HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/03 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 7, 2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City Manager ~'~"'~/, FROM: Alan Tandy, SUBJECT: General Information 1. I have written a memo on the zoning of commercial centers / Wal-Mart issue, which I would hope you take a careful look at. It is enclosed. 2. Please remember that Alan Christensen and I will be at the League of California City Managers' meeting from Wednesday through Friday next week. John Stinson will staff the very exciting Council meeting in my absence on the 12'". As always, the office will have my number, in the event you need to reach me. I believe the City Manager's meeting is particularly important this year due to the disruption caused by the State and their budget proposal. 3. The aquatic center bids are now scheduled for opening May 13'"' and award on May 28'". 4. In accordance with their commitment to the construction of the community ice rink, we received a check from Bolthouse Farms this week in the amount of $476,564. A sincere thanks to Bolthouse for offering such substantial support for the project! 5. Within the next two to three Council meetings I hope to have updated contracts with SMG and Aramark on your agenda. The only significant change on SMG will be the addition of the ice rink to the deal. On SMG and Aramark, we originally had one contract for both management and food service with Ogden. Since Ogden was bought out, we now have the two firms, but only a contract with one which does not reflect reality. The Aramark contract would include a better financial package for us and an extension to coincide with the term of the SMG agreement. 6. At the State' level, the Senate supported the VLF increase. The Governor has clarified that he will veto it, despite it being packaged with other significant things he wants. We are in for a long and uncertain ride! Recent news articles and announcements on the State budget crisis are enclosed: · The Chamber of Commerce's official position on the Legislative proposals to solve the State budget deficit. It includes a statement in support of the VLF backfill payments to local government. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 7, 2003 Page 2 · Los Angeles Times articles from the February 5'h and 6th editions and Sacramento Bee article of February 6th. · February 4th update and press release from the League of California Cities Board of Directors. 7. Per the enclosed memo from EDCD, the Governor's proposed budget for the next fiscal year would create significant cut backs for the Enterprise Zone program and would impact the potential to attract employers to the Mount Vernon property. The California Enterprise Zone Association is lobbying to get this action changed! 8. We've had considerable interest from property owners in the northwest wishing to annex. The problem with some of the requests is that they are outside our Sphere of Influence, so annexation cannot be considered until it is expanded. Attached is a memo describing the issue and plans to correct it. 9. We earlier reported that the Garden was a finalist to host the State High School Wrestling Championships for the next three years, and I'm pleased to inform you that Bakersfield has been selected. Congratulations to Jim Foss, SMG, and the Convention and Visitors' Bureau. Each year, thousands of visitors will come here to experience Bakersfield and Centennial Garden. 20,000 tickets per year are projected! 10. More congratulations are in order for Jim Foss and the staff at Centennial Garden! The Garden has been named as a 2002 "Prime Site Winner" by Facilities and Event Management Magazine. The enclosed edition of the magazine includes a feature profile on the Garden. 11. The long-awaited move of EDCD and Recreation and Parks to their new offices at 900 Truxtun Avenue took place this week. We will schedule an open house when things are more settled. 12. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · The cost of doing studies to analyze the economic impacts of Super Wal- Marts is $50,000 - $70,000. A memo from EDCD Director Donna Kunz is in the packet. Staff recommends not proceeding with such a study. Coun¢ilmember Salvaggio · Updates from Public Works and the Real Property Manager on the White Lane/State Route 99 widening project. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 4, 2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Counc,~/~/ ,~ FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~' / SUBJECT: Land Use Decisions and Super WaI-Marts On the regular agenda of February 12th two land use decisions are before you - one in Ward 5 - the other in Ward 7. They am actually General Plan Amendments and related Zone Changes for mixed use commercial centers. They have incorrectly been characterized as decisions on Super WaI-Marts. The issue of the appropriateness of the land use change should be considered without regard to the names of the prospective tenants in this and other cases. This issue has produced remarkable levels of advertising, lobbying, argument on multiple tangent issues, and just plain hype. Them are obviously factors outside of land use driving the investment and time spent in these efforts. Most of the advertising and lobbying is off the real point. From the perspective of the City Manager's Office, I write to try, as simply as possible, to cut through all the "issues raised" to put the land use decisions in proper and historic perspective. Four times a year we process, for your consideration, anywhere from three to a dozen proposals to change the general plan and zoning for specific properties. We am a rapidly growing community so we am accustomed to a high level of activity. The two decisions before you on February 12th are not significantly different than all of the others you regularly face. Land Use Decision and Super Wal-Marts February 4, 2003 Page 2 The real questions before you are: 1. Are the proposals within the parameters of the General Plan and its policies? The professionals and Planning Commission say yes. 2. Was there significant neighborhood concern over the impacts of the projects on surrounding properties? If so, can the legitimate issues raised be mitigated? The record appears to say there was very little and conditions imposed by staff and the Planning Commission have addressed them in the same manner as is normal and customary in Bakersfield. The City Manager's Office recommends you base your decision on those two fundamental questions. In addition, substantive and major points related to the Zoning of Commercial Centers are as follows: 1. Bakersfield is a regional center and we are attracting businesses who cater to metropolitan and regional markets. Our General Fund is fueled by sales tax. Our growing population needs the services that such regional centers provide. We need the jobs that they generate. We need the sales tax to pay our public safety and other service costs. 