval SIGNAL, NEW - PLANZ/SANDRA DeSign ...................................... i ........................................ == ~ ...................... i ........ =: ..................... =: .......... Contractor awaiting'" ................. i ........... ' ........i .............. i.. :;..'~. P~a,.Appro~a! .................... i .................. i ....... equipment delivery. ............................................. : ................. ~ ......................... ', Bid Request/Award Advertise forbids i ~ .. ~ Award of Bid i Const;uCti0n ........... ! Notice' to Proceed Not/ce BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - MOHAWK STREET ~ ) Study ........................................................... i ................. i ................ ~' ~'~:"~" om late I ..... . v/ o~u~ C p '. ..................................................... i ................ i! .................... i ..................... -"i ................ ! ..... i .....................i" ' i Aerial and preliminary survey woik completed. Due to del~y~ in fi~al'izing i i ........................... Ithe Kern River Freeway alignment thispr°jecthasbeenpl~ced°nh°ld' I ' ' '" .... "'"' .............. 't STREET IMPROVEMENTS-ASHE/HARRIS ' i D;'si'g~ : ! I . r~,~ plan':: ............ Approval aaboil01 Page 5 of Design 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1996-97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 4996-97 Capita~ ~mprovement Program Schedule Thu 8/6/98 ard Februa~ 1998 March 1998 April 1998 May 1998 June 1998 ~ July 19~ ~ August 1998 September ' ,98 October 1998 November 1998 December 19~ Proj. No. Description 25 1 8 15122I 1 I 8 151221291 5 112119 26 3 [~0l~712413~1 7 1~4 2~ 28 5 12 19 26 : 19 1~6[231301 6 1~3l ~1271 4 I~ 1181251~ 18 1~51221291 6 1~3120 4 E6K018 ~ Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Buena Vista Ph I) [ Design ................... i ~ :: ~ .......... ~i ......... ] ~ I Bid Reques~Award I Construction ~ ~ ~ -. .... ' ' ' ~ Notice of Completion I : 1,2,3 TTK012 ~ Resurfacing Streets (ISTEA & Gas Tax) ~ ~ : : ~ Project temporarily suspended due to weather ~ ~TKo~ ] .... Design ..... .... I considerations. Project resta~ing summer of 1998. I ......... ]' Construction ' ~ =: ............ ~ ........... : ' ~ ................. ' ' ......... . ...... ' ~ ~~~~':'~'~ ~ Notice of Completion AIl ~ Q7K003 Pave~ntManagementSy~em ~ ~ ~ : : ~ .......... ~ Initial pavement data received and ~ , · .... ~ ~ Consultant Procurement : being reviewed by Staff. ~ ' i~pementafio~ ' ~ : .......... :: ~ .................... : ............. ~ ........ ~" ~ ~ - ' - : ...... '~ ~: : ......... : .......... ~ - -' : ~,~"~' ~ 'otice of Completion .............. COnst;u'c[i~ : 5 ] E6K012 ~Sewer Rehabilitation- Lift Station (Bank St.) .... ~ .... ~1 Design :: ......... ~ ......... :: :: ...... ' ...... ~ ............ ~ '~ [ ............ ~ ........ ............. ] .... ~onstra';t~;n ................. Notice to Proceed ~ '.;?~'~: t~,, ~. ;:' ;,:.;?.: Notice ofC~ mpletion ~ 1 P7C016 ~ MLK Center Improvements ~ :: ~ ~ ~ ~Awaifing Pacific Bell pole removal. I '. ..... . ' . ' ..... ' · ' · · ......... ~. ...... [ ............. ~ ............ I Final phase parking lot awarded. ' i ~ Bid Request/Award ~ ~ Construction ~ ~otice~ to Pmceed ~~~ '~"~/. Notice oJ 5 ~ Q7K015 Corporation YardWash Rack Upgrade ........... I .... " ..' ~ .. Bid Reques~Amrd ~ Award of Bid Construction Notice to Proceed ~' ~ -. - ~"~> Notice of Completio 7 ~ ETK006 Sewer Rehabilitation - Panama Lane Lift Sta. ~ J Project under con.ruction. . ~. ..... "' ' Design ~ ~ ~:: =:~ =.~ lContractOrdamages incurring liquidated :~~1[ ' ' . ' . . , . · ' ' .,' .' . ' · · ~: ..... .... : ................. ~ ............. ~ ..........~ ~ :: .... ........ ~ia Req~S~%;a ..... . ...... 4 ETK001 ' Sewer Construction - Main (Allen Road) ~ = , .: ~ .............. ~ .................. ~ .............. [ .......... ~ .............. Proje~ bid. Anticipating a~d '~ Design ~ Plan ApproVal at Ci~ Council meeting of 8/~98. I ~ ~q~S~b;;d .... ~ ~s~ fo~e~' - ~ , ~ ~'~ ~w.~of~,~~ ' ~:: ~. ' ' . .'.."..' .'..'. '... ~ I ~ ~ : ~ ....... ] Construction ~ Notice 0 Proceed / ..... :~ ~ '- '::-~-~ -~:: ....... w ~ ......... mult969b Page 1 of Design 2 City of Bakersfield Pubfic Works Department 1996-97 Capita~ Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 816198 ----~' I I February 1998 I March 1998 I Apd11998 I May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 August 1998 September 1998 I October 1998 November 1998 December 199 Wa__~.~Proj. No. IDescdption 25I 1 I 8 1151221 1 [8 1~51221291 5 1~21191261 3t~oi1712~1311 7 114121 1281 s 11211912el = ' 4 TE7K002 Sewer Const, - Main (Buena Vista Phase ll) i i i i i i! ; ! 9 16 23 30 6 11312blii7l 4 111 11812S ~ 8 115 22 291 6 ]13120 : '% Plan Approval i :: I Design ..... ~. / I .............. B d'R~ques~/~,wai~c~ i ....... i ................. i ! ......... Plans Complete- Awaiting receipt i .... i :: ......... ii : .......... ! ......... i i i I of signed easement documents. Ad ~.rtise for Bids <" ........ ~ :l~i'~';' Award of Bid i Construction Notice to Proceed <'~'~ -A~ E6~K008 Sewer Construction - Telemetry City Wide Bid Request/Award Construction Notice to Proceed ~ : ~ Notice of Completion E6K004 WWT Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion i Design i i ! Bid Request/Award ~ Construction : ~ : 6 ETK012 WWT Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion I Bid Request/Award i i mult969b Page 2 of Design 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS -- SUBDIVISION 0 8/01/98 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. BUENA VISTA RD. RECONSTRUCTION CASTLE & COOKE LESH 40% VALLEY PLAZA STORM DRAIN COLOMBO CHOATE 95% PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% PM 10054 COFFEE RD. & OLIVE DR. LESH 0% PM 10368-1 COFFEE RD. & HAGEMAN LESH 0% PM 10406 CALLOWAY DR. N/OF STOCKDALE GLENWOOD GARDENS LESH 50% PM 10456 COFFEE RD @ ROSEDALE HVVY HOPPER PROPERTIES PIERCE 98% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE MITCHELL 30% TR 5418-4 VERDUGO & NORtEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 70% TR 5418-5 VERDUGO N/OF NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 20% TR 5426-A HOWELL & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5426-B & C S/O STOCKDALE, W/O OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5426-D STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5426-F STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 20% TR 5426-G S/OF STOCKDALE & W/OF OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 85% TR 5427 OLD RIVER & MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 10% TR 5429-A - F WHITE LANE & OLD RIVER -- PRIVATE TRACT CASTLE & COOKE-PRIVATE MITCHELL 90% TR 5433-2 BERKSHIRE & AKERS ENNIS DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 80% TR 5436-2 & 3 RIVERLAKES & NORTH SHORE DRIVE COLEMAN LESH 95% TR 5478-2 COFFEE RD S/O OLIVE DRIVE HINESLEY LESH 60% TR 5478-3 COFFEE RD S/O OLIVE DRIVE HINESLEY LESH 20% TR 5479-1 S/O OLIVE DR & W/O COFFEE ROAD COLEMAN LESH 95% TR 5489-C BRIMHALL & OLD FARM CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% TR 5544-D1 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5544-D2 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5544-D3 BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5552-A & B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5602-C BRUNDAGE & OSWELL ADVANTAGE HOMES MITCHELL 80% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD @ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 75% TR 5650~D HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 80% TR 5664~1 PANAMA & RELIANCE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT COR MITCHELL 95% TR 5680-C,E,F E/OF CALLOWAY S/OF BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 5% TR 5686-J HARRIS & SUMMER SPRING KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 90% TR 5688~K HARRIS & SUMMER SPRING KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 30% TR 569~2 PANAMA @ FARMER'S CANAL COLEMAN MITCHELL 99% TR 5716-3 MAIN PLAZA/GRANITE FALLS DEWALT LESH 90% TR 5716-6 MEACHAM & MAIN PLAZA DEWALT LESH 80% TR 5804-2 MESA MARIN & CAMINO LA PAZ PIERCE 10% TR 5809-C PANAMA LN. & UNION WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 60% TR 5835-C HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 80% TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 85% TR 5838-C OLD RIVER & STOCKDALE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 95% TR 5838~D & E = OLD RIVER & STOCKDALE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5841~A BROOKSlDE & N. LAURELGLEN TURMAN PIERCE 100% TR 5844 A,B,D PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE MITCHELL 30°/~ o8/ol/98 PAGE 2 p.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. TR 5845 A&B PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5845 - D PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5846-A HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 40% TR 5846-B - D HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5848A,B&C CAMPUS PARK/OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 90% TR 5853 PANAMA LN. & RINGSDALE CT. CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5859 NW CORNER PANAMA & UNION CARRIAGE HOMES MITCHELL 50% TR 5869 CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL BURLINGTON LESH 85% TR 5872-1 WHITE LN. & MOUNTAIN VISTA MIKE SOPER MITCHELL 95% TR 5873-1 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMEN1 MITCHELL 95% TR 5873-2&3 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 70% 'TR 5876-B MING & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5876-F , MING & OLD RIVER -- PRIVATE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 15% TR 5877-B MING & OLD RIVER -- PRIVATE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5887 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. MITCHELL 30% I TR 5891 I COFFEE RD. & HAGEMAN COLEMAN LESH 45% TR 5892 I VERDUGO & NORIEGA ' BRIAN BATEY LESH 45% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS o8/Ol/98 START EST. COM % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP ALLEN RD-BUENA VISTA TO PALM CONSTRUCT TRUNK SEWER UTAH PACIFIC CONST. 10/01/98: O% BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION CENTER BLOCK 350 PARKING LOT KERN ASPHALT ALLEN 06/08/98 08/17/98 95% BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION CENTER BLOCK 370/371 PARKING LOT KERN ASPHALT ALLEN 06/22/98 08/24/98 30% BANK STREET SEWER LIFT STATION PATSCHECK ELECTRIC CHOATE 07/23/98 09/28/98 5% BUENA VISTA ROAD REPLACE TRUNK SEWER UTAH PACIFIC CONST. BOLANOS 12/17/97 09/31/98 92% CALIFORNIA AVE @ "N" STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL MCKEE ELECTRIC 10/01/98 0% CITY HALL EXTERIOR PAINTING WILLIAM B. SALEH 09/01/98 0% COFFEE ROAD @ OLIVE DRIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC BOLANOS 05/15/98 08/05/98 95% CONVENTION CENTER RE-ROOF GARCIA ROOFING STARNES 08/15/98 0% FIRE STATION NO. 11 SITE IMPROVEMENTS E & M CONSTRUCTORS 08/30/98 0% FIRE STN. NOS. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 PAINTING PAPAS PAINTING 08/30/98 0% FRUITVALE AVENUE @ HAGEMAN RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC BOLANOS 05/15/98 08/10/98 80% LAKE ST. BEALE TO ROBINSON STREET RECONSTRUCTION GRIFFITH COMPANY MAHAFFEY 06/08/98 08/18/98 75% MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION 08/15/98 0% MT. VERNON AVE. & STATE HWY 58 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% 'PANAMA LANE @ SOUTH "H" ST. REPLACE SWR LIFT STATION PACIFIC RESOURCES CHOATE 03/16/98 08/05/98 90% PANORAMA DRIVE @ RIVER BLVD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL A C ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% PLANZ ROAD @ BENTON CONSTRUCT LIFT STATION W.M. LYLES 10/01/98 0% PLANZ ROAD @ SANDRA DRIVE SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% STINE ROAD @ RIDGEVIEW H.S. FLASHING BEACONS SPRING MOUNTAIN INC FICK 04/06/98 08/15/98 95% VARIOUS STREETS LIFT STATION TELEMETRY TESCO CONTROLS 09/01/98 0% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING GRIFFITH COMPANY BOLANOS 08/18/97 09/31/98 32% WHITE LANE @ MOUNTAIN VISTA TRAFFIC SIGNAL MCKEE ELECTRIC 09/01/98 0% WILSON RD / ORIOLE TO AKERS STORM DRAIN GRIFFITH COMPANY 08/15/98 0% BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM August 1 7, 1 998 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ From: S.E. Brummer, Chief of Police ~ Subject: Council Referral WF0017915/001 Street Closures Referral from June 24, 1998 Council Member Irma Carson Council Member Irma Carson received correspondence from citizen Camille Hill requesting a street closure at the !00 block of Kincaid for the purpose of hosting a Southeast community block party. Council Member Carson forwarded this correspondence to police staff for review and recommendation. On June 26, 1998, Captain Neil Mahan contacted Council Member Carson regarding the street closure. Ms. Carson advised him that Ms. Hill had withdrawn her request. SEB/vrf Attachments: Copy of Council Referral WF0017915/001 Copy of correspondence from citizen Camille Hill, dated 6/24/98 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017915 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~26~98 REQUEST DATE: 6/24/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: 6~24~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 7/07/98 GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REFNBR: COUNCIb ~'r~r~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET CLOSURES REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO POLICE DEPARTMENT*** CARSON REFERRED CORRESPONDENCE FROM CAMILLE HILL REGARDING STREET CLOSURES TO STAFF FOR RECOMMENDATION. **CORRESPONDENCE WENT DIRECTLY TO POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM CARSON** Job Order Description: STREET CLOSURES at~gory: POLICE SERVICES DEPT asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: POLICE SERVICES START DATE / . /__ COMPLETION DATE __./ / June 2&, 1998 Irma Carson, Councilwoman Ward One 1501 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Carson, If I perish, I perish, I must see the king. Queen Esther's response to the plight of her people. She was successful. And so too, will the Southeast community. On Saturday, July 18, 1998, the citizens, residents, etc. living in the community of Kincaid Street and the