HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-1 Engineers Report Mod 2ENGINEER'S REPORT Change and ltlodifzcatron No. 2 fo>" No~tlteast Sewe>" Imp>"ovements Assessment District No. 93-1 P~epa~ed fog: City of Balze~sfzeld 1501 Ti~zcxtun Avenue I3akez^sfield, Califoz~ia 93301 City Corcncil 13ob Pc^ice, Mayoz^ Randy Bowles, Vice Mayoz^ Roza Cason Patz^icia DeMond Kevin McDermott Manz Salvaggio Pats^icia Smith Jacquie Sullivan May 19, 1997 P>"epa~ed hy: QUAD Engineering, Inc. 5500 Ming Avenue, Szcite 410 13akeNSfield, Cal foz"nia 93309 Phone 835.8300 96257 City Staff Alan Tandy, City llifanager ` Judy Skousen, City Attof~tey 1 Paynela A. 1l~IcCarthy, City Cleo^k Raul Rojas, Director of Public Worl~s ` Gregory Kliuzko, Finance Dis^ecto~ Assessme~tt Engrr~eer Te ~^~^y W. Sch ~o epfe j^, P.E. QUAD Engineering, Inc. Bond Coicnsel Richard I~ HaNgj^ove, Esq. Hargrove & Costanzo 6495 N. Palm Avenue, Suite 101 Fresno, California 93704 Table of Contents Certificate of Filing and Assessment ........................................... 1 Engineer's Report Introduction .............................................................2 Background .............................................................2 Report Requirements ......................................................3 Exhibit A -Assessment Roll ................................................ A-1 Exhibit B -Land Owners .................................................. B-1 Exhibit C -Method of Apportionment ........................................ C-1 Exhibit D -Tabulation of Reassessment Data for Unpaid Assessments .............. D-1 Exhibit E -Tabulation of Refunds for Prepaid Assessments ......................E-1 Appendices A. City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 21-97 B. Assessment Diagrams Ce~ti~cates of Filing and Assessment CERTIFICATES OF FILING AND ASSESSMENT I, Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that the following "Engineer's Report, Change and Modification No. 2, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93- 1 ", including Modified Assessment Roll and Tabulation of Refunds for Prepaid Assessments, in the s set forth th • in attached thereto, as Exhibits A and E respectively, w s filed with me on the day of , 1997. n~L~~ ~ _h U Uu ~,Cit Clerk Cit a I have prepared this Engineer's Report and do hereby certify that the amounts set forth herein on the modified Assessment Roll and Tabulation of Refunds for Prepaid Assessments, Exhibits A and E respectively, attached hereto, have been computed by me in accordance with the order of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield contained in Resolution No. 21-97, Ordering Changes and Modification to the Engineer's Report. Terry W. chroepfer, P.E., R #26386 Assessment Engineer I, Raul Rojas, as Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that Engineer's Report, Change and Modification No. 2 and the foregoin modified Assessment Roll attached thereto, was recorded in my office on the 3~_day of 1997. Dire or of Public Works Superintendent of Streets Engineer of Work City of Bakersfield, California On~^ , 1997, a Notice of Assessment was recorded in Bsele ~e ^, of Of icial Records in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern_ California. County Recorder ~~ County of Kern, California Engineer's Repoa~t ENGINEER'S REPORT Introduction The City Council adopted Resolution No. 21-97 titled "Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield Ordering Changes and Modifications to the Engineer's Estimate, Approving Amendments to Engineer's Report and Determining Surplus, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1" on 19 February 1997 (Appendix A). This resolution provided for a change in the engineer's estimate and Engineer's Report and determined that a surplus remained in the improvement fund and directed the Finance Director to use the surplus to call bonds pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. The surplus available, as recommended by the Finance Director, is $3,000,000. This surplus reflects a cost savings in the trunk sewer improvements. All parcels were assessed for sewer improvements and thus all parcels will receive a pro rata reduction in the outstanding principal of their sewer assessment. All assessments that were prepaid will receive pro rata refunds as required under Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. The purpose of this Change and Modification to the Engineer's Report is to revise the engineer's estimate to account for the surplus of funds and to determine the pro rata reductions in paid and unpaid assessments. This report has been prepared to document the changes ordered by Council Resolution No. 21-97. A modified assessment roll has been prepared so that existing assessment liens can be removed and replaced with the lower modified liens. This report also establishes the base line upon which all future reapportionments are calculated. Background Assessment District No. 93-1 (AD 93-1), Northeast Sewer Improvements, was approved on December 15, 1993 by the City Council with the adoption of Resolution No. 192-93. This resolution ordered the construction and/or acquisition of public improvements, approved the Engineer's Report and confirmed assessments. The public improvements consisted primarily of a trunk sewer system and natural gas distribution pipeline to serve the northeast area of Bakersfield. Assessment liens were placed on the various parcels of land which received benefit from the proposed construction. Limited obligation bonds were issued and sold. The bonds were issued in two series; Series I, tax exempt bonds, were used for the trunk sewer construction and Series II, taxable bonds, were used to finance construction of the natural gas distribution system. Construction of the improvements is now complete. Subsequent to the Council adoption of Resolution No. 192-93, AD 93-1 has been modified four times as described below. There have been three assessment and diagram amendments and one change and modification to assessments. Assessment and Dia~am Amendment 1: Pursuant to recordation of Parcel Map No. 9900, Lot Line Adjustment No. 323, Tract 5737 and Deed of Trust to Olcese Water District, Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 1 was recorded on July 26, 1994. Change & Modification No. 2 2 ~ ~ Northeast Sewer Improvements AD No. 93-1 Change and Modification No. 1: Pursuant to General Plan Amendment 1-94, Segment III approved by City Council on June 1, 1994 and by the Kern County Board of Supervisors on June 6, 1994. Change and Modification No. 1 to AD 93-1 was ordered by City Council Resolution No. 127-94 adopted on August 10, 1994. A Notice of Amended Assessment for this Change and Modification recorded on October 7, 1994. Assessment and Diagram Amendment 2: Pursuant to recordation of a Deed of Dedication to the Bakersfield City School District, Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 2 was recorded on June 30, 1995. Assessment and Diagram Amendment 3: Pursuant to recordation of Parcel Map 10182, Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 3 was recorded on May 31, 1996. Copies of assessment diagrams, including all amendments are included in Appendix B. Construction bids received for the trunk sewer system were substantially lower than the original engineer's estimate. A revised Engineer's Estimate, prepared for Change and Modification No.1, shifted the cost savings from trunk sewer construction to the assessment district contingency fund. Other surpluses occurred in the easement and right-of--way acquisition budget and in the incidental cost budget. All project expenses have been incurred. A estimated surplus of over $4.4 million was available in the assessment district fund in March 1997. The Finance Director has determined that bonds in the amount of $3,000,000.00 be called to reduce the surplus effective March 2, 1997. The remaining surplus will be held as a contingency until a construction claim is settled. This report addresses changes resulting only from the bond call of $3,000,000.00, effective March 2, 1997 in the tax exempt, Series I (Original Series 1994 B Bonds) for trunk sewer improvements, as described and bonded for under AD 93-1 proceedings. There are no other changes or modifications to the project, such as addition of or elimination of work that would require a change from the original project description. Furthermore, all sanitary sewer works of improvement proposed and funded under AD 93-1 proceedings are completed to the extent for which individual owners are assessed. Report Requirements In accordance with the direction of the City Council, the required modifications have been made and are included herein. The Engineer's Report for AD 93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 consists of five (5) parts as follows: EXHIBIT A, Assessment Roll, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, presents the modified amount of each assessment on parcels with unpaid assessments in AD 93-1. The assessments presented are the modified total assessments to each parcel, including the revised tax exempt sewer improvement bonds and the unchanged taxable gas improvement bonds. The modified assessments also include credit for principal paid to date on the outstanding bonds. 2. EXI-IIBIT B, Land Owners, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, presents Change & Mod cation No. 2 3 ~ ~ Northeast Sewer Improvements AD No. 93-1 a complete listing by assessment parcel, of all land owners within AD 93-1 current as of the latest equalized assessor's roll. 3. EXHIBIT C, Method of Apportionment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, presents a revised engineer's estimate and a detailed description of how the unpaid original assessments to individual parcels have been modified. Also described is the method of determining refunds to parcels having prepaid assessments. 4. EXHIBIT D, Tabulation of,Reassessment Data for Unpaid Assessments, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, presents a complete listing of all assessment parcels having unpaid assessments and specifically, how their assessments were modified. Exhibit D also shows historical reference for all previous assessment parcels eliminated as a result of the Assessment acid Diagram Amendments. The original assessment amounts listed, are those modified and conf rmed by Change and Modification No. 1. For Series I (original Series 1994 B~ sewer improvement bonds (tax exempt), Exhibit D shows the remaining assessment principal balance effective 09/02/97 For Series II (Or-iginal Series 1994 C), gas improvement bonds (taxable), Exhibit D shows the remaining assessment principal balance effective 09/02/97. Since there were no changes in Series II Bonds (Gas Improvements), no Series II Bond modified assessments are indicated.. 5. EXHIBIT E, Tabulation of Refunds for Prepaid Assessments, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, presents a complete listing of parcels having prepaid assessments and amounts to be refunded. Also shown for reference is a separate accounting of all prepayments for Series I (1994 B) Sewer and II (1994 C)Gas bonds. Refunds to pazcels with prepaid assessments are computed from changes to .the assessments as confirmed by Change and Modification No. 1 ordered by City Council on August 10, 1994. Since there are no changes to assessments for gas improvements, refunds aze based only upon changes to the costs associated with sanitary sewer improvements. All assessments that were prepaid shall receive refunds as required under Section 10427.1(b) of the Streets and Highways Code of the-State of California. Change & Modification No. 2 Northeast Sewer Improvements AD No. 93-1 EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 1 386-020-06-00-7 Tarabino Real Estate Co., Inc. $12,561.45 ($4,263.31) $8,298.14 2 386-020-07-00-0 Rio Bravo Resorts, Inc. 113,678.08 (38,580.24) 75,097.84 3 386-020-10-00-8 Nickel Enterprises 13,088.44 (4,441.97) 8,646.47 4 386-020-14-00-0 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et. al. TR 160,149.03 (54,351.61) 105,797.42 5 386-020-17-00-9 Olcese Water District 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 386-020-18-00-2 County of Kern 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 386-020-19-00-5 Olcese Water District 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 386-210-01-00-7 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 5,148.37 (1,747.27) 3,401.10 11 386-210-02-00-0 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 15,487.99 (5,256.33) 10,231.66 12 386-210-03-00-3 Reddy Gautham Malladi et.al. TR 20,482.98 (6,951.54) 13,531.44 13 386-210-04-00-6 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 3,841.20 (1,303.64) 2,537.56 14 386-210-07-00-5 Galey, Don R. & Jean L. 57,217.43 (19,418.54) 37,798.89 IS 386-210-08-00-8 Galey, Don & Jean 23,214.00 (7,878.40) 15,335.60 16 386-210-20-00-2 Neff Patrick D. & Joyce M. 8,373.25 (2,841.73) 5,531.52 17 386-210-21-00-5 Neff Patrick D. & Joyce M. 7,047.62 (2,391.83) 4,655.79 18 386-210-24-00-4 Galey, Don R. & Jean L. 8,373.25 (2,841.73) 5,531.52 19 386-210-25-00-7 Steele, Paul L. & Kathryn C. 7,047.62 (2,391.83) 4,655.79 20 386-040-12-00-0 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 49,845.92 (16,916.78) 32,929.14 21 386-040-14-01-5 Woody, Odile G TR 49,845.92 (16,916.78) 32,929.14 22 386-040-16-00-2 Reddy Gautham Malladi et.al. TR 67,120.24 (22,779.36) 44,340.88 23 386-040-18-00-8 Jones, Arthur & Mazilyn 11,678.92 (3,963.61) 7,715.31 24 386-040-19-00-1 Jones, Arthur & Marilyn 20,085.74 (6,816.73) 13,269.01 25 386-040-26-00-1 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 67,120.24 (22,779.36) 44,340.88 26 386-050-01-00-1 SF Pacific Properties, Inc. 696,348.35 (209,010.42) 487,337.93 28 386-050-06-00-6 Olcese Water District 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 386-050-09-00-5 Lyles Diversified, Inc. 106,380.44 (31,930.31) 74,450.13 32 386-050-13-00-6 Nickel Enterprises 142,900.53 (41,448.67) 101,451.86 33 386-060-03-00-0 Nickel Enterprises 78,421.03 (22,746.22) 55,674.81 34 386-060-04-00-3 Nickel Enterprises 52,280.69 (15,164.15) 37,116.54 35 386-060-14-00-2 Nickel Enterprises 278 830.33 (80,875.46) 197,954.87 36 386-060-15-00-5 La Hacienda, Inc. 14,331.98 (4,139.14) 10,192.84 39 387-010-12-00-8 Korean Village 169,732.87 (49,019.57) 120,713.30 40 387-010-20-00-1 Grimes, James B. & Tracie 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 41 387-010-25-00-6 MHW Realty Ltd. 36,565.24 (10,975.13) 25,590.11 42 387-010-40-00-9 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 460.16 (138.12) 322.04 43 387-010-30-00-0 Korean Village 41,435.49 (12,436.95) 28,998.54 44 387-010-34-00-2 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 45 387-010-35-00-5 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 387-010-36-00-8 Korean Village 194,687.50 (58,435.87) 136,251.63 47 387-010-37-00-1 Korean Village 119,767.07 (35,948.33) 83,818.74 48 387-010-38-00-4 Santa Paula Enterprises 547.83 (164.43) 383A0 49 387-010-39-00-7 Embry, Patrick Brian 15,339.35 (4,604.14) 10,735.21 50 387-060-01-00-1 Korean Village 17,941.04 (5,181.45) 12,759.59 51 387-081-O1-00-4 Barmann, Bemazd C. Sr. & Beatrice M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 387-081-02-00-7 Norby Phillip A & Denise M. 