HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/05 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 10, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~Tb.~, r-~_s. SUBJECT: General information 1. A summary of the bill that Senator Florez has introduced in the Legislature to create a seat on LAFCO for Bakersfield is enclosed. 2. The management group agrees to a year with no compensation increase. We thank them for their understanding of our financial circumstances! 3. While Mesa Marin will be missed as a community recreation asset, the conflict between the growing housing numbers in the northeast and the racetrack were inevitably going to be a significant problem. This is a prime example of how the City is changing as a result of new investment and growth! 4. Senator Florez proposed a public meeting with the City of Bakersfield, Kern, County, and City of Shafter to discuss development and transportation issues, particularly related to the 7th Standard Road corridor. Per the enclosed letter, he had originally suggested June 29th, but there were schedule conflicts, so the tentative date is now Wednesday, July 13th. We will let you if that date is confirmed. 5. Grand opening events have been set for the MLK Spray Park on Monday, June 20th at 10:30 a.m. and for the Jefferson Pool Renovation and Spray Park on Friday, June 17th at 11:00 a.m. 6. A few weeks ago, we contacted Slater Co. to repair a leak at Planz Pool. The initial leak in the side of the pool was found and repaired, but another leak in the' drain line was discovered. This past week, Recreation and Parks staff worked with the Public Works Department and Slater Company to find the source of the broken drain line at Planz Pool. They used a camera on a scope and still could not detect it. To date, all attempts to locate the source of the break have failed. Another company has agreed to try to locate the problem and will start on Monday. Honorable Mayor and City Council June 10, 2005 Page 2 Even if they are successful in locating and repairing the problem properly, we will still need to clean and prepare the pool, paint it, fill it, and balance the chemicals before the Health Department will allow us to open to the public. Best scenario, this puts us a week behind the scheduled opening day of next Monday, June 20th. We are now in the process of contacting those who have signed up for lessons and swim team to see if they are willing to move to another location for/the first week. Pool parties have also been scheduled, so we are suggesting they change locations or dates. 7. The street maintenance and repair schedule for next week is attached for your information. 8. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Update on the sewer installation on Stockdale Highway; · Safety, planning and economic issues related to the canals near Cottonwood and Belle Terrace; Councilmember Benham · Police Department actions to.reduce speeding near Franklin @chool; Vice-Mayor Maq.qard · Information regarding Fresno's use of federal monies to hire new police officers and the availability of such funding; Councilmember Couch , · Information regarding the City's policy for locking of canal gates and other water districts' procedures to minimize access; Councilmember Hanson · Code enforcement investigation of large birds kept and sold at a resident on Ailanthus Court; Councilmember Sullivan · Code enforcement actions regarding stagnant water in a pool on Appletree Lane. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk SENATE BILL 967 (FLOREZ) LAFCO: KERN COUNTY: MEMBERSHIP BACKGROUND The Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) was established on December 10, 1963 (Chapter ,1808, Statutes of 1963, Section 56000 (prior code 54780, et seq.) of the Government Code). The original membership qualification for the Kern County LAFCO held eight members (five voting and three alternates) until LAFCO Resolution 99-11, increased the membership to add two special district members and one special district alternate, changing the membership qualification to eleven (7 voting members with 4 alternates). The key function of the Kern County LAFCO is to review and apProve or disapprove the incorporation of cities, formation of special districts, annexation of territory to local agencies, exclusion of territory from a city, disincorporation of a city, consolidation of two or more cities, and the development of new communities. Kern County has experienced unprecedented growth in the past few years, with Bakersfield and its surrounding areas growing twice as fast as the outlying areas of the county. Although many of the members call Bakersfield home, their priority on the Kern County LAFCO is to serve their respective entities that appointed them. But as the economic needs of the county's local governments become more complex, Kern County should make sure that their best and brightest leaders are at the table. It is essential and only practical that an area that represents 60% of the population of the county be a member of the Kern County LAFCO. Under the current system of rotation, Bakersfield has not been a member of the Kern County LAFCO since 1988 and will not be a member until 2015, a total of 27 . years. During that time, its population will have more than doubled. Given the current state of growth in Kern County, it is important that the cities and special districts work together in a manner that is fair, prudent and unified. SOLUTION SB 967 would aUgment the voting membership of the Kern County LAFCO from 7,.to 9. Bakersfield would have a permanent seat at the table complete with the voting rights, duties, and responsibilities like the other designated members. The small cities would gain an additional spot on the Kern County LAFCO to provide some balance to the structure. The composition for the Kern County LAFCO as recommended under SB 967 would look like the following: · 2 county supervisors · 3 mayors or city council members ~ · 1 city of Bakersfield representative · 1 public member · 2 special district presiding officers or board members Given the current and furore growth in the Northwest, it only makes sense to have all entities involved through a formal body such as Kern County LAFCO given the tremendous rate of growth of Bakersfield. SB 967 would help Kern County grow in a direction that is consistent with the county's evolution into a modem economic engine for California while staying true to its agricultural heritage. WHO IS THE SPONSOR? Senator Dean Florez CA g330~ AND ~N~M~ MARI~A MA~, ~2016 ~ANOfN~ ~MM~B, FLOREZ AND SENATOR, SIXTEENTH DISTRIC~ CHAIR. MOOERN,~ON. ~C~CY ANO GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION INDUSTRY C~TRAC VArY ~ONOMIC OEVE~PMENT ~ T~dy co~o.~ .,v~ 1501 Tram B~field, CA 93301 De~ ~:~-- As ~u ~w, &e ~t~ B&~dd ~ hu ~p~c~ ~~ ~o~ ~ l~t ~Elmg~ have he.me ~t ~~y ~ong ~e 7= S~d ~r. I ~ pmposin8 a p~c m~S that wo~d incl~e ~e el~ offi~ ~d ~of~ ~ ofK~ Co~. Coun~ Bo~ of S~~ ~b~s. A ~fl ag~a ~ b~g ~ ~ MU ~clude v~o~ issue. lf~u h~ ~y q~tlons or ~mm~ plus. con.S.my offi~ at (661) STREET MAINTENANCE SECTION - WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF JUNE 13, 2005 Resurfacing streets in the area between So. "H" Street and Hughes Lane, south of Planz Road. Also repairing curb and gutter in this area. Performing temporary street repairs on Coffee Road between Olive Drive and Hageman Road. Street sealing in the area north of Noriega Road, west of Calloway Drive. Installing median curb on White Lane, east of Buena Vista Road. Finishing the installation of the median island on Olive Drive, west of Calloway Drive. Building the drainage basin at the City's Dog-Pound Facility and grading for the necessary concrete work and preparing the facility for paving. RECEIVED  JU~I -8 ~005 · 'B :A::"K '1~ "'R" S: :F .I:' E' L D , CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director /~ DATE: May 27, 2005 SUBJECT: SEWER LINES ON STOCKDALE HWY Referral No. 1148 (Meeting: 5125/05) COUNCILMEMBER CARSON REQUESTED AN UPDATE REGARDING THE TIMELINE FOR SEWER INSTALLATION ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STOCKDALE HWY. NEAR CANDY AND STINE. This project was to be funded entirely with Sewer Enterprise Funds which would then be reimbursed to the City by the property owners when the owner chooses to abandon his/her septic system and connect to the City's sewer system. In order to connect to the sewer system, the property owner would be required to pay for their applicable portion of the project's costs, in addition to paying the sewer connection fee. The total of these two fees is estimated at close to $7,100. In early 2005, the bids received for this project were significantly higher than the Engineer's Estimate. In fact, the bids received were more than double the Engineer's Estimate and would have caused a significant increase in fees to the property owners. Therefore, staff recommended at the January 26, 2005 Council meeting that the project be re-evaluated in regards to other funding sources and be re-advertised once additional funding is identified. The resurfacing portion of the contract will be removed from the next bid and will be done in-house. In addition, the plans will give the contractor more time in which to complete the project, again in the hopes that this will result in reduced project costs. Staff is also investigating the availability of other grants for this type of project. Obtaining a grant is the best. method of reducing the fee that would eventually be charged to the property owners. Staff will then re-advertise the project with the aforementioned changes to the original plans and specifications in the hopes of obtaining lower costs. G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsX2005X05-25'XRcfg1148-sewer lines on stockdalc hwy.doc B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM June 9, 2005 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Maurice Randall, Business Manager~'~/~'~ THROUGH: Florn Core, Water Resources Manager SUBJECT: CANALS NEAR COTTONWOOD & BELLE TERRACE Council Referral No. 001149 (Ward No. 1)- Triple referral to Water Department (lead), Development Services & Community Development During the City Council meeting of May 25, 2005, Council Member Carson requested information regarding safety of canals near Cottonwood and Belle Terrace. Planning Division to research development regulations; Community Development to research availability of Block Grant funds and Water Department to send a letter to Kern Delta requesting the canal be fenced. Staff drove the neighborhood near Cottonwood and Belle Terrace to determine safety of canals in the vicinity. The East Branch of the Kern Island Canal is operational in the area. The majority of the canal in this area is located primarily in county areas from Union to Lotus Ln. to Casa Loma Dr. The canal along that stretch also appears to have adequate fencing. However, there is a stretch of open canal from Lotus Ln. to Cottonwood Rd. along Casa Loma Dr. that runs just north (approximately 20 feet) of a new subdivision (tract) within the City limits. According to Development Services, as part of the normal review of a subdivision, staff considers the proximity of canals to the tract. If a tract is located within ¼ mile of a canal, fencing is required prior to occupancy by the City's Municipal Code - Subdivision Ordinance Section 16.32.060 8a-e as a condition of approval. The alternative to the canal fencing is that the developer severs access from the tract to the canal by building a wall or chain-link fence 6 feet in height immediately adjacent the tract that effectively severs that access. The Economic and Community Development Department indicated that the utilization of City's CDBG program would be an inappropriate use at this location (Cottonwood and Belle Terrace) since it is within a County area. BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER JUN 2005 FROM: W.R. RECTOR, CHIEF OF POLICE ~ DATE: June 8, 2005 ciTY MANAGER'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Speeding Near Franklin School Council Referral No. 1152 (Ward 2) Council Member Benham requested staff address on-going concerns about speeding and collisions on 18th Street near Franklin School and Jastro Park. I This referral was assigned to the Operations Division for follow-up. The Traffic Section placed the SMART trailer along 18th Street for three days, and officers conducted radar enforcement in the area; there were no citations generated during this effort. In addition, it is our plan to place an unmanned marked police vehicle in the area in an attempt to give passing motorists the impression of law enforcement presence. This activity will be dictated by the availability of a spare vehicle. BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM RECEIVED TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: W.R. RECTOR, CHIEF OF pOLICE ~ JU~',] - 8 Z005 DATE: June 8, 2005 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Federal Monies for Police Officers Council Referral No. 1158 (Ward 3) I Vice-Mayor Maggard requested staff investigate Fresno's use of federal monies to hire new police officers and possible use of the information to hire additional officers in the City. In response to Vice-Mayor Maggard's request, staff contacted Fresno PD and found that they have received federal funding for nine officers to work in their Violent Crime Impact Team. Fresno was one of five cities in the nation added to this program this year. There is not additional funding for this program available at the present, but we will continue to explore grant funding opportunities. BLL/vrf RECEIVED ~.~ -..; 2005 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 7, 2005 TO: Alan Tan~nager FROM: Florn Core, Water Resources Manager SUBJECT: POLICY FOR LOCKING CANAL GATES Council Referral No. 001146 (Ward No. 4) During the City Council meeting of May 25, 2005, Council Member Couch requested staff provide information regarding policy for locking of canal gates in the City limits and delineate the responsibility for gate locking. All City owned or operated canal facilities in the incorporated areas of Bakersfield are secured from unauthorized entry at all times. The department's standard operating procedures (sop) for City canal operators are that gates are closed and locked at each entry and exit from the facility with few exceptions. Damage is reported promptly and repaired as-soon-as possible. City personnel carry in their vehicles, spare chains and locks, to replace broken or vandalized locks. Canals operated by other water districts (North Kern, Kern Delta or Kern County Water Agency) have security procedures and practices in place to minimize access. All of the districts are responsible for liability regarding their own facilities. ------- RECEIVED JU~-8 ~005 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TO: Alah Tandy, City Manager FROM:_..~,~tanley Grady, Development Services Director DATE: June 7, 2063 SUBJECT: Re: Large birds at 8410 Ailanthus Ct. Referral # 1155 Councilmember Hanson requested staff to investigate large birds kept and sold at 8410 Ailanthus Ct. Development Services to determine if possible Zoning violations: and Code Enforcement to investigate droppings and odor problems. Code Enforcement went out to see Mr. Gillete, the property owner on May 31, 2005. Mr Gillete showed documentation for all necessary special inspections required per an administrative hearing conducted on February 2003. After further investigation it was determined that no Municipal Code violations exist pursuant to Title 6 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. The premises appear to be sanitary; we did not smell any excessive odors or see any unsanitary conditions on site.  - RECEIVED M E M O R A N D U M ?,ITY MANAGER_'S OFFICE TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FRO~-.'-~-- Stanley_Gr_.a_dy, Development Services Director DATE: June 7, 2005 SUBJECT: Re: Swimming pool with stagnant water. Referral # 1157 Councilmember Sullivan requested staffto investigate a vacant house ~ 5323 Appletree Lane, stagnant water in pool and open structure. The property was inspected on May 31, 2005, an attractive nuisance in the form of a pool with stagnant water was found and at the time of the inspection the officer observed the structure to be vacant and open. The interior environment and premises of the property is littered with debris and in an unsanitary condition. On June 3, 2005, Code Enforcement drained the excess water from the pool and upgraded this to a 48 Hour Summary Abatement for removal of trash and filth, board and secure and remove debris from the pool, Property and pool are clean and secure as of this date.