HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/99 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 5, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~/-~ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This week we toured a group of City officials from Manchester, New Hampshire through the Garden. They are building a similar arena and wanted to learn from our experience. 2. Looks like the Union Avenue sign issue may be headed in a positive direction. CalTrans needs the rusting structure to be removed as a safety issue, but Buck Owens is pursuing plans to relocate the sign, itself, on a new support structure to Sillect Avenue. 3. While it looks like we will work out the remaining issues with the BIA on the Hillside ordinance, we pulled it from the next agenda to avoid time pressures, per the enclosed memo from the Development Services Director. We intend to have it back on for the second February meeting. The February 10th meeting, by the way, looks light. 4. Please remember to give Jack Hardisty your thoughts on reapportionment, so we can run as many ideas through, as possible, for the next workshop on February 24th. 5. The Thursday, February 4th, Planning Commission meeting went on past the newspaper's cut off time. The Grand Canal project got all the signage they wanted. 6. After the post-election / holiday break, Council committees gear up with four next week. 7. Progress Report No. 10 on the WasteWater Treatment Plant #2 Expansion Project is enclosed for your information. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 4, 1999 Page 2 8. Per the attached press release, Burlington Northern has completed their maintenance project on the main line between Fresno and Bakersfield. 9. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Repair deep rut on California Avenue west of Bakersfield High School; · Status of funding for the interchange at Fairfax Road and Freeway 178. · Check for graffiti around the area of the vacant commercial building near the southeast corner of White Lane and Wible Road; · Provide update on use of surveillance cameras as a crime prevention method for graffiti; · Increase public awareness of acceptable products at the greenwaste facility. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM February 4, 1999 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIR SUBJECT: HILLSIDE ORDINANCE At the last City Council meeting some members of the public suggested that the ordinance should have some terms clarified, consistency in existing authority maintained and applicability of the ordinance more closely related to the slopes. Staff met with representatives of the Building Industry Association, Board of Realtors. er~gineers and private business on Wednesday affernoon. General agreement was reached on all the issues with agreement that the appropriate distance from the slope areas would be determined by the Fire Chief who was out of town. This morning he called and said he needed at least 600 feet from the mapped slope areas to provide adequate fire protection. Most other regular design considerations should also be accommodated by that distance. New proposed zoning maps will need to be drafted for adoption and that cannot be accomplished by this afternoon for printing of the agenda. I have talked to John who must get the agenda out and we will reschedule this for the Council's consideration at the next meeting (or as soon as we can if the City Attorney ~etermines a public hearing is required) so all the changes can be put in good order for the City Council and other interested parties to review. JH:pjt m~mat2-5 Pl~Otfl~$$ I~PO~,~I~R£~ ~O Plant ~4 Partnered Pwjeet Prepare# ~ Iglaek ~ Veateh CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER TEN December 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I, Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date~ 121,500 mh Plus Electrical Workers and Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 434,000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 990 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 13,320 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 26,300 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 67,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Trench Excavation: 42,800 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill: 37,800 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-inch, 48-inch and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 4959/4959 · Linear Feet of 8/10" Sludge Bed Piping 9420/10,369 II. Kiewit Pacific Co. performed the following: Site: Installed the 8" sludge lines for Primary Clarifiers No. 1 and 2. Installed the building drain, water line, and secondary sludge line from the .Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Sand blasted and painted the interior joints on the 42" to 60" steel pipe. Installed water lines for hose bib connections near the trickling filters and secondary clarifiers. Excavated the drainage sump. Overlayed the asphalt road west of the plant where the 60" effluent line was installed. Headworks: Encased the 36" vent line. Started the retaining walls for the ramp. Primary Clarifiers: Finished placing the launder wall for Primary Clarifier No. 3. Installed Primary Clarifier No. 3 influent gate at the Distribution Box No. 1. Connected existing primary piping into the Primary Effluent Junction Box. Trickling Filters: Finished setting the trickling filter distribution arms. Recirculation Pump Station: Terminated wiring to the pumps. Secondary Clarifiers: Set the clarifier equipment. Page 1 Digester: Cominuing with prep work to paint the inside dome of Digester No. 3. Continued installing HVAC ductwork in the Digester Control Building. Spliced into the high voltage line and have power out to the Recirculation Pump Station and Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Drying Beds: Installed decant structures in Sludge Bed No. 2. Rehab Work: Coated the outside wall of the Primary Clarifier No. 2 Effluent Launder with coal tar epoxy. Chris Kirby with BSK doing Soils Compaction Tests at Sludge Beds SIGNIFICANT ACOMPLISHMENTS · There are no claims and construction changes are minor. · Kiewit has had only two minor recordable accidents to date on the project. AREAS OF CONCERN · None PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS · Change Order No. 2 is with the City of Bakersfield for processing. · Proposed items for Change Order No. 3 include: · Deletion of herbicide at drying bed roads Page 2 Deletion of dehumidification requirement for digester coatings. · Credit for deletion of AC-1 economizer. · Additional work for Headwork's ramp: · Relocated electrical duct into existing Operations building. · Secondary clarifier launder grout reinstatement. · Grit room exhaust fan relocation. · Electrical duct at digester area replaced with direct buried conduit. · Relocate exterior light at Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Secondary Clarifier No. 2 with Equipment and Walkway REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 128 RFI's have been received/processed as of December 31, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 320 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of December 31, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR JANUARY 1999 Site: Install sludge lines to Distribution Box No. 1, Digester Control Building and Digester No. 1. Install scum line to Scum Wells No. 1 and 2. Install cleanouts in the decant lines at the sludge beds. Headworks: Continue work on the retaining walls on the ramp. Start to bypass the flow from the Headworks to the Grit Chamber. Primary Clarifier: Set the clarifier mechanism in Primary Clarifler No. 3. TrickLing Filters: Set Handrails. Reeireulation Pump Station: Finish patch work and cleanup on the 42" filter influent pipe. Secondary Ciarifiers: Place grout fill in the effluent launders. Terminate wires at the Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Digesters: Paint the inside dome of Digester No. 3. Continue installing HVAC ductwork and equipment. Drying Beds: Complete grading of the roads and installing the cleanouts. Rehab. Work: Sandblast and make concrete repairs as needed in Digester No. 1. Sulfer System Pressure Vessels Secondary Clarifier No. 2 Sludge Line (Blk) and Secondary Sludge Pump Station Drain Line Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, calendar Days 730 .I Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $920,106.62 Amount Earned to Date $20,905,990.00. PerCent comPlete, $ 71.50 Calendar Days Used 295 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 43.18 Scum Line from Secondary Sludge Pump Station to Digesters 99-006 Page 5 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director~ DATE: JANUARY 27, 1999 SUBJECT: WASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANT#2 Attached are eleven copies of Progress Report No. 10 of the Wastewater Treatment Plant # 2 - Expansion Project, prepared by Black & Veatch. Attachments G:\GROUPDAT~Memo\1999\wwtp2report10.wpd ~,4 Pm'///crcd £l~yCc! Dccembc, r 1993' Prel~are# b!t l~'lack 4 l/catch CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER TEN December 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Major construction quantities to date include: · Man Hours To Date: 121,500 mh Plus Electrical Workers and Ironworkers · Square Feet of Concrete Formwork: 434.000 sf · Concrete-Steel Reinforcing Installed: 990 tons · Cubic Yards of Concrete Placed: 13,320 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Structure Excavation: 26,300 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Site Excavation: 67,000 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Trench