HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/77 A-G E N DA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEI~BER.14, 1977 4:00 P.M. Call Meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Ratty Approve minutes of regular board meeting of November 9, 1977. ~2. Grant deed from Tenneco West, Inc, to City of Bakersfield for portions of Kern Island canal right-of-wgy between 30th and .34th streets. These parcels escaped the original sale from Tenneco ~o City to Kern Delta. - BOARD ACCEPT GRANT DEED FROM TENNECO . - BOARD APPROVE QUITCLAIM DEED TO KERN DELTA, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN"To SIGN /3. Quitclaim deed from City of Bakersfield to Tenneco West, Inc. for portions of excess right-of-way on Beardsley one ditch (also, known as Beardsley 20~foot ditch). - BOARD TO APPROVE QUITCLAIM DEED, AUTHORIZE CHAI~N TO SIGN. 4. Policy regarding public use of City property in and adjacent to Kern River Bed. ~ BOARD TO DETE~4INE ACTION. .5. Staff Comments 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment <M I N u<T' E S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1977 4:20 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Ratty in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty, (Rogers arrived at 4:35 P.M.) ~sent: Barton Bob Bellue, District Engineer, Kern County Water Agency; George Nickel, President, Nickel Enterprises; Paul Leland, Engineer, Nickel Enterprises; and Mel Tooker, Principal Planner, City of Bakersfield; also, attended the meeting. The minutes for the meeting of October 5, 1977, were approved as presented. The Negative Declaration as to environmental impact relative to the Agree- ment with Olcese Water District was presented to the Board. A motion was made by Mr. Hoagland that the Board adopt the Nagative Declaration. The motion was carried unanimously. The Agreement between Olcese Water District and the City of Bakersfield was brought before the Board. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the Agree- ment be adopted by the Water Board and the Chairman or Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign. The motion was carried and the Secretary was instruct- ed to have the Agreement recorded. The Road Easement to "First Point of Measurement in the Kern River" granted to the City of Bakersfield by Tenneco Realty Development Company was pre- sented to the Board. Mr. Chafin gave a brief explanation of the easement stating that it would give the City of Bakersfield a right of entry to First Point of Measurement. Upon motion by Mr. Bergen the Board accepted the easement for the City of Bakersfield. The Road Easement granted to the City of Bakersfield by Southern Pacific Transportation Company for roadway paralleling and crossing under the railroad near the Carrier Canal Crossing (Drawing A-12534, Sheet No. 127) was presented to the Board for acceptance. Mr. Chafin explained that this easement is necessary to maintain the Canal from 24th Street to Kern River Canal and Calloway maintenance area of the Carrier Canal. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Board accept the easement for the City of Bakersfield. The motion was carried. A letter from Pacific Gas and Electric Company along with their right-of way document was presented to the Board by Mr. Blakemore. The City of Bakersfield grants a right-of-way to Pacific Gas and Electric Company over City property to serve electricity to City Well No. 9 (Quailwood) in SW¼ Section 33, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base & Meridiam. Mr. Blakemore informed the Board that this is a new domestic well adjacent to Quailwood Drive and this right-of-way is for construction, maintenance, etc. of underground electric facilities to serve the City well. Also, the City agrees not to construct any building or structure or drill any well within the right-of-way. A motion was made by Mr. Bergen to grant the easement and to authorize the Chairman to sign. The motion was carried. Water Manager Bl~kemore recommended that Consulting Engineer Thomas M. Stetson be directed to prepare an engineering study regarding the City charging higher rates for domestic water served outside City boundaries. Mr. Hoagland informed the Board that it is necessary to conduct this study prior to setting any rates. Mr. Bergen made a motion that we request Mr. Stetson to conduct the study. The motion was carried. Equipment Rental Agreements between City and North Kern Water Storage District and between City,.and Kern Delta Water District were presented to the Board for approval~ Upon motion by Mr. Bergen the agreements