HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/05 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 16, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Treating wastewater is not everyone's favorite topic, but we have a major project ahead in expanding Plant 3 and staff has been spending a lot of time on it. You may recall that, because of the rise in land prices, we concluded that it was less expensive to convert from secondary treatment (with the effluent irrigating corps) to tertiary treatment, where the use of the water is much broader and includes lakes going into irrigation canals, etc. Time and effort have now revealed that the image creates a problem for us in finding a taker for such tertiary treated water, even though it is both legal and safe. We are now studying dentrification'- another treatment process that allows the dentrified water to percolate into the soil, as well as continuing to look for takers for tertiary treated water, and revisiting secondary treatment with land purchase again. We will keep you informed! 2. A recent article regarding Stockton's redevelopment efforts and their plans for further expansion of those efforts is enclosed. 3. The Streets Maintenance Division work schedule for next week is attached. 4. I will be out of the office next Wednesday, December 21st and working part-time on Thursday, December 22nd and Friday, December 23rd. John Stinson will be in charge during my absence, and staff can contact me if necessary. 5. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Citizen concern regarding cyclist safety issues along the bike path; Honorable Mayor and City Council December 16, 2005 Page 2 Vice-Mayor Ma.q.qard · Information provided to the Department of Conservation regarding agricultural land use and urbanization of agricultural land; Councilmember Couch · Code enforcement actions on Roaring River; · Status of construction of Verdugo between Brimhall and Shellabarger. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk · . ,,A~ East:f2oas['; · Hockey · ~ .Census and 210;000 cot~nted in name to the.initials in San Francisco. Despite:the population growth, Which teams'on:the weat~c, oast, , The Stockton franchise, which m~ved '~suburban. housing- fromAflantic'Oty, is the' league's fffih in · mon~.y ; of the city's' Califomia~ whcreit"alsolias tearnSin San The'iedovelopment relative proximity to Sacramento and the Diego,,Eong Beach; Bakersfield, and Fres- included tl~e: building .... eastern edges of the San Francisco Bay no. Ballpark, where the Stockton,PO~ base- ' and the environs surrounding nearby a~_a, Stockton's traditional downtown ~ Stockton's. Calif°mia Cougars play in "ball iram has been playing since ,ibc venue' MCLeod Lake, Elsewhem'd~wntown, th* · had languished.' ........ theMajorlndoor-Socce~ Leaguo. PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE SECTION WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF DECEMBER 15, 2005 Continue reconstructing streets in the area north of Auburn Street, east of Oswell Street. Remove the parking lot blacktop at Fire Station #7 and replacing it with concrete. Leaf collection in the area between 178 Highway and Panorama Drive, from Fairfax Road to Union Avenue. B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM December 13, 2005 TO: Alan Tandy, ,City !yl, anage, r, ,, ~ FROM: Mauricb Randall, Business Manager THROUGH: Florn Core, Water Resources Manager SUBJECT: CYCLIST SAFETY ISSUES ALONG THE BIKE PATH Council Referral No. 001344 (Ward No. 2) During the City Council meeting of November 30, 2005, Council Member Benham requested staff respond to a letter from Michael Toland, cyclist, regarding safety issues on the Bike Path. On November 21,2005, staff sent a letter to Mr. Michael Toland responding to his concerns regarding safety issues for cyclist on the bike path. A copy of the letter is attached for the Council's information. B & Ix L R S t= I El L WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ~Io[R Co~8 · Water Ro$ou~¢,es MRna(jot November 21,2005 Mr. Michael Toland 9213 Broad Oak Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93311 Re: C;oncern about Kern Rive~ B~ke Patl~ U~de~pass at SR99 Dear Mr. Toland: Thank you for your concern about the safety of the Kern River Bike Path. We have received your letter dated November 9 regarding the east side of the Highway 99 underpass. A number of City Staff have inspected and visited this location since receiving your letter and we are familiar with the items referenced in your letter. Please be assured that the public's safety is one of the City's highest priorities and concerns. As you may be aware since you are familiar with the bike path, the geography and topography of this series of turns, curves and radiuses are unique to this location. The bike path itself is built on a flood control levee through this section. Since flood control is also a top priority, there are limits to the amount of realignment and resulting excavation in to the levee that can occur here. In addition, there is a storm water discharge structure (headwall and facilities) immediately adjacent to the eastern most curve. This structure is massive and would have to be relocated and reconstructed in order to move the bike path to a more straight alignment (more towards the river). Since this is cost prohibitive, we are contemplating a "CAUTION - Slippery when Wet" sign in addition to the existing "10 MPH" speed limit and curve ahead cautionary signs. City staff is always open to considering options regarding bike path safety. If you have any other ideas or questions, please call the Water Resources Department at (661) 326-3715 or the Street Maintenance Division at 326-3111. Sincerely, Flom Core Water' Resources Manj~4~r by Slimrf Patteson Construction Superintendent cc: Sue Benham, Bakersfield City Council Ward 2 Harold Hanson, Bakersfield City Council Ward 5 Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Luis Peralez, Street Superintendent tc~og C~'or~k, t 'a~k..s Operations Director Brad Underwood, Public Works Operations Manager 1000 Buena Vista Road · Bakersfield · California 93311 (661) 326-3715 · Fax (661)852-2127 · E-Mail: water@ci.bakersfield.ca.us B A g E R S F I E L D i CiTY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CItY MANAGER FROM: STANLEY C. GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE:. December 13, 2005 SUBJECT: Department of Conservation Council Referral No, Ref 1338 " VICE-MAYOR MAGGARD REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE COPIES OF THE CITY'S LAND USE CODES TO BRIDGETT LUTHER THOMAS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION FOR REVIEW, STAFF TO MEET WITH MS. THOMAS Copies of Bakersfiel¢ L;s-regulations and standards related to agricultural land use and urbanization of agric~ iltural land have been sent to the appropriate people at the State Department of Cons ~ation. The Development Services Director will be meeting with the Department of Conservation in late December or early January. SG:jdm B A K E R S F I E L D ~,, ii '~-~'*~ ' M E M O R A N D U M TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~tanley Grady, Development Services Director DATE: December 14, 2005 SUBJECT: Re: Revisit 11908 Roaring River Code Complaint Referral # 1355 Councilmember Couch referred to staff correspondence from Roaring River neighborhood River Oaks Community requesting staff revisit the complaints at 11908 Roaring River, particularly the car placed on jacks. The Code Enforcement Officer conducted a follow-up visit at 11908 Roaring River. Upon arrival there were three vehicles parked in the driveway, neither of the three were on jacks. I met with Rafael Ramirez the owner of the vehicle in question. Mr. Ramirez said his Chevy S-10 truck has been sitting in the driveway for quite some time, with the exception of the right rear tire being flat, the truck is clean and has current registration and appears to be operable. Mr. Ramirez said he has sold the truck and the new owner will be picking it Up soon. The Officer asked Mr. Ramirez if he could check on his dogs as a follow-up from a previous concern, Mr. Ramirez showed him the same two dogs from his last visit, the dogs were in kennels; the Code Officers was told the kennels are cleaned everyday. The Officer did detect some odor, not over bearing but detectable. B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 12, 2005 SUBJECT: STATUS OF VERDUGO CONSTRUCTION Referral No. 1352 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED STAFF REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF VERDUGO BETWEEN BRIMHALL AND SHELLABARGER (COUNTY PROJECT) AND THE CONNECTION OF SHELLABARGER AND PEPITA (CITY PROJECT). Verdugo: The City has completed installation of the sewefline within the portion of Verdugo to be constructed by the County. The County is finalizing their plans and will be bidding the project in Febmary or March of 2006. Construction is anticipated to begin in approximately May of 2006. Shellabarger: The City has been waiting for Verdugo construction to be completed before the connection of Shellabarger and Pepita is addressed. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals\2005\12-9 Couch\Reft1352 Status of Verdugo Construction.doc