Excavation: 42,800 c.y. · Cubic Yards of Bedding and Backfill: 37,800 c.y. · Linear Feet of 42-incl% 48-inch and 60-inch Diameter Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 4959/4959 · Linear Feet of S/10" Sludge Bed Piping 9420/10,369 II. Kiewit Pacific Co. performed the following: Site: Installed the 8;' sludge lines for Primary Clarifiers No. I and 2. Installed the building drain, water line, and secondary sludge line fi.om the Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Sand blasted and painted the interior joints on the 42" to 60" steel pipe. Installed water lines for hose bib connections near the trickling filters and secondary clarifiers. Excavated the drainage sump. Overlayed the asphalt road west of the plant where the 60" effluent line was installed. Headworks: Encased the 36" vent line. Started the retaining walls for the ramp. Primary Clarifiers: Finished placing the launder wall for Primary Clarifier No. 3. Installed Primary Clarifier No. 3 influent gate at the Distribution Box No. 1. Connected existing primary piping into the Primary Effluent Junction Box. Trickling Filters: Finished setting the trickling filter distribution arms. Recirculation Pump Station: Terminated wiring to the pumps. Secondary Clarifiers: Set the clarifier equipment. Page l Digester: Continuing with prep work to paint the inside dome of Digester No. 3. Continued installing HVAC ductwork in the Digester Control Building. Spliced into the high voltage line and have power out to the Recirculation Pump Station and Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Drying Beds: Installed decant structures in Sludge Bed No. 2. Rehab Work: Coated the outside wall of the Primary Clarifler No. 2 Effluent Launder with coal tar epoxy. Chris Kirby with BSK doing Soils Compaction Tests at Sludge Beds SIGNIFICANT ACOMPLISHMENTS · There are no claims and construction changes are minor. · Kiewit has had only two minor recordable accidents to date on the project. AREAS OF CONCERN · None PROPOSED CHANGE ORDERS · Change Order No. 2 is with the City of Bakersfield for processing. · Proposed items for Change Order No. 3 include: · Deletion of herbicide at &Ting bed roads --- Page 2 Deletion of dehumidification requirement for digester coatings. · Credit for deletion of AC-1 economizer. · Additional work for Headwork's ramp. · Relocated electrical duct into existing Operations building. · Secondary clarifier launder grout reinstatement. · Grit room exhaust fan relocation. · Electrical duct at digester area replaced with direct buried conduit. · Relocate exterior light at Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Secondary Clarifier No. 2 with Equipment and Walkway REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 128 RFI's have been received/processed as of December 31, 1998. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS · 320 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of December 31, 1998. · 11 Days on average turn around. Page 3 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR JANUARY 1999 Site: Install sludge lines to Distribution Box No. 1, Digester Control Building and Digester No. 1. Install scum line to Scum Wells No. 1 and 2. Install cleanouts in the decant lines at the sludge beds. Headworks: Continue work on the retaining walls on the ramp. Start to bypass the flow fi-om the Headworks to the Grit Chamber. Primary Clarifier: Set the clarifier mechanism in Primary, Clarifier No. 3. Trickling Filters: Set Handrails. Recirculation Pump Station: Finish patch work and cleanup on the 42" filter influent pipe. Secondao' Clarifiers: Place grout fill in the effluent launders. Terminate wires at the Secondary Sludge Pump Station. Digesters: Paint the inside dome of Digester No. 3. Continue installing HVAC ductwork and equipment. Drying Beds: Complete grading of the roads and installing the cleanouts. Rehab. Work: Sandblast and make concrete repairs as needed in Digester No. 1. Sulfer System Pressure Vessels Secondary Clarifier No. 2 Sludge Line (Blk) and Secondary Sludge Pump Station Drain Line Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 25 Days Construction Revisions Delay Days 29 Revised Completion Date March 8, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800 Change Orders Approved (92,342.61) 'Revised Contract Amount $29,147,457.39 Amount Earned This Period $920,106.62 Amount Earned to Date $20,905,990.00. Percent Complete, $ 71.50 Calendar Days Used 295 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 43.18 Scum Line from Secondary Sludge Pump Station to Digesters 99-O06 Page 5 FEB.