HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-3 Boundary MapAS~ESSNIEN`I' I~IA.1~1~NI ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSME~tT DISTRICT N0. 04-3 (SOLERA f RIQ VISTA) County of Kern,. State of California rough 5 Remainder :easment 24 x Map of 24 in ugh 89 90 e Solera gh 2S2 in A rn Lot Line of Assessment FILED IN THE OFFI~THE CIN CLERK DF E CITY OF EtAKERSf1ElD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THIS DAY OF ~__. 2005. PAMELA A. McCARTHY, GMC CITY CLERIC iiW TH£ CNY OF BAKERSFIEW, CALIFORNIA RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF. T~t SUPERINTEND T OF. STREETS qF T1'IE CITY OF 6AKERSFIELD, AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE. D~£ T STREETS OF THAT CFTY qN 171E I3AY QF -. ~ 2005. REFERENCE " IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT RDtL REC4RDE9 i!3` THE iCE OF THE SUPER{NTENflENT OF STREETS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH AS3EtaS6iENT LEVIED AGNNST EACH PARCEL OF LAND -SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DtA43RAM.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TMIS DAY OF ~_~, 2005 DY: ~~~~- t. 'r NTEX0.DENT OF STREETS OF THE f.(i'Y OF 6AICERSF4Et0, CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT Y/AS LEViE4 BY THE CfTY Ot#UNCIL OF THE~Ctf'i` pF. BAKERSFIEkD ON THE LO7S, PIECES, AND PARCELS OF LAMA & DWN QN THIS A~S$MENT DIAGRAM. THE ASSESSMENT WAS LEVJFD qN THE ~ IYAY OF ~.,_,,,, 2005, BY RAID COUNCIL'S ADOPTION OF NS RE5gLUTIGbf ...J-~ TFt~E P.fiS£SSMENT DIAGRAM IN Ttl£ !C DF TH£ SUPERIN £NDEM OF PAMELA A. MsgARTHY, GMC - CITY GtERK OF THE CITY OF DAKE1E8fiE6,D. CAUFCiRNIA /~. ,r DATE: `-i"-12-C%~ .69 (Expires f2-3t-05) Flf~£D THIS ! DAY OF ~. Lt.M. IN 800 _ OF M ©>•` A PAGES THROUGH IN OF KERN, SPATEgg~~,,O''F CAt7FORR~ REC DOCUMENT Nuaris (~ 8 07 FlCE t3F T#!E CDUNfY RECOR{!ER OF THE COUNTY AT 7NE RE€T' OF TJ4E. CIM OF 9AKERSflEI.D. JAMES W. ETfCY! COUNTY A3~51}5~SOR-REf+4RDER CgUNfiY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA CROSS INDEX TO BOUNDARY MAP: qN THE ~~,^~ DAY DF .IL'R$ OF PR(9PDSED 90UNDARIE$ OF (`A THROUG-'f`~- MAPTHE OFP! E Ol aSMENTDkS~RfETN O.ID~F+L~ i1t4TqS MAP iY FACil1iVES DISTRICTS AT PAGES 4x/.. DPDER OF THE COUNTf OF K€RN, STA'#'E ~Y: JAMF-r`~. Yt+. FftgH CElJ1NTY R-RECORDER C@LN4TY OF K. - . CALIFORNIA Iriisr~~ ~ A~ES~~f~" ~~A.t~RAM ~7F ~s~aer~ ~.~s Tsao N. INeRaM avEftuE, sum 202 CTTY ©F $~.I~~R API I~ AS~~ 13'IS`t'~tfCT I~iO. fl4-~ FRESNQ, tAtIFDRNW 937tt - (659} 436 fifi# ~f f Vi~TA) DR. aY wt~ DATE ? Cc?ux~t~ of ~~rn, ~~te 4~ C~liParnia PROJEgL,2C>.. -REWMQN .4Q~ PILE 2968e1SNi hPPROVED G`"y Sf4FcfT _~. Of ~' _ SME 4n. ~9 !? n.~l ~8 NOTE: For a detailed description of the lines and dimensions of the lots, pieces, parcels and subdivisions of lands - shown on this Assessment Diagram, reference is made t th f ll i li /+Trt7~J /\ o o o ow ng sted Book and Page Numbers of Maps Lill 1 lJ of the Assessor, on file in the Office of the County Assessor of the County of Kern, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California: 387-01, 02, and 36 ~~~ ALE} 7606 N. ItfWtAM AYEltOE, BtJf Fi?F:$N0; OAUFORNIA 957' (559) 416 6844 DR. BY Wtt" DATE 4_,-.1_ PROJEOf.'>r3~6g,. ~REVIMON J FU.E 29SSDSHF APPROVED INDE% SHEET NO. t 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION Assessment District LoaaGOn Map, itcinity Mop, and Diagram Certificates - Indez Map of Assessment Diagram Sheets 3 through 5 Assessment Diagram of Assessment .202 as a Remainder of Lot 20 in Tract No. 6149-Phnse 7 and Assessment 24 as Lot F in Trod Na. 6149-Phase 7 and Index Map of Assessment Diagrom Sheet 4 Assessment Diagrom of Assessments 7 Through 24 in Tract No. 6749-Phase 1, Assessments 25 Through 89 in Tract No. 6149-Phase 2, and Assessments 90 Through 201 in Tract No, 6149-Fhase 3 in the Solera Area of Assessment District No. 04-3 Assessment Diagram of Assessments 203 Through 252 in Tract No. 5998 and Assessment 253 as Parcel A in Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-t333 in the Rio Vista Areo of Assessment district No. 04-3~ RIO VISTA AREA OF ASSE55htENT DISTRICT NO. O~-3 tasfts&qyp a ~~~~xeo ~ ~~P~ ra xizs~ * Em.11{37A:5 yt arm. PREPARED BY: ~'P~'°vc WILSON & ASSOCVsTES Fresno, California ~ ("~T APPROVED BY: ~#+4~~'~'a4..~- DATE: '-I"'12-C7~ Edward d Wilson R.C.E. 23269 (Expires 72-3t-OS) Assessment Engineer ~ ,s'j.38aa r SpLERA AREA OF ASSESSAfENT DISTRICT N0. t34-3 RESOLUTION NO. ~I ~ $ " ©.~ RESOLUTION APPROVING BOUNDARY MAP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.04-3 {SOLERA/RIO VISTA} WHEREAS, attached to this resolution as Rxhi it A and by this reference incorporated herein is a location rnap of proposed boundaries, said locarion rnap entitled "Exhibit A -Location Map of Proposed Boundaries of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 04-3 {Solera/Rio Vista), County of Kern, State of California"> which map shows the separate areas to be assessed in this proposed assessment district; and WHEREAS, said exhibit map constitutes the map {the `Boundary Map") of the pmgosed boundaries. of this proposed Assessment District No. 04-3 (SolerafRio Vista) (the "Proposed Assessment DistricP'), with the property proposed to be assessed indicated on the Boundary Map by a shaded tone. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES AND RESOLVES as follows: I. -This Council approves the Boundary Map and adopts the boundaries shown on the Boundary Map as describing the extent of the temtory included in a proposed assessment district to be known as City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 04-3 (Solera/Rio Vista), County of Kem, State of California. 2. At such time as the formal boundary map, with boundaries conforming to DOCSSPI=TS0923.1 aoai3-3s ssa OF~'A~`~9 fi m M1 v Q URiG~UAL the Boundary Map and containing the matters and being in the form prescribed by Section 3110 of the California Streets and Highways Code, has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk, the City Clerk is authorized and directed, without further consideration lay this Counoil, to file a copy thereof with the Kern County Recorder for placement in the Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Raciiities Districts. Tn the meantime, all references to and descriptions of the proposed boundaries of the Pmpased Assessment District shall be by reference to the Boundary Map as set forth in Exhihit A. 40CSSF1 :790923.1 10217-ss ssa - 2 ok~AKF~, ~' m r r o~';t;rt;~° 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regulaz meeting thereof held on January 26, 2005, by the following vote: .~ ~ ~ Z0~5 CARSON, BENHAM. MAGGARD, COUCH, HAASON, SULLIVAN, SCR2VNER AYES COUNCll.MEMBE NOES: COUNCdLMEMBER ABSTAPI: COUNCH.MEMBE ABSENT: COUNCn.MEMBE City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfeld APPROVED this 2frth day of January, 2005 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor of the 'ty of Bakers ld APPROVED AS TO FORM: ORRICK, HERRINCiTON & SUTCL~'FS LLP Bond Couns By APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By /~ ~l~ I)OCSSF1:790923.1 40213-35 SS4 STATE OF CAIlFORNIA} CauMy W Kem) 1, PAMELA A McCARTHY, CitYperk of Ne City of Bakersfield, State of CalKOrtda, hemhy ~ laregdng ard~nnered tobea kdt hue aMwnect mpyatheadginai a^~~ 3'1a1~-~ L12.9-~J an file in tliis ofiw aM llretl compaed tlta samevMh rie giglnaL WITNESSmyhandandsaettlrlsD~~'daYN,..._2 vv~ PAMELA A McCARiHY. CMC, Clry Cledc By. __ sy rx ~ .~s~ oe9~rcmc~erk ~BFKL c, O `Ir, ~` rn !~ rv ~~f Y:i,:1t~:~U EXHIBI'P A LOCATIpN MAP OF PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF CITY OF BAKFRSF[ELD ASSF~SSMENT DISTRICT NO. 04-3 sotERa AREA OF ASSESSMENT UISTRICT ND. 04-3 (TRACT ND 6149) l'' i ~'" I / I e ~7 Y R ~ I i N I 10 f I i ~P~ MCc~~p I Pht PDIxO ORNE - _._ _ _~_ - _ _. _ . . I o I I ~ . _. _.. _._-ti I 1 I ~ ~ ~. ~ I ~ g iG - W I - ~.- ._. is Q+,71 to 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ o ~/ ~ NO 3998 N0. ~BB9 2 ~ ~ ~ j . J 5' 29 r, R 23 E ~. I _ _. ~ w l j ~ 9~ I j I I - -~- _ 3 . -_.__. ~._~ - - .. ._ _ _.L.. __ .-.r - _ _____ XIO VISTA AREA V OF ASSESSMENT Dl57R1CT NO. 04-3 'r:Eln~ n55£sa+ExY DdYRiCt x0. w-3 vMNOSm 6ouNON~' __.._._._ _- Rixfasnfm arv ours -.- - - -- SEMgn SwF: T 29 5, R 29 E REffflENCE TO TCMN9YP 29 SWrH. RNf GE 29 CAST, NCUM OVBLO B SE MN NfflIWN (5 5£C1%M NUNH'R 'x ® PROF0.SH ~MCN(ES Uf l,$SF.591EH2 015(RICt fq, w-J NDRlH 0' »SO' >m' J EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP OF ,;,';;, witsox ~ PftbPOSED BOUNDARIES OF 4~~ ~ Assoctai"ES CiTV oe DAKFRSF7ELD nSSi;SBMENT DISTRICT N0. ~-3 p 16J0 K RILPNI A1fG1E. SIIIIC AYG iREG/7~ CNYWYt mJll , '.. awe .>s ~~ (soLSita /too vtsT,U r - ~aerQ. '-~ County of Kern, State of Catifornfa J ~, - ru a+.:sawan ~ seer ..L or ,_ sNE~s ~%"