HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/96 WATER BOARD ;- Mark Salva~io, Chair ~ndy Rowles, Vice-Chair ~ Patricia M. Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1996 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS. 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD MARCH 13, 1996. 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 5). CORRESPONDENCE. A. LETTER RECEIVED FROM WATER ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY CONCERNING "FUN RUN,WALK FOR WATER" EVENT. 6). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER OPERATIONS UPDATE. B. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE REQUEST FOR INCREASED COMPENSATION RATE UNDER EXISTING CONTRAC~ AGREEMENT. 7). NEW BUSINESS A. NORTH OF THE RIVER SANITARY DISTRICT LETTER AGREEMENT CONCERNING AGRICULTURAL WATER SERVICE TO DISTRICT PROPERTIES. B. PIONEER PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY ON OPERATIONS ADJOINING CITY "2800 ACRES". C. ESTABLISHMENT OF "REVENUE STABILIZATION" RESERVE FOR AGRICULTURAL WATER DIVISION AND "FACILITIES REPLACEMENT" RESERVE FOR DOMESTIC WATER DIVISION. 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD . BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 , (605) 326-3715 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING MAY 1~, 1996 PAGE - 2 - D. AGRICULTURAL WATER DMSION 1996 SEASON WATER PRICE AND SAND .. SALE SCHEDULE. E. DOMESTIC WATER DIVISION SERVICE AREA SCHEDULE OF RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES FOR 1996-1997. F. REVIEW OF INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE TO THE NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD AREA. G. REQUEST FOR WATER SUPPLY FOR PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NEAR 7~ STANDARD ROAD AND ..~ SNOW ROAD. 8). CLOSED SESSION A. GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(b)(1); CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDMSION (b) OF SECTION $4956.9 (TWO CASES). 9.) ADJOURNMENT. POSTED: .May 10, 1996 I: WBMYI Md Fd ~ 1o, lee~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, March 13, 1996, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. -The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Absent: Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair 3. Boardmember Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Special Water Board Meeting held January 17, 1996. Motion carried. 4. There were no Public Statements. 5. Correspondence 5A. A letter from Olcese Water District regarding a long-term water exchange agreement was presented before the Board by Mr. Bogart. Water staff has been meeting with the Olcese Water District Board members and their staff to discuss the role of Olcese and the City of Bakersfield in the future development of the northeast area. An agreement was drafted by staff which would have mutual benefits to both sides. A mutual commitment City provided was expected between the City and Olcese in order to firm up the lower river water rights, available to City residents living within the Olcese District boundaries. In exchange, Olcese would be able to utilize City canal facilities and exchange opportunities to assure a water supply to the Olcese area at reduced costs. The draft agreement was changed by Olcese to the point that it is not currently workable. The existing agreements and water exchange arrangements the City has with the water district will not terminate until the year 2012, so some time will be necessary before we revisit the existing Agreement with Olcese Water District. 5B. The letter from the Kern River Levee District concerning the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher was presented by Mr. Core for information. The Levee Board passed a resolution in support of City Resolution No. 96-01 W.B. regarding the operation of Isabella Dam and reservoir. Mr. Core brought the Board up to date on the activities concerning the SSWF and Isabella Reservoir. At the last meeting City Water staff reported that the Kern River would be less than normal with a storage reservoir not above 300,000 acre-feet, but recent storm activities have changed conditions considerably. The area that was used by the Flycatcher has been inundated, but when the Flycatcher returns in May other areas are available to nest. The City has been involved with the Watermaster group working on various plans and incurred some additional expenses which exceeded the previously authorized amount. Mr. Core informed the Board of additional costs that will be incurred this year regarding this program and indicated these will be brought back for Board review at a later date. No action required or taken by the Board. !. 6. Deferred Business 6A. The Kern River Operations update was presented by Mr. Bogart for information. Staff ..... originally forecasted about 510,000 acre-feet storage maximum at Isabella. A revised ~ estimate of 550,000 acre-feet will almost fill the reservoir this year. The runoff forecast, with the latest storm activities, is about 127% of normal. There will be heavy spreading operations this year from all water projects including State and Federal canals. When the construction on the bridge at Highway 99 and the Kern River is completed water will start moving in much larger volumes down the river again. 