HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 18, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COL~C/~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. At the Arena: · They made ice this week as a short term test. · We are starting to move furnishings into select areas of the building. That will continue in various areas over the next two weeks. · Testing of HVAC and sound equipment is taking place. Overall, it is looking good and we are looking forward to the opening series of events - it is going to show well. 2. Norm Roberts is booked for a City Attorney progress meeting in Executive Session on October 7th. 3. The DBA changed the Chester Avenue banners on September 15th to a more fall- oriented design. These banners will remain up for approximately 2-% months and then changed to a winter type design. The different banners (one for each season) were provided to the DBA by the City. In the City's agreement with the DBA, it was agreed that the banners would be changed out on a quarterly basis. The current schedule is as follows: September 15th to December 14, December 15th to March 1st, and March 22® to May 15th. 4. The League of California Cities has advised the City of Bakersfield that it has been awarded a certificate of honorable mention in the category of economic and community development for Team Bakersfield. The City has also been notified by the California Association of Enterprise Zones that it is a finalist in two categories. T hose categories are: Success Story of the Year (AFSA) & Job Development (Customer Service Academy AF--SA). The results will be announced next week at the association's annual conference. Honorable Mayor and City Council September 18, 1998 Page 2 5. As a result of some misleading statements made at public meetings in regard to the City's proposal for extending our Sphere of Influence area, a memo of clarification from the Planning Director is enclosed. 6. Progress Report #6 on the Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Expansion Project is enclosed for your information. 7. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Update - installation of sewers in the recently annexed Dennen area; · Update - installation of street lighting at the intersection of Comanche and 178; · Process to close east end of Filson Street and turn it into a cul-de-sac; · Increase lighting on Ming Avenue, between the Kaiser Facility and Gosford Road; · Street light issues at 1915 Baker Street, West Columbus Street, and Beech Street; · Update - installation of street light at Panama Lane and Dennen Street. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst September 8, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ySTANLEY GRADY SUBJECT: SOl UPDATE LAFCO reviewed the city's proposal on August 25, 1998 and continued the matter to September 22, 1998. Notices were sent at LAFCO's request to all property owners of record within the proposed boundary. The boundary has been reduced as shown on the attached map. The total area is 20 square miles. The existing SOl boundary is 186 square miles which includes the 111 square miles within the city's corporate boundary. Contrary to what is being stated at public meetings, we are not adding 45 square miles to the city's SOl. SG:mo Attachment cc: Jack Hardisty m-SOI-9-8 Sphere of Influence - fixtendod . ea Ex~ended A~ea 13,253.82 Acres ~ Sphere of Influence 119,362.04 Acres//\~ Road~ ~ Extended .~'ea ~ Sphere of Influence · ,-- r"-12010 Boundary 0 4 8 Miles ~ S BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ DATE: September 17, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF00179951001, WARD 1, FILSON STREET CLOSURE 'CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH AN OUTLINE OF THE PROCESS TO CLOSE THE EAST END OF FILSON STREET AND TURN IT INTO A CUL-DE-SAC." The process to close a portion of a street and then construct a cul-de-sac requires several steps. The first action would be to determine if the portion of street can be vacated as a public street. That process involves the following steps: 1. A notification is sent to all City Departments asking for their response and comments to a vacation action. If no department has need to retain a portion of the street, the process continues. 2. lhe next step is a review by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission must make a finding that the action of vacating a street is · consistent with the General Plan's specific goals and objectives. 3. If the vacation is found to be consistent with the General Plan by the Planning Commission, the action to vacate the street, or portion of street, is brought before the City Council for approval. If approved by the City Council, the next major action would be implementing the cul-de- sac construction. 4. The Public Works Department would develop an engineering estimate of the Page 1 of 2 cost to construct a cul-de-sac. This could done concurrently with the vacation of the street procedure. 5. Funding for the project would be sought, once the estimate of cost is completed. If insufficient funds are available from savings or other sources, the project would be proposed for the next year's Capital Improvement Project budget. 