HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 25, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Elected officials never get the recognition they deserve but, on behalf of the staff, I would like to congratulate each of you on your leadership. The Centennial Garden is a great addition to the City and the eight of you made it happen. Enjoy the opening! 2. One suite remains for sale at Centennial Garden. If you know of anyone interested, have them call Scott Norton at 327-7553, or my office. 3. Per the attached memo from Chief Brummer, our police department's "C.O.P.P.S. Make a Difference Day" program will be recognized at the International Association of Police Chiefs Conference next month. 4. Also enclosed is information about a program for law enforcement officers to purchase HUD-owned single family homes at half price. It is aimed at preventing crime and promoting neighborhood safety by encouraging law enforcement officers to live in targeted neighborhoods. Staff is checking on what we can do to promote the program in the City and to see if there is sufficient interest to do so. 5. We recently met with representatives from Time Warner who indicated they will soon be announcing a rate increase for their customers. Being aware of the numerous customers who call the City to complain about rate increases, Time Warner has tentatively agreed to add information to their rate increase notice stating that the cities they list, per FCC regulations, are not currently authorized to control rates set by the locally franchised cable companies. It is hoped that additional language will give City residents a realistic expectation of what limited options the cities actually have regarding cable rate increases. 6. The Building Department issued the Certificate of Occupancy for Centennial Garden today. PCL was on schedule and got only seven rain days for the wet spring. There is, of course, a punch list of minor items. Honorable Mayor and City Council September 25, 1998 Page 2 7. Plans are being made for next year's Home Buyer's Expo '99. According to the enclosed memo from EDCD, City staff will, again, take an active role in coordinating the event. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM September 21, 1998 TO: JAKE WAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR GEORGE GONZALES, COMMUNITY DEVELOPM~ FROM: BRET J HELGREN,. DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE~ SUBJECT: HOME BUYERS' EXPO '99 On September 16, 1998, CD staffmet to begin initial plans for the 1999 Home Buyers' Expo in conjunction with the Greater Bakersfield Community Housing Resources Board. The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 17, 1999 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Kern County Fair Grounds. Staff is presently concentrating on recruiting community members from the real estate brokerage, lending, insurance and consumer housing industries for the planning committee as well as recalling interested members from last year's committee. The first meeting of the community based planning committee will be held on October 29, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. in the Caliente Room of the Convention Center. Each CD staff member has again been assigned to a specific sub-committee of the planning committee to ensure optimum efficiency and coordination of the event. Staff assignments have been made to the following sub-committees: Marketing & Logistics: Bret Helgren, Hayward Cox and Roy Hall Vendor Recruitment: Roy Hall, Kade Duey, and Trisha Richter Workshops: George Gonzales Event Program: Zoraida Cruz Entertainment: Trisha Richter and Zoraida Cruz Volunteers: Hayward Cox BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM September 22, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Dire' t~~ SUBJECT: Officer Next Door Program A program that may be of interest to you is described in the attachment. Please call if you have any questions. B 'A K E R S F I E 'L D 'Economic and Community Development 'Department ME M'O R A N D U M September i6, 1998 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales, unity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Officer Next Door"Prograln ' The Officer Next Door program is part of HUD's commitment to.strengthen communities. The program offers HUD-owned single-family homes to law enforcement officers at half price. The program hopes tb prevent crime and promote neighborhood safety and security by encouraging law enforcement officers to live in targeted neighborhoods. Officers must live in the home for at least three years after purchase. Any full,time law enforcement officer employed by a federal, state, county, or city is eligible to participate. Under the program HUD offers a 50% discount on HUD-owned homes located in designated revitalization areas. In addition, HUD also reduces the downpayment requirement to just $100.00 if the home is purchased with an FHA mortgage. Currently, several of the 1st Time Homebuyer program mortgage lenders are enrolled in the Officer Next Door program in other jurisdictions. As we understand any officer can access the .program directly from HUD using their mortgage lender or the officer can contact a real estate broker to arrange the sale. Staff will pursue what role the City has to promote the Officer Next Door program in the City of Bakersfield. In addition, we will also be contacting Bakersfield Police Department to ifiform them about the Office Next Door Program to see if there is interest from their office2 dlk:P:\GEORGE\officer next door program.mem BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM September 21, 1998 / To: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~.k From: S.E. Brummer, Chief of Police.~1'~/ Subject: International Chief's of Police Award Each year, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (I.A.C.P.) recognizes quality - performance in law enforcement through the Webber S. Seavey award for Quality in Law Enforcement. Annually, over 200 law enforcement programs are judged by two panels of international law enforcement experts for award consideration. I am pleased to advise you that our program, "C.O.P.P.S. Make a Difference Day", was selected as one of seven finalists for this award. While we did not achieve the top honor, our program will be recognized at this year's I.A.C.P. Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. On October 19, 1998, as one of the seven finalists, our department will be presented with an award during the Webber Seavey Awards Breakfast. In addition, our "C.O.P.P.S Make a Difference Day" program will be featured during the awards ceremony. Because of the international scope of this conference and awards program, I am particularly pleased with the recognition afforded our department and our city as an award finalist. SEB/vrf BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3751 FAX TRANSMISSION PAGES: 1 , including cover sheet DATE: September 22, 1998 TO: Mr. Bill Gfinstead Mr. Joe Schoenstein Time Warner Cable Phone: (805) 327-1584 Fax: (805) 327-4074 FROM: Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst III ~ ~ Phone: (805) 326-3751 Fax: (805) 324-1850 SUBJECT: Addition to Rate Increase Notice Pursuant to our conversation yesterday, after the first sentence under Regulatory Information, we suggest you add the following: Althou~gh we are required by law to provide you with this notice, the cities listed below are not empowered to control rates set by locally franchised cable companies. It was also suggested it the new sentence be in bold or a larger font. Please call if you have questions. (F980922 I) cc: Alan Tandy Alan Christensen