HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2370ORDINANCE NO. 2370 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING MAP) OF THE MI~ICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a motion to zone certain property now being annexed to said City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined after due con- sideration of the motion and recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion, herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hear- ing for the zoning of said property, that said zoning should be authorized upon annexation of said property to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 17.12.020 of Chapter 17.12 the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, be (Zoning Map) of and the same is hereby amended by extending the boundaries of said map to include those certain properties in the County of Kern located easterly of the boundary of the City of Bakersfield, southerly of the Kern River, northerly of the easterly extension of College Avenue, and with Kern Canyon lying on the east, and known as RIO BRAVO ANNEXATION, in an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone; in an R-2-D (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling-Architectural Design) Zone; in a C-1-D (Limited Commercial- Architectural Design) Zone; in a C-2-D (Commercial-Architectural Design) Zone; in an M-1-D (Light Manufacturing-Architectural Design) Zone; in an R-S-2-1/2A (Residential Suburban Two and One-half Acre Minimum Lot Size) Zone; in an A (Agricultural) Zone; and in an MH (Mobilehome) Zone, upon the annexation of said property to the City of Bakersfield, the boundaries of which property are shown on the map hereto attached and made a part of this ordinance, and are more specifically described as follows: To an R-1 (One Fam__~l~;__h cllin~Q Zone: Sections !, 2, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 24 of Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MD.B.&M., and Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 16, 18 and 19 of Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M. D. B. & M. EXCEPTING THEREFROM those portions of said Sections which lie outside of the boundary of the ))reposed RJ.o Bravo Annexation as shown on the map of said anne. xation on file in the City Hal. l, city of Bakersfield; ALSO EXCEPTING the West 1,/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the souti%west i/4 and the south 1/2 of the :~onthwest 1/4 of said Section 18, Townsh]t~ 29 south, ~nge 29 east, and; ALSO EXCEPTING the following described four parcels within said Section 19, Township 29 south, E~nge 29 east: 1) The sou~'bwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of the northenst ]/4 of the northwest 1/4 adjoining the north~.~est 1/4 of the north- west 1/4 of tl~e southeast 1/4 of the north- west 1,/~. 2) The Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 adjoining the Southw~Tst i/4 of the South- west 1/4 of the Northeast 1./4 of the North- east 1/4. 3) The East ]/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northv,~st 1/4 of tb~ Southwest 1/4. 4) The Southeast !/4 of the S(~utheast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast ]./4 adjoining the Southwest [[/4, Southwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4 and Southcnst 1/4. To a~. ~ _R-__l__(~)_ne Fa__m_il~y_ DwelliDg)Zone__: That portion of Section !5 of Township 29 South, Range 29 East which lies Northerly of the North right-of-way ] ~_ne of State Highway Route ]78. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described parcel: Starting at a point: on the Northerly right- of-way line of State Hiqhway 178 and the West line o~ said Section 15, as shown on Kern County Surveyor Map No. (% -la2239, dated March 3, 1965 and proceeding North ~8° 44' 24" East 626.89 feet along said right-of-way line to the Tru,~ PoJn% of Beginninq; Thencu So~_~th 88© 34' 2'?" West 34.64 feet along Easterly right-of-way fo~ Alfred Harreil Highway; Thence North 9~ 40~ 34" ~ 463.30 feet along saie rJ ght-of-.wa¥; Thence Northerly 593.35 feet along said right- of-way line on a curve concave Easter_y; Thence Iq3~th 88° 59' 47" East 20.0 feet along said right-of-way; Thence South 74© 43' 10" East 1727.8 feet, more or iesa, to a point on the Northerly right-of- way of State Highway 178; oout;] 68° 44' 24" West 1630.0 feet, more or less, along said r]ght-of-wa5 line to the True Point of Beginning. ~o an [J-_l__(_C~? F~a._m_~:~y D,.v~.llinq) Zone Those portions of Sections I, 2, II and 12 of Township 29 South, ]lange 29 East, M.D.B.&M. which ]ics Northerly and Westerly of the center3 Jhe of the Karn R!ve%-. EXCEPTING THEREFPOM those porticps of sale Sections which J ie outside of nhe boundary of the proposed Pio Bravo Ai1F~exatJ on a s shown on the map of said 2nnexation on file Jn the Czty Hall, city of Bake}sfield. Beginning at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Sta~ze RouLe 178 and the East line of Sootion !, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M.D.B.~4., as shewn on State of Cal~fe:znia, Department of Transportation Map Distr~ct V1, Hern CounLi?, Route 57, Section P, Sheet No. 3 ~n~ mh~ch bears South 00° 57' 55" Nast 32J.'~.43 feet fzom ~he North--- east c(,rner of said Section 1; Thence "~ _ id ~.onq sa right-of-way line South 72" ., 8 44" 72 ~: 2.44 feet; Thence Norr ] 61° 7' 43" West 627 feet, more or les[ , Lo the ce.lte....l:~_ of the Ker~l River; Thence alon<? the centerli. ne of the Kei':~ River to the East linc of said Section 1; Thence Southerly along said East line to the True l'cint of re~ginnJrF . To an P-1 (One PamJ]',' Dwellinq) [.,one Thee portien of Section d of TownshiTo 29 Soutt, ]{anqc 30 r N , ' ' . .~a..-;n, .{.],.~}.a~:., which lies Northerly of the North r(ght-of-way line of et:~e }~ighv/,~y kout~.. 179 ~nd Scuthcr!v of the the foliowinq ~esc/l'ned parcel: of--way ].inu of State {~r n{ay ] '3, as shown ulaus on fiic :1~ tt.e o~ f ,.:,~ ' : ' ' Division of I!icJr~a~,s o, ~;L.tLe f CaJ. if~:nJ~:, re.? a])~,~ ..:,:.., , !~u'" ~,'- ~,:,, - t ,,,: ~ , th:: Thence North 59° 00' 00" West, 77 feet; Thence North 74° 45' 00" West, 393 feet; Thence North 01° 15' 00" West to the center- line o] the Kern River; Thence North 79° 30' 00" East, 801 feet; Thence North 76° 55' 00" East, 920 feet; Thence North 52° 03' 24" East, 238.48 fe~et; Thence South 01° 1!5' 00" East to a point on he Northerly right-of-way line of State Highway 178; Thence South 57° 00' 30" West, 1704 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way line the Point of Beginning. to To an R-2-D (limited Multiple Family Dwellina- A portion of the North half of Sectten 6, Township 29 South, lhnge 30 East, M.D.B.&M., lying Northe~<ly of State Highway No. 178 and Southerly c~ the Kern River, more particulazly described as follows: From a poin~ colramon to the Northerly right-of-way line £>f State Highway No. t78~ as shown on plans on file in the office of D].stric~: VI, Division of High- ways of State of Californian, having File No. Ker 57 SEC F, shc~[ 3 of ]4, and cor:mxpn no the Nest line of the Southe ~st qaart'cr ot nhe Northwest quarter of Section 6, '~owr~ship 29 South, Range 30 East, M.D.B.&M,, thence N~.:rL.L 57° 00' 30" East, 11'70.00 feet along said righh-of-way line to the true point of beg~hning: Thence North' 59° 00' 00" West, 77 feet; Thence North 74° 45' 00" West, 393 feet; Thence North 01° 16' 00" West to the centerline of the Kern RJver; Thence North 79° 30' 00" East, 80]_ feet; Thence 76° 55' 00" East, 920 feet; Thence North 52° 03' 24 ~.a.,t, 238 48 fee~; Thence South 01° 15' 00" East to a point on the Northerly. right-of-way line of State Highway 178; Thence Scuth less, aJouc said righL-cf--way ]inc" to the point of beginatn?. !2_a__ f_-_: kL',_ _~ k] Zone i{J qhway ~ 2~ SOU t'.q , :'; Starting at a point of the Southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 178 and [.h~ West ].inc of Section 15, Township 29 South, P. ange 29 East, }i.D.N.&M., which point is 2028.91 feet Sourhotly of th.? Northwest carnon of said section as show~l on Kesn County Surveyor Map No. 6-1a.2239, dated March 3, 1965, and proceeding along said right-of-way line North 68© 44' 24" East 2166.17 feet to the true point of beginning: Th~.nce North 68© 44' 24" East 1668.43 feet along said Southerly right-of-way line; Thence South 3° 54' 36" West 1558.35 fe(-~t; Thence North 86° 05' 24" West 1510 feet; Thence North 3° 54' 36" West 876.76 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning, a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 178. To a C>2-D (Couu~ercial-A}chitectural Design) Zone: A 600 by !000 foot parcel in the Noz~th half of Section 12 Township 29 South, Ran%e 29 East, MDB&M, Lying adjacent to the southerly right-of- way of State Highway 178 as follows: Commencing at Engineers Station 0+00.00 on the cente~lh~c cf State Highway 1'78 as shown on plans on file in the office of District VI, Division of Highways, Departmenh o~ Public Works, State of California, having i'ile No. KER 57 SEC F Thence South 4~~ 06' 30" East, a distance ef 30.00 feet to an angle poin~ in the ioutheaster]y right-of- way lira. ef said St~t~ Nighway; Thence north 41© 53' 30" East, along said k~Jght-of-way !{no. a d]sta:~c~ c.f ]240.00 /cot, to a point of beginning of the ~azcel te be described, ~hence South 48© 06' 3~" East, a distance of 600.0~: feet; 7'bennie Sou[h 41}© 53' 30" Nest, parallel with mdid right- of-way line, a distance of Thence North 48© 06' 30" West, a distance of 600.00 leet to said right-of-way line; Thence NoFth 4]° 53' 30" East. a distance of 1000.00 feet, along said right-of-way line to the point of beginnJ To a C-2-D (Commercial-Architectural D'si"~n,% Zone: A parcel of land lying ea.~terly of Alfred Ha~'rell Highway and northerly of St-~te Highway 178 in the North half of Section 15 ~'cwnship 29 South. Range 29 East, MDB&M, and ~nore particularly described as follcws: Starting au a polnu on tN< ho£~haz ly riiht-of-way line of St~: Highway ils and tae Sest lin~ of Section ~5, Township} 2{' South, Range 29 Fas~, 6 }a 2!3ff, dated i.:azch 3, 1965 and procooling NoFth (~8° 4~' 2~" Ea~-t {~2{.89 feeh along said light-el-way ]ir.e to th9 true point ef bcginnjn:~; Thence North 9~ 40' 34" Nest 463.30 feet along said right-of-way; Thence northerly 593.35 feet along said z:ight-of-- way line on a curve concave easterly; Thence North 88° 59' 47' East 20.0 feet a]ong said right-of- way; Thence South 74° 43' 10" [~ast 1727.8 feet more or ]ess, 1o a point on the northerly ricd~t of way of State Highway 178; Thence South 68~ 44' 24" %'lest 1630.0 feet, more or less, ,~long said right-or-way line to the true point of beginning. ToaC-2-D (Comm~ rclal-Ar~h] ._ectura] Design) Zone: A p~rcel of land lying easterly of Comanche Road and southerly of State Highway 178 in the North half of Section 15, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, MDB&M, and more particularly described as follows: Starting at a point on the southerly right-o~- way line of State Highway 178 and the West line of Section 15, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, MDB&M, which point is 202g.91 feet southerly of the Northwest corner o~ said Section as shown on Kern County Surveyor Map ~o. 6 la.2239 dated March 3, ].965, and proc~x.wling alon~ said right- of-way l~ne North 68~ 44' 24" East 100.0 fo2t to the true polnt of beginniuq; Thence North 68° 44' 24" West 2066.17 feet along said southerly right- of-wsy ]J. nc~ Thence Sou,~h 3° 54' 36" West $78.76 feet; Thenc~ Nortk 86° 05' 24" West, i~70 feet, more or /esa, to the true point of beginning. To an M-1-D (Light Manutacturing-Acchitectural Desiqn~)__ Zone: A parcel of land located in Section 15, Township 29 ,South, Rang~. 29 East, MDB&M and being more pa~.t~cu!ar~y described as follows: Beginning a~ a point on the So~atherly right-of.-way line of Sta{? Eighwoy 1i'8 and the West line of said Section 15, which bears South 00° ]1' 09" East 2028.91 feet fuom the Northwest corne. r ef said Section 15, as shown on F, ern County Survcyor's Map No. 6-1a 2249, dated March 3, 1965; Thence ~1ong said Southerly rig?z-of-way i i_r~e ~h~nce South 86° O:~ 2-i~' East, 3380 feet; qheuce North 3~ 5.4' 36" West 1.~ ' ~ ~, ~.~ feet tO a . otat~ Hic~hwav 1/8; ~he ~.~o~thc~l~ riqht-of-way J. Jne of Thence North 68~ 44' 24" Ea~t along said South right- of-way line to a point on the North line of Section 15; Thence East along said North line of Section 15 to the East line of Sect]on 15; Thence South along the East line of Sec. tion J.5 to the South linc of the North i/2 of Section 15; Thence West along said South line 4,900.84 feet, more or less, to a point on the East right-of-wa/ line of Comanche Drive; Thence Northerly along said right-of-way line'North 33° 36' 59" West 192.68 feet to the West line of Section 15; Thence Northerly along said West line North 00© ].l' 09" West 499,10 feet to the point of beginning. To an R-S-2-1/2A (Residential Subuzban Two and (no-half The Soutt, one-half of Section 35 of Township 28 South, Range 28 East_, _~DB&M. EXCEPTING THEREPROM that portion which lies outside of the boundary of the pzoposed RIO B~VO ANNEXATION as shown ou the map oE said annexation on file in the City Hall, City of Bakersfield. The South~ast 1/4; the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwe.st 1/4; and the Ea:<t 1/2 of the~ Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest i/4 of Section 7; and also the S<~uth ]/2 of the South 1/2 of Section 8 of Township 29 South, Range 29 East, MDB&M. That portion of Section 20 which lies South of the South right-of-way line of State H<qhway ].78, Township 29 South, Range 29 I]ast, EXCEPTING THE~EFNOM that portion which lies outsiae of the boundary of the proposc'd the map of said annexation on file in the City Hall, City of Bakers3 ield. To an A (Agricultural) Zone: Sections 1~ 11, 12, t3 and 14 of Township 29 South, Range 29 East, EXCEPTING THER[',FROM those FJortions which lie Northerly and Westerly of the centerline of the Kern River; ALSO EXCEP?ING the. re] ].,owing described parcol: Baginnit~.g at. thn ]nters,2ction of the North right--of-way line of State Route ]78 aud the East line of said Section 1, as shown on State of Ca].ifor-nia, Department: of Trahs?ortation Map Distric~ VI, Kern Countv, Route :37, Section C, She~t NO. 3 and which bears South 00° 57' 55" East 3219,43 foot from the No]'tneast corner cf said Sects. on 1; Thence alon9 said right-of-way line South 12° 18' 4,~~' West 722.4.~ feet; Tbenco ~",-!h 6i'~' 7' 43" West i52'? ~- to the cetlt~,r].J. nc oil the' Kern River; ~h c alo~g th,~ ~:._=z]/ne of' the Kern Rtver to the East lin,? c~ s~d Section i; Thcncr. S,:,uth ,t y ::iou9 said Last line to ~' ' A 600 by 1000 [o,~c '~a-.''~, '~ ~.i~e Fo~*-h half off said BeeChen 12, t'.inq adjacent to the 'Southerly tJ ¢ - way off" ..... hL~i¢.,aZ ]73 dose:Jbed an follows Commencing :t Engineers Station 0+00.00 on the centerli. l!e of Statue Hi'ihway 178 as shJt..n on plans on file in the office of DJstrict VI, Di;isioh of }iighwav, Department of Public W ,rks, State of Califcrn±a, havina File No. KER 57 SEC. F. Thence South 48° 06' 30" East, a distance of 30.00 feet to an angle Doint in the Southeasterl} right- of-way line of said State Highway; Thence North 41© 53' 30" East, along said right-of- way line a .!istance of ]240.00 feet, to point of beginning o~i the parcel to be described; Thence South 48© 06' 30" East, a distance of 600.00 feet; Thence ~' h i© 30" , ' oout. 4 53' West parallel with said right- of-way line, o distance of 1000.00 feet; Thence North 48° 06' 30" West, a distance of 600.00 feet to sa]u~ right-of--way line; Thence North 4L© q3' 30" Fast, a distance of 2000.00 feet, along said right-of-way line to the Point of Beginning. Sectfob 6 a:d the South ]/2 of Section 5 of Township 29 South, i~anq.. 30 East, MDb&M; EXCI]P'fiNG '['].EEk~FI<OM that l~>rtion which lies North'.,'ostctly of the Sout:~ rigLt-of-way line of State Highway 178. Sections 7, 8, ]7 ..... portion of Section 20 which lies North of th, North '.;Jght-mF-way 1.[nc of Sta~e I~Jglhwa., 178, Townsh~_p 29 South, ]{an:;e 2~ _ ,~aot, MDIs&M; and Sectiou !2 of Townsh',D )q ,u,~h, ]{an~e 28 ~ EXCEPTING ~l~RLfl~/II the Southeast 1/~' the Northea~ 1/4 of the Southwe:~t ' / ' ~ 6; anal the East 1/2 of the Southeast !/4 of of the SouL].west ] /4 of said ;3ectiou 7~ To~nnship 29 South, R~nge 2g Ea,-t; and ALSO }.~XCEPTfN(; th,: South ]/2 of the South 1/2 of >:aid Section 8, Tovutshiv 29 South, [:ango 29 East. To an A (Ag:~ iculturn]l Zone: The Wes~t !,,/z of the Nc~rtbwest I/4 of the Southwest i/4 of Sect:[:~n ]~, Town:;ki? oa ~.. h 29 ...... >ut.., Range East; MOB&M. Four par~e_ of lar,~? within F,?,tzon ]9, Township 29 South, Rancu 29 East, MDB&M, tiescribed as re] iows: To an MH (Mobilehome) Zone: The south 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M.D.B.& M. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective upon the annexation of the above-described territory to the City of Bakersfield. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day of August, 1977, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUFJZILMEN BARTON, CHriSTENSEN, M~DDERB, RATTY, ROGERS, SCEALE$, ,STRONG ._ / ' ~ ' -- the CItY C~ and .x O~erk of CounciR of the City ~ Bakersfield APPROVED this 24thz d~ay of August, 1977 ~J~ f~f ~I~ City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: o Affihav ! of osting ( rhh an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, f County of Kern ss. H. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk o£ the City of Bakersfield; and that oa ............................~..~.p.~.~.?)~._e..~.......2. ................................................, 19._ .~..? he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................. ../~..u..g..u...~.~....~..~. ................................, 19.....7-.~., which ordinance was numbered[ 23~.0 ................New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING MAP) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~r~d.. day of ~.~p.~.~r~.l~.~.~ ............ , 19....~Z