HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/00C!.TY OF WATER BOARD " --' Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice Chair Irma Carson ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ......... WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2000 - 4:30pm Water Resources Buildin~ Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL,MEETING TO ORDER 2). ROLL CALL 3). APPROVAL OF MARCH 13, 2000 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). KERN RIVER OPERATIONS REPORT 6). OLD BUSINESS A. KERN RI~ER LEVEE DISTRICT UPDATE ON MERGER - For Board Information and Action as Required B. 2000 URBAN STREAMS RESTO~TION GRANT - For Board Information C. . CALFED PILOT PROJECT G~NT STATUS - For Board Information 7). NEW BUSINESS A. CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. PROPOSAL TO OUTSOURCE ENGINEERING DESIGN AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR PORTIONS OF NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD WATER SUPPLY PROJECT - For Board Information and Action as Required B. PROPOSITIONS 12 & 13 PROJECT STATUS - For Board Information C. ASHE AND FAIRHAVEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECT PIPELINE UPDATE - For Board Information D.. SALE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER ENTITLEMENT FROM BELRIDGE WATER STORAGE DISTRICT TO ALAMEDA COUNTY FC & CD - RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL - For Board Action to Authorize Water Resources Manager to Sign 8). WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 9). CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT vs KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE N~ 96-172919. 10). CLOSED SESSION ACTION 11 ). ADJOURNMENT ~~ ~ Gene BogaS, ~ater ager POSTED: Ma~ 12 2000 s:~~~TA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (661) 326-37i5 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING- OF THE WATER BOARD-CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Monday, March 13, 2000, Water Resources Conference Room, I000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. ,.: 1. The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Salvaggio at 4:34 p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice-Chair Irma Carson (seated at 4:40 p.m.) 3. Board Member Couch made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Water Board meeting held October 13, 1999. Motion carried. .. 4. No public statements. 5. An update on Kern River operations was given by Water Resources Manager Gene Bogart. The State Snow Surveys issued a forecast of 84% of normal and the day after, a significant storm event occurred and that should increase the forecast to 90% of normal. If the remaining seasonal conditions are average it could be 100% of normal. The month of February recorded 300% above normal. 6. Old Business: 6A. An update on the merger of the Kern River Levee District with the City was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. The Kem River Levee District has become a victim of the "old" Proposition 13 in which diminished revenues cannot cover the responsibilities for operating and maintaining the Levee. During the last few years the City has been providing assistance in both field and engineering to benefit the operations of the Levee. Our department received an inquiry from the Levee District asking for a merger into the City of Bakersfield. With the merger, the City would, in effect, become the Levee District, and take over the full operation. ~ A hearing is scheduled for March 28th before LAFCO on this merger. The resolution for the application to LAFCO for the merger has already passed by the City Council and once the hearing process at LAFCO is completed, a hearing before the County Board of Supervisors will be held. The City will then modify the Municipal Code Ordinance incorporating the Levee District into the City of Bakersfield. For Board information, no action required. 1 6B. An update on the Kem River Parkway Proposition 204 was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. A few years ago the City met with several other organizations and agreed to apply for Proposition 204 funds with the idea of acquiring privately owned property in the Kern ~ River Parkway area. Business Manager Maurice Randall stated that the City was successful and was awarded a $500,000 grant. To date, four privately-owned properties have been purchased with a fifth now in escrow, this will complete the entire $500,000 grant received from the state prior to the June 30, 2000 deadline. For Board information, no action required. 7. New Business 7A. The consulting contract with Stetson Engineers was presented to the Board by Mr. Bogart. The Finance Department has asked that all old agreements be brought up to date in conformance with current contract requirements, Stetson Engineers is one of them. The contract calls for work on an as needed basis and will not exceed $50,000 annually. A motion to approve was made by Board Member Carson. Motion carried. 7B. Mr. Bogart presented the Dodd Investigations, Inc. agreement to the Board. Several companies were contacted, but none met the unique conditions required by the City for guard and patrolling duty, with the exception of Dodd Investigations. The contract is not to exceed $50,000 per year. A motion to approve was made by Board Member Carson. Motion carried. ..... 7C. The Agricultural Water Division 2000 Water Price schedule was addressed by Mr. Bogart. The 2000 water year rates will remain unchanged for miscellaneous water sales and groundwater that would otherwise be banked by the City. If there was a flood control operation, the prices may be reduced by 50% to encourage use and stay in competition with other local surface waters available. A motion for approval was made by Board Member Salvaggio. Motion carried. 7D Mr. Core gave a brief summary of Mainline Extension Contracts the City has with developers. Mainline Extension Contracts are payment for installation of water facilities in tracts and parcels authorized under the City's Municipal Code and similar to what Public Utility districts are required to do in the State of California. Developers are repaid the entire amount without interest over a 40-year period for the installation of those facilities. For Board information, no action required. 7E. Two Mainline Extension Contracts were reassigned. This will not change the obligation the City has to pay these contracts nor increase the City's cost, it simply changes the name of ~ who receives the refund. For Board information, no action required. 7F. The Resolution authorizing submittal of applications to CALFED for pilot project grants and designation of representative to sign app!ications was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. 2 CALFED is a group of California and Federal agencies negotiating for operation of the San Joaquin Sacramento River Delta. Recently a grant program was enacted by CALFED in the .... amount of $2.5 million dollars, with each project not to exceed $500,000. Our department ~, is applying for three grants, for three separate projects in the Bakersfield area. The three projects would be 1) acquisition of land for extending storm drain/storm water disposal sites; 2) fund a planned storage tank in the north end of our Riverlakes Ranch system; and ~ 3) connecting one of our Ag wells on the 2800 Acres to our Interface Pipeline.' Staff is asking the Board to approve the Resolution authorizing submittal of applications to CALFED for pilot project grants and designation of representative to sign applications. A motion was made by Board Member Couch to this affect. Motion carried. 8. The proposed Water Board meeting schedule for the year 2000 was brought before the Board for there review. The Board Members agreed to the proposed meeting schedule. 9. No Water Board Member statements. 10. Closed Session. Adjourned to Closed Session at 5:21 p.m. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation. Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) North Kern Water Storage District vs Kern Delta Water District, et al., Tulare County superior Court Case No. 96-172919. The meeting reconvened at 5:41 p.m. 11. No action taken, update by legal counsel. 12. A motion to adjoum was made by Board Member Couch at 5:41 p.m. Mark Salvaggio, Chair /["" City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK EIGHT SENSOR INDEX 4o.o 1999 - 2000 35.0 ...................... I1997-1998 240% A-J 30.0 1996-1997 126% A-J 25.0 100% of April 1 Average : : 20.0 , 15.0 Average 10.0 5.0 · 1999-200! 1998-1999 53% A-J 0.0 1 -I' November December January February March Apdl Snowpack Accumulation Soason CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I~.~ TER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT If0 ht~://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B12 I I m20 (05/05/00 205 ) Department of Water Resources I California Cooperative Snow Surveys May 1, 2000 FORECAST OF UNIMPAIRED RUNOFF I (in thousands of acre-feet) April-Juiy Forecast I April Percent 80% thru of Probability July Average Range ..................................................... ~ .......................... i NORTH COAST Trinity River Inflow to Lewiston 830 129% SACRAMENTO RIVER Total Inflow to Shasta Lake 2120 118% 1900- 2420 I Sacramento River above Bend Bridge 2800 114% 2500- 3240 Feather River Inflow to Oroville 1820 99% 1600- 2130 Yuba River at Smartville 970 94% 850- 1120 American River Inflow to Folsom 1120 89% 980- 1310 I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Cosunmes River at ~ichigan Bar 90 70% 60- 120 Mokelurane River Inflow to Pardee 410 89% 360- 480 Stan±slaus River Inflow to New Melones 690 99% 610- 790 I Tuolumne River Inflow to Don Pedro 1220 103% 1110- 1370 Merced River Inflow to Lake ~cClure 630 103% 580- 710 San Joaquin River Inflow to M±llerton 12~0 102% 1130- 1380 TULARE LAKE I Kings River Inflow to Pine ~lat 1200 101% 1090- 1310 Kaweah River at Terminus Reservoir 240 87% 215- 280 Tule River at Success Reservoir 40 68% 34- 56 Kern River Inflow to Isabella 310 70% 270- 380 I NORTH LAHONTAN Truckee River,Tahoe to Farad accretions 220 83% Lake Tahoe R±se, in fee~ 1.1 79% i West Carson River at Woodfords 45 83% East Carson River near Gardnerville 155 85% West Walker River near Coleville 130 91% East Walker River near Bridgeport 50 82% I Water-Year Forecast and Monthly Distribution Oct Aug Water 80% I thru Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul & Year Probability Jan Sep Range Inflow to Shasta 1785 1545 1090 765 655 410 290 490 7030 6760- 7410 I Sacramento, Bend 2395 2500 1795 1025 860 540 375 620 10110 9740- 10650 Feather,Oroville 820 980 755 690 670 320 140 185 4560 4310- 4900 Yuba, Smartville 330 525 365 355 400 175 40 40 2230 2100- 2400 American, Folsom 400 680 430 440 450 190 40 30 2660 2510- 2870 I Cosumes, Mich. B. 60 153 76 40 32 15 3 1 380 345- 415 Mokelumne, Pardee 75 110 95 135 185 80 10 5 695 640- 770 Stanislaus, N.M 130 190 160 220 290 150 30 20 1190 1100- 1310 ! lof2 5/11/0010:42AM ht¢://cdec.water, ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B 12 Tuolumne, D.P. 170 275 255 335 480 325 80 30 1950 1830- 2120 Merced, L.McClure 70 175 115 165 265 160 40 20 1010 950- 1110 San Joaquin, M.L. 120 155 165 280 480 350 130 60 1740 1620- 1900 Kings, Pine Flat 85 110 120 250 490 350 110 55 1570 1450- 1700 Kaweah, L. Kaweah 22 42 52 66 100 60 14 9 365 330- 410 Tule, Success R. 11 25 28 17 14 7 2 1 105 95- 125 Kern, Isabella L. 55 30 45 70 110 90 40 30 470 420- 560 Notes: 50 year averages are based on years 1946 to 1995. Unimpaired runoff represents the natural water production of a river basin, unaltered by upsteam diversions, storage, or by export or import of water to or from other watersheds. Forecasted runoff assumes median conditions subsequent to the date of forecast. Runoff probability ranges are statistically derived from historical data. The 80% probability range is comprised of the 90% exceedence level value and the 10% exceedence level value. The actual runoff should fall within the stated limits eight times out of ten. For more information please contact: Pierre Stephens at (916) 574-2633 pierre~water.ca.gov Report name: I ] Get report } Download I Back I Real-Time Data I Group of Real-Time Stations I Dail); Data [ Group of Daily Stations Monthly Data I Historical Data ] Custom Graph Plotter I Text Reports I I I I ,I 2 of 2 5/11/00 10:42 AM ISABELLA RESERVOIR DALLY OPERATIONS REPORT (All readings are for date of report (TH U RSDAY) as of 0001, except as noted.., cfs in italics) Date of Report: May 11, 2000 ISABELLA RESERVOIR 1 2570.51 Lake Elevation (ft.) 237142 Storage (AcFt) +2919 Change (AcFt) 2349 Inflowto Isabella (cfs) 2 568075 Storage Capacity 42% % of Capacity 233814 Normal Storage 101% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 7297 Average Lake Area (Acres) 42655 Inflow(Month) 14940 Outflow(Month) 4 2778 North Fork Mean 2265 North Fork @ 0600 Hours 240710 Accumulative Inflow(99-00 WY) 5 810 Mean Outflow 607 Borel Canal 203 Main Dam Outlet 175753 Accum. Outflow (WY) 6 636 Outflow@ 0600 607 Borel Canal @ 0600 Hours 29 Main Dam Outlet @ 0600 Hours Hours 7 67 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.32 Inches Evap. for24 Hours 1452 Lake Evap. (Month to Date) 8 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 9 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for Month 10 7.06 Seasonal Precip. Isabella 9.40 Normal for 75% Isabella Precip. (Season: Oct 1 through Sep 30) this Date % of Normal 11 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for Month 12 32.00 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 33.50 Normal for 96% Pascoe Precip. this Date % of Normal 13 13.1 Upper Tyndall Creek 6.2 Pascoe 0.0 Wet Meadow 14 61 Isabella Maximum Temperature 15 47 Isabella Minimum Temperature 123 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 16 2360 Natural Flow (cfs) 42992 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 111322 2000 Apr-Jul Runoff 17 2509 Mean Flow 94% Natural Flow 1919 Median Flow 123% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 18 10598 Max. on Record 377 Min. on Record 252793 Accum. Natural Flow (Water Year) For this Date For this Date 19 777 First Point Flow 15237 First Point (Month to Date) 187461 Accum. First Point (Water Year) KERN RIVER FACTS & FIGURES: ~ · On this date in 1969, the Kern River was flowing above 10,000 cubic feet per second forthe first time dudng May in the dveds storied history. Dudng May of 1969, ali-time 6 ^ K £ R s F ~ E ~D maximum natural flow records were estabfished for each day between the 9th and 22nd. Produced by City of Bakersfield May 1969 runoff on the Kern River was 617, 968 acre-feet, maximum on record and Water Resources largest known 30-day cumulative flow. (661) 326-3715 CONDENSED VERSION, ORGANIZATION AND HISTORY OF THE KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT April 2, 1991 1 Kern River Levee District is a Special District of Kern County, and a political subdivision of the State of California. YEAR OF 1920~ The Civic Commercial Association, '~I'he City's Chamber of Commerce", sponsored a drive to form a levee district in this year. YEAR OF 1926: In 1926 Fred L. Gribble was named as chairman of a subcommittee to designate proposed boundaries of the district, and upon completion of this work, circulation of petitions in the area was started. This group presented the Board of Supervisors a petition containing 2000 or more voters and properS' owners of the area, who..R, eSired formation of the levee district as a protection of the overflow of Kern River. Completion of the dist.ri~t marked seven years of effort on the part of the Civic Commercial Association board of directors and members. YEAR OF 1928: The District was formed May 28, 1928 as set forth in a resolution of the Board of Supervisors under Act 4?34 of the general laws of the State of California and Protection Act of 1880, in accordance with the Water Code Appendix. The district was formed to protect the land within its boundaries from overflow and flooding from the Kern River. In order to perform this protection, levees, and dikes had to be erected, within its boundaries. Once this was accomplished the levees would have to be maintained. Candidates for the three board of trustees position had to be a qualified electors owning property in the levee district. Only those electors owning property in the district would be eligible to cast votes for trustees. 1 By Wanda Anagnostopoulos 1 Kern River Levee District April 2, 1991 Trustees of the newly formed Kern River Levee District was elected on or about July 17, 1928. H. I. Tupman, Fred Gunther and D. M. Osborne was elected as the first trustees to serve a two year term. YEAR OF 1971: An Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, made and entered into on the 4th day of January 1971 by and between Kern Mosquito Abatement District and the Kern River Levee District. The Kern River Levee District office was moved to the Kern Mosquito Abatement District Headquarters. The Levee Headquarters had been in the home of Mrs. Barbara Weatherhold. She was terminated at this time and Wanda Anagnostopoulos took over the bookkeeping and secretarial work on a part time basis. At that time the Levee District had one full time employee that maintained the levees. Mr. A. F. Geib District Manager of the Kern Mosquito Abatement District also was serving as the Levee District Manager. I YEAR OF 1974: Mr. Geib passed away in February of this year. Richard DeWitt was appointed Manager of the Kern Mosquito i Abatement District as well as the Kern River Levee District. YEAR OF 1976: I Richard DeWitt retired in April of this year and the Levee District Board decided that they would not appoint a new manager at that time. Wanda Anagnostopoulos was given an increase in her professional fee, as she i would be performing all necessary duties, on a part time basis. J.W. Cason was hired as a mosquito employee and to perform duties on the levee on a part time basis. Duties performed for the Levee District would be considered as sub-contract work. YEAR OF 1978::i~,'~:, I J.W. Cason retired August 11, 1978. Kern Mosquito District employee Johnnie Varnell replaced Mr. Cason. Johnnie Varuell works for the Levee District full time approximately November through March of each year. Starting in April he patrols the levee one day per week. I YEAR OF 1991: I The Levee District has two employees on a part time basis. Wanda Anagnostopoulos and Johnnie Varnell. Board Members are: Ralph H. Hadlock, President. Louis J. Brandt, Secretary and Gerald M. Hay. Rickett,Ward and DelMarter Civil Engineers are the District's Consulting Engineers. Mickey, Casanova & Sack Certified Public Accountants are the District's independent auditors. I The District uses a system of accounting prescribed by the Controller of the State of California. It is a special purpose district and, as such, it revenues are derived from special assessments, in the nature of a tax levy on I all of the properties secured and unsecured, lying within and adjacent to the City of Bakersfield. Ali revenues are in the Kern County Treasurer and Kern County Auditor's Office issues warrant for the expenditures on behalf of the District. I D:levhstry 2 I BEFORE THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of: : Proceeding No. 1278 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD : Resolution No. 00-07 KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT: : Establishment of a Subsidiary District : Minute Book 47 I, William A. Turpin , Executive Officer, of the LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereby certify that the following resolution, proposed by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, was duly adopted by the Commission at an official meeting thereof held on the 28t~ day of March, 2000, by the following vote: AYE: Kunkel, Martinez, McLaughlin, Miller, Ortiz, Peterson NAYE: None ABSENT: Perez ''" q' "!" ' ' -'('/ ~ '1 RESOLUTION MAKING DETERMINATION Section 1. WHEREAS: (a) A proposal has been submitted to this Commission for the creation of a Subsidiary district by the City of Bakersfield and the Kern River Levee District; and (b) Pursuant to notice published, posted and mailed hearing upon the proposal was held before this Commission o~ [~ 1~ (~ ~ [~ ~ ~ ~ LAFCKC #6 -1- ~, F i{ ] ? '::, CITY OF' BAKERSFIEI_C WATER RESOURCES Resolution No. 00-007 -2- 3/28100 I (c) On March 28, 2000, the Commission as a responsible agency considered the City's I Notice of Exemption; and i (d) The Commission is fully advised in the premises: Section 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Local Agency Formation I Commission, County of Kern, State of California, as follows: I 1. Specific reference is hereby made to ali the papers, documents, files and proceedings heretofore and now taken, had and filed in this matter with particular reference to I Minute Item 3/28/00-03, as appears upon the official minutes of the proceedings of this I Commission. 2. The Commission now finds and determines: I (i) Ail of the proceedings heretofore and now taken and had in this matter have I been and now are in all respects as required by law. i (ii) The City of Bakersfield and the Kern River Levee District submitted resolutions requesting the establishment of a subsidiary district. I ' (iii) The.territory proposed to be annexed is inhabited. I (iv) The facts set out in the REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION of the Executive Officer dated March 22, 2000, are true. I (v) The establishment of the Subsidiary District will be in the best public I 'interest' I I I I Resolution No. 00-07 -3- 3/28/00 3. The creation of the Subsidiary District as set forth in the APPLICATION FOR PROCEEDING ON RESOLUTION BY LEGISLATIVE BODY, filed herein on March 7, 2000, is hereby approved with notice and hearing without an election subject to the following CONDITION REQUESTED BY APPLICANT: "The District financing, revenue base and reserves are made fully transferable to the City." CONDITION RECOMMENDED BY EXECUTIVE OFFICER: "The City of Bakersfield shall sign an agreement to actively defend or indemnify and hold harmless the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission or its agents, officers and employees, from any liability or loss connected with the approval of City of Bakersfield: Annexation No. 409 (Municipal Farm No. 5). Said agreement shall bc signed prior to thc issuance of thc Executive Officer's Certificate of Completion for said annexation." 4. There is hereby assigned to the territory proposed to be established the following distinctive short form designation, to-wit: City of Bakersfield Kern River Levee District: Establishme~.t..of a Subsidiary District. 5. The Kern County Board of Supervisors is designated as the conducting authority, and is hereby directed to initiate proceedings with notice and hearing in compliance with this resolution. 6. The territory proposed for establishment, and which establishment is hereby approved, all within the County of Kern, State of California, is particularly described and delineated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made apart hereof. I I I I EXHIBIT A I RIVER D smcw I Legal Description of District Boundary I Specifically described and set out by metes and bounds, as folloWs: Beginning at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section twenty-three (23), I township twenty-nine (29) south, (27) east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, range twenty-seven and running thence southerly along the east boundary of said section 23, to the northeast comer of the sOutheast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 23, thence I westerly to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 23, thence southerly to the southwest corner of thc southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 23, thence west along the south boundary I of said section 23, to the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of thc northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 26, of said township and range, thence southerly to the southeast corner of thc northwest quarter of thc northwest quarter of thc northeast quarter of said section 26, thence I westerly to the southwest comer of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 26, thence southerly to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the · northwest quarter of said section 26, thence westerly to the northwest comer of the northeast quarter I of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 26, thence southerly to the southwest comer of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 26, thence westerly to thc northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter I of the northwest quarter of said section 26, thence southerly to the northeast comer of Lot 24 of section 27 township 29 south, range 27 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, being a point on the boundary of the Kern River Levee District as said District now exists, thence westerly to the I northwest comer of the east half of said Lot 24; thence southerly to the southwest corner of said east half of Lot 24; thence westerly to the northeast corner of Lot 26 of said section 27; thence southerly to the southeast comer of the northeast quarter of said Lot 26; thence westerly to the I northeast comer of th{~s0uthwest quarter of Lot 26; thence southerly to the southeast corner of said southwest quarter of'iL;6t 26 being on the south line of said section 27; thence westerly to the northeast comer of the 'northwest quarter of section 34, said township and range; thence southerly I to the southeast comer of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said northwest quarter of section 34; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 34; thence southerly along thc west line of thc southeast I quarter of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 34 to thc ccnterline of the Kern River; thence westerly along the centcrline of thc Kern River to thc east line of Section 33, said township and range; thence southerly along said east line of section 33 to a point which bears i SO°0Y02"E, 1369.84 feet from the northeast corner of said section 33; thence S69°54'31"W, 408.07 feet; thence N86°4Y59"W, 491.03 feet; thence S69°08'06"W, 394.05 feet; thence S87°2Y22"W, 493.59 feet; thence N49°45'12"W to a point on the north line of the south 1065.31 feet of the north half of isaid section 33; thence westerly along last said north line to the west line of the Friant-Kem Canal parcel in section 33; thence southerly to the southeast comer of said Friant- Kern Canal parcel; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Friant-Kem Canal parcel and westerly extension · thereof, to the west line of the east 701.5 feet of the north half of section 32, said township and · range; thence southerly along last said west line to the south line of said north half of section 32; thence westerly to the northeast corner of the southeast quar. ter of section 31, said township and i range; thence southerly to the northeast corner of thc south half of said southeast quarter of section I 31; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said south half of thc southeast quarter of section 31; thence southerly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 31; thence westerly to the northwest corner of section 6, township 30 south, range 27 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence southerly 2 miles to the southwest corner of section 7, said township and range; thence easterly 4 miles to the southeast corner of section 10, said township and range; thence northerly to the northeast corner of said section 10; thence easterly along section lines two and three-eighths miles to the southeast corner of Lot No. 43, of section six (6) township thirty (30) south, range twenty-eight (28) east, M.D.M. according to Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands, of J. B. Haggin, filed in the office of the Recorder of Kern County, California, on May 3rd, 1889, thence north along the east boundary of said Lot No. 43, a distance of six hundred and sixty feet, thence westerly and parallel to south boundary of said LOt No. 43, to the southeast corner of Lot No. 41, of last-named section, according to said map, thence northerly and along the cast boundary of said Lot No. 41, and of Lots No. 40, 39 and 26, of said section, according to said map, to the corner 26, easterly six hundred and sixty feet to the southeast northeast of said Lot No. thence comer of Lot No. 22, of said section, according to said map, thence northerly six hundred and sixty feet to the northeast corner of said Lot No. 22, thence easterly and along the north boundary of Lot 21,and and 19, of said section, according to said map, to the northeast corner No. of Lots Nos. 20 of the northwest quarter of said Lot No. 19, thence southerly three hundred and thirty feet to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Lot No. 19, thence easterly three hundred and corner northeast quarter of said LOt No. 19, thence southerly three thirty feet tO the southeast of the hundred and thirty feet to the southeast corner of said Lot No. 19, thence easterly six hundred and Sixty feet to the southeast corner of Lot No. 18, of said section, according to said map, thence southerly, three hundred and thirty feet to the southwest of the northwest of Lot corner quarter No. 32, of said section, according to said map, thence easterly to the west boundary of the east half of Lot No. 11, of section five (5) township thirty (30) south, range twenty-eight (28) east, M. D. B. and M., according to said map, thence southerly three hundred and thirty feet to the southeast corner of the west half of said Lot No. 11, thence easterly along the south boundary of Lot No. 11, and of Lot No. 12, of said section 5, according to said map, to intersect the westerly boundary of the right of way of the McKittrick branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence last- northeasterly along named westerly boundary to intersect the segregation line as established by the United State Public Land Surveys, according to the plat of T30S-R28E, approved February 28th, 1855, thence northwesterly and aloog said segregation line to the northwest corner of said section 5, and to the centerline of Unid0'A~,enue, according to the map of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, filed for record in the office of the 'Recorder of Kern County, on November 25th, 1898, thence northerly and along the centerline of Union Avenue to intersect thc ccntcrlinc of the Arojo Canal, thence northwesterly and along the centerline of said Arojo Canal to intersect the east boundary of the right of way of thc Kern Island Canal, thence in a northerly and northeasterly direction along the east boundary of the right of way of the Kern Island Canal, to the east side of the Reclamation Weir, in the northeast quarter of section seventeen (17) township twenty-nine (29) south, range twenty- eight (28) east, M. D. B. and M., thence due north to the north boundary of said section 17, thence westerly and along the north boundary of said section 17, and along the north boundary of section 18, of last-named township and range, to thc northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 18, thence southerly and along thc east boundary of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 18, to the northeast corner of Lot "A", according to the map of 'Midway Squaren, filed for record in the office the County Recorder of Kern County, on September 3rd, 1926, thence westerly and along the north boundary of said Lot "An, to the northwest corner thereof, thence southerly along the west boundary of said Lot "A", one hundred thirty-six and two-tenths feet, to intersect the south boundary extended, of the alley running east and 2 west through Block No. 1, according to said map of "Midway SquareM, thence westerly and along the south boundary of said alley and along the south boundary of the alley running east and west through Block No. 1, according to the map of "McCoy Subdivision", filed for record with the Recorder of Kern County, on May 22nd, 1925, to the northwest corner of Lot No. 7, of Block No. 1 of said McCoy Subdivision, thence north to intersect the north boundary extended of Lot No. 4 of Block No. 1, of said Mccoy Subdivision, thence westerly and along north boundary of last-named Lot No. 4, to the northwest corner thereof, thence southerly and along the west boundary of last- named Lot No. 4, to intersect the south boundary extended of the alley running east and west through Block No. 4, according to the map of River View, filed in the office of the Recorder of Kern County, California, on May 12th, 1921, thence westerly and along the south boundary of last- named alley to the northwest corner of LOt No. 13, of last-named Block No. 4, thence southerly and along west boundary of last-named LOt No. 13, and extension thereof, to the south boundary of the north half of the north half of section thirteen (13) township twenty-nine (29) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, M. D. B. and M., thence westerly and along last-named south boundary to intersect the west boundary extended of Pioneer Avenue, according to the map of James Atp Subdivision, filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Kern County, California, June 21st, 1910, thence southerly and along the west boundary of said Pioneer Avenue, to the south boundary of McCord Avenue, according to last-named map, thence westerly and along south boundary of said McCord Avenue to the northwest corner of LOt No. 23 of Block "B", according to said map of James Atp Subdivision, thence southerly and along the west boundary of last-named LOt No. 23, and along the west boundary of LOt No. 30 of said Block "B", and extension thereof, to the south boundary of the · 'north'half of said section 13, thence westerly along the south boundary of the north half of said section 13, to the center of said section 13 and to the northeast corner of Roberts Ranch Subdivision, according to the map thereof, filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Kern County, California, October 13th, 1910, thence southerly and along the east boundary of said Roberts Ranch Subdivision to intersect the south boundary extended of LOt No. 13, according to last-named map, thence westerly and along south boundary of last-named Lot No. 13, and along south boundaries of Lots 12, 11 and 10, according to said map of Roberts Ranch Subdivision, to intersect the westerly boundary of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence southeasterly and along last-named westerly boundary to intersect the east boundary of Lot No. 17, according to last-named map, thence southerly and along east boundary of last-named Lot No. 17, and extension thereof to 'intersect the north boundary of Lot No. 25, according to last-named map, thence westerly and alongnorth boundary of last-named LOt No. 25, to thc northwest corner thereof, thence southerly and al'ong west boundary of last-named Lot No. 25, to thc southwest corner thereof and to the south boundary of said section 13, thence westerly and along south boundary of said section 13, a distance of fifteen feet more or less to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four (24) township twenty-nine (29) south, range twenty- seven (27) east, M. D. B. and M., thence southerly to thc southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 24, thence westerly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of thc northwest quarter of said section 24, thence southerly to the southeast corner of thc southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the quarter said section 24, thence westerly to place beginning. northwest of thc of END I "\\ ~ ~ ~ ...~..-~? ~ ~ . ~-[ ~..'_ ~:.~.. ~ ~E DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP ,. ", ~ CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DEP~TMENT . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CONSIDER ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT AS A SUBSIDIARY DISTRICT OF 'file CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 16th day of May, , 2000, at 2~00 P.M., at the Chambers of the Kern County Board of Supervisors, County Administration Building, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, the Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing in cormection with a proposal to establish the Kern River Levee District as a subsidiary district of the City of Bakersfield. At the hearing, or any continuation thereof, the testimony of all interested persons with respect to the proposal Will be heard. 1. Proceedings for this proposal were initiated by joint application by the City of Bakersfield and the Kern River Levee District and submitted to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission and given the following short form designation: City of Bakersfield & Kern River Levee District: Establishment of a Subsidiary District (Proceeding No. 1278), 2. The general description ofthe territory concerned in the proposal as set forth in the application is as follows: The Kern River. Levee District includes central Bakersfield west of Union Avenue south to Ming Avenue and then to Planz Road. It goes west as far as the southerly extension of Jewetta Avenue. On,the north it generally follows the Kern River but also includes small portions of southern Oildale which have historically been subject to river flooding. A complete description of the subject property and a map depicting the areas to be detached are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County Administrative Center, Fifth Floor, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. 3. The proposal was initiated for the following reasons: The Kern River Levee District is unable to provide the appropriate level of maintenance and control over the District's..territory because of limited financial resources. The City of Bakersfield already had the responsibility for the operation and distribution of Kern River water and has cooperated with the District in the past by providing labor and equipment during flood years, including remedial work on the levee. The transfer of this responsibility to the City would be logical and cost effective for the public. 4. At any time before the time set for the hearing, any owner of land or any registered voter within inhabited territory proposed to be detached, may file a written protest against the proposed detachment; or any owner of land within uninhabited territory proposed to be detached may file at any time prior to conclusion of said hearing. Any written protest shall state whether it is made by a landowner or a registered voter and the name and address of the landowner affected and the street address or other description sufficient to identify the location of the land or the name and address of the registered voter as it appears on the affidavit of registration. Each written protest shall show the date that each signature was affixed to the protest. All written protests must be filed with the Clerk of the Board, County Administrative Center, Fifth Floor, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301, no later than the time fixed for hearing. 5. The Local Agency Formation Commission has imposed terms and conditions upon the detachment, which are more fully set forth in the Commission'S Resolution No. 00-07, related to transferring the District's financing, revenue base and reserves to the City; and requiring City to sign an indemnity agreement, prior to the issuance of the Executive Officer's Certificate of Completion for said merger/establishment.of subsidiary district, to hold Local Agency Formation Commission harmless from'any/liability or loss connected with approval of City of Bakersfield Kem River. '.' Levee District: Merger/Establishment of subsidiary district. 6. The City of Bakersfield, as the lead agency for this proposal, has determined that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3)of the State CEQA Guidelines for which reason, no environmental evaluations or documents were required other than the Notice of Exemption which is on file with the Clerk of the Board. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing, or in written corresp°ndence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at, o~' prior to, the public hearing. Dated: April 19 ,2000 DENISE PENNELL Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of Kern, State of California SDS.~.'I ~47503 2000.22 m ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 2.20 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 2.16.010, 2.16.020, 2.16.030, 2.18.011, 2.18.012, 2.18.020, AND 2.18.050 RELATING TO THE KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Kern River Levee District has requesteda 'merger with the City of Bakersfield and the City of Bakersfield has agreed to.said merger; ~and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission has,·:under the Local Government Reorganization Act (Government Code § 56000, et seq.), approved said merger; and WHEREAS, the Kern River Levee District shall be a subsidiary district as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council will now sit as the ex-officio board of the Kern River Levee District; and WHEREAS, the Director of Water Resources is now known as the Water Resources Manager; and WHEREAS, the Water Board for the City of Bakersfield has the expertise to add ress matters of daily concern to:theKern River Levee District. BE IT ORDAINED~by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section!2.16i01::0 of:~the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.16.010 Creation of Department · ~ There is created a water resources department and the office of water resources manager. SECTION 2. Section 2.16.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.16.020 Water Resources Manager -- Supervisory Duties. m __ Page 1 of 5 Pages -- The Water Resources Manager, who shall be appointed by the City Manager, shall have general supervision over the department and the Kern River Levee District. SECTION 3. Subsection H of Section 2.16.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.16.030 Water Resources Manager- Duties Generally. H. Supervise the activities of the agricultural water, domesticwater, waste water farms and storm water divisions of the department. SECTION 4, Subsection I is hereby added to Section 2.16.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.16.030 Water Resources Manager -- Duties Generally. I. Supervise the activities of the Kern River Levee District and report on the activities thereof to the City Water Board and the City Council as required. SECTION 5. Section 2.18.011 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follow: 2.18.011 Chai,rPerson ~and Vice Chairperson. One mer~be'r shall:be elected as chairperson and one shall be elected as vice chairperson to serve.in the absence of the chairperson. SECTION 6. Subsection A of Section 2.18.012 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2;,18;012 Policy and Purpose. :A. The has water and lands and facilities City acquired significant rights associated with those water rights for the purpose of assuring the inhabitants of the City as it noW'exists or as it may be constituted in the future with an adequate municipal water supply. The City also operates and administers the Kern River Levee District. It is the policy of the City that the administration of the City's lands, facilities and rights associated with water be carried out to preserve and conserve such rights and facilities for such future use by the City. I -- Page 2 of 5 Pages -- I SECTION 7. SubsectiOn S of Section 2.18.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby I amended to read as follows: I. 2.18.020 Authority and Powers. S. Provide general direction to the manager of the Water Resources I Department regarding the operation of that department. SECTION 8. I Subsection T is hereby added to Section 2.18.020 °fthe Bakersfiel~Municipal Code to read as follows: I 2.18.020 Authority and Powers. I T. Oversee the operation of the Kern River. Levee District as directed by the City Council, and report annually on said operations to the City Council. I SECTION9. Section 2.18.050 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: I 2.18.050 Manager of the Water Resources Department. The manager of theWater ResourCes Department, appointed by the City Manager, I who shall bean officer of:theCity, shall beresponsible for the day-to-day supervision and d~rection of:,~thg/,'.Operatlons of the C~ty 'Water Resources Department, and shall be authorized to exec'ute contracts on behalf of the City, subject to board direction and I approval, and shall:carry out the duties designated by the board from time-to-time. .~. :' SECTION 10. Chapter 2.20 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: I 2.20.010 City Council to sit as Kern River Levee District Board. The City Council for the City of Bakersfield shall sit as the Board of Directors for the Kern River Levee District and assume all rights, duties and obligations of said board as required by law. I 2.20.020 Meetings. The City Council for the City of Bakersfield shall meet as the Board of Directors for I the Kern River Levee District no less than once per year to review the budget of the Kern River Levee District and conduct any other necessary business and take any action or I -- Page 3 of 5 Pages -- actions as required or allowed by law. 2.20.030 Water Board Duties. The City Council for the City of Bakersfield hereby delegates to the Water Board for the City of Bakersfield the power to maintain and keep in repair all things reasonable or convenient for the protection of the lands of the Kern River Levee District from overflow and for the purpose of conserving or adding water to the sloughs and drains in the district. The Water Board shall also, on behalf of the Kern River Levee District and the City Council, cooperate with the United States, the State of California, or any department or agency of either, in order to accomplish any of the purposes of the district. In all other matters, the Water Board will make recommendations to: the City Council for action, and all powers not listed herein are reserved to the City Council. SECTION 11. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordancewithl the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective from and. after the date of its thirty (30) days passage. I -- Page 4 of 5 Pages -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: AYES: COUNClLMEMBER CARSON, DEMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CITY CLERK and ,EX'OFFICIO:°f the Council of the City :of Bakersfield' APPROVED: By: BOB PRICE, MAYOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ALAN D. DANIEL' ~' Deputy City Attorney C:~WIN DOWS~DESKTOP\KemRiverLeveeDistrictOrd.wpd -- Page 5 of 5 Pages -- ..'_--. GENE BOGART; Manager ~ - ~-' FLORN CORE, Water Rcsou~s Director PA~ICK E. HAUPTMAN, Supcrintcndcn1326-3006 STEVE LAFOND, Forecasting and Records 326-3007 MAURICE ~NDALL, Business Manager 326-3704 KERN RIVER DISPATCHER 326-3716 April 14, 2000 Ms. Sara Denzlcr Depa~ment of Water Resources Division of Planning and Local Assistance Urban Streams Restoration Program 1020 Ninth Street, Third Floor CA 95814 Sacramento, Re: SP~NG 2000 U~AN STREAMS RESTO~TION PROG~M - Kern River Dear Ms. Denzler, Thank you for the oppo~uni~ to apply for a 2000 grant under Urban ~pring the Strems Restoration Program. The attached application is submitted on behalf of the Ci~ of Bakersfield, in sponsorship of the Kern River Parkway Foundation and other active citizen groups interested in pa~icipating in streamside restoration projects within the urban Bakersfield area. ~, · As you ~'~your staff are aware, we've had ve~ successful restoration programs that were completed ifi':,th~' fall of 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991/92. With the help of several Urban Stream Restoration. grants and numerous volunteer groups, more than 45,000 lineal feet of i~igation water mains and laterals were installed as pa~ of the restoration projects and over 4,200 native trees were planted along the highly visible Kern River floodplain. The project continues to generate a tremendous amount of local support since it provides a balance between flood-control, water conse~ation, wildlife enhancement and open-space recreation for the entire community. The application this year is requesting $190,000 for the Spring 2000 grant cycle and would be used to extend water lines and to restore an additional 9,500 lineal t~et of Kern River shoreline and floodplain located at 24th Street to Golden State Highway (site A); and 99 Highway to the Santa Fe Railroad crossing (site B). These sites are centrally located in Bakersfield and have a high degree of daily visibili~ from 99 Hwy, 24th Street and Golden State Highway. For your intbrmation we have attached an aerial photograph showing the proposed spring 2000 restoration sites and some of the previously completed Urban Streams prqiects. We have also included several "before" and "after" stream channel photographs and other information including local news a~icles covering our first twelve on the Kern River Parkway. years I 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (661) 326-3715 i· Following the formal adoption of the Kern River Parkway Plan by both Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Bakersfield City Council in November 1988, and with the I