HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/99 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 5, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Issue? The March 31st Council meeting falls during Easter break. Is that a conflict? Should we look at cancellation or reschedule? 2. We toured the Ontario, California City Council through Centennial Garden this week. We are now a regular attraction for those considering arena projects. 3. Per the enclosed memo from EDCD, the public comment period opens for the draft EIRs for the proposed redevelopment project areas opens today and ends on April 19th. 4. The January Activity Report from Kern County for LEA regulated projects within the City of Bakersfield is enclosed for your information. 5. There is a memo enclosed from Public Works indicating that the traffic signal at Stockdale Highway and Village Lane will be modified to operate with a protected left turn indication for east-west traffic on Stockdale Highway, allowing a left turn on the green arrow signal, only. Since the fall of 1997, it has been operated with protective- permissive left turn phasing, with a green arrow allowing traffic to turn left, and then a solid green signal, so cars could go through when there were adequate gaps in traffic. The modification should reduce the number of accidents that have taken place at that location. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Status of pedestrian access to the old Bakersfield Landfill north of Panorama Drive; · Investigate trash and overhanging tree problem on Christmas Tree Lane; · Repair broken street light in vicinity of 3104 Covina St; · Contact citizen interested in deeding land to the City for waste disposal site; · Provide information on the possibility of bike lanes on Fairfax Road, south of Hwy. 178. Honorable Mayor and City Council March 5, 1999 Page 2 · Investigate activity at 3019 and 3021 16th Street regarding a cold storage facility without a building permit and trucking activity in a residential area; · Investigate regarding an alleged home cabinet shop operating at 9009 Andrieu Court. AT: rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM March 5, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Public Comment Period Opens for Draft Environmental Impact Repo (DEIRs) for Proposed Redevelopment Plans A public review period for the draft environmental impacts reports for the Old Town Kem- Pioneer and the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plans opened on March 5, 1999 and ends April 19, 1999 (45 days). The purpose of the draf~ environmental impacts reports identifies potentially significant environmental impacts and the associated mitigation measures. Copies of the DEIRs have been distributed to the taxing agencies and responsible agencies for their review. A public heating before the Central District Development Agency is scheduled on Monday, April 12, 1999 at 4:00 p.m. S:\REDVAREA\DEIR memo to A Tandy.wpd RECEIVED MAR - § Ig§9 1 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~ DATE: March 4, 1999 SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION Attached is a copy of the Activity Report for the month of January 1999, from the Environmental Health Services Department, describing the status of the LEA regulated projects within the City of Bakersfield. Attachment 3!TY M,~NAGER'$ OFF~C~i G:\GROUPDAT~Memo\1999\LEAREPORTJanuary1999.wpd -- MAR 4: 1999 PROGRESS OF PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Activity For The Month Of January 1999 Bakersfield Sanitary ,,,,,,,~,.,,-.,~ ,.~,.,.-.,. ,-~,,,~,-,,=,u,,,, ,.,, Elevated gas levels were . The City will modify the original ....... :- reported in the 3rd week o Draft Closure Plan to integrate the Landfill/Burn Dump bu,,, ' , ,_ ._-, .... I II'"~L~:;I I'""1 LU I ~;:;UM~.*~::~II;~IIIIIII I'"'~[~;:; ..... :- - December 1998 at 4 locations at burn dump.closure with the landfill Closure. "-- ~'--'"- ':-"- ' "'":'~' ti I~;~ I I~Oltl I I I01~0 CiOOULJICILC;;U WILl I uu,,, .-.o, ,. Completed 5/1/1998 or near the landfill perime{er, closure. SWIS #: 15-AA-0044 The City has increased ,-,_.~.._,:__ A, ,,-A ,~_.,,:,,,_~,~.~__ eq ncy ,ffected pr pertie hich ~,o,,,,,.,,,.,,, ,.,, ,,,o ,..,,,~,,,,,,,,~,,,.-.,,~ monitoring fr ue of a Residential o s w are LEA WO #: 102 and 319 ~oo o, ,, ,o ,~.,..,,,,y ~,~,.,, ,.