HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/94 Mark Salvaggio, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles NOTICE OF A ~-~ - SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1994 AT 4:00P.M. WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS. 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 14, 1994. 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS. A. NORTHEAST WATER SUPPLY REPORT. B. SOUTHWEST WILLOW FLYCATCHER UPDATE. C. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT UPDATE. 6). NEW BUSINESS. A. KERN RIVER RUNOFF FORECAST. B. 1995 WATER BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE. C. DOMESTIC WATER MAINLINE EXTENSION CONTRACT RE-ASSIGNMENTS. 7). CLOSED SESSION A. GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(b) (1); CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES). 8.) CLOSED SESSION ACTION. 9). ADJOURNMENT. POSTED: November 4, 1994 $:WBNO0994 FC:fc 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (605) 326-3715 AGENDA ITEM 5).A. NORTHEAST WATER SUPPLY REPORT - PHASE II Mr. Morris Taylor of Ricks, Taylor & Associates will present a verbal summary on the progress of the Phase II report. Mr. Taylor and Joe Gillick of Kennedy-Jenks Consultants are preparing this phase of the report. The first Draft is due in January of 1995. This is for Water Board information, no action will be required. 5 CANAL MING O/VET~ION 7 8 10 11 12 K~N OIL F/ELD PA~INO 1 17 16 13 18 t4 STA~ H~ 178 I 2~ I I 0 ~00 8000 2~ 25 JO 29 28 ~E~D: ~ ~ -- ~ OLC~E WA~ DIS~ICT PROPOE~ P~P~E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3S J~ 32 ~ ~ ~I~NG PUMP STA~ON ~ ~IE~NG ~T P~ RICKS, TABOR ~ ASSOCIATE, /NC. OCTOBER 1994 ~ N~oY ~ 1~ I ~~ ..~ ~ ~ ~'~ ! ~4/ .'' ~'~ .... ~'- ~' ~ -- '~ ' ,,~ ...... i~ ,/ ~ ~ ( (~ ~ ~ ~ ~x // ~ ~ ~ PROPOS~ PIPEUNE ~ ~ J6 ~ 32 ~ ~ ~IS~NO PUMP ~A~ON C~N~DY RICKS, TAYLOR ~ ASSOCIA~S, INC. NO~MBER 1994 TREATMENT ELEV., 860 LAKE MING RESERVOIR USABLE 8TORAQE · 850 AF ELV., 840 ALFRED HARREL INFLOW PIPE TO TREATMENT PLANT 60' DIA. TRANSMI8810N MAIN BOOSTER PUMP STATION Q , 130 CF8 KERN RIVER (1,300 HP) · DIVERSION '~ELV. · 490 PUMP STATION (7,600 HP! LAKE MING OPTION PENSTOCK TIE-IN ELEV. , 924 COMANCHE RESERVOIR USABLE STORAGE,lO00 AF ~ RANCHERIA ROAD ~.. HWY. ~ ~ ALI(]NMENT HWY. 178 I 66' DIA. TRANSMIS$10N MAIN KERN RIVER ITER PUMP STATION 12500 HP) ELV. · 524 Q,150 OF8 66' DIA. TRANSMI881ON MAIN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EMER(]ENCY BACKUP PUMP STATION (3.225 AND RIVER DIVERSION Q, 60 CF8 PG& TUNNEL OPTION EXISTIN(] (;IROUND COMANCHE RESERVOIR USABLE STORA(;IE,IO00 AF ELV. · 1005 HWY. POWER CANAL INFLOW PIPE TO ELV. · 660 TREATMENT PLANT PUMP STATION (7,?'50 HP) Q,150 C:F8 66' DIA. TRANSMISSION MAIN 66' DIA. TRANSMI8810N MAIN 42' DIA. PIPELINE 668 BdERqlF. N~Y BAr.,KUP PUMP STATION AT HYDROB.EOTRI~ TAIl.RACE eO (~F8 (1,200 liP] OLCESE HYDRO OPTION FLASH MIX ' FLOOOULATION' TREATED WATER -- SEDIMENTATION TANK8 BACKWASH PUMP STATION FROM UNTREATED ii FILTER8 PUMP STRUCTURE WATER RESERV(XR I--J ITI~_~ ~ ~_ "lig~gG~l~,m,~L~l ~ mmm..m~a=~mxa=~ r~---------7L'~ OVERFLOW ~ TO SYSTEM FROM UNTREATED WATER RESERVOIR WASH~ATER SLUDGE , OVERFLOW POND8 DRYING BED8 HYDRAULIC PROFILE FOR SLUDGE