HomeMy WebLinkAboutPayment 01-2 Southern Oaks l'~-I" ". ',-t' ,'I'," . '(' - ',' . , , / ') Wilson & Associates 7600 North Ingram Avenue, Suite 202 Fresno, California 93711 (559) 436-6644 Fax: (559) 436-6646 September 27,2006 29586E John Stinson / Marian Shaw Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 01-2; Southern Oaks Area Acquisition Payment Processing No. I Dear John and Marian: Wilson & Associates has finished our review process of the payment request for the Improvements completed in the Southern Oaks Area of Assessment District No. 01-2 ("AD 01-2"), based on Volume III of the payment request dated September 8, 2006, submitted by McIntosh & Associates on behalf of Castle & Cooke (the "Applicant"), and the updates received through September 25, 2006 (collectively, the "Application No.1"). This letter and recommendation for payment pertain to a portion of the improvements in the Southern Oaks Area (described in Items A, B, and D in Exhibit B, Table B-II-F of the Final Engineer's Report for AD 01-2). The Applicant has indicated that a separate payment request will be submitted for the remaining improvements in the Southern Oaks Area (described in Item C in Exhibit B, Table B-II-F). After reviewing said Application No. I, we have come to the below-described conclusions and recommendations regarding this Acquisition Payment for the improvements in the Southern Oaks Area of AD 01-2. Enclosed with this letter is a table entitled "Table I, Itemized Improvements and Acquisition Costs Approved for Payment No. I in Southern Oaks Area, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 01-2" ("Table I") that presents an itemized comparison of the cost of improvements to be acquired as they were estimated and shown on said Exhibit B, Table B-II-F of the AD 01-2 Engineer's Report (which is the acquisition amount funded by the AD 01-2 proceedings) to the itemized amount paid by the Applicant for each item of work shown in the Application No. 1 and requested for payment by the Applicant. Table 1 also shows in its column entitled "Approved Payment Per This Request" the amount for each item of work we recommend for payment to the Applicant as the AD 01-2 Acquisition Price under Payment No. 1 for the Southern Oaks Area. Also enclosed are: (i) a copy of the Applicant's "Application and Certificate for Payment" form, (ii) a copy of Ticor Title "Mechanic's Lien Guarantee," (Hi) copies of City-issued Notices of Completion for Phases A through E of Tract No. 5940, and (iv) copies of City-issued Notices of Completion for Landscaping improvements for Phases A, B, and C of Tract No. 5940. " I ì John Stinson / Marian Shaw September 27,2006 Page Two The total Acquisition Price recommended for payment to the Applicant for acquisition of all of the completed AD 01-2 Southern Oaks Area Improvements per Application No.1 is $952,292.00, all as itemized on the enclosed Table 1 and summarized below. The following is a recapitulation of funds recommended for payment under this Southern Oaks Area Payment No.1: AD 01-2 Amount Amount Approved Requested Approved for Improvement Acquisition Item Amount for Payment Payment No.1 A. CAMPUS PARK DRIVE (Tract No. 5940 - Phases A and B Frontage) I. Frontage Improvements - Other than Landscaping I. Grading $ 6,435.00 $ 28,856.74 $ 8,509.57 2. Street Improvements $ 164,822.00 $ 142,955.36 $ 142,955.36 3. Miscellaneous Improvements $ 121,280.00 $ 194,888.82 $ 180,873.82 4.' Contingency $ 29,254.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 5. Incidentals $ 79.125.00 $ 94.318.62 $ 77.516.71 6. Subtotal $ 400,916.00 $ 461,019.54 $ 409,855.46 II. Frontage Improvements - Landscaping 1. Landscaping Improvements $ 52,830.00 $ 98,531.06 $ 59,798.58 2. Contingency $ 5,283.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 3. Incidentals $ 14.765.00 $ 16.952.67 $ 13.079.42 4. Subtotal $ 72,878.00 $ 115,483.73 $ 72,878.00 III. Total Campus Park Drive Improvements $ 473,794.00 $ 576,503.27 $ 482,733.46 B. MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE (Tract No. 5940 - Phase B Frontage) 1. Frontage Improvements - Other than Landscaping 1. Grading $ 2,205.00 $ 1,321.92 $ 1,321.92 2. Storm Drain Improvements $ 29,430.00 $ 51,499.37 $ 51,499.37 3. W¡;lter Improvements $ 21,280.00 $ 29,939.00 $ 29,939.00 4. Street Improvements $ 104,962.00 $ 66,793.77 $ 66,793.77 5. Miscellaneous Improvements $ 80,960.00 $ 77,732.11 $ 66,017.11 6. Contingency $ 23,884.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 7. Incidentals $ 69.927.00 $ 84.786.62 $ 83.615.12 8. Subtotal $ 332,648.00 $ 312,072.79 $ 299,186.29 , , " ¡ John Stinson / Marian Shaw September 27, 2006 Page Three AD 01-2 Amount Amount Approved Requested Approved for Improvement Acquisition Item Amount for Payment Payment No.1 II. Frontage Improvements - Landscaping I. Landscaping Improvements $ 22,860.00 $ 48,475.94 $ 48,475.94 2. Contingency $ 2,286.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 3. Incidentals $ 6.905.00 $ 8.316.65 $ 8.316.65 4. Subtotal $ 32,051.00 $ 56,792.59 $ 56,792.59 III. Total Mountain Vista Drive Improvements $ 364,699.00 $ 368,865.38 $ 355,978.88 C. OLD RIVER ROAD (Tract No. 5940 Frontage) * * not a part of this payment request * * D. TRACT NO. 5940 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS I. Storm Drain Improvements $ 81,292.00 $ 95,020.00 $ 95,020.00 2. Contingency $ 8,129.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 3. Incidentals $ 24.378.00 $ 18.559.66 $ 18.559.66 4. Total TR 5940 On-site Improvements $ 113,799.00 $ 113,579.66 $ 113,579.66 TOTALS $ 952,292.00 $1,058,948.31 $ 952,292.00 As also described in the notes on page 4 of Table I, the above-summarized amounts are based on the following findings: 1. Items labeled "I" in Table 1 "Notes" column are the items funded in the AD 01-2 Final Engineer's Report for which no payment is requested at this time and for which no payment will be requested at a later date, as confirmed by McIntosh & Associates. Most of these items were either combined with other items, or they are not necessary for completion of the project, or they were labeled in a different manner in Application No. 1 than in the Final Engineer's Report for AD 01-2. 2. Items labeled "2" in Table 1 "Notes" column are described as follows: Based on the savings in costs of some of the items of work approved in the Final Engineer's Report, there are several "new" items of work approved for payment at this time. All of these additional items of work are items in the same categories of work as the originally approved items or are items constructed instead of the originally approved items due to changes in the final design. 3. Items labeled "3" in Table I "Notes" column are approved for payment atthis time at a lesser amount than requested by the Applicant (up to the maximum amount available for payment of all improvements listed in Items A, B, and D of the AD 01-2 Final Engineer's Report, Exhibit B, Table B-II-F pertaining to the Southern Oaks Area), or not approved for payment , , i John Stinson / Marian Shaw September 27,2006 Page Four at this time, since there are no more originally approved funds available in the Improvement Fund for AD 01-2 Engineer's Report, Exhibit B, Table B-I1-F Items A, B, and D pertaining to the Southern Oaks Area. 4. Items labeled "4" in Table I "Notes" column are items that are not approved for payment at this time since it was determined (and confirmed by McIntosh & Associates) that those improvements will not be owned and maintained by the City of Bakersfield (they are parts of the entryways into the private, gated community of Tract No. 5940). 5. Items labeled "5" in Table I "Notes" column are the "Contractor Overhead" items that have been recalculated to match 10% of the total Improvement Cost and Contingency of the items approved for payment at this time (in the same manner as calculated in the Final Engineer's Report for AD 01-2). 6. Items labeled "6" in Table I "Notes" column are items which were shown in the AD 01-2 Final Engineer's Report as being located in Mountain Vista Drive but were actually constructed in Campus Park Drive, as shown on the City-approved improvement plans for Tract No. 5940 (and as confirmed by McIntosh & Associates). However, to maintain the same format for the improvements listed in the Final Engineer's Report, Exhibit B, Table B- I1-F, these items are listed under the Mountain Vista Drive scope of improvements in Table 1 and in this summary letter. Based on the findings described above and .in accordance with the Application No. I, it is the recommendation of our analysis that $952,292.00 he paid and that a check for that amount be made payable to Castle & Cooke California, Inc., as a payment pursuant to this Payment No. 1 request for the completed improvements in the Southern Oaks Area of AD 01-2. Please call if you have any questions on the results of our analysis or the recommendations presented herein for payment of the Acquisition Price. Sincerely <éR~ ~ Ed Wilson Dejan Pavi<! Wilson & Associates Enclosures cc: Scott Blunck Judy Kindig / Roger McIntosh Charlie Stevens Laura Whitaker · , I TABLE 1 ITEMIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACQUISmON COSTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 IN SOUTHERN OAKS AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 ENGINEER'S REPORT ESTIMATE ~ Unit Tolal Item Item Descrlpllon ' , Quanlity Units Cost Co~ A. CAMPUS PARK DRIVE (fract No. 5940 - Phases A and B Frontage) I. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - OtHER THAN LANDSCAPING a. GRADING Roadway Excavallon 4290 CY 1.50 $6,435.00 Sump Excavation 0 CY 0.00 $0.00 Sump Clearing & Grubbing 0 AC 0.00 $0.00 Roadway Clearing & Grubbing 0 AC 0.00 $0.00 Pull Plug 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 Add'1 Grading 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS $6,435.00 Paving. Base. and Subgrade 57920 SF 1.90 $110,046.00 Subgrade Preparallon 0 SF 0.00 $0.00 F&I Sawcut A C Pavement 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 6" Curb & Gutter 1810 LF 9.00 $16,290.00 5' Sidewalk 9050 SF 2.00 $18,100.00 F&I Driveway & Handicap Ramp 0 SF 0.00 $0.00 Street Light - 'Mast Ann 9500 Lumen 5 EA 2100.00 $10,500.00 Slraet Light Conduit & Conductor 1810 LF 3.00 $5.430.00 Tranchlng 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 Slraet Light Pull Box 9 EA 150.00 $1.350.00 F&I Metro Street Sign 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 F&I Roadside Sign 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 F&I Pavement Merklngs 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Pavement Markings & Striping 0 LS , 0,00 $0.00 Landscape Meter Pedestal 1 EA 1100.00 $1,100.00 Monument Encasement 5 EA 250.00 $1,250.00 Meãl8n Curb 137 LF 5.50 $754.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS o. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $164.822.00 Standard Block Wall 10860 SF 8.00 $86,880.00 Gate PilastelS 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Comèr Sign Monument 2 EA 10000.00 $20.000.00 Comer Sign Monument (type 2) 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Block WaH (along Jameson Slraat) 1800 SF 8,00 $14,400.00 Raise View Walls 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 F&I Aluminum Liltters @ entry 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Dust Control 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 Wash Streets 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 Wans around utiflly Boxes 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS cL SUBTOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT COST e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY f. SUBTOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMEN't COST AND CONTING. g. INCIDENTAL COST Design engineering Improvement Bonds Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Conlraclor Overhead Plan Check & Inspecllon Fees Construction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST h. TOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND tNCIDENTALS - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING $121,280.00 $292,537.00 $29,254.00 $321.791.00 $13.177.00 $4.344.00 $9,654.00 $6,436.00 $32,179.00 $6.899.00 $6.436.00 $79,125.00 $400.916.00 II. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - LANDSCAPING a. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS 8' RJW landscaping along Campus Park Landscape Grading Landscapl alon Jameson Slraet TOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS b. SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT COST o. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY - LANDSCAPING d. SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTING. 14480 SF o LS 9000 SF $32,560.00 $0.00 $20,250.00 $52.830.00 $52,830.00 $5,283.00 $56,113.00 2.25 0.00 2.25 29566E-1.wK4 REQUESTED FOR PAYMENT Unit Total Quantity Units Cost Cost 5,209.03 CY 1.20 $6,250.83 11854 CY 1.50 $17,781.00 4.21 AC 275.00 $1,157.74 1.25 AC 275.00 $343.74 1 LS 1408.44 $1.406.43 1.00 LS 1915.00 $1,915.00 $28,856.74 61413 SF 1.21 $74.309.73 6624 SF 1.24 $8,461.76 1924 LF 1.00 $1,924.00 1841 LF 8.00 $14,728.00 9612 SF 1.90 $18,262.80 1008 SF 1.90 $1,915.20 3 EA 1297.13 $3,691.39 938 LF 2.50 $2.345.00 938 LF 3.50 $3,283.00 6 EA 75.00 $450.00 3 EA 173.54 $520.62 2 EA 220.87 $441.74 60 EA 4.50 $270.00 1 LS 9602.12 $9,602.12 2 EA 800.00 $1.600.00 5 EA 190.00 $950.00 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 $142,955.36 12190 SF 8.73 $106,416.70 4 EA 1125.00 $4,500.00 2 EA 2500.00 $5,000.00 1 EA 3100.00 $3,100.00 6494 SF 8.73 $56,692.62 250 LF 56.65 $14,662.50 2 EA 1370.00 $2,740.00 1 LS 1320.00 $1.320.00 1 LS 55.00 $55.00 1 LS 400.00 $400.00 $194,888.82 $366.700.92 Included In the abova-lisled Items $366,700.92 $14,645.00 $2.500.00 $11.486.00 $19.732.00 $36.670.09 $3,550.33 $5.735.20 $94,318.62 $461,019.54 14,480.00 SF 4.36 1 LS 6597.97 1.00 LS 28173.00 $63.160.09 $6,597.97 $28,173.00 $98,531.06 $98,531.06 Includad in the above-JJsted Iterns $98,531.06 NOTES I (Sae below) _ $6,250.83 $0.00 3 $0.00 3 $343.74 2 $0.00 3 $1.915:00 2 $8.509.57 $74.309.73 $8.461.76 2 $1.924.00 2 $14.728.00 $18.262.80 $1,915.20 2 $3.891.39 $2.345.00 $3,283.00 2 $450.00 $520.62 2 $441.74 2 $270.00 2 $9.602.12 2 $1,600.00 $950.00 $0.00 $142,955.36 $106,418.70 $0.00 4 $0.00 4 $3,100.00 2 $56,692.62 $14,682.50 $0.00 3 $0.00 3 $0.00 3 $0.00 3 $180.873.82 $332,338.75 Inç uded above $332.338.75 $14,645.00 $2,500.00 $11,416.30 3 $6.436.00 3 $33,233.88 5 $3.550.33 $5.735.20 $77.516.71 $409.855.48 3 3 3 09/27/2006 , , TABlE 1 ITEMIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACQUISITION COSTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 IN SOUTHERN OAKS AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT D1ST~ICT NO. 01-2 ì ENGINEER'S REPORT ESTIMATE Unit Tolal I Quantity Units Cost Cosl ---.J Quantity Unils REQUESTED FOR PAYMENT Unit Tolal Cost Cost Ilem e. INCIOENT~ ç~ Design Engineering Design Jameson Streetlandscaplng Improvement Bonds Construction Staking SoDs and Materials Testing and Report Contractor OVerhead Plan Check & Inspection Fees Construction Ins Ion TOTAL INCiDENTAL COST f. TOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY. AND INCIDENTAlS - LANDSCAPING $1.468.00 $1,114.00 $785.00 $1,743.00 $1,162.00 $5,811.00 $1.520.00 $1,162.00 $14,765.00 $72,878.00 III. TOTAL CAMPUS PARK DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, $473,794.00 ANo INCIDENTALS (Tract No. 5940 - Phases A and B Frontage) B. MOUNTAIN V1,STA DRIVE (Tract No. 5940 - Phase B Frontage) I. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING 8. GRADING Roadway Excavallon Roadwa Clearin & Grubbln TOTAL GRADING b. STORM ORAlN IMPROVEMENTS 36" Storm Drain Line 18" Slorm Drain line Manhole F&' Catch Basin F&I Þetch Exist AC Pavement 6' Fencing with Redwood Slats & Curb Block WaD 12' Access Gale Outlet Structure TOTAL STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS c. WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1470 CY o AC 1.50 0.00 254 LF o IF 1 EA o EA o LF 620 LF o SF 1 EA 1 EA 45.00 0.00 1400.00 0.00 , .0.00' 20.00 0.00 700.00 3500.00 $2.205.00 $0.00 $2.205.00 $11,430.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.400.00 $0.00 $700.00 $3.500.00 $29.430.00 12" Waterline 280 LF 22.00 $6,160.00 12" Gate Valve 2 EA 1200.00 $2,400,00 Relocale Wharf Hydrant Assembly 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 2" Irrigation Service 3 EA 1000.00 $3,000.00 12" Road Bore 45 IF 216.00 $9,720.00 Tie Inlo ExIsting Services 0 EA 0.00 $0,00 Palch Existing AC Pavement 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 TOTAL WATER IMPROVEMENTS d. STREET IMPROVEMENTS $21.280.00 Paving, Base, and Subgrade 19850 SF 1.90 $37.715.00 Subgrade 0 SF 0.00 $0,00 F&I Sawcut AC Pavement 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 6" Curb & Gulter 2260 IF 9.00 $20,340.00 5' Sidewalk 11300 SF 2.00 $22.600.00 F&I Handicap Ramp 0 SF 0.00 $0.00 Standard Street Sign 2 EA 250.00 $500.00 F&I Roadsida Signs 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 F&I Pavement Markings 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Pavement Markings & Striping 0 lS 0.00 $0.00 Street Light - Mast Ann 9500 Lumen 6 EA 2100.00 $12,600.00 Street Light Conduit & Conductor 1270 IF 3.00 $3.810.00 Trenching 0 LF 0.00 $0,00 Street light PuU Box 6 EA 150.00 $900.00 landscape Meter Pedestal 4 EA 1100.00 $4,400.00 Monument Encasement 5 EA 250.00 $1,250.00 Median Curb 154 IF 5.50 $847.