HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-1 Final Engineers ReportENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 (ETCHEVERRY/LIN IUUNIVERSITY PARK) AS FILED FOR FINAL APPROVAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Mayor and City Council Harvey L. Hall, Mayor Irma Carson, Councilmember First Ward Sue Benham, Councilmember Second Wazd Ken Weir, Councilmember Third Wazd David R. Couch, Councilmember Fourth Ward Hazold Hanson, Councihnember Fifth Ward Jacquie Sullivan, Councihnember Sixth Ward Zack Scrivner, Councilmember Seventh Ward Cites Alan Tandy, City Manager Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director BOND COUNSEL Samuel A. Sperry Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP San Francisco, California ASSESSMENT ENGINEER Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates APPRAISER Michael L. Launer . Launer & Associates 3akersfield, California UNDERWRITER Tom Lockazd Stone & Youngberg LLC San Francisco, California DISCLOSURE COUNSEL Bruce J. Graham Goodwin Procter LLP Las Angeles, California Fresno, California ElYGINEER'S REPORT` CITY QF BAI{ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.OG-! (ETCHEVERRY/LIN IUIINIVERSITY I'AIiI{} CF1tTIFICATE OF FILING AND CONFIItMATIpN OF ASSESSMENT I,, Pamete A. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that the following "ENGINEER'S REPORT, CITY OF BAKERSFIELDASSESSMENT DISTRICTN0:06-1"includingthe Assessment and Assessment Roll in the amountsset forth therein as the "PretiminaryAssessmenr,"wIththe' Assessment Diagram attachedthereto, was filed with me an the 5°i day of January, 200'7, for preliminary approval'on January 13, 2007, by City Council R//es~~oluticn//Alo, d02-07.x}/} /' , ~ L~4nvvlL~.. t~ • t f tr~ t li~Uih- Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC, City Cle City of Bakersfield, California thia Engineer's. Report for final approval and do hereby certify that the amount w,w ~,a uwc, vi u~c i,ny L,~uncu oz me cny or t3atserst~eld contamed in a Resolution of Intention adopted as Resolution of Intention No. 1473 on August 16; 200fi. , ..~--.~--.~ .~,.,..5-..~a st..~---- Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23264 Assessment Engineer, Assessment Distri~t.No. 06-1 Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that ttig following `ENGINEER'S REPORT, CITY OP BAKERSFIEI,D ASSESSMENT DISTRICT' NO. 06.1" and the"" "onfir dAssess( nr tained therein were appraVed by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on heclay of _ I~~~i~~_ , 200'7, by Council's adoption of Resolution No. 6~ 3 -6'% , LJ~Ug~t-4. ~! iU~- PameIa A. McCarthy, CMC, City CI k i Cityof Bakersfield, Califortia I, Raul M. Rojas,. as Director of Public. Works of the. City of Bakersfield, do herebycertify that a certified copyofthefollowing"ENGINEER'SREFORT,CITYdFBAKETtSFIELDASSESSME?JT DISTRICTNO. 06-I," together with. the Assessment Diagmm attached thereto; was recorded in tqy office on the _1~ day of 1`fAt2t}F .2007. " Rapt M. Rojas, Directorafl?ublic Works CityofBakersfield, California James W Fitch,: County of Kern, ~iooawc«.wpd .,- 2naror TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BA.KERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 (ETCHEVERRYILIN IIIUNIVERSITY PARK, DESCRIPTION PAGE Certificate of Filing and Confirmation of Assessment ..................:................. . i Table of Contents .........:....................................................... ii. SECTIONS SECTIONT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURPOSE, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND ASSESSMENT AREAS, AND ENGINEER'S REPORT SUBMITTAL STATEMENT ................ I-I Assessment District Purpose ........................................... I-I General Description of Boundaries and Assessment Areas .................... I-2 Community Facilities District Special Tax Lien ............................ I-4 Environmental Review Status .......................................... I-5 Engineer's Report Submittal Statement ................................... I-5 Description of Engineer's Report Exhibits A, B, and C ......:.......:......: I-7 SECTION II GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND ACQUISITIONS ............. II-1. Project.Description....: ....................:........................ II-I Description of Project Improvements, Incidental Work, and Annual Assessment II-1 General Description of AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions ................. II-2 General Description of AD 06-1 Improvement and Assessment Proceeding Incidental Work and Expense .......................... II-6 General Description of Proposed Annual Assessment ...................... II-7 SECTION III PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OF ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COSTS AND EXPENSES ........................III-1 Report Requirements ................................................III-l Proposed Assessment of Estimated Improvement Acquisition Costs and Expenses ....:............................III-2 Statement of Total Assessment ........................................Iii-2 Statement of Maximum Annual Parcel Assessment for Recovery of Assessment District Administration Costs and Expenses .............. III•3 Bond Declaration ...................................................III-4 29700FetfaC.wpd -ii- 2/15/07 DESCRIPTION pA~E REPORT EXHIBITS EXEIIBIT A Assessment Roll EXHIBIT B TABLE B-I Engineer's Estimate of Total Cost and Assessment TABLES B-II Engineer's Itemized Estimate of Improvement Acquisition Cost - TABLE B-II-A . Summary of Etcheveny Area, Lin II-Area, and University Pazk Area Improvements to Be Acquired TABLE B-II-B Etcheverry Area -Portion (Tract No. 6343) hnprovements to Be Acquired TABLE B-II-C Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tract No. 6361} hmprovements to Be Acquired TABLE B-II-D Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453}Improvements to Be Acquired TABLE B-II-E University Park Area (Tract No. 6799} Improvements to Be Acquired EXHIBIT C TABLE C-I Consolidated Tabulation of Parcel Assessment Data TABLE C-II-A .Details of Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tract No. 6343) Estimated Assessment Reallocations for Proposed Development per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-II-$ Details of Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tract No. 6361 }Estimated Assessment Reallocations for Proposed Development per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-II-C Details of Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) Estimated Assessment Reallocations for Proposed Development per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-II-D Details of University Park Area {Tract No. 6794} Estimated Assessment Reallocations for Proposed Development per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-III-A Details of Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tract No. 6343) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development TABLE C-III-B Details of Etcheverry Area -Portion (Tract No. 6361) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development TABLE C-III-C Details of Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) Estimated Benefit Assessment Alloca#ions for Proposed Development TABLE C-III-D Details of University Park Area (Tract No. 6794} Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development 29700FerTOC.wpd -iii- 2/15/07 DESCRIPTION PAGE TABLE C-PJ-A Comparison of Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tracf No. 6343) Benefit Assessment Allocation and Assessment Reallocation per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-IV-B Comparison of Etcheveny Area -Portion (Tract No. 6361) Benefit Assessment Allocation and Assessment Reallocation per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-PJ-C Comparison of Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453} Benefit Assessment Allocation and Assessment Reallocation per City Code Section 13.08.070 TABLE C-IV-D Comparison of University Park Area (Tract No. 6799) Benefit Assessment Allocation and Assessment Reallocation per City Code Section 13.08.070 EXHIBIT D DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD METHOD .............................. D-1 Introduction .............:.................................................... D-1 Assessment District Purpose ..................................................... D-1 Authorization for Assessment Reallocations .......................:................. D 2 Description of Assessment Reallocation Method ..................................... D-3 Calculation of Reallocated Assessments ............................................ D-6 Description of Benefit/Cost Based Assessment Allocation Method ............. . ......... D-7 Comparison of Reallocation Method and BenefitlCost Based Assessment Allocation Method; Assessment Spread Results ................................ D-16 Assessment Engineer's Statement of Findings on the Assessment Spread Method .......... D-17 Assessment Proceeding Incidental and Bond Issuance Cost Allocation ................... D-17 Assessment Apportionments to Future Subdivisions .........:....................... D-17 Assessment Engineer's Certification of the Assessment Spread Method .................. D-21 EXHIBIT E Map No. I Showing Portion of Etcheveny Area (Tract No. 6343) Improvements Map No. 2 Showing Portion of Etcheveny Area (Tract No. b361) Improvements Map No. 3 Showing Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) Improvements Map No. 4 Showing University Pazk Area {Tract No. 6799} Improvements REPORT APPENDICES APPENDIX A Map of Proposed Boundaries (On file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; reduced; not to scale copy attached) APPENDIX B . Assessment Diagram (On file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; reduced, not to scale copy attached) APPENDD~ C Names and Addresses of Property Owners 29700FerTOC.wpd ~ -iv- 2!15107 ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-i (ETCHEVERRYILIN IIlI1NIVERSITI' PARK) SECTION I ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURPOSE, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND ASSESSMENT AREAS, AND ENGINEER'S REPORT SUBMITTAL STATEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURPOSE AssessmentDistrictNo. 06-1(EtcheverrylLinIULTniversityPark},hereafter referred to as "AD 06-1," .has been formed by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield (the "City Council") in response to a Petition submitted by Lennar Homes of California, Inc., a Petition submitted by LO Land Assets, LP, and a Petition submitted by Castle & Cooke California; Inc., {hereafter collectively referred to as the "District Proponents") which, at the time the Petitions were filed, were the owners of more than 60% of the land area proposed to be assessed as part of the AD 06-1 proceedings. The Petitions. are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield (the "City Clerk") along with a Certificate signed by the City Director of Public Works attesting to their sufficiency under the requirements of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Streets and Highways Code"). The Petitions were accepted by the City Council on Apri15, 2006, by Council's adoption of its Resolution No. 096-06, Resolution Accepting Petition and Determining to Undertake Special Assessment Proceedings -City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 06-1. AD 06-1 has been formed pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code (the "1913 Act") for the purpose of fmancing the cost of acquisition andlor construction by the City of Bakersfield (the "City") of certain street, water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage, landscaping, and regulated public utility infrastructure improvements. Bonds are to be issued by the City pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code {the "1915 Act") to provide funding for the AD 06-1 parcel assessments not paid in cash by the property owners during an assessment cash payment period that is to be determined by City Council resolution. A description of the AD 06-1 boundaries and of the properties to be apportioned a share of the total cost proposed to be assessed under the AD 06-1 proceedings is presented below. A detailed description of the improvements proposed to be acquired and of related incidental costs and expenses proposed to be funded by AD Ob-T is presented in Section II of this report and a statement of the total assessment and' of the amount proposed to be approved as an annual administrative assessment for AD 06-1 are presented in report Section III. A detailed description of the method developed for allocating the AD 06-1 costs among the assessed parcels is presented in the attached Exhibit D. All of the AD 06-1 properties are located within the existing Corporate Limits of the City of Bakersfield {the "City Limits"). 29700Fed.wpd I-1 2/1S/07 The improvement acquisitions and incidental costs to be financed by AD 06-1 will be spread to the assessed parcels pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code ("Municipal Code"} Section l3.©8.070-Benefit Spread, added to the Municipal Code on April 5, 1995, by City Council's adoption of Ordinance No. 3643. Section 13.08.070 provides for the use of "... an alternate method and rate of assessment reallocating assessments to alternate properties." GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND ASSESSMENT AREAS AD 06-1 is a collection of three separate community areas in northwest and southwest Bakersfield that are identified on the AD 06-1 Boundary Map and in this report and assessment as: L Etcheverry Area, generally bounded by Callaway Drive and Verdugo Lane on the east, Snow Road on the south, and Friant-Kern canal on the west. A portion of the Etcheverry Area is also identified as Tract No. 6343 and a portion of the Etcheveny Area is also identified as Tract No. 6361 (approximately 156.1 acres); 2. Lin II Area, generally bounded by Allen Road on the east, Reina Road on the north; Renfro Road on the northwest, and Vega Meadows Road on the southwest. The Lin II Area is also identified as Tract No. 6453 (approximately 85.1 acres); University Park Area, generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ming Avenue and Gosford Road. The University Park Area is also identified as Tract No. 6799 (approximately 33.5 acres). The three irregularly shaped community areas are located within a rectangular section of northwest and southwest Bakersfield that has anorth-to-south dimension of about seven miles as measured from the north end of the Etcheverry Area to the south end of the University Park Area and awest-to- east dimension of about three and three-quarters miles as measured from the west end of the Lin II Area to the east end of the University Park Area. Each of the three district areas is involved in various stages of the land development entitlement andlor site development process. A portion of the Etcheveny Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 226 single-family residential (R-1) lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6343 ("Ten: TR 6343"). The District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area (LO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that no phases of Tract No. 6343 ("TR 6343") are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. A portion of the Etcheveny Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 204 R-1 lots (plus 1 residential lot with an existing home on it, which will not be assessed a share of the AD 06-1 total assessment amount, as described in this report's Exhibit D),1 storm drain sump lot,1 cell tower lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. b361 ("Ten. TR 6361"). The District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area (LO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the following phase of Tract No. 6361("TR 6361 ") is planned far 29700FerLwpd 1-2 ~ 2/13/07 recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD Ob-1 assessment: Tract No. 6361 Unit One ("TR 6361-1'~ with 75 R-1 lots and 3 public landscape lots. Also, the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6361 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. The Lin II Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 31'7 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6453 ("Ten. TR b453"). The District Proponent for the Lin II Area (Lennaz Homes of California, Inc.) has informed the City Director. of Public. Works that the following phase of Tract No. 6453 ("TR 6453") is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment: Tract No. 6453 Unit One ("TR 6453-1 ") with 192 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, 6 public landscape lots, and 1 "super" lot planned for subdivision by future phases of TR 6453. Also, the District Proponent for the Lin II Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6453 are planned for recording with the-Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. The University Park Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 217 R-1 lots, 1 private park lot, 4 common area lots, and 8 private landscapetgocket pazk lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6'799 ("Ten. TR b799"). The District Proponent for the University Pazk Area (Castle &c Cooke. California, Inc.} has informed the City Director of Public Works that the entire Tract No. 6799 ("TR 6'799"}, with the total number of various lots listed above, is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. As of the date of filing the Engineer's Report for AD 06-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Engineer's Report") for final approval by the City Council, all of the parcels proposed to be assessed a share of the AD 06-1 improvement acquisition cost were-owned by the District Proponents. AD 06-1 will finance the acquisition of various "off-site" and/or "on-site" (in-tract) subdivision improvements and related incidental costs, where those improvements are either already required or are expected by the District Proponents to be required to be installed as conditions of final subdivision or site plan approvals within the three AD 06-1 community areas. The costs financed by AD 06-1 for the acquisition of infrastructure improvements located within or adjacent to one of the three community. areas aze assessed only to properties that aze located within the community area wherein those improvements are also located. Therefore, all of the. improvements proposed to be financed bear a rational nexus to the public infrastructure improvements needed for the subdivision of the property within each area that is proposed to be assessed a shaze of the AD 06-1 total cost. The assessments are apportioned according to the special beriefits received by the lots, pieces, and parcels of land within the assessment district. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel is determined in relationship to the entirety of the capital cost of the improvements. No assessment is proposed to be apportioned on any parcel that exceeds the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel, unless authorized pursuant to Municipal Code Section 13.08.0?0 and approved by 100% of the AD 06-1 property owners. See the attached Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method for a description of the special benefit each assessed pazcel will receive. from the improvement acquisitions proposed to be financed by AD 06-1. 29700Ferl.wpd 1-3 2/15!07 The map entitled "PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (ETCHEVERRY/L1N II/UNIVERSITY PARK), COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA" (the "AD 06-1 Boundary Map"), consisting of six (6) sheets, is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Reference is made to the AD 06-1 Boundary Map for a detailed description of the AD 06-1 boundaries. Said AD 06-1 Boundary Map being too bulky to be bound with this Engineer's Report; a reduced and not to scale copy is attached as Engineer's Report Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference. The AD 06-1 Boundary Map shows and describes the exterior boundaries of the property proposed to be assessed gursuant to the AD 06-1 proceedings. The assessment district encompasses a composite and consolidated area of about 275 acres. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT SPECIAL TAX LIEN As of the date of filing this Engineer's Report, it has been confirmed that properties within the Etcheverry Area and the Lin II Area are subject to an existing special tax lien created by the Community Facilities District No. 92-1 of the RNR School Financing Authority ("CFD No. 92-1") under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Mello-Roos Act"). CFD No. 92-I includes territory from the Rosedale Union. School District, the Norris School District, and the Rio Bravo-Greeley Union School District. CFD No. 92-1 special taxes will be used to finance, or used as security for bonds issued to finance, the construction of elementary, middle, and other authorized school facilities within CFD No. 92-1. The CFD No. 42-1 special taxes are payable regardless of whether any bonds aze issued. The CFD No. 92-1 special taxes vary based upon the zoning, entitlements, and the type and level of development of such property. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the residential properties, in the Etcheverry Area and the Lin II Area are subject to the following CFD No. 92-1 special taxes: No special taxes are collected from property for which no final tract map has been recorded. Upon recordation of a final tract map and if no building permit has been issued for a subdivision lot prior to March 1, 2006, an annual special tax of $129.36 (which maybe increased by 2% each fiscal yeaz) per subdivision lot net acre of subject property is payable. Upon the issuance of a residential building permit for a lot or parcel prior to Mazeh 1, 2006, aone-time charge of $1.25 (which maybe increased each fiscal yeaz based upon the percentage change in a designated construction cost index} per building square foot is payable, and such pazcel is subject to an annual special tax payment of $507.12 (which may be increased by 2°to each fiscal yeaz}. In the alternative, at the time of issuance of such residential building permit, the owner of such parcel may prepay a specified amount, in which case the one-time charge and annual special tax described above will not be levied on such pazcel. The prepayment amount is currently $9,974.26 (which may be increased each fiscal year based upon the percentage change in a designated construction post index). There are no AD 06-1 properties that are subj ect to the commercial ormulti-family residential use CFD No. 92-1 special tax rates. Accordingly, the CFD. No. 92-1 commercial and multi-family residential designation pazcel special tax rates aze not presented in this Engineer's Report. It has also been confirmed that none of the properties in AD 06-1 are within the existing boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 96-1 of the Lakeside Union Elementary School District for which a special tax and maximum bonded indebtedness amounts were approved in June 1996. 29700Fer[.wpd I-4 ~lli/07 ENVIRONMENTAL REVTEW STATUS Pursuant to the Municipal Code, the formation of a City assessment district is exempt from compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"}. Accordingly, a Notice of Exemption from CEQA was filed by the City for the AD 06-1 proceedings on November 14, 2006. Separate environmental review proceedings will be conducted for the improvement projects proposed to be financed by AD 06-1, as part of the CEQA compliance associated with the land use entitlement and subdivision approval process within each community area. ENGINEER'S REPORT SUBMITTAL STATEMENT I, Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director and Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, have been appointed the Engineer of Work for AD 06-1(herein "Engineer of Work") by adoption of City Council. Resolution of Intention No. 1473 to do and perform all services in making preliminary surveys, preparing plans, estimating costs, and preparing a diagram and assessment: Pursuant to the provisions of the 1913 Act, and to Section.10204 contained therein, and pursuant to the Municipal Code, including Section 13.08.070 of Chapter 13.08 thereof, and in accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 1473, adopted by the City Council on August 16, 2006, being a resolution declaring its intent to order the acquisition and/or construction of improvements in AD 06-1 (herein "Resolution of Intention No. 1473"), herewith submit the "Engineer's Report" for AD Ob-1 consisting of six parts as follows: 1. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF IMPROVEMENTS AND LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED: A. Improvements to Be Acquired: At the time this Engineer's Report was being prepared for filing with the City Clerk and for final approval by the City Council, all of the plans and specifications for the improvement acquisitions to be funded by AD 06-1 had not been completed and/or fmally approved by the City Engineer. Therefore, this assessment is based on the cost estimates prepared by SmithTech-USA, Inc., and McIntosh & Associates, the civil engineering consultants hired by the District Proponents to design the AD 06-1 improvements to be acquired and/or constructed within the three community areas. Civil engineering consultants SmithTech- USA, Inc., and McIntosh & Associates are hereinafter referred to as the "AD 06-I Design Engineers." The AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisition Costs are itemized in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Tables B-II-A through B-II-E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The improvements funded by AD 06-1 are to be constructed by the District Proponents and acquired by the City, pursuant to those certain City Agreements Nos: 06.249, 06-250, and 06-251, being Acquisition and Disclosure Agreements, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 06-1, between the City and the District Proponents, approved as to form and substance by City Council Resolution No. 228-06 on August 30, 2006 (the "AD 06-1 Acquisition Agreements"}. 2470DFerLwpd I-5 2/15/07 B. Maps and Descriptions of Lands, Easements, and Rights-of--way to Be Acquired: As of the date of filing this Engineer's Report there were no land, easement, orrights-of--way acquisitions proposed to be financed by AD 06-1. Accordingly, no maps or descriptions have been prepared and filed with the City Engineer. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND ACQUiSiTiONS: A General Description of Work and Acquisitions to be completed pursuant to the AD 06-1 proceedings is included as Section II of this Engineer's Report. The improvement acquisitions within each of the three community areas are also generally shown and described on four maps included in Engineer's Report Exhibit E. 3. ESTIMATE OF TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION AND INCIDENTAL COSTS: A "Statement. of Total Assessment" is presented in Section III of this report. An itemized breakdown of the estimated total improvement acquisition and incidental costs and expenses, including the estimated cost of preparing, printing, registering, servicing, and collecting bonds issued pursuant to these proceedings, is included in Exhibit B, Table B-I, "Engineer's Estimate. of Total Cost and Assessment" (`"fable B-I"), attached hereto. 4. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM: The diagram entitled "ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM OF CITY OF BAKERSFiELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (ETCHEVERRY/L,IN IULTNIVERSITY PARK), COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA" (the "AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram"), consisting of five (5) sheets, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. Said AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram being too bullcy to be bound with this Engineer's Report, a reduced and not to scale copy is attached hereto as Engineer's Report Appendix B and incorporated herein by reference. The AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram shows all of the following: A. The exterior boundaries of AD 06-1; B. The boundaries of the three community azeas within AD 06-1; and C. By reference to the Maps of the Assessor of the County of Kem and to maps and deeds of record, the lines and dimensions aze shown for each sepazate lot, parcel, and subdivision of land within AD 06-1 as they existed at the time this Engineer's Report was filed with the City Clerk, each lot, parcel, and subdivision of land having been assigned a separate assessment number upon the AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram, which corresponds with the number shown for each parcel on the AD 06-1 Assessment Roll (Exhibit A contained herein). 29700FerLwpd I-6 2/15/07 5. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL: A. A. proposed assessment of the estimated total improvement acquisition. cost and of the incidental expenses in connection with the AD 06-1 proceedings is presented in Section III of this Engineer's Report. B. Assessment Roll: An Assessment Roll for AD 06-1 is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Assessment Roll shows the exact amount of the total estimated cost of the proposed improvement acquisitions, incidental work, and expense that is assessed ugon each of the lots and parcels within AD 06-1. The assessment numbers that appear an the Assessment Roll correspond to the assessment numbers shown on the AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram. C. Maximum Annual Parcel. Assessment for Recovery of Assessment District Administration Costs and Expenses: . Pursuant to Pazagraph 3 of Resolution of Intention No. 1473, Section III of this Engineer's Report includes a statement of the proposed $50.00 maximum annual assessment upon each of the parcels in AD 06-1. The purpose of this separate annual assessment is to pay the costs incurred by the City of Bakersfield, and not-otherwise reimbursed, which result from the administrationand collection of assessments, from compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 for continuing disclosure requirements, or from the administration and registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. This maximum annuai assessment is proposed to be levied pursuant to Subdivision (f) of Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code. 6. ASSESSMENT SPREAD METHOD: A description of the assessment spread method used to apportion a share to each pazcel in AD 06-1 of the total estimated cost proposed to be financed for the acquisition and/or construction of improvements and payment of incidental costs is attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference. DESCRIPTION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT EXHIBITS A, B, AND C Exhibits A, B, and C that are attached to this Engineer's Report include a total of twenty (20) tables of AD 06-1 cost estimates and/or assessment spread cost allocations. A brief description of each of the three report exhibits and of the separate tables contained in each exhibit is presented below. Engineer's Report Exhibits A through C have been designed for the purpose of presenting a step-by-step breakdown of how the AD 06-1 total assessment has been spread to the individual parcels that are proposed to be assessed. The Exhibit C tables present separate breakdowns of pazcel assessment data based on the Reallocation Method (per Municipal Code Section 13.0&.070), and 29700Fcrl.wpd I-7 2/I5/07 based on the 1913 Act benefit based Assessment Allocation Method (see Engineer's Report Exhibit D for a description of the Assessment Allocation Method and of the Reallocation Method). A third group of Exhibit C tables provides comparisons of the calculated assessment amounts derived in accordance with the Allocation and Reallocation Methods. The exhibits and their tables begin with: 1. A listing in Exhibit A, Assessment Roll, of the exact amount proposed to be assessed to every existing parcel in AD 06-1; then 2. The Exhibit B tables present the major items oftotal system costs and incidental expenses for all of AD 06-1 (Table B-I), the breakdown of those major items for each of the three community areas in Tables B-II- (A through E) with Table B-II-A summarizing the total. improvement, contingency, and incidental costs for each project within the separate communities, and Tables B-II- (B through E) presenting the itemized quantity and cost estimates for the improvement. acquisitions in each community area. The Tables B-II- (B through E) group also breaks each project into the separate improvement systems that are the focus of the Assessment Spread Method that is described in Engineer's Report Exhibit D. 3. Exhibit C has thirteen (13) tables that provide a detailed breakdown of individual parcel assessment data as follows: A. Details for parcel assessments calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method of assessment spread authorized by Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 are presented in Tables GI and C-II- (A through D); B. Details for parcel assessments calculated in accordance with the AD 06-1 Allocation Method of assessment spread that is a benefitlcost based assessment spread method are shown in Tables C-III- (A through D); and C. Tables C-N- (A through D) present a comparison by community area of the assessments calculated by each of the two spread methods referenced in 3.A and 3.B, above, and described in Exhibit D. 29700Fed.wpd I-8 2!15107 ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFiELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 (ETCHEVERRYILIN H/IINIVERSITY PARK SECTION II GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND ACQUISITIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION The separate improvement systems to be acquired and their related incidental work and costs eligible for financing pursuant to the AD Ob-1 proceedings- (hereinafter the "Improvement Acquisitions") are described below. The descriptions of the Improvement Acquisitions and of the termini of the proposed work do not necessarily extend for the full length of their description. The plans and profiles of the Improvement Acquisitions shall be controlling as to their correct and detailed description. The general scope of the Improvement Acquisitions includes the acquisition of public infrastructure improvements that will be owned, operated, and maintained by the City, and the payment of certain improvement, assessment proceeding, and bond issuance incidental costs and expenses related to the AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions and to the assessment proceedings. .All of the AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions are public infrastructure improvements that are either already required to be installed or are expected by the District Progonents to be required to be installed as conditions of tentative or final subdivision map approvals, or of land use entitlement approvals within the three AD 06-I community areas. As stated in Section I, the AD 06-1 hnprovement Acquisitions are proposed to be financed by the City in accordance with the terms and conditions of the AD 06-1 Acquisition Agreements. Those agreements define the specific scope of public infrastructure improvements to be constructed and installed by the District Proponents and, upon their completion, be acquired by the City using funds provided only through the AD 06-1 proceedings. DESCRH'TION OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS, INCIDENTAL WORK, AND ANNUAL ASSESSMENT General descriptions are presented below of the Improvement Acquisitions and of any incidental work and expense to be financed by AD 06-1 that are related to those Improvement Acquisifions or to the AD 06-1 proceedings. A general description of the proposed annual assessment to be levied pursuant to Section 10204(fj of the Streets and Highways Code and to the AD 06-1 proceedings for the recovery of certain costs that may be incurred by the City in future years from the administration of the AD 06- I bonds and reserve fund, from the administration and collection of annual assessment debt service installments, or from compliance with bond issue continuing disclosure requirements is also presented in following portions of this Section II. 24700FerII.wpd Il-1 2/15107 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AD 06-i IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITIONS The AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions include the construction and installation as separate improvement systems of certain City-owned infrastructure improvements, of certain utility improvements to be owned and operated by regulated public utility companies, and incidental-work described below. The Improvement Acquisitions are to be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the AD 06-1 Design Engineers and as approved by the City Engineer. As stated in Section I, the plans and specifications for all of the Improvement Acquisitions had not been completed and/or finally approved by the City Engineer at the time this Engineer's Report was prepared. Accordingly, the following description of work is based on schematic, preliminary, and/or approved plans, quantities, and estimates that have been prepared by the AD 06-1 Design Engineers. The hnprovement Acquisitions to be made pursuant to the AD 06-1 proceedings aze described below. Iri addition, the four maps in Engineer's Report Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, show and describe the general location of the several improvement projects, which together comprise the Improvement Acquisitions that are to be financed by AD 06-1. Etcheverrv Area -portion (Tract No. 6343) The Etcheverry Area boundaries encompass an approximately 80.6-acre block of land that is planned for subdivision into a combined fatal of 226 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6343. One of the District Proponents (LO Land Assets, LP, through its development arrangements with Lennaz Homes of California, Inc.) is the subdivider of TR 6343. Accordingly, all of the Improvement Acquisitions for this portion of the Etcheveny Area are hnprovernents related tothe-development of that subdivision and are generally described as improvements in and along Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive, and as TR 6343 storm drain improvements that are required to be constructed, or are expected by this District Proponent to be required to be constructed, as conditions of approval for that subdivision. The general location and extent of the TR 6343 gortion of the Etcheveny Area planned Improvement Acquisitions aze described below and are generally shown on Map No. 1 in Engineer's Report Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. An itemized cost estimate and a detailed listing of all TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area Improvement Acquisitions aze .presented in the Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Table B-II-B. This District Proponent's incidental costs. for the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area are not included in the scope of the AD 06- l Improvement Acquisitions. . Verdugo Lane (east side): Construction of the east side of Verdugo Lane along the frontage of TR 6343 (between Etchart Road and the northerly boundary of TR 6343), including grading, paving, curb, gutter; sidewalk, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. z97oorerII.wpd II-2 vas/o1 Etchart Road (north side): Construction of the north side of Etehart Road along the frontage of TR 6343 (between Verdugo Lane and Calloway Drive), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. Calloway Drive (west side): Construction of the west side of Callaway Drive along the frontage of TR 6343 (between Etchart Road and the northerly boundary of TR 6343}, including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. Tract No. 6343 Storm Drain: Construction of a complete storm drain system for TR 6343 {in-tract/on-site and small sections in Etchart Road and Calloway Drive}, including 18-, 24-, 30-, and 36-inch diameter pipelines with manholes, catch basins, and outlet structures, and, around the sump, subdivision block wall with a 14-foot wide gate. Etcheverrv Area -portion (Tract No. 6361} The Etcheverry Area boundaries encompass an approximately 75.5-acre block of land that is planned for subdivision into a combined total of 204 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 cell tower lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6361. One of the District Proponents (LO Land Assets, LP, through its development arrangements with Lennar Homes of California, Inc.) is the subdivider of TR 6361. Accordingly, all of the Improvement Acquisitions for this portion of the Etcheverry Area are improvements related to the development of that subdivision and are generally described as improvements in and along Verdugo Lane and Snow Road, and as TR 6361 storm drain improvements that are required to be constructed, or are expected by this District Proponent to be required to be constructed, as conditions of approval for that subdivision. The general location and extent of the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheveny Area planned Improvement Acquisitions are described below and are generally shown on Map No. 2 in Engineer's Report Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. An itemized cost estimate and a detailed listing of all TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area Improvement Acquisitions are presented in the Engineer's ReportBxhibit B, Table B-II-C. This District Proponent's incidental costs for the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area aze not included in the scope of the AD Ob-1 hnprovement Acquisitions. Verdugo Lane (west side): Construction of the west side of Verdugo bane along the frontage of TR 6361 {between Snow Road and the northerly boundary of TR 6361 },including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. 29700Fua.wpd II-3 2!15/07 Snow Road (north side): Construction of the north side of Snow Road along the frontage of TR 6361 (between Verdugo Lane and the westerly boundary of TR 6361), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk with class II bike path, handicap ramps, median, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping,. and subdivision block wall. Tract No. 6361 Storm Drain: Construction of a complete storm drain system for TR 6361 (on-sitelin-tract and in Verdugo Lane), including 18-and 24-inch diameter pipelines with manholes, catch basins, and outlet structures, and, around the sump, subdivision block wall with a 14-foot wide gate. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) The Lin II Area boundaries encompass an approximately 85.1-acre block of land that is planned for subdivision into a combined total. of 317 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6453. One ofthe District Proponents (Lennar Homes of California, Inc.) is the subdivider of TR b453. Accordingly, all of the Improvement Acquisitions for the Lin II Area are improvements related to the development of that subdivision .and are generally described as improvements in and along Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road, and as TR 6453 on-site sewer improvements that are required to be constructed, or are expected by this District Proponent to be required to be constructed, as conditions of approval for that subdivision. The general location and extent of the Lin II Area planned Improvement Acquisitions are described below and are generally shown on Map No. 3 in Engineer's Report Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: An itemized cost estimate and a detailed listing of all Lin II Area Improvement Acquisitions are presented in the Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Table B-II-D. This District Proponent's incidental costs for the Lin II Area are not included in the scope of the AD 46-1 Improvement Acquisitions. Allen Road (west side):. Construction of the west side of Allen Road along the frontage of TR 6453 (between the southerly boundary of TR 6453 and Reina Road), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. Reina Road (south side): Construction of the south side of Reina Road along the frontage of TR 6453 (between Renfro Road and Allen Road), including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewallc, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. 29700FerII.wpd II-4 2115/07 Renfro Road (east side): Construction of the east side of Renfro Road along the frontage of TR 6453 .(between Vega Meadows Road and Reina Road}, including grading, paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk with class II bike path, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. Vega Meadows Road (north side): Construction of the north side of Vega Meadows Road along the frontage of TR 6453 (between Renfro Road and the easterly boundary of TR 6453}, including grading, paving, curb,. gutter, sidewalk with multi purpose trail, handicap ramps, street lights, survey monument encasements, interconnect conduit, street signs, striping, and subdivision block wall. Tract No. b453 On-site Sewer: Construction of a complete on-sitetin-tract sewer system for TR 6453, including 6-, 8-, and 10-inch diameter pipelines with manholes and clean outs, 4-inch diameter sewer laterals for all residential lots in TR b453, and a complete sewer lift station located in TR 6453. University Pazk Area The University Park Area boundaries encompass an approximately 33.5-acre block of land that is planned for subdivision into a combined total of 217 R-1 lots, 1 private park lot, 4 common area lots, and 8 private landscapelpocket park lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6799. One of the District Proponents (Castle & Cooke California, Inc.) is the subdivider of TR 6799.' Accordingly, all of the Improvement Acquisitions for the University Park Area are improvements related to the development of that subdivision and are generally described as improvements in and along Ming Avenue and Gosford Road, and as City developmenttfacilities fees for TR 6799 that are required to be constructed and/or paid, or are expected by this District Proponent to be required to be constructed and/or paid, as conditions of approval for that subdivision. The general location and extent of the University Park Area planned Improvement Acquisitions are described below and are generally shown on Map No. 4 in Engineer's Report Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. An itemized cost estimate and a detailed listing of all University Pazk Area Improvement Acquisitions, including this District Proponent's incidental costs for design engineering, construction staking, soils and materials analysis and testing, plan check fees, and inspection fees, aze presented in the Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Table B-II-E. Ming Avenue (south side) and Gosford Road-(west side): Construction of the south side of Ming Avenue and the west side of Gosford Road along the frontages of TR 6799 (between, respectively, the westerly boundary of TR 6799 and Gosford Road, and between Ming Avenue and the southerly boundary of TR 6799), including paving at right turn lanes, curb, gutter, sidewalk, handicap ramps, street signs, street lights, interconnect conduit and pull boxes, monument encasements, 8-inch diameter water line road bore with fire hydrants and gate 29700Fer0.wpd II-5 2/15/07 valves,. 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer line road bore with manholes, 18-inch diameter storm drain pipeline with catch basins and manholes, subdivision block wall with major and neighborhood corner sign monuments; and landscaping. Also included in the Ming Avenue and Gosford Road scope of improvements are demolition and removal of existing pavement, curb, gutter, and storm drain catch basins and manholes. Cify Facilities Fees: Payment of City Regional Transportation Impact fees for TR 6799. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AD Q6-1 IMPROVEMENT AND ASSESSMENT PROCEEDING INCIDENTAL WORK AND EXPENSE The total cost proposed to be financed by AD 06-1 includes work to be performed and fees or expenses to be paid that are incidental to the construction of the separate improvement system acquisitions. In addition, the cost and expense related to the conduct by the City of the AD 06-1 proceedings and to the issuance and sale of bonds to finance the total assessed cost and not paid by the property owners and/or not paid by public agency contributions are also proposed to be financed by AD Ob-1. The incidental costs and expenses proposed to be funded by AD D6-1 are described as follows: A. The acquisition of all rights of way, easements, franchises, licenses, and pernrits, and the construction of all auxiliary work, and the payment of all incidental expenses necessary and/or convenient to the accomplishment of the foregoing and for the conduct of special assessment proceedings and the issuance of special assessment bonds, as maybe approved by the City, for the financing of all or a portion of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, the incidental expense to cover the estimated cost of preparing, printing, registering,"servicing, and collecting the improvement bonds proposed to be issued to represent the assessments, and the incidental expense to cover the estimated cost during the first two years following issuance of any bonds for City compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 for continuing disclosure requirements, as may be applied to any AD 06-1 bonds issued by the City; B. The payment and/or reimbursement to the. City and to the District Proponents of 1) all eligible sums under the Streets and Highways Code advanced by the City, including all associated City incurred district formation and assessment proceeding administration costs and expenses, and 2) all eligible sums under the Streets and Highways -Code and pursuant to the AD 06-1 Acquisition Agreement advanced by the District Proponents, including all costs advanced for the preparation of construction plans for the Improvement Acquisitions; and C. The funding of not to exceed one (1) year's capitalized interest on any bonds issued in the amount of the unpaid assessments, where said bonds are to be issued pursuant to the Municipal Code and to the 1915 Act. All of the foregoing improvement acquisitions, incidental work, and expense shall be made and done pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code and the 1913 Act. 29706FerII.wpd lI-6 2/15/07 GENERAI, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ANNUAL ASSESSMENT Section III of this Engineer's Report also includes a "Statement of Maximum Annual Parcel Assessment for Recovery of AssessmentDistrictAdministrationCostsandExpenses.." The purpose of the proposed $50.00. annual assessment is to pay costs incurred by the City from .the administration and collection of assessments, from compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule I Sc2-12 for continuing disclosure, or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds, pursuant to Subdivision (f) of Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Gode. 29700Feril.wpd Il-7 2/li/07 ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 (ETCiIEVERRYILIN IIlIINIVERSITY PARK SECTION III PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OF ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COSTS AND EXPENSES REPORT REQUIREMENTS On August 16, 2006, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code and of the 1913 Act, adopted its Resolution of Intention No. 1473 declaring its intent to order the acquisition and/or construction of the improvements described in the foregoing Engineer's Report Section II, to levy a special assessment on each parcel of land benefited by the improvement Acquisitions and to levy a maximum annual assessment pursuant to Subdivision (fj of Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code. The Subdivision (f) declaration provides for the levy of an annual assessment upon each of the parcels of land in AD 06-1 to recover costs incurred by the City and not otherwise reimbursed, resulting from the administration and collection of assessments and from the administration or registration of any associated reserve or other related funds. Resolution of Intention No. 1473 further declares that the lands within the exterior boundaries shown on the AD 06-I Boundary Map shall be designated CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-I COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ETCHEVERRYILIN IIIUNIVERSITY PARK) Resolution of Intention No.1473 appointed the City Public Works Director as the Engineer of Work for AD 06-1 and directed him to make and file the report {the "Engineer's Report") required by Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code. The Engineer's Report requirements set forth in Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code are summarized in Section I of this report under the subsection entitled "Engineer's Report Submittal Statement." Reference is made to Resolution of Intention No. 1473 and to the general description of the improvements proposed to be acquired and/or constructed, as presented in Section II of this Engineer's Report, for more detailed information on the declared intent of the City Council for conduct of the AD 06-1 assessment proceedings. 29706FerIII.wpd III-1 2!15!07 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OF ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COSTS AND EXPENSES NOW, THEREFORE, I, Raul M. Rojas, the duly appointed Engineer of Work for AD 06-1, by virtue of the power vested in me under the Municipal Code and under the 1913 Act and the order of the City Council, as set forth in Resolution of Intention No.1473, hereby make the following assessment to cover the portion of the estimated cost of the acquisition andlor construction of improvements and the costs and expenses incidental thereto to be paid by AD 06-1: The amount to be paid by AD 06-1 for the acquisition andtor construction of improvements, and the expenses incidental thereto is generally as shown in the following Statement of Total Assessment: STATEMENT OF TOTAL ASSESSMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 (ETCHEVERRYJLIN II![7NIVERSITY PARK Assessment Amount As Preliminarily Confirmed Approved 01!17!07 Assessment Amount A. Acquisition Cost of Improvements, Fees, Contingency, and Incidental Expense (Exhibit B, Table B-I, Items 1-4) 1. Etcheverry Area -portion (Tract No. 6343) $ 964,751.00 $ 996,139.00 2. Etcheverry Area -portion (Tract No. 6361} $ 879,750.00 $ 907,463.00 3. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) $ 1,355,750.00 $ 1,397,951.00 4. University Park Area (Tract No. b799) $ 897,686.00 $ 923,926.00 5. Total Acquisition Cost $ 4,097,937.00 $ 4,225,479.00 B. Assessment District Proceeding Cost and Expense (Exhibit B, Table B-I, Item 6) $ 270,857.36 $ 269,915.37 C. Subtotal $ 4,368,794.36 $ 4,495,394.37 D. Deduct Contributions and Cash Collections $ 0.00 $ 0.00 E. Subtotal Cost to 1915 Act Bond Financing $ 4,368,794.36 $ 4,495,394.37 F. 1915 Act Bond Issuance Cost and Reserve (Exhibit B, Table B-I, Item 10} I. Underwriter's (Bond} Discount $ 45,161.20 $ 45,072.30 2. Capitalized Interest $ 158,044:44 $ 98,583.33 3. Bond Reserve Fund $ 508,000.00 $ 430 950.00 4. Total 1915 Act Bond Issuance Cost and Reserve ~ 711,205.64 $ 574,605.63 Cz Total Amount Assessed (Table B-I, Item 11) ~ 5.080,000.00 $ 5,070,000.00 1.EtcheverryArea-portian(TractNo.6343) $ 1,195,951.79 $ 1,195,231.29 2. Etcheverry Area -portion (Tract No. 6361) $ 1,090,580.45 $ 1,088,832.16 3. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453} $ 1,680,652:97 $ 1,677,351.04 4. University Pazk Area (Tract No. 6799} $ 1,1 ]2,814.79 $ 1,108,585.51 29700FerIIl.wpd lII-2 2/15/07 A detailed breakdown of the itemized costs for theacquisitionand/or construction of improvements, and expenses incidental thereto is presented in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of law and of Resolution of Intention No. 1473, I have assessed the total amount of the cost of the acquisition and/or construction of improvements and of the expenses incidental thereto upon the several parcels of land liable therefor and hereinafter numbered to correspond with the numbers shown on the attached AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram, .all as is more particularly set forth in the Assessment Roll; attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The numbers on the Assessment Roll correspond with the numbers assigned to each respective parcel as shown on the AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram. Each subdivision of land assessed is described within the Assessment Roll by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor's Maps of the County of Kern for the fiscal year 200612007, or by reference to maps and deeds of record on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County. For a more particulaz description of the manner in which the Estimated Total Improvement Acquisition Cost and Incidental Expenses have been assessed upon the several parcels of land in AD 06-1, reference is made to the Description of Assessment Spread Method, attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference. 