surrounding area would like to throw a Block PaE~Z to bring attention to our plight and especially the reputation of "being the worse street in the city~,, It was not always that way. I became a resident on that street in 1956, at the age of eleven. Life was a lot more fun then and it can be again. We would like to cardon off the one-hundred block of Kincaid bordered by Texas and Wilkins between the hours of six a.m. and'','~ eight pm. We feel these hours are necessary for setup and cleanup. The Block Party will consist of speakers, entertainment, vendors, and food and fun for everyone. You can be assured that all things will be done decently and in order. The community has spoken: Enough is Enough and Too Much is Too Much. We, The Kincaid Knights/Knightesses, eagerly await your response. Respectfully submitted, Representative ch/ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~'~~J DATE: AUGUST 14, 1998 SUBJECT: WHITE LANE ROAD REPAIRS -WARD 7 Council Referral WF00179341 001 Councilmember Salvaggio requested staff look into doing road repair on White Lane, from El Potrero to the Freeway 99 overpass. The project of resurfacing White Lane From Hughes Lane to Wible Road, which covers the area of El Potrero and the Freeway 99 overpass, will be recommended for award at the regular Council Meeting of August 26, 1998. G:\GROUPDAT~STREETS\WHITELANE.ROADREPAIRS.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB~ WF0017934 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~14~98 REQUEST DATE: 8y12~98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8~24y98 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL STMTS REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: WHITE LANE ROAD REPAIRS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO DOING ROAD REPAIR WORK ON WHITE LANE, FROM EL POTRERO AND FREEWAY 99 OVERPASS. Job Order Description: WHITE LANE ROAD REPAIRS CTatggory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE/ /.__ COMPLETION DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO~_..~f DATE: AUGUST 18, 1998 SUBJECT: STREET SWEEPING - WARD 5 Council Referral WFO017940 / 001 Councilmember Rowles requested staff evaluate the issue of street sweeping at Taylor Street and Demaret Avenue [ area. I Taylor Street and Demaret Avenue are located in an area where restricted parking signs were installed to keep vehicles off the street during certain days and hours for the purpose of street sweeping. The signs were installed in November 1991 in accordance with Council Resolution No. 206-91. The area (1.4 miles) is bordered by Marsha Street, Belle Terrace, New Stine and Montclair Street. The restricted parking time is $:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on every first and third Tuesday of each month. The sweeping schedule can be changed and the area posted to where one side of the street is swept on the third Tuesday of each month and the opposite side of the street would be swept on the third Wednesday of each month. This would bring the posted sweeping schedule in line with the current sweeping schedule of sweeping residential areas once a month. Since only one side of the street will be swept on a scheduled day, the restricted parking hours can also be changed. The new restricted parking hours would be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. In addition, the Street Division has received a request to evaluate the possibility of removing the restricted parking signs posted for sweeping Village Lane, between Marsha Street and Stockdale Highway. There are businesses on both sides of Village Lane. Removing the signs will not pose any sweeping problems. Village Lane can be added to the night shift sweeping schedule. When the posted street sweeping program was implemented in 1991, there were four areas on the sweeping program. Shortly after the program was implemented, two areas submitted petitions to Council opposing posted sweeping and they were dropped from the program. The only other area that is posted besides Taylor and Demaret, for the purpose of street sweeping, is the apartment and commercial area (.8 Miles) bordered by Noel Place, Dana Street, University Avenue and Bishop Drive. The Streets Division will review the options available for changes to the Street Sweeping Program. They will coordinate the proposed changes with the Bakersfield Police Department. Upon completion of the evaluation, we will submit an amendment to the existing resolution, for Council consideration, at the meeting of September 23. G:\GROUPDAT~STREETS\SWEEPING.TAYLOR.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JO~f WF0017940 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~14~9~ REQUEST DATE: 8y12y9~ CREW~:~ SCHEDULE DATE~ STAR~: 8~12~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8y24~98 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIE--~T~T~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET SWEEPING REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF EVALUATE THE ISSUE OF STREET SWEEPING AT TAYLOR AND DEMERAT AREA AND RESPOND BACK TO HIM. Job Order Description: STREET SWEEPING  at,egory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL -~- Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE/,, ~__ CO~LETION DATE / /.__ ATrACHMENT 'C' RESOLUTION NO. 206.91 A RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS FOR THE PURPOSE OF STREET SWEEPING ~HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield desires to keep the public streets of the City of Bakersfield in a clean, aesthetically pleasing condition; and WHEREAS, the parking of motor vehicles along certain city streets during all hours of the day and night effectively prevents the City street cleaning equipment from cleaning portions of the street where cars are parked; and i~IEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to institute a program in four different areas of the City of Bakersfield where parking will be prohibited, as signed, between 8:00:a.m. and 12:00 noon on the first and third Tuesday of each month; and · I~iEREAS, the four areas above referenced are described in Exhibit "l" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and ~IEREAS, California Vehicle Code, $ 22507, allows cities, by resolution, to restrict the parking of vehicles along any street or portion thereof during all or certain hours of a day. NOW, THEREFOREv BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. All the foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2. Parking shall be prohibited, as signed, along City streets set forth in Exhibit "A" between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on the first and third Tuesdays beginning in November 1991. o0o 10 MEMORANDUM NO PARKING FROIt 8:00.A,H~ TO 12:00 NOON ON F. VER¥ FIRST & TIIIRD TUESDAY OF EACH HONTH. · AREA '#1 - HAR$1IA STREET from'Palmer Street Co ClOy Limits PALHER STREET from Harsha Co DemareC TAYLOR STREET from DemareC to' Belle Terrace .GOItHAN {~AY from Taylor to New Seine HUIqTER AVENUE from. Taylor. to 'Lansin8 LAHSINC DRIVE from llun£er. [o So. ffontelatr : SO, HONTCI~AIR from LansinE to Stockdale llwy,. AREA BELLE TERRACE from Co' Old Stine \~ DRIVE from Seine to Valhalla .... ~1halla t; Nimrod ~? Nimrod to HcDonald NORSE~ S' A[IRIC~ AVE to [lcDonald VALHALLA frbm Hi~ ~errace~ CT,- RPIO CT, IAURUS CT. AQUARIUS CT. EYJIIBIT *'A" (Pase I o[ 2) '\ \ ~U~S~A~ O~ ~AC. FOREST ST. Oleander ~c... ,.. / ~o. 0~:.~,,,,,, "G"~ [~om Palm Co Dracena · AREA'#4 - DANA STREET from University to Church NOEL PLACE from Christmas Tree Ln. to Church BISIIOP DRIVE from Dana to Church. CliRIST}~S TREE LN. from Dana to Wenatchee CREST DRIVE from Dana to Wenatchee CliURC!! AVENUE from Dana to Eton ETON STREET from Christmas Tree to Panorama SUHMIT CIRCLE EXlllBIT "A" (Page 2 of 2) BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,~-~~___---~ DATE: August 19, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017930/001, WARD 4, BIKE LANE STRIPING REQUEST FOR OLD FARM ROAD. "MCDERMOTT REQUESTED STAFF BEGIN THE PROCESS FOR BIKE LANE STRIPING ON OLD FARM ROAD FROM BRIMHALL TO ROSEDALE HIGHWAY" The Traffic Engineering Staff will be developing plans for bike lane striping on Old Farm Road between Brimhall Road and Rosedale Highway (State Route 58). Since Old Farm Road is not on the 2010 General Plan's Bike Lane Circulation Plan, that plan will also be modified to include Old Farm Road and a General Plan Amendment initiated. This will make the project consistent with the 2010 General Plan. Plans for the bike lanes should be finished in a few weeks. The General Plan Amendment process will be processed concurrently. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0017930.bikelane. OIdFarm.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1998\WFO017930. bikelane. OId Farm. ref.wpd ?age ] of ! _-~~'City~ of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/J~: WF0017930 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~14~98 REQUEST DATE: 8~12~98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATEE . START: 8Z12~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8y24/98 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL--~T~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: OLD FARM ROAD STRIPPING REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** MCDERMOTT REQUESTED STAFF BEGIN THE PROCESS FOR BIKE LANE STRIPPING ON OLD FARM ROAD FROM BRIMHALL TO ROSEDALE HIGHWAY. Job Order Description: OLD FARM ROAD STRIPPING  atggory: PUBLIC WORKS as~: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / .... CO LETION DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~"~'~.