HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/98 CITY OF ': Patricia M. Smith, Vice-Chair ! cquie u,.v n I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD '-. ..... SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1998 - 4:30pm I Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA I AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER I 2). ROLL CALL 3). APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 MEETING MINUTES I 4). SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). KERN RIVER OPERATIONS REPORT I 6)'. OLD BUSINESS A. STATUS OF KERN RIVER PARKWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS - Board Information I B. KERN RIVER WATERMASTER WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM - For Board Action 7). NEW BUSINESS I A. SALE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER PROJECT ENTITLEMENT FROM WHEELER RIDGE- MARICOPA WATER DISTRICT & SALE OF GROUNDWATER BANKING CAPACITY IN . SEMITROPIC WATER DISTRICT; RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL - For Board Action I B. UPDATED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD "STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS" - For Board Approval I C. KERN RIVER PARKWAY WATER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT - For Board Review and Recommendation to Cit3' Council I 8 ). CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT I vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919. 9), CLOSED SESSION ACTION 1 10). ADJOURNMENT V,, ~, POSTED: November 13, 1998 S:WBSPNO178AG.2 I 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3715 I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING I OF THE i WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, September 16, 1998, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 'l 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:40pm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair I Jacquie Sullivan Absent: Patricia M. Smith I 3. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Water Board Meeting held July 29, 1998. Motion carded. I 4. There were no public statements. i 5. An update on the current Kern River operations was given by Hydrographic Supervisor Steve Lafond. The April-July snow melt exceeded a million acre-feet on the Kern River, which is the sixth largest since 1894. The cool spring that extended into June lead to high flows on i the Kern into the month of August. Lake Isabella is on course for a carryover storage of 245,000 acre-feet by the first of December. The current level of 395,000 acre-feet is the second highest for this date in history with only the 1983 figure higher. The river flows through Bakersfield will be about 1,750 cfs or twice normal for this time of year. The long I range are predicting a slightly year 999, however, City forecasters below normal for 1 should be able to meet basic contract deliveries and obligations with available Isabella carryovers. For Board information, no action required. I 6. The Boardmembers and staff left at 4:50pm to tour the future Northeast Bakersfield Bike Path and Water Facilities project site. ~· The meeting reconvened at 6:30pm. I 7A. Mr. Bogart gave the Board a status report of the Kern River Parkway property acquisitions. The Ellingston property near Coffee Road has been acquired and escrow has closed; the Wattenbarger property near Manor Street went to Council August 26'h and escrow should I close within two weeks; the Jones property, just west of Highway "99" is still in negotiations, but expected to be completed for October Council approval. The Jones property is to include land along the north side of the river for a continuous equestrian trail; I the McDonald property near Coffee Road is in appraisal and that should be ready soon; an appraisal has been performed on the Sill property located east of 24th Street and an offer has been made. If Sill does not reply to our offer within two weeks staff will pursue the Davies I l I property that is located near Golden State Highway. The total property acquisition cost will be $625,000, of which $500,000 is from the Proposition 204 Grant, with an additional $125,000 under consideration from a trailer bill AB2794. For Board information, no action required. SA. Mr. Core presented to the Board an Easement Agreement with the Kem Water Bank Authority (KWBA) for a turnout in the 2800 Acres near Enos Lane. KWBA is the owner of approximately 20,000 acres of land along the north and south side of the 2800 Acres. The Easement Agreement will allow the Authority to build a headgate with a turnout structure from the river to increase flow rates to their spreading property. KWBA will own and maintain the headgate facility and assume liability for operation. The term of this Agreement is continuous until the easement is abandoned by KWBA. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to approve and recommend approval to the City Council of this Agreement. Motion carried. 8B. An Agreement with Kern Delta Water District (Kem Delta) for temporary rental of City Isabella storage space was presented to the Board by Mr. Bogart. Kern Delta desires to store up to 5,000 acre-feet of its 1998 State Water Project exchange water in the City's Isabella storage space from November 1, 1998 through July 1, 1999. This is a temporary rental agreement in which the City will invoice Kern Delta on a quarterly basis for charges incurred in storing the state water. If Kern Delta does not evacuate this State Water Project exchange water by July 1, 1999 the remaining balance transfers to City ownership. Boardmember Sullivan made a motion to approve the Agreement. Motion carried. 9. Closed session. Adjourned to Closed Session at 6:40pm. 9A. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation. Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Kern Delta Water District vs North Kern Water Storage District, et al., Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919. The meeting reconvened at 6:42pm. 10. Received update on litigation by legal counsel, no action taken. 11. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Salvaggio at 6:43pm. Mark Salvaggio, Chair tt, ', City of Bakersfield Water Board Shar~n-l(obison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board S:~WATER BOARD MIN\WBMinSep98 ITEM 6).A. VERBAL REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT P.O. Box 81435 13000 Golden Slate Highway Bakersfield, CA 93380-1435 Bakersfield, CA 93308-9635 Administration Water Orders and Operations Telephone (805) 393-2696 Telephone (805) 393-3361 Facsimile (805) 393-6884 Telephone (805) 746-3364 October 22, 1998 Martin Milobar Buena Vista Water Storage District Gene Bogart City of Bakersfield Mark Mulkay Kern Delta Water District RE.' 1998-99 Weather Modification Program Gentlemen: Two issues: 1. By Atmospherics Incorporated letter of October 1, 1998, copy attached, Atmospherics Incorporated is offering the 1998-99 program on the same terms of the 1997-98 program. I recommend we give Atmospherics the go ahead for November 1, 1998 with extension option for May 1999. 2. By Atmospherics Incorporated letter dated September 9, 1998, Tom Henderson notes the Washington D.C. types are trying again to limit our efforts within the Wilderness areas. Most of our target area is either National Park or Wilderness. Tom's letter and a letter from Senator Feinstein are attached. I have requested Tom to draft up a letter for us which each can use as a pattern--if it is not too late. Since this is U.S. Forest Service interpreting ESA, I think a letter to our representatives and the U.S.F.S., Department of Agriculture are in order until we are notified that the eggheads have retreated. Very truly yours, C. H. WILLIAMS Engineer-Manager Attachments I I I i October 22, 1998 I I C.H. Williams Engineer-Manager I North Kern Water Storage District P. O. Box 81435 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1435 I Dear Sir: I We concur in the October 1, 1998 proposal by Atmospherics Incorporat.ed to conduct a weather modification program for the 1998-99 November through April season--with the option Ito extend. I Buena Vista Water Storage District ! I City of Bakersfield i Water Resources Department ! Kern Delta Water District ! 1 ! ! trno.q=herics inr. orpore l 100, ober 1998. Mr. Charles H. Williams, Jr. 7.75'... ' ' ' :~ Engineer-Manager ;" North Kern Water Storage District P.O. Box 81435 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1435 Dear Chuck: From the loo1~ of the two powdered ~ugar snow events in the Sierra last month, I would say that summer ha~ decided to "move on". After the earlier 106° stuff, the present weather is a blessing. Even Forester Pass, Mt. Williamson and the Whitney area looked a little white for a couple of days. I had hoped to wander into Golden Trout Country in October but Mother-Nature is making me nervous. On a more important subject, the cloud seeding season will soon be upon us. ~Iust as a formal note, we are willing to again operate the program during WY 1998/99 for the same cost and contract terms as 1997/98. I'd be pleased to come down for a luncheon discussion most anytime. Of course, the doors always open around here as well. All the best, Tom Henderson I President I I 5652 EAST DAYTON / FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93727 I TELEPHONE (209)' 291-5575 I FAX (209) ~91-$579 E-MAIL: WXMODOATMO$-INC.COM I WEB SITE: HTTP:IIWWW. ATMOS-INC.COM mo.pherir incorporated 9 September 1998 Mr. Charles H. Williams, Jr. Manager North Kern Water Storage District P.O. Box 81435 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1435 RE: U.S.F.S. Wilderness Management Plan Dear Chuck: A few weeks ago I wrote to Senator Dianne Feinstein noting our objection to Sec. 2323.45, Weather Modification Over Wilderness in the U.S.F.S. Draft Environmental Impact Statement which is intended to revise the wilderness management direction for the Ansel Adams, John Muir, Dinkey Lakes and Monarch Wilderness areas in Inyo, Sequoia and Sierra National Forests. A copy of her reply is attached. This is a continuing important issue in regards present and future weather resources management programs (cloud seeding) which may affect the indicated wilderness areas. I'm still hopeful that all those concerned will make their thoughts known to both our political representatives and the U.S.F.S. If a joint meeting of representatives fi.om all groups involved in weather resources management programs is of any interest, our door is always open here in Fresno. Best regards, Tom Henderson '" ,:i .~ '~,..' .~ D President .* , .'..~- u I 5652 EAST DAYTON I FRESNO. CALIFORNIA 93727 I TELEPHONE (209) 291-5575 I FAX (209) 291-5579 E-MAIL: WXMODOATMO$-INC.COM / WEB SITE: HTTP:I/WWW. ATMOS-INC.COM I DIANNE ~INSTEIN COMMITTEE ON 'OREfGN RELATIONS WASHINGTON, DC 20S10-0504 I ' August 14, 1998 Mr. Thomas J. Henderson B Atmospherics Inc. · 5652 East Dayton Fresno, California 93727 I Dear Mr. Henderson: · Thank you for contacting me concerning the management of · wilderness areas in the southern Sierra Nevada. I appreciate ' hearing from you on this important issue. ~ As you know, the U.S. Forest Service has put forward a · proposal to revise the wilderness management direction for the Ansel Adams, John Muir, Dinkey Lakes, and Monarch Wilderness · Areas in the Inyo, Sequoia, and Sierra National Forests. This · proposal would address issues surrounding the impact of visitors on the natural resources of these areas. _ t.:-:i~;':':'',;~'~ ..... It xs very helpful for':.ae~:~o~['~-no~'~i,ha.t?¥ou think of the -- Forest Service's proposal. As you may' know, the agency is -- currently reviewing comments from the public and holding hearings ~ to address the issues that have been raised about the proposal. · I assure you that I will continue to monitor this process carefully, and I will certainly keep your views in mind if the I Senate considers any legislation addressing this subject. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I hope · you will keep in touch on issues of concern to you. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call Dave Chadwick -- in my Washington~ D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. I With warmest personal regards. I I I 331 HART SENATE OFF!CE BUILDING, WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3841 KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY WatDist/General Directors: September 23, 1998 Fred L. Starrh SENT CERTIFIED MAIL Division 1 Terry Rogers RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Division 2 Peter Frick Kern County Water Districts (distribution list attached) Division 3 Michael Radon Subject: Proposed Permanent Sale of 41,000 acre-feet of Wheeler Ridge- President Maricopa Water Storage District State Water Project entitlement to Division 4 the Castaic Lake Water Agency Water Agency - Local fight of first Adrienne J. Mathews refusal Division 5 Henry C. Garnett Division 6 Gentlemen: Gene A. Lundquist Vice President Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District (District) is proposing to enter into Division 7 an agreement providing for the permanent sale of up to 41,000 acre-feet of the District's State Water Project (SWP) entitlement to the Castaic Lake Water Agency Thomas N. Clark (Castaic). General Manager John F. Stovall The price of the entitlement is a one-time payment of $1,100 to $1,150 per acre-foot, General Counsel plus future SWP fixed costs. A copy of a summary of the provisions of the agreement is enclosed. Pursuant to the Monterey Amendment to the SWP contracts, up to 130,000 acre-feet of SWP entitlement can be made available for sale on a permanent basis by the SWP Agricultural provided, however, given a 90-day Contractors that local interests be right of first refusal option to purchase at the price being offered. This 41,000 acre- foot sale will be considered as part of the 130,000 acre-feet, unless it is purchased by a local interest. If your district wishes to exercise this option it must notify the Agency and Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District by certified letter on or before 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 22, 1998 that it will purchase the Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa SW'P entitlement under the same terms, conditions and price as agreed to by Castaic Lake Water Agency. If your district does not wish to exercise the option, please help us expedite this process by filling out, signing and dating the attached form and return it as soon as possible using the enclosed envelope. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 Phone: 805/634-1400 Fax: 805/634-1428 ~'~?[') 9 ~.': ['~"",,.: OF WATER ~",ZSOURGES If you have questions or require further information to evaluate this proposal, pleas6 contact Gary Bucher 805/634-1418 of my staffor me. Sincerely, Thomas N. Clark General Manager Enclosures LOCAL RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL NOTICE OF REJECTION The (/'h3'~ o~' [~x?~l~lp__,31etlF. LlD , hereby rejects the option to purchase 41,000 acre-feet of (Name of organization) Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District SWP entitlement and waives rights to otherwise exercise a right of~irst refusal at the price and terms provided for in the SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS FOR AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR TRANSFER OF STATE WATER PROJECT ENTITLEMENT FROM WHEELER RIDGE-MARICOPA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT TO CASTAIC LAKE WATER AGENCY, dated Sepember 15, 1998. By: ~Jx~. (~~. Date: I Right of First Refusal i DISTRIBUTION LIST I Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Tejon-Castac Water District Arvin Community Services District Vaughn Water Company, Inc. Arvin-Edison Water Storage District West Kern Water Storage District I Beiridge Water Storage District Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD Berrenda Mesa Water District Buena Vista Water Storage District I Buttonwillow Water District Community Casa Loma Water Company Cawelo Water District I of Bakersfield of Water City Dept. City of California City City of Delano I City of Shafter City of Wasco Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District I Frazier P~k Public Utility District Greenfield Community Water District Henry Miller Water District I Improvement District No. 4 California Water Company East Niles Community Services District I North of the River Municipal Water District Oildale Mutual Water Company Indian Wells Valley Water District I Kern Delta Water District Kern-Tulare Water District Kernville Domestic Water I Lamont Public Utility District Lebec County Water Company Lost Hills SanitaryDistrict I Lost Hills Water District McFarland Mutual Water Company North Kern Water Storage District I Olcese Water District Plainview Public Utility District Rag Gulch Water District I Rancho Verdugo Water Company Rand Communities Water District Rosamond Community Services i Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD Semitropic Water Storage District Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District i Southern San Joaquin MWD Tehachapi-Cummings County WD I I SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS FOR AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR TRANSFER OF STATE WATER PROJECT ENTITLEMENT FROM WHEELER RIDGE-MARICOPA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT I TO CASTAIC LAKE WATER AGENCY I The following is a summary of the terms and conditions of a proposed transfer of approximately 41,000 acre-feet of State Water Project ("SWP") entitlement from Wheeler Ridge- Maricopa Water Storage District to Castaic Lake Water Agency, which terms and conditions I would be enumerated in an agreement acceptable to the Buyer and the Seller. 1. Introduction. This sale would be part of the sale of up to 130,000 acre-feet of I SWP entitlement from agricultural contractors contemplated by the Monterey Agreement. i 2. Purchase and Sale. The sale would involve 41,000 acre-feet of SWP entitlement from Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District, as described below. 3. Payment. The payment, which would be due upon closing. The Reach from I which the entitlement would be derived the estimated of from, amount entitlement to be transferred from each Reach, and the unit of price for each respective Reach is as follows: I ' Estimated California Unit Purchase Transferred I Aqueduct Entitlement Price Price Reach (Acre. Feet) ($/AF) ($) I 14A 12,200 1,100 13,420,000 14B 15,800 1,100 17,380,000 14C 800 1,100 880,000 I 15A 3,100 1,125 3,487,500 16A 9,100 1,150 10,465,000 I Total 41,000 45,632,500 Note: The quantities of Transferred Entitlement by Aqueduct Reach are preliminary and I subject to modification pending completion of contract amendments between Wheeler Ridge and its Landowners. 4. Future Annual SWP Costs Associated with the Transferred Entitlement. The I Buyer would be responsible for future SWP annual costs of the entitlement transferred commencing January 1, 1999. The estimated cost of such charges in 1998 is $60.00 per acre-foot (including Zone of Benefit support). Future variable I OMP&R charges and minimum OMP&R for for transferred Of~ aquedut2t entitlement would be transferred to the Buyer by DWR based on the annual entitlement deliveries. I I I I I 5. Point of Delivery_. The point of delivery of the transferred entitlement would be ' in Reaches 14, 15, and 16 of the California Aqueduct, as shown above, and the I Buyer would bear all costs for delivery beyond that point to its service area. 6. Conditions Precedent. The sale would be subject to (a) written approval by Kern I County Water Agency ("Kern") and Department of Water Resources; (b) execution of necessary contract amendments and cancellations by landowners within Wheeler Ridge representing contract amounts of water of 41,000 acre- I feet, provided that if the quantity for which such contract amendments/cancellations which can be secured is less than 41,000, the quantity to be transferred would be accordingly reduced; and (c) contract amendments satisfactory to the parties between Wheeler Ridge and Kern and DWR, and I Buyer and DWR. I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I KERN COUNTY I WATER AGENCY I Directors: WatDisl/General October 12, 1998 Fred L. Starrh I Kern County Water Districts (distribution list attached) Division 1 Terry Rogers I Division 2 Subject: Right of First Refusal regarding proposed sale of remaining 185,000 Peter Frick acre-feet of banking capacity in the Semitropic Water Storage District Division 3 Groundwater Banking Project. i Michael Radon President By certified letter dated September 28, 1998 (attached) you were notified of your fight Division 4 of first refusal option to participate in the remaining 185,000 acre-feet of the i Adrienne J. Mathews Semitropic Water Storage District Groundwater Banking Project. The deadline given Division 5 for your response was November 30, 1998. Henry C. Garnett i · Division 6 This deadline ~vas in error. The deadline should have been bv 5:00 p.m. Friday iI Gene A. Lundquist October 30, 1998. If you are planning to exercise your option and require more time Vice President than this deadline allows, please contact Gary Bucher (805) 634-1418 of my staff or Division 7 i me. Thomas N. Clark Sincerely, General Manager ' ~. I General Counse~ Thomas N. Clark General Manager I Enclosures I I IMailing Address: P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 I Fax: 805/634-1428 KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY WatDis~/Genera! Directors: September 28, 1998 Fred L. Starrh Division 1 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL Terry Rogers RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Division 2 Peter Frick Kern County. Water Districts (distribution list attached) Division 3 Subject: Right of First Refusal regarding proposed sale of remaining 185,000 Michael Radon President acre-feet of banking capacity, in the Semitropic Water Storage District Division 4 Groundwater Banking Project. Adrienne J. Mathews Division 5 Semitropic Water Storage District (District), a member unit of the Kern County Water Henry C. Gamett Agency (Agency), proposes to enter into a long-term agreement with Vidler Water Division 6 Company to sell the remaining 185,000 acre-feet of the District's Groundwater Storage Program capacity.. The cost of the storage capacity, can be paid under one of Gene A. Lundquist four options (see attached letters). Vice President Division 7 In order to implement the above proposal, approval will be required by the Agency and Thomas N. Clark DVq'R.. This notice should not be considered as Agency approval of the proposal, or as General Manager indication the Agency is favoring or disfavonng the proposal. Once the proposal is submitted for Agency consideration, it will then be reviewed and a decision made as to John F. Stovall General Counsel approval or disapproval. Whenever a banking agreement with an out-of-county interest is proposed such as this one, the Agency's practice has been to offer local in-county interests a right of first refusal option to contract in place of the out-of-county interest under similar terms and conditions. If your district wishes to exercise this option for an amount of the remaining storage capacity, the Agency and Semitropic Water Storage District must be notified by certified letter on or before 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 30, 1998, that your district desires to contract for such capacity with the Semitropic Water Storage District under one of the four repayment options offered. We will conclude that you have rejected your option if you have not notified us to the contrary by November 30, 1998. If you would like a copy of the complete agreement or if you have questions or require further information, please contact Gary Bucher 805/634-1418 of my staff or me. Sincerely,  Thomas N. Clark Mailing Address: General Manager P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 Enclosures Phone: 805/634.1400 Fax: 805/634-1428 RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL DISTRIBUTION LIST Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Arvin Community Services District Arvin-Edison Water Storage District Belridge Water Storage District Berrenda Mesa Water District Buena Vista Water Storage District Buttonwillow Community Water District Casa Loma Water Company Cawelo .Water District City of Bakersfield - Department of Water Resources City of California City City of Delano City of Shafter City of Wasco Delano-Eartimart Irrigation District Frazier Park Public Utility District Greenfield Community Water District Henry Miller Water District Improvement District No. 4 California Water Service Company East Niles Community Ser~,ices District North of the River Municipal Water District Oildale Mutual Water Company Indian Wells Valley Water District Kern Delta Water District Kern River Valley Water District Kern-Tulare Water District Lamont Public Utility District Lebec County Water Company Lost Hills Sanitary District Lost Hills Water District McFarland Mutual Water Company North Kem Water Storage District Olcese Water District Plainview Public Utility District Rag Gulch Water District Rancho Verdugo Water Company Rand Community Services Rosamond Community Services District Rosedale Rio Bravo Water Storage District Semitropic Water Storage Disthct Shafter-Wasco Irrigation Disthct Southern San Joaquin Mutual Water District Tehachapi Cummings Water District Tejon-Castac Water District Vaughn Water Company West Kern Water Storage District Wheeler Ridge Maricopa Water Storage District KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY Directors: WalDist/General September 28, 1998 Fred L. Starch Division 1 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL Terry Rogers RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Division 2 Peter Frick Kern County Water Districts (distribution list attached) Division 3 Michael Radon Subject: Right of First Refusal regarding proposed sale of remaining 185,000 President acre-feet of banking capacity in the Semitropic Water Storage District Division 4 Groundwater Banking Project. Adrienne J. Mathews Division 5 Semitropic Water Storage District (District), a member unit of the Kern County Water Henry C. Garnett Agency (Agency), proposes to enter into a long-term agreement with Vidler Water Division 6 Company to sell the remaining 185,000 acre-feet of the District's Groundwater Gene A. Lundquist Storage Program capacity. The cost of the storage capacity can be paid under one of Vice President four options (see attached letters). Division 7 In order to implement the above proposal, approval will be required by the Agency and Thomas N. Clark DWR. This notice should not be considered as Agency approval of the proposal, or as General Manager indication the Agency is favoring or disfavoring.the proposal. Once the proposal is John F. Stovall submitted for Agency consideration, it will then be reviewed and a decision made as to General Counsel approval or disapproval. Whenever a banking agreement with an out-of-county interest is proposed such as this one, the Agency's practice has been to offer local in-county interests a right of first refusal option to contract in place of the out-of-county interest under similar terms and conditions. If your district wishes to exercise this option for an amount of the remaining storage capacity, the Agency and Semitropic Water Storage District must be notified by certified letter on or before 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 30, 1998, that your district desires to contract for such capacity with the Semitropic Water Storage District under one of the four repayment options offered. We will conclude that you have rejected your option if you have not notified us to the contrary by November 30, 1998. If you would like a copy of the complete agreement or if you have questions or require information, please contact Gary Bucher 805/634-1418 of my staffor me. further Sincerely, Mailing Address: // t C~neral P.O. Box 58 Manager Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 Phone: 805/634-1400 Enclosures ' Fax: 805/634-1428 \NA'¥'(~:~ ~-<~::~.,t~ ~"~ ....... I I STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS I FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS I I ! I I I I W.B. 93-06 Revision date - October 15, 1998 IMPORTANT NOTICE These standards are subject to revision. Check with the department (listed below) for latest revision. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DOMESTIC WATER DIVISION 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 (805) 326-3715 FAX (805) 326-3098 I STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS I TABLE OF CONTENTS I CHAPTER I - GENERAL ................................................ 1 1.1 SCOPE .................................................. 1 I 1.2 DEFINITIONS ............................................. 1 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS .......................................... 1 CHAPTER II - PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF WATER SYSTEM I PLANS 2 2.1 PURPOSE ................................................ 2 2.2 PROCEDURE FOR PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL .............. 2 I 2.3 PLAN FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS .......................... 4 CHAPTER III - WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS ............................. 5 I 3.1 PURPOSE ................................................ 5 3.2 DOMESTIC FLOW ......................................... 5 3.3 RESIDENTIAL AREAS ...................................... 5 I 3.4 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL .............................. 5 3.5 PARKS .................................................. 5 3.6 GENERAL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS ......................... 6 I 3.7 PIPE ........................................... PRESSURE 6 3.8 TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT ................................ 6 I CHAPTER IV - MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN CRITERIA .......................... 6 4.1 LOCATION OF PIPE ........................................ 6 4.2 FIRE HYDRANTS .......................................... 7 I 4.3 VALVE LOCATION ........................................ 7 4.4 AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVES .......................... 7 4.5 BLOWOFFS .............................................. 7 I 4.6 WHARF HYDRANTS 7 4.7 PIPE DIAMETER .......................................... 8 4.8 CONNECTIONS ........................................... 8 I 4.9 CLEARANCE FROM SEWERS ................................. 8 4.10 SERVICE PIPE SIZE ........................................ 8 I 4. I 1 THRUST DEVICES ......................................... 9 4.12 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE ................................. 9 CHAPTER V - MATERIALS ............................................ 10 I 5.1 PURPOSE ............................................... 10 5.2 QUALITY OF MATERIALS .................................. 10 5.3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) ........................... 10 ! i ! 5.4 MOLECULARLY ORIENTED PVC PRESSURE PIPE ................. 10 5.5 STEEL PIPE ............................................. 11 5.6 VALVES ............................................... 12 5.7 VALVE BOXES ........................................... 13 5.8 WATER SERVICE PIPE AND TUBING .......................... 13 5.9 CORPORATION STOPS ..................................... 13 5.10 METER STOPS ........................................... 13 5.11 FIRE HYDRANTS ......................................... 13 5.12 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE ............................. 14 5.13 STORAGE FACILITIES ..................................... 14 5.14 VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS ................................ 14 5.15 PROTECTIVE COATINGS 14 5.16 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................ 15 CHAPTER VI - INSTALLATION OF WATER SYSTEM .......................... 15 6.1 PURPOSE ............................................... 15 6.2 TRENCHING ............................................ 15 6.3 PIPE PLACEMENT & MATERIAL HANDLING .................... 16 6.4 BORING AND CASING ..................................... 18 CHAPTER VII - TESTING AND DISINFECTION .............................. 19 7.1 PURPOSE 19 7.2 HYDROSTATIC (LEAKAGE) TEST ............................. 19 7.3 DISINFECTION OF WATER LINES ............................. 19 Table II - HTH tablet method ................................... 23 Table III - Strong chlorine solution - hand pump method .................. 24 Table IV - Estimate of time to fill mainline ........................... 25 7.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS ................................. 25 7.5 FIRE FLOW TEST ......................................... 25 7.6 COSTS FOR TESTING ...................................... 25 APPENDIX ........................................................ 26 APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE WATER AVAILABILITY FEES AGREEMENT MAINLINE EXTENSION AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE CONTRACTOR CHECKLIST STANDARD DETAILS Plate No. W-1 - Standard pipe trench Plate No. W-2 - Thrust block detail Plate No. W-3 - Fire hydrant assembly Plate No. W-4 - Blowoff assembly - paved area Plate No. W-5 - End of line blowoff - unpaved area Plate No. W-6 - Standard - blowoff assembly ii Plate No. W-7 - Pipe bore & casing detail Plate No. W-8 - Standard service connection - 3/4" to 2" Plate No. W-9 - 3", 4", & 6" water service detail Plate No. W-10 - 4" & larger turnout Plate No. W-11 - Typical meter box location Plate No. W-12 - Valve box detail Plate No. W-13 - Canal crossing detail Plate No. W-14 - Concrete saddle detail Plate No. W-15 - Safety fence detail Plate No. W-16 - Irrigation, fire service, and water service, requiring booster pump Plate No. W-17 - Alternate air-gap installation requirements Plate No. W-18 - Typical fire service detail 111 I I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT i DOMESTIC WATER DIVISION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS I FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS I CHAPTER I - GENERAL I1.1 SCOPE: These Standards and Specifications establish the minimum acceptable standards of water supply, design criteria, materials, construction methods and testing for water mains and water systems within the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Service area. I 1.2 DEFINITIONS: The following words, terms or pronouns used in place of them, shall be i understood to have the meaning as given in this Section 1.2. 1.2.1 Department: The Water Resources Department, Domestic Water Division. I 1.2.2 Director: The Director of the Water Resources, Water Resources Department, City of Bakersfield. I 1.2.3 Engineer: Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, employed by the Developer, who is responsible for the preparation and content of the Plans. I 1.2.4 Inspector: The Inspector employed or contracted by the City of Bakersfield, i Department of Water Resources, to perform inspection during construction. 1.2.5 Contractor: The person, firm or corporation constructing the water system I improvements for the Developer. 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS: Whenever the following abbreviations are used they shall be understood I to have the meaning as given in this Section 1.3: AISC American Institute of Steel Construction I AISI American Iron & Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute (formerly USASI, USAS, ASA) I ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute I NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association Revism Date- Octo~r ~5, ~OS PAGE - 1 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council UBC Uniform Building Code CHAPTER II - PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF WATER SYSTEM PLANS 2.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for submittal, review, and approval of City of Bakersfield water system plans. 2.2 PROCEDURE FOR PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL: The following procedures, listed in order of normal occurrence, are required for approval of water system plans: 2.2.1 The Developer, or his duly authorized representative shall submit the tentative land subdivision map in accordance with the City of Bakersfield Land Division Ordinance and the State of California Subdivision Map Act. The Planning Department will route copies of the tentative map to the Water Resources Division and the Fire Department for placement of conditions on the map. 2.2.2 Commitment to Service: THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK, RESERVED FOR LATER USE. 2.2.3 Submission of Plans: Water system plans shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California, and in accordance with these Standards and Specifications. The Developer shall submit two (2) sets to the Department and two (2) sets to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department for review. 2.2.4 The Developer may obtain the services of the Department for preparation of water system plans. The cost of plan preparation by the Department shall be borne solely by the Developer and shall be a percentage of the estimated installation costs as determined by the Department. Current percentages, as a basis of plan preparation costs, have been included in the Appendix of these standards. Up to eight weeks may be required for preparation of plans. 2.2.5 Agreements with the Water Resources Division: Upon Department approval of water system plans, the Developer shall execute "Water Availability Fees Agreement" and "Mainline Extension Agreement". Generic forms of these agreements have been included in the Appendix of these Standards. Revis~o. Da,e- Otto,,er ~5, ~8 PAGE - 2 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 2.2.6 Upon City approval of water system plans, the Developer shall retain original plans I and forward six (6) sets of bluelines to the Department. The cost estimate or bid proposal(s) must accompany the plans (prior to construction). The cost estimate or bid proposal(s) must contain bid item quantities and must match quantities shown on approved water plans. I A preconstruction meeting must take place between the contractor and the City's 0 & M contractor, California Water Service Company. This meeting must take place prior to any domestic I water facilities construction. I 2.2.8 Fees and Bonds: The Developer shall make payment of all required fees and provide bonds as required by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department and the Domestic Water Division. All fees shall be paid prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. If no subdivision I is involved the fees shall be paid prior to commencement of construction. A minimum of 48 map hours prior to the start of construction, the Developer shall submit to the Department a copy of the Engineer' s estimate or a copy of the lowest responsible bidder's proposal, and the name, address and I telephone number of the party responsible for payment of inspection fees. Current fee schedules and bonding requirements may be obtained at the Department office. I 2.2.9 Insurance Requirements: Contractor must carry the following insurance: bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with limits of not less than One Million Dollars I ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) annual aggregate, insuring California Water Service Company (CWS) against any and all liability for the death of or injury to any person and for the loss or damage to any property, respectively, which may arise by reason of acts I done or omitted to be done in the course of installation of the facilities or which may result from such installation, and further insuring CWS against all costs and expenses incurred by CWS in resisting any i claim which may be made against CWS for any such injury or damage to any persons or property. Each such policy (i) shall be issued by an insurance company approved by CWS, which is qualified to do and doing business in the State of California, (ii) shall name CWS as an additional insured, (iii) I shall specify that it acts as primary insurance and that other insurance or self-insurance maintained by CWS shall be excess only and not contributing with insurance provided by contractor, (iv) shall provide that the policy shall not be canceled or altered without thirty (30) days prior notice to CWS, I and (v) shall otherwise be in form satisfactory to CWS. Each such policy or a certificate thereof shall be delivered to CWS prior to start of any construction in connection with installation of the facilities. I An endorsement or certificate thereof to the workers' compensation insurance policy of contractor providing that the underwriter thereof waives all right of subrogation against CWS by reason i of any claim arising out of or connected with installation of the facilities shall be delivered to CWS Revision Date- October 1.5. 1998 PAGE - 3 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division prior to construction. Said endorsement shall provide that it shall not be canceled or altered without thirty (30) days prior written notice to CWS. 2.2.10 Valid Contractor License Requirements: Contractor must provide CWS a photocopy of a valid license issued by the State of California for the construction of water supply mains and related facilities. Acceptable classifications will consist of either an "A" license (General Engineering Contractor) or a "C-34" (Pipeline Contractor). 2.3 PLAN FORMAT AND REQUIREMENTS: Water system plans shall be prepared in accordance with the following format. 2.3.1 Plan sheet size shall be 22" x 34" or 24" x 36". Lettering shall be a minimum of 1/8 inch in height. A disk containing the construction drawing must be included in AutoCad format. 2.3.2 Plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California. 2.3.3 The first plan sheet or cover sheet shall contain a vicinity map, standard legend, a material take-off list, a signature block for the Water Superintendent, City of Bakersfield, Domestic Water Division, and shall contain the note that California Water Service Company, as agent for inspection to the City shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the start of construction. Note: Prior to construction, a preconstruction meeting with the contractor(s) and CWS must take place. 2.3.4 Scale for standard subdivision design shall not be less than 1 inch equal to 60 feet. Scale for mainline extension plans shall not be less than 1 inch equal to 100 feet. 2.3.5 Plans shall show the proposed locations and existing locations of water mains, fire hydrants, water services, blowoffs, air valves and any other facility appurtenant to the construction of the water system. Water main locations shall be referenced to the property line. The standard location shall be 2' outside the property line towards the centerline of the street. Alternate locations will be allowed upon approval of the Department. Curb and gutter flowlines shall be shown for reference. All lot numbers shall be included. Locations of existing utilities shall be shown on the plans with any possible conflicts shown. All facilities referred to in this section must be constructed within the public utility easement (PUE) and not on private property without prior issuance of easement(s) and approval the City of Bakersfield. of Revision Dale- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 4 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 2.3.6 Plan view designs are acceptable for tracts or roadways where grade is specifically I designed or established. Mainline extensions shall be prepared on a plan-profile basis when grade of adjacent roadways and alignments is unknown. I CHAPTER III - WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS I 3.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to establish the minimum acceptable flow, storage and pressure requirements for City of Bakersfield Water Systems. I 3.2 DOMESTIC FLOW: Average Daily Use: 185 gallons per capita I per day (GPD) I Maximum Daily Use: 333 gallons per capita per day (GPD) I Peak Hour Use: 666 gallons per capita per day (GPD) I i 3.3 RESIDENTIAL AREAS: Each single-family R-I shall be considered equal to 3.5 persons. 3.3.1 Multiple Family Residential: Flow requirements for Medium to High density I residential areas such as an apartment, duplex, or triplex, shall be considered equal to 1.75 persons per dwelling unit. I 3.4 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL: Flow requirements for Commercial and Industrial shall be considered equal to 5, R-1 residences per acre. This does not include special equipment i requirements such as cooling towers. 3.4.1 The Department reserves the right to modify the above criteria for Industrial and I Commercial, as special circumstances may warrant. 3.5 PARKS: Flow requirements for Parks and other Landscaped areas shall be considered equal to I 2, R-1 residences per acre. Revision Date- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 5 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 3.6 GENERAL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS: Residential R-l: 1000 gpm for 2 hours Residential R-2 to R-4: 2000 gpm for 2 hours Commercial C-l: 2000 to 3500 gpm for 2 hours Industrial M-1: 3000 to 4000 gpm for 2 hours 3.6.1 The Department, in cooperation with the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, will provide the exact value of fire flow for specific commercial and industrial developments. 3.7 PIPE PRESSURE: Water distribution systems shall be designed to maintain normal operating pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) under peak demand conditions listed in Section 3.8 of these Specifications. Pipe pressure shall not exceed 150 psig under any demand condition. 3.8 TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT: The Developer shall submit calculations prepared by a registered Civil Engineer to substantiate pressure, storage, and flow requirements have been met for the following scenarios. 3.8.1 The Maximum Daily Use shall be maintained for a period of three (3) days. 3.8.2 The Peak Hour Demand shall be maintained for two (2) hours. 3.8.3 The sum of one-half (1/2) of the Peak Hour Demand and the required Fire Flow or the Peak Hour Demand, whichever is greater, with the most critical well or pump inoperative, shall be maintained for of hours. Fire Flow shall be extracted the critical a period tWO (2) at most hydrant location. CHAPTER IV - MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN CRITERIA I 4.1 LOCATION OF PIPE: Except at street crossings, water mains shall be located behind the sidewalk in accordance with Department Standard W-1. A minimum of 30" of cover shall be maintained from top of pipe to finished grade for pipes 12 inches and less in diameter, and a minimum I i Revision Date- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 6 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I of 36 inches of cover shall be maintained for pipes larger than 12 inches in diameter. In street I crossings, "finished grade" shall be gutter flowline grade. 4.2 FIRE HYDRANTS: Location and number of Fire Hydrants will be determined by the Fire I Department. In general, the following criteria for placement of Fire Hydrants will be followed. 4.2.1 Spacing of Fire Hydrants in Residential areas shall be a maximum of 660 feet. I Whenever practical hydrants will be placed at intersections. I 4.2.2 Spacing of Fire Hydrants in Commercial and Industrial areas shall not exceed 330 feet. 4.2.3 The last Fire Hydrant on a cul-de-sac or stub street shall not be more than one half the I maximum allowable spacing from the end of the street. 4.2.4 Fire Hydrant location on Major Collectors and Arterials within residential areas shall I be needed. as i 4.3 VALVE LOCATION: Valves shall be located such that tees and crosses may be isolated. Valves shall not be allowed in curb and gutter nor in streets. Valves shall have locking covers in accordance with the Standard Details. I 4.3.1 Valve Spacing: Notwithstanding the aforementioned criteria, valve spacing shall not exceed 500 feet in residential blocks. Additional valves may be required as deemed necessary. I 4.4 AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVES: Automatic combination air release valves shall i be installed at any location where air pockets may form. Barricades for air release valves shall be installed where considered necessary by the Department. Typically, air release valves will not be required where air pockets can be manually exhausted by water services or fire hydrants. Long main I line extensions with high points will require air release valves. 4.5 BLOWOFFS: "Blowoffs" or "Flushouts" shall be installed at the end of dead-end mains I terminating within street paving, and at low points where the slope of the line or flow velocity may cause sediment to settle. I 4.6 WHARF HYDRANTS: Wharf Hydrants shall be installed at the terminus of mains which dead-end in non-paved areas, and future extension of the main line is probable. I Revision Daze- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 7 - I I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ,! 4.7 PIPE DIAMETER: Minimum pipe diameter for water mains shall be 6 inches nominal inside I diameter for cul-de-sac mains which cannot be extended, and 8 inches for interior tract typical grid design. Installation of fire hydrants will only be permitted on mainlines of 8 inches, or larger in size. I 4.7.1 12 inch mains will be required at half-section lines and 16 inch mains at Typically section lines. Main line sizing may require hydraulic analysis to justify sizing. I 4.8 CONNECTIONS: A minimum of two (2) separate water line connection points, to form a looped system, shall be required of each subdivision development. I 4.8.1 Additional water line connections may be required for larger development or due to : special conditions, as determined by the Department. I ~ 4.9 CLEARANCE FROM SEWERS: In accordance with State of California Department of · Health Services, horizontal separation of water mains from sewer shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 4.9.1 In accordance with State of California, Department of Health Services, water mains, i I when crossing sewer mains or service laterals, shall maintain a minimum of one foot of vertical clearance above the sewer pipe, except when special construction procedures as described in the following Sections 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 herein have been provided. I 4.9.2 If a water main crosses below a sewer main or sewer service lateral, the sewer main shall be encased in hot-dipped, bituminous-coated Class 150 cast iron pipe with approved mechanical I or flanged joints. The encasement shall extend a sufficient distance on each side of the water main to provide a minimum of 10 feet of horizontal clearance to the water main. When a water mainline crosses above or below a sewer main, no water mainline fittings will be permitted within ten feet (10') I of said crossing,. I 4.9.3 If a water main crosses above, but within one foot of a sewer main or sewer service lateral, the sewer main shall be encased as described in Section 4.9.2, except that the encasement shall only be required to extend a sufficient distance to provide 4 feet of horizontal clearance to the water I main. i 4.10 SERVICE PIPE SIZE: Service pipe size shall be determined for each service connection. I R~vision o~,.- O~o~r ts, t~gs PAGE ~ 8 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 4.10.1 Residential service pipes shall be a minimum of 3A inch copper tubing for short services and 1" (one inch) iron-pipe-size P. E. tubing for long services. Actual size of service shall be determined by the total flow requirement. All short services shall be copper. 4.10.2 Any services other than residential requires calculations of water services demands to determine size. Minimum size shall be 1" (one inch) ips. For any classification of services, other than residential, the domestic, landscaping and fire protection services shall be separate connections to City water system mains. 4.11 THRUST DEVICES: Concrete thrust blocks shall be installed on all plugs, caps, fittings, and all bends of more than 5 degrees deflection in any plane. Thrust blocks for ail typical situations shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Details. 4.11.1 Unusual situations will require submittal and approval of supporting calculations by a registered civil engineer. Thrust blocks shall be designed for a minimum static pressure of 200 PSI. Allowable soil bearing pressure shall be determined by a soils engineer. 4.12 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE: Except as provided under Sections 4.12.1 and 4.12.2 below, water supplies to fire protection systems, including but not limited to standpipes and automatic sprinkler systems, shall be protected from back-pressure and back-siphonage by one of the following testable devices: 1) Double check valve assembly 2) Double check detector assembly 3) reduced pressure principle backflow preventer 4) Reduced pressure principle detector assembly. 4.12.1 Where fire protection systems supplied from a potable water system include a fire department (siamese) connection which is located less than seventeen hundred (1700) feet from a non- potable water source that could be used by the fire department as a secondary water supply, the potable water supply shall be protected by one of the following: 1) Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer 2) Reduced pressure principle detector assembly. Note: Non-potable water sources include fire department vehicles carrying water of questionable quality or water that is treated with antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or extinguishing agents. 4.12.2 Where antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or other chemicals are added to a fire protection systems, the potable water system shall be protected by one of the following: 1) Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer 2) Reduced pressure principle detector assembly Revi~io, Da~e- Oc~o~r ]5. ~998 PAGE - 9 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 4.12.3 Whenever a backflow device is installed in the potable water supply to a fire protection Isystem, the hydraulic design of the system shall account for the pressure drop through the backflow device. I CHAPTER V - MATERIALS 5.1 PURPOSE: This chapter establishes minimum acceptable standards and criteria for materials to be used in construction of City of Bakersfield Water Systems. 5.2 QUALITY OF MATERIALS: All material incorporated into the work shall be new and shall conform to these Standards and Specifications. No material shall be incorporated into the work until it has been approved by the Inspector. Any rejected material shall be immediately removed from the site. 5.2.1 Certificate of Compliance: A certificate of compliance shall be furnished prior to the use of any materials or equipment. The certificate shall be signed by the manufacturer of the materials or equipment. A certificate of compliance shall be furnished with each lot of material delivered to the work and the lot so certified shall be clearly identified in the certificate. 5.3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC): PVC pipe shall be manufactured for use in water systems and shall be designated as Class 150 (DR18) or Class 200 (DR14), and shall comply with AWWA C900 Specifications for 12" and less, and AWWA C905 for pipe 14" to 36" in diameter. Outside diameter of PVC pipe shall be equivalent to cast-iron pipe. 5.3.1 PVC Joints: PVC pipe shall have elastomeric gasket joints, either gasket bell and spigot type or plain end with gasket coupling type. 5.3.2 Fittings: Specials and fittings shall be ductile-iron conforming to AWWA Specification C Class that shall have all bell connections of standard AWWA dimensions 100, D, except fitting or special dimensions as required, or fittings shall be equipped with adapters of the proper class for the size of pipe, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer, or equal. Protective coating shall be in accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. 5.4 MOLECULARLY ORIENTED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PRESSURE PIPE: Molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride pressure pipe shall conform to AWWA Specification C909, Class 150, except as otherwise approved by the Department. Evidence that pipe has been tested as specified by AWWA Specification C909 shall be submitted to the Inspector if requested. Revision Date- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 10 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ! 5.4.1 Fittings: Specials and fittings shall be ductile-iron as specified in Section 5.3.2 of these I Specifications. 5.5 STEEL PIPE: Steel pipe shall be black steel conforming to AWWA Specification C-202, and I shall have a minimum wall thickness equal to the requirements of General Order No. 103 the Public of Utilities Commission, State of California. I 5.5.1 Temporary Pipe: Temporary transmission steel pipe shall be double dipped with asphalt and wrapped with asbestos felt or fiberglass in conformance with Appendix B of said General I Order No. 103. 5.5.2 Permanent Pipe: Permanent transmission steel pipe shall be lined and coated in I accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. i 5.5.3 Small size pipe for blow-offs or similar uses shall be brass. 5.5.4 Steel Pipe Joints: Fittings and special fabrication, "specials", for pipes 4 inches and I larger in diameter shall be of the same material and thickness as the pipe. "Specials" and fittings shall be made of standard steel tube turns with ends to accommodate the type of coupling specified for the pipe. Fittings shall be lined, coated and wrapped as specified for the pipe. "Specials" and fittings that I cannot be mechanically lined, coated and wrapped, shall be lined, coated and wrapped by hand, using the same materials as specified for the pipe, with the same number of applications or each material, carefully and smoothly applied. Cast-iron fittings conforming to these specifications may be used with I transition fittings or adapters. i 5.5.5 Welded Fittings: Steel welded fittings shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation A-234. I 5.5.6 Flanges: Steel pipe flanges shall conform to the requirements of AWWA Specification C-207. I 5.5.7 Bolts: Material for bolts shall conform to the requirements for open hearth, free cutting grade bar steel, ASTM Designation A-107. Bolts shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 psi. Bolt heads shall be either square or hexagon and nuts shall be cold pressured semi-finished I hexagon. ! Revision Dale- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 11 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ! 