were approved. The motion was passed. Mr, Hoagland co~ented that this was an aid to other districts saving them money and at the same time it utilizes City equipmen~ and makes it economic to own the equipment needed to maintain our canals, Mr. Hoagland informed the Board that he and Mr. Bergen had met with the Board of Cawelo Water District on the matter of waste discharge. Mr. Hoagland stated that in a bad financial year such as this and a drought year we have sold certain amounts of our oil field discharge water tO Cawelo Water District and they have numerous payments to make to the Kern County Water Agency and, also, to the City on their water contract. At this time Cawelo has suggested that they be allowed to defer their payment to us until such time that sufficient water is available to make up the basic quantity contracted for, which we were not able to furnish them this year. Our contract with Cawelo/%o'~ 20,000 acre feet states that if we deliver less than that amount in one year we will make up the balance the following year, or in later years when the water is available. We ~bel!ie~e that"in"return'for that they are not goingto dispUte'.the.~fact'.that the oil field discharge water is not Kern River Water.. Mr. Hoagland strong- ly urged that we defer their payment. Mr. Bergen suggested that we take the matter under consideration until we can obtain a specific formal re- quest from Cawelo. Mr. Hoagland informed the Board that we have nearly reached an accord with North Kern Water Storage District on the matter of oil fietd'~'ater discharge .a~d we-are~.s~iil working~on'.a solution, Mr. Hoagland brought up the matter of excavations in the Kern River bed and informed Mr. Bellue of the Kern County Water Agency that the State Reclamation Board requires the City to pass an ordinance relative to excavation and other activities in the primary flood zone. Board member Rogers entered the meeting at this time. Staff Comments Mr. Blakemore presented a letter to the Board from Consulting Engineer Thomas M. Stetson stating that he has incorporated and changed the title of his firm to Stetson Engineers, Inc. Upon motion by Mr. Bergen the letter was received and placed on file. Board Comments Mr. Bergen informed the Board that earlier in the week he had met with Lee Froman, North Kern Water Storage District, regarding the district's concern about the Department of Interior ruling on the 160 acre limitation. There will be a hearing held on the subject Tuesday, November 15, 1977, at 9:00 A.M. in Fresno. Mr, .Bergen suggested that Mr. Blakemore or someone ~rom the Department Of Water'rePresent'the City at-~hat meeting. Mr, Hoagland stated that relative to the 160 acre limitation a number of the districts along with the City of Bakersfield has urged the County to file an action against the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of having them prepare an E.I.R, relative to the proposed regulations. Mr. Hoagland feels there is no question that this has just a terrifying eco- nomic impact on the City, County, and other districts. The County yes- terday authorized such a law suit, Mr. George Nickel, President of Nickel Enterprises addressed the Board saying that he was pleased to see the Agreement.~with Otcese'Water'Dis~ trict'executed.and-that..he felt it Way going'~to be ~ery,,constructive- ' In that connection he feels there is one thing that is not in the agree- ment. Looking ahead to 1978, we would like very much to think that we' are going to have a good water year on the Kern River, and if we should have a good year the Olcese Water District through its arrangements with -2- Hacienda Water District and other suppliers of this water right that will be utilized to firm up water for the Rio Bravo annexation will have poten- tially a substantial quantity of water far in excess of the early need of the Rio Bravo annexation. In the future the 14,000 acre annexation will require a lot of water for use in the annexation but in the interim period this of course will not be true. Then when the water right comes on stream the Olcese Water District will be able to make use of the 110,000 acre feet of storage in the reservoir that the Hacienda Water District has a right to, and after that to make the most beneficial use of that water he feels it would be highly desirable to make use of the City'~s spreading grounds to at least some extent~ however, there Will be exchanges of water made that may not requi~re that, Mr. Nickel thinks that this is something we might initiate some thinking about. One thing he feels would be very popular with Tenneco, Rosedale~R±o Bravo and ID-4 would be to start building a water mound of some size that would not necessarily be drawn on right away, When the lower river entitlement comes on stream, there should be a good size slug of water, maybe close to 100,000 acre feet and he thinks it would be desirable to spread whatever the spreading grounds will take in excess of whatever City water there might be in a big water year, real- izing that in that agreement with the City the City has a priority. Mr. Hoagland asked that Mr. Nickel~put his comments and suggestions in written form and submit to the Water Board for study and evaluation. The second point Mr. Nickel brought before the Board was one that he had discussed with Mr. Hoagland during the formation of the agreement regard- ing the City's 2800 acres. He feels that some of our more efficient spread- ing could be done in the area up stream from the 2800 acres. Mr. Hoagland told the Board that between the Memorandum of Understanding and the formal agreement the City has acquired more land in the river bed from Chester Avenue downstream to the 2800 acres and Mr. Nickel had suggested that we include that land for spreading purposes within the original agreement. At that time Mr, Hoagland had thought that the matter should be further evaluated. Mr. Hoagland feels that we must arrive at some agreement rel- ative to conjuctive use of the river bed for spreading, because if we get more water than the river can take, who's water percolates and who's does not? In answer to Mr. Rogers question regarding the use of other lands such as Rosedale-Rio Bravo in high water times Mr. Nickel commented that as far as he knew Rosedale-Rio Bravo has done nothing physical to increase their spreading capacity, Mr. Rogers expressed his concern about the liability involved in case of flooding and suggested that we should be able to handle such a situation. Mr. Chafin stated that he felt that immediately we should begin engineer- ing studies to determine any physical work that is needed to fully utilize the groundwater recharge capabilities of our 2800 acres. Mr. Chafin, also, brought to the attention of the Board the grazing lease on the 2800 acres that should not be renewed. Mr. Bergen suggested that the staff make sure that this lease is not renewed automatically. Mr. Bergen made a~motion that the staff get together with Tom Stetson and prepare a study to fully utilize the water spreading capacity of the land that is in control of the City. The motion was carried. Mr. Bellue informed the Board that he has drafted a paper on the Kern River during flood stage and how it may affect the Cross Valley Canal and he will gladly share this information with the City. Mr, Nickel told the Board that his Rio Bravo Ranch now has two very good water wells. These wells are about 2,000 feet deep and there are no water sands in the first 800 feet and the water temperature is very different from the temperature of the River water. He feels they can help the districts by discharging well water into the river and bringing it down to the ID~4 treatment plant for use there instead of a like amount of water that would come from the California Aqueduct through the Cross Valley Canal. -3- Mr. Bellue commented that ID-4 is now carrying over some water into 1978 and he is hopeful that the amount will end up around 10,000 acre feet although it is presently estimated to be about 8,000 acre feet. Mr. Nickel asked if they were going to spread any water in 1978 stating he f~lt there was~a good chance they would. Mr. Bellue was not so optimistic informing the Board that Municipal & Industrial users now will take "cuts" share and share alike. Municipal & Industrial users got cut about ten percent so they had a very small cut compared to agriculture~ this year. The Kern County Water Agency wants river water in the treatment plant if possible because of its good quality and energy savings. Mr. Hoagland informed the Board that he had talked with Leon McDonough regarding the riparian rights survey he is conducting along a portion of the Kern River and he is still working on the survey. Mr. Bellue commented that his main reason for expressing interest as to what Mr, Nickel has been ~'a~l~i~g about is that the agency would want to take water through the canals to the treatment plant and the City owns the canals they want to use, The Kern County Water Agency had in the past sent drafts and agreements for consideration to Mel Jans at Tenneco for use of the Calloway and Carrier Canals, and the river, Mr. Bellue and Mr. Nickel asked that they be called on Monday to be