HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/78 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1978 4:00 P.M. Call Meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: ~Rogers, Chairm~n;_Bart0n,//Bergen, Hoagland, 1.~Approve minutes of regular meeting of February 1, 1978. 2.~ Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Service Agreement. - BOARD TO REVIEW 3J Examples of Municipal Water Rates for Inside City and Outside jCity services submitted by Tom Stetson. - FOR DISCUSSION 5. Board Comments 6. Adjournment M I'N U,T E S WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,' 1978 4: 00 P .M. The :neeting was called to order by Chairman Rogers in the City Hall Caucus Room. TheSecretary~ ' called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Hoagland, Ratty, (Bergen arrived at 4:04 P.M.) Absent: Barton Bill Balch, Executive Vice-President, Tenneco West, Inc. and Bob Bellue, District Engineer, Kern County Water Agency; also, attended the meeting. The minutes for 'the meeting of December 14, 1977, were presented for approval. The minutes were corrected as to Mr. Bergen's comments regarding the City's adoption of a policy regarding the public use of the City's property in and adjacent to the Kern River bed. Relative to this matter Mro Bergen stated that he felt it was extremely important that the City make contacts with interested and effected parties. Along with requests for other uses he feels that specific recommendations should be put together by the staff, working with Mro Stetson, the Public Works Department, and the Parks Department so,that the Board will have something to evaluate. Mro Bergen stated that We need a map indicating the property the City owns with the access to it so that we could start delineating areas for' certain activities. Mro Bergen feels that. if we do not accom- plish this soon we are going to have a problem in the future. Operations and Maintenance Service Agreements between the City of Bakersfield and Tenneco West, Inc. and between the City of Bakersfield and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District were presen'ted to the Board. After discussion Mro Hoagland made a motion that the Board approve the agreements and authorize the Chairman to sign. The motion was carried. A Quitclaim Deed from the City of Bakersfield to Tenneco West, Inc. for portions of redefined right-of-way on the Calloway Canal south of Rosedale Highway was presented to the Board° After a brief description of the Quitclaim Deed waS given by Gene Bogart, Mr. Hoagland made a motion to approve the Quit- claim Deed and authorize the Chairman to sign subject to con- firming that there is no material deviations from the exhibits on the prime contract. The motion was carried. An Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Tenneco West, Inc. for utilization of the River Canal was presented to the Board. After discussion Dr. Ratty made a motion that tl%e Board approve the agreement and authorize the Chairman ~o sign° The motion was carried. A letter dated December 22, 1977, to '~he City Council from Central Valley Region, State Water Quality Control Board regarding pro- posed "Water Well Standards for Kern County", was brought before the Board. After discussion Mr. Hoagland made a motion which was Carried that John Chafin research this matter relative to deadlines and so forth and report back to the Board. Staff, Comments Kim Combs, Accountant for the Department of Water, informed the Board that we are having a financial problem operating our Domestic Water System. The City is being hurt by several things, including our debt service fund, Domestic Water is obligated to pick up a portion of the bond interest expense and, also, the bond principal payments. Another of our major expenses is a pump tax charged by the Kern County Water Agency which is going to go .up to $20.00 per acre foot next July let. After discussion Mr. B~rgen made a motion that the staff meet