HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 9, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Centennial Garden - We have every reason to believe that we will see the Los Angeles Kings here every year. Next year, we will "shoot for" an NBA exhibition game, as well. Personal prediction - get your tickets early. I believe the World Wrestling Federation event on November 20th will be the Garden's first sell out. The suites are now sold out. Actions are already being taken on sound issues, lines at concession stands, and any other items that were there during the opening weekend. Sell outs will have lines, but we will have more points of sale for concessions. 2. The City Attorney's office has done some research on how claims and/or lawsuits are handled in other cities that have skateboard parks. Their memo and legal opinion regarding the possible construction of such a park in Bakersfield is attached. 3. Street work on Truxtun Avenue: Per the enclosed memo from Public Works, it is anticipated that storm drain work on westbound Truxtun near Jastro Park will take place next Monday. Paving should be next Wednesday or Thursday. 4. The next phase of conversion to automated refuse service in contractor-served areas will begin October 26th. It will affect 6,000 homes. These areas will receive both greenwaste and refuse pick up on the same day of the week, rather than on two separate days. The haulers will pass each house twice in one day in order to accomplish this. A memo is attached with highlighted maps showing the areas that will be affected as of the 26th. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 9, 1998 Page 2 5. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Investigate the possibility of including landscaping of median islands on White Lane east of Gosford Road in next year's budget; · Provide outline of process to close the east end of Filson Street and turn it into a cul-de-sac; · Respond to concerns regarding pavement on the closed lane at Panorama Drive and River Boulevard and investigate strategy of increasing financing for future road improvements. 6. Enclosed is a press release announcing that the Bakersfield Enterprise Zone is ranked second statewide in hiring Iow-income and unemployed workers. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM October 1, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: ROBERT M. SHERFY, Chief Assistant City Attorney GINNY GENNARO, Deputy City Attorney/.. ~. SUBJECT: Skateboard Park ) On September 17, 1998, our office met with Start Ford and Allen Abe, at their request, to discuss the legal concerns that exist with the construction of a skateboard park. As a result of this meeting, our office was asked to research how many claims and/or lawsuits other cities with skateboard parks have experienced. Pursuant to this request, our office obtained information from risk management on the subject. According to Scott Manzer, there are skateboard parks in the cities of Palo Alto, Modesto, Mountain View, and Monterey. Visalia is in the process of constructing one. These cities are within the ACCEL group and, as you know, have other similarities to the City of Bakersfield. None of the cities mentioned above has been involved in lawsuits involving skateboard accidents. Palo Alto, which has had a skateboard park in existence for over ten years, has a history of one claim being filed. The claim was denied and no lawsuit was filed. In 1997, the California Health & Safety Code was amended to provided that skateboarding "at any facility or park owned or operated by a public entity" is a hazardous recreational activity. That is, a city can claim immunity under the Government Code if it is sued as'a result of a skateboard incident. However, the immunity only applies if the minor is at least 14 years old, the incident involved a trick, stunt or luge skateboarding, and appropriate signage was posted at the park. In addition, the new law requires a City to maintain and report all known or reported injuries incurred in a public skateboard park or facility. These reports are to be filed with the Judicial Council every year through 2003. The above research does not change the opinion of the City Attorney's office that construction of a skateboard park will provide an additional avenue for litigation against the City of Bakersfield. The fact that California cities have not experienced any claims/lawsuits concerning skateboard accidents is no guarantee that Bakersfield will be immune from litigation. Finally, if a skateboard park is planned, the City Attorney's Office THIS MEMORANDUM IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE AND IS PROTECTED BY THE ATTORNEY/CLIENT AND ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT PRIVILEGES. S :~PARKS~NIEMOS~skatebrd .mmo.wpd ALAN TANDY, City Manager October 1, 1998 Page 2 recommends that the City retain a "design expert" and that such plans are approved by the City Council so the City can claim the typical "design immunity" defense~ if litigation is pursued, If we can be of any further assistance to you in