2. Should the Bakersfield City Council not approve the establishment of proper zoning for commercial centers they will locate in the nearby areas of the County or in the smaller cities that surround us. Then the City would lose the sales tax and the ability to impose conditions which make for high quality development as well as the convenience to our citizens of having them located properly to serve City neighborhoods. 3. The City of Bakersfield has a long history of encouraging business generally and of letting the free market system determine who prospers and who does not. Consumers, and developers who are risking the money to build commercial centers, should be the ones determining who the tenants of these projects will be. The City should no more base a decision on Super WaI-Marts vs. their competition than we should have Krispy Kreme vs. other donut stores, Barnes & Noble vs. other bookstores or Macaroni Grill vs. other Italian restaurants, among many others. My office encourages you to view these General Plan Cycle decisions just like all the others you face every quarter. WM. BOLTHOUSE FARMS, INC. 7200 EAST BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330%3099 661/366-7200 · FAX: 661/366-8072 f RECEIVED L .... . t FEB - 5 ~3 ~ i !CITY MAN~'~ER ,~ · ,~ .,-, ,~ ,~.~':. ,-.. ~ Februa~ 4, 2003 Mr. Alan Tandy City Hanager RECEIVED City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue FEB 0 5 ,REl~'l~ BaKersfield, CA 93301 'FINANCE DEPT. Re: Your letter dated February 3, 2003 Dear_Hr. Tandy, Enclosed is the Company's check for $476,564. This represents Bo!thouse Farm's commitment to support the project for a municipally owned ice skating rink. It has been a lengthy process, but it is nice to see all of your efforts come to fruition. We are all excited and look forward to the completion of the project. Sincerely, Vice President-Finance A3P:bt Enclosure cc: Andre Radandt ~(Jreater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Page 1 of 2 C BER ·CHAM I :R OF Find a member Chamber position on state budget Member's Only Section deficit presented to legislators [] Chamber Store I Archived Articles ~ Chamber Coupons Sent to our state legislators, the following is the full text of correspondence ~ Manage Coupons ' expressing the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce's position on and recommendations to resolve the current financial crisis facing California. As we all seek solutions to a problem that impacts everyone, you are encouraged to contact your legislators and urge them to support Chairman Welcome Note economic revitalization; realign rograms to local governments; and Board of Directors 2003 rebuild and maintain our transportation infrastructure as realistic Chamber Mission & Vision strategies for economic recovery. What is the Chamber? What has the Chamber done Whether revenues and expenditm'es 'are overstated or underestimated, for its member? whether the budgetary shortfall is projected at $4 billion or $44 billion, the Join the Chamber current financial crisis in California impacts each and every person and Contact the Chamber business in our state. At this juncture, hypotheses as to what caused the swing of the pendulum are moot. What is important is seeking viable, feasible solutions to the problem. Community Profile Statistical Info As one of the top-ranked chambers in our Golden State, the Greater Employers of Kern County Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce represents a significant number of Agriculture in Kern County people and businesses, including over 50,000 employers in the southern Petroleum in Kern County San Joaquin Valley. From small companies with 10 or fewer employees to Hotels in Bakersfield large conglomerates employing thousands, the Bakersfield Chamber forms Recreational Activities a strong, centralized nexus for a diversity of economic entities ranging from agriculture and oil to manufacturing and distribution. From this Restaurants & Eateries Communications & Media multi-faceted perspective, then, we firmly believe in a cooperative Contact List approach when seeking effective resolutions to issues. Keeping the state's Meeting Halls & Auditoriums business climate and the taxpayer's interests at the forefront, we submit the Other Kern County following to you: Stimulate California's economy as part of the budget Chambers of Commerce solution. We believe this is imperative, with business growth and Recreational Vehicle Parks sustainability serving as major components of the recovery package. Begin the stimulus by rolling back legislation that currently sets up obstacles to doing business in California. Legislation that increases the cost of workers' compensation while providing no real benefit to employees should be Februrary 2003 suspended. Additionally, suspend the implementation of the recently Su M Tu W Th F Sa enacted unemployment insurance benefit increase. We must work to grow business and put more people to work in the private sector, thereby 1 increasing revenues through taxes to the state. 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 Realign selected programs to the local level. The Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce believes in local control of programs and projects !_6 !_7.13 .!_.9_ .2~ 2_1 _22 whenever and wherever possible. We commend the proposed assignment 23 24 25 26 27 28 of certain programs to local governments, thus allowing more oversight and input. However, we strongly support full funding of these programs http://www.bakersfieldehamber.or~state_bud~et 2003.aso 2/4/2003 ?~_J~eater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Page 2 of 2 because local governments cannot absorb all of the affiliated costs without producing severe cuts to existing programs. In conjunction with and complementary to this position, we also are opposed to any shifting of dollars from the Vehicle License Fees to the general fund. We support the continuation of the backfill of these dollars to local government. Rebuild and maintain our transportation infrastructure. Bakersfield is located at the heart of our great state and serves as one of the major transportation hubs in California. Yet these highways and transport systems are getting less and less attention year after year. California has fallen behind on a 1990 commitment made in the Transportation Blueprint for the 21 st century to improve the condition of the state's economic competitiveness by making transportation more efficient. Growth in travel and commerce is not being accommodated by sufficient investment in the highway systems, resulting in deterioration, deficiencies and, ultimately, gridlock. Therefore, we strongly urge that the Traffic Congestion Relief Program be funded at the required levels and that we not continue to "loan ourselves money" for the sake of postponing the rebuilding of California. In closing, we believe that all cuts incorporated into the balancing of this budget must be sustained in future budgets. The precariousness of the current budgetary crisis has serious consequences for everyone - not just today but for generations to come -- if immediate and long-term corrective actions are not taken. California has taken hits in the past and turned itself around. It can do so again. Sincerely, Chris Frank President/CEO Copyright © 2002 The Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, All Rights Reserved. Questions or Comments conceming this website c~_9_.ta~ _us_ or call (661) 327.4421 / fax (661) 327-8751. http ://www.b akersfieldchamber, org/state_budget_2003, asp 2/4/2 O03 Davis Won't Sign Bill Linking Cuts to Auto Fee Hike Page 1 of 3 I j ~ Home I Register I Home Delivery I Site Map I Archives I Print Edition I Advorti Hi, Rhonda03 February 5, 2003 ,~ E-malt story ~ Print a d O ~~ '.ii Ir.