HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/78 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1978 Call meeting to order. ~%' % - . . Roll Call - Boar~embers: ~s, Ohairman;,BartOn,~ Bergen, Hoaglar~d, ~/ 14/ ~pprove minutes o~f regular meeting of Ju. ne 28, 1978. ,/ 21/ Agricultural Water Enterprise; Operating and Capital Budget review, - ' BOARD TO APPROVE. ' Domestic Water Enterprise; Operating and Capital Budget review. - BOARD TO APPROVE. 4. Domestic Water delinquent accounts. - BOARD TO REVIEW AND DETERMINE ACTION. ~ 5. Staff Comments ~(~ 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, ~, 1978 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretarY called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Bergen, Hoagland, Ratty. Absent: Barton c~taff Present: Chafin.,_Bo.gart_,~ Combs,~Needham,__Howard_,_Hos-tmyer-- George Nickel, President, Nickel Enterprises; Bob Lewis, District Engineer, California Water Service Company; Earl Smith, President of Board of Directors of Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District; Chuck Mandl, President of Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District; and Ernest Kartinen, Senior Civil Engineer, Boyle Engineering; also, attended the meeting. , A letter'dated June-23, 1978; ~from California--Water Service Company in regard to computer billing error on a total of 1,353 accounts for the month of June was presented to the board. Kim Combs, Accountant for the Department of Water gave the following statement regarding this matter: I was first made aware of this error last Thursday. morning when I received a phone call from Mr. DiMartino of California Water Service Company in San Jose. In reviewing the possible courses of action that can be taken here, with Mr. DiMartino and, also, with our outside consultants, two alternatives have been suggested. They are: (1) California Water Service could ma.il out a special billing to cover this error immediately with a special notice explaining the error in detail along with an apology'and requesting payment for the additional amount currently due and payable. In addition to the notice, California Water Service should, also, enclose a 9elf- addressed, stamped envelope to facilitate the payment of the additional billing. (2) California Water Service could add this additional amount due and payable to next month's bill and, again, enclose a special notice explaining in detail the error in the previous billing. It is the recommendation of the staff which is fully supported by our consulting engineer that the first alternative be chosen as the course of action, to be taken. That is, a special billing with a notice and self-addressed stamped envelope be prepared and mailed as soon as possible by California Water Service Company. Dr. Ratty made a motion that alternative number one (1) listed above be used. The motion was passed. Dr. Ratty made a motion that the staff prepare a draft letter which can be mailed to customers of the Domestic Water System showing the need for a rate increase as suggested by Mr. Bergen at the Water Board meeting on June 7, 1978. The motion %~as passed. ~' ~ ~ A Letter of Agreement dated June 27, 1978, between the City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District addressed to George Nickel amending Agreement No. 77-07 dated November 7, 1978, was brought before the board. George Nickel at this time addressed the board saying that he felt this letter was valuable to the City as well as Olcese.' Mr. Nickel'would like to have the Opportu- nity to recover a Portion of that water which will not be need- ed for a period of time.in order'to offset some of the costs involved and make it economically feasible to proceed with the improvements. Mr. Hoagland suggested that on page two (2), item six ('6) of the Agreement the word immediately be omitted and the words with due diligence be inserted. Mr. Bergen made a motion that we approve the Agreement as modified. The motion was passed. Staff Comments Fire Cheif, Dennis Needham presented a letter to the board that he had written on June 28, 1978, to Mr. Earl Smith, President of the Board of Directors of Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District as response to their letter of June 23, 1978. Mr. Earl Smith, at this time presented a map of the area to the board. Mr. Smith addressed the board stating that he and other representatives-.of Fairhauen~-were-attending-the_-board_meeting ..... to see what the City's action will be on the matter so that they can determine what to do. After further discussion Mr. Bergen made a motion that the staff come back to the board at an early date with a plan and/or recommendations on how we can develope a water system to serve areas within the City, and if possible the plans should be integuated with the proposed development of Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District. At this time Chuck Mandl President of Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District addressed the board stating the reason the district was formed was to supply water to the plants in the area on a nonprofit basis, and he feels the same thing could apply going across the street supplying it to the City of Bakersfield. Ernie Kartinen, Senior Civil Engineer with Boyle Engineering, at this time addressed the board asking how the City was going to serve the area in question. Mr. Bergen informed him that this question will be answered in the plan prepared by the City " staff. Mr. Bergen suggested that a City representative attend the meetings of the Fairhaven Industrial Fire Protection District. Board Comments Dr. Ratty asked what had occured regarding the Army Corps of Engineers turning back operation of the Isabella Reservoir