HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/03 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 3,2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~ 7-~/, /--,~. SUBJECT: General Information 1. We have received a request from Hall Ambulance for an increase in ambulance rates. By law, ambulance companies must submit their proposed rates by January 1st of each year and a public hearing is to be conducted within 60 days. Staff will schedule the required public hearing. A copy of the request, with current and proposed fees is attached, along with a rate survey done by the Emergency Medical Services Administrators of California and a Kern County rate matrix. 2. A status report on the lease agreement with American Yeast Corporation is enclosed. AYC has scaled back their operations and is no longer discharging their wastewater to the Ashe Road farm site. We have been able to make accommodations for them in Plant 2 and 3, and they will pay a fee for one year temporary sewer service while they prepare to transfer their operations to Memphis. On a related issue, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board appears to be receptive to our request to defer the upgrade to Plant 3 for five years. CRWQCB staff have indicated they would recommend approval of the delay, which will save us a considerable amount in capital expenditure costs for the time being. 3. The list of "High Five" award winners from the fourth quarter of 2002 is enclosed from the Employee Incentive Committee. 4. Attached is the monthly CIP project status report. 5. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Information regarding the sewer connection process in the Stine Road area near Stockdale Highway; Honorable Mayor and City Council January 3, 2003 Page 2 · Installation of a cross-walk at the intersection of 3rd Street and Chester Avenue; · Uncompleted street light projects in the Southeast area; Councilmember Couch · Response to citizen regarding the need for Solid Waste complaint procedures; · Response to citizen regarding a citywide curbside recycling program; · Left turn lanes at Riverlakes and Coffee; · Results of review of Shell solar information; · Acquisition of Coffee Road easement; · Response to citizen regarding gang graffiti; · Response to citizen regarding a stop sign at the corner of North Shore Drive and Riverlakes Drive; · Request for Powerpoint Presentation concerning Alternate 15 to the Shell Community Advisory Panel; · Review of information regarding High Speed Rail; · Status regarding correspondence to NOR regarding Quilite International material Councilmember Hanson · Fence repair at Highway 99 and White Lane; Councilmember Salva.q.qio · Feasibility study regarding a three-way stop at Faith and Dolfield; · Acquisition of streets from homeowners' associations. AT:al cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM January 2, 2003 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stinson~,~S)sistant City Manager SUBJECT: Ambulance Rate Increase Request Staff has received a request from Hall Ambulance for an increase in ambulance rates. The Ambulance Regulation Ordinance requires ambulance companies to submit their proposed rates by January 1st each year and that a public hearing be conducted within 60 days. At or subsequent to, the public hearing the Council may increase, decrease, accept or alter the charges. Pursuant to the Code any changes would take effect on April 1 following the public hearing. Therefore the City Council could if they desire, consider this matter at Council meetings subsequent to the public hearing which has typically been conducted in late January or early February. The code does not require action to be taken by a date certain; however it is assumed to occur prior to April 1st. Should the Council not formally accept by resolution the proposed charges or any modifications prior to April 1st, the application to alter the charges would be deemed denied and the current charges would continue to be in effect. The proposal by Hall Ambulance requests significant increases to both the Basic Life Support (BLS - 50%) and Advanced Life Support (ALS - 25%) rates. Additional increases include mileage (31%); Night Charge (31%); Emergency Response (77%); and Oxygen (25%). Reasons given for the increase include changes to Medicare reimbursement, Medi Cai budget cuts, increased staffing costs; and workers compensation and liability insurance costs. A copy of the request, with current and proposed fees is attached. Hall has made a request for the same new rates with the County as well. Also attached is a recent (April 2002) rate survey done by the Emergency Medical Services Administrators Association of California of ambulance rates statewide and a County of Kern Ambulance rate matrix. Pursuant to the Municipal Code staff will schedule the required public hearing. S:\JOHN\Projects~AMB~Ambulance Rate Increase Request 2003.DOC CE SERVICE IN; · HALL AMBULANCE SERVICE . INCORPORATED CA 93301-4792 1001-21st STREET BAKERSFIELD, (661) 322-1625 FAX (661) 322-1638 December 30, 2002 ' Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager, City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear-Mr. Tandy, This is notice of application to change the current rate schedule for ambulance services as required by the Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 5.10.120. Attachment A outlines the proposed rates. I have also included further explanation and elaboration on some of the principal reasons for these increases. Hall Ambulance Service has been committed for the past 32 years and continues to be committed to providing the highest quality pre hospital care to the citizens of Kern County and Bakersfield. The growing crisis in health care coupled with dwindling reimbursement from the Federal, State and local governments has caused Hall Ambulance to restructure its business practices and internal operations for the past several years without compromising service. However, recent catastrophic changes in Medicare reimbursement, the possibility of Medi Cal budget cuts and other economic issues forced us to weigh a possible reduction of the quality 'of service we provide against increasing the rates. We believe we must increase the rates so that the citizens of Bakersfield can continue to be assured of receiving the finest in emergency and non emergency medical transportation. We will continue to work daily to seek ways to be more efficient in our operations.. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (661) 322-1625. Controller attach "WE CARE. EVERY HOUR. EVERY DAY." ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED RATES Current Proposed Basic Life Support (BLS) 357.00 536.00 (Includes prescheduled non- emergency responses when ALS procedures are no requested or provided) Advanced Life Support (ALS) 575.00 718.00 (Includes all 911 responses, responses not pre-arranged within two hours of ambulance .dispatch time and non-emergency responses when ALS services are specifically requested or provided.) Mileage 16.00 21.00 (Per mile from pick-up point to delivery point.) Night Charge 70.00 92.00 (7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) Emergency Response 52.00 92.00 (911 responses and code 3 used during response or transport for private emergency calls.) Oxygen 57.00 71.00 (Per cylinder of portion thereof used.) Health care across the United States is in crisis: an aging population, growing numbers of uninsured people of all ages, higher premium costs to those fortunate enough to have health coverage, legally mandated double digit decreases in reimbursement by federal, state and local governments, attempts to delay and decrease reimbursement by HMOs and other insurance providers, greater demands on what services should be provided by hospitals, physicians, medical transportation and other ancillary services, and limited resources by the same hospitals, physicians, medical transportation providers and ancillary services. All of this coupled with increased governmental regulations makes for a situation that puts patients at risk for quality health care. Hall Ambulance has been monitoring and dealing with this growing crisis for several years. Hall has been continually attempting to mitigate the impending situation through legislative channels, through increasing budgetary restraints and through continuous refinement and restructuring of our business practices while providing quality patient care. We have tried to make as many changes as possible without increasing our rate structure significantly or compromising the quality of service. However, due to the outside economic market forces that Hall must face, we realize that it has become fiscally necessary to request an increase in the rates charged to transport emergency and non emergency patients. In April 2002, the Federal Medicare program instituted a new fee schedule for ambulance providers. In a "one size fits all" approach, Medicare took the dollars that had been expended for ambulance services nation wide and divided them equally among the providers without consideration for the geographical differences in the cost to provide ambulance service. California was particularly hard hit and it is anticipated that many small providers will not be able to sustain the losses from Medicare (see attached article). The Medicare fee schedule is being implemented over a four and a half year period and by 2006 at the end of this phase in period, Hall Ambulance anticipates it will realize a 20% decrease in cash flow annually. In response to the implementation of the Medicare fee schedule, many other insurance carriers and HMOs are using the change to deny or delay claims and reduce the level of their reimbursement even though they are not tied to Medicare. Medicare continues to increase the patient information, authorization and documentation required from Hall Ambulance before processing patient claims. Some of this information and documentation is generated after the patient is admitted to the hospital or under the care of a physician, yet Hall AmbUlance is required to retrieve this information from the hospitals or physicians in order to be paid for the ambulance transport. Long delays in reimbursement occurs when even a part of that information is not available. ' California continues to under fund its Medi Cal health care program. Twenty-four (24) percent of the patients that Hall transports are Medi Cal recipients. Yet, Hall reimbursement from Medi Cal for Medi Cal patients in only $. 