3. As required by the 1913 Act, the AD 06-1 Assessment Diagram is on file in the office of the City Clerk and is attached hereto in reduced, not to scale form, as Appendix B and incorporated herein by reference. For a more particplaz description of the AD 06-1 exterior boundaries, reference is made to the AD 06-1 Boundary Map on file in the office of the City Clerk, attached hereto in reduced and not to scale form as Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference. STATEMENT OF MAXIMiJM ANNUAL PARCEL ASSESSMENT FOR .RECOVERY OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION COSTS AND EXPENSES Pursuant to Subdivision (f) of Secfion 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code, I present the following statement of a proposed maximum annual assessment upon each parcel and subdivision of land in AD 06-1, in the amount of $50:00. Said annual assessment shall be levied by the City Council to pay various costs and expenses incurred from time to time by the City and not otherwise reimbursed, which result from the administration and collection of assessment installments, from compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15e2-12 for continuing disclosure requirements, or from the administration or registration of the improvement bonds and the various funds and accounts pertaining thereto. The City Council shall determine, by resolution, the amount of the annual assessment for this purpose, which shall not exceed the maximum assessment stated above and shall not exceed a reasonable estimate of costs actually. incurred. The above stated maximum annual assessment amount shall be separate from and in addition to any costs and expenses that may be charged to property owners in AD 06-1 by the City, pursuant to Sections 8682 and 8682.1 of the Streets and Highways Cade. 29700FerID.wpd III-3 2/1S/07 BOND DECLARATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 1473 serial. and/or term bonds representing the unpaid assessments, and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, will be issued in the manner provided by the 1915 Act, and the last installment of the bonds shall mature in not to exceed twenty-four (24) years from the second day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. The provisions of Part 11.1 of the 1915. Act providing a procedure for the collection of assessments and advance retirement of bonds shall apply. The total amount assessed pursuant to the AD 06-1 proceedings includes an incidental expense to cover the estimated cost of preparing, printing, registering, servicing, and collecting the improvement bonds proposed to be issued pursuant to the 1915 Act to represent any unpaid assessments. The AD 06-1 Engineer's Report was filed in the office of the City Clerk on January 5, 2007, for preliminary approval on January 17, 2007, pursuant to City Council Resolufion No. 002-07. This Engineer's Report was filed with the City Clerk on March 2, 2007, for final consideration and approval by the City Council after the close of the hearing scheduled for March. 14, 2007. The proposed AD 06-1 "final" assessment amount shown in the preceding "Statement of Total Assessment" in Engineer's Report Section III on page III-2, under the "Confirmed Assessment Amount" column, and the individual parcel proposed "final" assessment amounts are shown in Exhibit A, Assessment Roll, under the "Confirmed Assessment Amount" column. Pursuant to the finding of the AD 06-1 Assessment Engineer, as stated in Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method, the proposed Assessment Reallocation Method. is in general conformance with the requirements of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070. Therefore, the undersigned recommends that the AD 06-1 Engineer's Report be approved by the City Council as the Final Report, that the parcel assessments shown herein be levied, and the proposed improvements and/or acquisitions financed by AD 06-1 be ordered. Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director and Engineer of Work, City of Bakersfield, Assessment District No. 06-1 29700FerD[.wpd III-4 2715/07 E%HIBIT A ENGINEER'S REPQRT CRY OF BAKERSFIEID ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.OS7 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S TAX PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN)t ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 1 482-080.13 (PARCEL B IN LOT LINE LO LAND ASSETS LP 195 957.79 51 51 195 231.29 ADJUSTMENT N0. 28-05) , , . , , 2 TRACT NO. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 1 - LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,365.98 55,337.41 3 TRACT N0. fi367 UNR 0NE;LOT 2 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 4 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR 0NE;LOT 3 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 5 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 4 LO LAND ASSETS, LP .55,345.98 35,337.41 6 TRACT N0. 6367 UNR ONE: LOT 5 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 7 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 6 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 35,337.41 e TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 7 LO L4ND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 $5,537.47 9 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 8 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 $5,337.47 10 TRACT N0. 6381 UNR ONE; LOT 8 LO LANG ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.47 it TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 10 LO LANG ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55.337.51 12 TRACT NO. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 11 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.47 13 TRACT NO. 6367 UNR ONE; LOT 12 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 t4 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT t9 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 85,337,41 15 TRACT NO. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT t4 l0 LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 $5,337.41 78 TRACT NO. 6361 UNR ONE: l0T 75 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,346.98 55,337.41 i7 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 16 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.96 55,337.41 78 TRACT NO. 6387 UNR ONE; LOT 71 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55.345.98 55,337.41 t9 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 78 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.47 20 TRACT NO. 8367 UNR ONE; LOT 19 l0 LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.47 27 TRACT N0. 8367 UNIT ONE; LOT 20 LO LANDASSETS. LP - $5,345,98 55,337.41 22 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 21 l0 LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 23 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 22 LD LAND ASSETS, LP 33,345.98 55,337.41 24 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; l0T 23 lO IAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 25 TRACT N0. 6367 UNIT ONE; LOT 24 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55.345.88 $5,337.47 28 TRACT N0. 8981 UNR ONE; LOT 25 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5,345.98 55,337.47 27 TRACT N0. 6381 UNIT ONE; lOT 26 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,945.98 55,337.41 28 TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 27 LO LAND ASSETS, lP $5,945.98 55,337.41 29 TRACT N0. 8361 UNR ONE; LOT 28 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5.345.86 55,337.41 30 TRACT N0. 8367 UNR ONE; LOT 28 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345,98 55,337.47 31 TRACT N0. 6387 UNIT ONE; LOT 30 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 55,337.47 32 TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 31 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 33 TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; l0T 32 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 $5,337.41 34 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 33 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55.345.88 25,337A1 95 TRACT N0. 8361 UNIT ONE; LOT 94 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55.345.98 55,337.47 38 TRACT N0. 8387 UNIT ONE; LOT 95 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55.346.96 55,337.41 37 TRACT N0. 8361 UNIT ONE: LOT 36 LO LAND ASSETS: lP 55,395.98 55,337.41 38 TRACT N0. 6367 UNIT ONE; LOT 37 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.96 $5,337.41 39 TRACT N0. 6381 UNR ONE; LOT 38 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.96 55,337.41 40 TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 39 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 $5,337.41 41 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 40 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 15,337.47 42 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 41 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.41' 43 TRACT N0. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 42 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 55,337.41 44 TRACT N0. 8381 UNIT ONE; l0T 43 LO LAND ASSETS. LP $5,345.98 55,337A1 45 TRACT NO. 8361 UNIT ONE; LOT 41 LO LAND ASSETS. LP $5,345.86 55,337.41 46 TRACT NO. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 45 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5,345.98 55,337.41 47 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 46 l0 LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.47 48 TRACT NO. 6361 UNIT ONE; lOT 47 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 49 TRACT N0. 6367 UNIT ONE; LOT 48 l0 LAND ASSETS. LP 55,395.95 55,337.41 50 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 49 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5.345.98 55,337.41 51 TRACT N0. 636i UNR ONE: LOT 50 LO LAND ASSETS. LP $5.345.98 55,337.41 52 TRACT N0. 8361 UNR ONE: lOT 51 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5.345.98 55,337.61 53 TRACT N0. 6367 UNIT ONE; LOT 52 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 55,337.41 54 TRACT NO. 6361 UNIT ONE; LOT 53 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55.345.98 55.337.41 55 TRACT N0. 8361 UNIT ONE; LOT 54 LO LAND ASSETS. LP $5,345.98 55,337.47 56 TRACT N0. 8361 UNIT ONE; LOT 55 LO LAND ASSETS; LP 55,345.98 E5,33L47 57 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 56 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 55,337.61 58 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 57 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55.345.98 55,337.41 59 TRACT N0. 6367 UNR ONE; LOT 58 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 $5,337.41 60 TRACT N0. 6961 UNR ONE; lOT 59 l0 LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.88 55,337.41 67 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 80 LO LAND ASSETS, LP 55,395.98 55,337.41 62 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 81 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55,337.41 63 TRACT N0. 6387 UNR ONE; LOT 62 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.96 $5,337.51 84 TRACT N0. 6387 UNR ONE; l0T 63 LO LJWD ASSETS. LP 55,345.98 55.337.47 65 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 64 LO LAND ASSETS, LP $5.315.98 55;337.41 66 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 85 LO LAND ASSETS, lP 55,345.98 55,337.41 67 TRACT N0. 8361 UNR ONE; LOT 86 LO LANG ASSETS, lP 55,395.98 55,937.41 68 TRACT N0. 6381 UNR ONE; LOT 87 l0 LAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.98 $5.337.41 89 TRACT ND. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 68 l0 LAND ASSETS. LP 55,345.88 55,337.47 70 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR 0NE;L0T 69 LO IAND ASSETS, LP 55,345.96 55,337.41 71 TRACT N0. 6367 UNR 0NE; L0T 70 LO LAND ASSETS, IP 55,345.88 55,337.41 72 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE: LOT 71 LO LAND ASSETS, lP $5,345.98 55,337.47 73 TRACT N0. 6361 UNR ONE; LOT 72 LO LAND ASSETS. LP - 55,345.98 55,337.41 7q TRACT N0. 636Y UNR ONE; LOT 7S l0 LANDASSETS, LP 55.345.98 55,337.41 76 TRACT N0. 8381 UNR ONE; LOT 74 LO LANDASSETS, LP 55.345.98 55.937,41 78 TRACT N0. 6981 UNR 0NE; L0T 73 lO IANDA55ETS, LP 55,948.iB 55,337.59 77 TRACT N0. 6387 UNR ONE; LOT A LD LANDASSETS, LP 50.00 50.00 28700EXA A-i 2/202007 EXHIBR A ENGINEER'S REPORT CRY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.08-7 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF C%IFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S TAX PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATN)( ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 78 79 80 e7 62 83 ea BS 86 W 88 89 90 97 92 93 94 95 98 87 9B 99 100 707 702 103 704 105 706 107 W8 708 170 177 112 173 114 115 118 117 118 H9 120 121 122 123 124 725 12fi 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 734 735 138 137 738 139 140 ibt 742 143 144 145 148 147 748 149 150 157 752 TRACT NO.6381 UNIT ONE; LOT S TRACT N0.6967 UNIT ONE; LOT C 492-080-02, 492-090-74, 492-090-76. 492- 090.55, AND A PORTION OF 492-060-14 (PORTION OF PARCEL A IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.28-05) TRACT N0.8459 UNIT ONE; lOT 7 TRACT NO. &153 UNIT ONE: LOT 2 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; lOT 3 TRACT NO. 6453 UNR ONE; LOT 4 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 3 TRACT N0.6953 UNIT ONE; LOT 6 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 7 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 8 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE: LOT e TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 10 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 11 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 72 TRACT N0.8453LINR ONE; LOT 13 TRACT N0.6953 UNR ONE; LOT 74 TRACT N0.6453LINR ONE; LOT 15 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT i6 TRACT NO. 6453 VNiT ONE: l0T 17 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; LOT t8 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 19 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 20 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; lOT 21 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; l0T 22 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 23 TRACT NO: 6453 UNIT ONE: lOT 24 TRACT N0.6953 UNIT ONE; LOT 25 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; LOT 28 TRACT N0.8459 UNR ONE: LOT 27 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 26 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 29 TRACT NO. &753 UNIT ONE; LOT 30 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 37 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 32 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 33 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 34 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 35 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; lOT 36 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 37 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 98 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 39 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; l0T 40 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 4t TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT d2 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 43 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 44 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 45 TRACT N0.6453LINR ONE; LOT 48 TRACT NO: 6953LINR ONE: l0T 47 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: lOT 48 TRACT NO. B45S UNR ONE; LOT 49 TRACT N0.6/53 UNIT ONE; LOT 50 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; lOT 5/ TRACT N0.8453LINR ONE; LOT 52 TRACT ND. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 53 TRACT N0.6453LIHR ONE; LOT 54 TRACT N0.6453LIHR ONE; LOT 55 TRACT N0.6453LINR ONE; LOT 56 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; l0T 57 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONEaOT 58 TRACT N0.8453LIHR ONE; LOT 59 TRACT NO. 8453LINR ONE; LOT 60 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 61 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 82 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 63 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 64 TRACT N0.6953 UNR ONE; LOT 65 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 66 TRACT N0. 6453 UNR ONE; LOT 67 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; l0T 68 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 89 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 70 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 71 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 72 l0 LAND ASSETS. LP SU.W l0 LAND ASSETS, lP 50.00 LO LAND ASSETS. LP 5689,631.77 LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNUS, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, ING. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORN10. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIR, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNU\, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CRUFORNi0. INC, LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALFORNAI. ING. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, iNC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNLA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNW, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNUI. LNG. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, ING. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNL4INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, ING. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. ING. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF G%IFORNIA. ING. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, ING. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNW.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, INC. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA, LNG. LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNU+, INC. 55.301.74 55,301.74 $5.301.74 $5,301.74 $5.301.74 55,307.74 55,301.74 55,301.74 $5.301.74 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,307.74 §5,301.74 $5.301.74 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 $5,301.74 $5,307.74 55,301.74 55,301.74 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 $5,30174 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 55.301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 $5,30Y.74 $5,307.74 $5,307.74 55.307.74 55,901.74 $5,301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 55.301.74 55,301.74 55,307.74 $5,301.74 50.00 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,307.79 55.301.7d 55,301.74 $5,301.74 55,301.74 55,307.74 55,301.74 55,301.74 $5,307.74 $5,307.74 $5.301.74 $5,307 74 55,307.74 $5,301.74 $5,307.74 55,301.74 55,301.74 $5,301.74 85,301.74 55,301.74 §5,901.74 $5,301.79 55,301.74 $5,301.74 $5,301,74 $5,301.74 au.uu $0.00 5688,526.23 $5.291.39 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 $5,291.33 55.291.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 55,297.93 55.297.33 $5,291.33 55$91.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 $5.297.33 E5,29i.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 55,291.93 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 $5.291.33 55,291.33 $5,297.33 $5,291.33 55,297.33 $5,297.33 $5,281.33 55,291.33 55,281.33 55,297.33 55,291.33 $5,297.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 55,297.33 $5.291.33 $S,Z81.33 55,291.33 $5.291.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 $0.00 $5,29733 55,291.33 55,291.33 55,291.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 55,287.33 55,297.33 55,291.33 55,297.33 55,291.33 55,291.33 $5,287.33 55,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,281.33 55,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,297.33 55,291.33 §5,291.33 $5,291.33 55,291.33 $5,291.33 $5,291.33 297ooExa a-2 2rzOnoo7 EXHIBIT A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O&t COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL A35ESSOR'3 TA1f PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER {ATN)7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 759 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; lOT 73 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIPoRNIA, INC. $5,301.74. 85,297.33 754 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 74 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNA4, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 155 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 75 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, ING. 55,307.74 55,297.33 158 TRACT N0. 6453LINR ONE; LOT 76 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,307.74 E5,29L33 157 TRACT NO. fi453 UNIT ONE; LOT 77 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,301.74 E5,29L33 158 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 7g LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 .55,291.33 759 TRACT N0.6953 UNIT ONE: LOT 79 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 b5,291.33 160 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LO7 80 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55,287.33 161 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT et LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.301.74 55.291.33 162 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 82 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNW, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.35 163 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE: l0T 83 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33. 764 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONEaO7 B4 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNA1, ING. 55,30174 55,291.33 165 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONE: l0T 85 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 $5,291.33 166 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: l0T 88 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 167 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 87 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, ING. 55,301.74 $5,291.33 168 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONEaOT 88 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.93 789 TRACT NO. fi453 UNIT ONE; l0T 89 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 $5.291.33 170 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 90 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA.INC. - 55,301.74 55,297.33 171 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 91 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,307.74 55,297.33 772 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; l0T 92 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 §5,297.33 173 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 93 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 174 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 94 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 175 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONE; l0T 95 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFDRNV+, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 776 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 96 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 777 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 97 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 Y78 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 96 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 77g TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 99 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 85,29L33 7g0 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 100 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,301.74 55,281.33 187 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 107 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNW, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 1g2 TRACT N0. 6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 102 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 35,301.74 55,291.33 763 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; lOT 103 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 784 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT iQ4 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 85,301.74 55,291.33 785 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 105 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 85,301.74 55,291.33 1B6 TRACT N0. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 708 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,901.74 55,291.33 767 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 107 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,301.74 S5,Z91.33 168 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 108 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,297.33 189 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 709 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.7-0 55,291.33 180 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 170 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 197 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 711 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA.INC. 55.301.74 55,297.33 192 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 172 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 193 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 113 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 $5,291.33 194 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 114 IENNAR HOMES OF CRLIFORNIA.INC. 55,30174 55,291.93 785 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 715 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 85,301.74 55,297.33 Y96 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 718 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, ING. 55,301.74 $5,291.33 7g7 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 117' IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 55,2g1.33 190 TRACT N0.6453LINR ONE; LOT 118 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55.291.33 1 B9 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 719 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,297.33 200 TRACT NO. 6453 UNR ONE; LOT 120 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNAI. INQ $5,307.74 55,291.33 201 TRACT NO. 8453 UNI7 ONE; LOT 721 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 b5,291 33 202 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 122 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA.INC. 55,301.74 55.291.33 203 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 123 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 204 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 124 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 35,291.33 205 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LO7 125 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 208 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 126 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. ~ 55,301.74 55,291.33 207 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 127 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55.291.33 206 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 128 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA; INC. 55,301.74 55,297.33 208 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 129 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. §5,301.74 55,291.33 210 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 130 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INQ 55,301.74 55,291.93 277 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 131 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.93 272 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 732 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 55.297.33 213 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 133 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNW, INC. 55.301.74 55.297.33 214 TRACT N0.6453 DNff ONE: LOT 134 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORN9, INC. 55,301.74 55.297.33 215 TRACT NO. 6453 UNR ONE; LOT 135 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNN.INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 276 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 736 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, LNG. .55,301.74 55,291 33 217 TRACT NO. 8453 UNIT ONE: lOT 137 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC, 85,301.74 55,291.33 218 TRACT NO. 6453 UNI7 ONE: LOT 138 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.301.74 55,291.33 219 TRACT NO. 6453 UNR ONE; l0T 139 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 $5,291.33 220 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 140 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 55,297.33 221 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 747 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 222 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 142 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55.291.33 229 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 749 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.93 224 TRACT N0. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 144 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55,291.33 225 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 145 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 55,297.33 228 TRACT NO.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 146 IENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INQ 55,307.74 55,291.33 227 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 147 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA.INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 2Z6 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 148 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, IND. $5,361.74 55,297.33 229 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 149 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,307.74 55,297.33 230 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 150 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 55,291.33 2970DEXA A3 212012007 E%NIBIT A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S 7A% PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER IATN)I ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT _ NUMB R PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 231 TRACT NO. 8453 UNR ONE: LOT 151 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, IND. $5,301.74 $5,287.33 232 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 752 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 35,307.74 55,297.33 233 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT DNS; LOT 753 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA.INC. 55.301.74 55,291.33 234 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 154 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 85,307.74 55,291.33 235 TRACT N0.8955 UNIT ONE; LOT 155 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 236 TRACT N0. 6453 UNtT ONE; LOT 156 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC. 55.307.74 $5,291.33 237 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 157 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 238 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 158 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 $5,291.33 239 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 759 LENNAR HOMES OF C%IFORNIA INC. 55,307.74 55.291.33 240 ~ TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 760 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55.291.33 241 ~ TRACT N0.8453 UNfT ONE: LOT 767 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,297.53 242 TRACT N0.6153 UNIT ONE: LOT 182 LENNAR HOMES DF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,307.74 55,291.33 243 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 163 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 ~ 55291.33 244 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; lOT 164 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 85,307.74 55,291.33 245 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 165 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.301.74 $5,291.33 248 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LO7 168 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55.301.74 55,291.39 247 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONEaOT 78T LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 248 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; l0T 788 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 85,291.33 249 TRACT N0. 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 169 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55.291.33 250 TRACT N0.6953 UNIT ONE; LOT i7D LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 35,301.74 55,291.33 257 TRACT N0.8959 UNIT ONE; LOT 171 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.301.74 55,297.33 252 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE: LOT 772 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 253 TRACT NO. 8453 UNR ONE: LOT 173 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 254 TRACT NO.6453 UNR ONE; LOT 774 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,297.33 255 TRACT NO, 6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 775 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,3D7.74 55,297.33 256 TRACT N0.8953 UNIT ONE; LOT i 78 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, LNG. 55,301.74 55,291.33 251 TRACT N0.6453 UNTf ONE: LOT 177 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 $5.297.33 258 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 178 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 259 TRACT N0.84S3 UNIT ONE; LOT 179 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,30174 55,287.33 280 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; lOT 180 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.501.74 55,297.33 267 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 181 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,301.74 $5,291.33 262 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 182 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,281.33 263 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 183 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 33,301.74 55,291.33 281 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE: LOT 784 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 285 TRACT N0.6953 UNIT ONEaOT 785 LENNAR HOMES OF CAIIFORNIA.INC. 55,301.74 55,287.33 266 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 186 LENNAR HOMES OF CAUFORNLA, INC. 55,301.74 55,231.33 287 TRACT N0.84.53 UNIT ONE; LOT 787 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,297.33 288 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 188 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNAI, INC. 53,301.74 35,291.33 269 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 189 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,301.74 55,291.33 270 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT 790 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,307.74 55,291.33 271 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; lOT 191 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, LNG. 55,302.59 55,291.33 272 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; lOT A LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 50.00 - 50.00 273 TRACT N0.8453 UNR ONE; LOT a LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, LNG 50.00 50.00 274 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT C LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 50.00 50,00 275 TRACT N0.6453 UNR ONE; LOT D LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 50.00 50.00 278 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT E LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC. 80.00 50.00 277 TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE; LOT F LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 5D.O0 50.00 278 TRACT N0.6453 UNN ONE; LOT G LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 50.00 50.00 279 TRACT N0.8453 UNIT ONE; LOT 794 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 5673,321.52 $661,476.03 280 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 1 CASTLE 8 CODKE CAIIFORNiA.INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 281 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 2 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55.000.06 282 TRACT N0.8799;LDT 3 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. LNG 55,842.48 55,800.08 283 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 4 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.68 55,800.06 284 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 5 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 285 TRACT N0.8799; l0T fi CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNA1, INC. 55,042.48 55,800.08 288 TRACT N0.6799; LDT 7 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 287 TRACT N0.6799;L~T 8 CASTLE 8 CODKE CALIFORNIA INC. 55,842.48 55.800.06 288 TRACT N0.6789; L0T 9 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 289 TRACT N0.6799; L0T 10 CASTLE & COOKS GALIFDRNU+, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 29D TRACT N0.6799; LOT 11 CASTLE 8 COOKS C%IFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 291 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 72 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 55.800.08 292 TRACT N0.6799; LOT t3 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 55,800.06 293 TRACT N0.6799aOT t4 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 55,800.08 294 TRACT N0.6799: LOT 15 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 295 TRACT N0.6799; LOT t6 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 55.800.06 293 TRACT N0.6799; lOT t7 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 45,842.48 55,800.06 237 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 78 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. E5,842.d8 $5,800.06 298 TRACT N0.6799; l0T i8 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 55,842.46 55,800.06 299 TRACT N0.6799;LDT 20 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG 55,812.48 55,800.06 300 TRACT N0.8799;LDT 27 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNW, LNG. 55,842.48 55,800.06 307 TRACT N0.6793; LOT 22 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.48 b5,800A8 302 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 23 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 303 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 24 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,882A8 55.800.08 304 TRACT N0.8789; LOT 25 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA.INC. $5.842.48 55.890.08 305 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 26 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 35,800.08 306 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 27 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 307 TRACT N0.6799; L0T 28 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.48 $5,800.08 3pg TRACT N0.8789; LOT 29 CASTLE S COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.+18 55,800.06 29700EXA A-4 2l202fIW EXNIBrc A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIElO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S TAX PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER {ATN)i ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 309 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 30 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 310 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 31 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 371 TRACT NO. 6799; LOT 32 CASTLE b COOKS GAIiFGRN1A, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 912 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 33 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,842.48 55,800.08 313 TRACT N0.5799; l0T 34 CASTLE 8. COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 E5.80D.06 314 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 35 CASTLE S COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $5.842.48 55,800.06 375 TRACT N0.6799; LDT 38 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,842.48 §5,800.06 316 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 37 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA.INC. $5,842.48 $5,600.06 377 TRACT N0.5799; l0T 38 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.46 55,800.08 318 TRACT NO. 6799; l07 39 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 319 TRACT NO. 6798; l0T 40 CASTLE b GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 §5.800.06 320 TRACT N0.6799,07 47 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORN10.1NC. 55,842.48 $5.800.06 321 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 42 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 322 TRACT N0.6799;LD7 43 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5.800.06 323 TRACT N0.8799; l0T 44 CASTLE 8. COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 324 TRACT NO. 6799; LOT 45 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 $5,800.08 325 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 46 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.48 $5,800.06 326 TRACT NO. 6799; LOT 47 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNW, INC. $5,842.48 §5,BOD.08 327 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 48 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.642.48 $5,800.06 328 TRACT N0.6799: LOT 49 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 $5,800.08 329 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 5D CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,642 48 55,800.08 330 TRACT N0.6749: LOT 51 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.48 55,800.06 33t TRACT N0.6799; LOT 52 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 332 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 53 CASTLE 8 CHOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842A8 55,800.08 333 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 54 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.08 334 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 55 CASTLE b GOOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. $5,842.48 §5,800.08 335 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 56 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 338 TRACT NO. b789; LOT 57 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.48 55,800.06 337 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 56 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. $5.842.48 55,800.08 938 TRACT N0.8749; LOT 59 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842,48 $5,800.08 338 TRACT N0.8759; LOT 60 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.08 340 TRACT N0.6799;LD7 61 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,80D.06 341 TRACT N0.6789; lOT 82 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.08 342 TRACT N0.8799; lOT 83 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 343 TRACT NO. 6799; LOT 84 CASTLE b GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 85,842.48 §5,800.08 344 TRACT N0.6789; LDT 65 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 345 TRACT N0.6799,07 66 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.46 55,800.06 348 TRACT N0.8199; l0T 87 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.08 347 TRACT NO: 8799; l0T 68 CASTLE b GOOKS CALIfORNi0.1NC. $5,842.48 55,BOOAB 348 TRACT N0.8798; LOT 69 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 75,892.48 55,800.06 349 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 70 CASTLE b COOKS GALIFORNW, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 350 TRACT N0.6799: LOT 71 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNAI, INC. $5,842.48 55.800.06 351 TRACT NO.6799; LOT 72 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, MC. 55,842.48 $S,BOO.Ofi 352 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 73 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 353 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 74 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5.842.48 $5,800.06 354 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 75 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 $5,800.08 355 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 76 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 55,800.06 356 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 77 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 357 TRACT N0.8789; LOT 78 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 358 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 79 CASRE b COOKS CALIFORNAt, INC. 55,&12.48 55,800.06 359 TRACT N0.6789: LOT 80 CASTLE b COOKS CALFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 §5,80D.06 360 TRACT NO. fi799; LOT 81 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 361 TRACT N0.8799; l0T 82 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 362 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 83 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,842.46 55.800.06 383 TRACT NO. BJ%: LOT 84 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 §5,800.08 364 TRACT N0.6799;LD7 85 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNU+.INC. §5,842.48 55,800.06 365 TRACT N0.6199; lOT 88 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 386 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 87 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 $5,800.06 387 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 88 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 §5,800.06 368 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 89 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.46 55,800.06 389 TRACT N0.6799; LDT 90 CASTLE b GOOKS CALIFORNVI, INC. 55,842A8 55,800.06 370 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 91 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55.842.46 55,800.06 37t TRACT N0.6799; LOT 92 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55.842.48 $5,800.06 372 TRACT N0.6789: LOT 93 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,842.48 .55,800.06 373 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 94 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $5,842.48 55,800.06 374 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 95 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $5,842.48 55.800.08 375 TRACT NO.6799,07 96 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 55,892.48 55,BOD.06 378 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 97 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 55,842.14 55,800.33 377 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 98 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.89 378 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 99 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54.549.83 379 TRACT N0.0789; LOT 100 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54,549.83 380 'TRACT N0.6799; lOT 101 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 §4,549.83 381 TRACT N0.6789; lOT 702 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INQ $4.550.79 54,549.83 382 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 103 CASTLE b GOOKS GALIFDRNIA.ING. 54,550.79 54,549.83 383 TRACT N0.6799;LD7 704 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INQ $4,550.79 §4.549.83 38d TRACT NO. 6799; LOT 705 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 ¢3,549,83 385 TRACT N0.6789; l0T 106 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54.55039 $4.549.83 386 TRACT N0.6798; l0T 107 CASTLE b COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 29700EXA A-5 2!2012007 EXHIBIT A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O&i COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S TAX PRELIMINARY CONflRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER(ATN)/ ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT 387 TRACT NO. 8799; lOT 108 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 S88 TRACT NO. 6799; l0T t09 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 389 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 110 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 390 TRACT N0.8799; L0T 77 t CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. Sa.550.79 54.549.83 38t TRACT N0.6799; LOT 712 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 392 TRACT N0.6799: LOT 173 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54.550.79 54,549.03 393 TRACT N0.8798; LOT 174 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54.549.83 394 TRACT NO.8199; LOT 115 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 54.550.79 84,549.83 395 TRACT NO.5798; LOT 1 i6 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 386 TRACT ND. 6798; LOT 777 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. $4,550.79 54,549.63 397 TRACT N0.8798; LOT t16 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4.550.79 54,549.83 398 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 119 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 84,549.83 399 TRACT NO. 6788; LOT 120 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. - $4,550.79 54,549.83 400 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 121 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 5,.550.79 54,549.83 401 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 122 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 402 TRACT N0.8799: l0T 123 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 403 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 724 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC: 56,550.79 54,549.83 404 TRACT N0.6798; LOT 125 CASTLE 8 CODKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 405 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 128 CASTLE 8 COOKS CNJFORNI0.INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 406 TRACT N0.6798; l0T 127 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.18 54,549.83 qp7 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 128 CASTLE 8 CDOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,548.83 408 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 729 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,55D.79 $4,549.83 409 TRACT N0.8189; LOT 790 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4.55D.79 54,549.83 410 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 131 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 471 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 132 CASTLE 8 COOKS CAUFORNW, INC. 54.550.79 $4,548.83 412 TRACT NO.8799; LOT /SS CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54.549.6$ 473 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 134 CASTLE 8 COOKS CRLIFORNIA.INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 474 TRACT N0.8794; LOT t95 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,548.83 415 TRACT N0.8798; LOT t36 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 416 TISACT N0.8799; LOT t37 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54,550.79. $4,549.83 417 - TRACT N0.6799; LOT 138 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550,79 54,549.83 418 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 139 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 418 TRACT N0.8789;LGT 140 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54.549.83 420 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 141 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4.550.79 54,549.89 421 TRACT N0.6789; l0T 142 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 422 TRACT N0.8799; LOT t43 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,548.83 423 TRACT NO: 6789; L0T 744 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54.549.83 424 TRACT N0.6798; l0T 745 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 84.549.83 425 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 146 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. 54,550.79 54,549.83 426 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 141 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.78 54,548.83 427 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 148 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.78 ~ 54,549.83 428 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 149 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 84.550.79 54,549.83 428 TRACT N0.8798; LOT 150 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORN91, INC. 54,550.79 54.549.83 430 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 151 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,548.83 431 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 752 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.78 $4.599,83 432 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 153 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54,549.83 433 TRACT N0.6798: LOT 754 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.78 54.549,83 434 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 155 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 84,519.83 435 TRACT N0.6788; LOT 158 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54.549.83 438 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 757 CASTLE 8 COOKS bALIFORNiA, INC. 54.550.79 84,549.83 437 TRACT N0.6799; LOT t56 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 59550.79 54,549.83 436 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 159 CASTLE 8 C00KE CALIFORNIA, INC. $0,550.79 54.549.83 q39 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 760 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54,549.83 440 TRACT N0.6789; LOT 167 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54,550.79 84.549.83 447 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 162 CASTLE 8 CDOKE CALIFORNN, INC. $4.550.79 54,549.83 442 TRACT N0.6799: LOT 763 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. $4,550.79 54.549.83 443 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 164 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54.550.79 54,549.85 944 TRACT N0.8799; LOT t65 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. LNG. 54,550.79 54,549.83 445 TRACT N0.6799; LOT t68 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54.549.83 418 TRACT N0.8798: LO7 t67 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. 54,550.78 54.549.83 447 TRACT N0.6798,07 168 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,599.83 448 TRACT N0.6799; lOT 189 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.550.79 54.548.83 449 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 170 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 450 TRACT NO. 6799; LOT Y71 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 84,550.79 54.549.83 451 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 172 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. $4.550.79 $4.549.83 452 TRACT N0.87%; LOT t73 CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $4,550.78 54.549.83 453 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 174 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. $4,550.79 ¢1,549.83 459 TRACT NO. 8799; LOT 17b CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 84,550.79 $4,599.83 455 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 176 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 84,599.83 458 TRACT N0.8788; LOT 777 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 $4,549.83 457 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 778 CASTLE 8 COONS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 54,54983 458 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 179 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 59,550.79 54,549.83 459 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 180 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA; INC. $4,SSD.79 Si,549.83 480 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 181 ~ CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54.55038 54,549.83 481 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 182 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, LNG. 84.550.79 54,549.83 462 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 183 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNVi, INC. 54,550.79 54,549.83 463 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 184 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. 54,550.79 84,54983 464 TRACT N0.8799; lOT 185 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $4,550.79 54,549.83 29700EXA A-6 2/202007 EXHIBR A ENGINEER'S REPORT CRY OF eAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O&i COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSOR'S TAX PRELIMINARY CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT NUMBER (ATNIt ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTON PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT AMOUNT b65 TRACT N0. 6798; LOT 786 466 TRACT N0.6798; LOT t87 467 TRACT N0.8798; LO7 788 468 TRACT N0.6789; LD7 189 469 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 790 470 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 797 q71 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 192 q72 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 193 473 TRACT N0.8799; lOT 784 474 TRACT N0.6799; LOT t95 d75 TRACT N0.8799; LOT te6 678 TRACT N0.8799; 1OT te7 477 TRACT N0.6799: l0T 196 478 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 799 479 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 2W qgp TRACT NO. 8799; LOT 207 487 TI7P.CT N0.6799; LO7 202 682 TRACT N0.6789; LO7 203 483 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 204 q84 TRACT N0.6799; LO7 205 qg5 .TRACT N0.6799; LOT 206 486 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 207 467 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 208 488 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 209 469 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 270 490 TRACT N0.8798; l0T 217 qg7 TRACT N0.6799; 1OT 272 402 TRACT N0.6799; l0T 213 qgg TRACT N0. 8799; LOT 2t4 qgq TRACT N0.6798; LOT 215 495 TRACT N0.6799; LOT 218 496 TRACT N0.8799; LOT 277 4g7 TRACT ND. 6799; LOT A 498 TRACT N0.6799; LOT B 48S TRACT N0.6799; LOT C 500 TRACT N0.6799; LOT D Sgt TRACT N0.6799; LOT E 562 TRACT N0.6799; LOT F 503 TRACT N0.8799,07 G 504 TRACT N0.8799; LOT H 505 TRACT N0.6799; 107 1 5pg TRACT N0.6789; 107 J 507 TRACT N0.8799; l0T K SOB TRACT N0.8799; l0T l 5D9 TRACT NO.8798; l0T M 570 TRACT N0.6799; LOT N 5tt TRACT N0. 8453 UNR ONE; LOT 792 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. LNG. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 CODKE CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNI0. INC. CASTLE 8 COOI(E CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CAL7FORNIA.INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFDRNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTI-E 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA.INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFDRN41, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. .CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA. INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. CASTLE 8 COOKS CRLIFORNIA.INC. LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA. INC $4,550.79 54,550.79 54,550.79 xq,550.79 $4,550.78 54,550.79 $4,550.79 54,550.79 54,560.79 x4,550.79 54,550.79 x4,550.79 x4,550.79 54,550.79 54,550.79 x4.550.79 59,550.79 x9,550.79 x4,55D.79 54,550.79 $4,550.79 x4,550.79 $4,550.79 x4,550.79 54.550.79 x4.550.79 x4,550.79 54,550.79 54,550.79 x9,550.79 -x4,55D.79 $4,55D.58 x0.00 xo.oD ao.oa x0.00 ao.oD 50.00 aD.oo x0.00 x0.00 x0.00 x0.00 50.00 50.00 xD.DD 54,549.63 x4,549.83 54.549.83 x4,549.83 54,549.83 x4,549.83 x4,549.83 x4,549.83 x4,519.83 x4.549.83 x4,549.63 x4.549.83 x4.549.83 x4,549.83 59,549.83 59,549.83 54.599.83 aa,sas.ea 54.549.83 $4.548.83 x4,549.83 54,549.83 x4,549.83 x4.549.83 x4,549.83 54,549.83 x4.549.83 x4,548.83 $4,549.63 34,549.83 34,549.83 34,549.85 ao.oo aa.00 Sa.Da 50.00 x0.00 $0.00 SD.00 x0.00 50.00 x0.00 SD.00 x0.00 ETCHEVERRY AREA- PORTION (TRACT N0.8343) TOTAL (Assessment N0.7): 57,795,957.79 51,195,231.29 E7CHEVERRY AREA-PORTON(TRACT N0.638t)TOTAI {Assessment NOS.2 tlveugh 80): 57,090,580.45 51,086,832.76 UN 11 AREA (fRACi N0.6953) TOTAL (Assessment Nos. Bt through 279 ant 571 tluough 572j: 51,680.652.97 51.877.357.09 UNNERSRY PARK AREA TTRADT NO 6799}TOTAL (Assessment Nas. 280 through 5107: 51.112,814.78 51,108,585.57 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED: x5,080,000.00 55,070,000.00 MAP AND OOCUMENi REFERENCES: i. TRACT N0.6361 UNR ONE RECORDED , 20D7, IN e00K_ OF MAPS, AT PAGES _ THROUGH _, K.C.R. 2. TRACT N0.6153 UNR ONE RECORDED .2007, IN BOOK _ OF MAPS. AT PAGES _ THROUGH _, K.C.R. TRACT N0.6799 RECORDED 2007, IN BOOK_ OF MAPS, AT PAGES _ THROUGH _. K.C.R. 3 . 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR l0T LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.28-05 RECORDED JANUARY 4, 2006, AS DOCUMENT N0.0206007270, O.R. PREPARED 8Y: WILSON BASSOCIATES FRESNO. CALFORNIA APPROVED BY: l~~/"",~---"~ DATE: ~~ `~ ~ 1 No. 23269 ' * ESp, 12/31/07 .k 29700EXA h7 ti 220!2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-I ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O6-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF TOTAL COST AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 1. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION {TRACT N0.6343) IMPROVEMENT COST A. IMPROVEMENTS $964,751.00 $996,139.00 B. CONTINGENCY - $0.00 $0.00 C. INCIDENTALS $0.00 $0.00 D. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6343) $964,751.00 $996,139.00 IMPROVEMENT COST 2. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6361}IMPROVEMENT COST A. IMPROVEMENTS $879,750.00 $907,463.00 8. CONTINGENCY $0.00 $0.00 C. INCIDENTALS $0.00 $0.00 D. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6361) $879,750.00 $907,463.00 IMPROVEMENT COST 3. LIN ti AREA (TRACT N0.6453} IMPROVEMENT COST A. IMPROVEMENTS $1,355,750.00 $1,397,951.00 B. CONTINGENCY $0.00 $0.00 C. INCIDENTALS $0.00 $0.00 D. TOTAL LIN II AREA {TRACT NO. 6453} $1,355,750.00 $1,397,951.00 IMPROVEMENT COST _ 4. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT N0.6799) IMPROVEMENT COST A. IMPROVEMENTS $770,179.00 $796,419.00 B. CONTINGENCY $48,828.00 $48,828.00 C. INCIDENTALS $78,679.00 $78,679.00 D. TOTAL UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT NO. 6799} $697,fi86.00 $923,926.00 IMPROVEMENT COST 5. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS A. IMPROVEMENTS $3,970,430.00 $4,097,972.00 B. CONTINGENCY $48,828.00 $48,828.00 C. INCIDENTALS $78,679.00 $78,679.00 D. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, $4,097,937.00 $4,225,479.00 AND INCIDENTALS 6. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCEEDING -COST AND EXPENSE A. ASSESSMENT ENGINEER $72,000.00 $72,000.00 8. BOND COUNSEL $40,000.00 $40,000.00 C. APPRAISAL $24,500.00 $24,500.00 D. BOND ISSUANCE EXPENSES ~. Bond and Other Printing $6,000.00 $6,000.00 z. Bond Administration and Registration $5,000.00 $5,000.00 s. Legal Publications, Notices, Recording, and Mailing $3,000.00 $500.00 a. Auditor's Record $5,000.00 $5,000.00 5. CDAC, MSRB, PSA Fees $0.00 $0.00 6. Bond Issuance Contingency $5,000.00 $5,000.00 1. Disclosure Counsel $39,000.00 $39,000.00 e. Continuing Disclosure Compliance {First Two Years After Issue) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 e. TOTAL BOND ISSUANCE EXPENSE $78,000.00 $75,500.00 E. ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL PROCESSING $0.00 $0.00 F. CITY ASSESSMENT PROCEEDING COST AND PROJECT CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION ADMINISTRATION ~. City Assessment ProceedingGost $18,164.36 $16,447.37 2. Project Construction and Acquisition Administration $40,193.00 $47,468.00 (1% of Improvement Cost and Contingency; Items S.A and S.B} a. TOTAL CITY ASSESSMENT PROCEEDING COST AND $56,357.36 $57,915.37 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION & ACQUISITION ADMINISTRATION G. TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $270,857.36 $289,915.37 PROCEEDING COST AND EXPENSE 2970081 B-I-1 2!2012007 EXHIBIT B TABLE 8-I ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF TOTAL COST AND ASSESSMENT 6. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCEEDING COST AND EXPENSE (continued} H. ALLOCATION OF TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCEEDING COST RND EXPENSE TO EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA t. ETCHEVERRY AREA-PORTION {TRACT N0.6343) $63,766 .21 $63,631.42 z. ETCHEVERRY AREA- PORTION (TRACT N0.6361) $58,147 .98 $57,966.97 s. LIN II AREA (TRACT NO.6453} $89,fi09 .69 $89,298:39 a. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT N0.6799) $59,333 .48 $59,018.59 7. SUBTOTAL COST TO ASSESSMENT A. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6343) B.ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6361) C. LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) D. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA {TRACT NO. 6799} E. SUBTOTAL COST TO ASSESSMENT 8. DEDUCT CONTRIBUTIONS AND CASH COLLECTIONS TO REDUCE ASSESSMENT A. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6343) B. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6361) C. LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) D. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT N0.6799} E. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND CASH COLLECTIONS TO REDUCE ASSESSMENT 8. TOTAL COST ASSESSED TO 1915 ACT BOND ISSUANCE AFTER CONTRIBUTIONS AND CASH COLLECTIONS A. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6343j B. ETCHEVERRYAREA-PORTION (TRACT N0.6361} C. LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) D. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT N0.6799} E. TOTAL COST ASSESSED TO 1915 ACT BOND ISSUANCE AFTER CONTRIBUTIONS AND CASH COLLECTIONS 10. 1916 ACT BOND ISSUANCE COST AND RESERVE $1,028,517.21 $1,059,770.42 $937,897.98 $965,429.97 $1,445,359.69 $1,487,249.39 $957,019.48 $982,944.59 $4,368,794.36 $4,495,394.37 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,028,517.21 $1,059,770.42 $937,897.98 $965,429.97 $1,445,359.69 $1,487,249.39 $95],019.48 $982,944.59 $4,368,794.36 $4,495,394.37 A. UNDERWRITER'S DISCOUNT $45,161.20 $45.072.30 B. CAPITALIZED INTEREST ~ $158,044.44 $98,583.33 C. BOND RESERVE FUND $508,000.00 $430,950.00 D. TOTAL 1915 ACT BOND ISSUANCE COST AND RESERVE $711,205.64 $574,605.63 E. ALLOCATION OF TOTAL 1915 ACT BOND ISSUANCE COST AND RESERVE TO EACHDEVEIOPMENTPREA t. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6343) $167,434.58 $135,460.87 2. ETCHEVERRY AREA-PORTION (TRACT NO. 8361) $152,682.47 $723,402.79 3. LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.8453) $235,293.28 $190,101.65 a. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA {TRACT N0.6799) $155,795.31 $125,640.92 11. TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED (Add Lines 9.E. and 10.D.) $5,080,000.00 $5,070,000.00 ALLOCATION OF TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED TO EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA t. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRAGT N0.6343) $1,195,951.79 $1,195,231.29 2. ETCHEVERRY AREA- PORTION (TRACT NO. 6361) $1,090,580.45 $1,086,832.16 3. lIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) $1,680,652.97 $1,677,351.04 4. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT NO. 6799) $1,172,814.79 $1,108,585.51 2970081 B-I-2 2/2012007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-il•A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST SUMMARY OF ETCHEVERRY AREA ,LIN II AREA, AND UNIVERSITY PARK AREA IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED _ DESCRIPTION __ I AMOUNTS 1. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0.6343) (See Table 611-8 for Details) A. VERDUGO LANE (EAST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) a. Improvements $156,439.00 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals _ __ ~ $0.00 d. Total Verdugo lane (East Side) Improvement Cost {Tract No. 6343 Frontage} $156,439.00 B. ETCHART ROAD (NORTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Trail No. 6343 Frontage) a. Improvements $397,785.75 b. Contingency $0.00 c.lncidentals _ ,__ $0.00 d. Totat Etchart Road {North Side} Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6343 Frontage} $397,785.75 C. GALLOWAY DRIVE (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) a. Improvements $170,774.50 b. Contingency $0.00 e. incidentals $D.00 d. Total Calloway Drive (West Side) Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) $170,774.50 D. TRACT NO. 6343 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS (In-tracUan-site and small sections in Etchart Road and Calloway Drive) a. improvements $271,139.75 b. Gontingency $O.DO (in-traction-site and small sections in Etchart Road and Galloway Drive) E. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRAGT NO. 6343) IMPROVEMENT COST a. Improvements (Add lines 1.A.a., 1.B.a, 1.C.a., and 1.D.a.) $996,139.00 b. Contingency (Add Lines 1.A.b., 1.B.b., 1.C.b., and 1.D.b.} $0.00 e. Incidentals {Add Lines 1.A.c. i.B.c. 1.G.a, and 1.D.c.)_ __ ~ $0.00 d. Total EtcheJerry Area -Portion (Tract No. 6343) Improvement Cost $996,139.00 2. ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6361) (Sea Table B-II.C for Details) A. VERDUGO LANE (WEST SIDE} IMPROVEMENTS {Tract No. 6361 Frontage) a. Improvements $573,053.25 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals _ - $0.00 d. Total Verdu9o Lane (West Side} Improvement Cost {Traci No. 6361 Frontage) $573,053.25 B. SNOW ROAD (NORTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (tract No. 6361 Frontage) a. Improvements $127,365.75 b. Contingency ~ $0.00 c Incidentals $0.00 _ d. Total Snow Road (North Side} Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6361 Frontage} $127,365.75 C. TRACT NO. 6361 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS (in-traction-site and in Verdugo Lane) - a. Improvements $207,044.00 b. Contingency - $0.00 ___ c. incidentals ~ $0.00 _ d. Total Tract No 6361 Storm Drain Improvement Gost {In-traction-site and in Verdugo Lane) $207,044.00 D. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6361) IMPROVEMENT COST a. Improvements (Add Lines 2.A.a., 2.B.a., and 2.C.a.) $907.463.00 b. Contingency (Add lines 2.A.b., 2.B.b., and 2.C.b.} $OAO c. Incidentals (Add Lines 2.A.c., 2.B.c., and 2.C.c.} _ __ _ _ _ $0.00 d. Total Etcheverry Area -Portion (Tract No. 6361] Improvement Cost $907,463.00 3. LIN II AREA (TRACT NO. 6453) (Sae Table a-II-D for Details) A. ALLEN ROAD (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a.lmprovements $135,658.90 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals __ _ _. _ _ $D.00 2970062A B-II-A-t 02/09!2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-A ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BRKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06.1 COUNTY OF KERN, STRTE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST SUMMARY OF ETCHEVERRY AREA ,LIN II AREA, AND UNIVERSITY PARK AREA IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED DESCRIPTION I '. AMOUNTS B. REINA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a. Improvements $337,614.00 b. Contingency $O.DD c. Incidentals $0.00 d. Total Reina Road (South Side} Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) $337,614.00 C. RENFRO ROAD (EAST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a. Improvements $168,571.50 b. Contingency $0.00 c. incidentals $0.00 d. Total Renfro Road (East Side) Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) $1fi8,571.50 D. VEGA MEADOWS ROAD (NORTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS {Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a. Improvements $247,682.50 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals $0.00 d. Total Vega MeaBows Road (North Side) Improvement Cost (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) $247,682.50 E. TRACT NO. 6453 ON-SITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS a. Improvements $506,424.10 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals - - $0.00 -- d. Total Tract-Wo. 6453 On-site Sewer Improvement Cast $508,424.10 F. TOTAL LIN 11 AREA (TRACT NO. 6453) IMPROVEMENT COST a. Improvements (Add lines 3.A.a., 3.B.a., 3.C.a., 3.D.a., and 3.E.a.} $1,397,951.00 b. Contingency (Add Lines 3.A.b., 3.B.b., 3.C.b., 3.D.b., and 3.E.b.) $0.00 4. UNIVERSITY PARK AREA {TRACT N0.6T99) (See Table B-II-E far Details) A. MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE) AND GOSFORD ROAD (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS - - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING (Tract Nc. 6799 Frontage} a. Improvements $368,952.00 b. Contingency $38,895.00 c. incidentals - _ $59,457.00 d. Total Ming Avenue (South Side) and Gosford Road (VVest Side) Improvement Cost $465,298.D0 - Other Than Landscaping {Tract No. 6799 Frontage) B. MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE} AND GOSFORD ROAD (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS - - LANDSCAPING (Tract No. 6799 Frontage) a. Improvements $119,327.00 b. Contingency $11,933.00 c. Incidentals _ _ ____. __, _, _...___ ...__.._ _ _____ $19,228.00 d. Total Ming ~AVenue (South Sitle) and Gosford Road {West Side) Improvement Cost $150,488.00 - Landscaping {Tract No. 6799 Frontage) C. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FACILITIES FEES a. Facilities Fees (Regional Transportation Impact Fee) $308,140.00 b. Contingency $0.00 c. Incidentals ~ - - $0.00 d. Total City of Bakersfield Facilities Fees $308,140.00 D. TOTAL UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT NO. 6799) IMPROVEMENT COST a. Improvements and Fees (Add lines 4.A.a., 4.B.a., and 4.C.a.} $796,419.00 b. Contingency (Add Lines 4.A.b., 4.B.b., and 4.C,b.) $48,828.00 c. Incidentals (_Add Lines 4.A.a, 4.B.c. and 4.C.a) ____. _._ $78,679.00 d. Total University Park Area (Tract No. 6799) Improvement Cost $923,926.00 5. TOTAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENT COST A. IMPROVEMENTS (Add Lines 1.E.a., 2.D.a., 3.F.a., and 4.D.a.} $4,097,972.00 B. CONTINGENCY (Add Lines 1.E.6., 2.D.b., 3.F.b., and 4.D.b.) $48,828.00 C. INCIDENTALS (Add Lines 1,E.a, 2.D.c., 3.F.c., and 4_D_c.) __ ___ _.. $76,679.00 ~D. TOTAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENT COST $4,225,479.00 Note: All improvement, contingency and incrdenfal cost estimates shown in this table are based on the rnformatlon provided by the District Proponents and their Subdivision Engineers 2970082A B-II-A-2 02!09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-B ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6343) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED i -----._._. ~. UNIT I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ~ UNITS COST TOTAL A. VERDUGO LANE (EAST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) a. GRADING Excavation -streets_ __ _ _ 1_2_6.4 C_Y _ 2.00 $2,528.00 TOTAL GRADING _ _ $2,528.00 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 977 TON 37.00 $36,149.00 Aggregate Base 643 CY 24.00 $15,432.00 6" Curb ano Gutter 1277 LF 7.50 $9,577.50 4" Concrete Sidewalk 6242 SF 2.25 $14,044.50 Wheel Chair Ramp 3 EA 900.00 $2,700.00 Street Name Sign 4 EA 150.00 $600.00 Sheet Sign 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 "Warning/Regulatory" Sign 3 EA 150.00 $450.00 Street Light 2 EA 2500.D0 $5,000.00 Survey Monument Encasement 3 EA 250.00 $750.00 Striping 2554 LF 2.00 $5,108.00 Interconnect-Conduit_ ____ __ 1320 LF - 10.00 $13,200.00 TOTALSTP.EETIMPROVEMENTS $103,311.00 c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Well ____ _ __ __ 1265 _ LF 4D.00 $50,600.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS _ _ _ __ $50,600.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $156,439.00 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $156,439.00 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $0.00 Inspection Fees (City) $0.00 Construction Staking ~ $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection _ _ _ __ ___ _____ _ __ $0.00 __ TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 h. TOTAL VERDUGO LANE (EAST SIDE) (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) $156,439.00 IMPROVEN?ENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS 8. ETCHART ROAD (NORTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) a. GRADING Excavation _streets _ _ ___ __ 1__122 CY___ __2.00 $2,244.00 TOTAL GRADING $2,244.00 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 2066 TON 37.00 $76,442.00 Aggregate Base 1360 CY 24.00 $32,640.00 6" Curb and Gutter 2562 LF 7.50 $19,215.00 4" Concrete Sidewalk 12799 SF 2.25 $28,797.75 Wheel Chair Ramp 5 EA 900.00 $4,SOOAO Street tJame Sign 6 EA 150.00 $900.00 Street Sign 4 EA 150.00 $600.00 "WarningJRegulatory" Sign 2 EA 150.00 $300.OD Street Light 2 EA 2000.00 $4,000.00 Survey Monument Encasement 2 EA 250.00 $500.OD Striping 2885 LF 2.00 $5,770.00 Interconnect Conduit _ 2493 LF 9.00 $22,437.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS __ $196,101.75 29700628 B-I I-B-1 02109!2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-B ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT N0. 6343) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED UNIT ' __ DESCRIPTION ' QUANTITY ~ UNITS COST ~ TOTAL ~ ----.... ---- ---_. _ _..-.__i_-. ~ --: c. MISCELLANEOUSIMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Wall _ 4986 LF 40.00 $199,440.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $199,440.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $397,785.75 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $397,785.75 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City} $0.00 Inspection Fees (City) $0.00 Construction Staking $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection _ __ _, _ _,__, $0.00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 h. TOTAL ETCHART ROAD (NORTH SIDE} (Tract No. 6343 Frontage} $397,785.75 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS C. GALLOWAY DRIVE (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) a. GRADING Excavation - streets_ __ _ ___ _ 1271 CY_ _ _ _ 2.00 $2,542.00 TOTAL GRADING ~ $2,542.00 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving Aggregate Base 6" Curb and Gutter 4" Concrete Sidewalk Saw Cut Wheel Chair Ramp Street Name Sign Street Sign "Warning/Regulatory" Sign Street Light Survey Monument Encasement Striping Interconnect Conduit _ TOTAL$`fREETIMPROVEMENTS 920 TON 37.00 $34,040.00 606 CY 24.00 $14,544.00 1019 LF 7.50 $7,642.50 5088 SF 2.25 $11,448.00 1473 LF 1.00 $1,473.00 2 EA 900.00 $1,800.00 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 1 EA 150.00 $150.00 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 1 EA 2000.00 $2,000.00 2 EA 250.00 $500.00 5068 LF 2.00 $10,136.00 2534 LF 11.00 $27,874.00 $112,207.50 c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Walf (2' Ret_) _ _ _ 1245 LF _ _ 45.00 $56,025.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $56,025.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $170,774.50 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Plan Check Fees (City} Inspection Fees (City) Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Construction Inspection _ ___ ____ TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST h. TOTAL GALLOWAY DRIVE (WEST SIDE) (Tract No. 6343 Frontage) IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS $0.00 $170,774.50 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $170,774.50 29700826 B-I I-B-2 02!0912007 EXHIBIT B TABLE 8-11-B ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION {TRACT NO. 6343) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACOUIRED r._. .- -------_.- ---- .. _. -- - UNIT I -- i _ _ _ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY I ,UNITS _ `COST L _TOTAL D. TR _ ACT NO 6343 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS (In-traction-site and small sections in Etchart Road and Calloway Drive) a. STORM DRAIN PIPES AND APPURTENANCES 18" Storm Drain Pipe 2543 LF 18.00 $45,774.00 24" Storm Drain Pipe 1437 LF 35.00 $50,295.00 30" Storm Drain Pipe 1220 LF 40.00 $48,800.00 36" Storm Drain Pipe 660 LF 45.00 $29,700.00 Catch Basin (3.5 Opening) 16 EA 1500.00 $24,000.00 Storm Drain Manhole 28 EA _ _ 1000.00 $28,000.00 TOTAL STORM DRAIN PIPES AND APPURTENANCES $226,569.00 b. STORM DRAIN SUMP IMPROVEMENTS Outlet Structure 2 EA 800.00 $1,600.00 Block WaII 1202 LF 35.00 $42,070.00 Gate (14' opening with Post lock) 1 ER 900.75 $900.75 TOTAL STORM DRAIN SUMP IMPROVEMENTS $44,570.75 c. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $271,139.75 d. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 e. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $271,139.75 f. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $0.00 Inspection Fees (City) $0.00 Construction Staking $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection _ _ ___ __ $0,00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST _____ _ $0.00 g. TOTAL TRACT NO. 6343 STORM DRAIN $271,139.75 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS E. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION {TRACT N0.6343} IMPROVEMENT COST {Add Items A, B, C, and D) a. IMPROVEMENTS $996,139.00 b. CONTINGENCY $0.00 c. INCIDENTALS $0.00 d. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION {TRACT N0. 6343) $986,139.00 IMPROVEMENT COST Note: Al! improvement, contingency and incidental cost estimates shown in this table are based on the inPormation provided by the Distdct Proponent for the Etcheverry Area and its Subdivision Engineer. 29700626 B-II-B-3 02/09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-C ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT NO. 6361) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED _ _ --- UNIT , __ _ DESCRIPTION _ QUANTITY ~ UNITS ~ . COST ~ --- TOTAL A. VERDUGO LANE (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6361 Frontage} a. GRADING Excavation -streets _ __ __ __2545 _CY 6.00 $15,270.00 TOTAL GRADING $15,270.00 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 2723 TON 40.00 $108,920.00 Aggregate Base 2687 CY 24.00 $64,488.00 6" Curb and Gutter 4141 LF 7.50 $31,057.50 4" Concrete Sidewalk 2343 SF 2.25 $5,271.75 Wheel Ghair Ramp 11 EA 900.00 $9,900.00 Street Name Sign 11 EA 150.00 $1,650.00 Street Sign 6 EA 150.00 $900.00 "WarninglRegulatory"Sign. 6 EA 150.00 $900.00 Street Light 6 EA 2500.00 $15,000.00 Survey Monument Encasement 8 EA 300.00 $2,400.00 Striping 3953 LF 2.00 $7,906.00 Interconnect Conduit __, ,, __ 8906 LF _ _ _15.00 $133,590.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS $381,983.25 c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6'BlockWal~0,-3'Ret.}-.__.-__ _:_,_3516 LF-_ .. 50.00 $175,800.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS _ $175,800.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $573,053.25 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONT INGENCY $573,053.25 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City} $0.00 Inspection Fees (City} $0.00 Construction Staking $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection $0.00 TOTALINGIDENTALCOST $0.00 h. TOTAL VERDUGO LANE {WEST SIDE} (Tract No. 6361 Frontage} $573,053.25 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS B. SNOW ROAD (NORTH SIDE} IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6361 Frontage} a. GRADING Excavation -streets TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving Aggregate Base 6" Curb and Gutter 4" Concrete Sidewalk {Class 11 bike path) Median Saw Cut Street Sign "Warning/Regulatory" Sign Survey Monument Encasement Striping Interconnect Conduit TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1274_ . GY _ 6.00 $7,644.00 $7,644.00 941 TON 40. 00 $37,640. 00 444 CY 24. 00 $10,656. 00 604 LF 7. 50 $4,53D. OD 2987 SF 2. 25 $6,720. 75 636 LF 30. 00 $19,080. 00 543 LF 1. 00 $543. 00 1 EA 150 .00 $150. 00 1 EA 150 .00 $150. 00 1 EA 350 .00 $350. 00 1131 LF 2 .00 $2,262. 00 566 LF 15 .00 $8,490. 00 $90,571.75 2970082G B-I I-C-1 OZl09l2D07 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-C ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION {TRACT NO. 6361) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED _.~.._. UNIT I _ __ _ DESCRIPTION _ __ Q_ UANTIT_ Y UNITS ! COST ~ TOTAL a MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Wa112' Ret.)_ _ 58.3 LF __ 50.00 $29,150.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $29,150.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $127,365.75 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $127,365.75 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $0.00 Inspection Fees (City) $0.00 Construction Staking $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection __ _ _ _ $0.00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 h. TOTAL SNOW ROAD {NORTH SIDE) (Tract No. 6361 Frontage) $127,365.75 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS C. TRACT NO. 6361 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS (In-traction-site and in Verdugo Lane) a. STORM DRAIN PIPES AND APPURTENANCES 18" Storm Drain Pipe 4431 LF 22.00 $97,482.00 24" Storm Drain Pipe 850 LF 26.00 $22,100.00 Catch Basin (3.5 Opening) 15 EA' 2500.00 $37,500.00 Storm Orain Manhole _ ___.._ ___ _ 11 EA 2000.00 $22,000.00 TOTAL STORM DRAIN PIPES AND APPURTENANCES $179,082.00 b. STORM DRAIN SUMP IMPROVEMENTS 24" Storm Drain Pipe 70 LF 26.00 $1,820.00 Outlet Stmcture 1 EA 972.00 $972.00 Block Wall 480 LF 50.00 $24,D00.00 Gate (14, opening with post lack) _ 1 EA 1170.00 $1,170.00 TOTAL STORM DRAIN SUMP IMPROVEMENTS $27,962.00 c. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $207,044.00 d. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 e. SUBTOTAL JMPROVEMENT COST AND GONTINGENCY $207,044.00 f. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $0.00 Inspection Fees (City} $0.00 Construction Staking $O.OD Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection __ $0.00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 g. TOTAL TRACT NO. 6361 STORM DRAIN $207,044.00 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS D. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA -PORTION (TRACT Np. 6361) IMPROVEMENT COST (Add Items A, B, and C) a. IMPROVEMENTS $907,463.D0 b. CONTINGENCY $0.00 c. INCIDENTALS $0.00 d. TOTAL ETCHEVERRY AREA - PPORTION (TRACT NO. 6361} ___ $907,463.00 IMPROVEMENT COST Note: Ali improvement, contingency and incidental cost estimates shown in this table are based on the information provided by the Distn'ct Proponent for the Etcheverry Area and its Subdivision Engineer. 2970062C B-I I-C-2 02!0912007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-D ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. Q6-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST LIN II AREA {TRACT N0.6453) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED _._.....------._ -- --- ----UNIT i --- J ~ _ __ DESCRIPTION _ : QUANTITY~UNITS COST TOTAL ~ A. ALLEN ROAD (WEST SIDE} IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage} a. GRADING Excavation -streets 1197 CY TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 745 Aggregate Base 491 6" Curb and Gutter 870 4" Concrete Sidewalk 4263 Wheel Chair Ramp 2 Street Name Sign 4 Street Sign 2 "Warning/Regulatory" Sign 2 Street Light 3 Survey Monument Encasement 2 Striping 1742 Interconnect Conduit 8 71 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS _ c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Wall (2' Ret.~ 8 30 __ TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS _ _ d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY TON CY LF SF EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF 6.00 $7,182.00 $7,182.00 41 .00 $30,545. 00 26. 00 $12,766. 00 7 .50 $6,525. 00 2 .25 $9,591. 75 900. 00 $1,800. 00 150 .00 $600. 00 150 .00 $300. 00 150 .00 $300. 00 2500 .00 $7,500. 00 250 .00 $500. 00 2 .00 $3,484. 00 15 .00 $13,065. 15 $86,976.90 L_F __ 50.00 $41,500.00 $41,500.00 $135,658.90 $0.00 $135,658.90 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Plan Check Fees (City) Inspection Fees (City) Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Construction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST h. TOTAL ALLEN ROAD (WEST SIDE) (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS B. REINA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract Na. 6453 Frontage} a. GRADING Excavation -streets 1200 CY TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 1853 TON Aggregate Base 1013 CY 6" Curb and Gutter .2677 LF 4" Concrete Sidewalk 13162 SF Wheel Chair Ramp 4 EA Street Name Sign 8 EA Street Sign 4 EA "Warning/Regulatory" Sign 4 EA Street Light 3 EA Survey Monument Encasement 5 EA Striping 3638 LF Interconnect Conduit 1819 LF TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $135,658.90 7.00 _ $8,400.00 $8,400.00 41.00 $75,973.00 26.00 $26,338 .00 7.50 $20,077 .50 2.25 $29,614. 50 90D.00 $3,600 .00 150.00 $1,200 .00 150.00 ~ $600 .00 150.00 $600 .00 2500.00 $7,500 .00 250.00 $1,250 .00 2.00 $7,276 .00 15.00 $27,285 .00 $201,314.00 29700B2D B-II-D-1 02/09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-D ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED ~ _. _ .. -SNIT -- -- ~__ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY' UNITS ~, COST TOTA_ L ~' a MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block Wall (2' Ret.) 2558 LF 50.00 $127,900.00 TOYAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $127,900.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $337,614.00 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $337,614.00 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering ~ $0.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $0.00 Inspection Fees (City) $0.00 Construction Staking $0.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report $0.00 Construction Inspection _ _ $0.00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 h. TOTAL REtNA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) $337,614.00 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS C. RENFRO ROAD (EAST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a. GRADING Excavation -streets _ _ _ ______ __ TOTAL GRADING b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving Aggregate Base 6" Curb and Gutter 4" Concrete Sidewalk (Class II bike path) Wheel Chair Ramp Street Name Sign Street Sign "Warning/Regulatory" Sign Street Light Survey Monument Encasement Striping Interconnect Conduit TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 1198 CY 6.00 $7,188.00 -- ---- $7,188A0 1010 665 823 9876 2 2 2 2 2 3 1600 800 TON CY LF SF EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF 41 .00 $41,410. 00 26 .00 $17,290. 00 7 .50 $6,172. 50 2 .25 $22,221. 00 900 .00 $1,800. 00 150 .00 $300. 00 150 .00 $300. 00 150 .OD $300. 00 2500 .00 $5,000. 00 250 .OD $750. 00 2 .00 $3,200. 00 15 .00 $12,000. 00 $110,743.50 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY g. INCIDENTP.L COST Design Engineering Plan Check Fees (City) Inspection Fees (City) Cohstruction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Construction Inspection _ _ _ _ TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST LF h. TOTAL RENFRO ROAD (EAST SIDE} (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENGY, AND INCIDENTALS 60.00 $50,640.00 $so,sao.oo $168,571.50 $0.00 $168,571.50 $0.00 $o.ao $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $168,571.5D 2970062D B-II-D-2 02!09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-D ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453} IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED DESCRIPTION ~ QUANTITY i UNITS L COST TOTAL _ ', D. VEGA MEADOWS ROAD (NORTH SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) a. GRADING Excavation _streets _ ___ 1.194 _ CY _ 6.00 _$7,164.00 TOTAL GRADING $7,164.00 b. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 1224 TON 41.00 $50,184.00 Aggregate Base 967 CY 26.00 $25,142.00 6" Curb and Gutter 1688 LF 7.50 $12,660.00 6" Curb (MPT) 1688 LF 5.00 $8,440.00 4" Concrete Sidewalk - 8498 SF 2.25 $19,120.50 4" Decomposed Granite {MPT) 251 CY 20.00 $5,020.00 Wheel Chair Ramp 3 EA 900.00 $2,700.00 Street Name Sign 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 Street Sign 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 "Warning(Regulatory" Sign 2 EA 150.00 $300.00 Street Light 2 EA 2500.00 $5,000.00 Survey Monument Encasement 2 EA 250.00 $500.00 Striping 3376 LF 2.00 $6,752.00 Interconnect Conduit 1700 LF 15.00 $25,500.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS $161,918.50 c. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS 6' Block, Wall (0 - 3'. Ret.) _ _ 1572_ LF 50.00 $78,600.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $78,600.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $247,682.50 e. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $247,682.50 g. INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Plan Check Fees (City) Inspection Fees (City) Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Construction Inspection TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __ $0.00 $0.00 h. TOTAL VEGA MEADOWS ROAD (NORTH SIDE} (Tract No. 6453 Frontage) $247,682.50 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS E. TRACT NO. 6453 ON-SITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS a. SEWER PIPES AND APPURTENANCES 4" Sewer Pipe 6" Sewer Pipe 8" Sewer Pipe 10" Sewer Pipe Standard Manhole (6 - 8' deep) Standard Manhole (9 - 12' deep) Standard Manhole (13 -16' deep} Standard Manhole (17 - 29' deep) 6" Clean Out Stub_& Plug, _., , ____ _. TOTAL SEWER PIPES AND APPURTENANCES b. SEWER LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS Complete Sewer Lift Station for Tract No. 6453 TOTAL SEWER LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS c. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST 11154 LF 11.00 $122,694. 00 3187 LF 13.00 $41,431. D0 7447 LF 16.50 $122,875. 50 316 LF 20.00 $6,320 .00 20 EA 1250.00 $25,000 .00 10 EA 1500.00 $15,000 .00 4 EA 2200.00 $8,8D0 .00 1 EA 7000.00 $7,000 .DO 8 EA 250.00 $2,000 .00 1 EA 100.00 $100 .00 $351,220.50 _ 1 _ EA 157203.60 $157,203.60 $157,203.60 $508,424.10 2970062D 8-I I-D-3 02/09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-D ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST LIN II AREA (TRACT N0.6453) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED UNIT j DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS I COST I T_OTAL_; d. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY $0.00 e. f. 9• SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $508,424.10 INCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering Plan Check Fees (City) Inspection Fees (City) Construction Staking Soils and Materials Testing and Report Construction Inspection _ _ _ ___ TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST TOTAL TRACT NO. 6453 ONSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INGIDENTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.OD $0.00 $0.00 $508,424.10 F. TOTAL LIN II AREA (TRACT NO. 6453) IMPROVEMENT COST (Add Items A, 8, C, D, and E) a. IMPROVEMENTS b. CONTINGENCY c. INCIDENTALS d. TOTAL LIN II AREA (TRACT NO. 6453) IMPROVEMENT COST $1,397,951.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $1,397,951.00 Note: Ali improvement, contingency and incitlentat cost estimates shown in this table are based on the information provided by the Distdct Proponent for the Lin tl Area and its Subdivision Engineer. 2970062D B-II-D-4 02!09/2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-E ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BRKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 06-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT N0.6799) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED i UNIT !, I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY': UNITS ~ COST ': TOTAL A. MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE} AND GOSFORD ROAD {WEST SIDE} IMPROVEMENTS - - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING (Tract No. 6799 Frontage} a. STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 18" Storm Drain Pipe 226 LF 37.00 $8,362.00 Type A Catch Basin 1 EA 2500.00 $2,500.00 Manhole 2 EA 2300.00 $4,600.00 Remove Existing Catch Basin 1 EA 600.00 $600:00 Remove Existing Manhole _ _ _ 1 __EA 600.00 _ $600.00 TOTAL STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $16,662.00 b. SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 8" Road Bore 60 LF 158.00 $9,480.00 Standard Manhole _ _ _ , _ 1 EA _ 2200.00 $2,200.00 _, ___ __ ___, _ . _ _ TOTAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS $11,680.00 c. WATER IMPROVEMENTS 8" Gate Valve 2 EA 455.00 $910.00 6" Fire Hydrant 2 CY 2500.00 $5,000.00 8" Road Bore 115 _ LF 158.00 $18,170.00 TOTAL WATER IMPROVEMENTS $24,080.00 d. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A.C. Paving 331 TON 64.26 $21,270.00 Aggregate Base (Class 2) 150 CY 41.77 $6,266.00 Subgrade Preparation 1128 SY 1.40 $1,579.00 6" Curb and Gutter 740 LF 9.25 $6,845.00 Sidewalk 9646 SF 2.50 $24,115.00 Handicap Ramp 1250 SF 5.00 $6,250.00 Metro Street Sign 4 EA 300.00 $1,200.00 Stop Sign 2 EA 233.00 $466.00 Street Light -Mast Arm 9500 lumen 3 EA 2100.00 $6,300.00 Street Light Conduit and Conductor 1800 LF 2.75 $4,950.00 Street Light Pull Box 12 EA 150.00 $1,800.00 Monument Encasement 2 EA 350.00 $700.00 Sawcut 761 LF 1.15 $875.00 Pavement Removal (Disposal on site) 761 SF 0.50 $381.00 Remove Existing Curb and Gutter ___ __ 761 LF _ 9.00 _ $6,849.00 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS $89,846.00 e. MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS Block Wall, Seven Oaks Theme 1676 LF 109.00 $182,684.00 Maior Corner Sign Monument 1 EA 12000.00 $12,000.00 f. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $368,952.00 g. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY (10°l°) $36,895.00 h. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $405;847.00 i. fNCIDENTAL COST Design Engineering $18,061.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $1,869.00 Inspection Fees (City) $2.995.00 Construction Staking {4°f° of Item h) $16,234.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report {3°!0 of Item h) $12,175.00 Construction Inspection (2% of Item h) _ _ ., __ $8,117A0 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $59,451.00 j. TOTAL MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE} AND GOSFORD ROAD (WEST SIDE) $465,298.00 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENGY, AND INCIDENTALS - - OTHER THAN LANDSCAPING 2970062E B-II-E-1 02!09!2007 EXHIBIT B TABLE B-II-E ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 08-1 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ITEMIZED ESTIMATE'OF IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION COST UNIVERSITY PARK AREA {TRACT NO. 6799) IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED UNIT i DESCRIPTION I QUANTITY , UNITS , COST TOTAL I B. MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE) AND GOSFORD ROAD (WEST SIDE) IMPROVEMENTS - - LANDSCAPING (Tract No. 6799 Frontage) a. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS SF 3.25 Ri hq t-of-way Landscaping, Seven Oaks Theme 36716 $119,327.00 ___ _ TOTAL LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS $119,327.00 b. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST $119,327.00 c. CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY {10°!°) $11,933.00 d. SUBTOTAL IMPROVEMENT COST AND CONTINGENCY $131;260.00 e. INCIDENTAL COST Landscape Design $5,842.00 Plan Check Fees (City) $604.00 Inspection Fees (City} $969.00 Construction Staking (4°I° of Item d) $5,250.00 Soils and Materials Testing and Report (3% of Item d} $3,938.00 Construction Inspection (2°fo of Item d) _. __ ._ $2,625.00 TOTAL INCIDENTAL COST $19,228.00 f. TOTAL MING AVENUE (SOUTH SIDE) AND GOSFORD ROAD (WEST SIDE) $150,488.00 IMPROVEMENTS, CONTINGENCY, AND INCIDENTALS -LANDSCAPING C. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FACILITIES FEES a. City Regional Transportation Impact Fee 217 EA 1420.00 $308,140.00 b. TOTAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FACILITIES FEES $308,140.00 D. TOTAL UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT NO. 6799) IMPROVEMENT CO5T (Add Items A, B, and C) a. IMPROVEMENTS AND FEES $796,419.00 b. CONTINGENCY $48,828.00 c. INCIDENTALS __ $78,679.00 d. TOTAL UNIVERSITY PARK AREA (TRACT NO. 6799) $923,926.00 IMPROVEMENT COST Nate: Ali improvement, contingency and incidental cost estimates shown in this [able are based on the information provided by the Distract Proponent for the University Padc Area and its Subdivision Engineer. 2970082E B-II-E-2 02/09!2007 O zg U ~ O ~_ J ~ Q U awo FU ~N1W- mJ NWF xSx (C WNN WF ZOK Z W_ Y W ~yO KY W F Y Z ~O OU U ~ C Z N R e e e e V O Y V V V V, e V 4 V e V V ; V e V e C e e V; e '~T e V; e J W a< h l~ i'h r P- r h- r r n- r h r n: r n: h- F n r r l~ f~ Ih lh t~ n r t~ r; r~ r n Q 'E M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M r N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M O ~ ~ u7 Itf m m m N m Vf Y1 ~ O ~[) N ~ N ~ N m N ~ N N k'i N ~ N tff 41 i[J N Ili 1lf tIj N Q W n rn m m m m rn m rn m m rn m m rn w o m rn m + rn m o~ w rn m rn w m rn ~~w o m e o v o v o v o g o o o g eo ~ ~ v o ~ u v g o o o o o 0 0 0 0 o o eo ~ "~ o mmw m O e a m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m i c m m ~ O p O z a m O N < N o u) 0 tn 0 u7 0 Vl 0 tO 0 t(~ 0 1[] 0 m 0 ~0 0 10 0 ~ 0 m 0 10 0 t[1 0 1f1 0 ~ 0 O 0 m 0 1f1 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 10 0 4Y 0 ~O 0 m 0 m 0 10 0 Vf 0 10 0 LL] 0 N 0 Y J ~ f' ~'- ~ G tV N lV N N N N hi N (V tV (V lV hl IV N N N (V N tV N tV N N N (V [V Cl lV N N l N O? 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On April 5, 2006, the City Council approved Agreement No. 06-083 with Edwazd J. Wilson, a Registered Civil Engineer, appointing him as the Assessment Engineer for AD 06-1. The Assessment Engineer has been retained by the City to prepare an Engineer's Report an the proposed assessment that will include, in part, an analysis of the facts in AD 06-1 and the development of a method of apportioning the total amount of the costs and expenses ofthe proposed improvement acquisitions to the pazcels and lots located within AD 06-1. The assessments are apportioned pursuant to the provisions of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 and according to ,the Reallocafion Method proposed by the District Proponents and approved by the City Director of Public Works, as described in this Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method. AD 06-1 has been formed pursuant to petitions signed by the District Proponents as the owners of more than 60% of the AD 06-1 property proposed to be assessed, requesting the City Council to waive further proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code and to undertake proceedings pursuant to the 1913 Act and to the provisions of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070. The petitions aze on file with the City Clerk and were accepted an April 5, 2006, when the City Council adopted its Resolution No. 096-06, "Resolution Accepting Petition and Determining to Undertake Special Assessment Proceedings." ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURPOSE AD 06-1 has been formed far the purpose of financing the estimated total cost for City acquisition of certain public improvements within three AD 06-1 community areas, which are described in Section I of the AD 06-1 Engineer's Report. A detailed description of the proposed Improvement Acquisitions is presented in Engineer's Report Section II. The AD 06-1 proceedings will corm an assessment for the estimated total cast of the improvements to be acquired pursuant to the 1913 Act and to the Municipal Code. The City proposes to issue bonds under the 1915 Act, secured by the unpaid assessments, to pay the cast to acquire the improvements and pay all incidental costs and expenses related thereto and authorized for funding by the 1913 Act. 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-1 - 2!27/07 AUTHORIZATION FOR ASSESSMENT REALLOCATIONS As stated above, the petitions filed by the District Proponents request that the AD 06-1 assessment be spread to the assessed properties in the manner set forth in Municipal Code Section 13.08.070-Benefit Spread The City Council has approved that request by the adoption of its referenced Resolution No. 096-06, and in accordance with that resolution the AD 06-1 assessment will be spread pursuant to the 1913 Act and to the Municipal Code. Under the 1913 Act, parcel assessment shazes are allocated among the benefited pazcels of land in the assessment district in proportion to the estimated benefit each parcel can be expected to receive from the work and improvements covered by the assessment. Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 authorizes the "reallocation" to alternate properties of assessments initially allocated to pazcels in proportion to their estimated benefit (i.e., initial allocation made in accordance with the 1913 Act benefit/cost requirement and that benefittcost share is reallocated to the other parcels that may or may not be directly benefited by the improvements funded in the assessment). The AD 06-1 individual parcel assessment amounts shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Assessment Roll, have been calculated ("spread"}among the assessed parcels pursuant to Municipal Code Section 13.08.070. The Alternate Method used by the Assessment Engineer to reallocate the benefit based assessment shares initially allocated by the Assessment Engineer to each AD 06-1 assessed pazcel has been provided to the Engineer of Work by the District Proponents and is hereafter referred to as the "Reallocation Method." In light of the fact that the AD 06-1 parcel assessments have been spread using the Reallocation Method proposed by the District Proponents, it is the intent of the AD 06-1 Assessment Engineer in preparing this Engineer's Report Exhibit D to present information and data on the Reallocation Method and on the Benefit/Cost Based Method for allocation of assessments.. The objective of this effort is to present a compazative analysis of the BenefitlCost Based Method to the Reallocation Method of assessment spread that will provide sufficient background information for the City Council to reference in making a deternunation on whether the proposed Assessment Reallocation Method is in conformance with Municipal Code Section 13.08.070, and for them to further determine whether the Assessment Reallocation Method will be implemented as the confirmed "Assessment Spread Method" for AD 06-1. Accordingly, descriptions and assessment spread calculations are presented in the following sections of this Exhibit D of the Reallocation Method of assessment spread proposed by the District Proponents and of the BenefitlCost Based Assessment Spread Method developed by the Assessment Engineer. Those descriptions and assessment calculation results are followed by a comparison of the parcel assessments calculated using each method. A statement of findings as to whether the proposed Reallocation Method is in conformance with the criteria set forth in Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 is then presented at the end of Exhibit D to complete the evaluation of that allocation procedure. The text. of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 is presented below for reference to facilitate the description of the proposed Reallocation Method. 24700FerExhibitD.wpd D-~ 2/27/07 Municipal Code Section I3.OS.070-Benefit Spread A. in special assessment proceedings conducted by the City of Bakersfield pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 (Sections 10000 and following, California Streets and Highways Cade), as amended from time to time (the "1913 Act"), and notwithstanding any provision of the 1913 Act to the contrary, the City may determine and implement an alternate method and rate of assessment reallocating assessments to alternate properties. B. Such reallocation may occur .even though doing so will result in no assessment being levied upon property which is, in fact, benefited by improvements for which the assessments are levied and which is determined differently from a direct cost/benefit ratio. C. Such alternate methods and rates of assessment may only be determined and implemented by the City when so requested by the owner of all property to be assessed, and upon written and recorded consent of the owner of the property to which assessments are reallocated. D. Additionally, such alternate methods and rates of assessment may only be determined and implemented by the City to pay for improvements that bear a rational nexus to the property to be assessed. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT REALLOCATION METHOD In accordance with Subsection C of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 ("Section 13.08.070 (C}"), the District Proponents have submitted a proposed "AD 06-1 Alternate Method and Rate of Assessment" (the "AD 06-1 Reallocation Method") to the Engineer of Work. Also in accordance with Section 13.08.070 (C), the District Proponents have submitted a written request to the Engineer of Work asking that the proposed AD 06-1 Reallocation Method be implemented for AD 06-1 and further stating that they aze the owners of all of the property proposed to be reallocated a share of the AD 06-1 assessment and that they consent to the reallocation. The Engineer of Work has accepted the proposed method and directed the Assessment Engineer to use the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method for calculating the AD 06-1 pazcel assessments. The AD 06-1 Reallocation Method is generally described as: Subject to certain exceptions described below, the total AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions cost allocated to each of the three (3) community areas (Etcheverry (divided into two sepazate subareas defined below), Lin II, and University Park} is spread among the developed and undeveloped pazcels within each area in direct proportion to parcel acreage and to each planned or existing single-family residential (R-1) lot within those developed and undeveloped parcels as an equal per R-1 lot cost share. The acreage spread exceptions, if any, within each community area are described below. 29700FuExhibitD.wpd D-3 2/27/07 1. Etcheveny Area - gortion (Tract No. 6343) There are no exceptions in the Tract No. 6343 ("TR 6343") portion of the Etcheverry Area to the equal cost share per acre and equal cost per existing or planned R-1 lot AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. All TR 6343 Etcheverry Area improvement acquisition costs are apportioned to Assessment No. 1, as described below. :As stated in Engineer's Report Section I, this portion of the Etcheverry Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 226 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6343 ("Ten. TR 6343"). The District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area {LO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that no phases of TR 6343 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. Each planned R-1 lot in TR 6343 will be apportioned an equal shaze of the total cost assessed to this portion of the Etcheverry Area in the amounts shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Assessment Roll. The District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area (LO Land Assets, LP) has classified all phases of TR 6343 as a single product type. Table C-II-A in Engineer's Report Exhibit C shows the total amount assessed to this area in the "Total Assessment" column, followed by the per acre and per R-1 lot or per Equivalent Dwelling Unit ("EDU'~ assessment amounts. Table C-I in Exhibit C shows the assessment calculation details for the total amounts allocated to Assessment No. 1, as calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. The future landscape lots and the future storm drain sump lot are classified by the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method asnon-benefited land uses and, accordingly, will nat be allocated a share of the total assessment. 2. Etcheverry Area -portion {Tract No. 6361) There are no exceptions in the Tract No. 6361 ("TR 6361") portion of the Etcheveny Area to the equal cost share per acre and equal cost per existing or planned R-1 lot AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. All TR 6361 Etcheveny Area improvement acquisition costs are apportioned to Assessment Nos. 2 through 80, as described below. As stated in Engineer's Report Section I, this portion of the Etcheveny Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 204 R-1 lots (plus 1 residential lot with an existing home on it, which will not be assessed a share of the AD 06-1 total assessment amount, as described in the following sections of this Exhibit D), 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 cell tower lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6361 ("Ten. TR 6361 "). The District Proponent far the Etcheverry Area (LO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the following phase of TR 6361 is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment: Tract No. 6361 Unit One ("TR 6361-1") with 75 R-1 lots and 3 public landscape lots. Also, the District Proponent for the Etcheveny Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6361 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-4 287/07 Each existing or planned R-1 lot in TR 6361 is apportioned an equal shaze of the total cost assessed to this portion of the Etcheverry Area in the amounts shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Assessment Roll. The District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area (LO Land Assets, LP) has classified all phases of TR 6361 as a single product type. Table C-II-B in Engineer's Report Exhibit C shows the total amount assessed to this azea in the "Total Assessment" column, followed by the per acre and per R-I lot or per EDU assessment amounts. Table C-I in Exhibit C shows the assessment calculation details for the total amounts allocated to Assessment Nos. 2 through 80, as calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. The existing and future landscape lots, the future storm drain sump lot, and the future cell tower lot are classified by the AD Ob-1 Reallocation Method asnon- benefited land uses and, accordingly, aze not (will not be) allocated a share of the total assessment. 3. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453} There aze no exceptions in the Lin II Area to the equal cast share per acre and equal cost per existing or planned R-1 lot AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. All Lin II Area improvement acquisition costs are apportioned to Assessment Nos. 81 through 279 and 511 through 512, as described below. As stated in Engineer's Report Section I, the Lin II Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 317 R-1 lots,. l storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6453 ("Ten. TR 6453"). The District Proponent for the Lin R Area (Lennaz Homes of California, Inc.) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the following phase of Tract No. 6453 ("TR 6453") is planned for recording with the Kem Courity Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment: Tract No. 6453 Unit One ("'I'R 6453-1'~ with 192 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain suing lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, 6 public landscape lots, and 1 "super" lot planned for subdivision by future phases of TR 6453. Also, the District Proponent for the Lin lI Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6453 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. Each existing or planned R-1 lot in TR 6453 is apportioned an equal shaze of the total cost assessed to the Lin II Area in the amounts shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Assessment Roll. The District Proponent for the Lin Area (Lennaz Homes of California, Inc.) has classified all phases of TR 6453 as a single product type. Table C-II-C in Engineer's Report Exhibit C shows the total amount assessed to this area in the "Total Assessment" column, followed by the per acre and per R-1 lot or per EDU assessment amounts. Table C-I in Exhibit C shows the assessment calculation details for the total amounts allocated to Assessment Nos. 81 through 279 and 511 through 512, as calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. The existing and future landscape lots, the existing storm drain sump lot, and the existing sewer lift station lot are classified by the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method asnon-benefited land uses and, accordingly, aze not (will not be) allocated a share of the total assessment. 29100FerEkhibitD.wpd D-5 2121/07 4. University Park Area (Tract No. 6799) There are no exceptions in the University Park Area to the equal cost share per acre and equal cost per existing orplanned R-1 lot AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. All University Park Area improvement acquisition costs are apportioned to Assessment Nos. 280 through 510, as described below. As stated in Engineer's Report Section I, the University Park Area has been approved for subdivision into a combined total of 217 R-1 lots, 1 private park lot, 4 common area lots, and 8 private landscapetpocket park lots pursuant to Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6799 ("Ten. TR 6799"}. The District Proponent for the University Pazk Area (Castle & Cooke California, Inc.} has informed the City Director of Public Works that the entire Tract No. 6799 ("TR 6799"}, with the total number of various lots listed above, is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. Each existing R- l lot is apportioned an equal share of each Product Type Area's share of the total costs assessed to the University Park Area in the amounts shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Assessment Rall. The District Proponent for the University Park Area (Castle & Cooke California, Inc.} has identified the following sepazate Product Type Areas in the University Park Area: Oxford Cottages (Lots 1 through 47 in TR 6799) and Cambridge Gardens (Lots 98 through 217 in TR 6799}. Therefore, except for the City Facilities Fees which aze assessed to all R-1 lots in TR 6799 as an equal-per-R-l-lot chazge, the total. University Park Area assessment amount is first apportioned between the two Product Type Areas in direct proportion to their assessable areas, where the assessable areas are calculated as the total tracttsubdivision area less the area of the off-site street right-of way (Ming Avenue and Gosford Road), and less the areas of the private landscape(pocket pazklots and the private park lot identified as Lots H, I, and J in TR 6799. ABer that, the Product Type Area total assessment has been apportioned as an equal share per existing R- l lot within the Product Type Area, as described above. Table C-II•D in Engineer's Report Exhibit C shows the total amount assessed to this area in the "Total Assessment" column, followed by the per acre and per R-1 lot or per EDU assessment amounts. Table C-I in Exhibit C shows the assessment calculation details for the total amounts allocated to Assessment Nos. 280 through 510, as calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method. The private park lot, the common area lots, and the private landscapetpocket park. lots are classified by the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method asnon- benefited land uses and, accordingly, are not allocated a share of the total assessment. CALCULATION OF REALLOCATED ASSESSMENTS Engineer's Report Exhibit C includes a set of four "C-II"tables labeled C-II-A through C-II-D. The tables present the results of the parcel reallocated assessment calculations for each of the three AD 06-1 community areas (and two subareas}, as described above. The Tables C-II Reallocated Assessment spread data has been calculated in accordance with the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method Description presented in the preceding section of this Exhibit D. The subdivision acreages and the number of existing or planned EDU's or R-1 lots for the three community areas were obtained by 24700FerExhibitD.wpd D-6 2!27!07 reference to the recorded subdivision maps and to the approved subdivision tentative maps, and by reference to the AD 06-1 Assessment District studies and data prepazed by the AD 06-1 Design Engineers. That subdivision acreage and lot data has been used to calculate the reallocated assessment shares for the existing and proposed subdivisions within the three AD 06-1 community areas. Each table shows the cost share reallocations for the separate improvement systems to be acquired that will be spread to each existing and planned subdivision within a community azea. Each C-II table also shows the AD 06-1 Assessment Proceeding and Bond Issuance Cost share reallocations under the "Assessment Proceedingtlssuance Cast" column, and the total amount proposed to be assessed under the "Total Assessment" column. Following the "Total Assessment" column are three columns: one column listing Product Type Area names and two columns listing the amount assessed per assessable acre and the amount assessed per R-1 lot or EDU. The net (assessable) acreages aze calculated as the total subdivision phase(s) tract azea(s) in acres, less the sum of the acres for all storm drain sump lots, sewer lift station lots, pazk lots, cell tower lots, and off-site street right-of- way, as provided to the Assessment Engineer by the Design Engineers. Table C-I in Engineer's Report Exhibit C consolidates all of the assessment reallocation data presented in the C-R group of tables and provides the assessment data by existing Kern County Assessor's Tax Number ("ATN") or by parcel description for every existing and proposed subdivision lot in AD 06-1. The improvement acquisition cost reallocations are summarized in a single column on Table C-I, because their details aze presented in the C-II tables. However, Table C-I itemizes the assessment proceeding and bond issuance cost reallocation amounts in separate columns, while those costs aze shown as a total amount in the "Assessment ProceedingJIssuance Cost" column on the C-II tables. Since the per acre and per EDU or per R-1 lot assessment data is shown on the C-II tables for each land use area or ATN and for each existing and proposed subdivision, that data is not repeated on Table C-I. The "Confirmed Assessment Amount" shown on Exhibit A, Assessment Roll is the amount proposed to be assessed to each lot and pazcel in AD 06-1 and is also the amount shown under the column entitled "Total Assessment" in Table C-I. DESCRIPTION OF BENEFIT/COST BASED ASSESSMENT ALLOCATION METHOD Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 sets forth several criteria under which the City may "determine and implement" an alternative method of assessment. This section of Exhibit D will present information and data for reference by the City Council in their deliberations to make a final deterniination on whether the proposed AD 06-1 Assessment Reallocation Method is in conformance with Municipal Code Section 13.08.070 and as to whether the proposed AD 06-1 Reallocation Method will be implemented as the confirmed "Assessment Spread Method" for AD 06-1. The intended objective in developing the AD 06-1 BenefitlCost Based Assessment Allocation Method (the "AD 06-1 Allocation Method"} is to define a cost allocation method that apportions the AD 06-1 costs to each parcel in conformance with the requirements of the 1913 Act, which requires that the financed cost in a special assessment proceeding be allocated among the benefited parcels of land in proportion to the estimated benefit each parcel can be expected to receive from the financed work and improvements. It is further intended that the AD 06-1 Allocation Method be in 29700Fer6khibitD.wpd D-7 2/27!07 general conformance with the benefit/cost methods used to spread costs in existing City assessment districts for which a Notice of Assessment was recorded prior to the April 1995 Council adoption of Ordinance No: 3643 adding Section 13.08.070 to the Municipal Code. In accordance with these intended objectives, the AD Ob-1 Allocation Method is based on the following: o The Categories of Benefit each improvement system provides to the assessment district properties; o The Method of Apportioning the improvement system work items and cost to the various benefit categories; o The Criteria for Determining which parcels are benefited by the improvements assigned to each benefit category; and o The Method of Allocating the apportioned improvement system costs for each benefit category to the parcels benefited by that category of improvements, in proportion to the estimated level of benefit the parcels will receive from those improvements. I. The Categories of Benefit that provide the foundation for the AD 06-1 Allocation Method are as follows: A. Development EntitlemenllArterial Class Improvement Benefit Category: This is the primary category of improvement benefit supporting the AD 06-1 Allocation Method developed for each of the three AD 06-1 community azeas. As stated in Engineer's Report Section I, the AD 06-1 improvements are improvements that are either already required to be constructed, or aze expected by the District Proponents to be required to be constructed, as conditions of development entitlement approval for the properties in AD 06-1. Therefore, planning approval records have been researched to determine the scope of improvements that must be, or are expected to be required to be constructed as a condition of entitlement approval for the AD 06-1 properties. The Development Entitlement Benefit Category includes those improvement systems, or their component parts, that are required to be installed as a condition of development entitlement approval and which will provide a regional benefit to AD 06-1 parcels and to a much larger community azea not included in AD 06-1. Arterial streets, transmission grid water mains, and certain sanitary sewer and storm drain pipelines are examples of improvements that may be assigned to this benefit category. B. Direct BenefiflFranting Improvement Benefit Category: All of the AD 06-1 improvements that provide a localized level of benefit are included in this benefit category. The general scope of improvements assigned to this benefit category includes the outside traffic and pazking lane portions of arterial and major collector streets, all sidewalk, and certain water, sanitary sewer, and storm drain pipelines. 24700FerExhibitD.wpd D-8 2/27/07 C. Non-benefited and Non Assessed Parcels: Ail of the following described parcels in AD 06-1 are defined for the purpose of this AD 06-1 Allocation Method as not being benefited by the AD 06-1 improvements and, accordingly, they aze not apportioned a share of the AD 06-1 assessment by the AD 06-1 Allocation Method or by the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method: 1. All City-owned property; all landscape lots in existing and future subdivisions; street right-of--way; parks; cell tower lots; sewer lift station lots; and 2. All existing and designated storm drain sump sites. II. The Method or Criteria Devised for Apportioning the improvement system work items and cost to the two primary improvement benefit categories are described below. A. Assignment of improvement system work items and cost to benefit categories: 1. Development EntitlementlArterial Class Improvements a. Arterial and Maj or Collector Street Improvements: Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, Calloway Drive, and Snow Road in the Etcheverry Area, and Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road in the Lin II Area are the AD 06-1 streets with improvements including component parts assigned to this category. For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, the center traffic lanes and median in the above-listed streets are the specific portions of those streets classified as "Arterial Street" Improvements. b. Transmission Grid Water Mains: For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, this improvement category would include water mains that aze classified as "Grid Mains" needed to serve an area outside the boundaries of AD 06-1. According to the AD 06-1 Design Engineers, there aze no such"Transmission Grid Water Mains" improvements in AD 06-1. c. Sanitary Sewer Main Collector Pipelines: For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, this improvement category would include sewer pipelines needed to be installed as conditions of development entitlement approval that have been designed to serve an area outside the boundaries of the AD 06-1 community in which they are being installed. According to the AD 06-1 Design Engineers, there are no such "Sanitary Sewer Main Collector Pipelines" improvements in AD Ob-1. d. Storm Water Drainage Main Collector Pipelines: Far the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, this improvement category would include storm water drainage pipelines and appurtenances being installed as conditions of development entitlement approval that have been designed to serve an azea outside the boundaries of the AD 06-1 community in which they aze being 297of7FerEzhibitD.wpd D-9 227/07 installed. According to the AD 06-1 Design Engineers, there are no such "Storm Water Drainage Main Collector Pipelines" improvements in AD 06-1. 2. Direct Benefit/Fronting Improvements: a. Streetstl,andscapingJStreet Lights(TrafFic Signals: The outside traffic lane, bicycle lane, and pazking lane, curb and gutter, deceleration lane and busbay portion of all streets, including arterial and major collector level streets, provide direct and localized benefit to the fronting property areas. In the case of a new subdivision development, all fronting streets, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping improvements along its perimeter are generally required to be installed as a condition of the tract development entitlement approval. Accordingly, in the AD 06-1 Allocation Method street frontage improvements are assessed back to the fronting subdivision area. In the case of AD 06-1, the fronting area may encompass a block of property that the District Proponents have identified as an area planned for subdivision in phases or as a single, master development, such as Ten. TR 6343 and Ten. TR 6361 in the Etcheverry Area, Ten. TR 6453 in the Lin II Area, and Ten. TR 6'799 in the University Pazk Area. b. Local Service Pipeline: 8- and 12-inch diameter water lines, 6-, 8- and 10-inch diameter sewer mains, and 18-, 24-, 36-, and 42-inch diameter storm drain pipelines are classified as fronting benefit improvements and their cost is allocated back to the fronting property areas that will.. be served by these pipelines. Short sections of pipeline stub-outs into future subdivision development areas and 4-inch diameter sewer laterals are also allocated as direct benefit improvements. B. Apportionment of improvement system cost shares to the benefit categories: I . Apportionment of Street Costs: a. For the arterial and major collector streets that have portions assigned to both the Development Entitlement Benefit and FrontinglDirect Benefit Categories, the improvement item quantities and costs for street construction work aze apportioned to these categories in direct proportion to street surface azea for the portion of the street assigned to each benefit category. The Fronting Street cost is estimated based on a 15-foot pavement width, with the balance of the street surface area classified as the "Arterial" Street Section. If both of the center traffic lanes of a four lane arterial street are included in the scope of financed improvements, the parcels fronting on each side of the street right-of--way are each apportioned the cost of one center (arterial) traffic lane. This Arterial Street Section cost represents each fronting parcel's Development Entitlement Benefit Cost, based on the requirement to conshuct one-half of the Arterial Street as a condition of entitlement approval for each parcel. For Arterial Street improvements constructed along the boundary of an AD 06-1 community area, 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-10 2127/07 any improvements to the half of the street adjacent to the AD 06-1 assessed property are classified as the Development Entitlement/Fronting Street Improvements benefiting the AD 06-1 property, while the opposite side traffic lane improvements are classified as the Arterial Street Improvements benefiting property not in AD 06-1. The composite street area totals for the Development Entitlement/Fronting Street Improvement and Non AD 06-1 Arterial Street Improvement Categories were used to calculate improvement system work item quantity and cost percentage factors, and those azea-based factors were used to allocate project work item cost shazes to these two benefit categories. b. The non-street work items of curb and gutter, sidewalk, subdivision block wall, and landscaping were assigned a 100% Fronting Benefit factor to allocate their costs to the "Direct BenefittFronting Improvement Category." 2. Apportionment of Water Mains: a. Water Mains in AD 06-1 have all been classified as "Fronting Benefit" improvements, and these work items and costs are allocated accordingly. Those pipeline costs are spread to their benefited service azea properties as described in the following Paragraphs iII and N. b. Local Service Water Main costs, if any, are split 50/50 between the parcels or development areas fronting on each side of the street. 3. Apportionment of Sanitary Sewer Mains: Sanitary Sewer Mains in AD 06-1 have all been classified as "Fronting Benefit" improvements, and these work items and costs are allocated accordingly. Those pipeline costs are spread to their benefited service area properties as described in the following Paragraphs III and N. 4. Apportionment of Storm Drain Pipelines: Storm Drain Pipelines in AD 06-1 have all been classified as "Fronting Benefit" improvements, and these work items and costs are allocated accordingly. Those pipeline costs aze spread to their benefited service area properties as described in the following Paragraphs III and IV. III. The Criteria for Determining which parcels aze benefited by the improvements allocated to each benefit category are as follows: A. Etcheveny Area -portion (Tract No. 6343): The TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area Improvements are generally shown and described on Map No. 1 in Exhibit E. The improvements to be installed in the TR 6343 ?9700FerExhibitD.wpd D-1 1 2!27/07 portion of the Etcheveny Area include improvements in and along Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive, and TR 6343 storm drain improvements. The improvements to be installed in and along Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway -Drive include both Development EntitlementlArterial Class Improvement Benefit Category and Direct BenefitlFronting Improvement Benefit Category improvements required for the development of the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area. Accordingly, their cost is allocated to the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area parcel (Assessment No. 1) as Development Entitlement and Direct BenefitlFronting Improvements. These sections of Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive Arterial street improvements include the construction of, respectively, the east half, the north half, and the west half of the street (consisting of two traffic lanes each). In accordance with the preceding paragraph II.B.1.a, if both of the center traffic lanes for a four lane arterial street are included in the scope of financed improvements, the parcels fronting on each side of the street right-of--way are each apportioned the cost of one center (arterial} traffic lane. This Arterial Street Section cost represents each fronting parcel's Entitlement Benefit Cost, based on the requirement to construct one-half of the Arterial Street as a condition of entitlement approval for each pazcel. The 14-foot wide center (arterial) h~affic lanes in Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive will be installed in and along the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area. The total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes fronting along TR 6343 is apportioned to that portion of the Eteheveny Area as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, the entire TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area is treated as a single "development area" directly benefiting from the center traffic lane improvements to be installed along its frontages in Verdugo Lane, Etehart Road, and Calloway Drive. Therefore, the total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes fronting along TR 6343 is apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot amount to all planned R-1 lots in TR 6343 (a total of 226) as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. None of the Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive improvement costs are classified as the Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement costs that will provide a Development Entitlement Benefit to any Nan AD 46-1 properties. All other Verdugo Lane, Etchart Road, and Calloway Drive improvements fronting along TR 6343 and all TR 6343 storm drain improvements are assessed as Direct BenefitJFronting Improvements to the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area. B. Etcheverry Area -portion (Tract No. 6361): The TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area Improvements are generally shown and described on Map No. 2 in Exhibit E. The improvements to be installed in the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area include improvements in and along Verdugo Lane and Snow Road, and TR 6361 storm drain improvements. The improvements to be installed in and along Verdugo Lane and Snow Road include both Development Entitlement/Arterial Class Improvement Benefit Category and Direct Benefit/Fronting Improvement Benefit Category improvements required for the development of the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheveny Area. Accordingly, their cost is allocated to the TR 6361 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-12 2127/07 portion of the Etcheverry Area parcels {Assessment Nos. 2 through 80) as Development Entitlement and Direct BenefitlFronting Improvements. These sections of Verdugo Lane and Snow Road Arterial street improvements include the construction of, respectively, the west half and the north half of the street {consisting of two traffic lanes each, plus the north half of median in Snow Raad). In accordance with the preceding paragraph II.B. l.a, if both of the center traffic lanes for a four lane arterial street aze included in the scope of financed improvements, the parcels fronting on each side of the street right-of- way azeeach apportioned the cost of orie center {arterial} traff c lane. This Arterial Street Section cost represents each fronting pazcel's Entitlement Benefit Cost, based on the requirement to construct one-half of the Arterial Street as a condition of entitlement approval for each parcel. The 14-foot wide center (arterial) traffic lanes in Verdugo Lane and Snow Road will be installed in and along the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheveny Area. The total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes fronting along TR 6361 is apportioned to that portion of the Etcheverry Area as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, the entire TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area is treated as a single "development azea" directly benefiting from the center traffic lane improvements to be installed along its frontages in Verdugo Lane and Snow Road. Therefore, the total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes and median fronting along TR 6361 is apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot amount to all existing and planned R-Hots in TR 6361 (a total of 204) as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. None of the Verdugo Lane and Snow Road improvement casts are classified as the Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement costs that will provide a Development Entitlement Benefit to any Non AD 06-1 properties. All other Verdugo Lane and Snow Road improvements fronting along TR 6361 and all TR 6361 storm drain improvements are assessed as Direct BenefittFronting Irnpravements to the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area. C. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453}: The Lin II Area Improvements are generally shown and described on Map No. 3 in Exhibit E. The improvements to be installed in the Lin II Area include improvements in and along Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road, and TR 6453 on-site sewer improvements. The improvements to be installed in and along Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road include both Development BntitlemenUArterial Class Improvement Benefit Category and Direct Benefit/Fronting Improvement Benefit Category improvements required for the development of the Lin II Area. Accordingly, their cost is allocated to the Lin II Area parcels (Assessment Nos. 81 through 279 and 511 through 512} as Development Entitlement and Direct BenefitJFronting Improvements. These sections of Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road Arterial street improvements include the construction of, respectively, the west half, the south half, the southeasterly half, and the northeasterly half of the street (consisting of two traffic lanes each). In accordance with the preceding paragraph II.B.I.a, if both of the center traffic lanes far a four lane arterial street aze included in the scope of financed improvements, the parcels fronting on each side of the 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-13 2/271Q7 streetright-of--way are each apportioned the cost of one center (arterial) traffic lane. This Arterial Street Section cost represents each fronting pazcel's Entitlement Benefit Cost, based on the requirement to construct one-half of the Arterial Street as a condition of entitlement approval for each pazcel. The 14-foot wide center (arterial) traffic lanes in Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road will be installed in and along the Lin II Area. The total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes fronting along TR 6453 is apportioned to the Lin II Area as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. For the purpose of the AD 06-1 Allocation Method, the entire Lin II Area is treated as a single "development azea" directly benefiting from the center traffic lane improvements to be installed along its frontages in Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road. Therefore, the total combined cost of those portions of the center traffic lanes fronting along TR 6453 is apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot amount to all existing and planned R-1 lots in TR 6453 (a total of 317) as a Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement. None of the Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road improvement costs are classified as the Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement costs that will provide a Development Entitlement Benefit to any Non AD 06-1 properties. Ail other Allen Road, Reina Road, Renfro Road, and Vega Meadows Road improvements fronting along TR 6453, and all TR 6453 on-site sewer improvements are assessed as Direct BenefitlFronting Improvements to the Lin II Area. D. University Park Area (Tract No. 6799): The University Park Area Improvements aze generally shown and described on Map No. 4 in Exhibit E. The improvements to be installed in the University Park Area include improvements in and along Ming Avenue and Gosford Road, and the payment of City Facilities Fees for TR 6799. The improvements to be installed in and along Ming Avenue and Gosford Road and the City Facilities Fees are all classified as Direct Benefit/Fronting Improvement Benefit Category improvements required for the development of the University Pazk Area. Accordingly, their cost is allocated to the University Pazk Area parcels {Assessment Nos. 280 through 510) as Direct Benefit/Fronting hnprovements. For the purpose ofthe AD Ob-1 Allocation Method, the entire University Park Area is treated as a single "development area" directly benefiting from the City Development Fees and from the improvements to be installed along its frontages in Ming Avenue and Gosford Road. Therefore, the total combined cost of those Ming Avenue and Gosford Road improvements fronting along TR 6799 is apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot amount to all existing R- l lots within each of the two TR 6799 Product Type Areas described above (a total of 97 R-1 lots in the Oxford Cottages Product Tyge Area and a total of 120 R-1 lots in the Cambridge Gazdens Product Type Area, for a total of 217 R-1 lots in TR 6799) as a Direct Benefit/Fronting Improvement. None of the Ming Avenue and Gosford Road improvement costs are classified as the Development Entitlement Benefit Improvement costs that will provide a Development Entitlement Benefit to any Non AD 06-1 properties. The City Facilities Fees (consisting of City Regional Transportation Imgact Fee) are apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot amount to all existing R-1 lots in TR b794 (an equal amount per R-1 lot for 24700FerExhibitD.wpd ~ D-14 2127{07 the entire TR 6'794; not apportioned first to each Product Type Area in proportion to their areas, as with the Direct BenefitlPronting Improvements in Ming Avenue and Gosford Road). IV The Method of Allocating the apportioned system costs for each benefit category to the benefited parcels within each of the three AD 06-1 community areas, in proportion to the estimated level of benefit the parcels in each area will receive from the various improvements included in each benefit category is described. below: A. Etcheverry Area -portion (Tract No. 6343} Assessment Allocation Method Table C-III-A in Exhibit C, "Details of Etcheverry Area -Portion (Tract No. 6343) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development," shows how the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area Improvement Acquisitions costs have been spread in accordance with the AD 06-1 Allocation Method. Reference to Table C-III-A shows the total TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area benefitJcost shaze apportioned to the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area. Table C-III-A also shows that there is no BenefitedlNon-Assessed (Non AD 06-1) share allocated to benefited properties outside of AD 06-1 and that there is no TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area benefit/cost share apportioned as the Benefited/Non-Assessed AD 06-1 shaze allocated to benefited, but non-assessed properties in AD 06-1. All of the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area improvements are required to be installed as conditions of approval for Ten. TR 6343. B. Etcheveny Area -portion (Tract No. 6361 }Assessment Allocation Method Table C-III-B in Exhibit C, "Details of Etcheveny Area -Portion {Tract No. 6361) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development," shows how the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area Improvement Acquisitions costs have been spread in accordance with the AD 06-1 Allocation. Method. Reference to Table C-III-B shows the total TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area benefit/cost shaze apportioned to the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area. Table C-III-B also shows that there is no Benefited/Non-Assessed {Nan AD 06-1}share allocated to benefited properties outside of AD 06-I and that there is no TR 6361 portion of the Etcheverry Area benefit/cost shaze apportioned asthe Benefited(Non-Assessed AD 06-1 share allocated to benefited, but non-assessed properties in AD 06-1. All of the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheveny Area improvements are required to be installed as conditions of approval for Ten. TR 6361. C. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453) Assessment Allocation Method Table C-III-C in Exhibit C, "Details ofLin II Area (Tract No. 6453) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development," shows how the Lin II Area hnprovement Acquisitions costs have been spread in accordance with the AD 06-1 Allocation Method. Reference to Table C-III-C shows the total Lin II Area benefit/cost share apportioned to the Lin II Area. Table C-III-C also shows that there is no 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-15 2127!07 Benefited/Non-Assessed {Non AD 06-1) share allocated to benefited properties outside of AD 06-1 and that there is no Lin II Area benefitJcost share apportioned as the Benefited/Non-Assessed AD 06-1 share allocated to benefited, but non-assessed properties in AD 06-1. All of the Lin II Area improvements are required to be installed as conditions of approval for Ten. TR 6453. D. University Pazk Area (Tract No. 6799) Assessment Allocation Method Table C-III-D in Exhibit C, "Details of University Park Area (Tract No. 6799) Estimated Benefit Assessment Allocations for Proposed Development," shows how the University Park Area Improvement Acquisitions casts have been spread in accordance with the AD 06-1 Allocation Method. Reference to Table C-III-D shows the total University Pazk Area benefit/cost shaze apportioned to the University Park Area. Table C-III-D also shows that there is no BenefitedlNon-Assessed {Non AD 06-1) share allocated to benefited properties outside of AD 06-1 and that there is no University Park Area benefit/cost share apportioned as the BenefitedtNon-Assessed AD 06-1 shaze allocated to benefited, but non-assessed properties in AD 06-1. All of the University Pazk Area improvements are required to be installed as conditions of approval for Ten. TR 6799. COMPARISON OF REALLOCATION METHOD AND BENEFIT/COST BASED ASSESSMENT ALLOCATION METHOD; ASSESSMENT SPREAD RESULTS The four "C-N" tables in Engineer's Report Exhibit C (Tables C-N-A through C-N-D) present sepazate comparisons by community area of the cost assessed to individual parcels or land use azeas when the AD 06-1 cost is spread in accordance with the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method proposed by the District Proponents, to the parcel cost shares assessed when the spread is calculated in accordance with the benefitleost based AD 06-1 Allocation Method developed by the AD 06-1 Assessment Engineer. In each case, the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method results aze shown in the "Reallocation Per City Code Section 13.08.070" column and the AD 06-1 Allocation Method results in the "Benefit Allocation" column of the C-N tables group. The "Reallocation" amount minus the "Benefit Allocation" amount is shown in the "Reallocation Minus Benefit Allocation" column. These tables show that, as permitted by Municipal Code Section 13.08.070, the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method does not apportion an assessment amount, if any, to the Non AD 06-1 parcels that are shown in the "Benefit Allocation" column to have a beneficial cost share for certain improvements. In accordance with the District Proponents' AD 06-1 Reallocation Method and as shown on the C-N group of tables, the total cost of the improvements in each community area are assessed by the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method to the respective community area, including, if any, the costs for those portions of the improvements that are required, or are expected to be required, to be installed as a development entitlement approval condition for properties located outside AD 06-1. Further review of the C-N group of tables will show that improvement costs for work within or adjacent to a community azea have been assessed only to properties in that azea, and in their last two columns adjacent to the right margin, they show, respectively, the per acre and per EDU differences, if any, between the parcel assessments calculated using the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method and the AD 06-1 Allocation Method. 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-16 2/27/07 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S STATEMENT OF FINDINGS ON THE ASSESSMENT SPREAD METHOD Based on the descriptions and data presented above and further illustrated in the referenced Exhibit C tables on the proposed AD 06-1 Reallocation Method, the following findings on the AD 06-1 Assessment Spread Method are presented: A. The improvement acquisitions proposed to be financed by AD 06-1 are improvements that aze either already required to be constructed, or are expected by the District Proponents to be required to be constructed, as conditions of development entitlement approval for the properties in AD 06-1 and, accordingly, the AD 06-1 Improvement Acquisitions bear a rational nexus to the properties proposed to be assessed a share of their cost; and B. The District Proponents have submitted written requests to the Engineer of Work that the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method of assessment spread be implemented, and they have further represented that said requests were approved by all AD 06-1 property owners at the time they were filed. Therefore, it is the finding of the Assessment Engineer that the proposed AD 06-1 Reallocation Method is in conformance with the requirements of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070. ASSESSMENT PROCEEDING INCH)ENTAL AND BOND ISSUANCE COST ALLOCATION The total AD 06-1 assessment proceeding and bond issuance. costs are spread in direct proportion to the total improvement cost reallocated to each parcel. ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENTS TO FUTURE SUBDIVISIONS When a parcel with an AD 06-1 confirmed assessment is subdivided in the future by the recording of a subdivision or parcel map, a certificate of compliance for lot line adjustment, parcel map waiver, or parcel merger, or upon the sale of all or a portion of an assessed parcel to a public agency, the 1915 Act requires that the amount remaining unpaid on the original, bond-funded assessment principal be apportioned to each of the new lots and parcels created by the parcel division. In the case of AD 06-1, the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method has spread the AD 06-1 cost within each community azea in direct proportion to the net acreage for each Product Type Area (if any) and within each Product Type Area as an equal cost share to each existing orplanned R-1 lot. Therefore, as AD 06-1 assessed parcels are subdivided, the remaining principal amount of the original bond funded parcel assessment will be apportioned to the new lots and pazcels as follows: 1. Etcheveny Area -portion (Tract No. 6343}: This portion of AD 06-1 has been approved for development into a combined total of 226 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6343. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area (hO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that no 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-17 2/27/07 phases of TR 6343 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. No residential property in the TR 6343 portion of the Etcheverry Area has been configured as fmal subdivision lots of record. As stated above, Assessment No: l {covering the entire TR 6343 portion of the Etcheveny Area) is planned for development into a combined total of 226 lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6343. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area has identified the entire Ten. TR 6343 as a single Product Type Area. Therefore, the original Assessment No. 1 total confirmed assessment amount will be apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot assessment in accordance with the above-described proposed development and if the development proceeds as described by the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area. Accordingly, the first tract phase recorded by the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area to subdivide all or a portion of Assessment No. 1 will be allocated a total assessment share equal to the number of R-1 lots in that recorded phase multiplied by the calculated equal per R-1 lot cost share factor for Assessment No. 1. The remaining balance will be apportioned to the unsubdivided remainder of Assessment No. 1, if any, for apportionments to future subdivision phases in accordance with the process described above. However, if the development plan for Assessment No. 1 is revised, then the plan for segregation of the original assessment will be revised to apportion a cost share to the first subdivision or subdivision ghase and its remainder parcel in direct proportion to the total net acreages. The total assessment share apportioned to the recorded subdivision or subdivision phase would then be reapportioned to its R-I lots as an equal assessment share per R- l lot in the recorded subdivision phase and in the remainder parcel, if any. Any storm water retention sumps, water well sites, sewer lift station sites, and pazks will be excluded from the tract acreage and the calculated net acreages used to apportion the original total assessment. Landscape lots and in-tract street areas will not be excluded from the tract acreage totals. 2. Etcheveny Area -portion (Tract No. 6361): This portion of AD 06-1 has been approved for development into a combined total of 204 R-1 lots (plus 1 residential lot with an existing home on it, which will not be assessed a share of the AD Ob-1 total assessment amount, as described below), 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 cell tower lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6361. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Etcheveny Area {LO Land Assets, LP) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the following phase of TR 6361 is planned for recording with the Kem County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment: TR b361-1 with 75 R-l lots and 3 public landscape lots. As also previously stated, the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6361 are planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. Except for Assessment No. $0 (planned for development into 129 R-1 lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6361) all of the residential property in the TR 6361 portion of the Etcheveny Area is already configured as final subdivision lots of record. Therefore, there will be no need for future assessment apportionments of those lots of record, unless record lots aze merged or reconfigured by some form of future subdivision. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Etcheveny Area has identified the entire Ten. TR 6361 as a single Product Type Area. 2970DFerExhibitD.wpd D-1$ 227107 Therefore, the original Assessment No. 80 total confirmed assessment amount will be apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot assessment in accordance with the above-described proposed development and if the development proceeds as described by the District Proponent for the Etcheveny Area (other than for the exception described below). Accordingly, the first tract phase recorded by the District Proponent for the Etcheverry Area to subdivide all or a portion of Assessment No. $0 will be allocated a total assessment share equal to the number of R-1 lots in that recorded phase multiplied by the calculated equal per R-1 lot cost share factor for Assessment No. 80. The remaining balance will be apportioned to the unsubdivided remainder of AssessmentNo. 80, if any, for apportionments to future subdivision phases in accordance with the process described above. However, if the development plan for Assessment No. 80 is revised, then the plan for segregation of the original assessment will be revised to apportion a cost share to the first subdivision or subdivision phase and its remainder parcel in direct proportion to the total net acreages. The total assessment share apportioned to the recorded subdivision or subdivision phase would then be reapportioned to its R-1 lots as an equal assessment share per R-1 lot in the recorded subdivision phase and in the remainder pazcel, if any. Any storm water retention sumps, water well sites, sewer lift station sites, cell tower lots, and pazks will be excluded from the tract acreage and the calculated net acreages used to apportion the original total assessment. Landscape lots and in-tract street areas will not be excluded from the tract acreage totals. The above-referenced exception to the agportionment of Assessment No. 80 total confirmed assessment amount as an equal per R-1 lot assessment is the portion of Assessment No. 80 parcel currently occupied by the Etcheveny family home.. Once a future phase of TR 6361 fronting on Snow Road is recorded, the Etcheveny family new house and the land around it will become a part of one R-1 lot in that subdivision phase (currently identified as Lot 43 in Unit Three of TR b361), and as approved as a part of the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method, this Etcheveny family new home lot will not be assessed a share of the AssessmentNo. 80 total assessment amount. 3. Lin II Area (Tract No. 6453): This portion of AD 06-1 has been approved for development into a combined total of 317 R-1 lots, 1 storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, and several public landscape lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6453. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Lin II Area (Lennaz Homes of California, Inc.) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the following phase of TR 6453 is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation ofthe AD 06-1 assessment: TR 6453-1 with 192 R-1 lots, l storm drain sump lot, 1 sewer lift station lot, 6 public landscape lots, and 1 "super" lot planned for subdivision by future phases of TR 6453. As also previously stated, the District Proponent for the Lin II Area has informed the City Director of Public Works that no other phases of TR 6453 aze planned for recording with the Kem County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. Except for Assessment No. 279 (planned for development into 125 R- l lots pursuant to Ten. TR 6453) all of the residential property in the Lin II Area is already configured as final subdivision lots of record. Therefore, there will be no need for future assessment apportionments of those lots of record, unless record lots are merged or reconfigured by some form of future subdivision. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the Lin II Area has identified the entire Ten. TR 2970UFerExhibitD.wpd D-19 2727107 6453 as a single Product Type Area. Therefore, the original Assessment No. 279 total confirmed assessment amount will be apportioned as an equal per R-1 lot assessment in accordance with the above-described proposed development and if the development proceeds as described. by the District Proponent for the Lin II Area. Accordingly, the first tract phase recorded by the District Proponent for the Lin II Area to subdivide all or a portion of Assessment No. 279 will be allocated a total assessment shaze equal to the number of R-1 lots in that recorded phase multiplied by the calculated equal per R-1 lot cost shaze factor for Assessment No. 279. The remaining balance will be apportioned to the unsubdivided remainder of Assessment No. 279, if any, for apportionments to future subdivision phases in accordance with the process described above. However, if the development plan for Assessment No. 279 is revised, then the plan for segregation of the original assessment will be revised to apportion a cost share to the first subdivision or subdivision phase and its remainder parcel in direct proportion to the total net acreages. The total assessment share apportioned to the recorded subdivision or subdivision phase would then be reapportioned to its R-1 lots as an equal assessment shaze per R-1 lot in the recorded subdivision phase and in the remainder parcel, if any. Any storm water retention sumps, water well sites, sewer lift station sites, and parks will be excluded from the tract acreage and the calculated net acreages used to apportion the original total assessment. Landscape lots and in-tract street areas will not be excluded from the tract. acreage totals. 4. University Pazk Area: This portion of AD 06-1 has been approved for development into a combined total of 217 R-1 lots, 1 private park lot, 4 common area lots, and 8 private landscape/pocket park lots pursuant to Ten. TR b799. As previously stated, the District Proponent for the University Park Area (Castle & Cooke California, Inc.) has informed the City Director of Public Works that the entire TR 6799, with the total number of various lots listed above, is planned for recording with the Kern County Recorder prior to confirmation of the AD 06-1 assessment. All of the residential property in the University Park Area is already configured as final subdivision lots of record. Therefore, the total assessment amount for the University Park Area is already apportioned to each existing R-1 lot as an equal share of each of the two Product Type Area's shaze of the total costs assessed to the University Park Area, as described above (Oxford Cottages (Lots 1 through 97 in TR 6799) and Cambridge Gardens (Lots 98 through 217 in TR 6799)). Therefore, there will be no need for future assessment apportionments of those lots of record, unless record lots are merged or reconfigured by some form of future subdivision. [Remainder of the page intentionally left blank] 297DDFerExhibitD.wpd D-20 227707 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF THE ASSESSMENT SPREAD METHOD This Engineer's Report has been prepared to present the following: An estimate of the total cost of the improvements to be acquired and the incidental costs proposed to be funded pursuant to this assessment proceeding; and 2. An analysis and description of the AD 06-1 Reallocation Method proposed by the District Proponents as the method used to spread the estimated improvement acquisition costs and incidental expenses to the AD 06-1 properties. However, this Engineer's Report makes no recommendation as to the economic feasibility for the assessment of the estimated cost of the proposed improvement acquisition and incidental costs on the AD 06-1 properties, nor on the financial feasibility for the issuance of 1915. Act Bonds to represent any unpaid amount of the AD 06-1 Assessment. The AD 06-1 assessment may exceed the amount for which bonds can be issued pursuant to ceeommenda6on of the City's financial advisor, as to the minimum acceptable property value to assessment lien ratio for bonds issued and secured by the AD 06-1 unpaid assessments. Additional property value in excess of the estimated current value of the assessed property with the improvements completed and installed may need to be confirmed by MAI appraisal, before the City can issue 1915 Act Bonds in the full amount of the AD 06-1 Assessment. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the Estimated Total Cost of the proposed improvement acquisitions, including all incidental costs, has been spread in conformance with the requirements of Municipal Code Section 13.08.070. Submitted to the Engineer of Work on January 4, 200?, for "preliminary" approval by the City Council on January 17, 2007, and submitted on March 1, 2007, in this "Final" Engineer's Report form by: ~OQROfE~SSlOtygrF ~rt~,w~'-"'~.-Gt , VV W2U ~-----' ,~4,~ y~PRp ~ W/DSO y4-'2 Edward J. Wilson ~° ~ ~ R.C.E. 23269 {Expires 12/31!07) e ti„ 232b9 ~' _ _ _ _ _ , ,-, City ofBakersfield Assessment District No. 06-1 OF CRS 29700FerExhibitD.wpd D-21 227/07 WW $>a ~y 3a ga SK~ .~ G~ o t6 z ~#3~ s~ ~~~ z~, ~8 Fr E+v°drw ~~~ 2~ ~~' ~ Q.' O ~V ' ° ~~ ~~~ ?w ~~e E ~~~ W"W q~-off ~ ~ ~ z V _~ ~. ~ n ~~? e~~ ~~ g~e ~w£ .gds ~' ~~~sl z ~ ~~ •~~ % m~ ~ ~ ~m~ °sY ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ G~~ ~o ~ yat ~~~ ~5~ ° n~ Wiz ~°'^ ~~ _ o -~ ~>~ '~a o s ~a~ ~ ~~§ E ~_ ~ ° ~ gay . 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NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS ASSESSOR'S TRX ASSESSMENT - NUMSER (ATN)/ PROPERTY OWNER'S NUMBER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION NAME AND ADDRESS 1 jPARCEL B IN LOT LINE LO land AsaeLS, LP (Uo Lennar Homes). 5251 Office Park Ddve, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93509 ADJUSTMENT NO. 28-051 AND 492-09D-55, AND A PORTION OF 80 492-060.14 (PORTION OF PARCEL A LO Land Assets, LP iUo Lennar Homes}, 5251 Once Park Drive, Suite 200, BakesfieM, CA 93309 IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2&051 81 throu0h 278 antl TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE Lennar Homes of Celitomia, Inc., 5251 Office Park Otlve, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93309 511 through 512 tEXCEPT'"SUPER" LOT 1941 279 TRACT NO. 6453 UNIT ONE, Lennar Homes of Caidomia, Inc., 5251 Office Park Orive, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93909 "SUPER"LOT 194 260 through 510 TRACT NO. 6799 Castle 8 Cooke Cal'rfom'a Inc P O Boz 11765 Bakersfeltl CA 93389 MAPAND DOCUMENT REFERENCES: t. TRACT NO.6%t UNIT ONE RECORDED , 2007, IN BOOK OF MRPS, AT PAGES _ THROUGH _, K.C.R. 2. TRACT N0.6453 UNIT ONE RECORDED , 2007, IN BOOK_ OF MAPS, AT PAGES THROUGH _, K.C.R. 3. TRACT NO. fi799 RECORDED , 20D7, IN BOOK OF MAPS, AT PAGES _ THROUGH _, K.C.R. 4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLUWCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.2B-05 RECORDED JANUARY 4, 3006, AS DOCUMENT N0.0206001270, O.R. 29700APC 1 2/20/2007