HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/96 WATER BOARD Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair Patricia M. Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1996 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CAlL 3). CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION S4956.9(a) IN THE CASE OF KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; KERN ISLAND WATER COMPANY - TULARE SUPERIOR COURT CASE I~. 96-172919. 4). CLOSED SESSION ACTION 5). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD MAY IS, 1996. 6). PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 7). CORRESPONDENCE. A. LETFER RECEIVED FROM WATER ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY CONCERNING CONTRIBUTION TO 1996 WATER AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. 8). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER OPERATIONS ~ UPDATE. B. METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD WATER STUDY. Staff update C. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT bP. 4 OF KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY OVERHEAD/ADMINISTRATIVE COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURE. Staff updat~ 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3715 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING JULY 30, 1996 PAGE - 2 - V. RESCISSION OF COVENANT OFFER FOR WATER SUPPLY TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NEAR 7~ STANDARD RD & SNOW RD. 9). NEW BUSINESS CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY REQUEST FOR WATER SUPPLY- DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE TO THE NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD AREA B. KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY REQUEST FOR RESPONSE TO FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL OPTION TO PURCHASE STATE PROJECT WATER. C. REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION TO 1996 "WATER WATCHERS SERIES"/WATER EDUCATIONAL SERIES. lO.) A JO NT. GE~eaourcea Manager POSTED: July 26, 1996 Thu July 2~, t99~ 3:21m ITEM 3).A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) IN THE CASE OF KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; KERN ISLAND WATER COMPANY - TULARE SUPERIOR COURT CASE N°. 96-172919. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING  OF THE · -i WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, May 15, 1996, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:30pm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair, seated at 4:50pm 3. Boardmember Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting held March 13, 1996. Motion carried. 4. There were no Public Statements. 5. Correspondence 5A. A letter was received from the Water Association of Kern County (WAKC) requesting financial support for a local public water awareness program for 1996. This years' media Ii.:! campaign will focus on major legislative and regulatory events, with special attention on '~ developments in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta story. For other events on water awareness, Mr. Core introduced Paula Allamprese, representing the Kern County Water Agency & WAKC to address the Board regarding the 3ra annual "Fun Run/Walk for Water" event. Ms. Allamprese extended an invitation to the Board and the public to participate in this event: It will take place Saturday, May 18, 1996, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. A motion was made by Boardmember Smith recommending a donation of $750 to support the 1996 campaign. Motion carried. 6. Deferred Business 6A. For information, Mr. Bogart presented the Kern River operations update to the Board. There have been fluctuations in the water supply forecasts this year, that have ranged from 80% to 130% of normal and is currently predicted at 121%. This number should hold for the season. This month of May has become an exceptionally high month for runoff due to warmer than normal temperatures. This has forced Isabella Reservoir to the highest recorded levels for this time of year. Due to these extraordinary events, there will be water in the Kern River channel in Bakersfield throughout the summer and early fall. Staff expects heavy use of the City's "2800 Acres" by others this year. No action required or taken by the Board. 6B. California Water Service Company (CWS) has requested an increase in the rate of compensation under City Agreement #92-250 (92-10 W.B.). The requested increase is to offset CWS costs for implementing full disinfection of the City's Ashe Water system. These costs were not envisioned in the current agreement and since the contract was signed, regulatory concerns have required the City to chlorinate its water supply. CWS has provided City staff with documentation on the increased costs. The increased CWS costs revolve around the labor and materials used to chlorinate the total water supply. Staffhas analyzed the documented costs and recommends that additional compensation is justified and allowed under the existing agreement. The staff recommendation is to allow an additional compensation of 1.3%, or 9¢ per month per service connection. This increase will equate to approximately $30,000 over the existing contract amount. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to grant this additional compensation. Motion carried. 7. New Business 7A. The City has a letter agreement with North of the River Sanitary District (NORSD) regarding agricultural water service to NORSD properties within the Kern River Canal & Irrigation Company (KRC&I), a subsidiary of the City of Bakersfield. NORSD is landowner and responsible for payment for agricultural water service within this subsidiary. Irrigation water was delivered to a previous tenant farmer, De La Rosa Farms, who had paid a deposit, in accordance with established City policy for water service. De La Rosa Farms had kept its account, in prior years, paid in full and remained without outstanding debt to the City. During the middle of the irrigation season, De La Rosa Farms filed bankruptcy. NORSD has not been paid land rent and the City is owed for water deliveries. In order to continue to receive water service for the 1996 season, NORSD has chosen to pay in full the amounts owed to the City for the 1995 balance of $17,824.73. Per terms of a letter agreement between NORSD and City, the City Attorney's office will endeavor to recover funds from De La Rosa Farms, Inc. for water service and if successful, refund this amount to NORSD. NORSD has a new tenant farmer who has agreed to pay a $4,000 deposit towards the 1996 irrigation deliveries and maintain a positive cash balance with the City throughout the year. [~ ~ Staff requests Board authorization to re-pay NORSD if and when the delinquent monies are ,...-: received from De La Rosa Farms. Motion by Boardmember Smith to authorize City refund ~ - to North of the River Sanitary District upon receipt of delinquent funds from De La Rosa Farms, Inc. Motion carried. 7B. Mr. Bogart presented to the Board the proposed Pioneer Project agreement with Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) on recharge and banking operations adjoining City's 2800 Acres. A brief background of the project was given. The State of California originally planned to develop a nearby area of 20,000 acres, called the Kern Water Bank (KWB) into a groundwater banking project, but due to environmental problems, the project stalled. KCWA has investigated operating both the KWB and a local water banking program on nearby properties known as the Pioneer Project. Due to litigation against the State, the KWB transaction has been put on hold. KCWA has proceeded to develop the Pioneer Project and has started the CEQA process using a Negative Declaration, but this has not addressed the concerns the City has pertaining to this banking project. City is concerned with the ultimate use of this water stored, who are the beneficiaries of this project and what impacts on the City's "2800 Acres" will result from the proposed Pioneer Project. City staff has been meeting with KCWA and the Pioneer Project participants to negotiate an agreement. At this time, the Pioneer Project participants have indicated the willingness to protect the "2800 Acres" and City will allow City facilities to be used to convey their water to the Pioneer Project. The agreement should be finalized for recommendation by the July 1996 Water Board meeting. No action required or taken by the Board. i. ~ 7C. Mr. Bogart introduced Maurice Randall, the Water Resources Department Business i.: Manager, to present a plan to establish cash reserve accounts for the Agricultural Water 2 Fund and the Domestic Water Funds. ~ne reserves would be set aside for each of the water funds to be available in order to deal with any contingencies/emergencies' that may arise. Staff recommends the "Agricultural Water Revenue Stabilization & Contingency Reserve' be established and set at $500,000. The Agricultural Water reserve would be funded from revenues derived from irrigation water sales and banking fees collected from the '2800 Acxes'. The reserve would be funded over two fiscal years. The Domestic Water Fund "Facilities Replacement Reserves" is recommended to be set at $1,200,000, with revenues from domestic water sales used. Projected funding of the Domestic Water reserves will occur over a five year period. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to approve the establishment of reserve accounts for the Agricultural and Domestic Water Funds and recommend incorporating into the fiscal year 1996-1997 budgets. Motion carried. 7D. Mr. Bogart presented the Agricultural Water Enterprise 1996 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule for Board review and action. Staff proposes no rate increases this year due to the quantity of available water and a favorable demand for irrigation and banking water. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to recommend City Manager sign the Executive Order setting the Agricultural Water rates for 1996. Motion carried. Mr. Pat Hauptman, Water Resources Superintendent presented the Domestic Water service area (Ashe Water) schedule of rates and service charges for 1996-1997 fiscal year to the Board for review and recommendation. Staff is recommending a modest rate increase of 4.5%, or about 86e to 90¢ per month on the average residential water service connection. This increase is necessary in order to cover the raise allowed by contract to the operations and maintenance contractor, California Water Service Company and also to finance the "Facilities Replacement Reserve.~ The proposed rate increase would become effective October 1, 1996. After some discussion a motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to recommend City Manager sign the Executive Order setting the Domestic Water schedule of rates and service charges for 1996-1997. Motion carried. 7F. Mr. Core updated the Board on the Invitation for Proposals sent to three qualified retail domestic water purveyors to provide water service to a proposed development in the northeast Bakersfield area. Two proposals were received, one from California Water Service Company and the other from Olcese Water District. Staff has been evaluating these two proposals to make a financial comparison and determine which one could provide the most reliable system and service for the best price to the developer and future homeowners. The water purveyor must also have the ability to integrate this water supply system into the overall Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project plan. This item was discussed at some length with comments from Mr. George Nickel, a director of Olcese Water District. Staff indicated a recommendation would be made to the Board by the next meeting. No action required or taken by the Board. 7G. A letter was received from Porter-Robertson Engineering & Surveying requesting a water supply to property near Seventh Standard Road and Snow Road for a proposed future development project. The property is owned by Etcheverry Farms in an unincorporated area, and receives agricultural water for the present farming operations via the Kern River Canal & Irrigating Company, which is owned and operated by the City of Bakersfield. The landowners will be applying for a general plan amendment to the County under the "2010 i Plan" and need a balanced water supply for the project. If the landowners wish to proceed l':.'~i with the plan amendment, and request the City provide a water supply, they must file a 3 covenant against the property that requires annexation to the City of Bakersfield. The covenant requires annexation of the land as soon as it becomes contiguous to the City limits in order to receive the City water supply. The landowners have said they are not opposed to annexation and will initiate the annexation proceedings. At this time, staff is asking the Board's permission to allow the covenant to be filed. After some discussion a motion was made by Boardmember Smith to proceed with the recommendation to file a covenant for annexation. Motion carried. 8. Closed Session Boardmember Salvaggio adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 5:25pm. Boardmember Rowles attended the closed session for discussion of the first case and was absent, due to a conflict of interest, during the closed session for the second case. Closed session reconvened at 5:45pm. Boardmember Rowles returned to the meeting. Closed session action. Update from staff on two items, no action taken. 9. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Rowles at 5:45pm. Motion carried. City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board WATER ASSOCIATION] () t: K f2- te. N tl- (D 1.; N 'I Y July 15, 1996 Dear Member: I am writing this letter to clear up a possible misunderstanding and to urge your support of our 1996 Water Awareness Campaign. It has been reported to us that some of our members were confused by the first solicitation letter mailed on April 10th that announced our upcoming campaign. Another letter announcing the Walk for Water was also mailed during the same week. While the timing was unfortunate, we want everyone to know these are both very worthwhile but separate projects intended to present the water story to the public. The Walk for Water was held in May at Beach Park, and attended about 500 people. The advertising campaign is just beginning. We have recently signed contracts with Time-Warner Cable and Channel 29 to run our public service announcements through September. A total of 1000 - 30 second spots will run during this three month period. The spots are designed to focus attention on the need to improve the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay/Delta through the Cai/Fed process with the final spot indicating that a water bond measure may appear on the November general election ballot. With SB900 approved by the legislature this past week, it is very important that the public is aware of the importance of this issue for all water users. Therefore, we would like to again request your support for this important activity. Television is the most reliable medium we can use, but it is also the most expensive. To do an effective job, we need good saturation. Your contribution will help expand the announcements to the other channels to assure us of the desired results. Our original request was for $750. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. We appreciate your support of the Water Association in the past and hope you will see the importance of the 1996 campaign effort. Sincerely, Dana Munn President DM:Ijh JUL 1 6 1996 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES 2724 L Street "Bakersfield, CA, '~ 93301 ' P: (805) 324-8440 / F: (805) 3234138 (.'/,./ o/' ..k.,~.;,tKERN RIVER NATURAL FLOW, REGULATED FLOW, & ISABELLA RESERVOIR STORAGE Water Resources ~,~y 2~, ~6 1995-1996 WATER YEAR 10000_ 600,000 - Z 95005 - 9000.~ -550,000 - (26o2.0~ Ft.) 8500_~-~ -- 500,000 8000~1 - (2599.3~ Ft.) 7500~ -450,000 -- (2594.62 Ft.) 8 6000~ --350,000 Q' ~ 5500~ Isabella - 12594~7 Ft.) .c:: 83500 Natural Flow :200,0,)(] ~__.~.~' ' (256s.18 Ft) 300O O 2500 I- (25s6.94 Ft.) 20O0 1000 ~x ~ 000 Rsgulsted flo~ ¢~a1.~ ~ Oct-95 Nov-95 Dec-95 Jan-96 Feb-96 Mar-96 Apr-96 May-96 Jun-96 Jul-96 Aug-96 Sep-96 ISABELLA RESERVOIR DAILY OPERATIONS REPORT (All readings are for date of report (THURSDAY) as of 0001, except as noted.., cfs in italics) Date of Report: July 25, 1996 ISABELLA RESERVOIR 1 2595.05 Lake Elevation (ft.) 454414 Storage -3715 Change 748 Inflow to Isabella 2 568075 Storage Capacity 80% % of Capacity 261918 Normal Storage 173% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 10318 Average Lake Area (Acres) 56517 Inflow (Month) 115595 Outflow (Month) 4 704 North Fork Mean 742 North Fork @ 0700 Hours 860114 Accumulative Inflow (95-96 WY) 5 2448 Mean Outflow 541 Borel Canal 1907 Main Dam Outlet 703333 Accum. Outflow (WY) 6 173 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.52 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 8557 Lake Evap. (Month to Date) 7 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 8 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours Normal for Isabella Precip. 9 13.18 Seasonal Precip. Isabella 9.75 this Date 135% % of Normal 10 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours Normal for Pascoe Precip. 11 38.80 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 34.76 this Date 112% % of Normal 12 0.0 Upper TyndalICreek 0.0 Pascoe 0.0 Wet Meadow 1.3 96 Isabella Maximum Temperature 14 69 Isabella Minimum Temperature 101 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 15 755 Natural Flow (cfs) 58846 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 587675 Accum. Natural Flow (April-July) 16 938 Mean Flow 80% Natural Flow 600 Median Flow 126% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 17 5920 Max. on Record 107 Min. on Record 909751 Accum. Natural Flow (Water Year) For this Date For this Date KERN RIVER FACTS & FIGURES: On this date in 1896, Kern River natural flow surged upward 785 cubic feet per second from Produced by City of Bakers#eld the previous day, culminating in a mean flow of 2, 004 cfs. Although rainfall records are scarce Department of Water Resources for this time period, it is believed that heavy thunderstorms in the southern Sierra Nevada (a05) 326-3715 contributed to this single greatest rise in Kern River day to day flow during July. ITEM 8).B. METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD WATER STUDY - VERBAL UPDATE BY STAFF. ITEM 8).C. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N°. 4 OF KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY OVERHEAD/ADMINISTRATIVE COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURE - VERBAL UPDATE BY STAFF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD SUBJECT: RESCISSION OF COVENANT OFFER FOR MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NEAR 7TM STANDARD ROAD & SNOW ROAD. Background: City Water Resources staff received on May 1, 1996 a letter request from Porter-Robertson Engineering who were representing the landowners on property located in Section 1 of T29S/R26E and in Section 6 of T29S/R27E, to provide a water supply for some future urban development on the subject property. The land lies between 7t~ Standard Road on the north, Calloway Road on the east, Snow Road on the south and an extension of Allen Road on the west. All of the properties are in the unincorporated areas of the county. This property is zoned agricultural and is currently being farmed under provisions of the Williamson Act. The land in Section 6 between Calloway Road and an extension of Jewetta Avenue is within the agricultural water service area of the City owned "Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co." and receive irrigation water through the City. The landowner representatives discussed the future municipal water supply request with Water Resources staff and staff indicated that water supplies could be made available to the properties upon filing and recording of covenants binding the properties to annex to the City of Bakersfield before receiving such water supplies. Also, if the properties are contiguous to the City limits, they are required to annex immediately. The procedure to offer the covenant would require City Water Board approval. The item was considered at the May 15t~, 1996 City Water Board meeting and the approval for the covenant was granted by the Board. A General Plan Amendment was being filed on the properties, through the County of Kern, when portions of the properties were determined to be contiguous to current City limit boundaries. According to the requirements of the covenant, the landowners are required to annex to receive a municipal water supply from the City. The City Manager notified the landowner representative via letter of June 20, 1996 of the annexation requirement and allowed a two week period in order for compliance. Information from the City Planning Department indicates that the annexation application was not received in accordance with the City Manager's letter. Recommended Water Board Action: Since application for annexation was not filed, staff recommends rescinding offer of municipal water supply for thc properties in Section 1 of T29S/R26E and Section 6 of T29S/R27E and reject thc acceptance of covenants relating to City municipal water supplies for these lands. MEMORANDUM July 9, 1996 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM.~~STANLEY C. GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COBERLY-ETCHEVERRY EIR - WATER SUPPLY FOR SECTION 1 OF T29S/RR26E & SECTION 6 OF T29S/R27E. According to your letter dated June 20,1996, to Harold Robertson of Porter-Robertson Engineering, an Annexation application was to be submitted to the Planning Department by July 4, 1996. The annexation application was for the area that the city was to serve water to in Section 1 of T29S/R26E & Section 6 of T29S/R27E, which is part of the Coberly-Etcheverry EIR project. This is to notify you that an annexation application was not submitted the Planning Department in accordance with your letter. MO cc: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Judy K. Skousen, City Attorney Laura C. Marino, Assistant City Attorney Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager Flora Core, Water Resources Manager Kern County Board of Supervisors mhuat7-9 JUL 1_. 0 1996 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · CiWManager June 20, 1996 Harold Robertson Porter-Robertson Engineering 1200 21st Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Coberly-Etcheverry EIR - Water Supply for Section 1 of T29SlR26E & Section 6 of T29S/R27E Dear Mr. Robertson: On May 21, 1996,' a letter was sent to you representing that the City of Bakersfield will provide a water supply for the urban development of the above- described lands. This supply was to be contingent on the recordation of a covenant stating that the property owners will take all necessary steps to immediately annex into the City when the City boundaries are contiguous to the properties. As you are of course aware, the boundaries of the above-described lands are currently contiguous to the City. Therefore, it is imperative that you commence annexation proceedings immediately. An application for the annexation of this property must be filed within two weeks of the date of this letter. If no application is filed, the City's offer to supply water set forth in the May 21, 1996, letter shall be considered immediately rescinded. City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (805) 326-375t . Fax (805) 324-1850 Harold Robertson Porter-Robertson Engineering June 20, 1996 Page 2 Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Very t_ruly yours, //~ City Manager / LCM\bsb cc: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Stanley Grady, Planning Director Judy K. Skousen, City Attorney Laura C. Marino, Assistant City Attorney Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager Flora Core, Water Resources Director Board of Supervisors $;~/VATER~I. ETTERS~RSCNDWAT.LET WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ~ -~-~- PLORN CORE. Water Rewurcea Dire~ PATRICK E. HAV~TMAN. Superintendent STEVE LA.q~ND. Forecasting and KERN RIVER DISPATCH~ 3~-3716 May 21, 1996 Harold Robertson PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING 1200 21" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: COBERLY/ETCHEVERRY EIR - WATER SUPPLY FOR SECTION 1 OF T29S/R26E & SECTION 6 T29SfR27E Dear Mr. Robertson: Pursuant to your request and letter of May 1, 1996, the City of Bakersfield Water Board reviewed the proposal that City water be made available to your future development. The Water Board determined and approved, at its May 15~, 1996 meeting, that the City of Bakersfield will provide a water supply for the urban development of the above-described lands provided that covenants, approved by the City, are recorded in favor of the City on the real properties. The covenants shall state the property owners will take all necessary steps to immediately annex into the City when the boundaries are contiguous to the properties and shall forever waive their fight to protest such annexation. Attached is the format for the covenant with the appropriate language. The covenant should be properly signed by the landowners and recorded at the County Recorder's office in the name of the City of Bakersfield. Sincerely, GENE BOOART Manager Florn Core Water Resources Director cc: Alan Tancly, City Manager Judy Skousen, City Attorney Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-371S Recording requested bY and for the benefit of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD When recorded return to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Clerk 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Space for Recorder's Use Only CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield, California COVENANT REQUIRING ANNEXATION THIS COVENANT is executed on this . day of ,199 , bY hereinafter 'Owner/s') in connection with providing a water supply to the here-in described property, located in an unincorporated area of the County of Kern. The real properly herein described has requested a water supply from the City of Bakersfield. The City of Bakersfield will provide a water supply to the property, upon conversion to urban use, even though the property is not located within the incorporated boundaries of the City. As a condition of granting said water supply to this property, the property shall be annexed into the City of Bakersfield as soon as it may be included in an annexation which is contiguous to City boundaries. The property owners hereby waive their right to protest such annexation and shall take all necessary steps to immediately annex into the City the property sc~,ed by City water once said property is contiguous to City boundaries. The City reserves the right to deny or discontinue supplying water supply if the property does not annex into the City. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior written approval of the City Water Board of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: OW l (S NOTE: All signatures must be notarized. PORTER · ROBERTSON ENGINEERING ' SURVEYING May 1, 1996 95-682 Mr. Florn Core CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 Re: Coberly/Etcheverry EIR Water Supply for Section I 29/26 and Section 6 29/27 Dear Mr. Core: We have been in consultation with North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) on the above referenced project. The NKWSD has agreed to have California Water Service contract with their District for a balanced water supply for all project lands north of Seventh Standard Road. NKWSD does not have a water supply project in place, for that portion of the project south of Seventh Standard Road, as required by the Kern County Planning Department and their Board of Directors for a balanced water supply. It was determined during a meeting with the property owners, project representatives and NKWSD Committee, that we request the City of Bakersfield to provide such a water supply. The landowners have tentatively agreed that they will support annexation of these lands into the City upon conversion from the existing agricultural to urban uses and will sign a recordable covenant to this extent in order to guarantee a water supply. We hereby request this consideration for a water supply be presented at the next Water Board Meeting. Enclosed please find a copy of the Conceptual Master Plan. Thank you for your time and consideration in this important and timely matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Harold W. Robertson enclosures cc: Michel Etcheverry Filbert Etcheverry 1200 - 21 St STREET - BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 o 805/327-0362 - FAX 805/327-1065 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY 3725 Sotm-~ "H" S~.? · Bam~sFmm, CA' 93304-6538 ° (805) 396-2400, July 25, 1996 Gene Bogart Water Resources Manager City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, California 93311 Dear Mr. Bogart: Our recent proposal submitted to the City of Bakersfield, to provide domestic water service to Section 17 and 20 in northeast Bakersfield, and within the city limits of Bakersfield, will enhance the need for California Water Service to secure a permanent water supply for this area. Due to the City's commitment in providing surface water to ensure a balanced water supply, we are hereby requesting the City of Bakersfield and California Water enter into an agreement that would supply California Water with that reliable water source. Thank you for your consideration. If you should have any questions please contact me. Very truly yours, Mel Byrd District Manager MB/clv cc: John Simpson Rob Guzzetta Califarming Inc. C 1004 Halterio Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93309 JUN 1 3 1996 (805) 835-7484 (805) 835-7499 FAX CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES June 6, 1996 Mr. Flora Core Water Resources Director City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93311 RE: Sections 17 (619..36 acres) and 20 (4.939 acres) T29S, R29E, MDBM Bakersfield, Kern County, California Dear Mr. Core, Califarming Inc. has reviewed the proposals submitted by California Water Service Co. and Olcese Water District. We have determined that the California Water Service proposal would best serve our needs for providing domestic water to our above referenced property. We are prepared to enter into an agreement with California Water Service to this end. It is our understanding that the City must also enter into an agreement with California Water Service to provide the necessary water to serve this area. Our intent is to cooperate with both parties to insure that an agreement can be reached. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Michael J. Geddes President cc: Philippe Laik Harold Robertson - Porter Robertson Engineering Califarming Inc. 1004 Halterio Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805) 835-7484 (805) 835-7499 FAX June 6, 1996 Mr. Emil Schaub California Water Service 3725 South "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Sections 17 (619.36 acres) and 20 (4.939 acres) T29S, R29E, MDBM Bakersfield, Kern County, California Dear Mr.'s Byrd and Sehaub, Having reviewed your proposal dated May 9, 1996, to the City of Bakersfield to provide domestic water service to Northeast Bakersfield, Califarming Inc. is prepared to enter into a contractual agreement with California Water Service for the service proposed. Option 1-B indicated the minimal facilities that would be required to serve the first phase of the project, additional facilities will need to be quantified for balance of the above referenced property. We are anticipating an agreement for the entire property in the appropriate phases. We look forward to working with California Water Service in providing water to this property, your efforts and cooperation have been appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above address and phone number. . Sincerely, Michael I. Geddes President cc: Philippe Laik Flora Core - City of Bakersfield '~ CITY AGREEMENT bia. DRAFT WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~ day of , 1996, by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (CITY), a charter city and municipal corporation and CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (COMPANY), a California public utility water corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS, COMPANY is engaged in the purveying of domestic water to citizens within the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, COMPANY has agreed tO provide domestic water service to an area in the northeast section within the City of Bakersfield, more specifically described as Section 17 (619.36 acres) and Section 20 (4.939 acres) of T29S/R29E MDBM, hereinafter Service Area; and WHEREAS, in order to provide a complete water service system to this Service Area, COMPANY must acquire a water supply to offset potential groundwater overdraft of the adjacent basin and aquifer; and WHEREAS, to promote and provide for the continued orderly growth within the City of Bakersfield, CITY and COMPANY deem that it is desirable to arrange for a water supply to serve new developments in the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, CITY has previously acquired a permanent high quality source of Kern River water dedicated to serve the long-term needs of its residents; and WHEREAS, City is willing to make available a portion of its Kern River water supply to provide water service to future City residents that will be served in the Service Area; NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. WATER SUPPLY. CITY will make available to COMPANY a surface water supply to serve the needs of residents that will reside in the Service Area, consisting of approximately 625 acres. This Service Area is shown on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. POINT OF DELIVERY. The point of delivery of this water supply will be within the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield at the Kern County Water Agency Purification Plant located near Highway 99 and Golden State Highway, or any other mutually agreeable point of delivery within the City of Bakersfield. 3. PLACE OF USE. COMPANY will prepare and submit plans and specifications for the design, construction and installation of the facilities required to serve a high quality domestic water supply to the Service Area. The plans shall be on file in CITY and COMPANY's designated business offices as specified herein. The water made available hereunder shall only be used on the Service Area lands. 4. WATER QUALITY. CITY does not represent or guarantee thc quality of thc raw water which is subject of this agreement. COMPANY understands the water specified for delivery under this agreement, as supplied from thc Kern River, is untreated and not fit for human consumption as delivered. COMPANY shall bc solely responsible to use said water and treat it to bring the water into conformity with all Federal, State and local domestic water quality requirements prior to any domestic usc. CITY shall not bc responsible for thc quality of water in any way or at any time and COMPANY's failure to properly treat or purify the water is not the responsibility of CITY. Acceptance of water by COMPANY shall constitute waiver of any liability of water quality. 5. WATER BALANCE. COMPANY agrees to maintain a positive water account balance in providing water service to the described development. CITY and COMPANY, after consultation, shall annually on or before December 1" of each year determine COMPANY's water requirements to serve the Service Area for the following three years. To provide a continuous and uninterrupted supply, CITY shall make available and COMPANY shall purchase and maintain the determined three (3) year supply. CITYwill provide COMPANY quarterly statements of water account balance and generate invoices and statements of water delivered for use by COMPANY. 6. WATER SERVICE AREA. COMPANY and CITY agree that any water delivered to COMPANY shall be used only within the incorporated boundary of the CITY and shall be limited to the Service Area as described herein. COMPANY agrees not to expand the Service Area described in this agreement without the express written approval of the CITY. 7. LIMIT OF SERVICE. The obligation of CITY to supply water hereunder is limited to water not currently required to service the needs of the CITY, its contractors, licensees or existing agreements to supply water. Failure of CITY to supply water because of these limitations shall impose no duty or liability upon City. 8. INSTALLATION OF DELIVERY FACILITIES. COMPANY shall be solely responsible for the construction and installation of any and all facilities required to taken possession of the water supply. CITY shall use all means necessary to deliver water to COMPANY using CITY facilities or CITY fights to facilities, however COMPANY shall be responsible for any and all costs that may be generated due to use of facilities of others. All costs for right-of-way, permits, engineering, surveying, labor, materials, supplies and any other costs associated with the transportation and delivery of the water described herein, shall be arranged by COMPANY. 9. OWNERSHIP AND ACCESS. CITY is owner of certain water rights and storage facilities on the Kern River. The water supply being made available to COMPANY from CITY shall not become the property of COMPANY, but will be available for COMPANY to use by groundwater withdrawal or direct delivery from existing purification plants for direct retail delivery to customers in areas of the City of Bakersfield allowed by virtue of this agreement. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OR REVIEW. COMPANY shall be responsible for all California Environmental Quality Act reviews that may be ordered or required to receive and use water as described in this agreement. 11. WATER COSTS. To compensate CITY for water delivered hereunder, COMPANY shall pay CITY $ 32.00 (thirty-two dollars) per acre-foot of water made available to COMPANY by City for the first three (3) years of this agreement. After the first three years the cost per acre-foot ~. shall be adjusted annually by the Producer Price Index for All Commodities published by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Payment in full shall be made to CITY within thirty (30) days after mailing of an itemized invoice to COMPANY. There will be no monthly service, stand-by or readiness-to-serve charges assessed by CITY. The quantity delivered charges shall be made only for the period in which water is actually delivered. COMPANY shall not assess or levy any charge of any kind or type to CITY for the delivery or use of said water. Failure to pay CITY in full shah constitute a breach of this agreement. No notice is required. Late fees may be assessed by CITY and shall be paid by COMPANY upon demand or, in addition, at CITY's sole discretion, CITY may terminate this agreement immediately and collect all past due sums and late fees. 12. NOTICE OF TERMINATION. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for three years commencing January 1, 1997, provided, however, that such term shall be renewed for successive three year periods, unless either party hereto shall notify the other at least one-hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration of the term of this agreement. In the event of termination, COMPANY agrees to acquire alternative water supplies to replace water furnished by CITY under this agreement. 13. PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE. This agreement is entered into in accordance with COMPANY requirements under the California Public Utilities Commission and any and all rules and regulations as may apply to COMPANY. CITY is not under the jurisdiction of California Public Utilities Commission and entering into this agreement does not construe CITY as recognizing authority or control by said Commission over the City. 14. NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT. CITY and COMPANY agree that the rights to water supply are non-exclusive and in no way dedicates the water supply to sole delivery to or use by COMPANY. CITY reserves the right to enter into other agreements or arrangements concerning water supply and delivery of water supplies. Nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute a dedication of the water supply to COMPANY. 15. DISRUPTION OF SERVICE. Whenever maintenance is required on CITY facilities or the system of delivery that requires suspension of deliveries of water at any point or points, such delivery shall be suspended without liability on the part of the CITY. Suspension of delivery may occur without notice by and without liability to the CITY whenever CITY is unable to obtain sufficient amounts of water to supply previously existing contract amounts and demands. CITY may also suspend deliveries for defaults under this agreement, and failure to pay any sums required to be paid shall result in immediate suspension of deliveries, without notice. CITY will maintain records and reporting of water balances and waters sold to COMPANY. 16. INDEMNITY. COMPANY shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by COMPANY, COMPANY's employees, agents or independent contractors in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except as limited by California Civil Code section 2782. 17. JOINT LIMITATION ON LIABILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION. a. Neither party shall bc liable to thc other party for any loss, damage, liability, claim or cause of action for damage to or destruction of property or for injury to or death of persons arising solely from any act or omission of the other party's officers, agents or employees. b. CITY and COMPANY agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses or causes of action which arise by virtue of its own acts or omissions (either directly or through or by its agents, officers, or employees) to such extent and in such part as thc respective parties are found by reason of law to have proximately caused thc injury or damage. c. Thc party against whom any claim arising from any subject matter of this Agreement is filed shall give prompt notice of thc filing of thc claim to thc other party. 18. DEFAULT. Should CITY or COMPANY default in thc performance of any covenant, or condition of the agreement contained herein, and the default is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice of said default is served upon the offending party, then this agreement may be terminated by the non-defaulting party; provided, however, if the nature of the breach reasonably required more than thirty (30) days to cure, this agreement may not be terminated if CITY or COMPANY commences to cure the breach within thirty (30) days thereafter and diligently pursues the cure to completion. This clause shall not apply to any monetary payments due hereunder. Payments are due as set forth herein and shall require no notice of default. Failure to pay when due is a default and constitutes a material breach hereunder without notice. 19. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another, a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this agreement. 20. FORUM. Any lawsuit pertaining to any matter arising under, or growing out of, this Agreement shall be instituted in Kern County, California. 21. TIME. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. HEADINGS. All paragraph or section captions are for reference only and shall not be considered in construing this Agreement. 23. NOTICES: Ail notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served or sent by certified or registered mail and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Hall 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 COMPANY: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY P. O. Box 1150 San Jose, CA 95108 4 24. ASSIGNMENT. This agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of CITY and COMPANY. 25. BINDING EFFECT. The fights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the Agreement and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 26. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. All prior agreements between the parties are incorporated in this Agreement which constitutes the entire agreement. Its terms are intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included herein and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. The parties further intend that this Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or arbitration proceeding involving this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the parties. 27. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this agreement represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization named herein and that this agreement is binding upoti said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 28. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. COMPANY shall, at COMPANY's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statues, rules or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 29. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. COMPANY shall not become or be deemed a partner or joint venturer with CITY or associate in any relationship with COMPANY by reason of the provisions of this Agreement other than specified herein. COMPANY shall not, for any purpose, be considered an agent, officer or employee of CITY in regard to this Agreement. 30. EXECUTION. This agreement is effective upon full execution. It is the product of negotiation and therefore neither party shall be deemed its author. 31. INTEREST. COMPANY shall pay CITY interest at an annual rate of ten percent (10%) compounded quarterly on all expenses or costs reasonably incurred by CITY in the enforcement of the indemnity provisions of this Agreement, and of any sums COMPANY may pay as a result of claims, demands, cost or judgments with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, from the date such sums are actually paid. 32. PRE.JUDGMENT INTEREST. In the event of a default by any party to this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall be allowed to recover interest on all damages at the legal rate from the date of the breach. 33. SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS. All representations, warranties and covenants of CITY and COMPANY as set forth herein shall survive the termination of this agreement. 34. POSSESSORY INTEREST TAXES. COMPANY's interest hereunder may be subject to property taxation and COMPANY, as a party in whom a possessing interest is vested, may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied on such interest, and shall pay all such possesso~ interest taxes. 35. RECORDS. COMPANY's records concerning maintenance, replacement and repair of its facilities used in the distribution of this water as described herein shall be available for CITY'S review during normal business hours and shall be made available to CITY'S representatives upon 24 hours written notice. 36. EXHIBITS. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. 37. TAX NUMBERS. COMPANY's Federal Tax Identification No. -- .94-0362795 COMPANY is a corporation? Yes X No (Please check one.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "City" CITY OF B,~CERSFIELD BOB PRICE, Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT GENE BOGART Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney ALAN D. DANIEL Assistant City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director "COMPANY" CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. PETER C. NELSON Title: S:CWSAWH2 24, ~ 7 KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY Directors: May 20, 1996 Fred L. Starrh Division I SENT CERTIFIED MAIL 2.1 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 2.6 Tern/Rogers President Division 2 Kern County Water Districts (distribution list attached) Peter Frick Subject: Proposed Permanent Sale of 25,000 acre-feet of Berrenda Mesa Division 3 Water District SWP Entitlement to the Mojave Water Agency - Michael Radon Local right of first refusal Division 4 Gentlemen: Adrienne J. Mathews Division 5 Berrenda Mesa Water District (District) is proposing to enter into an Henry C. Garnett agreement providing for the permanent sale of 25,000 acre-feet of the District's Division 6~ State Water Project (SWP) entitlement to the Mojave Water Agency (Mojave). W. T. Balch Division ? The price of the entitlement is a one-time payment of $1,000 per acre- foot plus future SWP fixed costs. A copy of the agreement is enclosed. Thomas N. Clark General Manager Pursuant to the Monterey Amendment, up to 130,000 acre-feet of SWP John F. Stovali entitlement can be made available for sale on a permanent basis by the SWP General Counsel Agricultural Contractors provided, however, that local interests be given a 90 day right of first refusal option to purchase at the price being offered. This 25,000 acre-foot sale will be considered as part of the 130,000 acre-feet, unless it is purchased by a local interest. If your district wishes to exercise this option it must notify the Agency and Berrenda Mesa Water District by certified letter on or before S:00 p.m. Monday August 19, 1996 that it will purchase the Berrenda Mesa SWP entitlement at the same price as agreed to by Mojave Water Agency. If your district does not wish to exercise the option, please help us expedite this process by filling out, signing and dating the attached form and return it using the enclosed envelope. If you have questions or require further information, please contact Gary Bucher (634-1418) of my staff or me. Sincerely, Mailing Addre~: P.O. Box 58 Thomas N. Clark Bakersfield, CA 9330243058 General Manager Phone: 805/634-1400 Fax: 805/634.1428 LOCAL RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL NOTICE OF REJECTION The , hereby rejects the option to (Name of organization) to purchase 25,000 acre-feet of Berrenda Mesa Water District SWP entitlement at the price and terms provided for in the agreement entitled ~AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE BERRENDA MESA WATER DISTRICT STATE WATER PROJECT ENTrrLEMENT TO WATER*. By:, Date: Right of First Refusal DISTRIBUTION LIST Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD Arvin Community Services District Semitropic Water Storage District Arvin-Edison Water Storage District Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District Belridge Water Storage District Southern San Joaquin MWD Berrenda Mesa Water District Tehachapi-Cnmmings County WD Buena Vista Water Storage District Tejon-Castac Water District Buttonwillow Community Water District Vauglm Water Company, Inc. Casa Loma Water Company West Kern Water Storage District Cawelo Water District Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD City of Wasco City of ShaRer city of California City ity of Delano ity of Bakersfield - Dept of Water Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District Frazier Park Public Utility District Greenfield Community Water District Henry Miller Water District Improvement District No. 4 California Water Company East Niles CSD North of the River MWD 0ildale Mutual Water Company Indian Wells Valley Water District Kern Delta Water District Kern-Tulare Water District Kernville Domestic Water Lament Public Utility District Lebec County Water Company Lost Hills Water District Lost Hills Sanitary District McFarland Mutual Water Company North Kern Water Storage District Olcese Water District Plainview Public Utility District Rag Gulch Water District Rancho Verdugo Water Company Rand Communities Water District Rosamond Community Services CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES THE TWO WEEK WATER CONSERVATION CAMPAIGN WILL EFFECTIVELY COMBINE: NEWS FEATURES EACH WEEK FOCUSES ON DIFFERENT WATER ISSUES/TOPICS AND WILL OFFER THE VIEWER INFORMATION ON OUR CURRENT WATER CONDITIONS. WEEK ONE: "DELTA" WEEK TWO: "LOCAL WATER USE" NEWS ANCHOR JOHN ELLIOTT WILL ACCESS LOCAL PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES WHO ARE WORKING TO MAXIMIZE WATER EFFICIENCY. ALL SEGMENTS WILL BE SCRIPTED AND SHOT ON LOCATION. BUDGET COST: $7,000 PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN TELEVISION: COMBINING DAILY NEWS FEATURES USING NEWS ANCHORS AND/OR REPORTER IDENTIFICATION OVER A FOUR WEEK TIME FRAME. IN ADDITION, AN ON-AIR SCHEDULE WILL PROMOTE THE SERIES AND EACH SPONSOR BEGINNING JULY 15 AND ENDING JULY 27, 1996 (16 DAYS FOR A TELEVISION SCHEDULE OF OVER 200 GRP'S). BUDGETED COST: $3,000 ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY OUTREACH NEWSPAPER: TWO 1/4 PAGE ADS TO APPEAR WEEKLY BEGINNING THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE FIRST NEWS SEGMENT. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE BLACK AND WILL IDENTIFY EACH SPONSOR. BUDGETED COST: $2,000 PAGE 2 RflglO: LOCAL STATION(S) WILL CARRY PROMOTIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TO ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION AND INCRE4ASE VIEWER AWARENESS. BUDGETED COST: $5,000 PROMOTIONAL MA TERIALS: T-SHIRTS WILL BE PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED TO SPONSORS FOR EMPLOYEES AND USED FOR PROMOTIONAL GIVEAWAYS. T-SHIRTS WILL IDENTIFY EACH SPONSOR. SPONSOR EMPLOYEES ARE ENCOURAGED TO WEAR T-SHIRTS AND DISTRIBUTE PROMTIONAL BUDGETED COST: $2,180 PROGRAM VALUE: $19,180 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD $ 1,000. Teri Brown, Project Manager KGET-TV 17 DATE DATE