17 for every dollar paid by private patients. While many healthcare providers can choose not to provide services to a Medi Cal or Medicare patient because of the low reimbursement, ambulance providers do not have that option. We must respond to every emergency call and transport every patient regardless of their ability to pay. As the State of California attempts to adjust its budget to compensate for the deficit, the governor's budget is proposing a cut to Medi Cal funding we we would then see our reimbursement drop even further. The fiscal condition of the State of California will most likely result in budget cuts for the County of Kern. Our reimbursement from the County of Kern to provide emergency transportation for indigent adults and other county responsible patients was reduced by 12% and we fear even further cuts this year. This reduction in patient reimbursement by the County despite the growing population of uninsured people in Kern County. Many of those mandated to leave public assistance for work programs no longer qualify for health care benefits provided by Medi Cal and are not covered by employer provided health care. Yet they continue to need and use the services that Hall Ambulance provides. The amount that we charge off as uncollectible on a yearly basis is continuing to growing by hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. All of these cuts in reimbursement are occurring in an environment where the cost to provide medical care is increasing on a yearly basis. The current CPI index for medical care services shows an increase of 5.6% from November, 2001 to November, 2002. In contrast, the overall index for all items increased only 2.1% for that same time period. Medical services, particularly for pediatrics and youth mental health, were once provided locally but are no longer available and require the patient to be transported out of Kern County. In order to prevent a reduction in the service level to the remaining patients in Kern County that these increasing number of long distance transfers create, Hall Ambulance staffs additional units that in most cases require overtime pay for our employees. The current staffing problems at local hospitals (nurses, emergency rooms and elsewhere) require longer times for patients to be received from our ambulance crews and transferred to the care of the emergency rooms. Our ambulance crews must remain with a patient in the emergency room until the hospital can accept that patient. One and two hour waits are not uncommon as compared to twenty (20) and thirty (30) minutes in prior years. This again creates the potential of decreased service to the citizens of Kern County as ambulances and ambulance crews are tied up waiting at the hospitals. Once again, Hall Ambulance has taken the required measures to prevent such a situation with additional staffing and ambulances. However, because of the current nation wide paramedic shortage, this additional staffing has resulted in increased wages and unscheduled overtime. Hall Ambulance has experienced triple digit increases to provide insurance for our vehicles, commercial and professional liability, employment practices liability and workers' compensation in the last three years. Vehicle insurance costs have increased 134% from 2000 to 2002 with an increase of only 7 vehicles over that same period and no major vehicle accidents. Our commercial liability (policy limits dictated by contracts and governmental regulations) premiums have increased 114% since 2000 with no claims. The cost for our employee practices liability coverage has increased by 200% since 2000 with 3 claims all of which were dismissed as 4 unfounded. The cost to Hall Ambulance for workers' compensation coverage has increased 209% since 2000 and we have received notice for a double digit increase as we enter 2003. Our employee medical insurance coverage has increased more than 25% in the last two years alone. In most cases there are only one or two insurance companies willing to insure ambulance providers across the United States. There is no longer a competitive market for insurance premiums. The federal government has imposed new HIPPA guidelines to protect the privacy of consumers and patients. Hall must establish a compliance program and will be required to train and educate all of our employees on patient rights and the procedures to protect these rights. In addition, all patients transported must be noticed on their rights. Both the compliance program and the patient notification process will be an added cost to ambulance providers. The potential for fuel shortages and exorbitant rates for fuel loom on the horizon as the United States prepares for a possible war with Iraq. While it is not our practice to increase rates in anticipation of future events, when the cost of fuel increased so dramatically in 2000 -2001, we found we did not have the option to recover any of the increased costs through a fuel surcharge as did so many businesses during that period. As one of the safety nets for the citizens of Kern County, we know that it is our responsibility to be there when a medical emergency occurs and we must be fiscally prepared for all eventualities. Hall Ambulance Service is preparing to respond to future acts of terrorism through planning, training and equipment purchases. As a private ambulance provider we are having to pay for the costs associated with this required readiness in case there should be another catastrophic act of terrorism or a natural disaster. We have not received any grants nor have we been a recipient of any monies that have been received by the police, fire or health department. New York City relied heavily on the private ambulance companies during "911" to not only respond to the Twin Towers but to continue to provide the daily requests for emergency responses to the citizens of New York. This is just a brief outline of the economic, social and governmental forces that are affecting not only Hall Ambulance but other providers here in Kern County as well as throughout California and the United States. We are committed to providing the highest quality of pre hospital care to the citizens we serve and it is regretted that we have been forced to increase our rates at this time. to resume covetagg J~: So~- .: :: :.' .' 'ead out, gener- _ ~ ................... : · .,~ ambUlanoe ano alterra ~ a0'Ss and is still covering 'Ci~ ~b~lance is noi taking over ": :,c. SoHum::ln ~ inte~ew last month, to lose money, the thinking is that i fibieto" he ~pl~ned, d~ami~ ~at a~ s~i- there will be reimbursement from . . : t6.~6~e ~dercutfing hospit~s, the county,~. Fidjeland ce ntinued. ' ~hmare'uninsured don't '~d the coun~'will have tO m~e up :-catio ns;' h pay, ~d it goes to co~e~ions and you for it ~ a t~ assessment or what- 'meet ,never see the,money,' said Fidjeland. ever.~ ......... , ::.~, adde~(~-at.:gb.v~fnment.spon....: ,' '. O~y ofie a~tive'fimBfilanceis nec- tabu- ' sbred'in~ce';~0~m}'.~so net a .elsa~ for. SoHum ~'but a require- - -: :loss:as:.refmbbrsement rates are merit to.have ffbac[;6p'ambulance : ..._:. av~lable at ~1 times'~Presents'a hard; took a 20~ ship in.an area:~at onlY yields one .. 1, there or ~o c~ls a day.,,: . . ' ~I couldn't',aff0rd it~' Fidjeland ..another 20-percent cut. pay for the said.;' -- .,:.L' Clark. Guzzi,' ah ~alyst with the t is Fidjeland's counW's Public:Health. Department' ":' ~ehisbusi- showed apprecia~o~ for Chand's ;~10sseg'a~ pre~ SoHum eff0~s, but pmtrayed~the sit- : a.loi of m0ne}' ~er four uation ~ new and uncharted.: ... . 'I suppo~ laison's concerns dur- over tolos , use:the term 'interim,~ but it seems: --~: ...... · ~ . _ to be'wo[kifig', said GuzzL.Yl ~n't stabilize ambu- us ~g~e]'~at~ l~'.br~drr~ew~ it's '. , in trfinsitlo~::so;~Cre taking.lc:'as It -' ...... comes.find t~6g.t6'?esolv~.is~ as :~. ':: COUNTY OF KERN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 04/05/2002 C D H K L H M C B A E A E I A E A K R L L R B L R 1 R E A L N E L C C S N R Y T F O T Y L RATE y (Air) (Air) (Air) D CRITERIA 8/96 2/99 3/97 1/93 2/99 3/95 2/94 4/02 4/99 6/98 9/01 2/99 12/99~ 1/2000 2/99 4/98 4/00 BLS BASE 515. 201569.00 429.001475.00~615.00 - - RATE I I I ALS BASE 631.641629.00 575.001575.001782.001RotWng: 2150.00 3950.001 575.0ul RATE I I I 12829.00 I I I I FixWng: ### I I I 11750.00 EMERG. 82.391 85.001 74.001 75.001105.00~ 153.75~- - 52.00 CALL/UN- I I I I I I "~'~', ¢'~"-~ OXYGEN 72.341 70.001 57.001 60.001 82.001 79.951 28.001- 57.00 USE I I I I I I I I I I NIGHT 107.10 I 85.00 74.001 75.001125.001 123.00 220.5O I - 70.00 I CALL I I I I FixWng: (7 TO 7) I I I I- I I MILEAGE 19.001 19.00 17.301 17.501 23.251# 86.10 ##56.001# 45.001 16.0ul (PER MILE) I I I FixWng: WAITING 32.96 45.001 30.00 30.00 51.00 I 76.88 I 55.001 - - TIME/15 I I MINUTES I I I SPINAL 100.001 77.001 42.50 50.001114.001 86.101- - - IZATION (A) I I I I I long spinellO0.O01 77.001 42.501 50.001114.001 86.101- - boa rd I I I (Al) I I I I short 100.00 77.001 42.501 50.00 114.001 86.101- - - spine I ] I I board (A2) I I I c-collar 100.00 77.001 42.501 50.00 114.001 86.101- - - cation (A3) I I I -: Not a rate category for the service. Bold & UPPER CASE: Indicates major charge categories. Italics & lower case: Indicates subcategories of major charge categories, only one charge per major category is allowed. # : Air - Patient Transport Mileage only. ## : Air - Loaded Mileage, 1/2 of rate for unloaded mileage. ### : CARE -Certain payors have inclusive charges - Charges for Emergency, Night, ECG, IV Access & Pulse Oximetry may be bundled within ALS or BLS Base Rate. AMBULANCE SERVICE 04/05/2002 C D H K L H M C B A E A E I A E A K R L L R B L R L R E A L N E L C C S N R Y T F O T Y L RATE Y (Air) (Air) (Air) D CRITERIA sand bag 100.001 77.00 42.501 50.001114.001 86.101- - /head im- mobil. (A4) scoop 100.001 77.00 42.501 50.001114.001 86.101- I- - stretcher (A5) ELECTRO- 137.31~100.00 - ~100.001150.00~100.00~- ]- ~- GRAM (B) ecg 137.31] 100. 001- 100.00] 150. OO1100. 001 - I- - monitor (m 1 ) ecg tape 137.311100.001- 100.001150.00 100.001- ]- - readout I I I I ] (m2) ecg 137. 311100. 001- 100. 001 - 100. 001 - I- - telemetry (m3) SPLINTING 75.00 47.00] 30.00 40.00~ 85.00 43.05]- I- ~- (c) traction 75.001 47.001 30.00 40.001 85.00 43.051- I- - splint ( cl ) cardboard 75.001 47.001 30.00] 40.001 85.001 43.051- I- - splint (C2) velcro 75.00! 47.001 30.001 40.001 85.00 43.05]- I- - splint & simil. (C3) air 75.001 47.001 30.001 40.001 85.00 43.05]- I- - splint & simil. (C4) ladder 75.00 47.001 30.001 40.001 85.001 43.051- I- - splint (C5) M~JOa 125.00]100.001 85.001 85.001180.001103.501- I- I- MEDICAL (D) defibril- 125.001100.001- I 85.001180.001103.501- I- - late (ml) cpr 125.001100.001 85.001 85.001180.001103.501- I- - (D2) -: Not a rate category for the service. Bold & UPPER CASE: Indicates major charge categories. Italics & lower case: Indicates subcategories of major charge categories, only one charge per major category is allowed. -2- AMBULANCE SERVICE 04/05/2002 C D H K L H M C B A E A E I A E A K R L L R B L R L R E A L N E L C C S N R Y T F O T Y L RATE Y (Air) (Air) (Air) D CRITERIA mast suit 1125.001100.001 85.001 85.001180.00 103.501- I- - (D3) I [ I I cook 125.001100.001 85.001 85.001180.00 103.501- - - catheter I I I (m4) I I [ cricothy- 125.00[100.00 85.001 85.001180.00 103.50[- - - rotomy I I I I (D5) I I I I DISPOSABLE '43.941'0 to *up tol*up roi*up to *up tol 28.00l- ,up tol SUPPLIES 1500.00 375.001500.001500.00 500.00[ ~ 375.00 (E *) I I I I I I## EXTRA 150.001- 42. 