HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/79 .. :. AGENDA WATER BOARD ~- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 19~ 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board M~mbers: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen, i Hoagland 1. Approve minutes', of regular board meeting of October 31, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3.. Plans and Speci'fications for .an 18" drain line pipe for Pumping Plant No. 9 in Quailwood Drive. - RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL FOR AUTH- ORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. 4. Renewal of Operation and Maintenance Agreement with California Water Service Company for the Ashe Water System. - INFORMATION · ONLY. i 5. Execution of Mainline Extension Agreement within the Ashe Water Service Area. - ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENTS AND FILING. 6. Selection of an Engineering firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site; as approved under the~ Ashe Water Systems capital budget. - BOARD TO SELECT AND RECO~MEND COUNCIL EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. 7... Staff Comments, 8. Board Comments 9. Adournmen t MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31_~_~79 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Barton Staff Present: Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer The minutes from the 'regular meeting~of October 24, 1979, were approved as presented. The proposal of 'an Engineering firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site; as approved under the Ashe Water Systems capital budget was presented to the board by Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen. Mr. Hansen stated that the Do- mestic Water Department has requested from various engineering firms proposals for the design of a 2 million gallon tank, booster station, and well site. Five (5) firms indicated an interest in the project of which a staff committee (cOnsisting of W. D. Higg- inbot.ham, Financial; Ed Schultz, Public Works; and John Hansen Development Services) selected the best two firms for the project. These two firms were interviewed by the committee and Boyle Engi- neering was selected as the number one choice. At this time Mr. Bergen made a motion that the staff be authorized to proceed with the contract negotiation, with' the consideration that the staff, also, obtain a rate schedule from the two firms and come back to the board with that presentation. The motion was passed. And Agreement with Kern County Road Commission for a pipeline cross- ing of the Kern River and the Cross Valley Canal on the Gosford- C6ffee Road facilities was presented to the board for consideration and to make recommendations to the City Council at the meeting on November 7, 1979. Mr. Hansen informed the board that this would enable the Domestic Water to supply water on the north side of the River. In the purchase agreement with Tenneco, the City is obligated to 'provide water for lands on the north, slide of the River. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the agreement be taken to the Council Meeting of November 7, 1979, for action. The motion was passed. A Draft Agreement for City acquistion of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District was presented to~he board for consider- ation. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Agreement be received and that the staff submit to the board copies of the projected cost allocated. The motion was passed. Staff Comments At this time Mr. Hansen presented to the board for their information a copy of the Domestic Water. Enterprise Income Statement f~r tk? - three (3~ months ended September 30, 1979. Board Comments Mr. Ratty informed the board that he and Water Manager Chafin had~recently attended a meeting of the Kern River Interests Committee'regarding the 160-acre limitation. Mr. Bergen at this time inquired as to the status of the re- search being done r~garding the letter from Supervisor David A. Head, in connection with:~the authority and jurisdiction over the budget of the Kern County Water Agency. Mr. Chafin stated the letter had been received by the board for later consideration at the meeting of October 24, 1979. ~There being no further business to come before the board, Vice Chairman Payne adjourned the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Thomas A. Payne, Vice-Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board. Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section Business. Requesting Department Domestic Water Enterprise Date for Water Board Action December 1~, 1'~7~ 1. Description of Item: Selection of an Engineecing firm to design a 2 million gallon tank, booste'r station, and well site; as approved under the Ashe Water Systems capital budget. 2. Comments: Staff to make recommendations. 3. Suggested Action: Board to select and recommend Council execution of Agreement for Professional Services. 4. Attachments: Director of ~ire & Development Services Approv d~, ~'Ci t~y Manager " NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section New Business Requesting Department Domestic.Water Enterprise ..... Date for Water Board Action December 12. Jg7q 1. Description of Item: Plans and Specifications for'a 18" drain line pipe for Pumping Plant No. 9 in Quailwood Drive. Comments: California Water Service Company has advised us that a drain line is needed between Pumpi.ng Plant No. 9, and the Quailwood drainage sump. This would eliminate an erosion problem at the pumping plant caused by a under capacity dry well. Estimated cost is $4,200.00 and funds are available in tJ~e Maintenance Budget. Staff supports this recommendation. 3. Suggested Action: Recommend to Council to authorize to advertize for bids. 4. Attachments: Di~tor of F/re & Development Services Approved,(Cit~ Manager Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the WednesdaY meeting of the following week. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA .Agenda Section~ Staf[Report Requesting Department Domestic Water Date for Water Board Action December l2~ 1979 1. Description of Item: Renewal of Operation and Maintenance Agreement with California Water Service Company for the Ashe Water System. 2. Comments: 3. Suggested ~ction: Information only. 4. Attachments: Director-of Fi~2e' & Development Services Approved, Ci{t~y Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ITEMS FOR AGENDA Agenda Section Staff Report . Requesting Department Domestic Water Enterprise Date for Water Board Action December 12, 1979 1. Description of Item: Execution M~inline Extension Agreement within the Ashe Water Service Area. : 2. Comments: Staff has entered into nine different Mainline Extension Agree- ments on behalf of the Board. These agreements will refund 22% of the tract"s revenue until the installation cost is reimburst. 3. Suggested Action: Acceptance of Agreements and f.iling..~ 4. Attachments: See Table. 'D ment Services Appr°veS, City Manager NOTE: Items for Water Board Agenda are to be submitted prior to 10 a.m. Friday for the Wednesday meeting of the following week. ~ ' . MAINLINE EXTENSION AGREEMENTS: . "''" Contract. Tract. Re~uncl.:,." '- ,. Number of Developer' Number Number . By- D~/E¥¥, . .. ~-:,--. Servi ces Charles & ~/irginia Ghormley ---- PMq206 ~;, Uatson c~pany... .... ~... ' q180 Tenneco Realty Development' ,. '-"~"~"-,"' ~': ~' ' . Corporation' · 78-06 .- 3887 Tenneco Rea 1 ty Development Corporation 78=0~ hO11 52~6~q. 1'6.. Tenneco Realty Development.. Corporation. 78-06' qO2q 59"858.6Z,- '"' 80 Tenneco Realty Development '- Corpora t ion 78-23 q029. 122¥q05-; 1 q'.,::~ 126 Corporat ion 78-2~ q030 65 ;.!1 iLO,7 =-.. '.~ ..... "' 73 Tenneco Realty Development Cor~ra~ion 78-25' ~031 63,325.65 -~' .. 7i Tenneco Realty Development Corporation ... 78-08 qOq8 121 :~39'.01'. 121 9 agreements $587,.869.33 605 -., .:'.{ ..-  MEMORANDUM .__0.e_.?_e.m.~.e...r.._e..,..~ ~ ................... TO WA..TE .R BOARD .~ _~. 1~_//_._~_/ ...................................... ............ ................................... FROM ...... ~-. ~-:~--A.~..s- ~-~-.E-..~-.--s..c.~.u..L.~z~..°...-~.!~!~.B.9..T..~..A.~. ~..~ ....................................... SU BJ E ¢.r-s..E..L..E..c..T..!.~..~.-.~.~.~.~.E..N.~!.~..E.~!~..~.!~.~Z~-.~..E..s.2~.~.~!~9.~.b.q.~-z~.b.~ ................ BOOSTER STATION & WELL. Our committee has reviewed proposals from five engineering firms for services on the design of a two million gallon water storage tank, a booster station, and well. We selected two qualified firms for a further interview. Boyle Engineering Corporation and Bookman-Edmonston Engineering, Inc. made a formal presentation to this committee covering their qualifications and their concept of the proposed project. At the boards request we have asked both firms to submit rate schedules. After reviewing the rate schedules the committee has concluded that they are basically equivalent. After consider!ng both firms experiences, qualifications, rates, and design concepts, this committee recommends that Boyle Engineering Corporation be awarded the enclosed contract. JHH:ag AGREEMENT NO. ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR WATER WELL, STORAGE RESERVOIR AND BOOSTER STATION This Agreement made and entered into this day of , 19 , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, A Municipal Corporation in the State of California hereinafter referred to as "City" and Boyle~Engineering Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Engineer"; WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, City desires to proceed with a project described as the Two-Million Gallon Domestic Water Storage System which is to include engineering services for the planning and design and during the construction of a Two-Million Gallon Storage Tank, Booster Station, Well Site and appurtenances thereto; and WHEREAS, the City has completed an Engineering Study (master plan) for the City's water system, and has estimated the preliminary sizes and costs for the Two- Million Gallon Domestic Water Storage System; and WHEREAS, City desires to employ the services of Engineer to prepare a Design Report and prepare construction plans and specifications for the project, and provide such other services as may be requested by the City; and WHEREAS, Engineer is organized as a California corporation and has repre- sented to City that it has personnel who are qualified by reason of education and experience to perform the necessasry engineering services required for implementation of such a project: A. Engineer Shall: Services to be provided by the Engineer shall be in three phases; the Preliminary Design Phase, the Plans and Specifications Phase, and the Construction Phase. In addition, some special services may be required. 1. Preliminary Design Phase - Services to be provided by the .Engineer during this phase are: a. Confer with the City's Domestic Water Superintendent concerning the requirements for said storage facility. b. Inspect the proposed construction site. c.Re~i'ew materials and data available from the City con- cerning said project. d. Arrange for and coordinate soils investigation necessary to design of said project. The scope of the soils investigation and the soils consultant retained to do the work shall be approved by the City before the work is performed. e. Have the project site surveyed and a topographic map prepared using aerial photogrammetry for use in the preparation of the design of the project. f. Prepare a Design Report including alternative site layouts showing the facilities proposed for con- struction on the site, i.e., the water well,.reservoir, and booster station. The Design Report shall consider alternative reservoir designs, i.e., welded steel (above ground and partially buried), prestressed con- crete (above ground and partially buried), and buried concrete with roof suitable for other uses such as tennis or basketball courts, and the.esthetic compata- bility of each to the surrounding area. Booster station designs appropriate to each type of reservoir shall be considered. The Design Report shall include estimates of capital and operation and maintenance costs. g. Provide 10 copies of the final Design Report to the City. Plans and Specifications Phase - Services to be provided by the Engineer during this phase are: a. Based upon the site layout, reservoir and booster station alternative selected from the Design Report by the City, Plans and technical specifications of the work and of the materials, workmanship, finishes and equipment re- quired for the well, booster station and reservoin will be prepared. The Engineer shall also prepare the bid proposal form. Such documents shall be subject to the approval of the City. Final drawings shall be drawn on polyester base film. Other documents, such as the notice inviting sealed bids, bond forms, insurance forms, and general provisions shall be provided by the City. b. Submit a final budget estimate of construction cost. c. Provide the City with four sets of completed plans, and four sets of completed specifications, for review and final approvals. d. After final approvals, the Engineer shall provide the City with one set of reproducible tracings and bid docu- ments for the project. Should the City request additional printed sets of such documents from the Engineer, the Engineer shall be reimbursed for the actual cost to Engineer in reproducing such documents. e. Assist the City in preparing any addendums to the con- struction contract documents during the bidding process. ~ -~ 3. Construction Phase - Services to be provided by the Engineer during this phase are: a. Attend the pre-construction conference with the City and the construction contractor. b. Review and recommend acceptance or resubmittal of shop drawings for equipment and materials of con- struction. c. Mill, shop and/or laboratory inspection of materials and equipment. d. Provide inspection of project construction to determine if the project has been constructed in substantial con- formance with plans, specifications, and all other con- tract documents. e. Prepare and submit proposed contract change orders when applicable. f. Submit a monthly report to the City covering the general progress of.the job and describing any problems or factors contributing to delay. g. Prepare monthly progress pay estimates to the construction contractor for payment by the City. h. Prepare "record" drawings after completion of the project. One copy shall be furnished to the City within 60 days after all construction has been completed and the final inspection has been performed. i. Review Contractor's submission of samples and shop draw- ings, where applicable. During construction, Engineer shall not be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of con- struction selected by the construction contractor; provided, however, it is the obligation of the Engineer to inform the contractor during the construction phase of obvious deficiencies of construction noted by the Engineer during ~.his surveillance of the site. The Engineer shall not be responsible for safety precautions and progress incidental to the work of the construction contractor or for failure of the construction contractor to perform according to his contract with the City. 4. ~Additional Special Services - In addition to the foregoing services, ' the following special services may be required upon written authori- zation of the City: a. Surveys for construction. b. Extra travel and subsistence for the Engineer and his staff for. travel outside the Bakersfield area. c. Assistance to the City as expert witness in litigation arising from the development or construction of the project. ~d. Any redesign caused by a change in the basic layouts after the City has approved the preliminary layouts and directed the Engineer to proceed with the design and detailed plans and specifications. e,Other work as may be requested by the City from time to time. City Shall: l, Confer frequently with Engineer to insure close coordination between agencies. 2oProvide Engineer with.copies of or access to any existing files, aerial maps, other maps, and data. 2. Upon completion of the project, assist Engineer in defense of the design against any challenge by special interest groups. 4,Obtain all necessary rights-of-way, easements and permits required to construct said project. Time of Comp.1 et~on: l, Preliminary Design Phase - Engineer shall complete the work in this phase, with the exception of Item g, within 30 days of receipt of a written notice to proceed. Item g shall be completed within seven days after final approval by the City of the design report. 2° Plans and Specifications Phase - Engineer shall complete the work in this phase, with the exception of Items d and e, within 60 days of receipt of a written notice to proceed. The work in Item d shall be completed within seven days after final approval of the plans and specifications by the City. The work in Item e shall be performed so as to not unduly delay the bidding process. 2, Construction Phase - Services required of the Engineer by the City during this phase will be performed in a timely manner so aS to not unduly delay construction. Th~ City agrees to pay the Engineer-for services set forth in this Agreement as follows: l, Preliminary Design Phase - The amount payable to the Engineer shall be on an hours worked basis in accordance with the fee .schedule labeled Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference, incorporated in this Agreement as though fully Set forth herein. However, the maximum payment to the Engineer for work done during the.Preliminary Design Phase shall not exceed $14,000 without prior authorization from the City. The Engineer shall keep a regular and true report and account of work performed and shall transmit such report and account on a monthly basis to the Domestic Water Superintendent for payment. 2. Plans and Specifications Phase - The amount payable to the Engineer shall be the percentage of the construction contract amount(s) as shown in "Consulting Engineering", a guide for % : ~ Engagement of Engineering Services, ASCE, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice - No. 45, 1975 Edition, Section V6, Curve B, labeled Exhibit "B", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated in this Agreement as though fully Set forth herein, except that in no event shall the amount payable to the Engineer be greater than 100 percent of the percentage of construction cost amount nor less than 90 percent of the percentage of construction cost amount based upon the Engineer's estimate of construc- tion cost less the Preliminary Design Phase Cost minus the cost of soils investigations, site surveying and maping, and any extra work such as architectural displays. Payment shall be made to the Engineer in two increments. The first increment, equal to 70 percent of the total fee, based on the Engineer's construction cost estimate, shall be due and payable upon completion of the work described in Section A, paragraph.2d of this Agreement. The remainder of the compensation due the Engineer shall be due and payable upon receipt of the con- struction bid(s). In the event that the plans and specifications are comPleted and bids are not requested by the ¢ity,'the Engineer's compensation will be based on the Engineer's estimate and will be due.and payable upon receipt of a request for payment by the City from the Engineer. 3. Construction Phase and Special Services - The amount payable to the Engineer shall be on an hours worked basis in accordance with Exhibit "A", Engineer will render to the City an itemized bill, separate from any other billing, at the end of each month for services rendered during such month. It is understood and agreed that the aforementioned rates and charges include all normal equipment and materials used in connection with the production of the required engineering services. Boyle Engineering Corporation will furnish billings for.all services rendered and supplies furnished in accordance with the above payment provisions. The City shall make payments on all bills presented by Boyle Engineering Corporation by the 25th of the month following receipt of invoice. E. Engineer as Independent Agent: The Engineer, his agents, employees and persons providing services on his behalf in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and shall not be nor be deemed to act as officers, employees or agents of the City. F. Notice to Proceed: The Engineer shall not proceed with the work described herein until the City has provided the Engineer with written authority to proceed. G. Termination of Contract: This contract may be terminated by the City at any time, by written notice to the Engineer. City shall be obligated to compensate Engineer for all work performed up until receipt of such written notice as outlined. H. Equal Employment Opportunity: During the performance of this Contract, the Engineer agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. The Engineer will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or trans- fer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termina- tion; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Engineer shall insert provisions similar to the foregoing in all subcontracts, except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. I.. Insurance: At all times during the term of this Agreement the Engineer, at its sole cost and expense, shall maintain (a) public liability insurance with limits of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per person and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) per occurrence covering injury to or death of any person or persons, and with limits of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per occurrence covering property damage, (b) Worker's Compensation,.(c) Professional Liability Insurance, commonly known as "Errors and Omissions" Insurance in the amount of not less than $100,000, and (d) such other and ~further insurance as may be required by law. Said public liability insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and provide that such insurance may not be cancelled or reduced until thirty (30) days after City shall have received notice of such cancellation or reduction. The Engineer shall file certificates of such insurance with the City. J. Assignment: It is understood and agreed that this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, admini- strators, assigns and successors in interest of the parties hereto, provided, however, the Engineer shall not assign, sublet or transfer its interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the City. K. It is mutually understood and.agreed that no alterations or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and sign6d by the parties hereto, and that no oral understandings or agreements not incorporated herein, and no alterations or variations of the terms hereof, unless made in writing between the parties hereto, shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these~Parties-have caused this Agreement to be ~,.x.~e~c~u~ted ~he~ d_.~y and year hereinabove .fir=s-.t writ~t.en, ~PP~gY~D A~ TO CONTENT: APPROVED: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ....... BAKERSFIELD, CALFORNIA By: .By: ~_~ ~'BEVELOPMENT SERVICES By: By .: ~Z'..ST_ANT'-C~ ITY- MANAGER - FINANCE- ALS~]I~STANT-.C.I'TY CLERK ~.Rp.R, 9,V_E_D AS TO FORM: By: ~RPROVED: ENGINEER ~ , ~ BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION · ~ ~ FEES FOR PROFESSI(]I~AL SERVICES October, 1979 CLASSIFICATION RATE Engineering/Architecture Consulting Engineer/Architect $ 65.00 an hour Principal Engineer/Architect $ 55.00 an hour Senior Engineer/Architect II $ 48.00 an hour Senior Engineer/Architect I $ 43.00 an hour Associate Engineer/Architect .$ 38.00 an hour Assistant III $ 35.00 an hour Assistant II $ 32.00 an hour Assistant I $ 28.00 an hour' Drafting Senior Technician $ 37.00 an hour Technician $ 34.00 an hour Senior Drafter $ 31.00 an hour Drafter '~ $ 24.00 an hour Inspectors $ 26.00 an hour ~ Surveying Licensed Surveyor $ 44.00 an hour Three-man Survey Party $102.00 an hour Two-man Survey Party $ 71.00 an hour Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment $120.00 per day or part thereof Miscellaneous Clerical $ 17.00 an hour Printing and Blueprinting Actual Cost + 10% Survey Materials Actual Cost · ' Travel - Automobile $ 0.20 per mile Travel - Other Tha~ Automobile Actual Cost Materials Testing and In-Plant Inspection Actual Cost + 10% Aerial Photogrammetry Service and Surveys Actual Cost + 10% Soils Investigation and Field Tests Actual Cost + 10% Computer Services See Separate Schedule In-House Computer Charges $0.20 per second Central Processing Unit (CPU) $7.20 an hour Connect Time $1.20 per hundred cards* Card Reader 51.00 per hundred lines* Line Printer $1.20 hundred records , Plst Records $13.50 per hour Keypunch/Verify *To the Nearest Hundred Outside Computer Charges Computer services obtained from outside service bureaus will be cha[ged at invoice cost plus 100 percent. -8- EXHIBIT "A" CONSUI..TING ENGINEERING 31 t3 12 11 10 5 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 I0 50 100 Net construction cost, in millions of dollars FIG. 2.--CURVE E, MEDIAN COMPENSATION FOR BASIC SERVICES EXPRESSED aA$ A PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUC'I'ION COST FOR PROJt{CTS OF AVEIL. kGE COMPLEXITY (1974) 'GUIDE FOR ENGAGE?lENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES A:S.C.E., MANUAL NO. 45 1974 EDITION (PAGE 31) -9- EXHIBIT "B"