HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/05 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 3,2005 FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Congratulations to Sandra Jimenez, who has been selected to be the new Assistant Finance Director, effective on July 11,2005. Sandra will take the place of Nelson Smith, who will move into the position of Finance Director upon the retirement of Gregory Klimko. Sandra will oversee the day-to-day operations of, the Accounting Division and will aCt-as-department head in the absence of the Director. Sandra has extensive experience in both governmental accounting and payroll and has played an integral role in the preparation of our annual financial statements for ten of the past twelve years. Mrs. Jimenez came to the City in 1987 where she began her career as an internal auditor. She has been a supervisor in the Accounting division since 1989 and is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association and the American Payroll Association. 2. The remaining budget schedule is as follows: a. June 6th at noon Council will hear the budget presentations from the Public Works, Water Resources, Recreation and Parks, and Economic and Community Development Departments. b. At the June 8th Council meeting, there will be presentations from Rabobank Arena and Convention Center, and the Convention and Visitor's Bureau, which are the final budget presentations. There will also be two required hearings on refuse rate increases. c. On June 22nd, Council will hold hearings on water rates and maintenance district fees. Council will also be asked to adopt the budget at this meeting. Honorable Mayor and City Council June 3, 2005 Page 2 Please note: If you are planning to make changes, it is always desirable to let staff know ahead of time. Revenue or expenditure offsets can then be planned so final actions are as rational as possible. 3. The federal Gas Tax bill, which was delayed over 18 months, is in conference committee, and, hopefully, will have final action taken by the end of June. Congress of often unpredictable, though! 4. The street maintenance schedule for the week of June 6th is attached for your information. 5. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Vice-Mayor Benham · Status of moving a bus stop near the Games Circle to a safer location; Councilmember Couch · Information regarding law on appointments to LAFCO; Councilmember Hanson · Evaluation of the quality of playground equipment in Westwold Park. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk STREET MAINTENANCE SECTION - WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF JUNE 6, 2005 Resurfacing streets in the area between So.."H" Street and Hughes Lane, south of Planz Road. Resurfacing in the area between Actis Road and Robinwood Street, south of Planz Road. Temporary street repairs on Coffee Road between Olive Drive and Hageman Road. Street sealing in the area north of Noriega Road, west of Calloway Drive. RECEIVED B .'A."':K:".'E'.'R.' S' F' I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works DIrector~Z~1~ DATE: May 27, 2005 SUBJECT: GET BUS STOP NEAR GARCES CZRCLE Referral No. 1150 (Meeting: 5/25/05) COUNCILMEMBER BENHAM REQUESTED STAFF WORK WITH GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT TO FACILITATE MOVING OF THE BUS STOP NEAR THE GARCES CIRCLE AT 30TH AND F STREETS TO A SAFER LOCATION. Mr. Emory Rendes, at Golden Empire Transit (GET), was contacted by the Traffic Engineer with the request for a new, or relocated, bus stop in the area of the 30th Street intersection with Chester Avenue, south of Garces Circle. GET will review the location for appropriateness and safety as a bus stop and make changes, if possible. GET bus ddvers can usually accommodate passengers with stops in-between official bus stop, where posSible. GET officials also encourage riders to contact their office directly, with route change or bus stop change requests and other problems, to better serve their clientele. C:~(}CUMF.~l\glorenzi~.DCALS-l\Temp~-ef# 1150-get bus stop near §arces circle.doc RECEIVED MEMORANDUM CITYATTORNEY'S OFFICE ¢;T¥ MAN^GEn'$ OFF~¢E June 2, 2005 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATTORN~ [, ~/~ SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO LAFCO COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 1147 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED THE CITY ATTORNEY PROVIDE INFORMATION.REGARDING LAW ON APPOINTMENTS TO LAFCO. REPORT BACKWITH ANALYSIS. The composition of Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO) are set in accordance with Government Code Section 56325. Each LAFCO has two members from the County Board of Supervisors, two members from cities within the County (each of whom shall be a mayor or councilmember) appointed by the cities' selection committee, two members of legislative bodies of independent special districts selected by the independent special district selection committee, and one member of the general public appointed by the other members of the commission, for a total of seven (7) members. Alternates are also selected in order to serve if a member is absent. Membership in all California LAFCOs are selected in the manner described above with the exception of Sacramento, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and San Diego; each of whom have special legislation governing the number and selection of commissioners. For example, San Diego County LAFCO has eight members with the City of San Diego having a permanent seat. It deserves to be noted that Government Code Section 56325(b) which governs the selection and membership of the city representatives specifically states as follows: The city selection committee is encouraged to select members to fairly represent the diversity of the cities in the county, with respect to population and geography. Attached for Council's review are the appointments to the Kern County LAFCO through the year 2045. Despite the fact that the City of Bakersfield is the largest city in Kern County--both in terms of geography (120 miles) and population (300,000)---we are not slated to have a membership seat on LAFCO until 2016. That means twenty-eight (28) years will have passed without the largest City in Kern County having a voice on LAFCQ-- which would appear to be a clear violation of the express provision and intent of the above mentioned state law. VG:do S:\COUNClL\Referrals\04-05 Referr~ls\Couchq_AFCO Appts.doc tern County LAFCO - City Board Member History an~l Projected City Rotation Member City Member City AJternate Member City 045 De~ano Bakersfield 044 Delallo Bakersfield 043 Delano Califomia City Bakersfield 042 Delano Califomia City Bakersfield 041 Bakersfield California City Arvin 040 Bakersfield California Cib,/ Arvin 039 Bakersfield A~n Arvin 338 Bakersfield Arvin Arvin 037 Wasco Arvin Wasco .036 Wasco Arvin Wasco :035 Wasco Tehachapi Wasco 034 W asco Tehachapi Wasco :033 Taft Tehachapi Tehachapi Taft Tehachapi Tehachapi Taft Shafter Tehachapi Taft Shafter Tehachapi Ridgecrest Shafter Taft Ridgecrest Shafter Taft Ridgecrest McFadand Taft Rid~lecrest McFadand Taft Madcopa McFadand Shafter Madcopa McFadand Shafter Maricopa Delano Shafter Madcopa Delano Shafter California City Delano Ridgecrest ', California City Delano Ridgecrest California City Bakersfield Ridgecrest California City Bakersfield Ridcjecrest Arvn Bakersfield McFarland Arvin Bakersfield McFarland A~,4n W asco McFarland Arvin Wasco McFarland Tehachapi Wasco Maricopa Tehachapi Wasco Maricopa Tehachapi Taft Maricopa Tehachapi Taft Maricopa Shafter Taft Delano Shafter Taft Delano Shafter Richard "Duke" Martin Ridgecrest Delano Shafter Richard "Duke" Martin Ridgecrest Delano Rafael Melendez McFadand Richard "Duke" Martin Ridgecrest Nick Lessenevitch California City Rafael Melendez McFadand Richard "Duke" Martin Ridcjecrest Nick Lessenevitch California City Rafael Melendez McFarland Cathy Prout Shafte~ Nick Lessenevitch California City Rafael Melendez McFadand Cathy Prout Shafter Nick Lessenevitch California Cit,/ Anthony Martinez Detano Cathy Prout Shafter Les Clark Taft Anthony Martinez Delano Jess Ortiz Arvin Roger Miller Taft Anthony Martinez Detano Jess Ortiz Arvin Roger Miller Taft Anthony Martinez Detano Mel McLaughlin Wasco Rocjer Miller Taft Don Burkett Arvn Mel McLaughlin Wasco Roger Miller Taft Don Burkett Arvn Mel McLaughlin Wasco Roger Miller Taft Don Burkett Arvin Mel McLaughlin Wasco Johnnie Munoz Delano Don Burkett Arvin Mel McLau~hlin Wasco Johnnie Munoz Delano Don Burkett Arvn Mel McLaughlin Wasco Mark Salvacjcjio t3akersfield Don Burkett Arvin Mel McLaughlin Wasco Mark Salva§§io Bakersfield Don Burkett Arvin Mel McLaughlin Wasco Mark Salva§Gio Bakersfieid Don Burkett Arvin Johnny Thomas Shafter Mel McLau~hlin W asco Don Burkett Arvin Johnny Thomas Shafter Mel McLaughlin Wasco Don Burkett Arvin ;Rollie Moore Bakersfield Johnny Thomas Shafter Don Burkett Arvin Rotlie Moore ~3,nkersfield Bill Lackey Taft Don Burkett Arvin Rollie Moore Bakersfield Bill Lackey Taft Donnie Campbell McFadand Rollie Moore Bakersfield Bill Lackey Taft Donnie Campbell McFarland Roy Johnson Wasco Bill Lackey Taft Donnie Campbell McFarland Harrold Hockett Ridgecrest Roy Johnson Wasco Donnie Campbell McFadand Harrotd Hockett RidBecrest Roy Johnson Wasco Oonnie Campbell McFadand Harrold Hockett Ridgecrest Steve Kennedy Taft Donnie Campbell McFarfand Harrold Hockett Ridgecrest Steve Kennedy Taft Donnie Campbell McFadand Thurmund Belcher Tehachapi Lavern Smith Ridgecrest Donnie Campbell McFadand Lavern Smith Ridnecrest RECEIVED_ JU~ -3 2005 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE B A .K E R S F ,I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: June 1, 2005 To: Alan TandY, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: Westwold Park Playground Rehabilitation Referral # 001156 - Ward 5 Councilmember Hanson requested staff evaluate the quality of playground equipment in Westwold Park. The Recreation and Parks Department is proposing a prOject under it's 2005- 2006 CIP budget to completely rehabilitate the Westwold Park Playground. If funded, the project will likely begin planning and engineering in late fall of 2005 with construction beginning in early spring of 2006 for a completion date in late spring of 2006. The project is envisioned to include 2-5 year old and 5-12 year old composite play structures, swings, and some ground level features. All new surfacing will be installed including ADA accessible rubberized surface. A couple of new concrete picnic tables will be added to complete the renovation of the area. In addition, restrooms are normally built in parks with additional amenities such as pools, several playing fields or reservable shelters.