HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/91 CALl FO R N IA WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT '-~ PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources MIKE SIDES, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3114 '~' '"- MEETING NOTICE A Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water~ Board will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 1991 at 4:30p.m., in the Water Resources Conference Room, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson; Brunni The following items will be discussed: 1. Assembly Bill No. 2090 (Katz) relating to water transfers. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND ACTION. 2. Kern County Water Agency correspondence to. California Regional Water Quality Control Board dated August 14, 1991. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 3. Next Water Board meeting date. 4. Adjournment. Paul Dow, Water and Sanitation Manager POSTED: August 20, 1991 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE ,. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 · (805) 326-3715 AMENDED IN,, ASSEMBLY JUNE 30, 1991 AMENDED iN ASSEMBLY JUNE 11, 1991 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 1991 AMENDED iN ASSEMBLY MAY 13, 1991 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATUBF,~I991-92 REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLY BILL ' No. 2090 Iniroduced by Assembly Members Katz and Filante March 8, 1991 An act to amend SectiOns 382, !727, 1735, and 1736 of, and to add Sections i7.33, 1734, 1734.5, and 1738 1738, and 1738.5 t°3 the. Water Code, relating to water. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST. 'AB 2090, as amended, Katz. 'Water transfers. : (i) Existing law authorizes a permittee-or licensee to temporarily change the point of diversion, place of use, or purpose of use due to a transfer or exclmnge of water or water rights if the State Water Resources Control Board determines ... that the transfer meets prescribed conditions. This bill would require the board, upon receipt of ' notification of the proposed temporary change, to notify in writing, the Department of Fish and Game and the appropriate count),' board oF supervisors of the . proposed trm~sfer. ' , , · (~) "E~sting law authorizes the board to approve a petRion for a long-term transfer,' as defined, of Water or water rights involving, a change of point of diversion, place of use, or purpose of use if the board determines that the transfer meets certain conditions, including a requirement that the change would not unreasonably affect fish, wildlife, or other instream beneficial uses. , .,:! ": -. : · .ThisbillWouiddeietethattequiremehtandinsteadinclude '~'Y;' ~) : The people o£ the State o£ CafiTorrda do enact as £o110¥vs: among those coriditiohs the requirements that the proposed · : : long-term, transfer would hot cause a significant adverse i SECTION 1. Section 382 :of the Water Cod.e' is effect on the environment~ as prescribed, and would not ' 2 amended to read:· , , unreasonably affect the overall economy or the environment 3..382. (a) NotWithstanding any other provision of law, of the county from which the water is being transferred. The 4. every local or regional public agency authorized by law bill would require the board, upon receipt of a petition for a 5 ,to Serve water to persons or entities within the service long-term transfer or water rights, to notify in wriffag the k~ "'"' 6 area of the agency may sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise Department of Fish and' Game and the appropriate county 7 transfer water that is surplus to the needs of the agency's board oFsoperv'isors o£th'e proposed change. 8 water users for use outside Of the agency. The authority (3) This bill would authorize the board, upon request of a 9 granted to local and regional public agencies by this claimant of an appropriative right initiated prior to 10 chapter ,shall not be construed as prohibiting or December. 19~ i914, a claimant of a riparian right, or a ' 11 restricting the transfer of water or water rights pursuant claimant to a right to extract groundwater for beneficial use, 12 to authority.granted such agencies by provisions 9f law to authorize a short-term or long-term change in the 13 other than this chapter. ' ' -' ' claimant's point of diversion, place of use, or purpose of use 14 (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, every due to a transfer or exchange of water or water rights, subject. 