-., y ,., probes and adjusted the gas owned by the City, and remediated ,~oo'~-~ "---,, ,o,, .,~"',~ ,.,,-' "--,, ,,= ,_,,~v~,' ...... collection system in order to under direction Of the State Sections 10, 11, 14, and Explosive Li,,mit (LFL). reduce methane levels, i Department of Toxic Substances 15, T29S, R28E Completed 8/29/97 ~ Control, have been listed fOr real 4200 Panorama Drive I estate sale. Long Term Goal: Property Owner: Closure of the sanitary landfill i The City will install new gas City of Bakersfield and burn dump in compliance probes at the southwest perimeter with Title 27, CCR. and establish a representative point of compliance. --- = ..... Grading and drainage LEA staff will conduct routine China Grade Burn ' -' ' '" ' ---- :- :~--~ .... :- improvements at the land~ill areinspections of the burn dump Dump/Landfill Closure '- .... ' ' '":"-:- '---":" IJUl I I I I IO1,~:;:~1 IOI V1¢11.1 III I I"'~1 I~,11 III ~,,.,,~,'- ...... ,,,o,-~ ,~o,:-- '-.,., ,---'~,.,.,.~,~,,,'~,:--:--,,,, ,o,~'- underway and are expected_ to beareas within the legal boundary of ...... :- - completed by the end of Jianuarythe landfill. SWIS #: 15-AA-0048 th~ "--"'- ':-"- ' ""':'" I I~;°lLI I I IOi~O f'JOOU~,;IOLC~U WILl I burn ash Completed June 4, 1997. 1999. LEA we #: 108 : LEA staff will monitor compliance Long Term Goal: with the Notice and Order. Location: . Closure of the sanitary landfill Sections 1 & 12, T29S, and burn dump in compliance R29E with Title 27, CCR. Property Owner: No Change Kern County Soilrem Corporation Immediate Goal: Soilrem will The LEA has provided a ' Soilrem will submit a Facility' Facility Compliance Plan complete a Facility Compliance guidance document to the ;City of Compliance Plan to the City of Plan in lieu of permits from Bakersfield Permit ConsolidationBakersfield. The LEA will review the and determine if it SWlS #: Not Assigned at individual agencies, including the Zone which specifies the plan this time. Local Enforcement Agency. requirements for Soilrem te satisfactory. conduct business as a {, LEA WO#: 450 Long Term Goal: contaminated soil / transfe? The facility will be inspected every Compliance with State Minimum processing operation. Soilrem ismonth to determine compliance 408 E. Pacheco'Rd Standards, Title 14, California completing a Facility Comphance with State Minimum Standards, Bakersfield, CA 93307 Code of Regulations (CCR), Plan. Title 14, CCR. Section 18224. Property Owner: John Arnold & Glenn MacQueen February 12, 1999 * SWlS = Solid Waste Information System number issued by the California Integratbd Waste Management Board (ClWMB). ** LEA WO# = Local EnforcementAgency Work Order number used by EHSD. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO DATE: March 3, 1999 SUBJECT: STOCKDALE HIGHWAY AT VILLAGE LANE SIGNAL OPERATION MODIFICATION, WARD 5. The signal at Stockdale Hwy and Village Ln is being modified to operate with protected left turn indications for east-west traffic on Stockdale Highway. The signal has been operated as a "protected-permissive" left turn since the fall of 1997. In the fall of 1997, the traffic signal at Stockdale Highway and Village Lane was modified to operate with permissive left turn phasing as described in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. This was done to accommodate the left turn traffic that otherwise had to wait for the left turn arrow when there were adequate gaps in traffic to make a left turn without the arrow. This operation has been done at other intersections in the City with good results. The signal has a phase where the left turn arrow comes on for left turns only with the opposing traffic stopped. It then changes to a green ball indication to allow cars to make a left turn, after yielding, when there are adequate gaps in the opposing traffic direction. Caltrans describes this operation as a "protected-permissive" left turn. At this location, accidents are occurring at about 10 times the number prior to the signal operation change for more efficient operation. There have been over 20 accidents in the past 12 months. Most are related to left turning vehicles not yielding to opposing traffic during the "permissive" phase of the signal. Although the signal operation will be less efficient and require a longer wait for the left turn arrow, the accident frequency may be reduced by returning to a "protected" left turn only operation. The changes will take place in the next week. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Stockdale@Village.signal.mod.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\ 1998\Stockdate@Village.sig nal. mod.wpd '~, Page 1 of 1 ~~~ ..... 'BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ! FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ 'SUBJECT: INFORMATION REQUESTED BY COUNClLMEMBER MAGGARD PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO BAKERSFIELD LANDFILL _ The Old Bakersfield Landfill is a 135 acre site north of Panorama Drive, near Columbus · Street. It includes some hilly terrain and service roads, which sometimes attract pedestrians, bicyclists, etc. Unfortunately, the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) regulations require the City to keep the site secured. To this end, and to protect the public from mishaps with mobile equipment, the site is fenced along Panorama Drive. Also, in compliance with a notice and order issued.by the Kern County Environmental Health Department's Local Enforcement Agency on behalf of the ClWMB, the City is preparing to fence the rest of the site as well. While public egress is not allowed at this time, future use as public' open space may be possible. The landfill is currently in planning for final environmental capping and closure. As part of this process, long-term land uses are to be considered. For several reasons, 'the most logical future use seems to be natively vegetated open space with public trails. This puts the land to beneficial use while allowing periodic maintenance of the environmental control systems during'a required thirty year post-closure maintenance period. The project cost will be approximately $10 million, with about half covered by a County agreement. The City's share is dependent on the Refuse Enterprise Fund. The project is scheduled to be completed in three years if funding is made available. KB:'smp ', RECEIVED SMP S:\COUNCIL\MAGGARD_PED.wpd ~.,a,~ 2~, ~9o9 ~CITY MANAGER'S BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 3, 1999 TO: Councilmember Maggard FROM: John W. Stinso~,~A~ssistant City Manager SUBJECT: Citizen Complaint Referrals This is to let you know the status of the two items you asked me to follow up on at the Urban Development Meeting. I contacted Mr. Ritter Monday and spoke with him regarding the trash and overhanging tree problem in the alley by his home. Staff had already contacted Mr. Ritter and cited his neighbor living at 3319 Christmas Tree Lane, for the trash in the alley behind his home. I checked with code enforcement, and they indicated that the neighbor had cleaned up the alley. They also made contact with Mr. Ritter Monday afternoon. Code enforcement staff was going to refer the overhanging tree issue to the parks department to remedy. The request from Mr. Billy Martin to repair the broken street light in his neighborhood was referred to the Public Works Department. The General Services Division will be contacting him to let him know that the repair has been scheduled and should be completed by the end of the week. Please let me know if you need any additional information. cc. Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director c:WIyFiles~Backup\wp { wp } .bkl BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 SUBJECT: REFERRAL FROM COUNCILMEMBER MIKE MAGGARD Councilmember Mike Maggard requested staff investigate a request for light pole replacement, as requested by: Billy Martin Telephone: 872-5291 3104 Covina Bakersfield, California General Services staff scheduled to have the pole installed today. It may not be operational on this date, but if the power is an overhead feed from PG&E, we will wait for them. Mr. Martin has been notified of the situation. Copy: Brad Underwood, General Services Superintendent John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~LightPoleReplaceO30299.wpd M E M O R A N D U M To: Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director (dY From: Donald M. Anderson, Senior Real Property Agent Subject: City Council Referral No. WF0018063 - Couch - Possible Donation of Land Date: March 2, 1999 I contacted the owner's representative,(Mar~u~:.iD~el::"(3.27*9!.41) regarding his family's interest in donating land to the City of.B~ersfield:':":~hePr6p~:':~::q~esfion comprises 20+ acres and is located east of Union Avene. appi'0ximately ¥~ mile sOUth 6f state:.~ghway 58. According to Mr. Dartieil; i~s fami1~::.:;OPeratecl':::G61aen:Sta~e:Metal~h6ie'tSUsiness was acquiring vehicles and pulverizing them into scrap metal. This piZ0¢esS:::~esiilted:':~::i~me heavy metal and hydrocarbon contami.,atiOn xvhch is currently being investigated'"by ~eStateDepartment of Toxic Substance COntrol. Aigo, he stat~i!~ property is classified ~'a ClaS~iII Landfill and has I asked Ralph Huey~ilo research the::i~~:i::~!a~ory acfi6ns.and sh°~d..~eceiye a response early next weel(:'"Uni~'S ~s fm~!~::::::~&e::i::~i:::~faw°~abie::I~:~reCO~mend ::~gainst PUrSuing the matter On the positive sldbi:'::if the l~mperty co~i~a~¢~'~::.e~e~¢d up at a reasonai~le cost:!:~eProperty could potentially be used::fo'ta sateii{te corporation: ~a!;d.'due to its size..~d accesS?::the nearby ~ ~. WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 RB~/6~B: WF0018063 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 2~26~99 REQUEST DATE: 2/24/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 13:50:55 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: S~AI<T: 2~24~9.9 COMPLETION: 3/08/99 'GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES ~ FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: CS 13. .REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: CVALFRE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: POSSIBLE DEED OF LAND TO CITY FOR DISPOSAL SITE CONTACT MARCUS DANIELS Phone 1 805 - 3279141 ( ) Phone 2 - ( ) Bakersfield, CA 93301 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO FINANCE*** PLEASE CONTACT MARCUS DANIEL REGARDING PROPERTY HE AND HIS FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO DEED TO CITY RE HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. Job Order Description: POSSIBLE DEED OF LAND TO CITY FOR DISPOSAL SITE  at~gory: FINANCE asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: FINANCIAL SERVICES START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~/ DATE: March 4, 1999, SUBJECT: INFORMAL COUNCIL REFERRAL, WARD 3, FUTURE BIKE LANES ON FAIRFAX ROAD SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 178. COUNCILMEMBER MAGGARD REQUESTED INFORMATION ON THE POSSIBILITY OF BIKE LANES ON FAIRFAX ROAD, SOUTH OF I-IWY 178. Fairfax Road, south of Highway 178 is designated as a future bike lane facility. The road has narrow segments north of College which cannot accommodate a bike lane at this time. When the road is widened with development to the ultimate width, bike lanes will be considered. Current policy is to strip bike lanes on designated streets when they are resurfaced if the width is sufficient. No stand-alone bike lane striping projects are proposed at this time. cc: Traffic Engineering File - REF.Ward3.fairfax, bike.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\VVP\ 1998\R EF.Ward3. fairfax, bike. ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 March 4, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Dir~~r /.,-/7 SUBJECT: 3019 & 3021 16th Street - Cold storag0-wi~ut permit and truck noise pollution in residential area (Council Referral #WF001,g053) / Randy Fidler made contact with Mr. Castro on March 2, 1999. Mr. Castro explained his problems with the business located at the above subject property. During their conversation, Mr. Castro stated that the business was putting in cold storage. A records check revealed no permits for the cold storage had been obtained. Code Enforcement Officer Garcia was sent to investigate the work in progress. Mr. Garcia contacted Jim Martinez, Supervisor for PINCO Foods at the above address. He issued a correction notice to obtain a building permit for all work related to the cold storage installation. Mr. Martinez stated he would notify the landlord. Mr. Garcia also spoke to Mr. Martinez about the noise complaint. Mr. Martinez said he has informed his truck drivers to be especially considerate of their residential neighbors. He said the drivers normally arrive between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. and leave shortly afterwards. He said they also do not run the refrigeration units on the trailers. We will investigate the time of the trucks and see if they are running the refrigeration units which would be the only violation per Bakersfield Municipal Code section 9.22.010 (C). On March 3, 1999, PINCO obtained a building permit for the cold storage which is currently pending approval. RF:km cc: Dennis Fidler, Building Director Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer - 5 1999 'C!TY MAE',,!AGEWS OFF~C" City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018053 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 3~05~99 REQUEST DATE: 2/24/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 13:07:24 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: S'rA~'r: 2~24~99 COMPLETION: 3/08/99 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: PS 6 REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: CVALFRE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: NOISE ABATEMENT IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD CONTACT MR. JOSE CASTRO Phone 1 805 - 3237014 ( ) 3026 16TH STREET Phone 2 - ( ) BAKERSFIELD, CA REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES-CODE ENFORCEMENT*** CONTACT MR. JOSE CASTRO CONCERNING TRUCKING AND NOISE POLLUTION IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD DUE TO COLD STORAGE FOOD WAREHOUSE. Job Order Description: NOISE ABATEMENT IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD Category: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONS A memo was sent to Alan TanSy on ~arch 4, 1999. A correction notice was issued to oDtain a bui%ding . per, St. The permit was obtained 3/3/99 and is penalng approval. START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / ME M O RAND U M March 4, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager e ,/~.)~ FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Servic SUBJECT: Alleged Home Cabinet Shop at 9009 Andr~du Court (Council Referral #WF0018058) / On March 2, 1999, Code Enforcement Officer Turk initiated the third investigation in one and a half years of a home wood working business at the above listed address with no evidence other than the allegations made by the complainant ever being discovered. He contacted three close neighbors on site and Mr. Scott, the alleged violator by phone. He found no verification of Mr. Little Bear's accusations. Randy Fidler contacted Mr. Little Bear by phone and he stated that he would like to meet at a restaurant to discuss the problem as he did not want to talk on the phone because someone might be listening in on their conversation. Mr. Fidler informed him that he could come into his office, which he did. Mr. Little Bear wanted us to investigate Mr. Scott for workman's compensation fraud and tax fraud. It was explained to Mr. Little Bear that the City is not the agency that handles that and we have investigated the allegation of the alleged cabinet shop and found no verification. See attached memo and reports. RF:km cc: Dennis Fidler, Building Director Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer 'MAR - 5 1999 , 'TTY MANAGER'S O. F~C., June 26, 1998 TO: Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Officer FROM: Mark Turk, Code Enforcement Officer ~ SUBJECT: 9009 Andrieu Court Three code enforcement officers have made a total of 15 inspections at various times of the day, on different days of the week, including weekends, have interviewed neighbors, and have discovered no evidence of a wood ~vorking business being conducted at the above location other than complaints received from Mr. Little Bear. Mr. Little Bear did tell me on June 22, 1998, that activity had been greatly curtailed after my initial contact with the alleged violator on January 8, 1998. MT:km cc: Councilmember McDermott Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Dennis Fidler, Building Director INVESTIGATION REPORT VIOLATOR'S NAME VIOLATOR'S PHO~ VIOLA~ON ~D~SS INVESTIGATION REPORT VIOLATOR'S NAME VIOLATOR'S PHONE VIOLATION ADDRESS · ~ ~ ~ CODE ENFORCEMENT ~~ -' INVESTIGATION REPORT VIOLATOR'S NAME VIOLATOR'S PHONE VIOLATION ADDRESS INVESTIGATION REPORT VIOLATOR'S NAME VIOLATOR'S PHONE VIOLATION ADDRESS City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018058 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 3J05J99 REQUEST DATE: 2/24/9 9 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 13:07:49 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TA~T: 2~24~9~ COMPLETION: 3/08/9 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: CS 13. REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: CVALFRE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT REGARDING HOME WORKSHOP. CONTACT DANNY LITTLEBEAR Phone 1 805 - 6658021 ( ) 9005 ANDRIEU COURT Phone 2 - ( ) Bakersfield, CA 93311 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - CODE ENFORCEMENT*** STAFF IS TO REVIEW ATTACHED LETTER FROM DANNY LITTLEBEAR REGARDING CODE ENFORCEMENT DIFFICULTIES. CONTACT MR. LITTLEBEARAND PROVIDE REPORT BACK TO COUNCILMEMBER COUCH. Job Order Description: CODE ENFORCEMENT REGARDING HOME WORKSHOP. Cat~gory: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONS A memo was sent to Alan Tandy on March 4, 1999. The complaint was investigated and was unfounded. START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /