HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/03 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM October 10, 2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. The negotiating sessions on Station 15 and its opening have concluded. We will be opening the station on time and in accordance with plans developed by Chief Fraze relative to staffing. 2. While it has had a number of delays due to technical issues, the California Avenue housing project has now had electrical line removal work done, and we hope for construction to begin before the end of the month. 3. Councilmember Carson referred to staff and Council placed in its goals, a referral on rebuilding Fire Station #5. It is eligible for the Housing and Community Development Grant. A very preliminary cost estimate for a station to house the personnel and equipment now assigned is $2.5 to $2.75 million. It would have to come out over two grant years; one for design and land, and the second for construction. 4. With the changes at State government, we now have questions about repealing the motor vehicle tax increase which create uncertainty for us for months to come. Alan Christensen has graciously agreed to continue in his role as Acting Recreation and Parks Director until we have more clarity. Thanks are due Alan and the other members of the City Manager's Office who have been picking up most of his workload. 5. The NBA exhibition game with the Lakers and Cavaliers that will be played at Centennial Garden on October 19th is receiving national attention! According to the enclosed article, ESPN plans to show the game via live feed on its website. 6. Per the enclosed memo from the County EMS Department, the City Fire Department has been granted approval to be a Haz-Mat Paramedic Provider. Our paramedics who have the specialized training will be able to provide advanced life support during hazardous materials incidents. 7. The latest status report from KernCog regarding the CalTrans project on Rosedale Highway is enclosed for your information. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 10, 2003 Page 2 8. In an example of the effect of increased Workers' Compensation costs, a Los Angeles Times article is enclosed regarding the State Compensation Insurance Fund's dispute with their auditors over the amount of their reserve levels to pay future claims. 9. The attorney who is known for representing issues related to adult entertainment businesses has filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles City Council. According to the enclosed article, he has accused the members of giving him an unfair hearing by paying inadequate attention when he presented an issue to them earlier this year. 10. Planning ahead, Recreation and Parks has announced the schedule for the 2004 Movies in the Park program. The schedule is attached. 11. The list of High Five Award recipients for the third quarter of 2003 is enclosed. Congratulations to all those who were recognized for their exceptional service as City employees. 12. Responses to Council requests are attached, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Citizen concern regarding conditions approved at time of construction of the Food Maxx. Councilmember Sullivan · Research regarding feasibility of implementing a Sand Castle building event as a summer recreation program. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst ESPN.eom: SPORTSBUSINESS - NBA to Webcast Cavs-Lakers matchup Oct. 19 Page 1 of 2 MSNHome I My MSN I Hotmail I Search I Shopping I Money I People& Chat ESPN Network: ESPN I NBA.eom I WNBA.com I NHL.com I ABC I Radio J EXPN I Page 2 I Insider I Shop I Fantasy  Tuesday, October 7 LeBron, 'dream team' Lakers seen as a cyber-draw SEARCH ESPN I IBy Darren Rovell ESPN.com ESPN C ~,s~nv, If LeBron James is as good as advertised, perhaps there will be five future Hall of SPORTS BUSINESS Famers on the court when James and the .C_lev_~]..a_n_d._C.~..v_a.!j..e_~ play the ....L_.o_.s._.~g.e_!.e_.._s. Fan Rankings _L.._al~_~.r_.~ on Oct. 19. Franchise Values Naming Rights Fans will be able to watch the 18-year-old phenom go head-to-head with the likes of ESPN MALL Gary Payton and Kobe Bryant, thanks to the NBA, which will be streaming the local More from ESPN... TeamStore television feed live on its Web site. Lebron impressive ESPN Auctions in preseason debut James passes in SPORT SECTIONS The league is banking that the buzz about James, the No. 1 overall draf~ pick, as well as first... MLB the draw of the dream team from Los Angeles, will encourage more fans to sign up for Scores I GameCast NBA Inside Ticket. Those that want to view the Webcast will be required to sign up with NFL the league's online broadband subscription service. Scores ESPN Tools Col. Football Scores The league is expecting that the Webcast will be watched in part by more than 120,000 I~l Golf people, according to Brenda Spoonemore, senior vice president of NBA Entertainment. e[~ Most sent Scores That would surpass the previous NBA record for the streaming of a live game, which NHL was for the Mavericks-Kings game in April 2001. --'V~I Da!l_¥_e_mai! Scores RPM.ESPN.com Although the league's subscription service allows fans to listen to audio Webcasts of NBA every game, Spoonemore said the league has no plans to offer live video Webcasts of M Col. BB regular-season games. Soccer W Col. aB The game could provide many fans with the first look at Bryant on the hardwood since Horse Racing he had offseason knee and shoulder surgery and was charged with sexual assault. Lakers Recruiting coach Phil Jackson said Bryant won't play until at least Oct. 14. Sports Business Tennis On Tuesday night, James scored eight points, had seven assists and grabbed three Boxing rebounds in his first official exhibition game with the Cavaliers, who beat the Detroit Outdoors _Pi_s~tg_n_s_ 100-96 at Auburn Hills, Mich. College Sports Olympic Sports Action Sports Darren Rovell, who covers sports business for ESPN. eom, can be reached at ESPNdeportes darren, rovell~espn3, com. More Sports ESPN.com:Hp!p I He.d~.a. Kit I .!~gPP.~..P...~pg I Contact. Us I TPo.!$ I Jpba..at.!~.S?N,com Copyright Cc_)2003 ESPN Internet Ventures. ~¢~rFO~...~...U~ and I~c!Ya.~;y....F~o.!!c;¥...c~nd.$~!fety..~rlfprrBa.!;i.~.[t are applicable to this site. E.rBP.!~FB~Bt...C~PP~.[tUO.iti~S at ESPN.com. Visit our li_t_e..~_i.t~ if you're having problems with this page. http://espn.go.com/sportsbusiness/s/2003/1007/1633058.html 10/9/2003  EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ 'nteriR~lSl~irEellclt~ Robert Barnes, M.D. Medi~l Director ,,,1400 "H" Strut, Bakersfield, CA 9~01 Phone: (~1) ~52~ Fax: (661) 3~-~53 ~ Relay (~0) 735-~ October 2, 2003 TO: Distribution FROM: Ross Ellio~ Inte~m Director~ S~CT: BA~F~LD CI~ FI~ DEPAR~NT - ~~T P~MEDIC PRO~ER ~e Bakersfield City Fire Depa~ment has completed all requirements for approval as a Haz-Mat Paramedic Provider in accordance with Kern County EMS Depa~ment Haz-Mat Paramedic Policies & Procedures. The approval is effective October 2, 2003, The Haz-Mat Paramedic Pro.am authorizes Bakersfield City Fire Depa~ment paramedics wi~ ha~rdous materials specialty training to provide advanced life suppo~ (ALS) patient inte~ention as needed in a ha~rdous mate~als containment zone or during patient decon~ation. Application of prehospiml ~S under the Haz-Mat Paramedic Pro.am is limited to ha~rdous materials incidents ancot patienm requiring ~S inte~ention during decontamination. In addition to provi.ding for ALS patient care within ha~rdous materials containment zones, the Pro.am also con~ibutes si~ificantly to local preparedness effo~s relative to homeland security and weapons of mass destruction. Implementation of the ~o~am is the result of the diligent efforts of ~e EMS Depa~ment and Bakersfield Ci~ Fire Dep~ment staff over several months. Please call. the Department at (661) 868-5201 with any questions. Distribution: Dave Greek, Kern Ambulance Service Patsy Carpenter, Delano Ambulance Service Louis Cox, Hall Ambulance Service Tom McGinnis, Hall Ambulance Service Anthony Bohn, CARE Ambulance Service Peter Brandon, Liberty Ambulance Service Roy Cox, Mercy Air Service Dave Harbough, CHW-Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Bruce Peters, CHW-Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Dr. Eugene Kercher, Kern Medical Center Nida Macaranas, Kern Medical Center Dr. Chris Dong, Kern Medical Center Kern Council of Governments October 7, 2003 Vice-Mayor David Couch City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Vice-Mayor Couch: The Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) updated you September 17, 2003, on the status of a safety project currently in progress on Rosedale Highway. We are forwarding new information on key points related to the status, progress and the anticipated completion date. The Caltrans Resident Engineer assigned to this project has updated staff on the project status. The newest information provided in this letter is marked in bold text. General Project Description: This project is funded in the State Highway Operations and Protection Program, which is the highway maintenance program for Caltrans. The project limits are from Van Buren Place to Camino Del Rio, to rehabilitate the roadway. Project components include: Traffic Signal at Patton Way; guardrail replacement; pavement replacement from Van Buren Place to Camino Del Rio; striping and pavement markers; raised median work and some traffic signal and lighting modifications. As of Friday, October 3, 2003, Caltrans staff provided the following update on information regarding the status of this project; the project is listed as 34% complete; the original timeline called for the project to be 48% complete at this time. The Contractor is approximately 2 weeks behind schedule. -1-=.Mid September 2003 - This work is completed. ?.s cf th!s '.~:cc,k, thc Ccntractcr p~ans tc ccmplctc asphalt 2. Mid November 2003 - Over the next month, the Contractor plans to complete all asphalt concrete work on the "mainline" portions of the projects, or lane work. The intent is to complete all asphalt work prior to winter weather. 3. December 2003 - Striping and pavement work should be completed. 4. Mid January 2004 - Guardrail work should be completed. 5. February 2004 - Remaining asphalt concrete work in the raised median will be completed. 6. March 2004 - The project is scheduled for completion. This is the original programmed scheduled benchmark and the contractor is committed to meeting that completion date. 7. Mid March 2004 - Signalization and lighting work should be completed. Kern COG staff will contact Caltrans for updates on the progress of this project. Should you require more information, please contact Joe Stra~glia at 861-2191 or jstrama..qlia@ kerncoa.or~. Ro .~~ett;- Executive Director Kern 'Council of GoVernments 1'401 19th.Sti'eet, Suit. e 300, 13a~<ersfield; California 93301 (661J 861-2191 Facsimile (66 I) 324-8215 TrY 1661 t 832-7433 www. kerncog.or§ Los Angeles Times: State Insurer Fires Its Auditor Page 1 of 2 http://www.latimes.com/business/printedition/la-fi-workcomp8oct08,1,1485907.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-business advertisement State Insurer Fires Its Auditor The workers' comp provider had wrangled with Pricewaterhouse over loss reserves. By Marla Dickerson Times Staff Writer October 8, 2003 California's state-owned workers' compensation insurer has fired its longtime auditor after the accounting firm refused to certify the carder's financial statements and questioned the adequacy of its reserves. The dismissal of PricewaterhouseCoopers comes just two months after the release of an audit in which the accounting firm said the nonprofit State Compensation Insurance Fund of California needed to set aside an additional $1 billion to pay future claims. Officials at State Fund, which provides workers' comp coverage for about half of California's employers, had disputed those audit results and defended the insurer's reserve levels as adequate to meet its obligations to injured workers. Although it isn't unusual for corporate clients to dismiss their auditors, the firing of Pricewaterhouse underscores the unresolved issues dogging the state's ailing workers' compensation system despite just-passed legislation to reform it. Those include the health of the publicly owned State Fund, which has been strained by rapid growth due to the collapse of so many private insurers in the California market. In recent months, Califomia Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has been highly critical of State Fund's management, and other politicians, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, have called for a comprehensive review of the carder's financial condition. State Fund's predicament could play a role in determining how much and how fast workers' comp premiums are reduced in the wake of the legislative overhaul, which is aimed at cutting as much as $6 billion in medical costs annually from the $29-billion system. If State Fund is required to set aside additional reserves, the carrier might not be able to pass along as much in savings to employers. Jim Zelinski, a State Fund spokesman, said Tuesday that the carder's move on Oct. 1 to dump its auditor of 20 years was a "business decision." He denied that it was retribution for the firm's delivering an audit report that the carder didn't like. "Like any business organization, State Fund periodically reviews its contracts and relationships with vendors and contractors," Zelinski said. "At this time, we think it makes some business sense to look at another firm." State Fund and Pricewaterhouse officials had wrangled for months behind the scenes over the adequacy of the insurer's loss reserves, resulting in repeated delays of the audit's release to the public. Released in late July, the audit concluded that State Fund's $9.8 billion in reserves as of Dec. 31, 2002, should be increased by about $1 billion. Pricewaterhouse spokesman David Nestor declined to comment on that dispute.or the motivation behind the firing of his firm. http://www.latimes.com/business/printedition/la-fi-workcomp8oct08,1,4358045,print, story?coil=la-headlines- 10/9/2003 Los Angeles Times: State Insurer Fires Its Auditor Page 2 of 2 ~"We ~re proud of the work that we have performed and believe that our audit report speaks for itself," Nestor said. Garamendi has largely concurred with Pricewaterhouse's analysis. He has been pushing State Fund to shore up its capital position, which has deteriorated to the point that the Department of Insurance has determined it would be justified to step in to run the operation. Though the agency has made no moves in that direction, State Fund has countered by suing Garamendi and the Department of Insurance to prevent a takeover. State Fund has steadfastly maintained that its reserves are sufficient to cover its liabilities, a position that has been affirmed by the agency's actuarial firm, Milliman USA. Accounting experts said it was not uncommon for businesses to dismiss their auditors. So far this year, 668 publicly owned U.S. firms have done so, according to Auditor-Trak, a service of Strafford Publications Inc., an Atlanta-based publisher of legal and business information services and accounting profession data. Jon McKenna, executive editor of Auditor-Trak, said companies fired their auditors for a wide variety of reasons, including genuine disagreements over the way some items should be accounted for. He said such parting of the ways wasn't necessarily a reflection of wrongdoing on the part of either the auditor or the client. McKenna said State Fund should have no trouble finding an auditor to replace Pricewaterhouse. But he said that if the insurer is shopping for a firm that might be more sympathetic to its views on reserves, it may be looking in vain. He said the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which toughened rules for financial accounting and reporting, would make it unlikely that another firm would reach a markedly different conclusion from Pricewaterhouse's if the firm's concerns were solidly grounded in established accounting principles. "Any good firm is going to find the same thing," McKenna said. Garamendi on Tuesday registered no objection to State Fund's decision to change auditors. "It's the right of every insurer to select the appropriate auditor," he said. "We have no reason to believe that [State Fund] isn't acting in good faith. We look forward to continuing to work cooperatively with management." Ifav~u want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at latimes.com/archives. Click here for article licensing and reprint options Copyright 2003 Los Angeles Times http://www~~a~mes~c~m/business/printedi~~n/~a-~-w~rkc~mp8~ct~8~~ ~43 58~4 5~print.st~ry? c~~~=~a-head~ine... 10/9/2003 Attorney. ccuses Council fSlight ' !Du ]:.Court. inotio~n, backed;,~ club, members appeas~d to PaY ~d said he let~ th~!~i~entsmadevlv~f~l~tl~4ni. outraged at the ruder."/ Because they appearto · ~-~"p by a videotape, ~ ~. ' hl~ UtUe attentiom meet  · They talked among them- nesS ¢ ouncil members, a corn- ' be attentive (and DtA _mo,~d '~panel paid no attention" ;' ~e~es or on their ~e~ phones· ~ plain~ )iced by many over.the made a video of the heartl~ · They listened to aides whisper- 'yea~ ~o have addres~d the' whichhesaysprovesit)hewants · ~%;'.:.,. the decision ovex~mrne~ .. ; :~.. ~ ! ~"; ' "i~" f~om their seats and wandered 1'~ ~,. Ii, stead of Sa~d ~'Bylass~¢a(~ARa~SO~ ~':.:, awsy, munched on snacks, or hom~ ~nd grumbling, Dla~m~ ' arennlikelytosidewiththeflsm- · .r~n~st~0'w~t~ .~? traded comments on their Ha- foug~ back. In a mof~on ~ a boyant attorney. Nonetb~l~. : ; ' ,'~ waiian shirts. (It was Hawaiian state, xh~tjudgewillheartoday, council members and some in ~]"'~..When gttomey Ro~er Joe shirt day in C~ty Hall). Then, Diam ~d is arguing that be- the community said they are ~n-' ~¢Dlamond appeared before the 'they unanimously voted against cause ~uncllmemberswereact- i sultedbythelawsult. . ~.CityCouncflearllerthi~m~mmoe Dlamond and his quest to allow ingle lJudlcialcapacltyduflng 'rhe strip club attorney crltl- · to make an impassioned speech the LincoM Heights elub to keep hisJu ~13heaflng, they were re- cizingthecounctlfornotbeh~g .on behalf of the Blue Zebra strip Its door~ open until 4 a.m. ~ by law to lksten to the ar- [See C/~b, Pa~e Bg] Attorney Says Council Ignored Obligation,?.. t° Listen to HiS SPeech a~. .": ?ia, ~dene~. mesmerized by their ever~ word ;~l'hey listen to both sides,' If it eounds like a 16ngahok la like the Detroit Tlgers erlttctz- ~ld ~ Walden, who ~atd she Diamond ~ys that he ha~ made lng their fa~ for not attending ' believes Diamond may be tr!rlng a career of championing lost evew game," r~ld Councilman to.intimidate the Ctt~ Council eau~ -- ~ometlmes etumglng Jack Wek~, who appear~ in Dia- which 1~ ~heduled to vote today the law in the proces~. mond'~ video engaged In an ex- on atrlcecet regulatlon~ for ~Ip Oy.'et~the yearn,, be'~ won tended and apparentkv en/to~- clubs acw~ the ~lt~. man~ precedeni-$ettlng eases lng cell phone conversation a~ ,~.Other community member~ on behalf or hl~ adult bu,mine~s the public hearing go~.s on w~a.o have addressed the coun¢tl clients. But he's akso venlaued around hint"When, you.., tx$ to said'it lm onl~ natural that the Into other area~. During three de.~tro~ the quallt~ of Me In a lawrnaker~' attention occasion- umue~eikslUlnumfortheA,~em- peet.* Our de,talon to den~ the ~?A~ long ~ eounctl n~ember~ lneumbent~bl~' D/a~OndwerebecamealwaysVeXedlistedthat ~rip dub wa mildly tn the pub- have done their homework, read. ~ on the ballot,. He filed suit lie interest., t~eir reports and thought about and won, bringing about the poi- But others, even those who the issues, it m~, not be crucial . icy of using a lottery to decide hope Diamond. never wins an- for them to listen intently to er- placement of candidates' names. other adult business case ~gaL~ e~y word'spoken to them. from Teda~,,' he hopes a Judge will say ~hey thlnk that on this issue the lectern set up for the p~bll¢, h~nd him another victory, one he mlght have a point. ~.sak! Polly Ward, who sits on the that will requke council mem- 'The City Council has a his- Studio C~ty Neighborhood hers to stay in their seat& tory ofjust barely tolerating pub- ~ouncll and comes to City Hall "The videotape win shock the lie comment on any issue," said ~lbout six times a year. ' · eonsciehce,' Diamond wrote, Don Schult~ president of the . ~'. Although that rosy be a fine 'snd should lead this Honorable Va~ Nuys' Homeowners Assm, ~,,o~,~,a~,,, ~ractice when council members Court not only to condemn the who says he hss never found GRIPE: Atto~neyRogerYon.! a~edebatinglaws, Dlamondbe- Clty Counell for its abusive and himself in agreement.with Dia- Diamond expects the video he.'. Jleves that in his case, when the sham hearing but hopefully will mond before, mode wtil Frove that members, council was hearlo4~ an appesl of result in a broad opinion that will .Until two years ag°, council pa~l no attention to him. ~ [::...' ~ ~ decision by a zoning adrninis- compel [the City Council in the members sat with their b~cks to '~ ,.... trator, they were required to Its- future to, conduct itself in an ap- the public. Even now that their issues every day. ' ~m - ' ' - proprlate way.' comfy leather chairs fgce the To do the job well, 'you have 'The City Council ... did not Legal expex~s renmln uncon- hard wooden benches set oht for to be multltssk oriented,' said [COnsider any evidence and de- vinced. '{ . the audience, most elected offi- Councilman Ed Reyes, Wh6ge IprivedPetitioner0fafairhearlng : 'rhel~e's no right to'have leg- lb ' g no attention to either lslator~'.,.~listen," said USC law cials make no secret of the fact. dlstrlct includes the BlueZebra ~. y paym that they use some of the time andwhowasoneofthefewmem- [stale and by essentially conduct- profess6i Erwin Chemerlnsky during their thrice weekly meet- bets who appeared to be listen- t.lng no hearing, contras, to the .'The council has to take public ings to read their mail, catch up ingat some points on Diamond's ~requirements of Due Process testimony, but whether they're with each other or, ln the case of tape. .. ' '. iand the Los Angeles Municipal. paying attention isn~ something recently retired Councilwoman 'Indefenseofmyeoneagues," ~Code," Diamond wrote .to the the courts are ever going to Ruth Galanter, pen a few lines of Reyes added, 'it is possible to do ?COurt, submitting bas videotape monitor or enforce." ..,Theydon~t pay attenUon to two or three things at one tlme."Reyes said the real villains ~.- : L.~ anybody. ;.. These people have when it comes to not paying at- become so arrogant," Diamond tention are Diamond and the · said. ~They Just don2 care. It's adult business owners he re- the culture there." presents, who do not heed corn-' · Arrogance has nothing to do munity members' complahuts with it, Ssy legislators and some about their clubs. 