HomeMy WebLinkAboutPayment 03-2 Montara II i1 . .ø .;-.. .-,--. Í'II /' ,1 i) . '\ I , Wilson & Associates 7600 North Ingram Avenue, Suite 202 Fresno, California 93711 (559) 436-6644 Fax: (559) 436-6646 September 26, 2007 29638C John Stinson / Marian Shaw Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-2; Montara II Area Acquisition Payment Processing No. 1 Dear John and Marian: Wilson & Associates has finished our review process of the payment request for the Improvements completed in the Montara II Area of Assessment District No. 03-2 ("AD 03-2"), based on Volume III of the payment request dated September 18, 2007 (the "Application No.1"), submitted by McIntosh & Associates on behalf of Centex Homes (the "Applicant"). This letter and recommendation for payment pertain to all improvements in the Montara II Area (described in Exhibit B, Table B-II-D of the Final Engineer's Report for AD 03-2). After reviewing said Application No. I, we have come to the below-described conclusions and recommendations regarding this Acquisition Payment for the improvements in the Montara II Area of AD 03-2. Enclosed with this letter is a table entitled "Table I, Itemized Improvements and Acquisition Costs Approved for Payment No. I in Montara II Area, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-2" ("Table 1") that presents an itemized comparison of the cost of improvements to be acquired as they were estimated and shown on said Exhibit B, Table B-II-D of the AD 03-2 Engineer's Report (which is the acquisition amount funded by the AD 03-2 proceedings) to the itemized amount paid by the Applicant for each item of work shown in the Application No. 1 and requested for payment by the Applicant. Table 1 also shows in its column entitled "Approved Payment Per This Request" the amount for each item of work we recommend for payment to the Applicant as the AD 03-2 Acquisition Price under Payment No.1 for the Montara II Area. Also enclosed are: (i) a copy of the Applicant's "Application and Certificate for Payment" form, (ii) a copy of Chicago Title Insurance Company "Mechanic's Lien Guarantee," (iii) copies of the Applicant's Notices of Completion for the relevant improvements in Tract No. 5829 Unit No.4 (note: the last notice was recorded June 1, 2007), and (iv) a copy of City-issued Notice of ) Completion for Tract No. 5829 Unit No.4. John Stinson / Marian Shaw ) September 26, 2007 Page Two The total Acquisition Price recommended for payment to the Applicant for acquisition of all AD 03-2 Montara II Area Improvements per Application No. I is $150,581.00, all as itemized on the enclosed Table I and summarized below. The following is a recapitulation of funds recommended for payment under this Montara II Area Payment No. I: Improvement Acquisition Item AD 03-2 Approved Amount Amount Requested for Payment Amount Approved for Payment No.1 A. TRACT NO. 5829 UNIT NO.4 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Grading 2. Street Improvements 3. Miscellaneous Improvements 4. Contingency 5. Incidentals 6. Subtotal $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 136,040.00 $ 235,896.29 $ 150,581.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 14.541.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 150,581.00 $ 235,896.29 $ 150,581.00 $ 150,581.00 $ 235,896.29 $ 150,581.00 B. TOTALS As àlso described in the notes on page 1 of Table 1, the above-summarized amounts are based on the following findings: 1. Items labeled "1" in Table I "Notes" column are the items funded in the AD 03-2 Final Engineer's Report for which no payment is requested at this time and for which no payment will be requested at a later date, as confirmed by McIntosh & Associates. 2. Items labeled "2 in Table 1 "Notes" column are described as follows: Based on the savings in costs of some of the items of work approved in the Final Engineer's Report, there are several "new" items of work approved for payment at this time. All of these additional items of work are items in the same categories of work as the originally approved items or are items constructed instead of the originally approved items due to changes in the final design. 3. Items labeled "3" in Table 1 "Notes" column are approved for payment at this time at a lesser amount than requested by the Applicant (up to the maximum amount available for payment of all improvements in the Montara II Area), since there are no more originally approved funds available in the Improvement Fund for to the Montara II Area. John Stinson / Marian Shaw September 26, 2007 Page Three Based on the findings described above and in accordance with the Application No.1, it is the recommendation of our analysis that $150,581.00 be paid and that a check for that amount be made payable to Centex Homes, as a payment pursuant to this Payment No.1 request for the completed improvements in the Montara II Area of AD 03-2. As suggested by the Applicant, in order to properly direct the payment, please send the check to: Centex Homes attn: Geoff Howard 801 S. Akers St. Visalia, CA 93277 Please call if you have any questions on the results of our analysis or the recommendations presented herein for payment of the Acquisition Price. Sincerely mw~ ~ Ed Wilson Dejan Pavié Wilson & Associates Enclosures cc: Geoff Howard Russ Johnson Judy Kindig / Roger McIntosh TABLE 1 ITEMIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACQUISITION COSTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 IN MONTARA II AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-2 Item Description ENGINEER'S REPORT ESTIMATE Unit Total Quantity Units Cost Cost A. TRACT NO. 5829 UNIT NO.4 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS a, GRADING Roadway Excavation TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C, Paving Aggregate Base Subgrade Preparation 6" Curb & Gutter Grade/Compact C&G Sidewalk & Driveway Approach Grade/Compact SW,DWAiWCR TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS c. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST d. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY e. SUBTOTAL IMPROVE.MENT COST AND CONTINGENCY f. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Improvement Bonds Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Contractor Supervision and Overhead Plan Check and Inspection Fees Constwction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST g. TOTAL TRACT NO. 5829 UNIT NO.4 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS ° CY 1,50 o ° o 7160 ° 35800 ° TON CY SF LF LF SF SF 45,00 33,00 1,00 9,00 0,00 2,00 0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $64,440.00 $0.00 $71,600,00 $0,00 $136,040.00 $136,040.00 $0.00 $136,040,00 REQUESTED FOR PAYMENT Unit Total Cost Cost ,$0.001 i $0.00 ° CY 0.00 3,770 TON 34,87 $131,459,90 ° CY 0,00 $0,00 ° SF 0,00 $0,00 7,149 LF 6,55 $46,825,95 7,149 LF 1.00 $7,149,00 26,282 SF 1,72 $45,205,04 26,282 SF 0,20 $5,256.40 $6,802,00 $1,837,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,181,00 $2,721.00 $14,541.00 $150,581,00 B. TOTAL MONTARA II AREA (TRACT NO. 5829 UNIT NO.4) IMPROVEMENT COST (Totals from Item A) a, IMPROVEMENTS b, CONTINGENCY c. INCIDENTALS d. TOTAL MONTARA II AREA IMPROVEMENT COST C. RECAPITULATION a, TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PER FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT b. TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 (PER THIS REQUEST) $136,040,00 $0.00 $14,541.00 $150,581.00 $235,896.29 $235,896.29 $0.00 $235,896.29 c. TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PAYMENT AT A LATER DATE (IN AD 03-2 MONTARA II AREA) $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $235,896.29 $235,896,29 $0.00 $0,00 $235,896.29 $0,0°11 $0.00 l~~] r' ~_,__I $46,14, 4, .611 ! $0,001 i $o,ool'¡ $46,825.951 ! $7,149.001 ! $45,205,04 Ii ' $5,256.40 $150,581.00 $150,581.00 $0.00 $150,581.00 3 2 2 $O.o~ $0,00, $0,001 $ö,oöi $0.001 $O,O~I $O,OQj $0.00 $150,581.00 $150,581,00 $0.00 $0,00 - $150,581Jiif $150,581.ÖO $150,581.00 NOTES: $0.00 1, Items funded in the Final Engineer's Report for which no payment is requested at this time and for which no payment will be requested at a later date, as confirmed by Mcintosh & Associates, 2, Based on the savings in costs of the i,tems of work approved in the Final Engineer's Report, there are several "new" items of work approved for payment at this time. All of these additional items of work are items in the same categories of work as the originally approved items or are items constructed instead of the originally approved items due to changes in the final design, 3. Items approved for payment at a lesser amount than requested (up to the maximum amount available for payment of all improvements in the Montara II Area), since there are no more originally approved funds available in the Improvement Fund for the Montara II Area. ) 29638C-1WK4 09/26/2007 EXHIBIT "A" APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO: (OWNER) (Send check) ATTENTION: Centex Homes Attn: GeoffHoward 801 S, Akers St. Vis alia, CA 93277 Marian Shaw City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 PROJECT: Assessment District 03-2 Montara II Area (Tract No. 5829 Unit No.4) On-Site Improvements PROCESS DATE: 8/20/07 CONTRACTOR: Centex Homes Central Valley Division 801 S, Akers St. Vis alia. CA 93277 OWNER'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PROJECT NO: 04-08 (2) In accordance with the Acquisition Agreement, application for Payment is made for the following items of work: Per Exhibit B, Table B-II-D MONT ARA II AREA IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED A. TRACT NO. 5829 UNIT NO.4 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS a. b. GRADING STREET IMPROVEMENTS $0.00 $235,896.29 Subtotal Frontage Improvement Costs $235,893.29 d. f. g. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY INCIDENTAL COSTS Total Tract No. 5829 Unit No.4 On-Site Improvements, Contingency, and Incidentals $00.00 $00.00 $235,893.29 The above items of work are 100% complete. The above amounts are the actual costs for each item of work as outlined in Exhibit "B" of the Engineer's Report In accordance with the C observations and the da The Engineer certifies progressed to the point knowledge, infonnatio is in accordance with t Contractor is entitled to 5,896.29 ers from the L2 - 2/-0"7 Date: 0' ., This Certificate is not negotiable, The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Insurance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION Centex Homes hereby certifies that the materials or services shown hereon were furnished to the City of Bakersfield: that no part thereof has been paid; that the items of this claims are just and legal; that there is due the undersigned the amount shown hereon. CENTEX HOMES CENTRAL V"A~,~ r, D", IVISION 801 S. Akers S1. ! VISALIA, CA 9 277 -----.