£,1999 2'3£^M ~0.4815 P. 2/;> N WS Contact: Jer~ Je~ins FOR IMMEDIATE ~LEASE (817) 332~6~20 BNSF Comple~s Track Main~nanee Blitz Between Bakersfield ~d Fresno FORT WORTH, Texas, February 1, 1999 -- The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company (BblSF) completed its $11 million track and bridge maintenance project on its main line between Bakersfield and Fresno, Ca]if., On January 30, 1999. The 120-mile long track was re-opened Saturday night at approximately 10:00 p.rn, The first freight train to use the upgraded track originated in Bakersfield and traveled up the San Joaquin Valley to Fresno. BNSF Closed the route to ali freight traffic January 18, 1999. TO minimize the impaCt.on CUstomers and communities, work that could have been spread across many months was completed in a two-week period. This was one of the larger BNSF maintenance projects accomplished in a compressed time fratne. During the blitz project, maintenance crews laid six track miles of new steel rail. Approximately 76,000 wood cross ties were installed. One hundred track miles were resurfaced and the ballast was cleaned or rep 'laced. Approximately 40 highway-rail grade crossings along the route were improved. BNSF's line between Bakersfield and Fresno is a key rail route. BNSF employs about 150 people in Bakersfield, 250 in Fresno and more than 3,200 employees statewide. BNSF operates one of the largest railroad networks in North America, with 34,000 route relies of track covering 28 states and two Canadian provinces. Editor's note: This news release, as well as all other,~ disseminated by Burlington Northern Santa Fe, can be found on BNSF',~' World Wide Web ~'ite at http://www, bnsf. com. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM' RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~/~.~ DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1999 SUBJECT: POTHOLE ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE Council Referral WFO018042 / O01, Sullivan Councilmember Sullivan requested staff repair a deep rut in the road on California Avenue west of BHS as soon as possible. The pothole west of Bakersfield High School was a result of the bad weather of last week combined with the construction of a storm drain along "A" Street and across California Avenue. This pothole has already been repaired. G:\GROU PDAT~Referrals\WF0018042-001 .wpd .~ ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018042 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 2~03~99 REQUEST DATE: 1/27/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 11:22:31 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: STA~'r: 1~27~99 COMPLETION: 2/08/99 GEN. LOC: WARD2 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SULLIVAN ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PMCCARTHY WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: POTHOLE CALIFORNIA AVENUE REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - STREETS*** SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF REPAIR DEEP RUT IN THE ROAD ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE WEST OF BHS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Job Order Description: POTHOLE CALIFORNIA AVENUE Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / From: Jack Larochelle To: Alan Tandy Date: Wed, Jan 27, 1999 2:32 PM Subject: Fairfax P,oad @ Fwy 178 Interchange Raul asked me to get you an update of status of the Fairfax Road @ Fwy 178 Interchange. Two years ago, the City funded a Project Study Report (approximately $160,000 for PSP,). Once the PSR was completed, we placed it in KernCOG's Regional list of projects to be funded with State and Federal dollars. Although we (the City) was the only agency that was ready with a project, KernCOG did not fund its construction. In fact, when the region (KernCOG) received an additional $38 million from the Federal TEA-21 projram, I specifically asked for funding. The COG technical committee only authorized a small amount for environmental work. As it stands now, the initial environmental work is funded through COG but additional funds for construction will be hard to come by. CC: Raul Rojas BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1999 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR //,~ _/ SUBJECT: GRAFFITI SOUTHEAST CORNER WHITE LANE City Council Referral No. WF0018039/001 "Salvaggio referred the issue of graffiti on the vacant commercial building near the southeast corner of White Lane and Wible Road to Public Works." General Services staff observed the location for graffiti and did not find any on the commercial building (soon to be Urner's). Graffiti was found on the fence separating the property from Highway 99. Staff has notified Caltrans of the Graffiti. cc: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent G:\GROU PDAT~Referrals\WF0018039.ref.