with Mr. Stetson as quickly as possible and report back to the Board with a specific recommendation that would include a differential rate on a rea- sonable basis. The motion was passed. Board. Comments Mr. Bergen informed the Board that it had been brought to his attention that the Kern County Water Agency has suggested an amendment to their act which would delete the budget hearing that is presently required before the Kern County Board of Supervisors. Mr. Bergen has talked with several supervisors and the City Attorney and he feels that this is moving in the wrong direction. Dr. Ratty made a motion that the City Attorney get together with the Chairman and prepare a written statement of our feelings on the proposed State legislation to repeal Section 7.3 of the Kern County Water Agency Act and submit it to the Board of Supervisors, the Kern County Water Agency as well as our legislators. The motion was carried. Mr. Bergen asked about the status of the Agreement between the City and Chevron U.S.A. and asked that the staff bring him up to date on this matter at the next meeting. Mr. Bellue ~ddressed the Board stating that the Kern County Water Agency had sent a letter to the City Council in answer to the City's comments to their water conditioning report. Including two agreements which were started with Tenneco, one for the Calloway Canal and one for the Kern River, the agree- ments were in use by the Kern County Water Agency for spread- ing purposes. They would like at this time the City's response to these draft agreements. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the staff get together with our consultant Tom Stetson and make a recommendation to the Board working with a representative of the Kern County Water Agency and, also, make sure that Tenneco West, Inc. and other entities are aware of these agreements. The motion was carried. Mr. Belch, Executive Vice-President, Tenneco West, Inc., informed the Board that he knew of several farmers within ID-4 that would like to buy surface water this year and there is an opportunity for revenue for the City's transportation as well as the Kern County Water Agency of actually selling the water within ID-4 on a surface basis rather than dumping it into the river. Mr. Belch ~pes that the City does not overlook this opportunity. There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:50 PoM. ~ }-tO-stmyer, S~-~tary City of Bakersfield Water Board -2-  MEMORANDUM ~, ........ .0:. ~. 3a~..~.r.x~....2..7.,....~ .9..7. ~ ............. TO .... '..~'...W..A...T..E..,R....B...O..A....R~......M..E....M~,..E....R~.....:'- ...... ::..." · '., , ' ' . ' , F~OM .... ..a..o.g..tx!....~.,...g~.z..~ ................ '...,.....: .., '. ..... ; "'.':."7 ...... :". .... 7 ...... : ............. 7 .... ' ....... :'":'7:; .... i ............................... .~.~......_~__......... ~__....._~..... _....... _ _......._~,,~,~c-r..o~..~.~o~s...&..?L~.~.~-~c~...s~.~wcs.~c.~.~s ' "- Tenneco West,' Inc. and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District have requested the City of Bakersfield to operate and maintain surface water facilities owned by them. Attached are copies of service agreements by which the City would operate and maintain the James and Pioneer canals~ for Tenneco and the Rosedale Channel for Rosedale-Rio Bravo W.S.D. Both Tenneco and Rosedale concur with the terms of the respective agreements and are ready ~o~ sign and execute. , Entering into these service agreements would augment the City's position in the long-range operation of the Kern River. It enables the City to operate all diversion points on the Kern River within the First Point canal system. These service agree- ments would give the Water Department flexibility to make effi- cient use of existing personnel and equipment. The rate and cost.Schedules (attached) allows the City to re- capture all costs for labor, benefits, equipment, materials, etc. plus an override'percentage for