'I wMh I had a community members who de- legal mechanism to go after Dla- fend them The Job of being a mond for not listening to .us,~ council member requires atten- Reyes said. . · tion td dozens if not hundreds, of Some foes of adult bus~,~ses Movies in the Park Friday Night Movies in the Park are back for spring! Come watch eight of your favorite movies at a different park each week and be eligible to win free raffle prizes. So pack up your picnic gear, blankets and lawn chairs and leave the family entertainment to us. Popcorn and sodas will be available for a small fee. Day: Friday Time: Dusk Fee: Free Date Movie Location Theme: "Critters in our Park" April 16 Babe --G Planz Park April 23 Antz- PG Siemon Park April 30 Stuart Little -G Windsor Park Theme: "Sci-Fi Park" May 7 Empire Strikes Back--PG Jefferson Park May 14 Back to the Future--PG Saunders Park May 21 Harry Potter-Chamber of Secrets-PG Pin Oak Park Theme: "Dreams Come True" May 28 Free Willy-PG Centennial Park June 4 Like Mike - PG Grissom Park Litter Free Event B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 10, 2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Ce~_~on~y, Office Administrator - Public Relations SUBJECT: Employee Incentive Program The Employee Incentive Committee is happy to provide the list of High Five Award recipients for the third quarter of 2003. The winners of the random drawing are noted in bold. All of these individuals were recognized by their peers, supervisors, or members of the public for exceptional work and/or customer service. Each recipient is automatically inducted into the "High Five Club" for the fiscal year and is also recognized monthly in the City's employee newsletter. We applaud these individuals for a job well done. Attachments 2003 HIGH FIVE AWARD July Nominee Title Dept Date Nominated bv Comments 1 Amos, Bob GIS Supervisor IT 07/24/03 Alan Christensen Put in many hours of work to make State of the City presentation a success. 2 Ante~ David Facility Worker PW / GS 07/16/03 Patti Hock Energetic and enthusiastic; has a "can do" attitude; always helpful 3 Ayala, Jess Trades Asst PW / GS 07/10/03 Dani Smith iVery helpful with a large job; responded promptly; very accommodating. 4 Belardes, Tom Net. Sys. Tech. IT 07/02/03 Jeffrey Roach Provided invaluable assistance with deployment of computers to PD. 5 Burns, Phil Print & Pin Ck Mgr Dev Services 07/10/03 Wen-Shi Cheung !Made an extra effort in busy schedule to meet & resolve problem. 6 Cattelan, Nick Firefighter Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 7 Cecil, Jeff PD ~ ah Tech PD 07/30/03 Sherrie Hill IHas handled a high profile murder case professionally; remains composed. 8 Cejka, Melissa Records Supr PD 07/29/03 Records Clerk Has faced new challenges without complaint; has a wonderful attitude. 9 Coates, Kathleen Trans. Typist PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth AC,,lertOn Always looks out for other employees; positive attitude. 10 Cooper, Darrell Battalion Chief Fire 07/29/03 Roger Tilford ,Thoughtful; thinks of others; gives encouragement. 11 Crawford, Craig Captain Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 12 Davis, Mark Trans. Typist PD 07/29/03 L. Reitz/T. Nousch Has kept a positive attitude when challenged with new software and procedures. 13 DeLaCruz, Michael Main. Crftwrkr I PW / GS 07/18/03 Davina Montes Assisted with office relocations, with patience and positive attitude. 14i DeLeon, Bricio Facility Worker Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 151Dietz, Steven Captain Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 16i Duran, Esther Prev/Env Officer Fire 07/17/03 Dolores Burns Exceptional employee; extremely knowledgeable; great customer service. 17 Enriquez, James l~horer Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 18; Esparza, Alex Bldg. Maintainer II PW / GS 07/21/03 Mary Ernst Found and turned in a set of important keys. 19 Farnsworth, Todd Training Officer PD 07/23/03 Sheree Skelly As Academy Coordinator, addresses issues in a proactive manner. 20 Fishman, Luda Account Clerk Risk Mgmt 07/15/03 Alan Christensen Worked very hard on successful audit for the state. 21 Ga¥~ Jim Firefighter Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 22 Gonzalez, Fidel Trades Asst PW / GS 07/18/03 Davina Montes Assisted with office relocations, with patience and positive attitude. 23 Green, Jay Off. Sys. Tech. IT 07/10/03 Dani Smith Came over on short notice to modify work stations; very helpful. 24 Guiterrez, Rafael SW Equip Oprtr PW / SW 07/28/03 Martha Haslebachef Willingly helped out with a job that was outside his normal duties. 25 Haddad, Manar Account Clerk Risk Mgmt 07/15/03 Alan Christensen Worked very hard on successful audit for the state. 26 Hill, Sherrie Crime L~h Tech PD 07/18/03 Jeff Cecil Excellent team player; accomplished difficult tasks without conflict. 27 Hitchcock, Paul Firefighter Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 28 Howell, Keith Trades Asst PW / GS 07/18/03 Davina Montes Assisted with office relocations, with patience and positive attitude. 29 Johnston, Matt Hvy Equip Oprtr Water Res. 07/29/03 Don Richardson Worked hard and gave extra effort on Rio Vista Park project. 30 Jones, Bob Comm. Engineer PW / Comm 07/10/03 Dani Smith Came on short notice and modified the phones. 31 Jones~ Rachel Clerk Typist I PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth Agerton Puts in long hours to cover others who are off; her dedication is appreciated. 32 Jones, Richard An Ctrl Officer PD 07/22/03 David Paquette Very professional; handled difficult situation well. 33 Kennedy, Mike Asst. IT Director IT 07/24/03'Alan Christensen Put in many hours of work to make State of the City presentation a success. 34 Kibbey, Cathy Crime ~ ~h Supr Police 07/17/03 ~,mber Lawrence Helped to expedite a large project. 35 Kuo, Homer Prg / Analyst . IT 06/24/03 Howard Wines Stayed upbeat and accommodating with Fire permit software glitches. 36 Lewis, Petrina Net. Sys. Tech. IT 07/02/03 Jeffrey Roach Provided invaluable assistance with deployment of computers in PD. 37 Lewis, Terry Sergeant PD 07/02/03 Terry McCormick Expedited delivery of accident report, which helped Rec & Parks. 