HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/31/77 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1977 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Ratty 1. Approve minutes of meeting of August 10, 1977. 2. Board elect a Vice-Chairman ~3. Public Hearing - Conflict of Interest Code for Water Department. Water Enterprise Budgets (Agricultural & Domestic.) BOARD APPROVE 5. Letter from Kern River Watermaster regarding river operation policy. 6. Letter from Water Association of Kern County regarding contribution by City. 7. Letter ~egarding Hydrospect Program for 1977-78 8. Correctory Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to City of Bakersfield to correct description of Parcel 4 contained in Grant Deed to City from TWI dated December 30, 1976, in Book 4999, page 436 which in- cluded Cross Valley Canal and road easement, in error. MINUTE-S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1977 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Donald Rogers, Chairman Harold Bergen Ken Hoagland Absent: James Barton Donald Ratty The minutes of the meeting of July 21, 1977 were presented for approval. The minutes were corrected as to the disposition of the letter from the Water Association of Kern County relative to a contribution. The matter was to be researched and additional information compiled for discussion at at later date. With this correction the minutes were approved. The tentative Water Enterprise Budgets (Agricultural and Domestic) were distributed for study by the Board and consideration at a later date. ,~ Water Manager Blakemore presented a copy of a letter dated July 27, 1977 he had sent North Kern Water Storage District and Kern Delta Water District advising them of the status of the riparian rights study along a portion of the Kern River. A letter dated July 28, 1977 from the Temporary Kern River Watermaster requesting support of a proposed policy of the Kern River Interests not to reduce flow of the Kern River unless a life could be saved, was pre- sented. On motion by Mr. Bergen the letter was received for study and for consideration at the next meeting. The Water Manager presented a letter dated August 3, 1977 accompanied by a Grant Deed, from Tenneco West, Inc. stating that four small parcels of Stine Canal were inadvertently omitted when the water assets were trans- ferred to the City and that the deeds transferred these parcels to the City. Upon a motion by Mr5 Hoagland the Board accepted the Grant Deed for the City and instructed the staff to proceed to deed these parcels to Kern Delta Water District as the present owner of Stine Canal. A Quitclaim Deed from the City to Tenneco Realty Development Corporation was presented for the purpose of defining the right-of-way of the "Twenty Foot Ditch" in Lots 17 and 32 of Sec. 15, T29S, R27E., SBM. Upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland the Board approved this transaction. A committee from Cawelo Water District consisting of Board members Milo Hall,''Raymond Mettler, and Manager John Jones appeared before the Water Board to discuss the billing of certain oil field water in the Beardsley Canal which Cawelo ordered and the City delivered to Cawelo during May, June, and July 1977. Cawelo feels this water should not be charged for over and above the contract payment of $540,000.00 that they have made, or are making for this year since it is a dry year and they will not re- ceive their basic contract amount of 27,000 acre feet. Mr. Mettler re- ferred to page 27, Section 6.3 of Agreement No. 76-62 (the Cawelo Contract) regarding "alternate available supplies". Mr. Hoagland responded that he felt this provision did not apply to the oil field water and he thought Cawelo and their attorney, at a previous meeting, had agreed. Mr. Blake- more, and Assistant Water Manager Chafin reported that on numerous occa- sions the City water staff had clearly stated to John Jones that the oil field water was delivered for $22.00 an acre foot as non-contract water and Mr. Jones ordered and accepted the water on that basis. Water Super- intendent Bogart said that on May 11, 1977 he contacted John Jones and it was agreed that the City would deliver oil field water to Cawelo at the rate of 15 cfs per day at a price of $22.00 per acre foot. This water ~'~ould ' etd otherwm, se have delivered to various B sley lateral customers. Mr. Bergen stated that he would not negotiate on l) the water is not Kern River water and 2) the $22.00 per acre foot price. Mr, Hall said that Cawelo's problem was one of economics and they did not argue with the source or the price of the water, but wanted the City to see if it was at all possible to credit payment for the subject water against the $540,000.00. Upon motion by Mr. Bergen the matter was referred to the City Attorney for review and referral back to the Board at a later date. There being no further business to come before the Water Board, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M. Linda HO-sbmyer',~ S'ecretary City of Bakersfield Water Board -2- MEMORANDUM August 10, 1977 TO: John Blakemore, John Chafin and Gene Bogart FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT: Conflict of Interest Code for the Water Department A public hearing by the Water Department is being noticed to satisfy the legal requirements for adoption of a Conflict of Interest Code for the department. The hearing is scheduled to be held at the City Manager Conference Room on Wednesday, August 31, 1977, at 4 Po M. The Code that has been prepared and is proposed for adoption for the Water Department imposes disclosure requirements as follows: Water Manager and Assistant Water Manager will be required under the Code to file an initial statement within 30 days after adoption of the Code by the City Council and an annual statement By March 31 of each year for the year ending December 31, in accordance with the Instruction Manual for Statement of Economic Interests cover- ing Category 1, as follows: (a) All investments as defined by Section 82034 of the Government Code. (b) All interest in real property within the jurisdiction. (c) All income, as defined by Section 82030 of the Govern- ment Code, received from any source located'or doing business within the jurisdiction or expecting to do business within the jurisdiction. (Income not required to be reported in the Initial Statement) - Category 1. The._~ater Su erintendent must~also file Initial Statement and Annual Sta m~-s-hnder Discl~.sure Categories 9 and 14, to wit: Category 9 (a) Investments in business entities that manufacture or sell goods, supplies, machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the Water Department. (b) Income from business entities that manufacture or sell goods, supplies, machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the Water Department. .-~ Category 14 (a) Investments in business entities engaged in the business of buying, selling or transporting water, doing business or expecting to do business in the State. (b) Income from business entities engaged in the business of buYing, selling or transporting water, doing business or expecting to do business in the State. (c) All interest in real property within'the ~urisdiction~ served by water furnished by the City of. Bake~fiel~ Or b~-~Y firm or entity contracting with s-a-~y for water. (Income not required to be reported in the Initial Statement.) The Conflict of Interest Code proposed for adoption for the Water Department also subjects the ~ter Manaf~_~, the A~~~r a~g~e Water Superintendent~ t~uallfication provzsion (Se6-~on 500)-wh{'C~ requires the officer or employee to disqualify himself from making or participating in the making of any decision in his official capacity which would forseeably have a financial effect on any economic interest he may have. 'It is requested that after the hearing is concluded, the Water Manager sign the form attached to this memo formally submitting the Conflict of Interest Code to the City Council. CFL:sm ~.,-T~,' Attachment CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE The agency designated above hereby submits the following Conflic~ of Interest Code to the code reviewing body of the jurisdiction designated above. (signature) (offici~ capacity) Received on behalf of the code reviewing bcdy of the jurisdiction designatqd above: Date: (signature) (official capaciiy) The following Confl~c+ of Interest Code, having been submitted b' a=slgnated above, was approved by order of the code reviewing body on Other action. (if any): (signature) (official cap acity) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Combined Water Enterprises Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the Possibility of a Wet Year 12/22/76 7'/01/77 1'/01/78 ~otal to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Proposed Operating Budget Revenue from Operations Water Sales $ 735,655 $1,430,700 $1~499,705 $2,930,405 Operatin§ Expenses Field Expenses $ 271,055 $ 344,615 $ 380,995 .$ 725,610 Administrative Expenses 208,185 312,750 247,165 559,915 Total Operating Expen§es $ 479,240 $ 657,365 $ 628,160 $1,285,525 Net Operating Income before Deprec. $ 256,415 $ 773,335 $ 871,545 $1,644,880 Depreciation $ (60,000) $ (63,000) $ (66,000) $'(129,000) Net Operating Income $ 196,415 $ 710,335 $ 805,545 $1,515,880 Non-Operating Revenue $ 417,970 $ 417,970 $ 11,300 $ 429,270 Non-Operating Expenses $ 494,390 $ 617,915 $ 583,170 $1,201,085 Net Income (Loss) $ 119,995 $ 510,390 $ 233,~75 $ 744,065 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~Agricult~ral Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the Possibility of a Wet Year 1'2/22/76 7/01/77 1'/01/78 Total to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 . FY 77-78 Proposed Operating Budget Revenue from Operations: Water Sales (see attached sched.) $ 575,395 $1,158,'300 $1,205,240 $2,363,540 Operating Expense~ Field Expenses: Wages and Employee Benefits $ 121,380 $ 188,460 $ 193,510 $ 381,970 U.S. Corps of Eng. - O.'M.&M. ' Lake Isabella 22,705 -0- 22,115 22,115 Weed Control _ 600 25,000 25,000 50,000 Maintenance Expense 8,060 35,000 35,000 70,000 Expenses Reim. from Clrng. Accts.' ~2,815) (30,000) ~(30,000) (60,000) Total Field Expenses ~ ~ 1~9,930 $ 218,460 $ 245,625 $ 464,085 Administrative Expenses:~ Consulting Engineer Fees -0- $ ' 6,250 $ 6,250 $ 12,500 Dept. of Water Res. - Snow Survey -0- 3,115 -0- 3,115 Bureau of Reclm.-Contract Admn. -0- -0- 1,360 1,360 Equip. Chrgs. from Vehicle Pool 74,690 89,825 89,825 179,650 Insurance 7,980 29,375 29,375 58,750 Charges from other Departments 2,415 5,000 5,000 10,000 Property Taxes 32,750 85,750 32,750 118,500 Field Office & Related Expenses 8,500 5,400 5,400 10,800 Miscellaneous General Expense 11,530 17,100 6,600 23,700 Total Administrative Expenses $ 137,865 $ 241,815 $ 176,560 $ 418,375 Net Operating Income Before Deprec. $ 287,600 $ 698,025 $ 783,055 $1,481,080 Depreciation (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (60,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) $ 257,600 $ 668,025 $ 753,055 $1,421,080 Non-Operating Revenue Proceeds from Sale of Water Bonds $ 346,080 $ 346,08_0_0 $. 11,300 $ 357,380 Non-Operating Expenses 1965 NKWSD Bonds - Principal [$ 32,500)/$ 32,5001 -0- l$ 32,500) 1965 NKWSD - Int. & Fees 33,745) 16,565} ($ 16~500) 33,065) Less: Amort. of Bond Premium 1,100 1,100 -0- 1,100 Interest Expense ( 346,080) ( 346,080) ( 346,080) ( 692,160) Transfer to Domestic Water ( 11,275) ( 151,980) ( 148,700) ( 300~680) Total Non-.Operating Expenses ($ 422,5Q0) ($ 546,025) ($ 51i,280) ($1,057,305) Net Income (Loss) $ 181,180 $ 468,080 $ 253,075 $ 721,155 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Schedule of Estimated Revenues For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the Possibitility of a Wet Year i2/22/76 3/01/77 ~/01/78 Total to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 sales to Five Major Districts $ 450,000 $ 700,000 $ 800,000 $1,500,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Co. Water Sales 37,160 90,000 90,000 180,000 Kern River Canal & Irr. Co. (Prepaid) 44,490 -0- -0- -O- Non-Kern River Water Sales to District & Others (1977 only)' . 28,530 52,800 -0- 52,800 Lake Ming Agreement 1,960 -0- 4,740 4,740 Getty Oil 8,815 -0- -0- -O- Kern River Sales to Others* -0- 300,000 300,000 600,000 Valley Waste 2,995 -0- -0- -O- Sand Sales -0- 15,000 10,000 25,000 Temporary Pumping Agreements 1,445 500 500 1,000 $ 575,395 $1,158,300 $1,205,240 $2,363,540 *Kern River Sales to Others: Only when prior year deficiencies to basic contractors are fulfilled and carry-over requirements are met (unlikely that a supply would be available in FY 78-79. even with normal year s'upply) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .Combined Water Enterprises Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the Possibility of a Normal Year 12/22/76 7/01/77 1/01/78 Total to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Proposed Operating Budget Revenue from Operations Water Sales ~ 735,655 $1,360,700 $1,429,705 $2,790,405 O~perating Expenses Field Expenses $ 271,055 $ 308,205 $ 343,740 $ 651,945 Administrative Expenses 208,185 297,780 232,195 529,975 Total Operating Expenses $ 479,240 $ 605,985 $ 575,935 $1,181,920 Net Operating Income before Deprec. $ 256,415 $ 754,715 $ 853,770 $1,608,485 Depreciation $ (60,000) $ (63,000) $ (66,000) $ (129,000) Net Operating Income $ 196,415 $ 691,715 $ 787,770 $1,479,485 Non-Operatin~ Revenue $ 417,970 $ 417,970 $ 11,300 $ 429,270 Non-Operating Expenses $ 494,390 $ 617,915 $ 583,170 $1,201,085 Net Income (Loss) $ 119,995 $ 491,770 $ 215,900 $ 707,670 CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expenses For 'the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the possibility of a Normal Year 1.2/22/76 7/01/77 1/01/78 Total to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Proposed Operatin9 ~udge~ Revenue from Operations: Water Sales (See attached sched.) $ 575~395 $ 1,088.,~00 $.~1.35~240 .$ 2,223~540 Operating Expenses Field Expenses: Wages and Employee Benefits $ 121,380 $ 157,050 $ 161,255 $ 318,305 U.S. Corps of Eng. - O.M. & M. Lake Isabella 22,705 -0- 22,115 22,115 Weed Control 600 20,000 20,000 40,000 Maintenance Expense 8,060 35,000 35,000 70,000 Expenses Reim. from Clrng. Accts. (2,815) (30,OOQ) (30,000) (60,000) Total Field Expenses ~ 149,930 ~ 182,'050 $ 208,~ $ 390,420 Administrative Expenses: Consulting Engineer Fees -0- 6,250 6,250 12,500 Dept, of Water Res. - Snow Survey $ -0- $ 3,115 $ -0- $ 3,115 Bureau of Reclm. - Contract Admn. -0- -0- 1,360 1,360 Equipment Charges from Vehicle Pool 74,690 74,855 74,855 .1.49,710 Insurance 7,980 29,375 29,375 58,750 Charges from Other Departments 2,415 5,000 5,000 10,000 Property Taxes 32,750 85,750 32,750 118;500 Field Office & Related Expenses 8,500 5,400 5,400 10,800 Miscellaneous General Expense 11~530 17~.100 6,600 23,700 Total Administrative Expenses $ 137,865 ~ 226,845 $ 161,590 $ 388,435 Net Operating Income Before Deprec. $ 287,600 $ 679,405 $ 765,280 $ 1,444,685 Depreciation $ (30,000) $ (30,000)$ (30,000)$. (60,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) $ 257,600 $ 649,405 $ 735,280 $ 1,384,685 Non-Operating Revenue Proceeds from Sale of Water Bonds $ 346,080 $. 346~080 $ 11,300 $ 357,380 Non-Operating Expenses 1965 NKWSD Bonds - Principal $ (32,500) $ (32,500)$ -0- $ (32,500) 1965 NKWSD Bonds - Interest & Fees (33,745) (16,565)$ (16,500) (33,065) Less: Amort. of Bond Premium 1,100 1,100 -0- 1,100 Interest Expense (346,080) (346,080) (346,080) (692,160) Transfer to Domestic Water (11,275) (151,980~ (148,700) (300,680) Total Non-Operating Expenses $--~75~) $ (546[025~$()511,280 $(1,057,305) Net Income (Loss) $ 181,180 $ 449,460 $ 235,300 $ 684,760 ~ ~' CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Schedule of Estimated Revenues For ~the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the possibility of a Normal Year !2/22/76 7/01/77 !/01/78 T6tal. to to to ' for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Sales to Five Major Districts $ 450,000 $' 700,000 $ 800,000 $ 1,500,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Co. Water Sales 37,160 120,000 120,000 240,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Co. (Prepaid_) 44,490 -0- -0- -O- Non-Kern River Water Sales to Districts & Others (1977 Only) 28,530 52,800 -0- 52,800 Lake Ming Agreement 1.960 -0- 4,740 4,740 Getty Oil 8,81 5 -0- -0- -O- Kern River Sales to Others * -0- 200,000 200,000 400,000 Valley Waste 2,995 -0~ -0- -O- Sand Sales -07 15,000 lO,O00 25,000 Temporary Pumping Agreements '1 ~-445 500 500 1,000 '$~ 575,395 $1,088,300 $1,135,240 '$ 2,223,540 *Kern River Sales to others - Only when prior year deficiencies to basic contractors are fulfilled, a~d carry-over requirements'are met. (Unlikely that a supply would be available, ¥iscal year 78-79 even with normal year supply). CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Combined Wat~' Enterprises Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 12~22/76 - 6/30/78 Based on the Possibility of a Dry Year i2/22~76 7/01/77 i/Ol/78 Total to ' to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 ~roposed Operating Budget Revenue from Operations - Water Sales $ 735,655 $1,100,700 $1,169,705 $2,270,405 Operatin9 Expenses Field Expenses $ 271,055 $ 271,795 $ 301,490 $ 573,285 Administrative Expenses 208,185 282~810 217,225 500,035 Total Operating Expenses $ 479,240 $ 554,605 $ 518,715 $1,073,320 Net Operating Income before De?rec. $ 256,415 $ 546,095 $ 650,990 $1,197,085 Depreciation $ (60,000) $ (63,000) $ (66,000) $.(129,000) Net Operating Income $ 196,415 $ 483,095 $ 584,990 $1,068,085 Non-Operating Revenue $ 417,970 $ 417,970 $ 11,300 $ 429,270 Non-Operating Expenses $ 494,390 $ 617,915 $ 583,170 $1,201,085 Net Income (Loss) $ 119,995 $ 283,150 $ 13,120 $ 296,270 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expenses . ~ For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78' Based on the possibility of a Dry Year 12/22/76 7/01/77 1/01/78 Total to to to for 6/30/77 1-.2/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Proposed~Operatin~_Budge~ Revenue. from Operations: Water Sales (See attached sched.) $'.~75,.395 $ 828.~300 $ 8775,240 $ 1,703,540 Operating Expenses Field Expenses: Waggs and Employee Benefits 121,380 125,640 129,005 254,645 U.S. Corps of Eng. - O.M. & M Lake Isabella 22,705 -0- 22,115 22,115 Weed Control 600 15,000 10,000 25,000 Maintenance Expense 8,060 35,000 35,000 70,000 Expenses Reim. from Clrng. Accts. (2,815) (30,000) (30,000) (60,000) Total Field Expenses $ 149,930 $ 145,640 $ 166,120 $ 311,760 Administrative Expenses: ' Consulting Engineer Fees 6,250 6,'250 12,500 Dept. of Water Res. - Snow Survey $ -0- $ 3,115 $ -0- $ 3,115 Bureau of Reclm. - Contract Admn. .-0- -0- 1,360 1,360 · Equipment Charges from Vehicle Pool 74,690 59,885 59,885 119,770' Insurance 7,980 29,375 29,375 58,750 Charges from Other Departments 2,415 5,000 5,000 10,000 P~operty Taxes 32,750 85,750 32,750 118,500 Field Office & Related Expenses 8,500 5,400 5,400 10,800 Miscellaneous General Expense 11,530 17,100 6,600 23,700 Total Administrative Expenses' $ 137,865 $ 211,875 $' 146,620 $ 358,495 Net Operating Incom~ Before Deprec. $ 287,600 $ 470,785 $ 562,500 $ 1,033,285 Depreciation $ (30,000) $ (30,000) $ (30,000) $ (60,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) $ 257,600 $ 440,785 $ 532,500' $ 973,285 No~-Operating Revenue Proceeds from Sale of Water Bonds $ 346,080 $ 346,080 $ 11,300 $ 357~380 Non-Operating Expenses 1965 NKWSD Bonds - Principal $~ (32,500) $ (32,500) . -0- $ (32,500) 1965 NKWSD Bonds - Interest & Fees (33,745). (16,565) (16,500) (33,065) Less: Amort. of Bond Premium 1,100 1,000 -0- 1,100 Interest Expense (346,080) (346,080) (346,080) (692,160) Transfer to Domestic Water $ (11,275) $ (151,980) $ (148,700) $ (300,68011 Total Non-Operating Expenses $--'(422,500) $ (546,025) $ (511,280')$ (1,057,305) I Net Income (Loss) $ 181,180 $ 240,840 $ 32,520 $ 273,360 ~'~ ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .'Agricultural Water Enterprise " Schedule of Estimated Revenues For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 B. ased on the possiblity of a Dry Year 12/22/76 7/01/77 1/01/78 l~otal to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 S.ales to Five Major Districts $ 450,000 $ 700,000 $ 800,000 $1,500,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Co. Water Sales 37,160 60,000 60,000 120,000. Kern River Canal & Irrigation Co. (Prepaid) 4'4,490 -0- -0- -O- Non-Kern River Water Sales to Districts & Others (19'77 only) 28,530 52,800 -0- 52,800 Lake Ming Agreement 1,960 -0- 4,740 4,740 Getty Oil 8,815 -0- -0- -O- Valley Waste 2~995 ' ~0~ ~0- -O- Sand Sales ~-0~ 15,000 10,000 25,000 Temporary Pumping Agreements .~ 1 ~445 500 500 1,000 - $~'-..~575~39'5~ $ '82'8,300 $ 8'75,'240 $1,703,5q'0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Domestic Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expenses For the Period 12/22/76 - 6/30/78 ~2/22/76 7/01/77 i/01/78 'Yotal to to to for 6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78~ FY 77-78 Proposed Operating Budget Revenue from Operations-: Water Sales (See schedule attached) $ 160,260 $ 272,400 $ 294,465 $ 566,865 Operating Expenses Field Expenses: Power for. Pumping. $ 58,9'70 $ 60,000 $ 65,000 $ 125,000 0 & M Charge from Cai Water 62,155 62,155 68,370 130,525. Other M~i ntenance -0- 4,000 2,000 6,000 Total Field Expenses $ 121,125 $ 126,155 $ 135,370 $ 261,525 Administrative Expenses: Consulting Engineer Fees -0- $ 6,250 $ 6,250 $ 12,500 Charges from Other Departments $ lO,110 10,825 11,155 21,980 Property and Pump Taxes 49,900 . 35,800 36,800 72,600 Insurance 1,660 6,105 6,105 12,210 Management Fee from Cal Water 6,240 6,240 6,860 13,100 Refund on Mainline Extensions 1,885 4,000 2,000 6,000 Miscellaneous General Expense 525 1,715 1,435 3,150 Total Administrative Expenses $ 70,320 $ 70,935 $ 70,605 $ 141,540 Net Operating Income before Deprec. ($ 31,185) $ 75,310 $ 88,490 $ 163,800 Depreciation ( 30,000) ( 33,000) ( 36,000) ( 69,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) ($ 61,185) $ 42,310 $ 52,490 $ 94,800 Non-Operating Revenue Proceeds from Sale of Water Bonds $ 71,890 $ 71,890 -0- $ 7t,890 Non-Operating Expenses Interest Expense $ 71,890 $ 71,890 $ 71,890 $ 143,780 Net Income (Loss) ($ 61,i85) $ 42,310 ($ 19,400) $ 22,910 Proposed Capital Budget Revenues Transfe~ from Ag. Water Operations $ 11,275 $ 151,980 $ 148,700 $ 300,680 Expenditures Well Pump Revisions -0-' $ 44,280 $ 41,000 $ 85,280 Distribution Mains -0- 70,000 70,000 140,000 Meters and Installations $ 11,275 11,200 11,200 22,400 Oversize Contributions for Mains -0- 26,500 26,500 53,000 Total Capital Items $ 11,275 $ 151,980 $ 148,700 $ 300,680 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Domestic Water Enterprise Schedule of Estimated Revenues For the Period 12/22/76.- 6/30/78 t2/22/76 7/01/77 1/01/78 Total ' ' to to to for '6/30/77 12/31/77 6/30/78 FY 77-78 Sales to Residential Customers $ 139,230 $ 245,160 $ 265,020 $. 510,180 Sales to Commercial Customers 11,330 16,340 17j665 34,005 Sales to Multi-Res-idential [~vellings ' · 1,530 2,725 2,945 5,670 ~ales to Public Fire Protection " 2,595 2,725 2,945 5,670 Sales to Industrial Customers 5~575_ ~. 5,450 5~890 11,340 Total Sales $ 160,260 $ 272,400 $ 294,465 $ '566,865 Jua 1 1977 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~~ ofKernCounty, AprilD£PARTMENTOFWATER. 29,, 1977 Bakersfield, California 93301 ~lhY 2, 1977 805 - 324-8440 , Mr. Harold Bergen, City Manager City of Baker sfield, 1501 Truxtun _CI~y [.~b~,t. lACER,$ OFFICE Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Harold: You will be pleased to know that Charles Karoly of Rickett, Ward and Delmarter, a m~ber of the Water Association board has nominated John Blakemore, Manager of Bakersfield's Department of Water, to serve on our Board of Directors. The nomination is scheduled for approval by the full board n~t Wednesday at our 7:30 P.M. meeting. This will supplement the representation the City presently has with board member Don Rogers. We are glad to have Jo~ on board and look for~rd to the active participation of the City through his and 9Oh'S board m~ber ship. I ~ve enclosed clippings from the Bakersfield Californian and the Taft Midway Driller on the recent agre~ent of the City of Bakerfield and others on the storage of some additional water in Isabella. This release went to all 65 -news media of the county which receive our news service. In addition we have frequent radio and televisio~ releases on all t~es of ~ter i~fomation. It is the conviction of 'the water districts, business fi~s and individuals who make up our m~bership that our efforts contribute to the building of an info,ed public, which in turn redounds to the long-tern benefit of those charged with the responsibility of furnishing the water needs of the area. This year we have increased the ~ssociation budget to $42,000, which we believe to be a~odest amount considering the vital ~portance of water to the co--unity. The larger budget has called for increased financial participation on the part of districts and individuals. I am pleased to report that response to this date has been very encouraging.. No district has failed to meet the requested increase. T~ of our m~ber districts, North Kern and Kern Delta, have increased their contributions to $1400 and $1300 a year respectively. The mutual sharing of other related costs among these entities and the City on a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 basis mggests that this might be an appropriate fo~ula as the City considers its Water Association participation for 1977-78. Of course, you understand all such amounts are arrived at in a completely voluntary manner. We hope to h~ve the City of Bakersfield take its place with other segments of the co~nity%n our objective progr~ of public education on water matters. ~nc tel ¢ JHB: ce: Rogers and Blak~ore ~0 Fo~uM ~ ..... ~-~ ........ ~. *~ August 10, 1977 J~RT J. ~L~OTT M. Mr. John Blakemore, Water Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear ~r. Blakemore: This letter is to outline to you the Project Hydrospect Program for 1977-78. The reco~nended program is the out- growth of conferences by the undersigned with Director Robie and his Deputy Directors and a conference with Project parti-. cipants in Visalia on July 16, 1977. Meteoroioqic Input Meteorologic input will be provided by Irving P. Krick Associates, Inc., and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Krick Associates will provide a meteorologic projection for water year 1977-78 and will also provide monitoring service during the water year relative to the meteorologic projec- tions. Scripps Institution of Oceanography is under contract to the California Department of Water Resources for development of meteorologic techniques for long range meteorologic pro- jections. At this time Scripps is not prepared to provide a specific forecast for the 1977-78 season. If, during the year, Dr. Namais develops specific forecast procedures for the basins involved in Project Hydrospect and the Consultants and Department of Water Resources staff are of the opinion the forecast should be tested by the participants, the forecast Mr. John Blakemore , August 10, 1977 --2-- will be made available. If the forecast does become available from Scripps it will be issued in the same format as the water supply forecasts based on the Krick analysis. Scripps will continue with its development program as set forth in its contract with the Department of Water Resources and will report periodically to the participants on the status of its deveIopment work. Water Supply Forecasts Water supply forecasts for the water year and April-July ~period in the 1977-78 season will be prepared and disseminated by Murray, Burns and Kienlen and Sierra Hydrotech. The forecast issued will be couched in general terms and will not contain specific monthly precipitation amounts nor specific water Supply forecasts by basin. Participant Conferences At the request of the participants, the conferences in the San Joaquin Valley will be held at Visalia and are tentatively s~]eduled for December, January, February, March and April. It may be desirable to forego the December meeting and schedule a meeting at the time the 1977-78 forecast is issued. At the par- ticipant conferences meteorologic conditions to date and verifi- cation of meteorologic projections to date will be discussed. In addition, the status of development work by Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography and input by Krick Associates will be reviewed. Current Analysis At the request of the participants, they will be kept informed of current hydrometeoro!ogic conditions in the project area as the season develops. John Blakemore 3 August 10, 1977 The hydrometeorologic projections by Krick Associates has been received and the water supply projections for water year and April-July 1977-78 have been prepared by Murray, Burns and Kienlen and Sierra Hydrotech. As soon as the participants have indicated their desire to participate in the program the Krick forecast will be disseminated to them. It would be appreciated if your organization would inform Mr. Robert Zettlemoyer of the Department of Water Resources, or the undersigned, as to its willingness to participate in the proposed Project Hydrospect program. If you have any questions regarding the program please give me a call Yours sincerely, JosePh I. Burns cc: Mr. Robert Zettlemoyer NORTH I<ERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT BOX 1195 BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA .93302 (805) 325o31 16 July 28, 1977 The Managers of: Buena Vista Water Storage District City of Bakersfield Hacienda Water District Kern Delta Water Dimtrict Tulare Lade Basin Water Storage.District Gentlemen: Enclosed for your Consideration is a statement of directiom to the Kern River Water Master. I would appreciate your review and support of such a position when the time comem. In the case of the Kings River Group, they added a p~ovi~o tha~ any indivi&xal District or agency which was requesting a portion of the streamflow for their uzes could, to the extent of-their ownership., order their water withheld from the river. Would you please notify me as to either a Support or No Support of this policy. Very t~ly yours, C. H. Willinm~ Kern River Water Master cc John Chafin John Blakemore Gene Bogart .- Paul Leland Lee Froman Carlo Wilcox Stan Barnes KERN RIVER WA%ER ~-[~STER POLICY