HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/93 WATER BOARD Mark Salva~io, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1993 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1). Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held April 20, 1993. 2). Proposed Ordinance relating to City water service to unincorporated areas. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 3). Proposed Ordinance restricting the pumping and taking of groundwater from developed lands within the City of Bakersfield. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 4). Agreement with North Kern W.S.D. and Chevron U.S.A. to discharge treated oilfield effluent water into the Beardsley Canal. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5). Non-exclUsive water line and canal easement agreement with Kern County Water Agency to divert spreading water onto Berrenda Mesa property located west of Stockdale Bridge. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6). Updated City of Bakersfield "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS." FOR BOARD INFORMATION and APPROVAL. 7). Mainline Extension Reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 8). Water Board meeting times and dates. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION and POSSIBLE ACTION. 9). Adjournments. GENE. E~O~~ ,~~NG MANAGER POSTED: August 2, 1993 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1993 5:15P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Brunni at 5:24P.M. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present~ Brunni, Vice-Chair; Kane Absent: Salvaggio, Chair A motion was made by Boardmember Kane to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held March 16, 1993. The annexation to City Domestic Water Service Area (Ashe Water) was presented before the BOard by Mr. Florn Core. The area to be annexed is approximately 5,000 acres, one portion consists of two parcels which are the property of Castle and Cooke; the remaining parcel is the City of Bakersfield's 2800 Acres. Boardmember Brunni said that she was unable to vote on this item due to a conflict of interest on a portion of the property. Larry Lunardini, the City Attorney, recommended that the properties for annexation be separated and become two items to be presented before the' Board for their approval and recommendation to the City Council. The Water Board will vote on one portion of this annexation and the other portion which is the southerly portion will be sent to full Council with no recommendation due to lack of a quorum. Mr. Core stated that there was also one other small piece of property, containing approximately 16 acres, which was part of the Laborde annexation. The landowners' have requested water service from the City due to the Vaughn Water Company not having the capacity to adequately serve. Vaughn Water Company would de-annex this from their service area and the City will annex this property to the City's Domestic Service area. Boardmember Kane made a motion to recommend the annexation of those portions the Board can vote on to the Domestic Water Service area minus the southerly portion. Motion carried. Mr. Gene Bogart presented before theBoard information that the proceedings on SWRCB Decision 1630 has been shelved by request of the Governor. A letter of thanks to the Governor is now being circulated for signature by the Mayor and full Ci.ty Council. Mr. Bogart commented that the Endangered Species Act will be the major focus now and it's going to be a difficult one to work around due to the strict regulations it will create on Delta pumping. Boardmember Brunni said she made a presentation before a group at the League of California Cities regarding the 2800 Acres and what the Department of Fish and Game is attempting to do to restrict water projects. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Kane at 5:52P.M. The Water Board Members and staff left for a scheduled tour of the 2800 Acre Groundwater Recharge ProjeCt. Mark Salvaggio, Chair "-~ City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 14.04.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WATER SERVICE TO COUNTY RESIDENTS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 14.04.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following subsections: 14.04.030 Connection to property in unincorporated areas. E. Whenever' an application is made for a water connection to the City-owned system for property in an unincorporated area, the City Director of Water ResoUrces is authorized .to enter into an agreement for such connection in accordance with this chapter. F. For such properties which are adjacent to the City, the property owner must enter into and record a covenant binding him or her and all future property owners to-take all necessary steps to immediately annex the property served by City water to the City. G. For such properties which are not adjacent to the City, the property owner must enter into and record a covenant binding him or her and all future property owners to take all necessary..steps to annex the property served by City water to the City at such time as the City becomes contiguous to his or her property, or the law otherwise permits such annexation. SECTION 2. This Ordinance. shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ooOoo I FRwRBy CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor-of the City of Bakersfield ~PPROVED AS TO FORM: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI City Attorney of the City of Bakersfield rb\ordinanc\water. 615 Re~:or~ing re.quested by and for the b~nefit"of - the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD When recorded return to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Department of Public Works 1501 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sp~ce for Recorder's Use Only CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield, California COVENANT REQUIRING ANNExATION THIS COVENANT is executed on this ~ day of ,199._, by (hereinafter, "Owner/s") in connection with the extension of water service to the here-in described property, located in an unincorporated area of the County of Kern. The real property herein described has been granted water service by the City of Bakersfield, even though the property is not located within the' incorporated boundaries of the City. As a condition of extension of said water service to this property, the property shall be annexed into the City of Bakersfield as soon as it may be included in an annexation which is contiguous to City boundaries. The property owners hereby waive their right to protest such annexation. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: OWNER(S) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Gene Bogart, Water Resources Director NOTE: All signatures must be notarized. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 16 . 40 . 010 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REMOVAL OF GROUNDWATER UPON SUBDIVISION. WT~REAS, the City of Bakersfield supplies water to many subdivisions in the City; and ~REAS, the groundwater supply underlying the City of Bakersfield is essential for the well-being of the existing and future residents of these subdivisions; and WHEREAS, groundwater is and will continue to be the major source of water to supply the overlying lands and City residents; and WHEREAS, future growth and development in the City will be dependent upon the preservation and protection of this ground- water resource; and WHEREAS, .the City domestiC water system needs the water underlying these subdivisions to serve the needs of the property owners within the subdivisions.. NOW, Tm~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of. the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 16.40.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 16.40.010 Requirements. As a condition of approval of a tentative mapl the subdivider shall do the following: A. Dedicate or make an irrevocable offer of dedication of .all land .Within the subdivision that is needed for public streets, alleys, including access rights and abutter's rights, drainage, public utility easements and other public easements. B. Record a covenant for each lot prohibiting the pumping and taking of groundwater from the property for any use off the property; provided, however, such pumping and taking may be carried out by the authorized urban water purveyor which provides water service to the subdivided land. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. - o0o I HERR~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI City Attorney JUDY K. SKOUSEN Chief Assistant City Attorney LCM/JKS/meg WATER\ GRDWATER.O-5 7/23/93 - 2 - 'Reebr4i.ng requested by and for the behefit of · the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD When recorded return to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Department of Public Works 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Space for Recorder'8 Use Only CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield, California COVENANT RELATING TO REMOVAL OF GROUNDWATER UPON SUBDIVISION THIS COVENANT is executed on this ~ day of ,199__, by (hereinafter, "Owner/s") in connection with the removal of groundwater from the here-in described property, located in the County of Kern. The owner/s of the real property herein described shall be prohibited from the pumping, taking and removal of groundwater from the property for any use off the property; provided, however, such pumping, taking and removal may be carried out by the authorized urban water purveyor which provides water service to the subdivided land. The property owners hereby waive their right to protest such prohibition. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: OWNER(S) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Gene Bogart, Water Resources Director NOTE: All signatures must be notarized. AGREEMENT FOR DISCHARGE OF OILFIELD EFFLUENT WATER INTO THE BEARDSLEY-LERDO CANAL SYSTEM BY AND BETWEEN NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. AND THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD This Agreement is made, entered into and executed in triplicate, any copy of which may be considered and used as the original hereof for all purposes, as of the day of ~ 1993, in the State of California, County of Kern, City of Bakersfield. BY AND BETWEEN NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a district organized under water storage district law; and CHEVRON U.S.A., INC., a Pennsylvania corporation; and CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a ,California municipal corporation, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, North Kern Water Storage District (hereinafter "North Kern") is a water storage district organized under Water Code section 39000 et seq., and is in existence for the purpose of delivering water suitable for in'igation use; and WHEREAS, North Kern is the present owner of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System and certain laterals and appurtenances thereto located in the County of Kern, California; and WHEREAS, Chevron U.S.A., Inc. (hereinafter "Chevron") is a public corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, Chevron generates in connection with its oil operations in the Kern River, Kern Front and Poso Creek oil fields a quantity of water known as effluent water; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield (hereinafter "City") is a chartered city organized and existing under and by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of California and is situated in Kern County; and · WHEREAS, the City has a right to use one hundred (100) cubic feet per second · of capacity in that portion of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System south of Seventh Standard Road and is the owner of certain laterals and appurtenances and does, make deliveries of water through such capacity; and WHEREAS, suitable for use as irrigation water means that quality of water which allows the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, their successors and assigns, an equivalent opportunity for agricultural production, with the same variety of crop alternatives, that they would experience if Chevron discharged no effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System; WHEREAS, Chevron has requested the services of North Kern to receive and dilute Chevron's effluent water and North Kern is agreeable to providing the aforementioned services for Chevron, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and with the understanding that this Agreement is entered into by North Kern and the City to assure North Kern and the City that Chevron's effluent water delivered to the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, their successors and assigns, shall at all times be suitable for use as irrigation water and to assure North Kern and the City that all costs and expenses incurred by North Kern and the City as a consequence of Chevron's effluent water shall be paid. for in their entirety by Chevron. 'NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PROMISES AND COVENANTS HEREIN CONTAINED, NORTH KERN, CHEVRON AND THE CITY HEREBY AGREE as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise specified, the terms defined in this Article I shall, for all purposes of this Agreement, have the meanings herein specified. 1. "Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System" means that canal system commencing at the Beardsley River Weir and including the Beardsley Canal and the Lerdo Canal and all laterals and appurtenances thereto. The Carder Canal forms no part of the canal system included within the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 2. "Delivered water or water delivered" means that water which is diverted from the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System and transported to water users of the Beardsley- Lerdo Canal System. 3. "Effluent water" means all oil field produced water in excess of water used internally in Chevron's Kern River Profit Center (Kern River, Kern Front and Poso Creek) oil field operations, other than that water which is disposed of by injection into Chevron's own deep zone wells. 2 ' 4. "Emergency" means any earthquake, flood, f'tre or other natural disaster or Act of God, precluding the normal operation and maintenance of North Kern's facilities. 5. "Management Plan" means that written plan by which Chevron and other dischargers of effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, follow procedures to monitor effluent and receiving waters to assure that the receiving and effluent, water quality standards stated in the applicable NPDES permits are not exceeded. 6. "Monitor or mo. nitoring~' means the recording, sampling, testing and reporting of the various constituents within Chevron's effluent water and the receiving water as performed by North Kern. 7. "NPDES permit" means the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued by the State of California, RegiOnal Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, or by any other agency assuming jurisdiction over such discharges into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 8. "Project water" means that water which is a blend of all waters transported in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System for the purposes of meeting irrigation and project demands of North Kem and the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, including Kern River water, State or Federal Project water, well and local water supplies, but excluding oil field produced waters. 