this issue, please feel free to call. GG:cj cc: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director Allen Abe, Assistant Parks Superintendent Scott Manzer, Risk Manager ~The "design immunity" defense is a different immunity than the "skateboard" immunity. However, it is usually difficult for public entities to prevail in court on any immunity. THIS MEMORANDUM IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE AND IS PROTECTED BY THE ATTORNEY/CLIENT AND ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT PRIVILEGES. S:~PARKS~VlEMOS~skatebrd.mmo.wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CiTY MANAGER FROM: PAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR j/~/'~._~--j DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1998 RE: TRUXTUN AVENUE PAVlNG It is anticipated that storm drain work on westbound Truxtun Avenue near Jastro Park will take place Monday of next week. Truxtun Avenue will be paved next Wednesday or Thursday. We will know more by Monday. G:\G ROU PDAT~Referrals\Tmxtu nAvePaving.wpd BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM DATE: October 8, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: AUTOMATED REFUSE AND GREENWASTE RECYCLING UPDATE Another phase of conversion to automated refuse service in contractor-served areas will occur October 26th. This is phase IV of V, and includes 6,000 homes in the areas shown on the attached maps. The final phase will occur next spring, and will also include about 6,000 homes. The haulers plan to service the greenwaste and refuse carts both (separately) on the same day of the week, rather than on two separate days. This means they will pass each house twice on one day per week. According to the haulers, people are looking forward to having both pickups on one day so they will not have to put carts out on two separate days. This is to accommodate the hauling contractor's work schedule, and is similar to single-day trash and recycling pickup schedules in many other cities. Because it is a departure from the more common two-day schedule currently used throughout the city, the haulers and staff will be making a greater effort to help customers adjust to the new schedule. KB:smp Attachments SMP S:~Automation\PHASE4_102698.wpd CALIFORNIA_ . STATE MING ':~ ......... VAR NER ,' "~ & SONS ~" SUPERIOR' ' JJ , ]2 ' 7 K£P.$FIELD o. I clr I COLLEGE I I Ave I' i HOWARDS , / : ... ;;E.-. =. ~ ......... ' BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director DATE: October 5, 1998 SUBJECT: WHITE LANE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING Council Referral WFO0179 75/001, Sullivan Councilmember Sullivan requested staff explore the possibility of including in next year's budget the landscaping of median islands on White Lane east of Gosford Road. For the last several years, prior to installation of any parkway landscaping, City policy has required that a maintenance district, or some other means to pay for maintaining the landscaping, be identified. As such, staff recommends that efforts to form a maintenance district begin prior to initiating design work for the median islands in order to determine the viability of the district. Median island improvements would include hardscape, irrigation system, and plant material, as well as removing the asphalt pavement that currently exists within the median. Median curb would also need to be constructed in areas where it does not exist. A cost of about $60.00 to $70.00 per lineal foot could be assumed for this work. Funding for the project would probably have to come from the Gas Tax Fund, the same source used to pay for all road maintenance and most new capital roadway projects. Alternatively, General Fund monies could also be used to pay for these improvements. G:\GROUPDATLReferrals\ 100298at 17975.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017975 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 9~25~98 REQUEST DATE: 9y23~98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATE~ · START: 9~23~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 10~05~98 GEN. LOC: WARD6 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL--5"I~T~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SULLIVAN ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: WHITE LANE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF INCLUDING THE LANDSCAPING OF THE MEDIANS ON WHITE LANE~ EAST OF GOSFORD, IN NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET. Job Order Description: WHITE LANE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING TCat,egory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DA~E/ / CO~PLE~ON DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: October 6, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF00179551001, WARD 1, UPDATE TO FILSON STREET CLOSURE INFORMATION. '~CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH AN OUT LINE OF THE PROCESS TO CLOSE THE EAST END OF FILSON STREET AND TURN IT INTO A CUL-DE-SAC." The Traffic Engineer completed his evaluation of the request to block the east end of Filson Street, vacate a portion of the public street and construct a cul-de-sac. Although the blocking of the street is not needed for traffic circulation or traffic safety, it will not adversely affect the local neighborhood circulation. Blocking the east end at the intersection of Hale Street will require all residents of Filson to use Cottonwood to enter and exit their street. Cottonwood is observed to be a very Iow volume street and should be easy to use for access to Filson. Mr. Ricky Peterson, who represents the Filson Street residents, was contacted by the Traffic Engineer. Mr. Peterson is asking that the street be close with a temporary barricade until a permanent closure is built. He indicated that a petition of support for the closure had been submitted. Since the closure of Filson would only result in minor inconvenience to some residents of the neighborhood, there are no apparent circulation problems and the neighborhood is in support of the request, initiation of the street vacation process can be recommended. slw: T:\pubwks\WF0017955. Update. FILSON.STREET.CLOSU RE. REF.wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017955 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: REQUEST DATE: ~,u~/~ CREW: SCHEDULE DATE~ START: 9L09~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 9~21~98 GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: PUBLIC--S~7~fS'- REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: FILSON STREET CLOSURE CONTACT RICKY PETERSON Phone 1 805 - 8372463 ( 1817 FILSON STREET Phone 2 - ) BAKERSFIELD CA REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH AN OUTLINE OF THE PROCESS TO CLOSE THE EAST END OF FILSON STREET AND TURN IT INTO A CUL-DE-SAC. Job Order Description: FILSON STREET CLOSURE  atpgory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS INSTRUCTIONS The rg~ponsg proyideg a detailed process to close a portion or a s~ree~. START DATE/ / CO PLETIO DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director DATE: October 6, 1998 SUBJECT: STREET REPAIRS / PANORAMA DRIVE AND RIVER BOULEVARD Council Referral WFO017970/001, SMITH/DEMOND 1) Councilmember Smith requested staff respond to her concerns regarding pavement on the closed lane at Panorama Drive and River Boulevard. 2) Councilmember DeMond echoed Smith's concerns and requested staff look into a strategy of increasing financing for future road improvements. 1) The Streets Division will be constructing some temporary pavement berms next week to channel run-off around the eroded area so as to not aggravate the erosion problem that exists. A geotechnical report has been prepared by a consultant that included recommendations for repairs. Plans and specifications are currently being prepared based on these recommendations, and advertising for bids for the repair should occur the latter part of this month. 2) Local road improvements currently are funded from three primary sources: a) Gas Tax revenues received from the State which are based on population and miles of maintained streets. Accordingly, as the City population increases through new development and annexations, additional gas tax funds become available to the City. Of course, additional street miles to maintain are also added to the City with annexations and development. b) Transportation Development Fees collected with new development to mitigate its impacts to the regional circulation system. These fees are limited to use for construction of new facilities shown on the approved list of regional projects, and cannot be used for maintenance. Collection of these fees are dependent upon development activity. Any increase in the fee, other than inflationary, would have to be based upon'a finding that the current fee was not adequately mitigating the regional circulation impacts caused by new development. c) Federal Gas Tax Funds (TEA-21) These funds come from the Federal government and can be used for both new construction and maintenance. The amount of these funds is determined by the Federal government, and they are apportioned based on population. The City has been receiving approximately $1.5 million from this program the last several years. Based on funding of the latest program, the City is expecting an increase to about $1.8 million annually. Bonds could be sold to provide additional revenue for improvements, but payback of these bonds would come from future year funds thus limiting future year projects. Payments for the Calloway Drive and Coffee Road bonds are currently limiting Transportation Development Fee projects for the next few years. Assessment districts are also being used occasionally to pay for new local subdivision related road improvements, and other cities have used these districts to pay for more extensive regional road projects. Las Vegas is using several types of taxes to fund road projects including a portion of hotel occupancy tax, a local sales tax, and a local gas tax. Various local transportation groups have informally discussed pursuing a local sales tax for road improvements again in a few years, but gaining its approval may be difficult. Staff will continue to strive to achieve efficiencies on road improvement projects, allowing the City to get the most "bang for its buck". And staff will also continue to pursue federal and state funds for road .improvement projects and ensure the City gets its fair share of these monies. Any strategies or ideas Council may have regarding funding of road improvements would be appreciated. City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/~oB: WF00~?