HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/04City of Bakersfield Water Board Meeting of October 14. 2004 Water Resources File Packet A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice Chair Harold Hanson CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD - SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 4:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the June 16, 2004 regular meeting for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT No Report 6. REPORTS A. Kern River Operations Report 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on Request to Kern County Water Agency for Treated Water to Serve Northwest Bakersfield - For Board Information B. Agreement No. 92-250 with California Water Service Company for Operating City Domestic Water System - For Board Review and Action WATER BOARD AGENDA PAGE 2 OCTOBER 14, 2004 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 01-140 with Califomia Water Service Company for Extraction, Exchange & Delivery of Banked Groundwater- For Board Review and Action B. Sale of Banked Groundwater with Kern Water Bank Authority- For Board Review and Action C. Contribution to Kem County Water Agency Groundwater Mediation process - For Board Review and Action 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. City Council Referral ID: Ref000924 Concerning Water Quality Update on Califomia Water Service Company Wells - For Board Information B. Contribution to City Recreation & Parks Department Aquatic Safety program - For Board Review and Action 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 11. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A) North Kern Water Storage District vs. Kem Delta Water District, et al, Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919 12. ADJOURNMENT Florn Core Water Resources Manager POSTED: October 11, 2004 S:\WI~ MINUTES 2004\WBAGENDAOCT 1404.doc Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the June 16, 2004 regular meeting for approval - For Board Review'and Action MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 4:30 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Couch at 4:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chairman Couch, Member Hanson Absent: Chairman Salvaggio 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the April 21,2004 Regular Meeting for approval. Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes. Absent Salvaggio. APPROVED 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Encroachment Permit for Kern Health Systems located at 9700 Stockdale Highway. Flom Core, Water Resources Manager, stated Kern Health Systems installed covered parking within the easement without permission. They have filed for an encroachment permit to keep the structure. The City will not be responsible for any damage to the structure. The permit with conditions was approved. No action taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River Operations Report Steve Lafond, Hydrographic Supervisor gave a brief update. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on request to Kern County Water Agency for treated Water to serve Northwest Bakersfield. Florn Core, Water Resources Manager, gave a brief update, stated once financing is complete construction will commence at the beginning of We year. No action taken. Bakersfield, California, June 16, 2004 - Page 2 7. OLD BUSINESS B. Domestic Water Service Mainline Extension Agreement Refund Re-Assignments. Motion by Couch to approve. Absent Salvaggio. APPROVED 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Participation in Electrical Demand Reduction Program for "2800 Acres" Wells. Motion by Hanson to approve. Absent Salvagio. APPROVED 9. MISCELLANEOUS ' A. Change of Scheduled Water Board Meeting of August 18, 2004. Motion by Couch to cancel the Water Board Meeting of August 18, 2004 and schedule a special meeting on August 25, 2004. Absent Salvaggio. APPROVED 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS None. Motion by Couch to recess to Closed Session at 5:25 p.m. 11. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A) North Kern Water Storage District vs. Kern Delta Water District, et al, Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919. Motion by Couch to adjourn from Closed Session at 6:10 p.m. Vice Chairman Couch announced no action was taken in Closed Session. 12. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Couch to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 p.m. David Couch -Vice Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT No Report Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 6. REPORTS A. Kern River Operations Report KERN RIVER NATURAL FLOW, REGULATED FLOW, & ISABELLA RESERVOIR STORAGE 2003 - 2004 WATER YEAR 3000 600,000 ~2608.25 Ft.) 2750 ............................................................................................................................................... 550,000 2603.91 Ft.) 2500 ....................................................................................................... 500,000 2599.38 Ft.) 2250 450,000 Normal 2594,62 Ft.)~:~ 2000 ................................... Isabella Storage 400,000 2589.60 Ft.)l~. - ,~ 2578.53 Ft.)~ Natural Flow __ ~r~~[ ~25o .................................. ~ .... ; ~ ~ ........ 1000 ...................................  ........... ? ' ~- 2565.18 200,000 Ft.)~ ~o ~; ,4 ..... · .... ~so,ooo w . oo,ooo 5OO :~::~. ~ ~. ~ ~'~ ,' . 2003-2004 :; ~, V~ 2~.63Ft.) ~ ~ ~'- ~/ ~ Isabella Storage 250 --~ 50,000 ~'~' ~.~,~ ~ ~ 2531.65FL) Regulated Flow ' ~'~, Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-~ Mar-~ Apr-04 May-~ Jun-~ Jul~ Aug-04 Sep-04 1~7~ KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX 2003 - 2004 WATER YEAR 40.0 , , 35.0 I 19~-199z I / I122% A-J I 30.0 , , Average o ',100% of April 1 Average ~ 20.0 ,' ,' ,, o 2001-2002 ' ', ' o 1999-2000 ~ 46% A-J 12003-2004 65% A-J '"" 48% A'J ~ 15.o 2002-2003 70% A-J 10.0 1998-1999 ,, 2000-2001 54% A-J I 53% A-J 5.0 , November December Januar~ ffebruar~ March April CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on Request to Kern County Water Agency for Treated Water to Serve Northwest Bakersfield - For Board Information (Draft: 9-10-04 PM) EXTENDED AND EXPANDED CONTRACT BETWEEN KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY AND [NAME OF CONTRACTING ENTITY] FOR A WATER SUPPLY This agreement made this __ day of November, 2004, is by and between the Kern County Water Agency, established by chapter 1003 of the 1961 Statutes of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" and [NAME OF CONTRACTING ENTITY], a [TYPE OF ENTITY] duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Purveyor": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Agency and the State of California entered into an agreement entitled "Water Supply Contract Between the State of California Department of Water Resources and Kern County Water Agency" dated November 15, 1963, whereby the State of California has and will furnish a water supply to the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency has obtained an annual State Water Project Table A Supply of 82,400 acre-feet per year, which is within the yield authorized for Improvement District No. 4, which it will allocate to the Urban Bakersfield Area; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 17-71 adopted December 21, 1971, as amended, the Agency formed Improvement District No. 4 of the Kern County Water Agency to undertake the financing, construction, operation and maintenance of works to provide a supplemental water supply for the Urban Bakersfield Area; and WHEREAS, the lands and inhabitants of the Purveyor, all of which are located in said Improvement District No. 4, are in need of surface water for beneficial uses; and lof32 1 WHEREAS, the Agency has sold water to certain distribution agencies, and ~ desires to continue to sell water to distribution agencies as a method of achieving the I purposes of Improvement District No. 4; and WHEREAS, in order to continue to meet the increasing demands of the distribution agencies within Improvement District No.4, the Agency plans to expand its treated water supply to meet those increased demands by expanding its facilities as illustrated on attached Exhibit A, under terms and conditions which shall be fair and equitable to all such water distributors and the inhabitants of Improvement District No. 4; and WHEREAS, Purveyor desires to contract with the Agency for a water supply for the benefit of the lands and inhabitants served by the Purveyor within the confines of Agency Improvement District No. 4 and for which the Purveyor will make payments to the Agency upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by the parties hereto as follows: Article 1. Defmitions. When used in this contract the following terms shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth: (a) "Agency Act" shall mean the Kern County Water Agency. Act, being Chapter 1003 of the 1961 Statutes of the State of California, as amended. (b) "Annual entitlement" shall mean the amounts of treated water, in acre-feet, to be made available to each Customer each year as shown on Exhibit B. The maximum 2of32 2 instantaneous flow capacities to be provided for each Customer in the transmission facilities are also shown on Exhibit B. (c) "Capital Costs" shall mean all costs incurred by the Agency which are .../ D~let'Ed: properly ~h__a[_ g_e~b_!_e~,. ~.a_c. _c_o. _r_d_a~..c..e...w.!~ ge~_nerally accepted accounting practices, for construction .~_ ~.~!_s~_'_m.g p_f_ _equ~ipm_. _ent' for.the,proj eot facilities, including the .costs of surveys ...... '" -fie,eted: the engineering studies, exploratory work, designs, preparation of construction plans,,· .......... Deleted: and specifications, acquisitions, acquisition of lands, easementsdights-of-way, relocation ~ De~ted: ana " ' (Deleted: work, and essential legal, administrative and financial work in connection therewith. (d) "Capital Facilities Charge" shall mean that charge to Purveyor and other Customers which repays the Expanded Capital Costs, including the interest on financing of such costs, and other capital costs. (e) "Capital Facilities Fund" shall mean a restricted fund to receive payments of Capital Facilities Charges and to disburse payments to service the debt incurred for the Expanded Capital Costs. (f) "Cross Valley Canal" shall mean the concrete lined canal approximately 17 miles in length extending from the California Aqueduct near Tupman easterly to the Arvin-Edison Canal, together with the turnout from the California Aqueduct, the pumping plants necessary to lift water through a static head of approximately 84 feet and such road crossings, utility relocations, fences and other facilities necessary for its construction and operation. (g) "Customers'"shall mean each of the following water distributors that contract to buy treated water from the project including: North of the River Municipal Water 3of32 3 District, East Niles Community Services District, California Water Service Company, and the City of Bakersfield. (h) "Expanded Capital Costs" shall mean that subset of Capital Costs which are due to the Expansion Project, exclusive of Cross Valley Canal and Extension expansion capital costs. (i) "Expansion Project" shall mean the project to be undertaken by the Agency to increase treated water capacity and delivery capability more particularly described in Article 5 (b), and illustrated on attached Exhibit A. (j) "Extension" shall mean the lined and unlined canal reaches beginning at the eastern terminus of the Cross Valley Canal at [INSERT PRECISE STATION FOR BEGINNING] and extending easterly approximately 4.5 miles to a point near the Henry C. Gamett Water Purification Plant, which point is __ feet upstream from the Cawelo Water District's Pump Station "A", together with a pumping plant necessary to lift water through a static head of approximately 30 feet and such road crossings, utility relocations, fences and other facilities necessary for its construction and operation. (k) "Improvement District No. 4" shall mean Improvement District No. 4 of the Kern County Water Agency created by Resolution No. 17-71 of the Board of Directors of the Kern County Water Agency adopted December 21, 1971, as amended. (1) "ID4 Enterprise Fund" is that fund created within the Agency for accounting of revenues and expenses of the Improvement District No. 4 enterprise, excluding restricted accounts for the payment of the Expanded Capital Costs. (m) "Master Contract" shall mean that contract between the Agency and the State of California entitled "Water Supply Contract Between the State of California 4of32 4 Department of Water Resources and the Kern County Water Agency" dated November 15, 1963, as amended to date and any revisions or amendments hereafter made. (n) "New Customer" shall mean the City of Bakersfield. (o) "Operating Costs" shall mean all necessary costs, other than pumping costs, for the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and administration of thep!