HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 244-07 " RESOLUTION NO. 2 4 4 . 0 7 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR 2007 RECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND EXPANSION GRANT FUNDS BY THE BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION OF RETARDED CITIZENS WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act to achieve and maintain high recycling rates for each beverage container type included in the program and provide a number of services to achieve these goals, including enforcement, auditing, grant funding, technical assistance and education; and WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted Assembly Bill 28 (Chapter 753, Statutes of 2003) that provides grants for recycling market development and expansion-related activities aimed at increasing the recycling of beverage containers; and WHEREAS, the Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling (DOC) administers funding programs to assist organizations with establishing convenient beverage container recycling and litter abatement projects, and to encourage market development and expansion activities for beverage container materials; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Association of Retarded Citizens (BARC) applied for grant funds in the amount of $1 ,500,000 and was notified it had been selected to compete in a second round for these grant funds to fund the acquisition of beverage container sorting and plastic processing equipment that will enable BARC to provide washed plastic flakes to local manufacturing companies that are able to use recycled plastic to make new products; and WHEREAS, BARC is developing a recycling facility and programs that will increase recovery of beverage containers, sort post consumer beverage containers by color and resin type, and produce clean plastic flake for use by local manufacturers; and WHEREAS, the BARC recycling facility and programs will provide jobs and job training for adults, many being residents from the former Bakersfield Enterprise Zone Targeted Employment Area; and WHEREAS, the BARC recycling facility and programs will help the County of Kern maintain State mandated waste diversion rates and save landfill space; and WHEREAS, BARC has received grant approvals from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration ($1 million), the Kern County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program ($300,000), and the City of Bakersfield CDBG program ($300,000) to construct site improvements and a commercial/industrial building to house the new recycling program, and G:\GROUPDAT\ADMINRPT\2007\11-07\Resolution BARe.doc - 1 - ~ ~/l.KC:-0> C) ~ ;:.. - I- IT1 _ r- (.) D ORIGINAL WHEREAS, BARC is providing 8 acres of land and matching cash contributions to complete the building project; and WHEREAS, local remanufacturing of plastics processed at BARC will reduce truck miles, diesel consumption, air pollution, carbon emissions and congestion on the 1-5 corridor between Los Angeles and Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has also been invited to submit a grant request for the same DOC Beverage Container Market Development Grant in the amount of $1.5 million; and WHEREAS, taken together, the proposals are strengthened by each other in that they reflect a partnership in the community that will result in closed loop recycling and also reflect synergy that will create added value for beverage eontainers; and WHEREAS, the development of this new recycling capacity at BARC compliments the City's current and planned recycling programs in the Bakersfield metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, even though BARC's proposal is complementary in its operational scope, BARC's grant request is for funds from the same limited source; WHEREAS, in order for BARC's proposal to be successful, the City of Bakersfield must be able to adequately process beverage containers collected in its city-wide curbside recycling program; and WHEREAS, to adequately process beverage containers as a feedstock for BARC, the City is in need of grant funding itself; and WHEREAS, at the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting of October 25,2007 Council reviewed the BARC proposal and approved the motion to submit this matter to the full Council for adoption; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ofthe City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The City of Bakersfield supports BARC's grant request in that it complements the City's grant request and creates synergistic, local, beverage container "closed loop" recycling. 3. Award of the City of Bakersfield's Market Development and Expansion Grant is necessary in order to fully achieve the goals set forth in BARC's proposal. G:\GROUPDAT\ADMINRPT\2007\11-07\Resolution BARe.doc - 2 - ~ ~M~1> C) ~ ;:.. - I- IT1 _ r (.) D ORIGINAL ----------000---------- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on NOV 0 7 2001 by the following vote: ~ tfc5ES': ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ././ v.-:::: v v v eOUNelL MEMBER eARSON, BENFiAM, WEtR, eooeH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, seRIVNER eOUNelL MEMBER ~ eOUNelL MEMBER V\..DlLL eOUNelL MEMBER \Al ~ h, /bsf. CITY CLERK and Ex Council of the City of APPROVED NOV 0 7 2081 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor By APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By ~?n'_ ' ROBERT M. SHERFY Deputy City Attorney G:\GROUPDAT\ADMINRPT\2007\11-07\Resolution BARe.doc - 3 - ~ -o/l.KC:-0> C) ~ ;:.. - I- IT1 _ r- (.) D ORIGINAL II ~ ~ 10/25/2007 21:57 5518349813 BARe PAGE 02/03 ~ , BARC'~ mission is to huiltl a stronger community by helping people with developmental di!l.'lbHilic~ achieve individual goals for A better life. BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS RE: ResOlution to support BARC DOC grant request The Bakersfield Asso~iation for Retarded Citizens has been invited to submit a full grant request for a Department of Conserv8tion (DOC) Beverage Container Market Development Grant in the amount of $1.5 million. BARe prans to use the grant funds to purchase a beverage container sorting line and a plastic processing line to produce washed HOPE flakes from #2 plastic containers. BARe plans to purchase baled whole HOPE bottles from material recovery facilities (MRFs) in the San Joaquin Valley and Tehachapi as a feedstock for the plastic processing line. BARe plans to 8e1l the washed HOPE flakes to a manufactUring company in Bakersfield that can use the flakes to make new products. Having a local source for HOPE flake will benefit the local manufacturing company BARe hilS identified. The company now purchases this meterlal from a supplier in Los Angeles. Purchasing locally will Save them freight charges and reduces air impacts. Erie ^'mbcrg C~oirman Chris Frank Fi~1 Vice Chairman Mike Butcher Second VJce Chairman Charles "Wink" Cecil TrOOSlIrer Claire Gregnr Secl'lltary This BARC project is not the same as a MRF. BARC plans to purchase bales of plastic from current and future MRFs and sort the material to II higher level. For example, most MRFs prodUce bales of mixed colors of HOPE containers. BARe Will sort those contaIners by color to meet manufacturer's requirements. Similarly, most MRFs prOduce bales of mixed plastics #3 to #7. BARe plans to purchase those bales also and sort the material by resin type. After the materials purChased from MRFs are further Borted, and cleaned, BARe will process them to prOduce clean plastic flakes that can be sold to manufacturers. BARC's grant proposal will allow BARe to become a convenient local market for material the planned Mount Vemon MRF will sort out of the blue barrel program. First, BARe will focus on processing #2 HOPE plastIc bales. MRFs in the San Joaquin Valley currently ship baled HOPE to the ports in Los Angeles and Long BeaCh, for export to China. Capturing these bales of #2 HOPE beverage containers and processing them at BARC will reduce truck miles. This saves diesel fuel, reduces air emissions and reduces carbon emissions. Once the HOPE line has been established, BARe plans to expand its processing capability to include other resins such as peT and Polypropylene. This project Is consistent with Economic Development Administration (EDA) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) BARe has recently received. The EDA and CDBG grants make it possible for BARe to construct a new commercial/industrial building that will be used 8s an Industrlar Training Facility. The DOC grant, if approVed, will allow BARe to purchase reCYcling equipment to install in the new building. This new recycling programs Will help the County and local cities meet their waste diversion goals and save landfill space, while creating new jobs and training opportunities at BARe. Jim Varley P/,'J~ Chairman Jim Baldwin President &~~.- ~~ .:;ARt' ^d"clcaey ~nd Sapporlfor Poople ~;tll Devc:lnpmental DISllbilitie~ lIDd Their 'llmilie~ \ccredited 2240 Soutn U~ilJn Avenun . An~.....r.~'r1 r4 O~'M'1 . , "D . '''" "... ,,~_" ~ .. ... _. )fpAGE 213 - RCVD AT 10126/200710:55:59 AM ~acinc Daylight Timej ~ SVR:NEWYORKI6 · DNIS:2114 r CSID:6618349813 r DURATION (mm-ssl:01.12 ~M~~ J ~ ;:.. -- I- rn '0 t; ORIGINAL M ,.. . 10/25/2007 21:57 5518349813 BARe The Waste Management Department has reviewed BARC's proposal and finds that It will nave a positive impact on local recycling and waste diversion rates. In addition, it does not appear that this project Will have a negative impact on any current or planned County recYcling programs. Since BARe is a non-profit organization, It must have a Resolution from a local government supporting the grant application. BARe is requesting a similar resolution from the City of Bakersfield. BARe has requested a resolution from both the City and the County because BARe serves both areas. Also, having two resolutions will strengthen their application. This resolution does not bind the City financially and does not have any budget Impact. It Is Therefore R.commended That Your City Council: Approve tne attached resolutIon in support of BARe's Department of Conservation, Beverage Container Market Development Grant application. ~ fZo~. 1/'<11... 1M..., 1- :& A-1. ~ PAGE 313! RCYD AT 10/26/200710:55:59 AM ~acinc Da~ight Time]! SVR:NEWYORK/61 DNIS:2114I CSID:6618349813I DURATION (mm-ss):OI.12 PAGE 03/03 ~A/(C:-1> ~ ~ ;:.. ~ I- ~ o D ORIGINAL