~0 / 00~ ~RO~ECT: REQUEs~DATE ~RINTED:DATE: ~72~Z'~~/2S/~ CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: 9~23~9 LOCATION: COMPLETION: ~070S79~ GEN. LOC: WARD3 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL--5"IT~S REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SMITH/DEMOND ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET REPAIRS/PANORAMA AND RIVER BLVD. REQUEST COMMENTS ~**REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** 1) SMITH REQUESTED STAFF RESPOND, IN WRITING, TO HER CONCERNS REGARDING THE PAVEMENT ON THE CLOSED LANE AT PANO~ DRIVE AND RIVER BLVD. 2) DEMOND ECHOED SMITH S CONCERNS AND REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO A STRATEGY OF INCREASING FINANCING FOR FUTURE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. Job Order Description: STREET REPAIRS/PANORAMA AND RIVER BLVD. Cat,egory: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE/ / COMPLETION DATE / / - .. ~19/09/9S FRI 10:04 FAX 805 328 1548 BFL9 ECON & COMM DEV *~ CITY MGRS OFFICE ~001 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD & COUNTY OF KERN For more information: Jake Wager Bill Mungary Patrick Nevis Economic Development Director Community Development Director Deputy Director City of Bakersfield County of Kern Office of Business Development (805) 326 3765 (805) 862 5050 California Trade & Commerce Agency (916) 323 0459 October 9, 1998 For immediate release Bakersfield Enterprise Zone ranks second statewide in hiring Iow.income and unemployed workers More than 1,300 jobs created in Bakersfield Enterprise Zone in 1997 Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield's enterprise zone took more people off the welfare and unemployment rolls last year than any other California enterprise zone except one, according to figures released by the California Trade and Commerce Agency. Bakersfield's enterprise zone ranked second in the number of vouchers issued during 1997; vouchers are certifications that eligible workers have been hired by enterprise zone employers. In 1997, 1,373 vouchers were issued by Employers' Training Resource (ERR) for people going to work in Bakersfield's enterprise zone. Each voucher equals one eligible person being hired in the enterprise zone. Last year was the first year Bakersfield had enterprise zone designation. "These figures are significant, because they show how much Bakersfield has benefitted from having an enterprise zone," said Jake Wager, Bakersfield Economic Development Director. "To have rated so high in our first year of enterprise zone designation shows how useful the zone is to create jobs for those who need them the most." Portions of southeast metropolitan Bakersfield received enterprise zone status in 1997 as a result of SB 2023, authored by State Senator Jim Costa. Prior to the designation, the area was an Incentive Area; that designation did not provide the ease of use to employers that the enterprise zone now does. "As the State and Local economy begins to improve, we are indeed fortunate to have the enterprise zone designation to assure Metropolitan Bakersfield receives its fair share of new jobs," added Bill Mungary, (more) ~ - , -10/09/98 FRI 10:04 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD ECON & COffM DEV ~ CITY MGR$ OFFICE [~002 Enterprise Zone ranks second statewide in job creation Page 2 Kern County Community Development Director. "It is refreshing to be part of a successful City/County partnership which can be such a significant benefit to zone employers and eligible workers." Enterprise zone employers can receive hiring credits when they hire individuals who fall into one of several categories, including · those receiving, or eligible to receive, subsidized employment, training, or services provided through Employers' Training Resource; · individuals who are economically disadvantaged, including those in welfare-to-work programs; and, · residents of a Targeted Employment A~'ea. Only when an eligible worker is hired by an enterprise zone employer is a voucher issued. Therefore, each voucher represents an eligible employee hired by an enterprise zone employer. The only zone issuing more vouchers than Bakersfield is 1997 was Santa Ana. The Bakersfield Emerprise Zone is one of 39 enterprise zones throughout California. The zones provide state tax incentives to encourage jobs and investment. Bakersfield's Enterprise Zone is jointly administered by the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern. Through an agreement with the City and County, ETR provides vouchering services for enterprise zone employers. dl:\P:\E ZWouchcfing news rls.wpd