HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-3 Engineers Report Addendum #1ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED. ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Mayor and City Council Bob Price, Mayor Irma Carson, Councilmember First Ward Patricia DeMond, Vice Mayor, Councilmember Second Ward Patricia M. Smith, Councilmember Third Ward Kevin McDermott, Councilmember Fourth Ward Randall L. Rowles, Councilmember Fifth Ward Jacquie Sullivan, Councilmember Sixth Ward Mark C. Salvaggio, Councilmember Seventh Ward Ci Staff Alan Tandy, City Manager Judy Skousen, City Attorney Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director Gregory Klimko, Finance Director BOND COUNSEL Samuel A. Sperry Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe San Francisco, California ASSESSMENT ENGINEER Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates Fresno, California UNDERWRITER Robert L. Williams, Jr., Vice President Sutro & Company San Francisco, California ~~~ ,~~Q~ ~ ~ Wi~~o` ~~~`~ 4o ti 1 ~. ~ N0. 23269 ~~ ~ EXP. 12- tst"1 ~ ~ i `~`rv,r. CIVI~~"~ ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) CERTIFICATE OF FILING I, Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that the following "ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3," including the Amended Assessment Roll in the amounts set forth therein as the "Amended Assessment Principal eff. 1/1/97 After Change and Modification No. l," was filed with me on the _I- +~- day of ~~, , 1997. ~ ~, Ciry Clerk Ciry of Bakersfield, California I have prepared this Addendum to Modified Engineer's Report and do hereby certify that the amounts set forth herein as the "Amended Assessment Principal eff. 1/1/97 After Change and Modification No. 1" on Exhibit A, Table A-I, and as the "Second Amended Notice of Assessment Amount as Modified per Change and Modification No. 1," on Exhibit A, Table A-II, attached hereto, have been computed by me in accordance with the order of the City of Bakersfield. '~ ~ .1N' ~,Q.a-~-- Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E 23269 Assessment Engineer, Assessment District No. 94-3 I, Raul M. Rojas, as Director of Public Works of the Ciry of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that a certified copy of the following "ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3," was recorded in my office on the ~j~- day of tr.~- , 1997. Director of Public W s City of Bakersfield, alifornia 29182CER.CMA -1- 5/28/1'Y TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT DESCRIBING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, AND ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) DESCRIPTION PAGE CERTIFICATE OF FILING .......................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................ii ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT DESCRIBING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, AND ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) ...... 1 SECTIONS I. Background ............................ ................... 1 II. Description of Changes to the Modified Engineer's Report Approved by the City Council on April 23, 1997 ................................. 2 REPORT EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A TABLE A-I AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL TABLE A-II SUMMARY TABLE OF ORIGINAL AND MODIFIED ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR INDIVIDUAL PARCELS TABLE A-III A. LIST OF AFFECTED PARCELS IN SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH) NOT OWNED BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT AND FOR WHICH THE CALCULATED INCREASES IN ASSESSMENT ARE PAID BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT B. RECONCILIATION OF ORIGINAL, AMENDED, AND UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPALS FOR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS IN SEVEN OAKS AREAS (NORTH) AND SEVEN OAKS AREA (SOUTH) 29182TOC.CMA -11- 5/28/97 ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT DESCRIBING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, AND ASSESSMENT FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) L Background The Modified Engineer's Report for the above-captioned assessment district (hereinafter "AD 94-3") and the amended assessment contained therein were approved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield (the "City Council") on Apri123, 1997, by adoption of its Resolution No. 64-97. The Modified Engineer's Report and the