DISCHARGE, OVERFLOW, 8, BACKWASH CYCLES NORTHEAST WATER TREATMENT PLANT NORTHEAST WATER TREATMENT PLANT SCHEMATIC BLOCK DIAGRAM Chemical Feed Point Pump //~10' ' '~w/Hydraulic Mixing O0 A-F ~ ~ RIVER ~ Storage ~ ~ Ozone DIVERSION '~ ~'~ Reservoir // //,/ Contact ~~ ~ ozone or / Chamber Chemical Feed Points ~ Peroxone w/ Hydraulic Mixing I Polyelectrolyte, Alternative Chemical ..._1 Variable Speed · Meta,ic Coaguta~ Feed Vault & Mixer "~t Rapid Mixer I Chemical Feed by t ~ Surface Spray I I Conventional Horizontal I Variable Speed ~ Vertical Turbine Flocculators Sedimentation Basin I Filter Aid '~ ~ Chlorine pH Adjustment I Mixed Media or Post Chlorination & I Multi-Media Filters I I Chlorine Contact ~Ammonia CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEMS CHEMICAL PURPOSE Activated Carbon - Powdered Lessens Organic Carbon -- Lessens Taste & Odor Aluminum Sulfate (Iron Salt) Primary Coagulant ~,mmonia Arrests Formation of Some DBP's Dalcium Carbonate (Calcium Oxide) * Source of Alkalilnity 3hlorine (Calcium Hypochlorite) Disinfectant C)zone (Peroxone) * Pre-Oxidant & Disinfectant Polyelectrolyte -- Liquid Anionic Potential Flocculant or Filter Aid Polyelectrolyte -- Liquid Cationic Flocculant Polyelectrolyte -- Liquid Non-Ionic Filter Aid Potassium Permanganate Pre-Oxidant Sodium Hydroxide Distribution System Corrosion Control Sulfuric Acid * pH Adjustment for enhanced coagulation Zinc Orthophosphate (Polyphosphate) Distribution System Corrosion Control · Need for these chemicals will be determined by EPA-mandated studies at the Garnett Plant Alternative Chemicals are in Brackets PROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA UNIT PROCESS I UNITS I QUANTITY! UNIT PROCESS I UNITS I QUANTITY FLOW CONVENTIONAL RAPID SAND FILTERS Nominal Plant Rate mgd 50 Configuration - Bifurcated, Gravity Filters with Plastic Undersralns Maximum Plant Rate (Design) mgd 65 Number of Units each 14 UNTREATED WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR Unit Capacity, Each Filter mgd 4.6 Water Surface acres Filtration Rate ~ Nominal Plant Rate (All Filters) gpm/sq ff 3.57 Depth feat Filtration Rate @ Maximum Plant Rate (All Filters) gpm/sq ft 4.65 Detention Period ~ Nominal Plant Rate days 5 to 7 Filtration Rate @ Nominal Plant Rate (1 Down) gpm/sq ft 3.65 Detention Period (~ Maximum Plant Rate days 5 to 7 Filtration Rate @ Maximum Plant Rate (1 Down) gpm/sq ft 5.00 PRETREATMENT BASINS/OZONE CONTACT Filter Sidewater Depth (To Top of Filter Bottom) feet 12 Total Volume cubic feat 36,200 Individual Filter Area square feet 694 Detention Period ~ Nominal Plant Rate * minutes 19.5 Total Filter Area square feet 9716 Detention Period (~ Maximum Plant Rate * minutes 15 BACKWASH SYSTEM FLASH MIXING Number of Pumps each 2 Type - Variable Speed Vertical Turbine Type of Flow Control - Variable Frequency Mixer Horsepower horsepower 15 Power horsepower 150 Number of Units each 2 Backwash Design Rate gpm 13,000 Detention Period @ Nominal Plant Rate seconds 60 Filter Wash System - Air Wash Detention Period @ Maximum Plant Rate seconds 46 WASHWATER RECOVERY AND OVERFLOW SYSTEMS FLOCCULATION Capacity (2 hours of plant flow) mg 4.2 Type - Gear Drive, Variable Speed Vertical Turbine Sidewater Depth feet 6 Unit