success of local Urban Streams projects in prior years, we feel the Spring 2000 Urban Streams Restoration Program funds will continue to promote the rapid restoration and enhancement of the Kern River floodplain through the urban Bakersfield area. I We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Urban Streams Restoration Program and hope that you will view our application favorably. If you have any questions or require Iadditional information please contact either myself, or Maurice Randall, our Business Manager at (661) 326-3715 or Rich O'Neil, of the Kern River Parkway Foundation at (661) 837-4216. I Sincerely, I Water Resources Manager I cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager I Rich O'Neil, Kern River Parkway Foundation attachments:Aerial photograph of the Urban Streams Project sites I Endorsement Letter - local representatives Resolution from local public agency Kern River Parkway - "Our First 12 Years" information I Spring 2000 Urban Streams Application I I I Conjunctive Use Grant Application Fiscal Year 1999-2000 The CALFED Bay-Delta Program invites Grant Applications for projects that implement the coordinated use of surface water and groundwater, commonly referred to as "conjunctive use," to help meet the CALFED objectives of increasing water supply reliability and restoring ecosystem health to the Bay-Delta system. The objective of this Grant Application Package is to solicit and help fund conjunctive use projects that help meet these CALFED objectives. Notice of Pre. Submittal Workshop March 7, 2000, l:00 - 3:00 p.m. p.m. The Resources Building Room 1131 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento Shortly at~er the workshop, CALFED staff will provide a written response to common questions from all parties at the workshop or from those who have received this grant application package. Where to Submit Questions: Questions can be submitted in writing until February 18, 2000 to: Conjunctive Use GAP CALFED Bay-Delta Program Office 1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1155 Sacramento CA, 95814 or via email: publica~water.ca.gov or via fax: (916) 654-9780 Where to Submit Applications: Submit 5 complete hard copies and 1 electronic copy to: Conjunctive Use GAP CALFED Bay-Delta Program Office 1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1155 Sacramento CA, 95814 I ! CALFED Bay-Delta Program 1 Conjunctive Use Site Assessment I January 2000 Attachment A- 1 Organizational, financial and legal information Riverlakes .WaterStorage Reservoir, 12" Water Main Tie-in i from olcese Water Well No. 1 to InterfacePipeline,. Stine/Farmers Canal Water Recharge Facility City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 Telephone: (661) 326-3715 Fax: (661)852-2127 E-mail: fcore,:~/~ci.bakersfield.ca.us Flora Core, Water Resources Director I A-2 Agency Representatives Project Contact Person: Flom Core I Water Resources Director (661) 326-3715 i (661) 852-2127 Fcorc~i',,.ci.ba kcrs field.ca, u s Alternate Contact Person: Pat Hauptman Water Superintendent (661) 326-3715 (661) 852-2127 I'hauptma n(i~;~ci.bakersfield.ca.us Type of Organization: City Municipal Water California Assembly Representative: Roy Ashburn District Number: 32nd California Senate Representative: Charles Poochigian District Number: 14th Attach: CoPy: of.AgencY Charter and the names and titles, of agency officers See copies of attached financial statements. I I I I A-3 Cost Tank Olcese Recharge (1) Prepare a proposed itemized project budget. (2) Provide summary costs below: Total Cost of Project: $2,000,000 100,000 400,000 Amount to be funded by the Grant: $ Indicate Agency's source of funds: Enterprise Fund Amount to be funded externally: $ N/A N/A N/A Lender: N/A N/A N/A Amount: $ N/A N/A N/A Interest Rate: N/A N/A N/A' Term: N/A N/A N/A Annual Payment: $ N/A N/A N/A A-4 Authorizing Resolution: Resolution was approved by the Board at the March 13, 2000 Water Board meeting. I A-5 Financial Statements I Attach financial statement for the last three fiscal years of agency operation. Be sure to include · balance sheets I · income statements · sources and uses of funds statements · most recent annual budget I Please note we have attached the sections of the above documents that pertain to the Water Department. 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I A-6 Agency Authority I 1. Does the agency have the legal authority to enter into a grant contract with the state of California or the Federal Government, such as this application? X Yes No I Cite the statutory authority under which the agency may obtain funds for the purpose, amount, and duration requested. The City Charter and Municipal Code. I 2. What is the statutory authority under which the agency was formed and is authorized to operate? The City Charter and Municipal Code. I 3. Is the agency required to hold an election before entering into a funding contract with the state or the federal government? Yes X No I Cite the statutory authority or other references. I 4. Will funding between the and the state of California or the federal agreement agency government be subject to review and/or approval by other government agencies? __Yes X No I Identify all such. agencies (e.g. local Area Formation Commission, local governments, US i Forest Service, Califomia Coastal Commission, Health Services, etc.) 5. Describe any pending litigation that has a potential material impact on the financial I condition of the agency or the operation of the water facilities. If none is pending so state. I 6. Describe how the proposed project will comply with any existing AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan, basin plans, basin adjudications and county ordinances. I It will assist the City in achieving a balanced water supply as required in AB3030. I I I I I I B-1 Description of project These are the 3 things they are looking to answer in this section: 1. Description 2. discussion of situation that has created a need 3. purpose of project The first part of the project would build a 2 million gallon tank in Northwest Bakersfield to provide water service to growing area of the Bakersfield City Ashe water system. The tank site would include one well and would be backfilled at night from the 2800 acre facility to provide water with better water quality to the customers of the northwest. The wells drilled in the northwest have water quality problems. Hydrogen sulfide is found at almost all the wells in the area. One well has been shut down due to nitrate levels above the MCL and the inability to treat this problem. The area involved is growing at a rapid adding pace the tank site will allow us to keep up with demands of the customers in the most cost efficient manner and to provide the best quality of water. The purpose of the project is to provide one area to treat the water instead of installing a water quality treatment vessel at each of the wells in the area. The second part of the project would connect an existing well, Olcese #1 in 2800 acres currently designed to be able to integrate with the domestic water system, to a 36 inch water line that feeds the 10 million gallon tank and would help feed the new 2 million gallon tank. Olcese #1 would pump groundwater from the 2800 acre City recharge site and help deliver it to residential homes in the domestic Ashe water system. Growth in west Bakersfield has been very steady and many more homes and businesses are being planned for the west. This has brought the need for the additional supply of groundwater to provide a reliable source of quality water to residents of the Ashe water system. The additional supply provided by Olcese #1 will help keep up with the growing demand for water in the Ashe water system. The third part of the project would be to purchase land near the Stine and Farmers canals. This land would be used to spread any excess storm water and replenish the water basin near domestic wells. Currently extra storm water is put in the Stine and Farmers Canals and it has no where to go usually when there is extra storm water there is no demand for the water from the southern water districts. This land purchase would allow us to alleviate any problems the water districts have with getting rid of excess storm water runoff and would provide a nice area to recharge the groundwater basin in the southern part of the Ashe water system. B-2 Workplan Provide workplan type of tests and analyzes to be performed reports and maps to be produced quarterly progress reports 1. Consistency with CalFed Environmental benefits. How will the project meet Cal Fed goals to increase environmental benefits in the Bay-Delta All three projects will reduce demand of water from the Bay-Delta. Either from reduced surface water demand from State supplies or by using local surface/ground water supplies. Local Benefits. In what way does the proposed project increase benefits for the local area? Better water quality; less demand from Bay-Delta supplies. Added Delta Supply. Will the project increase water supply to the Delta? How? By utilization of local water supplies in-lieu of Bay-Delta water. Reducing Delta Demand. Will the project reduce the demand for water from the Delta? How? Yes, see above. Water quality improvement. How will the project improve water quality in the Delta or in the local area? By treating H-2S supplies in northwest; spreading local surface water to south; and utilizing banked water from west. 2. Local Support: Identify agencies in area and their level of support or opposition for the project Plan for education and outreach- explain how the public, adjoining property owners and local gov't will be notified include and timing for each. process Compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.-submit copies of NEPA, CEQA and other environmental compliance and permitting documents upon their completion, prior to the release of funds under this program Support of constituency.