501- 1150.00 - I- l- l- ATTENDANT (RN)**I + 1.001 I (RN)** I I 300.00 I /mile I 1400.00 I I ADVANCED 105.001 60.00 60.001 60.001125.00 76.261- I- AIRWAY I I I MAINT. (F) I I I endo- 105.00 60.001 60.001 60.00 125.001 76.261- - tracheal I I I I intub. (El) I I I I naso- 105.00 60.001 60.001 60.00 125.001 76.261- - - tracheal I I intub. (F2) [ I naso- 1105.00[ 60.001 60.00 60.001125.001 76.261- - - gastric I I I I ] intub. (F3) ] I [ I [ ventil- 1105.00[ 60.001 60.00 60.001125.00[ 76.261- - I- ation [ [ I [ I I assist (F4) I I I I I I I suctioningll05.00l 60.001 60.00 60.001125.001 76.261- - I- (F5) l I I I I MEDICATIONI100.001 10.001- 40.00l 82.001 10.00- I- ADMIN. [ [ J J J VENI- 50.001 30.001 25.00 25.001140.00l- - I- - PUNCTURE I I I I I (G) I I I I I blood draw 50.001 30.001 25.00t 25.001140.00t- - I- - (Gl) I I I I I *: If not resupplied at the receiving hospital, per patient -: Not a rate category for the service. Bold & UPPER CASE: Indicates major charge categories. Italics & lower case: Indicates subcategories of major charge categories, only one charge per major category is allowed. **: 0nly charged for RN level extra attendant. ##: City of Bakersfield $100.00 maximum for ALS/BLS Supplies, Medications Maximum $275.00, Total Disposable Supplies not to exceed $375.00. --3-- AMBULANCE SERVICE 04/05/2002 C D H K L H M C B A E A E I A E A K R L L R B L R L R E A L N E L C C S N R Y T F O T Y L RATE Y (Air) (Air) (Air) D CRITERIA i.v. fluid 50.001 30.001 25.00 25.001140.001 .... admin . I I I (G2) [ I I SPECIAL 1300.001- I 65.00 25.001225.001 .... HANDLING I ~ to to I (H) I I100.00 75.001 off-road 300.001- I 65.001 50.001225.00 .... terrain I I (HI) I I I water 300. 001 - I - 50. 001 .... rescue I I (H2) I rope 300. 001- 50. 001225. 001- - I- - patient I I I I rescue (H3) I I I I minor veh. 300. O01 - - 25. O01225. O01 - - I - - extricate I I I (H4) I I major veh. 300.00]- 100.001 50.001225.001- - extricate I I I I (HS) I I I I employee 300. O01 - - I 75. O01225. O01 - I - physica 1 I [ I hazard (H6) ] I I NON-TRANS 5,000. I 0 to 5,000.1up to I 0 to - - - I- PORT DRY 15,000. 11,000.15,000. RUN (I) employer 15,000. 0 to 5,000. up to 0 to - I- - - request-em] 5,000. 1,000. 5,000. ployee (Il) I haz-mat 15,000. 0 to 15,000. up to 0 to - - responsib. I 5,000.1 1,000. 5,000. party (I2) I I med-alert ]5,000. 0 to 15,000. up to 0 to I- - - responsib. 5,000. I 1,000. 5,000. party (I3) I patient/ 5,000. 0 to 15,000. up to 0 to - I- family re- 5,000. I 1,000. 5,000. I quest (I4) I I care req. 5,000. 0 to ]5,000. up to 0 to - I- - no trans 5,000.1 1,000. 5,000. (I5) I I PULSE 50.001 50.001 50.00 50.001 78.001 50.00 - I- - OXIMETRY I I I I I -: Not a rate category for the service. Bold & UPPER CASE: Indicates major charge categories. Italics & lower case: Indicates subcategories of major charge categories, only one charge per major category is allowed. -4- (A) SPINAL I~0BILIZATION - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as A-I, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5. (B) ELECTROCARDIO6~M- Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as B-I, B-2, B-3. (C) SPLINTING - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as C-i, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5. (D) MAJOR TRAUMa/MEDICAL CONDITION - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as D-I, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5. (E) DISPOSABLE SUPPLIES - Includes total itemized charges for disposable supplies in an amount not to exceed the specific rate per patient if item(s) are not resupplied at the receiving hospital or provided b¥ another agency. (F) ADVANCED AIRWAY M~INTENANCE - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as F-i, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5. (G) VENIPUNCTURE - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as G-I, G-2. (H) SPECIAL HANDLING - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as H-I, H-2, H-3, ~-4, H-5, ~-6. (I) NON-TRANSPORT DRY RUN - Includes single charge for one or more subcategories defined as I-l, I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5. Effective Dates of Rate Changes b~ Service/Source (From January 1992): 01/01/92 Westar Ambulance - Air (rotor-wing) 02/27/92 WestarAmbulance - Ground 03/11/92 Bakersfield City 03/23/92 Westar Ambulance - Air (fixed-wing) 05/01/92 Liberty Ambulance 05/01/92 Taft Ambulance 07/01/92 Golden Empire Ambulance 07/01/92 Hall Ambulance 07/15/92 Shafter Ambulance 07/21/92 Delano Ambulance 07/21/92 Wasco Ambulance 08/01/92 CARE Ambulance 08/15/92 Westar Ambulance - Air (rotor-wing & fixed-wing) 08/15/92 Westar Ambulance - Ground 09/01/92 Liberty Ambulance 11/01/92 Westar Ambulance - Air (rotor-wing & fixed-wing) 11/05/92 Westar Ambulance - Air (rotor-wing & fixed-wing) 01/15/93 Kern Ambulance 02/17/93 Bakersfield City 05/01/93 Taft Ambulance 07/15/93 Golden Empire Ambulance 11/24/93 Liberty Ambulance (dry run only) 12/27/93 Delano Ambulance Service (dry run only) 12/27/93 Wasco Ambulance Service (dry run only) 01/18/94 Westar Air & Ground Service Closure 02/07/94 Golden Empire Ambulance - EMS Aircraft Service start temporary permit 02/18/94 CARE Ambulance (dry run only) 02/22/94 Golden Empire Ambulance - EMS Aircraft rates - rotor-wing revised 02/28/94 Merc~ Air Service - EMS Aircraft Service start by temporary permit 08/17/94 Liberty Ambulance (emergency, night, & mileage) 02/01/95 CARE Ambulance 02/03/95 CARE Ambulance (ALS Base Rate Corrected to $631.64) 03/06/95 Taft Ambulance Permit Transfer to Hall Ambulance Service Effective 03/23/95 City of Bakersfield - revised 03/27/95 Delano Ambulance - revised 03/27/95 WascoAmbulance - revised 04/01/95 Golden Empire Ambulance - Rotor-WingRates revised 11/10/95 Hall Ambulance - added Pulse Oximetr~ rate 01/29/96 Liberty Ambulance - added Pulse Oximetry rate 08/12/96 CARE Ambulance - added Pulse Oximetry rate, effective 09/10/96 09/04/96 Liberty Ambulance - Revised, effective 10/01/96 02/25/97 Hall Ambulance - Added Rate for Non-Transport Dry Run only 03/12/97 City of Bakersfield - Increase of regulated rates (Hall & GEA) 03/13/97 Golden Empire Air - Fixed-WingAirAmbulanceRates Implemented 06/15/97 Shafter Ambulance - revised, effective 06/15/97 08/01/97 Delano Ambulance - revised, effective 08/01/97 08/01/97 Wasco Ambulance - revised, effective 08/01/97 12/01/97 Shafter Ambulance - ALS/BLS Base Rate & Emergenc~, effective 12/01/97 04/01/98 City of Bakersfield - Increase of Regulated Rates (Hall & GEA) 06/01/98 CARE Ambulance - Increased rate for RN Level Extra Attendant eff.6/1/98 02/01/99 wasco Ambulance - Disposable Supply Fee revised 02/01/99 DelanoAmbulance - Disposable Supply Fee revised 02/01/99 Shafter Ambulance - Disposable Supply Fee initiated 02/01/99 Golden Empire Ambulance - Disposable Supply Fee & other new fees 02/01/99 Golden Empire Air - Disposable Supply Fee revised, other new fees initiated 02/01/99 Liberty Ambulance - Disposable Supply Fee revised 02/01/99 Hall Ambulance - Disposable Supply Fee initiated, increase ALS Base & 02 03/16/99 ShafterAmbulance - Permit Transfer to Hall Ambulance (removed from matrix) 04/01/99 City of Bakersfield - Increase of RegulatedRates (Hall & GEA) 04/15/99 City of Bakersfield - Authorized Disposable Supplies Fee (Hall & GEA) 07/06/99 Golden Empire Ambulance - Permit Transfer to Hall Amb.(removed from matrix) 07/13/99 Wasco Ambulance - Permit Transfer to Kern Ambulance (removed from matrix) 12/15/99 Kern Ambulance - Revised 01/01/2000 Liberty Ambulance - Revised 04/01/2000 City of Bakersfield - Increase of Regulated Rates (Hall) 06/05/2000 CARE Ambulance - Clarified inclusive charges within BLS or ALS Base Rates 09/01/2001 DelanoAmbulance - Increase in Emergency, Oxygen, Night, Mileage, Wait & IV 04/05/2002 Cal City Air Ambulance - Permit Issued RB:AMBULANC:RATES57.DOC -6- Emergency Medical Services Administrators Association of California Ambulance Rates Survey May 2002 Includes Addtl Charges BH Includes Emergency Mask/ allowed for Contact Rag Subsidyto Emergency Response Cannula and Inclusive supplies/ with Compliance Rag Fee transport Send LEMSA/County BLS Rate Fee? Charge Oxygen Tubing? Mileage ALS Fee? equipment? Monitor :ee? Amount Providers? Summary Comments Alameda $ 495.00 ! $59.51 n $14.75 $ 750.00 ? Alpine $ 380.00 ! NA $20.00 n $ 7.00 N/A y n n n No Als Amedor $ 450.00 ! $80.00 y $15.00 $ 750.00 y n n n Calaverac $ 571.66 ~, $67.66 y $16.60 $ 741.66 y n n n y Figures are averaged for 3 providers Contra Costa $ 423.82 n $ $58.04 N $13.07 $ 677.71 N y $ 99.56 N Y Y El Dorado NA NA NA $50.00 Y $12.00 $609.00 y Y N ? Y Special Tax and Benefit Assessment District Fresno $259.42 av Y NA $12.58 $499.92 Y Imperial $ 320.00 Y $40.00 N $10.00 $590.00 Y Y N N Y Annual Provider Permit Fee - $1425, Inspection Fee Inland Countiac $ 315.64 N $ 124.10 $76.96 Y $13.05 $ 687.50 Y N N N Y ~200/unit Annual Permit Fee - $2147; Annual Unit Fee - $275 Kern $618.0(; N $ 78.50 $69.50 N $19.63 $ 678.50 N Y N y Y range provided, figures averaged) none for Kings $ 445.00 BLS n $16.00 $534.00 y n n y One EOA partially Los Ang=l~ Ce. $353.0(} N $85.25 $42.50 n $12.25 $542.00 Y Y N subsidized Y aariposa $500.0~ n na $62.00 y $13.20 $670.00 y n n Matin ~t~. lllendooino $ 329.00 n $101.70 $65.50 y $10.40 $599.50 y n n y Figures for rates are averaged Medera $360.00 $ 62.50 $55.00 $12.25 $ 547.50 y y n n y Figures for 2 providers submitted, figures averaged Merced $360.00 $ 90.00 $60.00 Y $12.00 $ 605.00 Y N N N Y LEMSA receives ~ $50,000 annually from ambcos Did not Monterey respond $63.16 $60.94 Y $12.75 $608.28 Y N N Y Y Figures are averaged for 11 counties. The counties NorCal EMS $ 442.00 N $61.50 $63.00 Y $19.00 $608.00 N Y N Varies by Co Varies by Co Y do not regulate ambulance rates. Nape $ 473.30 y $ 70.00 $57.70 no $15.00 $ 652.50 n n n n y Figures averaged for three providers ~leveda $ 420.00 y $ 56.00 $12.50 $ 616.00 y n n n Not Yearly Application fee $600.00 + $300.00 yearly Orange $466.00! y $60.50 Y $12.25 Regulated N Y licensing fee Placer $397.12: y $61.80 n $12.36 $ 582.52 y n n n Riverside $357.25 $57.19 y $13.93 $ 591.67 Figures are averaged for 9 providers Sacramento $ 387.50 y $45.00 Sometimes $10.75 $ 505.00 N Y N N ¥ (range provided, figures averaged) San Benito ~ii Initial Permit $2000, Annual Permit $1000, BLS Inspection $250, ALS Inspection $375, CCT San Diego (City) $ 336.72 $38.44 $11.15 Inspection $325/amb. Subscription: City Fees San Francisco San Jose Initial Permit $1200.00 Each addl unit $420.00 San doaquin $ 327.00 n $ 68.00 $46.00 n $12.30 $ 580.00 n y n n y Renewal $600, Each addl renewal $180.00 Transport Agencies~AmbRates\ 1/2/2003 Ambulance Rates SurveyApril2002.xts::April 2002 Rates Survey Emergency Medical Services Administrators Association of California Ambulance Rates Survey May 2002 Includes Addtl Charges BH Includes Emergency Mask/ allowed for Contact Reg Subsidyto Emergency Response Cannula and Inclusive supplies/ with Compliance Rag Fee ITransport Send LEMSA/County BLS Rate Fee? Charge Oxygen Tubing'?. Mileage ALS Fee? equipment? vlonitor Fee? Amount ~roviders? Summary Comments Disposables San Luis Obispo $ 485.67 n $ 128.33 $64.50 y__ $16.70 $ 614.00 ~, only n n y San Mateo ----$277.1~ -~---"--- -- $76.59 ~- -- $15.9~ --$839.85 N y N N ............. ~,xyge--'--~and ---- LEMSA receives $73,325/year subject to CPI Santa Barbara $ 536.20 $70.76 y $13.65 $ 665.00 N Mileage only N N y ~ncreases for contract oversight from ambcos SantaClara ------ $66.16 '~-- $14.31 "~--656.35 ~--- ~- -- ---- -~-~ ---- ~ N Sonoma $451.70 n $84.1(~ $72.9(~ ------ $13.7l~ ----$584.70 ~--- ~-2/night--'~/mi--'~ ---- ~ - n :lates shown are averages Stanislaus $339.82 -y -- ---- $57.57 y $15.1~ --$657.00 ~--- __-- ~ n n Rates shown are averages for 5 areas ;ante Cruz __-- ---- rulare $330.05 ~_____ .... $14.0~ $518.38 'uolemne $ 540.