~ ___.~._ DATE: August 19, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017936/001, WARD 1, 8TM AND T STREETS. 'CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH A STATUS REPORT ON THE PLACEMENT OF A STOP SIGN AT 8TM AND T STREETS" There has been no change to the status of the traffic control at 8th and T Streets. The traffic volumes have not changed and an upgrade to a four-way stop control remains unwarranted. Since the school year will be starting in a few weeks, the Traffic Engineer proposes to re-analyze the intersection in September. Any change in operations or volume at the intersection caused by school related traffic will then be included in the analysis. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0017936.8th.and.T.stop.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1998\WF0017936.8th.and. T.stop. ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB~ WF0017936 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: ~14~98 REQUEST DATE: ~12~98 CREW: SCHEDULE DAT START: ~12~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8y24/98 GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL--STF~T~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: 8TH AND T STREETS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH A STATUS REPORT ON THE PLACEMENT OF A STOP SIGN AT 8TH AND T STREETS. Job Order Description: 8TH AND T STREETS  at,egory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / /__ COMPLETION DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: PAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~~-L~~.~ DATE: August 19, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017939/001, WARD 5, QUAILWOOD DRIVE SIGNS. '~ROWLES REFERRED THE ISSUE OF ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE (SPEED LIMITS, CHILDREN AT PLAY, ETC.) TO STAFF" The Traffic Engineer will be reviewing the Quailwood Drive area, both east and west of the school, for appropriate placement of additional signs. Additional speed limit signs and school pedestrian signs are anticipated to be proposed. Children at Play signs are not authorized for use in California. The Traffic Engineer anticipates additional or new signs will be installed within the next few weeks. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0017939.QualwoodDrive. Signs.ref. wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1998\WF0017939.Qualwood. Drive. Signs. ref. wpd Pagelof 1 tI ~ AUG 2 11998 ~ ," .' ', ..... 5 '-'.' :--; ;- City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ~JoB:' WF0017939 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~14~98 REQUEST DATE: 8~12~98 CREW~ SCHEDULE DATE~ LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8~24y98 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL S'~T~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: QUAILWOOD DRIVE SIGNAGE REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REFERRED THE ISSUE OF ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE (SPEED LIMITS, CHILDREN AT PLAY, ETC.) TO STAFF. Job Order Description: QUAILWOOD DRIVE SIGNAGE ~atpgory: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS ..... START DATE/ / CO~LETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ DATE: August 19, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF00179371001, WARD 1, OLEANDER STREET MEDIANS. 'CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH A STATUS REPORT ON LANDSCAPING IN THE MEDIANS ON OLEANDER" No landscaping has been installed by City crews at the temporary traffic calming islands along Oleander. Some of the traffic calming islands have had plants placed and maintained by adjacent residents in recent months. If the temporary traffic calming islands are determined to remain, the Traffic Engineer proposes a decorative concrete treatment for the islands. Traffic Engineering will be making a recommendation of whether to retain or eliminate the islands this fall, 1998. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0017937.OleanderStreetMedians.ref. wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1998\VVF0017937.OleanderStreetMedians.ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB:' WF0017937 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 8~14~9 REQUEST DATE: 8~12~9~ CREW.: SCHEDULE DATE~ START: 8~12~9 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 8~24~9~ GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIE--5~fFUf~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: OLEANDER STREET MEDIANS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH A STATUS -REPORT ON LANDSCAPING IN THE MEDIANS ON OLEANDER STREET. Job Order Description: OLEANDER STREET MEDIANS  at,egory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ...... Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE~ / / CO~LETION DATE / /~