5.5.8 Gaskets: Flanged joints shall be provided with 1/16th-inch thick gaskets, Cranite, or Iequal. 5.5.9 Victaulic Couplings: When Victaulic couplings are indicated on the drawings, Style 77 I Dresser Victaulic couplings, or an approved equal, shall be furnished. The victaulic coupling shall be designed for 150 psi, working pressure. I 5.5.10 Sleeve-Type Couplings: Sleeve.type couplings shall be Style 38 Dresser or Smith-Blair adapter couplings or approved equal, and shall be of steel with steel bolts, without centering ring. The I middle ring shall be not less than 1/4 inch in thickness. 5.6 VALVES: All valves shall be cast-iron body, bronze mounted, solid bronze internal working I parts with non-rising stems, and shall be opened by turning counter-clockwise. Bronze shall be Grade 1 and shall conform to ASTM-B-62 (85-5-5-5) bronze (85 % copper, 5 % zinc, 5 % lead, and 5 % tin). Valves shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi. Valves 2 inches and larger shall I conform to the of AWWA C500, otherwise in these requirements except as provided Specifications. Valves smaller than 2 inches shall conform to the requirements of Federal Specification WW-V-54. I 5.6.1 Tests: Each valve shall have the Manufacturer's initials, pressure rating, and year of manufacture cast in the body. Valves shall be tested at the factory at a hydraulic pressure equal to I twice the specified water working pressure. Factory test results shall be supplied to the Department upon request. I 5.6.2 Coating: All valve bodies and cast-iron portions of the housings and extensions shall be coated in accordance with Section 5.15 of these Specifications. I 5.6.3 Gate Valves: Gate valves shall be double-disc, parallel faced and shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the pipe. Resilient sealed gate valves in accordance i with AWWA C509, are approved for use by the Department. 5.6.4 Butterfly Valves: Butterfly valves shall be rubber-seated and shall comply with I AWWA C-504, Class 150-B gear operated unless otherwise approved by the Department. The disc shall be cast iron ASTM A-126 Class B or ASTM A-48 Class 40 in sizes 24" and smaller or ductile iron in conformance with ASTM A-536 for 30" and larger, and shall rotate 90 degrees between the I fully and fully closed positions. Buna-N Rubber seats shall be securely held in-place by nickel open cast-iron or type 316 stainless steel retaining segments, or shall be bonded to the body and meet test i procedures outlined in ASTM D-429 Method B. Revision Date- Oclobcr 15, 199S PAGE - 12 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 5.6.5 Air and Vacuum Release Valves: Air and vacuum relief valves shall be equal to No. 31 automatic diaphragm valve as manufactured by CLA-VAL Co., Newport Beach, California. 5.7 VALVE BOXES: Valve boxes in sidewalks, parkways, and other areas shall consist of a cast iron valve box and riser and cast iron in accordance with the Standard Details. The a locking cover cast-iron covers shall be hot-dipped asphalt-coated and shall have the word "WATER" cast in the top. In any areas subject to traffic, a Class "B" concrete pad shall be poured around the riser in accordance with the Standard Details. 5.8 WATER SERVICE PIPE AND TUBING: Residential water service pipe shall be copper water tubing, copper water pipe, or polyethylene plastic tubing in accordance with the Standard Details and the following specifications: 5.8.1 Copper Water Tubing: Copper water tubing shall comply with ASTM B88-58, Type "K". 5.8.2 Copper Pipe: Copper pipe shall be seamless copper conforming to ASTM B42-58. 5.8.3 Polyethylene Plastic Tubing: Polyethylene plastic tubing shall comply with ASTM D2239-67-PE 3306 - Type II - grade 3 (flarable). 5.8.4 Water service pipe for services larger than 2 inches shall comply with the requirement of P.V.C. herein. as specified 5.9 CORPORATION STOPS: All corporation stops shall be bronze or brass, round, with inlet for either corporation stop (C.S.) thread for PVC or ductile-iron pipe, or iron pipe standard (I.P.S.) thread for steel pipe, and outlet for the type of service pipe used. 5.10 METER STOPS: All meter stops shall be bronze or brass, with inlet for the type of service pipe used, and outlet for the type of service pipe or meter coupling used. 5.11 FIRE HYDRANTS: Fire hydrants shall be purchased directly from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Company No. A-24009 complete with proper bury length, except fire hydrants shall be Jones Company J-344 where Angle Fire Plugs have been indicated. Hose threads shall be National Standard Hose Threads. Revision Date- Oc,ober 15, 1998 PAGE - 13 - ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 5.12 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE: Portland Cement Concrete shall be Class "B" and I shall contain a minimum of 5 sacks (470 pounds) of cement per cubic yard. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. I 5.12.1 Materials for concrete conforming shall be Portland Cement to ASTM Specifications for Type I or Type II, well graded, sound, non-reactive aggregate, and clean water. I 5.13 STORAGE FACILITIES: Storage facilities shall be considered a special design feature and shall be reviewed in light of special requirements. I 5.14 VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS: Vertical turbine pumps shall be considered a special design feature and shall be reviewed in light of special requirements. I 5.15 PROTECTIVE COATINGS: All valves, flanges, bolts, fittings and piping for installation shall be shop coated and field repaired as necessary prior to backfilling in conformance with the I following schedule: I 1. Exterior Surfaces of Buried Coal Tar Epoxy or AWWA C 205 steel pipe to a point 4 Cement Mortar inches above finish grade. I 2. Interior Surfaces of Steel Coal Tar Epoxy or AWWA C 205 i Pipe. Fusion Epoxy 3. All exposed ferrous metal Red primer 2 coats I surfaces. 3 mils 4. Buried valves, couplings Coal Tar Enamel 2 coats I and other surfaces not 16 mils otherwise designated to be cement mortar coated. I All surfaces to be painted or coated shall be properly cleaned with approved equipment ibefore application of coating materials. The removal of oil or grease shall be accomplished with suitable solvents before mechanical cleaning is started. Any grit or dust remaining on the surface from the cleaning operations shall be removed before coating materials are applied. I Revision Date- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 14 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 5.16 MISCELLANEOUS: Materials or equipment not included in these Specifications shall be in accordance with the Standard Details. 5.16.1 Special equipment or materials not included in the Specifications or Standard Details shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. CHAPTER VI - INSTALLATION OF WATER SYSTEM 6.1 PURPOSE: This section establishes the minimum acceptable standards for installation and construction of City of Bakersfield Water Improvements, including trenching, construction and installation. facilities installed the of Bakersfield domestic must be All to be City on water system installed by a contractor approved by the City and no part of the work may be sublet without the approval of the City. Contractor must have a current and valid license issued by the State of California for the construction of water supply mains and related facilities. Acceptable classifications will consist of either an "A" license (General Engineering Contractor) or a "C-34" license (Pipeline Contractor). 6.2 TRENCHING: The minimum width of trench shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus 12 inches. A minimum of 6 inches of clearance shall be provided from the outside face of the pipe to the trench wall. Excessive trench widths than 16 inches than the pipe outside diameter shall greater more be avoided whenever possible. 6.2.1 Pipe Depth: For water mains and services 12 inches and less in inside diameter, a minimum of 30 inches of cover from top of pipe to finished grade, or for pipe located within streets, a minimum of 30 inches of cover from top of pipe to gutter flowline, shall be maintained. For water mains larger than 12 inches in diameter, 36 inches of cover shall be maintained, measured for the various pipe locations as defined in this Section. 6.2.2 When water mains cross roadways that have not been constructed to full ultimate width, adequate trench depth shall be provided such that minimum cover requirements as stated are satisfied when the is constructed its ultimate width. roadway tO 6.2.3 Trench Bottom: The bottom of trench shall be excavated to the established grade line of the pipe and shall be smooth, even and flat for the entire width of trench. At each joint of pipe the bottom of the trench shall be recessed in such a manner as to believe the pipe ball or coupling of all load and to ensure continuous bearing along the pipe barrel. Revision Date- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 15 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ! Where excavation encounters boulders, rock, hardpan, or other hard or unyielding I material, the trench shall be excavated a minimum of 6 inches below the established grade, and backfilled to proper grade with material acceptable to the Department. Backfill material shall be compacted to 90% of relative compaction. I Where excavation encounters soft, unstable, or excessively wet material, such material shall be removed to a depth as directed by the Engineer, and replaced with material acceptable to the I Department. I 6.2.4 Nuisance Water: Pipe trench and any other excavation shall be kept entirely free of water until all pipe has been placed and approved. Water shall be disposed in such a manner as to not cause injury to public or private property, nor create a public nuisance. I 6.2.5 Backfill: Backfill shall be initially placed and compacted from the pipe bed or foundation to the "springline" of the pipe. Backfill shall be sufficiently rodded or hand-tamped to I is obtained all sides of the backfill shall be in required ensure compaction on pipe. Subsequent placed layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness, and shall be compacted by approved method so i as to not cause injury or disturbance of the pipe. Flooding of trenches may be permitted by the Department provided foundation and backfill material is sufficiently granular and open graded in nature such that required compaction may be obtained. I Backfill material shall be free of all trash, debris, rocks larger than 3/4" in any dimension, organic or other deleterious material. Compaction shall be obtained in accordance with the I Standard Details. Maximum density and optimum moisture shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D-1557. I Costs of compaction testing shall be borne by the Developer and shall be performed by a company or individual properly licensed to perform such work. I 6.2.6 Trench Safety: Excavations shall be supported in conformance with the rules, orders, and regulations of the Industrial Accident Commission and the Public Utilities Commission of the State I of California. 6.3 PIPE PLACEMENT & MATERIAL HANDLING: All pipe and pipe material shall be I handled, stored, laid, blocked and in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations joined except as otherwise provided in the Standard Details and these Specifications. I Revisio,, Da,e- Oc,ober ~5. ~008 PAGE - 16 - I I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 6.3.1 Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe Iduring installation. All open ends of pipe shall be properly covered at the end of each day to prevent the entry of foreign matter, animals or children. No tools, rags, or other equipment shall be placed in the pipe during installation. ! 6.3.2 Handling: Hoisting of pipe by mechanical means shall require use of a cloth belt or i continuous fiber rope that does not scratch the pipe surface. Pipe shall be carefully lowered into trench such that pipe bedding or foundation will I not be disturbed and pipe will not be injured. Any pipe that is marred, cracked, or scratched forming a clear depression shall be rejected. I 6.3.3 Ductile Iron Fittings: Ductile iron fittings shall be lowered into trench by mechanical means. Ductile iron fittings shall be rung with a light hammer while suspended to detect cracks, and shall be inspected for scratches of the surface coating and other defects. I Any material rejected shall be promptly removed from the site and shall be replaced i with suitable material. When the seal between the pipe and the bell end of the fitting is made with a rigid I jointing material, the length of the pipe shall not exceed 3 feet, 3 inches for pipe 6 inches and less in inside diameter. When pipe is 9 inches and more in diameter, the length of the pipe shall not exceed 6 feet, 6 inches. When a rubber ring-type cast-iron fitting is used to make the joint, lengths of pipe up to I 13 feet be used for bells of may entering fittings. i 6.3.4 Storage: PVC pipe shall not be stacked higher than 4 feet nor stacked with weight on the bells. If PVC pipe is stored for prolonged periods it shall be protected from ultraviolet light by covering. I 6.3.5 P.V.C. Pipe and Molecularly Oriented PVC Pipe Installation: The Manufacturer's recommendations shall be strictly adhered to except as otherwise provided herein. I The bell and spigot shall be thoroughly wiped clean just prior to coupling. The rubber gasket shall be inserted, and the spigot end shall be lubricated just prior to joining pipes. The rubber I ring gasket checked for proper placement with a feeler gage after joining pipe. shall be I Revision Date- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 17 - I I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I 6.3.7 Setting Valves and Valve Boxes: Valves shall be set truly plumb with valve boxes Idirectly over the wrench nut of the valve. The valve box shall not transmit shock or stress to the valve. After being correctly positioned for line and grade, earth fill shall be carefully tamped around the valve box. I 6.3.8 Setting Air and Vacuum Relief Valve Installations: The gate valve immediately below i the relief valve shall be set to the grade indicated on the drawings or approved by the Engineer. Sufficient clearance shall be provided below the valve for the installation of a concrete pad to support a protective enclosure. I 6.3.9 Setting Hydrants and Angle Fire Plugs: All hydrants shall stand plumb and shall have their nozzles parallel with or at right angles to the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb, except I that hydrants having two hose nozzles 90 degrees apart shall be set with each nozzle facing the curb at an angle of 45 degrees. Hydrants shall be set to the established grade except that where not shown, nozzles shall be at least 18 inches above ground. ! Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or directed, each hydrant shall be connected to i the main with a 6 inch branch line controlled by an independent 6 inch gate valve. The bowl of each hydrant shall be well braced against undisturbed earth at the end of I the trench with concrete backing. Each angle fire plug shall be connected to the main with a 4 inch branch line, I controlled by an independent 4 inch gate valve. Angle fire plug shall be set with the 2-1/2 inch outlet facing the curb and shall be set to established grade except, that where not shown, nozzle shall be at i least 18 inches above ground. 6.3.10 Concrete Thrust Blocks: Concrete thrust blocks shall be installed according to the I Standard Details and shall be poured between undisturbed ground and the fitting to be anchored. The concrete shall be placed such that the pipe, valves, and fittings will be accessible for repairs. I 6.4 BORING: All crossings requiring a pipe bore shall be cased and comply fully with the requirements set by Plate No. 7 in these specification. All pipe sizes two inches (2") and larger shall i require boring and casing. I Revision Da,e- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 18 - I I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I I CHAPTER VII - TESTING AND DISINFECTION I 7.1 PURPOSE: This Chapter outlines disinfection and testing required for City of Bakersfield acceptance of newly constructed water systems. I 7.2 HYDROSTATIC (LEAKAGE) TEST: After completion of the pipeline installation, the line shall be tested under the hydrostatic pressure test of 150 psi for a period of not less than 4 hours for each section of pipe tested. The pressure shall be maintained by restoring the test pressure whenever it I falls amount of 25 psi. At the conclusion of the 4 hours, the test shall be restored and all an pressure water used during the tests shall be accurately measured to determine the actual leakage. I 7.2.1 The Developer or Developer's Contractor shall provide suitable calibrated tanks for measurement of leakage and shall furnish necessary bulkheads, piping, pumps, power, labor, and shall I perform all work required for filling the pipeline and for maintaining the required water pressure. The Department or Inspector will provide calibrated gages and will make necessary readings. I 7.2.2 The Developer, at his own expense shall make all necessary repairs of the water system until the pipe is found to be satisfactory. I 7.2.3 Allowable Leakage Rate: Regardless of the rate of leakage, a detectable leakage point source shall be fixed. The following are maximum acceptable leakage rates for A.C. and P.V.C. pipe i over a 24 hour period. P.V.C. and Moleculary Oriented P.V.C. Pipe: Maximum acceptable leakage rate is i0 I gallons per day per inch pipe diameter per mile of pipe over a 24 hour period. 7.3 DISINFECTION OF WATER LINES: Note - The disposal of all chlorinated water I generated from the procedures in this section shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The Contractor shall meet all local agency's requirements and dispose of all chlorinated water in a safe and lawful imatter. If dechlorination of the water is required, then the chlorinated water that is discharged I to an open stream or storm drain shall be dechlorinated by water industry accepted methods. The dechlorinated water will be tested for chlorine residual to verify that no detectable amount of free chlorine is present. This testing will take place from the onset of discharging the water and at frequent I intervals throughout the dewatering of the pipe. Revision Date- Ocl~ober 15. 1998 PAGE - 19 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 7.3.1 Connection to Existing System: The water system under construction shall remain separate from the existing City domestic water system. Final "tie-ins" may only be connected after completion of disinfection procedures and acceptance of bacteriological test(s). After acceptance by City or its authorized representative, the Contractor shall make the final tie-in(s), connecting the new mains to the existing system. The Contractor must adjust from nominal line and grade to match existing facilities. The purpose of this procedure is to eliminate the strong chlorine solution used in the disinfection process and/or bacteria entering the City's existing domestic water system. 7.3.2 General Instructions: 1. After hydrostatic testing has been completed, the entire newly constructed water system including pipe, valves, fittings, hydrants, and other accessories shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C-601 and herein. Precautions shall be taken to soiling specified as prevent of pipe, fittings and other materials. Pipe and fittings shall be stored so as not to accumulate mud or water, and other material shall be stored in a clean, dry location. Particular care shall be taken to keep rubber gaskets and pipe ends clean. 2. All pipe shall be clean before lowering the pipe into the trench. 3. When the main is left unattended, even for a short time, the ends shall be plugged to prevent the entrance of foreign material or small animals. 4. Apply chlorine, using one of the methods described under "Chlorine Application Methods". 5. Isolate the main by closing valves and allow heavily chlorinated water to stand therein for a contact period of at least twenty-four hours. 6. At the end of the contact period, flush the main thoroughly. The test for chlorine should show no more chlorine in the water leaving the main than in the water entering the main. 7. The City's representative will collect a sample for bacteriological examination and send it to the laboratory. The sample should be taken from a service located near the end of the chlorinated section or from the sampling device. 8. If bacteriological tests are positive, the action to take will be noted on the laboratory report. Prompt attention to these orders is essential. Revision r~a~ - O~o~r ~5. ~998 PAGE - 20 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ! 7.3.3 Chlorine Application Methods: I Method No. 1 - H.T.H. Tablet Method: This method is preferred for short jobs and for small diameter pipe of any kind. It cannot be used where trench water has entered the main. The I main cannot be flushed prior to disinfection, so the method requires that the pipe be kept clean during laying. I Using Permatex No. 1 as an adhesive, fasten the required number of tablets (see Table II) to the top of each length of pipe. Tubes of Permatex may be purchased locally at any auto parts I store, the tablets may be fastened to the pipe before it is placed in the trench provided the top of the pipe is marked to avoid the possibility that the pipe may be rotated. In addition to the tablets, place 10 ounces of H.T.H. granules at the upstream end of the first length of pipe into which water will flow. This will insure that heavily chlorinated water flows into crevasses caused by couplings and valves. For long runs, this should be repeated about every 500 feet. When "Dresser" similar additional H.T.H. in the annular using or couplings, place granules space between the coupling and the pipe. Fill the pipe very slowly and proceed as outlined under the "General Instructions". Method No. 2 - Liquid Bleach or H.T.H. Solution with Hand Pump: This method is general in scope and must be used when it is necessary to re-chlorinate an existing main. It may also be used on new mains, in which case place 10 ounces of H.T.H. granules at eh upstream end of the first length of pipe into which water will flow, and every 500 feet thereafter. This method consists of pumping a strong chlorine solution into water which is being used to fill the water main. Equipment required includes an ordinary hand test pump, solution hose, and a five gallon or larger container to hold the strong chlorine solution. A Gould Hydraulic Test Pump is satisfactory. A compact and convenient assembly can be made by mounting the solution container and the pump on a suitable board with a pipe connection from the container to the suction side of the pump. The strong chlorine solution can be made by mixing liquid Chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite) or H.T.H. granules (calcium hypochlorite) in a five-gallon or larger container in the proportions shown in Table III. Liquid chlorine bleach is available in stores as laundry bleach (Clorox, Purex, grocery etc.) with a chlorine concentration of 5 %. It is also available as high strength solution (for commercial laundries or swimming pool) with a chlorine concentration of approximately 12%. H.T.H. comes as Revision Date- October 15. 1998 PAGE - 21 - I ICity of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division ,! granules which must be dissolved in water. Strong chlorine solutions should be handled with care. I The solutions are dangerous to the eyes, irritating to the skin, and will damage shoes and clothes. 7.3.4 Procedure: I 1. Choose a suitable filling rate and determine the time required to fill the water main i from Table IV. 2. Compute the gallons of strong chlorine solution required by dividing 3 into the time I required to fill the water main. 3. Use Table III to determine the strength of chlorine solution required. I 4. Connect pump to water main to be disinfected. Use a corporation cock for this purpose and make connection at, or ahead of, the inlet end of the water main to be disinfected. I 5. After flushing the line thoroughly, adjust the filling rate by measuring the time i required to fill a five-gallon or other suitable container. 6. Pump strong chlorine solution into the line at a rate of one-gallon of strong solution I per three minutes. 7. Continue pumping until a chlorine residual test on a sample taken from the discharge end of the water main being disinfected shows at least 25 p.p.m, chlorine. 8. Then close filling valve or blow-off and stop pumping chlorine solution. I Disconnect and flush pump thoroughly with fresh water. I 9. During the disinfection process, all valves and other appurtenances shall be operated while the system is filled with heavily chlorinated water. Refer to "General Instructions" for the steps on flushing and sampling new water mains. I Special Note for Tapping Sleeves - Before a tapping sleeve is installed, the inside surface of the tapping I sleeve must be heavily dusted with H.T.H. granules or swabbed with grocery store liquid bleach. I Revision Date- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 22 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division TABLE II H.T.H. TABLET METHOD NO. 1 OF MAIN CHLORINATION DIAMETER OF PIPE LENGTH OF SECTION 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" NUMBER OF TABLETS REQUIRED 13' or less I 1 2 2 3 5 18' 1 1 2 3 5 6 20' 1 1 2 3 5 7 30' 1 2 3 5 7 10 40' 1 2 4 6 9 14 Revision Date- October 15, 1998 PAGE - 23 - I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division TAB LE III STRONG CHLORINE SOLUTION HAND PUMP METHOD OF MAIN CHLORINATION Flow rate at which Grocery store liquid Commercial liquid H.T.H. water main is filled bleach (Clorox, Purex, bleach (Laundries, etc. - 5% CL2) swimming pools - 12% EL2) GALLONS PER AMOUNT OF CHEMICAL TO MIX IN 5 GALLONS OF SOLUTION MINUTE 10 gpm 1 quarts 1 pint 2 ozs. 20 gpm 2 quarts 2 pints 4 ozs. 35 gpm 3 quarts 3 pints 5 ozs. 50 gpm 1 gallon 2 quarts 8 ozs. 75 gpm 1-1/2 gallons 3 quarts 12 ozs. 100 gpm 2 gallons I gallon ! lb. I I I I I Rcvisio~ Date- October ~5, ~99S PAGE - 24 - I I City of Bakersfield Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division I I TABLE IV Flow rate at which I water main is filled (gallons per minute) DIAMETER OF PIPE BEING DISINFECTED (INCHES) I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 (GPM) TIME REQUIRED TO FILL 100 FEET OF PIPE (MINUTES) I 10 1.6 6.5 14.7 26.1 40.8 58.8 ............ 20 --- 3.3 7.3 13.0 20.4 29.4 ............ I 35 --- 1.9 4.2 7.5 11.7 16.8 ............ 50 ...... 2.9 5.2 8.2 11.8 15.0 20.9 ...... I 75 ...... 2.0 3.5 5.5 7.9 10.7 14.0 ...... 100 ......... 2.6 4.1 5.9 8.0 10.4 13.2 16.3 I Table IV is used to estimate the time required to fill the pipe with chlorinated water. For example: A flow rate of 50 gpm will fill 700 feet of 8 inch pipe in, 7 x 5.2 = 36.4 minutes. I 7.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS: The Department shall require a bacteriological test. IBacteriological tests shall be performed by a qualified laboratory and the requirements of such tests shall be in accordance with standards established by the State Department of Health Services. I 7.5 FIRE FLOW TEST: The City of Bakersfield Fire Department will test newly constructed water systems to determine if minimum standards for the fire flow have been met. I 7.6 COSTS FOR TESTING: The Developer or Developer's Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the various acceptance tests and any necessary repairs, except as otherwise Istated in these Specifications. I I Re,i,io, Da~e- Octo~r ~5, ~s PAGE - 25 - I I I I I I I I APPENDIX I I Application for Water Service I Water Availability Fees Agreement I Mainline Extension Agreement i Department Fee Schedule Standard Details I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPLICATION FOR I DOMESTIC WA TER I SERVICE I I I I I I I I City of Bakersfield Department of Water Resources Domestic Water Division 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, California 93311 (805) 326-3715 FAX (805) 326-3098 Application for domestic water service (Pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code 14.04.030) I OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Application: Availability fees - I Place of Application: - Fire flow fees Inspection fees - I Applicant is (circle one): owner tenant agent I Address to which correspondence and invoices are to be mailed or delivered (circle one): Applicant Owner i Applicant: Name: Company: I Street address: City, State, Zip Code: I Phone #: ( ) Owner: (if different than applicant) I Name: Company: I Street address: . City, State, Zip Code: Phone #: ( ) I Location of premises to be served (Tract, Parcel Map No.): I 7nning = A~r~a? = Date applicant will be ready for service: I Has applicant applied for water service for Yes No this location before?: If so, under what location (Tract, Parcel I Map No.): I Purpose for which service is to be used: Size(s) of services desired: I Signature: Title: I I I I I I I I I WA TER A VA ILA BILI TY I I FEES AGREEMENT I I I I I I I I I I AGREEMENT NO. I DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT I THIS AGREEMENT is dated the __ day of ,19 , by and between CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California municipal corporation ("City"), and , an I ("Developer"). RECITALS I WHEREAS, Developer is owner or agent of owner for real property ("Property" herein) and desires to provide improvements to real property for the purpose of sub-dividing and/or sale; and I WHEREAS, Developer proposes to sell lots in a subdivision and/or parcel map and desires to have I water service in the subdivision and/or parcel map by means of mains and appurtenances, and by services (including service pipes, fittings, valves, housings and meter boxes); and I WHEREAS, installation of water service facilities and the furnishing of water service by means thereof are necessary and valuable adjuncts to the sale of lots in the Subdivision, and will materially increase the value of said lots; and ! WHEREAS, City owns a water system known as the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System, i which can and will provide domestic and fire protection service to Developer's Property; and WHEREAS, City Municipal Code section 14.04.0120(B) provides that Developer pay Water I Availability Fees, which fee is set by the Bakersfield City Council Resolution No. 126-82, and said fee is used to compensate City for the expenses incurred in procuring, securing and supplying a water source, storage facilities, transmission facilities and related capital expenses that are required to provide water I service to Developer's tract, sub-division or parcel map lots; and WHEREAS, City of Bakersfield Municipal Code section 14.04.120(C) provides that City and I Developer enter into a contract prior to written commitment to service water to any area where Water Availability Fees are to be paid. I NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, it is agreed as follows: I 1. WATER SERVICE. Upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, City has included Developer's subdivision within the service area of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System and City can and will provide domestic water and water for fire protection service under the I prevailing water rate, which be changed from time to time as the City sees fit. may i 2. WATER AVAILABILITY FEES. Developer agrees to pay to City Water Availability Fees of $2,000.00 per gross acre of the sub-division or parcel map. Tract Map. No. __ contains acres, therefore fees due are $ Payment of fees is to be made to City prior to final acceptance I I and recordation of tract/parcel map. Failure to pay Water Availability Fees when due shall result in an additional ten percent (10%) administrative service charge and interest shall be added at the rate of one percent (1%) per month to any amount of fee which is delinquent. Should the City resort to court action I collect the shall be entitled collect its reasonable and fees. to amounts due, City to costs attorney's Security may be demanded for the payment of Water Availability Fees at the option of City. I 3. PROPERTY LIEN. Should Developer fail to pay Water Availability Fees when due for any reason whatsoever, Developer shall provide a promissory note, secured by a deed of trust, in the I amount of the Water Availability Fees due plus ten percent (10 %), with eight percent (8 %) annual interest accruing, to be paid upon the sale of any portion of the Developer's Property encumbered or one year from the date of said deed of trust, whichever occurs first. I 4. NON-PAYMENT OF FEES. Failure to pay Water Availability Fees as required hereunder shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Should breach occur, City shall revoke application of I Developer for domestic water and fire protection service to tract/parcel, until such time as satisfactory payment of fees is made. I 5. GROUNDWATER. If a subdivision is being developed, Developer shall record a covenant for each lot prohibiting the owner or owners of the real property from pumping and taking groundwater I from the property for any use off the property; provided, however, such pumping and taking may be carried out by the authorized urban water purveyor which provides water services to the subdivided land, or by a county-wide governmental entity with water banking powers, and such pumping is part of an I adopted water banking program not a significant impact on groundwater or that will have adverse levels diminish the quality of water underlying the subdivision. The owner or owners of the real property shall iwaive their right to protest such prohibition. 6. INDEMNITY. Developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its officers, I agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, for injury to or death of persons or damage to property arising out of, connected with, or caused by Developer, Developer's employees, agents or independent contractors or I companies in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. I 7. TITLE. Developer shall have no title to, or ownership interest in, the City Domestic Water System or any part thereof whatsoever. I 8. NOTICES. All notices relevant to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and addressed to the party to whom such notice is I given at the following respective addresses: To City: City of Bakersfield I City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue i Bakersfield, CA 93301 32 I I To Developer: ! I 9. NATURE OF SERVICE. It is specifically recognized and intended by the parties hereto that in performing its obligations under this Agreement, Developer shall not offer or perform any service on behalf of the City unless specifically agreed to herein. I 10. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or I organization named herein and that this Agreement is binding upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. I 11. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. Developer shall, at Developer's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of municipal, state and federal authorities now in force, or which may I hereafter be in force pertaining to this Agreement and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all municipal ordinances and state and federal statutes, rules or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be in force. I 12. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce any provision at a later time, I and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. I 14. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of City Water Board and Developer. 15. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 16. ATTORNEY FEES. In any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorney's fees and court costs and other nonreimbursable litigation expenses, such as expert witness fees and investigation expenses. 17. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written provisions. This Agreement may be modified or terminated only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the parties. 18. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon full execution. It is the product of negotiation and therefore shall not be construed against any party. 19. TAX NUMBERS. 33 Developer's Federal Tax I.D.: Developer is a corporation? Yes: No: __ .......... 000 ........... 34 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties thereto have executed this Domestic Water Service Agreement in the day and year first-above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOB PRICE Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney By. Alan Dale Daniel Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: GENE BOGART Water Resources Manager COUNTERSIGNED: I GREGORY KLIMKO Finance Director i "DEVELOPER" I By. I TITLE i By. i TITLE 35 I I I I I I I I I I MAINLINE EXTENSION I I AGREEMENT I I I I I I I 36 I AGREEMENT NO. WATER MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a Charter city and municipal corporation, ("CITY" herein) and , an individual, ("APPLICANT" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, the APPLICANT is the developer situate, laying and being in the County of Kern, State in accordance with the the Office of thec0unty map Recorder of said County on the day 19__, in Volume Of Maps at Page ~ And , and which is here to as the "Subdivision"; and WHEREAS, APPLICANT is now selling ~ to sell lots in the Subdivision and to this end desires to have through and by means of mains and appurtenances Yservice pipes, fittings, gates and housings thereof, and meter . s), herei as the "Facilities," to be installed therein substantially as shown ~'~ that ce~:~in ma by APPLICANT attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and b part hereof; and WHEREAS, installation of water service by means thereof are necessary and 3f lots in the Subdivision, and will ma: ,y the ~d conditions herein set forth, APPLICANT is willing to install the be installed, at its own expense, all in accordance with the I: inafter a~nd conditions herein set forth, CITY is willing to acquire the Facilities;and is willin( service in the Subdivision through and my means thereof at the:~rates and in ~!? the rules of CITY now in force or that may from time to time be I~ully established. ~ ~ ~.