Horsepower horsepower 2 to 3 surface Area acres 2.1 Number of Treatment Trains each 6 Infiuent Piping Flow Rate mgd 65 Stages per Treatment Train each 4 WASHWATER RECOVERY PUMP STATION Flocculators per stage each 4 Number of Pumps each 4 Length, Each Cell feet 12 Type of Flow Control - Level Width, Each Cell feet 12 Power horsepower 50 Sidewater Depth feat 12 Return Flow Design Rate gpm 10,000 Flocculation Period @ Nominal Plant Rate minutes 35.7 SLUDGE HANDUNQ SYSTEM Flocculation Period @ Maximum Plant Rate minutes 27.5 Type of System - Lined, Sand Drying Beds w/Underdralns HORIZINTAL RECTANGULAR SEDIMENTATION Number of Drying Beds each 16 Number of Treatment Trains each 6 Total Area acres 7.0 Length and Width feat 200 X 50 Sidewater Depth feet 4 Sidewater Depth feat 12 Capacity mg 6.8 Collection Equipment - Pumped, Track-Mounted Vacuum Detention Time days 160 Detention Period @ Nominal Plant Rate minutes 155 CLEARWELL - TREATED WATER STORAGE Detention Period @ Maximum Plant Rate minutes 119 Type of Construction - Cut and Fill Earthen Reservoir. Uned, Floating Cover Surface Loading @ Nominal Plant Rate gpm/sq ft 0.58 Number of Units each 4 Surface Loading @ Maximum Plant Rate gpm/sq ft 0.75 Capacity of Each Unit mg 6.3 Wier Overflow ~ Nominal Plant Rate gpm/ft 12.0 Total; Capacity. mg 25.0 Wier Overflow @ Maximum Plant Rate gpm/ft 15.6 Contact Efficeiency unity 0.5 mgd = million gallons per day Contact Time @ Nominal Plant Rate hours 6.0 gpm = gallons per minute Contact Time @ Maximum Plant Rate hours 4.6 gpm/ft = gallons per minute per foot 50 mgd = 34,772 gpm = 77.4 cfs gpm/sq ff = gallons per minute per square foot 65 mgd = 45,139 gpm = 100.6 cfs mg = million gallons * = Requires Confirmation Tasting KERN RIVER RESEARCH CENTER Research Jbr Conservation oj' Biological Dive~i(~ ~ /t.,~.t oCr l o . ~994 October 7, 1994 C.H. Williams North Kern Water Storage District P.O. Box 1195 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Dear Chuck, Here's the final report of the'1994 Willow Flycatcher/Brown- headed Cowbird study. Thank youand the Kern River Water Interests for supporting this study. Your support allowed us to expand the study. As a result, Willow Flycatcher productivity increased along with our knowledge of Willow Flycatcher ecology. This information is invaluable in developing a successful management plan for the species We see our research and management program on the Willow Flycatcher continuing for the next four to five years.' We .are developing a management model, both from data collected on thi~':~ project and elsewhere in California, whichwill' determine' '.the:~'":":'~': intensity and frequency of trapping needed toprovide population of Willow Flycatcher in the South,Fork Valley. hope that the Kern River Water Interests will continue to support this research and management'program. We feel that together we can develop a long-term management plan for this population of Willow Flycatchers and other riparian species that. will be' beneficial to both wildlifeand the Kern.River Water Interests...-. Sincerely, Stephen A. Laymen, Research Director P.O. Box 990 · 7872 Fay Ranch Road · Weldon, California 93283 · (619) 378-3345 · FAX (619) 378-3881 AGENDA ITEM 5).C. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT Mr. Gene Bogart, Water & Sanitation Manager, will provide a verbal report to the Water Board on the discussions with the Kern River Levee District Board of Directors at their meeting of September 30, 1994. This is for Water Board information. -x ~ : ..... i ..... ~ · " ': ": .......... : ....... ....... ~).... ~ " ... : ~ ..... ~ ~ ......... ~ ..... : ~E DISTRICT BOU~D~Y CITY OF BA~RSFI~ N0 ~. CA~FORNIA ENGINEERING ~gPAR~NT KERN RIVER BASIN SNOW SENSOR FORECAST MODEL Readings of Water Content DATE: 10-Nov 1994 are in Inches ..... Previous Year April-July Runoff = 41 % of Average SNOW SENSOR SITE Upper Tyndall Crabtree Chagoopa Wet Tunnel Casa Beach Weighted Creek Meadow Plateau Pascoe Meadow Guard Vieja Meadow Average Elevation (feet) 11,450 10,700 10,300 9,150 8,950 8,950 8,400 7,650 -- Actual Water Content This Date 0.7 0.4 0.9 1.8 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.7 Normal Water Content This Date 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.7 1.2 0.7 1.0 % of Normal Water Content This Date 56~ 45% 89% 155% 57% 43% 420,6 30% 6206 April I Average Water Content 27.7 19.8 21.8 24.9 30.3 15.6 20.9 11.0 21.6 % of April 1 Average Water Content 3% 2% 4% 7% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1) 3-Gage Precipitation Index For this Date = 4.02 inches 3-Gage Precipitation Index Normal For this Date = 4.66 inches 3-Gage Precipitation Index in % of Normal = 86% Percentage Into Snowpack Accumulation Season = 5% 2) Estimated April-July Runoff into Isabella Reservoir -- 369,291 acre-feet 3) Estimated April-July Runoff in % of Average = 80°/0 1) 3-Gage precipitation index = October 1 to date cumulative rainfall totals for Glennville, Pascoe & Isabella Dam 2) Assumes median snowpack accumulation subsequent to date of estimate 3) April-July average inflow to Isabella Reservoir = 461,000 acre-feet CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 1995 The Water Board has set the day and time for regular meetings to Wednesdays at 4:30pm to be held at the Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road. Below is a list of tentative regular meeting dates for 1995 to consider and adopt at the November 9, 1994 meeting. January 18, 1995 March 15, 1995 May 10, 1995 July 12, 1995 September 20, 1995 November 15, 1995 ~ ~;CI';II~[~ULED MEETINGS JANUARY 199,5 THROUGH DECEMBER 1995 BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING {7:00 PM} A BUDGET HEARINGS (5:15 PM) WORKSHOP/CLOSED SESSION (5:1S PM) JANUARY FEBR~/ARY MARCH T w T. ~ S S M T W TH ~ s S u T w TH ~ s s 4 s ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ 2 ~ 4 APRIL MAY .... JUNE 6 M T W TH F 5 $ M T W TH F $ S M T W TH F $ 1 I 2~ 4 5 $ . ^ 1 2 3 16 t7 18[~ 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 lS t9 23 23 24 JULY., AUGUST SEPTEMBER ........ $ M T W TH F $ ~' M T W TH P S S M T W TH F 1 1 ~, 3 4 B 1 2 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 6 6 ? 8 ~-~ 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1~ 14 t5 16 17 16 t9 10 11 ~2 ~ 14 15 ~ 24 25 ~ 27 28 ~ 27 28 ~ ~ 31 24 Z~ ~ ~ 26 ~ ITEM 7A GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(b)(1); CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES).