HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/79 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1979 4~.00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Members: Barton,~ Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of October ~4~, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Selection of an Engineering firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site; as approved under the Ashe Water Systems capital budget. - BOARD TO CONSIDER AND AUTH- ORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONi 4. Agreement with Kern County Road Commission for a pipeline cross- ing of the Kern River and the Cross Valley Canal on the Gosford- Coffee Road facilities. - BOARD TO CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL FOR ACTION AT THE NOVEMBER 7TH MEETING. 5. Fairhaven Agreement for City acquisition of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protec~tion District. - BOARD TO CONSIDER AND TENTATIVE APPROVAL. 6. Staff Comments '7. B6ard Comments ' 8. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1979 .' 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the , '__2 City Hall Manager's Conference Room. The secretary called 'the roll as ~ollows: Present': Payne, Ratty, Hoagland Absent: Barton, Bergen' Staff Present: Chafin, Bogart, Hansen The minutes f~om the meeting of O6tober.3, 1979, were approved as presented. Water Manager Chafin informed the iboard that he had received a call from the Kern County Administrative Office asking for the City's input regarding cloud seeding in Kern County. The board authorized the Water Manager to request an opinion from Thomas Stetson regarding the effectiveness of present day cloud seeding. A letter to Mr. Bergen from Supervisor David A. Head, regarding the Kern County Board of Supervisors authority and jurisdiction' over t~e budget of the Kern County Water Agency was presented to the board. The board agreed the item be researched and additional information compiled for later discussion. A letter from George Nickel, Jr. to James Jo Barton, regarding City's 2800 Acre Spreading and Extraction Conceptual Outline · was presented to the board. Mr. Ratty made'a motion that the letter be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Staff Comments Mr. Bogart presented to the board'a letter to Paul I. Enns, President, Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District. The purpose of this letter is to inform Rosedale-Rio Bravo that effective February 1,. 1980 the City will be.terminating the present.contract, Agreement #78-04 W.B,i regarding operation and maintenance of the Rosedale System. Board approved and authorized Vice-Chairman to sign. There being no further business to come before Ehe board, Vice- Chairman Payne .adjourned the meeting at 4:15 P.M. Thomas A. Payne, Vice-Chairman City 6f Bakersfield Water Board Sherry Sears, Acting Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section__ Business Requesting Department__Domestic Water ~nterprise Date for Water Board Action October 31, 1979 1. Description oF Item: Selection of an Engineering firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site; as approved under the Ashe Water Systems capital budget. 2. Comments; Staff to make recommendations. 3. Suggested Action: Board to consider and authorize staff to proceed with Contract negotiation. 4. Attachments: Dikector of Fi~ Development Services Approved, City Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of tl~e following week.. We have requested from various engineering firms proposals for the design of a two million gallon tank, booster station, and well site. Five firms indicated an interest in the project of which a staff committee (consisting of W.D. Higginbotham, Financial; Ed Schultz, Public Works; and ~John Hansen Development Services) selected the best two firms for the pro- ject. 'These two firms were interviewed by the committee and Boyle Engineers was selected as the number one choice. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~TEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda ,Section Requesting Department Domestic Water Enterprise Date for W~ter Board Action October 31, 1979 Description of Item: Agreement with Kern County Road Commission for a pipeline crossing ot: the Kern River and the Cross Valley Canal on the Gosford - Coffee Road facilities. 2. Comments: This would enable the Domestic Wa~er to supply water on the northside of the River. In the purchase agreement with Tenneco, the City is obligated to provide water for lands on the Northside of Lhe River. 3. Suggested Action: Board to consider and make recommendations to Council for action at the November 7th meeting. Approved, City Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. t SIGN I ACT I IN~-Ul I CITY ATTNY. ] I I~'l '"' ~ D C d~M~I SsIONE~-I ~ L. DALE MILLS ROA _l~,~: ....... ~--~~'1 B. ker. f lethal i ~or~l' ~l DIRECTOR OF BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY SURVEYOR . DIR~CTO" TIlephone SEP 27 1979 8eptembe; 2~, 1979 ~e~: ~-0.0 83~X Co~ee ~o~d City of Bakersfield Development Services Dept. '- 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John H. Hansen Domestic Water Superintendent Gentlemen: Pursuant to your meeting o£ September 13, 1979, with our Mr. Gary Meaglia 'and ~. J. K. Hurst, we have enclosed a dra£t copy of the proposed aEreement for the placement o£ casing ~acilities within the Kern River and Cross Valley Canal bridge structures. We would appreciate your earliest review and any comment on the terms of the agreement. In addition, please con£irm the s~ze of the proposed casing required for your carrier line. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact James K. Hurst, Utilities Engineer, at 393-6010, Extension 50; Very truly yours, L.~ DALE MILLS Director of Public Works and Road Commissioner ~--~GeoFge Btillman yDesign Engineer GWS: JKH: am Enclosure ., SETTLE~IENT AGREE~ENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of .... , 1979, by and between the COUNTY OF KERN, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", and the City of Bakersfield, a municipal corporation of the State of. California, Development Services Department, Domestic Water Division, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", W I T N E S S E T H: " WHEREAS, COUNTY proposes to perform certain road construction on Coffee Road, County Road #3134, between Truxton Avenue and State Highway 58, hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT"; and' WHEREAS, the construction of said project will inClude the prOposed construction of bridges at Kern River and at Cross Valley. Canal; and WHEREAS, by reason of obligation to provide domestice water within the PROJECT area, CITY has requested that the COUNTY provide .a way within the proposed bridge structures for the installation of a new water main pipeline; and WHEREAS, CITY has agreed to assume the additional engineering and construction costs necessary to provide a way within the-new bridge structures; NOW, THEREFORE, COUNTY and CITY hereby mutually agree as follows: (1) COUNTY agrees to the installation of the aforementioned water mains within the new bridge structures; (2) CITY shall provide the necessary casing, hardware, cradles and appurtences as detailed in County construction plans and special provisions;' (3) COUNTY shall cause said casing, hardware, cradles and appurtences to be placed within the proposed bridge structures in accordance with present standards and as provided in County construction plans and special provisions; (4) Upon completion of the installation of the casing, CITY shall install water main facilities in a manner approved by County Road Commissioner; (5) COUNTY will furnish all construction engineering and inspection necessary for the installation of the water main facilities within the proposed bridge structures; (6) cITY 'shall, upon completion of the aforesaid installations, reimburse the COUNTY for aCtual direct contract costs incurred by county in performing the above stated work. In the event the installation or construction of the permanent water main within the new bridge structures or approaches shall cause any delays or claims to the County construction, CITY agrees to hold COUNTY harmless and does hereby agree to assume full financial responsibility for any valid or substantiated claims resulting from aforesaid delays or claims. It is understood and agreed that neither the COUNTY or any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY ~uder or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to' the CITY under ~his Agreement. It is also understood and agreed~that the CITY shall fully indemnify and hold COUNTY harmless from any damage or liabilkty occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. -2- It is understood and agreed that COUNTY will not be responsible for the operation and maintenance of said CITY facilities and ownership thereof will remain with CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this Agree. merit to be executed in duplicate by their respective officials thereunto duly authorized. coUNTy OF KERN By ~airmah, B~ard of Supervisors Approved as to Form: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF COUNTY COUNSEL By Mayor Approved as to Form:' By CITY ATTORNEY City Clerk By. By Assistant' City Manager - Finance Approved and Recommended as to Content: OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER -3- WATER BOARD - Ci'FY OF BAKERSFIELD I'TEM$ FOR AGENDA Requesting gepartmen Dat;e for Water Board Action 1. Description of Item: Fairhaven Agreement for City acquisition of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Pro~ectior, Distric.[. 2. COglr~lel~ ~: S: Suggested Action: BoaFd to consider and tenta~:ive approval. Approved, City Hanager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for t'he Wednesday meeting of the fo!lowing week. 1 AGREEMENT 2 THIS AGREE~ENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF ~ BAKERSFIELD, FAIRHAVEN INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT and 'FAIRHAVEN 4 MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, ~ereinafter referred to as "City", "District"~, and 5 "Company", .respectively. 6 WHEREAS, District is conducting assessment proceedings for the con- 7 struction of a water distribution system for fire protection and incidental 8 purposes under the provisions of the Fire Protection Law of 1961 ('Health and 9 Safety CSde Sqctions 13801 et seq.) and the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 10 (Streets and Highways Code Sections 10,000 et seq.), and 11 WHEREAS, this Agreement is made in accordance with the provisions of 12 Streets and Highways Code Sections 10109, 10110 and 10110.1 requiring, among 1~ other things, that contracts-for the Operation or ownership of the system by 14 another public agency shall be completed prior to the ordering of work of 15 improvement, and ~ '- .. 16 WHEREAS, District has contracted w~th the Reglonal Occupational 17 Center of Kern County (R.O.C.K.) for the purchase of water facilities hereto-' 18 fore constructed by R. O.C.K. pursuant to plans and specifications'approved 19 by ~he District, and ' ~0 WHEREAS, City is desirous of acquiring and operating said work of 21 improvement upon completion thereof by the District, and 2~ .WHEREAS, it appears to the City and District that~the most exped- ~ itious, equitable and economical way for the City and District, and Other areas 24 which may annex to one entity or the other in the future, is by the parties 25 jointly participating as hereinafter set forth. '. '~ ~6 NOW, THEREFORE, the ~arties hereto agree as follows: ~7 1. The boundaries of the assessment district will be amended to 28 flect the additional lands in the City t~ be included within the assessment ~9 district and more particularly described in a plat or map attached hereto as 50 Attachment #1" -City shall, by resolution, consent to the spreading of an ~1 assessment over ~he lands within thc City and shall obtain waivers from the ~2 landowners within the City.as to the assessment proceedings heretofore had and JENKIN~ ~ · taken by Di~::rict pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1 1913, and City shall also obtain the consent of said landowners to the spread'- ing of an assessment against their lands using the same formula for assessment 4 spreading as used on lands within the District. 2. City will purchase from District all of District's right, title and interest in and to the R.O.C.K. contract and City will assume the obliga- 6 tions under said contract. Reference is made to the R.O.C.K. - District contra¢ for particulars. 9 · 3.~ Upon completion of the work of improvement by District and all 10 proceedings pertaining thereto, ownership and the operation of said work of 11 improvement shall be transferred by District to City. 12 4. (ai District hero,by ~rants to the City the exclusive right to · 15 purvey and sell domestic water within the District whether through facilities constructed by District Or facilities constructed by City;' provided, however, 14 that the integrity and standards for fire protection as set forth in the plans 15 -.~ ~6 and specifications for the systems are maintained .... 1~ (b)' Upon demand by a landowner within District~ City ~ill furn- ish water services in accordance with City rules, regulations and policies of 19 City. :. ~0 (C) District understands that City policy is that all land- ---'~1 _ owners~$tb ~existing ~mp~ovem~q~_~.ha_!_l_~e r~i_red to connect to the wg~_r- ~ 22 distribution system within six (6) months after the ~ompletion of the work of 2~ improvem~nt o~ as otherwise r~qu~r,~d by City .... ~4 (d) District understands that City policy is'~that~water~wells 25 other than those owned by City shall be used by the owners thereof, for ~6 emergency standby only unless otherwise agreed to between the 'landowner and Cit' ~ 5. city shall maintain reasonable water.rates that will pro~id~ ~8 the necessary service to its customers and make payments on the~City's finan- ~9 cial obligations incurred in acquiring the water system. ~0 6. -~'r~vat~ [ ire c~H~(:l i~)~s t~, tl~e f~re protoction water ~1 tion system f<~ building $~r~nk~r su}q~lie~, hydrants, etc., shall, be ~2 constructed .~t landowner's expense and to City's standards. ] 7. City shall operate and maintain the work of improvement so that 2 original design flows and pressures will be maintained as follows: ~ (a) .Under normal conditions (no fires) the system shall be 4 operated to maintain a ~ressure as measured at the pump stations of 50-70 psici.; 5 " (b) Under fire-flow conditions'the system shall be maintained 6 to the capacity of delivering a minimum fire-flow of 2500 GPM at a residual 7 pressure of 20 psig. for a minimum of four (4) hours to any point within the 8 system. 9 ' 8., No additional assessments shall be levied against the lands with- 10 in the boundaries of the Fairh'aven Assessment District' No. 1 for the purpose 11 of constructing additions or improvements to the water distribution system. 12 9. Any area outside of the territory included within the line notes 1~ as "Original Service Area" on Attachment #1 shall pay a connection fee' to the 14 City based on the benefit received by the connecting area to said water distri- 15 buti~n system. .'~6 10. A portion of the "connection fees" and other funds will be 1~ applied by the City to the reduction of the financial obligation of Fairhaven 18 Assessment District #1. This reduction shall be limited to the expansion 19 capability of the system which amounts to $700.00 per acre over th~ area ~0 covered.by Fairhaven Assessment District ~1. ................... ~1 ............. -i~-~-~h~f'~ further reduce, by any means of financing, all t~' ~ portion of the project in ex6ess of $3,00'0.00 per acre assessment providing ~ that the landowners within the District shall provide; ' ' 24 (a) Annexation of the District to the City of Bakersfield with- 25 in 12 months or within a reasonable time thereafter pr0vidihg annexation proceed ~6 ings have been instituted and/or actively pursued. 27 (b) Water Users within the District shall enter into a "Water 28 User's Agreement" with the City. ~9 12. This Agreement shall affect the Company as follows: '~0 (a) Th() flat w, ll't,r ra~es now in'effect for Company 31 shall remain in effect for five (5) years from the date City assumes ownershiD ~ of the system except as otherwise provided herein. JENKIN~ (b) .City may increase the flat rates at the same time and at the same percentage that City may increase the water rates within the City made necessary by'economic inflationary forces; (c) After five (5) years, or at the time of a change in owner- ship or use of lands within ~he assessment district, City may install meters and charge the prevailing meter rates within the assessment district. Land- owners shall pay City for the installation of the meters; (d) Company shall file for and complete a dissolution of the Company upon The assumption of ownership and operation of the system by City. (e) Any Company customer may elect to take City meter service at any time and shall pay City for the installation thereof. (f) In exchange for Company's or its customers existigg facili- ties City will n~t charge Company or its customers a connection fee ~for· hook- lng up the distribution system to the existing company's system. 13. At such time as District is dissolved or is annexed to City ~t0 the or any funds or assets the District may have shall be applie~ credit retirement of any existing bonds issued pursuant to District's Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 proceedings. 14. City shall assume any and ali legal and financial- r~'sponsibility for the operation of the entire system whether within the area of the City, County, Distric~ or any Other purveyor or seller~of-water.',~if any,..~ithin the District and City agrees to indemnify and hold District harmleSs'from any liability ~ therefor. ~ SIGNATURE PAGE TO AGREEMENT CHAIrmAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 4 · District 5 Dated~' October ,1979 Dated: October ,1979 ~ SECRETARY OF .THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN OF WATER BOARD - City District 9 · Date,d: October __, 1979 Dated: October __,1979 10 11 PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CITY MANAGER 1~ Company ' ' ' · .. ." 14 Dated: October __' 1979 'Dated: OctOber __, 1979' 15 16 CITY ATTORNEY 17 Dated: October ' ,1979 18 19 " DIRECTOR OF FIRE AND DEVELOPMENT · 20 Dated: October ,1979 . FINANCE OFFICER Dated: October ,1979 DEPARTMENT OF WATER ~ ~ t,~ ---i----~---~:- i October 24, 1979 ..~ _~__~z ~ ~ Paul I. Enns, President Board of Directors Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District P.. O. Box 867 Bakersfield CA 93302 Dear Mr. Enns: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that effective February 1, 1980, the City of Bakersfield-Department of Water will discontinue service under Agreement No. 78-04 W.B. regarding the operation and maintenance of the Rosedale. District Project, including the Ros~dale Channel, District spreading ponds and appurtenant structures. The Department of Water is willing to 6ssign City personnel experienced in the operation of the Rosedale Project to assist in the training of Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District personnel. The same rate schedule for service 'that is now in effect would apply through February 1, 1980. This should provide for an orderly transition for the District's operation of the Project facilities. We have enjoyed the opportunity to service the Rosedale- Rio Bravo Water Storage District Project during the past two years. Sincerely, James J. Barton, Chairman - City of Bakersfield Water Board JJB/GB:ss 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (a05) 1:161-2715 DOMESTIC WATER ENTERPRISE Income Statement For The Three (3) Months Ended September 30, 1979 REVENUES Domestic Water Sales $391,166 Construction Sales (Temporary Service) 11,447 Total Sales $402,613 OPERATING EXPENSES Field Expenses: O & M Charges from Cal Water Service $ 56,1OO Power for Pumping 54,787 Maintenance 2,556 Total Field Expenses $113,443 Administrative Expenses: Charges for Other D~partments $ 5,466 Consulting Engineer Charges 9,413 Insurance Expense 4,440 Property Taxes 915 Pumping Taxes 44,219 Management Fee from Cal Water Service 6,300 Miscellaneous General Expenses 3,006 Total Administrative Expense $ 73,759 NET OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION $215,411 Depreciation Expense $ 23,678 23,678 NET OPERATING INCOME $191,733 CURRENT NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS Active '5,708 In-Active 505 TOTAL - '6,213