9. "Receiving water" means that water which is a blend of all oil field effluent water from Chevron, and other dischargers, and Project water flowing in the Beardsley- Lerdo Canal System,~as measured in the Beardsley Canal at the Olive Drive crossing, or as measured at such place as otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties. 10. Regional Board" means the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, State of California or any other agency assuming jurisdiction over wastewater discharges into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 11. "Water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System" means those persons, partnerships, corporations or other legal entities which are delivered water transported through the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System by either North Kern or the City. ARTICLE II PROVISIONS 1. Chevron shall conslruct and maintain, at its s~le expense, all facilities necessary to transport and discharge its effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 3 2. Chevron shall discharge all its effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System up to 11.18 cfs (30-day Mean flow). Chevron shall use its best efforts to maintain a reasonably constant effluent water quality and discharge flow rate throughout each day and from day to day. Chevron shall not alternate its disposal of effluent water between the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System and other disposal systems based on seasonal fluctuations in water demand and/or price. Chevron may dispose of its effluent water by means other than discharging it into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System if a more economic method of disposal is available to Chevron, provided however, any such cessation of discharge into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System shall continue for a minimum period of twelve (12) successive months unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties. If a mOre economic alternative is available, Chevron shall provide forty-five (45) days minimum advance written notice to North Kern, giving North Kern a 45-day option and right of first refusal, to take Chevron's effluent, under the same terms and conditions applicable to Chevron's alternate method of disposal. Such written notice shall include the date(s), schedule, quantity, and cost to Chevron for such an alternate method of disposal. Upon two weeks advance written request by North Kern, Chevron shall provide North Kern and City copies of all contracts, right-of-way agreements, or other documents providing for an alternate method of disposal of Chevron's effluent water. If North Kern decides to acquire Chevron's effluent water it shall forego collection of charges provided for in paragraphs 8, 9, and 12 of this Agreement. In lieu thereof, North Kern shall either pay Chevron, net after deduction for all capital expenses incurred by Chevron to conslxuet and develop the alternate disposal method, the per acre-foot rate Chevron would have been paid under the alternate disposal contract; or reduce the charges provided in paragraphs 8, 9, and 12 of this Agreement to a rate equal to the per acre-foot rate to be paid by Chevron as provided in the alternate disposal contract. In the event that North Kern does not exercise the option to obtain all of Chevron's effluent water, or determines to take only part of Chevron's effluent water for any reason, Chevron may proceed with reasonable efforts to install facilities, which do not encroach on the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System right-of-way, necessary to implement the alternate method of disposal. Chevron may discharge all of it's effluent water to the Beardsley- Lerdo Canal System, as provided in this Agreement, until such facilities are installed. Additionally, the parties recognize there may be periods of time when Chevron must reduce or completely stop the discharge of effluent to the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System due to Chevron's internal operational constraints. In the event such a reduction or cessation of discharge is necessary for a period of at least seven (7) days or longer, Chevron shall provide North Kern seventy-two (72) hours advance written notice of Chevron's intention to terminate or recommence discharging its effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 4 The parties to this Agreement will maintain daily communications of current activity and estimates of flow rates in an effort to predict flow rates forty-eight (48) hours in advance, thus keeping the parties advised of those matters affecting the receiving water quality and quantity in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. North Kern and the City shall have the City's dispatcher phone number, 326-3716, and Chevron's dispatcher, phone numbers, 392-3435 (Daily), 392-3321 (Emergency), to coordinate this data. 3. Chevron agrees to cease all discharges into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System during that period when the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System is closed for maintenance or emergency. North Kern agrees that on the earliest possible date, that it shall notify Chevron of the dates during which the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System is expected to be closed for scheduled' maintenance. North Kern further agrees not to close the Beardsley- Lerdo Canal System for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days for scheduled maintenance, unless mutually agreed upon by Chevron and North Kern. North Kern also · agrees to give Chevron as much advance notice as reasonably possible before closing the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System for emergency. In the event of an emergency, North Kern will use its best efforts to minimize the length of time the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System is out of operation. 4. Except as provided for in its NPDES permit, Chevron agrees that it will immediately cease its discharge into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System upon being presented, evidence by North Kern that Chevron's effluent water contains any substance which is contained within any of the following definitions or lists, whether as currently drafted or as amended in the future: a. the definition of "extremely hazardous waste," as defined in section 25115 of the Caiifomia Health and Safety Code; or b. the definition of "hazardous waste," as defined in section 25117 of the California Health and Safety COde; or c. the definition of "hazardous substance," as defined in section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code; or d. any substance listed in the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 30, Article 9, Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials, section 66680 and Article II, Criteria For Identification of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous Wastes, sections 66693-66746; and which substances or wastes to the extent that such substances or wastes in the effluent water cause the receiving waters to be in concentrations that are deleterious to either plant,' animal or human health. 5 Chevron shall obtain and maintain a NPDES permit CA0080853, Order No. 92-107 and it shall comply with all the terms of such. Any increase in the quantity of water discharged or modification of the water quality standards specified in such a permit, shall not be implemented by Chevron unless Chevron has prior written consent of North Kern. 6. Chevron shall at all times operate its facilities so that Chevron's effluent water does not cause the receiving water in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System to exceed 0.5 MG/1 of boron. Chevron agrees that when there is insufficient Project water in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System to dilute Chevron's effluent water to 0.5 MG/1 of boron, Chevron shall without hesitation, regardless of time or day, reduce the quantity of flow of its effluent water to a point at which the receiving water in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System does not exceed 0.5 MG/1 of boron. Chevron's reduction, in relation to other oil field produced water discharges into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, shall be according to the proportional reduction requirements specified in the Management Plan promulgated pursuant to NPDES Order No. 92-107 or as otherwise agreexi to in writing by North Kern. 7. Chevron shall comply with each and every other federal, state or local water quality standard or provision pertaining to discharging oil field wastewater into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, whether in existence on the date this Agreement is executed or promulgated at any subsequent time, once such standard or provision becomes final' and enforceable by the appropriate governmental agency. 8. Chevron and other oil field produced water dischargers, shall pay North Kern the actual cost necessarily incurred by North Kern and/or the City to monitor the constituent level of Chevron's and other oil field produced water discharges, effluent water and receiving water flowing in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. The actual cost shall b~ divided amongst all the oil field produced water dischargers based on the proportion of their respective total quarterly discharge. North Kern agrees .to quarterly reimburse the City a portion of the · monitoring charge if the City incurs costs while recording and reporting the Chevron discharge. Upon request, North Kern shall supply Chevron and the City, with copies of all monitoring data. Upon request, City shall supply Chevron and North Kern, with copies of all monitoring data. North Kern shall provide Chevron with the budgeted amount of the monitoring fee for the following year by December 1 of the current year. Subject to cost adjustments as specified in Article II, paragraph 10, the monitoring fee shall be based on the 1992 yearly budget amount of $52,000.00. 9. Chevron shall pay North Kern the full cost incurred by North Kern and/or the City for compensating the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, their successors and assigns, 'for having to add a salt correction material to their soil and/or water ~to ·counterbalance the higher salt load contained in Chevron's effluent water. 6 Subject to cost adjustments as specified in Article II, Paragraph 10, the salt correction cost to be paid by Chevron shall be $2.60/acre-foot per 1 lb. of 100 percent Gypsum per 100 GPM/hour that Chevron discharges into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. The gypsum requirements will be calculated on a quarterly basis based on a geochemical analysis of the water. The gypsum requirement and subsequent salt correction cost will be calculated on a monthly basis as follows: a. A geochemical analysis will be performed monthly on the effluent water by the Management Plan Contractor; b. The gypsum requirement (pounds gyp/100 GPM-hr) will be calculated for the effluent water using the following equation: Pounds Gyp/100 GPM-Hr = 4.3 * {[(CO3/30)+(HCO3/61)]-[(Ca/20)+~(Mg/12)]} where: CO3 = Carbonate in mg/l HCO3 = Bicarbonate in mg/1 Ca = Calcium in mg/l Mg = Magnesium in mg/l c. A running monthly average, based on twelve (12) months of data, will be calculated for each month. The running average is calculated by dividing the sum of the twelve (12) most recent analyses by twelve (12); d. The total discharge flow for each month will then be multiplied by the corresponding gypsum requirement; e. The gypsum requirement will then be multiplied by the $2.60/acre- foot fee and is paid quarterly. North Kern agrees to quarterly reimburse the City and other diverters from the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System a portion of the salt correction charge. Any reimbursements paid to the City or other diverters shall be based upon the actual water diverted and used from the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. The reimbursements shall be in proportion to the total Beardsley Canal flow and based upon the quarterly hydrographic records of the flow of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. Upon request, North Kern agrees to provide Chevron a quarterly statement of the reimbursements made to the City and other.diverters from the Beardsley- Lerdo Canal System concerning the salt correction charge. Upon request, North Kern 7 fui'ther ~grees to provide to the City and to all diverters clear notice of the nature and source of the reimbursement and the purpose thereof, whether said reimbursement is in the form of a cash payment or other payment in lieu of cash or in the form of reduced water charges. 10. The costs stated in Article II, paragraphs 8, 9 and 12, are best estimates of the full cost associated with the monitoring and treatment of Chevron's effluent water and are subject to change. Therefore, the aforementioned costs shall be adjusted January 1, each and every year this Agreement is in effect, either upward or downward according to the "Implicit Price Deflator for Gross National Product" using the second quarter of the preceding year in relation to the second quarter of 1992, which stood at 120.6 as a base. 11. North Kern shall invoice Chevron on a quarterly basis for the costs charged in Article II, paragraphs 8, 9 and 12. Payments not received within sixty (60) days of the date stated on the billing invoice will incur a late charge of 10 percent plus 1 percent per month interest on the outstanding balance. Upon termination of this Agreement under Article II, paragraph 17, all sums currently owing to North Kern shall be paid within forty-five (45) days of the date of termination. 12. Chevron agrees to pay additional fees based on the constituent level of boron and oil and grease. Subject to cost adjustments as specified in Article II, paragraph 10, the boron and oil and grease fees are as follows: a) the boron fee is $0.50/acre-foot per 0.1 mg/1 boron above 0.5 rog/1 in the discharge; b) the oil and grease fee is $0.15/aere- foot per 1.0 mg/1 free oil and grease above 12.0 mg/1 in the discharge. The boron and oil and grease fees will be based on the monthly averages of boron and oil and grease respectively as monitored and analyzed by the .Management Plan Contractor and submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. These fees will be calculated by North Kern and paid by Chevron on a quarterly basis. 13. Chevron agrees to assume all duties and obligations including, but not limited to, the payment of any tax, assessment, penalty or any levy whatsoever, which may be imposed by any federal, state or local governmental agency upon North Kern, the City or the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, pertaining to actual or claimed degradation of groundwater quality due to Chevron's effluent water. Following imposition by a governmental agency of any above-specified levy, the parties shall meet and confer to determine the nature and extent, if any, of Chevron's responsibility for such a levy. Chevron shall not be obligated under this paragraph to make payments to North Kern, the City or the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, if Chevron has previously made direct payment to the governmental agency imposing the levy. 14. The charges specified in Article II, paragraphs 8, 9, 12 and if applicable 13 represent the parties' best estimate of the foreseeable costs incurred by North Kern, the City and the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System as a consequence of Chevron discharging its effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. No charge levied~ or fee whatsoever, other than those charges above-specified, shall be. .upder 8 ~z' . .' ter~ns of'this Agreement by North Kern or the City against Chevron in connection with the monitoring, discharge or use of Chevron's effluent water in the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. 15. The failure of any party to enforce against the other a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time. 16. Chevron agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless North Kern and the City and their respective officers, agents and employees, and each of them, for any injury, damage, loss, liability, claim or causes of action, including, but not limited to, inverse condemnation, property damage, personal injury, death directly and proximately caused by Chevron discharging its effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System. Provided, however, Chevron shall not be responsible for any injury, damage, loss or liability directly and proximately caused by the negligent or willful misconduct of either Noah Kern, the City or the water users of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, including but not limited to, any and all injury, damage, loss or liability directly and proximately caused by a water user of the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System failing to add a salt correction material to their soil and/or water to counterbalance the higher salt load contained within Chevron's effluent water. North Kern and/or the City shall tender to Chevron the defense of any claims against them, or either of them, which come within the scope of this paragraph. Should Chevron accept the tender of defense, Chevron shall keep Noah Kern and/or the City apprised of all developments of any claim and shall confer with North Kern and/or the City prior to settling any claim. The attorneys' and experts' fees to be paid shall not exceed such amount as the court in which the litigation occurs determines to be reasonable. 17. This Agreement shall be in effect until and including December 31, 1997. Provided, however, North Kern may suspend Chevron's discharge of effluent water, with reasonable cause, upon forty-eight (48) hours notice to Chevron as provided in Article II, paragraph 22. Chevron shall incur no liability for charges levied according to this Agreement during any such suspension. Unless otherwise mutually agreed between the parties, upon termination of this Agreement, Chevron shall cease all discharges and remove all its discharge facilities from North Kern's Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System and right-of-way and restore the premises without damaging existing canal facilities. Chevron shall assume all costs associated with the removal of its facilities and restoration of the premises. In the event federal, state, or local laws or regulations, such as those identified in Article H, paragraphs 4 and 7, should render Chevron's effluent water unsuitable for discharge into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System, all monetary obligations of Chevron to North Kern and the City shall be suspended until that time when discharge can be resumed. 9 North Kern agrees to grant Chevron permission to install a buried discharge line across the existing canal fight-of-way, consistent with North Kern's then existing fight-of- way encroachment policy, for discharge of the oil field, produced water into the Beardsley Canal. This discharge, line will be buried at the current fence line and cross the existing road underground and re-surface a the edge of the canal, all as approved by North Kern. 18. Nothing contained in this Agreement, nor any performance under this Agreement, shall affect or change, the existing Kern River water fights or Lake Isabella storage dghts held by North Kern or the City. 19. In the event .of any litigation between North Kern, Chevron and the City or any tWo of them, in connection with the interpretation, performance or enforcement of this Agreement, the prevailing party or parties in such litigation shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the other party or parties thereto for all costs of litigation, including, but not limited to, court costs, time and expense of personnel, attorneys' fees, costs of experts and other costs of litigation. Provided, however, that the attorneys' and experts' fees to be reimbursed shall not exceed such amount as the court determines to be reasonable. 20. All parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement and section 1654 of the Civil Code has no application to the interpretation of this Agreement. 21. None of the fights or obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall be assigned or delegated by any party without the prior written consent of the other two parties. 22. All notices hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be sent by certified or registered mail and be effective upon posting in the United States mail.' The parties should be addressed as follows: North Kern Water Storage District P. O. Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. P. O. Box 5355 Bakersfield, CA 93388 ~ City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 23, This Agreement shall be binding on the three named parties and their successors and assigns. ~'~' ~ 24~ This. Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties pertaining to tho discharge of Chevron's effluent water into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal System and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and Understandings, whether written or oral, not specifically referred to herein. 25. None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to dedicate, nor have they dedicated, any of the water the subject of this Agreement, or any of the facilities of the parties to public use as a public utility or common carder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date fa'st above written. NORTH KERN WATER CHEVRON, U.S.A., INC. STO~ISTRICT/ BY: ~ ~ <~x~. ~. ~ (Its Attorney-in-Fac0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY: MAYOR, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY: CHIEF FINANCIAL ADVISOR' APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: CITY ATTORNEY WP5 I~a:CHEVREV2.422-JRF-mvfjcr 11 CITY AGREEMENT NO. 93 - 05 W.B. EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of , 1993, by and between the KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY, a political subdivision of the State of California ("Agency") and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Agency is in the process of securing a low-interest loan under the Water Conservation and Water Quality Bond Law of 1986 for the purpose of constructing improvements to the water banking and recovery project ("Project") on the Berrenda Mesa Spreading Grounds which is situated along the Kern River Channel between Buena Vista Road and the City's 2800-Acre Recharge Area, together with diversion and conveyance works located.east of Buena Vista Road on lands owned by City and Castle & Cooke Development Corp.; and WHEREAS, the Agency has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Berrenda Mesa Water District ("Berrenda Mesa") dated August 31, 1992, incorporated herein by reference, for operation of said Project and which establishes Agency as the Lead Agency or Operator of Project; and WHEREAS, the Project requires diversion headworks proposed for ultimate incorporation into a reconstruction of the Bellevue Weir. In the interim, said diversion works will be constructed independent of the Bellevue Weir on or adjacent to Agency fee ground originally acquired for construction of Pumping Plant No. 5 of the Cross Valley Canal (CVC); and WHEREAS, an easement is required from City for construction and maintenance of a portion of the aforementioned water diversion works and a buried pipeline to be installed from the diversion headworks on the north side of the Kern River channel easterly of the Stockdale Highway Bridge and extending to a point in the south bank of the Kern River westerly of the Stockdale Highway Bridge and for a portion of an existing channel on City land adjacent to the south side of the Kern River; and WHEREAS, the conveyance works from City property to Berrenda Mesa fee property will be in an unlined canal on an easement or fee land acquired from Castle & Cooke; and WHEREAS, a path for conveyance of water destined for the Berrenda Mesa Spreading Grounds will emanate from the Kern River Channel upstream of the above- mentioned headworks or from River Turnout No. 2 of the CVC (also upstream of the above-mentioned headworks), which water will, in the course of its conveyance to the Berrenda Mesa Spreading Grounds, pass over and percolate into fee land owned by City in the Kern River Channel; and WHEREAS, City is the fee owner of the Kern River Channel easterly of the Berrenda Mesa Spreading Grounds; and WHEREAS, Berrenda Mesa is the fee owner of approximately one mile of the Kern River Channel immediately east of the City's 2800-Acre Recharge Area; and WHEREAS, it is desirable by the parties to establish priorities for use of the Kern River Channel with respect to the fee ownership so that either party to this Agreement may use the fee portions of the channel belonging to the other party for purposes as hereinafter agreed; .and WHEREAS, City, in order to provide proper coordination with existing Kern River Channel diversion activities, shah operate and maintain Project headworks and be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in this operation; and WHEREAS, City may desire to utilize the diversion pipeline to be constructed on City fee ground that is a part of Project; and WHEREAS, Agency and City intend that completion of this Agreement be a condition of the City's granting of the easement for the diversion works and pipeline portion of Project, across City fee ground. NOW, THEREFORE, CITY and AGENCY mutually agree as follows: 1. GRANTING OF EASEMENT. City agrees to grant Agency a water line and canal easement approximately 3,500 feet in length, varying from 50 feet to 100 feet in width, connecting the diversion works near the southerly fee line of Agency property at CVC Pumping Plant No. 5, down and across the Kern River Channel under the Stockdale Highway bridge, to a point located on the south bank of the Kern River where the pipeline will end and a diversion canal will commence at the approximate interface between City and Castle & Cooke property. This easement is specifically described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. This easement agreement, including exhibits, shall be recorded upon full execution of this agreement. 2 2. OWNERSHIP OF WATER. City and Agency agree that water owned and diverted by City through the river channel in the reach between CVC Turnout No. 2 and the east boundary of the 2800-Acre Recharge Area may be claimed by City for purposes to be determined by City and that in this same reach, water owned and diVerted by Agency or Berrenda Mesa may be claimed by Agency or Berrenda Mesa for purPoses to be determined by Agency or Berrenda Mesa. In the event of diversion into the river channel of waters of commingled ownership where banking is the intention of both parties, fee ownership of the river channel will dictate the ratio of ownership of' the banked water. In a commingled diversion where banking is the intention of both parties, the City shall maintain a priority to claim banking and percolation losses between Bellevue Weir and the east boundary of Berrcnda Mesa fee ownership in the Kern River Channel and Berrenda Mesa and/or the Agency shall maintain a priority to claim banking and' percolation losses in the fee portion of the Kern River Channel owned by' Berrenda Mesa. Parties will agree to a reasonable determination of amounts banked in each reach of fee ownership. 3. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE. Agency and City agree that City will operate,.measure and maintain the Project headworks and will, to the extent possible, divert water owned by Agency over the Bellevue Weir'or into the Project pipeline upon request of. Agency. Agency shall pay to City a fee in the amount of $0.50 per acre-foot for all Agency or Berrenda Mesa water diverted into the Project pipeline at the headworks, which cost shall reimburse City for administration, operations, maintenance and record-keeping expenses applicable to such diversion. Said fee shall be adjusted to reflect annual change on the basis of the January 1, 1993 "All Commodities" classifications of the Wholesale Price Indices for Major Commodity Group published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjustments to the fee will be made prior to February 15th of each year, or as soon thereafter as is possible based on the January Index for the current year. Fees payable during a calendar year shall be based on the January Index for that year. The fee will be calculated and invoiced monthly by City to Agency and shall be payable within 30 days receipt of invoice. 4. RECORDS AND SCHEDULING. The parties agree that City shall maintain records of such water diverted via the Project headworks. Agency shall have access to such records. Agency shall be responsible to schedule Project water diversions 48 hours in advance through City water dispatcher at 326-3715. 5. USE OF PROJECT HEADWORKS. Agency and City agree that City shall have a next priority behind Agency and Berrenda Mesa to utilize Project pipeline and canal located on City fee land for conveyance of City owned water at those times when Agency determines there is capacity available in excess of its needs. 6. RESTORATION OF PREMISES. Upon completion of the Project works as outlined in this Agreement, Agency shall remove all existing temporary facilities from City fee ownership (including structures, culverts, rip-rap and sandplugs) and restore premises to its original condition, as determined by City. 3 7. PUBLIC ACCESS. In consideration of this grant of easement, and pursuant to the goals of the adopted Kern River Plan, City and Agency will continue to assist each other to coordinate future public trails along the course of the Kern River Channel. 8. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shah not be assigned by Agency on behalf of itself and/or Berrenda Mesa without the prior written consent of City. 9. LIABILITY. Neither City nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the water quality, control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of water diverted for Agency pursuant to this Agreement. Neither Agency, Berrenda Mesa nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal or distribution of water owned by City and caused to be diverted by City into Project facilities pursuant to priority established in ¶ 5. herein. 10. INDEMNITY. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, for injury to or death of persons or damage to property arising out of, connected with, or caused by Agency, Agency's employees, agents or independent contractors or companies in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and'provisions of this Agreement. 11. NOTICES. Any notice, billings or correspondence required herein may be given by mail, postage prepaid, directed as follows: AGENCY: Kern County Water Agency 3200 Rio Mirada Drive Post Office Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302 CITY: City of Bakersfield Water Board. 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 12. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. Agency shall, at Agency's sole cost, comply with aH of the requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement. Written approval of the State of California Reclamation Board and California State Department of Fish and Game, and all other applicable agencies must be obtained prior to any work being done at Project site. 13. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence the day and year first above written and. the same shall continue thereafter in full force and effect unless terminated by abandonment of the easement, or if easement is no longer necessary. 4 .......... 000 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Easement Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By ROBERT PRICE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mayor LAWRENCE LUNARDINI City Attorney By COUNTERSIGNED: By GENE BOGART Acting Water & Sanitation Manager "AGENCY" KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY By Title CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA A Municipal Corporation WATER LINE AND CANAL EASEMENT (PERMANENT) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD hereinafter called 'GRANTOR,' hereby grants to the KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY, a political subdivision of the State of California and BERRENDA MESA WATER DISTRICT, a California Water District in the State of California, hereinafter called 'GRANTEES,' a nonexclusive easement and right of way to lay, construct, operate, maintain, repair, reconstruct, change the size of and remove Water Pipelines and Canal Facilities and appurtenant and necessary surface and,subsurface structt~res, .fittings, and other equipment, in, under, across, over and upon those certain strips and parcels of land in the incorporated area of The City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' (AI-I'ACHED) This grant is subject to all existing conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, servitudes and rights of way of record, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument as of this day of ,1 9 GRANTOR Attest: MAYOR - C~ OF BAKE~$FiFI.. D CLEI~.K- ~.,AKERSFIELD C~ COUNCIL GRANTEES Attest: COUNTY V(~ AGENCY SECRET.,/kRY-K~,N COUNTY WATE~ AC-~"NCY BOk~D OF DiRE;TORS BOARD OF DRECTORS Attest: P.~RENDA M~t ~T~ ~TRICT SECP~ARY- BEP~ENDA MESA WATER DISllRICT BOARD DF ~CT~S BOARD OFF/i, ECTORS EXHIBIT °A° WATERLINE EASEMENT PARCEL NO. I (SECTION 1 ~ T. 30 S. - R.26 E.) A strip of land fifty (50) feet in width, located in the North half (N ¥=) of Section 1, Townshil~ 30 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. 8, M. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the Cross Valley Canal, which is also the Northerly boundary of the Kern River, as said prol~erty is described in Book 5045, Page 501 of the Book of Records, as recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of Kern, State of California,' which bears N 89° 14' 38° W, 5.05 feet along the North line of Section 1, from the Northeast corner thereof, to a point on the southerly right of way of the Cross Valley Canal, thence along said right of way S 62° 01 ' 27° W 714.17 feet, to the true point of Beginning: 1. Thence leaving the South right of way of the Cross Valley Canal, S 02° 55' 37' W, 194.97 feet, 2. Thence S 36° 1 O' 59° W, 597.01 feet, 3. Thence S 65° 25' 37° W, 450.00 feet, and 4. Thence S 34° 02' 16" W, 617.22 feet, to a point which is 50' northerly of the South boundary line of the Kern River, Containing 2.16 acres more or less. (1) Sept. 16, 1992 EXHIBIT °A' CANAL EASEMENT PARCEL NO. 2 (SECTION 1, T. 30 S. - R: 26 E.) A parcel of land located in the North half (N ¥~) of Section 1 ,' Township 30 South, Range 26 East, M.D.B. & M. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South boundary line ofthe Kern River, as said property is described ' in Book 5045, Page 501 of the Book of Records, as recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of Kern, State of California, which bears S 00°49' 53° W, 1117.66 feet along the east line of said Section 1 from the Northeast corner thereof, to a point on the southerly boundary of the Kern River thence along said boundary S 49°'46' 36' W - 80.82 feet, S 77° 55' 43° W - 77.34 feet, S 79° 36' 41 ' W- 144.47 feet, N 89° 58' 36' W- 680.06 feet, S 40° 52' 48' W- 487.79 feet, and S 62° 31 ' 36° W - 490.15 feet to the True Point of Beginning: ' 1. Thence continuing along said southerly boundary ofthe Kern River $ 62° 31' 36° W, 632.41 feet, 2. Thence S 75° 38' 52' W, 388.97 feet, 3. Thence S 82° 03' 33' W, 300.56 feet, and · 4. Thence N 75° 58' 50° W, 267.40 feet, 5. Thence leaving said South boundary of the Kern River N 82° 03' 33' E, 542.96 feet, 6. 'Thence N 75° 38' 52' E, 371.88 feet, 7. Thence N 62° 31" 36° E, 620.91 feet, and 8. Thence S 27° 28' 24° E, 100.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 3.28 acres more or less (2} Sept. 16, 1992 ~ ' t:' SEC~ON l, ~JOS., R.26E.R.26E. ~, TA~R & ~SO~S, ~C. c~ oF ~nn 9-16-92 CONSUL~NG C~L ~GIN~ SE~ON 1, T.~S.. R.26[ ~ 1326 '~ ~. SU~ 21 P~C~ NO. I ~D NO. 2 M.W.T. ~E'RSR~. ~FORN~ 95301 ~HIB~ 'A' ~ ~ STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS W.B. 93-06 AUGUST, 1993 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND SANITATION WATER RESOURCES DIVISION 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 (805) 326-3715 FAX (805) 326-3098 STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I - GENERAL ' 1 1.1 SCOPE ..................................................... 1 1.2 DEFINTrlONS ............................................... 1 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS ............................................ 1 CHAPTER II - PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF WATER SYSTEM PLANS ................................................... 2 2.1 PURPOSE ................................................... 2 2.2 PROCEDURE FOR PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL ........... 2 2.3 PLAN FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS .- ......................... 3 CHAPTER III - WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS ..................... · ....... 3 3.1 PURPOSE ................................................... 3 3.2 DOMESTIC FLOW ............................................ 4 3.3 RESIDENTIAL AREAS ~ ........................ ; .............. 4 3.4 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL .............................. 4 3.5 PARKS ..................................................... 4 3.6 GENERAL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS ........................ 4 3.7 PIPE PRESSURE .............................................. 3.8 TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT ................................. 5 CHAPTER IV -. MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN CRITERIA ......................... '5 4.1 LOCATION OF PIPE .......................................... 4.2' FIRE HYDRANI'S ' 5 4.3 VALVE LOCATION ........................................... 6 4.4 AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVES ......................... 6 4.5 BLOWOFFS ................................................. 6 4.6 WHARF HYDRANTS ...................... ................... 6 4.7 PIPE DIAMETER ............................................. 6 4.8 CONNECTIONS .............................................. 6 4.9 CLEARANCE FROM SEWERS .................................. 6 4.10 SERVICE PIPE SIZE ............................................ 7 4.11 THRUST DEVICES ........................................... 7 CHAPTER V- MATERIALS ................................................. 7 5.1 PURPOSE ................................................... 7 5.2 QUALITY OF MATERIALS .................................... 7 5.3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) ............................ 8 5.4 ASBESTOS-CEMENT PIPE (ACP) ................................ 8 5.5 STEEL PIPE .................................................. 8 5.6 VALVES .................................................... 9 5.7 VALVE BOXES ' 10 5.8 WATER SERVICE PIPE AND TUBING ........................... 10 5.9 CORPORATION STOPS ....................................... 10 5.10 METER STOPS ............................................... 11 5.11 FIRE HYDRANTS ............................................. 11 5.12 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE .............................. 11 5.13 STORAGE FACILITIES ........................................ 11 5.14 VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS .................................. 11 5.15 PROTECTIVE COATINGS ................ · ..................... 11 5.16 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................ 12 CHAPTER VI - INSTAIJATION OF WATER SYSTEM .......................... 12 6.1 PURPOSE .; ................................................. 12 6.2 TRENCHING ................................................ 12 6.3 PIPE PLACEMENT & MATERIAL HANDLING .................... 13 CHAPTER VII - TESTING AND DISINFECTION ............................... 15 7.1 PURPOSE ........ ' ........................................... 15 7.2 HYDROSTATIC (LEAKAGE) TEST .............................. 15 7.3 DISINFECTION OF WATER LINES .............................. 16 7.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS .................................... 17 7.5 FIRE FLOW TEST ............................................ 17 7.6 COSTS FOR TES'IING ......................................... 17 APPENDIX ............................................................. 18 APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE WATER AVAILABILITY FEES AGREEMENT MAINLINE EXTENSION AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE STANDARD DETAILS Plate No. W-1 - Standard pipe trench Plate No. W-2 - Thrust block detail Plate No. W-3 - Fire hydrant assembly Plate No. W4 - Blowoff assembly - paved area Plate No. W-5 - End of line blowoff - unpaved area Plate No. W-6 - Standard - blowoff assembly Plate No. W-7 - Pipe bore & casing detail Plate No. W-8 - Standard service connection - 3/4' to 2' Plate No. W-9 - 3", 4', & 6" water service detail Plate No. W-10 - 4' & larger turnout Plate No. W-II - Typical meter box location Plate No. W-12 - Valve box detail Plate No. W-13 - Canal crossing detail Plate No. W-14 - Concrete saddle detail Plate No. W-15 - Safety fence detail Plate No. W-16 - Air-gap separation Plate No. W-I'/- Alternate air-gap installation requirements ii CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT DOMESTIC WATER DMSION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS CHAPTER I - GENERAL 1,1 SCOPE: These Standards and Specifications establish the minimum acceptable standards of water supply, design criteria, materials, construction methods and testing for water mains and water systems within the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water 'Service area. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: The following words, terms or pronouns used in place of them, shall be understood to have the meaning as given in this Section 1.2. 1.2.1 Department: The Water and Sanitation Department, Domestic Water Division. 1.2.2 Director: The Director of the Water .Resources Division, Water and Sanitation Department, City of Bakersfield. 1.2.3 Engineer: Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, employed by the Developer, who is responsible for the preparation and content of the Hans. 1.2.4 Inspector: The Inspector employed or contracted by the City of Bakersfield, Department of Water and Sanitation, to perform inspection during construction. 1.2.5 Contractor: The person, firm or corporation constructing the water system improvements for the Developer. 1.$ ABBREVIATIONS: Whenever the following abbreviations are used they shall be understood to have the meaning as given in this Section 1.3: AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron & Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute (formerly USASI, USAS, ASA) ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council UBC Uniform Building Code Rcvi~ion l~tz - ~!~ Z~. 199~ Clt7 of .lhkersfleld Stanchrds & Specifications for Domestic Water Division CHAPTER II - PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF WATER SYSTEM PLANS 2.1 PURPOSE: The 'purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for submittal, review, and approval of City of Bakersfield water system plans. 2.2 PROCEDURE .FOR PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL: The following prOCedures, listed in order of normal occurrence, are required for approval of water system plans: 2.2.1 The Developer, or his duly authorized representative shall submit the tentative land subdivision map in accordance with the City of Bakersfield Land Division Ordinance and the State of California Subdivision Map Act. The Planning Department will route copies of the tentative map to the water Resources Division and the Fire Department for placement of conditions on the map. 2.2.2 Commitment to Service: THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK, RESERVED FOR LATER USE. 2.2.3 SUbmission of' Plans: Water system plans shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California, and in aCCOrdance with these Standards and Specifications. The Developer shall submit two (2) sets to the Department and two (2) sets to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department for review. 2.2.4 The Developer may Obtain the services of the Department for preparation of water system plans. The cost of plan preparation by the Department shall be borne solely by the Developer and shall be a percentage of the estimated installation costs as determined by the Department. Current per.centages, as a basis of plan preparation costs, have been included in the Appendix of these standards. Up to eight weeks may be required for preparation of plans. 2.2.$ Agreements with the Water Resources Division: Upon Department approval of water 'system plans, the Developer shall execute. 'Water Availability Fees Agreement' and 'Mainline · Extension Agreement'. Generic forms of these agreements have been included in the Appendix of these Standards. 2.2.6 Upon City approval of water system plans, the Developer shall retain original plans and forWard six (6) sets of bluelines to the Department. 2.2.8 Fees and Bonds: The Developer shall make payment of all required fees and provide bonds as required by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department and the Water Domestic DivisiOn. All fees shall be paid prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. If no subdivision map is involved the fees shall be paid prior to commencement of construction. A minimum of 48 hours prior to the start of construction, the Developer shall submit to the Department a copy of the Engineer's estimate or a copy of the lowest respons~le bidder's proposal, and the name, address and CIt~ of* Bakersfield Standards & Specifications foz Domestic Water Division Pqe - 3 - telephone number of the party ~:esponsible for payment of inspection fees. Current fee schedules and bonding requirements may be obtained at the Department office. 2.2.9 Insurance Requirements: Current insurance requirements for Developers and Contractors are as specified in the generic forms'of ~tater Availability Fees Agreement' and the 'Mainline Extension Agreement' included in Appendix 'A' of these Standards. 2.8 PLAN FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS: Water system plans shall be prepared in accordance with the following format. 2.3.1 Plan sheet size shall be 22" x 34' or 24" x 36~. Lettering shall be a minimum of 1/8 . inch in height. 2.3.2 Plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California. 2.3.3 The first plan sheet or cover sheet shall contain a vicinity map, standard legend, a material take-off list, a signature block for the Water and Sanitation Manager, City of Bakersfield, Domestic Water Division, and shall contain the note that California Water Service Company, as agent for inspection to the City shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the start of construction. 2.3.4 Scale for standard subdivision design shall not be less than 1 inch equal to 60 feet. Scale for mainline extension plans shall not' be less than 1 inch equal to 100 feet. 2.3.5 Plans shall show the proposed locations and existing locations of water mains, fire hydrants, water services, blowoffs, air valves and any other facility appurtenant to the construction of the water system. Water main locations shall be referenced to the property line. The standard location shall be 2' outside the property line towards the centerline of the street. Alternate locations will be allowed upon approval of. the Department. Curb and gutter flowlines shall be shown for reference. All lot numbers shall be included. Locations of existing utilities shall be shown on the plans with any possible conflicts shown. 2.3.6 Plan view designs are acceptable for tracts or roadways where grade is specifically designed or established. Mainline extensions shall be prepared on a plan-profile basis when grade of adjacent 'roadways and alignments is unknown. CHAPTER III - WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to establish the minimum acceptable flow, storage and pressure requirements for City of Bakersfield Water Systems. City of Bakersfield Standards & Specincations for Domestic Water Division Page - 4 - 3.2 DOMESTIC FLOW: Average Daily Use: 185 gallons per capita per day (GPD) Maximum Daily Use: 333 gallons per capita per day (GPD) ~ Peak Hour Use: 666 gallons per capita · per day (GPD) RESIDENTIAL AREAS: Each single-family R-1 shall be considered equal to 3.5 persons. 3.3.1 Multiple Family Residential: Flow requirements for Medium to High density residential areas such as an apartment, duplex, or triplex, shall be considered equal to 1.75 persons. per dwelling unit. Z.4 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL: Flow requirements for Commercial and Industrial shall be considered equal to $, R-1 residences per acre. 'This does not include special equipment requirements such as cooling towers. 3.4.1 The Department reserves the right to modify the above criteria for Industrial and Commercial, as special circumstances may warrant. ;~.5 PARKS: Flow requirements for Parks and other Landscaped areas shall be considered equal to 2, R-1 residences per acre. ~.6 GENERAL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS: Residential R-l: 1000 gpm for. 2 hours Residential R-2 to R-,I: 2000 gpm for 2 hours Commercial e-l: 2000 to :~$00 gpm for 2 hours Industrial M-l: :~000 to 4000 gpm for 2 hours 3.6.1 Thc Department, in cooperation with the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, will provide the exact value of fire flow for specific COmmercial and industrial developments. IL-whloa Da~e - July City oF Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division Page. S. 3.7 PIPE PRESSURE: Water distribution systems shall be designed to maintain normal operating pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) under peak demand conditions listed in Section 3.8 of these Specifications. Pipe pressure shall not exceed 150 psig under any demand condition. 3.8 TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT: The Developer shall submit calculations prepared by a registered Civil Engineer to substantiate pressure, storage, and flow requirements have been met for thc following scenarios. 3.8.1 The Maximum Daily Use shall be maintained for a period of three (3) days. 3~8.2 The Peak Hour Demand shall be maintained for'two (2) hours. 3.8.3 The sum of one-half (1/2) of the Peak Hour Demand and the required Fire Flow or the Peak Hour Demand, whichever is greater, with the most critical well or pump inoperative, shall be maintained for a period of two (2) hours. Fire Flow shall be extracted at the most critical hydrant location. CHAPTER IV - MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1 LOCATION OF PIPE: Except at street crossings, water mains shall be located behind thc sidewalk in accordance with Department Standard W-1. A minimum of 30" of cover shall be maintained from top of pipe to finished grade for pipes 12 inches and less in diameter, and a minimum of 36 inches of cover shall be maintained for pipes larger than 12 inches in diameter. In street crossings, "finished grade" shall be gutter towline grade. 4.2 FIRE HYDRANTS: Location and number of Fire Hydrants will be determined by the Fire Department. In general, the following criteria for placement of Fire Hydrants will be followed. 4.2.1 Spacing of Fire Hydrants in Residential areas shall be a maximum of 660 feet. Whenever practical hydrants will be placed at intersections. 4.2.2 Spacing of Fire Hydrants in Commercial and Industrial areas shall not exceed 330 feet. 4.2.3 The last Fire Hydrant on a cul-de-sac or stub street shall not be more than one half the maximum allowable spacing from the end of the street. 4~2.4 Fire Hydrant location on Major Collectors and Arterials within residential areas shall be as needed. Revision I~tc. J~j~ ~. 1993 City of Bakfrsfleld S~ndards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division Page - 6 - 4.3 VALVE LOCATION: .Valves shall be located such that tees and crosses may be isolated. Valves shall not bc allowed in curb and gutter nor in streets. Valves shall have locking covers in accordance with the Standard Details. 4.3.1 Valve Spacing: Notwithstanding thc aforementioned criteria, valve spacing shall not exceed 500 fcct in residential blocks. Mainline extensions of pipe 12' inches or larger shall have valves placed at intervals not exceeding 1000 feet. 4.4 AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVES: Automatic combination air release valves shall bc installed at any location where air pockets may form. Barricades for air release valves shall be installed where considered necessary by the Department. Typically, air release valves will not be required where air pockets can be manually exhausted by water services or fire hydrants. Long main linc extensions with high points will require air release valves. 4.5 BLOWOFFS: "Blowoffs" or 'FlushoUts" shall be installed at thc end of dead-end mains terminating within street paving, and at low points where thc slope of the line or flow velocity may cause sediment to settle. 4.6 WHARF HYDR.M~S: Wharf Hydrants shall.be installed at the terminus of mains which dead-end in non-paved areas, and future extension of the main line is probable. 4.7 PIPE DIAMETER: Minimum pipe diameter for water mains shall be 6 inches nominal inside diameter for cul-de-sac mains which cannot be extended, and 8 inches for interior tract typical grid design. Installation of fire hydrants will only be permitted on mainlines of 8 inches, or larger in size. 4.7.1 Typically 12. inch mains will be required at half-Section lines and 16 inch mains at section lines. Main line sizing may require hydraulic analysis to justify sizing. 4.8 CONNECTIONS: A minimum of two (2) separate water line connection points, to form a lO°ped system, shall be required of each subdivision development. 4.8.1 Additional water line connections may be required for larger development or due to special conditions, as determined by the Department. 4.9 CLEARANCE FROM SEWERS: In accordance with State of California Department of Health Services, horiZOntal separation of water mains from sewer shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 4.9.1 In accordance with State of California, Department of Health Services, water mains, when crossing sewer mains or service laterals, shall maintain a minimum of one foot of vertical clearance above the sewer pipe, except when special construction procedures as described in the following Sections 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 herein have been provided. Rcvifion Dstc- juJy 23. 1993 City of Bakarsfleld Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Divlsion Page o ? - 4.9.2 If a water 'main crosses below a sewer main or sewer service lateral, thc sewer main shall be encased in hot-dipped, bituminous-coated Class 150 cast iron pipe with approved mechanical or flanged joints. Thc encasement shall extend a sufficient distance on each side of the water main to provide a minimum of 10 feet of horizontal clearance to the water main. 4.9.3 If a water main crosses above, but within one foot of a sewer main or sewer service lateral, the sewer main shall be encased as described in Section 4.9.2, except that the encasement shall only be required to extend a sufficient distance to provide 4 feet of horizontal clearance to the water main. 4.10 SERVICE PIPE SIZE: Service pipe size shall be determined for each service connection. 4.10.1 Residential service pipes shall be a minimum of ¥4 inch copper-pipe-size for short services and 1" (one inch) for long services. Actual size of service shall be determined by the total flow requirement. 4.10.2 Any services other than residential requires calculations of water services demands to determine size. Minimum size shall be 1" (one inch) cps. For any classification of services, other than residential, the domestic, landscaping and fire protection services shall be separate connections to City water system mains. 4.11 THRUST DEVICES: Concrete thrust blocks shall be installed on all plugs, caps, fittings, and all bends of more than $ degrees deflection in any plane. Thrust blocks for all typical situations shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Details. 4.11.1 Unusual situations will require submittal and approval of supporting calculations by a registered civil engineer. Thrust blocks shall be designed for a minimum static pressure of 200 PSI. Allowable soil bearing pressure shall be determined by a soils engineer. CHAPTER V - MATERIALS S.l PURPOSE: This chapter establishes minimum acceptable standards and criteria for materials to be used in construction of City of Bakersfield Water Systems. 5.2 QUALITY OF MATERIALS: All material incorporated into the work shall be new and shall conform to these Standards and Specifications. No material shall be incorporated into the work until it has been approved by the Inspector. Any rejected material shall be immediately removed from the site. 5.2.1 Certificate of Compliance: A certificate of compliance, shall be fUrnished prior to thc use of any materials or equipment. The certificate shall be signed'by the manufacturer of the Rcvlsiou Date. July 23, 1993 City of Bakersfield Standards & Speciflcatious for Domestic Water Division Page o 8 - materials or equipment. A certificate of ~mpliance shall be furnished with each lot of material delivered to the work and the lot so certified shall be clearly identified in the'certificate. $.3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC): PVC pipe shall be manufactured for use in water systems and shall be designated as Class 150 (DR18) or Class 200 (DR14), and shall comply with AWWA C900-75 Specifications for 12" and less, and AWWA C905-88 for pipe 14" to 36" in diameter. Outside diameter of PVC pipe shall be equivalent to cast-iron pipe. 5'.3.1 PVC Joints: PVC' pipe shall have elastomeric gasket joints, either gasket bell and spigot type or plain end with gasket coupling type. 5.3.2 Fittings: Specials and fittings shall be cast-iron conforming to AWWA Specification el00, Class D, except that fitting shall have all bell connections of standard AWWA dimensions or special dimensions as required, or fittings shall be equipped with adapters of thc proper class for the size of pipe, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer, or equal. Protective coating shall be' in accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. $.4 ASBESTOS-CEMENT PIPE (ACP): Asbestos-cement pipe shall conform to AWWA Specification C400, Class 150, except as otherwise approved by the Department. Evidence that pipe has been tested as specified by AWWA Specification C400 shall be submitted to the Inspector if requested. 5.4.1 Couplings: Rubber ring couplings shall be "Fluid-Tite" as manufactured by Keasbey & Mattison Company or 'q~ing-Tite" as manufactured by Johns:Manville Company, or equal. 5.4.2 Fittings: Specials and fittings shall be cast iron as specified in Section 5.3.2 of these Specifications. $.5 STEEL PIPE: Steel pipe shall be black steel conforming to AWWA Specificatipn C-P02, and Shall have a minimum wall thickness equal to the requirements of General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission, State of California. 5.5.1 Temporary Pipe: Temporary transmission steel pipe shall be double dipped with asphalt and wrapped with asbestos felt or fiberglass in conformance with Appendix B of said General Order No. 103. 5.5.2 Permanent Pipe: Permanent transmission steel pipe shall be lined and coated in accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. 5.5.3 Small size pipe for blow-offs or similar uses shall be galvanized steel conforming to ASTM Designation A-120. Rcv~slon Dung. July 23, 1993 City of Bakersfield Standards & Sl~¢iflcatlons for Domestlc'Wat~r Division Pa~e~. ! - 5.5.4 Steel Pipe Joints: Fittings and special fabrication, "specials', for pipes 4 inches and larger in diameter shall be of the same material and thickness as the pipe. "Specials~ and fittings shall be made of standard steel tube turns with ends to accommodate the type of coupling specified for the pipe. Fittings shall be lined, coated and wrapped as specified for the pipe. "Specials" and fittings that cannot be mechanically lined, coated and wrapped, shall be lined, coated and wrapped by hand, using the same materials as specified for the pipe, with the same number of applications or each material, carefully and smoothly applied. Cast-iron fittings conforming to these specifications may be used with transition fittings or adapters. $.$.$ Welded Fittings: Steel welded fittings shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation A-234. 5.5.6 Flanges: Steel pipe flanges shall conform to the requirements of AWWA Specification C-207. 5.5.7 Bolts: Material for bolts shall conform to the requirements for open hearth, flee cutting grade bar steel~ ASTM Designation A-107. Bolts shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000. psi. Bolt heads shall be either square or hexagon and nuts shall be cold pressured semi-finished hexagon. 5.5.8 Gaskets: Flanged joints shall be provided with 1/16th-inch thick gaskets, Cranite, or equal. 5.5.9 Victaulic Couplings: When Victaulic couplings are indicated on the drawings, Style 77 Dresser Victaulic couplings, or an approved equal, shall be furnished. The victaulic coupling shall be designed for 150 psi, working pressure. 5.5.10 Sleeve-Type Couplings: Sleeve-type couplings shall be Style 38 Dresser or Smith-Blair adapter couplings or approved equal, and shall be of steel with steel bolts, without centering ring. The middle ring shall be not less than 1/4 inch in thickness. S.6 VALVES: All valves shall be cast-iron body, bronze mounted, solid bronze internal working parts with non-rising stems, and shall be opened by turning counter-clockwise. Bronze shall be Grade I and shall conform to ASTM-B-62 (85-:5-$-$) bronze (8:5% copper, :5% zinc, :5% lead, and 5% tin). Valves shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. Valves 2 inches and larger shall'conform to the requirements of AWWA C500, except as othendse provided in these Specifications. Valves smaller than 2 inches shall conform to the requirements of Federal Specification WW-V-:54. 5.6.1 Tests: Each valve shall have the Manufacturer's initials, pressure rating, and year of manufacture cast in the body. Valves shall be tested at the factory at a hydraulic pressure equal to twice the specified water working pressure. Factory test results shall be supplied to the Department upon request. Ci~ of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Wnter Divtsion Pnge - 10 - 5.6.2 Coating: All valve bodies and cast-iron portions of the housings and extensions shall be coated in accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. 5.6.3 Gate Valves: Gate valves shall be double-disc, parallel faced and shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the pipe. Resilient sealed gate valves in accordance with AWWA C$09-87, are approved for use by the Department. 5.6.4 Butterfly Valves: Butterfly valves shall be rubber-seated and shall comply with AWWA C-504, Class 125-16 gear operated unless otherwise approved by the Department. The disc shall be of nj-resist alloy cast-iron and shall rotate 90 degrees between the fully open and fully closed positions. Rubber seats shall be securely held in-place by nickel cast-iron or type 316 stainless steel retaining segments, and shall not require bonding or Cementing to the body. 5.6.5 Air and Vacuum Release Valves: Air and vacuum relief valves shall be equal to No. 31 automatic diaphragm valve as manufactured by CLA-VAL Co., Newport Beach, California. 5.7 VALVE BOXES: Valve boxes in sidewalks, parkways, and other areas shall consist of a cast iron valve box and riser and a cast iron locking cover in accordance with the Standard Details. The cast-iron covers shall be hot-dipped asphalt-coated and shall have the word "WATER" cast in the top. In any areas subject to traffic, a Class '13" concrete pad shall be poured around the riser in accordance with the Standard Details. 5.8 WATER SERVICE PIPE AND TUBING: Residential water service pipe shall be copper water tubing, copper water pipe, or polyethylene plastic tubing in accordance-with the Standard Details and the following specifications: 5.8.1 Copper Water Tubing: Copper water tubing'shall comply with ASTM B88-58, Type 5.8.2 Copper Pipe: Copper pipe shall be seamless copper conforming to ASTM 1542-58. 5.8.3 Polyethylene Plastic Tubing: Polyethylene plastic tubing shall comply with ASTM D2239-67-PE 3306 - Type H - grade 3 (flarabl¢). 5.8.4 Water service pipe for se~ces larger than 2 inches shall comply with the requirement of A.C., P.V.C. and steel pipe herein. 5.9 CORPORATION STOPS: Ail corporation stops shall be bronze or brass, round, with inlet for either corporation stop (C.S.) thread for asbestos-cement, PVC or cast-iron pipe, or iron pipe standard (I.P.S.) thread for steel pipe, and outlet for the type of service pipe used. City of Babrsfleld StnndaFds & Specifications for Domestic Water Division Page. II * S.10 METER STOPS: All meter stops shall be bronze or brass, with inlet for the type of service pipe used, and outlet for the type of service pipe or meter coupling used. $.11 FIRE HYD~S: Fire hydrant~ shall be purchased directly from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Company No. A-24009 complete with proper bury length, except fire hydrants shall be Jones Company J-344 where Angle Fire Plugs have been indicated. Hose threads shall be National Standard Hose Threads. S.12 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE: Portland Cement Concrete shall be Class 'B' and shall contain a minimum of $ sacks (470 pounds) of cement per cubic yard. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. 5.12.1 Materials for concrete shall be Portland Cement conforming to ASTM Specifications for Type I or Type II, well graded, sound, non-reactive aggregate, and clean water. $.13 STORAGE FACILITIES: Storage facilities shall be considered a special design feature and shall be reviewed in light of special requirements. 5.14 VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS: Vertical turbine pumps shall be considered a special design feature and shall be reviewed in light of special requirements. S.1S PROTECTIVE COATINGS: All valves, flanges, bolts, fittings and piping for installation shall be shop coated and field repaired as necessary prior to backfilli.ng in conformance with the following schedule: 1. Exterior Surfaces of Buried Coal Tar Epoxy or AWWA C 205 steel pipe to a point 4 _ Cement Mortar inches above finish grade. 2. Interior Surfaces of Steel Coal Tar' Epoxy or AWWA C 205 Pipe. Fusion Epoxy 3. All exposed ferrous metal Red primer 2 coats surfaces. 3 mils f 4. Buried valves, couplings Coal Tar Enamel 2 coats and other surfaces not 16 mils otherwise designated to be cement mortar coated. All surfaces to be painted or coated shall be properly cleaned with approved equipment before application of coating materials. The removal of oil or grease shall be Rcvislon Da~ - JuJy 23, 1991 City of Bakersfield Standards & SpeclflCatlonf for Domestic Water Division accomplished with suitable solvents before mechanical cleaning is staffed. Any grit or dust remaining on the surface from the cleaning operations shall be removed before coating materials are applied. $.16 MISCELLANI~OUS: Materials or equipment not included in these Specifications shall'be in accordance with the Standard Details. 5.16.1 Special equipment or materials not included in the Specifications or Standard Details shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. CHAIYFER VI . INSTALLATION OF WATER SYSTEM 6.1 PURPOSE: This section establishes the minimum acceptable standards for installation and construction of City of Bakersfield Water Improvements, including .trenching, construction and installation. 6.2 TRENCHING: The minimum width of trench shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus 12 inches. A minimum of 6 inches of clearance shall be provided from the outside face of the pipe to the trench wall. Excessive trench widths greater than 16 .inches more than the pipe outside diameter shall be avoided whenever poss~le. 6.2.1 Pipe Depth: For water mains and'sewices 12 inches and less in inside diameter, a minimum of 30 inches of cover from top of pipe to finished grade, or for pipe located within streets, a minimum of 30 inches of cover from top of pipe to gutter flowline, shall be maintained. For water mains larger than 12 inches in diameter, 36 inches of cover shall be maintained, measured for the various pipe locations as defined in this Section. 6.2.2 When water mains cross roadways that have not been constructed to full ultimate width, adequate trench depth shall be provided such that minimum cover requirements as stated are satisfied when the roadway is constructed to its ultimate width. 6.2.3 Trench Bottom: The bottom of trench shall be excavated to the established grade line of the pipe and shall be smooth, even and flat for the entire width of trench. At each joint of pipe the bottom of the trench shall be recessed in such a manner as to believe the pipe ball or coupling of all load and to ensure continuous bearing along thc pipe barrel. Where excavation encounters boulders, rock, hardpan, or other hard or unyielding material, the trench shall be excavated a minimum of 6 inches below the established grade, and backfilled to proper grade with material acceptable to the Department. Backfill material shall be compacted to 90% of relative compaction. Ro~ision Dat~ - July City of Bakersfield SCundaFds & Specifications for Domestic Water Division Pag, - 13 - Where excavation encounters soft, unstable, or excessively wet material, such material shall be removed to a depth as directed by the Engineer, and replaced with material acceptable to the Department. 6.2.4 Nuisance Water: Pipe trench and any other excavation shall be kept entirely free of water until all pipe has been placed and approved· Water shall be disposed in such a manner as to not cause injury to public or private property, nor create a public nuisance. 6·2·5 Backfill: Backfill shall be initially placed and compacted from the pipe bed or foundation to the "springline" of the pipe. Backfill shall be sufficiently rodded or hand-tamped to ensure required compaction is obtained on all sides of the pipe. Subsequent backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness, and shall be compacted by approved method so as to not cause injury or disturbance of the pipe. Flooding of trenches may be permitted by the Department provided foundation and backfill material is sufficiently granular and open graded in nature such that required compaction may be obtained. Backfill material shall be free of all trash, debris, rock~ larger than 3/4" in any dimension, organic or other deleterious material. Compaction shall be obtained in accordance with the Standard Details· Maximum density and optimum moisture shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D-1557. Costs of compaction testing shall be borne by the Developer and shall be performed by a company or individual properly licensed to perform such work. 6.2·6 Trench Safety: Excavations shall be supported in conformance with the rules, orders, and regulations of the Industrial Accident Commission and the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. 6.3 PIPE PLACEMENT & MATERIAL HANDLING: All pipe and pipe material shall be handled, stored, laid, blocked and joined in accordance with thc Manufacturer's recommendations except as otherwise provided' in thc Standard Details and these Specifications. 6.3.1 Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering thc pipe during installation. All open ends of pipe shall be properly covered at thc end of each day to prevent the entry of foreign matter, animals or children. No tools, rags, or other equipment shall be placed in the pipe during installation. 6.3.2 Handling: Hoisting of pipe by mechanical means shall require usc of a cloth belt or continuous fiber rope that does not scratch thc pipe surface. Pipe shall be carefUlly lowered into trench such that pipe bedding or foundation will not be disturbed and pipe will not be injured. Any pipe that is marred, cracked, or scratched forming a clear depression shall be rejected. Rc~slon Date. July 23. 1993 City of Babrsfleld Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division P~. 14. 6.3.3 Cast Iron Fittings: Cast iron fittings shall be lowered into trench by mechanical means~ Cast iron fittings shall be rung with a light hammer while suspended to detect cracks, and shall be inspected for scratches of the surface coating and other defects. Any material rejected shall be promptly removed from the site and shall be replaced with suitable material. When the seal between the pipe and the bell end of the fitting is made with a rigid jointing material, the length of the pipe shall not exceed 3 feet, 3 inches for pipe 6 inches and less in inside diameter. When pipe is 9 inches and more in diameter, the length of the pipe shall not exceed 6 feet, 6 inches. When a rubber ring-type cast-iron fitting is used to make the joint, lengths of pipe up to 13 feet may be' used for entering bells of fittings. 6.3.4 Storage: PVC pipe shall not be stacked higher than 4 feet nor stacked with weight on the bells. If PVC pipe is stored for prolonged periods it shall be protected from ultraviolet light by covering. 6.3.5 A.C. Pipe Installation: The manufacturer's installation procedures for A.C. Pipe shall be strictly adhered to except as otherwise provided herein. A specially prepared non-toxic, water soluble lubricant shall be applied, to the machined pipe ends just prior.to installation of couplings. Rubber rings shall be thoroughly wiped clean just prior to lubrication and coupling. Proper location of rubber rings shall be checked with a feeler gage at all points around the circumference of the pipe. The final position of the coupling or sleeve shall be centered over the pipe ends. Pipe entering or passing through rigid structures such as concrete vaults or building foundations shall not have a length extending more than 3 feet, 3 inches beyond the face of that structure when the pipe is 6 inches or less in diameter, and not more than 6 feet, 6 inches when the pipe size is 8 inches and more in diameter. Pipe shall not be deflected more than the maximum angle specified by the manufacturer. 6.3.6 P.V.C. Pipe Installation: The Manufacturer's recommendations shall be strictly adhered to except as otherwise provided herein. Thc bell and spigot shall be thoroughly wiped clean just prior to coupling. Thc rubber gasket shall be inserted, and the spigot end shall be lubricated just prior to joining pipes. The rubber ring gasket shall be checked for proper placement with a feeler gage after joining pipe. gcvbion Dat~ - JuJ,/23. 1993 Standards & S~clfl~tlons for ~stic Wn~r ~slon P~ - 1~- Specifi~tions for len~hs of P.V.C. pi~ ente~ng and e~ting statures, de~e~ing pi~, and cutting pi~ shall ~nfo~ to the requirements of ~C. Pipe in Se~ion 6.2.5 of these S~fi~tions. 6.3.7 Setting Valves and Valve ~x~s: Valves shall be set truly plumb ~th.valv~ ~xes ~re~ly over the wrench nut of the valve. ~e valve ~x shall not transmit sh~k or stress to the valve. ~er being ~rre=ly ~sitioned for line and ~ade, earth fill shall be ~re~lly tamed around the valve ~x. 6.3.8 Setting ~r and Vacuum Relief Valve Installations: ~e gate valve imme~ately below the relief valve shall be set to the ~ade in~ted on the dra~n~ or approved by the En~neer. Su~ent clearance shall be pro~ded below the valw for the installation of a ~ncrete pad to sup~n a prote=ive enclosure. 6.3.9 Setting Hydrants and ~e Fire Plu~: ~1 hydrants shall stand plumb and shall have their no~es parallel ~th or at fi~t an~es to the ~rb, ~th the pum~r no~e ~dng the ~rb, ex, pt that hy~ants ha~g ~o hose no~es ~ de~ees apart shall be set ~th each no~e faring ~e ~rb at an an~e of 45 degrees. Hydran~ shall be set to the established ~ade ex, pt that where not sho~, no~es shall be at le~t 18 inches a~ve ~ound. Unless othe~se noted on the dra~n~ or dire~e~ each hydrant shall be ~nne~ed to the main ~th a 6 inch branch line ~ntrolled by an independent 6 inch ~te valve. ~e bowl of each hydrant shall be well bra~d against undisturbed earth at the end of ~e trench ~th ~ncrete bac~ng. ~ch an~e fire plug shall be ~e~ed to the main ~th a 4 inch branch line, mntrolled by an independent 4 inch ~te valve. ~e fire plug shall be set ~th the 2-1~ inch outlet facing the curb and shall be set to established ~ade ex,pt, that where not sho~, no~e shall be at least 18 inches a~ve ~oun~ 6.3.10 Concrete ~t BI~: ~ncrete thrust bl~ shall be installed a~r~ng to ~e Standard Details and shall be ~ured bemecn un~smrbed ~ound and the fitting to be anchore~ ~e ~ncrete shall be plaid such that the pi~, valves, and fittin~ ~11 be a~ss~le for repai~. C~R ~ - ~S~G ~D DISUniON ?.1 PU~OSE: ~s Chapter outlines ~sinfe~ion ~nd testing required for Ci~ of Bakersfield a~eptan~ of newly ~nstm~ed water ~stems. ?.~ ~ROSTATIC ~~GE) ~T: ~er mmpletion 6f the pi~line i~tallation, the line shall be tested under the hydrostatic pressure test of 150 psi for a period of not less than 4 h°urs for each se~ion of pipe teste~ ~e pressure shall be maintained by restoring ~e test pressure Revision Dalg - lu)y 23, 199} City of lhk~rsfleld Standards & Sp~ciflcatione for Domestic Water Division Pqe -'1~ - whenever it falls an amount of 23 psi. At the conclusion of the 4 hours, the test pressure shall be restored and all water used during the tests shall be accurately measured to determine the actual leakage. 7.2.1 The DeveloPer or Developer's Contractor shall provide suitable calibrated tanks for measurement of leakage and shall furnish necessary bulkheads, piping, pumps, power, labor, and shall perform all work required for filling the pipeline and for maintaining the required water pressure. The Department or Inspector will provide calibrated gages and will make necessary readings. 7.2.2 The Developer, at his own expense shall make all necessary repairs of the water system until the pipe is. found to be satisfactory. 7.2.3 Allowable Leakage Rate: Regardless of thc rate of leakage, a detectable leakage point source shall be fixed. The following arc maximum acceptable leakage rates for A.C. and P.V.C. piPe over a 24 hour Period. P.V.C. Pipe: Maximum acceptable leakage rate is 10 gallons per day per inch pil~e diameter per mile of pipe over a 24 hour period. A.C. PiPe: Maximum acceptable leakage rate is 25 gallons per day Per inch pipe diameter Per mile of pipe over a 24 hour Period. 7.3 DISINFECTION OF WATER LINES: After hydrostatic testing has been completed, the entire newly constructed water system including pipe, valves, fittings, hydrants, and other accessories shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C-601 and as specified herein. .7.3.1 Chlorine Application: Tl~e disinfecting agent shall be chlorine in liquid or 'tablet' form applied in a quantity sufficient to produce a solution of at least 50 parts Per million by weight in samples taken at the most distant points of the system. After the required solution of chlorine is obtained, the pipes shall remain closed for 24 hours. After a 24 hour duration, samples shall be taken at thc~ same location as thc initial sample and shall show no less than 10 parts per million by weight, failing shall require additional disinfection as directed by the Department. 7.3.2 During the disinfection process, all valves and other appurtenances shall be operated while the system is filled with' heavily chlorinated water. 7.3.3 Hushing:. After thc 24 hour sterilization period thc line shall be thoroughly flushed to remove all strongly chlorinated water until samples taken at various points as directed test not in excess of 1 part per million. For the protection of property during flushing, the Engineer may Revision Date - July 23~ 1993 City of' Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division P~ * 17 * require the ContractOr to use hoses or pipe to convey the waste water to locations where no damage will result. - Care shall be taken to prevent strong chlorine solution in the line being treated from flowing back into the existing system. 7.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS: The Department shall require a bacteriological test. Bacteriological tests shall be performed by a qualified laboratory and the requirements of such tests shall be in accordance with standards established by the State Department of Health Services. 7.5 FIRE FLOW TEST: The City of Bakersfield Fire Department will test newly constructed water systems to determine if minimum standards for the fire flow have been met. 7.6 COSTS FOR TESTING: The Developer or Developer's Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the various acceptance tests and any necessary repairs, except as otherwise stated in these Specifications. Revision Date - July 23, 1~3 APPENDIX Application for Water Service Water Availability Fees Agreement Mainline Extension Agreement Department Fee Schedule Standard Details APPLICATION FOR DOMES TIC WA TER SERVICE City of Bakersfield , - Department of Water & Sanitation , , .. Domestic Water Division "' , ~' 1000 Buena Vlsta Road Bakersfield, California 93311 (805) 326-371~ FAX (80~) 326-3098 Application for domestic water service (Pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code 14.04.030) OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Application: Availability fees - Place of Application: F'ue flow fees - Inspection fee~ - Applicant is (circle one): - owner tenant agent Address to which correspondence and invoices are to be mailed or delivercd (circle one): Applicant Owner Applicant: Name: Company: Street address: City, State, Zip Code: Phone #: ( ) Owner: (if different than appllcant) Name: Company: Street address: City, State, Zip Code: Phone #: ( ) Location of premises to be served (Tract, Parcel Map No.): Zoning = Acreage Date applicant will be ready for service: Has applicant applied for water service. Yes No for this location before?: If so, under what location (Tract, Parcel Map No.): Purpose for which service is to be used: Size(s) of sen~/ces desired: Signature: Title: WA TER AVAILABILITY FEES AGREEMENT DOMF_~TIC WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT N' THIS AGREEMENT, dated the day of ,19_., by and between CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California municipal corporation (~City'), and THE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, an individual, company, partnership or corporation ('Developer'). RECITALS WHE~, Developer is owner or agent of owner for real property and desires to provide improvements to real property for the purpose of sub:dividing and/or sale; and Developer proposes to sell lots in a subdivision and/or parcel map and desires to have water service available in the subdivision and/or parcel map by means of mains and appurtenances, and by services (including service pipes, fittings, gates and housings thereof; and meter boxes), hereinafter referred to as the "In-tract Facilities," to be installed therein substantially as shown on that certain map prepared by Developer attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof;, and Installation of the In:tract Facilities and the furnishing of water service by means thereof are necessary and valuable adjuncts to the sale of lots in thc Subdivision, and will materially increase the value of said lots; and City owns a water system known as the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System, which can and Will provide domestic and fire protection service to Developer property; and Upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, Developer is willing to install the In-tract Facilities, or cause the same to be installed, at its own expense, all in accordance With the provisions hereinafter set forth; and ' ' Upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, City is willing to acquire the Facilities and is willing to furnish water service to the tract or parcel map through and by means thereof at the rates and in accordance with the rules of City now in force or that may from time to time be lawfully established; and City Municipal Code Section 14.04.120B provides that Developer pay Water Availability Fees, which fee is set by the Bakersfield City Council Resolution I~ 126-82, and said fee is used compensate City for the expenses incurred in procuring, securing and supplying a water source, storage facilities, transmission facilities and related capital expenses that are required to provide water service to Developer tract, sub-division or parcel map lots; and City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 14.04.040 provides that City and Developer enter into a contract for the purposes of setting terms and conditions for receiving water service from City and the payment of Water Availability Fees. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants, agreements, terms and provisions herein contained, it is agreed as follows, to wit: 1. WATER SERVICE. Upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, City has included Developers sub-division within the service area of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System and City can and will provide domestic water and water for fire protection service under the prevailing water rate, which may be changed from time-to-time, as the City sees fit. '? , 2~. IN-TRACT WATER FACILITIES. Developer will be required to provide all in-tract water mares, service connections and related appurtenances needed to supply domestic and fire protection services to 'each and every lot or parcel within the sub-division. 3. WATER AVAILABILITY FEES. Developer agrees to pay to City Water Availability Fees of $2.000.00 per gross acre of the sub-division or parcel map. Tract Map I~ contains ~ acres, therefore fees due are $ . Payment of fees is to made to City prior to final acceptance and recordation of tract/parcel map. 4. PROPERTY LIEN. Should Developer fail to pay Water Availability Fees, when due, for any reason whatsoever, Developer shall provide a promissory note, secured by a deed of trust, in the amount of the Water Availability Fees due plus 10%, with 8% annual interest accruing, to be paid upon the sale of any portion of the Developer's property encumbered or one year from the date of said dee_d of trust, whichever occurs first. 5. NON-PAYMENT OF FEES. Failure to pay Water Availability Fees as required hereunder shall constitute a breach of this agreement. Should breach occur, City shall revoke applicatio'n of Developer for domestic water and fire protection service to tract/parcel, until such time as satisfactory payment of fees is made, 6. INSTALLATION OF FACILITIES. Developer agrees to install or cause to be installed, the In-tract Facilities, at its own expense on or before ,19_. The Facilities shall be installed in accordance with the specifications attached hereto, marked Exhibit *C~ and by this reference made a part hereof, and the installation thereof shall be subject to the approval of City in all' respects. · 7. INSPEC17ON FEES. Developer agrees to pay City for inspeCtion fees on all In-traCt Facilities. The inspection fee is 4% of the estimated or bid price of construction of all In-traCt Facilities plus $10.00 per service connection (2' and less). The total estimated or bid cost of In-tract Facilities is $ , therefore inspection fees duc City are $ . Inspection fees are due before construction of In-tract Facilities begins. 8. EASEMENTS & RIGHT-OF-WAYS. Developer agrees to provide, secure and convey to'City any and all easements, right-of-ways or fee property for all In-tract Facilities.' Such conveyances shall be granted to City for the operation, maintenance and replacement of In-tract Facilities. 9. STREET GRADES. If the In-traCt Facilities are installed in easements or rights.of- way where final grades have not been established or in streets whose grades have not been brought to those established by public authority prior to acceptance by City, Developer, upon written notice by City, shall relocate, raise or lower any or all pans of the In-traCt Facilities upon establishment of final grades. 10. TITLE TO IN-TRACT FACILITIES. Title to each pan or portion of the In-tract Facilities shall pass to City, provided, however, that such passage of title shall under no circumstances be deemed to constitute acceptance by City of the Facilities as installed in accordance With said specifications, Exhibit 'C~ hereto.. Such acceptance may only be effected by appropriate written notice from City to Developer. Developer warrants that upon such passage of title, the title shall be free and clear of and from any and all liens, charges and encumbrances whatsoever. ( 11. GROUNDWATER RIGHTS. Developer shall prepare and record an instrument or instruments that~ will quitclaim, grant and convey, to City the rights, title and interest in the underlying groundwater, that is upon, in, under, produced from or located beneath .said sub-division or parcel. 2 12. WARRANTIES. Developer agrees to warrant or guarantee the installation of In- tract Facilities for a period of one (1) year from date of acceptance by City of In-tract Facilities.j ..~ Should Developer fail to enact repairs, replacement or restoration of defective In-tract Facilities within the one (1) year warranty period, Developer agrees to reimburse City upon demand for the cost to City of all replacements and repairs to the In-tract Facilities made necessary by reason of defective materials or workmanship. 13. DEVELOPER'S BOND. Concurrently with execution of this agreement Developer Shall provide City a surety bond in the aggregate amount of $. . in form satisfactory to City, issued by a bonding company approved in writing by City which is qualified to do and doing business in the State of California guaranteeing unto City (a) the performance by Developer of all the obligations to be performed hereunder, (b) installation of the In-tract Facilities in accordance with the provisions hereof, (c) vesting in City of title to the In-tract Facilities, (d) reimbursement of the cost to City of all replacements and repairs to the In-tract Facilities made necessary within one (1) year from completion and acceptance of installation by reason of defective materials or workmanship, and (e) payment in full by Developer of the claims of all persons performing labor upon or furnishing materials or power to be used in the In-tract Facilities. 14. NON-CONSTRUCTION OF IN-TRACT FACILITIES. Should the water distribution system to be constructed 'and acquired by City, which system is known -as the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System, not be completed by Developer, so as to make performance hereunder by City, in the judgment of City, is impractical, City's responsibility and liability to this agreement shall be limited to the release of bonds, less such expenses as City may have incurred in ' good faith, in performing under this agreement. Developer expressly accepts responsibility for providing Domestic and Fire Protection service to any parcels sold by Developer to any third party in the event City's performance under this agreement becomes impractical under the terms of this 'paragraph. 