HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/04 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 19, 2004 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. A reminder of historic past schedules: The Vice-Mayor has traditionally been voted in by the Council at the December meeting following the election. It is on your calendar for December 15th. Typically, the Vice-Mayor then submits committee assignment recommendations to the City Council at the first meeting in January. That item is on your calendar for January 12th. We did not revise Committee assignments after the last election, but with Councilmember-Elect Scrivner coming in this time, it is inevitable. 2. We received notice of our PERS rates fOr Fiscal Year 2005-06. Overall, the cost to the General Fund will increase by $1.6 million. The reason given is that system earnings did not meet expectations. The projection for the following year is encouraging, showing no increase projected. It is also not binding until a year from now, when a formal notice arrives. While $1.6 million is a lot of money, it is much better than the $8 million increase last year. 3. Staff has been assessing how best to handle the situation with Trudy Slater's upcoming retirement, in addition to having two key staff members in my office on assignment to other departments. We have concluded that the best solution is to advertise for a permanent filling of the Recreation and Park Director's position and bring Alan Christensen back to this office when that position is filled. My office will still be short two executive level positions after his return. It will take four to six months to advertise and hire for the Recreation and Parks position. Some of Trudy's duties will be permanently reassigned to remaining staff, and others will be divided up in the interim, so there will be slOWer response time for some projects. 4. A few weeks ago, I reported to you that Derrill Whitten, who plays a key role for us in Wastewater and Water, had submitted his resignation to accept employment in the private sector. I am happy to report he has decided to return. 5. This week, we have good news to report on some grant applications we submitted to KernKOG during the summer. Per the enclosed letter, we've been notified that we will receive Transportation Development Act Article 3 grants for two projects - three bicycle lockers for employees at Ice Sports Center and bicycle lanes on Panorama Boulevard, west of Thorner School. (Over) Honorable Mayor and City Council November 19, 2004 Page 2 6. Enclosed is a graph prepared by the Water Resources Department showing the early and unusual storm activity that occurred on the Kern River watershed. This robust beginning has placed the basin in its best shape since 1996. The current 90-day weather outlook has called for slightly above normal precipitation conditions for the south half of California. We will keep our fingers crossed and will continue to monitor the storm activity in relation to City water supplies for the 2005 season. 7. Per the enclosed memo from EDCD, HPS Mechanical, Inc. is in compliance with the terms of their loan agreement with the City for the third year of their five year term. 8. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · Results of contact with CalTrans regarding posting signs on 24th Street in the areas of Beech and Elm Streets re blocking access onto turn lanes from both streets; Councilmember Couch · Citizen concern regarding storage containers at the Northwest Promenade; · Analysis of KernCOG's resolution requesting designation of State Route 99 into the Interstate Highway System; · Investigation of code enforcement issues at the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road; · Investigation of sign ordinance violation; · Code enforcement actions on River Ranch Drive; Councilmember Salva.q.qio · Code enforcement actions at 1700 Custer Avenue re sign removal; · Code enforcement update re two blighted houses at Custer Avenue and South H Street; · Code enforcement actions at South H at Wilson Road near canal re illegal dumping; AT:rs cc: Department Heads Para McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst Kern Council of Gove~t$ November 10, 2004 Mr. Arnold Ramming, PE Civil Engineer IV, Design Engineering Public Works Department (~ty of Bakersfield, City Hall Annex 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Ramming! We are pleased to notify you that the City of Bakersfield has been awarded funding for two (2) projects from the 2004-2005 cycle of the Transportation Development Act Article 3 program (Article 3). The projects are: 1. Furnish and install three (3) bicycle storage lockers at the Bakersfield Ice Sports Center for use of employees. An allocation of $2,400 has been made to this project. 2. Design and construct bicycle lanes on Panorama Blvd, west of Thorner Elementary School, that widen the two-lane section to accommodate bicycle traffic. An allocation of $115, 000 has been made to this project. To claim these allocations this office mustbe, notified, in' writing, not more than thirty (30) days prior tO'project initiation requesting prOj. ect specific fundingl SuPPorting documentatiOn, such as salbs receipts °r ConstrfiCtion contracts,' must be'sUbmitted to substantiate the claim-for-payment. If we may be of any assistance to you in this matter please contact this office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Peter W. Smith, Senior Planner Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 300. Bakersfield. California 93301 1661 ) 861-2191 Facsimile 1661 ) 324-8215 TTY 16611 832-7433 www. kerncog.org  RECEIVED_ t,10V 1 8 Z004 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE L Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM ~ ~,~,~ November 16, 2004 TO: Alan Tandy, City Uanager(~//~ FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: HPS Mechanical, Inc. - EMPLOYMENT STATUS - YEAR 3 Agreement No. #01-233 (executed 10/3/01) between the City of Bakersfield and HPS Mechanical Inc., provided a $48,105.83 repayable loan for permit fees and equipment to assist the company in relocating to a new facility. The loan is to be repaid at zero (0%) interest at the end of five years if HPS meets all terms and conditions of the agreement. The employment terms required, - the company would create 4 jobs in Year 3 (with a total of 20 jobs over five years) - of those hired, at least 51% must be Iow- and moderate income individuals. The company has submitted the third year's required employment report for their operations. The company hired 28 persons, with 54% (15)of those new hires met Iow- and moderate income standards required by the agreement. I propose we send a letter like we do with other such loans, which merely reflects the ministerial action of agreement compliance for the third year of the agreement. With approval from you, we will immediately mail the letter. Cc: HPS File Rhonda Barnhard P:\CLIENTS~HPS\Year 3 Employment Report memo.dot KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX November 16, 2004 40.0 1997-1998 242% A-J 35.0 , 1996-1997 I 122% A-J 30.0 Average -"- 25.0 ~ 100% of April I Average = , · 20.0 0 2001-2002 I ', ~ 46% A-J ' ', 1999-2000 .,., 65% A-J ~ 15.o , 10.0 , 540/0 A-J ', 48% A-J ,' 5.0 0.0 November December January February March April Snowpack Accumulation Season CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WA TER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ~ I RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L c MANAGER S OFFICE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 18, 2004 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: SIGNS POSTED ON 24TM STREET Council Referral #986 Councilmember Benham requested staff investigate posting signs on westbound 24th Street before Beech and Elm Streets advising motorists not to block the access onto 24th Street turn lanes from both streets. Staff to contact Caltrans. The Traffic Engineer contacted Caltrans' traffic engineering staff and requested the posting and marking signs prohibiting the blocking of the intersections on Highway 178 (24th Street) at the Elm and Beech intersections. One such sign already is posted at the Elm Street intersection. Caltrans will investigate the situation and post signs if found to be warranted. G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~004\I 1-03\986 - Traffic. doc B A K E R S F ! E L D M E M O R A N D U M RECEIVED I 0¥ 1 7 Z004. I TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER 1 FROM: ~"'~STANLEY C. GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR CiTY MANAGER'S OFFICE DATE: November 16, 2004 SUBJECT: CUP FOR STORAGE CONTAINERS Council Referral No. Ref000990 VICE-MAYOR COUCH REQUESTED STAFF CONTACT RUSS WALKER REGARDING A ONE-YEAR ONLY C.U.P. APPROVED FOR THE PROMENADE IN 1999 REGARDING STORAGE CONTAINERS. Staff contacted Mr. Russ Walker regarding metal storage containers at the Northwest Promenade, especially behind Walmart. Staff noted to him there is no conditional use permit approved for storage containers on the site. The containers are permitted by the ordinance by right subject to specific development standards. Mr. Walker's main concern is that these containers are allowed year-round which is an eyesore. He would like the Council to consider amending the ordinance to prohibit their use except for temporary periods such as construction or remodeling. His opinion is that if these containers are permanently needed, the business should enlarge their building or construct a separate building. Mr. Walker was briefed with respect to the current ordinance that regulates metal containers. In summary, a shopping center is permitted up to two permanent containers and can increase that number temporarily to eight (six additional) during the holiday season between October 1st and January 1st. The number of containers is based on the size of the site and business. Containers have to be on a paved surface, must be painted to blend with the building, and be screened from public streets. In the case of the NW Promenade, screening is more difficult because the entire rear of the site is viewed from Granite Falls Drive and is below street grade. Code Enforcement investigated the site and found that the number of containers and screening issues met the ordinance requirements. SG:djl CC: Jim Eggert, Principal Planner P:\CCReferral\Ref 990.doc RECEIVED NOV 1 5 Z004 ;ITY MANAGER'S QFFICE B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 10, 2004 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~...~. SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF FREEWAY 99 Council Referral #99? ICouncilmember Couch requested staff provide input concerning Kern Cog's Resolution requesting designation of SR 99 into the Interstate Highway System. Staff has reviewed the proposed Resolution. Staff is uncertain as to whether it is factual that.the San Joaquin Valley has the highest concentration of unemployment in the United States as stated in the second whereas clause. Other than that issue, the Resolution appears to be appropriate. On a small technical matter, there appears to be a spelling error in item number one of the therefore clauses ..."and the inclusion of Highway 99 into the interstate highway system is a mate of equity..." should probably read "is a matter of equity". G:\GROUPDAT\Referrals~2004\I 1-03~991 - Jack.doc RECEIVED, ~10V 15 Z004 M E'M O R A N D U M ctw MANAGER'S OFFICE TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM.~ ~ack Hardisty, Development Services Director DATE: November 15, 2004 SUBJECT: Re: Abatement Issues on Southwest Comer of Stockdale Hwy and Buena Vista Road. Referral No. 906 Councilmember David' Couch requested staff to look into illegal dumping at the southwest comer of Stockdale at Buena Vista; additionally there is a RV parked in the street at the same location. Code Enforcement officer rednspected the property and did not find evidence of illegal dumping. Also, the officer did not observe any RV parked on the street at this location.' Request to close out this referral. O, RECEIVED NO¥. 1 5 2004 B. A K E' R S F I E 'L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager. FROM:f~,j}~ack Hardisty, Development Services Director DATE: November 8, 2004 SUBJECT: Re: DUal Referral to Code Enforcement and City Attorney, Sign Ordinance Violation. Referral No. 933 Vice-Mayor Couch referred a concern from Terry Maxwell of a s.ign ordinance violation to the Code Enforcement Division. It appears that all political signs have been removed, if Code Enforcement should encounter any political signs, we will remove them. Request to close out this referral. RECEIVED i 0V 1 5 Z004 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: · Alan Tandy, City Manager FRoM:~rOack Hardisty, Development Services Director DATE: November 12, 2004 SUBJECT: Re: Follow-up on River Ranch Drive, Froehlich home site. / Referral No. 931 'Vice-Mayor Couch requested staff to address the problem of old mattresses, dead Christmas trees, etc. dumped on the Froehlich home site located on the east side of River Ranch, south side of Brimhall Avenue.. Code Enforcement utilized city vehicle to remove mattresses and Christmas trees from the field. On November 10, 2004 code enforcement officer was able to determine which houses have been 'throwing branches into the field. Seven Day. Notices to abate were issued to residences at 8604 and 8600 Willow Springs, and also 8604 River Springs Court. Request to close out this referral. RECEIVED NOV 1 5 Z00¢ B A K E R S:' F I E L D CITY,MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:' Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~~ck Hardisty, Development Services Director DATE: November 8, 2004 SUBJECT: Re: Sign Removal at 1700 Custer Avenue / Referral No. 961 Councilmember Salvaggio requested Code Enforcement to remove a sign in a window at 1700 Custer Avenue. Code Enforcement contacted the realtor and requested they replace/remove/or paint over the 'plywood covered with graffiti used to board up a broken window. Code Enforcement went back on a follow-up and there was no change. The officer placed a plain sheet of plywood over the piece covered with graffiti. Request to close out this referral. ¸' B A K E R" S F I E L D M E M O R A N D U M RECEIVED NOV 1 § 2004 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM:f'b~ck Hardisty, Development Services Director cFrY MANAGER'S OFFICE DATE: November 15, 2004 . SUBJECT: Re: Houses at Custer Avenue and So. H Street Referral No. 918 Councilmember Salvaggio requested Code Enforcement to provide an update on the two blighted houses at Custer Avenue and So. H Street. Code enforcement did a follow-up on November 8, 2004 and the property at 1700 Custer and 1701 Custer Avenue have no violations. Request to close out this referral. RECEIVED B':'A K E R .S 'F I E L D NOV 1 5 ZOO4 MEMORANDUM " CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM:~ack Hardisty, Development Services Director DATE: November 8, 2004 SUBJECT: ' Re: Illegal Dumping at South "H" at Wilson Road near the Canal Referral No. 891 Councilmember Salvaggio requested staff to look into illegal dumping at So. H at Wilson Road near the Canal. Code enforcement did a follow-up on November 8,.2004 and there was no violati°n present. Request to close out this referral.