-~*l/ CALIFORNIA ' -' Davis Won't Sign Bill Linking Cuts to Auto  Careers~ .dines Fee Hike Rentats ~ · He']] veto Democrats' plan, be says, because it ]acks the oep support needed to o Newspaper Ads · Personals pass a budget. Art, Theater, Night Life By Gregg Jones and Nancy Vogel, Times Staff Writers Movies, Music, TV, SACRAMENTO -- Gev. Gray Davis said Tuesday he will veto legislation that links billions of dollars National in spending cuts to an increase in vehicle license Coverage of California's State Local fees, angering Democratic lawmakers and casting economic woes. White House doubt on a quick solution to California's budget City Hall Related Stories The Courts crisis. Davis Vows to Veto Bills Columnists Times Poll on Budget Town Hall LA. Davis said the veto is necessary if there is to be February 4, 2003 Columns any hope of attracting Republican support for a Ronald Brownstein . Times Headlines Patt Morrison solution to the state's massive budget shortfall. He George Skelton urged lawmakers to approve even deeper spending Donaldson Talks Tough on Special Reports Goals for SEC Bush Economic Plan cuts than the $3 billion they have adopted, and to 2004 Elections do so without any linkage to higher vehicle license Democrats Spoiling for Homeland Security Estrada Fight Conflict With Iraq fees. The New Congress Baca Backs Villaraigosa for State Budget Crisis "As governor, I cannot give up hope that a Seat on City Council Resources Politics Sites bipartisan compromise can be achieved~' Davis Davis Won't Sign Bill Linking Gov't Sites Cuts to Auto Fee Hike Supreme Court Info. said in a telephone interview after announcing his Letters to the Editor veto decision. "Is it difficult? Unquestionably. Is it Council Rejects Motion to Veto New Alarm Policy The World doable? Absolutely." more > The Nation CaliforniaBusiness / Local zA~q_~j~ Democrats, however, warned that Davis SUBSaUe~ to th ~* Politics risked alienating his allies in the Legislature as he to~ An~lele$ sports seeks to curry support among Republicans. chc~ here .... ~ ~::: Technology Travel Editorials, Op-Ed "You'd better talk about being bipartisan on the sections Democratic side as well," said Assemblywoman Arts & Entertainment Books Sarah Reyes (D-Fresno). TAXES Chess Columns FEES Education Davis needs the support of at least six Republicans Food in the Assembly and two in the Senate to reach the CALTFORNZA Health Highway I two-thirds majority required to pass his budget. BUDGET Kids' Reading Room Magazine DAV'~S GRAY Obituaries As the governor was announcing his position, the POLITICS Real Estate Religion Assembly was approving a package of seven bills http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-davis05 feb05,1,404723.story?coll=la%2Dheadlir 2/6/2003 Davis Won't Sign Bill Linking Cuts to Auto Fee Hike Page 2'of3 Science that would save about $3 billion this year and give [ Sunday Opinion Times Poll the state finance director the authority to triple the For the Record vehicle license fee to raise another $4 billion a Editio.s year. Print Edition National (PDF) Wireless No Republicans voted for the two bills linking NewsDirect spending cuts to an increase in the car tax. Extras College Connection Democratic lawmakers linked the bills to make it Sweepstakes Crossword more difficult for Davis to veto the legislation. Horoscope Lottery Traffic Davis had asked the Legislature to approve more than $10 billion in cuts Weather and other savings over the next 17 months. But Democratic legislators have Multimedia Archives balked at cutting programs popular with their constituents and have agreed Enter Keyword(s): [ ................................. .l ~ on only a fraction of the governor's proposed reductions Detailed Search SlrTE MAP Republicans support the Davis cuts and praised him for taking a stand ~2J..~.,,;~k~ ~,'.'~ against the proposal to raise vehicle license fees. But they said it doesn't Subscription Services soften their opposition to $8.2 billion in tax increases the governor is (800) 252-9141 Home Delivery Subscriptions proposing as a partial solution to a budget shortfall estimated to be at least NewsDirect $26 billion between now and mid-2004. Gift Subscriptions College Discount Mail Subscriptions "We recognize the olive branch, and we accept the olive branch," said Additional Subscription Information & FAQs Assembly Budget Committee Vice Chairman John Campbell (R-Irvine). ~.~,:t~ "[But] we don't think the budget can or should be corrected by ... [al tax · Careers · Homes · Cars Republicans say the budget shortfall can be fixed by cutting spending, · Rentals · Newspaper Ads imposing a cap on spending and repealing laws that they say hurt economic ° Personals growth. · Times Guides · Recycler.com L& Times Initiatives In an unusually blunt letter, which he released publicly, state Treasurer Phil Times in Education Angelides warned Davis that Wall Street credit rating agencies "may view Reading by 9 LA Times Books negatively the rejection of the legislation [and] what amounts to a return to LA Times Family Fund Times-Mirror Foundation 'square one' of the midyear budget adjustment process." Community Events Inside the Times A veto of the Assembly cuts would make it "more difficult" for the state to Partners maintain its credit ratings, he said. Davis defended his decision and said Wall Street would respect his plan to ].aa~:~:~.~~~taat6~ pursue a long-term solution to the budget crisis, rather than what he described as the partial solution offered by the Assembly bills and similar legislation in the Senate. "I believe the ratings agencies respect clarity," Davis said. "I think the Legislature has demonstrated its willingness to make difficult choices. I don't think that will be lost on Wall Street." Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson (D-Culver City) said he would hold on to the bills and wait for pressure to mount on Davis from Wall Street and local governments facing devastating cuts. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-davis05 feb05,1,404723.story?coll=la%2Dheadl... 2/6/2003 Davis Won't Sign Bill Linking Cuts to Auto Fee Hike Page 3 of 3 V In the latest embodiment of that strategy, the Assembly will hold hearings today to hear the testimony of police officers. They are expected to warn that public safety will suffer if the governor's proposed cuts are made without higher vehicle license fees or a continuation of $4 billion in annual state payments to local governments that are linked to the car tax. Davis went out of his way to try to soften the impact of his decision with Democrats, saying he had "great respect for the Democrats" and praising the cuts they had approved. But he said raising the vehicle license fees -- and alienating Republicans by doing that with a party-line vote -- would undermine his plan to shift $8 billion in state programs to local governments. Wesson said Davis was merely wasting time by trying to reach out to Republicans. "I don't think there's anything that he can do or say that would make them vote for his total package," Wesson said. But Davis said Republican support for restraints on government spending and other structural reforms could convince some GOP lawmakers to vote for a budget that includes tax increases in exchange for some form of rein on future state spending. "There's every reason to believe that could happen," Davis said. Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) refused to comment on the Assembly votes or the governor's threatened veto. He said he would hold a news conference today. Times staffwfiter Evan Halper contributed to this report. I~u want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at latimes.com/archives. iClick here for article licensing and reprint options Copyright 2003 Los Angeles Times By visiting this site, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service. PHvacy Policy http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-davis05 feb05,1,404723.story?coll=la%2Dheadl... 2/6/2003 .Davis Vows to Veto Bills on Budget Page 1 of 3 i j ~ Home [ Register I Home Delivery I Site Map I Archives I Print Edition [ Adverti Hi, Rhonda03 February 4, 2003 "~ E-mail. story ~ Print d' a Davis Vows to Veto Bills on Budget · Careers ~ · Cars [~,~t~,~ ] · The package, passed by the Senate and headed for the Assembly, is tied to tripling · Homes ~ the 'car tax.' · Rentals ~ · Newspaper Ads · Personals By Evan Halper and Gregg Jones, Times Staff Writers ~~ Times Headlines Art, Theater, Night Life SACRAMENTO -- Gev. Gray Davis left little Movies, Music, TV, Dinin doubt that he plans to veto a package of bills the A Return Trip to Power Legislature will send him this week that would South Gate Mayor Slugs National reduce the budget shortfall by $3 billion over the Councilman State next five months, but only if the "car tax" is trip]ed Bush Plan Seeks More Local first. ' Sierra Logging White House City Hall Davis Vows to Veto Bills on The Courts Budget Columnists The governor has repeatedly implored fellow Times Poll Democrats to resist a car tax increase, which he Even GOP Has Some Town Hall L.A. Columns says would only worsen the state's fiscal problems, Qualms About Specifics Ronald Brownstein and to make much deeper cuts. more > Pat[ Morrison George Skelton Special Reports Yet Senate Democratspushedthe package through SUBSCRIBE to th ·. Bush Economic Plan Monday, and Assembly Democrats plan to do the click here ' ,;;;:;;:¢}! 2004 Elections Homeland Security same today. Supporters of the measure anticipated Itor Conflict With Iraq The New Congress the governor would join them, if only to strengthen State Budget Crisis the case of state officials heading to New York this " Resources week to reassure bond-rating agencies that Politics Sites CALIFORNIA Gov't Sites decisive action is being taken in California. Supreme Court Info. POLZTICS Letters to the Editor But Davis said that raising the vehicle license fee - BUDGET The World - which, unlike most taxes, can be passed by a TAXES The Nation California / Local simple majority, without a single Republican vote Business -- would set the wrong tone for budget I ............................................... Politics negotiations. Technology "I made my position very clear on that bill, Davis lYour e-mail ~ ~ Travel " ...................................... Editorials, Op-Ed told reporters Monday. "The Legislature is trying -a=~.~ Sections Arts & Entertainment hard to make cuts. They need to try harder .... Books Chess Columns "I really think it's a mistake to commit ourselves to Education Food the only revenue source that will be available without full participation by Health the Republicans, without looking at all the other areas of government that Highway 1 Kids' Reading Room will have to be cut," he said. Magazine Obituaries Real Estate Davis has called on the Legislature to cut $5.4 billion from the 2002-03 ScienceReligi°n budget to nan'ow a current-year deficit of more than $11 billion. The cuts Sunday Op~n~on would be a "down payment," of sorts, on a budget hole that Davis projects http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-budget4feb04,0,2881337.story?coll=la%2Dheadl 2/4/2003 Davis Vows to Veto Bills on Budget Page 2 of 3 Times Po~ will grow by $23 billion next year. He opposed raising the car tax out of Week in Focus For the Record concern that it would undercut the political viability of $8.3 billion in Editions personal property, income and tobacco taxincreases that he is proposing Print Edition National (PDF) for next year. Wireless NewsDirect Extras Asked whether he feared a negative reaction from Wall Street if he vetoes College Connection the cuts approved by the Legislature, the governor suggested that alienating Sweepstakes Crossword Republican lawmakers would be even more costly. Horoscope Lottery Traffic "I have to send a signal as to what needs to be done to right the financial Weather Multimedia ship," said Davis, who added that he has informed Senate Leader John Archives Burton (D-San Francisco) and Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson (D-Culver Enter Keyword(s): [ i ~ City) of"what I would do" on the legislation. He said he will formally Detailed Search announce his decision today. SITE MAP ~,~ ~'~ Davis does not have the option of vetoing the car tax increase while Subscription Services approving the $3 billion in cuts, as the bills have language that makes one (800) 252-9141 Home Delivery Subscriptions dependent on the other. NewsDirect Gift Subscriptions College Discount Finance Director Steve Peace said a veto from Davis would "simply be Mail Subscriptions Additional Subscription saying to the Legislature, 'You have to go back to the drawing board.'" Information & FAQs ~ Legislative leaders defended the bills. They said Republican opposition to all tax increases left them no choice but to move forward on their own. · Careers · Homes · Cars "Democrats in the Legislature have spoken with one united voice," Wesson · Rentals · Newspaper Ads said. "Only a balanced approach will resolve the state's budget crisis." · Personals · Times Guides · Recycler.com The increase would cost the average car owner $124 a year and raise about i.