~ojec~ ..... facilities, including Expansion Project facilities. (p) "Original Customers" shall mean Customers other than the City of Bakersfield. (q) "Original Entitlement" is that portion of the Annual Entitlement which Customers held by pre-existing contract. (r) "Original Project" shall mean the project previously undertaken by the Agency for the benefit of Improvement District No. 4 and others as described in said Resolution No. 17-71, including the features more particularly described in Article 5 (a) hereof. (s) "New Entitlement" is that portion of the Annual Entitlement which Customers have acquired thzough the Expansion Project. (t) "Pumping Costs" shall mean all necessary energy and standby costs incurred by the Agency for pumping water. (u) "State Project Water" shall mean water made available to the Agency from the California Aqueduct, a portion of the State Water Resources Development system. (v) "Year" shall mean the 12-month period from July 1 of any year to June 30 of the following year. 5of32 5 Article 2. Term. This contract shall become effective when all Customers have executed this agreement with the Agency and, except as provided for in Article 15(d), shall remain in effect through January 1, 2035, or the repayment period of any bonds or similar instruments issued for financing of the Expansion Project; provided, however, that if the construction of the Expansion Project is not commenced by December 31, 2005 Purveyor or Agency may terminate this contract by giving the other party written notice of its election to do so by January 31, 2006. Purveyor shall remain liable however for all unavoidable Capital Costs incurred and responsible for that portion of the Capital Facilities Charge attributable to those Capital Costs; provided that the Agency shall endeavor to fred a customer willing to contract for the capacity and water supply upon the terms and conditions stated herein, and Purveyor shall be relieved of responsibility once such replacement contract is executed by the new customer. ,.Th_._i~_c. pn.tra_gt_ ............... supercedes the contract of [INSERT DATE OF ORIGINAL CONTRACTi__b__e__t~___e_e_n Aganey and Purveyor. Article 3. Option for Continued Service. After the expiration of the term of this contract, Purveyor shall be entitled to continued service under the following conditions unless otherwise agreed to: (a) Service of water in annual amounts equal to the Purveyor's total Annual Entitlement. (b) Service of water under the same physical conditions of service, including time, place, amount and rate of delivery, as are provided hereunder. 6of32 6 (c) Service of water at prices to be mutually agreed upon. Other terms and conditions of the continued service shall be reasonable and equitable and shall be mutually agreed upon. In the event that said terms and conditions provide for euntinued service for a limited number of years only, the Purveyor shall have the same option to receive continued service as here provided,until the expiration0f that and each succeeding period of continued service. A~icle 4. Relationship to Master Contract. This Contract is subject to the obligations and limitations imposed by the Master Contract and is intended to be in conformance and harmony with it. The Master Contract is hereby incorporated herein by this reference in all respects as though set fo~h in full at this point. The Purveyor hereby expressly agrees to the provisions of the Master Contract imposing obligations and limitations upon it and further expressly agrees that nothing in this contract shall be deemed to require the Agency to perform any obligation in conflict with the Master Contract. The Agency agrees it will not, without the prior approval of the Purveyor, consent to any amendments to the Master Contract which would increase the price of water to the Purveyor under this contract or substantially adversely affect the Agency's ability to deliver the water provided for herein. Article 5. Integration of Original Proieet and Expansion Proiect (a) The following are the components of the Original Project: (1) Cross Valley'Canal Reach 1 which begins with a turnout on the California Aqueduct near Tupman and extend northeasterly for approximately 5 miles to a turnout constructed near the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, T30S, R25E. This reach 7of32 7 includes two pumping plants and a major crossing under Interstate Highway 5 and is designed and constructed to have a minimum instantaneous flow capacity of 922 cubic ,.,{ Form~: Highlight feet per second with a scheduled expansion not related to this contract to ~.cubic ....... ,-'" feet per second. (2) Cross Valley Canal Reach 2 which begins at the terminus of Reach 1 and extend easterly approximately 9 miles to a point east of Pumping Plant No. 5 [INSERT SPECIFIC LOCATION OF POINT]. This reach includes three pumping plants and five pipe siphons under the Sunset Railway, two gas pipelines, Stockdale Highway and Jerry Slough, and is designed and constructed to have a minimum instantaneous flow capacity of 843 cubic fbet per second with a scheduled expansion not related to this contract to XXXX cubic feet per second. (3) Cross Valley Canal Reach 3 which begins at the terminus of Reach 2 and extends approximately 2 ~ miles to the terminus of the Cross Valley Canal located near the southern terminus of the Friant-Kern Canal. This reach includes one pumping plant is designed and constructed to have a minimum instantaneous flow capacity of 812xx cubic feet per second with a scheduled expansion not related to this contract to ~_~__u__b!_c- ....... ........{ Formatted: Highlight feet persecond. (4) Cross Valley Canal Extension which has a minimum instantaneous flow capacity of 306 cubic feet per second. It includes a pumping plant and pipe siphons under the Friant-Kern and Arvin-Edison Canals, the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railroads, State Highway 99 and other roads, and turnouts into the Kern River and Calloway Canal. The Extension ends near the Henry C. Gamett Water Purification Plant __ feet upstream of Cawelo Water District's Pump Station "A." 8of32 8 (5) The original water treatment plant with sufficient capacity to provide for the treatment to commonly accepted standards of potability of at least 25,000 acre-feet of water annually from the Extension. (6) The North pipeline and associated pumping plants and delivery structures for the conveyance and delivery of water as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (7) The East pipeline and associated pumping plants and delivery structures for the conveyance and delivery of water as described in said Exhibit A. (8) Facilities for spreading and percolating water for recharging the underground in Improvement District No. 4, including three river turnouts and one Calloway Canal turnout. (9) The Agency share of Pioneer Project facilities and rights as shown and described on attached Exhibit A. (10) The Agency share of Kern Water Bank Authority facilities and rights as shown and described on attached Exhibit A. (b) The following are the components of the Expansion Project: (1) Expansion of the Henry C. Gamett Water Purification Plant from a maximum instantaneous flow capacity of 38 MGD to __ MGD. Such expansion shall -'f Comment: Why don't the original ..," ! customers pay for modifications and also incorporate modifications and repairS, tO original facilities (costs to be prorated ..... . | repairs of the ~eatment facilities. All of | ID~ paid for the original facilities not amongst original customers) to ensure continued reliability and operation. [DESCRIBE L just these customers service areas. EXPANSION OF TREP~TMENT PLANT WITH OTHER IMPROVEMENTS] (2) Construction of a Northwest Pump station and Pipeline designed to convey up to 22.5 MGD,tp_~e___N_ p__r~__.w, ep~ pprt_i9!~.0f the Distrigt ........................ ..'" 9of32 9 (3) Expansion of the East Pipeline which will include [DESCRIBE FULLY] (4) Expansion of the North Pipeline which will include [DESCRIBE FULLY] (5) A portion of the capacity available to Improvement District No. 4 from expansion of 'the Cross Valley Canal as allocated by the Agency. (c) The facilities described in subdivisions (a) and (b) of this Article are intended to operate as an integrated project except as specifically set forth herein in other Articles. When reference is made herein to costs or revenues that are not specifically identified as belonging to the Original Project or Expansion Project, then the reference shall be presumed to be to the integrated composite of the two. Article 6. Allocation of Capital and Operating Costs of Project Feature~ (a) The Cross Valley Canal reaches and extension are joint use facilities financed in respective part by the following Cross Valley Canal participants, including Improvement District No. 4, as identified for each reach and the extension with the Improvement .District No. 4 share of such costs specified in [INSERT TITLE OF CONTRACT] or its successor agreement: [describe participants in each reach] (1) Reach 1: Improvement District No. 4, Arvin-Edison Water Storage District (Arvin-Edison), Cawelo Water District (Cawelo), Rag Gulch Water District (Rag Gulch), Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage Distric~ (Rosedale) and Kem-Tulare Water District (Kem-Tulare), and the and the Fresno-Tulare Group, which consists of the Hills Valley Irrigation District, Th-Valley Irrigation District, Pixley Irrigation District, Lower- Tule River Irrigation District, County of Tulare, and the County of Fresno. 10of32 10 (2) Reach 2, etc. - [describe participants in each with a subdivision for each reach and the extension] (b)The Improvement District No. 4 share of the capital, operating and other costs of the Cross Valley Canal facilities specified in subdivision (a) of this Article shall be paid from the ID4 Enterprise Fund. (c) The formula for the sharing of capital costs for the Expansion Project, ,,, ( Comment: Is this available? J exclusive of CVC and Extension expansion costs, is shown on attached iExhibit Dl .... ,, '~' Expanded Capital Costs, other than those paid directly by Improvement District No. 4 for its reserved capacity, shall be f'manced and the Customers, including Purveyor, shall bear responsibility for their share, by payment of a Capital Facilities Charge which shall be accounted for in the Capital Facilities Fund designated for payment of the Expanded Capital Costs. Capital costs allocated to Improvement District No. 4 for Cross Valley Canal and Extension facilities, including but not limited to costs related to Improvement District No. 4's share of the expansion of Cross Valley Canal facilities to 1,400 cfs of capacity, are to be paid for out of the ID4 Enterprise Fund described herein. (d) The capital costs, operating, and other costs of the Improvement District No. 4 share of Pioneer Project (as set forth in the [INSERT NAME AND DATE OF PIONEER PROJECT AGREEMENT]) and Kern Water Bank Authority participation (as set forth in [INSERT NAME AND DATE OF KERN WATER BANK AGREEMENT]) are to be paid for out of the ID4 Enterprise Fund described herein. (e) Using revenues realized from the sale of banked water to the Environmental Water Account, Improvement District No.4 will pay those costs incurred 11of32 11 by the district in developing the Expansion Project.. [SPECIFY EXACTLY WHAT ID4 IS PAYING FOR AND WHAT THE AMOUNT IS]. (f) Charges for capital costs of delivery structures, and operating and other costs of conveyance are set forth in Article 9. (g) Charges for the cost of water, including treatment costs, are set forth in Article 15. Article 7. Completion of Expansion Project. Water and distribution conveyance capacity are currently available to Original Customers from the Original Project. The first year in which additional water will be made available to New and Original Customers, is presently estimated to be 2005: Subject to the availability of funds, the Agency shall make all reasonable efforts consistent with sound fiscal policies, reasonable construction schedules, and proper operating procedures to complete the Expansion Project in such a manner and in such a time that water from the Expansion Project will be available to Purveyor in 2005. To the extent practicable, the Agency shall notify the Purveyor of any change in this estimate. Article 8. Contract Entitlement. (a) Each year after the Expansion Project is completed, the Agency shall make available for delivery to the Purveyor the Purveyor's Annual Entitlement to water as shown on Exhibit B as described by the terms and conditions of this agreement. During the year in which the Expansion Project is completed the Agency shall make available for delivery to the Purveyor that percentage of New Entitlement of the Purveyor that is equal to the percentage of the year remaining after the date of completion in addition to the Original Entitlement 12of32 12 (b) Each Year of this contract through the Year of completion of the Expansion Project, the Agency shall make available for delivery to the Purveyor, the Purveyors' Original Entitlement to water. During the year following the year in which the Expansion Project is completed, and each year thereafter for the term of this agreement, the Agency shall make available, for delivery, to the Purveyor, the Purveyors' New Entitlement as defined by the terms and conditions of this agreement. Article 9. Delivery Structures, Conveyance Facilities, Measuring Devices and Cost Thereof. (a) Capital Costs of Delivery Structures All water to be furnished pursuant to this contract will be delivered to the Purveyor through pipelines from the treatment plant at turnouts to be constructed with funds provided by the Pu~eyor at the time of initial construction, or by long-term f'mancing for which Purveyor shall have responsibility for repayment. Funds used by the Purveyor for construction of pipelines and turnouts to accommodate the Expansion Project may be debt proceeds of an appropriate type such as revenue bond or certificates of participation. The turnouts to be constructed with Purveyor funds shall include the T_, /, { D~leted: and paid for by needed the gate valve and any other facilities requested,for._delivery of the Purveyor's_. _wa~er_fr0..m.. Improvement District No. 4 facilities. If the Purveyor desires to change its point or points of delivery or install additional points of delivery, it may do so either by furnishing all funds to cover any Agency expenses involved, or by undertaking the construction at its own expense; provided, the Purveyor shall not undertake any such construction until it first obtained Agency approval of the plans and specifications for such work. Upon 13of32 13 receipt of a request for such a change in place of delivery or installation of additional places and the deposit of the required funds, the Agency shall diligently proceed to make such a change or installation. Upon completion of the construction of any delivery structures, tile Agency shall refund any monies deposited by the District not expended for such construction. (b) .Capital Costs of Conveyance Facilities The Purveyor has requested that the [IDENTIFY DISTRIBUTION FACILITY] pipeline described in Exhibit A hereof be constructed with capacity for the purveyor of ~ cubic feet per second requiring a diameter of [INSERT DIAMETER] inches, the size being based on Purveyor's estimates of required capacity. Purveyor shall be responsible for its proportionate share of capital costs of the pipeline (prorated according to Purveyor's capacity stated herein in relation to total design capacity of__ cubic feet per second) regardless of whether the capacity therein is actually required for delivery of Purveyor's water. Capacity shall bc for nsc within ID#4 and or the areas within the Sphere of Influence of the City of Bakersfield.. (c) Operatin~ Costs of Conveyance Facilities The annual operating costs, other than pumping costs, of each pipeline, pumping plant and delivery structure used in delivering water from the treatment plant to the Purveyor shall be borne by the Purveyor and any other customers taking water through such conveyance facilities in proportion to the annual quantities of water delivered to each customer through each such facility. On or before June 1 of each year the Agency shall notify the Purveyor in writing of the estimated amount of operating costs it must pay for the next succeeding year for each conveyance facility to be used by it. The 14of32 14 Purveyor shall pay one-fourth of such estimated costs on or before each of the following dates during the succeeding year: July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1. At the end of each year each Customer's share of operating costs for that year shall be recalculated as soon as possible by substituting the actual costs incurred by the Agency and the actual quantities of water delivered to each Customer. Any adjustments in the Purveyor's payments required to reflect this recalculation shall be made in the District's next quarterly operating cost payment due after the recalculation. (d) Pumping Costs for Delivering Water The monthly and annual pumping costs for each pumping plant used in delivering water from the treatment plant shall be borne by the Purveyor and any other customers taking water through the pumping plant in proportion to the quantifies of water delivered to each Customer through the pumping plant during the month and the year, as the case may be. As soon as possible after the close of each month the Agency shall notify the Purveyor in writing of the amount of pumping costs it must pay for the preceding month. The Purveyor shall pay this amount within..th, irt¥~ays after receiving such statement of ...... charges from the Agency. (e) Recalculation and Adiustment of Pumping Costs As soon as possible after the end of each year the pumping costs for each pumping plant shall be recalculated by dividing the actual pumping costs incurred by the Agency for that year for all water delivered through that pumping plant by the actual quantities of water delivered through the pumping plant and multiplying the resulting acre-foot rate by the total quantity of water delivered during the year through that pumping plant to each customer. Any adjustments in the Purveyor's payments required 15of32 15 to reflect this recalculation shall be made in the Purveyor's fa:st monthly pumping cost payment due after the recalculation. (f) Measuring Devices All water furnished pursuant to this contract shall be measured by the Agency at mutually agreed upon points with equipment satisfactory to the Agency and the Purveyor. All such equipment shall be installed and maintained by the Agency. Meters shall ............. conform to AWWA standards for meter design and accuracy and shall be equipped with a digital readout, which records flow in Million Gallons per Day (MGD) and totals in MG. The Agency shall pay for the installation and maintenance of such equipment from the ID4 Enterprise Fund. All determinations relative to the measuring of water shall be made by the Agency, and upon request by the Purveyor, the accuracy of such measurements shall be investigated by the Agency. Any errors appearing thereon will be adjusted. The Purveyor may inspect such measuring equipment for the purpose of determining the accuracy thereof. Article 10. Delivery Schedules. The amounts, times, and rates of delivery of water to the District during any year shall be in accordance with a water delivery schedule determined in the following manner: (a) On or before August 1 of each Year, the Purveyor shall submit in writing to the Agency a preliminary water delivery schedule indicating the amounts of water, in acre-feet, desired by the District during each month of the succeeding six Years. (b) Upon receipt of a preliminary schedule, the Agency shall review it and after consulting with the Purveyor, shall make such modifications as are necessary to ensure 16of32 16 that the amounts, times, and rotes of delivery to the Purveyor will be consistent with the available supply of water from the treatment facilities, considering each Customer's annual entitlement and capacity, and the then current delivery schedules of all other ,., ( Oe,eted: d Customers. On or before December 31, of each year, the Agency shall determine, and furnish to the Purveyor a water delivery schedule for the next succeeding year which shall show the amounts of water to be delivered to the Purveyor during each month of that year. (c) A water delivery schedule may be amended by the Agency upon the Purveyor's written request. Proposed amendments shall be submitted by the Purveyor within sixty days before the desired change is to become effective, and it shall be subject to review and modification by the Agency in like manner as the schedule itself. (d) In no event shall the Agency be obligated to deliver water to the Purveyor in any month in excess of the Purveyor's demand for that month as set forth in the approved delivery schedule, or twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) of its annual entitlement, whichever is the lesser. (e) In no event shall the Agency be obligated to deliver water to the Purveyor in excess of Purveyor's capacities identified in Exhibit B. (f) If, after expansion of the treatment and distribution facilities the Agency determines there is excess capacity and the Purveyors request such capacity, the Agency may allocate any excess capacity to the Purveyors based upon their percentage of the then contracted capacity throtlgh the treatment plant. Article 11. Responsibilities for Delivery and Distribution of Water. 17of32 17 Neither the Agency nor its officer, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of water supplied to the Purveyor pursuant to this contract after such water has passed the points of delivery established in accordance with Axticle 9; nor for claim of damages of any nature whatsoever including but not limited to property damage, personal injury, or death, arising out of or connected with the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of such water beyond said delivery structures; and the Purveyor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Agency and its officers, agents, and employees, from any such damages or claims of damages. Article 12. Water Shortage. (a) At times there may occur a shortage during any year in the quantity of water available for delivery to the Purveyor by the Agency pursuant to this contract. However, if the Agency can prevent or diminish a shortage in treated water by temporarily halting or curtailing its spreading of water for recharging the underground in Improvement District No. 4, it shall do so. The amount of spreading water curtailed would be prorated as a treated supply amongst those customers that utilize groundwater supplies within ID#4. No liability shall accrue against the Agency or any of its officer, agents, or employees for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from a shortage on account of drought, or unavoidable causes. In any year in which such a shortage may occur for any cause so that the total quantity of water available to the Agency for distribution to the ! Com~t: What if we have our own source of water how might this be Purveyor and other Customers taking water from the treatment facilities is less than the //, Deleted: first among the Original total of all quantities contracted for by the Purveyor and other Customers, the Agency // Customers in proportion to their Original Project'annual entitlemcnt~ as set forth in "" (Exhibit B)and second among the 'shall apportion the available treated wate:based, on those customers demonstratin~ water :? customers, in proportion to their ............................................................................ , Expanded Project nnnunl cntitlcmonts ns ',,,, . set f(~'th in (Exhibit B). · Deleted: lgof32 conservation practices and or a lower per capita water usc as set forth in (Exhibit B), The Agency shall give the Purveyor written notice as far in advance as possible of any such reduction in delivery to it. During periods of shortage the Purveyor may bring its ow~ outside surface water supply to usc in its service area..:. Article 13. Curtailment of Deliver'/for Maintenance Purposes,. The State of California or the Agency may temporarily discontinue or reduce the amount of water to be furnished the Purveyor for the purposes of maintaining, repairing, replacing, investigating or inspecting any of the facilities necessary for furnishing of water to the District. Insofar as it is feasible, the Agency will give the Purveyor due notice in advance of any such temporary discontinuance or reductions, except in the case of emergency, in which ease no notice need be given. In the event of such discontinuance or reduction, the Agency will upon resumption of service, deliver, as nearly as may be feasible after consultation with the Purveyor, and to the extent water is furnished to it by the State of California, or other sources, the quantity of water which would have been furnished to the Purveyor '_,ip_._th_e..a. bsen_ce of such_ di.sc°n~ti-nu0nce--°r ......... reduction. The Agency shall attempt to schedule its routine maintenance on project facilities so that whenever possible any such discontinuance or reductions in delivery will occur during periods of reduced demand. Article 14. Water Ouality (a) The Agency shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all water delivered by the Agency,from the treatment plant into the Distribution Pipeline(s) described in Exhibit A hereof shall meet all applicable Federal, State of California and Kern County minimum water quality requirements for water for domestic use. 19 19of32 (b) In the future the Purveyor may use the_distribution pipelines to deliver; water from its wells, as well as for delivering water from the treatment plant. Any request by the Purveyor for the use of the distribution pipeline for conveyance of water, other than that originating from the Henry C. Garnett Water Treatment Plant, shall be made by providing written notice ninety days prior to the requested date of use. The Agency reserves the right to approve or deny any request receive~Provided that_ M!_C0_S_tS___. and risks associated with, or arising from, the delivery of such water shall be bom by Purveyor in accord with a supplementary written agreement between Agency and Purveyor. (c) When the Purveyor puts water from any source other than the treatment plant in the distribution pipeline, the Agency will be absolved of responsibility for the quality and quantity of any water delivered to the Purveyor after it leaves the treatment plant. However, when the Purveyor ceases to put water from another source in the distribution pipeline, the Agency will resume responsibility for the quality and quantity of water delivered to the District through the distribution pipeline when and if the conditions set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) are met: (1) Purveyor advances sufficient funds to the Agency to cover the cost of inspection and testing and (2) such inspection and testing shows to the satisfaction of the Agency that other waters are either no longer co-mingled in the distribution pipeline with the water supply from the treatment plant or if co-mingled, the combined waters meet all applicable requirements. (d) Such assumption of responsibility shall become effective only if and when the Agency notifies the Purveyor in writing that the results of such inspection and testing were satisfactory to Federal, State and local water quality regulations ................................ 20of32 20 (e) During any period(s) between the time the Purveyor commences to introduce water into the distribution pipeline and the time the Agency resumes responsibility for the quality of water in that pipeline, neither the Agency nor its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the quality or quantity of water supplied to the Purveyor through the distribution pipeline, nor for claim of damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of or connected in any way with the quality or quantity of such water, and the Purveyor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, its officers, agents, and employees from any such damages or claims of damages. Article 15. Cost of Water. The hnveyor, and all other Customers, shall pay the following charges to be determined and set annually by the Agency. (a) Charges for Water Delivered The charge for each acre-foot of water delivered to the Company, and all other Customers, shall be equivalent to the highest groundwater charge levied in Improvement District No. 4 for that year in accordance with the Agency's Resolution No. 17-71, as amended, plus [INSERT AGREED AMOUNT], (hereinafter collectively the "Water Treatment Charge"). The Water Treatment Charge shall be accounted for utilizing a separate Agency fund identified as the ID4 Enterprise Fund. (b) Charges for Failure to Take Annual Entitlements. The Purveyor, and all other Customers, shall pay the rate per acre-foot provided for in Article 8, paragraph (a) times either the water delivered to them (exclusive of the dry year supply of Article __) or their annual entitlement, whichever is greater. 21of32 21 If the Purveyor, or any other Customer, fails to take its annual entitlement, the Customer failing to take its annual entitlement shall pay the Water Treatment Charge,for ..... that year for each acre-foot of annual entitlement not taken by it. (c) Credit for Annual Entitlement Not Taken [INSERT AGENCY ATTEMPTS TO SELL AND CREDITS IF SOLD] (d) Surcharges If the Agency has levied, or attempted to levy, a $30 per acre-foot groundwater charge for non-agricultural uses in Improvement District No. 4, and the proceeds from this and the other charges provided for in this article are estimated by the Agency to be insufficient to meet the estimated expenses for Improvement District No. 4 for that year, the Agency shall charge the, Purveyor, and all other Customers, a surcharge:_ The_total ........ .-" amount of the surcharges to the Purveyor and all other Customers shall be sufficient to eliminate the estimated deficit. The amount of the Purveyor's and each Customer's surcharge shall be determined by the Agency by dividing the estimated deficit by the current year contracted annual entitlement for all Customers and multiplying the result by the Purveyor's or the other Customer's Annual Entitlement for that year. To the extent it may legally do so without an election, the Agency will raise funds to eliminate the deficit in future years by levying an ad valorem tax in Improvement District no. 4. If the Agency is legally prevented from raising that amount by ad valorem taxes without an election, it shall develop a financial plan considering future long-term revenues and costs of Improvement District No. 4 and establishing an annual surcharge on the Treated Water Charge paid by Purveyors to provide sufficient funding. Such charge shall be billable to and payable-by Purveyor in the same manner as the Treated 22of32 22 Water Charge. If no mutually satisfactory way to raise the amount can be agreed upon, either the Agency or the Purveyor may terminate this contract upon six months written notice, provided that Purveyor shall continue to be responsible for its Capital Facilities Charge, its share of the debt service on any financing obtained for implementation of the Expansion Project. Article 16. Time of Payment. (a) Payment of Charges for Annual Entitlement On or before June 1 of each year, the Agency shall notify the Purveyor of its estimated charges for annual entitlement water for the ensuing year. These estimates shall be prepared by the Agency on the basis of the delivery schedules provided for in Article 10, the Agency's estimates of the revenues and expenses for Improvement District No. 4 and the Agency's estimates of any credits due as provided for in Article 15 and shall provide for both the payments to be made for water to be delivered and for that portion of the annual entitlement not requested for delivery. The Purveyor shall pay sixty percent (60%) of these charges on or before July 1 of each year and the remainder on or before January 1 of the year. If the Expansion Project is completed after bills have been issued, a supplementary bill Shall be issued by the Agency, and is payable by District under the same terms as an annual bill, for estimated charges for the proportion of additional entitlement provided by the Expansion Project before the year covered by the next regular annual billing. (b) Payment of Charges for Deliveries in Excess of Annual Entitlement On or before the tenth day of each month the Agency shall send the Purveyor a statement of charges for all water delivered to the Purveyor during the preceding month 23of32 23 in excess of the Purveyor's annual entitlement for that year. The Purveyor shall pay such statements within jhirty days after they are received. . ......................... .-" (c) Payment of Capital Facilities Charges. On or before June 1 of each year the Agency shall send the Purveyor a statement of Capital Facilities Charges for all costs of capital facilities, and payment of principal and interest due on financing for capital facilities which shall be due during the ensuing year as allocated pursuant to Article VI. Purveyor's mid each other Customer's yearly charge shall be increased by one-fifth for each of the frrst five years to establish the Capital Facilities Reserve to be maintained in the Capital Facilities Fund. The Capital Facilities Reserve shall be used to make the last debt service payment if it has not been previously utilized to prevent a default on financing payments. The Purveyor shall pay sixty percent (60%) of these charges on or before July 1 of each Year and the remainder on or before January 1 of the Year. Article 17. Recalculation and Adjustment of Cost of Water. At the end of each year, the charges for water for that year required by Article 15 shall be recalculated by the Agency by substituting as soon as possible actual figures for the estimates made pursuant to Article 16. Any adjustments in the Purveyor's payments required to reflect these recalculations shall be made in the Purveyors first semiannual payment due after the recalculations. Article 18. Default. (a) The Purveyor shall cause to be levied and collected all necessary fees and charges and will use all the authority and resources of the Purveyor to meet its obligations hereunder, to make in full all payments to be made pursuant to this contract on or before the date such payments become due and to meet its other obligations under 24of32 24 this contract. In the event of any default by the Purveyor in the payment of any money required to be paid to the Agency hereunder, the Agency in its discretion may suspend delivery of water during the period when the Purveyor is delinquent in its payments or obligation due to the Agency under the terms of this contract; provided that during any such period of delinquency or suspension the Purveyor shall remain obligated to make all payments required under this contract. Action taken pursuant to this article shall not deprive the Agency of or limit any remedy provided by this contract or by law for the recovery of money due or which may become due under this contract. (b) In the event of default continuing 60 days beyond written notice to Purveyor to the address specified herein, the Agency may, without abandoning any other remedy provided by this agreement or California law, transfer Purveyor's entitlement, capacity, other rights, and obligations hereunder to any other Customer, and if no other Customer accepts an offer of such transfer within 30 days of mailing then Agency may transfer such entitlement, capacity, rights and obligations to any water distributor in Kern County. In the event of such transfer, all £mancial obligations of Purveyor under this agreement shall continue except to the extent they are offset by amounts received from the transferee. Article 19. Obligation to Make Payments (a) .Character of Obligation The obligation of the Purveyor arising out of or pursuant or incidental to this contract including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the obligations of the Purveyor to pay to the Agency the sums becoming due the Agency for water furnished hereunder, including but not limited to the Capital Facilities Charge, shall constitute a 25of32 25 general obligation of the Purveyor and the Purveyor shall use all the powers nad resources available to it under the law to collect the funds necessary for and to pay its obligations to the Agency under this contract. The Purveyor as a whole is obligated to pay to the Agency the payments becoming due under this contract, notwithstanding any individual default by its water users, constituents or other in the payment to the Purveyor of tolls, or other charges levied by the Purveyor. (b) R_efusal of Water Does Not Affect Obligation Except as provided in Article 15 (b) the,Purveyor's failure or. refusal.to accept ........ delivery of water to which it is entitled under this contract shall in no way relieve the Purveyor of its obligation to make payments to the Agency as provided for herein. Article 20 Improvement District No. 4 Boundary Expansion (a) Each of the Customers shall be responsible for ensuring all water delivered pursuant to this Contract shall remain within the boundaries of ID4~ .................. ./" t by the Agency (b) Customers requesting additional treated water supplies to meet demands in areas outside Improvement District No.4's boundaries may request a boundary expansion,if the requesting Customer provides a proportional amount of additional new · · ' ' 4 /'~ the zone of benefit boundiu), may not non-Improvement D~stnct No.4 SWP surface water supply to Improvement D~stnct No. :,~.. / need to b~ expa~ied. If, however, the Customer is unable to secure a new surface supply for the expansion, the Customer may request that Improvement District No.4 purchase additional SWP entitlement at the current market cost, if available, provided that Customer shall be .. . . .-" / charged to a Zone of Benefit. responsible for the full cost of such entitlement,, The. Customer.requesung a__o0un.aa~Y. _ ........ ~' ' expansion will assist Improvement District No. 4 with any administrative proceedings, environmental compliance, or any other approvals or processes that may be necessary to 26of32 26 comply with a boundary expansion. All costs incurred complying with, or attempting to comply with, the request for a boundary expansion shall be paid for by the requesting Customer. The Agency does not guarantee the success of any boundary expansion efforts, or the success of implementation of a zone of benefit levy, and the parties acknowledge that pursuit of an expansion of Improvement District No.4's service and supply are subject to the discretion of the Kern County Water Agency's Board. Article 21. Penalty for Late Pawnent. Upon each charge to be paid by the Purveyor to the Agency pursuant to this contract which shall remain unpaid after the same shall have become due and payable, interest shall accrue at the rate of one-half (1/2) of one (1) percent per month of the amount of such delinquent payment from and after the date when the same becomes due until paid, and the Purveyor hereby agrees to pay such interest. Article 22..Remedies Not Exclusive. The use by either party of any remedy specified herein for the enforcement of this contract is not exclusive and shall not deprive the party using such remedy of, or limit the application of, any other remedy provided by law. Article 23. Amendments. This contract may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of the parties, except insofar as any proposed amendments may adversely affect other customers or be in any way contrary to applicable law or inconsistent with the provisions of the Master Contract. The Agency shall make available to the District at all times during the normal hours of business at the Agency offices for the District's inspection copies of all contracts now or hereafter executed by the Agency with all other Customers and the participants 27of32 27 referred to in Article 6 and of any amendments thereto. The Agency agrees that each contract for the supply of treated water now or hereafter executed with all other Customers in Improvement District No. 4 shall contain provisions substantially similar to those therein set forth and shall not contain any provisions of a material nature more favorable to may other Customer than the provisions herein applicable to the Purveyor. Article: 24. Opinions and Determinations. Where the terms of this contract provide for action to be based upon opinion, judgment, approval, review or determination of either party hereto, such terms are not intended to be and shall never be construed as permitting such opinion, judgment, approval, review or determination to be arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable. Article 25. Waiver of Rights. Any waiver at any time by either party hereto of its rights with respect to a default or any other matter arising in connection with this contract, shall not be deemed to be a waiver with respect to any other default or matter. Article 26. Notices. All notices that are required to either expressly or by implication to be given by either party to the other under this contract shall be signed for the Agency and for the Purveyor by such officers as they may, from time to time, authorize in writing to so act. All such notices shall be deemed to have been given and delivered if delivered personally or if enclosed in a properly addressed envelope and deposited in a United States Post Office for delivery by registered or certified mail. Unless and until formally notified otherwise, all notices shall be addressed to the parties at their addresses as shown on the signature page of this contract. 28of32 28 Article 27. Assignment. The provisions of this contract shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties, but no assignment or transfer of this contract, or any part hereof or interest herein, shall be valid until and unless approved by the Agency. The Agency shall not approve any such assignment or transfer to any person or entity that is not a Customer unless and until the proposed assignment or transfer has been fu'st offered to and refused in writing by all Customers. The offer of any such assignment or transfer shall be on the same basis to all Customers and if more than one Customer desires to accept the offer, the contract or portion thereof to be assignment shall be prorated among them in proportion to the flow capacities provided for each of them in the facilities involved in the assignment or transfer. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, the Agency's approval shall not be required for an assignment by the Purveyor of all or part of this contract to a public agency with the power to eminent domain, if such public agency expressly assumes all or part of the obligation of this contract. If such public agency assumes only a portion of the obligations of the Purveyor under this contract, the Purveyor shall remain obligated for the remainder of such obligations. Article 28. Inspection of Books and Record.q. The proper officers or agents of the Purveyor shall have full and free access at all reasonable times to the account books and official records of the Agency insofar as the same pertain to the manors and things provided for in this contract, with the right at any time during officer hours to make copies thereof, and the proper representatives of the 29of32 29 Agency shall have similar fights in respect to the account books and records of the Purveyor. Article 30. Areas Served by the Purveyor .- ...... { Formatl:ed: Bullets and Num~ring } (C) _ Water delivered to the Purveyor pursuant to this contract shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Purveyor for use outside the boundaries of · [ ¢o1~¢m of thc Ag¢ll¢ Improvement District No. 4,unless a non-ID#4 surface water source is 5Upp!ied with .,.,... Deleted: without theprior written CEQA complianc% ...................................................................................... " Article 31. Changes in the Purveyor's Service Area. The Purveyor will furnish the Agency with maps showing their entire water distribution,service area, Throughout the term of this contract, the Purveyory~il! properly~_..::~--[distl'ibutionDeleted: or areas of its watersystem. notify the Agency of any changes, either by inclusion or exclusion, and in said service area or areas. Article 32. Sale of Water to Others. The Agency shall not sell any water from the treatment plant provided for in this contract to other than the Customers unless and until it has fu'st offered to sell such water to the Customers at the prices provided for herein. If the Customers do not elect to take all the water available from the treatment plant, the unused water may be sold to others at not less than the prices provided for herein; provided, that such sale shall not interfere with the ability of the Agency to make deliveries to the Purveyor and other Customers; and further provided, that such sales shall be made only to others who will use the water within Improvement District No. 4 except as provided for in Article 20. 30of32 30 Article 33. Advisory Committee. .....( Deleted: eight An advisory Committee shall be created which shall consist ofv~F~c.n members.. ...... .,- One member shall be recommended by each of the Customers and appointed by the ~Omll~. The City of Bakersfield _._ comprises approximamly 90°,/, of ID~4. Agency,,two membe~ shall be recommended byiThf. C ity of Bakersfield and appointed ~_:,,'"'" ~D~ was formed to brins a supplemental by the Agency, and,one member; shall be recommended and appointed by the Agency: ......., ,:, water supp*y to Urt~n Bak~s*~e]d. The citizens (City) of Bakersfield should have · '~i~,,,, ~ rcprascntation on the advisory committee. Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the party responsible for his or her '"' I~!~let~l.. Oildale Mutual Water ', ,, Company appointment and alternates may be appointed who may serve in the absence of a member. '", The Advisory Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of making recommendations to the Agency on such things as plans and specifications for project facilities, construction and operating budgets, operating criteria and use of the project facilities. Voting on the Advisory Committee is on the basis of one person, one vote. To the extent reasonably possible the Advisory Committee shall be informed of the details of such matters in a timely manner and, except in emergencies, the Agency will seek and consider the advice of the Advisory Committee on all such matters, f/0u[ membersof_the~.,,, Advisory Committee shall be considered a quorum for the committee acting in its advisory capacity. Final decisions concerning the project shall be made by the Agency. A Member of the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee shall be elected by the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee, and appointed by the Agency Board, to sit on the Cross Valley Canal Advisory Committee to represent the Interests of Improvement District No.4 on the Cross Valley Canal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract on the date first above written. 31of32 31 KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY [INSERT PURVEYOR] By By President President ATTEST: Secretary Secretary Kern County Water Agency INSERT PURVEYOR NAME AND 3200 Rio Mirada Drive ADDRESS Bakersfield, California 93308 32of32 32 Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 7. OLD BUSINESS B. Agreement No. 92-250 with California Water Service Company for Operating City Domestic Water System - For Board Review and Action CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY BAKERSFIELD DISTRICT 3725 SOUTH H STREET · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304.6538 (661) 396.24.00 ,, FAX (661) 396-2411 June 30, 2004 Mr. Flora Core CEy ~ Bake~eld 1~ Buena ~aa Road Bake~eld, CA 93311 Re: A~omaic mn~al ~ ag~me~ 92-250 for throe (3) yearn Dear Flom: California Water Service Company wishes to inform you that we'd like to extend our agreement for 3 more years per Section 17. Term, of the agreement, by and between the City of Bakersfield and California Water Service Company wherein it states, "The Initial term of this Agreement shall be for three years commencing Januar~ 1, 1993, provided, however, that such term shall be renewed for successive three year periods each, unless either party hereto shall notify the other at least 180 days (180) prior to the term of this agreement." We continue to be wholly committed to providing the City of Bakersfield with excellent operations and maintenance sewices, and highly value our long standing relationship and mutual cooperation. It is our strong desire to continue this relationship. Thanks in advance for your attention to this. Please feel free to contact me at 396-2421x1015 if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, District Manager Bakersfield Distdct Cc: Dick Nye Bill Harper Rudy Valles DISTI'ICT OItFl¢lil ANTELOPE VALLEY · BAKERSFIELD * BAYSHORE · SEAR GULCH * CHICO · DIXON * EAST LOS ANGELES · KERN RIVER VALLEY · KING CITY · LIVERMOEE · [OS ALTOS * MARYSVILLE · OROVI[LE · RANCHO DOMINGUEZ · REDWOOD VALLEY · SALINAS · SELMA · STOCKTON · VISALIA · WESTLAKE · WILLOWS Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 01-140 with California Water Service Company for Extraction, Exchange & Delivery of Banked Groundwater- For Board Review and Action AGREEMENT NO. WATER BOARD AGREEMENT NO. 01-08 W.B. AMENDMENT NO. I TO AGREEMENT NO. 01-140 THE EXTRACTION, EXCHANGE & DELIVERY OF BANKED GROUNDWATER AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. 