HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/86 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1986 12:00 P.M. - NOON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM Call meeting-to order Roll call - Board Members: Moore, Chairman; Ratty, Salvaggio 1. Approve minutes of meeting held January 23, 1986. 2. Scheduled public statements. 3. Correspondence. 4. Presentation by North 'of the River Municipal Water District regarding proposed water Reclamation Project for the Oildale and Rosedale.areas. 5. 1986-87 "WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE." This schedule would establish pricing categories for the~ Agricultural Water Division as based upon current water supply conditions. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6. Mainline Extension Agreements for Parcel Map No. 7626 and 8400 Stockdale Highway. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7. Closed Session - Water matters regarding potential litigation. 8. Staff comments. 9. Board comments. 10. Adjournment. SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1986 12:00 NOON The ~meeting was called to order by Chairman Moore in the Community Services Department. Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Moore (Chairman), Ratty, Salvaggio The minutes of the regular meeting held October 2, 1985 were approved as presented. The election of a Vice-Chairman for the Water Board was discussed. Mr. Salvaggio made a motion to elect Dr. Ratty to the position of Vice-Chairman of the~Water Board. The motion passed. Mr. Core presented before the Board a proposal for acquisition of a water well site in the .Fairhaven Service Area. Several sites have been considered, but the one chosen is the most suitable. An 'amount of $40,000 was budgeted for the purchase of a site, which the City is able to purchase for $26,500. Dr. Ratty made a motion for approval of the~purchase of this well site. The motion passed. The relinquishment Of an unused water line easement in the Fairhaven District was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. A waterline easement was granted to the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District and later transferred to the City. However, the easement is unneeded, as the water main was~not constructed along this easement. Mr. Salvaggio made a motion for approval and recommended approval by the .City Council. The meeting adjourned~0pm.~~~ Rollie City of Water Board. ~~ e~c~t ar~y fakers7 Carol Pagan, S City of Bakersfield Water Board OMEMORANDUM February 26, 1986 TO Paul Dow, Community Services Manager FFIOM Gene Bogart, Director of Water Resources _(~. SUBdEOT 1986-87 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE Attached is the proposed 1986-87 Agricultural Water Enterprise "WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE", Consisting of two major components: l) WATER SALES The water price schedule reflects the current abundant water supply conditions now prevailing throughout the San Joaquin Valley. The proposed schedule represents price categories competitive with State (California Aqueduct), Federal (Friant-Kern Canal) and local groundwater pumping costs. With the present water supply on the Kern'River forecasted to be 133% of normal, the recommended water prices would encourage maximum use of surface water during the irrigation season while substantially reducing groundwater pumping in 1986. 2) SAND SALES Due to the high-flow water.years experienced in 1978, 1980 and 1983, the river channel has upgraded' in numerous areas to a point where remedial action is necessary to avoid potential flooding should a major rainstorm occur below Isabella reservoir. With the recent completion and adoption of the "Kern River Channel Maintenance Program", the City is now able to implement the program. To promote the removal of these upgraded sandbar areas it is recommended that the price for sand be established at $0.50 per cubic yard until river channel Conditi'ons are improved. These channellimprovements woulid allow the safe passage of the lO0-year intermediate regional flood (15,000 c.f.s.). As outlined on the "1986-87 WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE", all categories for pricing would remain in effect until water conditions warranted changes in the schedules. cp AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE 1986-87 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The following recommended water pr~ices reflect the current, above-normal water supply conditions available throughout the San'Joaguin Valley. Of the nine (9) water price categories shown below, items 1 and 2 are established by existi.ng contracts, with item 2 escalated by the "All Commodities" Index annually. The prices for items 3, 4, 5, and 6 are dependent upon time of year and current.water supply conditions. The recommended water rates for categories 3 through 8 would remain in effect until water supply conditions warranted changes or adjustments to these p?ices. For information and reference, the 1983 and 1985 schedule for surface water sales is shown for comparison (price per acre'foot): Actual 1983 Actual 1985 Effective [340% of Normal (89% Of Normal 1986-87 Water Year) Water Year) (133% of Normal Type of Water Water Year) 1) Basic Contract Water .......... $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 .(price set by contract) 2) City 'lBorrow/Payback" Water ... 16.72 17.27 17.23 (price set by contract) 3) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for surface irrigation ... 12.50 25.00 14.80 March - September 4) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for surface irrigation ... 7.18 14.82 14.80 October- February 5) Miscellaneous Water that would otherwise be used for ground- water banking ................. 4.78 9.88 9.86 6) City non-Kern River Water Sales (oilfield discharge, etc.) .... 11..00 22.00 ll.O0 7) 2800 acre "Banked" groundwater sold for direct irrigation use N/A 35.00 35.00 8) Miscellaneous water sold for Ag. and incidental domestic use upstream of First Point of MM N/A 76.00 52.00 9) Kern River Canal & I rr. Co .... 16.30 16.30 16.30 For annual and/or temporary pumping.agreements from canal and river facilities, and sand sales from City-owned river channel and canal properties, the following rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes: ITEM PRICE 1) Temporary Pumping Agreements ................. $ 40.00 per day 2) Annual Pumping Agreements ,5 truck units or less . .................. 350.00 (minimum charge) ~6 truck units or more ................... 550.00 (or greater proportionately, depending upon volume) 3) Sand Removal Sales ........................... 0.50 per cubic yard (plus sales tax when applicable) DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT WATER BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1986 DEVELOPER TRACT or PARCEL MAP .REFUND AMOUNT Tenneco Realty Dev..Corpr 8400 Stockdale Hwy. $ 25,796.46 Tenneco Realty Dev. Corp. P~ 7626 110,580.16