~ Times Initiatives $4 billion over the next 17 months -- the same amount Davis is proposing Times in Education Reading by 9 to take from local governments to help fill the gaping hole in the budget. LA Times Books LA Times Family Fund Times-Mirror Foundation Davis wanted local governments to simply absorb thc cuts, which prompted Community Events Inside the Times an outcry from cities, counties and local police, who warned that the move Partners would put critical public services at risk. ~~43t Legislative Democrats heeded their call and proposed making them whole by raising the license fee back to 2% of a vehicle's value, the rate it was in ~~~~ 1998. Some continued to hope that the governor would reconsider his veto threat. "We need to recognize that the governor and Democrats in the Legislature need to make reductions now," said Assembly Budget Committee Chairwoman Jenny Oropeza (D-Long Beach). "If we don't, we'll not achieve the savings that we need. I hope the governor will sign the bill and come to our view." Republicans had harsh criticism for the car tax and threatened to overturn it at the ballot box or in the courts if Davis signed it into law. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-budget4feb04,0,2881337.story?coll=la%2Dhea,...- 2/4/2003 Davis Vows to Veto Bills on Budget Page 3 of 3 · "You all want to start a tax revolt?" asked Sen. Tom McClintock (R- Thousand Oaks) during a Senate floor speech. "You are on." Sen. Ross Johnson (R-Irvine) warned Democrats that "there will come a time when you need Republican votes, when you need Republican help" and continuing "to stick your thumb in the eyes of Republicans" would have consequences later. News of an impending veto from Davis did not appear to soften Republican opposition to other tax increases. Some even said they have already returned the favor by supporting all the governor's proposed cuts, while Democrats approved little more than half of them. Many of the reductions supported by the Legislature would be achieved by bookkeeping changes; they include delaying more than $1 billion in expected school payments from late June until early July, effectively shifting that expense out of this year's budget and into next year's. Other cuts include a delay in construction of a prison near Delano, despite Davis' urging that the Department of Corrections be spared. The bills being passed in the Legislature do not include Davis' proposals to change Medi-Cal eligibility requirements that would have cost hundreds of thousands of poor Californians their health insurance. Nor do they include a proposal to take $500 million in low-income housing money away from cities and counties. Times staff writer Carl Ingram contributed to this report. I~u want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at latimes.com/archives. UClick here for article licensing and reprint options Copyright 2003 Los Angeles Times By visiting this site, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service. Privacy Policy http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-budget4feb04,0,2881337.story?coll=la%2Dhea,... 2/4/2003 The Sacramento Bee -- sacbee.com -- Budget struggle gets quiet -- eerily so Page 1 of 2 This story is taken from p_o_.!!t!~_s_ at sacbee.com. Budget struggle gets quiet -- eerily so State officials hope for a successful pitch to New York bond raters. By 3ohn Hill and Gary Delsohn -- Bee Staff Writers - (Published February 6, 2003) Weeks of frenzied activity on California's budget crisis gave way to an eerie silence Wednesday as Gov. Gray Davis and lawmakers considered their next moves and state officials prepared for key meetings on Wall Street. A package of budget measures came to an abrupt halt Tuesday when the Democratic governor announced he would veto a bill that would allow the vehicle license fee to triple to its pre-1998 level. That veto would also scrap budget cuts approved by the Legislature, at least for now. The $3 billion in cuts were contingent on Davis' approval of the vehicle license fee bill. The state's top fiscal officials flew to New York to explain to bond credit-rating agencies how the state plans to address a budget shortfall of $26 billion to $35 billion over the next 17 months. This year's general fund, the state's main bank account, is about $77 billion. "This is going to be a tough road, no question about it," said Treasurer Phil Angelides. "But in the big picture, I go to New York as an advocate for the people of California and for the underlying strength of our economy." Both Angelides and Davis' finance director, Steve Peace, said it would be helpful to have better news out of the Capitol, but Peace insisted he'll be able to deliver a positive message. "The Legislature has already shown a willingness to make significant cuts, and we're making progress," he said. "We're moving in the right direction." The state's bond rating was lowered one notch by Standard and Poor's in December, and Moody's Investors Services told state officials two weeks ago that it was also likely to issue a downgrade, but wouldn't make a final decision until after today's meetings. "We'll want to hear from them regarding whether it is still possible to create or craft a plan that the Legislature and the governor can live with and will generate the savings the governor was looking for originally," said Ray Murphy, an analyst with Moody's. "We want to know what the next step will be and what the likely time frame of those actions will be." The answers weren't apparent Wednesday. http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/v-print/story/6068978p-7025239c.html 2/6/2003 The Sacramento Bee -- sacbee.com -- Budget struggle gets quiet -- eerily so Page 2 of 2 Senate President Pro Tem ~ohn Burton, D-San Francisco, said he thinks it's up to Davis to propose how to cover a $4 billion §ap left by the governor's veto of the vehicle license fee bill. Davis in ~anuary proposed ending payments to local governments that the state had been making to compensate them for money lost from reductions in the license fee. That idea was rejected by lawmakers of both parties. Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson, D-Culver City, proposed clarifying the law that specifies when the fee goes back up. Wesson's bill likely would have allowed the state to halt the local government subsidy and save about $4 billion a year. "Not doing that just exacerbates our budget problem," Burton said. "i'm at a loss what will happen or where we'll find that $4 billion." The Assembly did not send the Wesson bill to Davis on Wednesday. Patricia Soto, the speaker's spokeswoman, said Wesson still hopes Davis will change his mind. Davis, meanwhile, was waiting to see if the Legislature would adjourn the special session he called to deal with the budget crisis. ]f it does, Davis is prepared to convene a new special session, spokeswoman Hilary McLean said. About the Writer The Bee's John Hill can be reached at (916) 326-5543 or jb.!.!.!.@$acbe~.,(;o.m. Go to: Sacbee / Back to story Ce~tact._U.s/Feedbac.k I Pdy~c¥..?~.!.!cy I ~e[ms..