~NOW~=~HEREFORE, ncorporat ng the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and APPLICANT mu :~ally;agree as TOllOWS: 1. APPLICANT. The names, addresses and descriptions of the person or persons herein collectively referred to as "APPLICANT" are as follows: I WaterMainlineExtcnsionRe£undAsrecment C:\WP-FI LE'~AG RMNTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd --OctoberS, 1998 --Page I of 8 Pages-- I I I Name Address Description I 2. APPLICABLE RULE. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the i requirements and in accordance with the form of agreement and the various applicable provisions of CiTY's Main Extension Rule, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the "Rule," in effect and on file with the CITY; a copy of the Rule is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B," and i by this reference made a part hereof. This Agreement does not )ecific authorization of the CITY Council to carry out its terms and conditions. i 3. APPLICANT'S DEPOSIT. CITY's cost rel ~ewing plans~ specifications and cost estimates for the Facilities is ($ _) and CITY's cost in supervising and inspecting installation of the Dollars ($ ~). CITY hereby from Dollars ($. ), rei the total of sa~d~,cb'~ts~:'' Upon completion of installation of the Facilities, CITY will con to be connected, the same to its existing mains and submit a statement of the [o Applicant, which sum I APPLICANT agrees to pay promptly to CITY. The the foregoing costs is hereinafter referred to as APPLICANT's Deposit. I 4. INSTALLATION OF FACILITII 4.1 APPLICANT agre~ install the same to be I installed, at its own expense on or .... The Facilities shall be installed strictly in accordance with ions marked Exhibit "C," and by this reference made a part ;reof shall be subject to the approval of CITY in all respects. Failure accordance with the specifications I shall be a material breach shall be installed by APPLICANT or by a proped as "said contractor," selected by the work of connecting the Facilities I to ~ains designated on Exhibit "A" hereto. shall be subject to the inspection and approval I of CITY in all 4.3 and all guarantees and legal rights shall vest in CITY I in with the ~§ of paragraph 6 hereof. 4.4 agrees to reimburse CITY upon demand for the cost to CITY I ~lacements a~ to the Facilities made necessary within one (1) year from tion of insta n thereof by reason of defective materials or workmanship; and such be subject to refund hereunder. CITY's acceptance of the Facilities, as )h 6 hereof, shall under no circumstances be deemed to constitute approval I Is and workmanship for purposes of the preceding sentence. 4.5 In the event APPLICANT prior to CiTY's acceptance of the Facilities, as I in 6 shall be unable determine the size location of service provided paragraph hereof, to or any (including service pipe, fittings, gates and housings therefor, and meter boxes) required in the Subdivision, APPLICANT shall deposit with CITY the cost of such service at the time service is I WaterMainlineExlensionRefundAgreement C:\WP-FILE'xAGRM NTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd --O~to~er S, ~99S -- Page 2 of 8 Pages -- I I I requested, and CITY shall install, or cause to be installed such service. The amount of any such deposit so made by APPLICANT shall be added to APPLICANT's Advance Subject to Refund determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 9 hereof. I 5. !.NDEMNITY; INSURANCE. I 5.1 APPLICANT shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribuna!s~:~f any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by APPLICANT, ~PPLIQ~T s I employees, agents or independent contractors or companies in the pe ~,b~of, or any i n way ans~ng from, the terms and prows~ons of th~s Agreemept~:whethe~.,o~=~.i:pO[ caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except as limited by Californ~i~il Code se~ii~p~82.~i 5.2 In addition to any other insurancelor bond re~ired Agreement, the APPLICANT shall procure and maintai~f~[~!he ~du?~'tion of thi~ I following types and limits of insurance ("basic insuranc ~k~:~ents" herein): 5.2.1 Automobile liabi~'~p[9~!~ng coverage on an i occurrence basis for bodily inju~:~"~nClbdmg death, of one or more '~ ~'~9~i: i:~u~, with limits of not persons, property damage and p~ less than One Milli~lj~rs ($1,0 ~O~O~!per occurrence; and Ithe pohcy shall:~:,:~ :: ::~:;¢" Provide~co~e~§~fO~gwned non-owned and hired !.2 additional insured endorsement in favor its mayor, council, officers, agents and I employees. ,mmercial general liability insurance, ISO form CG00'i~0fl..~l 1 85 or 88 providing coverage on an occurrence basis bodilY injury, including death, of one or more persons, property )age and personal injury, with limits of not less than One Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. Contain an additional insured endorsement in favor of the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and designated volunteers. 5.2.3 Workers' compensation insurance with statutory limits and I employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the CITY, I WalerMainlineExtensionRefundAgreement C:\WP-FI LEkAG RMNTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd --O~o~8, ~998 -- Page 3 of 8 Pages -- ! its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and designated volunteers. All policies required of the APPLICANT shall be primary insurance as to the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, or designated volunteers and any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, and designated volunteers shall be excess of the APPLICANT's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Additional insured endorsement shall use ISO form CG20 10 11 85 (in no event with an edition date later than 1990). Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less ,:~ll;~Any deductibles, self-insured retentions or insurance in lesser a~b~nts, types of insurance othe~se requ red by th s Agreement, or ~nsura~cerated ;~ A V must be declared to execution of this and the prior Agreement a All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the of cancellation or material change in policy language o~ there shall be continuing liability thereon, notwithstandir on any policy. The insurance required hereunder shall be maintai~ to be pefiormed by this Agreement is satisfactorily completed as by the CITY. The APPLICANT shall furnish the City R!~::Manag~ of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insuranc~;~equired.~:'The C its offer of contract or cancel this contract if cedificates o¢i~Surance;~a::~d endorSem'ents required have not been provided prior to the execution of Unless othe~ise approved if ~O~e work under this Agreement is the "basic above shall be provided by, or on behalf of the )roved lesser insurance requirements for 6. Title to each pa~ or potion of the Facilities shall pass to CITY fo~ podion thereof shall be installed regardless of whether the APPLICANT or said contractor and regardless of whether ~. to the balance of CITY's system, provided, however, that such passage of title circumstances be deemed to constitute acceptance by CITYcdf the Facilities as in accordance with said specifications, Exhibit "C," hereto. may be effected by appropriate written notice from CITY to APPLICANT. .ICANT warrants upon such passage of title, the title shall be free and clear of and es and encumbrances whatsoever. CITY shall receive all ~anufacturers of material installed and all legal rights and remedies concermn to the Facilities are hereby assigned to CITY upon dedication. '~' STREET GRADES. If the Facilities are installed in easements of right-of-ways where final grades have not been established or in streets whose grades have not been brought to those established by public authority prior to acceptance by CITY, APPLICANT, written upon notice by CITY, shall deposit with CITY fo~hwith the estimated cost, as determined by CITY, of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities upon establishment of final grades. Adjustments of WatcrMainlineExtensionRe fundAgrecmcnt C:XWP-FILE~G RMNlSXMainlineExtRefund.wpd --October8, 1998 -- ~a~o 4 of 8 ~a~os -- I I any difference between the amount so deposited and the actual cost of relocating, raising or lowering the Facilities shall be made within ten (10) days after CITY has ascertained such actual cost· The net deposit representing actual cost shall not be subject to refund or interest. I CITY will refund the entire deposit relating to such proposed relocation, raising or lowering when appropriate authority determines that such displacements are not required. I8. APPLICANT'S BOND. Concurrently with execution of this Agreement APPLICANT shall deliver to CITY a surety bond in the aggregate amount of Dollars ($. .) in form satisfactory to CITY, issued by a I company approved in writing by CITY which is qualified to do and doin the State of California guaranteeing unto CITY (a) the performance by APPLICAN' :ractor of all the obligations contracted to be performed hereunder, (b) cilities in accordance with the provisions hereof, (c) vesting in n accordanc~ I with the reimbursement of the and repai~' provision hereof, (d) to the Facilities made necessary within one (1) year fro .... ~: reason of defective materials or workmanship, and (e) I contractor of the claims of all persons performing labor.: material .!i~r:power to the Facilities. I 9. APPLICANT'S ADVANCE SUBJECT APPLICANT agrees that promptly upon completion of installation of the FaCilities in with said specifications, Exhibit "C" hereto, and acceptar will, at its I own expense, furnish to CITY a reasonably construction cost of the Facilities, including in said cost, (a) AP if any, to APPLICANT of complying with the insuran~C~: requi 5 hereof, and (c) the · ~' . ~ I cost, ~f any, to APPLICANT of the bond~qu~red b~ reef. The total amount of said actual cost as shown by said stat6~ent or~,t..hb sum Dollars ($. ) (being d:!6y CITY tdAPPLICANT in CITY's detailed i estimate of the cost of installatio~ Facilities), whichever is the lesser, shall be conclusively deemed to be the actual con. cost &~he Facili~i'~S and is herein referred to as APPLICAN' ~,u,~~:::'.::: I that APPLICANT is not in default hereunder, CITY agrees to 'PLICANT or such other party as may be entitled thereto in cast not to exceed forty (40) years from the date hereof I in equal annual.~: percent (2 1/2%) of the advance until the principal amount of )aid. Refund shall be made not later than June 30~" each ye~:beginning the execution of this Agreement. 11. SERVlCi FACILITIES. The Facilities were designed to serve ~ customers,~§ shown on Exhibit "A" hereto. I 12. RIGHTS. APPLICANT shall prepare and record an that will quitclaim, grant and convey to CITY the rights, title and groundwater, that is upon, in, under, produced from or located beneath I or parcel· 13. CITY'S RIGHT TO OFFSET. In the event APPLICANT shall become entitled to a I provisions Agreement, shall have the right at such time to offset refund under the of this CITY against the amount then due APPLICANT hereunder the total amount of any indebtedness then due or owing by APPLICANT to CITY. I WaterMainlineExtension RefundAgreement C:\W P-FI LE~G RMNTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd --OctoberS, 1908 --Page 5 of 8 Pages -- ! I 14. NOTICES. Any notice which it is herein provided may or shall be given by either party to the other shall be deemed to have been duly given when deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified postage prepaid and addressed to the party to whom such I notice is given at the following respective addresses: I To APPLICANT: I I To CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFI~% 1501 Truxtun Avend~;~:~ Bakersfield, Califo~ 93301 I Either party, by notice given as hereinbefore provided, shall thereafter be addressed. I 15. NATURE OF OBLIGATIONS; than one (1) person is named in paragraph 1 hereof, the obligations of the )ersons s Agreement as APPLICANT shall be joint and several. Until APPEl writing to the I contrary, all refunds hereunder shall be paid ree~t upon written notice to CITY at any time following determination amg:un Advance Subject to i Refund. Any such assignment shall apPlY only to,those which become due more than thirty (30) days after the dat.~;of receipt:by notice of assignment· CITY · , ~¥ ::: wdl not make any single refund payment here. under to m( one (1) person. I 16. SUCCESSOf rights and obligations of this Agreement inure to upon, the parties to this Agreement and i their hei~ representatives, successors and assigns. ~ This Agreement, except for refund provisions, shall at all times Chapges,q~ modifications by the CITY of Bakersfield as said CITY I may from time in the'eXercise of its jurisdiction. 18!¢ ACC] WORK OR SERVICES. The acceptance of work or services, or pa :n~nt for work or s~!c~:;::oy CITY shall not constitute a waiver of any provisions of this I 19. ACCOU~ING RECORDS. APPLICANT shall maintain accurate accounting documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this ,rds and documentation shall be kept at APPLICANT's office during the i and for a period of three (3) years from the date of the final payment said records shall be made available to CITY representatives upon request at any time'during regular business hours. I Agreement not assigned by any party, or any party 20. ASSIGNMENT. This shall be substituted, without prior written consent of all the parties. I WaterMainlineExtension RefundAgreement C:\WP-FILE~AG RMNTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd --O~oberS, ~S -- Page 6 of 8 Pages -- ,! 21. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. APPLICANT shall, at APPLICANT's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 22. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization, if any, named herein and this Agreement....iS binding .... upon sa d corporat on or organ zat on n accordance w th ts terms. ~ 23. EXECUTION. Th~s Agreement ~s effecbve upon executlO s the product of negotiation and all part~es are equally responsible for auther, s~ip of th s~e~ent. Section 1654 of the California Civl Code shall not apply to the interpretation o[i:tl~Agreement. 24. EXHIBITS. In the event of a confhct betWeen ' specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in hereto, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement I. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incor reement, whether or not actually attached. 25. FORUM. Any lawsuit pertaining growing out of, this Agreement shall be instituted in Kern 26. INDEPENDENT for the performance of the services of APPLICANT as an is not an agent or employee of the CITY for any ~d is no~ntitled ~ny of the benefits provided by CITY to its employees. This Agree~'e~t shall,~not be con, as forming a partnership or any other assoc~abon with APPLICA~0ther tha~..that of an...-.~hdependent contractor· superse~s~all other oral or written representabons. This Ag approved by the CITY Council and signed by all the 28. or employee of the CITY shall hold any interest in this Ag Code section 1090). TITLE All documents, plans, and drawings, maps, ph, iraphs, and other ~p~s, or cop~es thereof prepared by APPLICANT pursuant to the ~f this Agreemeq~!~hall upon preparation become the property of the CITY. OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another a reement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a prOvi~ign~at fi'later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the and first-above written. day year I WaterMainlineExtensionRefundAgreement C:\WP-FILE~AGRMNTS\MainlineExt Refund.wpd --October8, 1998 --Page 7 of 8 Pages -- ! i m CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE I By: m GENE BOGART Water Resources Manager m APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY m By:. ALAN D. DANIEL Assistant City Attorney m COUNTERSIGNED: I B y :. m GREGORY KLIMKO Finance Director m APPLICANT I By: I I I WaterMainlineExtension RefundAgreement C:\WP-FI LEX, AGRMNTS\MainlineExtRefund.wpd 8 of --October 8, 1998 -- r-age ~ages -- ! I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENT I FEE SCHEDULE I I I I I I I · I WATER AVAILABILITY FEES: I Prior to final recordation of the tract/parcel map for the subdivision, water availability fees for water service facilities are 'due and payable. Fees are authorized by Bakersfield Municipal Code 14.04.120 (B.) Iand set by the City of Bakersfield Water Board with concurrence of the Bakersfield City Council. The fees are set at $2000.00 per gross acre. The fees may be paid upon further sub-division or phasing of the parcels. I EXCESS FIRE FLOW FEES: I Normal fire flows have been determined to be 2500 gallons per minute (g.p.m.). Due to land use of the i parcel, the City and/or County Fire Departments require fire flows in excess of the 2500 g.p.m, limit. The method for determining the fees is as follows: I$0.50/g.p.m./acre in excess of 2500 g.p.m, or equivalent facilities. These fees are due and payable prior to recordation of the tract/parcel map. I INSPECTION FEES: I Prior to any construction, developer is required to submit at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance: I Six (6) sets of approved blueline plans. I Cost estimate or contractor bid spreadsheet showing award of contract to lowest responsible bidder. I Name, address & telephone # of party responsible for payment of Inspection fees. iThe City of Bakersfield will invoice for inspection fee based on four percent (4%) of cost estimate or contractor bid spreadsheet. In addition, a $10.00 meter installation fee for each service will be assessed for two (2) inch and less in size. I ENGINEERING FEES: I The developer may utilize the City's domestic water operations contractor to provide engineering plans and specifications for construction of water facilities. The City of Bakersfield will invoice for engineering fees I based on four percent (4 %) of the estimated total installed cost of the water facilities. I City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System Ashe, Fairhaven, and Riverlakes Ranch Service Areas Schedule of Rates GENERAL METERED SERVICE: CURRENT RATES Within City Limits Fairhaven & IJnincorportaled Areas QUANTITY RATES: First 300,000 cu. ft./month $ 0.47 $ 0.60 All over 300,000 cu. ft./month $ 0.42 $ 0.55 MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE: 5/8" x 3/4" Service $ 6.90 $ 9.07 l" Service 10.51 13.86 1-1/2" Service 16.03 20.98 2" Serv ice 21.83 28.63 3" Service 40.33 52.87 4" Service 58.63 76.53 6" Service 105.37 137.00 8" Service 161.97 210.26 10" Service 223.26 288.80 MONTHLY PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CHARGE: 1-1/2" Connection $ 6.30 $ 8.15 2" Connection 8.40 10.90 3" Connection 12.60 16.35 4" Connection 16.80 21.80 6" Connection 25.20 32.45 8" Connection 33.60 43.60 10" Connection 42.00 54.25 12" Connection 50.40 65.15 Monthly service charge is a readiness-to-serve charge which is applied to all servtces and any quantity of water used is an additional charge computed at the quantity rate. Conditions of service remain the same. 1 ,I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR CHECKLIST I I I I I I I I I CHECKLIST FOR CONTRACTOR WORK ON CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (CBK) DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM I Contractor must supply to California Water Service (CWS) prior to start of construction: I 1. Contractor must provide company a photocopy of a valid license issued by the State of California for the construction of water supply mains and related facilities. Acceptable classifications will consist of either an "A" license (General I Contractor) or "C-34" license (Pipeline Contractors). Engineering a 2. Contractor must carry the following insurance: bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with limits of I less than One Million Dollars Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) annual not ($1,ooo,ooo.oo) per occurrence, aggregate, insuring Company against any and all liability for the death of or injury to any person and for the loss or damage to any property, respectively, which may arise by reason of acts done or omitted to be done in the course of I installation of the Facilities which result from such installation, and further all costs OF may insuring Company against and expenses incurred by Company in resisting any claim which may be made against Company for any such injury or damage to any person or property. Each such policy (i) shall be issued by an insurance company approved by I which is qualified to do and doing business in the State of California, (ii) shall name Company as an Company, additional insured, (iii) shall specify that it acts as primary insurance and that other insurance or self-insurance maintained by Company shall be excess only and not contributing with insurance provided by Contractor, (iv) shall I that the shall be canceled altered without notice to and shall provide policy not OF (30) days' prior Company, (v) otherwise be in form satisfactory to Company. Each such policy or a certificate thereof shall be delivered to i Company prior to start of any construction in connection with installation of the facilities. An endorsement or a certificate thereof to the workers' compensation insurance policy of Contractor providing that the underwriter thereof waives all right of subrogation against Company by reason of any claim arising out of or I connected with installation of the Facilities shall be delivered of construction. Said to Company prior to start endorsement shall provide that it shall not be canceled or altered without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Company. I 3. Inspection of material. CWS must have 48 hours advance notice. I 4. l~id sheet for or cost project. 5. Require 6 sets of plans and specifications. Plans must be signed and approved by City Water Department and Fire I Department staff. 6. Arrange for preconstruction meeting. CWS must have a minimum of 48 hours notice. I 7. Preconstruction meeting must be completed prior to construction. Be prepared to explain the time line on specific phases of construction such as excavation, thrust block, service tie-ins, hydro tests, disinfection, etc. I Contractor must have completed and/or accomplished prior to tie-in to existing domestic water system: I 1. Installation of facilities be done in accordance with of Bakersfield "Standards and for must current City Specification Domestic Water Systems" and City of Bakersfield or Kern County Fire Department approved plans. All field changes must be made as per current standards. 1 I 2. Fire hydrants shall typically be installed at property lines or at curb radius. If this is not clear, have the inspector approve location(s) prior to installation. I 3. Notify CWS 24 hours prior to loading line and performing the hydro test. Four (4) hour test at 150 p.s.i. If below 140 p.s.i, at any time, repairs must be made and test shall be repeated. I 4. Notify CWS 24 hours prior to flushing line(s). CWS shall observe flushing of line(s). 5. Bacteriological sample to be taken at CWS directed locations. Samples are not to be taken on Friday, Saturday or I Sunday. Be advised that due to holidays and unanticipated days off, results of bacteriological samples may take several days. Re-sampling may be necessary if tests are positive. Do not schedule other events so tight as to rely on the approval and acceptance of the domestic water system. I 6. All services, meters, valve boxes and valve casings shall be exposed and to design grade. I 7. CWS must be advised 48 hours in advance of the tie-in. The tie-in must be observed by CWS. After tie-in call or FAX for meter sets - schedule up to five (5) days for CWS personnel to perform meter sets. I 8. All fittings and valves must be chlorinated during tie-in. 9. ALL existing domestic facilities (valves, etc.) are to be operated by CWS personnel only. Contractors and their I employees shall not operate any existing facility. 10. Be advised: Inspection of facilities is to be performed on normal work days (Monday-Friday, 7:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. I Holidays excluded). Any work performed by Contractor on weekends or holidays is subject to excavation for inspection. I 11. All domestic or irrigation service requests shall be generated through California Water Service Commercial Office, phone number 396-2400. I I have read and understand the above checklist. The purpose of this checklist is to point out the most commonly forgotten items to be performed by the Contractor. This list is not meant to be all inclusive. I have been provided with and am familiar with the current City of Bakersfield "Standards and Specification for Domestic Water Systems". I Signature: ICompany: Tract Parcel Map No.: IDate: I ! STANDARD DETAILS Plate No. W-1 - Standard pipe trench Plate No. W-2 - Thrust block detail Plate No. W-3 - Fire hydrant assembly Plate No. W-4 - Blowoff assembly - paved area Plate No. W-5 - End of line blowoff - unpaved area Plate No. W-6 - Standard - blowoff assembly Plate No. W-7 - Pipe bore & casing detail Plate No. W-8 - Standard service connection - 3/4" to 2" Plate No. W-9 - 3", 4", & 6" water service detail Plate No. W-10 ~ 4" & larger turnout Plate No. W-11 - Typical meter box location Plate No. W-12 - Valve box detail Plate No. W-13 - Canal crossing detail Plate No. W-14 - Concrete saddle detail Plate No. W-15 - Safety fence detail Plate No. W-16 - Irrigation, fire service, and water service, requiring booster pump Plate No. W-17 - Alternate air-gap installation requirements Plate No. W-18 - Typical fire service detail I I 22 1/2' ELL TEE TEE 90' ELL c oss REDUCER THRUST BLOCK SCHEDULE BEARING AREA IN SQUARE FEET PIPE TEE OR 90~LL ! 45'ELL 22 I/2' ELL, CROSS VALVE SIZE PLUG 6" 3 4 i 2 2 1.5 EA. J.O ~ 8' 5 7 4 2 3.0 EA. 5.5 10' 8 11 6 J 4~ EA. 9.0 t2" 11 16 8 4 6.5 EA. 1J. 0 NOTES: 16' 16 23 13 ? 8.0 EA. 16.0 1) ALL I/AL VES, FITTINGS, AND DIRECTIONAL CHANGES ARE TO BE HELD IN PLACE BY CONCRETE THRUSTS BLOCKS. 2) BEARING AREAS INDICATED ARE BASED ON ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE OF 1500 PSF. J) ' CONCRETE IS NOT TO BEAR AGAINST PIPE. THRUST BLOCK TO ONLY BE IN CONTACT WITH FITTING. 4) THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 5) JOINTS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF CONCRETE. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA THRUST BLOCK DETAIL MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE I I -- -~1 PROPERTY LINE I .I ~ ~.--RING lITE X FLANGED WA TER MAIN , I , ~"'-6' GATE VALVE 5'-0' = ~ FLANGED I ~ MINIMUM ~"FLAN~ED X HUB END AOAPTO~ I PLAN VI£W I '~ FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED ~ HYDRANT ASSEMBLY  CLOW 8.50 I ~ i~__~ ~.- VAt VE aox w~ I ~ {LDCK/NG CAP-SEE ~N~ DETAIL W-12. I 6'STD. BURY~ PER DETAIL W-2 '~!:'t : ff~- I ' ".'-'-":'~ :-"'., -'-~'-~' VALVE WITH RISER !:~'.:2; li~'.','~ ANO CAP, .:'... ," ~ · "~. I ~CONCRETETHRUSTBLOCK 'PER DETAIL PRO?IL £ V/£ W I WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIRr= HYDRANT W-O MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE ! 2" BRASS PLUG 2 BALL VALVE JAMES JONES J-194,3 = TYPICAL-I OR EQUAL I TOP OF CONCRETE PAD ........ ~' ~ (FINISH PAD I/.4" BELOW . ,. --- 2 i I HI~- ' CONCRETE OR EQUAL 2 x6 BRASS OR BRONZE NIPPLE, TAPE ~ 2" BRASS NIPPLE ~ (TO nT) WRaP ~TH 5 MIL. TAPE 2"COUPLINGs=, ~2'~12" BRASS 2'~12" BRASS NIPPLE~ /NIPPLE ~RIN~ TITE ~AP TAPPED FOR ~" PIPE (BLOCK CAP ~TH STANDARD ~ON~RETE THRUST BLOCK) WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY - PAVED AREA PLA~ No. W-4 MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DEPAR~ENT DA~ #" GALV. STL.---.~. I ~ WATER MAIN / ~ ;'~.':.~ .'J THRUST BLOCK r ~ 4" THREADED SIDE ~ OUTLET TEE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA END OF-LINE BLOW-OFF - UNPAVED AREA M^N^OER -- W~R ~ESOU~CES O~P~N~ ~ ~ ff '~\ /.~ ~ -~~,'~.~ , ~ , , WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA STANDARD - BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DA~ I I ~ " WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT  CITY .OF .BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA .PIPE BORE & CASING DETAIL  AP~RO~D: PLA~ No. W-7 MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DEPAR~ENT DA~ I BACK OF '-'" 1' ..,-- METERBOX-(SEE TABLE BELOW.) , -- " ' ~ ~ i~/' (INSTALLED BY'  I:::..:"' ~ OTHERS) c~ ANGLE METER STOP-~' METER TO BE SET _. BY CITY. SHORT SIDE ~ LONGSIOE-~ , . (AS SPECIFIED)~ ANGLE METER STOP-~''''~';~ (/~ ~ ....---.~/4" TO 2" Y~ ----oouB~ s~ s~c~ ~ua~~o, (~s. STEEL INSERT--,~ // /'SADDLE, BRONZE OR SPECIFIEO) CORPORATION"~/ ~MALABLE IRON WITH STOP ~ / STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS ~~~' ./ USE APPROVED SADDLE ~, ~,1]., * TUBING SHALL BE COPPER IN ~.k,k, '~ ACCOROANCE ,~/SPECIFIOA TIONS, ~ OR POL VETH~ENE ~UBING. LONG SIDE SERVICE PE $408, PC 200, PR 9. SHORT SIDE SERVICE ~E~ SIZE blETER BOX * 12'x1?'-CARSON INDUSTRIES ~ PRODUCTS OF E~LIAL OUALITY $/4" AND I" No. 14-19B. GREEN PLAS7?C MAY BE SUBMITTED WHEN APPROVED BY THE WATER I I/2' AND 2' 17 I/4"x30" CHRISTY CONCRETE RESOURCE DEPT. PRODUCTS INC. - No. B-$6. NOTE 1. THE LONG SIDE SERVICE FOR A $/'4' METER SHALL BE 1" TUBING ANO A 1' TO ANGLE METER. STOP ALL ~/~l' TO 2" SHORT SlOE SERVICES SHALL BE OF COPPER TUBING. 2. ALL O17-1ER SERVICE SIZES SHALL INCORPORATE UK£ SIZES FOR CORPORA lION STOPS, TUBING, ANGLE METER STOPS, AND METER. i.e,, A 1-1/2" SHORT OR LONG SER~TCE SHALL CONSIST OF 1-I/2" TUBING, 1.1/2" METER STOP. AND 1-1/2" METER BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). 3. ALL PE PLAS77C PIPE REI2UIRES NO. 12 AWG SOUD COPPER ~fRE-INSULATEO (TYPE THHN OR THHN) TAPED TO PIPE AT LOCATIONS SHOWN AND EXTENDED INTO METER BOX. DO NOT TOUGH ~RE TO OTHER METAL FIT17NGS. 4. CONCRETE METER BOXES REOUIRED WHEN SERHCE IS LOOA TED IN DRIVEWAY SIDE. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA · ~TANDARD SERVICE CONNECTION- 3/4" TO 2" AIm'PROVE:D; PLATE: No. MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMF'NT DAT~ ~~,..,.,~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I I I i I WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I 3,,, 4,,, & 6- WATER SERVICE DETAIL I APPRO~D: P~ No. W-O MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DEPAR~ENT DA~  NOTE: I VALVE TO BE LOCA TED :.-~;:-.:~"i' ,-al-11~4f,,41 %,/;; ~....~.~j I ON SAME SIDE OF STREET AS MAIN. ] ~ SIZE AS REQ'O:" R. o. ~. ~'I ~ R. O. ~, ~'I= I ~: IP'U'E' I PLAN VIEW FOR METER & BOX DETAIL SEE PLA TE No. W-8 & W-9. CAST IRON VALVE ~VALVE BOX TO SURFACE BOX W/LOCKING LID .~" PER DETAIL W-1£ PER DETAIL W-12.----.-,,~// ~ ~ GATE VALVE- EQUAL WA TER MAIN Lf~ /-TO SERVICE PIPE SIZE ~, ~, ~ING- TITE ~ ¢==~=~  PIPE ' " ANCHOR PER TAR PAPER--,,} DETAIL W-2 ~ ~4 REBAR ANCHORS VALVE ANCHOR WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 3-& LARGER TURNOUT APPROVED: PLATE No. W-lO MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE METER BOXES --' 2'~, ~ SERVlCES ~-' 2''- ;;' '~ W U U 'I;;' W ~ SIDEWALK ~ I i ~'"'~ ~. OF CURB. GUTTER i ~ OF STREET__ _ , ~ METER BOXES /~..,~"/ , ~ SERVICES NOTE: I ~ STD. POSITION - UNUSUAL LOT DESIGN SITUATIONS MAY WARRANT DIFFERENT POSITION OF WATER SERVICE. AL TERNA TE POSITIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO CITY FOR APPROVAL. CONCRETE BOX NOTE SEE W-8 &~ W-9. TRAFFIC RATED METER BOX (CONe.) IN STREETS OR DRIVEWAYS. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TYPICAL METER BOX LOCATION APPROVE:D; P LATE~ No, W-ll MANAGI=R -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DAT~ ~CAST IRON LOCK-LID FINISHED GR~.~_~/ TO READ 'WA TER" x/ ~,,m,~CAST IRON VALVE BOX W/ CAST IRON LOCKING I ~ EOUAL.LID - TYLER PIPE OR SIDEWALK OR PARKWAY ~.-PA VEMENT SURFACE OR _...J ~ 4" TYPICAL /F/N/SHED GRADE CAST IRON LOCK-LID I--I / To READ "WATER". ~ .'.~.? ~ II ~CAST IRON VALVE aOX I I I I~ W/CAST IRON LOCKING REDWOOD BLOCK~ I I I I~ LID - TYLER PIPE OR PA VEMENT AREA WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA VALVE BOX DETAIL APPROVED: PLATE No, W-12 MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE I~ ~ ~'// I ~ ) ~ II ~,[-~ ~ ~ ~ '~  WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT  CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CANAL CROSSING DETAIL  APPRO~D: PLA~ No. W-~3 MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DIVISION DA~ I  ~NO. 5 REBAR S~T ~' F~O~ TOP AND BOSOM ~P ~ROUHD I~~ ~H. 40 ' ANCH~ B~ ~ WA~ERS ~ ' ~CAHAL LINIHC I_ lB' ~ FRO~ TOP · ~ WATER RESOURCES 'DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I CONCRETE SADDLE DETAIL I AppRO~D: P~ No. MANAGER -- WA~R RESOURCES DI~SION .DA~ I 6 STRANDS ""'ALL WELDS TO BE ' CONTINUOUS FILLET WELDS · :~ SPACING IN ANGLE WITH TIE BARBED WIRE A T HOLES. .I ~ 3/8' x 6' STL STRAP SAFETY FENCING 1 ~- 3/4' DIA. GAL V. ROD STRAP. ROD AND ~ j THREADED A T EACH END ANGLE TO BE J J J WITH 2 HEX NUTS PAINTED SAME--,~ AS PIPE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAFETY FENCE DETAIL APPROVED: PLATE No. W-15 MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE TANK SHOULD BE OF SUBSTANTIAL CONSTRUC?~ON ~ OF A KIND AND SIZE TO SUIT CONSUMER'S NEEDS. TANK MAY BE SITUATED AT GROUND LEVEL'(WITH A PUMP TOPROVIDEADEOUATEPRESSUREHEAD,)OR 2D (I' MIN.) ~' RECEIVING TANK ,.-WATER ~ - --' ~ , ~ , ( MAIN ~ INSTALL TANK A T AN ~ TO 'CONSUMER S ~ f ' ELEVATION SUFFICIENT TO EDUIPMENT ~ I j OBTAINDESIRED PRESSURE ~ ~ ~ / I OR INSTALL PRESSURE BOOSTER ~ .ii PUMP. METER DETAIL ~ ~ - CONSUMER'S-- SEE W-8, W-9 I RESPONSIBILITY ~ W-18 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA IRRG., FIRE SERV. &: WATER SERV, REQUIRING BOOSTER PUMP APPROVED: PLATE No. W-16 MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE ' I ~ E~' . I I I ~ WATER RESOURCES DEP~RTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNI~ ~ ~LTER~TE ~IR ~P I~ST~LL~TIO~ REOUIRE~E~TS W-17 I ,_, m ~ TYPICAL NEW INSTALLArlON NOTE: I. INSTALLATION OF 'FIRE SERVICE" MA Y ONLY BE MADE Bt' CONTRACTORS 10TH A CLASS A OR CONTRACTORS LICENSE. -- ,.., TYPICAL HOT TAP '-'"" INSTALLA T/ON NO TES: ITEM (~ CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED GROUND. ~ PUSH-ON BY FLANGE TEE - NEW CONSTRUCTION OR APPROVED TAPPING SLEE~L=. (~ FLANGE PUSH-ON VALVE OR X FLANGE X FLANGE VALVE IF INSTALLING A SPOOL USE C.I. ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOY WITH LOCKING LID. (~ PUSH ON BY FLANGE ADAPTOR OR M.J.X. FLANGE ADAPTOR. (~ DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBL Y, AS PER *FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE' AS REOUIREO IN SPECIFICATION CONTAINED HEREIN. (~ B-48 CHRISTY CONCRETE BOX WITH EXTENSIONS ~ CONCRETE COVER OR TRAFFIC UO OR 68 BROOKS CONCRETE BOX WITH EXTENSIONS &: CONCRETE COVER OR TRAFFIC LID. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TYPICAL FIRE SERVICE DETAIL APPROVED: PLATE No. W-18 MANAGER -- WATER RESOURCES DEP,ARTMENT DATE ! I herein by reference, pursuant to which ID4 takes delivery of Basic Contract water ("Basic S~gply". herein) provided by CITY in conformance with the provisions contained therein; and ?~ .~?:~-!i!'-~,:.....~: · dated November 1996, for the Establishment of a Water Recreation and Recharge ~rog~{~'~the Kern River Parkway that directed their respective, staffs to proceed with the dev~p~at of a water designed to maximize and increase flows in the Kern Ri~way during the management program recreation season. This was to be accomplished through the coordinationm--~ter resources and I facilities available to both parties; and I I. ID4 and CITY have determined a water management program that would facilitate the commitment of a portion of the water supply available to ID4 for peak recreation periods on the Kern River Parkway without significantly increasing the operating costs of district would be an appropriate mechanism to achieve the goals of the Joint Resolution; and J. ID4 has as a long-term objective for its water supply management program the I of for the district that is of the SWP. It is anticipated that this will development a supply independent be accomplished through water management opportunities with water districts utilizing Kern River and Friant-Kern supplies and CITY agrees to cooperate with ID4 in development of such long-term I exchange programs. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and ID4 agree as follows: 1. TERM AND RENEWAL. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) years commencing January 1, 1999 and terminating December 31, 2003. At the end of the five-year initial term period, this Agreement will automatically renew annually unless either party notifies the other of its election to terminate the Agreement within one hundred eighty (180) days of renewal date. 2. KERN RIVER PARKWAY. a. Recharge Area. For purposes of this Agreement, the Kern River Parkway ("Parkway" herein) recharge area shall include the Kern River Channel from Rocky Point Weir (approximately 2.0 miles east of Manor Street) extending downstream to the western boundary of ID4 (approximately 1.0 miles west of Stockdale Highway Bridge), the Truxtun Lakes recharge area and the Carrier Canal. b. Recharge Capacity. For purposes of this Agreement, Parkway recharge capacity shall mean the combined recharge capacity of the Kern River Channel between Rocky Point Weir and the western boundary of ID4, Truxtun Lakes and Carrier Canal. Based upon the historical period of 1979 through 1995, the following average daily recharge quantities will be used by CITY and ID4 as Page 2 an operational tool to assist in the development and coordination of Parkway recreational flow schedules (figures represent continuous flow operation): ~:' i~4~, ~ (1) Kern_ River Channel. Average daily recharge for the Ke2~~annel. between Rocky Point Weir and the western boundary of ID4 shall be 145 cubic fget p,~ ~dnd ("cfs" herein), apportioned as follows: ~:~'~:~'~ (a) Rocky Point Weir to Calloway River ~(~15 cfs. (b) Calloway River Weir to River Canal Weir; 75 cfs. (c) River Canal Weir to Bellevue Weir; 40 cfs. (d) Bellevue Weir to western boundary of ID4; 15 cfs. (2) Truxtun Lakes. Average daily recharge for the Truxtun Lakes recharge area shall be 10 cfs. (3) Carrier Canal. Average daily recharge for the Carrier Canal shall be 15 cfs. c. Recharge Rate. For operational purposes of this Agreement, the average daily recharge within the Parkway, reflecting the sum of the recharge rates of the Kern River Channel between Rocky Point Weir and the western boundary of ID4, Truxtun Lakes and Carrier Canal shall be 170 cfs. CITY and ID4 will make such adjustments as are necessary to Parkway recreational flow schedules to reflect actual recharge conditions. d. Diversion Points. river weirs located within the Major Parkway recharge area to be used as diversion points for recharge under this Agreement will be Rocky Point Weir, Calloway River Weir, River Canal Weir and Bellevue Weir. Water deliveries into the Parkway can currently be accomplished through operation of Rocky Point Weir on Kern River, Calloway culvert from Carrier Canal, Truxtun Lakes, Pioneer Canal extension (Pioneer Turnout), Cross Valley Canal River Turnouts #2, #3 and #4 and the Friant-Kern Canal. Canals that divert water from the Kern River Channel within the Parkway include Carrier Canal, Calloway Canal, Calloway culvert to Carrier Canal, Kern River Canal, Rosedale Channel, Pioneer Canal and Berrenda Mesa Turnout. 3. RECREATION SEASON. For purposes of this Agreement, recreation season shall be defined as the period commencing May 1 ~t and extending through September 30~ of each year. (1) Peak Recreational Period. Peak recreational periods shall include Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Unless and except as otherwise mutually agreed to by both CITY and ID4, Parkway Page 3 recharge operations during peak recreational periods will consis[~Qf~ at a minimum, seven (7) consecutive days of recreational flow with each of the three major holidays (example: continuous'~ark~'ay recharge operations dunng the period of July 1st throug~$ 7 th to coincide with Independence Day). 4. ID4 WATER _USE PRIORITY. It is recognized by the parties~er~.; that nothing in this Kern River arkway Water Supply Management Agreement shall diminish ~pede the ability of ID4 to complete its contractual obligation to provide drinking water to the purveyors receiving water from the Henry C. Garnett Treatment Plant. 5. WATER SUPPLY. a. ID4. In years when the allocation of entitlement to ID4 on the SWP is fifty percent (50%) or greater, ID4 will provide the following water supply for the Parkway, which is more fully delineated on Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: (1) The first 8,000 acre-feet available to ID4 after fulfillment of its water delivery obligation to the Henry C. Garnett Treatment Plant, as determined by ID4 on an annual basis, for recharge during peak recreational periods on the Kern River. The delivery schedule for these flows will be as mutually agreed upon by ID4 and CITY. (2) A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the remaining ID4 supply for the year, excluding current delivery obligations set forth in previous agreements, which delivery obligations are more fully delineated on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. b. CITY. In years when Kern River April through July snowmelt runoff equals or exceeds seventy-five (75 %) of the long-term average, CITY will reserve and dedicate a water supply for the Parkway, which is more fully delineated on Exhibit "C," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: (1) A minimum of 5,000 acre-feet for recharge in the Kern River Channel during the period of June l~t extending through August 31 st. (2) A minimum of 6,000 acre-feet of recharge associated with CITY's operation of Carrier Canal. In addition to the foregoing, CITY shall commit and make available to the Parkway water management program the following waters whenever and to the extent such supplies are available to CITY: Page 4 (3) A minimum of fifty (50%) of CITY water supply that CITY absent this Agreement, use for groundwater banking purpose~ maximum Parkway recharge capacity, whichever is the as calculated on a daily basis. (4) All waters accrued to CITY under Truxtun c. Banking Operations. CITY will administer water within the Parkway in accordance with the Pioneer Project Joint Operating Agreement dated December 31, 1996. I d. Friant-Kern Floodwater. The priority for Friant-Kern floodwater entering the Kern River Channel below the terminus of the Friant-Kern Canal shall be in accordance with the Pioneer Project Joint Operating Agreement and the parties hereto further agree to dedicate such recharge I of Friant-Kern floodwater occurring within the Parkway between the point of Friant-Kern canal discharge to the Kern River Channel and the western boundary of the Parkway to the overall benefit of the current and future water users within ID4 and CITY. ! 6. WATER PLANNING. On or about March 1st of each year throughout the term of this iAgreement, CITY and ID4 will exchange preliminary delivery schedules using best forecasts of their available water supply. CITY and ID4 will coordinate said water delivery schedules to reflect the terms of this Agreement. A final delivery schedule for Parkway recharge operations will be submitted by May I 1st of each year for approval by the CITY Water Board and the Kern County Water Agency Board of · Directors. 7. PARKWAY OPERATIONS. a. Rocky Point Weir to Calloway River Weir. For purposes of this Agreement, whenever the of the flow diverted at the head of the Carrier Canal and the flow downstream sum passing of Rocky Point Weir equals or exceeds 750 cfs (normally between May and Augus0, CITY will assume recharge losses occurring in the reach of Kern River Channel extending to the Calloway River Weir under its Miller-Haggin obligation, notwithstanding that ID4 Calloway Canal operations or other Kern River or canal uses below the Calloway River Weir may be subject to a proportionate share of such recharge losses as measured and determined by CITY. It is the intent of the parties hereto to establish and maintain a continuous year-round stream channel on Kern River from Rocky Point Weir to the Calloway River Weir to the extent that water supplies are available for such uses. b. Calloway River Weir to River Canal Weir. For purposes of this Agreement, whenever the sum of the flow of Carrier Canal below the Farmers-Stine-Anderson Weir and the flow passing downstream of the Calloway River Weir equals or exceeds 750 cfs (normally between mid-June and mid-August), CITY shall assume recharge losses occurring in the reach of Kern River Channel extending to the River Canal Weir under its Miller-Haggin obligation, notwithstanding that ID4 Kern River or canal uses below the River Canal Weir may be subject to a proportionate share of such Page 5 recharge losses as measured and determined by CITY. c. River Canal Weir to Bellevue Weir For purposes of this Agreementd)~never the sum of the flow of the Kern River Canal at Stockdale Highway and the flow passln~'~0~,ristream of the River Canal Weir equals or exceeds 900 cfs after adjustments for Friant-Kern~'iiffio~ to Kern River Channel (when applicable), CITY shall assume recharge losses occurrm~reach of Kern River Channel extending to the Bellevue Weir under its Miller-Haggin obligatio~ithstanding~ that · . . ~i~ . ~," ID4 Kern River or canal uses below the Bellevue Wen: may be subject to a propi0~tmnate share of such recharge losses as measured and determined by CITY. In the event that CITY water commingles with ID4 water as a result of CITY water deliveries occurring between River Canal Weir and Bellevue Weir, CITY will assume five (5) cfs of recharge losses or the actual recharge loss if less than 5 cfs, for each such day that CITY deliveries are made. d. Bellevue Weir to ID4 western boundary. For purposes of this Agreement, whenever Second Point Group demand for Kern River water at Second Point of Measurement equals or exceeds 750 cfs (above normal years), CITY shall assume recharge losses occurring in the reach of Kern River Channel to the ID4 under its extending western boundary Miller-Haggin obligation. e. Truxtun Lake. CITY and ID4 shall jointly coordinate and schedule deliveries of their respective available Parkway supplies to ensure the daily year-round operation of the Truxtun Lakes recharge area. In general, the priorities for water deliveries to the Truxtun Lakes recharge area would be as follows: 1. CITY Kern River water that would otherwise be used for basin overdraft correction. 2. Basic Supply not required to fulfill ID4 Treatment Plant demand and associated diversion losses. 3. ID4 Kern River water acquired through exchange for the purpose of groundwater replenishment operations of district. 4. ID4 Friant-Kern water acquired through exchange for the purpose of groundwater replenishment operations of district. 5. ID4 SWP water to be used for the purpose of groundwater replenishment operations of district. 6. ID4 SWP water owed to CITY under Truxtun Lake Agreement. 8. RECREATIONAL FLOW PRIORITY. Whenever Parkway water supplies are limited (less than 50% allocation of ID4 entitlement on the SWP), the priority for points of delivery within the Page 6 Parkway are as follows: 1. Truxtun Lake recharge area. 2. Kern River Channel between Rocky Point Weir an4~Ca~9~aY River Weir. 3. Kern River Channel between Calloway ir and River Canal Weir. 4. Kern River Channel between River Canal Weir and Bellevue Weir. 5. Kern River Channel between Bellevue Weir and ID4 western boundary. 9. TRUXTUN LAKE EXCHANGE DELIVERIES. CITY and ID4 agree that this Agreement neither replaces nor amends Truxtun Lake Agreement but merely supplements the same. Furthermore, in order to clarify the terms and conditions under which delivery of ID4 water owed CITY is to occur, the parties agree to the following: a. In years when ID4 is allocated less than fifty percent (50%) of its SWP entitlement, CITY shall have first call on up to fifty percent (50%) on any ID4 water not required for Treatment Plant use, including conveyance losses, for operation of the Truxtun Lakes recharge area. b. In years when ID4 is allocated fifty percent (50%) or greater of its SWP entitlement, CITY may take delivery of ID4 water owed CITY under mutually scheduled times and rates in the event that water supplies developed under terms of this Agreement are not adequate to maintain continuous operation of the Truxtun Lakes recharge area. c. Any such deliveries under the above provisions shall be separate from ID4 Parkway water supplies set forth in Paragraph 5. of this Agreement and shall be deducted from any balance of water owed to CITY by ID4 and arising from operation of Truxtun Lake Agreement. 10. WATER QUALITY. In order to preserve the historical high quality groundwater aquifer underlying the Parkway, CITY and ID4 agree that, whenever possible, recharge within the Parkway will consist of Kern River water and other high quality waters in order to enhance and maintain the highest water quality underlying the Kern River Channel. 11. CITY COVENANT TO ID4. In consideration of ID4' s commitment of a portion of its water supply to the Parkway water management CITY hereby covenants and agrees to provide program, to ID4 use of certain CITY water supply, storage and conveyance facilities as follows: a. Isabella Reservoir Storage. Throughout the term of this Agreement, ID4 will Page 7 be permitted to store its Basic Supply or other Kern River water acquired by exchange with Ker~iver for the purpose of regulation of ID4's water supplies in CITY Isabella Reservoir storag~5'!~¢ Interests whenever and to the extent that CITY determines that storage space is available for use by I bj~ct to the following prows~ · . . . ~¢~!~: ~ i~; [io4rOa~!t!i~3~oi~ vboe~ (2) ID4 water held in CITY storage space shall be the first water released from CITY storage space in the event CITY should be ordered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to evacuate water stored in CITY storage space due to flood control or any other purpose. (3) The charge to ID4 for use of CITY Isabella Reservoir storage space shall be at the rate of $.025 per acre-foot storage days for each such month that ID4 occurs. (Acre-foot storage days are determined storage by the sum of midnight storage in acre-feet for each day of each month that such storage occurs). Said storage charge will be subject to adjustment on the basis of the January 1999 Price Index "All Commodities" classifications for the Wholesale Price Indexes for Major Commodity Group published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Storage charges payable during a calendar year shall be based on the January Index for that year. (4) ID4 water stored in CITY storage space, if any, between December 1 st and January 31st (winter carryover period) shall be limited to a maximum amount of 5,000 acre-feet. (5) Power Flow Storage. At the request of ID4, CITY will seek agreement with Southern California Edison Company to permit ID4 to withhold, store and re-regulate portions of ID4's Basic Supply to which Southern California Edison Company may have flowage rights (Power Flow Storage) in CITY's Isabella Reservoir storage space, however, CITY does not warrant or guarantee Power Flow Storage will be available for use by ID4 under this Agreement and it is possible that no Power Flow Storage opportunities will become available to ID4 during the term of this Agreement. All costs, liabilities and obligations of such Power Flow Storage agreement will be the responsibility of ID4. b. Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Exchange. Throughout the term of this Agreement, CITY shall provide to ID'4 a first priority position for exchanging ID4 water supplies Page 8 for CITY Kern River contract deliveries to the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District from Kern River. It shall be the sole responsibility of ID4 to make the necessary Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District for the exchange of such water supplies. benefits realized by ID4 in implementation of an ID4/Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water ~strict exchange would remain with ID4. c. Calloway Canal Agreement. Throughout the term of CITY agrees to waive its percentage share on all charges relating to ID4's use pursuant to Calloway Canal Agreement dated April 28, 1982 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "D.") d. Carrier Canal. ID4 will be permitted to take delivery of all or portions of its acquired Kern River water through the Carrier Canal during periods when CITY determines that sufficient CITY capacity is available and CITY and ID4 agree to the time, place, duration and cost of such deliveries. For purposes of this Agreement, Carrier Canal shall include 3.3 miles of canal upper reach, extending from the Carrier Canal headgate at Rocky Point Weir downstream to the Farmers- Stine-Anderson Weir and 5.2 miles of lower canal reach extending from the Farmers-Stine-Anderson Weir downstream to the terminus of the. Carrier Canal at the present location of the Arvin-Edison Turnout Facility. 12. COORDINATION AND RECORD KEEPING. a. The CITY is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Kern River Channel, Truxtun Lakes recharge area and Carrier Canal. ID4 will designate a contact person to coordinate ID4 activities with the CITY. b. The CITY will provide daily record keeping for all points of diversion to and from the Kern River Channel and CITY-owned canals. The ID4 contact person will provide such assistance and information as necessary for CITY to meet its obligations hereunder. is 13. NO CHANGE TO KERN RIVER RIGHTS. The Kern River Parkway Water Supply Management Agreement shall not change or affect rights to use Kern River water. Should any court of competent jurisdiction determine any use of Kern River water rights is affected by this Agreement, the parties shall meet and negotiate whatever modifications are necessary to re-establish those rights which have been affected or void any part, or all, of this Agreement necessary to re-establish said rights. The parties shall negotiate in good faith to maintain Kern River water rights whenever a modification or voiding of the terms of this Agreement becomes necessary. 14. BANKING COVENANT. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, the parties covenant and that neither ID4 CITY shall bank their within the hereby respective supplies agree or Parkway recharge area. Page 9 15. JOINT INDEMNITY LIMITATION ON LIABILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION. ~':~ ~/ a. No party shall be liable to any other party for any loss, damage, ~t~", clarm or cause of action for damage to or destruction of property or for injury to or death o~efsons arising solely from any act or omission of the other party s officers, agents or employ~~ b. CITY and ID4 agree to indemnify and hold each other~n~less from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses or causes of action which arise by virtue of its own acts or omissions (either directly or through or by its agents, officers, or employees) to such extent and in such part as the respective parties are found by reason of law to have proximately caused the injury or damage. c. The party against whom any claim arising from any subject matter of this Agreement is filed shall give prompt notice of the filing of the claim to the other party. 16. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. 17. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, in which latter case service will be effective upon depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice given in the manner herein provided: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CALIFORNIA 93311 AGENCY: KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.4 P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CALIFORNIA 93302-0058 18. FORUM. Any lawsuit pertaining to any matter arising under, or growing out of, this Agreement shall be instituted in Kern County, California. 19. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of all the parties. 20. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligation of this Agreement shall inure to the Page 10 I benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the agreement and their heirs, administrators, exec~rs, personal representative, successors and assigns. ~?~ 21. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each party executing this Agreement ~ts and warrants that he/she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement off'~la~lf of the I its °rganizati°n named herein and that this Agreement is binding up°n said °rganiz ~! :'' ' ''~ terms.~ __*~dance with 22. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision I at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 23. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. All prior agreements between the parties are I incorporated in this Agreement which constitutes the entire agreement. Its terms are intended by the parties as a fmal expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included herein and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. The I further intend this constitutes the and exclusive of its and parties Agreement complete statement terms no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or arbitration proceeding involving i this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council, the Kern County Water Agency Board of Directors, and signed by all the parties. I 24. NEGATION OF PARTNERSHIP. No party shall become or be deemed a partner or joint venturer with any other party or associate in any such relationship with any other party by reason of the provisions of this Agreement. ID4 shall not for any purpose be considered an agent, officer or I employee of CITY, and CITY shall not for any purpose be considered an agent, officer or employee of ID4. I 25. ACCOUNTING RECORDS. All shall maintain records and parties accurate accounting other written documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such i records and documentation shall be kept at each party's office during the term of this Agreement. Said records shall be made available to CITY or ID4 representatives upon request at any time during regular business hours. I 26. EXHIBITS. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications Iset forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. I I i Page 11 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executg~the day and year first above written. "CITY" "ID4" By: By: BOB PRICE I Mayor Title: I By: Title: I APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT i By: By: GENE BOGART Attorney for ID4 Water Resources Manager I APPROVED AS TO FORM: IROBERT M. SHERFY Chief Assistant City Attorney I By: ALAN D. DANIEL I Assistant City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: I By: GREGORY J. KLIMKO I Finance Director I Sal: 11/09/98 I i Page 12 ITEM 8).A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919.