15 local or regional public agency authorized by law to serve to certain conditions. The bill would exclude prescribed Water ?~ .16 water to personsor entities within the service area of the from these prox(isions. The bill would require the board to 17: agency may sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise transfer notify inwriti~gtheappropriatecountyboardofsupervisor~~ , .. i8. water within or. without the agency pursuant to of the proposed change. -. ,.' ~i ',._.; "~" 19 agreements entered into between the agency and those (4) Existing law authorizes every local or regional public 20 persOns or entities to whom the agency sells water at agency authorized by law to serve water to. sell, lease, 21 retail. .. '.. ' exchange, or otherwise transfer water that is surpltis to the 22 , SEC. 2. ' Section 1727 of the Water Code is amended to needs of the agency's water Users for use outside the agency. .._., ~ 23 read: " .' This bill would authorize every local or regional public. 24 1727. (a) Upon receipt by the board of notification of agency authorized by law to serve water to persons or entities~ 25 a proposed temporary change, the board shall notify within the service area of the agency to sell, lease, exchange, 26 writing the board o£supervisors oFthe countyFrom which or otherwise transfer water within or without the agencyi 27 tile. water is proposed to be' transferred and the pursuant to agreements entered into between the agency and 28 Department of Fish and Game of the ~ and.'the. those persons or entities to whom the agency sells water at 29 proposed transfer. retail. The bill would authorize a water user to transfer its 30 (b) The.board shall make an evaluation sufficient to water allocation received from a public water agency' . 31 determine that the change would not do eitber of the pursuant to specified provisions. The bill would eXclude-~ ..._.,, ,,,..~ 32 following: prescribed.water from these provisions. : 33 (1) Result in injury to any legal user of the water, Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. 34 during any potential hydrologic 'condition, through State-mandated local program: no. 35 .resulting significant chan.ges in water quantity, water 36 quality, timing of diversion or use, consumptive use of the 37 water, reduction in return flows, or reduction in the " 'x_; ~ 38 availability of water within the watershed of the "{~ "~' ";' "~" " 2 : (c) The board shall determine the amount of water i transferor:' ' -" . ~ ~ 1 section Shall be consistent with Section 1220. : · 2 -(2) '. Uni~l~asonabiy affect fish, wildlife, or other 3 which may' be transferred by the .claimant. ' 3 instream'beneficial uses. " 4 . (d) The amount of the claimant s riparian water }liar d -(b-)- " 5. may ~e transferred shall not exceed the average amount 5 (c) Upon completion of the evaluation under 6 of the claimant's'consumptive use of riparian water frdm 6 subdivision (a)~.':and finding that .no injury oi' . '7 unreasonable effect would result, theboard shall so notify ~. k~ 7 i980 to 1990,. inclusive; and shall not exceed the 8 Consumptive use of riparian water that would have been 8 the permittee or licensee, ,and those legal users of water 9 used by the claimant in the year of the transfer. 9 identified pursuant to subdivision (a)~ of its finding and 10 4e)- o .....a .... ~. r~ ma tmadjiadiea4e~, ..... -~-~ 10 the order approving the temporary change by personal 11 ~'~-.~,,o., --~ k,~,,. ~.~r,.,,.~,~.: .... ~,.,~a 0v~y,if .f.i~,.~ ~.~r~.,~ ,~..o~.., ,..,-,,~,a .... 11 delivery or registered'mail. The temporary change shall 12 ; .......~ 'n~,~ ..... .~_~r~ a,, × .... ,~ ...~ ......ia 12 be effective five day's, after the order becomes effective, i3 ,,,.,.u.r,.,~"~ ..... ' ' a -'-'-"~ ....... .... ~ t-he t4'a"~r ..... ~ ....... ~^~ eithee of 13, ~ ' ' 14 r~n .... : .......: ...... · · -'-,,"~.-, .... s ,,--,4 ............ is ;-,,,ct: , . 14 (d) If the board cann°t Satisfy the requirements 15 t, q~k^_~ ~.~ ...... a .... ~ ........... , ..... :,4~ for ~ us% ~_.a ~t.~ ~ 15 under'Subdivision (a) within 60 days following receipt of 1§ v,4a4eh may t~ .... ? 16 notification of a proposed temporary cliange Or within 17 /s 6c, nslstcnt ;vith thc !c-c~ ~ management 17 any extension of that period approved by the permittee 18 ~; : ; :, 18 or licensee, or cannot make the finding under subdivision 19 4g)- of--hero is no local gr~mad'~s'a4~ .......... ~ ~.