~f_..U~e News I Sports I Business I Pplit!cs I Opinion I Entertainment I Lifestyle I Travel I Women Cars I Classifieds I Homes I .lobs I Virtual Nail Help I Newsletters I Site Map I Subscribe to the Print Edition I Traffic I Weather I Wireless Delivery About Us I Advertise in The Bee I Advertise Online I Contact Circulation Customer Service I Events [ Sacramento Bee Web sites ] Sacbee,co.m. I S. acTi_c, ket.,.co.m I Sacramento.,com This article is protected by copyright and should not be printed or distributed for anything except personal use. The Sacramento Bee, 2:L00 Q St., P.O. Box 15779, Sacramento, CA 95852 Phone: (916) 321-1000 Copyright © The Sacramento Bee / ver. 4 http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/v-print/story/6068978p-7025239c.html 2/6/2003 BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPDATE February 4, 2003 Chris McKenzie, Executive Director 1400 K Street * Sacramento, CA 95814 * 916/6,58-8275 * Fax 916/688-8240 * Email: mckenzie@cacitie$.org Governor Announces Plans to Veto of AB 4x Today Governor Davis announced his plans be held at the State Capitol this Friday, to veto AB 4x, the measure clarifying the February 7, at 10:30 a.m., to protest the way in which the VLF would be restored, as Governor's veto threat and to urge him to well as the package of budget reductions reconsider. I have advised the Speaker's that are connected to AB 4x. The staff we will be in Oakland for the board legislature's willingness in the near term to meeting and will be unable to attend, but we cut budgets without additional revenue from are urging other city officials to do so. the VLF is now in doubt. State Treasurer Phil Angelides also indicated today that the What Is Going On? veto could make it more difficult to convince. Wall Street that the state is going The Governor's recent statements about his to balance the budget, dissatisfaction with AB 4x transformed into a veto threat today largely because he does The Governor said he couldn't support the not want the VLF trigger pulled until a deal bill because it falls short of what is has been struck betweenbothparties on the necessary to address the budget solution and budget--especially on his $8 billion because it is wrong to address the VLF "realignment" proposal to be financed by increase out of the context of a total budget new sales, cigarette and income taxes that solution, including his $8 billion would not have to be shared with public realignment proposal. He 'also expressed education under Prop. 98 since the taxes concern about si~ing the measure would would never reach the general fund. Also, require the legislature to cut $8 billion more there appears to be a fairly major than he proposed or raise taxes by $13 disagreement among attorneys for the billion (a statement that is we don't yet Legislature, Department of Finance, and understand). Davis also indicated the final State Controller about whether AB 4x or budget will require Republican as well as current law provide better authority for the Democratic legislators' votes, and he wanted VLF trigger being pulled, and the Governor a bipartisan budget process, alleges that current law is less vulnerable to legal or referendum attack Our Action Steps The Governor reportedly is particularly Press for the Governor to Keep the VLF upset about the allegations that his budget Commitment. Given the Governor's puts public safety at risk. Either he does not statement that he has ample legal authority understand the sweeping impacts of his to "pull the trigger", our efforts over the proposal, or he is trying to leverage a final next few weeks will be focused on budget solution. My money is on the latter. convincing him to do so. The timing of that He tells everyone he sees that he needs action appears to be dependent on the Republican votes for the budget/tax progress made with the budget negotiations, package, and he is going to try and use everyone (including us) to try and get them. State Capitol Rally This Frida~Februar~ 7. At the request of Speaker Wesson, we Our meeting in Oakland will be interesting have notified city officials of a rally that will for obvious reasons. See you there. Text of League News Release~February 5~ 2003 League of California Cities Applauds Legislative Leaders, Calls on Governor to "Pull the VLF Trigger" Sacramento - The League of California Cities today thanked Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson, President of the Senate John Burton, and all legislators in both houses who supported AB 4x (Wesson), the bill passed yesterday in the senate to authorize the State Director of Finance to "pull the trigger" to restore vehicle license fees. "These legislators are leaders who keep their word," said John Russo, President of the League and Oakland City Attorney. "A vote for AB 4x was a vote to keep a promise the state made to preserve public safety and the principles of local democracy. No elected official likes to be accused of raising taxes, even when the charge is untrue. Others will misrepresent this vote with their own pOlitical agendas. I applaud the courage of the legislators who did the right thing.', The League also expressed deep disappointment with Governor Gray Davis' statement today that he would veto AB 4x. The League urged the Governor to act within his existing authority to ''pull the trigger" to reinstate the VLF. "The Governor's veto puts police, fire and other critical local services at risk," said Ron 'Loveridge, Vice President of the League and Mayor of the City of Riverside. "His budget imposes deep, unfair and disproportionate cuts on local services to solve a fiscal crisis created solely by state actions. "At the local level, we've been balancing our budgets without appropriating funds from other levels of government," added Loveridge. "The time to pull the trigger on the VLF is now. It's completely unacceptable to hold police, fire and other public services hostage to budget games, and leave citizens in harms' way." "Legislative support for protecting public safety is clear, and bipartisan," said Russo. "The Governor's proposal to balance the budget by eliminating local public safety funding was dead on arrival, in both houses," said Russo. B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 5, 2003 TO: Donna L. Kunz FROM: David Lyman SUBJECT: Effects of State Cutbacks on Enterprise Zone Governor Davis' proposed budget for the next fiscal year eliminates all staffing for the Enterprise Zone program at the Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency (TTCA). Assuming the Govemor's proposed budget is adopted, TTCA staff has reviewed and revised its original work plan based upon winding down and closing the Enterprise Zone program staff operations by June 30. Based upon a letter I received from TTCA, the largest impact on our zone will be the end of any zone expansions. TTCA staff is recommending that no new expansions be processed, effective January 30, 2003. While the City of Bakersfield has no proposed expansions underway, Kern County has been waiting for TTCA to process an expansion submitted in August 2002. Such a ban on expansions will impede our ability to attract employers to areas of Bakersfield that, a. are near the Enterprise Zone, and b. would benefit from an expansion of the zone boundaries. Most notable in this regard is the South Mt. Vernon Avenue site (regardless of its ownership). We have previously promoted this site by stating that the zone boundaries could be expanded to include this property. Whoever is considering buying the property should be made aware that, due to the changes at the state level, it can no longer be said that the Enterprise Zone boundaries could