7. New Business 7A. Mr. Core presented an Invitation for Proposals to provide water service to a Northeast Bakersfield tentative tract. A letter was received from a landowner who wants to develop this tract into approximately 2,000 residential lots, but the tract is not within an organized water district. The developer has requested that the City of Bakersfield secure a water supply for this development. Before a water supply can be made available, the City must know who will provide water service to the new residents in this area and if an adequate supply of water is available. The City is willing to lend their support by means of its surface water supplies regulated through the 2800 Acres for this project. California Water Service Company and Olcese Water District have facilities near this property, and East Niles Community Services District operates in the vicinity. A study of the entire Northeast Water Supply is underway and staff feels there should be a system which can be integrated into the overall plan of the Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project for the orderly growth of the area. An Invitation for Proposal has been prepared by staff as an effort to see what interest the adjacent purveyors might have in serving this area. Since the City was contacted to .... provide a water supply to this area, staff is asking the Board for approval to send Invitations for Proposals to qualified retail domestic water purveyors. A motion was made by Boardmember Smith for staff to proceed in sending the Invitations for Proposal to the interested domestic water service purveyors. Motion carried. 8. Closed Session Boardmember Salvaggio adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 4:55pm. Boardmember Salvaggio reconvened the meeting at 5:10pm. Closed session action. Update from legal counsel, no action taken. 9. The meeting adjourned at 5:llpm. Mark Salvaggio, Chai~: ! - City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board ,=.) I' K K R N (..: L.) U N T Y Mr. Gene Bogart ~ April 10, 1996 City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Mr. Bogart: The Water Association of Kern County, in conjunction with the Kern County Water Agency and urban water purveyors will be sponsoring a major media public awareness campaign for 1996. This campaign will focus attention on major legislative and regulatory events of 1995 and 1996, especially in relation to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and the impacts they will have on our economy. It is imperative that the citizens of Kern County be made aware of the consequences of these decisions, as they · will ultimately affect every homeowner, business owner, and every taxpayer. We need to stress the importance of our ability to maintain Kern County's economic base, which is based on a reliable water supply. In light of the CALFED process and Senator Jim Costa's SBgOO, we need to inform the public about long-term water supply issues, upon which they will be asked to vote. With a public information campaign such as that provided by your Water Association, we have an opportunity to inform the public about the Delta, CALFED and SB900. Our program has been successful because of the excellent support we have had from water districts and urban water companies, and local businesses. Therefore, we are requesting a contribution of $750.00 from each district to help support this campaign, of course any amount is appreciated. Together we can be successful. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, APR 1 2 1996 Dana S. Munn President ClTY OFBAKERSFIELD DSM/[h WATERRESOURCES 2724 L Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 P: (805) 324-8440 (~ F: (805) 323-4138 WALKA ON, "WALK FOR WATER" SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1996 9:00 A.M. start, 12:00 P.M. finish The Kern County Water Agency and the Water Association of Kern County are coordinating an informal "Walk for Water" Fun Run to be held on the bike path along the banks of the Kern River in Bakersfield. This event is free, and is open to all ages and non-motorized modes of conveyance (motorized wheelchairs are accepted). Ali participants who finish the course will receive a free commemorative T-shirt (one size fits all), a free drink and snacks! The first 50 finishers will also receive a commemorative sports bottle! The course begins on the bike path at Beach Park. There will be one-mile and two-mile turnaround checkpoints where your progress will be verified. Total mileage (your choice) can be two miles or four miles. Participants completing their designated course will return to the finish line at Beach Park. Simply complete the entry form below and mail to: KCWA "WALK FOR WATER", P.O. Box 58, Bakersfield, CA, 93302-0058. Entries must be received no later than Wednesday, May 15, 1996. Last Name: First Name: # of Participants in party: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: I am traveling: 2 miles (total) ~ 4 miles (total) [~ WAIVER: In consideration of your acceptance of this form, I hereby for myself waive and release ali sponsors, coordinating groups and any individual associated with the event and their representatives from any and all claims that may arise as a result in the "WALK FOR WATER" FUN RUN. I warrant that I am in good health and have gained I have read the foregoing and am of legal age to consent to this waiver. I willingly assume any Signature: Date: This event by KCWA, WAKC and the i996 California Water Awareness Campaign. Use water wisely. It's a way of life. MAY IS CALIFORNIA WATER AWARENESS MONTH ISABELLA RESERVOIR DALLY OPERATIONS REPORT (All readings are