HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/05 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 4, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~7-L~ ~ SUBJECT: General Information 1. A 30' section of a levee failed within the City's "2800 Acres" facility in the early hours of Monday morning. The levee controlled water within basins and also supported a portion of the bike path. The escaping water was diverted back into the Kern River channel and posed no threat to property. The breach was the result of burrowing rodent activity. The bike path was closed for the safety of the public and to allow for repairs. The breach was closed by Monday afternoon, the levee was restored to grade on Tuesday, and additional earthwork to strengthen the levee was performed on Wednesday. Permanent paving of the bike path was completed and the path re-opened on Friday. Hats off to the crews in Water Resources for the rapid response, for safely diverting and maintaining the water flows and restoring the levee and to Public Works for re-paving the bike path. 2. An article in the local paper today, Friday, February 4th, indicated that AYSO soccer was losing its lease at Cai State Bakersfield. We are not a party to those discussions, but it has been well known that eventually the lease cancellation would occur. In anticipation, we acquired the 40-acre soccer site just over the Stockdale Highway bridge. We own it, but it is not yet funded for development. We also own 250 acres at Taft Highway between Ashe Road and Gosford. For many years, it was encumbered under a very old contract for yeast disposal. That recently was freed up, and staff has been working on a concept plan to make it a large soccer/baseball complex, perhaps even a three par golf course, to meet the long term needs of southwest Bakersfield. We will contact AYSO to chat with them about that concept. We do not presently have funding to develop either of these sites. Monies would have to come from donations, leases, grants or related. The 40 acre site is, of course, much closer to being ready than the larger one. 3. Two memos are enclosed from Donna Kunz regarding requests for CDBG funding for FY 2005/06. The first includes the proposed City projects, as submitted by Fire, EDCD, Public Works, and Police. There were eleven projects submitted, for a total request of approximately $6.2 million. The second is a summary report on the twelve applications that were received from non-profit and public entities, totaling over $3.6 million. We expect to have $1.7 million in available funds, not dedicated t° on-going costs. All the requests will be referred to the Budget and Finance Committee for consideration. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 4, 2005 Page 2 Several weeks ago, we mentioned that HUD might lose a substantial portion of its community branch funding in the 2006 budget. A memo is enclosed with further information on that issue. The CDBG program could be transferred to the Commerce Department and may be cut as much as 50%. Our proposed entitlement for FY 2005/06 is $3.7 million, which could be substantially reduced if the President's proposal to consolidate prog~rams is approved. As mentioned previously, we will keep close watch on this issue as it progresses and will take appropriate action to appeal to our legislators, if necessary. 4. A status report from EDCD on the use of the remaining Section 108 funds for southeast Bakersfield is enclosed. 5. A report on crime statistics for 2004 is enclosed from Chief Rector. He has also included information on the steps being taken by the Police Department to combat specific crimes. 6. Public Works is to receive a $25,000 grant to fund a specially modified refuse truck that will collect both refuse and greenwaste. Per the enclosed memo, staff will present a plan for a six month pilot program for the test vehicle next month. 7. Congratulations to Lt. Brad Wahl who has received an award from the Anti- Defamation League for his work related the reduction of hate crimes. 8. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham · List of current CIP projects, with designations for those that will be delayed; Councilmember Hanson · Report on the workshop conducted for the Planning Commission regarding alignment of Council and Commission goals. AT: rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk RECEIVED JAN 3 1 Z005 Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM Janua~ 27,2005 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales,&///~n~munity Development Coordinator v SUBJECT: Intra City Proposals Received for FY 2005/06 CDBG Assistance The deadline for submission of proposals for FY 2005/06 was October 29, 2004. We received 11 proposals totaling about $6.2 million. Below are project descriptions, location, and cost estimates. Projects are listed in order of priority as determined by submitting department. Project Description IDepartment Ward IEligibility Ranking FIRE STATION IMPROVEMENTS Fire Station #5- New Construction Project - Phase II Fire Priority 1 Acquisition, design, construction of a fire station located at 102 Ward 1 Yes East White Lane. Phase I preliminary acquisition and design is funded in FY 03/04. Estimated total cost is $3.8 million. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Mill Creek Linear Park Construction - Phase I EDCD Priority 1 Hardscape and landscape improvements on the Kern Island Ward 2 Yes Canal between 17th and 21st streets. Estimated total cost $3 million. FY05/06 CDBG $302,000 Chester Avenue Streetscape - Phase III EDCD Priority 2 Install median improvements on Chester Avenue between 24th Ward 2 Yes street and Garces Circle; including landscaping, lighting and other improvements. Estimated total cost $1.6 million. FY 05106 CDBG $312,200 "P" Street Sewer Improvement Project Public Works Priority 1 Install sewer main & laterals for residential properties on "P" Ward 1 Yes Street between 1st and 2nd streets. Estimated total cost $211,2OO. Street Reconstruction Project - Ward 6 Public Works Priority 1 Street reconstruction in HUD-eligible neighborhoods in Ward 6. Ward 6 Yes Estimated total cost $565,000. S:\GEORGE\CIP funding request 0506.doc Project Description Department Eligibility Ward Ranking Street Reconstruction Project - Wards 2 and 3 Public Works Priority 2 Street reconstruction in HUD-eligible neighborhoods in Ward 2 Wards 2 and 3 Yes and 3. Estimated total cost $418,000. Street Reconstruction Project- Ward 7 Street reconstruction Ward 7 Priority 3 in HUD-eligible neighborhoods in Ward 7. Estimated total cost Yes $480,000. "P" Street Street Improvement Project Public Works Priority 4 Install street improvement on "P" Street between Brundage Lane Ward 1 Yes and California Avenue; including curb, gutter, sidewalk, retaining wall, etc., Estimated total cost $331,500. RECREATION AND PARKS Jefferson Park Playground Retro-fit Improvements Ward 2 Priority 1 Remove and replace existing playground equipment and ADA Yes rubberized surfacing at neighborhood park located at 801 Bernard Street. Estimated total cost is $232,000. Beale Park Wet Play Area Project Ward 2 Priority 2 Construction of an interactive wet play area at a neighborhood Yes park located at 500 Oleander Street. Estimated total cost is $352,OOO. Planz Park Shelter Project Ward 7 Priority 3 Install a 1,200 sq. ft. metal frame structure and improvements in Yes an existing neighborhood park located at 1601 Planz Road. Estimated total cost is $48,000 PUBLIC SERVICES East and Southeast Crime Prevention Services Police Priority 1 Operating Costs for 4 additional police officers to enhance patrol Wards 1 & 7 Yes and crime prevention service in East and Southeast Bakersfield. Estimated total cost $350,000. FY 05/06 CDBG $227,000. Southeast Bakersfield Fire Protection Services Fire Priority 1 Operational costs for 3 additional fire fighters for Fire Station #5 Ward 1 Yes at 700 Planz Road (102 East White Lane) which will provide full strength crew of four persons per shift. Total Cost $252,000 - CDBG FY 05/06 $252,000. Graffiti Removal Pro,qram Removal of graffiti within various Public Works Priority 1 Iow-income areas within the City. Estimated total Cost City-wide Yes $720,000. FY 05/06 CDBG $100,000. Bakersfield Senior Center Services Funds for public services Ward 1 Priority 2 to senior citizens at 530-4th Street. Total Cost- CDBG FY 05/06 Yes $50,000 S:\GEORGE\CIP funding request 0506.doc  RECEIVED JAN 3 1 Z005 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM January 27, 2005 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Donna Kunz, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales~mmunity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Non-Profit AppliCations submitted for CDBG FY 2005~06 Funding. The deadline for the submission of CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications for FY 2005/06 funding was October 29, 2004. This year twelve (12) applications were submitted from non-profit and public entities totaling over $3.6 million. The HUD CDBG/HOME entitlement for FY 05/06 has been posted showing an overall reduction of 6.9% from $6,006,694 to $5,620,980. The City's CDBG allocation for FY 05/06 is $3,744,782 ($188,218 less than FY 04/05). The HOME Investment Partnership Program allocation for next year is $1,687,189 ($240,078 less than FY 04/05). This amount also includes funds for the American Dream Downpayment Initiative. Lastly, the Emergency Shelter Grant funds for FY 05/06 are $143,845 ($2,582) less than FY 04/05. Below are summaries of the applications received from non-profits requesting assistance from the various HUD programs for FY 05/06: Community Development BloCk Grant Applications - FY 2005/06 Applicant Estimated Cost Description & Location City Funds Requested HUD Proposal Name Other Sources Eligible Alliance for Non-profit Capacity building for non- $33,000 Total Cost No Development profit agencies serving Iow- income clients Strategic and Fund $25,000City Development Planning $ 8,000 match for Bakersfield Non- profit Agencies Page 1 of 3 S:\GEORGE\2005-06 funding request.doc Applicant Estimated Cost Description & Location City Funds Requested HUD Proposal Name Other Sources Eligible Patricia's New Acquisition, construction of 4 $2,615,500 Total Cost Yes Millennium Home homes to house at-risk youth $1,307,750 City $1,307,750 County Kern County Technical Rental assistance, $ 470,582 Total Cost Yes Training Center rehabilitation and equipping a 40,000 sq. ft. market as a College Center Charter vocational charter school for $ 235,582 City School 13-18 year high school $ 150,000 State grant students. $ 85,000 applicant HOME Program Applications - FY 2005/2006 Mildred L. Moore Construction of a two story- $ 320,000 Total Cost Yes 3,100 sq. ft., four-plex Moore Residential affordable rental located at Housing Units 2212 "N" Street. $ 290,000 City $ 30,000 applicant Golden Empire Construction of 24- one $2,243,052 Total Cost Yes Affordable Housing, Inc. bedroom rental units to house disabled persons Green Garden located at 2301 South Union $ 400,000 City Apartments New Avenue. $ 200,000 County Construction Project $1,643,052 to be determined Kern Affordable Rehabilitation of an existing $ 342,825 Total Cost Yes Housing, Inc. 20-unit affordable multifamily CHDO - apartment complex located qualified Villa San Dimas at 601 36th Street. $ 342,825 City Rehabilitation Project Kern Affordable Rehabilitation of an existing $ 315,578 Total Cost Yes Housing, Inc. 16-unit affordable multifamily CHDO apartment complex located qualified Park Real Rehabilitation at 414 Real Road. $ 315,578 City Project Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Applications - Fy 2005~2006 Alliance Against Family Fund the operating cost of $1.38 million annual operating Yes Violence and Sexual the Battered Women's budget Assault Shelter including utilities, insurance, maintenance and Battered Women's wages for a counselor. $ 15,000 City Shelter City Wide Bethany Services, Inc. Continue to fund operational $1.16 million annual operating Yes cost of the Bakersfield budget Bakersfield Homeless Homeless Center including Center cost of security maintenance and utilities at 1600 E. $ 125,000 City Truxtun Avenue. City wide Page 2 of 3 S:\GEORGE~005-06 funding request.doc Applicant Estimated Cost Description & Location City Funds Requested HUD Proposal Name Other Sources Eligible Bakersfield Rescue Continue to fund operational $1.53 million annual operating Yes Mission cost of the Bakersfield budget Rescue Mission including Homeless Intervention maintenance, utilities, and Services personnel. $ 78,600 City City Wide Page 3 of 3 S:\GEORGE\2005-06 funding request,doc BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~~~'~d'~'~ January 31, 2005 FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Impacts of Possible Future Loss of CDBG Funding Staff was informed recently of a proposal by the Bush administration to drastically shrink the Department of Housing and Urban Development's $8 billion community branch. According to an article published in the Washington Post, January 14, 2005, President Bush's proposal for the upcoming 2006 budget would "eliminate or consolidate what he sees as duplicative or ineffective programs". Under this plan, the CDBG program which provides multipurpose development and entitlement grants to state and local governments would be sent to the Commerce Department and could be cut as much as 50 percent. As you know, the City of Bakersfield has become dependent on HUD's entitlements, especially CDBG, to fund various projects and programs in eligible areas of the City. This proposal could have a tremendous impact on our ability to fund and debt service Capital Projects and to maintain existing departmental programs. Our proposed entitlement for FY 2005-06 is expected to be $3.7 million. If this proposal is approved it could potentially reduce our entitlement to $1.85m and limit our ability to serve those areas in our community who have benefited from Community Development block Grant funds over the past 30 years. Below is a list of projects and programs currently funded with CDBG. > Economic and Community Development staff and administration = $796k .~ Annual Section 108 - long term debt obligations - annua~ average $385k > Graffiti Removal- $100k > Police and Fire protection services - current commitment = $479k > Capital Improvement Projects- $1.9m > Ability to apply and receive Section 108 funds - proposed Fire Station #5 > Acquisition & Demolition for redevelopment projects underway - $100k Previously, in addressing the State budget situation, ED/CD has been able to shift a portion of other department General Fund operations to CDBG (Police & Fire). If the CDBG entitlement were reduced, it would also impact the General fund. S:~BudgetFY05-06~FutureCDBGImpacts012805.doc ~EC,.EtVED- I'III I FEB -- 3 ) CiTY MANAGE Economic and Community Development Department~ MEMORANDUM {~,,~4~ February 3, 2005 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Status of Remaining Section 108 Funds for S.E. Bakersfield The following is a summary of active projects to date relating to the use of Section 108 funds for Southeast Bakersfield. The projects are being implemented by the Public Works Department. On-~oin~ Projects · Brundage Lane Streetscape: $325,000 - Install median streetscape, sidewalks and lighting improvements from Chester to Union avenues. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk work was completed July 2004. Installation of street lights is underway and is scheduled to be completed by March 2005. The Section 108 HUD contract deadline for City expenditure of these funds was December 31, 2004. The City requested a 6 month deadline extension from HUD last October and a written reply is still pending. · Union Avenue Streetscape: $61,500 - Install street lighting improvements on Union Avenue between Terrace Way to 4th Street. Construction is underway and is scheduled to be completed by March 2005. The Section 108 HUD contract deadline for City expenditure of these funds was December 31, 2004. The City requested a 6 month deadline extension from HUD last October and a written reply is still pending · Jefferson Park Swimming Pool Rehabilitation: $300,000 Rehabilitation of Jefferson Park pool. HUD contract deadline for City expenditure of these funds was January 31,2005. HUD approved a deadline extension to June 30, 2005. Construction is underway and is scheduled to be completed by April 2005. · Martin Luther King Jr. Park Wet Play Area: $200,000 - Funds were transferred from the Career Counseling Center Facility Project to the wet play project. HUD approved the Section 108 reprogramming of funds to the MLK park activity. HUD's expenditure deadline was extended from January 31, 2005 to June 30, 2005. City forces have started construction and the project is scheduled to be completed by the end of April 2005. xc: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager S:\VZ\SEActivityUpdateFeb05.doc BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM ' Date: . January 31, 2005 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W.R. Rector, Chief of Police Subject: Year End - 2004 Crime Stats I have attached a Part One Crime Statistics Report that reflects year to date statistics for 2004. The Police Department and community are still experiencing increases in rape, robbery, aggravated assault and auto theft. The increases can be attributed to a variety of reasons: growth of City population, staffing shortages, methamphetamine abuse, and career criminals committing crime. It is interesting to note crime statistics from 1994 compare closely to those in 2004; even with a significant increase in the City's population over the last ten years. · Staffing - With the City budget becoming more stable, staffing has began to improve and we hope to be close to full compliment by June of 2005. · Career Criminal Crime- We are in the discussion stage of refocusing the Kern Narcotics Enforcement Team (KNET) to impact parolees committing crimes. · Auto Theft- Staff is looking at creative ways to impact auto theft including creating a closer relationship with the Sheriff's Department Auto theft Unit and agencies in the northern portion of Kern County; since most of the suspects arrested are from those areas. · Rape - The increase in rape offenses is directly related to unlawful sexual intercourse crimes, (i.e. consensual sex between a minor and adult.) Of the 54 rape investigations, 44 are attributed to unlawful sexual intercourse violations. Bakersfield Magazine recently published an article for us to help educate parents and youth about this issue. Additionally, we will continue to use the media and work with the Alliance Against Family Violence to educate teens/parents in an attempt to prevent these types of situations from occurring. · Aggravated Assault - The rise is related to an increase in domestic violence type assaults. Staff is working closely with the Alliance Against Family Violence and the Domestic Violence Advisory Council (DVAC), to raise awareness and seek to prevent these types of domestic violence from occurring. We continUe to take a strong enforcement stand when investigating domestic violence cases. In the near future staff will focus on a more collaborative response to domestic violence calls; working with the probation department's ¥ictimNVitness Unit and the Department of Human Services. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to call. WRR/vrf Attachment: Part One Crimes Statistic Report and Comparison BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT I 2 0.0% 1 12 36.6% 39 45 20.0% 91 118 32.7% 200 23O 12.3% 798 894 4.2% 164 183 12.6% 1294 1484 9.0% 17.2% 11.0% 9.0% 1994/2004 Comparison 2004 279,672 23 56 527 1342 3023 9806 2246 1994 197,469 36 59 . 573 1291 - 3199 8653 1945 RECEIVED_ FEB - 3 ?_OO5 MANAGER'S OFFICE_ CiTY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~_ - DATE: February 2, 2005 SUBJECT: Dual Collection Refuse Truck Grant Staff has received verbal confirmation from the U.S. EPA that the City will receive a $25,000 grant to fund a pilot program for dual collection of refuse and greenwaste in a specially modified truck. Dual collection can potentially cut nearly 40% of the residential route mileage, with corresponding reductions in fuel use and air pollution. The grant funds cover the cost of modifying one existing truck and mailing pilot program information to the 2,250 test homes. Staff will present a plan for the six month pilot program in early March. S:LFILING',500 CORRESWIANAGER'ff)ual Collection Truck Grant 2-2-05.doc February 2, 2005 BAKERSFIELDMEMORANDUM POLICE Date: February 3, 2005 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W.R. Rector, Chief of Police Subject: RecOgnition of Lt. Brad Wahl Since 1996 Helene and Joseph Sherwood, in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), began recognizing departments and/or individuals for relentless dedication to containing and minimizing the number and severity of hate crimes perpetrated in communities. On February 3, 2005, Bakersfield Police Lieutenant Brad Wahl was one of the select few to receive this prestigious award at the Skirball CultUral Center in Los Angeles, California. The award exemplifies an ongoing commitment, support and contribution toward eliminating hate and prejudice. Acting as the homeland security liaison for the Bakersfield Police Department for the past few years, Lieutenant Brad Wahl has worked diligently to help the police department in its mission to provide a safer community. Lieutenant Wahl has formed relationships and working groups with a variety of local and other agencies in order to provide a more comprehensive law enforcement response to those problems associated with hate motivated criminal behavior. RECEIVED JAN 3 1 005  MANAGER'S OFFICE ' CITY B A K E R S F I E L O CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ DATE: January 28, 2005 SUBJECT: DELAYED "CIP" PROJECTS Referral No. 1030 (Meeting: 1/26/2005) Councilmember Benharn requested staff provide notice as to which projects are going to be delayed so Council can respond to citizens' inquiries. . The following lists identify the status for current CIP projects given the new projects for which Design Engineering staff is pursuing new grant funding. A "Delay Project" status identifies projects that will be delayed while staff designs these new projects. A "Forefront Project" status identifies projects that staff will endeavor to keep moving forward while working on these new projects. A "Not Impacted" status identifies projects that will not be delayed by these new projects. Design Engineering staff is primarily the only City staff that will be involved with designing these new projects. Most of the projects in this last status group, "Not Impacted", are being designed by staff in other divisions or departments of the City. Therefore, the new projects will not impact the delivery of those projects. Ward I Projects Landscape Wall - Stockdale Hwy, McDonald Way to Stine Canal Delay Project Left Turn Restriction Chester and Terrace Delay Project Sewer Rahab / Replacement - Brundage Ln Delay Project Sewer Rahab / Replacement - L Street Delay Project Fire Station 5 / Police Substation (design by ???) Forefront Project Flashing Beacon McKinley School Forefront Project MLK Wet Play Forefront Project Signal Modification - H St and Belle Terrace Forefront Project Saunders Pool Demo Not Impacted Ward 2 Projects Beale Wet Playground Delay Project Left Turn Restriction E Truxtun and Beale Delay Project Sewer Rahab / Replacement - Q Street Delay Project Street Improvements - Stockdale Hwy, California Ave to Oak St Delay Project G:\GROUPDA~Referrals~2005\O1.26\Ref 1030_Arnold.doc Page 1 of 3 Streetscape Improvement - 19th St at Eye St Delay Project Streetscape Improvement - Baker Street Phase #2 Delay Project Amtrak Track Maintenance and Repairs Forefront Project Bicycle Lockers - Ice Sports Center Forefront Project Reconstruct/Resurface 17th Street, Chester Avenue to L Street Forefront Project Reconstruct / Resurface 30th Street, Spruce Street to Garces Circle Forefront Project Reconstruct / Resurface Marella, Montclair to California Avenue Forefront Project Signal and Median Modification - 14th and Q St Forefront Project 24th Street at Oak Street Interchange Not Impacted 24th Street Widening Not Impacted ADA Surface - Yokuts Park Not Impacted Beach Park Improvements - Replace Stainless Fixtures Not Impacted Centennial Corridor Not Impacted Recreation / Parks' Warehouse Replacement Not Impacted Rosedale Highway Widening, Gibson to SR 99 Not Impacted Ward 3 Projects Retaining Wall - College Avenue Delay Project Signal- Fairfax Rd at Highland Knoll Dr Delay Project Bridge Improvements - North Chester Bridge Seismic Retrofit Forefront Project Loading Docks - Greenwaste Recycling Center (design by Quad- Knopf) Forefront Project Reconstruct / Resurface Christmas Tree, Mt Vernon to Columbus Forefront Project Signal - Columbus St at University Ave Forefront Project Signal - Columbus St at Wenatchee Ave Forefront Project Street Widening - Panorama Drive East of Fairfax Road Forefront Project ADA Surface - University Park Not Impacted Mesa Marin Not Impacted Off-Road Vehicle Park - Concept Plan Not Impacted Siemon Pool Not Impacted SR 178 at Faiffax Road Interchange Not Impacted SR 178 at Morning Drive Not Impacted Ward 4 Projects Signal - Ming Ave, at Grand Lakes Ave Delay Project Signal - Olive Dr at Riverlakes D~' Delay Project Storm Drain Improvements TR5130 Delay Project Street Improvements - Calloway Rd, Rosedale to Meacham Delay Project Bridge Construction - Allen Road at Kern River (design by Dokken) Forefront Project Sewer Construction - Allen Road, Rosedale Hwy to Hageman (design by Meyer) Forefront Project Street Improvements - Coffee Road at Downing Forefront Project Olive Drive at SR 99 Not Impacted Westside Parkway Not Impacted Ward 5 Projects Odor Control - Gosford Rd Lift Station Delay Project Signal and Street Improvements - Ashe Rd at Panama Ln Delay Project Reconstruct / Resurface Business Park South, Business Center Dr to Lennox Delay Project, potential VLF loan Reconstruct / Resurface Lennox, Hewlett to Business Park South Delay Project, potential VLF loan Reconstruct / Resurface Olympia, South Laurelglen to So Halfmoon Delay Project, potential VLF loan Street Improvements - Old River Road At-Grade Crossing Forefront Project Silver Creek Center Remodel Not Impacted Skateboard Park Not Impacted G:\GROUPDAT~Referrals~005\01-26\Ref 1030_Arnold.doc Page 2 of 3 Ward 6 Projects Street Improvements - Panama Ln at Golden Gate Dr Delay Project Street Improvements - White Lane, Dovewood to Wible Road Delay Project Waste Water Treatment Plant 3 Expansion Not Impacted Ward 7 Projects Signal - Berkshire Rd at Monitor St Delay Project Street Improvements - Ming Avenue, Benton to Anita Delay Project Planz Wet Play Forefront Project Planz Pool Improvements Not Impacted White Lane at State Route 99 (the southbound on-ramp) Not Impacted Projects in Multiple Wards Sanitary Sewer Trunkline Study - NE Bakersfield (study by Meyer) (Wards 1 & 3) Forefront Project Hageman Flyover (Wards 2 & 4) Not Impacted SR 99 at Hosking Avenue (Wards 6 & 7) Not Impacted G:\GROUPDAT1Referrals~2005\0'I-26\Ref 1030_Arnold.doc Page 3 of 3 B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ~;~/-STANLEY C. GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: January 24, 2005 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Council Referral No. Ref000987 COUNCILMEMBER HANSON REQUESTED, DUE TO THE VOLUME OF APPEALS, STAFF CONDUCT A WORKSHOP BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND DISCUSS THE CITY COUNCIL'S GOALS AND SHARE WITH THE COMMISSION THE EFFORTS WHICH WILL ASSIST IN PREVENTING OR REDUCING THE NUMBER OF APPEALS. Staff conducted a Planning Commission workshop on January 20, 2005 to discuss development pressure, appeals, and the need for alignment with City Council policy and precedent. Staff shared what it will do to assist the Commission in establishing and maintaining alignment. The PowerPoint presentation is attached. SCG:JM:djl Attachment: P:\CCReferral\Ref000987.doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS - t11/05 GARDNER EIR G~IERAL HOLI~INO$ E~ RIO ~AVO O3 ~ FIR LEGEND JL;ID~INS FIR -- crrY LIMITS PETRINI FIR .... SP.HERE OF INFLUENCE G~NERAL PI.AN BOUNDARY MC CUTCHEN EIR + GP ZC REV~ION PHASE II- SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AMENDMENT