HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/98 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 5, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~7-/~/ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A memo is attached regarding City Council appointments for 1999. Included is a list of previous Committee appointments and a blank worksheet for new appointments, as well as a list of projected Board and Commission appointments for 1999. Council committees and certain others are historically done at the first meeting in January, so the packet is a planning tool. 2. As an update on the Project Area Committee elections, no challenges were filed regarding the Old Town Kern-Pioneer election; that challenge period expired December 1st. The deadline for filing any challenges to the Southeast Bakersfield elections is 5:00 p.m. today, December 4th. You will receive more information about this early next week. 3. The October Activity Report from the County Environmental Health Services Department for LEA regulated projects within the city is enclosed. 4.. It looks like the Bakersfield Foundation will take over Plaza brick sales after the Centennial Foundation closes shop. Trudy Slater will coordinate that if there are calls or prospects. 5. The December 9th meeting has a large consent calendar but is not terribly difficult. The highlight should be the vice mayor selection. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Set the time clocks at Centennial Plaza to assure operation of lights during the appropriate hours; · Report on policing activities at mobile home parks at 499 and 601 Pacheco Road; · Upgrade street lighting in the West High School area due to increased activity. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ December 1, 1998 ~ssi Manager FROM: John W. Stinso stant City SUBJECT: 1999 City Council Appointments There are several appointments that will need to be made as a result of the recent election. According to the Charter (Section 2.02.020(B)), the Vice-Mayor makes the appointment of Councilmembers to Council Committees. I have provided a list of previous Committee appointments and a blank worksheet for new appointments. Please note, there will be one vacancy for the City Council representative on the Kern Council of Governments Board (KERNCOG) and one vacancy for the Kern Economic Development Corporation Board, Alternate (KEDC). Both these appointments were previously held by Councilmember McDermott. In addition to these City Council appointments, there is an upcoming appointment for the City representative on the Golden Empire Transit District Board. The term for the position currently held by David James expires January 6, 1999. For your information I have included a list of projected Board and Commission appointments for 1999. VICE-MAYOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS 12/9/1998 Community Services Kern Council of Governments 1 Chairperson- Appointee- 2. Alternate - 3. Planninq Commission Liaison Budget & Finance 1. 1 Chairperson- 2. Solid Waste Management Advisory 3. Member - Inter_~overnmental Relations Alternate- 1 Chairperson - Kern Economic Development 2. 3. Member - Alternate - Legislative & Litigation Fire Consolidation Ad-Hoc 1 Chairperson- 3. 2. Personnel 1 Chairperson- 2. 3. Urban Development 1 Chairperson- 2. 3. Water Resources 1. Chairperson- 2. 3. Water Board 1. Chairperson- 2. 3. VICE-MAYOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS 12/18/1996 Community Services Kern Council of Governments Chairperson Carson Appointee- McDermott Councilmember Rowles Alternate - Salvaggio Councilmember Salvaggio Planninq Commission Liaison Budget & Finance Councilmember Rowles Chairperson Rowles Councilmember Carson Solid Waste Manaqement Advisory Councilmember McDermott Member- DeMond Intergovernmental Relations Alternate - Sullivan Chairperson Smith Kern Economic Development Councilmember McDermott Councilmember DeMond Member - Mayor Price Alternate - McDermott Legislative & Litiqation Fire Consolidation Ad-Hoc Chairperson Sullivan Councilmember DeMond Mayor Price Councilmember Carson Councilmember DeMond Personnel' Chairperson DeMond Councilmember Salvaggio Councilmember Sullivan Urban Development Chairperson McDermott Councilmember Rowles Councilmember Smith Water Resources Chairperson Salvaggio Councilmember Smith Councilmember Sullivan Water Board Chairperson Salvaggio Councilmember Smith Councilmember Sullivan NOTICE OF 1999 BOARD/COMMISSION VACANCIES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Bakersfield will have vacancies in 1999 for positions on the following City Boards, Commissions, and Committees. The names of the incumbents, and the qualifications for the positions are provided. City residents are encouraged to contact the office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, (805) 326-3767, for additional information and application form. CENTRAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (4 year term) Approximate appointment date - March 31, 1999 Terms expire April 22, 1999 Members Manuel S. Arriola, Evelyn J. Weddle Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term and should represent professional backgrounds including, but not limited to, business, finance, architecture or engineering, public relations and real estate. FIRE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE BOARD (3 year term) Approximate appointment date - December 15, 1999 Term expires December 31, 1999 Commissioner Max R. Morris Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term and have no other connection with City government. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (4 year term) Approximate appointment date - March 17, 1999 Terms expire March 30, 1999 Commissioners Scott Fieber, Marilynn A. Sullivan Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term. MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS CIVIL SERVICE BOARD (3 year term) Approximate appointment date - December 15, 1999 Terms expire December 31, 1999 Commissioners Barbara Donnelly, Robert Russo Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term and have no other connection with City government. PLANNING COMMISSION (4 year term) Approximate appointment date - March 31, 1999 Terms expire April 17, 1999 Commissioners Robert B. Ortiz, Wade H. Tavorn Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term. Page 2 NOTICE OF BOARD/COMMISSION VACANCIES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE BOARD (3 year term) Approximate appointment date - December 15, 1999 Term expires December 31, 1999 Commissioner Kenneth E. Vetter Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term and have no other connection with City government. KERN MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL (2 year term) Approximate appointment date - December 17, 1999 Term expires December 31, 1999 Member Morris C. Mahlmann Applicant must be an elector of the City and a resident of that portion of the City within the Kern Mosquito & Vector Control District throughout their term. GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT (4 year term) Approximate appointment date - January 13, 1999 Term expires January 6, 1999 Member David James Applicant must be a resident of the City throughout their term. DATED: December 7, 1998 CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield S:\Bds&Comm\MISC\BOARDS98. NTC.wpd BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM December 3, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Status of challenges to the Project Area Comm'~tte~) elections On October 7, the Council adopted Formation and Election Procedures for Project Area Committees (PACs) pertaining to the proposed redevelopment areas in the Old Town Kern- Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield areas. These procedures allow for individuals to challenge the PAC election or a PAC member by filing a written challenge with the City Clerk within 15 days of the PAC election. No challenges were filed regarding the Old Town Kem-Pioneer election; the 15 day challenge period expired December 1. Therefore, the Council may adopt a resolution on December 9 affirming the validity of that PAC election. As of 5PM today, no challenges have been filed for the Southeast Bakersfield PAC; the 15 day challenge period ends at 5PM December 4. If no challenges are filed by the deadline, the Council may also adopt a resolution on December 9 affirming the validity of the Southeast Bakersfield PAC election. A detailed memo will be distributed to Council on December 7, following the deadline for the filing of challenges to the Southeast Bakersfield PAC. dl:\S:\REDVAREAXPAC Council update.wpd RECEIVED !21TY M,~\NAGER'S OFFtC? BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: November 25, 1998 SUBJECT: LIGHTING AT CENTENNIAL PLAZA .,_ .., /'"~ Council Referral WF0018005 / 001J-"" ~/' ~.....-~ Staff from the General Services Division of the Public Works Department has contacted the contractor to set the time clocks. Setting the time clocks will assure operation of the Plaza lights and twinkle lights during the appropriate hours. c: Joe Lozano, Public Works Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent G:\G ROUPDA'~Referrals\WF0018005-001 .wpd BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM November 23, 1998 To: Honorable Mayor Price and CitYi.Cj~ncil Members - From: S.E. Brummer, Chief of Police Subject: Police Issues at 499 and 601 Pacheco Road At the request of Council Member Carson, I have directed an internal review of police activities within the private residential communities located at 499 and 601 Pacheco Road. These two locations are mobile home parks that have operated for more than twenty years. Historically, these privately operated communities have been occupied by senior citizens, many of whom are retired. In the past, few children and/or young adults resided within or frequented these locations. For the most part, residents, were long-term, law abiding individuals. Recently, however, the resident population of these two residential parks has changed dramatically. Currently, there is a growing population of youth and young adults within these communities. The population has become much more mobile than in the past and the nature of activities occurring in these communities has also changed. For the remaining long-term residents, this change has caused considerable apprehension and fear. Indeed, with the changing population has emerged a criminal element previously not encountered at either location. Because of the changes in resident populations, the remaining long-term occupants have become increasingly sensitive to activities in the parks, whether legal or illegal. The changing nature of these private communities has resulted in an increasing number of reported disturbances, thefts, and suspicious persons and vehicles within the complexes. Since January, 1998, our department has assigned two uniformed officers to the area of 499 and 601 Pacheco Road. They have worked continually with the residents in efforts to reduce criminal activity and promote neighborhood safety. They have collaborated with City Code Enforcement officers, our department's Crime Prevention Unit, and allied law enforcement agencies, including State Parole. The attached memorandum prepared by Officer L. Riddle and R. Grady provides an overview of Mayor and Council Members Police Issues at 499 and 601 Pacheco Road November 23, 1998 Page 2 of 2 specific activities they have conducted within the two mobile home parks. In addition to these officer-initiated activities, our department has responded to over four hundred calls for service originating from these two complexes in the past year. 84 of these calls for service resulted in the generation of a police report. Most of these calls for service involved reports of suspicious activity, general peace disturbances and traffic problems. In most cases, the problem was not occurring when responding officers arrived at the location. A major issue that has been brought to our attention by residents of the two parks involves traffic enforcement problems. Speeding, reckless and noisy vehicles are routinely reported within the complexes. Since these locations are private property with privately maintained roadways, our department can only enforce vehicle laws as authorized by the California Vehicle Code for private property. These include drunk driving and hit-and -runs. Most vehicle laws apply to public roadways only, thus, limiting our enforcement efforts within the two complexes. The activities provided by our department to residents of 499 and 601 Pacheco include a number of Neighborhood Watch meetings and Neighborhood Watch update meetings. The assigned officers are keenly aware of the issues confronting the residents of these two communities and they will continue to work with residents, other City departments and allied law enforcement agencies to re'solve matters related to public safety within these residential parks. For additional information, refer to the attached memorandum by Officers' Riddle and Grady. SEB/vrf attachment: "Community Policin.q at 499 and 601 Pacheco Road" memorandum dated 11/10/98 BAKERSFIELD POLICE' MEMORANDUM November 10, 1998 TO: CHIEF HORTON FROM: OFFICERS L. RIDDLE, #603 and R. GRADY, #606 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY POLICING AT 499 and 601 PACHECO ROAD Officer Grady and I have been working together'for the past nine months and as part of the Community Oriented Police Problem Solving unit we have been assigned to the southeast area of Bakersfield. The mobile home parks at 499 Pacheco Road and 601 Pacheco Road are within our assigned area. During the past year, Officer Grady and I have attended at least four neighborhood watch meetings which included the residents and association members in this area. We have answered a number of complaints and during the past year have tried to stay in contact with the association's board supervisor on a regular basis. The supervisor, Brenda Burchett, has been given a business card from Officer Grady and I. She has our pager numbers to make communications easier and more convenient. During the month of October, we have answered two pages from Burchett. We have conducted follow up and background checks on three problem locations at 499 Pacheco Road which resulted in two separate narcotic arrests. Officer Grady and I, at times, provide extra patrol within these parks and the immediate area outside. I have noticed one of the major complaints during some of the meetings we have had in the past is regarding traffic enforcement within the parks. The mobile home parks are on private property which makes it difficult for police to address this particular problem. Officer Grady and I, at times, have enforced traffic-related problems on Pacheco Road at the entrance and exit at both parks. Additionally, Officer Grady has introduced Code Enforcement Officer Shane Denton to the mobile home park community and since that time Officer Denton has answered many complaints regarding vehicle abatements and Health Code Violations within the two parks. Officer G~ady and' I', alOng with ~other'C0mmunity Oriented~.lS'.0ii~. officers, :have met With. Calif0rnia' Department .of' Co.rrectior~S'.;state~Par01e conducted a. ParolecomPlianc~..c,~.~k on. ~ number"0{.ind!~!,du~i'l~'?0*a~ive parole' W!~hin.." ~*;'.. the two parks and surrounding'a~e~i,~i,ch led.t(~ .the*~re'st 0'.f m*an~iparole~s*who Were'no{ :.:' * ' In comphance..,~.. '* -. '--. , · .- ,.. ,;..?.~ ?:, :.';:,-;..; .. :.. - .....:.:, -.. - ,.:.-.. :,'.¥, ...?.?:.~,;;.-~;,..; · .. ?,..-' ' ........'. ~..... Officer Grady and .I .have made ot~hei~.arrests ~n the area '. ~nVolwng narcotic 'sales, '. PosSessiOn of illegal narcoticS","~os~eSsion "of dangeroUs'weaPon~',;-~nd 'outstanding - warrants. ::'"-' '.:. ' ;' ': '~'."~'-.',..... ' Cdme prevention has also been present dudng most of the community meetings and have provided information to the Community in regard to crime prevention techniques and programs. Respectfully submitted,' OFFICER L. RIDDLE, #603 (¢opps.603)~.. MEMORANDUM DATE: December 3, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ SUBJECT: UPDATE - CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0017996/002, LIGHTING AT WEST HIGH SCHOOL COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO THE ISSUES OF INCREASED ACTIVITY AND ADDITIONAL LIGHTING IN THE AREA OF WEST HIGH AND REPORT BACK TO HIM." RESPONSE: General Services staff has completed the upgrade of existing street lighting in the area of West High School. The upgrade consisted of installing higher wattage fixtures and lamps, and in some cases longer mast arms. Parks staff is in the process of trimming the trees around the street lights which obscure the street lighting fixtures. These changes have improved lighting conditions in the area. A map is attached which shows the changes made to the existing street light system. cc: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent WF0017996_2.ref. wpd