HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-1 Notice of Assessment & Bond SaleRECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 James W. Fitch Assessor-Recorder PATTI Kern County Official ~iecords 71Iriy200< Recorded at me Rgeest of 9;44 AM City of 8ksfld Public Works Does: p205315761 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 05-1 (CITY IN THE HILLS) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Sfet Types: t Pages; 3 Pees - 13.D0 iaxes 0,00 Others 0.00 PAID - 513.00 Pursuant to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield (the "City"), California, hereby gives notice that a Diagram and Assessment were recorded in the office of the Director of Public Works of the City, as provided in said Section 3114, and relating to the following described property: The lots, pieces or parcels of land as shown on the Assessment Diagram for Assessment District No. OS-1 (City in the Hills), City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, which was filed for record in the of"lice of the County Recorder of the County of Kern on, the _.1~-__ day of/YOdf__ i?/ t~ 2005, in Book,~3 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages /~ through./ inclusive, thereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon the recording of this notice in the office of the County Recorder, the individual assessments assessed upon the individual lots, pieces or parcels of land shall become a lien upon the respective lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. Reference is made to the Assessment Diagram herein above referred to and the Assessment Roll recorded in the office of the Director of Public Works of [he City. Said Assessment Rall recorded in the office of the Director of Public Works of the City is referred to in order to determine the amount of each assessment levied against each parcel of land shown upon the Assessment Diagram for Assessment District No. OS-I (City in the Hills) A list of the name or names of the assessed owners as they appear on the latest secured assessment roll, or as known to the undersigned, is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, together with a list of the amount of the assessment levied against each parcel of land as set forth in the right-hand column of Exhibit A. DOCSSF1:848594.I 40213-36 554 NOTICE IS FURTHER GNEN that, pursuant to Section 10204(f} of said Streets and Highways Code, the Ciry Council of the City has reserved entitlement to impose an annual assessment, which is in addition to the installment otherwise payable on account of each unpaid assessment, to pay costs incurred by the City and not otherwise reimbursed which result from the administration and collection of assessments or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and the reserve fund or other related funds for A.D. No. OS-1; provided that such additional annual assessment shall not exceed the maximum amount of $50 per parcel of land within A.D. No. OS-1, as established from time to time by the assessor's parcel maps of the Kern County Assessor, as prescribed in the Final Engineer's Report for these assessment proceedings, approved by resolution of the City Council on November 9, 2005, and on file in the office of the Director of Public Works of the City. Dated: November 9, 2005 ~~ d ~Ytc Pamela A. McCarthy City Clerk City of Bakersfield (Attach One-Page, Confirmed Assessment Roll as Exhibit A) DOCSSFL848594,1 40213-3b SS4 2 EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O5-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASMT ' ~ ATNt DEVELOPMENT i AREq CONFIRMED NO. ! DESCRIPTION ~! L DESCRIPTION .. PROPERTYOWNER ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 1 PORTIONS OF i 531-010-40 AND 41 ! LOT 1 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. ~ 05-0480 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 6 AND ~ REGENT LAND INVESTMENT LLC 2 307 432 43 9 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 , , , . 2 POR 1 NS OF 531-01D 4Q 41, AN i i LOT 2 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. OS-0480 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 8 g K. HOVNANW'N'S FOUR SEASONS AT , , AND t01N PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 BAKERSFIELD, LLC 1,572,539.43 3 PORTIONS OF -LOT 31N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 537-010-42 AND 43 05-0480 (PORTIONS OF PARCELS 10 AND REGENT LAND INVESTMEM, LLC 1 023 646.79 11 N PARCEL MAP NO. N073 , , 4 PORTIONS OF LOT 41N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 531-010-42 AND 43 O~*0480 iPORTIONS OF PARCELS 10 ANp REGENT LAND INVESTMENT, LLC 690 088 74 11 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 , . 5 PORTIONS OF 31-010 46 AND LOT 1 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. , 47 ' 05-0550 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3, 6, REGENT LAND INVESTMENT, LLC 2 067 501.71 ANO71N PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 , , 6 PORTIONS OF I 537-010-45 AND 46' LOT 21N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-0550 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 6 AND K. HOVNANIAN AT ROSEMARY i 7 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 LANTANA, LLC 1,345,903.06 1 7 PORTIONS OF 37-010-45 46 AN LOT D IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. , , 47 05-1188 (PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3, 6, MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 1 934 468 27 AND 7 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 7]073 , , . 8 PORTIONS OF 531-010-39 LOT A IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-0427 {PORTIONS OF PARCEL 21N D.R. HORTON LOS ANGELES PARCEL MAP NO. 17013) HOLDING COMPANY, INC 1,063,306.20 9 53i-01044 ~ D. R. HORTON LOS ANGELES I PARCEL 51N PARCEL MAP NO.11013 HOLDING COMPANY, INC 2 252 198 71 10 PORTIONS OF LOT A IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. I 537-010-34 AND 35I 05-1788 (POR770N5 OF PARCELS 1 ANO MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 91d 303.95 4 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11073) ! , i 1 PORTIONS OF LOT B IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. I 531.010-29 AND 34 ~ OS-1188 (PORTIONS OF PARCEL 41N MOUMAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 648 608.71 PARCEL MAP NO. 11073 , TOTAL CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: 15,820,OOD.DD miw nrvU OOCUMEM' REFERENCES 1. PARCEL MAP NO. tt013ftECOROED SEPTEMBER iB,2004, IN BOOK 53 OF PARCEL MAPS. AT PAGES i90 THROUGH 146, K.C.R. 2. CERTIFCATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.05-0427 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 9,ZOOS, AS DOCUMENTNO. 0205296719, O.R. 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPL9WCE FOR LOT DNE ADJUSTMENT NO.OS-0480 RECORDED SEPTEMDER 28, 200.5, AS DOCUMENT N0.0205265792, O. 4. GERTIFlCATE OF COMPLDWCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.OS0550 RECORDED OCTOBER?4,2005. AS OOGUMENT N0.0205294020, O.R: 5. CERTIFICATE OF WMPLIANCE FOR LDT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. OS7188 RECORDED NOVEMBER t, 2005, AS DOCUMENT N0.020530.93?9, O.R. PREPARED BY: WILSON 8 ASSOCIATES FRESNO, CALIFORNIA APPROVED BY: ~ ~ ~ y""~'~' Fxp. 12/31/05 l* 29670EA ~ A-t ll U~ 71(08/2005 City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. OS-f (City in the Hills) Certificate of Mailine The undersigned, Samuel A. Sperry, hereby certifies the following: On December 13, 2005, the undersigned completed mailing a copy of the one- page Notice of Assessment and Bond Sale, to which is attached the one-page "Amended Assessment Roll," which attachment is identified as Exhibit A and is referenced in the notice. A copy of said notice and the Amended Assessment Roll attached thereto are attached to this certificate as Exhibit A. 2. An envelope containing the items listed in Paragraph 1 above was sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the following persons: Rick Curtis Mo7mtain View Bravo, LLC cto The S.K.Y. Companies 1544 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 204 Los Angeles, CA 90025 J.R. Mosier K.Hovnanian Four Seasons at Bakersfield, LLC 2525 Campus Drive Irvine, CA 92612 Nathan D. Meeks D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. 28009 Smyth Drive Valencia, CA 91355 Jeffrey Dinkin Regent Land Investment, LLC 450 North Roxbury Drive, Suite 600 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Executed at San Francisco, California, on December 13, 2005. 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the fore mg is true and correct. Samuel A. Spe DOCSSF7:857076.1 402!3-3b SS4 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT AND BOND SALE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.05-1 (CITY IN THE HILLS) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO THE PROPERTY OWNER FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO OS-1 {CITY IN THE HILLS): The City of Bakersfield {the "City") has levied a special assessment against each of the pazcels identified by assessment number and tax parcel number on the Amended Assessment Roll, attached hereto as Exhibit A, which assessments have been levied to pay a portion of the authorized vests and expenses the public improvement project of the City's Assessment District No. OS-1 (City in the Hills), all as more fully itemized in the Engineer's Report, approved by resolufion of the City Council of the City on November 9, 2005. The assessments were initially recorded in the total amount of $15,820,000 in the official records of the Kem County Recorder on Novomber 11, 2005, and thereby became liens upon the respective parcels assessed. It is presently anticipated that the City Councit will take action by resolution within the next several weeks to approve a reduction in the principal amount of the individual assessments on the respective pazcels to reflect savings achieved in the bond sale, which occurred last week on December 7, 2005. The reduced amount of the individual assessments, which now total $15,595,000, is set forth on Exhibit A. On the basis of written Waiver and Consent form executed by you and submitted to the City Clerk of the City, waiving the opportunity to pay any portion of the assessments in cash, the City has dispensed with the cash payment period otherwise required by law and has on December 7 concluded the sale to Stone & Youngberg LLC (the "Underwriter") of limited obligation improvement bonds (the "Bonds") in a principal amount equal to $15,595,000, which is the reduced principal amount of the assessments levied. Delivery of the Bonds to the Underwriter is scheduled for December 21, 2005. Assuming this schedule is maintained, the first installment on account of the unpaid assessments will appear on the property tax roll for tax yeaz 2006-07. Pursuant to subparagraph (t) of Section 10204 of the Calfomia Streets and Highways Code, the City has reserved entitlement to impose an annual. assessment, which is in addition to the installment otherwise payable on account of each unpaid assessment, to pay costs incurred by the City in administering the assessments and the bonds, provided that such annual administrative costs cannot exceed $SOfor each parcel having an unpaid assessment. Unless an assessment is paid off after bond issuance as described in the next paragraph, the number of years of installments will be 2Q and the average interest rate, which was established by the bond sale, is 5.17% per annum, You and your successors in interest in the ownership of the subject parcels will retain the right to pay off the assessment on any pazcel at any time during the bond term by payment of the amount calculated in accordance with Section 8766 of the California Streets and Highways Code, consisting of unpaid principal, a redemption premium, interest to the next available bond prepayment date, and certain administrative costs incurred to prepay bonds with such prepayment proceeds, less a credit for the pro-rata portion of the reserve fund. If you have any questions about this notice, phone john Stinson in the Public Works Department of tle City at (661} 326-3592. Dated: December 8, 2005 PAMELA MCCARTHY, City Clerk City of Bakersfield (Attach One-Page Amended Assessment Roll as Exhibit A} ~xH' Docssel:ss~a~s.l 90213-36 SS9 EXNIBITA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. QS-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL DEVELOPMENT AMENDED ' ASMT ATNt AREA ~ ASSESSMENT I NO. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ~ PROPERTY OWNER . AMOUNT ' ~ 1 PORTIONS OF LOT 1 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. ~ ~ ~ ` R I 531-010-40 AND 41 05-Od80 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 8 ANp EGENT LAND INVESTMENT, LLC - 2,274,614.93 9 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11013) 2 PORTI NS OF 31-01040.41, AN LOT 2 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-0480 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS B 9 K HOVNANIAMS FOUR SEASONS AT 1 550 173 99 42 , , AND 10 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 17013 BAKERSFIELD, LLC , , . 3 PORTIONS OF LOT 3 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 531-010-42 AND 43 05-0'180 (PORTIONS OF PARCELS 70 AND REGENT LAND INVESTMENT, LLC 1,009,087.97 11 IN PARCEL MAP NO. 11013) 4 PORTIONS OF LOT 4 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 531-010-02 AND 43 j IN P C ~D REGENT LAND INVESTMENT, LLC 680,273.95 y ARCEL MAP NO 11013) 5 PORTIONS OF 31-010-45 46 AN LOT i IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. REG T , , 47 Og0550 (PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3, 6, EN LAND INVESTMENT, LLC 2,038,096.67 AND 71N PARCEL MAP NO. 17073 6 PORTIONS OF LOT 21N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. K. HOVNANIAN AT ROSEMARY 531-010-45 AND 46 05-0550 {PORTIONS OF PARCELS 6 AND LANTANA LLC 1,326,760.95 71N PARCEL MAP NO. 11013 , 7 PORTIONS OF - 39-070-45, 46, AND LOT D IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-1188 (PORTIONS OF PARCELS 3 6 MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 7,906 956.28 47 . , AND 71N PARCEL MAP NO. 77013 , 8 PORTIONS OF LOT A IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, D. R. NORTON LOS ANGELES 531-010.39 05-0427 {PORTIONS OF PARCEL 21N HOLDING COMPANY INC 1,048.183.33 PARCEL MAP NO. 17013) , 9 531-010-04 PARCEL 51N PARCEL MAP NO. 17013 D. R. NORTON LOS ANGELES HOLDING COMPANY, INC 2220,167.$0 10 PORTIONS OF LOT A IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 531-010-34 AND 35 05'11 ~8NP 0 31 AND MA NO 1 MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 901,300.26 PARCEI. P 1 11 PORTIONS OF LOT B IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 531-010-29 AND 34 05-1188 (PO 0 3EL 4 IN I 1 MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAVO, LLC 639,383.87 LL MAP NO. 1 TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: 15,595,OOD.00 MAP AND DOCUMENT REFERENCES: 7. PARCEL MAP N0.17073 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 76.2004, iN BOOK 53 OF PARCEL MAP5. AT PAGES 730 THROUGH 746, KC.R 2 CERTIFCA7E OF COMPLIANCE FOR l0T DNE AO,IIISTMENT N0.05-0427 RECORDED SEPTEpiOER 9, 200.5, AS DOCUMENT N0.0205246779.OR 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLA4CE FOR LOT DNEADJUSTMENT N0.05-0460 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 2005, AS DOCUMENT N0.0205265792, 0. 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.0547550 RECORDED OCTOBER 24, 200.5, AS DOCUMENT N0.0205284020, O.R. 5. CERTIFCATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.05-1186 RECORDED NOVEMOER 7, 2005, AS DOCUMENT N0.0205303329, O.R. PREPARED eY: yROt•t~~/0 FvR SNO CAl.IFOORNIAS ti~"~.~~ J ~Jrs~~GJ- APPROVED BY: ~ „ 2'1769 A DATE: { iI \ ~ 1213U05 1* 29670AEA A-1 iZ/09l2005