~..~ n____ $ 80.00 $75.00 ~--'----'~20.00 $----765.---(~)-~'----~----- --------~------ n Venture $ ~ $ 72.25 $57.5~ N $15.00 ~ 747.25 ~---~--- ~112.25 y $39.00 n_______ __ Yoln $ 401.75 ~' $ 61.80 __-- ~_~__ $.__12.3~6 $ 5_____87.15 y_____n ~n~n~ ~n_______y_-__ Average $ 404.67 __-- $__~75.7__~_2 '~59.___~ $13.72 $ 632.15 $105.91 Average Plus 15% $ 465.37 $ 87.07 $68.62 __-- $15.7_..___~8$___726.9___.~7.... $121.7______~9 _ VC2002-O3Estimated $ 348.80 $ 74.78 $59.51 $15.53 $ 773.40 __ $116.1_.___~8 ~_ Minus 15% ~-- 343.9~ ~ ~ 64.36 $5---0.72 ~ $1'-'--1.67 $ 5-----37.33 __-- ~ '~-90.02 Venture ~ 1. Coastal Valleys: Nape, Sonoma, Mendocino 3. Inland Counties: San Bernardino, Inyo, Mono 4. Mountain Valley: Al~pine, Amador, Calaveras, M-~riposa~-~anislaus ......... 5. North Coast: Lake, Del Norte, Humboldt ~ __ -- 6. Northern California: Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lessen, Modoc, Plumes, Shasta, Sierr-~a~u~-Tehama~rin-~Y ;7. Sierra-Sacramento Valley: Nevada, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, Yub__a__ Rates set as part of RFP at max allowable average. Based on capitated hospital payments at time. Solano Transport Agencies~AmbRates\ 1/2/2003 Ambulance Rates SurveyApril2002.Hs::April 2002 Rates Survey CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMBULANCE RATE HISTORY BASIC LIFE ADVANCED CHARGE NIGHT EMERGENCY OXYGEN DISPOSABLE SUPPORT LIFE PER MILE RATE RESPONSE PER SUPPLIES SUPPORT RATE CYLINDER MAX.AMT. (1) Approved 3/97 $293.25 $540.50 $13.80 $62.10 $46.00 $52.90 Approved 4/98 $307.00 $566.50 $14.50 $65.00 $48.00 $55.50 Approved 4/99 $342.00 $575.00 $15.00 $67.00 $50.00 $57.00 $375.00 Approved 4/00 $357.00 $575.00 $16.00 $70.00 $52.00 $57.00 $375.00 Requested 1/03 $536.00 $718.00 $21.00 $92.00 $92.00 $71.00 $375.00 (1) This category was added by the City Council last April to allow recovery of disposable items not restocked by hospitals. Charges must be itemized and the maximum charge for ALS or BLS supplies is $100, and for drugs and medications the total is $275, with the total amount not to exceed $375. .... --RECEivED CITY MANAGER'S Ct",' B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM January 3, 2003 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ SUBJECT: AMERICAN YEAST CORPORATION LEASE EXTENSION ASHE ROAD FARM SITE As of January 1,2003 American Yeast Corporation (AYC) is no longer discharging their wastewater to the Ashe Road farm site. AYC has scaled back their operations and modified some processes to reduce their wastewater load and the City has made accommodations for them in Plant 2 and 3. AYC will pay a fee to the City for temporary (1 year max) sewer service. This will allow them to get their yeast production operation up and running in Memphis, TN and transfer production there. Arc's Bakersfield plant manager is hopeful that a new business plan can be developed to keep the AYC Bakersfield plant in operation with a new product. Recently, City Staff approached the California Regional Water Quality Control Board in Fresno (CRWQCB) about deferring a change it was making to the Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 discharge permit. The change, scheduled to go into effect in April, 2005, would require a substantial plant upgrade. City Staff requested they defer the implementation of this permit provision for 5 years. Recently Board Staff indicated verbally that the City's request seemed justified and reasonable and they would prepare a staff report recommending its approval by the CRWQCB. This is great news for the City since approval of this request will defer a $6-8 million capital expenditure for five years, allow the finance department to pay off some bonds early, and allow the City some breathing room to plan for the new permit requirement in the next expansion of Plant 3. G:\GROUPDAT~Memo~2003~AYC Tandy l-3.doc B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM Janua~ 3,2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: (~honda S ~mi'le~ffice Administrator - Public Relations SUBJECT: Employee Incentive Program The Employee Incentive Committee is happy to provide the list of High Five Award recipients for the fourth quarter of 2002. The winners of the random drawing are noted in bold. All of these individuals were recognized by their peers, supervisors, or members of the public for exceptional work and/or customer service. Each recipient is automatically inducted into the "High Five Club" for the fiscal year and is recognized at the annual Employee Breakfast. They are also recognized monthly in the City's employee newsletter. We applaud these individuals for a job well done. Attachments 2002 HIGH FIVE AWARD October 2 Nominee Title Dept Date Nominator Comments 1 Arambula, Matt Svc Mnt Wrkr Rec & Parks 10/14/02 Rodolpho Plaza Went the extra mile to help Streets Division with limb clean up. Blair, Kirk Dep. Chief Fire 10/18/02 John Weber Worked above and beyond to ensure removal of asbestos from Stn 7 was completed 3 Bowman, Lance Captain Fire 10/13/02 Gar)/Turner Helped design and install equipment on vehicles; saved the City money. 4 Butler, Gerald Equip Operator PW / SW 10/21/02 James Scrivano Helped out another section when shorthanded; ability to lead 5 Cegielski, Don Officer PD 10114/02 Gar)/Moore Came up with a successful idea to teach students the dangers of drinking and driving. 6 Darrow, Ron Engineer Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 7 Enriquez, James Laborer Rec & Parks 10/30/02 Lee Ochoa Maintains assigned parks with the utmost concern; goes the extra mile. 8 Fenstermaker, Gar)/ Cd Enf Officer Dev Svcs 10/02/02 Rachel Meek Helped an elderly citizen; easy attitude. 9 Fick, Mark Supervisor II PW / ST 10/04/02 April West Awsome attitude; always positive; very helpful; knowledgeable 10 Fletcher, Charles Mtr Swpr Oprtr PW / ST 10/21/02 Rodolpho Plaza Took the time to explain techniques; team player. 11 Flores, John Eng. Tech I PW / Eng 10/11/02 Roberta Gafford Designed, created and mounted posters for recent election; excellent customer service. 12 Green, Jay Off Sys Tech IT 10/24/02 Conchita Walker Stuck with a problem until it was solved 13 Hackney, Jason Officer PD 10/01/02 Mary DeGeare Rec'd letter of appreciation from local business 14 Hartshorn, Robert Sergeant PD 10/12/02 Della Wilson Good customer service; ensures female employees are safe at night; very understanding 15 Hayslett, Brent Acct. Clerk Treasury 10/01/02 Kandi Mosqueda Covers for employees when they are out; takes on extra duties 16 Hinson, Charles Traffic Pntr II PW / GS 10/08/02 Wm. Gallegos Always willing to help anyone in any department who needs it 17 Hooker, Larry Supervisor II PW / SW 10/01/02 Mimi Placencia Has a calm, professional manner; took care of many details of recent exam 18 Lencioni, Mike Firefighter Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 19 Lewis, Terry Sergeant PD 10/12/02 Della Wilson Always in a good mood; thoughtful; considerate; ~loes out of his way for others 20 Lyman, David Principal PInnr EDCD 10/30/02 Charles Webb Rec'd award for work as an advocate for the State Enterprise Zone program. 21 Lynch, Tim Captain Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 22 Mabry, Vic Firefighter Fire 10/13/02 Gar)/Turner Helped design and install equipment on vehicles; saved the City money. 23 Martinez, Rene Mtr Swpr Oprtr PW / ST 10/21/02 Rodolpho Plaza Very helpful with City functions; volunteers his time; team player. 24 Mendenhall, M Clerk Typist PW / Fleet 10/17/02 David Prince Very good at her iob; pleasant attitude; glad she decided not to transfer 25 McGrath, Brian Firefighter Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore 'Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 26 Paquette, David Cd Enf Officer Dev Svcs 10/02/02 Rachel Meek Volunteers with Police Department; supportive of their efforts 27 Parks, Jean Secretary II CMO 10/11/02 Darnell Haynes Excellent job preparing the budget and minutes for Budget & Finance Committee 28 Payan, Gre~l St. Mntnr II PW / ST 10/21/02 Rodolpho Plaza Long-time empIo)/ee; always helpful with new employees; team player 29 Powers, Amy Clerk Typist PD 10/07/02 ,Mar)/DeGeare Rec'd commendation letter from Chief Matlock 10/11/02 Patti Hock Very helpful; saves others time; always has a smile in her voice 3c Ruiz, Leonor Mtr Swpr Oprtr PW / ST 10/21/02 Rodolpho Plaza Takes the time to explain things; team player 31 Samuel, Art Equip Operator PW / SW 10/21/02 lames Scrivano Helped out another section when shorthanded; ability to lead 32 Scrivano, James Supervisor II PW / SW 10/01/02 Mimi Placencia Provided invaluable assistance with recent exam 33' Shull, Mike Mtr Swpr Oprtr PW / ST 10/21/02 Rodolpho Plaza Took the time to train on a sweeper; team player 34 Simmons, John Real Prop Agnt Finance 10/11/02 Darnell Haynes Expedited an appraisal; always helpful; delivers what he promises on time 35 Sloan, Quincy Engineer Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 36 Spina, Jeff Firefighter Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 37 Turner, Keitha Act Dep Clerk Clerk 10/11/02 Darnell Haynes Always goes the extra mile to provide excellent customer service 10/11/02 Pam McCarthy Assumed new duties and accomplished them in an exemplar)/manner 38 Watkins, James Tree Mntnr II Rec & Parks 10/14/02 Rodolpho Plaza Went the extra mile to help Streets Division with limb clean up. 39 Weber, John Captain Fire 10/15/02 Matthew Moore Part of a team that helped paint Station 7, saved the City money. 