HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-2 Boundary Map~~~~~~~ ~~Jl~~~~~~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 04-2 {BRIGHTON PARKS J BRIGHTON.VILLAGE / STOCKDALE AT ALLEN CCJMMERCIAL /CHERRY HILL II) County of Kern, State of California FILED IN THE OFFICE ~F THE CITY C K OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THIS _ ~_ DAY OF _ _, 2005. BY: 1. IA Y.. GI Q• PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK OF 7HE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN MAP SHOWING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF GiY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 04-2, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, WAS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBAKERSFIELD AT A REGULAR MEETING THEREOF, HELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2004, 8Y ITS RESOLUTION N0. 314-04. BY: _Qy_~GCA __ PAMELA McCRRTHY, CMG CITY CLERK CF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA .~?EM. IN 800 'p~,~_YOF FMAPS OF ASS 55MENT AND COMMUNHTY FOACIL IT ES~D~•iCTS LOCK, AT PAGES ,',~_ THROUGH .e ~, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RECORDED AT THE REQ ST OFp~TJJ~E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. DOCUMENT N0. ~,~~3P/~S=__ BY: ~~~_?""1,L3~~.___ ~=_}~Qd.{y JAMES W. FlTCH U COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA soN ~ PROPQSED BOUNDARIES OF' a ENATES 202 CITY OF BAI{ERSFIELD ASSESSIv11i;NT DISTRICT N0. 04-2 IFORmA ea~tt (BRIGHTON PA$KS /BRIGHTON VILLAGE j aas ssaa 5TOCKDALE AT ACCEPT COA~QERCIAL /CHERRY FSILL II} DATE 5-~-os Count of I{ern, State of California REVISION .~_ Y RESOLUTION NO. s 1 8 ~ U RESOLUTION APPROVING BOUNDARY MAP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT' DISTRICT N0.04-2 (BRIGHTON PARKSBRIGHTON VILLAGEt STOCKI}ALE AT ALLEN COMMERCIAUCHERRY HILL II) WHEREAS, attached to this resolution as F.xhihit A and by this reference incorporated herein is a location map of proposed boundaries, said location map entitled "Exhibit A -Location Map of Proposed Boundaries of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 04-2 (Brighton Parks/Brighton Village/Stockdale at Allen CommerciaUCherry Hiil II), County of Kern, State of California", which map shows the separate areas to be assessed in this proposed assessment district; and WHEREAS, said exhibit map constitutes the map (the "Boundary Map") of the proposed boundaries of this proposed Assessment District No. 04-2 (Brighton ParksBrighton Village/Stockdale at Allen CommerciaUCherry Hill II} (the "Proposed Assessment District"), with the property proposed to be assessed indicated on the Boundary Map by a shaded tone. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES AND RESOLVES as follows: L This Council approves the Boundary Map and adopts the boundaries shown on the Boundary Map as describing the extent of the territory included in a proposed assessment district to be known as City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 04-2 (Brighton ParkslBrighton VillagelStockdale at Allen CommerciaUCherry Hill LI), County of Kem, State of mcsse3:~~s~ea.i 40213-33 SS4 ~4gAKF~N a f- m UR(GINAL California. 2. At such time as the formal boundary map, with boundaries conforming to the Boundary Map and containing the matters and being in the form prescribed by Section 31 t0 of the California Streets and Highways Code, has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk, the City Clerk is authorized and directed, without further consideration by this Council, to file a copy thereof with the Kem County Recorder for placement in the Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts. Tn the meantime, all references to and descriptions of the proposed boundaries of the Proposed Assessment District shall be by reference to the Boundary Map as set forth in Exhibit A. nocssFr:~~e~ez.i 40213-33 SS4 2. a4 p,RKF~m ~ '^ r- m J r ORtGiNAL~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on December 15, 2004, by the following vote: / / r ~ r / / CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCANNER AYES• COUNCILMEMBE NOES: COUNCILMEMBE ABSTAW: COUNCILMEMBE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMHE f155 b, City Clerk and Ex Offioio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED t 15th da of camber, 2004 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE LLP Bond Couns STATE OF CALIFOt2NWj By ~~ YOf I(e~ ~ Y. ~' cleAc of Ma [9ty M Bakersfield. Shwa of apdarmexed to,he a lWl, hue andmrtect ~araa»ong;nai ~~ 31~r'-0'~ fik m tlds oA'ice amt chat I Hare mad the sarne`yq '-'-'-an APPROVED A5 TO FORM: w~TNBSSaryna„daadsealln~3Q_~,~ «qk~. s~ VIRG1NiA GENNARO avaBLA a k+~cARThrv, crag cdy ~ City Attorney Br. By ~~,~J' Jj'~(y~~.. ~ OeouNChrCwrt DOCSSF1:77B782.1 4A213-33 SSs O~ ~aK~~cP >. -n r~ m c? ~ URIGJNpL~ EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP OF PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 44-2 4 u rc to v a 1 ~ ,.~ „_ __ _ REINA _ROM 3 i _..J ~ 1 CftE1tRY lRIL R AREA OF A53G55A(EN'f o w DISfRlCT N0. 04-$ I ~ z I NORIEGA ROAD _.~..._ le ia~ _ u l a 1 I ~ ~ ~._ HAGEMPN _NOAO 1 ._ I ~ 1 ~~ 1 ~ ~--~ 29 TI ~ I I9 \\ ^v~ll ~ ' I I _ R°~ L HAICFProN t?LGGF. ANEA OF ASSESSNBNr DfSfRtCf ND. 04-2 ROSEDAIE WG»WAY ~~ as __....~' 90 r- ~ 7L.J I 1 _ J HRIMHALL NOAD _ HRlCNYYJN PARKS ARt.'A ~ OF ASSESSdIEN7' ~ DtSIRICT No 04-2 _~ - v 59VCKDALE AT ALLEN =: J _... i 5 R )6 E COXMF.RCLRL AREA E \IgIMr OF A5.Y6SSNF.NFL-%'. J~~ - -/S7RtCr M0. OQ-2 ~ f A f i~ 0.N R~~ ®~~ z sf 1 / a ,~~~a~ f R IL.1W , i < DDRaH "Maw' ~ ii ~AR"~ 1& ~>m µ ~ m IECENO !~ 1 zsscsv2wr wsrwcr rro. w-z rrtat+aEro wwnwu+. - - - -~•^ - &XERiF1ElD CITY toms ~- - - SfLiION DtA i 99 $, R ?R f IMFEFENGf TO IIXNi5M10 29 RWiH. wwct zrc tAYI, Nplgr wnnw ersE r.NU Ncwwx+ re sa sFCmx mrv&n. !ff7~ MP~ART tPNO NFA~ WItHIN ~. GLr~::f:J/llC/f//L/L/11 vworoskV 8olwmuccs or AsscssMwr osrwcr Na a9-z FR AVENUE 3 _ 12 $ LOCATION FdAP OF PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF CPfY OF BAkF.R.S[9F.LC1 ASSESSbfENT DISTRICT N0. 04-2 OAKfiy ~ (9wctrroN PAeX3 1 eR~ceerDx wxACe / t sracxDACa Ar All811 musacfu. J e~~aer tmE. fD -°'I County of Kern, State of California t