--- -.. ;;-r~' /.- <: ,~ ,~:.,~. RQGER'FOSTER "'~\ Division CFO ~) Chicago Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NO.: CACTI7715-7715-4541-0054106Ö06-CtIC-~:007-09 COpy SUkÆCT10 THE EXCUJS!ONS F1WM COJŒRAGE, THE LIMITSOFLÍAßILfTYAND THE CONDÏT1oNS AND STIPULATIONS or THIS GUA/?4NrEE, ChicâgoTitle In$uran,ce' Co,npany a cplporation, h.erein ca.lied the Company, ClJARA.NtE:ES the ÂSsured na.riJedinSchedul¢ A cigai1l$t ádualnwüÚà.r)i loss or dan~age ,/'iqt ¢Xcë.edfng tJf.eliabili'ty amount guited in. SêheduleA, 'whiCh the Å:~sured shailsustat'n'by're,ason of any inc017t~cÚless, in the assurances se( járth in Schf;clule A; ~~d~ Çhicagp Title !1$tlI"8nCe Company , . BV I1A_ if "111';.-..!-- , \~ ' \V'f"" P,(e~idel11 ":z:' ST. & . 7. ' ,," ' 0Wf¿. ,..., . S,~ta!: Mœbnniç's Liell rJuaralltéí> CL TAOuilmntèc Fotm Nh.9 (1 Ì!Ü/95) Guarantee No. CACfI7715-7715-4541-Q0541O&006-CTIC";W07-G9 SCHEDULE A MECtiANIC'S'LIEN GUARANTEE Liabïnty: $1,000;00 Fee: $150,00 1. Name of Assured: Centex Homes 2. Date of Guarantee: september 5, 2007;' 07.:30 AM. The assurances'teferrèd to onthe face paQeheretC)are:, Thê.lt, ê.lccørdll1gto thò~epublicrecords which imþëiitcònstructlve notice of matters ,relating to the title to the land desCri~¢d herein, there are no . NQTICE$.: PfCPMPl..EUON , Npl1CeS 'þF 'tE$$.\Í"1¡Í)NQ.F LASPR tílöl1CI:SOPNON~RESP.ONSIBILITY ClAIMS OF STATUTORY LIENS FORtABOROR MATERIALS (OTHER THAN SUCH CLAIt4S FOR WHICH A RELEASE APPEARS IN SAID~ R~CORPs'l QR: . NOTICES:OF THEPENDËNCY OF At110NS TO FOREClOSE SUCH UENS¡ recôrde<:! S~b~equènt to Màv 1( 2007; which purport to affect said land; other than those shown ~Iow under Exception~. ' The land referred toJn till$. gUarantee'iS described as follows: See Exhibit !'A"'attaëhedhèrèto andniade a part hereof i :: Mècll¡;nlc'Suef~ Gt¡ar~~ , qLTA G\I1-¥tèeFQi'm NÓ;9(~/~/92) Guarantee No. CAcrr7715-7715-4541~0054106006-crrC-;m07-G9 EXttXBIT "A'; . - . . . ". . . THE LAND REFERRED TÖ HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KERN,: STArE OFCAUFØRNIA; AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Be¡ng~,þØrtion ofTr,aCtN~.' 5829 Unit 4, filed. fqr record ilt ßo.o~49~ .of Map~·,at. pag~ 167 through 169 in the office of theKem CQunty Recorder; also being ~ portion of tpe Northeast. quarter Qf$eç;tion 12, Towri;Ship 29 South, Range 26 East, M.O.M. Cíty of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of ~lifornia, described as f;Ql!ows: Commencing at the Southwest çorner of saJd Tract; thence South 8~01a'2.2" East, atong tile 50utherlyline of said Tract, a distance of 82.10 fëet to the Point of Beginning; thence along the following 26 course~;: 1)' Departing said Southerly line North 00°41'38" EaSt, a distance. of 60,00 feet; thence 2) SOlJth f3go¡8'22'll East, a diStance of 678.10 feet; thence 3) North 45°41';38" East, a d~tanœ of 28.28 feet; thence' 4) North 00°41'38" East, a distance of 207.00 feet; thenœ 5) Nörth44°18'22" West, a distance of 28.28fèet; thence 6)NØrt.~ Ø~ölß~22" W¢~"adistarié~bf 496.21 feet to.the beginning øf a' cUr\le¡ Cf.)lÌÇðve SÒutherly" ha~ng a radius of ~~Of),f~ét.; t/:lerice .~ 1). Westerly along saîçl Cl;Jrve¡ through a central angle, of 42~50iQO;, '~,J:l é)rcqiStanc~ of ~8.69 fe~t to, the bè~lnnÎng'of areVersecurVe¡ concave:Easterly, havingaraditis'orSO.QOfeetr thence 8) Northerly aldhgséid cLirve,. thro49h .ä central angle of 2:65°40'OO~, an Arc dlsWl1ceof 231.84 fee~ tp the bèginnih'g ofa reverse curve, 'concàvé Northerly, having a radius of 25.00 fee~r thènce 9) EaSterly aióngsald curve, throùgh a c¢ntral angle Qf 42°50'0.0", çlli arc distancë of 18.69 fèet; thence ~O) $outh8,Q.°1ß~Z211 E~t,'a oistance of 880~t2 feet tQt~ebegìl1niog'9f a'Cu.lVE~, concave NQrtherly, h~vinga radius of 25.00 feet;tl1ençe ' 11) Eåsterly along said êurve, through a central angle of 42(;50'00",ao arc di$talic~ of 18.69feett to the beginning of a reverse curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 50.00, feet; thence 12} Southerly aloog said curve, tf,Irough a centrëllai1gle of 26S¡;¡40~OO", ~n (:irc cfi$~'änte Qf 2:31.84 feet to the bl:lgi.noing of a reverse'curve; Ccmcave;Sollth~¡'¡Y, havÎI1garadiU$ 'of 25;OOfè(!t; th~nce' , ' 13)Westerly ë1tong,~i.d curve, tþrougha.c.entral i!.ngle,;Qf 4295Ô'09~, a.nðrc d~stariçe:çf ~8.69feet;tl'térice 14) North 89°18'22ii West, a distance ·of 284,01 feet; thence 15) South 45°41'38" West., a distance of 28.28 feët; thence 16)·S()~thQo041'3.8ft W~ ê! distànceof 207.00 feet; thence 17rSouth 44°18'22" ,East, a distance of 28.2S f~t; 'thence. .. . . 18). South 89°18'2t' East,å distànce'of 350.90 feet tòthe beginning öM ·curve, concaveSoutherlv i having a 4 MØiBni(fS LJet1(~arän~ q,T" Gtii,?niêeFøi'ffi'í.jC:. g,(616t9~~ Exhibit "A" (continued) Guarantee No. CACTI7715-7715-4541-o054106006-CTIC'-20G7-G9 radiu$'of 230,00 feet; thence 19) Easter1yalong said curve, through a central angel of 12°5011511ðn art distance of 51.53 feet: to' the bégínningòf a reverse clirvê, côi1CðVe Northerly, havinç¡ a radiuš Òf 170.00 fêet; {hence 2.0) Easterly älong said CUrvêï thròugh a teQfr,àl angel of 12~50'15", an arc.distançe of 38..09 feet¡ lthenCé 21) South 89°18'22'1 East; adistance,of i4.ØO~et; thence 22.) South 00939'17" West, a dlstaoçe af 60.00 feet; thenc:e 23) North 89°1822"West, âdistanœ af 14.04 feetto the beginnÎllg of ëi curve, concave Northerly, ~¡avlng a radius of 230.00 feet; thence 24} Westerly along said¢,W'Ve" 1tirough a téntraLangJe af12Ö5()'~5,"i an arcdis~rice af 51.53 feet to the bëginnjlig. of a tf¡Werse cuive, concave¡ Sautherly, hëlViJig a, radiu5.af i10..o0 feet; tnence 25) Westerly alcng said curve, through a centra¡langle oHióSÖ'i5~', an arc distëJnceof 38.0Q feet; thence 26) North 89°1a;22" west, a distance of l,129.60 feet to thepöint òf beQinning. 3 MêCbariic"s lieÚ Guiir.iiiœè ClTA Gu...ant~ FOrm Nèi. .~(6I6t9~) Guarantee No. CACl1771S;.7715-4541-Q054106006-C11C-:W07-G9 sCHEDULE A (CONllNU&:D) ExceptiOns: 1. A Notice,of CompetitiOn dated May 30, 2007; eXecuted by CeriteX Hotnes,'a Nevada cSerieral partnershipl recorded June 1, 2007, as Document Nò,'Ö2()711Ï336, öf Official Records. END OF EXCEPßONS -4 MechanIC's uet\,1iu~rBntl!l! C1T~ qu"ranteè Form No; '3 (6t6l9i) of any litigation for which the Company ME exercised ils optioll~ under ial1lgraph 4. 7. ()çtermhùdjflll and, K,'iC¡lt of IJiìlbillly. 'li,is G...araòlee is a cMIra,,1 of indemnity aj¡¡¡inst ~ciual 1IlOIICtary 10Sii !if dlllliage ~ustaíitèd orïnCUlml by Ihe A~ulCp claimant wþó lia$sufferêl! loss o~ damage' by reilson of telillllee lpOn the a¡;suiilnce.~ sei forth in ~itis GuaranlQc and only 10 the el<tClll herein dçscribed. and subject 10 the Exc\usiolli From c.overage of 00 (;1l8~.iIl~e. 'n\è liabilitY df Ule COl11 lllny under tbis Guarantee 10 lhe Assured shall 001 cXcCed the ¡east of. (") the amO~nl ofliability 61~1êl! in SchC1lu!" A or Í/i Pint!; (b )Ill" anX>uni (?fthe WiPaid principal indeblcdne¡;s ~ureð by .thç mortg¡tgc of. all Assurell mol:t ,'lll,>ee. as 'lìlnilC1l or pl'lnided uncfer Se~ljØl! ~ oftlllls,e CoJldìÌj9hS·and Stípµliltipnsor lIS, rcäucl'i-i uiidcr ~~on 9 <jfiheseCol!Iiíiíoìis alid sii¡xi\iØonS. at the IÍlllè tjll: IÖS$ or d¡¡ma!lt..a~i;uiW, agiiíri5t bY. i1Ììs ÖUÏlrilrttce gçetit&. together \vilb ~cR:SI the~oti:Qr .(e) the diff¡¡¡éncu b¢twec:n lh!' ~lllue of1hc e!;la~ orÎi1terést covmd hcrtìby as siated berein and the value' of the eStaté or intcre$t . subject Ü) any âelèct lien 0 r encumbrance a &Silled a¡¡ainst by this ('l\lllnultee. S. Llm\tl\I!linòi' IJa~mly. (a) ,If Ihe C';oll'fÌaIiY ~ì~IL,hcs the lill~ Qr i'çmO¥cs the a!leged ~èfe,¢4 lieri Of ençumbi'1I1iœ. Qr cu~ aily rimef ~ttér assllred a~'8il1$t by tbi$ Gti~nlOO irl, a !\'aSl.iiWl;>ly dilj¡¡ell\. manner by allY method. ·jIlCJudillglitigationand:the·coltqlletion of ,III)' appeals thercfrOlll; .il shaU lilIvo fut.ly petfQnilCd ¡IS obli¡,>àtiol~ ..vithf!lspçct1& that lnatloral~ ~hallllÓt be liable for any I<?s~'o/ dliinägé Çauscd 'tbcroþy. ' (bJln·tliee\1,èi1\ ~r ~i\>' lilig~tîOii by (I)e, (\)inþaIlY ~r with, (he Cmll laiiy'scunselit, tOO{:\llIi1paityshallllll~e Mliabilìly'fur' loss or dama~ unlii:f(\ere 1ll1s been' a final ,de!ennÎlilltion hy a court of conlPcicnl jwisdicíiun; aJl(1 disposItion of an il lpelils tllllfcfrol1\. odvét$,o to ,tlMllÍtlø; ¡IS staled ljeiciit (c) Th<; {'Am~IIY sllillinQt þe liable (o¡'lossor d3l.oai,-e Ii> aný i\ssù'1;cd for Iial;>iiily \'Ql~hlarily 8SS~ncl1. by the As;¡lU'Cd in, :<eU1Îilga';Y claim nr suit w'iiltouflhe prior wriitencon$eilt ofthc Ct)Ul¡)l\tl)'.. 9. 'Reiluetion of liability or Termination of Liability. All paYIl1:lnis under this GllllI'llnlec. except paYll1enls made for CQ5tsò aUomey~' fees lIud e~n¡'<;S pwsuanllO l'aragraph 4 shall ré<!uce I~ ~11I9!Ult ofliobìlíry pm tanto, 10. PaYinentof~s. (all'<9 paytTCni s1~n !lé made witñoul producing this Guam;ll!Ci fot èndCll'llen1:JII øflltel'ayrront unleSs ~(juanlliteç lias been loSi or d.oStroyc¡t., inwhíchcaseproof'af\ossor destn\ctionshall be furnished to !be saüsfaciion'oflhc('ompany, (h) When jiahiiitY. and the cicle!)t of lQlìS or dan\¡lge has bceildefilìÍtely fixed in acCordance willt these Cónditiòl~~ ãnd Stipu1i¡!ìom., ihe loss or QamallC snail bep¡lyabie ,¡",¡thin thirty 00) days ~ieaftèr. 1 t. Subrogati!in Upon Payment or'Se~tfèniØt~ \V.henevet the Company ,báll have.settlel!· and paid a claim un~r.thís ('l\Illllint~e, all tlght of&úbiugation.shnll \:ÇSl in lbe <.~oih¡i¡l!lý unaìt'~é.t~ïl)'aIiý~ct ofìbè À~u!llð,çlaîmant. The" COrllPa[ly:slil!1I be SµQrp j¡ltëdto aoo be entitled to all right;; and mnedies\\1dch !he ¡\ssureð woUld ha,vè jia~ agllin.~1 ánYPeIWri orpro~ in reSpect Ii> thóclaimhåâ thi"'('JUlll'lIb~ not ~en¡Ssui;d.'f requested by tbç Company. tlie M~d shall transrer to the Company ail rights and remedies .insi any porson.OI' P,rop¢ltYllCOCSsary in order TO perfect thiS right of slIhTOsalÍon. l1æ At\sured shall pennjt the ('ompany IÓ Slle. eomprölijïSë or' scltl~hi thCnåtne òftbe ,~uied and II' UsC the tiillne 1'{~A~sµæd in 11llYlnl!1liâction orliligaliol1 'invoWing lhese righl$.(jT ¡etnediçs, If il J!ðy¡rent on account of a cfailll does lIDI fully cbvcr the 1000$,Dr íheAssµred. iI1e' ëo~1Y shaU be subrog.ated to all rights and rell1edies o.f the As.<iui'cd illùir the Assured shall have rccil~:eredils p!Ìn¢ipal, iqteæsL muI costi; of èOllecÌìon. -n, MblÚ':ilion. ÛnJL.ssp;'¡;liibi!èdbY appli¡;ablé law, eilherlhcCQnJPlIny or lhe Assured may dem3nd arbitralion ~uallt to, \he 'TItle lTl$urall!)e ArbitnTioll Rules of the AmeJÍQln Atbilralioll AsSoCÍlIlioi). Ai:bìtTll~le l\ll!jìIlTSIt!liy illc-lµâe. h~l aiC nollimitcd 10, any coTitm\iC¡;;YOf :c1aint \K.1\veci(thç ComPany ilndi!IC,6"S$tired ari.~iilg Ciutor onelalùig í~ ,bis OU¡q'8ntee, ali)'. serWc~:of the ('oOìnPallY incotiiteetibri wi1h its Îssuimcèor ¡lie' ¡'~acii !\if ¡j Guarnntëe proviSion (lrotber(lbligaliOl~ All lIroilnlblé m11lcr:; whel~ ¡hi: AmOUìll of Liability is S uno.ono Or 10m¡; shaU be arbitrated at the ol'lÌon of cirllcr lhe ('lil1\Pany or llie A.~sun;d. Ail arbitT'db1e ¡nOl CI1l w"en rIte amoWli ',fliabílhy is h\ ""ce".~ Ill' $1 ,QOO.OOO..shall be arbitrated <lIlly wh.;n agreed 10 I)y bl1ll1llie Çomplill¥ ~nd tœ Assui-ed. 11l\i RlIl~~ in effect ,\1 Da(e of Cìunrärill:e ~baU be biwlin¡,',1!poo the p~nics. The lIwan:! may inciiide audl'neYs' f~ only ifthelaws ~fthc stale iri whiCh the land is located penniŒ II court to aWlId allotneyll" K-es 10 a pæ\lll!Jillg part)·. Jud!iillent lIpt1n the award rendc:red by Ihe AJbitraIQl{s} may be e<1lel'lld in any C',)urt having jurisdieliøn t11Creof; , The lawófIheSÌl1$ilr!!~landshallN>plyto lInarbllratioo under thë title InsUllllT1i¢ Albitr81ion ~~Jles, A cop~ of.the RuLls mày be obia,neti lì'om lhe (~ml>any Upl)l1 req~L , 13. Lï!iþlUt)' Un;lted to This <iu.arantec; Cuarantee t:ntlreCóntraci. (it) i'~'q\\inlnlc,¡- tóg~r with «II endolSCm<mtS. ifauy. atflielíed l1ëreto b.Y tlte çom¡íany is lloJ: enliij: quaränt~ lmd contract betwoollllte i-\,·.swed IInd me ( :onlfláily· III Í11lcfprctìng alty lTO\olsion of thi~ äUlll'llll1èC. this QtiåmillOO sílllll Ì1<Ì conslr.ue4 ~ a,wltole. (b) AllY efaiin On'SSOf 4:Ul1llge; ,¡.hetber or not based on IlegUge~..or i1ny.lIclÎoil assorlÌn.(!:sucr"c1abn. shall be re.~tricIcQ to lIús' Guararuee. , (c) 'Nó,itri1ei1dnil:ril of or ëndOrsem.~nt to Ihis Gunmntec C.11l be rttade~x~ept by a \vri\ingélldo"'~d Ilcr¢on e>r allachcd her,'tq slguGd b)' cilher Ihc Pn'sidt\m. a Vice l'rcsÎdclil. Ow S~'C~ary. an AssiStant Seerellll)" or valida1ioí1 officer or authorized signatory otltie C.oni¡i1lIlY. (4. 1'Q'oìl~·. WhOle Sent. Ail no.1iccs fequi~~"d 10 ,be b~vel\:rlte COm >anY and any stillelœnliiiwriiil1g requiied 10 befUr1li~bed the ÇOmþ81iyshall inèlùdc lhë llumber ofìl1is Guaraolee aim shall he addrc..<scd 10 the company al; J'NF -. Southwest ClaiillS Center 1791IV~ri'i<anmn A~"riueäuilc 3(JO llVirle. CA ,9.2614 Atln: <,.illÍlIlS AdlliiiiÎ!~J'alion Meehll(1ic'8 Lien Guarantee CLTA Gual'antee F6tm NO, 9 (12115/95) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUAR.ANTEF.. l. Except to the extent that specific as:sur'.mccs are provided in Schedul e A of this Guarantee, the Company.assumes no liability fcor loss or damage by reason of the follpwing: , (a)D:éfects, jellS, encumþrances, adverse claims Çt' other matters agll,inst the titl!; wh¢¡er ()r not shov..'rt by the public rÇCQrds, (b) '(0 'ra:xesorassessmcnts. of ¡¡ny tRX:ing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property; 01'(2) Proceedings by a. publÌ(: agency which may resultin taxes or àssessments, or notices of such proccedins-s, whether or not the matters excluded under (1) or \2) areshoWn by the rúcOids ofthe taxing authority. ór,by the pUQlic rÓëord$., , . ' (c) (1) Uppatelltcd mining cl~Îms; (2) re~rvatiClns ()r exœptiQos in patents or îo Acts auth~riZíngtheissuànce thereof; (3) water rights, claims or title to water, whether orrtot thèm~ttërs excluded under (I); (2) PI' (3) are shown by (heptibliprecords. 2. Nøh"ithstanding any specifIc assutanccs \vhicÍl are pr&vided in Schedule A of this Guarantèe, 'theComp¡\ny åSSumèS no liâbili~l for loss or damage by r~s'Qn oftl1cfóll(lwing: ,.',' .', (a) DCf6cts,lièllS, encuni~ra:nces, adverse claims or ói:þcr matters. affecting the title to arty pro.pcrtybcyond the lines of the IllIld ex~reSSly described in the desçription set forth in Schedule (A) qfthis Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, avenues¡lancs,ways or wa~erways to which sllch land abuts, or the right to màíntaintherein vaults, tunnels, ramps ot any structure or improvements; OT any rights or easemënts therein, unless such property, rights or easemcliQi are expressly and s~cifica[ y set forth in said description. (Þ) Defects,Hens, encumþi"',tnees,il.chrersc claims oroth<;r rñâtters, whether or not shov.~ by th¢ pµblic records; (1 ) which are creatèÇ" suffered; assUined or agreed to by 0l.l.cqrmore 9fthe Assqreds;{2) whjchr~lt in nQ lQss, to the Assured; or (3) which .do notn:sult in the invalidity or PNent.ial invalidity of iuîy judicililòr non~judìcial pt'ódeediilg wliiëh is Withili the scope änd pUiþose of the assüi'ances provided. , Cc.n:he:,iQè!ltitÿ òfariy party ShÖWl1Óf r~fem;d to ili Scheðul~ A. . " ' (d) The validity; lega~ effeçtor priority of any maUer jlhowTi ('ir ref Cited t() in this ,Gµataotee. l. ' Definilili'i' ofTerm$. TIle f9iloiŸin~~~ \vlÎeh j¡.qed :iJ) iheGJuai'ariltle ~ (a) ihe >'(\ssUl1id": the. party 0(¡iiil1ics' lla¡l~ as the Assul1lð iii' tbis' qÙlil1lntee.or on a suPplcmental' writing executed DY Tlie·Conlpany., . (b) "¡and": the I,and de¡;cril)èd or l'Il~errcð to in Sehc!lule A and 'illl¡;rovcn1!lilt~« ]ixed thereto which by 'law co~t¡fure real pr~rtY; 'tiTÒ ieryn "laiij!"4Í;es ~til1l:iûde anypropert1~ the lines ilf.\hcsrc;Úlesc.iij.Ìcdotn:f.;{red .to ii\ SChedul~ A. nor anÝ!Í¡.mt,liik, il\ulre.~i. eisi~ or easellil1nÞlli àbuuing streets. roads. a\l\iliué~, aUeys-laneS.- ways or "'a.lerways. (~ ;'inoriga\..é: mortgage, - deed <>t tnlst,- \JUst deed. or othcrs<.'CUri~ iriS!nir,neilt, . (d) !'pubj\c' ~ol'ds·; r¢Øros eSt!lllUslièd ulid# st;i\il SlalÚles ':it Dale. ~f.~luãr.iP(eQ for 1110 pµrpose òf in,parti.ng ~illlstiµçÌÎ~. 1l0i.içc of miilten: æl~lillg l.qreai 'ptPpeit)' ío puríiMg¡m¡ f<ir ~'lllu<land witha'ili knOWl~dlo'i>· (0) "da,ie"; the ef(oclÌvc dalCl' 2. Notic!! of Claim ~iI be (;¡ven by AS511rt'll C¡¡tlman!. An 'Ash...lCd shall notifY dlC (;ompa¡1)' prtllllplly in \vriiing ill èase knowl~Qge ~haIlC(¡im'lO ¡m A$$!Jredhereuhdcr cjf Iil. y claim l1f illèodnti;reStìi'bjeh ~M\'1'n;e II) !hó title to tI.w estate or into"'-..!.. assiàted lIerCln. ~i1d wliiclr ¡night. cåuSe: loss or dallia~fiJr.wh ch the Cpmparty.INy..br: .liable by virtue of this Gl1ardn~e,If prompt notice ~liaill1Ot'be gi~n t\>'lhe Còmpany., then alllj~bili!y of tr¡C,Ç.ompaIl)' sh,al, wraì\!llllte willt IC~ to E~~lr~~e~~:for~hi~~~;~~~!~ ul~lëss llie COinpany~lI be prejudiced'by the .allure nrilI llJeri only lothe-exlllntoflheprejiidå;e. , ~., '1'\0 Q~l)' .10 Defend-Of PIVS\'cu.te The COlll Wty ShallliáY'l þó(luiyt6 dcfcJ\d or plllseCute anÿ aeiil)n or pn,lC:eedìilglo whleh Ille Assured is a pal1Y. noiwitlli!l3U<:iinll d~ Nilwe Qfllny aUègailc\n in'Suéh llction or proceeding. , 4.' Company'sOp¡foll to Del'end or Prosecute Actions; Dul)'~f AStiured C1~mant toC;O\IPllrat~ I:!vçn ,t/lO,!¡jþ. . .., ~iii l1;JS Iii? d~y tòdeÏell~ or pio~i!~ ' '. _ib~l!bl\'{e; '(a.), , , h!\Vfti#,ri~!I.:atit'S !'OleòpïilJl!åiId. eoä!i'!9j;\9!iW!~ lii1tl, ~u~.Mtilþj¡qn 'otJm\i:eedini. iQte.posc.:i,ðef~; é'S 'Iilniicd ,!lÏ·(b). órl(f.(\oany oi!Rlf àc,l whìcl). in.tts,ophìíOIl nlay benecessarr (lr.de.~Úá'ii1c fu c$taiiìi$h lhe iitle' 10 the e.stateot intcrest ~~flilt.'4 h¡:rclf!', ;aft<1 e,siablitib dlQl\enrig1lt.<;,ò{ IhMssurOO. QftOptllVlinIOr' ~i1~IQssòr damá~ iÖ,tl1b A$s\Jltcl . The COlnPillÎ>' niaytate any nppm¡;r:i~i~'actWnim!lcT!helel'iJl$ oftl1is'Ciiliiraillee, \IV~or ilOfít d1aJlbe.u8liiè.hertlllndlll'. aí1d shil! Øqt l~by conccde Iiaþijjiy or w:iÎvc any provision of this, GlI(\l1In!'.lC, If f1¡ç COlllpåny shall exè~e its IÎ!d1f$ under Ihispärng¡;¡ph. ,it shall dóW diljgeníly. ' ". , ' . " (b) If the ('qn~äfi):el~lS tÒ.l,\l<!lFC!sC iJl;QP~n¡; \I ; ~d!p l'lir.iWph4(a) i~ ('on1!à1iy shall bni(e ¡be rig!¡i tn select coun.qel of ils ehciicc(slibjocl to tœ right ohueh Assured to GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STìPULATIONS ¡jbjeel før reài;pllllble Gat1~) 1"T'eprese¡l~ Ihe A,';sun:d and slu!1I oot be Iiilble.f.o(nnd _,itI nOt P!lyihe f~t1fã!1Y otliei:·ÇQ¡liisel,· nor wi!Jlbe C'.olqpany pay ail)' fel.1; i;9~f!it exp¢tis¢s '¡neùrre~ bY8!i Assured in the dc(ense !If those causes of actiOn \\-1ûch' allege p1lIllers not covered b)' this Guarantee. (el Whenever the C::O!fIIÍanys1\al! have brougbl.ll.n action or Înœrposcd a dc(eJist asp ~niiféd b)';tþe provisions ófthis G~lltee,,~ CP.waÍ1Y iJi;¡y: P~11i; ~ý'lilÍgalioÌ!t<l firià,l (\èiønninàlÌllß by ¡i c¡iUitØfC(lll~lit juñs4iciÍQn lliid ëxp'~sly teSerVês 100 righ4 in iis 's,oicdisGætìoii; fÒ appeål' from a n ad\'llISejudg¡ncnl or order. , . , (drln all cases wl¡çre.this Guarantee penuits the Company t~ I'~utc or pro,vìd~ iÇTthe ¡[efcns¢' of 8!1Y <lClÍl:lll or ptoé~diiíg. ~il {\s,~Ul'êd ~bnll SéCiJj"e to the C<il\lläi1y lþe righlt ): so p'~~~ilÌ or p~'idc fot the dëfel1$e.'of a!1ŸacííQn{,r ptöo~¡[Ïl1g. a~ àll;åppe¡i~ Ilu:reiii. andpet(iûtll!~'¡::9IT1P~ijYlo use, at its option. the nat:nè of çuéh A;;.i;üre4 ,fur ibis pu¡pò$C, Wl1ene\'Cr r¢qucsled by'!lie COIllp-any! an /w;ured; at the COmp81!Y'S expense, shall ¡¡h>e Ihe 'Company illl reasonable aid. in a!lY aClion Ill' lroc\lç~ing. sei;.\1lÌng cvidcm.çc. Þþlaining wiuM:$se¢. ¡;m~tingQr d¢fending tb'Htcti() i' or I.awful áci wl;iclJ i nthc 'opinion of the Curi!päny 'may ho Iiceli$l\)'y' or dc¡;í..abl1' ,10 c~iabii~ ,ihë t!t!e to the j:state; llr:µilelllst ~s stål¢d hcrenl.. ono èslab!ishlhe licn.ri¡¡hlS {)f!he A8SIITèØ. if the Company is prejüålteil by. the faiil.tre <iftbe Assured to furnish the reqUliÇ(\,çQope~(Ioii.the COll1 lanys obljgations 10 the Assure~Ul\d.llrt¥;~\I4ll1llit(je,~haIJ t¢nuiiiat~: ' ~. ,!'¡,¡¡or lif~ ôr µlIIÖlÍge. in aiJ,dìtiònlo ånð.ule:rØ1e niilÍ~ æqwrè4 u¡i(ler ~èCti9n~ of Ihese êonditÌliðs atidSlìptilalioílilh:ive bcén provided It¡ ¡he ' êornpany. a.pnlOfòfl9SS or d~ge signed arid $WOTT1 to by tllf: Ass~d ~11l\1I kfi¡mish~iI.\OIhe' ('.ompany,wiØ,¡n DÚ¡qty (9(J) dl\rs after the' A!;~urcd.sliáll i1SceJ1l\h\ the.facts giv1ng!ise ~& the loss or da¡Íli\gO, The proof oflosi ÇlTdama.l,'i: s!l1i1l deScribe thè matten;çóV<..'tèd þy ihis (jo'a~~ wlj¡Cll Cl)ll,~~ ihe basi~ of lOss 05 damage: and sball Slate. io !m cXteni pøssíÍllll, tlie, basis' of éalculating:the amount of the loss;or damage.tfihe Couq¡atly i.~ 'pTCjû¡lìccdby lie (allure of tIie Assured 10 pll1JÔde lhe rt:( uiri:d ¡irö,Ofono~s or,d~gè.~ ç~~'~I¡gati(¡i:lIO . Wlê1iiW$urQd.Wii¡¿'I' tllC ôuai-'>\IÚCCliI18n lCniñnaië'. In'addiliòn. '.~·M~'· .,. ~Ýo~t;;~~~~~~~~~!~~;· Co lilíàll píodiici:Cpt êx~MmàtiOti.·inšpceiio[ Jmd ellPYÌIi~ 8,¡ $.IIêh' re{lsonalílc times and :.places 'a5-may b~ df$içl1atedbt al1ý aulllOri~ Il:ptllSl:lltatiy~orlbc C:øß1)aJiy,an reeo'~. þoo~.I~¡¢~. ¢ 'Il¢kS; ~~ongÇnC~,an4 I~ il<lì:arilla. wbÇ~iet ~ri~a .cJ¡Itebeføre òi áftèl:Date of Güahmtee, wì:ûçñ rcal¡p11i!bly pe,~ùi lòthé,!cisli Of damage. . FutillCt. if requeSted by l!Ì'Q' autholÙed!'epreserit8tiÝeof the· Cl)lllpllDY, die Assur¢.sli;lli gmlll'ÏlS pcmüssiøll, in writing; for an>' l\tlthoJ.i~edJ\lprê~tit3tiVo off~ Clortlpany tcj~xall1inc. lilSp~1 älid eôpy, l J! illcOrd$. l.ibþ~, 'J~d~ . ch~t:ks, ¡;Ql'liiSpiíndence äi1d _iancia ìnllië éustòdy Of CÒlilrQltlf. third pa~. ~hieh ieasonaliiy l<lrtUiìÌ iø tIN 100 or dattlage. All, infonnation designated as confldcnliall!y IheAssllIlldprovided to thë ÇÓtTiPlll\y PUr5URllllli ibi~ SeclÎO,ll shall ilÖllie dìstloscd 10 ~!s ~I~~s~ 1,Ii Ihe. r'e¡l$O~b¡è jiidgm;m¡ø.flhe C~mþ'~!iÿ..il is ntíëêisb.iÿ'íilll~ adm¡.¡i~watþn ot th;cJai.1!1- Fail~rc .of.the AssÏU'eii i4 submil for examinaïìon widi:{ oillÌt, þi1xluccQtÍier rca$Onably requested ¡¡úormation or IlÚmt 'pilTlllìssit\ll 10 secure rcasonilbïy.neccssary infoml\lt!on froit\ lhird pattœs as required iTi die· .u~ye pa~liI¡)b.. ul\¡e~ jlrt\lj1bi.~ by law or çove.tal nlgi¡laii,jn. &11;111 ~eri'ill(;.ate any fi¡lbility' lJft he COI,\påjÍÿ, iiI)dcdhis C¡~,rnntee to the '\ssuicd for thái C1aiill. ,6""Øiîtlìlll5 tgPaýor Óih'irWise Settle Chûms: TèrlÌlblllìí!iä <Ìti..l!lffillty. In ca.W· of-a e ¡¡j'n>Jnder Ihi~ Gll8l1illlee, tbe Company shull have lhè foilowiilg nOOltìúlulf OI ti<llt~:·. ' (a) rci;"ayòf il:n1~ PD)'!ti:ol ófijìc A1!1OliJ\t nfUabililY or ~o P~I~ IhelJ1¡leblidne.~s" ' 1J\e'~(¡mpany $t~1I hnl.,¢ the o'¡jtioJl lti pay tit s!-'Wc or èompro.li1ì~fof'(If In 1:l~ name òf1 ic i\$SUlI'ld llIIY ciaim wh¡eh could ltl5ull in 'Ioss 'io ¡he Assiitcd wi!iûii i11~ cøvem¡,'C of tl¡ís Guarantee; or 10 pay the full amllUl1t 01; Ihis (luamnteeor. ¡flhi~ GUamiltec:Ïli ist.î.!ed fQl"ÚlC benefit ofa:hókÌer ofa mortgage ora l!èitho1d\lf;:the(:oiti la\l)' sIWllliIVè;dt~ Op'IÍI!n 10 purehllSe the j1ltrcl\~d~~. StlCuj'e<! 'by $ilid tnortg\¡gé ór s ai\! I ¡en f l)r I he . amQ,mtowì\lil'ihet\Jø(~ together W¡~I íiny 'c6$lS, ~l1llhle, llllQTIIe}>S' lèes and Clt¡"~nses íl1i:urredhy,lhe Assufed çJi!ìn~nl ' whiCh \v~ authorized by the \.om;iany up ,In Ihll UiTìe of purchase; " Sucb Pu!'!:~. pi!yltJë11l ~ iend\ir Òrvay¡~lU of the full aiTIQ)lÌ!t(lf the <Mtratl\ee shalJ term;'rnl~ all Ii.\bilily uf.lhe C.o~ hllrtJunder, tn itlC evoot ,'" '!ii;e of ~Iaim ~bllCn given 10 tliliÇoinpany by the' il~ CþinpanY of(el'i; to purel1asll ~¡d iniIeble:lness.the uVin~r lit $tIeh indebìcdn\:¡;\<· sball tr.dllStc¡ ap¡i ,a.si:í,;n said itKlebtCi¡lle~ tQ<'"etIiel' wilh any cOlJaternt ~ecur¡iy, 10 tbe COlllp¡Ill}'; U 1911 paym.mt tit ihe puroha~\l' piicè. . ' Upo~1he eX,erd~ by.î¥ C~ 'nJlai;j'òf(he option provi4ro for in pafligmph tal i'\¡c('-anipany's ilþliga~òri!q ,þCAssll~d undllt'ìhìsf'IU3t'.miec; fi>r llie claimed lOss I" !l.ania;..oe. othl:fllilin' to make iï~ paYIll:rill\~\lÙ'tid in!flai pii~l'h,'sháiltemìinale. inclµdin¡!; ft.JlY,obli¡iàIÎoI\ 10 contlnl!I:'\llþ dcfel1S'e or prosec\ltion <>f'~ liti¡¡¡Wtin Jor wltìch' 1I~(' . lIylÜ!S ex~rci~od tt.s ' 9.Pi!oÏlŠ ,Ufid,ër' ranlll'~Jlll 4" lUld . ri.lI1tic sltllD be s!m'iW~~(}tþ;o'ÇoirwnYKlr ,. ., . . (b)t~ PaŸQrOtfuJio/í~seido \V{lh P¡i¡tÍéSOtb:t ThIO i1~ AssuIeCl O(Wílh tlloASl;uIC!.lClah!l8ll1, iì, 'pii.)' Drolbc!wïSe' seille willl c.lllcr p2rtics for orin the nan!e,Qf .!In' As~l¢ 91~h~I)Il\I)Y clRt'"- ass\Ulll!l\ga1mt under tl$. q"ljiàiU~; .\ ~eil~r\\' itb ~ljic (~ti a ljuineÿs' fees and c¡qiIlnses, 'i~lliTed by the, AS¡;o~~: c!aÍi,_ vihich were au1!íorii.èdþýtl;';C'l)iì1i)1mYuj) to Ih~tl\nêofp'n~rttlÌlKÌ \Vhlch the COIqlal;ry is obligaÎ1!d to pay, qpòn:iiiQ .oxc~~by i1lc.·Ü¡¡npar¡Y Øflhè ofll.ilJn ¡ltOvJdcð for íli "ar.¡sm~h (~i Íj:¡t (~IDpany's OÌ!Iì~tioil to 11'" :.t,,:¡sll.yd urtdçH1Ú$ {hiaraiJte~ ¡lor trn.::,é1~!méð 1~$ or-cill'lIlå¡¢. otbllr Ilian 10 make thè þaY!Tilni reqi!ÌfOO~lihatþ{llÍgri¡ph, šlÌäl1 iimïlmälii.. ÌlléludÌ!1~any ohlilllition'tD continue ib,clOfcllSC Or pFoSecuiion Mœllgitlic's Lien QUlll'lll1tëc ¢LTA C¡uaranteeFbrm No, ~ (Üil 5i(5) .'---"' @ SUDIVJOEO LAND IN POR.. SEC~ /2; 'T.2'~S.. R.26E.. M.aS.SM. ~ .. f"':ce.· @ 10'-112 K S"'~ilOAp' I' . . ï I I ,4a 41 40 3? 38, 3.7 ~. 3' ~ aa :32, 31 :29' , @ @ @ -@ e @ @ @ I ® @ @' @ ~ NØVARA AV£NU! 0 a: - @BJ-@ - :r If ® @ @ @ @ ® @ @l @ @ , " o ..... 0 '" 18 17 1I!l' 19 I 2,0 21· 22 t;, 23 ~ 211 20 . ~ . i4 ,,, la. II .10 9 IS ... 3 2 " '@ @ @ :@.' @ ~ @ 0 0 ® I @_ ø ~ _ @ @ I i - - - - - MftZ~Dfio A~. 1.~_. ~._ ~_,,_- ,(§) TRACT No. 5e2~" UNIT 4f $j(.,491 pC;. .167..'169 RECORDED: 6-17-03 ARB MAP BK. '05. ~G.·H2 COUNTY OF KERN. CA. I N " ··~...:i 8 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Commerce Title Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Centex Homes Attn: GeoffHoward 801 S Akers St Visalìa, Ca 93277 James W. Fitch,/. Assessor- Recorder Kern County Official necords Recorded allhe request 01 Commerce Title DOC#: 0207117336 Stat Types: 1 1111~~lImllll Fees Taxes others PAID NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is the owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The full name ofthe undersigned is CENTEX HOMES, a Nevada General Partnership. 3. The full address of the undersigned is 801 S AKERS ST, VIS ALIA CA, 93277 4. The work of improvement on the property hereinafter described as completed on January 7, 2004 5. The name of the contract, if any, for such work of improvements was: Griffith C()tllpaný 6. The property on whié.Î1 said work ofimptovement was completed is in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of ëalifornia,' and is described as follows: PAVING MONT ARA (Tract 5829) PHASE 4 CENTEX HOMES, a Nevada general pattnership By: Centex Homes Real Estate Corporation, a Nevada corporation, Its general partner ~"'~ al'in p' e dorr' vp:r - - Development STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF KERN ) Darin Preisendorf, being duly sworn, declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of th¢ State of California, that he is the VP of Land Development of Centex Homes, the owner of the aforesaìd interest or estate in the property therein described; that he makes this verification on behalf of said corporation; that he has read said notice, that he knows and understatlds the contents thereof, and that the facts therein stated are true and correct. LJ'}Î~ 5/J ' , .,7Rq . I Date J ~ .- .- '.- .- -. .- .-, .- .- .- '" v. C.PAlTON '., . CommlS$lon # 1615931 1 ï. NotalY Public· CaHtorrila j J ~a~co~~ ~ . ' MyCcrnm.Expiref Nov 21,2009 ...... ...... --- - ...... --- -- ...... -- ~ .,.... ¡)(l.ÆtI~ Notary Sigiul.tute PATTI 6/01/2007 12:00 PM Pag es: 1 8.00 0.00 0.00 $8.00 - -- - - - - - - - - - ... - .. Å ...- -.., _Tel.... Ii .....UUIU.... Kern County Officialecords 9/21/2 'WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Recorded at the request of 8:GO i Commerce Title Centex Homes DOC#: 0205258103 Stat Types: 1 Pages: Attn: Terry Tucker 1840 S. Central Street IlIlImmll/ll " Fees 7.0 Vis alia, Ca 93277 Taxes 0.0 Others 0.0 PAID $7.0 NOTICE OF COMPLEil0N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is the owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The full name ofthe undersigned is CENTEX HOMES. 3. The full address of the undersigned is 1840 S. CENTRAL STREET, VIS ALIA CA, 93277 4. The work of improvement on the property hereinafter described as completed on NOVEMBER 4, 2003 5. The name of the contract, if any, for such work of improvements was BAKERSFIELD CONCRETE 6. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, and is described as follows: CURB & GUTTER MONTARA PHASE 4 ByCENTIOMEW PaJriftarnell Director of Land Development STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF IŒRum 4j1ð ) Patrick Darnell being duly sworn, says that he is the 'Land Development Manager of Centex Homes the corporation that executed the foregoing notice as owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property therein described; that he makes this verification on behalf of said corporation; that he has read said notice and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts therein stated are true of his own lmowledge. . &¡It;.nk111J /~ 2IJJ~ Date /r1 ßø;nJ Notary Signature J~-~--~.'~----~J . V.C.PATTON _ Commission' 1326604 ~ Notary Public· California ~ J . Tulant County I ~ __ ~r ~~.?"~_~2~~ OCT 1 4 2D05 , PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION ì J RECORDtNG REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of the James W. FltcbA AIIessor - Recorder TELf'ØRDT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ..'" CDuRty OIII~ lICIrda 111111I_ 11I.11I11II II lie 1lIl .... of ~.AM Public WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: DOC': 0205322521 _ Typa: 1 PI",: 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 11111I Fill 8.. CITY CLERK f_ e. 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE DIll.. O.GO BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 PAIl S8.lIO --...-..- NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Wiltlin Public RIght-ðf-Way) . NOTICE IS GIVEN that work was comj)leted on that certain Droiect known as TRACT 5829 UNIT ia for the' undef$.IøJtø.._ aaeocv on OCTO,ER 4, 2005, located· t4ÐfITH OF OUVE DRIVE WEST Or JEWETTA AVENEW. ãnd that said pro~ was acc~ed by thIS a~ençy all November., 2005. The undersigned agE!OÇY owns the following interest in said property described above: right-of-way and publiC improvements Within the right-of-way~ The ContractorlDeveloper on said pf9.iect was CENTEX HOMES, and contract number is City of Bakersfield COntract No. 03-115. Please refer to said contract number on aU communications relating to said contraCl. The address of the Undersigned agency is City Hall. 1501 Truxtun Avenue. Bakersfield, California 93301. I declare under penalty of oerIury. under the laws of the State of California, that the contents herein are true and correct to the bést of mý kñOwledge. Executed on November 9, 2005. at Bakersfield, Callfomia. ;-/'l~ ,~ - RAUL M. RO.IA5 pubnc Works Director By' G:\GROUPOA 1\ConStruc:tion\N00200S\TR S&29-4.doc ) )