6. When the project is funded, the Public Works Department Would complete the design plans and construct the cul-de-sac closure. cc: PW Memo Files P:\DATA\WP\1998\WF0017955.FILSON.STREET.CLOSURE. REF.wpd Page 2 of 2 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* REQ/JOB: WF0017955 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~17~98 REQUEST DATE: 9/ 09/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: ~09~9 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 9/21/9~ GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: PUBLIC ~'I'M'i'~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: FILSON STREET CLOSURE CONTACT RICKY PETERSON Phone 1 805 - 8372463 ( ) 1817 FILSON STREET Phone 2 - ( ) BAKERSFIELD CA REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH AN OUTLINE OF THE PROCESS TO CLOSE THE EAST END OF FILSON STREET AND TURN IT INTO A CUL-DE-SAC. Job Order Description: FILSON STREET CLOSURE Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / September 11, 1996 TO: JACQUES LAROCHELLE, Engineering FROM: LAURA C. MARINO, Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: REQUESTS FOR STREET VACATIONS I am sending this memo as a follow-up to our telephone conversation regarding the procedure for handling requests for street vacations. As you know, a request for a street vacation (or vacation of any other City-owned property) involves a determination by the City that the property is unnecessary for present or prospective use by the City. We own the property and are not required to vacate it unless we want to do so. When such a request is made, the first decision to be made is whether the City wants to vacate its property or not. If not, the City should respond to the request with a letter telling the requesting party that it does not want to vacate the property. That would be the end of the process at that point. It is my understanding that when such a request is made, the Public Works Department sends out a memo to all departments asking for their response to the request. If any department has any need for the property and does not want it vacated, the City's response to the request is "No." If, on the other hand, no departments have any need for the property or wish to retain it for any reason, the next step is to place the request on a Planning Commission agenda for a § 65402 finding of consistency with the General Plan. The analysis accompanying this agenda item should be restricted to the consistency of the street vacation with specific General Plan goals and objectives. There is no need for a consistency finding and this point will not be reached, of course, if there is any objection to the vacation of the property in the first place. As I mentioned, this is just to memorialize our telephone discussion a few weeks ago. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or concerns about this procedure. LCM/bsb cc: Judy K. Skousen, City Attorney Virginia A. Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Ron Young, Engineering S:~LANWIEMOS~VACATION.MMO BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0017962/001, LIGHTING ON MING AVENUE. COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "MCDEI~¢IO TT REQ UESTI~'I) STAFF REI/1EW THE ISSUE OF INCREASING THE LIGH?ING ON MING A I/I"iNUE, BE1WEEN THE KAISER FACILI?T AND GOSFORD ROAD." RESPONSE: Staff has reviewed the lighting on Ming Avenue between Gosford Road to Haggin Oaks Boulevard. The street lights are installed per city standard on Ming Avenue between the Arvin-Edison canal to Haggin Oaks Boulevard. However, no street lights exist on Ming Avenue between Gosford Road and the Arvin-Edison canal. Staff will begin the process of installing street lights along this portion of Ming Avenue. cc: Joc Lozano, Opcrafions Managcr Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent WI:II() 17962. rcf. wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017962 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~11~98 REQUEST DATE: 9/09/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: COMPLETION: 1/98 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~'I'MT~ REQ DEPT:. CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: LIGHTING ON MING AVENUE REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** MCDERMOTT REQUESTED STAFF REVIEW THE ISSUE OF INCREASING THE LIGHTING ON MING AVENUE, BETWEEN THE KAISER FACILITY AND GOSFORD ROAD. Job Order Description: LIGHTING ON MING AVENUE atpgory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE 7 / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 17, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR//~~ REGARDING STREET LIGHTING. COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "Db21dOND ItI£Q, UESII;,7) STAI;'F CONT,4CT HI?iR REG.4RDING S1REE7' LIGHI1NG. " RESPONSE: Staff discussed the following street lighting issues: · A street light is to be installed at 1915 Baker Street. A letter' has been sent to PG&E to install a street light on their pole at this location. · Street lighting on West Columbus Street is to be energized. Conduit to enable wiring was installed this week. Staff will pull wire and energize the street lights next week. · Staff is