be expanded to include this site. cc: Donna Barnes Jan Fulton Charles Webb P:\E Z\TTCA cutbacks memo 2-03.doc dl:\CADocuments and SettingsXrsmileyXLocal Settings\Temp\TTCAcutb.doc CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 7, 2003 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~//~ / /// FROM: Alan Christensen, AssistaHt/City Manager~ SUBJECT: Sphere of Influence Annexation Requests We've been approached recently by property owners just outside our city limits, mostly in the Northwest, wishing to annex and develop their property in the City of Bakersfield. As you know we process many annexation requests, but what's unique about these is that most of the land is outside of the city limits, and also outside our Sphere of Influence (SOl). We've told these 3 property owners that they must be within the City's SOl before they can be annexed. Local builders also tell us that property within the City's SOl is becoming scarce. The combination of pressure from land developers and reduced land within the City's SOl is forcing us to look at expanding the City's SOl to anticipate development trends. To help you visualize what is occurring, I've attached a map showing the location of the northwest property in relationship to our city limits and SOl. LAFCO has responsibility for approving changes to our SOl. Our Planning Department staff has asked LAFCO to review the City's SOl. Recent changes in state law require preparation of a municipal services study prior to changing the SOl. According to LAFCO's work plan for the coming year, Bakersfield is behind California City and Wasco on the list of cities requesting Sphere of Influence changes. Their work plan indicates that the tentative date for completing our services study is January 2004. We will be meeting with LAFCO staff as soon as possible to discuss the SOl issue and to explore ways of speeding up the municipal services study which is required before the SOl issue can be considered by LAFCO. ' ~"x /--~ ................. , ,~ -~ ........ ; ........ " '~i :' ' / ', ,' I ~ "L ,, ';4 "'-""'"; , s~l , ~ ,, , ~ .... -~---4_mm~ ,____. ' 'i" I ' ': ': " , . , "--~.. ~ ,,,. , ~ , .... ~ ........ - ....--~---,-. \ ', i ' , , , .... ...... ·- ...... ~ ...... ! ..... --', o . · · ' . · , I ..... '--i --i- -- ., : : I I I ' ' ~ ' '~ ! , .... mm , , ....... -t--- ~ .......-I- ....... · ]'~" · "' ; i:'~ ' ~ ........... '; .... " ~ ~ '~- ,o ~ I · · ' I ' , , ~! ....................... ~ ........ ,!.L..i , : . ....... -F--~- - ', ,~ 1; , .. ,/ .., : ,.--."'1':'"';,' ~. ~ .~.." r": ~" '~; . ' ~"--'- I"'--< ~" ~ .... ' ' ........ ~-~-~ .----~-, ~...... , ....... ....... ~--: ~- ..... ..... ~- ~ -~. I ,, ! ~,--.,,...,,~. __ I I */ · I .... ~'--- ' ! .... , .... ~, CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD " ' '- ' J ' "~"': ..... ' .... J ' IDENTIFIED AREAS INTERESTED " " [ IN EXPANSION OF ' · .: · . · " . · I I = I I ! ..... -' ·I .... ·' ' 'i ' I SPHERE OF INFLUENCE { i ..... BOUNDARY · I : I j ! I j -- I ...... LEGEND : I I I ' ~ ' i ' ~1 I I '" " [ ' ~ ~'~ ~ IDENTIFIED AR F_AS OF INTEREST ', , ,:· ,,,~, ' " ' ~'''''' "i' 'i i i ..... : ................. -,. ,, .... _ .......-, ....... J~-.' j j ....... m, ,,,,,,. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE " : '" " ° ~ i : i : '" ........ ' .... ~ ................. : ....... : ....... ..' ..,P~,~. ---~ ....... L_._ : .... -"'"~'- i- ..... ~ ...... t N ~' i I I I I I I ~ ' ,, ' .... : 8000 0 8000 16000 Feet : : I : : , _...: : i I, DATE: 2/1/03 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ February 7, 2003 FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistad'tc'City M~anager~ SUBJECT: Sphere of Influence Annexation Requests We've been approached recently by property owners just outside our city limits, mostly in the Northwest, wishing to annex and develop their property in the City of Bakersfield. As . you know we process many annexation requests, but what's unique about these is that most of the land is outside of the city limits, and alsO outside our Sphere of Influence (SOl). We've told these 3 property owners that they must be within the City's SOl before they can be annexed. Local builders also tell us that property within the City's SOl is becoming scarce. The combination of pressure from land developers and reduced land within the City's SOl is forcing us to look at expanding the City's SOl to anticipate development trends. To help you visualize what is occurring, I've attached a map showing the location of the northwest property in relationship to our city limits and SOl. LAFCO has responsibility for approving changes to our SOl. Our Planning Department staff has asked LAFCO to review the City's SOl. Recent changes in state law require preparation of a municipal services study prior to changing the SOl. According to LAFCO's work plan for the coming year, Bakersfield is behind California City and Wasco on the list of cities requesting Sphere of Influence changes. Their work plan indicates that the tentative date for completing our services study is January 2004. We will be meeting with LAFCO staff as soon as possible to discuss the SOl issue and to explore ways of speeding up the municipal services study which is required before the SOl issue can be considered by LAFCO. i ,'-'-'x--?-; ........ j .......... ,,. ........ ,- ........ , --'"- ---1', .... I ~ , 'x,," /" ~ j ~ ~ ', ~'"~ ............. ' ~' f' ~ I i , ', . * .... {. ........ -r - 1 : ' ' ' (, ,, , .. ,,~,,~_: . ' ,, , '- ~ ...... i'[ .... t~-=,'- . ' : i I : ' · . ~'- ::-:-:{-:: .... I ...... · I : · . j. --.. ~'~'" t ' ~ ~ ~ '"'t .... ~. ...... ~ ...... ,-:'~..~.~: .......... "-.. I - · I .--.--': . · , I I' I ' ..... '" · '-· -I. =, -I- - j ~ : : I ! ' ' ' I : I I -,, .... = · · / ' , i, I , I ' ' -- I , . . ...... .4--. I " i ' : ........ -I-----;-- : __.____ , . ~/.; : ! ..... · , I I ..... " ...... i ' ' I · ', ;',i!' ~ " : , , ' I : :: I ........ ; ....... , I,o j.: , , I : : , I"~' '~': ........ '! ' ' ~1" ' ....... -i--b-~_+_: : ! . ,., .~, : ... \:., · ; ), , ... / ~... "- ' ...... ' 'l " ........ ° , I' ',' i /'"'- ~'"~ ~.'." z':; , ~ , ' : ....... 'I---'~-- ~-~- ~-?-~ ..... 1--:+---~- ..... ~_ I , · )..-\-~ , ....... , __, I ~ ,~ ,~---., ..... ....-.-~,.-- , I' j i j , ,-:._.[. ~-' - ,, ', I I · : ,I .... ~ .... CITY OF BAKERSFIELD j " ~ I ENTIFIED AREAS INTERESTED ,,, a · B '-' · a ~" ',~ .... -~ ..... ", ..... ~ ..... , ,:" " " i' ' ID' ' - ~· . : . . I I I I I ,r- -, IN EXPANSION OF ·I .... ' ..... ~ ' ' ' ' SPHERE OF INFLUENCE · ! I i BOUNDARY I ' i .....,~ . , , , , ! I I I : i I I I LEGEND , , ~ .,. ~ , ~ -,- , , ,, ,~=.,.~ ~=~=._~. , . . , , ! IDENTIFIED ARE^S OF INTEREST .... ,~ ..... ~ ~ ! . ~., ,, . , I I I I ................................ -' ........ : -',- 'i ' "i''!'i --' " ........ ~ ....... .~ ....... ,: .,~-~,,.--~ ....... .L__ ,, · · - '. 8000 0 8000 16000 Feet : , I 'i : i i DATE: ~1103 ~1 BAKERSFIELD CENTENNIAL GARDEN ARENA Name/Location Capacities Centennial Garden & Convention Center Centennial Garden's unique design is located in the heart of downtown allows for multiple seating capacities. Bakersfield at 1001 Truxtun Avenue, Equipped with a curtaining system, the Bakersfield, CA. Garden can accommodate show seating from 5,000 to 10,500. The Bakersfield History Convention Center, connected directly to Opened in the fall of 1998, Centennial Centennial Garden, features a 3,000-seat Garden is the San Joaquin Valley's newest refurbished theater and a 26,000 sq.ft. multi-purpose entertainment facility. In exhibition hall. To view virtual seating just four short years the Garden has played layouts, rigging grids, backstage layouts, ~-hosrto-world-class-concerts-including~Tina---and~.capacities-for-~sporti ng Turner, Nell Diamond, Elton John and production, centennialgarden.com KISS as well as established itself as a popular destination for tour rehearsals and Market video shoots. In addition to its busy Located approximately 100 miles north concert schedule, Bakersfield Centennial of Los Angeles, Bakersfield and Kern Garden & Convention Center is home to County have developed into one of the Bakersfield Condors professional hockey, fastest growing areas of California with a Bakersfield Blitz Arena Football, Cal State population of over 690,000 residents. Bakersfield basketball and a preseason Centennial Garden & Convention Center home to the Los Angeles Lakers and L.A. offers promoters and event planners the Kings. Hosting over 120 events per year opportunity to serve a growing market that attract over 500,000 patrons, previously under-served in the area of Centennial Garden & Convention Center world class entertainment. serves as central California's premiere entertainment venue. Box Office/Ticketing Full-service, on-site offered thru TicketMaster. ADA accessible ticket FACTS office and seating with 10 full-service Bakersfield Centennial Garden windows. & Convention Center Production Capabilities/Facts Phone: 661-852-7300 Centennial Garden is equipped with a Fax: 661-861-9904 state-of-the-art sound, light, and matrix Internetaddress: board system. In addition, the arena features a four-sided center hung video www. centennialgarden.corn scoreboard and production room. Production website: StageRight staging system. Power 2,600 production.centennialgarden.com amps. Loading dock. Seven dressing Capacities: rooms. End concert: 10,500 Half-house concert: 6,500 Hockey: 8,700 Basketball: 9,500 Facilities & Event Management November/December 2002 25 B A K E R S F I E L.D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 4, 2003 TO: Alan Tandy; CitY Manager FROM: Donna Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Request from Councilmember Sue Benham for an Economic and Fiscal Impacts Study of the Proposed Super Wal-Mart Centers on Bakersfield I contacted two economics firms, Keyser Marsten and Associates and Applied Economics to obtain quotes and timeframes for completing an economic impact study. Both firms indicted a study would range in cost from $50,000 to $70,000 due to the fact that three commercial centers were being proposed. The study timeline would require between 90 - 120 days to complete. In researching a typical economic impact study, the economists suggested the factors listed below be studied. A study seeking more than the items identified below would result in more cost. Staff would need a complete detail of the study items to obtain a valid price quotation. 1. Identification and analysis of the service area. 2. Estimate of sales earned by the proposed centers - net new sales generated and an analysis of sales that are shifted. 3. Estimated total impacts of the centers on other types of businesses in the entire service area. 4. Economic impact from proposed centers on the Downtown and other existing retailers. 5. Identification of one-time revenues and costs that would be generated for the City Estimate of annual service costs and impact to the City. C:\Documents and Settings\atandy. BAKERSFIELD\Local Settings\Temp\walmart study.doc ITY MANAGER B A K E R S F I E L D Public Works Department Memorandum TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2003 SUBJECT: WHITE LANE INTERCHANGE WIDENING AT STATE ROUTE 99 The City's design consultant for the above referenced project submitted 95% complete Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) to Caltrans for their review on January 16, 2003. Caltrans typically requires 6 weeks to review and provide comments to the designer for projects of this magnitude. Comments will then be addressed and resubmitted to Caltrans for final review and signatures. It is anticipated that PS&E will be approved to advertise for construction in April 2003. PS&E for the soundwall in front of the Smoke Tree Mobile Home Park were also submitted for review as part of the interchange widening project. While the widening of the interchange is funded with Gas Tax the Soundwall will be funded with a combination of State and Federal Funds. Caltrans is currently drafting a Cooperative Agreement for the State's portion of construction funds which is the required match for the Federal funds. It is anticipated that this Cooperative Agreement will be approved at the February 26, 2003 City Council meeting. Once executed, we will file an Authorization to Proceed with Construction to the State to obtain approval for the soundwall construction funds. Although funds have not yet been programmed for the southbound auxiliary lane and off ramp at the White Lane Interchange, Caltrans is still moving forward with the design of their project. The City's Property Management Division has been working with Caltrans in acquiring additional right of way necessary for the project in order to expedite construction; a process which normally takes Caltrans 18 months to complete. Currently, Caltrans is drafting a Cooperative Agreement to reimburse the City for providing the additional right of way and preparing legal descriptions for the needed right of way take. Caltrans Headquarters (Sacramento) Staff indicate that the project is still anticipated to be funded in the next several months, but will not know for certain until the impact to the State Highway Account resulting from the current State budget deficit is determined. c: Jack LaRochelle, Arnold Ramming, Nick Fidler, Reading File S:\PROJ ECTS\Ngf~White Lane_99\Memo2-3-03.doc FEB - 5 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: DON ANDERSON, REAL PROPERTY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2003 SUBJECT: RIGHT OF WAYWHITE LANE/99 City Council directed staff to keep abreast of improvements at Hwy. 99 & White Lane and to provide any assistance to Caltrans with the right of way. Received e-mail from Ron Dragoo with Caltrans with an update of their progress. Their design team is using the data obtained to determine the final limits of the right of way. The final parameters will be sent to the survey team for plat-mapping and legal. descriptions. This work should be completed within 3 weeks of receipt from Design. Also, the Cooperative Agreement has been drafted and is being reviewed by Caltrans Legal. They anticipate approval and sending the document to the City within the next 2- 3 weeks. S:\KimG\Referrals\Memo - RefResp030204. DOC