01-140 is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a Charter city and municipal corporation, ("CITY" herein) and CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, a California public utility water corporation, ("CAL WATER" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, on June 13, 2001, CITY and CAL WATER entered into Agreement No. 01-140 concerning an exchange of Kern River water for stored groundwater to allow delivery to CAL WATER's Kernville system; and WHEREAS, CAL WATER has projected the annual water demand for its Kemville system to exceed the 500 acre-feet as specified in Agreement No. 01-140; and WHEREAS, CAL WATER and CITY desire to amend Agreement No. 01-140 to increase the quantity of water available for exchange. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CAL WATER mutually agree to amend Agreement No. 01-140 as follows: 1. Section 3. QUANTITY, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. QUANTITY. CITY agrees to deliver to CAL WATER an amount, not to exceed one thousand (1,000) acre-feet per year, of City's Kern River water supply, as set forth in this Agreement, for use by CAL WATER for operation of its Kernville system, with a delivery schedule compatible with CITY Kern River operations and CAL WATER needs for the Kernville system. 2. Except as amended above, all terms and conditions of Agreement No. 01-140 shall continue in full force and effect. IN wrrNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 99-73 to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY ..... CAL WATER" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY By: By: HARVEY L. HALL Mayor Title: President APPROVED AS TO FORM VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: Title: Corporate Secretary By: ALAN D, DANIEL Deputy City Attorney APROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT By: FLORN CORE Water Resources Manager COUNTERSIGNED: By: GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director ;., S:~2004CONTRACTS\CWSCOBAmend lto01-140 9/3/2004 2 WATER BOARD AGREEMENT NO. 01-22 W.B. ACREEMEWr O. 0 I" ! 4 0 AGREEMENT FOR EXTRACTION, EXCHANGE & DELIVERY OF BANKED GROUNDWATER THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on JUN 13 2001 ,2001,byandbetweenthe CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a charter City and municipal corporation, ("CITY"), and CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, a California public utility water corporation, ("CAL WATER"). RECITALS WHEREAS, CAL WATER has heretofore entered into a water supply agreement, commonly referred to as the "Detachment and Water Sale Agreement" with CITY and Olcese Water District dated June 30, 1999, incorporated by reference herein, pursuant to which CAL WATER purchased ~ acre-feet of water previously banked by Olces¢ Water District in the CITY's 2800 Acre Recharge Facility; and WHEREAS, CAL WATER is desirous of utilizing a portion of the banked water supply it currently has stored in the CITY's 2800 Acre facility to meet the demands of its Kcrnville Domestic Water System ("Kernville. system"); and WHEREAS, the diversion point proposed by CAL WATER from Kern River to service the Kernville system is located approximately forty (40) miles northeast of the current boundaries of CITY; and WHEREAS, CITY is owner of certain Kern River water rights, canals and properties associated with Ol:~n,ation of Kern River and owns irrigation storage space in Isabella Reservoir; and · WHEREAS, CITY is willing to utilize portions of ils Kern River waler and storage rights in order to facilitate an exchange of water supplies whereby CAL WATER may utilize its 2800 Acre banked water for delivery to its Kernville system. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CAL WATER agree as' follows: 1. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date of execution and terminate on Dcc~lber 31, 2022. This Agreement will automatically renew for an additional term of twenty (20) years unless eith~ party provides written notice within one hundred eighty ( l g0) days of termination date. 2. EXCHANGE FEE. CAL WATER shall pay to CITY an exchange fcc in the amount of fifty- .. five dollars ($$5.00)¥er acre-foot of water, or fraction thereof, delivered to CAL WATER by CITY from the Kern River pursuant to this Agreement. 3. U N_Q.U.A.~.L~_. CITY agrees to deliver to GAL WATER an amount, not to exceed five hundred (500) acre-feet per year, of CITY's Kern River water supply, as set forth in this Agreement, for use by CAL WATEK for operation of its Kernville system, with a delivery schedule compatible with CITY Kern River operations and CAL WATER needs for the Kernville system. 4. ~. CITY makes no claims or assurances as to the quality of the raw water to be received by CAL-~ATER. CAL WATER understands the water specified for delivery under this Agreement, as supplied from Kern River, is UNTREATED AND NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION AS Vp.,F.,~.~. CAL WATER shall be solely responsible to take said water and i~at it to bring the water into conformity with all Federal, State, and County domestic water requirements prior to any domestic use. CITY is onsible for the uality of water in any way or at any time, and CAL WATER's failure to properly treat the. · n,~°t,~Pe irma way the rCle~ '"Y fCITY Acce tsnce ofwaterbyCALWATERshall constitute waiver ot ................ ,--- nslbfl~t o . · P any CITY liability of water quality. 5. MISCELLANEOUS WATER. CITY may, from time to time, have a miscellaneous quantity of Kern River water above and beyond the water necessary to meet pre-existing obligations of CITY and which can be made available to CAL WATER for service to its Kernville system. Subject to mutual agreement of the parties hereto, such miscellaneous Kern River water, if and when available to CITY, shall be delivered to CAL WATER in lieu of exchange water to be recovered from CAL WATER's 2800 Acre groundwater storage. CAL WATER shall pay to CITY the amount of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per acre-foot of miscellaneous water, or fraction thereof, delivered to CAL WATER by CITY from the Kern River under terms ofthis Agreernent. During periods of miscellaneous water delivery, no exchange fee or groundwater extraction will apply. 6. PRICE ADJUSTMENT. Charges specified in Paragraph 2 and Paragraph $ herein are subject to annual adjustment on the basis of the January 1999 Producer Price Index lot"All Commodities" published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, which Price Index stood at 123.2. Adjustmemz will be made in January of each year. 7. PAYMENTS. CITY shall invoice CAL WATER monthly for water delivered hereunder and shall be due and payable by CAL WATER within thirty (30) days receipt of CITY invoice. 8. 2800 ACRE EXTRACTION. Except as othen~is¢ provided for hereunder, water extracted by CAL WATER from its 2800 Acre groundwater storage for use at its Kernville system shall be equal to the amount of CITY water delivered to CAL WATER under terms of this Agreement. Said extraction will be accomplished by transfer from CAL WATER 2800 Acre groundwater storage to CITY 2800 Acre groundwater storage and will be reflected on December 31 ~ of each year throughout the term of this Agreement. 9. 2800 ACRE STORAGE. CAL WATER shall maintain a positive balance in its 2800 Acre groundwater storage account at all times. CITY agrees to sell to CAL WATER sufficient quantities of water as it may become available to CITY in order to replenish CAL WATER's 2800 Acre groundwater Storage account. so long as CITY and CAL WATER agree to the time, duration and cost of such flow. 10~ DELIVERY OF WATER. CITY shall make available to CAL WATER a Kern River water supply in exchange for an equal mount of CAL WATER's 2800 Acre banked groundwater to CITY. The place of delivery of the CITY water shall be at the Kern River near Kemville, California, in Section 15, Twn. 25S, Rge. 33E, M.D.B. & M. CAL WATER may construct a turnout and pipeline facility with the approval of the appropriate government agency as required by law from the Kern River to CAL WATER's proposed new trealment plant in Kemville for the purpose of water delivery. Such turnout and pipeline construction shall be done to the satisfaction and with the approval of the City of Bakersfield, Water Resources Director. CAL WATER shall bear all costs and expenses of all turnout and pipeline construction and all costs and expenses related to the maintenance and upkeep of said facilities during the term of this Agreement or any extension thereof. Upon termination of this Agreement, the turnout and pipeline shall be removed upon request of the CITY, and ali costs and expenses of removing the facilities shall be borne by CAL WATER. 11. USE OF WATER. CAL WATER shall only utilize water received under this Agreement for operation of its Kemville system unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by both CAL WATER and CITY. CAL WATER shall not cause any unlawful pollution or contamination of the Kern River by relurn flows or other water uses, or be negligent,or wasteful in the use of water on GAL WATER's Kernville system. 12. RIPARIAN WATER. CAL WATER agrees that it will not assert or make claim to, and take no action with respect to any application to the State of California Water Resources Control Board for riparian water rights of any nature whatsoever associated with operation of its Kernville system. 13. WATER METERS. It shall be the obligation of CAL WATER to provide, maintain, calibrate and pay for all water meters or measuring devices, in accordance with industry standards as set by the American Water Works Association, and as approved by CITY, necessary to measure the quantifies of water diverted by CAL WATER from the Kern River under the terms of this Agreement. CAL WATER shall monthly provide to CITY reports detailing the amount of water used by CAL WATER. Such report shall be in a format as determined and approved by the City of Bakersfi¢id's Water R~ources Director. 14. ~. Neither the CITY nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for the control, carriage, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of water received by CAL WATER. 15. INDEM.~ITY. CAL WATER shall ind~,anify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, losses or damages to the extent caused by the negligence or misconduct of CAL WATER in the diversion and use of water from the Kern River by CAL WATER pursuant to this Agreement. CITY shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CAL WATER, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, losses or damages to the extent caused by the negligence or misconduct of CITY in connection with the diversion or use of water from the Kern River by CAL WATER pursuant to this Agreement. 16. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party, or any party substituted, without prior written consent of ali the parties. Transfer of any right or rights under this Agreement without the express written consent of CITY shall allow CITY to terminate this Agreement and any such transfer is hereby deemed a material breach. 