for date of report (THURSDAY) es of OOOl, except as noted.., cfs in italics) Date of Report: May 9~ 1996 ISABELLA RESERVOIR 1 2598.98 Lake Elevation (ft.) 495745 Storage 3537 Change 3760 Inflow to Isabella 2 568075 Storage Capacity 87% % of Capacity 214448 Normal Storage 231% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 10716 Average Lake Area (Acres) 65592 Inflow (Month) 28699 Outflow (Month) 4 3601 North Fork Mean 3536 North Fork @ 0700 Hours 500294 Accumulative Inflow (95-96 WY) 5 1838 Mean Outflow 564 Borel Canal 1274 Main Dam Outlet 326240 Accum. Outflow (WY) 6 139 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.45 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 2386 Lake Evap. (Month to Date) 7 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 8 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 9 13.18 Seasonal Precip. Isabella 9.38 Normal for 141% Isabella Precip. this Date % of Normal 10 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 11 37.90 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 33.43 Normal for 113% Pascoe Precip. this Date % of Normal 12 23.4 Upper Tyndall Creek 21.4 Pascoe 0.1 Wet Meadow 13 74 Isabella Maximum Temperature 14 54 Isabella Minimum Temperature 116 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 15 3879 Natural Flow (cfs) 65927 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 215212 Accum. Natural Flow (April-July) 16 2398 Mean Flow 162% Natural Flow 1691 Median Flow 229% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 17 8961 Max. on Record 391 Min. on Record 537288 Accum. Natural Flow (Water Year) For this Date For this Date Produced by City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources (805) 326- 3715 KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION . EIGHT SENSOR INDF_.~ May 7, 1996 35.0- i ~ ..t.i!~ ~;",,' .... ,2, / · "' \ j ~oo% ~(i:,~.~;.~:~g~iilfi~ii:i~~'''' i / ~ J . ',.. ~ 1995-1996 / J o :-" / ",. ,~:'~ 120~A-J ~_, ,' i: ~ ~' i '~: ~ ." ~ ::--:~ ;;!~!!I~i~''' J '-,. [ \ ~ ' r: ............ ~ ........ :~'r::" ;: ~i~;i;;i::;' ~;.~,.,~,~ :: ~ .... ~:.~,.,~-~ i~ :; i';~ 'x /J "" November January February March April May Snowpack Accumulation Season WATER ~SO~CES DEP~~ G~ BOG~T, Manger ~RN ~g~ Water g~u~ D~ctor PA~ICK E ~~, Su~tendent ~ ~, Pom~st~$ and R~ ~ICE ~ Bm~ Manger ~N ~ DISPA~ 3~-3716 May 3, 1996 Gerald F. Feeney, VP,CFO & Treasurer California Water Service Co. 1720 North First Street P.O. Box 1150 San Jose, CA 95108 RE: INCREASED COMPENSATION UNDER CITY/CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. CONTRACT AGREEMENT bio 92-250 Dear Mr. Feeney: Your request for additional compensation for your increased costs to operate the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System have been reviewed by City staff. The California Water Service Company letter of April 3, 1996 indicated extra expenses have been and will continue to be experienced by Cai-Water due to costs unforeseen in the current contract to disinfect the water supply. City staff maintain that the existing service contract provides for Cai-Water to assume costs for chemical purchases and labor to provide "water treating or disinfection operation" (Section 1.(a)) and that "Other services Company will perform are to pay all operation and maintenance expenses except as noted in ¶#5 herein" (Section 1.(e)), with ¶#5 silent to chemical or disinfection materials expenses. City staff also recognizes that complete disinfection of the water supply system was not envisioned at the time of the execution of the existing contract in 1992 and due to stricter regulations by EPA and the State Health Department, full disinfection of the system has become a requirement within the last two years. Your supplied information and documentation of increased costs due to the operation and maintenance of the chlorine injection process has been evaluated by City staff. The quantities of disinfection materials appear to be in-line with estimates generated by experience the previous year and the allocated labor costs seem to be appropriate. The City will consider an additional increase in the monthly fee from the current $7.09 per service per month to $7.18. This increased rate of compensation is allowed under the current contract/agreement without further negotiations, however, this item will be brought before 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3715 page 2 our Water Board at the May 15t~, 1996 meeting for Board information and direction. If our Board concurs with staff recommendation, the increased compensation to Cai-Water may start with the June, 1996 (May operations) billing to the City. Please contact me or the staff at the Water Resources office, if you have questions or comments. Sincerely, GENE BOGART Manager By ~~ Florn Core Dkector cc: City of Bakersfield Water Board Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney Gail Waiters, Assistant City Manager Maurice Randall, Business Manager March 14, 1996 Don Glover, Manager 'North of the River Sanitary District 5001 Olive Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Don: This letter shall serve to confirm our mutual understandings regarding 1) resolution of the current delinquency on past water deliveries to De La Rosa Farms, and 2) restitution of water delivery to lands owned by North of the River Sanitary District and served via the 1-1-0 Lateral of the Kern River Canal & Irrigating Company. As to the deliquency on the De La Rosa