40 Wilson, Della Clerk Typist PD 10/04/02 S. Wilson Great patience with tremendous work load 10/05/02 R. Slayton Continually returns reports in a timely manner 10/06/02 J. Grimes More than accommodating when transcribing long and complex reports 41 Wisham, Darlene Pur. Officer Purchasing 10/23/02 Keitha Turner Followed through on copier repair to make sure it was taken care of. 2002 HIGH FIVE AWARD November Nominee Title Dept Date Nominator Comments 1 Adamson, John Supervisor II PW/Fleet 11/22/2002 Leslie Devitt Went out of his way to take care of my vehicle 2 Graviss, Chuck Mnt Crftwrkr I Rec & Parks 10/30/02 Josh Romine Great help with Halloween event; always goes above and beyond. 3 Gustafson, James Fleet Service Wkr II PW/Fleet 11/22/02 Leslie Devitt Went out of his way to take care of my vehicle 4, Hue}f, Ralph Dir., Fire Prev/Env Fire 11/22/02 Kirk Blair Put in a lot of work to coordinate key grant 5 Johnson~ Christophe Officer PD 11/6/02 E. Agerton Always helpful to Records division of PD; has a pleasant attitude. 6 Jones, Andrea Legal Secretary Attorney 11/22/02 Patti Hock Conscientious; hardworking; always goes out of her way 7 Jones, Rachel Clerk Typist I PD 11/6/02 Steve Fagot iGoes the extra mile to get reports together; dedicated. Blaine Craig Goes the extra mile to get reports together; dedicated. ... 8 Levig, Erik Service Technician Police 11/22/02 Eddie Garcia =rovided assistance at accident site to PST 9 Mosqueda, Kandi Acct. Clerk I Treasury 11/7/02 Brent Hayslett Continuous effort to improve permit process; hard worker. 10 Richter, Tricia Development Assoc EC/DC 11/27/02 Rhonda Barnhard Consistent positive attitude toward her work and fellow employees 11 Roussel, Susan Prg. Coordinator Rec & Parks 10/30/02 Josh Romine Goes above and beyond; helped make Halloween event a success. 12 Scotty Sheila Service Technician Police 11/22/02 Eddie Garcia Provided assistance at accident site to PST 13 Simpson, Leslie Accountant I Treasury 11/22/02 Tricia Richter Has a "can-do" attitude; helpful 14 Stowe, Pat Clerk Typist II Dev Srv-Plan 11/27/02 Isabel Williams Whenever I need a small favor she goes the exta mile 15 Stringer, Aaron Service Technician Police 11/22/02 Eddie Garcia Provided assistance at accident site to PST 2002 HIGH FIVE AWARD December Nominee Title Dept Date Nominator Comments I Affleck, Woody Service Maint Wkr Rec & Parks 12/19/2002 Randy Blay Always helping; really cares about the job 2 Arriola, Ernest Supervisor PW / Sts 11/20/2002 Rodolpho Plaza Treats citizens and fellow employees with courtesy and respect. 3 Carson, Kevin Officer PD 12/02/02 David Paquette Instrumental in securing the safety of two Code Enf. Officers 4 Cava_~os, Pete Detective PD 12/03/02 Mary DeGeare Rec'd letter of appreciation from State Dept of Corrections 5 Cecil~ Jeff Lab Technician PD 12/09/02 Sherrie Hill First BPD officer to pass the Crime Scene Tech exam 6 Chernabaeff, Sam Account Clerk HR 12/11/02 Mimi Placencia Helped facilitate hiring process; upbeat and positive ai.i. ltude 7 Conner, Mike Supervisor PW / Sts 12/20/02 K. Hays Always available and takes care of any problem 8 Esparza, Alex Bldg. Mntnr II PW / GS 12/16/02 Linda McVicker Went out of his way to help another department 9 Forsythe, Sandra Secretary I Rec & Parks 12/06/02 Rhonda Smiley Very professional and efficient with requests 12/11/02 Mimi Placencia Helped facilitate transition of temporary employees to City employment 10 Hamer, Robert Sweeper Operator PW / Sts 11/20/02 Rodolpho p~7~ Demonstrates willingness to help co-workers who are learning. 11 Hinson, Laura Clerk Typist PW / Sts 11/20/02 Rodolpho Plaza iVery courteous; demonstrates a willingness to work with people 12 Kennedy, Mike Asst. Dir of IT IT 12/09/02 Rhonda Smiley iTook time in a hectic day to help a fellow employee 13 Liu, Wanda Clerk Typist PD 12/04/02 Mark Davis Embodies the phrase "above and beyond the call of duty." 12/12/02 Paula Kitchen Goes above and beyond with data entry project; dedicated 14 Ma~lana, Susan Account Clerk Fire 12/05/02 Leslie Devitt Excellent customer service; always willing to help 15 Mahaffey, Bob Const. Insp. II PW / Const 12/30/02 Rick Millwee Works long hours on special project, without complaint. 16 Martin, Peter Traffic Sig Tech PW / GS 1 2/04/02 Jim Milton Hard work and attitude is commendable 17 iMornin~, Terrie Clerk Typist PW / SW 12/12/02 Martha Haslebacher Makes a big impression of staff & customers; commended by customer 18 I Nawarski, Gary Electrician PW / GS 12/03/02 Tom Lane Always professional and polite; goes out of his way to help 19 Pacheco, Pattee Clerk Typist CM / Clerk 12/06/02 Cami Choate Very kind and caring; goes the extra mile with customers 20 Sawyer~ Wiladene Webmaster IT 12/09/02 Rhonda Smiley Very quick to update EIC webpage; offers helpful hints 21 Stone, Mike Service Maint Wkr Rec & Parks 12/19/02 Randy Blay Helped to get truck "unstuck" - eliminated need for tow truck 22 Turner, Keitha Acting Dep City Clk CM / Clerk 12/16/02 Terri Elison Expedited an important agreement for Rec & Parks; team player 23 Wade, Abrina Clerk Typist PD 12/04/02 Mark Davis Embodies the phrase "above and beyond the call of duty." 12/12/02 Paula Kitchen Goes above and beyond with data entry project; dedicate. 24 Wade, Destinie Lab Technician PD 12/090/2 Sherrie Hill Commitment and dedication to department are inspiring 25 Wallace, Darrell Sweeper Operator PW / Sts 11/20/02 Rodolpho Plaza Steps in to help whenever or wherever needed 26 Zink, Lee Sweeper Operator PW / Sts 11/20/02 Rodolpho Plaza Goes the extra mile to explain procedures and help others , ~ RECEIVED CITY ANA~8'S B A.K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 30, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ClP REPORT Attached please find our monthly report reflecting the status of Public Works CIP projects. If you have any questiorls, please call me at 326-3596. G:\GROUPDAT~Dani\CII~memo Jan 03.(loc Public Worb s Capita[ Improvement Program Sc u[e isca[ Year zoo -zoo3 (est_,) END (est.) I BEGIN (est.) ENO (est.) PROJ LPROJECT TrrLE IWARD~COMMENTS T3K057 BRIMHALL ROAD WIDENING; 4 Feb-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 Aug-O3 CALLOWAY TO JEVVI:i i A Sep-02 Jun-03 T2K033 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; WHITE/ 6 in design DOVEWOOD Mar-03 EgK011 MOHAWK SEWER CONSTRUCTION 4, 5 under COnstruction Feb-O0 Jan-02 Aug-02 PHASE II Feb-01 Dec-01 May-02 Sep-O2 TOK144 SOUTHWEST BIKE PATH 4 construction completed TgK015 SIGNAL NEW, COMANCHE/SR 178 3 under Construction Mar-00 Mar-02 Nov-O2 Feb-03 T1K028 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; COLLEGE/ 3 first phase currently out to bid May-01 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-O3 FAIRFAX Jun-99 Oct-02 Nov-02 Jul-03 TOK013 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - OLIVE/ 4 [irst phase under construction CALLOWAY Aug-02 Oct-02 T1K007 RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS VAR completed oo-01 Sep-01 Feb-03 May-03 Jun-03 KEN659 WIDEN TRUX'I'UN AVENUE 2 in design EgK014 MT VERNON TRUNK SEVVER IMPROV 1 completed Mar-00 Mar-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 T1K011 SIC NEW AUBURN AT EISSLER 3 construction completed May-01 Oct-01 Sep-O2 T1K009 SIC NEW MT VERNON AT PANORAMA 3 bids opened, awarded in September. Waiting for Notice to Nov-01 Aug-02 Nov-02 Feb-03 Proceed T1K024 SIC NEW VERDUGO AT HAGEMAN 4 awarded, waiting for Notice to Proceed Oct-01 Mar-02 Oct-02 Feb-03 T2K036 FS #11 MEDIAN & SIC MOD 5 Design complete. Frank Electrical Service Build Dec-01 Nov-02 Jan-03 Feb-O3 T2K028 SlG NEW BRUNDAGE AT WASH I in design Feb-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 T2K023 SlG PLANZ AT REAL 6 design complete Jan-02 Nov-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 T2K027 SIC PLANZ AT WILSON 5, 6 design complete Feb-02 Nov-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 P3K004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANSION 2 currently under construction Jul-O2 Aug-02 Aug-02 Jan-O3 G:\GROUPDA'T'~Dan~CIP~CIP FY 02-03 JAN 1 of 5 12/30/2002 P [ic Wor o Im roz ement Proo.,am Sc a e ] isca Year zooz- oo3 PROJ PROJECT TITLE WARn COMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CON~i~UC¥iON PHASE BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN <est.) END (eat.) NUM NUM E7K005 SEWER REHAB MAIN/SO CHESTER I study only Nov-02 Mar-03 Jul-03 Nov-03 stud)/by Ruettgers & Schuler completed P1K003 HVAC UPGRADE, CITY HALL 2 under construction May-02 Jun-02 Nov-02 May-03 ELK003 SEWER IMPROV PACHECO #10 7 in design - not enough funds for construction Mar-02 Nov-02 Jul-03 Sep-03 PIH004 FS #4 ELEC UPGRADE 2 construction completed Nov-01 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 TIK034 MING INTERSECTION EXPANSION 3 in design, Property Management acquiring temporary Dec-00 Jan-03 Mar-03 Jun-03 AT ASHE AND NEW STINE ~onstruction c~ments, PG&E to relocate facilities T2K022 MING INTERSECTION EXPANSION 4 workin~ on comments received from Can'rans, design complete Nov-01 Mar-03 May-03 Aug-03 AT SR99 continued with right turn lanes on Truxtun Extension T1K027 ST IMPROV RR CROSSINGS 3 in design, awaiting Public Utilities Commission approval Jan-02 Jun-03 Aug-03 Dec-03 T8K002 BRDG WIDENING WHITE LANE AT SR99 7 )roject report currently being prepared, in design Mar-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Dec-03 prerrmre 95% PS&E T2K031 TRAFFIC SlG OLD RIVER RD AT 4 construction complete, waiting for PG&E to power signal Feb-02 Apr-02 Aug-02 Jan-O3 RIDGE OAK DRIVE T7K021 INTERCHANGE ON SR178 3 3roject report submitted to Caltrans. consultant has begun Jul-99 Feb-03 Jun-03 Nov-04 AT FAIRFAX final design TOK006 ST WIDENING ROSEDALE HIGHWAY 2 in design Aug-01 Jan-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 PIC020 RIO VISTA PARK 4 in design Mar-01 Feb-03 Jan-03 Sep-03 TOK012 BRIDGE CONST~ HAGEMAN AT SR99 2 in design, PSR approval anticipated for September Jul-01 Dec-03 P5C002 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS 6 construction completed Jan-02 Feb-02 Feb-02 Apr-O2 COLUMBUS/PANORAMA T3K045 RIGHT TURN LANE - MING/TRUXTUN 5,7 working On comments received from CalTrans, design complete Oct-02 Mar-03 May-03 Aug-03 continued with right turn lanes on Truxtun Extension P8H001 FS #15 4 consultant designing project Aug-01 Jan-03 Mar-O3 Nov-03 POC009 CENTENNIAL GARDEN SMOKE 2 construction is complete Nov-01 Feb-02 Sep-02 Nov-O2 HATCH MODIFICATION TIK023 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; HAGEMAN 4 [warded at December 11, Council Meeting Sep-01 May-02 Jan-03 Apr-O3 T4K055 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; LAKE STREET 2 design complete, construction by City crews scheduled to start Jan-03 Mar-03 in Sept., 2002;delay caused by accelerated resurfacing proiects TOK138 CASA LOMA #6 STREET IMPROV'S I construction by City crews scheduled to start in Sept., 2002; Jan-02 Feb-02 Sep-02 Jun-03 dela)/caused b~, accelerated resurfacin~l proiects 12/30/2002 G:\GROUPDA'r~an~CIP~ClP FY 02-03 JAN 2 of 5 Wor s auement Provtam Sc e [e isca[ Year ooz- oo3 DESIGN PHASE CON~i~LJC¥iON PHASE PROJ PROJECT TITLE YARD COMMENTS BEGIN (est.) END lest.