17. ~tOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served or sent by certified mail and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Hall 1501 Tmxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California, 93301 CAI, WATER: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY 1720 North First Street San Jose, California, 95112-4598 Attention: President i 8.' ACCOUNTING RECORDS. Thc partics shall maintain accurate accounting records and other written documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such records and documentation shall be kept at each parties office during the term of this Agreement and said records shall be made available to each parties representative upon proper request. 19. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to this Agreement and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successor~ and assigns. 20. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS, CAL WATER shall, at CAL WATER's sole cost, comply with all of thc requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and Statc and Federal statutes, rules or regulations, and l~rmitting requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 2 I. ~. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all partie.~ are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. 22. I~ERGER AND MODIFICATION. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement between thc parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. Its terms are intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included hercin and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral argument. The parties further intend this Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or arbitration proceeding involving this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the CITY Council and signed by all the parties. 23. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Kern County, California. Page -3- 24. PRE-JUDGEMENT INTEREST. In the event of a default by any party to this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall be allowed to recover interest on all damages at the legal rate from the date of the breach. 25. NON-INTEREST. No officer or employee of the CITY shall h01d interest in this Agreement (California Government Code section 1090). 26. ~ME. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 27. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CAL WATER shall not become or be deemed a partner or joint venturer with CITY or associated in any relationship by reason of the provisions of this Agreemenl other than sp~ified her~n. CAL WATER shall not, for any purpose, be considered an agent, officer or employee of CITY in regard to this Agreement. 28. N..O WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another party any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie~ hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY" "CAL WATER" Title: APPROVED AS TO COUNT: WATER ~SO~CES DEP~T~NT B~ GEN~ ff~~ Title: AssisZan~ Secretary Wat~ ~u~ M~ag~ ~PROVED AS TO FO~: ]~ B~T J. ~TGEN Ci~ Auom~ COUNTERSIGNED: Page -4- . c~ ~'~'~'~ ';:, ~ Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 8. NEW BUSINESS continued B. Sale of Banked Groundwater with Kern Water Bank Authority- For Board Review and Action B A K E R S F I E L D WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Florn Core · Water Resources Manager September 30, 2004 William D. Phillimore, Executive Vice President Westside Mutual Water Company, L.L.C. P.O. Box 80607 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0607 Dear Mr. Phillimore: The Westside Mutual Water Company, L.L.C. (Westside Mutual) has expressed the desire to purchase from the City of Bakersfield (City) and the City is willing to sell to Westside Mutual, a portion of its imported groundwater currently stored in the "2800 Acre" water banking facility. This letter shall serve as an agreement for Westside Mutual to purchase banked groundwater from the City subject to the mutual understandings of the terms and conditions herein set forth: 1) The City has stored floodwaters imported via the Friant-Kem Canal, fi'om various out-of-county streams, as well as quantities from the California State Water Project. The banking of these waters was accomplished through spreading and underground storage in the City's "2800 Acres". 2) The City agrees to sell to Westside Mutual, 5,500 acre-feet of City's Friant-Kern water supply spread and banked by City during February and March of 1986, and 171 acre-feet of City's State Water Project supply spread and banked by City during .August of 1983. 3) Westside Mutual agrees to purchase from City a total of 5,671 acre-feet of such imported stored groundwater, as set forth above, at a price of $64.70 per acre-foot in the ground. 4) Upon execution of this agreement, the City will transfer title of the purchased water net in the ground to Westside Mutual and will not impose losses. City shall establish a "2800 Acre" groundwater storage account on behalf of Westside Mutual equal to the amount of the purchased water transfer. City agrees that Westside Mutual can recover the purchased water fi'om its "2800 Acre" storage account using wells to which Westside Mutual has access from either the Kern Water Bank, Pioneer Property or the "2800 Acres". Westside Mutual acknowledges that use of City-owned "2800 Acre" wells for recovery of this purchased groundwater will require separate agreement with City prior to any such use and shall be subject to the existing priorities of City, Buena Vista Water Storage District and the Kern County Water Agency. 5) City shall invoice Westside Mutual for the purchased water and will be due and payable to City by Westside Mutual within 45 days receipt of City invoice. 6) Westside Mutual agrees that the water described in this agreement shall not be used in any manner or form to satisfy demands or water balance for urban or municipal and industrial uses anywhere outside the incorporated boundaries of the City of Bakersfield. 7) The City has completed CEQA requirements for a spreading and banking program in the "2800 Acres", however, should the sale or transfer of the imported banked groundwater, as described in this agreement, be challenged within 4 (four) years of purchase date and such challenge is successful, City will refund proceeds from the original sale to Westside Mutual. Refund will be equal to the amount of water not extracted and/or used by Westside Mutual during the four year period. If the City/Westside Mutual sale or transfer is challenged, the parties agree to jointly defend the sale and transfer of the imported banked water. 8) The term of this agreement shall commence upon the date of execution and terminate on December 31, 2014. Imported stored groundwater purchased by Westside Mutual hereunder held in "2800 Acre" storage as of the date of termination, if any, shall be automatically transferred fi.om "2800 Acres" storage to the Kern Water Bank account of Westside Mutual. If you agree with these points of understanding, please indicate by signing and dating below and returning an attached original for our files. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WESTSIDE MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, L.L.C. By: By: ~ FLORN CORE, Manager WILLIAM D. PHILLIMORE Water Resources Department Executive Vice President Date: Date: Page 2 Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 8. NEW BUSINESS continued C. Contribution to Kern County Water Agency Groundwater Mediation process - For Board Review and Action AGENCY/KCPlan WATDIST/Genl Directors: Fred L. Starrh Division 1 Terry Rogers September 28, 2004 Vice President Division 2 Peter Frick Division 3 Water District Managers Michael Radon (Distribution List attached) Division 4 Gentlemen, Adrienne J. Mathews Division 5 As you are aware, at our groundwater mediation meetings we have been Lawrence P. Gallagher discussing the sharing of costs for Joe Scalmanini's continued technical work in Division 6 support of the mediation effort. The Steering Committee recommended that the Gene A. Lundquist water districts each contribute $I,000 to assist with Mr. Scalmanini's costs President during the remainder of 2004, and an additional $1,000 in early 2005. The Division 7 Agency's Board has taken action to match the districts' contributions. Thomas N. Clark The water districts recommended that the Agency send an invoice to the districts General Manager for the initial $1,000. The invoice is attached to this letter. Please make the check John E Stovall out to Kern County Water Agency. We would appreciate it if you would indicate General Counsel on the check that the funds are to support the groundwater technical work. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lloyd Fryer. Thomas N. Clark General Manager 661/634-1400 Mailing Address P.O. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 Street Address 3200 Rio Mirada Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (Distribution List) Arvin-Edison WSD Belridge WSD ~ Berrenda Mesa WD Buena Vista WSD Cawelo WD City of Bakersfield Delano-Earlimart ID Henry Miller WD Improvement Dist. #4 Kern Delta WD Kem-Tulare WD Lost Hills WD North Kern WSD ' Rag Gulch'WD Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD Semitropic WSD Shafter-Wasco ID So. San Joaquin MUD Tehachapi-Cummings CWD Tejon-Castac WD West Kern WD Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. City Council Referral iD: Ref000924 Concerning Water Quality Update on California Water Service Company Wells - For Board Information Page 1 of 1 Referra Display ] ID: IRefOO0024 Requester: I?.~EP2S.~ .............. ~ Ward: I~ ~ Refeffal Created:  q. Compl~t,on Dat~: 1012012004 ~ ~eefin~: ~012~12004 ........................................................... Initial Refill Infomation Sho~ Description: WATER QUALI~ UPDATE Long Description: ~'~aEFERmL TO WA~E~ BOARD*** WATER SERVICE COMPANY WELLS AT THE NEXT WATER BOARD MEETING. ~ Attachment A Attachment B  k~ad: ~ ~i~nod 1o: Ro~pons~ ~ / Water & Water ~ard m (~) I I Reassigned To: Response? /~R~'(~)1 ......................................... J ~ I Optional Citizen Contact Infomatio~ Name: Name: I I Address: Address: Phone: Phone: I'~ ~ I http://ew~rk/eseripts/eweb.d~~/ef~~derf~rm~~ntents?F~~derID=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 127&Lat... 10/4/2004 Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 9. MISCELLANEOUS continued B. Contribution to City Recreation & Parks Department Aquatic Safety program - For Board Review and Action IS YOUR CHILD SAFE? WHAT YOU NEED DROWNINGS OCCUR AT ALL AGES... _..?n KNOW-~. ~.~ --~. ~.AeReAePe INFANTS - AGES 0 -1 OLDER CHILDREN- Al;ES 5-15 hlformhtion Obtained From: Thc bath is thc most common site of drowning From a~¢ $ to 15 years, children become mom .~ffs~s ,~.~oc~,~t~ ~,,c. Aquatic Safety Awareness Program for this age chi]& ' mobile and adventurous, and spend more time wwwdellis, com outside of the home environment. U.S. Coast Guard www. uscg. mil/bq/g-m/mse4/pfdcbild, htm TODDL~.RS - A6~$ 1-~ Only 13% of the drownings that occur to chil- dren within this age range happen within the F.A.I.P. The most common location for pre-schooler home environment. www. aquaticisforg/prevention.htm drowning is the home. 56% of all toddler ¢.D.C. drownings occur within the home. Drowning sites for this age group include pools other than home pools (13%), rivers (23%), surf www. cdc.gov/ncipc/factsheets/drown, htm AQUATICSAFETY In the Bath Tub... beaches (8.5%), other salt water sites (26.5%) The bath tub remains quite a common site of Kidsafe Week 1999-Child Drowning and other fresh water sites (16%). www. kidsafe, org INF0 RMA?I.,n N drowning for all toddlers aged 0-5, however it becomes less likely as they get older. Drowning Statistics www. blakesplace, org At a Home Pool or Spa... Around 41% of all under 5 drownings occur in ~_ ~h home pools. Home Pool drowings are particu- larly common among toddlers aged 1-3. 0 ~ At other Domestic Sites... o°O ~~~ ~t~ Past infancy, a toddler is at risk from water around the home, in buckets, paddling pools  · ~ c~o~A~.~to and other containers. ~- Recreation .:..n,.~....