in- formed as to wheter or not there will be a board meeting on the following Wednesday and they, also, requested minutes of the meeting, There being no further business to come before the Board, the Vice-Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:25 P.M. ~ihda HOs~mYer, Se~etary City of Bakersfield Water Board RECORDING REQUESTED BY [ ~ AND WHEN Rf. CORDI~D MAIL. TO [- -] Stre~t SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE, GRANT DEED TENNECO WEST, INC., a Delaware corporation, successor to Kern County Land Company, a California corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor", hereby GRANTS to the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, "Grantee," all that certain real property ~ituated in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California described as follows: Parcel B of Parcel~Map #820 as per map recorded October 4, 1973, in the Office of the County~Recorder of Kern County in Book 7 of Parcel Maps at page 56. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING to Grantor, its successors and assigns forever, all oil, gas and other hydrocarbons and all other minerals of whatever kind or character (all herein collectively Called "minerals"), whether now known to exist or hereafter discovered (it being intended that the word "minerals" as used herein shall be defined in the broadest sense of the word and shall-include, but not be limited to, oil, gas, other hydrocarbons and all other mineral substances and products, both metallic and nonmetallic, solid, liquid or gaseous), which are upon, in, under of may be produced from said real property; all salt water which is in, under or may be produced from said real property; the exclusive right, by whatever methods now or hereafter known, as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, to prospect for, investigate for, explore for, drill for, produce, mine, extract, remove and reduce to possession and ownership, all such minerals and salt water which are upon, in, 'under or may be produced from said real property; the exclusive right to drill into and through said real property to explore for and 'thereafter produce and extract minerals which may be produced from adjacent real property; the right to lay, construct, erect and place upon and in safd real property, and use, maintain and operate thereon and thereafter remove, all buildings, tanks, pressure plants and other machinery, fixtures and equipment, pipelines, telephone lines, electric power lines, roads, power houses and other structures and facilities as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, for the exercise and enjoyment of the rights herein excepted and reserved; the exclusive right to treat, process, (but not refine), store upon and remove from said real property such minerals and salt water; the exclusive right to produce and extract such minerals by repressuring the subsurface sands and strata with fluids or gases or by such other method or methods as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, and to inject in and store and thereafter remove such fluids and gases, whether'or not indigenous to said real property, the rJ.~ht at all times, witi~out charge, to investigate for, ex[~lore for, drill for, produce, remove and reduce to possession and ownership, those quantities of fresh water from aquifers underlying said real property deemed necessary by Grantor or its Successors or assigns to use in prospecting, exploring, drilling, mining, producing, extracting and removing (including, but not limited to, use in unit operations, waterflood, thermal, or other secondary recovery methods now or hereafter known), or other operations in connection with the full enjoyment and exercise of the rights herein excepted and reserved; the right to exercise all rights herein excepted and reserved and any and all other rights upon said real property as Grantor or its successors or assigns deems necessary, incidental to or convenient, whether alone or co-jointly with neighboring lands, in exploring for, producing and extracting the minerals and salt water herein excepted and reserved; and the unlimited and unrestricted right of access to said minerals ard salt water for all purposes, provided, however, that unless the consent of the surface owner is first obtained, Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall not enter upon the surface or in or through the upper five hundred (500) feet of the subsurface in the exercise of the rights excepted and reserved herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have executed this Grant'Deed as of this 2nd day of December, 1977 TENNECO WEST, INC. '. [ '- gee President A~si-stant Secretary STATE OF CALI-FORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KERN ) On this 2nd day of December ', 1~7 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of California, personally appeared, MELVIN JANS and WAYNE E. BROOME, known to me to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of TENNECO WEST, INC., the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within Enstrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year of this certificate first above written.. ~ "~'-' "- '" , U~L'C C"' t~ '~NIA : ~...