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) NUM NUM T9K012 NORTHEAST BIKE PATH 3 construction completed Nov-02 Mar-03 Q9K003 NATURAL GAS FUELING STATION 2 design complete. Waiting on site placement Apr-02 Jun-02 TOK011 STREET RECONSTRUCTION-WHITE LANE 6 construction completed T2K026 'TRAFFIC SlG-STINE @ BEECHWOOD 6 Jnder construction Feb-02 Aug-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 T2K043 TRAFFIC SlG-STOCKDALE @ McDONALD 2,5 in design Mar-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Apr-03 ? Feb-02 Jul-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 TRAFFIC SlG-MT VERNON @ CHURCH 3 awarde~l, waiting for notice to proceed E7K012 WWTP#3 HEADWORKS ~ut to bid new contracts have been awarded. Construction started Sep-01 Oct-O1 Oct-02 Feb-03 POC009 CENTENNIAL GARDEN BULLET 2 RESISTANT GLASS m October, 2002, installation contingent upon events in arena. T2K048 =ANAMA LANE RECONSTRUCT 6,7 construction completed Sep-02 Nov-O2 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4 award for construction at December 11, Council Meeting Jan-03 Apr-03 OLD FARM ROAD ~ T3K01-"---'~ ~.KERS ROAD RR XING/BRIDGE 6,7 awaiting Public Utilities Commission approval Jan-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 T3K047 ~.KERS ROAD CONSTRUCTION 6 Jan-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 E2J121 ~IKE PATH WIDENING CSUB TO MANOR 2,3,4 in design, PS&E 75% complete Sep-02 Jan-O3 Mar-03 May-03 T8K083/ SEISMIC RETROFIT OF 4 CITY BRIDGES 2,3 advertising for construction Jan-98 Sep-02 Feb-03 Dec-03 T8K084 ~ Apr-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 Jun-04 T8K085 SEISMIC RETROFIT OF NORTH 3 in design CHESTER BRIDGE ~ T8K083 SEISMIC RETROFIT OF MANOR BRIDGE 3 waiting on environmental clearance, design complete Jan-98 Sep-02 Apr-03 Jun-04 LEFT AND RIGHT ~ Feb-02 May-02 Aug-02 Oct-02 T3K048 WALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS 2 construction completed 10/25/02 T3K058 FREEWAY BEAUTIFICATION MASTER VA'----~' in design May-02 Mar-03 N/A N/A PLAN ~ Sep-02 Mar-03 Sep-02 Jun-03 P3C088 ACQUISITION AND DEMO 1,2 ongoing P3K003 REPLACE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ~ in design Sep-02 Dec-03 Jan-03 Apr-03 ~ z/~u/zuuz ... ; ..... ~1 1,[,1, I II l~nlt[ ;ll~tt'~ll'~ I"Y' UZ-U;.~ ~J~t~l%l ;.~ Ol O Pu/2[ic worits ......... m rovement Prooram Sc ebu/e l isca[ '/ear PROJ PROJECT TITLE WAR[3 COMMENTS DESIGN PHASE CON$¥RUCTION PHASE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END P3C084 ~JEFFERSON & MLK POOL REHAB 1,2 in design Nov-02 Mar-03 Sep-03 Feb-04 LBS301 BAKER STREET STREETSCAPE 2 in design Sep-02 Dec-02 Feb-03 May-03 T3K056 20TH STREET PARKING MALL 2 Mar-03 May-03 Jul-03 Sep-03 T3K133 HWY 58 ENTRY MONUMENT 1 on hold pending results of Freeway Beautification Master Plan Feb-03 Sep-03 Nov-03 Uar-~34 T3K046 IMPROV MEDIAN ISLANDS VAR Jan-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 Dec-03 ~ Feb.)3 Apr.)3 Jun~)3 Aug.33 T3K052 NEW STINE ROAD LANDSCAPING 5 T3K049 NORTH CHESTER STREETSCAPE 2 Mar-03 May-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 E3K010 "L* STREET SEWER REHAB 1 base map is done Oct-O2 Jan-03 May-03 Sep-03 E3K009 iBRUNDAGE LANE SEWER REHAB 1 base map Is done Nov-02 Feb-03 Jun-03 Oct-03 TIK038 SIGNAL MT VERNON AT CHURCH AVE. 3 awarded, waiting for notice to proceed Dec-01 Jul-02 Nov-02 Feb-03 T3K055 SIGNAL HAGEMAN AT JEVVET-rA 4 ~n design Nov-02 Feb-03 Apr-03 May-03 SIGNAL BUENA VISTA AT DEER PEAK 4 ~n design Dec-02 Feb-03 May-03 Jun-03 T9K011 TRAFFIC PRE-EMPTION VAR in design Jul-02 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 T3K013 UPGRADEOPTICOM VAR indesign Jan-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jun-03 E9K012 I'RUXTUN STORM DRAIN T3K008 RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS VAR in design Sep-02 Mar-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 T3K017 T3KO59 Oct-02 Jun-03 Jul-03 Sep-03 T3K053 STOCKDALE HWY MEDIAN RECONSTR T3K012 SIGNAL JEWETI' AT 34TH In design Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Apr-03 P3K002 MT VERNON FACILITY AC PAD in design Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 Apr-03 T2K012 CAPE/CHIP SEAL VAR in design Jul-02 Nov-02 Jun-03 Jul-03 Pu[~lic worlds Ca~oim{ Im,~rovement Prooram Schedule ~ ~r ~z-~ ' = ~ ~ECT T~LE WARD COMME~S DES~N P~SE C~STR~T~N ~SE NUM NUM BEGIN (est.) END (est.) BEGIN (est.) END (est.) in design Nov-02 Feb.3 Jun~3 ~ JulY3 TOK146 SLURRY SEAL 1 BAKERSFIELD AIRPORT I G:\GROUPDA3~)an~CIP~CIP FY 02-03 JAN 5 of 5 12/30/2002 DEC 2 B A K E R S F I E L D CiTY MANAGEff$ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: SEWER CONNECTION AT STINE ROAD Council Referral #000320 Counciimember Carson requested staff provide information on the process for I sewer connection in the Stine Road area near Stockdale Hwy. I The area north of Stockdale Highway between North McDonald Street and North Stine Road was annexed into the City in 1985. Since that time many residents in the area have requested petitions to form an assessment district for the purpose of constructing a sewer system to serve the area. Many petitions have been sent out, however, none have been returned. One problem is that many of the parcels are rentals and the owners' signatures are difficult to obtain, or the owner does not want to incur the additional expense. The estimated cost to construct sewers in this area is approximately $830,0130, not including trench patching which typically is done by the City. There are 257 single family residences in the area. The cost to each parcel would be approximately $3300 plus connection fee. Economic and Community Development has surveyed the area and determined that it does not qualify for CDBG funds. Of the dozen or so county islands that were annexed in the mid to late 80's this will be the last area to get sewers. We are suggesting that a Planned Sewer Area be formed and Sewer Enterprise funds be used to construct sewers in this area. As parcels connect to the sewer the Sewer Enterprise funds would be reimbursed. Construction could be phased due to the size of the area. Preliminary investigation indicates that an 8" sewer at minimum slope would not reach the upper end of North Stine Road. However, if flatter slopes are use on the lower reaches (.22%), it appears that all lots could be served without a lift station. O:\OROUPDAT~Referralsk2002\CC Mtg i 2- I ik320.doc i RECEIVED DEC 3 0 2002 D ~C!T',' MANAGER'S OF~: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOP~/~-.~....._~ SUBJECT: CROSS-WALK AT 3RD & CHESTER Council Referral #000322 ICouncilmember Carson requested staff install a cross-walk at the intersection of 3rd Street and Chester Avenue. Traffic Engineering staff will analyze the intersection operations for possible marking of a crosswalk. This location is not controlled by stop signs or a traffic signal. G:\GROUPDAT~Rcferrals~2002\CC Mtg 12- I l~322-Traffic.doc B A K E R S F I E L D ic~'~,~¢,.'..~ - .~. ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 30, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: LIST OF STREET LIGHT PROJECTS Council Referral #000319 Councilmember Carson requested staff provide a list of uncompleted street light projects in the southeast area. At the beginning of this year, there were five street light projects in Ward 1. General Services has completed two of the five. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the street light additions and modifications around the Lincoln School area were completed this past August. General Services has preliminary plans developed for the Union Cemetery area. This project should be completed within the next six months. .~, The final two projects will be combined, allowing us to expand our planned improvements in the Madison Avenue/Casa Loma areas. The preliminary schedule is for these projects to be completed in the first half of 2003. G:\GROU PDAT~Referrals\2002\CC Mtg 12- I !~319-Brad.doc 9EO 2 7 20~ B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: SOLID WASTE COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Council Referral #000340 'Councilmember Couch requested Solid Waste prepare a letter of response for Councilmember Couch's signature to correspondence from John Frassel regarding the need for Solid Waste Complaint procedures. Staff has drafted the attached letter of response to Mr. Frassel for Councilmember Couch's signature. C:~Documents and Settings~kbamesXI_x)cal Settings\Temp~340-SW.doc B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3114 RAUL M. ROJAS KEVIN BARNES DIRECTOR, CITY ENGINEER SOLID WASTE MANAGER December 26, 2002 John P. Frassel 6101 Terra Vista Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Frassel, In response to the service problem described in your November 30~ letter, we have checked with Varner Brothers Inc., the City's contract hauler in your area. Unfortunately, a parked car blocking your container prevented regular service. However, a special pickup was made for you the following day. We do not know whose car it was, and apologize for the temporary inconvenience. Please note that our customer service staff normally offers the phone number of our contract service providers so that direct communication can be made, for ease in solving service problems. However, if a customer desires, we will contact the service provider for them. With regard to your inquiry about the procedure for complaint forms, please note that our customer service policy is to take information by phone for the convenience of the customer, rather than burden them with forms to fill out. Attached is a copy of the internal service request form which our staff routinely uses to handle calls. It is our desire to provide service in a most convenient manner, so we only require customers to sign application forms when'transactions are involved. In a few instances in which customers wish to communicate in writing, their correspondence is a sufficient record, and is kept in our files. The City of Bakersfield and its contract haulers keep files of refuse service complaints as required by law. Annual inspections by regulatory agencies have been satisfactory. Thank you for your input and your confidence in my service to the public. Again, I apologize for the recent service inconvenience, and I hope this information is helpful. Sincerely, David R. Couch Bakersfield City Councilmember, Ward 4 G:\GROUPDAT~SOL1DWASTEX2002LRefuse Service Response - John Frassel - 12-26-02.doc December 26, 2002 SOLID WASTE DIVISION 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE (661) 326-3114 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Fax (661) 852-2114 ~ 6 '.~ ~ '.~i ~ SERVICE REQUEST [] M-W [] M-TH [] T-W [] T4= [] W-S CATE: ~:~ Will Call [-~ Other (Please fill out Billing Info~aUon) New Se~ice ~ TIME: ~PM ~~1 ' Zip: 933 [~ BY: Comme~: ~ R~ter ~ Ca~s ~ ~ ~ Cans ~ Commem~l: ~ Ca~ ~ Bins :::.a?:~ EXCHANGE a Tan 0 Green 0 Illegal Oum~ng ~:~}~; a Deliver a C~rdinate Special P/U ~:::~ DAMAGED ~Tan ~Green ~ NewSe.~e -::~::: ~ Remove ~SetuplChangeBilling Ro~e. MapGrid: ADDITIONAL ~ Tan ~ Grin ~ Re-sta~ ~ice ~ Field Ch~k ~te~e ~p~in ~low) By: Date: Delivered R~ov~ ~MMENTS - SI~- O TH~: ? ~GW ~Tan ~Bin ID~ ~GW ~Tan ~Bin IDe ......................................................................................................................................... ~ ........................... ~ ................ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..................... I White Copy: File Yellow Copy: Supervisor Pink Copy: Control November 30, 2002 John P. Frassel 6101 Terra Vista Bakersfield, CA 93308 Councilman [)avid Couch City Council 1501 Truxlun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Councilman Couch: Approximately 3 weeks ago I arrived home from work to find my brown garbage had not been picked up. I telephoned the City of Bakersfield, Solid Waste Department to find out why The employee at the department told me I would have to call Varner Brothers myself since I contract with them. I told her that ! contract with the City of Bakersfield and they contract with the governmental sanctioned monopoly of Kern Refuse. After another 2-3 minute discussion over this point, she agreed to call Varner Brothers. i then asked her to please send me a complaint ibrm which I could complete regarding this incident. She informed me that the city has no such complaint form nor procedure established to file such a complaint with Soild Waste. I was floored, but everything seemed to come into focus. At a number of council meetings I attended, Mr. Roj~s made some comments that he can't remember any complaint regarding garbage service. That comment seemed inaccurate at the time, but if the statement by the solid waste employee is true, I now understand why. The following day my garbage was picked-up, but to this day l still don't know why it was missed on the first day. Now, with that situation in mind, 1 am writing this letter to determine if the City of Bakersfield has a complaint form and procedure in place, which we taxpayers can utilize. I think it is extremely important that the City of Bakersfield know of the many problems that the taxpayers have with the garbage service, instead of just pushing the complaints offto the provider and not having any record of them. Each and every city official must have the best information available in order to make the best decision for us taxpayers. l think you are doing a great job for us. l will be waiting for your reply. Sincerely, Jdhn IL F,'assel D ~c~' · MANAGER'S CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITYWIDE CURBSlDE RECYCLING Council Referral #000343 Councilmember Couch referred a letter from Amber Lasarev requesting a citywide curbside recycling program to the Solid Waste Division and requested staff prepare a letter of response to Ms. Laserev for Councilmember Couch's signature. Staff has drafted the attached letter of response to Amber Lasarev for Councilmember Couch's signature. C:~Documents and Settings~kbames'~cal Settings\Temp~343-SW.doc B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3114 RAUL M. ROJAS KEVIN BARNES DIRECTOR, CITY ENGINEER SOLID WASTE MANAGER December 26, 2002 Amber Lasarev 7009 Yuma Way Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Curbside Recycling Program Dear Ms. Lasarev, Thank you for your October 10~ letter indicating your support for curbside recycling in Bakersfield. We apologize for any confusion created by recent showings of the promotional ad on television. It was our intent to run the ads only in September, but they apparently got additional time as free public service announcements. This prompted a few residents like yourself to call us after the promotional period ended. However, your support for curbside recycling is nOted and appreciated. Judging from response to the pilot program, many residents are eagerly looking forward to the service being offered in their area. Overall, about one out often households have paid for the convenience of curbside recycling in pilot program areas. As the pilot program has been conducted by a local private company with support from the City, our staff will be reporting the results and presenting options to the City Council in early 2003. During the course of the pilot program, our City requested Kern County to provide a discount in their landfill fees for recycling. This would help offset some of the cost of curbside recycling, perhaps boosting participation. However, the County chose not to do so, leaving us to cover the entire program cost through service fees. Nevertheless, we will evaluate the pilot program and the possibility of its expansion in early 2003. In the meantime, please continue to use the community drop off centers we provide. Again, thank you for your interest and support. Sincerely, David R. Couch Bakersfield City Councilmember, Ward 4 G:\GROUPDAT~SOLIDWASTEL2002\Curbside Recycling Response - Amber Lasarcv - 12-26-03.doc December 26, 2002 SOLID WASTE DIVISION 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE (661) 326-3114 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Fax (661) 852-2114 Amber La~'ev 7009 Yuma Way .,. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Councilman David Couch 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330'1 Dear Councilman Couch: I am writing in the hope that you and the City Council can act to aok)pt citywide curbside recycling in Bakersiield, Yesterday morning, channel 17 (KGET) showed a commercial about the pilot recycling program which urged viewers to call the Solid Waste Division phone number for more information on the pro. am. I called and spoke to a man who was baffled that there was even a conunercial about the program, but he told me some interesting tlfings. First, that tile pilot program is coming to an end very soon. Second, tlmt the program's i~fitiators tried not to associate it with any City services, just in case the program was a dismal failure and thus caused taxpayer objections. And finally, that he'd been "inundated" with phone calls in the past several days asking about the recycling program and couldn't figure (mt why. He now assumes that tl~e phone interest is being generated by the commercials that have apparently been running on local television, and he speculat~ that perhaps fl~e commerci',ds are being shown in order to gauge community reslxmse to fl~e possibility of citywide curbside recycling, He then suggested that I register my own interesl, in the program by contacting my councilperson. I live in an area where the pilot program was not available, but I have taken my recyclables to drop- offs around the city since 1994. The people I talk to at ckop-off locations would love n(X to have to load up the car with recyclables on weekends and make one extra stop during their errands, In addition, my neighbors have said they would find home pick-up helpful in their atteakots to do more recycling, and that if the container were easy to usc (i.e. it could hold 'all kinds of recyclables without the need for separating materials) it would be a no-brainer--they retold begin to recycle things that would otherwise take up space ill their regular garbage containers trod be hauled to a landfill at no benefit to the City whatsoever. I don't lcuow how tile City could lose it' it adopted a curbsidc recycling program flu'oughout Bakersfield. l taupe ytm agree, and that you will do whatever is in your power Io help make this a reality in the near future. Thank you for your consideration, Amber Lasarev RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L D .... '~"r,~r,,v'~,s~7. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LEFT TURN LANES @ RIVERLAKES & COFFEE Council Referral #000324 Councilmember Couch requested staff look into the current situation for left turns at this intersection as it is potentially dangerous. Some options to explore would be leave closed 7-8 months, move forward the plan check. Check with Councilmember Couch if clarification needed. The Traffic Engineer reviewed the intersection when first opened to traffic. A traffic operations analysis is now being set up for data collection when the school is back in session in January. Until a traffic signal is installed at the intersection, a restriction on turns and crossings may be appropriate. All traffic on Riverlakes would be forced to a right turn for east to southbound traffic. No crossing traffic from Riverlakes would be allowed. Left turns in, north to west, would be allowed. The traffic study will analyze this proposed restriction. If found feasible, it will be implemented. G:\GROUPDAT~Referralsk2002\CC Mtg 12-I ik324-Traffic.doc B A K E R S F I E L D iC~..~.~AG~.a'S07_:'.~ -.,. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: SHELL SOLAR INFORMATION Council Referral #000338 I Councilmember Couch referred material from Shell Solar Industries regarding solar lelectricity for review. Public Works has received the information packet from Shell describing their solar energy interests. A majority of the information is related to residential use of solar collectors. Public Works will work with the City Managers office to evaluate and incorporate alternative energy products in future projects as they are deemed app. ropriate and cost effective. ~ G:\GROUPDAT~Referralsk2002\CC Mtg 12- I I L'C38-Brad.doc R F_. C r.: 1 d'ED i [}E0 3 0 200~ ! C~T"' MANAGEIA'$ ~'- B A K E R S F I E L D ..... CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 30, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: ACQUISITION OF COFFEE ROAD EASEMENT Council Referral #000341 Councilmember Couch requested staff provide an update on the acquisition of easement with Fruitvale Properties for access at Coffee Road for Riverlakes projects. Acquisition is to occur prior to development. The acquisition of easements for access to Coffee Road for the benefit of two Riverlakes area multifamily zones is a future project for the Public Works Department. The activity is not funded in the current CiP project list. Public Works will be proposing to add this project to the proposed CIP list which will be considered by the City Council in the next CIP Budget for 2003-04 coming up. There has been no new development activity. ~' (3:\GROU PDA'F~Rcferrals~2002\CC M tg 12- I I k341 -Traffic.doc RcC I 7ED B A K E R S F I E L D ~C!TY MANAGER'S CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~.,'~._~. SUBJECT: GANG GRAFITTI Council Referral ff000342 Councilmember Couch requested staff prepare a letter of response for Councilmember Couch's signature concerning e-mail from Ron Jones regarding graffiti problems. Staff has drafted the attached letter of response to Ron Jones for Councilmember Couch's signature. G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsL2002\CC Mtg 12-11 k342.doc BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA December 30, 2002 Mr. Ron Jones mrveyL, mn 2508 Barnett Street /~,,yor Bakersfield CA 93308-1850 ~u.k sah, aggio Re: Graffiti l/we. Mayor Ward7 Dear Mr. Jones: Irma Carson W,,.d ~ The City of Bakersfield takes graffiti problems very seriously. We have dedicated SusanM.