providing such service to Tenneco West and Rosedale~Rio Bravo W.S.D. TETSON ENGINEERS INC, J CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3104 East Garvey Avenue 550 Kearny Street; Suite 650 West Covina, California 91791 (213) 967-6202 Feb ruary 9 , 19 7 8 san Francisco, California 94108 (415) 781-4297 REPLY TO: Mr. Harold Bergen ~8 1 4 1918 City Manager City of Bakersfield CITY MANAGER,S OFFiCE Bakers field, CA 93301 Re: Inside-Outside Municipal Water Rates Dear Harold: As I discussed with you last night by telephone, I am enclosing some information on our survey of Inside-Outside Municipal Watbr Rates. ~ttachment A shows typical water rates charged for inside and outside municipal water service by various cities, mainly in southern California and the surcharge, in percent, for outside service. Those are rates which were in effect in September of 1977. Attachment B shows similar data for San Joaquin Valley municipal- ities based on data which John Blakemore collected and are generally rates which were in effect in late 1977 and early 1978. Attachment C shows similar data for coastal (beach) communities as of January 1978. There are some investor-owned utilities on that list which, of course, do not have outside service rates. Attachment D is a reprint of an article in the May 1975 Journal of the American Water Works Association representing rates in late 1974. It is the tables on the last three pages of that article that are of the most interest. Of the 62 municipalities surveyed in the Dallas Rate Survey, only 16 indicated that there was no surcharge :for outside service plus the City of Yonkers, New York indicated that no outside service was provided. It is also interesting to note that most of the utilities providing outside service derive virtually 100% of their revenue from the users. I hope this information will be of use to you in preparation for the Water Board meeting February 23, 1978. Sincerely, Thomas M. Stetson cc: John Blakemore SOME EXAMPLES OF MUNICIPAL WATER RATES FOR INSIDE CITY AND OUTSIDE CITY SERVICES September, 1977 SURCHARGE FOR OUTSIDE WITHIN CIT'Y OUTSIDE CITY SERVICE City of Azusa 3/4" meter 3/4" meter 100% $3.50/ month (600 CU. Ft.~ $7.00/m6nth (600 Cu. Ft.) 31¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 31¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter City of Covina $5.20/1,000 Cu. Ft. $8.90/1,000 Cu. Ft. 71.15% (Minimum bill) (Minimum bill) City of Monterey Park $3.75/800 Cu. Ft./month $5.61/800 Cu. ~t./month 49.6% (Minimum bill) (Minimum bill) 32¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 48¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 50% City of 'Los Angeles 29.8¢/100 Cu. Ft. 44.7¢/100 Cu. Ft. 50% City'of Glendora $6/1,000 Cu. Ft./2 months $9/1,000 Cu. Ft./ 2 months 50% 26~/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 36¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 38.5% City of Pomona $4.85/ 2 months (base unknown) $7.30/ 2 months (same) 50.5% 14¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 24¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 71.4% City of Orange $8/2,000 Cu. Ft. $10.67/2,000 Cu. Ft. 33.4% 38¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 51.67¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 36% Page Tw6 SURCHARGE FOR OUTSIDE WITHIN CITY OUTSIDE CITY SE/'WICE City of Garden Grove $5/500 Cu. Ft. $7.50/500 Cu. Ft. 50% 27¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 40.5¢/100 Cu. Ft. thereafter 50% City of Glendale $2.70/month meter charge $4.80/month meter charge 77.7% plus 27¢/100 Cu. Ft. plus 43.8¢/100 Cu. Ft. 62.2% If annexed after 1/1/50: $2.70/month meter charge $4.00/month meter charge 77.7% plus 36¢/100 Cu. Ft. plus 43.8¢/100 Cu. Ft. 21.7% City of San Francisco 3/4" meter 3/4".meter 21.9% $1.60/month service charge $1.95/month service charge 24.5% '45.3¢/100 Cu. Ft. 1st 3,300 Cu. Ft. 56.4¢/100 Cu. Ft. 1st 3,300 Cu. Ft. 21.4% 41.2¢/loo Cu. Ft. next 30,000 