~,~ ~OT~,~¥~ ........ : Notary Public in and for/t~e S~ate ~ ~$~W~ PRINCIPAL O~'C~ ~N ~ of Californi~ · . ~ MyCommissionExplresD~c, 5,1980 ~ DIRECTORS YOUNG, WOOLI3RIO(}E, PAULDEN. S.ANL~Y~.~'':L,S."..S'~ENT KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT ANO SELf ' JO~N D, MiXON, I'REA~URER BAKERSFIELD. CALlt~ORN[A 93307 ...... 4. ¢~..o , so~, ~/~/9/~/f 834-4195 November 22, 1977 Mr. Wayne Broome Tenneco West, Inc. P.O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Re: TI 499114 DO APN 02-01-52 KI Canal @ 30th St. Dear Wayne: Attached is TI's preliminary title report showing the fee underlying Parcel B of Parcel Map 820 as vested in TWI. The neighbor to the west, Associated Automatic Fire Protection Company has approached us for the purchase of a narrow strip of the right of way for the purpose of expanding their property and I was prepared to recommend approval if satisfactory consideration could have been negotiated. Now it appears we will have to deal with them join%ly unless it is Tenneco's policy to convey property of this nature to the City. Please le{ me have the Company's ideas on this if you can. V~ry tr~ yours, Castle General Manager Kern Delta Water District GHC/iOEncl. ~ ~C~V~D CITY OF 6AKE~SFIELD _.I:~4~ARTMENT OF WATER TITtJE INSURANCE AND TRUST Kern County Office 1715Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 805 327 7311 NOVEMBER 8, 1977 PRELIMINARY REPORT IMPORTANT When replying refer to KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT OurNo. 499114-DO ~EL KERN STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. 93307 ATTENTION: GILBERT CASTLE Your No. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, Title Insurance and Trust Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a California Land Title Association Standard Coverage form Policy of Title Insurance describing thc land and thc estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which'may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to thc printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. Thks report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for thc purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the i~suancc of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested.__ Datedasof NOVEMBER 3 , 1977 , at 7:30 a.m. ~}~ ~. ~}~ DONALD' d. OLSSON Title Officer The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is a fee. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, AS TO A CANAL EASEMENT OVER PARCEL ~1; TENNECO WEST, INC. AS TO THE REMAINDER OF PARCEL ~.1; RICHARD L. WARD AND LYNN PATRICIA WARD,. AS TO PARCEL ~.2. At the date hereof' exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: SEE PAGES FOLLOWING. A TICOR COMPANY 499114-DO PAGE 2 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY AND CITY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR 1977-1978, AS FOLLOWS: TOTAL AMOUNT : $12.74 FIRST INSTALLMENT : $6.38 SECOND INSTALLMENT : $6.36 ASSESSED LAND VALUE : $100.00 ASSESSED IMPROVEMENT VALUE: NONE EXEMPTIONS : NONE ASSESSMENT NO. : 2-010-52 CODE NO. : 1-1 AFFECTS PARCEL 1. 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL COUNTY AND CITY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-1978, AS FOLLOWS: TOTAL AMOUNT : $500.06 FIRST INSTALLMENT : $250.04 SECOND INSTALLMENT : $250.02 ASSESSED LAND VALUE : $3,250.00 ASSESSED IMPROVEMENT VALUE: $250.00 'EXEMPTIONS : NONE ASSESSMENT NO. : 2-010-53 CODE NO. : 1-1 AFFECTS PARCEL 2. 3. A LICENSE AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF: SAN JOAQUIN LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY FOR : ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES RECORDED : JULY 17, 1928 IN BOOK 260 PAGE 9, OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS A STRIP OF LAND 50 FEET WIDE, LYING 25 ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTER LINE: IN SECTIONS 18 AND 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERID. IAN; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, WHICH POINT IS 230 FEET WESTERLY FROM THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 0° 39' EAST, A DISTANCE OF ~16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20° 50' EAST, APPROXIMATELY A DISTANCE OF 5927 FEET TO A POINT IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH., RANGE 29 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 12° 42' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2173 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 7° 32' EAST 561 FEET TO A POINT;'THENCE SOUTH 12° 22' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 876.5 FEET MORE OF LESS TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY L~NE OF PROPERTY OF SAN JOAQUIN LIGHT AND POWER CORPORATION, WHICH PROPERTY IS SITUATED IN THE EAST HALF OF SOUTHEAST 499114-DO PAGE 3 QUARTER OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID ABOVE MENTIONED SECTION 19. 4. A LICE'NSE AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID LAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN ~AVOR OF: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR : PIPE LINES AND ELECTRIC POWER LINES RECORDED : AUGUST 9, 1951 IN BOOK 1835 PAGE 196, OFFICIAL RECORDS. AFFECTS PORTIONS OF SAID LAND, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWING: PARCEL 1: THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED .IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, MOUNT DIABLD MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 DISTANT THEREON 93.87 FEET NORTHERLY'OF EAST 1/4 SECTION CORNER, THEREOF WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE INTERS'ECTION OF THE CENTER LINES OF UNION AVENUE AND 34TH STREET OF BAKERSFIELD; THENCE NORTH 89° 47' WEST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF 34TH STREET 524.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 13° 571/2' . EAST 41.3 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF 34TH STREET, WHICH POINT IS ALSO TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE NORTH 89° 47' WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF 34TH STREET 137.5 FEET TO NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED, IN DEED EXECUTED BY KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY TO CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, DATED JUNE 11, 1937 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 728 PAGE 334, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 0°~ 13' WEST ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LAST MENTIONED PARCEL OF LAND 59.4 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11° 39 1/2' EAST 505.4 FEET TO NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 5.35 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED EXECUTED BY KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, DATED AUGUST 8, 1945 RECORDED IN BOOK 1283 PAGE 26, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 10° 00' EAST, ALONG THE LAST MED.ITIONED BOUNDARY LINE 416.9 FEET TO A POINT WHICH LIES SOUTH 10° 00' WEST ].45.4 FEET FROM SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LIME OF 3BTH STREET; THEBICE 'NORTH ]3© 57 !/2' WEST 148 FEET MORE OR LESS 'TO TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTINUING 1.23 ACRES. ¢ 499114-DO PAGE 4- PARCEL 2: THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 5.35 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED -' EXECUTED BY KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, DATED AUGUST 8, 1945 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1283 PAGE 26 OFFICIAL RECORDS, WHICH COURSE IS DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED AS HAVING A BEARING OF SOUTH 10© 14' 51" WEST AND A LENGTH OF 326.63 FEET (THE BEARING OF THIS COURSE BY THIS SURVEY IS SOUTH 10° 00' WEST), WHICH SAID POINT LIES 193.9 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY FROM NORTHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF SAID COURSE; THENCE SOUTH 10© 00' WEST ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 5.35 ACRE PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 231.5 FEET; THENCE NORTH 13© 57 1/2' OF WEST 347 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUING 0.21 ACRE. 5. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN -' DATED : OCTOBER 11, 1973 AMOUNT. : $11,970.00 TRUSTOR' ""' RICHARD L. WARD AND LYNN PATRICIA WARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS TRUSTEE : TENNECO WEST, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION BENEFICIARY: TENNECO WEST, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION RECORDED : OCTOBER 19, 1973 IN BOOK 4809 PAGE 875, OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS PARCEL 2. 499114-DO. PAGE 5 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1' PARCEL B OF PARCEL MAP ~820 ~.S PER MAP RECORDED OCTOBER 4j 1973 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF KERN COUNTY IN BLOCK 7 OF PARCEL MAP.S AT PAGE 56. PARCEL 2: PARCEL A OF PARCEL MAP ~820 AS PER MAP RECORDED OCTOBER 4j 1973 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF KERN COUNTY IN BLOCK 7 OF PARCEL MAPS AT PAGE 56. EXCEPT ALL OIL~ GAS~ AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS AND ALL OTHER MINERALS OF WHATEVER KIND OR CHARACTER UPON~ IN~ UNDER OR MAY BE PRODUCED FROM SAID LAND AS EXCEPTED IN THE DEED FROM TENNECO WEST~ INC. RECORDED OCTOBER 19~ 1973 IN BOOK 4509 PAGE 873'OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. / . / / ' .~ ~ . ../ . ~ - / ~ ~~..~- .... ,,,~. . ~--;., 0 . ~ / .~ ~,.~? Par~:e 'ap o. J )3 ~lNG A gVISiON OF A ~RTiON OF THE ~UTHE~ST.Q~Ea .. AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, T. 29 S, R 2SE,MgM, IN THE INCORPO~4TED ~RE~ OF THE ', ) CiTY OF 8AKERSKIELD. ~q COUNTY OF KERN ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ONE SHEET ONLY November 16, 1977 MEMORANDUM To: Stuart T. Pyle Eagineer-Manager From: Warren Cebell Re: Groundwater Conditions'in Improvement District No. 4 to mid-1977 Water Elevation. changes The Kern County Water Agency initiated delivery of treated water to purveyors on February 8, 1977. Purveyor recipients are located in north Oildale, east Niles and in eastern central Bakersfield where most of the California Water Service Company wells are located. The consequent decreased pumpage by these purveyors has provided a significant improvement in ground- water levels in these areas. Evidence of this may be seen in the August 1976 to August 1977 groundwater depthrchange map (Plate I). In parts of Oildale, northeast and far eastern Bakersfield, water levels are up over 20 feet above the levels of a year ago. Prior to 1970, records fr°m a limited number of Bakersfield City wells indicated an average groundwater decline of about five feet per year. Since that time, much more complete records from about 120 Cal Water wells have provided groundwater information in the east central Bakersfield area. Since 1973, information on west and southwest Bakersfield groundwater conditions have been provided by a grid of KCWA wells. The Agency initiated water spreading in the Kern River channel and Calloway Canal in November 1972, and continued it until mid-1974. The effect Of the spreading was reflected in a groundwater level change map covering the period from July 1973 to July 1974. In addition, the average algebraic net water level change for that period for both the KCWA grid wells and the Cal Water wells was computed. In the Cal Water wells, which had previously been declining more than seven feet per well per year, the 1973 to 1974 decline was less than one foot per well per year. The KCWA grid wells (west Bakersfield) with a prior decline of at least five feet per year, actually showed a net groundwater level gain of over 10 feet per well per year. The net change for the combined Cal Water and KCWA wells was an average gain of 3.57 feet per well per year. Since spreading stopped, ~th the Cal Water and KCWA grid area water levels again started declining. The' chronological water level change for both areas is depicted in Plate II. The upper plot, on Plate II, depicts 1 the Cal Water wells, the lower plot the KCWA grid wells covering the time span from mid-1972 to mid-1977. Each point on each plot depicts the average change in all the wells in each system from the same time in the prior year. The red areas, in the plots, cover times when the average depths to water were lower than the year before. The blue areas depict times when the average water depths were higher than the 'year earlier level. Thus, in August of 1977, the average depth in 123 Cal Water wells was up over two feet from the August 1976 average. Additional groundwater insight was provided by constructing hydro- graphs of five wells across ID No. 4. No. 1 is a 'K' location in Section 29 of 29/27; No. 2 is a 'J' location in 28 of 29/27; No. 3 is an 'L' location in 24 of 29/27; No. 4 is a 'Q' location in 19 of 29/28 and No. 5 is an location in 20 of 29/28. The No. 3 is less than 1000 feet south of the river. The KCWA 1972-74 spreading produced an immediate and dramatic improvement in this well. The February 1974 water level was a +15 feet above the pre-spreading February 1972 level and over +30 feet above the pre-spreading slope. The pre-spread- ing decline slope was -10 ft/yr. The post-spreading slope was -6 ft/yr. The Cross Valley Canal (CVC) and temperature equalization pond were first filled in September 1976. This was reflected in the nearby No. 3 well's hydrograph. The 1977 high (February) was +4 feet above the 1976 high~ · The No. 2 well is located about 2-1/2 miles west of No. 3 and 1/2 mile north of the'river. This well's hydrograph also displays a relatively rapid response to the 1972-74 spreading. The 1973 autumnal decline was co~pletelyeliminated and the February 1974 high was at +16 feet above the February 1973 level. The pre-spreading decline slope was -17 ft/yr, the post-spreading slope was -6-1/2 ft/yr. The No. 1 well is another 1-1/4 miles west of No. 2 and a mile north of the river. The spreading effects were understandably slower in reaching this well. The 1973 autumn decline appears to be a near duplication of the previous year's decline; however, the spreading effects are evident in the spring 1974 water levels. The February 1974 level is a full +7 feet above the February 1973 level. The pre-spreading decline rate was -19 ft/yr, while the post-spreading rate was -9 ft/yr. The No. 4 well is located 1-1/4 miles east of the, near river,~ No. 3 well. No. 4 is also some 1-1/4 southeast of the river and upslope from the spreading area. Nonetheless, some 1972-74 spreading benefit may'be present · in this well. The spring of 1974 water level, instead of being -7 feet lower than the spring 1973 level, was actually +1 foot above the year earlier level. Of greater significance, however, is the emergence of evidence of improved groundwater conditionsresulting from deliveries of treated water. Earlier reference was made to the initiation of treated water deliveries to north Oildale and east Bakersfield and the resulting curtailment of pumping. This produced a September 1976 to September 1977 gain of +22 feet in the No. 4 well. The No. 5 well is located 1-1/2 miles east of the No. 4 well and over 1-1/2 miles south of the river. During the 1972-74 spreading, water levels declined not -7 but just -1 foot in the spring 1973 to spring 1974 highs. Much more apparent is the effect of pumping reduction due to deliveries of treated water. The February 1976 to February 1977 change was +3-1/2 feet. The August 1976 to August 1977 change was +29 feet. It must be pointed out that not all of the 1972-74 improvement in water levels and decline slopes can be attributed to spreading. Kern River flow at First Point was 601,000 acre feet in 1970, 443,000 acre feet in 1971 and 311,000 acre feet in 1972, which would contribute to a steep decline slope. In 1973, First Point'flow was 785,000 acre feet, it was 746,000 acre feet in 1974 and 572,000 'acre feet in 1975, which would provide an improved decline slope. If we assumed that all of the improvement in decline slope in the most up dip.wells, here No. 4 and No 5, was due to natural flow, we observe a slope improvement of 3 ft/yr, before and after spreading. By contrast, slope improvement for %he same period, in the most down dip wells, here No. 1 and No. 2, was 10 ft/yr. This would suggest that at least 7 ft/yr, of decline slope improvement is likely due to the KCWA 1972-74 water spreading. 3 , i ,' ' ' ' 4 !BOUN[~ARY I RIMHALL .~,- -- ~ .. LEGEND of ~ 76 ~- - ' .~ DEPTH ~ ' ' .... AVERAGE ANNUAL GROUNDWATER PLATE LEVEL CHANGES -F 5'/Well / Year .-.-.*.-. ~..'.~..'.~.~.~.~.~..'.. GROUNDWATER .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. CAL WATER WELLS LEV E L '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. GAIN '°"°'"'"'°'°'%" - · .........-......... (Mostly East Bakersfield) f ieee°lille°°lille°el 0 NO CHANGE ' ° GROUNDWATER ,.....o.-....°....o.o... .%-.. LEVEL "'"'"'"'"'"'"' DEC L I NE ,...-.-.............-.-. -lOFt. /Well/Year '"'"'"'"' -'-'"- I ! ' I I i I + lOFt/Well/Yeor GROUNDWATER '-'.'.'"".'"'"'"" LEVEL ''-'-'-'.'-'-'-'-'-'.' GAiN :::::::::::::::::::::::::: K.C.W.A. GRID WE .:.:.:.:. (Mostly West Bakersfi~ '.'1:1::1111' .:.:.:.:.:, ,:111:111' .1.1.1. .'.'.'. ~ NO CHANeE ........ ,::i:!:i:!:i:i' :::::::' .........-...-.....-. :,~:.:.: .'.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,' GROUNDWATER .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. LEVEL "'"'""'"'"'"'"" DECLINE '"'""'"'"'"'"' --I0 Ft./Well/Year '.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..., .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:, =========================== WATER PERCOLATED K.C.W.A. START OF - IN KERN RIVER AND POND AND TREATED CALLOWAY CANAL C.~C. FILLED WATER W.C. Cebell Oct. 1977 DELIVERY