~enham many resources to removing graffiti in a timely manner, catching and prosecuting Ward2 "taggers", and educating people of all ages that graffiti hurts our city's image and costs all of us that live and work here. Mike Ma88ard Wa~d3 The City of Bakersfield has established an Anti-Graffiti Hotline which is 32-ERASE (323-7273) and an Anti-Graffiti website (www.ci. Bakersfield.ca.us/Graffiti.) These David Couch can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report graffiti. We have a team Ward4 of dedicated employees whose job it is to respond to and eliminate graffiti as quickly ltarold W. ltansonas possible. Ward5 We encourage everyone to report graffiti as soon as possible and provide whatever JacquieSullivan information you might have available about the person or people responsible for the W,,.d6 vandalism. The City of Bakersfield is dedicated to continuing to remove graffiti on all public property,- private homes and businesses. Sincerely David R. Couch Bakersfield City Councilmember, Ward 4 G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mt~ 12-1 IL342-1~te, r,.~F~,, 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfi~d, Califorma v~ut · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 JAN 2 2O03 :~'~,~:~:'~- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STOP SIGN NORTH SHORE AND RIVERLAKES Council Referral #000336 Councilmember Couch requested Ryan Starbuck prepare a letter for Councilmember Couch's signature in response to e-mail from Jeff Chudy concerning a request for stop sign at corner of North Shore Drive and Riverlakes Drive. Please see attached letter for signature to Mr. Jeff Chudy. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 12-11 ~336-Traffic.doc BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA  January 2, 2003 Mr. Jeff Chudy 8903 Cashmere Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93312~ CITY COUNCIL liarveyL. Iiail Dear Mr. Chudy: Mayor Mark Salvaggio' Thank you for your recent letter concerning the safety, due to speeding vehicles, of Wu:e. Mayor children walking across Riverlakes Drive to get to Bimat Elementary school. The speed Ward7 limit on Riverlakes Drive is 45 mph, however, this area is a designated school zone with a speed limit of 25 mph when children are present. The City's Traffic Engineering IrmaCarson section will conduct a speed profile on Riverlakes to identify the severity of the speeding Warder problem and compliance to the 25 mph school zone. This information will be provided Susan M. Bertram tO the Police Department to aid in their efforts with speed limit enforcement. Ward2 With respect to your request for installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of MikeMaggard Riverlakes Drive and Northshore. The City of Bakersfield, is required by State law to Ward3 comply with the guidelines of the State Traffic Manual. The purpose of stop signs is to DavidCouch assign right-of-way at an intersection, not to control speeding. The guidelines identify Ward4 specific traffic and pedestrian volumes, accident history, and any unusual conditions, which must be present at the intersection before stop signs can be installed. l:l'arold W. Hanson Ward5 As you mentioned in your letter, the Traffic Engineer has identified this location as a potential stop controlled intersection. An engineering study of the intersection was JacquieSullivan conducted on September 19, 2002 and State warrants were not met at that time. As Ward6 noted in your letter, there has been an increase in traffic on Riverlakes which has changed the t~ffic patterns. New volume counts will be taken once the school resumes after the Holiday break to verify if the stop signs are now appropriate. Again, thank you for your concern. Please do not hesitate to call me or the Traffic Engineer, Stephen Walker, at 326-3959 if you have any other questions. Very truly yours, David R. Couch Councilmember (661) 326-3767° Fax (661) 323-3780 B A K E R S F I E L D ~c~, Zi-~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: POWERPOINT PRESENTATION ALTERNATE 15 Council Referral #000344 Councilmember Couch requested Jack LaRochelle contact Councilmember Couch regarding preparing a Powerpoint presentation concerning Alternate 15 to the Shell Community Advisory Panel. Engineering staff has been in contact with Councilmember Couch and will prepare a Powerpoint presentation as requested. G:\GROUPDAT~Referralsk2002\CC Mtg 12-11 k344-Ted.doc CITY MANAGEF~'~ ~: i. B A K E R S F I E L D ,. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ ~ SUBJECT: HIGH SPEED RAIL INFORMATION FOR REVIEW Council Referral #000331 Councilmember Couch requested Jack LaRochelle and Raul Rojas review information received dated November 26, 2002, from Kern COG regarding High Speed Rail. Staff has received Kern COG's response regarding criteria for locating the High Speed Rail station. You had specifically requested that the comments provided by Authority Chairman Diridon be incorporated as additional criteria to be considered. In reviewing Kern COG's response, it appears they made reference to the existing list of criteria as a response to your request. In other words, rather than taking Chairman Diridon's comments directly, they chose to identify existing criteria that appears to meet his intent. What this does is remove the crux of Chairman Diridon's comments and reduces them to more generalized criteria. G:\GROUPDATkReferralsL2002\CC Mtg 12-1 lk331-Jack.doc JAN 3 2003 CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: January 2, 2003 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director SHBJFCI: QUILIIF INTI=RNATIONAL #Ref 000339 (WARD 4 ) Councilmember Couch requested Recreation and Parks Department send letter to North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District referring material received from Quilite International. Staff sent Dave McArthur, General Manager, North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District a letter and material from Quilite International. Quilite International produces noise barrier materials for a variety of projects. We asked Mr. McArthur to review the material and research the product to determine if they could use this noise barrier material on the walls at Liberty Park and to inform us of his findings. C:\Documents and Settings~sforsyth\Local Settings\Temp\RefO00339.doc January 2, 2003 (11:45AM) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: FENCE REPAIR HWY 99 AND WHITE LANE Council Referral #000316 ICouncilmember Hanson requested staff repair holes in fencing near White Lane and Hwy 99 near Motel 6. Staff has learned that the fencing near White Lane and Hwy. 99 is maintained by CaITrans. Mike Connor of the Streets Division left word with CalTrans that the fence needed attention on December 26, 2002. G:\GROUPDAT~ReferralsX2002\CC Mtg ! 2- I I k316-Streets.doc RECEIVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,~ ~ SUBJECT: THREE-WAY STOP AT FAITH & DOEFIELD Council Referral #000323 Councilmember Salvaggio requested Public Works provide a feasibility study regarding a three-way stop at Faith and Dolfield. He requested the Police provide additional patrol in that location to reduce speeding problems. Traffic Engineering will perform a traffic analysis of the intersection of Faith and Dolfield after school resumes in January, The location is adjacent to an elementary school and school related traffic may influence the traffic patterns for the intersection. Data fr6m the study will be shared with the Police Department traffic section to help in the enforcement of speed limits. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~2002\CC Mtg 12-I I k323-Traffic.doc B A K E R S F I E L D c?' h/~ANAGER'S 07:":.. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 23, 2002 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: ACQUIRE STREETS FROM HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS Council Referral #000329 Councilmember Salvaggio requested staff analyze the feasibility of a request by Jack Mayfield on behalf of Country Meadows, Stine Ranch and Rancho Stine Homeowners Associations to acquire their streets which are in poor condition; or use CDBG funds for street improvements. The City's policy with regard to acceptance of private streets into the City maintenance system is to require the following: 1. All private streets shall be brought up to current City Standards, including any drainage facilities. This usually includes resurfacing or'reconstruction of the streets, but can also include installation of sidewalks, curb and gutter and upgrading the street lights and the drainage system. The City as a whole should not be responsible for the problems resulting from "deferred maintenance" by a homeowners association. 2. Clear title must be provided to the City for the streets and drainage facilities. This particular area was originally a mobile home park. The streets were constructed with rolled curb and no sidewalk (except for a portion of Baybrook, which has standard-type curb and gutter that is only 4" high in places, rather than 6"). The streets are only 22 to 24 feet wide, flowline to flowline in a 25' to30' right- of-way - a standard local street width is 40' flowline to flowline, in a 60' right-of-way. There are apparently some drainage problems that repaying the streets will not remedy. All of the streets are in need of repaying, but the paving in the northeast section of the area must be reconstructed, not merely repaved. The cost to bring this area up to standards has not been estimated by my staff. G:\GROUPDAT~Rcferrals~2002\CC Mtg 12-11~329-Marian.doc