researching the request for additional street lighting on Beech Street north of Brundage Lane. cc: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent WF0017964.ref. wpd e,~ ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017964 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~11~98 REQUEST DATE: 9/09/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: COMPLETION: 1/98 GEN. LOC: WARD2 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL STmTS REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - DEMOND ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET LIGHTING REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** DEMOND REQUESTED STAFF CONTACT HER REGARDING STREET LIGHTING. Job Order Description: STREET LIGHTING Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: September 17, 199~M E M O R A N D U M TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0017960/001, STREET LIGHT AT PANAMA LANE / DENNEN STREET. COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "SALVAGGIO RE(?UEST[':I) AN UPDA 7l~, REGARDING IHE INSTALLA 'lYON OF A SIRI,;ET LIGHT A T 71-1E 1NTI,;RSI,X'. ?Y()N OF PANAMA LANF. AND DI;;NNEN S'IREIqI'. " RESPONSE: StatTwill begin installing the street light at the northeast corner of Panama Lane and Dennen Street during the week of October 5, 1998. The street light 'should be energized approximately two weeks later. cc: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, Gcnenfl Services Supcrinlcndcnt WF00 ! 7960.re£.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017960 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~11~98 REQUEST DATE: 9/09/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: 9~09~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 9/21/98 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIb ~'l'M'l'~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET LIGHT AT PANAMA LANE/DENNEN STREET REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED AN UPDATE REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION OF PANAMA LANE AND DENNEN STREET. Job Order Description: STREET LIGHT AT PANAMA LANE/DENNEN STREET at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, Public Works Director~--q...~ ~ DATE: September 14, 1998 SUBJECT: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT #2 Attached are eleven copies of Progress Report No. 6 of the Wastewater Treatment Plant # 2 - Expansion Project, prepared by Black & Veatch. Please let me know if you require additional copies. Attachments A P~t~er~lPr~~ CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER SIX August 1, 1998 through August 31, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date: 73,400 mh Plus Electrical Workers & Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 330,000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 700 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 10,800 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 25,500 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 35,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of trench Excavation: 30,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill: 24,700 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-inch, 48-inch, and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 3550/4500 ft. II. Kiewit Pacific Co., performed the following work: Site: Started excavation for the Sludge Drying Beds. Installed the electrical ductbank between the Recirculation Pump Station Electrical Building and the existing Operations Building. Placed concrete for the plant effluent outfall structure. Partially backfilled around the Secondary Sludge Pump Station Recirculation Pump Station and Digester Control Building. Primary Clarifiers: Primary Clarifier No. 3 and Scum Well No. 2 passed the leak test. Trickling Filters: Completed Trickling Filter No. 1 wall and about 40% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Also completed the media support beams for Trickling Filter No. 1 and about 75% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Trickling Filter No. 1 flume is about 50% complete and Trickling Filter No. 2 is about 85% complete. Recirculation Pump Station: Finished placing concrete for the structure and installing the T-Lock lining. Set the pumps in place and the discharge header piping. Secondary Clarifiers: Completed Secondary Clarifier No. 2 basin wall which completes the basins part of all structures. Page 1 Digesters: Started and completed about 50% of the upper walls for the Digester Control Building. Began installing piping in the Digester Control Building basement. Started prestressing systems for Digester No. 4. Completed placing concrete for Digester No. 3 wall.. Distribution Box and Plant Influent Pipe SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS · The labor force includes nearly 100 local craftsmen and craftswomen. Will start sizing the labor force down as most of the concrete on the job has been placed. · Will meet the goal to have most of the concrete placed on the job by October 1998. · There have been no Claims and are currently working on Change Order No. 2. · Kiewit has had one recordable accident. Worker fell fi~om a Trickling Filter Support Beam and cut his foot on the column two feet below. · The supplemental Partnering Session is scheduled for October 14, 1998. · Major participation from Bakersfield construction fu'ms and material suppliers include: · Granite Construction- Paving · Crown Fencing - Fencing · Tri-Steel Corporation - Concrete Reinforcing Steel · BSK - Materials Testing · American Transit - Concrete Page 2 Media Installation in Trickling Filter No. 3 AREAS OF CONCERN There was a concern with the trickling filter media quality and installation. The media manufacturer, Brentwood, has taken corrective action by replacing the defective units on site and ensuring better quality control at their plant in Phoenix. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS Proposed Change Order No. 2 - Address minor engineering and process improvements and a s~ignificant Value Engineering credit. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 102 RFI's have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 250 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR SEPTEMBER 1998 Site: Complete work in the Sludge Beds. Start pavement work around the Headworks structure. Backfill the site to final grade. Have about 60,000 c.y. of dirt to import to the site. Primary Clarifier: Install effluent piping and backfill around the structure. Trickling Filters: Finish installing the media in Trickling Filter No. 1 & 3. Finish the walls and support beams in Trickling Filter No. 2. Place the lower trough walls on all three Trickling Filters. DYK Stressing Vertical Tendons to 168,000 lbs. on Wrapping Machine Reeirculation Pump Station: Finish connecting the larger underground piping to the structure. Secondary Clarifiers: HydroTest the tanks. Digesters: Wrap prestress wire on Digester No. 4. Place the dome on Digester No. 3. Continue pipe installation in the Digester Control Building basement. Complete the upper walls of the Digester Control Building. DYK's Wrapping Machine Sandblasting Digester No. 4 P~e4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $2,485,901.57 Amount Earned to Date $12,325,051 Percent Complete, $ 42.15 Calendar Days Used 204 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 27.0 Digester No. 4 Dome 98-071 Page 5 q)a[~ersf t'e[~ ~dzCe~Cer ~re~tment A Pa~t~~/P CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER SIX August 1, 1998 through August 31, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date: 73,400 mh Plus Electrical Workers & Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 330,000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 700 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 10,800 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 25,500 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 35,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of trench Excavation: 30,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill: 24,700 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-inch, 48-inch, and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 3550/4500 ft. II. Kiewit Pacific Co., performed the following work: Site: Started excavation for the Sludge Drying Beds. Installed the electrical ductbank between the Recirculation Pump Station Electrical Building and the existing Operations Building. Placed concrete for the plant effluent outfall structure. Partially backfilled around the Secondary Sludge Pump Station Recirculation Pump Station and Digester Control Building. Primary Clarifiers: Primary Clarifier No. 3 and Scum Well No. 2 passed the leak test. Trickling Filters: Completed Trickling Filter No. 1 wall and about 40% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Also completed the media support beams for Trickling Filter No. 1 and about 75% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Trickling Filter No. 1 flume is about 50% complete and Trickling Filter No. 2 is about 85% complete. Recirculation Pump Station: Finished placing concrete for the structure and installing the T-Lock lining. Set the pumps in place and the discharge header piping. Secondary Clariflers: Completed Secondary Clarifier No. 2 basin wall which completes the basins part of all structures. P~¢I Digesters: Started and completed about 50% of the upper walls for the Digester Control Building. Began installing piping in the Digester Control Building basement. Started prestressing systems for Digester No. 4. Completed placing concrete for Digester No. 3 wall.. Distribution Box and Plant Influent Pipe SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS · The labor force includes nearly 100 local craftsmen and craftswomen. Will start sizing the labor force down as most of the concrete on the job has been placed. · Will meet the goal to have most of the concrete placed on the job by October 1998. · There have been no Claims and are currently working on Change Order No. 2. · Kiewit has had one recordable accident. Worker fell from a Trickling Filter Support Beam and cut his foot on the column two feet below. · The supplemental Partnering Session is scheduled for October 14, 1998. · Major participation from Bakersfield construction firms and material suppliers include: · Granite Construction- Paving · Crown Fencing - Fencing · Tri-Steel Corporation - Concrete Reinforcing Steel · BSK - Materials Testing · American Transit - Concrete Page 2 Media Installation in Trickling Filter No. 3 AREASOFCONCERN There was a concern with the trickling filter media quality and installation. The media manufacturer, Brentwood, has taken corrective action by replacing the defective units on site and ensuring better quality control at their plant in Phoenix. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS Proposed Change Order No. 2 - Address minor engineering and process improvemems and a significant Value Engineering credit. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 102 RFI's have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 250 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR / SEPTEMBER 1998 Site: Complete work in the Sludge Beds. Start pavement work around the Headworks structure. Backfill the site to final grade. Have about 60,000 c.y. of dirt to import to the site. Primary Clarifier: Install effluent piping and backfill around the structure. Trickling Filters: Finish installing the media in Trickling Filter No. 1 & 3. Finish the walls and support beams in Trickling Filter No. 2. Place the lower trough walls on all three Trickling Filters. DYK Stressing Vertical Tendons to 168,000 lbs. on Wrapping Machine Recirculation Pump Station: Finish connecting the larger underground piping to the structure. Secondary Clarifiers: HydroTest the tanks. Digesters: Wrap prestress wire on Digester No. 4. Place the dome on Digester No. 3. Continue pipe installation in the Digester Control Building basement. Complete the upper walls of the Digester Control Building. DYK's Wrapping Machine Sandblasting Digester No. 4 Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $2,485,901.57 Amount Earned to Date $12,325,051 Percent Complete, $ 42.15 Calendar Days Used 204 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 27.0 Digester No. 4 Dome 98-07 l Page 5 · TEEL CO TION : S~ChS' Electric' A P~rt~r~lPr~~t CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER SIX August 1, 1998 through August 31, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date: 73,400 mh Plus Electrical Workers & Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 330,000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 700 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 10,800 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 25,500 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 35,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of trench Excavation: 30,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill: 24,700 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-inch, 48-inch, and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 3550/4500 ft. II. Kiewit Pacific Co., performed the following work: Site: Started excavation for the Sludge Drying Beds. Installed the electrical ductbank between the Recirculation Pump Station Electrical Building and the existing Operations Building. Placed concrete for the plant effluent outfall structure. Partially backfilled around the Secondary Sludge Pump Station Recirculation Pump Station and Digester Control Building. Primary Clarifiers: Primary Clarifier No. 3 and Scum Well No. 2 passed the leak test. Trickling Filters: Completed Trickling Filter No. 1 wall and about 40% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Also completed the media support beams for Trickling Filter No. 1 and about 75% of Trickling Filter No. 2. Trickling Filter No. 1 flume is about 50% complete and Trickling Filter No. 2 is about 85% complete. Recirculation Pump Station: Finished placing concrete for the structure and installing the T-Lock lining. Set the pumps in place and the discharge header piping. Secondary Clarifiers: Completed Secondary Clarifier No. 2 basin wall which completes the basins part of all structures. P~el Digesters: Started and completed about 50% of the upper walls for the Digester Control Building. Began installing piping in the Digester Control Building basement. Started prestressing systems for Digester No. 4. Completed placing concrete for Digester No. 3 wall.. Distribution Box and Plant Influent Pipe SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS The labor force includes nearly 100 local craftsmen and craftswomen. Will start sizing the labor force down as most of the concrete on the job has been placed. · Will meet the goal to have most of the concrete placed on the job by October 1998. There have been no Claims and are currently working on Change Order No. 2. · Kiewit has had one recordable accident. Worker fell from a Trickling Filter Support Beam and cut his foot on the column two feet below. · The supplemental Partnering Session is scheduled for October 14, 1998. · Major participation f~om Bakersfield construction fa'ms and material suppliers include: · Granite Construction- Paving · Crown Fencing - Fencing · Tri-Steel Corporation - Concrete Reinforcing Steel · BSK- Materials Testing · American Transit - Concrete Page 2 Media Installation in Trickling Filter No. 3 AREAS OF CONCERN There was a concem with the trickling filter media quality and installation. The media manufacturer, Brentwood, has taken corrective action by replacing the defective units on site and ensuring better quality control at their plant in Phoenix. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS Proposed Change Order No. 2 - Address minor engineering and process improvements and a significant Value Engineering credit. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 102 RFI's have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 250 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of August 31, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR SEPTEMBER 1998 Site: Complete work in the Sludge Beds. Start pavement work mound the Headworks structure. Backfill the site to final grade. Have about 60,000 c.y. of dirt to import to the site. Primary Clarifier: Install effluent piping and backfill mound the structure. Trickling Filters: Finish installing the media in Trickling Filter No. 1 & 3. Finish the walls and support beams in Trickling Filter No. 2. Place the lower trough walls on all three Trickling Filters. DYK Stressing Vertical Tendons to 168,000 lbs. on Wrapping Machine Recirculation Pump Station: Finish connecting the larger underground piping to the structure. Secondary Clarifiers: HydroTest the tanks. Digesters: Wrap prestress wire on Digester No. 4. Place the dome on Digester No. 3. Continue pipe installation in the Digester Control Building basement. Complete the upper walls of the Digester Control Building. DYK's Wrapping Machine Sandblasting Digester No. 4 Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $2,485,901.57 Amount Earned to Date $12,325,051 Percent Complete, $ 42.15 Calendar Days Used 204 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 27.0 Digester No. 4 Dome 98-071 Page 5 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: PAUL ROJAS, Public Works Directo/t~.~/~ ~ DATE: September 16, 1998 SUBJECT: DENNEN AREA SEWER PROJECT Council Referral WFO017959 / 001, Salvaggio ICouncilmember Mark Salvaggio requested staff provide him with an update regarding the installation of sewers in the recently annexed Dennen area. Plans and specifications for the project will be complete the end of this month, and the project will advertise for bids in early October. Award of the project is anticipated for the November 4~ City Council meeting. Once the notice to proceed is issued to the contractor, 30 working days will be allowed to complete the project. , ,,;-A,., ,. ;.. , S~.? 17 19.°,0 tdw: P:\1998 Memos\091698at.wpd ~- City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017959 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~11~98 REQUEST DATE: 9/09/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: ~09~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 9/21/98 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: SEWER LINE IN DENNEN AREA REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH AN UPDATE REGARDING INSTALLATION OF THE MAIN SEWER LINE FOR THE RECENTLY ANNEXED DENNEN AREA. Job Order Description: SEWER LINE IN DENNEN AREA Catggory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~,~ ~'~ DATE: September 14, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL UPDATE (no number), WARD 3, STREET LIGHTING ON STATE HIGHWAY 178 AT COMANCHE. 'ff;MITH REQUESTED INFORMATION ON THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF COMANCHE AND 178" Public Works staff contacted the Caltrans District 06 office in Fresno for an update to the Caltrans project to install lighting at the intersection of State Highway 178 and Comanche. Per Mr. David Arias, the project is still funded and is anticipated to be advertised for bids in January, 1999. He estimated that construction would commence in late March or April, 1999. In January 1998, Caltrans engineers had estimated the project would be constructed in July 1998. No explanation was given as to why there has been a delay in the project. Iw: p:__..___... _______ _. nonurn_er.___._omanc_e.re_.wr_\DATA\WP\1998\W'F h 178 C h f nd ,_: _ Page 1 of 1 ,~,,,~ I COUNCILMEMBER SMITH B A I~ E R S F I E ' MEMORANDUM Janua~ 14, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~-~.~ SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRAL Attached is the response to a Council request for information on the installation of street lighting at the intersection of Comanche and Highway 178. AT:rs Attachment cc: Trudy Slater · MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 1998 'FO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL, STREET LIGHTING AT COMANCHE & 178 COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "SMI1H RE(J!/ESII~'D INPOI~A lYON ON IHE INSI'ALLA lION OF STREET LI(iHIlN(] A 1' 1HE INIIiRSECllON OF( 70MANCHE & 178." RESPONSE: The Traffic Engineering Division has been working with Caltrans to have street lighting installed at the intersection of Comanche Drive and Route 178. Caitrans has indicated that the pmiect has been programmed and is scheduled to be awarded in May 1998, with construction beginning July 1998. cc: Sieve Walkcr. Traffic Engineer Joc Lozano. Opcralions Manager Brad Undcm'ood. Gcncral Scrviccs Supcrinlcndcn! coma nchc& 178. rcf. wpd RECEIVED JAN I319c