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS 29586E-1.WK4 $104,962.00 2 $2,842.44 $1.091.00 $297.00 $1,324.00 $0.00 $9.653.11 $1,099.12 $446.00 $16,952.67 $115.483.73 $576.503.21 1,044.31 CY 0.25 AC 1.20 275.00 $1,253.17 $68.75 $1,321.92 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 161 LF 30.00 $4.830.00 1 EA 1400.00 $1.400.00 1 EA 1875.00 $1.875.00 120 IF 15.27 $1.832.40 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 4589 SF 8.73 $40,061.97 1 EA 1500.00 $1,500.00 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 $51.499.37 1822 LF 13.00 $23,686.00 1 EA 1125.00 $1.125.00 2 EA 350.00 $700.00 1 EA 2480.00 $2.480.00 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 4 EA 300.00 $1,200.00 34 IF 22,00 $748.00 $29.939.00 23176 SF 1,21 $28,042.96 2576 SF 1.24 $3,194.24 1304 IF 1.00 $1.304.00 1238 IF 8.00 $9.904.00 6371 SF 1.90 $12,104.90 625 SF 1.90 $1.187.50 2 EA 173.54 $347.08 3 EA 220.87 $662.61 29 EA 4.50 $130.50 1 lS 3373.72 $3,373.72 2 EA 1297,13 $2.594.26 608 LF 2.50 $1,520.00 608 LF 3.50 $2,128.00 4 EA 75.00 $300.00 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 0 IF 0.00 $0.00 $66,793.77 $2.842.44 $1,091.00 $297.00 $1.324.00 $0.00 $5,979.86 $1,099.12 $446.00 $13.079:42 $72,878.00 1 5 $482,733.46 2 $0.00 1 $4.830.00 2,6 $1,400.00 6 $1.875.00 2,6 $1,832.40 2,6 $0.00 1 $40.061.97 2 $1,500.00 $0.00 $51.499.37 $23.686.00 $1.125.00 $700.00 2 $2,480.00 $0.00 1 $1,200.00 2 $748.00 2 $29.939.00 $28,042.96 $3.194.24 2 $1,304.00 2 $9,904.00 $12,104.90 $1,187.50 2 $347.08 $662.61 2 $130.50 2 $3,373.72 2 $2.594.26 $1,520.00 $2.128.00 2 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66,793.77 09/27/2008 , , I TABLE 1 ITEMIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACQUISITION COSTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 IN SOUTHERN OAKS AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01·2 \ ì } ENGINEER'S REÞORT ESTIMATE Unit Total Quantity Units Cost Cost Item Description e. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS Standard Block Wall 7620 SF 8.00 $60.960.00 Gete Pilasters 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Wall Monument (type 1) 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Comer Sign Monument 2 EA 10000.00 $20.000.00 Dust Control 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 Wash Streets 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 Walls around utUitv boxes 0 LS 0.00 $0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEO.USIMPROVEMENTS f. SUBTOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT COST g. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY h. SUBTOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTING. i. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Improvement Bonds COnstruction Staking Soils and Meterials T esIIng and Report Conlrllctor Overhead Plan Check & Inspection Fees Construclion Inspection Waler Inspection Fee TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST j. TOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS. CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING $80.960.00 $238.837.00 $23,884.00 $262.721.00 $15,088.00 $3,547.00 $7,882.00 $5.254.00 $26,272.00 $5,694.00 $5,254.00 $936.00 $69,927.00 $332.648.00 II. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - LANDSCAPING 8. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS 8' RIW landscaping along Campus Park Landsca Gradln TOTAL lANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS b. SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT COST c. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY - LANDSCAPING d. SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTING. e. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Improvement Bonds Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Contractor Overhead Plan Check & Inspection Fees Construction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST f. TOTAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY. AND INCIDENTALS - LANDSCAPING 10160 SF o LS 2.25. -0.00 $22,860.00 $0.00 $22.860.00 $22,860.00 $2,286.00 $25.146.00 $1.444,00 $339.00 $754.00 $503.00 $2,515.00 $847.00 $503.00 $6,905.00 $32.051.00 III. MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS. CONTINGENCY. AND INCIDENTALS (Tract No. 5940 - Phase B Frontage) $364,699.00 $1,975.26 $1,975.26 $730.00 $730.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 1 $4.847.59 $4.847.59 $763.80 $763.80 $0.00 $0.00 $8.316.65 $8.316.65 $56.792.59 $56.792.59 $368.865.38 $355,978.88 REQUESTED FOR PAYMENT Unit Total Quantity Units Cost Cost 7207 SF 8.73 $62.917.11 4 EA 1125.00. $4,500.00 2 EA 2500.00 $5.000.00 1 EA 3100.00 $3,100.00 1 LS 1760.00 $1,760.00 1 LS 55.00 $55.00 1 LS 400.00 $400.00 $77,732.11 $227,286.17 Included in the above-listed items $227.286.17 $16,532.00 $9,741.00 $12.986.00 $14,422.00 $22,728.62 $2,076.85 $6,320.15 $0.00 $84.788.62 $312,072.79 10,160.00 SF 4.32 $43.800.91 1.00 LS 4585.03 $4.585.03 $48.475.94 $48.475.94 Included in the above-llsted Ileme $48.475.94 C. OLD RIVER ROAD (Tracl No. 5940 Frontege) - NOT A PART OF THIS PAYMENT REQUEST D. TRACT NO. 5940 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS a. STQRM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS ) 18" Storm Drain Line 190 LF 20.00 $3.800.00 24" Storm Drain Line 932 LF 25.00 $23,300.00 30" Storm Drain Line 1256 LF 32.00 $40.192,00 30" Storm Drain Line (phase E) 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 30" Stann Drain Line (phase B) 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 36" Storm Drain Line (phase B) 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 Manhola 10 EA 1400.00 $14.000.00 Manhole phasa E 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Manhola (8' & over) phase E 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 Manhole (8' & over) phase B 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 F&I Outlet Structure (phase B) 0 EA 0.00 $0.00 TOTAL STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $81,292.00 29586E-1.WK4 0 LF 0.00 $0.00 840 LF 31.00 $26.040.00 120 LF 39.00 $4.680.00 969 LF 39.00 $37.791.00 174 LF 37.00 $6,438.00 52 LF 48.00 $2.496.00 4 EA 1500.00 $6,000.00 2 EA 150Ò,00 $3,000.00 2 EA 1650,00 $3.300.00 2 EA 1700.00 $3.400.00 1.00 LS 1875.00 $1.875.00 $95.020.00 3 $62,917.11 $0.00 $0.00 $3.100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66,017,11 $215,571.17 Included above $215.571.17 4 4 3 3 3 $16,532.00 $9.741.00 $12.966.00 $14.422.00 $21,557.12 $2,076.85 $6.320.15 $0.00 $83.615.12 $299.186.29 5 1 2 $0.00 $26.040.00 $4.680.00 $37.791.00 $6,438.00 $2,496.00 $6,000.00 $3.000.00 $3.300.00 $3,400.00 $1.875.00 $95,020.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 09/27/2006 ) TABLE 1 ITEMIZED IMPROveMENTS AND ACQUISITION COSTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NO.1 IN SOUTHERN OAKS AREA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2 ENGlNEER'S REPORT ESTIMATE ¡- REQUESTED FOR PAYMENT Unit Total Unit Total Quantity Units Cost Cost Quantily Units Cost Cost litem Item Description b. SUBTOTAl IMPROVEMENT COST c. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY d. SUBTOTAl IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY e. INCIDENTAl COST Design Engineeñng Improvement Bonds Construction Staking Soils and Maleñals Testing and Report Contractor Overhead Plan Check & Inspection Fees Construction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST f. TOTAl TRACT NO. 5940 ON-5ITE IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTAlS $81,292.00 $8.129.00 $89,421.00 $95,020.00 Included in the above-listed Items - $95.020.00 $5,812.00 $1,207.00 $2,683.00 $1.788.00 $8.942.00 $2.158.00 $1,788.00 $24,318.00 $113,799.00 $2.486.36 $0.00 $2,392.24 $0.00 $9,502.00 $3,711.40 $467.66 $18.559.66 $113,579.66 E. TOTAL SOUTHERN OAKS AREA IMPROVEMENT COST (Add Items A. B, and D) -INCLUDED IN THIS PAYMENT REQUEST a, IMPROVEMENTS b. CONTINGENCY c, INCIDENTALS d. TOTAl SOUTHERN OAKS AREA IMPROVEMENT COST INCLUDED IN THIS PAYMENT REQUEST $688,356,00 $68,836.00 $195,100.00 $952,292.00 $836,014.09 Included in the above-listed items $222.934.22 $1,056,948.31 F. RECAPITULATION a. TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT OF ITEMS A, B. AND D PER FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT ) b. TOTAl APPROVED FOR PAYMENT OF ITEMS A, B. AND D PEt{ SOUTHERN OAKS AREA PAYMENT NO.1 (THIS REQUEST) c. TOTAl FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PAYMENT OF ITEMS A. B, AND D IN SOUTHERN OAKS AREA AT A LAYER DATE n $2,486.36 $0.00 $2,392.24 $0.00 $9,502:00 $3,711.40 $467.66 $18.559.66 $113,519.66 $751,204.44 Included above $201,087.56 $952,292.00 $952,292.00 $952.292.00 $0.00 NOTES; 1. Items funded in Ihe Final Engineét's Report for which no payment is requested at this time and for which no payment win be requested at a later date. as conlinned by Mcintosh & Associates. Most of these items were either combined with other items, or Ihey are not necessary for complelion of the project. or they were labeled in a different manner in this Application No. 1 than in the Final Engineer's Report for AD 01-2. 2, Based on the savings in costs of the items of work approved in the Final Engineer's Report. there are several "new" Items of work approved for payment at this lime. All of these additional items of work are items in the same categoñes of work es the oñginally approved items or are items conslructed instead of the oñginally approved items due to changes in the final design. 3. Items approved for payment at a lesser amount than requested (up to the maximum amount avaHable for payment of all improvements listed In Items A. B, and 0 of the AD 01-2 Final Engineer's Report. Exhibit B, Table B·Ii-F pertaining to the Southam Oaks Area), or not approved for payment at this time. since there are no more oñginally epproved funds aveilable in the Improvement Fund for AD 01-2 Enginejlf's Report. Exhibit B, Table B-II-F Items A. B, and 0 pertaining to the Southem Oaks Area. 4. Items not approved for payment at this time since it was detennined (and conlinned by McIntosh & Associates) that those improvements will not be owned and and maintained by the Cily of Bakersfield (they are parts of the entryway into the private, gated community of Tract No. 5940). 5. The "Contractor Overhead" items are recalculated to match 10% of the tOlallmprovement Cost and Contingency of the Items approved for payment at this time (In the same manner as calculated in the Final Engineer's Report for AD 01-2). 6. Items which were shown in the AD 01-2 Final Engineer's Report as being located in Mountain Vista Drive but were actually constructed in Campus Park Dñve, as shown on the City-approved improvement plans for Tract No. 5940 (and as confinned by Mcintosh & Associates). However, to maintain the same fonnat for the improvements listed in the AD 01-2 Final Èngineer's Report. Exhibit B, Table B..II-F. these Items are listed under the Mountain Vista Oñve scope of improvements, 29586E-1.WK4 4 09/27/2006 EXHIBIT "A II APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO: (OWNER) Castle & Cooke California, Inc. PROJECf: Assessment District 01-2 PROCESS DATE: 9/5/06 1??oo Stockdale Highway Southern Oaks Area Improvements To13e Aquired Bakersfield, CA 93311 ATTENTION: Marian Shaw City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 CONTRACTOR: Castle & Cooke Califorma, Inc. 10000 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield. CA 93311 PROJECT NO: 6800.48 (01-2) OWNERIS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Acquisition Agreement, application for Payment is made for the following items of work: Per Exhibit B. Table B-ll-F A. CAMPUS PARK DRIVE I. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING a. GRADING $ 28,856.74 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS $142,955.36 c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $194,888.82 g. INCIDENTAL COSTS $ 94,318.62 n. FRONTAGEIMPROVEMENTS-LANDSCA~NG a. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS e. INCIDENTAL COSTS III. Total Campus Park Drive Improvements, Contingency and Incidentals $ 98,531.06 $ 16.952.67 $576,503.27 B. MOm>.'TAIN VISTA DRIVE I. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING a. GRADING $ 1,321.92 b. STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $ 51,499.37 c. WATER IMPROVEMENTS $ 29,939.00 d. STREET IMPROVEMENTS $ 66,793.77 e. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $ 77,732.11 i. INCIDENTAL COSTS $ 84,786.62 II. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS - LANDSCAPING a. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS $ 48,475.94 e. INCIDENTAL COSTS $ 8.316.65 III. Total Mountain Vista Drive Improvements, Contingency $368,865.38 and Incidentals D. TRACT NO. 5940 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS a. STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $ 95,020.00 e. INCIDENTAL COSTS $18.559.66 f. Total Tract No. 5940 On-Site Improvements, Contingency$1l3,579.66 and Incidentals The above items of work are 100% complete. The above amounts are the actual costs for each item of work as outlined in Exhibit "B" of the Engineer's Report ======================~===========~===~=======~~==~=~=== , . , ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMeNT In accordance With the Contract Doc J observations and the data compris' - The Engineer certifies-to the progressed to the point indi knowledge. information and bel is in accordance with the Contr Contractor is entitled to paym 1'" ~- 0<0 - This Certificate is not negotiablè, The AMOUNT CERTIFffiD is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Insurance, payment and acceptance of payrq.ent are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION Castle & Cooke California, Inc. hereby certifies that the materials or services shown hereon were furnished to the City of Bakersfield: that no part thereof has been paid; that the items of this claims are just and legal; that there is due the undersigned the amount shown hereon. CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. 10000 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 ti.. 'I ¡. -t!- I fI (¡¿(ila W(fA..1aJ(Pî LAURA WHITAKER-VICE PRESIDENT , .. ,.,':, :' '.' " :(;.i:·i' ",:'::t' ',' ,", ";'~~~~~i~N~jtð~Q72~'~Ž~ä¥~¥~1~~~i3~Ø~í1g3~:' ';29,Q&~p9:""::'c""'" ,.t, ·,',:·,"'"';.,',':',',:"",,,,:·,'.;;j))':,t ',:'i.':':' .".;;¡,.- >./:..:.:\ :i'l';: .':','" """'¿,::':~' ,:. ~,:\._,.,.';'lf· }~{'.. .."''',..,'';' ""i:..;.,;:,,'· ·t.; , .;':: ·-/:'c'. <\¡""" '''i'';i:/'';' ., 'J."",,·c'" : \.,':'; , ii, ;':"'" " :<..; . . "C.:/', ",.> ,." ':,...' <.;:': '. 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':' ' ' '..:' ,',,'.' .' ~,~:,......i. ;,~ :,iii ',' ;:,;,'i'" ..', ,.., ,....',',. ',',: .,',',),~. , 'I· '.':', ·1 ~;, ,','. m" .,,".".', :.ë' ~ ..,' i. .-"'7":'-' .. ;.." ,'," '. ... _c: ~. ~ ? .;j ·'i"':·..g~ ,', "j> lASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION At:CORDING REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD James W. J:Jtch,l Assessor-Recorder Kern County OffiCial necords Recølded 81 tile ~quelt of Public PATTI 710512008 10:13 AM DOC#: 0206162873 1111.1 Stat Types: 1 Pages: 1 Fees 0.08 TaxIS 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $0.00 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . ThlaSpce..... __a 11M OnlY NOTICEOFCOMPLEnON , AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) , NOTICE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that certain J~~Qiect known as TRACT 5940 PHASE , f) or the undersigned agency on October 20, 2002J located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND , T OF MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE and that -saia project. was accepted by this agency on May 18, 2\1\IÔ. The undersigned a~cy owns the following interesl in said property described ãbove: right-ot-way and public improvements within the right-of-way. - - The Contractor/Developer on said project was' CASTLE' AND COOKE CAUFORNIA INC., and contract number is C~ of Bakersfield Contract No. 01-286. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relating to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue. Bakerslield. California 93301. I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the contents herein are true and correct to the best of my knowle~ge. . Executed on May 18. 2006, at Bakersfield, California. R~5 Public Works Director By -~-~-"------ .-,. Ib G;\GROUPDAl1ConstnJaionINOCI2006\TR S940-A.doc COKTAÞmO\ ,COPY · "\ EASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION r WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD , CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 James w. Fitch~ Assessor-Recorder Kern County Official necords Recorded at Ibe IIquelt of Public DOC#: 0206162872 II_II - PATTI 7/0512008 10:13 AM ~CORDING REQUESTED BY _<.d for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSfiELD SlIt Types: 1 Pages: 1 F.. aoo Texes 0.00 OUters 0.00 PAID $0.00 'TIlla_Fo,_..U..OnIv NonCEOFCOMPLEnON AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) NOTICE '!? GIVEN that WOrk, wa, s completed on that certain .P-LQiect known as TRACT 5940 PHASE B, for the underslgned'~gency on October 20, 200~, located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK.DRIVE AND -\ST OF MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE and that saia project was accepted by this agency on May 18, h6. The >undersigned a~ncy owns the following interesl in said property described above: right-ot-way ~. . public improvements within the right-of;,way. ' The ContractorlOevelopef on said projec! was CASTLE AND COOKE CAUFORNIA INC.,' and contract number is City of Bakersfield Contract No. 01-288. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relating to said 'contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. California 93301. I.declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Califomia. that the contents herein are true and correct to the best of my kñowlèdge. , Executed on May 18. 2006. at Bakersfield, California. ~ Public Works Director By ) Ib CONfRACTt COPY G:\GROUPDA nConslruction\NOCI2006\TR 3940·B.doc n.1.~U,"'l-o.^, OI£ù'~VUU ~.~~ r~u~ VVü#VVV ~~~ ~~~.~£ I ')lEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSRELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 James W. Fltch~ssor- Recorder PATTI Kern CouftlyOfftcfll 1lG51t09l RftOnnd III II!e ,.....If of 10:13 AM Public DOC#: 0206162884 IItat Ty,.: 1 PI...: 1 I_III Fill 0.00 Tu. 0.00 0IIa.. 0.00 PAlO $8.ot WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ~___.u..Oolv NOTICE Of COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Rlght-01''Way) NOTICE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that œ~RR-~Ì4!.Gt known as TRACT 5940 PHASE C for the undersij¡f18d a~nçy on JUNE.1 2CJ03, located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND WeST Of OLD RIYEA ROAD, and that said project was accepted by this aQency on May 18, 2006. The "!"dersigned agt!ncw own~ the following interest in said propertY described a6ove: right-of-way and public )lprovements Within the nght-of-way. The ContractorlDevel~r on said p-ro~ was CASTLE AND COOKE CAUFORNIA INC., and contract number is C!iY of Båkersfteld Contract No. 01-290. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relatlñg to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Half, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, BakerSfield, Califomia 93301. 1 declare uncter penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of Califomia, that the contents herein are true and correct to the bèst army knowledge. ' ' Executed on May 18, 2006, at Bakersfield, California. ~"AS Public Works Director - 8y Ib ():\Ç.ø.OL;PDA l\CUJlsltll1:1ÍOß\NOC\2fl!)6\TR S94o.C.dot l~J " \ ! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION Rt:CORDING REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE , BAKERSFIELD, CA93301 James W. FilCh, Assessor - Recorder PATTI Kern County Gfticial ecords 710512006 Recorded at the l'IlquIII 01 10:13 AM Public DOC#': 0206162882. SlIt Types: 1 Pages: 1 111.11 'Fees 0.00 Taxes ll.OO Olbers 0.00 PAID $0.00 , WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: TIlla~_~UHOnI. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) NOnCE IS GiVEN that work was cOmpleted on that certain I>~ject known as TRACT 5940 PHASE ) for the undersigned a~ncy on November 1, 2004, Ipcated SOUTfI OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND . .T OF OLD RIVER ROAD, and that said project was accepted by this agency on May 18, -2006. The !Jtu....ersigned agE!nçy own~ the following interest in said property described alíove: right..of-way and public Improvements Within the nght-of-way. The Contractor/Developer on said project was CASTLE AND COOKE CAUFORNIA INC., and contract number is CitY of Bakersfield Contract No. 01-292. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relating to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall,1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakerslield, California 93301. . I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State 'of California, that the contents herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on May 18, 2006, at Bakersfield, California. -f(~~JAS - Public Works Director By ) Ib CONlRACTOR \ I COPY I > \ \ I , \ [P' t:ASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION I RECORDING REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of tbej CITY OF BAKERSFIELD James w. FitCh~SSeSSor-Recorder PATti 1 KerB Coonty Official refs 11lJ51Z000 I ReCÐnlaò at the raquell of 18:13 AM Public \ DOC#: 0206162881 stat Types: 1 Pages: 1 11- feu tun Taxes 0.00 Otblrs 0.00 PAID $(1.00 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 . lllls s......l'or_s UtleOnlr \ NonCE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) NOTICE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that certail1 Qroject known as TRACT 5940 PHASE ·!or the undersigned aQ.ençy on JUNE 13, 2004, located SOUTH- OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND , / 3T OF OLD RIVER ROAD. and that said project was accepted by this agency on May 18, 2006. Thè underslgned agency owns lhe following interest 1n said property descnbed afiove: right-oJ..way and public improvements within the right-of-way. The ContractorJDeveloPer ()n said pTO~ct was CASTLE AND COOKECAlIfORNIAtNC..; and contract number is C~ of Båkersfield Contract No. 01-293. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relating to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakers1ield, California 93301. . i declare under penalty of j)equry, under the laws of the State of California, that the contents herein are true and correct to lhe best of mykñowledge. Executed on May 18,2006, at Bakersfield. California. êiiro R~"'A5 Public Works Director Bv ) Ib ~œ OOPY PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSRELD James W. Fitch,! Assessor - Recorder Kern County OflIclaI ft8CGrdl Ileceftlld lit.... NqUH' .1 PUblic ooc#: 0206162887 PATTI 71œ12ØOt 10:10 AM WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE 1 BAKERSFIelD. CA 93301 8IlIt r,..-= f ...,.: 1 ~1_1I1 - F.. T.. 0tII.. PAID 8.Oft tUG CUD $0.80 ---_.u....... NonCEOFCOMPLEnON AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) NOnCE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that ce~jQ project known as TRACT 5940 PHASE A LANDSCAPING for the undersioned agency on APRIL 28, 2004~ located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND WEST OF OLD RIVER ROAD. arid that said Pr:oJed was accepted bY.lhis agèncy on May 18, 2CJ06. The undersigned agençy owns· the following interest in said propertÿ described al)ove: right-Of-way and pUblic improvements within the right-of-way. ) The Contractor/Devel~r on said - projecJ was CASTLE AND COOKE CAUFOANIA INC., and contract number is C!fy of Bakersfield Contract No. 01-287. Please refer to said contract number on all communications relating. to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hair, 1501 T ruxtun Avenue, Bakerslield. Califomia 93301. ' I declare underp-snalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Califomia, fnat the contents herein are true and correct to the best of my knOWledge. Executed on May 18, 2006, at Bakersfield, California. By ~~A~'· Public Works Director Ib ) (XIJIW;roR L(X)py G:\QIlOllP/)A 1\f'"",,,,,,,,ôn.\NOC\2006\TR ~9fO.^ lANDSCAPE""" ~ f. I" PLEASE COMPlETE THIS INFORMATION . P"'~OADING REQUESTED BY à for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSF1ELD, CA 93301 James W. fitch... Assessor- Recorder Kern County omctll necardl IIlco"" It 1M l'IlI"" of Public ÞOC~: 0206162883 PATTI 710512_ 18:13 AM 8fIt Tvp.: 1 PI._: 1 I_I F_ Tal.. 0..... PAID 0.80 O.IID CUIO $0.80 ---...- TIIIa_ ,... "-,*,,a 11II Onto NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-of-Way) NOnCE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that certain project known as TRACT 5940 PHASE B LANDSCAPING for the undersigned agency on APRIL 28, 2004, located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND WEST OF OLD RIVER ROAD, and that said project was accepted by. this agency on May 18, 2008. The undersigned Qnçy owns the follpwing interest in said propertY described stiove: right-of-way and public improvements Within the right-of-way. . \ The ContractorlOevelopèr on said ~ro~t was CASTLE AND COOKE CAUFOANIA INC., and t.îract number is C~ of Båkersfield Contract No. 01-289. Please refer to said contract number on all còmmunications relating to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue. BakerSfield, California 93301. I declare under P-enalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Catifomia, that the contents herein are true and correct to the bést of my knowledge. Executed on May 18, 2006. at Bakersfield. California. ~s --- Public Works Director By lb )UPOI',l\CDBSlrIlCtÏlln\NOCI2II06\TR S940-8 LANDSC^",,6Dç I~ ,< t '. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA 93~01 James W. Filth... A~essor- Recorder Kern eo""" Offici" MCOlIII Rennlld .. tH IlICItIl of , fÞlIbliD -. DOC#: 0206162905 I_I PATTt 7Jl16Jf8 10:1' AM 1 \ ! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECOAOlNG REQUESTED BV and tor the benefit of the ) CITY OF BAKERSfIELD 8tI.Typ.: 1 ......: 1 F.. 0.00 Tn. 0.00 OIl." 0.10 PAID $0.00 ,.....-.....-..-..... NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Work Within Public Right-ot-Way) NOnCE IS GIVEN that work was completed on that certain projeçt known as TRACT 5940 PHASE C LANDSCAPING for the u~~ed ajJ8nev. on June 3, 2006, located SOUTH OF CAMPUS PARK DRIVE AND WEii' OF OLD RIVER ROAD, ana that said rroject was a~ted bv_ thi~ agency on June 8, 2006. The undersigned a~!lÇY owns the folloWing interes in said property descñbed añove: right-af-way and pubtiç improvements Wfthifi the right-of-way. The contractorJDeveloper on said p-roject was CASTLE AND COO~ CAUFORNIA INC., and contract number is City of Bàkersfiek:l CoñtraCl No. 01-291. Plèase refer to said contract number on all 'J communicatiQns relating to said contract. The address of the undersigned agency is City Hall, 1501 , Truxtun Avenue, BakerSfield, California 93301. I declare under penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of California, that the contents herein are true and correct to lhe œst of my knowledge. Executed on June 8, 2006. at Bakersfield. California. .....r- ~'--'---- RAUL M. RWA5 Public Works Director By -' . Ib 'Qf1RCJO ('ØlV G:\GROUPDAT\Construètion\NOC\2006\TR 594O-C LANDSCAPE.doc ) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLAIM VOUCHER IVendor No. CLAIMANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: I certify that this claim Is correct and valid, and is a proper charge against the City Agency and account indicated. CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. 10000 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OF CITY AGENCY) Date: 10/19/2006 Initials of Preparer: GE CITY DEPARTMENT: Public Works (Including Contract Number if Applicable) PLEASE PROVIDE SHORT EXPLANATION OF PAYMENT: IMPROVEMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 01-2, SOUTHERN OAKS AREA Fund Dept. Base Element Project # Invoice Number Amount Comments on check stub , ) 6. v 4031 822 8041 KEA61 0 $952,292.00 VOUCHER TOTAL $952.292.00 SECTION 72, PENAL CODE Section 72, Presenting False Claims. Every person who with intent to defraud, ,pre.ì for allowance or for payment to any state board or officer, or any :cou. ,,_. lown, city district, ward or village board or officer, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher, or writlna, is auiltv of a felonv. FINANCE DEPT. USE ONLY Examined & Approved for Payment Amount G:\engISHAREDlExcelIClaimVoucherslCASTLE&COOKE.xIS3:25 PM