Cu. Ft. 50¢/100 Cu. Ft. next 30,000 Cu. Ft. SOME EXAMPLES OF MUNICIPAL WATER RATES FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE CITY SERVICES SAN JOAqUIN VALLEY February, 1978 SURCHARGE FOR OUTSIDE OUTS IDE SERVICE WITHIN CITY CITY City of Modesto 3/4" meter' $5.20/2 months (3,335 c.f.) game as inside rate None City of Fresno 3/4" meter $2.50/month meter charge $1.65/month meter charge $0.21/100 c.f. $0.14/100 c.f.; $0.125 next 100 c.f. $0.188 next 100 c.f. $0.115 next 800 c.f. $0.172 next 800 c.f. $0.105 next lQ00 c.f. $0.158 next 1000 c.f. 50% Flat Rate: $3.80 (6,000 Sq. Ft. lot) $9.50. (6,000 Sq. Ft. lot) 150% City of Delano -. 1" meter $11.25 monthly charge inc. 10,000 gal $5.00 monthly charge inc. 10,000 gal. $0.54 per 1000 gal. for next 20,000 gal. $0.15 per 1000 gal. for next 20,000 gal. $0.4S per 1000 gal. for next 30,000 gal. $0.20 per 1000 gal. for next 30,000 gal. 12S% City of Madera $7.00/month minimum for 20,000 gal. $14.00/month minimum for 20,000 gal. $0.15 per 1000 gal. thereafter $0.30 per 1000 gal. thereafter (however no one at this time is using water outside city) 100% City of Merced 3/4" meter $3.75/month/1500 c.f. $0.21 per 100 c.f. for next 2500 c.f. $0.17 per 100 c.f. for next 6000 c.f. Same as inside rate ~ne City of Tualare 3/4" meter $12.00/month for first 10,000 gal. $6.00/month for first 10,000 gal. $0.40 per 1000 gal. $0.20 per 1000 gal. thereafter thereafter 100% ! TI~OMA$ '~l. STETS;ON ~a~e T~o St~C£ FOR OUTS OUTS I DE SERVI CE WITHIN CITY CITY City of Porterville 3/4" meter $11.00 monthly meter charge' 100% $5.50 monthly ~eter charge $3.64 per 1000 c.f. $1.82 per 1000 c.f. ($7.32 minimum monthly charge) 1/ BIMONTHLY WATER RATE COMPARISON OF 20 BEACH COMMUNITIES -- JANUARY, 1978 Inside Cost Outside Cost Percent Supplemental Water Municipality Population Supplier 2--/ Dollars Dollars Difference Source And Cost $/A.F. Buena Ventura 65,200 N.A. 24.99 42.48 70 Casitas Carlsbad 23,300 N.A. 27.31 32:21 17.9 San Diego ~ll.56/A.F. Coronado 22,900 Cal. American Water Co. 25.56 N.A. San Diego 103.67/A.F. Costa Mesa 77,500 N.A. 17.45 Same N.A. Daly City 67,000 N.A. 19.43 38.86 100 City of San Francisco Del Mar 49,300 N.A. 29.82 34.52 15.8 MWD 69/A.F. Huntington Beach 154,800 N.A. 18.43 Same ~54D 84/A.F. Imperial Beach 20,250 Cal. American Water Co. 25.56 N.A. San Diego 103.67/A.F. Laguna Beach 16,600 N.A. 17.77 Same N.A. '5 Monterey 26,000 Cal. American'Water Co. 24.87 N.A. '" N.A. Newport Beach 63,800 ~. N.A. 27.56 Same N.A. Oceanside 62,100 N.A. 24.32 S~me .~_".. N.A. Oxnard 93,297 ~' N.A. 18.64 37.29 100 MWD 84/A.F. Port Hueneme 19,597 N.A. 11.62 14.53 25 United Water Conservation - - District 25.60/A.F. Rancho Palos Verdes 59,925. Cal~.Water Service 41.04 N.A. il . N.A Redondo Beach 64,400 Cal. Water Service 26.93 N.A. . -~ N.A. San Clemente 23,200 N.A. 19.94 29.92 50 Tri City Water 84/A.F. San Juan Capstrano 15,200 Orange Co. Water Dist. #4 23.05 N.A ..... N.A. Santa Cruz 32,000 N.A. 19.89 39.78 100 .... N.A. Santa Monica 93,000 N.A. 18.26 Same N.A. Seal Beach 27,300 N.A. 18.12 Same N.A.. il_,/ U~ing an average monthly consumption of 22.8 ccf. i2/ If other than city. ~" ~' ' "' ~ The Hartford survey reported data similar to that reported During the time that the Water Rates Committee was giving consideration to a water rates sutwe¥, another survey was being conducted, by the Dallas Water Utilities of Dallas, Tex. .~gt~.=~l L~=~;t.~.'~;~,.~'~:'Av~~.~;.,~.~t~e~'~- This survey too was submitted to AWWA's Management · ,~ ~..~ Division. The JOURNAL's editors became enlightened of ~-~'~ the existence of the Dallas survey and requested permission to print it. " ~~,~"J The editors believed thai this material would fit well into '~'~" ';'"~" this economics issue. Moreover, the Dallas utility agreed to. . ' ~~'~~~ AWWA's acting as a clearing house for this survey and ~ each planned annual updating of it. The JOURNAL's editors propose to publish these updates as they become '* ' ':-' available. The tables that appear on these pages include data for 62 utilities from cities in 28 states across the US, plus the .- ~~ ~~'~ ~V,~=~__ .. District of Columbia. All of the utilities service areas where the urban populations are in excess of 325000.'1n addition , many service, either directly or indirectly, areas beyond ' that of the inner city, for which the population is reported.. :~. The Water R;tes Committee of the Management Division has recently investigated the possibility of publishing a -These are two sets of tables. The first, beginning with the water rates survey in the JOURNAL. next page, is concerned with billing procedure; the second set, beginning with page 236, gives data about the charges. The committee's action was promulgated by the release of a survey f:onducted by the Hartford Water Co. of Connecti- AWWA thanks the Dallas Water Utilities for making the cut in 1973 -- a survey that had been undertaken with a view statistics available. And thanks'to the Hartford Water Co. to determining possible rate structure during 1975-76. for showing the way. RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY DALLAS WATER UTILITIES N(~VEMBER 19 f4 232 MANAGEMENT JOURNAL .AWWA ¢ RATE SURVEY '* ' ~ ' ' CONDUCTED BY DALLAS wATER UTiLiTIES NOVEMBER 1914 ' ;. - RATE SURVEY .:." CONDUCTED 8Y OALCAS WATER ,?.:. NOVEMBER 1974 '. :~., .~.:',~ ~' ~ "~" ., ~. ~'.:~:- MAY 1975 DALLAS RATE SURVEY 233 ,~.~ ~.'~ '.'~. RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY DALLAS WATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY DALLAS ~VATER UTiLiTIES NOVEMBER 1974 ' ,to.. ~30,83t (A:5 O}' 1-1-75) ~:~-~,,~,. ~ .,,.~. ~, , ~ '~ · Z62,9~ ' "~"MAY 1975 DALLAS RATE SURVEY 235 RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY OALLAS WATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 METERING DATA ' RAIE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY OALLAS WATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 ' :",~",/'.. ., ,,' ~.., .,,/.~.,,"/ --/' ~,,,./ ' .~. ............................................. ' ' ' ' /'¢,'..,~. ,. ,~ / "..',;:;. A¥~R£LLO. tL N $~.00 257 ALL ).~% User G ~.68 ~.0~ M.0~ S~J~.~:~ ~27.~ ~O.~]. AU%TIN, TI.. N S,2,00 26'/ 5/8 ~% U~er 0 $2.99 $5.~.9$].L69$2[,79$~9.?t, $~7.?og75.65 ~LT[~. ~3. Q S).60/~100~ ~/e iCrC User C: %t.80 $~.60 $7.(1~$L1.~]$Z&.33 - S~i~.33 ~I[~L~(I~t-~IAH. /~. [ (~S5.21~/~ )~(~)~/FJ 1~1~ User C $[.~ $~.96 99.90 ;tg.eoS39.~0$~.)o S7~,.80 CI~RLOI'~, X.C. X %1..(~O250 5/8 3.0Cr~ U~er C $2.Q0 ~..~0 $:O.oO$),8.81 $55.)L ~L9.85, DALL*3. 1T.t~3 N $1.)& 13& )/8 ~00% b'eee 0 $3.L8 $~.27 $!.),.02 $20.);1 $]~9.O~$~7.72 236 MANAGEMENT JOURNAL AWWA i . F(ATE SUF~VE Y CONDUCTED bY' DALLAS WATER UTiLiTIES [ ~ . ~o~, o~  .[~ RATE SURVEY ~' CONDUCTED BY DALLAS WATER UTILITIES ' NOVE~BEH 1~4 . , ~_~ ,,~. ,.,'V -~~ ................................................. ~~ ,,.= ' ~ .~ .; ~"-.,~ ,~ / _~,: Z'L~ ........................ ~'~"1 · I:x~.- .... .. ~'~ "'.' ' F . , M~Y 1975 D~LL~S R~TE SURVEY " RA'fE SURVEY ..- , COI',10UCTEO BY DALLAS WATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 ~-~ J RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED 8Y pALLAS WATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974. .:'" .' ,,, " ,,, ............................................... /,,.,.-,,/ ' ~# JC.~., CA ~ $~.]$ . $/8x]/~, 1.00~ L~,*r C $~,06 $~.76 StO.8.e $19.t.0 $]6.z.~ $~].~0 ' lO:a~,"~, ~ :51.il.70/2Sa5 100% User C ~,.2.6~ 1.5.10:$L1.53 S2),8]$LL.67¢.62.17 :.7~.67 )~7.17$359.67 'gO SL?IICl 233 MANAGEMENT ' JOURNAL AWWA -~ RATE SURVEY ? ~ CONOUCTEO BY DALLAS ~VATER UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 I~1 - RATE SURVEY CONDUCTED BY' DALLAS WATER 'UTILITIES NOVEMBER 1974 ///.// /.../ ....... - :::,'::o //: ~/.-"://,// o, .... ~//~ ,:,,' 'Y",k" 2,' ' ' ' ' '" )~oR;q:~. ~& "3 ~p L~. .:, '~t~: . LlOr~ ,,;;m:),~ I~o~.~I1o~ go,'~:$).o.oo $lo:oo ).;o~' - - - ~ 5/'J./?O ' ;~VE. ] a~,cr..~P 234 MANAGEMENT JOURNAL AWWA t