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018039 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 2~03~99 REQUEST DATE: 1/27/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 11:23:06 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'1'~'1': 1Z27Z99 COMPLETION: 2/08/99 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PMCCARTHY WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: GRAFFITTI SOUTHEAST CORNER WHITE LANE REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - GRAFFITTI*** SALVAGGIO REFERRED THE ISSUE OF GRAFFITTI ON THE VACANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE LANE AND WIBLE ROAD TO PUBLIC WORKS. Job Order Description: GRAFFITTI SOUTHEAST CORNER WHITE LANE atpgory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1999 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS FOR GRAFFITI City Council Referral No. WFO018041 / 001 I"Sullivan requested staff provide an update regarding the use of surveillance cameras as a crime prevention method for graffiti." General Services staff discussed this subject with the Police Department Graffiti Enforcement Officer. There are no current plans to utilize surveillance cameras as a crime prevention method for graffiti. c: Joe Lozano, Operations Manager Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\WF0018041 .ref.wpd ~. ~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018041 / 001 PROJECT:. DATE PRINTED: 2~03~99 REQUEST DATE: 1/27/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 11:22:49 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'r~'r: 1~27~99 COMPLETION: 2/08/99 GEN. LOC: CITY WIDE FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SULLIVAN ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PMCCARTHY WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS FOR GRAFFITTI REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - GRAFFITTI*** SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE AN UPDATE REGARD- ING THE USE OF SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AS A CRIME PREVENTION METHOD FOR GRAFFITTI. Job Order Description: SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS FOR GRAFFITTI Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director /~'~~__~.._..~ SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL #WF0018038/001 - DEMOND GREENWASTE PRODUCTS Staff contacted Channel 17 News, who did a live broadcast onsite featuring storm damaged trees coming in and the importance of keeping unacceptable materials out. A side benefit was a sudden increase in firewood sales. fKB:smp SMP G:\GROUPDAT~WF18038_020499.wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Directo DATE: February 2, 1999 SUBJECT: TREE DAMAGE CAUSED BY JANUARY SNOW The 3 to 4 inches of snow that dropped on Bakersfield on January 25, 1999 caused hundreds of trees to fall or split apart. Thousands of trees lost branches under the weight and numerous shrubs and other plants died. On that Monday that it snowed, the Mt. Vernon Recycling Center was open but only 85 cars and trucks visited the facility. The next day, a record-breaking 1,200 vehicles passed through the gates. And, the record was broken the very day after when 1,500 cars and trucks arrived to drop off their tree limbs and shrubs. During the week of January 25th, the Mt. Vernon Recycling Center serviced over 7,000 vehicles in 6 days and took in an estimated 4,600 tons of materials. This represents an average of 760 tons per day, compared to a normal 260 tons per day. Roughly 31% of the volume was from unincorporated county areas and the rest came in from city residents and businesses. It is anticipated that the lines will continue to be long for another week and that people should expect a wait of 20-30 minutes before they can unload. The media has issued warnings to that effect but has not always reminded residents that the Center does not accept trash or certain types of greenwaste. For example, the Center does not accept tumbleweed because it cannot be composted, nor does it accept fibrous plants such as palm or banana trees because they are too expensive to grind with conventional. equipment. Trash, tumbleweed and palm must be taken to the landfill. P:\WP\M EM\g_snow.mem.wpd i 'i CIT~ I~AN~GE-R'S OFF~C~t City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ._- ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018038 / 00~ PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 2~03~99 REQUEST DATE: 1/ 27/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 11:23:13 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ST~'l': 1~27~99 COMPLETION: 2/08/99 GEN. LOC: CITY WIDE FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: DEMOND ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PMCCARTHY WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: GREENWASTE PRODUCTS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE*** DEMOND REQUESTED SOLID WASTE TO INCREASE PUBLIC AWARENESS OF ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS AT THE GREEN-WASTE FACILITY. Job Order Description: GREENWASTE PRODUCTS CatDgory: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /