HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/88 CALl FOR NIA COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~Ok ~OW, Mana~or ' FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources ROBERT HART, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3114 HE~T[NG NOT[CE A Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board"~will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 1988, at 5:30 PM, in the Community Services Department Conference Room, 4101Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Cali~£ornia. The following items will be discussed: 1. Election of Water Board Officers - Chairman and Vice Chairman. FOR 80ARD ACTION. 2. Set day,~ time and place for Water Board meetings. FOR BOARD ACTION. 3. Approve minutes of Water Board meeting held August 12, 1987. 4. Request' by Tom Rose, manager of Royal Palms Hobilehome Park, for the City to declare a portion of the Carrier Canal located near West Columbus Street as surplus property (0.706 acres). A representative from Royal .Oalms Will make a presentation to the Board. 5. Mainline Extension Agreements for various locations in Ashe Water service area. FOR BOARD INFOR~TION. 6. Mainline Extension Agreement refund reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7. Request by Bryan Haupt, Coleman Development Company,~ to convert a~proximately 1,100 lineal feet of the Carrier Canal located east of Mohawk Street to concrete box culvert. FOR BOARD ACTION.· 8. Closed Session for Real Property negotiations under Government Code 54956.8 to give instructions to legal staff regarding negotiations with Oceanic California Inc. for property located at Buena Vista ROad and the River Canal. : 9. Closed Session under Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding current litigation concerning River West, et.al, and Kern Tulare Water District. 10. Adjournment. ~'~ ~u Director of ~ rces Posted: January 26, 1988 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 '~ (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA I~ATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD !~EDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1988 S:30 PM Call meeting to order. ~ Roll Call - Board Members: Salvaggio, Ratty, Peterson ~ 1. Election of Water Board Officers Chairman and Vice Chairman. FOR BOARD ACTION. i 2. Set day, time and place for Water Board meetings. FOR BOARD ACTION. 3. Approve minutes of Water Board meeting held August 12, 1987.' 4. Request by Tom Rose, managerofRoyal Palms Mobilehome Park, for the City to declare a portion.of the Carrier Canal located near West Columbus Street as surplus property (0.706 acres). A representative from Royal Palms will make a presentation to· the Board. 5. Mainline Extension.Agreements for various locations in Ashe Water service area. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 6. Mainline Extension A.~reement refund reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7. Request by Bryan Haunt, Coleman Development Company, to convert approximately 1,100 lineal feet of the Carrier Canal located east of Mohawk Street to concrete box culvert. FOR BOARD ACTION'. 8. Closed Session for Real Property negotiations under Government Code 54956.8 to give instructions to legal staff regarding negotiations with Oceanic California Inc. for property located at Buena Vista Road and the River Canal. 9. Closed Session under Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding current litigation concerning River West, et.al, and Kern Tulare Water District. 10. Adjournment. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1987 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called~to order by Chairman Moore in the Community Services Department Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Moore (Chairman); Ratty, Salvaggio The minutes of the Special Meeting held May 4, 1987 were approved as presented. There were no public statements or correspondence. The agreement between Texaco, Inc., North Kern Water Storage District and the City of Bakersfield, along with the supplemental letter 'agreement between North Kern Water Storage District and the City of Bakersfield establishing the terms and conditions for diverting oilfield discharge water into the Beardsley Canal was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. After a brief discussion of this agreement, along with back- ground information given .by Mr. Bogart, a motion to recommend approval by the City Council was made by Councilman Ratty. Motion passed. The request for Declaration'of Surplus City Property by the owner of property adjacent to the Carrier Canal was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. Since this property is outside the existing canal fenceline and is not required for operations or maintenance of the Carrier Canal, staff suggested approval of the request of adjacent land owners to declare this property surplus. The Board had questions regarding th~s and recommended that the Planning Department be contacted to see what their re- quirements were regarding the potential future use of the pro- perty and that the land owners be contacted and invited to attend a meeting in order to discuss this issue. No action was taken by the Board at this time, pending completion of the above. Mr. Core presented before the Board the acquisition of two water well sites for Ashe Water Service Area. After discussion, the Board approved purchase of site one (Panama Lane and Stine Road) not to exceed the purchase price of $25,000; and site two (Old River Road and Camino Media Drive) not to .exceed the purchase price of $30,000. Motion for approval was made by Councilman Salvaggio. Motion passed. Seven Mainline ~Extension Agreements for various locations, in the amount of $601,977.49, were brought before the Board by Mr. Core for information only. 'Two Mainline Extension Agreement Refund Reassignments were brought before the Board for information by Mr. Core. No action was required on this item. There were no Staff or Board comments. The meeting adjourned at 12:32pm. Rollie Moore, Chairman dx City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 3538 Ij A.For mobilehom'es ~ ~ge 22 PARCEL 2: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 18, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M.D.M., IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS ', COMMENC NG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3512 RECORDED IN BOOK 22 OF PARCEL MAPS A? PAGE 19 IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4, N 66 46'03" E A DISTANCE OF 45.16 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE N 87 53'39" E A DISTANCE OF 35.25 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 13 05'50" W A DISTANCE OF 4.36 FEET; THENCE N 18 42'55" E A DISTANCE OF 21.30 FEET; THENCE S 89 11'59" E A DISTANCE OF 85.64 FEET; THENCE S 86 38'21" E A DISTANCE OF 39.64 FEET; THENCE S 79 41'56" E A DISTANCE OF 29.46 FEET; THENCE S 73 05'25" E A DISTANCE OF 19.82 FEET; THENCE S 66 52'00" E A DISTANCE OF 40.12 FEET; THENCE S 57 14'49" E A DISTANCE OF 19.89 FEET; THENCE S 44 48'13" E A DISTANCE OF 19.71 FEET; THENCE S 39 36'44" E A DISTANCE OF 20.27 FEET; THENCE S 34 03'50" E A DISTANCE OF 19.74 FEET; THENCE S 28 31'49" E A DISTANCE OF 94.55 FEET; THENCE S 28 18'12" E A DISTANCE OF 71.22 FEET; THENCE S 30 00(27" E A DISTANCE OF 20.01 FEET; THENCE S 31 35'02" E A DISTANCE[OF 20.21 FEET; THENCE S 32 35'34" E A DISTANCE OF 61.14 FEET; THENCE S 31 12'04" E A DISTANCE OF 40.99 FEET; THENCE S 25 11'39" E A DISTANCE OF 88.02 FEET; THENCE S 24 37'07" E A DISTANCE OF 63.40 FEET; THENCE S 26 33'27" E A DISTANCE OF OF 20.02 FEET; THENCE S 27 15'54" E A DISTANCE OF 94.69 FEET; THENCE S 27 00'16" E A DISTANCE OF 26.18 FEET; THENCE S 30 17'27" E A DISTANCE OF 50.19 FEET; THENCE S 30 00'30" E A DISTANCE OF 41.01 FEET; THENCE S 30 02'46" E A DISTANCE OF 55.55 FEET; THENCE S 30 06'54" E A DISTANCE OF 54.66 FEET; THENCE S 43 35'26" E A DISTANCE OF 48.13 FEET; THENCE S 10 48'12" E A DISTANCE OF 9~.56 FEET; THENCE S.1 18'07" W A DISTANCE OF 8.86 FEET; THENCE S 12 26'10" W A DISTANCE OF 9.91 FEET; THENCE S 20 54'32" W A DISTANCE OF 10.65 FEET; THENCE S 2 35'43 W A DISTANCE OF 9.63 FEET; THENCE S 10 23~.12" W A DISTANCE OF 30.06 FEET; THENCE S 24 42'46" W A DISTANCEiOF 25.52 FEET; THENCE S 32 11'47" W A DISTANCE OF 44.92 FEET; THENCE S 85 16'51" W A DISTANCE OF 11.90 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE N 0 22'15" E A DISTANCE OF 105.20 FEET; THENCE N 19 58'35" W A DISTANCE OF 219.24 FEET; THENCE N.27 02'51" W A DISTANCE OF 332.51 FEET; THENCE N 30 00'00" W A DISTANCE OF 237.06 FEET; THENCE N 39 05'35" W A DISTANCE OF 129.04 FE~-'r; THENCE N 75 53'19" W A DISTANCE OF 125.80 FEET; THENCE S 87 53'139" W A DISTANCE OF 82.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 30748.11 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. DOMESTIC !.~ATER ENTERPRISE ~.~INLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT WATER BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1988 TRACT or ORIGINAL REFUND 2½% DEVELOPER PARCEL MAP COST OF COST Oceanic California Inc. Tract #4568, Unit 3 $ 18.,129.43 $ 4'53.24 (formerly Tenneco Realty Development Corp.) " " " ~lercy Center 475,760.84 11,894.02 " " " Tract #4717 40,850.43 1,021.26 TOTAL .......... $.534,740.70 $ 13,368.70 81-12 W.B. ASSIGNMENT The undersigned hereby assigns to 456 GOLFVIEW DR. SAN JOSE, CA 95127 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Dated: DECEMBER 20, 1979 Completion date: For: Water facilities TR 4180 (79-34 W.B.) Amount of deposit: $31,520.54 Balance in deposit: $24,578.40 Number of services: 54 Number of hydrants: 4 Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the water company 22 percent of the revenues derived therefrom in compliance with Section "C" of the .Main Ext.en- sion Rule, ordered November 8, 1962, by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. The undersigned warrants that it is the owners of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. ACCEPTED NEPTUNE INVESTMENT INC. D a t e d DATE 9-9-87 MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND ASS I GNMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to ED~IN D. SCItULER AND BLANCHE SCHULER, TRUSTEE~ OR TIIEIR SUCCESSOR(S), UNDER THB EDi~/IN D. SCIIULER AND BLANCltE SCHULER FAMILY TRUST AGREE~,iENT, DATED MARCH 17, 1987. EITIIER TRUSTEE MAY DRAW ON THE ACCOUNT. , all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: December 20, 1979 Completion date: For: Water facilities - Tract #4180 (79-34 W.B.) Amount of deposit: $31,S20.54 Balance in deposit: $24,578.40 Number of servi'ces: S4 Number of hydrants: 4 Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the CitY. of Bakersfield 22 percent of the revenues derived therefrom in compliance with Section 10 of the Main Exten- sion Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owners of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: EDWIN D. & BLANCH SCHULER City of Bakersfield By: Dated: Dated: -~ ~ ~ ~ A~enda lte~ #7 L : BRUCE BEAUDOIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 140 So. Montc]alr St. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bruce A. lleaudoi,~ (805) 834-9700 Real Estate Appraisers MAI, SRPA, ARA and Consultant~ November 9, 1987 . . City of Bakersfield Re: File #4748: Appraisal: Water Resource Department Carrier Canal Bridge-Culvert 4101 Truxtun Avenue Between Discovery & Office Bakersfield, Cali£ornia 93301 Park Dr., Bakersfield, CA Attention: Mr. Gene Bogart Gentlemen: In response to your request and concurred upon by Mr. Brian Haupt, Coleman Company, I inspected the canal strip referred to above on November 6, 1987. It is my understanding that the City of Bakersfield is considering granting this strip to Coleman Company upon completion of a poured-in-place culvert project to be installed by the grantee. The purpose and function of this report, definition of market value and property rights appraised are shown on Pages 6 and 7 of the enclosed report. It is assumed that, upon completion of the project, the canal strip under cog.stderation will be re-zoned C-O, professional office, and the right-of-way width reduced to 32 feet. Upon completion, land value is anticipated to be offset by the cost of constrUction. Therefore, the canal strip, as it exists, is of nominal value, relative only to the function it performs as a canal fee strip 'area. The proposed project will Water Resource Dept. City of Bakersfield -2- November 9, 1987 not interfere with present utilization but will afford th,.e benefit of covered area suitable for consolidation with adjoining property under common ownership directly to its south. In the "after" condition, it would be of 'little, if any, value to other than the adjoining property owner. " ~ Therefore, the canal strip under analysis is considered of no value in its present condition. However, ~since cost projections furnished the appraiser are tentative only, it is recommended that the actual cost of construction, to include all direct and indirect developer costs plus a reasonable profit margin, estimated at 10% of cost inclusive of profit, be measured against finished land value at '$1,286,000, as of November 6, 1987, with any positive difference credited to the City for payment of the canal strip. Your attention is directed to the enclosed report, which provides factual support for these conclusions. Sincer ely, Bruce A. Beaudoin MAI, SRPA, ARA BAB :mt Encls. Area MaP 1 6~ 68 P.M. 5715 Trocl 3181 foci* 3714 5530