-,..,l &Par/cs ~ ~ ¢~om~smo ~'~'~'~°~"~'~ Recreation The toddler becomes less at risk from age 4 For More Infromation on A.S.A.P.: w,~, Resources Department &Parks upwards. City of Bakersfield 4101 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93309 The other common sites of drowning for pre- Department of Recreation & Parks Phone: (661) 326-FUNN schoolers include rivers (11%), streams and (661) 326-FUNN Fax: (661) 852-2140 creeks (9%), pools other than home pools (5%), www. ci. bakersfield, ca. us www.ci.bakersfield.ca.us various salt water sites (8%) and other fresh water sites (11%). YOU CAN PREVENT ACCIDENTS! HELPING FAMILIES... WHAT PARENTS NEED TO KNOW SUPERVISE AROUND WATER... AT YOUR POOL 0R SPA... An excitin9 program is being imple- Ta~k to your children Install a phone near the poo~ or spa mented by the City of Bakersfield Recreation Talk to your children about unsafe water areas TOO of~:erx peaple say, If you receive a call, it is easier to supervise the & parks and Water Departmentsl called the around'your house and neighborhood. This wi (:/l.ly ~ f:rlr a l~Cxlx:l." pool area with a phone fight there. If there is an Aquatic Safety Awareness Program would include what the child should do in an _,~ll~r ~l.Lqt; a ~ ~ ~ ;al l 'it; emergency, there will not be a long delay obtaining the phone from another part of the (A.S.A.P.). emergency. ~ for a o__~ ld *co ~! house. lhe ~oal of the proflram is to protect the Have your child wear a Red Cross Certified life community's oreatest asset, youth. The jacket in and around rivers and lakes. DO not allow children to be alone' Recreation and Parks Department and the near any water source. Install pool perimeter fencin§ Water Department are partners in the effort to This includes lakes, pools, bathtubs, buckets This is a very simple and quick fence that goes reduce the drowning incidents in Kern and toilets. NEVER allow children near rivers around the outside of the pool, which will slow County. ~ or canals, down young children at least long enough that a short lapse in parental supervision or other ASAP focuses on teaching children Youth floatation devises are not supervision will not be fatal. about.water safety, aquatic awareness, and aquatic-related injury prevention, babysitters Arm floaters, inflatable rings, rafts, are not for Watch your house doors Please take time to look over the infor- water safety. Even life jackets are not mation provided. It may one day help prevent babysitters. An adult should always be present Most injuries occur when the child goes out of the house without the knowledge of a parent or a water related injury or drowning in your own when a child is in the water. home. Your family should learn to swim adult. This often happens because a door is left Enroll yourself and/or your children aged 4 open or is opened. Some house alarms are If you have any questions, comments or and older in simming classes. The City of Keep smart children away from buck- useful in this area, because they will sound when a door has been opened. concerns about water safety or the Aquatic Bakersfield and other local agencies conduct ets containing Liquid Safety Awareness Program, please call 326- swimming lessons for youth and adults at a As with any water source buckets are extremely lViourtt Lifesaving devices near the FUNN! very low cost during the year. dangerous, especially for curious toddlers. 5-  gallon industrial containers are a particular pool. or spa ( ' - ": leach your children these 5 water danger. Be sure to empty buckets when house- These are devises such as a life ring, pole, ~'~ "i/ ~, ~ safeBj rules: hold chores are done. rescue robe and rope. ~E~ ~ ~.::;~ _~_ ~_~,~ 1. Swim with a buddy in a supervised area. ~. ~ ' ~-?'~ 2. Be cool, follow the rule. Learn Infant and Adult CPR Keep pool water clear ..... ~~~ 3. Look before you leap. Learn CPR (cardio-pulmonary resusitation). In some accidents, pool water is so cloudy ~_'~- 4. Reach or throw, don't go. This is particularely important for pool owners the drowning victim is not readily seen, so they ...... 5. Don't just pack it, wear your jacket, and individuals who regularly participate in are not rescued in time. water recreation. Water Board Meeting October 14, 2004 11. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(A) North Kern Water Storage District vs. Kern Delta Water District, et al, Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919 Sponsorship ASAP Aquatic Safety Awareness Program We Create a Quality Community Through People, Parks and Programs DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & PARKS The City of Bakersfield, Department of Recreation and Parks strives daily to create a quality community through people, parks and programs. The department manages 43 parks, three community centers, 8 swimming pools, a spraypark and various programs, events and classes for youth and adults. One of our largest and most successful programs is aquatics. This program has expanded to year round programming with lap swimming, pool parties, water polo, spring swim lessons and aqua fitness. Summer programming also includes swim lessons, swim team, diving and water polo camps and recreation swim to name a few. More than 60,000 adults and children attended recreation swim this past summer. In addition to teaching swim lessons, part of our year round programming includes teaching the public the importance of being safe in and around water. This year we would like to again expand this education program by taking aquatic safety to the schools through the aquatic safety awareness program (ASAP). ASAP PROGRAM In 2001 alone, 859 children under the age of 15 died as a result of unintentional drowning. In Kern County, this past summer, 8 people died in swimming pools. Drowning is the second largest leading cause of unintentional injury related death among children 1 through 14. Drowning is also a silent killer which can occur in a matter of seconds. The good news is that drowning incidents are preventable through education. ASAP provides education and information to youth and their parents about water safety. The mission of the program is to reduce the local drowning rates and encourage safe family participation in aquatic recreation through education. This program is directed towards children in kindergarten and the first grade. The educational objective is to teach the five basic rules of aquatic safety. Trained lifeguard professionals from the department of Recreation and Parks will deliver the one hour course to elementary school classes. The department is seeking corporate partners to assist in subsidizing this important initiative for our community. Most people are not aware that drowning is such a serious problem locally and the ASAP program sends the message that "we care and we can make a difference" in our community. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES. The following information outlines the benefits of these sponsorship levels: SUPPORTING SPONSOR: $2,500 Benefits of this sponsorship: * Recognition on all media releases as a supporting sponsor * Name on all printed materials distributed to students, schools and parents * Name listed as supporting sponsor in Recreation and Parks brochure, distributed to over 55,000 residents CONCLUSION As a sponsor of the ASAP program, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate to the Kern County community that you are a concerned corporate citizen. The Department of Recreation and Parks believes that anything we can do to preserve one of the community's most precious assets, youth, is a worthwhile effort. Please join us in actively striving to reduce drowning incidents in Kern County ASAP. City of Bakersfield Department of Recreation and Parks By STEVE E. SWENSON ?':: ~::' ::' :' ::i' ::i~.~ ~:: The father, Brandon Parsley, 30, an Californian staff writer i executive chef at a retirement center, e.malt: .~el~k~ald.c~m :~: ~:~,i: :':'::~:', explained what happened. He said he Kern County has experienced an hadtakenhisglassesoffandturnedhis i':~.~:.? .... attention to his youngest child while unusually high number of swimming .:.:,~:?N~:~ Andrew played behind ~ The boy pool drownings this year, the Kern ~::~::~ was wearing inflatable "water wings.' County coro- ner's staff report- In a matter of one to two minutes, he ed Tuesday. turned around and saw the floalJes on There have the side of the pooL "I then saw him on been eight pool the bottom of the pool," he said. drownings this His 9-year-old daughter helped her year, five of them sister out of the pool as the father dove involving chil- down about six feet and scooped up his dren ages 5 and son. His elder daughter summoned her under, i,::~ mother, Mary Lee, and both mother and That com- ~ndrzw father performed CPR on their son. pares with just "We never got a breath," he said. one swimming pool drowning in each source: K~r. Co.nty co~o.er T.E C^U~O.N~. "It's absolutely heartbreaking tx) of the past two years, three in 2001 and everyone who knows him," Parsley four in 2000, the coroner's staff said. Robert Parsley drowned in a pool said, choking onhis words. The latest Wagedy happened Mon- where he had Seen swinuning with his "His biggest dream was to start, day evening, when 5-year-old Andrew father and two sisters, ages 3 and 9. l~ease tom to DROWNINGS! B4 B4 THE BAKERSfiELD CALIFORNIAN L( DROWNINGS: year's incidents include three adult deaths Con~nued from B1 kindergarten. He did flint yesterday Swimming pool safety (Monday). We were i~ the pool cele- brating what agood day he had. Pool safeguards "He was a big, smiling, happy child. · install a fence or ot~er ~arrier, suct~ as a wall, around the pool. The fence or barrier should t~e at least He wanted to become a fireman like ~our feet high. It should have no foot- or his grandfather. He loved to sing the hand-holds that could help a young child Bible song at Pm~ama Baptkst Church." to climb it. Vertical fence slats should be less than 4 inches apart to prevent It looked like Andrew, who could a child from squeezing through. Fence not swim, t~)ok offhis floaties, Parsley gates should I~e self*closing and said. The incident happened in a pool self-latching. at a relative's home in the 1800 block of · Install door alarms that produce an audit~le sound when door is unexpectedly Frm~k Court. opened. · Power safety covers over the pool may be used as an alternative to cloor The boy's death is part of what alarms. Supervish~g Deputy Coroner John Van · Steps arid ladders for above-ground pools should be secured and locked Rcnsselaercalled"mtabnomtallylarge or removed when the pool is not in use. ntm~ber of drow~fings for people of all Rules for pools ages iii swimming pools." * Instruct baby sitters at)out potential pool hazards to young children. He said there is no reason for rite · Never leave a child unsupervised near a pool. high mmtber thisyear. · If a child is missing, check the pool first. "Each one is a case of its own with · Do not allow a young child in the pool without an adult. its own individual set of circum- · Do not use flotation devices as a substitute for supervision. stances," Van Rensselaer said. · Never prop open the gate to a pool barrier. q~/pic'a, lly, coroner's staff respond to · Keep rescue equipment I~y the pool. · Remove toys from in and around the pool when it is not in use. one or two swimming pool drownings · Learn per year, he said. 'q~hey are all sad," he said, "especial- so,x~: o.s. ly the children." Thks year's incidents included fl~ree adult deaths, all in their 30s. Two of theywemdoingy',crdworkandfellintoa 32, bumped iris head as he was swim- them were wearing leaf blowers when Ridgecrest pool. 'rite boy went tlwough nth~g alone in a Bakersfield pool. He they fell into pools, fourfencestlqathadbeenopenedtogivc was fotmd floating fit the pool hours A breakdown' of each pool drown- his family access to the property, later by his roommate. lng this year includes: June 21 -- Chloe Rose Border, 2, fell Aug. 6 -- Joel Hidalgo, 34 fell into a Jan. 8 -- Daniel Resendiz, 30, was intoapoolinRosedalewhcnhermoth- Bakersfield pool while using a leaf wearia~g a leaf blower when he appar- er went inside thc house to tzse the blower m~tl dro~qmd before he was enfly fell in a pool in Bakersfield and bathroonc spotted by a co-worker. drowneck He had a medical history of June 22 -- Haleema Boukflfir, 3, fell Aug. 11 -- Adrian Elijah Jimenez, 2, seizures and it is possible he had one into a Delmto pool while her mother wandered oulside a~td through a nor- before falling in the pool. thought she was asleep. 2q~c mother mallyclosedgatcataBakcrsfieldpool ~'Iay 31 -- De~ Wilson, 3, of Las was feeding another child at rite time. where hc (h'o~acd while Iris family Vegas, w~mden4 away fi*om lfis family as July 25 -- Wilson Chtm-Tmg T~mg, was h~side thc home talkh~g.