- written permission from property owner if we do not own. 3. Plan to effectively manage, protect, and monitor the basin - Plan must include spatial data (x,y,z) and temporal monitoring of surface water flow in streams, groundwater levels within the aquifer, water quality for surface water and groundwater, subsidence of the land surface, amount of groundwater extracted, plant communities, and 3rd party impacts. 4. Source of recharge water. Availability - is the water proposed for recharge available for use by the project City banked water; Reliability - is the supply of water for recharge assured for the operation of the project? Can the supply be relied upon? Quality - quality recharge water and the water received from the aquifer is the of the adequate 'for the intended use? 5. Funding sources Local funding Outside funding 6. Technical feasibility. 7. Expandability- I RESOLUTION No. 00-03 W.B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS TO CALFED FOR PILOT PROJECT GRANTS and DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE TO SIGN APPLICATIONS. WHEREAS, CALFED has a pilot project to obtain grants, and the City of Bakersfield has explored various opportunities to expend funds for projects; and WHEREAS, CALFED requires an authorized designee to sign the grant applications via a resolution of a Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Bakersfield Water Board as follows: The City of Bakersfield Water Resources Manager is hereby authorized to sign the Pilot Project Grant applications to CALFED. ............ o0o ............ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted; by the City of Bakersfield Water Board at a regular meeting lhereof held on March 13._ 2_0_00 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNGILMEMBER SALVAC~IO, CARSON, COUCH NOES: COUNCIl. MEMBER N3SENT;COUNCII.MEMBER Sharon Robi~on, Secretary C~.y of --.-~k~_mfie!d Water Board APPROVED O Nq BOC, Am ( Wate[ Resources M.~nager APPROVED AS TO FORM; BART J. THILTGEN City Attorney Deputy City Affomey i CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT 3725 SOUTH H STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304-6538, (661J396-2400 April 13, 2000 Mr. Gene Bogart Manager Water Resources Department PAT City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Rd Bakersfield, CA 93311 Re: NE Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant Project: Design Services for Intake and Pumping Facilities Dear Gene: As follow up to our discussion on April 12, 2000 regarding plans for designing and constructing facilities for conveying water to the new treatment plant and the County's parklands for irrigation, I am summarizing our proposed approach for your concurrence and authorization to proceed. Cal Water has the responsibility to design and construct: 1) A connection or junction box with one of the existing 54" intake lines 2) An intake line that conveys flow from the junction box to the intake structure 3) An intake structure for a high pressure pump station 4) A high pressure pump station to pump water to the treatment plant. 5) Access roads and security fencing around the pump station. Possibly an generator at the station. 6) emergency power pump The City of Bakersfield has the responsibility to design and construct: 1) The raw water storage reservoir 2) An intake structure for a low pressure pump station 3) A pump station to pump water to County's Kern recreation and parkland areas for irrigation. 4) Access roads and security fencing around the pump station. It is our understanding that the City has completed the design documents for the raw water storage reservoir and is preparing a description of the design requirements for items 2), 3) and 4) to be included in a request for proposals (RFP) to be used to solicit proposals for .design and construction engineering services. Cai Water is intending to outsource the design and possibly construction engineering services for items 1) through 6) in the near future. Our mutual revised approach now is to have Cai Water solicit two fa'ms: Kennedy/Jenks and Boyle Engineers to submit competitive proposals on one RFP tbr all the services I DISTRICT OFFICES: BAKERSFIELD · BEAR GULCH · CHICO · DIXON · EAST LOS ANGELES · HERMOSA.REDONDO · KING CiTY · LIVERMORE · LOS ALTOS SUBURBAN · MARYSVILLE · OROVILLE · PALOS VERDES · SALINAS · MID-PENINSULA · SELMA · SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO · STOCKTON · VISALIA · WESTLAKE * WILLOWS CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY identified above. The two firms would be expected to present their approach to laying out and integrating facilities so as to minimize construction and operation and maintenance costs while maintaining the highest possible water quality (suitable as a source for drinking water) in the storage reservoir. They would be required to present a proposed budget and schedule for accomplishing the project along with information on the project manager, design team and experience on similar projects. Cal Water with input from the City would select one of the fa:ms and enter into a contract for services. Upon startup, the fu'm would further develop its approach in a preliminary design report and present it in a meeting with representatives fi'om Cal Water, City of Bakersfield, CALM and DHS. Upon approval of the preliminary design, the firm would be authorized to prepare design documents, which would be reviewed by the Cai Water/City of Bakersfield team and DHS at the 25%, 50% and 90% completion phases. The firm would be required to set up its project accounting so labor costs and expenses could be appropriately assigned to the facilities on which the work was done. Monthly invoices would be broken out into two separate statements: one for Cai Water facilities and the other for City facilities. Cai Water could then forward the invoice for services completed for City facilities to the City for approval and reimbursement to Cai Water. This approach should save time and money while leading to an overall better integrated design. If you concur, please let us know as soon as possible in writing so that we may proceed to develop a mutually acceptable services agreement for this project. An initial proposed schedule for accomplishing the above activities follows: April 17 - 21: Prepare and review draft agreement for services to be provided April 24 - 28: Finalize and sign agreement. Prepare and review draft RFP May 1 - 5: Finalize and issue RFP to two firms May 8 - 22: Firms prepare and submit proposals May 23 - 26: Proposals reviewed and evaluated May 30 - 31' Cai Water selects and notifies firm June 1 - 16: Cal Water negotiates and signs contract and authorizes services June 19 - July 14: Firm prepares and submits preliminary design report July 17 - 24: Report reviewed by Cai Water, City and DHS July 25: Meeting with firm, Cai Water, City, CALM and DHS to provide comments and direction July 26 - Aug 31: Firm prepares and submits 30% design documents for review Sep 1 - Sep 8: Review and comments on 30% design Sep 11 - Oct 13: Firm prepares and submits 60% design documents Oct 16 - Oct 23: Review and comments on 60% design Oct 24 - Nov 22: Firm prepares and submits 90% design documents Nov 27 - Dec 4: Review and comments on 90% design Dec 5 - Dec 29: Firm prepares and submits 100% design documents Jan 2 - Jan 9: Review and acceptance of 100% design CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY This schedule will need to be reviewed by other Cai Water staff as well as you and the selected firm and undoubtedly will be revised a few times as the project proceeds. If you have any comments, concerns or suggestions on the above approaqh, please feel fi'ee to share them with me or Jeff Yarne, our project manager (650/574-1030). We look forward to working with you on this very important and challenging project as well as your continuing interest and support. Sincerely, Mel Byrd District Manager cc: Jeff Yarne I MEMORANDUM I May 11, 2000 I TO: Gene Bo~ ~ources M~ager I FROM: Maurice Raridall, Business Manager SUBJECT: UPDATE ON PROP 13 (WATER BOND) AND PROP 12 (PARK BOND) I I Last Friday I spoke with Olivia Guebra, analyst with the State Department of Water Resources regarding Proposition 13 funding. Ms. Guebra informed me that the $2.5 million designated for the Kern River Parkway under the Water Bond has been included in the Governor's May budget revisions. She I further stated that the is approved the City of Bakersfield would receive the total $2.5 million once budget after the required documents between the City and State are completed. According to Ms. Guebra should the governor' s budget be approved on a timely basis water bond funds for the Parkway could be available I to the City by July 1, 2000. i Earlier today I spoke with Dick Baker with the State Resources Agency regarding Proposition 12 funding.. Mr. Baker informed me that the $2.5 million designated for the Kern River Parkway under the Park Bond has also been included in the Governor' s May budget revisions. The $2.5 million in Park Bond I revenue would also come directly to the City after the budget is approved; however, the funds would only be disbursed to the City on a reimbursement basis for eligible Parkway improvements. I shared with Mr. Baker the information received from the State Department of Water Resources and asked why the Idisbursement of the two bond proceeds were so different. Mr. Baker told me he would check with his agency and get back to me as soon as he had an answer. I will continue to update you on this matter, as additional information is available. I MR:sr I IS52000MEMOS'~rop 12& 13Update I I I Focus on Kern River Parkway I ~ onsidered a nuismme -- perhaps water flow conditions pemfit. In other i' ~. ~even a &mgerous flu'eat -- to words, non-droughtyems. ~ homes and btusinesses in its l)ath, This agreelnent reflects years of nego- the Kern River over the coume of decades tiation mul struggle to balance the ne?ds ' I was dammed ~u~(1 dive~e(I. Ifs rivet' I)ed of all water users -- agricultunfl, com- ~~ ' tltrough Bakersfield was ,. ..... merci~d anti residential, dried to dust and its pres- ~ ... " "~ as well as recreational. enceignored. ' ~ The willingness of I · water tksem to share the But visionary volun- teem in the 1970s saw'- ,.,. , ' ~, river for the benefit of the flaw in tiffs strategy.~~i'~ '¥. '" '~..~~ thc entire conunmfity is I Clearly swimming agaigst' ""' ': greatly appreciated and the current of public ~, . '.~, demonst:ratcs we have opinion and political come a long way. The clout, they pemistcd in .X: .: .?:...:_.: . Kern River is no longer toreclaimitstreasurc. [iiii~i?"~'"':'~~i lovcd;mdcclebrated. The Kern River is our M e t r o p o 1 i t a n ishment for our bodies ~'~~i~?.;;:~?..'.i:.:.~ nily to speed the revival and souls. It is truly of lldstreasurc. I impressive what groups CASE¥C,n~Snr-/T~EC^UFOaU~AU TWO belial isstlcs -- a of volunteers have When there's water in the Kern wal.er bond and parks accomplished with rein- River channel throuDh bond -- will appear on Bakersfield, residents get a the March ballot. If vot- tively little money to chance to wade in the shallow I bring this .river back to and refreshing waters, ets approve these initia- lffe, to enable metropoli- fives, local officials esti- lmx residents to celcbratc ils cxisl.ell('c. ]hale $5 million might be available to A tcst~uncnt to wire! iht: {'i(y ~l~l~l t~iik~' l(~'rn l~iv~ l'arkwav iamxovc- I 'ff ~ey cooperate;' the ments. adoption of the Kern River Parkway As with lnost bond issuances, I)ro- Plan in the 1980s established lhe blue- .jecl.,:, lhat are phumed, designed m~d i print ,~,rt)m which groups such ;us l.he ready 1.o go will shred thc best chance of . Kerd~$jRiyer Parkway Committee and being funded. Tre~ ?,.0,',up. darien, as well ~.s individmfls, Whelher it is exp~msion or hnprove- publlc &~ehcies, non-profit orgm~izalions menl. of the bike pafl~, construction of I and companies have worked, p,-u'lcs, or addition of new features, the Their efforts have resulted in park Kern River P;u:kway C0nmfittee is seek- hnprovements,'md conslax~clion of thc bike lng suggestions from the conununity. and equestrian paflm. I,qke 7t'u.xhm, once The boundaries m~d scope of the Kern I ,an occasional drainage pond, now shim- River Parle, ray will be reviewed (lm4ng mers in the setting stm evety day, b~hkt,qng the upcoming updates of the smiles tothe lips ofwearyconunutem. Met.ropolihm Bakemfield 2010 Plan ~d i Recently the city of Bakemfield m~d Kern County's Year 2000 Plan. - the Kern County Water Agency forged But while fids process proceetLs, we an agreement that will keep water in lhe must all subnfit our ideas for the poten- fiver -- at least on peak recreation;fl tied use of water and park bond money I . weekends during the summer when to the Kern River Parkway Conunittee. I Share your parkway suggestions C alifornian readem are invited to lo Opinion Section, 77,e Bakersfield submit their i¢le~ trod dremns for OdiJbmian., PO. Box,140, Bakersfield 93302; improving and expanding tht." by e-mail to opinion@bakem'field.com; and I Kern River Parkway. by fiuc to (661) 395-7380. Please include your All ideas will be forwarded to lhe Kern nmne, addn.,ss m~(llelephone number. River Parkway Conunittee. In ~ldilion, The 'll~e Speakout featm'e's "Question of the I Californian will publish selected ~ggestions Wc'ck' on bakemfield.com also invites Web · onanupcomingStmdayViewlx)intl)age, page vksilom to submit their suggestions Readem can send their suggestion by nu~il lbr Kern River Parkway hnprovements. ERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY MAY 1 0 Z000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Directors: WATER RESOURCES WatDist/Oener-q May 9, 2000 Fred L. Starrh President Division 1 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Terry Rogers Kern County Water Districts (distribution list attached) Division 2 Peter Frick Division 3 Subject: Right of First Refusal regarding proposed permanent sale of up to MichaeIRadon 38,000 acre-feet of State Water Project entitlement to out-of-county Division 4 interests. Adrienne J. Mathews Division 5 Belridge Water Storage District (Belridge), a member unit of the Kem County Water Hem3'C. Gamett Agency (Agency), has entered into an agreement to permanently sell up to 10,000 Vice President acre-feet of the district's State Water Project (SWP) entitlement to Alameda County Division 6 Flood Coutrol and Conservation District, Zone 7. The price of the entitlement is a Gene A. Lundquist one-time charge of $1,040 per acre-foot, plus interest from January 1, 2000, plus Division 7 future SWP costs. A copy of said agreement is available upon request. Belridge and Lost Hills Water District (Lost Hills), a member unit of the Agency, have also entered ThomasN. Clark into an agreement to pennaneutly sell up to 5,500 acre-feet of SWP entitlement to GeneralManager Napa County Flood Control and Conservation District and Solano County Water .John F. Stovall Agency for thc same one-time charge of $1,040 per acre-foot, plus interest from GeneralCounsel January 1, 2000, plus future SWPcosts. A copy of said agreement is available upon request. In addition, the Agency anticipates there will be an additional 22,500 acre-feet available for permanent sale during 2000 at a similar price and terms. Pursuant to the Monterey Amendment to the SWP contracts, up to 130,000 acre-feet of SWP entitlement can be made available for sale on a permanent basis by the SWP Contractors provided, however, that local interests be given a 90 day Agricultural right of first refusal to purchase at the price offered. These sales of 15,500 acre-feet from Belridge and Lost Hills, plus the additional 22,500 acre-feet will be considered as part of the 130,000 acre-feet, unless it is purchased by a local interest. Please note that the Agency's final approval of these sales will not occur until after it is determined there are no local interests desiring to purchase this entitlement. In addition, please note that if there are no positive responses from local interests to this notice, the Agency anticipates this will likely be the last notice your district will receive for the right to purchase the 130,000 acre-feet of SWP entitlement. If yonr district wishes to exercise this right it must notify the Agency, by certified letter on or before 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 8, 2000, that it will purchase all or a portion of this SWP entitlement under the same terms, conditions and price as set forth MailingAddress: P.O. Box 58 in tiffs notice. Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 Phone: 661/634-1400 Fax: 661/634-1428 if your district does not wish to exercise this right, please help us expedite this process by filling out, signing and dating the attached form and return it as soon as possible using the enclosed envelope. If you have questions or require further information, please contact Gary Bucher (661)-634-1418 of my staff or me. Sincerely, ~z:v-~ Thomas N. Clark General Manager Enclosures RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL DISTRIBUTION LIST Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Arvin Community Services District Arvin-Edison Water Storage District Belridge Water Storage District Berrenda Mesa Water District Boron Community Services District Buena Vista Water Storage District Buttonwillow County Water District Casa Loma Water Company Cawelo Water District City of Shafter City of California City City of Bakersfield of Water Resources Department City of Wasco City of Delano Irrigation District Delano-Earlimart Frazier Park Public Utility District Greenfield Community Water District Henry Miller Water District Improvement District No. 4 East Niles Community Services District Oildale Mutual Water Company California Water Service Company North of the River Municipal Water District Indian Wells Valley Water District Kern Delta Water District Kern River Valley Water Company Kern Tulare Water District Lamont Public Utility District Lebec County Water Company Lost Hills Water District Lost Hills Sanitary District McFarland Mutual Water Company Mojave Public Utility District North Kern Water Storage District Olcese Water District Plainview Public Utility District Rag Gulch Water District Rancho Verdugo Water Company Rand Communities Services District Rosamond Community Services District Rosedale Rio Bravo Water Storage District Semitropic Water Storage District Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District Southern San Joaquin Municipal Water District Stockdale Annex Mutual Water Company Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District Tejon-Castac Water District Vaughn Water Company West Kern Water District Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District LOCAL RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL NOTICE OF REJECTION The , hereby rejects the right to purchase up to 10,000 acre-feet (Name of organization) of Belridge Water Storage District SWP entitlement at the pricc and terms provided for in the agreement entitled, "AGREEMENT FOR PERMANENT TRANSFER OF ENTITLEMENT TO STATE WATER PROJECT WATER AND CAPACITY 1N THE CALIFORNIA AQUEDUCT", dated April 27, 2000; up to 5,500 acre-feet of Belridge Water Storage District and Lost Hills Water District SWP entitlement at the price and terms provided for in the agreement entitled, "MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING PERMANENT TRANSFERS OF ANNUAL ENTITLEMENTS TO STATE WATER PROJECT WATER", dated December 15, 1999; and up to 22,500 acre-feet of additional SWP entitlement anticipated to be sold to out-of-county interests during 2000 at thc same or similar price and terms. By: Date: ITEM 9). CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT vs KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE N° 96-172919.