HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/16/98 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 16, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TAND , C~I~'~AANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The latest progress report on the Wastewater Treatment Plant #3 Expansion is enclosed for your information. 2. The paving of Truxtun Avenue and the associated traffic congestion problems has been delayed until October 22nd and 23r~ according to the enclosed note from the Public Works Director. 3. Attached is a memo from the Public Works Department detailing responses to the Council referral concerning improvements surrounding Centennial Garden. 4. We have had a cycle of pretty easy agendas I believe, including the one scheduled for October 21st. Beginning in November, we have the General Plan cycle and it is likely to get more difficult. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, Public Works Director ~-;~--v ~/.~/~..~' DATE: October 14, 1998 SUBJECT: WASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANT#2 Attached are eleven copies of Progress Report No. 7 of the Wastewater Treatment Plant # 2 - Expansion Project, prepared by Black & Veatch. Attachments G:\GROUPDAT~Memo\1998\wwtp2report7.wpd ~tl~er~f [e~) ~~te4~ater ~re~ttment TEEL COP~OIU]~ON ' Sachs.Ele.ctr c= DYK' A P~rt~er~lPr~~t CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER SEVEN September 1, 1998 through September 30, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date: 87,500 mh Plus Electrical Workers and Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 378,000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 900 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 12,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 25,500 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 61,500 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Trench Excavation: 34,200 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill 26,000 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-inch, 48-inch and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar lined Steel Pipe: 3900/4500 · Linear Feet of S/10" Sludge Bed Piping 5372/I0,369 I. Kiewit Pacific Co., performed the following work: Site: Completed excavation and berms for 90% of the sludge drying beds, and started placing aggregate base roads. Completed the area fill for the secondary clarifier area. Installed the electrical ductbank between the Recirculation Pump Station and the Secondary Clarifier Splitter Box. Set the 54" pipe f~om the Distribution Box to the Storage Reservoir. Primary Clarifier: Started sand blasting and painting the clarifier equipment prior to installation. Trickling Filters: Finished placing concrete for the three trickling filters. Completed placing 50% of the filter media. Installed the access stairs to filters No. 1 and No. 2. Recirculation Pump Station: Started finish work on the concrete surfaces. Installed sluice gates and weirs. Secondary Clarifiers: Completed leak tests of all basins. Started formwork for Secondary Clarifier No. 3 launder slab. Continued concrete corrective work on basin walls. P~el Digesters: Completed prestressing Digester No. 4 wall. Started prestressing Digester No. 3 wall. Finished placing the upper walls on the Digester Control Building. Installing process pipe in the Digester Control Building basement. Mass Site Fill in Secondary Clarifier Area SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS · There have been no claims, but Change Order No. 2 is being prepared. · Kiewit has had only one recordable accident to date on the project. · The supplemental partnering session is scheduled for October 14, 1998. · Major participation from Bakersfield construction firms and material suppliers include: · Granite Construction- Paving · Crown Fence - Fencing · Tri-Steel Corporation: - Concrete Reinforcing Steel · BSK- Materials Testing · American Transit - Concrete Page 2 Electrical Ductbank to Digester Conlrol Building AREAS OF CONCERN None PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS Proposed Change Order No. 2 - Addresses minor engineering revisions, process system improvemems and a significant Value Engineering credit. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 112 RFI's have been received/processed as of September 30, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 264 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of September 30, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER 1998 Site: Complete the plant effluent piping at the out£all distribution box. Start work at the Headworks structure. Complete the roads around the Sludge Beds. Primary Clarifier: None Trickling Filters: Continue installing filter media. Patch and fmish the exposed concrete walls. Recirculation Pump Station: Start Installing exposed electrical conduit. Secondary Clarifiers: Install the 48" & 54" steel effluent piping. Place concrete for the launders. Distribution Box Digesters: Place concrete for the roof slab on the Digester Control Building. Continue installing process piping in the Digester Control Building Basement. Complete prestressing Digester No. 3 and begin work for the dome. Start painting the inside of Digester No. 4. Primary Effluent Junction Box and Piping at Primary Clarifier No. 3 Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $3,501,442.24 Amount Earned to Date $15,324,797 Percent Complete, $ 52.41 Calendar Days Used 234 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 31.0 Forming Sludge Beds 98-098 Page 5 From: Raul Rojas To: Alan Tandy Date: 10/14/98 2:39PM Subject: UPDATE on Truxtun Avenue Paving Storm drain work on west bound Truxtun Avenue near Jastro Park has taken more time than expected. It is now anticipated that Griffith Company has indicated that they will pave Truxtun Avenue Wednesday or Thursday of next week, October 22nd & 23rd. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ~ TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1998 SUBJECT: IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING CENTENNIAL GARDEN Council Referral WF0017987 1 001 Councilmember Smith requested staff look into improving the lighting on the streets surrounding Centennial Garden. Also, resurfacing the alleys in the area and the possible installation of a mid-block crosswalk at Truxtun Avenue & "P" Street. 1. Improving the l~hting on streets surrounding Centennial Garden. Staff is reviewing the area north of Truxtun Avenue between "N" Street and "Q" Street for additional street light requirements. 2. Resu~acing the alleys within the area of the Centennial Garden. The Street Division will not finish resurfacing streets until late November 1998. The weather during the month of December and January is not suited for resurfacing projects. The Street Division will start resurfacing alleys in February 1999. The alleys in the area of the Centennial Garden will be resurfaced at that time. In the meantime, any potholes in these alleys will be patched. 3. Installation of a mid-block crosswalk at Truxtun Avenue & "P" Street. The Traffic Engineer reviewed the location at Truxtun and P Streets, in front of the Holiday Inn. A crosswalk cannot be placed at that intersection because of the left turn median opening that was installed for the Holiday Inn. Crossing at that location would conflict with the vehicles using the median opening to access the hotel. G:\GROUPDA~Referrals\CentennialGarden.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017987 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 10~12~98 REQUEST DATE: 10/08/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: ±U~08~98 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 10/19/98 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SMITH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING CENTENNIAL GARDEN REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SMITH REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO IMPROVING THE LIGHTING ON THE STREETS SURROUNDING CENTENNIAL GARDEN. ALSO, RESURFACING THE ALLEYS IN THE AREA AND THE POSSIBLE INSTALLATION OF A MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK AT TRUXTUNAND "P" STREETS. Job Order Description: IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING CENTENNIAL GARDEN Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD C/kLIFORIqlAIq Editorials Projects can upgrade 2 city areas S ometimes neglected sections of Banks, stores and supermarkets have Bakersfidd at least now can see some moved from the areas in the last few · light at the end of the tunnel - even if years. Designating the territory as rede- ithat brightness is not rmv- Velopment projects will .ding at warp speed. Proposed redevelopment areas help reveme this trend. The city is going ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ The designation caa ahead with two redevel- : '~ :~'-'~'.~ help attract businesses opment projects to help "<~- ~'-~ ~ ~$t. through incentives, :fight blight over about ~!:~ ~um including a return of a Pioneer, Old Town Kern ,~'.· ,-~,- business is constructed ~ e~-y~;,_-,,,and the owner agrees · Change is not going .Tr.q~? ~~2.~. to keep it open for at to happen immediately, r i :,.-';~ ............ least 10 years. ~999)~ ! lif 'rnia ~ 'e' 7' ' ~ The next key date in Economic Development 'u~ dagel a. ~',~ the revitalizati'on Director Jake Wager -.'~ ...... ;~ ~., .~,.-- 'told The Californian. ._../ I .~ ! process is Oct. 26 when "In redevelopment, the ~ ~ i,. Ave.. _._, ; K L. a public hearing will be key is not to affect c~ d.~,~ ~L,~ heldat4p.ltL in City every parcel. It's meant ; Plan;:R Hall on the issue of to act as a catalyst for i [ Wh't' Ln. ~ ~ 8 ' eminent domain fights. private invesUnent." ~ .[ This would allow the A redevelopment $, ~ -. city to acquire private area allows businesses ~ t ? m~!o, property for public pro- within the area's bound- · ~anarrun. jects, something that is aries to borrow public r,~ c^c~ma~^~ rarely used, Wager said. money for improvements. The money As required by law, project area corn- comes from property taxes collected mittees will be elected in November from the businesses in the area. from among project area residents, busi- The mount to be collected in a rede- ness and community organization repre- velopment area is detenuined by estab- sentatives. lishing a base tax year. Then, a small per- They will advise the six-member .centage of taxes above the base year are Central District Development Agency put into the redevelopment area's that administers the city's first redevel- account. Collection of tax money in the opment area - the downtown vicinity. :two areas probably will not occur until The council and Planning Commission '2000. Growth in the areas is the key to also must set public hearings on the new generate continued funding, redevelopment plans with final approval That should be no problem, according expected by next June: 'to Councilwoman Irma Carson, whose The Downtown Redevelopment pro- .district includes the two projects, ject took about eight years to take off Carson, who admirably has pushed with new businesses that sparked a long and hard for the new redevelop- rebirth of the area. ment areas, cogently observed: "This These two new redevelopment pro- will put a new face on both areas and I jects should be approved to allow blight- think the citizens of those areas will be ed areas in the city a chance to rebound 'pleased... it's a beginning." in the same fashion.