38 .Mew, T.S. App. Sys. Supr. IT 07/10/03 Wen-Shi Cheung Making an extra effort to resolve problem with building permits. 2003 HIGH FIVE AWARD July 39 Lorenzi, Georgina Asst. to PW Dir PW / Admin 07/10/03 Wen-Shi Cheung Very efficient; helpful; ready to assist others in solving problems. 40 Luff, Hillary Fire Dispatcher I Fire 06/30/03 Matt Moore Stayed calm and composed under difficult circumstances. 41 Manning, Apryl An Ctrl Officer PD 07/18/03 David Paquette Instrumental in the smooth transition; received praise from a citizen. 42 Marks, Stephen SW Equip Oprtr PW / SW 07/28/03 Martha Haslebacher Willingly helped out with a job that was outside his normal duties. 43 Martinez, John Main. Crftwrkr I PW / GS 07/10/03 Dani Smith Very helpful with a large job; responded promptly; very accommodating. 44 McDonald~ Stephanit Clerk Typist II PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth Agerton Puts in long hours to cover others who are off; her dedication is appreciated. 45 Michael, Patrick Svc Maint Wrkr Water Res. 07/29/03 Don Richardson Worked hard and gave extra effort on Rio Vista Park project. 46 Moore, Lisa Net. Sys. Eng. IT 07/02/03 Jeffrey Roach Provided invaluable assistance with deployment of computers in PD. 47 Nichols, Steve Captain Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 48 Nousch~ Tanya Clerk Typist I PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth Agerton Goes the extra mile for her job; very flexible with hours. 49 Pacheco, Henry Engineer Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 50 Paquette~ David Code Enf Officer Dev Services 07/16/03 Patti Hock Asset to the City; great attitude; makes others' jobs easier. 51 Patterson~ Tim Firefighter Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 52 Pina, Gerardo Laborer Rec & Parks 07/01/03 Terry McCormick Has shown flexibility and willingness to learn new jobs. 53 Reitz, Linda Clerk Typist I PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth Agerton Dedicated; works hard; puts in long hours. 07/29/03 Tanya Nousch Goes the extra mile; eager to help others and learn new things. 54 Rice, Ron Training Officer PD 07/23/03 Sheree Skelly Set up training schedule for 304 officers in an efficient and cost-saving manner. ss Richardson, Don iSupervisor II Water Res. 07/23/03 Michelle Mendenhall Together with his crew, always turn in equipment for service in a timely manner. 56 Rios, Jesus Facility Worker Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 57 Rubio, Rosa Laborer Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 58 Sanchez, Eliazar Laborer Rec & Parks 07/01/03 Terry McCormick Has shown flexibility and willingness to learn new jobs. 59 Sawyer, Wily Webmaster IT 07/17/03 Pam McCarthy Acted immediately to place a direct link to Muni Code on web page. 07/24/03 Alan Christensen Put in many hours of work to make State of the City presentation a success. 60 Seibt~ David Firefighter Fire 06/26/03 Jerry Gambill Aggressive and safe techniques resulted in rapid extinguishment of fires. 61 Silvius, Steve Engineer Fire 07/24/03 Howard Wines Crucial observation led to improved training in HazMat safety. 62 Solf, Jason Hvy Equip Oprtr Water Res. 07/29/03 Don Richardson Worked hard and gave extra effort on Rio Vista Park project. 631 Stokes, Becky Crime Lab Tech PD 07/18/03 Jeff Cecil Did an excellent job getting job done; worked hours of overtime on Ig project. 64 Tallant, Anthony Facility Worker Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 65 Torres, Abel Laborer Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 66 Townsend, Jason Officer PD 07/16/03 Elizabeth Agerton Has an upbeat and pleasant attitude; very polite and courteous. 67 Vasquez, Antonio Laborer Rec & Parks 07/01/03 Terry McCormick Has shown flexibility and willingness to learn new jobs. 6s Villegas, Ruben Facility Worker Rec & Parks 07/01/03 =Terry McCormick Does a great job w/landscape assignment, even though it has grown. 69 Whitmore, Ray Main. Crffwrkr I Water Res. 07/29/03 Don Richardson Worked hard and gave extra effort on Rio Vista Park project. 70 Wilson, Charles Lt Equip Oprtr Water Res. 07/29/03 Don Richardson Worked hard and gave extra effort on Rio Vista Park project. 71 Wilson, Paul SW Equip Oprtr PW / SW 07/28/03 Martha Haslebacher Willingly helped out with a job that was outside his normal duties. 72 Youngblood, Sheila An Ctrl Officer PD 07/18/03 David Paquette Instrumental in the smooth transition; received praise from a citizen. 73 Zambrano, Sergio Facility Worker Rec & Parks 07/17/03 Lee Ochoa Responded to citizen's request for sidewalk clearance; unselfish attitude. 2003 HIGH FIVE AWARD August Nominee Title De=t Date Nominated by Comments I Avila, Vicki FS Sys Analyst PW / FS 08/04/03 David Paquette Has ~lreat enthusiasm for new position in Animal Control; goes above and beyond. 08/12/03 Kevin Stokes Positive attitude; professional; courteous; gives excellent customer service. 2 Belcher~ Ava Off. Sys. Analyst IT 08/26/03 Sherrie Hill Solved a challengin~l task; worked on it for two days and didn't give up. 3 Cebreros~ David Tree Mntnr II Rec & Parks 07/30/03 Paul Graham Rec'd letter of appreciation from local citizens. 4 Daniel, Lori Clerk Typist II PW / Comm 08/27/03 Terry McCormick Showed initiative to handle tough problem; outstanding customer service. 5 Denton, Shane Code Enf Off II Dev $vcs 08/21/03 Rec'd letters of appreciation from citizen and local association. 6 Diaz, Sam Fleet Mechanic I PW / F$ 08/15/03 David Prince Hard worker who goes out of his way to help others. 7 Gardner~ Evan Firefighter Fire 08/07/03 Kirk Blair Took the time to help with Annual Kids Day; patiently answered many questions. e Gavin, Andrea Sr. Officer PD 08/21/03 Rec'd letter of appreciation from citizens. 9 Hock, Patti Secretary Animal Ctrl 08/07/03 David Paquette Instrumental in the smooth operation of the new Animal Control division. 10 Hurst~ Tracel Dispatcher II Fire 08/08/03 Matt Moore Professional; handles crises and emergencies with composure; team player. 11 Jiminez, Sandra Acct. Supr Finance 08/21/03 Mimi Placencia Looks for immediate solutions to problems; credit to the City. 12 Kenned¥~ Mike Asst IT Director IT 08/01/03 David Lyman Went the extra distance to assure the City looked great during State of the City. 13 Levig~ Eric PST PD 08/01/03 Sherrie Hill Does an excellent job liftin~l prints; has helped solve many cases. 14 Liew, T.S. App. Sys. Supr IT 08/15/03 Conchita Walker Instrumental in obtaining information for large project; fast and efficient. 15 Ludwick-Richards, M. WWTP Oprtr II PW / WW 07/31/03 Johnny Sadler She is a hardworking and dedicated employee; helps others without being asked. 16 Olle~ Jeff Engineer Fire 08/07/03 Kirk Blair Took the time to help with Annual Kids Day; patiently answered many questions. 17 Paddock, Bryan Facility Worker PW / GS 08/25/03 Always takes pride in work; goes the extra mile; great attitude. 18 Peralez~ Maria Admin Asst II PW 08/20/03 Roberta Gafford Provides consistent assistance to the Clerk's office; has a team player attitude. 19 Phoenix, Patti Secretary II PD 08/26/03 Sheree Skelly Team player; has been known to drop everything to help out. 20 Polach~ Daniel Ele. Tech. II PW / WW 08/26/03 Juan Cerda Put in long hours & did a lot of work himself to save the City money on large project. 21 Rene~ Kristin Sr. Records Clk PD 08/22/03 Robert Tackett Even though a supervisor, is ready to assist others for customer service. 22 Rios, Basil Captain Fire 08/06/03 Scott Miller Assisted PD with capture of robbery suspect, and recovery of the loss. 23 Sawyer, Wily Webmaster IT 08/20/03 Roberta Gafford Provided quick assistance to an urgent request. 24 Smith, Justin Cadet PD 08/13/03 C. Gonzales Volunteered to help with a very large job, and did it with a smile. 25 Smith, Paul Captain Fire 08/07/03 Kirk Blair Took the time to help with Annual Kids Day; patiently answered many questions. 26 Yates, Gre~l Planning Tech Fire 08/19/03 Always ready to step up to the plate; assisted others with a presentation. 2003 HIGH FIVE AWARD September .,Nominee Title Dept Date Nominated by Comments 1 Absey, Ryan L~horer - T Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped make things run smoother at Rockin/by the River 2 Anderson, Don Property Mgr Finance 09/19/03 Lyn Skinner Went out of his way to help; has a positive attitude. 3 Blair, Coleen Clerk Typist II Rec & Parks 09/15/03 Rebecca Jamison Rec'd accolade from a customer for impressive treatment. 4 Buss~ Terry Cd Enf Off Dev Svcs 09/04/03 David Paquette Went out of his wa}, to help citizen - outside normal duties. 5 Crocker~ Evan Aq. Spc - T Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 6 Darrow, Ron Engineer Fire 09/15/03 William Ballard Drafted an emergency override procedure for Truck 7. 7 Elison, Terri Supr II Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 8 Fick, Kelly Secretary II CG - CC 09/05/03 Roberta Gafford Even though busy, immediately helped with a request. 9 Forsythe~ Sandra Secretary Rec & Parks 09/23/03 Alan Christensen Well organized; pleasure to work with; solves problems quickly. 10 Graviss~ Chuck Mnt Crftwrkr Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 09/11/03 Terri Elison Went the extra mile to help fix marquee at Silver Creek. 11 Haddad, Manar Acct. Clerk I Risk Mgmt 09/11/03 Terri Elison Went the extra mile to help with important contract. 12 Jallo~ Shawn Firefighter Fire 09/16/03 Matt Moore On own time, represented Fire Dept at Blood Bank. 13 Johnson, Margie Prg/Analyst IT 09/03/03 Nelson Smith Extremely responsive to needs; provided fast return of info. 14 Kaiser, Buffie Help Desk Spc IT 08/29/03 Ted Wright Stayed late to help out with large project. 15 Lawrence, Pam Clerk Typist II Clerk 09/05/03 Roberta Gafford Goes out of her way to help others meet deadlines. 16 I ~7~roti, Ed Supervisor Rec & Parks 09/19/03 Linda McVicker Took time out of busy day to instruct staff. 17 Lopez, Blsnca Rev. Prg Aide PW / WW 09/17/03 Tricia Richter Was very professional in obtaining information for employee. 18 McCormick, Terry Supr II Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 19 McCown~ Chris Aq. Spc - T Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 20 McVicker, Linda Supr II Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 21 Rivera~ Frank Prg Leader Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 22 Ross, Kevin Rec. Coord. Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 23 Sawyer, Wily Webmaster IT 09/17/03 Leslie Devitt Did an outstanding job with Solid Waste advertisement. 24 Walkle¥~ Mike Firefighter Fire 09/16/03 Matt Moore On own time, represented Fire Dept at Blood Bank. 25 Weaver, Gary Inspector II PW / Const 09/09/03 Arnold Ramming In spite of heavy workload, took on more work to help out. 26 Wheeler~ Daniel Prg Leader Rec & Parks 08/28/03 Holly Larson Helped a lot with Rockin' by the River. 27 Wisham, Darlene Pur. Agent Finance 09/22/03 Trudy Slater Consistent high levels of service to the community and City. OCT - 9 -D MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM:,~'-(~,~JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: October 9, 2003 SUBJECT: WILLIE SHELL LETTER RE FOOD MAXX Council Referral No. REF000599 COUNCILMEMBER CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE COUNCIL WITH A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO A LETTER FROM WILLIE SHELL REGARDING CONDITIONS APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE TIME OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOOD MAXX AND WHETHER THEY HAVE BEEN MET. The main issues mentioned in Willie Shell's letter concerned the parking lot lighting and traffic along Pershing Street. Staff has reviewed the conditions of the PCD, visited the site and has prepared the following response. Regarding lighting, staff found that the parking lot lighting produces a lot of glare that spills over into Pershing Street and the front yards of houses across the street. The conditions of approval required that a photometric study be done to show the lighting levels. The plan showed very Iow lighting levels would be produced but in reality they seem much brighter. Based on current ordinances, we can require additional shielding which should make a big difference since the problem is from the type of light source used because the lens extends lower than the light box. This worked ok with Ralphs on California Avenue. The second issue is that the truck deliveries are using the emergency entrance for access from Pershing Street, clearly in violation of the condition that Pershing Street not be used as a truck access. When out at the site in the a.m., staff witnessed a large semi exiting thru that access onto Pershing Street then exiting on to California Avenue. Staff has had Code Enforcement send a letter of violation to the store (local store manager), as well as the property owner (Save Mart) (see attached). That letter identifies the need to (1) install shields to control light spill and glare for the first 2 rows of parking lot lights along Pershing Street, and (2) prohibit use of the emergency access to Pershing Street by delivery trucks which would include; the closing and locking of the gates (Fire is ok with locking them), posting the appropriate signs that notes Pershing Street is not a truck route (condition of approval), and posting a sign on the emergency gates that the gates are to be closed and locked at all times (this to give notice to the onsite staff they cannot be opened). Alan Tandy, City Manager October 9, 2003 Page 2 In addition, Lt. Tim Taylor in Traffic has been made aware of the truck problem and that they can issue tickets/warnings to trucks using Pershing Street. Steve Walker, City Traffic Engineer, said that since Pershing Street is not a truck route, this can be enforced by the police. The letter to Food Maxx is the typical 7 day notice which was dated October 8, 2003, with Jim Eggert being the contact person. JH:djl CC: Rhonda Smiley, Office Administrator/Public Relations Jake Sweeny, Principal Planner P:\CCReferral\Ref599.doc 7-DAY NOTICE TO ABATE MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1715 Chester Avenue Building Department Bakersfield, CA 93301 Code Enforcement Section (661 ) 326-3194 October 8, 2003 Cleanview Inc. 1055 Corporate Center Drive, #420 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Re: 1115 Union Avenue (APN 009-512-03) Your property is in violation of conditions of approval (Ordinance #4034). The specific violations are as follows: 1. Light shields are required on the parking lot lights nearest Pershing Street (the first two rows as determined by staff) to reduce light glare into the street and in the adjacent. residential properties. Shields to be placed on the sides of the fixtures facing Pershing Street. (Condition #13 and Section 17.58.060 A.1). 2. Delivery tracks are prohibited from using Pershing Street for access. All truck access is required from Union Avenue. a) A sign shall be posted at the south drive access that Pershing Street is not a truck route. (Condition #18) b) The emergency crash gates are to be closed and locked at all times as this is ~not to be used for delivery access fi-om Pershing Street. A sign shall be posted on the gates that this access is for emergency vehicles only and that the gates shall be closed and locked at all times. (Condition #18 and #21) If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Jim Eggert, Planning Department, at (661 ) 326-3754. We trust you will respond promptly to this important matter. Sincerely, Shane Denton Code Enforcement Officer DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: October 2, 2003 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Interim Director.Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Summer Recreation Activities Along the River Ref000603 (WARD 6) Councilmember Sullivan requested Alan Christensen contact her regarding implementing new recreation activities at one of the City parks along the river. Councilmember Sullivan is requesting staff research the possibility of sponsoring a Sand Castle building competition along the Kern River near one of our city parks. This activity would be similar to the sand building competitions held in San Diego. This proposed one day-event wOuld be held either at Beach or Yokuts Park where access for the public to the Kern River would be the easiest. The makeup of the sand in the Kern River is a very large granular shape particle and is not conducive to sculpturing or molding unlike the sand found on the San Diego beaches that are fine small granular shape sand that hold their shape. We would have to purchase and have delivered "special sand" for this event. The sand building competition would allow children of all ages to build their structures and then be judged later in the day. Prizes could be given to the winner in various age groups. This summer activity would be advertised through our program brochure and other media. Staff estimates the cost of this proposed activity to be about $5,000 which includes sand, staff, advertising, etc. Funding for this program is not in our current budget. There is a concern of adding a new program costing $5,000 when we have either cut or 'eliminated successful activities such as Summer Games., Regatta, Greenfield and Bakersfield City Schools After School Program, Beale Band concerts, Movies In The Park from our current budget that have served thousands of children in our city. Temporary and regular positions have been eliminated and other staff costs reduced. S:~Council Referrals~Ref000603. doc October 9, 2003 (8:28AM)