account with the City, you have developed a plan whereby the deliquent funds, in the amount of $17,824.73, will be paid City. On this basis, once the payment is secured by City, lands owned by North of the River Sanitary District and located within the KRC&I Co. will become eligible for water delivery service. As we have previously stated, City has commenced with collection procedures on De La Rosa Farms. In the event City is successful in procuring payment from De La Rosa, said procurement will be refunded to North of the River Sanitary District in amounts not to exceed $17,824.73.. Enclosed for your action is the "1996 Water Service Agreement" under which water deliveries may be provided this year. Your prompt response to this matter has been greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Water Resources Director Enclosure cc w/enclosure: Allen Shaw, Assistant City Attorney 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-371S DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES --~ GENE BOOART. Manager ' I~)RN OORE. Water Re~o~r0e~ Dimctm' ~I/VE IAI~ND, Poreostin~ and Rea~ds K]~,N RIVER DISPATCHER March 14, 1996 " David and Kari Mitchell Mitchell Farms C/O North of the River Sanitary Distr/ct .~)01 Olive Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: 1996 Water Service Agreement Gentlemen: This letter shall serve as an agreement between Mitchell Farms ("Consumer"), North of the River Sanitary District ("NORSD") and the City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources ("City") regarding the purchase of surface irrigation water by Consumer from City. The terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows: 1) City will deliver irrigation water, at times and rates of flow as are mutually agreed upon by City and Consumer, via the established public utility delivery gate 1-1-10 of the Kern River Canal & Irrigating Company, or at other mutually agreeable points of delivery within the Kern River Canal & Irrigating Company service area. 2) The price for each acre-foot of water delivered to Consumer shah be $19.15. 3) The delivery of water by City to Consumer is for 1996 only. 4) City will require advance payment from Consumer, payable to City on or before the first day of each such month irrigation water deliveries are requested by Consumer. The intial pre-payment shall be in the amount of $4,000, reflecting approximately 200 acre-feet of irrigation water delivery, and must be received by City before any water delivery service can be provided. Subsequent advance payments may be adjusted upward or downward by City from such initial pre-payment amount on the basis of actual water use by Consumer during the previous month. In no event will City provide irrigation water deliveries without an advance payment by Consumer. 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 · (605) 326-3715 March 14, 1996 ]RE: 1996 Water Service Agreement Page 2 S) By signing this document, Consumer signifies that he has received a copy of the City policy on Customer Rules and Regulations (attached) and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions stated therein. Consumer further agrees that this agreement and water sale hereunder is a temporary accommodation for the above mentioned period on~ that neither the agreement or any sale hereunder will be or constitute a water right or public service right; that said rate may be subject to change during the term of this agreement; and that no claim will ever be made that Consumer or the lands receiving the water may be entitled to continue to receive such water as a public utility, private water right, or otherwise. 6) NORSD, owner of the land to be served irrigation water under this agreement, shall be held respons~le to City for payment of any outstanding balance owed by Consumer to City for irrigation water deliveries provided hereunder should such outstanding balance owed become 30 days or more overdue. Payment by NORSD is due within 10 days of written notification by City. Such notification shall be sent to the following address: Name: North of the River Sanitary District Address: 5001 Olive Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone: (805) 399-6411 Please indicate your acceptance of the above-stated terms and conditions by executing this agreement in the spaces provided. Sii}cerely, Water Resources Director NORTH OF THE RIVER SANITARY DISTRICT MITCHELL FARMS "Landowner". "Consumer" Date: CITY OF BAKERSFIF] r~. DEPARTMENT OF WATER CUSTOMER RU~ ~-~ AND REGUlaTIONS Service wOl be fumished to any person or corporation whose premises are within the service area provided an application is made and credit is established. Each applicant will be required to establish credit and may qualify under one of the following methods: L M~ke a cash depe~it in the amount of twice the average monthly bill, said deposit to be refunded al~er payment of final char~s for the year. 2, Arrange a guarantor satisfactory to the City. Preferably a guarantor to who bills may be ma~ed directly for payment. 3.Present evidence ofownership of unencumbered real estate within the service area. 4. By previously having been a customer and having made timely payments on all bills rendered for water se~4ce. Bills a~ due and payable upon the date of presentation (date mailed to the customer), and if not paid within 15 days, service may be discontinued thus requiring credit to be reestablished by one of the above methods. Bills ~ be rendered on or about the tenth calendar day of each month and w~l indicate the total acre-feet of irrigation water delivered from each delivery point during the preceding calendar month. The point of measurement and delivery is the City's gate or measuring station. Orders for water set~ce must be placed at the of~e of the dispatcher, 326-3716 or 326-3715, at least 48 hours in advance of the requested date of delivery and contain the gate number, date and time desired turned on and off', rate of flow, or "head', in second foot da)z. (One second foot day is equivalent to 1.98347 acre-feet) The daily minimum charge for delivery of water will be one cubic foot per second (c.f.s.) for one 24 hour period or the amount actually delivered, whichever is greater. Customer shall be liable for damage or loss to City's system caused by failure to take such water ordered. A customer may have the rate of flow changed by giving not less than 24 hours advance notice thereof to the C~ty. The customer's irrigation system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable tim~ to authorized representatives of the c~. The City has the right to refuse sen~ce when in its judgement the customer's laterals and structures receiving in~ation water are not in good repair and free from vegetation and remain in this condition throughout the in~ation season, or if in the judgement of the City excessive water loss would be incurred as a result of the delivery. No persons other than employees of the City shall have the right to operate or interfere in any manner with canals and structures of the City. Unauthorized structures of obstructions placed upon, along or across any property or right-of-way of the City's may be removed by the City at the expense of the person responsible. Water service obtained by fraudulant means is punishable by fine, imprisonment and reimbursement for damages. PRINCIPLES of PROPOSED PIONEER PROJECT JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT o Participants: City of Bakersfield; Kern County Water Agency/Improvement District N°. 4; Buena Vista WSD; Henry Miller WD; Kern Delta WD; Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD; Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD; Belridge WSD; Lost Hills WD & Berrenda Mesa WD o Properties: Pioneer Properties; City's "2800 Acres"; Kern Water Bank & Kern River Channel through town. o Includes use of City facilities: Kern River Canal; Pioneer Canal; City's "2800 Acres" & James Canal. o Agreement to become part of Environmental Impact Report, Negative Declaration or other environmental study prepared by the Pioneer Participants, with exception to new urban developments in unincorporated areas will require additional environmental review. o Pioneer Participants may use City facilities to divert water to the Pioneer Project properties. The appropriate fees for use of those facilities are part of the agreement and City obtains a next right of refusal to use Pioneer Project facilities when capacity is available. o This agreement does change or amend existing agreements for use of the "2800 Acres", but is supplemental to existing agreement. o Banking operations in the Kern River channel shall not diminish or interfere with pre-existing ID#4 spreading operations and ID#4 spreading shall not be considered banked within ID#4 boundaries. o City and Pioneer Participants KCWA agree operate respective projects to maintain hydraulic gradient which slopes away from Kern River channel. To help achieve this goal, 20% of flows destined for the Pioneer Project are to be diverted and spread within "2800 Acres", when it would otherwise be dry. o The project shall be operated in such a manner to maintain and enhance the quality of groundwater in the basin underlying the Project area. Recharge priority shall be given to the purest or highest quality water. Pioneer Participants agree to extract the lowest quality water out first where practicable. ,All parties attempt to control migration of poor quality waters. No spreading or recharge in contaminated areas. Kern River waters will be recharged as high on the Kern River Fan as possible. There is no "in-lieu" banking on the Pioneer Project properties, all banked water is to be delivered and percolated on properties. o A coordinated extraction plan will be developed that allows maximum recovery capability with minimum adverse impacts on existing operations; expand recovery area, provide buffer areas, limit recovery rates, provide adequate well spacing, adjust pumping rates, and impose time restrictions between recharge and extraction. o Recharge losses will be applied to all water spread at the rate of 6% of water diverted. ,An additional 5% assessed for out-of-county sales or transfers. ,All losses are non-bankable or recoverable.' o The benefit of normal, natural and unavoidable losses of Kern River water or other native water in the Kern River Channel may not be claimed as banked or recoverable. o Friant-Kern flood releases to the Kern River channel near Coffee Road shall be used to wet the Kern River channel to the Kern River/SWP Intertie without any sort of banking, then all other off-stream projects may take this water in accordance to historical diversion priorities. o City shall be central coordinatorfor all waters scheduled for use in all City facilities inclUding the Kern River channel. City will provide recordkeeping services for all points of diversion from the Kern River channel. P:WBPPBULT PROPOSED 