~.~ 19 4b-)- (c) it shall so notify the permittee or licensee and 20 mud thc. board d ........... that ne4 .... r.. ,u~.~ 2021subdivisionth°se ·legal (a),UserSby personal°f waterdeliveryidentifiedoi registeredPUrsuantmail,t6' ' k~. ~J22'21 of;~.~..;. ;t ~k ~ ~..;;. ~_~ ,~f ~ ~.a,...~" ...." "'"',~z ~ "'i. ~ ~:~'"""'obje~" ..... ' "' '~' .~_ ,k~ .rr~^,^a ~ ~.,:^~ ..e ~k,~t~...~t4~msfe~. '" "~"'"'" ~'"' '"~'" ~" 22 and shall fix a time and place for a hearing on the issues ' 23 - (e) (I) The board shall not approve the transfer of 23 set forth in subdivision (a). " 2d groundwater pursuant to this section From an 24 SEC. 3. Section 1733 is added to the Water Code, to '~ ,~,~.. ~ 25 unadjodicated, overdra[ted groundwater basin For 25 read:' 26 out-of-basin use. 26 1733. Upon the request of a claimant of an 27.. (£) The board sbMl not approve a transfer' o£ 27 appropriative right initiated prior to December 19, 1914, 28 groundwater pursuant to this section From an 28 a claimant of a riparian right, Or a claimant to a right to 29 unadjucb'cated, overdraFted groundwater basin For the 29 extract groundwater for beneficial use, the board may 30 purpose oFreplacing transFerredsur£ace water unless the 30 authorize a temporary change in the .claimant's point of 31 transfer is in accordance with a conjunctive use program 31 diversion, place of use, or purpose of use due to a transfer 32 w]n'ch meets both of the Following requirements: 32 or exchange of water or water rights, subject to all of the 33 (A) Is undertaken by, or in agreement with, the water 33 following: 34 (a) In authorizing transfers of riparian water, it is the ,., ; ,: 34 agencies which overlie the groundwater basin. ·'~' ~'~' 35" (B) Will assist in restoring grom~dwater levels. 35 intent of the Legislature to urge future Legislatures not 36 (f) This section is not a limitation on transfers pursuant 36 to authorize the transfer of riparia'n water unless the 37 to Section 1740 or any other provision of law authoriz!ng 37 water was being used during the period from 1980 to 38 transfers. 38 1990, inclusive, in order not to encourage new uses of 39 . (g) The transferor of the water shallnotlose any water 39 riparian Water based on the Potential of future transfers. 40 .right because of a transfer undertaken pursuant to this 40 (b) The transfer of groundwater Pursuant to this ~ 95 140. i ' ' '"' !': .. ";' .' : ;~" ' : . '." "' ' . k~'"!. ~ 1 public water agenc~,'s charges for the mount' Of 1 section.'i'" ;'. "' ~ ""' :;' ' ": '": '2:transferred and shall pay the public water agency'~i actual .2 . (h)This Section d0e~ not'appl~, t° water ~.'thln inYo 3 County or Mon6 C6Unty,:or to Colorado Rivet Water ' .3.costs in effecting the transfer, if any. "' 4 within the Colorado River ttydrologic Basin a~ defined in 4 (g) The public entity shall not lose any water right hnd 5 the Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 160-87. ' 5 the Water riser shall hot lo~e any right to future allocation 6 fi) A temporary 'transfer of water 'undertaken 6 from the public entity because of a transfer undertaken 7 Pursuant to this Section is subject to the requirements of ~, ~ 7 purstlant to this section. 8 Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of tile 8 ' (h),This section does'not apply to water within 9 Public ResoUrces Code. . . ' .9 County.'or Mono County, or to Colorado River water 10 (j) The bbard, Upon the i'eceipt of a transfer reques~ 10 within the Colorado River Hydrologic Basin as defined in 11 pursuant tO :Ibis Section, shall not'fy in ;writing the board il the Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 160-87. 12 of superVisors of the county from which the' ~vater is 12 ::'SEC. 5. Section 1734.5 is added to the Water Code, to ~ ' i3' i-cad: ":"'" :" 13 proposed to be transferred. ' ' ' 14 SEC. 4. Section 1734 is added to the Watei' Codd, to' 14 1734.5, For the purpose of temporary 'tr~{nsfers 15 read: ~i '" . i' -,, -.. '. " 15 undertaken Pursuant to Section 1734, not more than 20 16 1734.~ .fa) This section applies to the temp6rarY. 16 percent of the irrigated agricultural lands may be 17 transfer of water, allocations received from a phblic water 17 fallowed within the Service area of a public agency that · ' 18 supplies water at retail.unless the public agency agrees to 18 agency. ' 19 a larger percentage. ~' ' 19 (b) The Legislature finds and declares tha~ the/e is a 20 stat~wide need to kll0w water transfers and tha~ local and ,. 20 ', SEC. 6... Section 1735 of the Water Code is amended to 21 regional public water 'agencies shall act responsibly to'. ~" ~ 2i read: · 22 assist in meeting.this statewide need. ':' 22' 1735. The board may consider a petition'for a 23 (c). Notwithstauding any other provision of law, anYI 23 long-term transfer of Water or water rights involving a 24 watei' user receiving water at retail may request thai' 24 changd of point of diversion, place of use, or pUrpose of 25 public Water agency to determine the water user ~!~.. ~ ~,,~' 25 ~Use. A long-term transfer is a transfer for any period in .26 allocation of water and may request the public agency to 26' excess of one year. Upon receipt of a'petition pursuant to 27 market the User's water pursuant to subdivision (b) of 27 this section, the board shall notify in writing the board 28'of supervisors of the county from whicli the water is 28' Section 382, 29 (d) The public water agency shall notify the retail 29 p~°Posed to be transferred and the Department of Fish 30 water user of the amount of the user's allocation of water 30 and Gaxne of the proposed change. 31 within 15 days after a i'equest is made pursuant 'to 31 SEC. 7! Section 1736 of the Water Code is amended to 32 read:. 32 subdivision (c). 33' 1736. The board, after providing notice and 33 (e) The public water agency shall notify the retail. 34 water user within 15 days whether the agency is willing" ,v,,~. .,..,..~":, 34 . opportunity for a hearing, may appr°ve, such a petiHon 35 to market the users water pursuant to subdivision (b) of 35 for a long-term transfer if the change would not do any 36 Section 382. If the agency {s unwilling to market the user's 36 of the following:- 37 water, the agency shall notify the user in writing of the 37 fa) Result in substantial injury to any legal user of 38 'water. 38 reasons. 39 (b) Cause a significant adverse effect upon the 39 (f) The water user may transfer the user's water 40 environment, including, but not limited to, fish, wildlife, 40 allocation pursuant to this-article. The User shall pay the ' l~.; 1 and Other instream beneficial uses.~ : ~ . ~ ..'. 1 a~t th5 bc, ard dc~c,"rc:~cs t4~ 2' (e) Unreasonably` ~fec~ the overall ecbnomy or the 2 ~o~cr~!~d 3 environment of the coun~ [rOm which the water is being · 3 ..... a .... 4 ~tr~sferred. t : 4 (e) (1) The board Sh~ not approve the transfer of 5 SEC. 8. Section 1738 is added to the Water Code, to 5 -groundwater, pursuit ' to this section from an 6 read: ... 6 ~adju&'cated, oVerdr~ed ~oundwater basin For 7 1738. Upon the request" of a claimant of an :. 8 appropriative right ihitiated prior to December 19, 1914, ~ ~ 7 out-oF-bas~ Use. ' ' 8 (2) The board shall not approve a tr~sfer' of 9 a claimant of a ripari~ right, or a clement to a right to 9 ~oundwater pursuit to ~s section from an 10 extract groundwater for beneficiM use, the board may 10 Unadju&'cated, overdr~ed groundwater basin for the il authorize a long-term change ~ the cla~ant's point of 11 purpose of replacing trmisferred surface water unless the 12 diversion, place of usel or purpose of use due to a transfer 12 ~sfer is ~ accord~ce ~ a conjunch'~e use pro,am 13 or exchange of water or water rights, subject t0 all of the ' ~3 w~cfi meets both of the foHo~ng requirements:. '14 .following: 14 (A ) Is undert~en by, or in a~eement with, the water 15 (a) In authorizing tr~sfers of riparian water, it {s the 15 agencies w~'ch overlie ~e ~oimdwater basin.~ 16 intent of the Legislature to urge future Legislatures not 16 (B). Will assist in restoring ~oundwater levels. 17. to authorize the ~ansfer of ~parian water Unless the 17 (0 This sec~on is not a limitation on ~ansfers pursuant 'i8 ~'water W~ being used during the period from 1980 to i8 to Section 1740 or ~y other provision of law authorizing 19 1990, inclusive, in order not to encourage new uses of 19 tr~sfers. . 20 riparian water based on the potentiM of future transfers.. 20 . '.(g) The transferor of the w~ter shall not lose any water 21 (b) The transfer of ~oundwater pursuant t0. this ~ ~ 21' right because of a tr~sfer ~dertaken pursuant to this 22 ~ectlon shall be consistent with SecHon 1~0. - . ..: ~ section. ~ .(c) The board shall determine the ~ount of water' ~: (h) The board, after providing notice ~d opportunity 24 Which may be transferred by the y~aimant. · · 24 for a hearing, may approve a petition for change pursuant ~ (d) The amount of the claimant s riparian water that"' ~ ~ ~ to this sec~on if the change would not unreasonably 26 may be transferred shall not exceed, the average ~ount: 26 ~fect the overM1 economy or the environment of the 27 of the cl~m~t's cons~ptive use of riparian water from 27 Co~ty from which the water is being ~ansferred. ~ 19~ to 1~0, inclusive, ~d 'shall not exceed ~he ~ . (i) The board, upon tile receipt of a petition For 29 consumptive use of ripari~ water that would have been' 29 change pursuit to this section, shall no~y in ~ting tile 30 used by the cla~ant in the year of the transfer. 30 board ofsup~sors of the countyfrom which tile water 31 ~ ...... : .... ~ ~ ..:~:..~:~ ..... ~.~r~o~ 31 is proposed to be ~ans[erred. 32 ~ ~ ~ ~r,~fcrrcd ~ ~ t~c ~a~zfcr d~ca n~t 32 ~) . T~s section does not apply to water within Inyo 33 'L~crz,az thc avcrdr~ ~ exccz~ ~ 'ri~at ~ ~' 33 Count.or Mono Count, or to Colorado River water ............... , ................. ~ ~ 34 ~vithin the Colorado River Hydrolo~c Basin as defined in 35 r~, .... : ....... : ..... [~ ~ ~ .,. · · 35 the Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 1~-87. '36 ~ Thcrc'~.a ~"~ ~ ~ 39 ~ 0 WATER AGENCY Directors: August 14, 1991 Fred L. Starrh John Noonan, Senior Engineer Division I California Regional Water Quality Control Board Terr~ Rogers 3614 East Ashlan Avenue "' Division 2 Fresno, CA 93726 John L. Willis Division 3 Re: KCWA ID4 Well No. 1 Michael Radon NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Section 31, T29S/R27E President Division 4 Adrienne J. Mat. hews Dear Mr. Noonan: Division 5 We recently received a copy of a letter addressed to you from the City of Henry C, Garnett Division 6 Bakersfield (attached) regarding the presence of DBCP in the above- referenced well. In an effort to assist your assessment of the situation, we Gene A. Lundquist believe it would be beneficial to provide you with additional information Division ? regarding the development, operation and monitoring activities associated with this well. Thomas N. Clark General Manager KCWA ID4 No. 1 was constructed in an area where dibromochloropropane John F. Stovall (DBCP) had been detected in the local ground water. This had been General Counsel documented in several studies, including the most recent study by Dr. Karl Longley of CSU - Fresno. Dr. Longley's "West Bakersfield Ground Water Quality Management Study" delineated the known extent of the DBCP problem and presented suggested methods for remediation. The Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 constructed the well as part of its emergency ground water program. The well was constructed for the purpose of augmenting the district's water supply for the Henry C. Oarnett Treatment plant. Oround water is pumped into the Cross Valley Canal and from there is either delivered directly to the treatment plant or exchanged for Kern River water along with other supplies of commingled surface and ground water. The well was constructed according to specifications approved by the Kern County Health Department and its subsequent use was approved by the California Department of Health Services subject to commingling requirements to reduce the DBCP concentration. Prior to completion of the well, six samples were collected from the shallow, middle and deep zones in order to identify potential contamination. The testing revealed that the middle zone contained as much as 1.0 ug/L of DBCP, while the shallow and MaflingAddress: deep zones contained no detectable amounts of DBCP. P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302.0058 Phone: 805/393.6200 Fax: 805/395.1713 John Noonan, Senior Engineer California Regional Water Quality Control Board August 14, 1991 Page 2 The final well construction was such that it allowed for withdrawal of water from all zones; however, seals were placed so as to permit isolation of the middle zone at a future date if necessary. This rationale followed the recommendations presented in the West Bakersfield Study, which called for the pumping of contaminated aquifers to remove DBCP from the ground water. This well provided an opportunity to address a long-term contamination issue while providing immediate relief from the present drought. The Kern County Water Agency monitors water quality at the well and in the broader region of the emergency well program. A full Title 22 analysis on the water delivered by the well revealed no other contaminants, with the DBCP concentration being 0.62 ug/L. The Agency has continued to monitor DBCP in the well. In the following months, the DBCP level dropped to 0.45 ug/L. Additionally, DBCP concentrations in an adjacent well owned by the City of Bakersfield have decreased from .13 ug/L measured days before ID4 No. 1 was pumped to non- detectable a few months later. The Agency plans to continue monitoring DBCP in the well for the remainder of the year. At that time, zone samples will be collected and analyzed to determine the change in DBCP concentrations in the three zones. The results of those analyses will provide the basis for a decision on whether to seal off the middle zone or to leave the well as is. We are coordinating this end-of-year activity with Kern County Health Department. We have additional downhole data from this well available for your use in the form of video tape, which indicates flow direction, and velocity for each zone. Also, there are nearby KCWA and city wells which, together with the referenced well, may yield piezometric levels sufficient to determine the hydraulic slope of the contaminated aquifer. We welcome your input on this subject. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to call us at (805) 393-6200. Very truly yours, Robert K. Bellue Chief Engineer cc: City of Bakersfield Water Board J. Dale Hawley, City Manager - City of Bakersfield Paul Dow, Manager - City of Bakersfield Larry Lunardini, City Attorney - City of Bakersfield Thomas M. Stetson, Stetson Engineers, Inc. Richard Haberman, Department of Health Sen, ices - Fresno Mike Gnekow, Kern County Health Department Dr. Karl Longley, CSU - Fresno ~ C A L I F 0 R N I A ~.-: ;-~...':.~ . -----~-_:. WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT ~?' ~'~0..0 PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Director ol Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Direclor of Waler Resources MIKE SIDES, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3114 August 12, 1991 John Noonan, Senior En~eer CaUfomia Re~onal Water QuaU~ ~ntrol Board AFN 3614 East ~hlau Avenue DKS Fresno, CA 93726 Kern Counly Wamr Agency RE: WA~R WE~ PRODUC~G DBCP (Dibromochloropropanc) ' NEV. of SEV. Stolon 31, ~gS~?E, K~A ~4 Dear Mr. Noonan: · ~ a result o[ thc prolonged drouCt this year, numerous ~oundwater wc~ bare been recently driQed in the Bakersfield area to make up [or dcQ~t suda~ water dc~vcdes to [a~ng operations and municipal pu~cyors. One such we~ was ~Ued by the Kern ~un~ Water ~cn~ under a tcmporaW cmcrgenW pro.am to increase yield (t~ou¢ a water ~chan~c) to i~ pupation pNnt [or ~stribution to domestic water pu~cyors in Bakcrs[Jcld. Water qua~ tes~ pcrfomcd by the K~A la~ratow have sho~ levcN of DBCP (dibromocbloropropanc) that arc in cx~ o~ the' M~mum ~n~nant ~vcN as cstabQshcd by thc Federal ~n~ronme~tal Protection Agcnw and Ca~[omia Department of Health Sc~i~s for ~g water. %c K~A wc~ is lo.ted in scction 31 o[ ~9S~27E, on the south side o[ the Cross Va~ey Canal at the extension of Ca~oway Road. ~c pump~g [aci~ bas ~cn idemi[ied as K~A ~4 ¢1. ~c WcQ is pumped imo and blended ~tb waters o[ the Cross Va~cy ~nal. Sin~ this wcU is lo~tcd in thc City of Bakers[ield Domestic Water Semite area and ~tbin lJ00 [cet o¢ an exist~g City domestic production wcQ, we are Cncc~cd that thc quaQty o[ the ~g water supply derived [rom our we~eld ~ thc imme~ate area ~uld be detrimentaUy effected by a plume of ~nta~ation ancot ~nt~ued heaW pumping o[ thc K~A wc~. We are requesting the Re~onal Board ~nduct an ~vestigation with a monitoring pro.am of thc 1o=I ~oundwater aqu~cr e[~ected by t~s weU operation to dctc~c thc c~ent o~ the ~nta~nation. %e monitoring pro.am should ~clud~ ~dgation me.utes to protect the ~oun~ater aqu~cr o[ thc wcU [icld se~ng thc overlying domestic water ~ank you for your attention to Ibis request. I~ you nccd ad~tional ~omation or back~ound regardiag this ~atter. please ~ntact our o~ at (~5) 326-3715. Vc~ tru~ yours, PA~ DOW, Manager ~: Ci~ of Bakersfield Water Board J. Dale Hawley, Bakersfield Ci~ Manager ' ~en~ Lunar~inl: Bakersfield Ci~ Attorney ~om~ Ste~n, Ste~n En~neers ~c. ~/Kem ~ Water 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 · (805) 326-3715