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 53 387-081-03-00-0 Ware, James F. & Winifred A. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 54 387-081-04-00-3 Takar Santokh Singh 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 55 387-081-05-00-6 Takaz Santokh Singh 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 56 387-081-06-00-9 Takar Santokh Singh 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 57 387-081-07-00-2 Johnston Kevin C & Sandra D. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 _ 58 387-081-08-00-5 Kuwahara, Terrance F. & Ann M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 59 387-082-01-00-1 Freeze, Teressie L. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 60 387-082-02-00-4 Clark, James N. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 61 387-082-03-00-7 Lansche, Wayne W. & Jean Ann 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 62 387-082-04-00-0 Burson Leslie R & Susan 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 63 387-082-OS-00-3 Brock, Lori Lynn 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 05/14/97 ~ A-1 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 64 387-082-06-00-6 Des Brisay, Chazles L. & Lilyane 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 65 387-082-07-00-9 Gennaro, Angelo J. & Joanne M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 66 387-082-08-00-2 Almklov, Family Tr. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 67 387-082-09-00-5 Slikker,John W. & Dorothy M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 68 387-082-10-00-7 Busch, Richazd F. & Kathleen A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 387-082-11-00-0 Valentine, Gary 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 70 387-090-01-00-0 Stiwell, Lonnie Gaylen & Jane Adele Tr 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 71 387-090-02-00-3 See, Thomas B. & Olga J. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 72 387-090-03-00-6 Lawrence, Daved Brandon & Antoinette S. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 73 387-090-04-00-9 Bayne, L. Thomas & Mary Ann 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 74 387-090-OS-00-2 Alade, Clement O. & Ceceile Family Trust 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 75 387-101-01-00-9 Keni, Ann & Shreedevi 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 76 387-101-02-00-2 Haddad, Michael J. & Donnette M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 77 387-101-03-00-5 Weisman, Donna Sue 0.00 0.00 0.00 78 387-101-04-00-8 Icardo, Philip A. & Susanne L. 0.00 0.00 0.00 79 387-101-OS-00-1 Crossley, Harold H. & Linda L. 0.00 0.00 0.00 80 387-101-06-00-4 Trunkey, Donald G. & Kathryn R 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 81 387-101-07-00-7 Croad, Martin E. & Patricia 0.00 0.00 0.00 82 387-101-08-00-0 Hill, Louis Raymond & Bonnie M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 83 387-101-09-00-3 Davidson, R.E. & Diane L. 0.00 0.00 0.00 84 387-101-10-00-5 Montaque, David R. & Mary S. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 85 387-102-01-00-6 Hilzer, Ron & Cheryl 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 86 387-102-02-00-9 Giumarra, Salvadore & Florence 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 87 387-102-03-00-2 Duff, Kenneth & Carolyn 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 88 387-102-04-00-5 Moon, G.H. & M. H./PHH Home Equity 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 89 387-102-OS-00-8 Drake, Dan S. & Jennifer A. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 90 387-102-06-00-1 Grossman, Richard W. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 91 387-102-07-00-4 Jones, Albert & Jane 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 92 387-102-08-00-7 Baxter, Delmer D. & Jacquelyn 547.83 (] 64.43) 383.40 93 387-102-09-00-0 Jasper, Mark F. & Louise M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 94 387-102-10-00-2 Jasper, Mazk F. & Louise M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 95 387-102-i1-00-5 Jasper, Mazk F. & Louise M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 96 387-121-01-00-5 Schuebel, Judith B. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 97 387-121-02-00-8 Helvie, Richazd E. & Susan R. 0.00 0.00 0.00 98 387-121-03-00-1 Maloney, TR 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 99 387-121-04-00-4 Willes, Edric B. & Eva 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 100 387-121-OS-00-7 Bolthouse, Family Trust 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 101 387-121-06-00-0 Potter, Robert A. & Olivia E. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 102 387-121-07-00-3 Laughlin, Robert L. & Susan M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 103 387-121-08-00-6 Boylan, Terry & Christine 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 104 387-121-09-00-9 Kuwahara, Keith T. & Kimberly A. 547.83 (164.43) 383:40 105 387-121-10-00-1 Allen, Edwazd C. & Karen D. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 106 387-122-04-00-1 Lewy, Timothy & Tina 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 107 387-122-OS-00-4 Sing, Bimaljit H. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 108 387-131-01-00-8 San Joaquin Community Hospital 0.00 0.00 0.00 109 387-131-02-00-1 Gill, Zora S. & Lucille S. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 110 387-131-03-00-4 Ha'eri, Ghol B. &Nima F. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 111 387-131-OS-00-0 Ha'eri, Ghol B. &Nima F. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40. 112 387-132-01-00-5 Hill, Louis R. & Bonnie 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 113 387-132-02-00-8 Amirpour, Vahdatyar & Mina 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 114 387-132-03-00-1 Dabbas, Emil & Leila M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 115 387-132-04-00-4 Sidhu, Tr 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 116 387-132-OS-00-7 Smith, Thomas W. & Patricia M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 t 17 387-141-02-00-4 Mukhopadhyay, Madan G. & Asita 0.00 0.00 0.00 118 387-141-03-00-7 Moreland, Terry 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 119 387-141-04-00-0 Blair, Don Chazles & Theresa M. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 05/14/97 A-2 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 120 387-141-OS-00-3 Willes, Edric & Eva 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 121 387-142-01-00-8 Bernard, Family Trust 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 122 387-142-02-00-I Lahiri Sunhil R. &Vivien H. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 _ 123 387-142-03-00-4 Lahiri, Sunhil R. &Vivien H. 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 124 387-142-07-00-6 Sanghera, Hardev Tr 547.83 (164.43) 383.40 125 387-180-02-00-9 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 126 387-180-03-00-2 Bush, Leroy & Bonnie F. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 127 387-180-04-00-5 Cortez, Robert M. & Senaida 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 128 387-180-OS-00-8 Hobin Family Trust 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 129 387-180-06-00-1 Booth, Steven 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 130 387-180-07-00-4 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 131 387-180-08-00-7 Mapes, Richazd L & Linda M 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 132 387-180-09-00-0 Dixon David S & Kazen Joan 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 133 387-180-10-00-2 Smith, Edwazd A. & Mary A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 134 387-180-11-00-5 Lazzerini, A J 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 135 387-180-12-00-8 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonts Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 136 387-180-13-00-1 McGaff, George W & Karen S 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 137 387-180-14-00-4 Johnston Robert D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 138 387-180-15-00-7 Hockersmith, Wesley D & Manon H 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 139 387-180-16-00-0 Jones, Vicki T 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 140 387-180-17-00-3 Locher, Marian J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 141 387-180-18-00-6 Weisman, Donna Sue 0.00 0.00 0.00 142 387-180-19-00-9 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 143 387-190-01-00-9 Crawford, Harold & Gloria 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 144 387-190-02-00-2 Hearn, William W & Reeca A 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 145 387-190-03-00-5 Cierley, Ann 0.00 0.00 0.00 146 387-190-04-00-8 Oldenkamp,J W & M E TR 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 147 387-190-OS-00-1 Abril Love 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 148 387-190-06-00-4 Zollaz, Giles E. & Gloria J. TR 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 149 387-190-07-00-7 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 387-190-08-00-0 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 151 387-190-09-00-3 Hooper, Robert C & Shazon R 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 152 387-190-10-00-5 Amerine, Annette W. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 153 387-190-11-00-8 Chilko,James A. & Carol A. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 154 387-190-12-00-1 Maddox, Denis E. & Cheryl D. 0.00 0.00 0.00 155 387-190-13-00-4 Bek, Mary Anne 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 156 387-190-14-00-7 Border, Donald J. & Joanne M. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 157 387-190-15-00-0 White Jack D. & Glenda O. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 _ 158 387-190-16-00-3 Raison, Margo A. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 159 387-200-01-00-1 Chenot, David & Ann Family Tr 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 160 387-200-02-00-4 Mahan, Phillip Z. ,479.42 (162.70) 316.72 161 387-200-03-00-7 Schazton, Gary H. & P. Maurise 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 162 387-200-04-00-0 Bruce Robert W. & M.O. Family Tr 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 163 387-200-OS-00-3 Choi, Ok Sun 0.00 0.00 0.00 164 387-200-06-00-6 Heath, Nicholas L. & Brenda J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 165 387-200-07-00-9 Krafve, Ralph E. & Helen D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 166 387-200-08-00-2 Wilson, Jimmie Lawrence & Francis Iren 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 167 387-200-09-00-5 Codd John A & Lenna L TR 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 168 387-200-10-00-7 Thayer, Kenneth J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 169 387-200-11-00-0 Flynn, Mary J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 170 387-200-12-00-3 Salter Labs 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 171 387-200-13-00-6 Stevens, Frank W. 0.00 0.00 0.00 172 387-210-01-00-4 McCoy Ralph E & Virginia L 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 173 387-210-02-00-7 Whitney, Charlotte D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 174 387-210-03-00-0 King, Tom R. & Patricia E. 0.00 0.00 0.00 175 387-210-04-00-3 Hoeper, Klaus & Kathleen M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/14/97 A-3 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 176 387-210-OS-00-6 Martin, Rex L. & Carolyn F. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 177 387-210-06-00-9 Friday, Ronald A. & Bonney K. Tr. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 178 387-210-07-00-2 Chenot, Richard P. & Charlotte L. Tr 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 179 387-210-08-00-5 Rollick, Dale K. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 180 387-210-09-00-8 McGrew, Lowell S. & Carolyn A. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 181 387-210-10-00-0 Sheldon, Harriet L. TR 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 182 387-210-11-00-3 Embree, Wayne W. & Claudia R. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 183 387-221-01-00-4 Magana, Ray 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 184 387-221-02-00-7 Hendrix, Raymond H. & L. Jean, et.al. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 185 387-221-03-00-0 Nelson, Dendwell & Elvers 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 186 387-221-04-00-3 Sanghera, Mehnga & Hardev 0.00 0.00 0.00 187 387-221-OS-00-6 Tisinger, Laura M. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 188 387-221-06-00-9 Doyle, Mary P. 0.00 0.00 0.00 189 387-221-07-00-2 DeHart, William M. & Jennifer 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 190 387-221-08-00-5 Yokoyama, Lany P. Kimberly D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 191 387-221-09-00-8 Browder, Steve 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 192 387-221-10-00-0 Hochhalter, Timothy J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 193 387-221-11-00-3 Kalpakoff, Abram & Paula TR 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 194 387-221-12-00-6 Dean, Jonathan C. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 195 387-221-13-00-9 Hayes, Jon M. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 196 387-221-14-00-2 Young, Joyce 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 197 387-221-15-00-5 U.S. Secy of Housing & Urban Dev 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 198 387-221-16-00-8 Krizo, Allene 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 199 387-221-17-00-1 Von Hippie, Eva M. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 200 387-221-18-00-4 Wert, James C. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 201 387-221-19-00-7 Cruz, Jose Luis 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 202 387-221-20-00-9 Thayer, Jerry Jean 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 203 387-221-21-00-2 Hins, Kevin J. & Roxanne B. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 204 387-221-22-00-5 May, Gerald E. & June 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 205 387-221-23-00-8 Palmer, Michael J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 206 387-221-24-00-1 Phillips, Leon N. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 207 387-221-25-00-4 Boydstun,John E. & Margaret A. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 208 387-221-26-00-7 Bangles, Rosalio 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 209 387-221-27-00-0 Kerzie, Ted L. , Jr. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 210 387-221-28-00-3 Williams Family TR 0.00 0.00 0.00 21 l 387-221-29-00-6 Magna Development Corp 0.00 0.00 0.00 212 387-221-30-00-8 Korean Village 0.00 0.00 0.00 213 387-222-01-00-1 Norman, Mark D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 214 387-222-02-00-4 Martin, Lisa L. 0.00 0.00 0.00 215 387-222-03-00-7 Williams, Lloyd Lee & Jeanette 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 216 387-222-04-00-0 Fed Home Mtg Corp 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 217 387-222-OS-00-3 Norris, Brad D. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 218 387-222-06-00-6 Morgan, Wyman 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 219 387-222-07-00-9 Zeider, Robert L. & Ardi J. 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 387-222-08-00-2 Brummel, Keith D. &c Judy J. 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 221 387-222-09-00-5 Nelson, Rodney Dale 479.42 (162.70) 316.72 222 387-222-10-00-7 Montes Thomas L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 223 387-222-11-00-0 Williams Family TR 0.00 0.00 0.00 224 387-222-12-00-3 Thomas, William M. & Sharon L., et.al. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 225 387-222-13-00-6 Palmer, Michael 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 226 387-222-14-00-9 Field, John & Marilyn S. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 227 387-251-01-00-3 Maloney Carolyn 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 _ 228 387-251-02-00-6 Pratt, Robert M. & Jennifer I. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 229 387-251-03-00-9 Fawn, Amelia Europa 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 230 387-251-04-00-2 Hanin,PriscillaA. 479.43 (162.71) 3(6.72 231 387-251-OS-00-5 Collins, Kenneth B. 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/14/97 A-4 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAL. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 232 387-251-06-00-8 Duff, Kenneth J. & Carolyn J. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 233 387-251-07-00-1 Collier, Cary Dale & Jacqueline 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 234 387-251-08-00-4 Svare, Tom & Janet C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 235 387-251-09-00-7 Scholz, Roland F. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 236 387-251-10-00-9 Christie, Rosa Lee 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 237 387-251-i1-00-2 Ackerley Jessie C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 238 387-251-12-00-5 Self, Charles C. & Mary Anne 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 239 387-251-13-00-8 Means, Stephen & Marsha J. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 240 387-251-14-00-1 First National Bank 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 241 387-251-15-00-4 Santa Paula Enterprises, Inc. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 242 387-252-01-00-0 Atchley KrenLee 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 243 387-252-02-00-3 Phillips, Kevin & Barbara E. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 244 387-252-03-00-6 Rodriguez, Susan Patricia 479.43 (162.71) 316:72 245 387-252-04-00-9 Wazd, David L. & Kim A. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 246 387-252-OS-00-2 Griffith, Robin D. & Nicholette 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 247 387-252-06-00-5 Wrobel Charles 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 248 387-230-OI-00-0 Rio Bravo Canyon Ctry. Ho.Ownrs.Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 249 387-231-01-00-7 Lucas, Shirley M. & Chester C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 250 387-231-02-00-0 Dodge, James S. & Leslie L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 251 387-231-03-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 252 387-231-0400-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 253 387-231-OS-00-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 254 387-231-06-00-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 255 387-231-07-00-5 Wunderlin, Tr 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 256 387-231-08-00-8 Bonner, David Brian 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 257 387-231-09-00-1 Sceales Michael 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 258 387-231-10.00-3 Foss, Ruby M. TR 0.00 0.00 0.00 259 387-231-11-00-6 Apperti, Jorge A. & Donna M. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 260 387-231-12-00-9 Olsen, Neal W. & Joanne K. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 261 387-231-13-00-2 Hamilton, William D. & Shazon A. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 262 387-231-14-00-5 Buerkle, Helen 0.00 0.00 0.00 263 387-231-15-00-8 Gennaro, Angelo 1. & Joanne M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 264 387-231-16-00-1 Desmarais,Sheree 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 265 387-231-17-00-4 Fletcher, James D. & Juanita Tr 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 266 387-231-18-00-7 Rio Bravo Canyon Ctry. Ho.Ownrs.Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 267 387-232-01-00-4 Ricards Patrick & Paige 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 268 387-232-02-00-7 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 269 387-232-03-00-0 Fabbri, Lynn M. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 270 387-232-04-00-3 McCauley, Deanna J. Tr 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 271 387-232-OS-00-6 Mettler, Brian J., et.al. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 272 387-232-06-00-9 Johnston Kevin C. & Sandra M. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 273 387-232-07-00-2 Remington, Lucien Eazl & Louise 0.00 0.00 0.00 274 387-232-08-00-5 Sughrue, Revocable Living Tr 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 275 387-232-09-00-8 McAllister, Bradley & Teresa 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 276 387-232-10-00-0 Yi, Ung Mok 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 277 387-232-11-00-3 Dougherty James L & Barbara 479.43 (162.71) 316.72_ 278 387-232-12-00-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 279 387-232-13-00-9 Eliades, Timothy G. 0.00 0.00 0.00 280 387-232-14-00-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 281 387-232-IS-00-5 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 282 387-232-16-00-8 Davis James 0. & Carol Tr. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 283 387-233-01-00-1 Capinha, Victor L. & Kathleen A. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 284 387-233-02-00-4 McKinney, Richard Bowen 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 285 387-233-03-00-7 Martin, Jason L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 286 387-233-04-00-0 Naim, Brenda C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 287 387-233-OS-00-3 Allmon Clifford R 479.43 (162.71) _ 316.72 05/14/97 A-5 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAL. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 288 387-233-06-00-6 Liesch, Arnold R. & Teresa P. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 289 387-233-07-00-9 Jamieson, Bernie R. & Laurel L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 290 387-233-13-00-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 291 387-233-14-00-9 Corsaro, Robert & Deborah 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 292 387-240-01-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 0.00 0.00 0.00 293 387-241-01-00-0 Kammeraad, Kirk L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 294 387-241-02-00-3 Thomas, E. Leon & Andre John 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 295 387-241-03-00-6 Thomas, E. Leon & Andre John 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 296 387-241-04-00-9 Scherer, Kert 0.00 0.00 0.00 297 387-241-OS-00-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 _ 298 387-241-06-00-5 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 299 387-241-07-00-8 Castrup, Suzanne Griston 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 300 387-241-08-00-1 Stapley, Wayne C. & Debbie D. 0.00 0.00 0.00 301 387-241-09-00-4 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 302 387-241-10-00-6 Allmon, Clifford R., et.al. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 303. 387-241-11-00-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 304 387-241-12-00-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 305 387-241-13-00-5 Barraza, Daniel & Carol L. 0.00 0.00 0.00 306 387-241-14-00-8 Roberts, Jimmy S. & Janis L. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 307 387-241-15-00-1 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 308 387-241-16-00-4 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 309 387-241-17-00-7 Galloway, Kenneth Charles 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 310 387-241-18-00-0 Valenzuela, Charles & Barbara 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 311 387-241-19-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 312 387-241-20-00-5 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 _ 313 387-242-01-00-7 Prather, Brette E. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 314 387-242-02-00-0 Gray, Scott Shaffer & Shawnna K. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 315 387-242-03-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 316 387-242-04-00-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 317 387-242-OS-00-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 318 387-242-06-00-2 Lee, Robert Y. & Regina M. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 319 387-242-07-00-5 Dorsey, Edward L. & Mimi C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 320 387-242-08-00-8 Petrini, Gregory L., et.al. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 321 387-242-09-00-1 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 322 387-242-10-00-3 Hollingsead Marshall C. II 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 323 387-242-11-00-6 Jensen, Robert G. & Carol R. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 324 387-242-12-00-9 Baker, William F. & Sharon K. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 325 387-242-13-00-2 Giumarra S. & Florence TR 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 326 387-242-14-00-5 Johnson, Gregory V. & Marilyn E. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 327 387-242-15-00-8 Dunn, Patrick Odale Jr. & Carmen/Prud Relo 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 328 387-242-16-00-1 Dennis, Paul A. & Jacklyn A. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 329 387-242-17-00-4 Nelsen, Dendwell & Elvera 479.43 (162.71) .316.72 330 387-242-18-00-7 Rio Bravo Canyon Co. Ho. Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 331 387-243-01-00-4 Hinojos, Connie 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 332 387-243-02-00-7 Anderson Judith A. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 333 387-243-03-00-0 Pacific Health Education Center 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 334 387-243-04-00-3 Jeffers, Philip T. & Jean A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 335 387-243-OS-00-6 McMillian, Robert D. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 336 387-243-06-00-9 Cazdiel, Augie & Treva D. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 337 387-243-07-00-2 Browder Steve 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 338 387-243-08-00-5 May, Gerald & June 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 339 387-243-09-00-8 Mallazd, Irvin E. & Loretta [. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 340 387-243-10-00-0 Ackerley,lessie C. 479.43 (162.71) 316.72 341 387-243-11-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Co. Ho. Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 342 387-020-01-00-9 Vista Montana Ltd. Liability Co. 38,271.74 (11,487.34) 26,784.40 343 387-020-02-00-2 Vista Montana Ltd. Liability Co. 38,290.93 (11,493.11) 26,797.82 05/14/97 A-6 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 344 387-020-03-00-5 Vista Montana Ltd. Liability Co. 38,290.93 (11,493.11) 26,797.82 345 387-020-04-00-8 Vista Montana Ltd. Liability Co. 38,271.74 (11,487.34) 26,784.40 346 387-020-07-00-7 Monterey Resources 146,126.76 (43,860.26) 102,266.50 347 387-020-14-00-7 Phoenix Harry & Vada TR 63,281.61 (19,048.10) 44,233.51 348 387-020-15-00-0 Mitchell, JE & BB, TR. et.al. 73,796.02 (22,150.03) 51,645.99 349 387-020-16-00-3 Biggaz, David M., et.al. 45,737.65 (15,522.51) 30,215.14 350 387-020-18-00-9 Lyles Diversified, Inc. 122,310.47 (36,711.74) 85,598.73 351 387-020-21-00-7 Korean Village 54,092.67 (16,236.04) 37,856.63 352 387-020-27-00-5 Nalbandian Eugene TR et.al. 36,610.54 (10,988.73) 25,621.81 353 387-020-29-00-1 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 48,903.71 (15,213.73) 33,689.98 354 387-020-30-00-3 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 48,478.24 (15,081.38) 33,396.86 355 387-020-31-00-6 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 51,140.89 (15,937.85) 35,203.04 356 387-020-33-00-2 City of Bakersfield 0.00 0.00 0.00 357 387-020-34-00-5 Edison-Malaga 47,627.28 (14,816.65) 32,810.63 358 387-020-35-00-8 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 58,881.98 (18,350.12) 40,531.86 359 387-020-36-00-1 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 27,227.40 (8,172.37) 19,055.03 360 387-020-37-00-4 Wells Fazgo Bank 19,557.71 (5,870.29) 13,687.42 361 387-020-38-00-7 Reddy, Malladi S. 15,243.50 (4,575.37) 10,668.13 364 387-020-43-00-1 Wells Fargo Bank 360,801.54 (108,295.35) 252,506.19 365 387-150-01-00-7 Vista Finnestra II Ltd Liability Co 14,565.83 (4,556.53) 10,009.30 366 387-150-02-00-0 Vista Finnestra II Ltd Liability Co 12,122.00 (3,791.62) 8,330.38 367 387-150-03-00-3 Vista Finnestra II Ltd Liability Co 9,670.69 (3,024.16) 6,646.53 368 387-150-04-00-6 Vista Finnestra II Ltd Liability Co 11,334.81 (3,545.95) 7,788.86 369 387-261-01-00-6 Russell Helen M. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 370 387-261-02-00-9 Vista FinestraI Ltd Liability Co 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 371 387-261-03-00-2 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 372 387-261-04-00-5 Keller Kevin T &Ward-Keller Monica L 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 373 387-261-OS-00-8 Pruett Rick Ray & Cazolyn Sue 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 374 387-261-06-00-1 L W Potter Inc. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 _ 375 387-261-07-00-4 Underwood Dennis Ralph & Gail Ann 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 376 387-261-OS-00-7 Salazar, Lawrence & Maria R. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 377 387-261-09-00-0 Delos, S. J. Sanchez & Concepcion Tr. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 378 387-261-10-00-2 Jacobson, Melinda T. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 379 387-261-11-00-5 West Kern Corp. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 380 387-261-12-00-8 Hanson, Sandra J. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 381 387-262-OI-00-3 Schmidt, Roger G. & Lisa S. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 382 387-262-02-00-6 Sanchez, Ralph & Kelly 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 383 387-262-03-00-9 Vigil, Albert G. & Sandy 812.75 (254.36) 558.42 384 387-262-04-00-2 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 385 387-262-OS-00-5 Carey, Kenneth B. & Shirley M. Tr 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 386 387-262-06-00-8 Hugh J. Pearson Const., Inc. 812.78 (254.36) 558.42 387 387-262-07-00-1 Vista Finestra Development Corp 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 388 387-262-08-00-4 Vista Finestra Development Corp 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 389 387-262-09-00-7 Vista Finestra Development Corp 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 _ 390 387-262-10-00-9 Weldin, Lynda M. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 391 387-262-11-00-2 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 392 387-262-12-00-5 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 393 387-262-13-00-8 Griffith, Charles B. & Teresa L. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 394 387-262-14-00-1 Lawson James M & Judy L 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 395 387-262-15-00-4 Yabiku, Dennis K. & Nanette L. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 396 387-262-16-00-7 Kurkjian, Farrel M 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 397 387-262-17-00-0 Rice, Brian D. & Elisabeth M. 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 398 387-263-01-00-0 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co 812.79 (254.36) 558.43 399 387-263-02-00-3 Vista Finestra l Ltd Liability Co 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 400 387-263-03-00-6 Vista Finestra I Ltd Liability Co 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 401 387-263-04-00-9 Moore, Jesse E. & Tereca D. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 05/14/97 A-7 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 402 387-263-OS-00-2 J L Denio Inc. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 403 387-263-06-00-5 Blanton, Dwightl & Jenifer L 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 404 387-263-07-00-8 Lundy Michael & Kellie 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 405 387-263-08-00-1 Velasquez, Nick Jr., & Maria E. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 406 387-263-09-00-4 Lohr, Norman E. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 407 387-263-10-00-6 Blanton, Gene P. & Carolyn 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 408 387-263-11-00-9 Ozaeta, Jose 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 409 387-263-12-00-2 Irby John & Candice 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 410 387-263-13-00-5 Lynch, Elizabeth L. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 411 387-263-14-00-8 Black Living TR 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 412 387-263-15-00-1 Moore, Andre R. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 413 387-263-16-00-4 Kazobeinick, Joy M 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 414 387-263-17-00-7 Bland Clinton E. & Vickie L. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 415 387-263-18-00-0 Poor, Paul G. & Rebecca G. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 416 387-263-19-00-3 Maxwell, Clarence A. & Frances M. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 417 387-263-20-00-5 Rooke, John A. & Connie W. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 418 387-263-21-00-8 Piccolo, Frank A. & Elizabeth F. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 419 387-263-22-00-1 Blankenship Kevin D. & Gina M. ' 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 420 387-263-23-00-4 West Kern Corp. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 421 387-263-24-00-7 Hiatt, Robert B. & Kazen L. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 422 387-263-25-00-0 Davis, Emory A. & Christine D. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 423 387-264-01-00-7 Jacobson, Melinda T. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 424 387-264-02-00-0 Jacobson, Melinda T. 812.80 (254.36) 558.44 425 387-030-01-00-2 Chevron USA, Inc. 1,409,044.20 (422,927.66) 986,116.54 426 387-030-02-00-5 Titus Family Tr., et.al. 67,120.25 (22,779.37) 44,340.88 427 387-030-04-01-0 Shell Oil Company 152,940.69 (51,905.25) 101,035.44 428.1 387-030-OS-02-2 Afana, John 3,209.66 (1,089.30) 2,120.36 428 2 387-030-OS-03-1 Afana, David N. et.al. 4,561.92 (1,548.24) 3,013.68 429.1 387-030-06-03-4 Afana, John 11,039.69 (3;746.67) 7,293.02 429.2 387-030-06.02-5 Afana, David N., et.al. 7,767.27 (2,636.07) 5,131.20 430 387-030-07-00-0 Wilson, E.W. & D.J. 59,171.30 (20,081.65) 39,089.65 431 387-030-08-00-3 West, Francis L. 5,557.56 (1,886.13) 3,671.43 432 1 387-030-09-02-4 Paola Land Company 46,028.06 (15,621.08) 30,406.98 432.2 387-030-09-01-5 Paola-Dunn, Alexandra J. Est. 92,056.09 (31,242.14) 60,813.95 434 387-030-11-00-1 Smith, Glen Alan & Lee Kent 33,560.13 (11,389.69) 22,170.44 436 387-030-14-00-0 Spaulding Living Tr 1,917.73 (650.85) 1,266.88 437 387-030-IS-00-3 Guy, Arthur D. & Diane G. 67,120.25 (22,779.37) 44,340.88 438 387-030-16-00-6 Marshall Ira A. Jr. & Martha W. Tr 33,560.13 (11,389.69) 22,170.44_ 439 387-030-17-00-9 Marshall Plan Ltd. 16,780.06 (5,694.84) 11,085.22 .440 387-030-18-00-2 Reddy Gautham Malladi TR, et.al. 16,780.06 (5,694.84) 11,085.22 441 387-030-20-00-7 Bernstein & Mekalian W., et.ux. 8,390.03 (2,847.42) 5,542.61 442 387-030-21-00-0 McClure, Robert F. 0.00 0.00 0.00 443 387-030-22-01-2 Thompson WA Inc 16 780.06 (5 694.84) 11,085.22 444 387-040-01-00-5 Chevron USA, Inc. 186,879.55 (63,423.46) 123,456.09 445 387-040-02-00-8 Chevron USA, Inc. 416,162.31 (141,237.79) 274,924.52 446 387-040-04-00-4 Chevron USA, Inc. 2,887.16 (979.85) 1,907.31 447 387-040-06-00-0 Horn, A.P. & Parker G.M. & J.H. 1,424.17 (483.33) 940.84 448 1 387-040-07-01-2 Westwater Emily M. & David Leo 0.00 0.00 0.00 448.2 387-040-07-02-1 Campbell, Helen West 475.31 (161.31) 314.00 449 387-040-OS-00-6 West, Charles W. 1,424.16 (483.33) 940.83 450 387-040-09-00-9 Campbell, William S. & Helen W. 1,424.16 (483.33) 940.83 451 387-040-10-00-i Brannon, Charles E. & Roberta 1,068.12 (362.50) 705.62 452 387-040-11-00-4 West Francis Shafer 1,068.12 (362.50) 705.62 453 387-040-12-00-7 West, Burke & Flory Rebecca 1,438.29 (488.13) 950.16 454 387-040-13-00-0 Wright, Bettie W., et.al. 1,438.29 (488.13) 950.16 455 387-040-14-00-3 McNeil Family TR 0.00 0.00 0.00 05/14/97 A-8 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 456 387-040-IS-00-6 Jameson TR 89,537.22 (26,874.79) 62,662.43 457 387-040-16-00-9 Jameson TR 11,912.61 (3,440.43) 8,472.18 458 387-040-18-00-5 Nickel, George W., Jr. & Adele R. 181,892.64 (54,750.64) 127,142.00 460 387-040-20-00-0 Chevron USA, Inc. 9,472.08 (2,843.06) 6,629.02 462 387-040-24-00-2 Collins, Francis M. & Shirley 1,095.68 (328.88) 766.80 463 387-040-25-00-5 Collins, Frank A. & Virginia 0.00 0.00 0.00 464 387-040-27-00-1 Coliins Francis M. & Shirley 10,956.70 (3,288.67) 7,668.03 465 387-040-28-00-4 Collins, Frank A. & Virginia 0.00 0.00 0.00 466 387-040-29-00-7 Coliins, Frank A. & Virginia 0.00 0.00 0.00 467 387-050-01-00-8 Chevron USA, Inc. 382,864.56 (129,937.15) 252,927.41 468 387-070-01-00-4 LaHacienda, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 469 387-110-01-00-5 LaHacienda, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 470 388-030-01-00-9 Chevron USA,1nc. 523,372.49 (177,622.94) 345,749.55 471 388-030-02-00-2 County of Kem 0.00 0.00 0.00 472 388-271-01-00-6 Pearson, Elsie E. Tr 10,645.66 (3,612.94) 7,032.72 473 388-271-02-00-9 Kellogg, William W III & Johnson C. 14,334.96 (4,865.02) 9,469.94 474 388-271-03-00-2 Hinesley Floyd G. 28,024.86 (9,511.13) 18,513.73 475 388-271-04-00-5 Stoller, Craig W. 14,334.96 (4,865.02) 9,469.94 476 388-271-07-00-4 Stoller, Craig W. 5,322.83 (1,806.48) 3,516.35 477 388-271-OS-00-7 Stoller, Craig W. 5,322.83 (1,806.48) 3,516.35 478 388-272-01-00-3 Corotto Company, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 479 388-272-03-00-9 Corotto Company Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00. 480 388-272-04-00-2 Corotto Company, Inc. A.00 0.00 0.00 481 388-272-06-Oi-7 Corotto Company, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 482 388-272-07-00-1 Corotto Company, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 483 386-020-12-00-4 Haner, James A., et.al. 1,917.72 (650.85) 1,266.87 484 387-280-Ot-00-5 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 485 387-280-02-00-8 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 486 387-280-03-00-1 Moore, Mathew H. & Colleen D. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 487 387-280-04-00-4 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 488 387-280-OS-00-7 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 489 387-280-06-00-0 Casa Ciub Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 490 387-280-07-00-3 Carlson, Christopher & Cathy J. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 491 387-280-08-00-6 Casa Ciub Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 492 387-280-09-00-9 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 493 387-280-10-00-1 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.44) 383.41 494 387-280-11-00-4 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 495 387-280-12-00-7 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 496 387-280-13-00-0 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 497 387-280-14-00-3 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 498 387-280-15-00-6 Casa C-ub Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 499 387-280-16-00-9 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42_ 500 387-280-17-00-2 Casa Ciub Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 501 387-280-18-00-5 Mitchell, Donald D. & S. Joyce 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 502 387-280-19-00-8 Wright, William T. & Lynne L. 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 503 387-280-20-00-0 Caratan, George Ann 547.85 (164.43) 383.42 504 387-280-21-00-3 Patton Jeffrey S & Cynthia L. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 505 387-280-22-00-6 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 506 387-280-23-00-9 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 507 387-280-24-00-2 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 508 387-280-25-00-5 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 509 387-280-26-00-8 Casa Club Fairway Dev Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 _ 510 387-280-27-00-1 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 511 387-280-28-00-4 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd, 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 Sl2 387-280-29-00-7 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 513 387-280-30-00-9 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 547.84 (164.43) 383.41 05/14/97 A-9 QUAD EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER REMAINING CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFIED 514 387-020-42-00-8 Tandam Coast, Inc. c/o Landtech Inv. Corp. 0.00 0.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 0.00 0.00 515 386-020-29-00-4 Wells Fargo Bank 24,850.43 (8,304.83) 16,545.60 516 386-020-26-00-5 Wells Fargo Bank 9,800.26 (3,326.03) 6,474.23 517 386-020-28-00-1 Wells Fargo Bank 19,175.98 (6,507.98) 12,668.00 518 386-020-27-00-8 Wells Fargo Bank 36,496.94 (11,677.18) 24,819.76 _ 519 386-050-16-00-5 Wells Fargo Bank 25,838.!4 (7,758.90) 18,079.24 520 386-050-15-00-2 Wells Fargo Bank 21,365.58 (6,412.92) 14,952.66 521 386-050-17-00-8 Wells Fargo Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 522 386-050-18-00-1 Wells Fargo Bank 13,695.87 (4,110.84) 9,585.03 523 386-050-19-00-4 Wells Fargo Bank 94,294.08 (28,305.17) 65,988:91 524 386-050-20-00-6 Wells Fargo Bank 68,477.12 (20,016.18) 48,460.94 525 386-050-21-00-9 Wells Fargo Bank 43,826.81 (13,154.71) 30,672.10 526 386-060-17-00-t Wells Fargo Bank 46,565.99 (13,976.89) 32,589.10 527 386-050-22-00-2 Wells Fargo Bank 77,792.58 (23,349.60) 54,442.98 528 386-050-24-00-8 Wells Fargo Bank 54,783.51 (16,443.38) 38,340.13 529 386-050-23-00-5 Wells Fargo Bank 32,870.05 (9,866.02) 23,004.03 530 387-280-31-00-2 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 531 387-280-32-00-5 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 532 387-030-24-00-9 Hood, Jack M & Sharon B. TR 1,917.72 (650.85) 1,266.87 533 3$7-030-27-00-8 Bloemer Estate FLP 3,835.44 (1,301.68) 2,533.76 534 387-050-25-00-8 Olcese Water District 0.00 0.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT N0.2 0.00 0.00 601 387-040-30-00-9 Bakersfield Ciiy School District 23,504.41 (7,068.53) 16,435.88 602 387-040-31-00-2 Nickel George W. Jr. & Adele R. 203,811.00 (61,354.61) 142,456.39 ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT NO.3 0.00 0.00 611 387-040-34-00-1 Collins Frank A 119,441.48 (35,976.65) 83,464.83 612 387-040-35-00-4 American West Lands Co., et, al. 0.00 0.00 0.00 613 387-040-36-00-7 Collins, Frank A. 113,524.48 (34,!47.34) 79,377.14 TOTAL OF ASSESSMENTS $9,285,630.67 ($2,907,728.59) $6,377,902.08_ 05/14/97 A-10 QUAD Exhibit ~ Land Owners N ~° ~ .-r 00 000 ~ 0 ~ a ~ M M M M c g r N oo °~ °~ °~ °+ < Odddd' ~, UUUUUC b 'L7 b b N ~ N N N y 'd N I i V I .1 Q~ Q~ ~ 1.-I •4 U H W Cq f~ 0a C N ~ ~ 'o < '~ c A ~° CC °` z A d e °` '~ ~ b ~ ~O „c !w r.+ n H Ca L ~" '~ °~ ° ~OOC /y~ ~ V1 O ca x V1 ~ O A ~ . O N Q .N.~ ° ~ xj O A C Cs: = c~. c v ~1 G 'O ~., U y ~ e~ "a U ~ x v v S • ~ 5 w ° .~ .~~~~AI v o °O 3` >wc7 C ~ ~ ~ b y , ~O°~=~~ Hixzxot w ~ooooac v~0a p4 oooooc oooooc p ~o~o~~c V] W W OOOOOC NNNNNf r O O O O O C ~ U d ~o ~o ~o ~o ~o ~ 00 00 00 00 0o c ¢ M M M M M f a (--~ Q ~--~ N M d' v'1 ~ F. ~ d -• ~o ~n ~o ~o ~o ~o --~ ~r -~ ~a ~o -- vi v ~o JO ~.-+.--~~000000 0.--000 ~-+O O~ 00 ~1 M M M M M M M M M M M M O M M M M r+ M n M '1 M M M M M M M M M M M M O M M M M CY M M M n ~ °~ °~ °1 °~ °1 O~ O~ °1 °~ O+ °~ T °~ O~ O~ °~ 01 °1 O~ O~ td ddddddddddddddddd dd d )U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UU U h O 7 'O b b 't7 b b b b b 'C b 'O ,~ 'C 'II b 'C .`~.. 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V1 V1 V1 V1 V~ Vl Vl ~ h V1 Vl V1 Vl Vl V1 V'1 Yl v1 V'1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V'1 V1 Y1 Y1 ~ ~O ~O ~ W W Q Q Q m V' O N ~ C ~z ~ ° ~ ~, z y +r ~ a W ~ L " e;, ` Z °' 'x o 3 ~ ~A O G Cq b A W ~' ~" ~ d U y ~ ~ Vii R2 ~ U rai WWN Er H /~ V A A x zwz 3 O A Q 1-y O~ W v~ u ~~ Qa a a Q I o0 M M O~ O~ UU b~ a~ a~ w~ w Y M~~~..//~~ W W ~~ .~ .~ ~~ xx ~~ N N 0 M O~ Q U '~ 0 U y Q a Q ~3~ w r~ w Vl ~ Vl C 'v C Q~ UQU ~ ~ oo°o 000 000 ~~~ M M M ~_ N_ _M ~O ~O ~O O Q CY m Q1 V' lj O Method Exhibit C ®~~`i®et EXHIBIT C METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT Introduction In Resolution No. 21-97, City Council ordered that certain changes and modifications be made to the Engineer's Report resulting from surplus improvement funds in AD 93-1. Council approved City Agreement No. 96-349 ordering QUAD Engineering to change and modify the Engineer's Report. These changes and modifications were to include the total modified assessment upon each parcel with unpaid assessments and the total amount to be refunded to each parcel with prepaid assessments. It is the Assessment Engineer's responsibility to perform the analysis and develop a method of apportioning total cost and expenses of the proposed modified assessment that will spread those costs to parcels in proportion to benefit received. This Exhibit describes the methodology used for parcels having prepaid and/or unpaid assessments pursuant to Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. Engineer's Estimate Total assessment district costs for sanitary sewer improvements were substantially lower than originally estimated and assessed. Please refer to the following Revised Engineer's Estimate for a summary comparison of the original engineer's estimate with actual expenses: TABLE 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Assessment District 93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 REVISED ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Original Estimate Trunk Sewer Direct Benefit Total Sewer Actual Expenses Item Description System Sewers Benefits Sewer I Construction $4,741,920.00 $77,000.00 $4,818,920.00 $4,764,310.00 II Engineering, Surveying, Coast. Mgmt. 823,000.00 11,500.00 834,500.00 641,982.00 III Easement & R/W Acquisition 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 6,050.00 IV Contingency 2,503,080.00 11,000.00 2,514,080.00 94,075.00 V Incidental Costs 574,000.00 3,500.00 577,500.00 358,433.00 VI Cost of Issuance 164,000.00 2,000.00 166,000.00 182,560.00 VII Capitalized Interest 677,000.00 8,000.00 685,000.00 722,205.00 Subtotal $9,523,000.00 $113,000.00 $9,636,000.00 $6,769,615.00 Less Payments Received Total Surplus (107,615.00) (107,615.00) $9,528,385.00 $6,662,000.00 $2,866,385.00 The total difference between actual and estimated cost, following completion of the public improvements was $2,866,385.00. The difference will increase to a surplus of approximately C-1 4 $4,449,654.00 as shown in Table 2 effective September 2, 1997, as a result of collections, based on the 4 amount assessed, being greater than the amortization rate of funds expended. To reduce this surplus fund, in accordance with Section 10427(d) of the Streets and Highways Code and upon 1 recommendation of the Finance Director, Series I (1994 B) Sewer Improvement Bonds were called effective Mazch 2, 1997. This bond call amounted to $3,000,000.00. The amount to be credited to the unpaid assessments is $3,000,000.00 less $92,271.41, ($2,907,728.59) which is the remaining principal amount of the prepaid assessments. The remaining surplus funds will be retained as a litigation contingency for a construction contract claim, for payment of bond call costs and for payment to land owners with prepaid assessments. Please refer to Table 2 below for a cash flow estimate summarizing the disposition of surplus funds: TABLE 2 CASH FLOW ESTIMATE (Effective 9/02/97) Item Description Cost Subtotal I Receipts and Disbursements A. Total Received (Bond proceeds plus property assessments received through March 31, 1997) $13,978,802.00 Less Payments to Utility Company (77,878.00) B. Subtotal Received $13,900,924.00 C. Total Disbursed (Pa eats to Contractor, Incidentals, Bond retirement and Misc. Through March 31, 1997) (9,529,148.00) D. Credit from Utility Company 77,878.00 Subtotal Disbursements ($9,451,270.00) Funds Balance through March31,1997 $4,449,654.00 II Fund Obligations and Credits A. Principal and Interest Payment (Eff. 02 September 1997) (624,749.00) B. Bond Call (3/2/97) (3,000,000.00) C. Estimated Receipts from Assessment Payments (4/10/97) 536,668.00 D. Estimated Interest Earnings (April 1997 to August 1997) 43,180.00 Subtotal Obligations and Credits ($3,044,901.00) III Incidental Costs A. Assessment Engineer (40,000.00) B. Bond Counsel (15,000.00) C. Fiscal Agent (5,000.00) Subtotal Incidental Costs (60,000.00) Subtotal $1,344,753.00 Refunds of Prepaid Assessments 32.352.00 Surplus Funds Available Following Change and Modification No. 2 $1,312,401.00 C-2 Method of Apportionment Method of computing modified assessments to parcels with unpaid assessments The total of all unpaid assessments effective September 2, 1997, will be reduced by $2,907,728.58, as previously stated. Individual unpaid assessments will be reduced in proportion to their Series I, 1994 B Bond Sewer Improvement assessment as presented in Change and Modification No. 1. The remaining unpaid assessment amount used for this calculation includes an adjustment for Assessment No. 448.2 in the amount of $536.51. The amount to be assessed is the modified assessment as presented in Change and Modification No. 1, less the principal paid to date, less the $3,000,000.00 bond call less $92,271.41 which is the remaining principal amount of the prepaid assessments. The amount of the assessment was further reduced by the amount of principal paid to date on the Taxable Series II (1994C) Gas Bonds. Each parcel having an unpaid assessment will receive apro-rata reduction in proportion to their sewer assessment as shown in Change and Modification No. 1 Method of computing refunds to parcels with prepaid assessments. The amount to be refunded to parcels having prepaid assessments is computed by dividing the aforestated $2,907,728.58 by the original Sewer Improvement Fund (Series I, 1994 B Bonds) assessment and then multiplying the result by each original prepaid assessment. In this way refunds will be proportional to prepaid principal at the time it was paid. Each parcel with a prepaid assessment will receive apro-rata refund in proportion to their original paid assessment. As previously stated, refunds for prepaid assessments will be paid from the remaining surplus funds balance. It is my opinion that the changes and modifications to assessments are fair and equitably distributed in substantial pro ortion to benefits received by each parcel from the works of improvement. ~~ S ~a ~7 Terry . Sch oepfer, P.E., Assessment Engineer Date R.C.E.#26386 C-3 Exhibit I) EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No, l C&M No. I Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9 670,848.40 $8 567 728.59 $5 660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9 285 630.67 $6 377 902.08 1 386-020-06-00-7 14,178.46 12,561.45 8,298.14 0.00 0.00 12,561.45 8,298.14 2 386-020-07-00-0 128,314.46 113,678.08 75,097.84 0.00 0.00 113,678.08 75,097.84 3 386-020-10-00-8 14,773.62 13,088.44 8,646.47 0.00 0.00 13,088.44 8,646.47 4 386-020-14-00-0 180,768.70 160,149.03 105,797.42 0.00 0.00 160,149.03 105,797.42 5 386-020-17-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 386-020-18-00-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 386-020-19-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. I 9 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 10 386-210-01-00-7 5,811.23 5,148.37 3,401.10 0.00 0.00 5,148.37 3,401.10 I1 386-210-02-00-0 17,482.12 15,487.99 10,231.66 0.00 0.00 15,487.99 10,231.66 12 386-210-03-00-3 23,120.23 20,482.98 13,531.44 0.00 0.00 20,482.98 13,531.44 13 386-210-04-00-6 4,335.76 3,841.20 2,537.56 0.00 0.00 3,841.20 2,537.56 14 386-210-07-00-5 64,584.34 57,217.43 37,798.89 0.00 0.00 57,217.43 37,798.89 15 386-210-08-00-8 26,202.88 23,214.00 15,335.60 0.00 0.00 23,214.00 15,335.60 16 386-210-20-00-2 9,451.33 8,373.25 5,531.52 0.00 0.00 8,373.25 5,531.52 17 386-210-21-00-5 7,955.03 7,047.62 4,655.79 0.00 0.00 7,047.62 4,655.79 18 386-210-24-00-4 9,451.33 8,373.25 5,531.52 0.00 0.00 8,373.25 5,531.52 19 386-210-25-00-7 7,955.03 7,047.62 4,655.79 0.00 0.00 7,047.62 4,655.79 20 386-040-12-00-0 56 263.73 49 845.92 32 929.14 0.00 0.00 49,845.92 _ 32,929.14 21 386-040-14-01-5 56,263.73 49,845.92 32,929.14 0.00 0.00 49,845.92 32,929.14 22 386-040-16-00-2 75,762.17 67,120.24 44,340.88 0.00 0.00 67,120.24 44,340.88 23 386-040-18-00-8 13,182.62 11,678.92 7,715.31 0.00 0.00 11,678.92 7,715.31 24 386-040-19-00-1 22,671.83 20,085.74 13,269.01 0.00 0.00 20,085.74 13,269.01 25 386-040-26-00-1 75,762.17 67,120.24 44,340.88 0.00 0.00 67,120.24 44,340.88 26 386-050-OI-00-1 695,150.23 615,856.87 406,846.45 89,373.32 80,491.48 696,348.35 487,337.93 27 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 28 386-050-06-00-6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 386-050-09-00-5 106,197.41 94,083.84 62,153.53 13,653.47 12,296.60 106,380.44 74,450.13 30 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 31 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 32 386-050-13-00-6 137,854.63 122,130.03 80,681.36 23,062.43 20,770.50 142,900.53 101,451.86 33 386-060-03-00-0 75,651.93 67,022.58 44,276.36 12,656.21 11,398.45 78,421.03 55,674.81 34 386-060-04-00-3 50,434.62 44,681.72 29,517.57 8,437.47 7,598.97 52,280.69 37,116.54 35 386-060-14-00-2 268,984.65 238,302.51 157 427.05 44,999.86 40,527.82 278,830.33 197,954.87 36 386-060-]5-00-5 13,766.41 12,196.13 8,056.99 2,371.55 2,135.85 14,331.98 10,192.84 37 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 38 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDM ENT NO. 1 39 387-010-12-00-8 163,034.74 144,437.94 95,418.37 28,086.10 25,294.93 169,732.87 120,713.30 40 387-010-20-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 41 387-010-25-00-6 36,502.34 32,338.64 21,363.51 4,692.99 4,226.60 36,565.24 25,590.11 42 387-010-40-00-9 459.39 406.98 268.86 59.06 53.18 460.16 322.04 43 387-010-30-00-0 41,364.21 36,645.94 24,208.99 5,318.07 4,789.55 41,435.49 28,998.54 44 387-010-34-00-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45 387-010-35-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 387-010-36-00-8 194,352.52 172,183.41 113,747.54 24,987.31 22,504.09 194,687.50 136,251.63 47 387-010-37-00-1 119,561.01 105,923.09 69,974.76 15,371.59 13,843.98 119,767.07 83,818.74 48 387-010-38-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 49 387-010-39-00-7 15,312.99 13,566.28 8,962.14 1,968.74 1,773.07 15,33935 10,735.21 50 387-060-01-00-I 17,233.05 15,267.33 10,085.88 2,968.75 2,673.71 17,941.04 12,759.59 51 387-081-01-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52 387-081-02-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53 387-081-03-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 54 387-081-04-00-3 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 55 387-081-OS-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 56 387-081-06-00-9 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 57 387-081-07-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 .383.40 58 387-081-08-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 59 387-082-01-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 05/19/97 D-1 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-i Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. 1 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. l Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. I Eff. 09-02-97 $9,670 848.40 $8 567,728.59 $5 660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9,285 630.67 $6.377 902.08 60 387-082-02-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 61 387-082-03-00-7 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 62 387-082-04-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 63 387-082-OS-00-3 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 64 387-082-06-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 65 387-082-07-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66 387-082-08-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 67 387-082-09-00-~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68 387-082-10-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 387-082-11-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 70 387-090-01-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.3] 63.32 547.83 383.40 71 387-090-02-00-3 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 72 387-090-03-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 73 387-090-04-00-9 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 74 387-090-OS-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 75 387-101-01-00-9 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 76 387-101-02-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 77 387-101-03-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78 387-101-04-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79 387-101-OS-00-I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80 387-101-06-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 81 387-101-07-00-7 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82 387-101-08-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 83 387-101-09-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84 387-101-10-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 85 387-102-01-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 86 387-102-02-00-9 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 87 387-102-03-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 88 387-102-04-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 89 387-102-OS-00-8 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 90 387-102-06-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 91 387-102-07-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 92 387-102-08-00-7 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 93 387-102-09-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 94 387-102-10-00-2 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 95 387-102-I1-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 96 387-121-01-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 97 387-121-02-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98 387-121-03-00-1 546:89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 99 387-121-04-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 100 387-121-OS-00-7 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 101 387-121-06-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 102 387-121-07-00-3 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 103 387-121-08-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 104 387-121-09-00-9 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 105 387-121-10-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 106 387-122-04-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 107 387-122-OS-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 108 387-131-01-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109 387-131-02-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 110 387-131-03-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 111 387-131-OS-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 112 387-132-01-00-5 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 113 387-132-02-00-8 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 ll4 387-132-03-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 115 387-132-04-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 116 387-132-OS-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117 387-141-02-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118 387-141-03-00-7 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 05/19/97 D-2 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment N0. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. I C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9,670 848.40 $8 567 728.59 $5 660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717,902.08 $9 285 630.67 $6 377 902.08 119 387-141-04-00-0 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 120 387-141-OS-00-3 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 121 387-142-01-00-8 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 122 387-142-02-00-1 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 123 387-142-03-00-4 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 124 387-142-07-00-6 546.89 484.51 320.08 70.31 63.32 547.83 383.40 125 387-180-02-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 126 387-180-03-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 127 387-180-04-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 128 387-180-OS-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 129 387-180-06-00-I 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 130 387-180-07-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131 387-180-08-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 132 387-180-09-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 133 387-180-10-00-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134 387-180-11-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 135 387-180-12-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136 387-180-13-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 137 387-180-14-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 138 387-180-IS-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 139 387-180-16-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 140 387-180-17-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 141 387-180-18-00-6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142 387-180-19-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143 387-190-01-00-9 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 144 387-190-02-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 145 387-190-03-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146 387-190-04-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 147 387-190-OS-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 148 387-190-06-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 149 387-190-07-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 387-190-08-00-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 151 387-190-09-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 152 387-190-10-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 153 387-190-I1-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 154 387-190-12-00-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155 387-190-13-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 156 387-190-14-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 157 387-190-IS-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 158 387-190-16-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 159 387-200-OI-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 160 387-200-02-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 161 387-200-03-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 162 387-200-04-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 163 387-200-OS-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164 387-200-06-00-6 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 165 387-200-07-00-9 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 166 387-200-08-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 167 387-200-09-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 168 387-200-10-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 169 387-200-11-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 170 387-200-12-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 171 387-200-13-00-6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 172 387-210-01-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 173 387-210-02-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 174 387-210-03-00-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 175 387-210-04-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 176 387-210-OS-00-6 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 177 387-210-06-00-9 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 05/19/97 D-3 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. 1 C&M No. t Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. I Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. t Eff: 09-02-97 $9,670,848.40 $8,567 728.59 $5 660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9 285,630.67 $6 377 902.08 178 387-210-07-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 179 387-210-08-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 180 387-210-09-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 181 387-210-10-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 182 387-210-11-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 183 387-221-01-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 184 387-221-02-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 185 387-221-03-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 186 387-221-04-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187 387-221-OS-00-6 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 188 387-221-06-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 189 387-221-07-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 190 387-221-08-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 191 387-221-09-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 192 387-221-10-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 193 387-221-I1-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 194 387-221-12-00-6 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 195 387-221-13-00-9 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 196 387-221-14-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 197 387-221-15-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 198 387-221-16-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 199 387-221-17-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 200 387-221-18-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 201 387-221-19-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72° 202 387-221-20-00-9 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 203 387-221-21-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 .204 387-221-22-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 205 387-221-23-00-8 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 206 387-221-24-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 207 387-221-25-00-4 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 208 387-221-26-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 209 387-221-27-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 210 387-221-28-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211 387-221-29-00-6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 212 387-221-30-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 213 387-222-01-00-1 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 214 387-222-02-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215 387-222-03-00-7 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 216 387-222-04-00-0 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 217 387-222-OS-00-3 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 218 387-222-06-00-6 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 219 387-222-07-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220 387-222-08-00-2 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00. 479.42 316.72 221 387-222-09-00-5 541.16 479.42 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.42 316.72 222 387-222-10-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 223 387-222-11-00-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224 387-222-12-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 225 387-222-13-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 226 387-222-14-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 227 387-251-01-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 228 387-251-02-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 229 387-251-03-00-9 541.!6 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 230 357-251-04-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 231 387-251-OS-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 232 387-251-06-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 233 387-251-07-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 234 387-251-08-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 235 387-251-09-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 236 387-251-10-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 05/19/97 D-4 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. I C&M No. l Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9 670 848.40 $8,567 728.59 $5 660,000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9 285 630.67 $6 377 902.08 237 387-251-11-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 238 387-251-12-00-5 541.(6 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 239 387-251-13-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 240 387-251-14-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 241 387-251-15-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 242 387-252-01-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 243 387-252-02-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 244 387-252-03-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 245 387-252-04-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 246 387-252-OS-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 247 387-252-06-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 248 387-230-Oi-00-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 249 387-231-0]-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 250 387-231-02-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 251 387-231-03-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 252 387-231-04-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 253 387-231-OS-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 254 387-231-06-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 255 .387-231-07-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 256 387-231-08-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 257 387-231-09-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 258 387-231-10-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259 387-231-11-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 260 387-231-12-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 261 387-231-13-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 262 387-231-14-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 263 387-231-IS-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 264 387-231-16-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 265 387-231-17-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 266 387-231-18-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 267 387-232-01-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 268 387-232-02-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 269 387-232-03-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 270 387-232-04-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 271 387-232-OS-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 272 387-232-06-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 273 387-232-07-00-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 274 387-232-08-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 275 387-232-09-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 276 387-232-10-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 277 387-232-11-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 278 387-232-12-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 279 387-232-13-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280 387-232-14-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 28] 387-232-15-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 282 387-232-16-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 283 387-233-01-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 284 387-233-02-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 285 387-233-03-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 286 387-233-04-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 287 387-233-OS-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 288 387-233-06-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 289 387-233-07-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 290 387-233-13-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 291 387-233-14-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 292 387-240-01-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 293 387-241-01-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 294 387-241-02-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 295 387-241-03-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 05/19/97 D-5 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modif-cation No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAL. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. 1 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. t Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. l Eft: 09-02-97 $9 670,848.40 $8 567 728.59 $5,660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717,902.08 $9,285 630.67 $6,377 902.08 296 387-241-04-00-9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 297 387-241-OS-00-Z 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 298 387-241-06-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 299 387-241-07-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 300 387-241-08-00-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 301 387-241-09-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 302 387-241-10-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 303 387-241-11-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 304 387-241-12-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 305 387-241-13-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 306 387-241-14-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 307 387-241-15-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 308 387-241-16-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 309 387-241-17-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 310 387-241-18-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 311 387-241-19-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 312 387-241-20-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 313 387-242-01-00-7 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 314 387-242-02-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 315 387-242-03-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 316 387-242-04-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 317 387-242-OS-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 318 387-242-06-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 319 387-242-07-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 320 387-242-08-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 321 387-242-09-00-1 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 322 387-242-10-00-3 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 323 387-242-11-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 324 387-242-12-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 325 387-242-13-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 326 387-242-14-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 327 387-242-15-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 328 387-242-16-00-i 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 329 387-242-17-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 330 387-242-18-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 331 387-243-01-00-4 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 332 387-243-02-00-7 541. t 6 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 333 387-243-03-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 334 387-243-04-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 335 387-243-OS-00-6 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 336 387-243-06-00-9 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 337 387-243-07-00-2 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 338 387-243-08-00-5 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 339 387-243-09-00-8 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 340 387-243-]0-00-0 541.16 479.43 316.72 0.00 0.00 479.43 316.72 341 387-243-11-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 342 387-020-01-00-9 38,205.90 33,847.88 22,360.54 4,912.02 4,423.86 38,271.74 26,784.40 343 387-020-02-00-2 38,225.04 33,864.85 22,371.74 4,914.48 4,426.08 38,290.93 26,797.82 344 387-020-03-00-5 38,225.04 33,864.85 22,371.74 4,914.48 4,426.08 38,290.93 26,797.82 345 387-020-04-00-8 38,205.90 33,847.88 22,360.54 4,912.02 4,423.86 38,271.74 26,784.40 346 387-020-07-00-7 145,875.35 129,235.86 85,375.60 18,754.74 16,890.90 (46,126.76 102,266.50 347 387-020-14-00-7 63,352.30 56,125.92 37,077.82 7,945.29 7,155.69 63,281.61 44,233.51 348 387-020-15-00-0 73,669.03 65,265.87 43,115.84 9,471.40 8,530.15 73,796.02 51,645.99 349 387-020-16-00-3 51,626.51 45,737.65 30,215.14 0.00 0.00 45,737.65 30,215.14 350 387-020-18-00-9 122,100.03 108,172.50 71,460.76 15,698.03 14,137.97 122,310.47 85,598.73 351 387-020-21-00-7 53,999.61 47,840.07 31,604.03 6,942.56 6,252.60 54,092.67 37,856.63 352 387-020-27-00-5 36,547.56 32,378.70 21,389.97 4,698.81 4,231.84 36,610.54 25,621.81 353 387-020-29-00-1 50,599.54 44,827.82 29,614.09 4,525.65 4,075.89 48,903.71 33,689.98 354 387-020-30-00-3 50,159.31 44,437.82 29,356.44 4,486.27 4,040.42 48,478.24 33,396.86 05/19/97 D-6 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. t C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9 670 848.40 $8,567 728.59 $5 660,000.00 $797,118.85 $717 902.08 $9,285 630.67 $6,377 902.08 355 387-020-31-00-6 53,007.89 46,961.46 31,023 .61 4,640 .61 4,179 .43 51,140.89 35,203.04 356 387-020-33-00-2 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 357 387-020-34-00-5 49,278.84 43,657.78 28,841 .(3 4,407 .52 3,969 .50 47,627.28 32,810.63 358 387-020-35-00-8 61,030.88 54,069.30 35,719 .18 5,343 .73 4,812 .68 58,881.98 40,531.86 359 387-020-36-00-1 27,180.55 24,080.17 15,907 .80 3,494 .52 3,147 .23 27,227.40 19,055.03 360 387-020-37-00-4 19,524.06 17,297.02 11,426 .73 2,510 .15 2,260 .69 19,557.71 13,687.42 361 387-020-38-00-7 15,217.28 13,481.50 8,906 .13 1,956 .44 1,762 .00 (5,243.50 10,668.13 362 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 363 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. l 364 387-020-43-00-1 360,180.76 319,096.20 210,800 .85 46,307 .33 41,705 .34 360,801.54 252,506.19 365 387-150-01-00-7 15,154.63 13,425.99 8,869 .46 1265 .62 1139 .84 14565.83 10009.30 366 387-150-02-00-0 12,610.57 11,172.13 7,380 .51 1,054 .68 949 .87 12,122.00 8,330.38 367 387-150-03-00-3 10,058.07 8,910.79 5,886 .63 843 .75 759 .90 9,670.69 6,646.53 368 387-150-04-00-6 11,793.50 10,448.26 6,902. 31 984 .37 886 .55 11,334.81 7,788.86 369 387-261-01-00-6 845.95 749.46 495 .10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 370 387-261-02-00-9 845.95 749.46 495 .10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 371 387-261-03-00-2 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 372 387-261-04-00-5 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 373 387-261-OS-00-8 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 374 387-261-06-00-1 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 375 387-261-07-00-4 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 376 387-261-08-00-7 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 377 387-261-09-00-0 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 378 387-261-10-00-2 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 379 387-261-11-00-5 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .3] 63 .32 812.78 558.42 380 387-261-12-00-8 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 381 387-262-01-00-3 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 382 387-262-02-00-6 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 383 387-262-03-00-9 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 384 387-262-04-00-2 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 385 387-262-OS-00-5 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 386 387-262-06-00-8 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .32 812.78 558.42 387 387-262-07-00-1 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .33 812.79 558.43 388 387-262-08-00-4 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .33 812.79 558.43 389 387-262-09-00-7 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 390 387-262-10-00-9 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63 .33 812.79 558.43 391 387-262-11-00-2 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70 .31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 392 387-262-12-00-5 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 393 387-262-13-00-8 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 394 387-262-14-00-1 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 395 387-262-15-00-4 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 396 387-262-16-00-7 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 397 387-262-17-00-0 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 398 387-263-01-00-0 845.95 749.46 495. 10 70. 31 63. 33 812.79 558.43 399 387-263-02-00-3 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 400 387-263-03-00-6 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 401 387-263-04-00-9 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 402 387-263-OS-00-2 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 403 387-263-06-00-5 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 404 387-263-07-00-8 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 405 387-263-08-00-1 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 406 387-263-09-00-4 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 407 387-263-10-00-6 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 408 387-263-11-00-9 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 409 387-263-12-00-2 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 410 387-263-13-00-5 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 411 387-263-14-00-8 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 412 387-263-15-00-1 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 413 387-263-16-00-4 845.96 749.47 495. 11 70. 31 63. 33 812.80 558.44 05/19/97 D-7 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAG. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. z Amount AssessmenC C&M No. 2 C&M No. l C&M No. i Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9 670,848.40 $8,567 728.59 $5,660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717,902.08 $9,285,630.67 $6,377 902.08 414 387-263-17-00-7 845.96 749.47 495. i l 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 415 387-263-18-00-0 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 416 387-263-19-00-3 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 417 387-263-20-00-5 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 418 387-263-21-00-8 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 419 387-263-22-00-1 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 420 387-263-23-00-4 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 421 387-263-24-00-7 845.96 749.47 495.11,: 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 422 387-263-25-00-0 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 423 387-264-01-00-7 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 424 387-264-02-00-0 845.96 749.47 495.11 70.31 63.33 812.80 558.44 425 387-030-01-00-2 1,406,619.60 1,246,171.64 823,243.98 180,844.75 162,872.56 1,409,044.20 986,116.54 426 387-030-02-00-5 75,762.17 67,120.25 44,340.88 0.00 0.00 67,120.25 44,340.88 427 387-030-04-01-0 172,632.23 152,940.69 101,035.44 0.00 0.00 152,940.69 101,035.44 428.1 387-030-OS-02-2 3,622.91 3,209.66 2,120.36 0.00 0.00 3,209.66 2,120.36 428.2 387-030-OS-03-1 5,149.27 4,561.92 3,013.68 0.00 0.00 4,561.92 3,013.68 429.1 387-030-06-03-4 12,461.07 11,039.69 7,293:02 0.00 0.00 11,039.69 7,293.02 429.2 387-030-06-02-5 8,767.33 7,767.27 5,131.20 0.00 0.00 7,767.27 5,131.20 430 387-030-07-00-0 66,789.77 59,171.30 39,089.65 0.00 0.00 59,171.30 39,089.65 431 387-030-08-00-3 6,273.11 5,557.56 3,671.43 0.00 0.00 5,557.56 3,671.43 432.1 387-030-09-02-4 51,954.29 46,028.06 30,406.98 0.00 0.00 46,028.06 30,406.98 432.2 387-030-09-01-5 103,908.57 92,056.09 60,813.95 0.00 0.00 92,056.09 60,813.95 433.1 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 433.2 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 434 387-030-I1-00-I 37,881.09 33,560.13 22,170.44 0.00 0.00 33,560.13 22,170.44 435 A SSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 436 387-030-14-00-0 2,164.63 1,917.73 1,266.88 0.00 0.00 1,917.73 1,266.88 437 387-030-15-00-3 75,762.17 67,120.25 44,340.88 0.00 0.00 67,120.25 44,340.88 438 387-030-16-00-6 37,881.09 33,560.13 22,170.44 0.00 0.00 33,560.13 22,170.44 439 387-030-17-00-9 (8,940.54 16,780.06 11,085.22 0.00 0.00 16,780.06 11,085.22 440 387-030-18-00-2 18,940.54 16,780.06 11,085.22 0.00 0.00 16,780.06 11,085.22 441 387-030-20-00-7 9 470.27 8 390.03 5 542.61 0.00 0.00 8,390.03 5,542.61 442 387-030-21-00-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 443 387-030-22-01-2 18,940.54 16,780.06 11,085.22 0.00 0.00 16,780.06 11,085.22 444 387-040-01-00-5 210,940.83 186,879.55 (23,456.09 0.00 0.00 186,879.55 123,456.09 445 387-040-02-00-8 469,744.41 416,162.31 274,924.52 0.00 0.00 416,162.31 274,924.52 446 387-040-04-00-4 3,258.88 2,887.16 1,907.31 0.00 0.00 2,887.16 1,907.31 447 387-040-06-00-0 1,607.54 (,424.17 940.84 0.00 0.00 1,424.17 940.84 448.1 387-040-07-01-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 448.2 387-040-07-02-I 536.51 475.31 314.00 0.00 0.00 475.31 314.00 449 387-040-08-00-6 1,607.53 1,424.16 940.83 0.00 0.00 1,424.16 940.83 450 387-040-09-00-9 1,607.53 1,424.16 940.83 0.00 0.00 1,424.16 940.83 451 387-040-10-00-1 1,205.64 1,068.12 705.62 0.00 0.00 1,068.12 705.62 452 387-040-i 1-00-4 1,205.64 1,068.12 705.62 0.00 0.00 1,068.12 705.62 453 387-040-12-00-7 1,623.47 1,438.29 950.16 0.00 0.00 1,438.29 950.16 454 387-040-13-00-0 1,623.47 1,438.29 950.16 0.00 0.00 1,438.29 950.16 455 387-040-14-00-3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 456 387-040-i5-00-6 89,383.16 79,187.54 52,312.75 11,491.72 10,349.68 89,537.22 62,662.43 457 387-040-16-00-9 11,442.50 10,137.31 6,696.88 1,971.20 1,775.30 11,912.61 8,472.18 458 387-040-18-00-5 182,095.80 161,324.77 106,574.13 22,837.43 20,567.87 181,892.64 127,142.00 459 ASSESSMENT AND DIA GRAM AMENDMENT NO.2 460 387-040-20-00-0 9 455 78 8,377.19 5,534.13 1,215.70 1 094.89 9,472.08 6 629.02 461 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.3 462 387-040-24-00-2 1,093.80 969.04 640.16 140.62 126.64 1,095.68 766.80 463 387-040-25-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 464 387-040-27-00-1 10,937.85 9,690.20 6,401.53 1,406.25 1,266.50 10,956.70 7,668.03 465 387-040-28-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 466 387-040-29-00-7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467 387-050-01-00-8 432,159.47 382,864.56 252,927.41 0.00 0.00 382,864.56 252,927.41 05/19/97 D-8 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAL. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment N0. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. 1 C&M No. I Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9,670 848.40 $8 567 728.59 $5,660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9 285 630.67 $6,377 902.08 468 387-070-01-00-4 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 469 387-110-01-00-5 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 470 388-030-OI-00-9 590,758 .21 523,372.49 345,749 .55 0.00 0.00 523,372.49 345,749.55 471 388-030-02-00-2 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 472 388-271-01-00-6 12,016 .32 10,645.66 7,032 .72 0.00 0.00 10,645.66 7,032.72 473 388-271-02-00-9 16,180 .63 14,334.96 9,469 .94 0.00 0.00 14,334.96 9,469.94 474 388-271-03-00-2 31,633 .13 28,024.86 18,513 .73 0.00 0.00 28,024.86 18,513.73 475 388-271-04-00-5 16,180 63 14,334.96 9 469 .94 0.00 0.00 14,334.96 9 469.94 476 388-271-07-00-4 6,008 .15 5,322.83 3,516 .35 0.00 0.00 5,322.83 3,516.35 477 388-271-08-00-7 6,008. 15 5,322.83 3,516 .35 0.00 0.00 5,322.83 3,516.35 478 388-272-01-00-3 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479 388-272-03-00-9 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 480 388-272-04-00-2 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 481 388-272-06-01-7 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 482 388-272-07-00-1 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 483 386-020-12-00-4 2,164. 62 1,917.72 1,266 .87 0.00 0.00 1,917.72 1,266.87 484 387-280-01-00-5 546. 90 484.52 320 .08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 485 387-280-02-00-8 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 486 387-280-03-00-1 546. 90 484.52 320 .08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 487 387-280-04-00-4 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 488 387-280-OS-00-7 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 489 387-280-06-00-0 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 490 387-280-07-00-3 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 491 387-280-08-00-6 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 492 387-280-09-00-9 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 493 387-280-10-00-1 546. 90 484.52 320. 08 70.31 63.33 547.85 383.41 494 387-280-11-00-4 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 495 387-280-12-00-7 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 496 387-280-13-00-0 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 497 387-280-14-00-3 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 498 387-280-15-00-6 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 499 387-280-16-00-9 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 500 387-280-17-00-2 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 '383.42 501 387-280-18-00-5 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 502 387-280-19-00-8 546. 89 484,51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 503 387-280-20-00-0 546. 89 484.51 320. 08 70.32 63.34 547.85 383.42 504 387-280-21-00-3 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 505 387-280-22-00-6 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 506 387-280-23-00-9 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 507 387-280-24-00-2 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 508 387-280-25-00-5 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 509 387-280-26-00-8 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 510 387-280-27-00-1 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 511 387-280-28-00-4 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 Sl2 387-280-29-00-7 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 513 387-280-30-00-9 546. 88 484.50 320. 07 70.32 63.34 547.84 383.41 514 387-020-42-00-8 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 1 515 386-020-29-00-4 27,621 1 l 24,470.47 16,165. 64 421.88 379.96 24 850.43 16 545.60 516 386-020-26-00-5 11,062. 07 9,800.26 6,474. 23 0.00 0.00 9,800.26 6,474.23 517 386-020-28-00-1 21,644. 93 19,175.98 12,668. 00 0.00 0.00 19,175.98 12,668.00 518 386-020-27-00-8 38,837. 23 34,407.21 22,730. 03 2,320.32 2,089.73 36,496.94 24,819.76 519 386-050-16-00-5 25,805. 40 22,861.87 15,102. 97 3,304.69 2,976.27 25,838.14 18,079.24 520 386-050-15-00-2 21,328. 80 18,895.90 12,482. 98 2,742.19 2,469.68 21,365.58 14,952.66 521 386-050-17-00-8 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 522 386-050-18-00-1 13,672. 29 12,112.74 8,001. 90 1,757.82 1,583.13 13,695.87 9,585.03 523 386-050-19-00-4 94,140. 49 83,402.22 55,097. 05 12,093.72 10,891.86 94,294.08 65,988.91 524 386-050-20-00-6 66,572. 03 58,978.40 38,962. 22 10,546.85 9,498.72 68,477.12 48,460.94 525 386-050-21-00-9 43,751. 39 38,760.83 25,606. 12 5,624.99 5,065.98 43,826.81 30,672.10 05/19/97 D-9 QUAD EXHIBIT D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-I Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION DATA FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. Tax Exem t Series I 1994 B Sewer Taxable Series II 1994 C Gas Combined Total Combined Total DIAL. ASSESSOR'S Assessment Remaining C&M No. 2 Assessment Remaining Assmt. Remaining Assessment NO. PARCEL NUMBER as Modified Assessment Assessment as Modified /C&M No. 2 Amount Assessment C&M No. 2 C&M No. 1 C&M No. I Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 C&M No. 1 Eff. 09-02-97 $9 670,848.40 $8,567 728.59 $5 660 000.00 $797 118.85 $717 902.08 $9 285,630.67 $6 377 902.08 526 386-060-17-00-1 46,485.86 41,183.39 27,206.50 5,976.55 5,382.60 46,565.99 32,589.10 527 386-050-22-00-2 77,658.72 68,800.46 45,450.86 9,984.35 8,992.12 77,792.58 54,442.98 528 386-050-24-00-8 54,689.23 48,451.02 32,007.64 7,031.24 6,332.49 54,783.51 38,340.13 529 386-050-23-00-5 32,813.47 29,070.56 19,204.54 4,218.75 3,799.49 32,870.05 23,004.03 530 387-280-31-00-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 531 387-280-32-00-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 532 387-030-24-00-9 2,164.62 1,917.72 1,266.87 0.00 0.00 1,917.72 1,266.87 533 387-030-27-00-8 4,329.26 3,835.44 2,533.76 0.00 0.00 3,835.44 2,533.76 534 387-050-25-00-8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.2 601 387-040-30-00-9 23,541.65 20,846.6] 13,778.08 2,952.46 2,657.80 23,504.41 16,435.88 602 387-040-31-00-2 204,027.66 180,764.67 119,410.06 25,587.99 23,046.33 203,811.00 142,456.39 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.3 611 387-040-34-00-1 119,655.16 106,006.51 70,029.86 15,006.48 13,434.97 119,441.48 83,464.83 612 387-040-35-00-4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 613 387-040-36-00-7 113,571.00 100,616.36 66,469.02 14,243.43 12,908.12 113,524.48 79,377.14 TOTAL OF ASSESSMENTS $9,670,848.40 $8,567,728.59 $5,660,000.00 $797,118.85 $717,902.08 $9 285,630.67 $6 377 902.08 05/19/97 D-10 QUAD Exhibit E EXHIBIT E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.93-1 Change and Modification No. 2 TABULATION OF REFUNDS FOR PREPAID ASSESSMENTS ASSMT. (2) Total Payments Payments Revised Refund of DIAG. ASSESSOR'S ASSESSMENT AS CONFIRMED Received Received Assessment Prepaid N0. PARCEL NUMBER SEWER GAS TOTAL Assessment Series I Series II Series I & II Series I Series I Series 1994 B Series 1994 C Series 1994 B &C Series 1994 B Series 1994 B 51 387-081-01-00-4 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 52 387-081-02-00-7 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 65 387-082-07-00-9 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 67 387-082-09-00-5 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 68 387-082-10-00-7 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 77 387-101-03-00-5 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 78 387-101-04-00-8 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 79 387-101-OS-00-1 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 81 387-101-07-00-7 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 83 387-101-09-00-3 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 97 387-121-02-00-8 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 108 387-131-01-00-8 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 116 387-132-OS-00-7 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 117 387-141-02-00-4 554.92 62.28 617.20 617.20 554.92 388.07 166.85 133 387-180-10-00-2 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 141 387-180-18-00-6 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 145 387-190-03-00-5 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 166.30 154 387-190-12-00-1 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 163 387-200-OS-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 171 387-200-13-00-6 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 174 387-210-03-00-0 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 175 387-210-04-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553:10 386.80 16630 186 387-221-04-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 188 387-221-06-00-9 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 210 387-221-28-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 214 387-222-02-00-4 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 219 387-222-07-00-9 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 223 387-222-11-00-0 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 231 387-251-OS-00-5 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 ,553.10 386.80 16630 258 387-231-10-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 262 387-231-14-00-5 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 263 387-231-15-00-8 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 273 387-232-07-00-2 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 279 387-232-13-00-9 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 296 387-241-04-00-9 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 300 387-241-08-00-i 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 305 387-241-13-00-5 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 334 387-243-04-00-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 386.80 16630 442 387-030-21-00-0 9,67932 0.00 9,67932 9,67932 9,67932 6,769.04 2,910.28 448.1 387-040-07-01-2 551.11 0.00 551.11 551.11 551.11 385.41 165.70 448.2 387-040-07-02-1 1,10635 0.00 1,10635 536.51 536.51 375.20 16131 455 387-040-14-00-3 1,65932 0.00 1,65932 1,65932 1,65932 1,160.41 498.91 463 387-040-25-00-5 2,219.71 249.12 2,468.83 2,468.83 2,219.71 1,55231 667.40 465 387-040-28-00-4 2,219.71 249.12 2,468.83 2,468.83 2,219.71 1,55231 667.40 466 387-040-29-00-7 66,923.91 7,510.99 74,434.90 74,434.90 66,923.91 46,801.94 20,121.96 478 388-272-01-00-3 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 553.11 386.81 16630 479 388-272-03-00-9 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 553.11 386.81 16630 480 388-272-04-00-2 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 553.11 386.81 16630 481 388.272-06-01-7 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 553.11 386.81 16630 482 388-272-07-00-1 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 553.11 386.81 16630 TOTALS: 5108,168.26 58,881.15 S117,049.41 S116,479.57 S107,598.42 S75,Z46.86 S32,351.56 04/22/97 E-1 QUAD Appendices APPENl)I~A City of ~ake~s~eld Resolution No. 21-97 ~" . RESOLUTION NO.~ 1 -97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKER$FIELD ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER' S ESTIl~IATE, APPROVING AMENDMENT TO ENGINEER' S REPORT AND DETERMINING SURPLUS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.93-1 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCII, (the "Council") OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (the "City") AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, on December 15, 1993, the Council adopted Resolution No. 192-93 titled "AResolution Adopting the Engineer's Report; Confirming the Assessment; and Ordering the Work for the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 (N.E. Sewer Project) (the "Resolution"), which, among other things, ordered construction and/or acquisition of public improvements within the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 (the "District") and approved a final Engineer's Report for the District and proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, changes and modifications in the description of the estimated costs and use of bond proceeds therefor have been proposed and submitted to this Council; and WIiEREAS, said changes and modifications do not increase any individual assessment within the District nor the cumulative assessment for the District as originally levied under these proceedings; and WHEREAS, Section 10351 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California authorizes the City Council to make such change and modification as contemplated hereunder without notice and hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS I-IEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. All of the recitals herein contained are true and correct and the City Council so finds. 2-13-97(11074.1) o`` 3~KF9~ ~ T J J r 2. The change and modification to the estimated costs to be used for modifying the Engineer's Report , as amended, for the District, and the direction for application of the reduction in total assessment is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is hereby incorporated herein by reference. Such changes and modifications are hereby approved and the changes and modifications proposed herein are hereby ordered to be taken by the Engineer of Work preparing said Engineer's Report. 3. The original Engineer's Report for the District as approved by the Resolution is hereby amended to the extent shown by 'bit A to this Resolution. A copy of this Resolution will hereafter be filed along with the original Engineer's Report, in the office of the City Clerk, to provide a record of the amendment to the original Engineer's Report. A copy of the Engineer's Report, as amended, reflecting all changes and modifications as ordered hereby shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. 4. In accordance with Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California and upon recommendation of the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield, the Council hereby detennvnes a surphis remaining in the improvement fund for the District by reason of the assessment and hereby directs the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield to proceed to use said surplus to call bonds pursuant to subsection (d) of said Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. 2-13-97(11074.1) f I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of February 1997, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: DeMOND, CARSON, SMITH, McDERMOTT, ROt+ILES SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE Q~ , City Clerk and Es Officio Clerk o e Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 19th day of February 1997: Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard H. Hargrove, Bond ounsel COUNTERSIGNED: ~~~ City Attorney of the City o ersfie 2-i~~~iima.i> ~~ ~~K~9~-c~ t~Ti - 1 EXHIBIT A The Total Engineer's Estimate as contained in the original Engineer's Report for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 (the "District") was $10,585,000. As thereafter modified, the total by change and modification No. 1 was reduced to $10,468,503.76. The surplus available as recommended by the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield is $3,000,000.00 (the "Surplus"). This amount includes a pro rata amount to be refunded to those individuals which paid their assessment or a portion of their assessment during the cash collection period. Such amount reflects cost savings for the sewer portion of the improvements. All parcels in the District were assessed for sewer improvements. The Surplus shall, therefore, be applied pro rata to all assessments thereby reducing the balance of unpaid assessments by the applicable pro rata portion and a new auditor's roll reflecting such current unpaid principal and annual installments of principal and interest remaining to retire the bonds remaining after the call of bonds required under Section- 4 of this Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications to the Engineer's Estimate, Approving Amendment to the Engineer's Report and Determining Surplus has occurred. Such revised auditor's roll shall be used for future installments of principal and interest collection. All assessments that were prepaid shall receive refunds as required under said Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. GJK22 o~ aAK~~s-~ ~' T ~' r L7 ~ APPENDS B City of ~ake~s~eld Assessment District No. 93-1 Assessment Diagrams ti ~, , ~ A `' A V 'w+~ ~ ~ U q ~ V ~ ~ ~''~,fzj W ~ ~ h ~ r~r^^ v, w ~Aw ~ ~`~~~~ r^ ~ ~ ~ O vl ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ o ~ ~ f W o(,~~0. *\ 2 ,~ ~ z . ~I ° ~ t'~: s I a r W \ ~ se ~ ° I ~"'r»s ~ '=p ~o'x~u I ~ o `_ Vii., -~I ,W~ I c~.~~~=zi~ ~ ~,.Nn K~ 1 ivy ~ I ~~~p~ '~~ ~.~ oy~y,ol~~ Wt ~~ \~° W ~'5 ,~.~y{~~jA ~ S 6~~ Y ~ O W S ~ ~ O NO.13 yh~'~N aZ W$ N ~ ~. p Y 2WO I ° W ~ W~a(NN 1~ a Y ~ ~~ ~j`~ Z. 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