HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-3 Engineers Report Proposed ChangesASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEKBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) ASSESSMENT. ENGINEER WILSON & ASSOCIATES 4221 W. Sierra Madre, Suite 201 Fresno, California 93722 (559) 275-5445 August 6, 1999 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) CITY OF BAKER FIELD Ma ov rand City Council Bob Price, Mayor Irma Carson, Councilmember First Ward Patricia DeMond, Councilmember Second Ward Michael Maggard, Councilmember Third Ward David Couch, Councilmember Fourth Ward Randy Rowles, Vice Mayor, Councilmember Fifth Ward Jackie Sullivan, Councilmember Sixth Ward Mark Salvaggio, Councilmember Seventh Ward Alan Tandy, City Manager Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director Gregory Klimko, Finance Director TABLE OF CONTENTS ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROFOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) DESCRIPTION PAGE Background ..................................................................1 Proposal for Additional Improvements in Silver Creek Area ............................ 1 Analysis of Effects of Proposed Improvement Additions and Deletions on Benefited Silver Creek Area Parcels .............................................................3 Analysis of Requested Ashe Road Improvement Additions to AD 94-3 . ................... 3 Recommendation to Add Ashe Road Improvements to AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area Authorized Scope of Acquisitions ................................................... . ...... 4 Analysis of the Requested Harris Road Walls Deletion of Work ......................... 4 Recommendation to Delete Harris Road Walls from the Scope of AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area Acquisitions ..................................................................5 Analysis of Wall Relocation from Panama Lane North Right-Of--Way to Reliance Drive West Right-of--Way .................................................................5 Recommendation to Approve the Panama Lane to Reliance Drive Wall Acquisition Transfer .. 6 29182F.TOC 1 8/6/99 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) Background The Engineer's Report and Assessment for the referenced City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 ("AD 94-3") was confirmed September 27, 1995, and bonds in the amount of the unpaid assessments were sold in December of 1995 to finance the acquisition by the City of Bakersfield (the "City") of certain public improvements specifically benefiting properties within the boundaries of AD 94-3. The improvements to be financed are to be constructed by Castle & Cooke as the owner and developer of the assessed AD 94-3 properties, and when completed, the authorized improvements are to be acquired by the City using only the available AD 94-3 funds pursuant to City Agreement No. 95-112, Acquisition and Disclosure Agreement for AD 94-3. The construction of the authorized improvements by Castle & Cooke and City acquisition of those improvements are proceeding in accordance with Agreement No. 95-112. On April 23, 1997, the Bakersfield City Council (the "City Council") adopted its Resolution No. 64-97 approving Change and Modification No. 1 for AD 94-3, which approved a change in location and reallocation of related assessments for certain park improvements for the Seven Oaks South Area to the Seven Oaks North Area in AD 94-3. Accordingly, the proposed changes in authorized Silver Creek work and acquisitions described and recommended herein, if approved by the Council, will be Change and Modification No. 2 to the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report. PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER CREEK AREA An analysis by City staff and Castle & Cooke representatives of the status of AD 94-3 work and acquisitions in progress has been completed. The results of that analysis show that the total cost of improvement acquisitions in the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area will be $320,034.00 less than the estimated total cost of the Silver Creek Area acquisitions shown in the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report. 29- 182F.RPT 1 8/6/99 City Proect/Panama Lane: $773,435.00 budgeted; $692,032.17 paid by AD 94-3; $0.00 pending; Potential Surplus: $81,402.83 Panama Lane Street/Landscape/Walls: $968,813 budgeted; $466,768.04 acquired; $334,644.22 pending; Potential Surplus: $167.400.74 Subtotal Panama Lane Surplus: $248,803.57 Harris Road Street/Landscape Project: $613,075 budgeted; $539,848.15 acquired; $0.00 pending; Potential Surplus: $73,226.85 Reliance Drive Landscaping Proiect: $16$,635.00, budgeted; $37,742.51 acquired; $131,382.12 pending; Potential Surplus: ($489.63) Total. Potential Surplus: Panama Lane City Project Panama Lane Castle & Cooke Project Harris Road Castle & Cooke Project Reliance Drive Landscaping Project Subtotal Less Contingency Allowance Net Surplus Work-in-Progress $81,402.83 $167,400.74 $73,226.85 ($489.63) $321,540.79 ~$1 506.79) $320,034.00 On July 30 1999, Castle & Cooke filed a letter with the City (copy attached hereto as "Appendix A") requesting the view fence/wall along the north right-of--way of Harris Road be deleted from the scope of the Silver Creek Area improvements described in the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report. If approved by the City Council, the deletion of an additional $107,076.00 in surplus Silver Creek Area funds will create a combined total funding surplus of $427,110.00. The referenced July 30 letter also requested that the City Council consider a change to the scope of authorized work for AD 94-3 that would use the $427,110.00 of surplus Silver Creek Area funds to acquire a portion of Ashe Road improvements that are to be constructed within the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area between Harris Road on the north and Panama Lane on the south. An itemized estimate of the total cost of the Ashe Road improvements and related incidental costs requested by Castle & Cooke to be added to the scope of AD 94-3 improvement acquisitions is included in the attached Appendix A. 29.182F.RPT 2 8/6/99 ANALYSIS OF EFFECTS OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS ON BENEFITED SILVER CREEK AREA PARCELS Analysis of Requested Ashe Road Improvement Additions to AD 94-3 The proposed use of the surplus AD 94-3 Panama Lane and Harris Road Improvement System Acquisition funds is to acquire all, or an operational portion of, the Ashe Road Improvements that are to be constructed by Castle & Cooke from the existing Harris Road/Ashe Road intersection southerly one-half mile to the planned Panama Lane/Ashe Road intersection. Ashe Road is designated by the City for construction as a four-lane median divided Arterial Street with two northbound and two southbound traffic lanes, bike path, and landscaped and hardscaped median island. The proposed scope of work to be funded by AD 94-3 includes street grading, aggregate base, and asphalt concrete paving for two southbound traffic lanes (26 feet total width) and one northbound traffic lane (14 feet total width), median curb and median landscaping for the above- described one-half mile section of Ashe Road, the installation of 16-inch diameter water main in the Ashe Road right-of--way from Harris Road southerly 1,055 feet to the south boundary of Tract No. 5846, the installation of water main and sewer main in future street intersections, and contingency. The proposed scope of acquisitions also would include incidental work and costs more specifically described as City plan check and inspection fees, water inspection fees, improvement bonds, design engineering, construction staking, soil testing and final report. This one-half mile section of Ashe Road is required to be constructed as a condition of City approval for the development of the Silver Creek Community and is located entirely within the boundaries of the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area. Accordingly, the proposed Ashe Road Improvements bear a rational nexus to the development of the Silver Creek Area properties that have been assessed the cost of the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area improvement acquisitions. As the appointed Assessment Engineer for AD 94-3, I have reviewed the proposed use of available funds to acquire the Ashe Road Improvements described above and find that: 1. The Silver Creek Area Improvement acquisition costs have been spread to the Silver Creek Area properties as an equal cost per acre. 2. The proposed Ashe Road Improvements are Development Entitlement/Arterial Class Improvements that will provide benefits to all AD 94-3 Silver Creek properties that are comparable to the benefits those properties receive from the Panama Lane and Harris Road Street Improvements included in the Description of Work contained in the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report. 3. The proposed Ashe Road Improvements are located entirely within the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area boundaries and will be constructed adjacent to the frontage of the same originally assessed parcel along which the AD 94-3 Panama Lane, Reliance Drive, and Harris Road Improvements were constructed. 29-182F.RPT 3 8/6/99 4. Adding the Ashe Road Improvements to the scope of AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area Improvement Acquisitions will not increase the AD 94-3 total assessment and will not require the use of funds originally assessed to any of the other AD 94-3 community areas. 5. It is more cost effective to use the surplus AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area improvement acquisition funds to acquire like kind improvements that provide a similar benefit to the assessed Silver Creek Area parcels than it would be if those surplus funds were used to call AD 94-3 bonds in advance of maturity. Calling bonds will incur otherwise unnecessary bond call expenses. 6. The use of surplus Silver Creek Area improvement acquisition funds to acquire the proposed scope of Ashe Road Improvements would be comparable to the use of those funds for their approved purpose of acquiring the Panama Lane, Reliance Drive, and Harris Road Improvements. Therefore, based on this finding of comparable benefit, it is my further finding that those available funds were allocated by the original assessment spread in direct proportion to the estimated benefit the assessed parcels in the Silver Creek Area will receive from the proposed Ashe Road Improvements and, accordingly, the Silver Creek Area parcel assessments will not need to be respread if the Ashe Road Improvement Acquisitions are added to the AD 94-3 scope of authorized funding. Recommendation to Add Ashe Road Improvement$ to AD ~4-3 Silver creek Area A~thorize~ Scope of Acq~~sitiQns Based on the above-stated finding of comparable benefit from the Ashe Road Improvements, it is recommended that the City Council consider adopting a resolution that will: A. Modify the General Description of Work contained in Section II of the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report to add the above-described Ashe Road improvements and incidental costs to the scope of authorized Silver Creek Area acquisitions; B. Approve the map attached hereto as Appendix B and entitled "Modified Exhibit E Map No. 5 Engineer's Report AD 94-3" showing the general location of the proposed Ashe Road Improvement Acquisitions. Analysis of the Requested Harris Road Walls Deletion of Work The wall improvements requested for deletion from the authorized scope of AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area improvement acquisitions have already been constructed as "View Walls," which are an interim wall improvement authorized by the City that permit potential new home purchasers to see the houses in a new subdivision as they drive by on the arterial street. The City requires subdivision developers to enter into an agreement with the City to complete construction of a "view wall" to its final design height after marketing of the new subdivision lots is completed. The subdivider is also 29-I $2F.RPT 4 8/6/99 required to post a security bond to guarantee that sufficient funds are available to complete those walls. Castle & Cooke has entered into a "view wall" agreement with the City, has posted the required bond, and has constructed the "view wall" along the north right-of--way of Harris Road. However, because of the extended time needed to complete marketing of all of the adjacent subdivision lots, the completion to final height and acquisition by the City of the Harris Road Walls through AD 94-3 may extend beyond the time available for use of the AD 94-3 bond proceeds. Accordingly, to avoid a delay in the use of those funds to a date beyond the date of authorized use of bond proceeds, Castle & Cooke has requested that the Harris Road Walls acquisition be deleted from the AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area scope of work and has further requested that the City apply those funds to the proposed acquisition of Ashe Road Improvements. Recommendation to Delete Harris Road Walls from the Scope of AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area Acquisitions Based on the finding described above that the Harris Road Walls improvements will be constructed but their cost financed from other than AD 94-3 funds, deletion of those improvements from the authorized scope of AD 94-3 Silver Creek Area acquisitions will not eliminate the benefits that the assessed properties receive from those improvements. Accordingly, it is recommended that the City Council consider adopting a resolution that will: A. Modify the General Description of Work contained in Section II of the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report to delete the Harris Road Walls from the authorized scope of Silver Creek Area acquisitions; and B. Approve the aforesaid "Modified Exhibit E Map No. 5" showing the general location of the Harris Road Walls recommended for deletions. Analysis of Wall Relocation from Panama Lane North Right Of-Wa ty o Reliance Drive ~V~st Right- o-~X City General Plan Amendment ("GPA") 4-95 Segment VI and Zone Change ("ZC") 5672 approved in February 1996, changed the land use and zoning fora 25-acre area at the northwest corner of the Panama Lane and future Ashe Road intersection from R-1 (single-family residential) to R-2 (multi-family residential). The zone change area has approximately 700 feet of frontage along the north right-of--way of Panama Lane and the originally approved scope of Silver Creek Area acquisitions included wall improvements to be constructed along that frontage. Right-of--way walls are not required for R-2 property. Accordingly, Castle & Cooke filed a request at that time to transfer that authorized 700 feet of wall acquisition funding to the west right-of--way of Reliance Drive for installation from Panama Lane northerly to Wilderness Drive. 29-182F.RPT J 8/6/99 Recommendation to An~rove the Panama Lane to Reliance Drive Wall Acquisition Transfer Panama Lane within Silver Creek Area is classified as a major arterial and Reliance Drive as a major collector, both of which are required to be constructed with right-of--way walls as conditions of development entitlement approval for the Silver Creek Area. All of the Silver Creek Area properties in AD 94-3 are benefited by and were assessed a share of the Panama Lane wall as a required arterial street improvement. Accordingly, the transfer of acquisition funding for the 700 feet of wall described above will provide an equivalent level of development entitlement benefit to the properties assessed for the acquisition cost of the wall in either its Panama Lane location or its Reliance Drive location. Therefore, in accordance with the finding of equivalent. benefit, it is recommended that the City Council consider adoption of a resolution that will: A. Modify the General Description of Work contained in Section II of the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report to include 700 feet of wall along the west right-of--way of Reliance Drive, between Panama Lane and Wilderness Drive, in the authorized scope of Silver Creek Area acquisitions and to delete 700 feet of wall and equal acquisition cost, along the north right-of--way of Panama Lane from Ashe Road westerly 700 feet from the authorized scope of acquisitions; and B. Approve the aforesaid "Modified Exhibit E Map No. 5" showing the general location of the above-described wall acquisition changes. Prepared by: ~~pFESS/p~,~ ~~~~ ~PRD J. Wj~so F2G' c~ 'L ~ w N0.23269 ~ EXP.12/31/O1 \3'~~ CIVII.~Q~ ~~Q _ Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23269 Assessment Engineer, Assessment District No. 94-3 29.182F.RPT 6 8/6/99 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) APPENDIX A COPY OF LETTER FROM CASTLE & COOKE 661-664-6030 CASTLE8.C0(~KE CALIF, ?1? P02 JUL 30'99 16:06 castle & Cooke CALxpORNI.A„ INC, xuly 30, 1999 City of Bakersfield Public Works Depaztrnent 1503, Truxtun Avenue $akersfield, CA 93301 ATIN; Marion Shaw Re: Assessrnex-t District 94-3 M-lVic #b800.48 Deaf Marion: ( Castle & Caolce hereby requests the deletion of the view fence/waU along Harris Road £xom the AD 94-3 reimbursezinents and the application of those funds to go towards additional construction ~ of Ashe Road. Speciftcally, the inclusion of median curb and median landscaping in Ashe Road I, from Haxris Road to Panama Lane. The ann~ount of those ft~nds ideaati£ted in the Engineer's Report for the view fence/wall is $107,076.00. T'tus brings the total available far reimbursement for coxtistruction of Ashe Road to be $427,110,00 with the original work estimated to be $313,204.00, the additional median curb being $34,372.00 and the balance of $83,538.00 to be applied towards landscaping (see attached estimate), Sincerely, ~1CCtN0. W haB~.~ Laura Whitaker cc: Ed Wilson 10UU0 Stockdaae F~iighway (93311) 1?O. Bax 111b5 • Bakersfield, CA 93389.1265 (661)664-6500 • Fax (661)664-6042 900/ZOOC~ JHISdH02IAd/S 0 0 E8i~L fiZ£ 508.~i LZ~80 66/i~0/80 661-664-6030 GASTI.._EB~COCIKE CALIF. '?17 P03 JUL 30' 99 16; 06 t:1L.-30 99 15:51 FRQM:MAR7IN hiCINTOSIi i 661-834-09?i? TQ: 6Ei16646188 PAGE:02 CQfsT iiTIMATR~ • OIrI~d1'1rLtS ~ /IiNS' AQAQ Date; 7/30/$9 511ver Greek -Tract 5!146 Job . {o: 86.6821.49 P.«ssnd 8y: tar e e t Uni I ase tr+e~et Tprovsm~nt~ tiradtne 1 Mobiliiaticn 1 Is 1 Y240,00 12,240 T, ltpadwey Excavation 6500 cy 2.00 13,000 3. ~etnolitian 1 Is 2600,00 2 500 u oa , storm Dram tm~otettnrr+ts 4. AC Swsied 50 If 4 QO 200 6, 6' fnolns 270 If 10.00_ ~„~ 70 YtitG rw Mover Improrenie4ts 6, 10' S+MW- tine 60 ff 1$.00 1,080 ?. Raise Manholars 5 as 40A,00 2 000 uptotl . , water tmlr-ovwn+nl. 8. 12' Wat*-Sln~ la0 it 1?.00 2,380 S. ls' waterline 1055 It 21.00 22,155 30. 1Z' Gsta Valw 1 01 950.00 9S0 S 1. !6' Oste Vaire 1 ~ 21Q0.00 2.100 12. Whsr1 FlyCrgnt 1 es 600,00 600 13 2' Irr~tlon SaNicac l ee 1000 00 1.000 _ u later , l Strert in~prsr~m~wtts~' l ld, A,C. Psvlr~ 34b1 tns 26.5Q 51,115 13. A~resate 8asa 2850 cy Q3.90 66,975 16 5ubptede Prap+iratton 11787 sy 1.t30 11781 otai 0,4 '~ 5outhbound: T+Ko lenas - 26' wide ' No-tAbound: onQ lane • 14' wide Subtotal, Alt at above: 236,982 Continency, 7 4 % 17 2 EUaTOTAI, CQNST~ IUGTION G08T6: R , CIt1r of BakersHsld fees 17, plan Cheek b inspsotion Fees. 5.299 18. Water Inspection fors; 4 ~ 01 water ~tamt 1,254 19 tnstsroveervmt 8vnda: 3,3$4 ~ ~ Su t~ 9,9~ Qastitl LnBiltaerlft8 20, Oediin Engineering. ~ ubtetal Construction Admtnlatraiion , 2a. Construction Inspection; Is 5,013 ]2. Sail; Tarts A Final F2epoR 3 g6 nt cortst 7.520 23. Construction Staking: la 00 6 8 alai Aswssmant LnBiekM-*1e+8 24. Rewda Projects 10 0 ' u o 10,000 TOTAL EiTIMATQD COPT OF PRbJECf: ~~ 3. 00 '! Mvdfren Curb i Madien Larradscape KadlaA CurM i t.aa~sesve 1. Madi~nCur6 5062 It 600 3p,372 2. Landiceping 57128 st Z.2$ H3 538 1 u ota 113, Subtotal, All of above: i 13,910 ContingcncY 0 % 0 suBrc~rAl. CONS , TOTM. AFL, s2 ,ila ~71'1C 'Ncr>'ltft :Jl(t:Jrllar~i. Ckll Engins.z l,ww swrgors, 2041 wnaMn cwri. 8alcersfiela, c~larNa 9JS69 2t 49~E6T,XL& Page 1 0} 1 Aiho F10Ad 900/£00~ DNISdH~2lfld/8 0 0 £Bt~L tiZ£ 908~i LZ~80 66/DO/80 661-654-6030 CASTLE&COOKE CAt_.IF. 'UI.-30 9~ 15:51 FROM:MRRTIN i°ICINTDSH 561~-83<}-8'372 6XMI8iT 1d TA9lE 13.11-E 'ri'r ra4 ~ uu .~n • ~-~ to : c- TQ:6616EA6188 F'ACa£: ~3 ENGtN6>=R'S R£Pb1~T CITY O1+ BAKERBFIEI.D A1451's$6M£NT DISTRICT N0.94-3 ENGINESR'S ITlrMItEQ E8'1'IMATH OP lMPR~MlIVT GOS'I' $I(.VER CREEK IMPROVEMENTS TQ ~ ACCt~D tPaNAW1A U1N$~ NARRt$ Rt1., ANO REZIANCE DR. UWDSCAPE tMPRCNElVFENTS) J. TOTAL HARR18 ROAQ iTRFR~' S UNDBRaROUND iMPROVl~IYIENTS 3. NA~s tt4Aq WALL IMPROVEMENTS A. BLOGK WALi- B. GON57. CONTINGENCY (10°.6) C. INCIDENTAL COST Pleln t`,hsdc foss Perlo Bond Ue~algn t=ls8lnre-in$ Conttaotor Ovelltioad inspsttioA Soils Testing & Report e+....~sle..wNww 4tr~4~e.n 11AOt7 QF A.130 X13,476 37x,100 a7,4~o sl,ssti $3,341 36,1 i8,i61 sz,1a1 =t,a~o 93.111 a r p, TO?Al, HARRiS ROAD WAtJ. IMPROVEMENTS $~QZ•~a ~. RELIANCE DRIVE LANDSCAPE A. EAST PARK tJ1ND6GAPtNG a.1..andacapMp 11180 SF 2.s 527,050 b. Canal, Gontingency (1091) 82,T9S c. Incidegtsls Contrilctor ovsrttosd (10',6) a~,OT6 Corot. fnspectlor+ ° 5922 i$6q h) Soils 7sstinp R RppoR (2 Plan C~eCK Fee9 5817 688 51 Pertonnanae Bond . Oesbn Enpineering s3E8 LerldOOi~pe pesisn _ ~ Totef incidentals ~~ TQ AL EAST PARK IAND8GAPIN 29/82aIt;6H A B-It-A.d 09/Qt1s?3 900/600(~j JNISVH~21fid/9 U ~ £86L 6Z£ a08~. 8Z~80 66/1.0/80 ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT ON PROPOSED CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED WORK AND ACQUISITIONS FOR THE SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY AREA IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) APPENDIX B MODIFIED EXHIBIT E MAP NO.S ENGINEER' S REPORT AD 94-3 ~ ~~ o =s m o~ a O ~ ~ tt~ ~ m4 ~ O a ° 3 l j vi v"'i i u ~ ap 'p^ o o ~° ~ 2a2ao WW° ~ `~ a ~ ° ~ ~ K pJ 2FZ Z ~ K ~ Zypj ~' ~. ~~y ~ oa'4' go ~ ~ a ~ 3~ m a ~° ~ o ~i > ? 3zaw aN ~ a ° F ? ~-' ~ w g ~~ ~~ ~ ~ cps W U p NaoW ~~ a ~ z ~ o ai ~ ~ ~ as Wo 0 o i ~ ~ `/~, ~ N z 3 ~g h ~3 ~z a3 ,aai^ ~p 4 av. Z .x- ~ ~p ~^ HW ° pd 3 .~- a '~`I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Q°N F~ FU FO K K FO Q ~ O .0.10 O Z Za ~ ? 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