Amended Assessment Diagram for AD 94-3 Change and Modification No. 1 and Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 22 were recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield on April 25, 1997, and the Amended Assessment Diagram and Notice of Amended Assessment for AD 94-3 Change and Modification No. 1 and Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 22 were filed and recorded, respectively, on Apri125, 1997, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern. Signed copies of the Modified Engineer's Report are on file in the office of the City Clerk and in the office of the City Director of Public Works. The referenced Notice of Amended Assessment (recorded as Document No. 0197056617) reflects the changes described below and shows the same amounts as presented in Table A-I of Exhibit A attached to this Addendum to the Modified Engineer's Report. II. Description of Changes to the Modified Engineer's Report Approved by the City Council on Apri123,1997 Shortly before the City Council meeting on Apri123, 1997, and not early enough to make necessary changes in the Modified Engineer's Report, the City of Bakersfield (the "City") received written acceptance of assessment increase and waiver of hearing from property owners of a[t properties on which assessments were to be increased by Change and Modification No. 1, including the property owner of Amended Assessment No. 1040 (Kraig J. Gradowitz). At the time of filing the Modified Engineer's Report with the City, and until the day of the City Council meeting approving the Modified Engineer's Report, it was anticipated that Castle & Cooke California, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "District Proponent") would not obtain such written acceptance from the property owner of Amended Assessment No. 1040, and that the District Proponent would need to deposit funds with the City Finance Department to cover the calculated assessment increase for that parcel. However, since the property owner of Amended Assessment No. 1040 agreed in writing to the assessment increase as proposed by Change and Modification No. 1, the City has instructed the Assessment Engineer for AD 94-3 to prepare and file with the City this Addendum to the Modified Engineer's Report (the "Addendum"). 29182RPT.CMA -1- 5/29/97 Attached to this Addendum as Exhibit A are three tables (Tables A-I, A-II, and A-III) showing the amended assessment amounts as updated based on the above-described fact that the property owner of Amended Assessment No. 1040 agreed to the proposed assessment increase per Change and Modification No. 1. All three tables are in the same format as presented in the Modified Engineer's Report approved by the City Council on Apri123, 1997. As shown in the far right column of Table A-I in Exhibit A to this Addendum, the total Amended Assessment Principal Eff. 1/1/97 After Change and Modification No. 1 is $4,083,070.89. This amount is $777.37 higher than the $4,083,293.52 total shown in Table A-I of Exhibit A of the Modified Engineer's Report, which is the exact amount of assessment increase of Amended Assessment No. 1040 originally anticipated to be paid by the District Proponent. Also, based on the above-described. acceptance of the assessment increase for Amended Assessment No. 1040, the following paragraphs of the Modified Engineer's Report are changed and/or deleted as described below: The last paragraph on page 4 that reads as follows: 4. Assessments on recorded tract lots located in the Section 6 Park No. 2 Assessment Area that have been sold and are no longer owned by the District Proponent and for which no written acceptance of assessment increase and waiver of hearing has been obtained by the City, are not to have their existing assessment amount increased by this Change and Modification No. 1. The District Proponent has deposited funds with the City Finance Department sufficient to cover the calculated Section 6 Park No. 2 cost shares for these parcels, adjusted for the Bond Reserve Fund credits and applicable bond call expenses. is modified to read as follows: 4. Assessments on recorded tract lots located in the Section 6 Park No. 2 Assessment Area that have been sold and are no longer owned by the District Proponent and for which no written acceptance of assessment increase and waiver of hearing has been obtained by the City, are not to have their existing assessment amount increased by this Change and Modification No. 1. The City has received such written acceptance from property owners of all affected properties and the District Proponent did not need to deposit funds with the City Finance Department sufficient to cover the calculated Section 6 Park No. 2 cost shares for these parcels. 29182RPT.CMA -2- 5/29/97 The following portion of the first paragraph on page 8 (the paragraph begins on page 7) is deleted: ...except for Amended Assessment 1040. That parcel is not owned by the District Proponent and no written acceptance by the current property owner of the proposed assessment increase and waiver of notice and hearing on the proposed increase has been received by the City. Accordingly, the District Proponent has paid the City the Section 6 Park No. 2 cost share spread to Amended Assessment 1040, plus estimated bond call expenses in advance of approval by the City Council of Change and Modification No. 1. For Amended Assessment No. 1040 the amended original assessment share (used to calculate Bond Reserve Fund credits) remains unchanged and is as shown on Exhibit A to the AD 94-3 Second Amended Notice of Assessment. The following Section VI of the Modified Engineer's Report is no longer applicable: VI. Pay-off of Calculated Transferred Park Assessment Shares for Parcels Not Owned by the District Proponent Pursuant to directive of the City Finance Officer,. assessments on recorded tract lots in the Section 6 Park No. 2 Assessment Area that have been sold and are no longer owned by the District Proponent, and for which no written acceptance of assessment increase and waiver of hearing has been obtained by the City, are not to be increased by this Change and Modification No. 1 (the "non-modified assessment parcels"). The District Proponent has deposited funds with the City Finance Department sufficient to cover calculated Section 6 Park No. 2 cost shares apportioned to those non-modified assessment parcels, adjusted for the Bond Reserve Fund credits and applicable bond call expenses. See Item A of Table A-III in Exhibit A for a list of parcels in Section 6 that are affected by this Change & Modification No. 1 and that are no longer owned by the District Proponent, and for which the District Proponent has paid sufficient funds to offset the calculated increases in assessment principal adjusted for the Bond Reserve Fund credits and Bond Call expenses. a9is2Rrr.cMn -3- sn9im EXHIBIT A TABLE A-I ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT CHANGE AND MODIFICATION N0. 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL REMAINING INCREASE/ AMENDED ASSESSMENT REDUCTION ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL IN PRINCIPAL EFF.1/1/97 ASSESSMENT EFF.1/1/97 CREATED FROM BEFORE PRINCIPAL PER AFTER AMENDED EXISTING ORIGINAL ASSESSOR'S CHANGE AND CHANGE AND CHANGE AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER MODIFICATION MODIFICATION MODIFICATION NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) PROPERTY OWNER NAME NO. 1 NO. 1 NO. 1 1002 (1) 902 5 390-010-31-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 1002 (1) 902 5 390-010-55-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC Remainder of 1002 (1) 902 5 390-010-77-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 1,596,344.34 283,232.37 1,879,576.71 1003 772 5 390-101-01-00-3 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1004 773 5 390-101-02-00-6 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1005 774 5 390-101-03-00-9 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1006 775 5 390-101-04-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 65,451.79 17,185.06 82,636.85 1007 739 5 390-101-05-00-5 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.61 634.19 3,068.80 1008 740 5 390-101-06-00-8 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1009 741 5 390-101-07-00-1 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1010 742 5 390-101-08-00-4 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1011 743 5 390-101-09-00-7 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1012 744 5 390-101-10-00-9 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1013 745 5 390-101-11-00-2 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1014 746 5 390-102-01-00-0 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1015 747 5 390-103-01-00-7 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1016 748 5 390-103-02-00-0 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1017 749 5 390-103-03-00-3 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1018 750 5 390-103-04-00-6 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1019 751 5 390-103-05-00-9 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,088.98 1020 752 5 390-103-OB-00-2 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1021 753 5 390-103-07-00-5 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1022 754 5 390-103-08-00-8 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1023 755 5 390-103-09-00-1 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1024 756 5 390-103-10-00-3 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1025 757 5 390-103-11-00-6 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1026 758 5 390-103-12-00-9 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1027 759 5 390-103-13-00-2 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1028 760 5 390-103-14-00-5 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1029 761 5 390-103-15-00-8 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1030 762 5 390-104-01-00-4 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.89 1031 763 5 390-104-02-00-7 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1032 764 5 390-104-03-00-0• KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1033 765 5 390-104-04-00-3 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1034 766 5 390-104-05-00-6 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1035 767 5 390-104-06-00-9 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1036 768 5 390-104-07-00-2 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1037 769 5 390-104-08-00-5 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1038 770 5 390-104-09-00-8 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1039 771 5 390-104-10-00-0 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.28 3,068.99 1040 778 5 390-111-01-00-6 KRAIG J. GRADOWITZ 2,984.06 777.37 3,761.43 1041 779 5 390-111-02-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1042 780 5 390-111-03-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 104$ 781 5 390-111-04-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1044 782 5 390-111-OS-00-B CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2;984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1045 783 5 390-111-06-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,781.46 1046 784 5 390-111-07-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1047 785 5 390-112-01-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1048 786 5 390-112-02-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1049 787 5 390-113-01-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1050 788 5 390-113-02-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1051 789 5 390-113-03-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1052 790 5 390-113-04-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1053 791 5 390-113-05-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761,46 1054 792 5 390-114-01-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1055 793 5 390-115-01-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.08 777.40 3,761.46 1056 794 5 390-115-02-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,781.46 1057 795 5 390-115-03-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1058 796 5 390-115-04-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1059 797 5 390-115-OS-00-B CASTLE 8 COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1060 798 5 390-115-06-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1061 799 5 390-115-07-00-2 J. R. CANADAY CORP. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1062 800 5 390-115-OS-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1063 801 5 390-115-09-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1064 802 5 390-115-10-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1065 803 5 390-115-11-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1066 804 5 390-115-12-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 29182AA1 A-I-1 05/28/97 EXHIBIT A TABLE A-I ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT CHAN GE AND MODIFICATION N0. 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL REMAINING INCREASE/ AMENDED ASSESSMENT REDUCTION ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL IN PRINCIPAL EFF.1/1/97 ASSESSMENT EFF.1/1/97 CREATED FROM BEFORE PRINCIPAL PER AFTER AMENDED EXISTING ORIGINAL ASSESSOR'S CHANGE AND CHANGE AND CHANGE AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER MODIFICATION MODIFICATION MODIFICATION NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) PROPERTY OWNER NAME NO. 1 NO. 1 NO. 1 1067 813 5 390-115-13-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1068 812 5 390-116-01-00-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1069 805 5 390-116-02-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1070 806 5 390-116-03-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1071 807 5 390-116-04-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1072 808 5 390-116-05-00-3 J. R. CANADAY CORP. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1073 809 5 390-116-06-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1074 810 5 390-116-07-00-9 J L. DANDY & CO. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1075 811 5 390-116-08-00-2 J. R. CANADAY CORP. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1076 818 5 390-121-01-00-9 J L. DANDY & CO. 2,984.08 777.39 3,761.45 1077 819 5 390-121-02-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.08 777.40 3,781.46 1078 820 5 390-121-03-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1079 821 5 390-121-04-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1080 822 5 390-121-OS-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1081 823 5 390-122-01-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,964.06 777.40 3,761.46 1082 824 5 390-122-02-00-9 PHILLIP GASKILL INC. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1083 825 5 390-122-03-00-2 PHILLIP GASKILL INC. 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1084 826 5 390-122-04-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1085 827 5 390-122-05-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,984.06 777.40 3,761.46 1086 829 5 390-131-01-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.85 836.13 4,045.98 1087 830 5 390-131-02-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,048.05 1088 831 5 390-131-03-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1089 832 5 390-131-04-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1090 833 5 390-131-05-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1091 834 5 390-132-01-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1092 835 5 390-132-02-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1093 836 5 390-132-03-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1094 837 5 390-132-04-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1095 838 5 390-132-OS-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1096 839 5 390-132-06-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1097 840 5 390-132-07-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1098 841 5 390-132-OS-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1099 842 5 390-132-09-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1100 843 5 390-133-01-00-6 FROEHLICH CONSTRUCTION 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1101 844 5 390-134-01-00-3 FROEHLICH CONSTRUCTION 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1102 845 5 390-134-02.00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1103 846 5 390-134-03-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1104 847 5 390-134-04-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1105 848 5 390-134-05-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1106 849 5 390-134-06-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1107 850 5 390-134-07-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1108 851 5 390-134-08-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1109 852 5 390-134-09-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1110 853 5 390-135-01-00-0 CASTLE 8 COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 3,209.83 836.22 4,046.05 1111 854 5 390-131-06-00-7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1112 855 5 390-135-02-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1113 903 5 TR 5426-A; LOT 1 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.27 3,068.98 1114 904 5 TR 5426-A; LOT 2 KYLE CARTER HOMES INC 2,434.71 634.26 3,088.97 1115 905 5 TR 5428-A; LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,434.71 634.26 3,068.97 1116 906 5 TR 5426-A; LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 2,434.71 634.26 3,068.97 1117 907 5 TR 5426-A; LOT A BUENA VISTA CANAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 1118 77 77 393-010-22-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 71,084.95 (13,368.18) 57,896.77 1119 (2) 816 76 393-010-15-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 259,596.55 (36,955.77) 222,640.78 1119 (2) 816 76 393-010-29-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 1,172,961.11 (220,565.43) 952,395.68 1119 (2) 816 76 393-010-31-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 305,431.99 (55,339.37) 250,092.62 1120 78 78 393-121-01-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.75 (1,005.95) .4,126.80 1121 79 79 393-121-02-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1122 80 80 393-121-03-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1123 81 81 393-121-04-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1124 82 82 393-121-05-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1125 83 83 393-121-06-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1126 84 84 393-121-07-00-8 STUART DONALD L & DONITA D 3,467.60 0.00 3,467.60 1127 85 85 393-121-08-00-1 WEAVER JACK L & KAREN E 3,467.60 0.00 3,467.60 1128 86 86 393-121-09-00-4 MC CARTY ROBERT W & LAURICE F 3,467.61 0:00 3,467.61 1129 87 87 393-121-10-00-6 CERRO PHILIP J II & LISA J 0.00 0.00 0.00 1130 88 88 393-121-11-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1131 89 89 393-121-12-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1132 90 90 393-121-13-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 29182AA1 A-I-2 05/28/97 EXHIBIT A TABLE A-I ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT CHANGE AND MODIFICATION N0. 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL REMAINING INCREASE/ AMENDED ASSESSMENT REDUCTION ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL IN PRINCIPAL EFF.1/1/97 ASSESSMENT EFF.1/1/97 CREATED FROM BEFORE PRINCIPAL PER AFTER AMENDED EXISTING ORIGINAL ASSESSOR'S CHANGE AND CHANGE AND CHANGE AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER MODIFICATION MODIFICATION MODIFICATION NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) PROPERTY OWNER NAME NO. 1 NO. 1 NO. 1 1133 91 91 393-121-14-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1134 92 92 393-121-15-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1135 93 93 393-121-16-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,128.83 1136 94 94 393-121-17-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1137 95 95 393-121-18-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1138 96 96 393-121-19-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1139 97 97 393-121-20-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1140 98 ~ 98 393-121-21-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1141 99 99 393-121-22-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1142 100. 100 393-121-23-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1143 101 101 393-121-24-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1144 102 102 393-121-25.00-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1145 103 103 393-121-26-00-3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1146 104 104 393-121-27-00-6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1147 105 105 393-121-28-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1148 106 106 393-122-01.00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1149 107 107 393-122-02-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1150 108 108 393-122-03-00-3 GILBERT BACA 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1151 109 109 393-122-04-00-6 STARK LAWRENCE W & CATHERINE R 3,467.61 0.00 3,467.61 1152 110 110 393-122-05-00-9 CANADYiCENTL 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1153 111 111 393-122-06-00-2 O MAHONEY THOMAS R & PATRICIA G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1154 112 112 393-122-07-00-5 PHARES ROBERT A & MARY LYNN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1155 113 113 393-122-08-00-8 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1156 114 114 393-122-09-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1157 115 115 393-122-10-00-3 JOSEPH PFEIFLE 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1158 116 116 393-122-11-00-6 BHA PROPERTIES LLC 5,132.80 (1,005.97) 4,126.83 1159 117 117 393-122-12-00-9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0.00 0.00 0.00 1160 514 76 393-131-01-00-3 ARMED MUSHTAQ & REHMAT S 7,230.28 (1,309.92) 5,920.36 1161 515 76 393-131-02-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1162 516 76 393-131-03-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1163 517 76 393-131-04-00-2 RATLIFF CHARLES F & A DAWN 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1164 518 7fi 393-131-05-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1165 519 76 393-131-06-00-8 COLEMAN THOMAS M & POLLY A 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1166 520 76 393-131-07-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1167 521 76 393-131-08-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1168 522 76 393-131-09-00-7 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1169 523 76 393-131-10-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1170 524 76 393-131-11-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1171 535 76 393-131-12-00-5 SEVEN OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1172 537 76 393-131-14-00-1 SEVEN OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1173 538 76 393-131-15-00-4 SEVEN OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1174 525 76 393-132-01-00-0 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1175 526 76 393-132-02-00-3 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1176 527 76 393-132-03-00-6 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920:08 1177 528 76 393-132-04-00-9 JAMES VARNER 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1178 529 76 393-132-OS-00-2 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1179 530 76 393-132-06-00-5 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1180 531 76 393-132-07-00-B CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1181 532 76 393-132-08-00-1 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1182 533 76 393-132-09-00-4 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 1183 536 76 393-132-10-00-6 SEVEN OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1184 534 76 393-132-11-00-9 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA INC 7,230.06 (1,309.98) 5,920.08 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT NO. 1002: $1,596,344.34 $283,232.37 $1,879,576.71 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT NO. 1119: __ $1 737 989.65 ($312 860.57) $1 425,129.08 TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: $4,084,070.88 $0.00 $4,084,070.89 (1) THE NOTED PARCELS ARE THE 3 ATNS COMPRISING AMENDED ASSESSMENT N0. 1002 AND EACH ATN PROVIDES A PORTION OF THE SECURITY FOR THE TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT NO. 1002 REMAINING AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF $1,879,578.71. (2J THE-NOTED PARCELS ARE THE 3 ATNS COMPRISING AMENDED ASSESSMENT N0. 1119 AND EACH ATN PROVIDES A PORTION OF THE SECURITY FOR THE TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT NO. 1119 REMAINING AMENDED ASSESSMENTAMOUNTOF $1,425,129.08. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES. ~ ~pEESSlpp ~ FRESNO, CALIFORNIA r_ ~1~ Q~OQ ~ l w/ '~~~~~~ /_~~ APPROVED BY: ~ ~+ ` ~ P~ < ~'~ ; ~4 DATE:_b 29182AA1 C; W y ' ; '~,~. ~~' i ~ N0.23259 ~ ~" Y ~~F.~n`. 05/28/97 F- Q m W J W H M O Z F rU ~O~ OZtn WZO ~OF ~ ~ Q W ~ W l% !~ ~ W ~ y W~~f~ QOQ~ LL W LL ~ Z ~ IVY m 0 U WF. ~ I UZ ZZ F-WV7 QOd, !OO~QWwF !D ~ o ~ O7 ~ r v ~ O 77o c6 n ~ M as ui a 00NO oono oocoo Iwwoow OtOO o7oo ovo w~w aO cn ~ a0 oo ~ n 10N10MN rnrnrnnn MMM(MM mmmrnm 7010 tO N70 X rnrnrnrnrn MMMMMI mm<omco 707010 rnmrn MMf7 mmm ZZ~F- OQ U O ' e0 N Of' ~ N N O) N V' O M r ti n h ~ MMMN/h w w w~ w (M t`07hMM w w w w w (+71+1M w w w w W~ p Q r lL WpNOp=- w w E O w w ~ w ~ i cn Q gU ~Z I fl W Q ~ ~ QO a ~ QZ O O O ~ O O I O ~ O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N - N O O O (0 0 Of 07 0) 70 a0 0 0 0 0 0 a) a) Q)a7 01 0 0 0 O1 W W Z O O w O w O N O w OOC O wwww CCO www O w (V Q) (O fM MtC M 70N t0 r 10 (h CO fh (h (M 70 70 70 70N f~')CMM N 10 U] Q~OW~ W U Z U r rn ~ ro7ocnnm w w w~ w 70mco7cco w w w w w co<nm w w w d'7 ~ll.Z ~ w Z ~ ~ ~ W a ~ Q.'Z W H~ V !O n W ~ O 77D M W OONO OOn0 O t00 0(00 c0 M (0 (0 7070N nN 000.-07 t0707071i In 00000 In lA In 000 ZO QF ~--OO LL ~ O eO r V 07 M 1G n n 7A 07 N OCtOG wwOw O C~C wrw c0 ~ N (0 fV ~ n GCO1~01 rrrn0 1nNNRN OCCCC rrrrr 7nNNN~ GGO rrr ~N70 WO~ O~ W gWd)ZfnOmO 70 OI N 0D ~ M n 7ri ~ NNNnN w w w~ w NNNNN w w w w w NNN w w w fA F Z~ W F' ~~ W (n w ~ M w M w w ~ ~ W Z O ~ ln~pZ~~~ J w w a W LL Q ~ Q~ y am~Ov ~ ZZ N ~ 70 O O ~ I ~ 00nO OOMO ON0 O<}'O 01 n ~ 0007n 00 (0 (0 (OOO 00000 t0 t0 f0 (0 tD 000 O fO (O t QO ~ M ro O ti O ~ 0 ~ H~~ 0 0 70 n °D iiN 70 0 7O fO i~ ( p O 7 ~ J Z ~ W W Q / O fO N O N w o 0 a 0 u a O 7r '7 i 1 t 07 n 1 07 n t 01A u i Q ~ W ~F'-OQr t+f I ep Of n R O R N N ~ R NNN(ON 1'7M Mf~M N N N N N Mf'MMMM N N N MMM Z tq Z LL Z (~ N n ~ n O ~ w ww ~ w www ww www p W O =LL w N M N w ~ w O .Z ~,.~ v Oy~~V w ~s O QQ W~ a ~ p Z Z O O O O O O O O 0000 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 70 LL910 V'N 0 0 0~ 0 7070700N 0 0 0 0 0 70 N7A 0 0 0 u7ZQ0 OWH O w O w C w G w 0000 wwww 000 www 0 w ~ (M CO C7 70 M nnnMn OOt0 Nt0 M fh f~7 fMM nnnnn f0 c0 rfl t0 (0 MC~fM nnn f0 rD f0 ~ ~~Qr o www~w wwwww www ~Q=U.Z Mw w Z ~ ~ ~ W a 0 ~ ~ ~ N 'Q M N OD O O W M pp C O 0 0 n O 00M0 CCa10 O N O 0 V'O 0 M O to n fV ~ 0 j 7n a N r (p 1070N 10 0 +) MM M f to 7n to to 7n 70 70 10 10 70 M M '; M M 1n 7n 7n 70 N70 M M M O~Z ~ J ~~ O m o o n wwaow ~ f wrw o 7• v f C f ~ oooro7n0o c f ( f f ooooo f f f 7>DOao W ~-~ jIL ~ W O Z T N Z f n M 10 7D N 01 ~ n r n ~ w 7A a 0 ('~ 0/ o NNNOIN w w w f 0 w w NNNNN wwwww NfV N ww w ~W~ONQOW ~ V ~U w pf" w w w ~ i O Q ~ tA w n a a°a~¢ fns Nn ~ f(r N ° ° ° MOf 70 ° 0 ~h~ ° M (00f N70 ° ° ° O r sr na1 O ° ° ° ° NOn ° ~m O o7 n o o o7 a0 00 ooo I~ of o oo 7A o oo oo N M ~ 7n O o o 0 0 p I~ O 0 O 00 4 (n~Z Nq'O u7 70 N70 r M700 0O000 a c ) OOOOr r r00 ~~~ Z Q OOZ0 000 O OOO 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Nc'n O O O W - r r r r O O V O 0 0 0 O. 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Q EXHIBIT A TABLE A-III ADDENDUM TO MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT CHANGE AND MODIFICATION NO. 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 LIST OF AFFECTED PARCELS IN SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH- NOT OWNED BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT AND FOR WHICH THE CALCULATED INCREASES IN ASSESSMENT ARE PAID BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR CHANGE AND MODIFICATION NO. 1, THE DISTRICT PROPONENT HAS AGREED TO PAY, PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CHANGE AND MODIFICATION NO. 1, THE CALCULATED AMOUNTS OF ASSESSMENT INCREASE FOR PARCELS IN SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH) NOT OWNED BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT AND FOR WHICH NO WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT AND WAIVER OF HEARING HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE CITY CALCULATED INCREASE IN REMAINING ASSESSMENT CREATED FROM PRINCIPAL PER AMENDED EXISTING ORIGINAL ASSESSOR'S CHANGE AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TAX NUMBER MODIFICATION NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) PROPERTY OWNER NAME NO. 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL REDUCTION IN THE PRINCIPAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: $0.00 NOTE: WRITTEN ACCEPTANCES OF INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT AND WAIVER OF HEARING HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY THE CITY FROM OWNERS OF EACH AFFECTED PROPERTY IN SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH) RECONCILIATION OF ORIGINAL, AMENDED, AND UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPALS FOR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS IN SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH) AND SEVEN OAKS AREA (SOUTH) SEVEN OAKS AREA NORTH SEVEN OAKS AREA SOUTH TOTAL 1. ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT PER SECOND AMENDED NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT $2,031,712.35 $2,178,738.51 $4,210,450.86 2. AMOUNT BILLED ON THE 1996-1997 TAX ROLL (CURRENTLY AFFECTED PROPERTIES ONLY $60,983.51) ($65,396.46) $126,379.97 3. REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL EFF. 1/1197 BEFORE CHANGE & MOD. NO. 1 $1,970,728.84 $2,113,342.05 $4,084,070.89 4. INCREASE/REDUCTION IN REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL PER CHANGE & MOD. NO. 1 $380,899.44 ($380,899.44 $0.00 5. INCREASE IN REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR SEVEN OAKS AREA (NORTH) PARCELS NOT OWNED AND PAID BY THE DISTRICT PROPONENT PRIOR TO APPROVAL FOR CHANGE AND MODIFICATION NO. 1 AS DESCRIBED ABOVE IN ITEM A. N/A N/A $0.00 6. TOTAL INCREASE/REDUCTION IN REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL PER CHANGE AND MODIFICATION NO. 1 $380,899.44 ($380,899.44) $0.00 7. REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL EFF. 1/1/97 AFTER CHANGE & MOD. NO. 1 see ExhibR A, Table A-I for arcel individual assessment amounts $2,351,628.28 $1,732,442.61 $4,084,070.89 NOTES: OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS AS PROVIDED BY THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR ON 02/18197 AND UPDATED BASED ON THE MOST RECENT SALES AS PROVIDED BY CASTLE B COOKE ON 04/01~TJ7. THE REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS AND AMOUNTS BILLED ON THE 1998-1997 TAX ROLL ARE BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCE DEPARTMENT. 29182AA3 A-III-1 05/28/97