15. INSURANCE. Developer shall be responsible only for its own negligence, intentional acts, and/or omissions. Developer shall procure and maintain and furnish the City Risk Manager and the Water and Sanitation Department with a certificate of insurance evidencing the insurance required for the term and duration of this agreement with the following minimum types and limits Of insurance: (a) Automobile (vehicle) liability insurance shall provide coverage for owned, non- owned and hired autos, with coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more perSOns, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; (b) Comprehensive general liability insurance, providing coverage on a per occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; (c) California approved self-insurance program for Workers! Compensation. Program will comply with State required statutory limits for Workers' Compensation; (d) Additional insured endorsement in favor of City, its mayor, council, officers, agents employees and volunteers; and (e) All policies required of Developer hereunder shall be primary insurance with regard to items for which Developer is responsible as respects the City, its mayor', council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers shall be excess of the Developer's 3 ~ insurance and shall not contribute with it. If any part of the work under this agreement is sublet, ,. ~imil~ |nsu~ance shall be provided by or on behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the City with ten (10) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. 16. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year commencing upon date of execution of this Agreement. 17. HOLD HARMLESS. Developer shall save, hold harmless and indemnify City, its officers, agents, employees from all claims, demands, damages, judgments, costs of expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise from or related to any work performed by Developer, its agents, employees or subcontractors under the terms of this Agreement. 18. PAYMENT OF BILLS. City will take all necessary steps procedurally so that payments due from Developer to City pursuant to the provisions of this. Agreement will be made on or before the applicable day specified herein. 19. AGREEMENT CONFORMS TO CHARTER. City represents and warrants to Developer that this Agreement and the provisions hereof conform to City's Charter as currently in effect. If any subsequent amendment to or revision of said Charter shall in any way affect this Agreement or the validity of any provision hereof, City agrees to give prompt notice thereof to Developer. In such event, the parties hereto agree to make such amendments to or revisions of this Agreement as they may deem necessary or appropriate under the circumstances. 20. TITLE. Developer shall have no title to, or ownership interest in, the City Domestic Water System or any part thereof whatsoever. 21. NOTICES. All notices relative to this agreement shall be given in writing and shall be sentby registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party to whom such notice is given at the following respective address: To City: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 To Developer: 22. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS. Paragraph headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement and do not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions of this AgreEment. 23. NATURE OF SERVICE. It is specifically recognized and intended by the parties hereto that in performing its obligations under this Agreement, Developer shall not offer or perform any service on behalf of the City unless specifically agreed to herein. 24. CORPORATE 6UTHOR1TY, Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization named herein and that this Agreement is binding upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 25. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. Developer shaH, at Developer's sole cost, comply with aH of the requirements of Municipal, State and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in aH activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 26. LABOR NONDISCRIMINATION. Developer shall conform to the requirements of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, to the regulations promulgated by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission to implement said Act, and to the nondiscrimination, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements in the special provisions. 27. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another provisions of this Agreement, shah not constitute a waiver of that party's ,right to enforce any provisions at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 28. FORUM. Any lawsuit pertaining to any .matter arising under or growing out of this contract shall be instituted in Kern County, California. 29. TIME. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 30. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of City and Developer. 31. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 32. ATTORNEY FEES. In any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shah be entitled to recover its attorney's fees and court costs and other nonreimbursable litigation expenses,.such as expert witness fees and investigation expenses. 33. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This contract sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all other oral or written provisions. This contract may.be modified or terminated only in a writing approved by City Counc~ and signed by all the parties. 34. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon full execution. It is the product of negotiation and therefore shall not be construed against any party. $ \ 35. TAX NUMBERS. Developer Federal Tax I.D. is No. Developer is a corporation? Yes . No. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties thereto have executed this Domestic Water Service Agreement on the day and year first, above written. "CFI'Y" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOB PRICE Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED; GREGORY KLIMKO Finance Director "DEVELOPER" By. Title By Title 6 MAINLINE EXTENSION AGREEMENT WATER MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of .., 19.._, by and between thc person or persons listed in paragraph I hereof, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Applicant," and CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City." RECITALS WHEREAS, thc Applicant is thc developer of that certain subdivision of real property situate, laying and being in thc County of Kern, State of California, which is known as in accordance with the map thereof filed in the Office of thc County Recorder of said County on the day of 19_., in Volume ~ of Maps at. Page and , and which is hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision"; and Applicant is now selling or proposes in the near future to sell lots in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map and to this end desires to have water service available in the Subdivision and/or Parcel Map through and by means of mains and appurtenances, and by services (including sendce pipes, fittings, gates and housings thereof, and meter boxes), hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities," to be installed therein substantially as shown 0n that certain map prepared by Applicant attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part herco~, and Installation of thc Facilities and the furnishing of water service by means thereof are necessary and valuable adjuncts to the'sale of lots in thc Subdivision,and will materially increase the value of said lots; and Upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, Applicant is willing to install the Facilities, or cause the same to be installed, at its. own expense, all in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth; and Upon thc terms and conditions herein set forth, City is willing to acquire thc Facilities and 'is willing to furnish water service int he Subdivision and/or Parcel Map through and by means thereof at thc rates and in accordance with the rules of City now in force or that may from time to time be lawfully established. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants, ~greements, terms and provisions herein contained, it is agreed as follows, to wit: 1. Applicant. The names, addresses and descriptions of the person or persons herein collectively referred to as "Applicant" are as follows: Nam e Address Description 2. Applicable Rule. This agreement is entered into pursuant to thc requirements and in accordance with the form of agreement and thc various applicable provisions of City's Main Extension Rule, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the "Ruler in effect and on file with the City; a copy of the Rule is attached hereto, marked Exh~it "B' and by this reference made a part hereof. This agreement does not, therefore, require specific authorization of said City to carry out its terms and conditions. 3. Applicant's Deposit. City's cost relative to preparing or reviewing plans, specifications and cost estimates for the Facilities is $ and City's cost in supervising and inspecting installation of the Facilities is $. City hereby acknowledges receipt from Applicant of $ , representing the total of said costs. Upon completion of installation of the Facilities, City will connect, or cause to be connected, the same to its existing mains and submit a statement of the cost thereof to Applicant, which sum Applicant agrees to pay promptly to City. The aggregate amount of the foregoing costs is hereinafter referred to as Applicant's Deposit. 4. Installation of Facilities. (a) Applicant agrees to install the Facilities, or cause the same to be installed, at its own expense on or before ,19.__. The Facilities shall be installed strictly in accordance with the specifications attached hereto, marked Exhibit 'C" and by this reference made a part hereof, and the installation thereof shall besubject to the approval of City in all respects. The Facilities shall installed Applicant or by a contractor, hereinafter referred to as 'said contractor," selected by Applicant. City will perform, or cause to be performed, the work of connecting the Facilities to City's existing mains at the points designated on Exhibit 'A" hereto. (b) Installation of the Facilities shall be subject to the inspection and approval.of City in all respects'. (c) Title to the Facilities shall vest in City in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 hereof. (d) Applicant agrees to reimburse City upon demand for the cost to City of all replacements and repairs to the Facilities made necessary within one (1) year from completion of installation thereof by reason of defective materials or workmanship; and such reimbursement shall not be subject to refund hereunder. City's acceptance of the Facilities, as provided in paragraph 6 hereof, .shall under no circumstances be .deemed to constitute approval of such materials and worlcmans~hip for purposes of the preceding sentence. (e) In the event Applicant prior to City's acceptance of the Facilities, as provided in paragraph 6 hereof, shall be unable to determine the size or location of any service (including service pipe, fittings, gates and housings therefor, and meter boxes) required in the SUbdivision and/or Parcel Map, Applicant, or User, shall deposit with City the cost of such service at the time service is requested, and City shall install, or cause to be installed such service. The amount of any such deposit so made by Applicant or User shall be added to Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 9 hereof. 5. Indemnityi Insurance. (a) City shall not be responsible or held liable in any manner whatsoever for any injury or damage which may be done.to any person or propertyin the course of installation of the facilities by or on behalf of AppliCant or which may result from such installation, and Applicant agrees to indemnify City and hold free, safe and harmless of, from and against any and all liability for the death of, or injury to, any person and for the loss of, or damage to, any property'which may arise by reason of acts done or omitted to be done in the course of installation of the Facilities by or on behalf of Applicant or which may result from such installation, and Applicant further agrees to reimburse City upon demand for all costs and expenses which City may incur in resisting any claim which may be' made against City for any such injury or damage to' any person or property. Applicant expressly agrees that the agreements contained in this paragraph shall survive the performance of the remainder of this agreement and shall remain in full force and effect .notwithstanding Such performance. Applicant further agrees that during the period beginning with the commencement of construction of the Facilities and terminating upon final acceptance of the same by City, the following insurance will be maintained in full force and effect by Applicant or said 2 contractor (if the Facilities are to be installed by said contractor) without cost or expense to City: (i) Bodily injury liability insurance with limits of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) per person and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence, and (ii) property damage insurance with a limit of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per accident, insuring City against any and all liability for the death of or injury to any person and for the loss of or damage to any property, respectively, which may arise by reason of acts done or omitted to be done in the course of installation of the Facilities or which may result form such . installation, and further insuring City against all costs and expenses incurred by City in resisting any Claim which may be made against City for any such injury or damage to any person or property. Each such policy (A) shall be issued by an insurance company approved in writing by City, which- is qualified to do and doing business in the State of California, (B) shall name City as an additional insured, (C) shall specify that it acts as primary insurance and that no insurance effected by City shall be called upon to cover a loss under the policy so procured or caused to be procured by Applicant, (D) shall provide that the policy shall not be canceled or altered without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to City and (E) shall otherwise be in form satisfactory to City~ Each such policy or a certificate thereof shall be delivered to City concurrently with execution of this agreement. (b) An. endorsement or a certificate thereof to the workmen's compensation insurance policy of Applicant or said contractor (if the Facilities are to be installed by said' contractor) providing that the underwriter thereof waives all right of subrogation against City by reason of any claim arising out of or connected with installation of the Facilities shall be delivered to City concurrently with execution of this agreement. Said endorsement shall provide that it shall not be canceled or altered without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to City. 6. Title to Facilities. Title to each part or portion of the Facilities shall pass to City forthwith as each such part or portion thereof shall be installed regardless of whether the same shall be installed by Applicant or said contractor and regardless of whether the same shall be attached to the balance of City's system, provided, however, that such passage of title shall under no circumstances be deemed to constitute acceptance by City of the Facilities as installed in accordance with said specifications, Exhibit "CN hereto. Such acceptance may only be effected by appropriate written notice from City to Applicant. Applicant warrants that upon such passage of title, the title shall be free and clear of and from any and all liens, charges and encumbrances whatsoever. 7. Street Grades. If the Facilities are installed in easements or right-of-ways where final grades have not been established or .in streets whose grades have not been brought to those established by public authority prior to acceptance by City, Applicant, upon written notice by City, shall deposit with City forthwith the estimated cost, as determined by City, of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities upon establishment of final grades. Adjustments of any difference between the amount so deposited and the actual cost of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities shall be made within ten (10) days after City has ascertained such actual cost. The net deposit representing actual cost shall not be subject to refund. City will refund the entire deposit relating to such proposed relocation, raising or lowering when appropriate authority determines that such displacements are not required. 8. Applicant's Bond. Concurrently with execution of this agreement Applicant shall deliver to City a surety bond in the aggregate amount of $. in form. satisfactory to City, issued by a bonding company approved in writing by City which is qualified to do and doing business in the State of California guaranteeing unto City (a) the performance by .Applicant and said contractor of all the obligations contracted to be performed hereunder, Co) installation of the Facilities in accordance with the provisions hereof, (c) vesting in City of title to the 'Facilities in accordance with the provisions hereof, (d) reimbursement of the cost t° City of all replacements and repairs to thc Facilities made necessary within one (1) year from completion of installation thereof by reason of defective materials or workmanship, and (e) payment in full by Applicant or said contractor of thc claims of all persons performing labor upon or furnishing materials or power t° · be used in thc Facilities. 9. Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund. Applicant agrees that promptly upon completion of installation of thc Facilities in accordance with said specifications, Exhibit "C" hereto, and acceptance of thc same by City, Applicant will, at its own expense, furnish to City a reasonably detailed statement of the actual construction cost of the Facilities, including in said cost, (a) Applicant's Deposit, Co) thc cost, if any, to Applicant of complying with thc insurance requirements of paragraph $ hcreof,.and (c) thc cost, if any, to Applicant of thc bond required by paragraph 8 hereof. Thc total amount of said actual cost as shown by said statement, or the sum of $ Cocing the price quoted by City to Applicant in City's detailed estimate of the cost of installation of the Facilities), whichever' is the lesser, shall bc conclusively deemed to be thc actual construction cost of the Facilities and is herein referred to as Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund. 10. Refund. Provided that Applicant is not in default hereunder, City agrees to make refunds hereunder to Applicant or such other party as may be entitled thereto in cash, without interest, for a period not to exceed forty (40) years from the date hereof in equal annual payments of 2 1/2% (two and one-half percent) of the advance until the principal amount of thc contract has been fully repaid. Refund shall bc made not later than .lune 30 each year beginning the year following execution of this agreement. 11. Service from Facilities. The Facilities were designed to serve customers as shown on Exhibit 'A" hereto. 12. Groundwater Rights. Applicant shall prepare and record an instrument or instruments that will quitclaim, grant and convey to City the fights, title and interest in the underlYing groundwater, that is upon, in, under, produced from or located beneath said sub-division or parcel. ~ 13. City's Right to Offset. In the eVent Applicant shall become entitled to a refund under thc provisions of paragraphs 7, 10, or 11 of this agreement, City shall have the right at such time to offset against the amount then due Applicant hereunder the total amount of any indebtedness then due or owing by Applicant to City. 4 14. Notices. Any notice which it is herein provided may or shall be given by either party to the other shall be deemed to have been duly given when deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid and addressed to the party to whom such notice is given at the following respective addresses: To Applicant: To City: City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Either party, by notice given as hereinbefore provided, may change the address to which notice shall thereafter be addressed. 15. Nature of Obligations~ Assignment. If more than one person is named in Paragraph 1 hereof, the obligations of the persons executing this agreement as Applicant shall be joint and several. Until Applicant shall notify City in writing to the contrary, all refunds hereunder shall be paid by City to . Applicant may assign this Agreement upon written notice to City at any time following determination of the amount of Applicant's Advance Subject to Refund. Any such assignment shall apply only to those refunds hereunder which become due more than thirty (30) days after the date'of receipt by City of such notice of assignment. City will not make any single refund payment hereunder to more than one person. 16. Successors and Assigns. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph 14, this agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 17. Jurisdiction of Ci_W. This Agreement, except for refund Provisions, shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the City of Bakersfield as said City may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. 5 IN WITNF_~S WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate the day and year first-above written. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE BY* APPROVED AS TO FORM: Director of Water Resources City Attorney CO~RSIGNED: Finance Director APPLICANT BY* DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE WATER AVAILABILITY FEES: Prior to final recordation of the tract/parcel map for the subdivision, water availability fees for water service facilities are due and payable. Fees are authorized by Bakersfield Municipal Code 14.04.120 (B.) and set by the City of Bakersfield Water Board with concurrence of the Bakersfield City Council. The fees are set at $2000.00 per gross acre. The fees may be paid upon further sub- division or phasing of the parcels. EXCESS HRE FLOW FEES: Normal fire flows have been determined to be 2500 gallons per minute (g.p.m.). Due to land use of the parcel, the City and/or County Fire Departments require fire flows in excess of the 2500 g.p.m, limit. The method for determining the fees is as follows: $0.$0/g.p.m./acre in excess of 2500 g.p.m, or equivalent facilities. These fees are due and payable prior to recordation of thc tract/parcel map. INSPECTION 'FEES: Prior to any construction, developer is required to submit at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance: Six (6) sets of approved blueline plans. Cost estimate or contractor bid spreadsheet showing award of contract to lowest responsible bidder. Name, address & telephone # of party responsible for payment of Inspection fees. Thc City of Bakersfield will invoice for inspection fcc based on four percent (4%) of cost estimate or contractor bid spreadsheet. In addition, a $10.00 meter installation fee for each service will be assessed for two (2) inch and less in size. ENGINEERING FEES: Thc developer may utilize the City's domestic water operations contractor to provide engineering plans and specifications for construction of water facilities. The City of Bakersfield will invoice for engineering fees based on four percent (4%) of the estimated total installed cost of the water facilities. ~ City of Bakersfield ~ ~ ~. ~· ,. ~ Domestic Water System · '* ' Ashe, Fairhaven, and Riverlakes Ranch Service Areas Schedule of Rates ================================================================== ============================================================= WITHIN CITY FAIRHAVEN & First 300,000 cu. fl./month $ 0.42 $ 0.55 (per 100 cu. ft./month) All over 300,000 cu. ft./month $ 037 $ 0.50 (per 100 cu. ft./month) 5/8" x 3/4" Service $ 6.20 $ 8.37 3/4" Service 6.88 9.29 1" Service 9.56 12.91 1-1/2' Service 14.13 19.08 2' Service 19.43 26.23 3" Service 35.83 48.37 4" Service 51.13 69.03 8" Service 137.97 186~.6 10" Service 187.26 252.80 1-1/2' Connection $ 5~9.5 $ '/.10 2' Connection '7.00 9.50 3' Connection 10.50 14.25 4' Connection 14.00 19.00 6" Connection' 21.00 8" Connection 28.00 38.00 10' Connection 35.00 12" Connection 42.00 56.75 Monthly service charge is a readiness-to-serve charge which is applied to all services and any quantity of water used is an additional charge computed at the quantity rate. Conditions of service remain the same. 2 STANDARD DE TAILS Plate No. W-1 - Standard pipe trench Plate No. W-2 - Thrust block detail Plate No. W-3 - Fire hydrant assembly Plate No. W-4, Blowoff assembly - paved area Plate No. W-$ - End of line blowoff - unpaved area Plate No. W-6 - Standard - blowoff assembly Plate No. W-7 - Pipe bore & casing detail Plate No. W-8 - Standard service connection - 3/4" to 2" Plate No. W-9 - 3", 4", & 6" water service detail Plate No. W-10 - 4' & larger turnout Plate No. W-11 -. Typical meter box location Plate No. W-12 - VaNe box detail Plate No. W-13 ~ Canal crossing detail Plate No. W-14 - Concrete saddle detail Plate No. W-15 '- Safety fence detail Plate No. W-16 - Air-gap separation Plate No. W-17 - Alternate air-gap installation requirements CU T'1E~ CENTER STREET r'I. OWL/NE PIPE TRENCH RI~I-IT-OF'-WA Y !_ A S~E P£AN '_ 2' TYPICAL  --..--- METALUC PIPE IDENTIFIER TAPE. ~I /..-- SEZ..~CT ~AT~IAL COMPACTED TO YIN. 'YIN. * JO" MINIMUM FOR ~° OIAM£T~R MAINS ~t 36' M/N/MUM FOR LARGER THAN 12' DIAMETER PIPE l) WATER MAIN SHALL B£ LOCATED 2' F'ROM RIGHT-OF'-WAY lef.lEN POSSIBLE. 2) IN PAVED AREA MINIMUM COV~ .~,~'iALL BE MEASURED F'ROM LOleEST GUTTER 3,) IN PAVED AREAS, SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET $TRUCIURAL $ECTION, OR PAVEMENT PA TCHING SPEClFICATION SHALL SUPE~CE'DE BACKFILL AND COMPACTION STA TED. wATER AND SANITATION DEPAR~lVlENT-- WATER REsoURcES DIVISION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA TEE TEE 221,5' ELL ~~~._ · ~,.~ .~. t,~:~' 90' ELL CROSS REDUCER I BE,4J~ING AREA IN SQ~IARE .FEET PIPE TEE OR 90~Z.L 45'EZ.L 22HEI.I.I SIZE PLUG 4' 2 2 2 12' ;,II I~ I · 4 N O TE~ ~ ~LL VAL VE~ IqTTIN(~ AHD DIRECT?ON~L CH~l~r~ ARE TO BE HELD IN PLACE BY CONCRETE THRUSTS BLOCK~ 2) BEARING AREAS IHDICATED ~ BASED ON ALLO~/~LE SOIL PRESSURE O~ ~$00 PSK. 3.) CONCRETE IS NOT TO BEAR AGAINST PIPE. THRUST J~LOCK TO ONLY BE IN CONTACT WITH FIITINC,. WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT -- WATER RESOURCES DIVISION CITY OF BAKERSFIE1.D, CAUFORNIA ' ' PROPERFY UN£ PLAN H~R~T A~BL Y ~ ' ' ~ r~ ~,~ ..~ ~ ~L ~-Z ~ PRORL~ W~R AND S~NIT~ON DEPAR~ENT -- ~PRO~ · ~ N~ MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DI~~ DA~ 2' BALL VALVE JAMES JONES J-1943 TYPICAL OR EQUAL---~ 'TOP OF CONC. R.E. TE PAD CAST IRON -'~ ~ (FIN/EH PAD ~. BELOW TRAFF7C LID-------~_ X cSTREET CRADE) .., ,...!~ I.., ,~ . ~ '.;.,... ..-.,..! 2"x6' GAL VANIZEO 'i~.~., ~' ~"" ! ~ · ' NIP"'" WRAP WI"'~ ;~ , :i_ " BROOKS 1~37 BOX $ MIL TAPE · II ~ CONCRETE OR EQUAL . ' , i, ~ 2' BRONZE CATE VALVE I ."'"'--(to 2' GAL V. I 5 MIL. TAPE-. COUPUNC,-----....~ L._ · ~.--2'x12° BRAES 2'x12' BRASS NIPPLE---..-....~.~ /NIPPLE 90 ELL ~ ~'-'~'~-I'~ WA TER MAIN · ~"'RING TITE CAP TAPPED FOR 2' PIPE CBLOCK CAP WITH STANDARD CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK,) WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT -- WATER RESOURCES DIVISION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAEFORNIA 4.'. WHARF H YDRAN r~ 4' GAL V. NIPPL~ ~ ~ PIPE m ~E ~ ~ ~APPEO ~ ~ ~ ~ [ WA ~R MAIN [ I1~:. ~ '~ ~RUST BLO~ ~ ~~RING-~GHT PLUG ~J~ 3" MACHINED ' · O~R A~ OR P. ~ ~ PIPE WA~R AND SANITA~N DEPAR~ENT- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION MANAO~R -- WA~ RESOURCES DI~SION 0A~' WA~R AND SANITA~ON D[PARm[NT- WA~R REsoURcES DI~SION m~ OF B~ERSR~, c~UFORNIA ~o~' ~ANA~ -- WA I~R RESOURCES DI~SION ~ *' ~ '~ '" / ~ , , ~ . WA~R AND sANITA~ON DEPAR~ENT -- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION CI~ OF BAKERS~E~, CAMFORNIA MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES Ol~ DA~ BACK OF . SIDEWALK .---- TERBOX-(SEE TABLE BEL OW~ ~ ANGLE METER STOP---'~. METER TO BE SET ~ I~.._ BY CITY. " ' II ~'"------- SHORT SIDE I LONG SIDE-~ II '~.- , · (AS SPEClF1ED) --.~ . · ' OU ' TUBING, (AS · !/ ~-~D BLE STRAP SERt4CE sTEEL INSERT--x // / SADD~.'BRO~ZE OR SPEClnE~) MAL~BLE IRON' ,~TH - CORPORA nON X/J / . STOP- '---'~ / STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS [%11 _ ~~,, / · use APPRov~ SAOD~~ ~ ~. '' ~' AND I' 12~17~CARSON INDUS~IEE · PRODUC~ OF EQUAL QUAU~ No. 14-19B, GRE~ P~S~C MAY BE ~BMI~D APPRO~D 8Y ~ WA~R 1~' AND 2'~ ~7~30' CHRIS~ CONCRE~ AND SANITA~ON , PRODUC~ INC. - No. B-36. ~E LONG ~DE SER~ FOR A ~' ME~R SHA~ BE I' ~BING AND A ANGLE ME~R ST~. A~ O~ER SER~CE SIZES SHA~ INCORpORA~ UKE SIZES FOR CORPORA~ STOPS, ~BING, ANGLE ME~R STOP~ AND ME~R. i.e., A .1-I/2' SHORT OR LONG SER~CE SHALL CONSIST OF ~-~/2' ~BING, I-I/2' ME~R ST~, AND BE INSTALLED BY O~ERS). WA~R AND ~ANITA~ON DEP'AR~'EhT'-- WA~R RESOURCES Di~SION m~ OF BAKERSRE~,, CAUFOR~I~ ~ I~ M~NAGER -- WA~R RESOUR~E~ DI~$1ON ~ DA~ ~ ~ J ' ~ R T TEE - SIZE AS REOUIRED ( PIPE- ~ s~z~ ,~$ ~: ~ VAL~ TO BE LOCA~ ~ ON SAME SIDE OF S~E~ AS MAIN. I IP'u'E' I ~NI~ED ~~ c~sz ~ON V~L~' II II ~V~L~ aOX TO SURF~ PER DETAIL W-12.~)_ L~ aA~ VAL~- EOUAL ' !1~ ~ TO SER~CE PIPE ~ . ' r~ ~'~ II ~1 ~0~. ?o. ~o~ . ~ ~ /'i '-:' '.". '. '.~ ((. )) m lll !11 - .-,.-.,:-.,.:. DETAIL ~-2 WA~R AND DEPARm/NT- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION Cl~ OF BAKERSRF~. CAUFORNIA ' - ~- W-lO MANAGE~ ~ , . ~ PROPER TY LINES METER BOXES -; 2 SIDEWALK '--![. OF 6IJRB ~ GUTTER __ __ ~ OF STREET _. METER BO ~k STD. POSITION - UNUSUAL LOT DE'SIGN SITUATIONS I~A Y WARRANT DIFFERENT POSITION OF' WA TER SERVICE. ALTERNATE PO.~TION$ SHALL 8E SUBMITTED TO CITY' fOR APPROVAl. WATER AND SANITATION 'DEPARTMENT -- WATER RESOURCES DIVISION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAMFORNIA · ~CAST IRON LOCK-UD ~ ii CAST ~RON VXLV~ 80X BELOW ~ PA~T ' ~ ~ . . PA ~T ~ WA~R AND SANITA~ON DEPAR~ENT -- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION CI~ OF B.AKERS~E~, CAUFORNIA MANAO~ -- WA~R RESOUR~S DI~ON DA~ CONTINUOUS FILl. ET ,r '//~ i ~AClN~ IN ANCI. E RfTH j · STRAP. ROD AND I I THRE.4DED aT EACH EHD AS PIP~ WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT -- WATER RESOURCES DI.VISION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD° CALIFORNIA MANAGER -- WATEiR R£SOURCE:$ DIVISION DAI'~ ~, J ~T~N ~R~ PR~RE ~ ~INST~PRE~RE WA ~ M~N ~ PUMP. ~ R~ON~BIU~ WA~R AND SANITA~ON DEPONENT -- WA~R 'RESOURCES DI~SION c~ OF BAKERSR[~, c~UFpRNIA I I I WA~R AND SANITA~ON DEPAR~ENT -- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION CI~ OF BAKERSFIE~, CAMFORNIA ~-t~- I~ W-17 MANA~ -- ~A~ RESOURCES DI~ON DA~ DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISES MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND REASSIGNMENTS Special Meeting, Water Board - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, August 3, 1993 Tract/ Water Board Parcel Remaining Reassigned to* % No. Map Balance MLE's AT 21A%: H. Ellsworth DuBois and 2V2% 83-12 W.B. TR 4481 $22,288.22 Eryl L. Dubois, TrUstees of 2V2% 83-16 W.B. PM 6367 $13,320.43 the DuBois Family Trust 2Vz% 83-31 W.B. TR 4568, Unit I $20,342.06 Established Under Declaration 2½% 83-34 W.B. TR 4562 $24,965.53 of TrUst dated 06/10/92 998 Palm Avenue San Mateo, CA 94401 Ivan R. Bicrly and 2Vz% 87-09 W.B. TR 4901, $80,632.39 Margaret D.Bierly, TrUstees Units C & D The Bierly Family 1993 Trust 275 Woodside Drive Woodside, CA 94063' Total of 2Vz% Contracts $161,548.63 MLE's AT 22%: C. L. Dunn & D. G. Dunn, 22% 81-06 W.B. TR 4277-5 $22,379.72 Trustees 22% 80-32 W.B. TR 4142 $21,070.35 Living Trust dated 06/07]93 22% 80-33 W.B. TR 4143 $31,357.83 Account #0055682355 22% 80-30 W.B. PM 5410 $ 7,934.41 c/o Seafirst National Bank. 22% 80-39 W.B. TR 4222 $16,334.04 Box 488 22% 79-48 W.B. 4277-3 $19,751.83 Mount Vernon, WA 93273 Total of 22% Contracts $118,828.18 *All of the owners reassigned/transferred thc contracts to a "Trust Account." ~ ~ Join ~ us for ' an~ OPen 'HOuse ..... PG&E, 'lSoUthern California Gas,' Californ, ia Water-Service, the City of Bak~brsf!eld,and Castle & Cooke Homes, Inc. cordially invite., you to a gala Unveiling of'our new Showcase Home in: Balcersfield.~ ~ , By attending th(s Private: reception; ,. ~you.'ll expe)ie~nce firsthandr ,. the in energy efficient, ligh~n'g,..appliances, ,control systems , ~- and waterSaving'devices,~ ',You will be able to tour this .home at your leisure. PG&E, Southern California Gas, - ~ California Water ,Service ,and Castle & '-Cooke representatii~es will .be, on hand thr~)Ughout the evening, tO 'answe~r your questions~ ~ Yol ~ 71 'also l~rn how utility prOgrams · can benefit owners, ".builders, architocts and" .. ' ~" -designers with substantial incentiVes. ' FridaY, 13, 1993, .... 5:00 F to 8:00 p.m. ~ The Estate~ at'Seven Oaks · 1404 Fieidspring Driv~ ~ To ,reserve yourpl~ace, .plea~e call: .... (805) 63'.3-3.494' '~ ,,, ~" '.6,,9,93 ' R.S.V.P. by Friday, AugUst 1 ,,, ~' -, ~ Casae &-Cooke:' ' HOMF~INC. ' ~ BETTER WORLD ~Printed on ReCycled Paper~ ! ~. ' ' .-.r~EiE ;~ [± ..... .- · ' ,rmr:r . .- ,:z .' . '- -[ ' - ~ ' SToCKDALE IHIGHWAY , ' ~ '~ "~' "'~'~' "' ' ~"' ' N, -- ': - ' 'I 0 · ; o m - ~ -- .~ ~. . o '" -> '" GRAYF~~-i'' ~' ~'NG' ' ~ 'l 'AvENUUE J~'' ~_ View the gltimate -' ~_ in Energy Efficiency at' .. 'Bakersfield's New - ." ,, Showcase '"':~ "' ~ ' ~' Castle & Cooke Homes, Inc. - . Pacific Gas* .and Elebtric Company. 1918 H Street: Enclosed stemperatureseool, hesaid, therewilll O~k~[~ll~lU ~ e Board of Supervisors on Tuesday available to w houses in Tl.o.~!y approved..th.e..me.rger, of tw~[ . But the city's water board delayed · sfieiu museums ngntmg to stave ou I action Tuesday on an ordinance to do lust !fective Sept. 1, the Kern, County { County Water Agency and Castle & Cooke un and Lori Brock Children s Muse-.[ Homes Inc., the largest landholder in south- ill merge operations in order to cut I west Bakersfield. , · -..,, . without compromising quality. ' .- [ ~e board authorized city start to work rectors of both facilities said the[ with agency and developer representatives :r will eliminate duplication of tasks I'.to fine-tune the ordinance and asked the as accounting, public relations and I issue be brought back to the board for a .ring phones, and allow them to. devote vote Aug. 17. . · ,rings to other uses.. - ' "To begin with,~ we want to protect the ~e county will take control of the Loft (groundwater) basin," said Councilman museum, ils exhibils and other prop- Mark. Salvaggio;' board chairman. "We l'he musean~, .which share a county- don't want groundwater'going out of our building at 3801 Chester Ave., will area.,' , j. ~-.~ . their original names and missions. Council members Cunnl Brunnl and .rn County Museum Director Carola Randy Rowles are also on the.water board. uez'assured concerned supervisors Rowles was ab.s~ from Tuesday's meet- children's museum and that donors - . The intent of'the ol~lina~ce 1~ to prevent ,ntinue to stipulate where they want property owners from draining their land's aoney spent. · groundwater supply and selling the water ouLside the county, according to the city. proval Of the came off a merger 4-0 ' ' With the abundance of surface water vote. Supervisor Ben Austin was 'this' yeaI,, property owners .are searching for ways to move water across the county for farming needs and to boost groundwater DATE tables, said Gene Bogart, director of the city's water resources department. - To boost groundwater, levels, Water is PEDESTRIAN KILLED by a car spread across acres of land and allowed to y night on Union Avenue at Highway sink underground where it Is captured ~s identified Tuesday by Kern County between sandy layers of earth called aqul- .'r's officiaLs as Vincent P. Start, ~8, ~ersfield. ' ' please hum t~' ACTION'/ BI