1996-97 Revenue Stabilization/Contingency and Facilities Replacement Reserves Agricultural Water: Revenue Stabilization & Contingency Reserve · Reserve to be established initially at $500,000 . Funded from Ag Water Sales & Banking Fees · Reserve to be funded over two Fiscal Years · Stabilize Fluctuating Revenue Stream · Provides Contingency for Natural Disasters/Emergencies Domestic Water: Facilities Replacement Reserve · Reserve to be established initially at $1,200,000 . Funded from Domestic Water Revenues (No General Taxes) · Replacement Reserve to be funded over several years · prOvides Contingency for Natural Disasters/Emergencies AGRICUL'I~RAL WATER ENTERPRISE 1996 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The following recommended water prices reflect the current, normal water supply conditions occurring throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Of the ten (I0) water price categories shown below, items 1 and 2 are established by existing contracts. The water rates for items 3 through 10 are dependent upon supply and would become effective May 1, 1996. These water rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes or adjustments to these prices. For information and reference, the 1994 and 1995 schedule for surface water rates are shown for comparison (price per acre-foot). Actual 1994 Actual 1995 Effective May 1, 1996 (41% of Normal (199% of Normal (115% of Normal Type of Water Water Year) Water Year) Water YeaQ 1) Basic Contract Water .......... $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 2) City 'Borrow/Payback' Contract Water ..................... $19.87 $20.47 $21.0:5 *3) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for Domestic use .......... $62.00 $32.00 $32.00 *4) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for surface irrigation ................................. $26.00 $22.00 $22.00 *5) Miscellaneous Water that would otherwise be used for groundwater banking. .... $11.37 $11.71 $12.0:5 *6) City non-Kern River Water sales (oilfieid discharge, etc.) ......................................... $20.80 $20.80 $20.80 7) 2800 Acre "banked' groundwater sold for surface irrigation (downstream of 2800 Acres) ...................... $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 8) 2800 Acre "banked' groundwater sold for surface irrigation (upstream of 2800 Acres) ...................... $:57.00 $57.00 $57.00 9) 2800 Acre 'banked" groundwater sold for Domestic use (upstream of 2800 Acres) ....... $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 10) Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co .......................... $19.15 $19.15 $19.1:5 * To encourage maximum use within the Kern River groundwater basin, water prices in categories numbered 3, 4, ~ and 6 are reduced 50% during periods of mandatory flood control release and/or encroachment into the flood control storage space at Isabella Reservoir. For annual and/or temporary pumping agreements from canal and river facilities, and for sand sales from City-owned river channel properties, the following rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes: ITEM PRICE 1) Temporary Pumping Agreements .................................. $ 50.00 per day 2) Annual Pumping Agreements $ Truck units or Jess ......................................................... $400.00 (minimum charge) 6 Truck units or more ...................................................... $600.00 (or greater proportionately, depending upon volume) 3) Sand Removal Sales .......................................................... $ 0.50 per cubic yard (plus sales tax when applicable) City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Division Ashe, Fairhaven, and Riverlakes Ranch Service Areas Schedule of Rates Within Fairhaven & Within Fairhaven & City Limits Unincorp- City Limits Unincorp- orated Areas orated Areas Quantity Rates: First 300,000 cu. ff./month $0.45 $0.58 $0.47 $0.60 (per 100 cu. ft./month) All over 300,000 cu. ff./month $0.40 $0.53 $0.42 $0.55 (per 100 cu. ff./month) 5/8" x 3/4" Service $6.60 $8.77 $6.90 $9.07 1" Service $10.06 $13.41 $10.51 $13.86 1 - 1/2" Service $14.89 $19.84 $16.03 $20.98 2" Service $20.39 $27.19 $21.83 $28.63 3" Service $37.63 $50.17 $40.33 $52.87 4" Service $54.13 $72.03 $58.63 $76.53 6" Service $96.37 $128.00 $105.37 $137.00 8" Service $147.57 $195.86 $161.97 $210.26 10" Service $201.66 $267.20 $223.26 $288.80 1-1/2" Connection $5.85 $7.70 $6.30 $8.15 2" Connection $7.80 $10.30 $8.40 $10.90 3" Connection $11.70 $15.45 $12.60 $16.35 4" Connection $15.60 $20.60 $16.80 $21.80 6" Connection $23.40 $30.65 $25.20 $32.45 8" Connection $31.20 $41.20 $33.60 $43.60 10" Connection $39.00 $51.25 $42.00 $54.25 12" Connection $46.80 $61.55 I $50.40 $65.15 Monthly service charge is a readiness-to-serve charge which is applied to all services and any quantity of water used is an additional charge computed at the quantity rate. Conditions of service remain the same. C :\123 - DATA'~ATECMP2,WK3 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT . ~ · ~ '~. OENE BOOART. FLORN CORE. W&ter R~oun:~ Dir~tor PATRICK E. HAUFrMAN, ,~uperintendent MAURICE RANDALL, Bu~ine~ Manager ,.~ KERN RIVER DISPATCHER 326-3716 March 29, 1996 Mel Byrd, District Manager Roland Stephens, Manager California Water Service Company East Niles Community Services District 3725 So. "H" Street P.O. Box 6038 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Don Wahl, Manager Olcese Water District P. O. Box 651 Bakersfield, CA 93302 RE: PROVIDING DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE TO SECTION 17 (619.36 acres) & SECTION 20 (4.939 acres), T29S/R29E MDBM, WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: The City of Bakersfield invites your company/district to submit proposals for consideration to provide domestic water service to the area described above. Attached is the "Invitation for Proposals" which is to be used for guidance in preparing a submittal. Proposals should be completed and delivered or mailed to the City Water Resources Department by May 9~, 1996. The City will review and notify within approximately two weeks following that date. If you have questions or need further information please contact me at (805) 326-3715. Sincerely, Gene Bogart Water Resources Manager by: ~ Florn Core Water Resources Director cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney Michael Geddes, Califarming Inc. 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (80S) 326-3715 INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS to QUALIFIED DOMESTIC WATER PURVEYORS Provide Domestic Water Utility Service to Sections 17 (619.36 acres) and Section 20 (4.939 acres), T29S/R29E MDBM, Within the City Limits of Bakersfield, California March 29, 1996 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City is responsible for ensuring that any proposed urban development within the City has proper and adequate water for domestic uses, water of acceptable quality for residents of the community and a fire suppression system. To this end the City invites qualified retail water service purveyors to submit proposals for review by the City to service the water needs of the areas described above. The immediate water service needs for the area encompass Tentative Tract Map N· $832, a residential sub-division of appro~rimately 175 acres and 641 lots. This project area currently is not within a retail water service purveyor service area and does not have an adequate water supply. The selected water purveyor shah be responsible for procuring a long-term water supply, for the design and development of the distribution system and the retailing of water service to the consumers and customers. The purveyor's services will include distributing and retailing potable, high quality domestic water to this area of Bakersfield through a coordinated plan of distribution works with emphasis on a commitment to serve proposed tentative tracts of residential development and to include provisions for expansion or connecting to a regional water transmission and distribution system for the surrounding areas. Such a system should include possible developments on the lands immediate adjacent to the proposed service area, as well as the entire undeveloped lands that lay between existing water purveyor service areas in the vicinity. All plans and designs shah meet City requirements for water service to the properties. SCOPE & REVIEW REQUIREMENTS OF PURVEYOR PROPOSAL GENERAL The successful purveyor shah have a professional staff to provide aH the water services needs for the project area. The purveyor shall also have the staff and resources required to orderly complete the project as defined herein. The water purveyor should submit to the City all necessary plans, specifications and cost estimates requested in this Invitation. The financing plan should specify developer costs and purveyor costs, including provisions for refunds on developer installation of facilities and the cost effect on existing ratepayers on the purveyors system. The preliminary construction cost estimate shall be an itemized estimate, include all of the components necessary for the complete construction of the project. SPECIFICS TO ADDRESS The water purveyor should show demonstrated experience in furnishing the highest level of retail domestic water utility service to consumers at the residential level. Include brief statement of the district or company's history of providing retail domestic water service in Bakersfield. Indicate federal, state or local permits and licenses possessed in order to provide drinking water service. A statement of management and operating experience under similar situations as presented herein, including establishing a new or extended water service distribution grid with provisions for poss~le future expansion to a regional system. As this area is deficient in having an adequate water source, the procurement of a reliable, high quality, permanent, long-term source of water supply for the proposed development is required, with levels of security and water firmness defined. The proposer is to provide water service rate structure for retailing, including all costs to the consumer such as monthly or annual service charges, quantity rates, assessments and fees. Provide an example of a typical monthly water bill charge. A specific plan of works for water service distribution that will depict how the property would be served. Points of connection to the existing grid, transmission mains sizes, distn"oution main sizes and locations, and in general, all aspects of providing the highest and best water service for the consumers. Furnish the plan of works to enlarge and eventually tie-in into future expansion or development in the immediate vicinity, as construction of a stand alone system for this development will be determined as "unacceptable". Describe the financing plan or mechanism for the water distribution system, including disclosure of applicable connection fees, any and all service charges, any annexation fees or charges, any types of availability fees or any other such fees, charges or costs that may be required of the developer, builder or homeowner. Explain in detail the methodology and proposed phasing of the development of the water distribution and retailing system for the area. The successful proposer for providing water service will be considered based upon the evaluation of the written proposal that should incorporate, at a minimum, the provisions as described above. The water purveyor may wish to include in the proposal, other declarations or clarifications that would be pertinent to the establishment of the service area. The proposals are to be submitted in a format that is suitable and fulfills the requirements as set forth. All documents should set forth in a clear and easily discernable arrangement. TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE PROJECT Proposer's shah have approximately 30 days to prepare and submit their written documentation and proposal. Proposals will be received via mail or by delivery, up to and until'the close of the business day of Thursday, May 9t~, 1996 @ City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 The City will review proposals and notify approximately two weeks after closing of submittals. SOLICITATION CAVEAT The proposer/water purveyor understands and agrees that by responding to this Invitation that the City of Bakersfield shall have no financial responsibility for any costs incurred by the proposer in responding to this Invitation and shaH not be liable to any proposer costs attributed to this proposal. City of Bakersfield reserves the right to terminate this Invitation after three days notice to aH prospective proposers. The submission of a proposal shah be conclusive evidence that the water purveyor had investigated and satisfied themselves as to the conditions to be encountered, the character, quality, scope and requirements of the proposal. S:/INVFPROP PORTER · ROBERTSON ENGINEERING · 8UFIVEYIN(] May 1, 1996 95-682 Mr. Flora Core CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 Re: Coberly/Etcheverry EIR Water Supply for Section 1 29/26 and Section 6 29/27 Dear Mr. Core: We have been in consultation with North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) on the above referenced project. The NKWSD has agreed to have California Water Service contract with their District for a balanced water supply for all project lands north of Seventh Standard Road. NKWSD docs not have a water supply project in place, for that portion of the project south of Seventh Standard Road, as required by the Kern County Planning Department and their Board of Directors for a balanced water supply. It was determined during a meeting with thc property owners, project representatives and NKWSD Committee, that we request the City of Bakersfield to provide such a water supply. The landowners have tentatively agreed that they will support annexation of these lands inw thc City upon conversion from thc existing agricultural to urban uses and will sign a rccordable covenant to this extent in order to guarantee a water supply. We hereby request this consideration for a water supply be presented at the next Water Board Meeting. Enclosed please find a copy of the Conceptual Master Plan. Thank you for your time and consideration in this important and timely matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Harold W. Robertson enclosures cc: Michel Etchcverry Filbert Etcheverry 1200 - 21 St STREET · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 · 805/327-0362 · FAX 805/327-1065 COMBINED RANCH TOTALS ~/~ ~ I ~?(-- ~ ~? u~ w/~/ ~ t~ J ~ I ~ I~/~J p~ ~ 1~0 ~ / ~Y ~.o ~ .' I .. ~ Ill II IIIJ  ~ [ illllll i _'~ I IIIIIIlii lilill ~1~~ [ Illillll - ~ . ~ ~." ~ .1~/'~1 ¢~" I 1~ IZ"~/~/ "~ '~':'' ..... " Recording requested by and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD When recorded return to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Clerk 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 SpaCe for Recorder's Use Only CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield, California COVENANT REQUIRING ANNEXATION THIS COVENANT is executed on this ~ day of ,199 , by hereinafter "Owner/s") in connection with the extension of water serviCe to the here-in described property, located in an unincorporated area of the County of Kern. The real property herein described has been granted water service by the City of Bakersfield, even though the property is not located within the incorporated boundaries of the City. As a condition of extension of said water service to this property, the property shall be annexed into the City of Bakersfield as soon as it may be included in an annexation which is contiguous to City boundaries. The property owners hereby waive their right to protest such annexation and shall take all neCessary steps to immediately annex into the City the property served by City water once said property is contiguous to City boundaries. The City reserves the right to discontinue water serviCe if the property does not annex into the City. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall mn with the land. Property description: OWNER(S NOTE: Ali signatures must be notarized. ITEM 8).A. GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(b)(1); CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES)