HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/98 Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith, Vice-Chair Jacquic Sullivan CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ----' - ...... SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1998 - 4:00pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2). ROLL CALL 3). APPROVAL OF MARCH 18, 1998 MINUTES 4). SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). KERN RIVER OPERATIONS REPORT 6). NEW BUSINESS A. AGRICULTURAL AND DOMESTIC WATER DMSIONS 1998 WATER PRICE SCHEDULES. B. RENEWAL OF EXCHANGE AGREEMENT WITH BUENA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT. C. KERN RIVER PARKWAY FUNDING FROM POTENTIAL 1998 STATE BUDGET SURPLUS - DRAFT RESOLUTION. 7). CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919. 8). CLOSED SESSION ACTION 9). TOUR OF KERN RIVER AND POTENTIAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION SITES. 10). ADJOURNMENT (~~ ~ Gene Bolart, ~'aler R'~sources Manager POSTED: May 22, 1998 S:WBMY27AG 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, March 18, 1998, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:30pm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Jacquie Sullivan (seated at 4:42pm) 3. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 21, 1998. Motion carried. 4. There were no public statements. 5. Hydrographic Supervisor Steve Lafond an update on the current Kern River operations. gave When the Water Board met in January, the Kern River was on track for a normal year with no heavy rain activity. The forecast on February Ist was 100% of normal, by March lst it had doubled to 200% of normal. Records were set in February, Lake Isabella recorded 10.6 inches in 28 days; previous high for the month of February was 6.96 inches in 1978. This year will mark the first four consecutive years of a million or more acre-feet of runoff. For Board information, no action required or taken. 6A. A slide presentation was conducted by Mr. Core on the Northeast Bakersfield Bike Path and Water Facilities Project to update the Board on its progress. The slides showed the diversion point on the river, the reservoir location and the site for the future treatment plant. The primary water supply for the project will be furnished from the Kern River with dry year water pumped and exchanged from the 2800 Acres. A regular monthly meeting is held with all concemed parties in the project. The environmental impact report consultant, biological and archaeological consultants have been hired. The initial draft of the project description should be completed by late May and available at the next Water Board meeting. For Board information, no action required or taken. 6B. A status report was presented to the Board by Mr. Bogart regarding participation in the water themed project and "Water Wall" at Centennial Gardens. At the last Water Board meeting there was a discussion regarding participation by other water entities in the construction of 1 the Water Wall. Buena Vista, Kern Delta, North Kern and Bravo Management Company, Inc. have indicated they will each contribute $7,500 to the project. In commemoration, a plaque will be mounted on the side with the names of the Kern River Watermaster Group, giving a brief background of what they do and their function as water right holders. Staff recommends that the City contribute the remaining $20,000 difference. An additional $5,000 was requested at the last Water Board meeting for design and preliminary work on the project, so the total contribution by the City will be 25,000. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Smith. Motion carded. 6C. Mr. Core gave an update on current activities regarding the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher situation. The Southwest Center for Biological Diversity has amended their legal complaint to include the Kern River Watermaster along with the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Watermaster inclusion is allegedly due to excess carryover of Isabella during winter operations causing areas to inundate in summer when the spring snow melts, taking habitat away from the Flycatcher. The Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Watermaster successfully had the injunction repealed for this year allowing the river and reservoir to operate as usual with no restrictions on storage and carryover. For Board information, no action required or taken. 6D. A status report on the Kern River Parkway property acquisitions was given by Mr. Bogart. The 8½ acres owned by Harry Ellingston was the property given first priority to purchase; because this property is in the center of the Parkway and without it, the equestrian trail cannot be completed. A contract offer and signed purchase agreement have been prepared for finalization. The property given second priority is that of Fred Jones located between 99 Highway and the bend of the Cross Valley Canal. Mr. Jones does not want to sell the entire property, only the 40 foot strip of property along the shoreline of the river. The third priority property to purchase belongs to Hugh Sill and is located between the river shoreline and the Cross Valley Canal. Based on negotiations of fair market value and appraisal these three prime pieces of property would comprise the $500,000 grant. For Board information, no action required or taken. 7^. The recent activity regarding fluoridation of the domestic water system was presented by Mr. Core. City Councilmembers were contacted by local dentists concerning availability of money fi.om the state for fluoridation of the City water system. The 1995 State Legislature passed AB733 which mandated the fluoridation of all public water systems that have over 10,000 connections with the proviso that the costs are covered without using bond money, rate payers money, or any kind of money derived from customer rates. The state has to provide the funds for fluoridation costs. At this time, the state health depamnent has applied for private grant money that would total no more than ten million dollars. There are currently 166 systems with over 10,000 service connections and the City is 161 on the list. Boardmember Salvaggio asked Mr. Core to provide this information to the Mayor and other Councilmembers. Mr. Core said he would prepare a memo regarding this subject and send it to the mayor and council. For Board information, no action required or taken. 8. Closed Session. The meeting adjoumed to Closed Session at 5:23pm. 8A. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Kern Delta Water District vs North Kern Water Storage District, et al., Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919. The meeting reconvened at 5:37pm. 9. Received update on litigation by legal counsel, no action taken. 10. Motion by Boardmember Salvaggio to adjourn at 5:37pm. Motion carded. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board  Sharon Robison, Secretary · ' City of Bakersfield Water Board S:\WBMinMa~98 ISABELLA RESERVOIR DAILY OPERATIONS REPORT (All readings are for date of report (THURSDAY) as of OOOl, except as noted.., cfs in italics) Date of Report: May 21, 1998 ISABELLA RESERVOIR 1 2593.79 Lake Elevation (ft.) 441527 Storage +305 Change 3837 Inflow to Isabella 2 568075 Storage Capacity 78% % of Capacity 251643 Normal Storage 175% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 10156 Average Lake Area (Acres) 180867 Inflow (Month) 127712 Outflow (Month) 4 3034 North Fork Mean 3245 North Fork @ 0600 Hours 687097 Accumulative Inflow (97-98 WY) 5 3604 Mean Outflow 581 Borel Canal 3023 Main Dam Outlet 526624 Accum. Outflow (WY) 6 3600 Outflow @ 0600 581 Borel Canal @ 0600 Hours 3019 Main Dam Outlet @ 0600 Hours Hours 7 79 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.27 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 1872 Lake Evap. (Month to Date) 8 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 9 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 1.74 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for Month 10 22.35 Seasonal Precip, Isabella 9.49 Normal for 236% Isabella Precip. this Date % of Normal 11 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 2.30 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for Month 12 65.30 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 33.87 Normal for 193% Pascoe Precip, this Date % of Normal 13 43.0 Upper Tyndall Creek 56.5 Pascoe 26.8 Wet Meadow 14 63 Isabella Maximum Temperature 15 48 Isabella Minimum Temperature 113 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 16 4289 Natural Flow (cfs) 198367 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 385202 1998 April-July Runoff 17 2691 Mean Flow 159% Natural Flow 2085 Median Flow 206% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 18 10699 Max. on Record 381 Min. on Record 793764 Accum. Natural Flow (Water Year) For this Date For this Date 19 4061 First Point Flow 144,331 First Point (Month to Date) 632887 Accum. First Point (Water Year) KERN RIVER FACTS & FIGURES: On this date in 1969, the Kern River North Fork at Kemville topped 8,000 cfs as of 9:00 p.m. as temperatures rose into the 90's, beginning to melt the record-breaking snowpack. Total Produced by City of Bakets~eld inflow to Lake Isabella was 10, 423 cfs for May 21, 1969. Full natural flow of the Kern River Water ~ during May of 1969 was 617, 968 acre - feet, maxim um of record for any month since 1894. (8o5) 326-~z75 BI 20U, P. htrp://cdec.water,ca~gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B 120UP B12OUP (05/20/98 1721) STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE SNOW SURVEYS WATER SUPPLY FORECAST UPDATE 1998 April-July Unimpaired Runoff (1,000 Acre-feet) May 1 %Avg May 12 %Avg May 19 %Avg Shasta Lake, total inflow average = 1801 90% Exceedence 2580 143% 2720 151% 2830 157% 50% Exceedence 2820 157% 2950 164% 3050 169% 10% Exceedence 3140 174% 3250 180% 3330 185% Feather River at Lake Oroville average = 1831 90% Exceedence 2490 136% 2620 143% 2710 148% 50% Exceedence 2720 149% 2840 155% 2910 159% 10% Exceedence 3060 167% 3150 172% 3180 174% Yuba River at Smartville average = 1029 90% Exceedence 1430 139% 1520 148% 1570 153% 50% Exceedence 1520 148% 1600 155% 1650 160% 10% Exceedence 1670 162% 1740 169% 1770 172% American River, inflow to Folsom Lake average = 1261 90% Exceedence 1850 147% 1960 155% 2070 164% 50% Exceedence 1960 155% 2060 163% 2150 170% 10% Exceedence 2150 170% 2230 177% 2300 182% Mokelumne River, inflow to Pardee Reservoir average = 459 90% Exceedence 650 142% 700 153% 730 159% 50% Exceedence 700 153% 740 161% 760 166% 10% Exceedence 770 168% 800 174% 820 179% Stanislaus River, inflow to New Melones Lake average = 699 90% Exceedence 1020 146% 1100 157% 1140 163% 50% Exceedence 1090 156% 1160 166% 1200 172% 10% Exceedence 1190 170% 1250 179% 1270 182% Tuolumne River, inflow to Don Pedro Reservoir average = 1184 90% Exceedence 1820 154% 1920 162% 2000 169% 50% Exceedence 1930 163% 2020 171% 2080 176% 10% Exceedence 2100 177% 2180 184% 2230 188% Merced River, inflow to Lake McClure average = 611 90% Exceedence 990 162% 1040 170% 1060 173% 50% Exceedence 1040 170% 1090 178% 1110 182% 10% Exceedence 1130 185% 1170 191% 1180 193% San Joaquin River, inflow to Millerton Lake average = 1212 90% Exceedence 1940 160% 2020 167% 2050 169% 50% Exceedence 2050 169% 2120 175% 2150 177% 10% Exceedence 2200 182% 2250 186% 2270 187% Kings River, inflow to Pine Flat Reservoir average = 1183 90% Exceedence 1910 161% 1980 167% 2030 172% 50% Exceedence 2020 171% 2080 176% 2120 179% 10% Exceedence 2150 182% 2200 186% 2230 189% Kaweah River, inflow to Lake Kaweah average = 276 1 of 3 5/21/98 10:02 AM BI20UP ht~:H~.wat~.~.goWc~-pr~ogs:i~ir'Bl20UP 90% Exceedence 510 185% 540 196% 550 199% 50% Exceedence 540 196% 570 207% 580 210% 10% Exceedence 570 207% 600 217% 610 221% Tule River, inflow to Lake Success average = 59 90% Exceedence 170 288% 180 305% 190 322% 50% Exceedence 180 305% 190 322% 200 339% 10% Exceedence 200 339% 210 356% 215 364% Kern River, inflow to Isabella Lake average = 442 90% Exceedence 950 215% 980 222% 1000 226% 50% Exceedence 990 224% 1020 231% 1040 235% 10% Exceedence 1060 240% 1080 244% 1090 247% Questions regarding this forecast: Call (916) 574-2633 (e-mail pierre@water.ca.gov) Runoff forecasts are unimpaired (full natural) flows which represent the natural water production of the river basin, unaltered by upstream diversions, storage, or export or import of water to or from other watersheds. The median (50%) forecast assumes median conditions after the date of forecast. Runoff exceedence levels are derived from historical data. The 90 percent exceedence level and the 10 percent exceedence level together comprise a range about the median forecast in which the actual runoff should fall 8 times out of 10. Forecasts are stated in 1,000's of acre-feet and percent of (50-year) average. The averages are for the period 1946 to 1995. /B120UP. 2 of 3 5/21/98 10:02 AM Foreca,5. t,of Runoff Volumes for the Snowmelt Season http://nimbo.wrh.noaa.gov/cnrfc/snowmelt.htm Forecast of Runoff Volumes for the Snowmelt Season Issued May 20, 1998 Produced by the National Weather Service and the California Dept. of Water Resources Remarks: The Sierra snow pack should be melting during May, but for the pas three weeks, there has been very little change in the water content of the pack. Weather systems continue to move through the west coast, keeping temperatures well below normal and producing periods of precipitation. Temperatures are expected to reach near average over the Memorial Day weekend, but another cold weather pattern is expected to dominate the last five days of the month. The firs warming of temperatures to above average is indicated for the beginning of June. All forecasts incorporate predicted temperatures for the first 5 days. Most probable forecasts reflect normal temperatures thereafter. ' Max: Reasonable maximum (10 percent chance of being exceeded) Prob: Most probable volume (50 percent chance of being exceeded) Min: Reasonable minimum (90 percent chance of being exceeded) Pk Vol/Date: Most probable peak 1-day volume of runoff and the date of occurrence Indicated values am unimpaired flow volumes in thousands of acm-feet in 5 day intervals for the next 20 days. Days~: 05/20-05/24! 05/25-05/29!~ 06/04-06/08: 60 50 65 75 'I 68 88 101 81 ! of 5 5/21/98 10:IOAM Forecast. gl RunoffVolumes for the Snowmelt Season http://nimbo, wrh.noaa.gov,~mffc~snoaanelLhtm Shasta Reserv, fir Inflow Min 129 ........... !.2.0 !.1.2 ....... J ....... !..0..! ~-~o-~- 'I' 198 i[ 185 172 I 155 Max i 267 ! 250 232 iI 209 Feather River at Oroville D~; o5i2'0:05i~'::"~'~/2-~:~i~'9 '~~ Min ~: ' 94 i 88 :~~ 1 ................Prob! 145 i ........................... 135 i~1148 157 Max 196 182 iI 200 iI 212 Yuba River at Smartville .... ~.!.~...~ .............. ~ ................... ~l ................. ~ ................ I .................. ~ ......................... ~[ ............ ~9 .................. M~x ~.~> ................ ~1 ............... .,> ....................... I ~...?..~ ........... ] ............... ~.,~., American River at Folsom Days!105/20-05/24 05/25-05/2~:: 05/30-0~/03' 0~/04-0~/00 ~eo~k Data Min'~ 68 i 72 iI 78 ~i ............................. ~ 62 ~Prob'~ ....................... 105 il 95 110 ~! .................... 120 i I --:._~ 38 812-May Max i 142 } 128 Mokelumne River at Pardee ! I Maxil 4~~1 ~ ~ .............. }1 z4 :.. ~ Stanislaus River at New Melones ~1 Min I 26 [ 33 :1 6 ~1 59 IIPrObJ'_~....~.'"~ .......... ~'0 ~....~.. 90... ~-~..]~:(.[9:j?~, I~I' 5~~l ...... 6s ............ ~1 ............. ~5[I ~22 2 ot'5 5/21/98 10:10 AM Forecast..of Runoff Volumes for the Snouanelt Season http://nimbo.wrh.noaa, gov/cnrfc/snowrnelt.htm ri Tuolumne River at New Don Pedro D--~;;'if';;-/':~;-~';;~-4-"05/---2-5-05/2905/30-06/03i''' ' 06/04-06/08".".'...' ".' '.~o~kliDate .Min il 46 59 78 ........... iii 9.8 ........................ ' ~i[ 95 :! .... !.22 ........... ! 62 '!I 203 Merced River at Lake McClure ~~ ~......vDays ................. 05/20-05/24 iL...._.......___~..O5/25'O5/29'O5/30-06/O3~06/04-06/O8'?°alk.._._.....~.'"-" '~'"" "" '"--"'"""-'"'~i ii. Date ........... ~ 27 i 35 i 47 i 57 ~ 42 i 54 !l 72 }[ 88 'i 20 0 :~ ~ 57 ! 73 i 97 ! 119 San Joaquin River at Millerton ~ays' 05120-05124~05125-05129!05/30-06103i06104-06108'?~kl Date ............ i ................ !l ................................. : ............................ ii ................. :b: v.. I '-~n i 49 i 65 : 91 ! 107 r-'----i : __ 189 i 223 Max l 101 i 135 : Kings River at Pine Flat - ~i, ................................... i ..................... i~ ........... il ............................... ..!/~°~! L!_____I Peak Vol Date Days!105/20-05/24 :- 05/25-05/29 05/30-06/03! 06/04-06/081 P~o~L. ~s ::[ ~oo ~¥o Kaweah River at Terminus --~ ~ ! !Peak I 1 Daysi 05/20-05/24:05/25-05/29:05/30-06/03'~06/04-06/08~ Vol ~i Date .......... ,s ",[ ............... 2., ...... I ao -~0--~! 23 ' ._ 33 _. il 40 ...... i . . 46. ................ ,J__'! 0:_4_ _l_p;[~!.U.!~.' 3 of 5 5/21/98 10:11 AM Forecast .o.f Runoff Volumes for the Snowmelt Season http://nimbo, wrh.noaa, gov/cnrfc,/snowmelt.htm ;, Tule River at Success ~i 6 8 i~ 7 4 ' 7 2 · . , : il : : ......... [ 5.9 IMaxI !4.0 i! 15.4 !4.9 ............ 'i 12:2 ~Ts! o~o-o~4 o~-o~ o~o-o~o~!o~o4-o~o~, Min, _ 30 36 I 46 _!; 49 .... , 56 '~ 70 ~1 75 16 0 10-Jun Prob~ 46 I ~ Max ...... 62 7.6 ~ I .............. ?.0! ................. 130 ~ 195 ~1..?~,~ ........... ~ .................... ~ ............ ~? ............... ~1 3o ~ ~o-Jun I~ ......... ~.~ ......... ~1... ~..~ ~? ~1 .............. ~ ............ Truckee River - Lake Tahoe to Farad 1~,o5/2o-05/24 [o5/25-o5/29 ~r.. .ii ~ :,05130.06103!06104.06108 ~o~ki Date~ I~iMin{ ....................... 12 '.![ .... 12 il .... 14 I ....... 20 Probi 18 19 22 i 31 i 7 0 8-Juni Truckee River - Lake Tahoe to Reno ~ ~ ~ Peak Days 05/20-05/24 05/25-05/29 05/30-06/03~: 06/04-06/08! w,,~ ! Date ~ !.2 ......... 12 ! 14 i . .20 ......... ,Prob .................. i 18 :'1 19 ' I 22 il ................................... 31 M----a-~x ![ 24 i 26 ~, 30 il 42 4 of 5 5/21/98 10:11 AM Forecas!.of Runoff Volumes for the Snowm¢lt Season http://nimbo.wrh.noaa.gov/cnrfc/sno~nelLhtm Carson River above Carson City ~n-n[ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ I ~-~ ~[ ..... 1.6..2 .......... 18.9 2.~:0 [ 3.6.:5 ~ ~ 05/20-05/24: 05/25-05/29:05/30-06/03~ 06/04-06/08 ~k' Date Uin ~{ 4.6 ~ 4.9 :: 6.5 ~ .8 East Walker River above Bridgeport Da[~ysi105/20-05/24 05/25-05/29105/30-06103106/04-06/08 i1~k l Date ~1' 23 23 26 i 42 ~ 35 i 35 : 4 i 65 18 i15-Jun Max ~[ 4 7 4 7 5 4 , 8 8 Page Last Modified: May 20, 1998 5 of 5 5/21/98 10:11 AGRICULTURAL WATER ENTERPRISE 1998 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The following recommended water prices reflect the current, above normal water supply conditions occurring throughout the San $oaquin Valley. Of the ten (10) water price categories shown below, items 1 and 2 are established by existing contracts. The water rates for items 3 through 10 are dependent upon supply and would become effective May 1, 1998. These water rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes or adjustments to these prices. For information and reference, the 1996 and 1997 schedule for surface water rates are shown for comparison (price per acre-foot). Actual 1996 Actual 1997 Effective May 1, 1998 (128% of Normal (122% of Normal (210% of Normal Type of Water Water Year) Water Year) Water Year~/ 1) Basic Contract Water .......... $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 2) City 'Borrow/Payback' Contract Water ..................... $21.05 $21.65 $20.95 *3) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for Domestic use .......... $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 *4) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for surface irrigation ................................. $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 *5) Miscellaneous Water that would otherwise be nscd for groundwater banking ..... $12.05 $12.39 $11.99 *6) City non-Kern River Water sales (oilficld discharge, etc.) ......................................... $20.80 $20.80 $17.60 7) 2800 Acre 'banked~ groundwater sold for surface irrigation (downstream of 2800 Acres) ...................... $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 8) 2800 Acre "banked' groundwater sold for surface irrigation (upstream of 2800 Acres) ...................... $57.00 $57.00 $57.00 9) 2800 Acre "banked' groundwater sold for Domestic use (upstream of 2800 Acres) ....... $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 I0) Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co .......................... $19.15 $19.15 $19.1:5 * To encourage maximum use within the Kern River groundwater basin, water prices in categories numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6 are reduced 50% during periods of mandatory flood control release and/or encroachment into the flood control storage space at Isabella Reservoir. For annual and/or temporary pumping agreements from canal and river facilities, and for sand sales from City-owned river channel properties, the following rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes: ITEM PRICE 1) Temporary Pumping Agreements .................................. $ 50.00 per day 2) Annual Pumping Agreement~ 5 Truck un,ts or less ......................................................... $400.00 (minimum charge) 6 Truck units or more ...................................................... $600.00 (or greater proportionalel~, depending upon volume) 3) Sand Removal Sales .......................................................... $ 0.50 per cubic yard (plns sales m~whcn applicable) City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Division Ashe, Fairhaven, and Riverlakes Ranch Service Areas Schedule of Rates for Fiscal Year 1998-99 General Metered Service Rates Effective Oct. 1~ 1996 Within Fairhaven & City Limits Unincorp- orated Areas Quantity Rates: I First 300,000 cu. fl./month $0.47 $0.60 (per 100 cu. fl./month) All over 300,000 cu. ff./month $0.42 $0.55 (per 100 cu. ff./month) ~ Monthly Service Charge: 5/8" x 3/4" Service $6.90 $9.07 1" Service $10.51 $13.86 1-1/2" Service $16.03 $20.98 2" Service $21.83 $28.63 3" Service $40.33 $52.87 4" Service $58.63 $76.53 6" Service $105.37 $137.00 8" Service $161.97 $210.26 10" Service $223.26 $288.80 Monthly Private Fire Protection Service Char,qe: 1-1/2" Connection $6.30 $8.15 2" Connection $8.40 $10.90 3" Connection $12.60 $16.35 4" Connection $16.80 $21.80 6" Connection $25.20 $32.45 8" Connection $33.60 $43.60 10" Connection $42.00 $54.25 12" Connection $50.40 $65.15 Monthly service charge is a readiness-to-serve charge which is applied to all services and any quantity of water used is an additional charge computed at the quantity rate. Conditions of service remain the same. C:\123-DATA\RATECMP3.wb3 WATER RATE COMPARISON Purveyors within City of Bakersfield Legend $34.68 [] AVERAGE MONTHLY WATER BILL $35.OO ~o. oo $27.96 ~, $2~.77 $5.~ ~ST NI~S C.&D.I VAUGHN WA~R CO. CI~ OF ~S~E~ ~RNM WA ~R SERVICE OLCE~ ~D. WATER P~~YOR NOTE: Average based on 28 CCF per month CITY OF WA~R RESOURCES DEPAR~ENT G~ ~ART, M~naser ~RN ~RF~ Wa~er Remu~ Di~ ~ ~. ~sl~8 s~ R~ ~-~7 ~URICE ~L ~ine~ ~ger 3~-37~ ~N R~ DISPA~R 3~3716 April 13, 1998 Martin N. Milobar, Engineer-Manager Buena Vis~ Water Storage Dis~ict P.O. Box 756 Buttonwillow, CA 93~6 RE: AGREEMENT FOR RECOVERY AND EXCHANGE OF BANKED WATER Dear Marty: This letter is in follow-up to our conversations regarding renewal of City/Buena Vista Agreement No. 94-01 W.B. for the recovery and exchange of banked water. Attached is the amended language reflecting the addition of an escalation clause to the agreement for the next five-year period. As we discussed, this amendment should bring the exchange rate escalator in line with "chargeable days", provision contained in the 1964 Miller-Hag, gin Agreement, as amended. If these changes reflect our mutual understanding of the contract amendment, please execute the attached AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. 94-01 W.B. and we will process it at our next regularly scheduled Water Board meeting. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. ?,,en.ep. ogart % Water Resourcl~s Manager cc: Alan D. Daniel, Assistant City Attorney 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 AGREEMENT NO. W.B. AMENDMENT NO. I TO AGREEMENT NO. 94-01 W.B. FOR RECOVERY AND EXCHANGE OF BANKED WATER AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. 94-01 W.B. is made and entered into on this day of ,1998, by and between BUENA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District ("BUENA VISTA" herein), and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation through the Water Board for the City of Bakersfield ("CITY" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, CITY and BUENA VISTA wish to extend the term of contract number 94-01 W.B. for an additional five (5) years and include an escalation clause to adjust exchange rates specified in said contract to reflect annual change on the basis of the "All Commodities Price Index' published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and BUENA VISTA agree to amend Agreement No. 94-01 W.B. as follows: 1. Section 9 - "Exchange Rate" is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph C thereto, to read as follows: C. The above Exchange Rates shall be subject to escalation on the basis of the March 1, 1993, Price Index for "All Commodities" classifications of the Wholesale Price Indices for Major Commodity Group published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjustment will be made in January of each year. This escalation clause shall commence on January 1, 1998, and shall not be made retroactive. 2. Section 10 - "Term and Renewal" is hereby amended to read as follows: AmendmentNo. ltoAgreement No.94-0 IW.B. ForRecove n/And ExchangeOfBankedW ater BuenaVistaWaterStorageDistrict C:~IyF~s~B uenaVistaWaterAmend.Agr, wpd I of 2 ~, 9, ~8 - rage ra~eo 10. TERM AND RENEWAL. The term of this Agreement shall be ten (10) years commencing March 1, 1993, and terminating March 1, 2003. Notwithstanding the foregoing this Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the parties. Each party further agrees to negotiate in good faith at the expiration of this Agreement for an additional term. 3. Except as amended herein, all other provisions of Agreement No. 94-01 W.B. shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 94-01 W.B. to be executed, the day and year first-written above. "CITY" "BUENA VISTA" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BUENA VISTA WATER WATER BOARD STORAGE DISTRICT MARK C. SALVAGGIO Chairman Title: Engineer-Manager APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER DEPARTMENT By:. GENE BOGART Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY By: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney ADD:dlr AmendmentNo. ltoAgreementNo.94-01W.B. ForRecoveryAndExchangeOfBankedWater BuenaV~staWaterSlorageDistrict C:'JVlyFiles~Bue naVistaWate rAmend. Agr.wpd Ap~ 9, ~s - Page 2 of 2 Pages - CONTRACt NUMBER 94-01 W.B. AGREEMENT FOR RECOVERY AND EXCHANGE OF BANKED WATER THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 19th day of January ,. , 1994, by and between BUENA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District ("Buena Vista" herein), and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation through the Water Board for the City of Bakersfield ("City" herein). RECITALS: WHEREAS: (a) The City owns approximately 2,800 acres of land used as a water recharge and banking area along the Kern River between Renfro Road and Highway 43 ("2,800 acres" herein) more particularly delineated on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and, (b) City and its predecessors have previously constructed a canal with a capacity of 1100 cubic feet per second extending from a point in the channel of the Kern River near the outlet of the Friant-Kern Canal southwesterly to a point in the channel of the Kern River approximately one-quarter mile above Second Point of Measurement, which canal is known as the "Kern River Canal" and is lined with concrete except for an unlined earthen section of about one-half mile at the lower end; and, (c) City has entered into certain agreements with OLCESE WATER DISTRICT ("Olcese~ herein) dated November 9, 1977, June 27, 1978, and April 15, 1981, which agreements are known as Agreement No. 77-07 W.B., Agreement No. 78-12 W.B. and Agreement No. 81-76 W.B., respectively, ("Basic Spreading Agreements~ herein) and said agreements are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth; and, (d) City has constructed pump stations ("CBK wells" herein) in the 2,800 acres which delivers water by pipeline to City domestic water customers and into the City owned Kern River Canal for conveyance downstream of the 2,800 acres; and, (e) Buena Vista and City desire to implement a water exchange program whereby water banked by City in the 2,800 acres may be recovered by City and delivered to Buena Vista in exchange for a like amount of Buena Vista's Kern River water subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the above recitals herein, City and Buena Vista mutually agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to encourage exchange opportunities beneficial to both City and Buena Vista. 2. CHARGEABLE DAYS. In consideration of this Agreement, Paragraph 7.(d)(iii) of the 1964 Amendment to the Miller-Haggin Agreement of July 28, 1888, which paragraph is known as the "chargeable days" provision, shall not apply to Buena Vista during the term of this Agreement. 3. EXCHANGE DELIVERY. City shall utilize CBK wells and/or wells constructed by Olcese and conveyed to City pursuant to the Basic Spreading Agreements, or other mutually agreeable wells, in order to provide exchange water deliveries to Buena Vista via the Kern River Canal or as designated by Buena Vista, for which City shall receive a like amount of Buena Vista's Kern River water. 4. . EXCHANGE VOLUME. !.t.ism.anticipated the volume,, of exchange betw...een the parties will range between 0 and~.7,500 acre-feet annuall~.~: However,_.Bu~_~a~ '" agrees to ~m.a~ ay.a. ~lable to~C~ityLa!minimum annual, amouat ~of2,000 acre:feet'of Kern River water which would otherwise be delivered via the Kern River Canal absent this Agreement. 5. WATER LOSSES. Water losses incurred as a result of the transportation of water recovered by City and delivered to Buena Vista on those days Buena Vista would not otherwise schedule Buena Vista Kern River water for delivery via the Kern River Canal, shall be borne by City to the point of delivery at the Alejandro Canal measuring station unless otherwise mutually agreed by Buena Vista and City. City shall not be responsible to bear any losses associated with exchange water delivered to Buena Vista on those days that Buena Vista Kern River water would, absent this Agreement, otherwise be scheduled by Buena Vista for delivery via the Kern River Canal. Buena Vista shall only be respons~le to deliver to City such exchange water in equal amounts as are mutually determined to be received by Buena Vista from City at the Alejandro Canal measuring point.- 6. POWER COSTS. Nothing in this agreement shall change the current allocation of energy costs (including standby charges) associated with producing City water as provided for in the Basic Spreading Agreements. 7. TIMING OF EXCHANGE. City will deliver exchange water to Buena Vista only ' at such times and in such quantifies as is mutually agreeable between the parties. 8. TRANSFER~OF ISABELLA"STORaGE? To insure ihat Buena Vista does not bear an unfair p~oportion of Isabella Reservoir losses it is agreed that, unless 2 otherwise specified by Buena Vista, during each month, on a daily basis, City shall transfer from Buena Vista Isabella Reservoir storage to City Isabella Reservoir storage, an amount of Buena Vista Kern River water equal to City well water delivered to Buena Vista through the date of transfer. 9. EXCHANGE RATE. For all Buena Vista Kern River water made available to City under the terms of this Agreement, City shall, within 30 days following receipt of an invoice from Buena Vista, pay to Buena Vista the following fees: A. For Buena Vista Kern River water used or delivered by City for agricultural irrigation purposes within the southern San Joaquin Valley groundwater basin or within the incorporated boundary of the City of Bakersfield. 1. Five ($5.00) dollars per acre-foot. B. For Buena Vista Kern River water used or delivered by City for domestic or recreational purposes within the incorporated boundary of the City of Bakersfield or for authorized diversion to non-Kern River water fight holders located above First Point of Measurement. 1. Ten ($10.00) dollars per acre-foot. 10. TERM AND RENEWAL. The term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years commencing March 1, 1993 and terminating February 28, 1998. Notwithstanding the foregoing this Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the parties. Each party further agrees to negotiate in good faith at the expiration of this · Agreement for an extension term thereof for an additional term. 11. BUENA VISTA LIABILITY RESTRICTION. From and after the point of delivery, neither Buena Vista nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distn'bution of exchange water received by City from Buena Vista. 12. CITY LIABILITY RESTRICTION. From and after the point of delivery, neither the City nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distn'bution of exchange water received by Buena Vista from City downstream of the terminus of the Kern River Canal. 13. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's fight to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 14. FORUM. Any lawsuit between or among the parties involving the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement shall be instituted and maintained in Kern County, ~. California. 15. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shah be given in writing, shah be sent by certified or registered mail, and shall be effective upon receipt. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by written notice provided in the manner herein specified: TO CITY: City of Bakersfield Water and Sanitation Department 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 ATTENTION: Director of Water Resources TO BUENA VISTA: Buena Vista Water Storage District P.O. Box 756 Buttonwillow, CA 93206 ATFENTION: Engineer-Manager 16. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party, nor may a new party be substituted in place of an existing party, without the prior written consent of the other party. 17. BINDING EFFECT. Without limiting the effect of Paragraph 16 above, the rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 18. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. This Agreement may be modified only by a further written agreement approved by the City Water Board and Buena Vista and signed by both parties. 19. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization, ff any, named herein' and that this Agreement is binding 'upon said corporation or organization. '20. NEGATION OF PARTNERSHIP. Neither City or Buena Vista shall become or be deemed a partner or joint venturer with the other by reason of this Agreement and neither shall be considered for any purpose an agent, officer, or employee of the other. 4 21. USE LIMITATION. City further agrees that Buena Vista Kern River water received by it in exchange for pumped groundwater pursuant to this Agreement will be used only for those purposes outlined in Paragraph 9 above, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Buena Vista. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-written above. "CITY' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD Mark Salvaggio, Chair "BUENA VISTA" BUENA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT Engineer-Manager 5 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF OBTAINING SURPLUS STATE FUNDING TOWARD COMPLETION OF THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY PROJECT WHEREAS, the Kern River Parkway is an adopted project and?htr' ofth~ City of Bakersfield-County of Kern General Plan, and ~ WHEREAS, s~nce 1988, the C~ty of Bakersfield has been worldng:w~thParkway participants in a collaborative effort to complete the KemRiver Pa[~iy; WHE~AS, ~e Kern River Parkway project i~(~~~ available to the ~fibii~'~'find is a major regional destination facility for the use and enjo~e~:/'6E~citizens of Bakersfield and the San Joaquin Valley; ~d WHE~AS, ~e Kem ~ver ~nc ~¢~fion'~eas, ~een belts, bicycle pathways, equestrian trails, ~d staging ~eas, day use p~ks, ~d na~ral WHE~AS, the completion Kern e~ce and prese~e the Kern River wate~ay ~d adjacent dedicated use for all time; and WHE~AS, the stren has a state budget su~lus for the 1998~99 fiscal ~nds projects such ~ the Kern ~ver by the Council of the City of B~ersfield as follows: SECTION 1 To support legislators requests to the Governor for funding to complete River ect. SECTION 2 7'Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution and send a certified copy to Pete Wilson, Senator Jim Costa, Assemblyman Roy Ashbum, Assemblyman Robert Prenter Page 1 of 2 Pages 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY LERK of the APPROVED By. BOB PRICE Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN Cit3 By. FRC:' S:\WATER BOARD MIN~PARKRES98 MAY 20, 1998 ITEM 7),A, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919. ISABELLA RESERVOIR DAILY OPERATIONS REPORT (All readings are for date of report (WEDNESDAY) es of 0001, except as noted.., cfs in italics) Date of Report: May 27, 1998 ISABELI RESERVOIR 1 2594,65 Lake Elevation (ft.) 450304 Storage +2150 Change 4942 Inflow to Isabella 2 568075 Storage Capacity 79% % of Capacity 267050 Normal Storage 169% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 10242 Average Lake Area (Acres) 233782 Inflow (Month) 170942 Outflow (Month) 4 4031 North Fork Mean 3745 North Fork @ 0600 Hours 740012 Accumulative'Inflow (97-98 WY) 5 3799 Mean Outflow 578 Borel Canal 3221 Main Dam Outlet 569854 Accum. Outflow (WY) 6 3798 Outflow @ 0600 577 Borel Canal @ 0600 Hours 3221 Main Dam Outlet @ 0600 Hours Hours 7 59 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.20 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 2780 Lake Evap. (Month to Date) 8 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 9 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 1.74 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for Month 10 22.35 Seasonal Precip. Isabella 9.54 Normal for 234% Isabella Precip. this Date % of Normal 11 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 2.30 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for Month 12 65.30 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 34.09 Normal for 192% Pascoe Precip. this Date % of Normal 13 41.7 Upper Tyndall Creek 53.7 Pascoe 25.4 Wet Meadow (est.) 14 57 Isabella Maximum Temperature 15 44 Isabella Minimum Temperature 85 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 16 5382 Natural Flow (cfs) 256677 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 443512 1998 April-July Runoff 17 2753 Mean Flow 195% Natural Flow 2093 Median Flow 257% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 18 13258 Max. onRecord 432 Min. onRecord 852074 Accum. Natural FIow (Water Year) For this Date For this Date 19 4240 First Point Flow 193253 First Point (Month to Date) 681809 Accum. First Point (Water Year) ~L~ Water Resource~