HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/04 B A K. E R S F '! E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 24, 2004 TO: Honorable Mayor and City ~~ FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. As you may be aware from the media reports earlier this week, we have good news that we will receive $280,000 in special project grant funding from HUD for Phase II of the Baker Street corridor street improvements. The enclosed memo from EDCD has details on the specific neighborhood areas that will be included in the streetscape improvements. 2. Enclosed is a letter of appreciation from the 4-H Youth Development Advisor to Larry Hooker and his staff in Solid Waste. This division of the Public Works Department provides recycled materials for a woodworking class provided to at-risk youth. Our sincere thanks go to these employees for their generous donation to the community. 3. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson · Language translation options for City Council meetings; Councilmember Benham · Status of discussions with representatives from Greyhound regarding the re-routing of buses away from the residential areas in the vicinity of 18th Street; · Replacement of guitar; Councilmember Couch · Citizen concerns related to the lane closure on westbound Stockdale Highway; Councilmember Hansen · Report regarding the current penalties for posting signs on City property and suggestions for revision of the ordinance. · Enclosed are maintenance schedules for landscape areas with an explanatory memo dealing with seasonal issues and related. AT:al cc: Department Heads Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst RECEIVED_ NOV 2 2.Z004 B A K E RS FIELD Economic and Community Development Department CtTV MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 22, 2004 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manag~¢l~,~,. / '=~u"]~// FROM: Donna L, Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Economic Development Initiative - Special Projects Grant for $280,000 for Baker Street Phase II This month Congress has appropriated funds for special projects under HUD's Economic Development Initiative (EDI). As part of this appropriation, the City of Bakersfield has received $280,000 for use toward the Baker Street Corridor, a streetscape improvement project, Phase II. The City of Bakersfield will be the lead agency and recipient of those funds. The funds will be matched with a previous CDBG allocation of $300,000 resulting in a total allocation of $580,000 for the project. The project is planned to include streetscape improvements on the west and east sides of Baker Street in two components. The Truxtun Avenue to Sumner Street phase will install 17 decorative street lights, 54 trees, automatic irrigation, banners and trash containers. Sumner Street to Jackson Street will reconstruct the railroad crossing; install curb, gutters and sidewalks and install four decorative street lights. The proposed development between Sumner and Jackson Street will not include landscaping at this time. Construction should begin by June 2005. Total project was designed based on an engineering budget of $560,000. cc: Donna Barnes, Development Associate S:\EDI Phase 2 funding memo.doc dlkC:\DOCUME-I\dscanlan\LOCALS~I\Temp\EDI Phase 2 funding memo.doc B A K E R S F I E L D Pamela McCarthy - City Clerk UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA Agriculture & Natural Resources Cooperative Extension Kern County 1031 .S. Mt. Vernon Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Telephone (661) 868-6200 Fax (661) 868-6208 November 12, 2004 Bakersfield City Council 1501 Tmxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Council Members: The Kern County 4-H program has been working in parmership with the Kern County Probation Department to provide an outreach 4-H program to at-risk youth. These young people are involved in the Repeat Offender Program through the Probation Department. The children involved in this program have limited resources to participate in outside programs and activities. One of the 4-H projects that the children are participating in is woodworking. I want to thank the Solid Waste Department and Larry Hooker. Armngemems were made with Solid Waste to provide quality recycled lumber for the youth in this program. We will now be able to provide material at no cost to the children or us. This is the second time Mr. Hooker and his staff has supported this type of project and we appreciate the support. ........... Sincerely, ~' ' ~ Joy'tn ~3orba 4-Iq_Y/outh Development AdvisOr cc: Larry Hooker University of California and the United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FARM AND HOME ADVISORS KERN COUNTY 1031 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue ~ '2 ~0v~ ~~~~" Bakersfield,. CA 93307-2867 ~ ~vv~o~ZU8 ~V12 2004 ~ MAI~D FRO~ ZIPCODE 93307 Bakersfield City Council 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 23, 2004 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JOHN W. STINSO SISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Inquiry by Councilmember Carson regarding use of a translation machine for Council meetings Councilmember Carson inquired as to the possibility of using a translation machine for instances where we may have Spanish speaking individuals appear before the City Council. While translating machine technology is available, it remains someWhat rudimentary, is generally limited to a few standard phrases, and is not particularly well suited to the circumstances of a public meeting. In the past staff has utilized existing bi-lingual city employees when needed for various public meetings. Typically they are scheduled when their services have been requested, essentially on an as needed basis. These employees receive additional compensation for performing this duty. However, due to the infrequent need for translation services for Council meetings it is difficult to assign staff who would not ordinarily attend the meeting when we are uncertain if their services will be needed. Staff has surveyed other cities and most provide translation services on an as needed or requested basis. After some discussion, staff has come up with an alternative. There are currently a number of existing police officers who are bi-lingual. Chief Rector has indicated that these officers can be assigned to regularly work Council meetings. This would provide translation capabilities at each meeting. In some rare instances, if they were needed in the field for translation purposes they could be replaced with other officers when required. B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM November 22, 2004 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: TRUDY SLATER, ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III ~ ~ SUBJECT: Council Referral #000798 At the City Council meeting of October 20, 2004, Councilmember Sue Benham asked staff set up a meeting, including C0uncilmember Benham, with the management of Greyhound buses to discuss re-routing the buses away from residential areas in the vicinity of 18th Street and encourage utilization of Truxtun Avenue as an alternative. Transportes Intercalifornias, Inc. was later added the list of participants and a meeting was set up for November 22, 2004. The meeting was subsequently held with Richard Gomez, Tranportes Intercalifornias, Inc., Debbie Boyland, Greyhound Bus Lines, Councilmember Benham, City Manager Alan Tandy, Administrative Analyst Trudy Slater, Police Captain Tim Taylor, and two concerned citizens in the affected area. Mr. Gomez, who had traveled to Bakersfield from Los Angeles for the meeting, indicated his company wanted to be a good neighbor and he had instructed his drivers to avoid 18th Street and use the route suggested on Captain Taylor's proposal for buses being driven to and from Los Angeles getting off Highway 99 at Golden State and then traveling south on F Street to 18th. Ms. Boyland indicated she would need to talk with her bus operations personnel but was generally supportive of the proposed route change. She stated she would get back to the City within a week regarding the proposed route schedule. P:~AT~M0411221 -COuncilReferra1000978 RECEIVED [NO~ 2 3 2004 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: November 23, 2004 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager 'FROM: Alan Christensen, Director Recreation and Parks)~ SUBJECT: Replacement of Guitar Ref000992 (Ward 2 & 4) ' Councilmember Benham and Vice-Mayor Couch requested staff contact Aaron Dolguin's parents and replace the damaged ~uitar The City Manager's office received a copy of the purchase receipt on November 18, 2004. The purchase price of the guitar was $107.24. We are now proCessing payment to Dolguin's. S:~Council Referrals 2004\RefO00992.doc November 23, 2004 (9:38AM) ~ RECEIVED NOV 2 3 2004- BAKERSFIELD CiTY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 22, 2004 TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director ~ SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE WEST BOUND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY Attached is Public Works staff's update to a referral from Vice Mayor David Couch regarding lane closure, west bound on Stockdale Highway. Attach. G:\GROUPDAT~M2004_CMO\Update 11 22 04_Stockdale Hwy Lane Closure Transmittal.doc BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 22, 2004 TO: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STUART PATTESON, CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: Lane Closure west bound Stockdale Highway I contacted Mr. Giliberto on November 22 regarding his concern about the traffic control through the construction zone on Stockdale Highway west of Calloway that had been forwarded by Council member Couch. Mr. Giliberto indicated his main concern was that he did not feel that there was enough advance warning or signs indicating the "merging" traffic ahead. He felt that there was not enough distance before the lane closure. I apologized to Mr. Giliberto about the confusion and explained that the contractor doing the traffic control work had followed City and CalTrans guidelines on proper detouring of traffic. I did agree with Mr. Giliberto that the arrow board could have been interpreted as if traffic would have to merge west of the intersection, but in actuality both lanes remained open. The sign indicated that the lanes were diverted north. Mr. Giliberto suggested that in the future, a specific sign for this condition would be helpful that would show both lanes being diverted, but both remaining open. I told Mr. Giliberto that we would need to determine the appropriate use and design of such a sign and mentioned that we would consider it in the future cc: Jacques LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer G:\GROUPDA~M2004_CMO\Upd~te_White Lane at SR 99 Transmittal.doc B. A K E R S F I E L D. RECEIVED M E M O R A N D U M ~0¥ 2 2.Z004 ~ TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager CiTY MANAGEr'S OFFICE Services Director DATE: November 17, 2004 SUBJECT: Re: Penalties for Posting Signs on City Property/Referral ~ 974 - Follow-up Councilmember Hanson requested that staff investigate increasing fines to citizens for posting signs on city property such as traffic light poles, equipment boxes and light posts. The current sign ordinance section 17.60.050, A,B and C, (see attachment) prohibits sign postings in these areas. Under general provisions of the Municipal Code, Sections 1.40.010, it allows us to give them a misdemeanor citation, or infraction, however, the problem is that we have to witness the violation in order to be able to issue a citation. A new or revised ordinance would let us track down the violators and bring them to a hearing with an administrative citation. Request to close out this referral. Page 1 of 1 Bakersfield California Municipal Code I ^ Up << Previous ~> Next - Main TOC ? Search I :17.60.050 Sign location restrictions. A. Signs shall not be placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, light standard~ hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on public property, and shall not be located within, over or across any public right-of-way or public parkway including street median islands, except as may otherwise be authorized by this chapter, These restrictions do not apply to signs by a public agency that identify public facilities; such signs shall be subject to the zone district in which the facility is located. Any such sign hereby prohibited constitutes a nuisance, and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. B. Signs shall not be permitted near the intersection of any street, pedestrian' crosswalks, alley or any vehicle access in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators, or at any location where by reason of its position, shape, illumination or color, it may interfere with or be confused with any authorized sign, signal br device, or which makes use of a work, symbol, phrase illumination, shape or color in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. C. Permanent freestanding signs, except monument and directional signs, shall be prohibited in the following areas: 1. The Truxtun Avenue corridor between the west right-of way line of State Highway 99 and the east right-of- way line of Coffee Road, a width of five hundred feet from the right-of-way of Truxtun Avenue or between the north right-of-way line of the Cross Valley Canal and the south right-of-way line of the Carrier Canal/Santa Fe Railroad, whichever distance is greater; 2. Along or within one thousand feet of the right-of-way of State Highway 178 east of Oswell Street, commencing at a point five hundred feet east of the centerline of Oswell Street; 3. Along or within one thousand feet of the right-of-way of Alfred Harrell Highway; 4. Along or within one thousand feet of the right-of-way of Stockdale Highway west of California Avenue/New Stine Road, commencing at a point eight hundred feet west of the centerline of California Avenue/New Stine Road; 5. Along or within one thousand feet of the right-of-way of Panorama Drive. A map delineating these corridors prohibiting freestanding signs is shown at the end of this chapter. (Ord. 3870 § 3, 1998; Ord. 3586 § 2 (part), 1994) http://www.codemanage:com/bakersfield/ 11 / 17/2004 l:40.o'ro~violation--Penalty. Page 1 of 1 .l' Bakersfield California Plunicipal Code ^ Up ~ Previous ~ Next - Main TOC ? Search :1.40.0:10 Violation--Penalty. ^. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this code, a violation of any provision of this code, or a failure to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this code, or counseling, aiding or abetting a violation or failure to comply shall be punishable as an infraction or misdemeanor. -- Any~person or entity convicted of an infraction under this code where punishment is not otherwise provided in this code, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for a first violation, one hundred dollars for a second violation within one year, and two hundred fifty dollars for each additional violation within one year. Any person or entity convicted of a misdemeanor under this code where punishment is not otherwise provided in this code, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person or entity shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this code is committed, continued, or permitted by any such person or entity and shall be punished accordingly. B. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this code shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be, by the city, summarily abated as such, and each day such condition continueS shall be deemed a new and separate offense. This code may also be enforced by injunction issued out of the superior court upon the suit of the city or the owner or occupant of any real property affected by such violation or prospective violation. This method of enforcement shall be cumulative and in no way affect the penal provisions hereof. C. The City of Bakersfield shall be entitled to restitution for all expenses incurred enforcing the provisions of this code against any person or entity in violation thereof. (Ord. 3439 § 1, 1992; prior code § 10.07.010) http://www.codemanage.com/bakersfield/index.php?topic=l-l_40-1 40 OlO&highlightWords=misdem... 11/17/2004 B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: November 23, 2004 To: Alan Christensen, Interim Recreation and Parks Director From: ~"~.~ronk, Director of Operations Subject: Council Referral (Hanson) Maintenance District Schedule From ·larger listings, Park supervisors created a concise edition of what may be cautiously referred to as a maintenance schedule. Aslpreviously noted to council over the last several years, operating resources' have. not kept pace with growth within the combined Maintenance District (MD). In turn, our ability to maintain parks, streetscapes and medians to the level we aspire has diminiShed. We identify four general maintenance areas citywide. They are Area 1 (northwest), Area 2 (northeast), Area 3 (southeast) and Area 4 (southwest). Very general boundaries are east and west of Highway 99 and north and south of Highway 58/Stockdale. During the growing season of March through October and early November, our field schedule typically follows our mowing schedule. That is, field staff who first check and service park restrooms, collect litter and attend to picnic sites, check playgrounds, post reservations, etc,, then follow mow crews working within their assignment to clean sidewalks. Remaining time is spent addressing pruning of shrubbery, minor irrigation repairs, repairing vandalism and a cadre of related tasks. Our stated focus is to address safety items before aesthetics. By example, we will perform shrubbery pruning to keep sidewalks unobstructed and vehicular line-of-sight clear,before working on pruning shrubbery along a wall which does not affect pedestrian traffic. Status of MD work for various maintenance projects is reflected below: Area 1' All areas cleared for line of sight issues as of November 22. Currently applying resources towards pruning vine material from wall at River Lakes Dr. at Hageman, South and North Shore developments. Mowing of ground cover, maintenance pruning, application of pre-emergents and related maintenance tasks continue throughout area. Area 2: Union Ave. medians Chester Ave. streetscape follow up maintenance. Fairfax Rd Streetscape and median, College to Hwy. 178. Area 3: All areas cleared for line of sight issues as of November 19. Mowing of ground. cover, maintenance pruning, application of pre-emergents and related maintenance tasks continue throughout area. ~ Areal 4: ..... Remaining and Partially Completed tasks: OLD RIVER RD. MEDIANS AND WEST WALL, STOCKDALE HIGHWAY TO WHITE LN. STOCKDALE HWY-WEST OF OLD RIVER-SOUTH WALL.25% OLD RIVER RD.-STOCKDALE TO WHITE LN-BOTH SIDES & MEDIANS. MING AVE-WEST OF BUENA VISTA- BOTH SIDES & MEDIANS. WHITE LN-WEST OF GOSFORD RD TO OLD RIVER-BOTH SIDES & MEDIANS.75% BOTH SIDES & MEDIANS GRAND LAKES NORTH OF MING-BOTH SIDES/MEDIANS GRAND LAKES SOUTH OF MING-BOTH SIDES/MEDIANS MOUNTAIN VISTA RD-SOUTH OF WHITE LN-BOTH SIDES50%,11/10/04 MOUNTAIN VISTA RD-NORTH OF WHITE LN-BOTH SIDES. RIVER RUN BLVD-WEST OF BUENA VISTA-BOTH SIDES. CAMPUS PARK DR.-WEST OF OLD RIVER-BOTH SIDES. STOCKDALE HWY-WEST OF JENKINS-SOUTH SIDE. WILDERNESS PARK, SILVERCREEK, KETTLEROCK MTN CT., WILDERNESS DRIVE, SPRING CREEK LOOP, HARRIS RD, RELIANCE RD, GOSFORD SOUTH OF PACHECO, CHAMBER BLVD-WEST OF BUENA VISTA RD. Completed tasks: VINEYARDS 100% COMPLETE (~ 10/04/04 BUENA VISTA RD,MEDIANS & WEST WALL; STOCKDALE TO WHITE LN. ,1.00% @ 10/12/04 PARKVIEW RD-WHITE LN TO CARVALHO CT.; BOTH SIDES.100%11/8/04 PIN OAK PARK BLVD-WHITE LN TO DISTRICT BLVD. 100%,11/8/04 MING AVE-OLD RIVER RD TO BUENA VISTA- BOTH SIDES/MEDIANS 100% STREETSCAPES ONLY; NO MEDIANS,II/l/04 DEERPEAK BLVD-WEST OF GRAND LAKES-BOTH SIDES.100%,11/8/04 PI N 'OAK PARK BLVD-EAST SI DE-NORTH OF WHITE LN. 100%, 11118~04 MING AVE- MARKET PLACE 100%,11/01/04 GOSFORD RD.-S. LAURELGLEN TO WHITE LN-WEST SIDE.100%11/20/04 VERSAILLES CT-EAST OF HAGGIN OAKS BLVD-NORTFI SIDE. 100%11/15/04 HAGGIN OAKS BLVD-SOUTH OF MING-BOTH SIDES/MEDIAN.100%11/15/04 Craftworker Section: Wilderness Park: Convert east side planter to turf. Modify irrigation system, install turf, mow curb and trees. . Silver Creek Park: Change entry area at flag pole to planter.. Modify handrails and concrete. ' Polo Grounds: Remaining replacement components arrived November 23. Need'to install.'balance of concrete Split rail' fence materials originally damaged due to vandalism, i i Verdugo at Rocky Mt. Way: Install 250+~- feet landscape and irrigat'ion at streetscape. Union Ave. south of Panama: Install 500+~- feet landscape and irrigation at west side streetscape. Pin Oak Park: Add mow curb at northwest steps by north pond. River Oaks Park: Prepare area for installation of playground, picnic shelter, basketball court and other improvements at southwest 'end of park. Irrigation troubleshoot: Scarlet Oak at McGinnis St., north Laurel Glen at · Westwold, Pin Oak Blvd. at Park View. Repeat control problems, systems due not work with irrigation clocks. ~. Urban Forestry: The Vineyards, Gosford Road & Camino Media. Each available weekend, continue pruning all perimeter trees for clearance deadwood and structure, until completed. Approximately 55% complete as of November 22. Map Output Page 1 of 1 Bakersfield City Parks ..': ,~. ~ ~~ .... ..~f.:.:.:...~ ,...=.~..: . : __ ~ 00 ...... Information Technology. The Ci~ of Bakersfield ma~e5 no ~~ warrant~, representation, or guarantee regardino the purposes onl~ and doe~ not replace official recorded document~. http://ge~web.ci~bakers~e~d~ca~us/serv~et/c~m~esri~esrimap~Esrimap?ServiceName=citypa~~~ 11/24/2004 ***Area 1-MD List*** Assignment I: Beach/Yokuts 15%MD Facility Worker THU California Ave (Real-Stockdale Medians; East of East0n, South Planters) Laborer Assignment II: Brimhall 100% MD Facility Worker MON Calle Bello & Las Entradas (Sump, Stockdale Villas) Laborer Calloway Dr (Noah of Stockdale-Brimhall, Medians) Mow Laborer-Temp Jenkins (North of Stockdale, East/West Sides) Morocco & El Paso (Sump, Stockdale Villas) Poaola & Via Contento (Sump, Stockdale Villas) Renfro (North of Stockdale, East Side) Stockdale Highway (Allen-Renfro, North Wall) Mow Via la Madera (North Side offof Jenkins, Stockdale Villas) Via Contento & Via Delicia (Sump, Stockdale Villas) TUE Allen Rd (East Side, North of Brimhall; West Side, Palm-Old Town) Brimhall Rd (Allen-Jewetta, Medians & Noah/South Sides) Mow East of NOR Park ~ Jewetta-River Ranch Dr, South Side, Except Apts Calloway Dr (Noah of Stockdale-Brimhall, North/South Sides) Mow · Longmeadow (Sump ~ Brimhall Estates) Old Farm Rd (Medians, East/West Sides, Brimhall Classics, Estates & Villages) Mow Overton (Entry Median, Brimhall Estates) Sparland Way (Entry Median, Brimhall Estates) Aldershot Dr (Entry North Side of Brimhall, Brimhall Classics) WED Jewetta Rd (South of Eagle Rock Dr offof Brimhall, East Side, Spring Meadows) Rendly St (Entry Planters, East/West Sides, Brimhall Classics & Estates) South Artist & George Way (Sump, Spring Meadow) THU Bay Colony Dr (Sump, Spring Meadow) Verdugo Rd (South of Brimhall, East/West Sides, Spring Meadow & Fairway Oaks) FRI Brimhall Rd (Woodmont-Windsong, North Side) Chirtsey (Sump, East of Marby Grangei Coffee Rd (Brimhall-Rosedale, Medians, East Side)' Fox Run (Sump, South End of Harvest Creek, Foxcreek) Mondav! Way (South of Brimhall to Chalone, West Side) Thistlewood (Noah End of Windsong) Windsong St (West Side Entry) Assignment III: Centennial/Saunders/Quailwood Parks 10% MD Serv Maint Worker FRI Coffee Rd (Stockdale-Brimhall, Medians) Mow Laborer Assignment V: Polo Grounds 100% MD FaCility Worker MON Meacham & Abbott Rd (West of Calloway, Noah Side & Medians; Sump) Laborer Calloway Rd'(Seabeck-Hageman) Laborer-Temp Hageman Rd (Calloway-Main Plaza) TUE Remington Park & Verpolo Way (Sump) Hageman Rd(Calloway-Verdugo) Noriega Rd(Calloway-Verdugo) Verdugo Ln (Hageman-Reina) WED Calloway Rd (Seabeck-Hageman, East Side & Medians; Meacham-Hageman, Hagem~ Mow · Balvanera, East/West' Sides, Medians; Olive-Snow, West Side & Medians; SSPark Ops~Sche~ulesL~ssignmen~sLAREAl_MDList.xlsl 1/23/2004 ***Area I-MD List***' Olive-Lake Superior, East-Side) Seabeck Rd (East of Calloway, Streetscapes; Sump ~ Kennewick) Mow Pawnee Way & Cheyenne (Sump) Hageman Rd (Canal-Main Plaza, South Side & Medians) Mow Noriega Rd (Verdugo-Jewetta) ' Reina Rd (Verdugo-Jewetta) -- Jewetta Ave (Hageman-Reina) Hageman Rd (Verdugo-Jewetta) THU Grand Teton Sump Mauna Loa & Himalayas (Sump) Verdugo Rd (Polo Saddle-Chippewa, Wind Blossom-Olive, West Side; Hageman-Olive, East Side) Rushmore Dr (Streetscapes) Reina Rd (Verdugo-Jewetta, South Side) Mow Noriega Rd (Calloway-Jewetta, North/South Sides; Old Farm-Smokey Mtn, South Sid Mow Hageman Rd (Calloway-Verdugo, North Side) Mow Hageman Rd (Jewetta-Rushmore) Old Farm Rd (Hageman-Mauna Loa) FRI Allen Rd (Olive South, East Side) Bay Meadows & Grazing (Sump Wall) Mow Chattanooga (Cul-de-sac, Madison Grove) Comet Falls Sump (Westlakes; South of Olive) Madison Grove Paddle'Sacs (Day Dream, Manhattan, Jersey Bounce, Front Porch, Anaparno, Valerio, Raincheck, Salerosa, Chattanooga, San Rogue Cts) Madison Grove Paddle-Sacs (Copa Cabana) Mow Norris Rd (Calloway-Lavender Gate, North/South Sides; West of Calloway, Medians) Mow Olive Dr (Rainbow Falls-Canal, West of Calloway, North/South Sides, Medians; Mow Calioway-Riverlakes Dr, North Side & Medians; Allen-Old Farm, South Side; Jewetta-Marsciano, North/South Sides) Reina Rd (Verdugo-Jcwetta, North Side) Mow Old Farm Rd (Hageman-Noriega, West Side; Hageman-Yearling, East Side; Olive- Mow Maria, West Side) Jewetta Rd (Colt Way-South of Donerail, West Side; Reina-Hagemanl, East Side; Mow Reina-Snow, West Side) Hageman Rd (Sovereign-Rushmore, North Side) Mow Calloway Rd (Hageman-Norris) Norris Rd (Calloway-Radio Flyer) · S:h~a~k Opa~chedulea',~asignmcnts~R~EAl_MDList xls11123/2004 2 ***Area Il-MD List*** Assignment II: City Hall/Chester Ave 35%MD Facility Worker MON Chester Ave (Truxtun-23rd, East & West Sides, Medians) Laborer Chester Ave (1 Block East & West from 17th-22nd) TUE Chester Ave (Truxtun-23rd, East & West Sides, Medians) Chester Ave (1 Block East & West from 17th-22nd) WED Chester Ave (Truxtun-23rd, East & West Sides, Medians) Chester Ave (1 Block East & West from 17th-22nd) THU Chester Ave Medians Mow FRI Chester Ave (Truxtun-23rd, East & West Sides, Medians) Chester Ave (1 Block East & West from 17th-22nd Assignment III:MLK/Jefferson Parks 10% MD Facility Worker THU Union Ave (Brundage Ave-21st St) Assignment IV: Siemon/Univcrsity Parks 15% MD Facility Worker TUE Bernard (Oswell-Mt Vernon) Mow Oswcll (Alloway-Zephyr) Mow Panorama (Mt Vernon-Columbus) ' Mow THU Virginia (Oswell-Sterling) Sterling (Virginia-East Brundage) East Brundage (Sterling-Oswell) Zephyr (Oswell-Sterling) S:~Park Ops~Schedules~signments~d~EAI]~MDList. xls I 1/23/2004 ***Area ill-MD List*** Assignment 1: Amberton/Kroll/WestwOld Parks 15%MD Facility Worker MON Amberton Park Stockdale Hwy (Gosford-Puerta Oeste, Medians) Mow TUE Amberton Park WED Amberton Park THU Amberton Park Mow FRI Amberton Park Gosford (Stockdale-Ming, Medians) Mow Assignment Il: Grissom/Corvallis Parks 10% MD Facility Worker MON Las Palmas (Ming-El Portal) Mow FRI Gosford (Ming-District, Median) Mow Assignment I¥: Planz/Stiem Parks 40% MD Facility Worker MON Stiern Park Laborer-Temp TUE Stiem Park Magdelena & So H Panama Ln (So H-Union) So H (White Ln-Isil) Union (Tuscany Ct-Panama, West Side) WED Stiern Park Mow Hosking Rd (So H-Tree Line) Mow Panama Ln (Hammond Way, South Side) Mow Monitor St (South of Pacheco, East Wall) Pacheco Rd (Monitor East, South Side) THU Stiem Park Clipperhill Dr & Big Bear St Sump Hughes Ln (Pacheco-RR, East Side) Pacheco Rd (So H-Hughes Ln, North Side) FRI Stiern Park Assignment V: Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks 100% MD Facility Worker MON Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks Mow Laborer TUE Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks Akers Rd (Panama Ln-McKee) Mow Berkshire Rd (Wible Rd-New Stine) Mow McKee Rd (Wible Rd-New Stine) Mow Panama Ln (Akers-Summerfield, North Side) Panama Ln (New Stine-Wible, South Side, Median) Mow Wible Rd (Pacheco-Iori Lorene; except gated entry & Mobile Home Park) Mow WED Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks Ashe Rd (District Bird-Panama Ln) Mow New Stine (Panama Ln-Poppyseed, East Side) Mow New Stine (Harris Rd-Panama Ln, West Side, Medians) Mow Seasons Dr (New Stine-AE Canal, North Side) THU Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks Harris Rd (New Stine-Ashe, except Mobile Home Park) Hosking Rd (Wible-New Stine) Wible Rd (Pacheco-Tori Lorene; except gated entry & Mobile Home Park) Mow FRI Stonecreek/Challenger/Coral Keys/Seasons Parks S:~Park Ops~Schedu es~MsignmentsLM~EAm_MDList xlsl 1/23/2004 I ***Area IV-MD List*** Assignment I: Campus Park NonlfCampus Park South/Tevis Park · 100% MD F~acility Worker MON Buena Vista Rd (South of White Ln-End of Construction, East & West Sides) Mow Laborer-Temp Campus Park Blvd (Park View-Old River, South Side; Mountain Vista-Buena Vista, East & West Sides; 0Id River-Buena Vista, North Side) Mow TUE Club View Estates (South of White Ln, North & South Sides) Mow District Blvd (Gosford-Campus Park South) Gosford (White Ln-District Bird) Mow LamborougtfBellows Rds Sump Wall Campus Park North Mow Campus Park South Mow WED Montebello Ave (South of White Ln) Mountain Vista (White Ln-Campus Park Bird, East & West Sides) Old River (Ming-Campus Park Rd, Medians; So of White Ln-End, East & West Sides Mow Tevis Park Mow THU Park View Blvd (Carvalho Ct-White Ln, East & West Sides) Paseo Airosa Sump Pin Oak Park Bird (District Bird-White Ln, East & West Sides) Mow FRI Saddle Dr (White Ln-End, East & West Sides; South of White Ln, Median) Mow Soltierra Rd Sump White Ln (Gosford-Buena Vista, So Side; Median; Old River to SHS, North Side) Mow Assignment II: Deerpeak Park/Windsor Park/Seven Oaks 100% MD Facility Worker MON Allen Rd (South of Stockdale, West Side) Mow Labomr-Temp Camino Media (West of Old River, North & South Sides) Lahorer-Iemp Haggin Oaks Blvd (South of Ming, East & West Sides) Mow Haggin Oaks Cul-de-sacs (Chartres, Chaumont, Goscany, Serrant, Sully) Joelyle Planters TUE Ming Ave (Old River-Gosford, Medians; Old River-AE Canal, South Side) Mow Old River (Ming-Stockdale, West Side, Medians) Mow Renfro Rd (South of Stockdale) Mow Stockdale Hwy (West of Old River, So Side; East of Old River, Medians; Allen-Renfro, South Side, Medians) Mow Versailles Rd (East of Haggin Oaks Blvd) Mow WED Buena Vista Rd (White Ln-Stockdale, Medians; Chambers - Stockdale, East Side; South of River Run, West Side) Mow Chambers Ave (Grand Lakes-Buena Vista, North & South Sides) Mow Deer Park (Buena Vista-Grand Lakes, East & West Sides). Mow Grand Lakes (South of Ming to end, East & West Walls; North of Ming- Rosslyn, East & West Sides) Mow THU Howell Rd (Old River-Windsor Park, North & South Sides) Mow Ming Ave (Old River-Buena Vista, North & South Sides, Medians) Mow Mountain Vista (Grand Lakes-White Ln) Mow Old River (Stockdale-White Ln, West Side) Mow Deerpeak Park Mow Windsor Park Mow FRI River Run Blvd (Buena Vista-end, North & South Sides) Mow Stockdale Hwy (West of Old River, South Side) Mow SSPark Ops~Sched ulesLA~signme~ts~3~EAIV_MDList his 11/23/2004 ***Area IV-MD List*** Assignment III: Garden/Pin Oak/Haggin Oaks Parks 100% MD Facility Worker MON Del Forrest Ave Laborer-Temp (2) Gosford (Ming-No Laurelglen, West Side; Brookside-End, West Side) Mow MclnnisRd (East of scarlet Oaks, Median) Mow TUE North Laurelglen (West of Gosford) Mow - · Old River (White Ln-Ming, East Side, Medians) Mow Park View Bird (North of White Ln) Mow WED Persimmon Drive Pin Oak Park Blvd (North of White Ln, East & West Sides) Mow Ridge Oak (East of Old River Rd) Pin Oak Park Mow Haggin Oaks park MOW Garden Park Mow THU Scarlet Oak Blvd (South of Ming, East & West Sides) Mow South Laurelglen (Gosford-Pin Oak Park Bird, North & South Sides) Mow Westwold Ave (West of Gosford) Mow FRI White Ln (Old River-Gosford, North Side) Mow White Oak (East of Old River Rd) Mow Assignment IV: Silver Creek/Wilderness Parks 100% MD Facility Worker MON Ashe Rd (South of Harris-Panama, West Side) Laborer Gosford (Pacheco-Panama, East Side & Medians) Mow Laborer-Temp TUE Harris (Ashe-Gosford, North & South Sides) Mow Quaken Aspen Sump WED Panama Ln (Ashe-Gosford, North Side) Mow THU Reliance (Harris-Panama) Mow Spring Creek Loop (Harris-Harris) Mow FRI Wilderness Dr (Harris-Reliance) Mow Silvercreek Mow Wilderness Mow Assignment V: Windermere Park/River OaksPark/Bill Park Greens 95% MD Facility Worker MON River Run Blvd (West of Buena Vista Rd, North/South Sides-Ming Ave) Mow Laborer-Temp Buena Vista Rd (West side, South of River Run Bird-Canal) Mow Stockdale Hwy (South Wall, River Walk Place-Canal) Mow Windermere Park Mow IUE Buena Vista Rd (Medians, Stockdale Hwy-Ming) Mow Buena Vista Rd (West Side, Ming-White Ln) Mow WED Buena Vista Rd (Medians, Ming-White Ln) Mow Buena Vista Rd (East Side, Stockdale Hwy-Ming) Mow Buena Vista Rd (East Side, Ming-White Ln) Mow THU River Oaks Park Mow Ming Ave (North Side, Buena Vista-River Run)' Ming Ave (South Side, Buena Vista-Grand Island) Mow Bill Park Greens Mow FRI Ming Ave (Medians, Buena Vista Rd-Ming) Mow Chamber Blvd (North & South Sides, Medians, Buena Vista Rd-Piccadilly Rd) Mow White Ln (North Side, West of Buena Vista) Mow S:~°ar k OpsXSchedules~Assignments~a, REAIV_MDList xls 11/23/2004 2