to the users. Water Manager Chafin explained that the Army Corps of Engineers has set flood control criteria for the operation of reservoir space in years of high watershed yield. This._'year the Corps took over the operation of Isabella Reservoir on April 5, 1978, and put the project on mandatory flood control release. They returned the operation to the Kern River Water Master on Monday, June 26, 1978. The main difference between the operation by the Corps and the irrigation interest is the crops determine on a daily basis what the outflow from the dam shall be and most generally there is a difference in ownership of the water. Mr. Bergen presented to Chairman Rogers a booklet from Mr. Lee Froman, President of North Kern Water Storage District, of testimony on the 160-Acre Limitation from their recent trip to Washington, D. C. on June 8, 1978. There being no further business to come before the board', Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 5:15 P. M. Donald A. Rogers, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Estimated R~venues and Expenses For the Period 7-1-78 to 6-30-79 Previous Current Fiscal Year Fiscal Year PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET 1977-1978 1978-1979 Revenue from Operations (see attached schedule) $1,695,930 $1,862,150 Operating Expenses Field Expenses: Wages and Employee Benefits. $ 292~200 $ 322,400 U.S. Corps of Engineers O.&M. - Lake Isabella 22,115 22,120 Maintenance Expense 61,600 70,000 Weed Con t rol 12,300 30,000 Charges from Vehicle Pool 119,770 122,000 Charges from General Services Department 5,000 10,000 Expenses Reimbursed - Clearing Accounts (80,000) (lO0,O00) Expenses Reimbursed - Equipment Rental (3,200) (5,000) Expenses Reimbursed - O.&M. - R.R.B.W.S.D. (12,600) (20,000) Expenses Reimbursed - O.&M. - T.W.I. (13,300) (26,000) Total Field Expenses ~ 4.03,885 '$ 425,520 Admi ni strati ve Expenses: Consulting Engineer Fees $ 36,800 $ 37,000 D.W.R. - Snow Survey 3,115 3,115 U.S.B.R. - Contract Administration 340 340 insurance 57,960 47,960 Charges from Administrative Departments lO,lO0 11,000 Less: Charges to Other Departments (18,200) (18,000) Field Office and Related Expenses 17,700 18,000 Property Taxes 71,800 37,600 Miscellaneous General Expense 8,400 6:400 Total Administrative Expenses $ 188,015 $ 145,415 Net Operating Income Before Depreciation $1,104,030 $1,291,215 Depreci ati on 160,000 160,000 Net Operatin9 Income (Loss) $ 944,030 $1,131,215 Non-Operatin9 Expenses 1976 Water Bonds - Interest $ 692,160 $ 686,940 1976 Water Bonds - Principal -0- 173,880 1965 NKWSD-Isabella Bonds-Interest and Fees 33,065 31,180 1965 NKWSD-Isabel la Bonds-Principal 32,500 32,500 Less: Amortization of Bond Premium (1,100) (1,100) Total Non-Operating Expenses $ 756,625 $ 923,400 Net Income (Loss) ~$ 187,405 $ 207,815 CITY OFBAKERSFIELD ~Agricultural Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues For The Period 7-1-78 to 6-30-79 Previous Current Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1977-1978 1978-1979 Sales to Five (5) Major Districts $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Sales 60,400 160,000 Lake Ming. Agreement (Coun,~y of Kern) 4,700 4,700 Annual Pumping Agreements 450 450 Temporary Pumping Agreements 880 1,O00 Miscellaneous Irrigation Water Sales 53,300 145,000 .Oilfield Discharge Agreements 13,800 14,000 Sand Sales 50,400 25,000 Interest Income 12,000 12,000 Total Estimated Revenues $1,695,930 $1,862,150 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water E~terprise Capital Budget For The Period 1978/79 - 1979/80 The Water Department is now Participating with other Kern River interests to investigate the feasibility of replacing and adding the facilities listed below. The possibility now exists for low-head, high-volume power generation on a non-firm basis. What this means is that by combining Rocky Point and Beardsley River Weirs into a single diversion structure, there is enough 'natural gradient in the Kern River Channel to generate power as water is diverted into the Carrier Canal. At.today's cost for electricity and its dependency upon water supply Conditions, this power generation facility would have the poten- tial of returning between $100,000 and $250,000 per year in generating revenues. There is a strong possibility that federal funding would be available to supplement suc)i a project. Specific capital expenditures and improvements items requested for the 1978/1979 and 1979/1980 fiscal years are found on the attached summary. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 'A§ricultural Water Enterprise Capital Outlay Program For the Period 7-1-78 to 6-30-80 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2-Year 1978-1979 1979-1980 Total' Source of Funds Capital Improvement Reserve $ 275,185 $ 550,000 $ 825,185 Net Operating Revenues 207,815 200,000 407,815 Total Source of Funds $ 483,000 $ 750,000 $1,233,000 Proposed Application of Funds 1) 1-3/4 yd. Articulated FrOnt-End Loader $ 37,500 $ 37,500 2) 1/2 Ton Canal Tender Pick-up Truck 5,500 5,500 ~ 3) Control Weir at River Canal 65,000 65,000 4) Replacetst & 2nd Pnt. of Meas. 75,000 75,000 5) Replace Beardsley River Weir ~ 300,000 300,000 6) Replace Rocky Point River Weir) $ 300,000 300,000 7) Replace Calloway River Weir and Head§ate ~ 150,000 150,000 8) Improvement of 2,800 acre Spreading Lands 300,000 300,000. Total Capital Expenditure $ 483,000 $ 750,000 $1,233,000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Domestic Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expehses -For The Period 7-1-78 to 6-30-79 Previous Current Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1977-78 1978-79 ReVenues: Domestic Water. Sales $ 610,385 $1,192,195 Construction Sales 27,150 31,130 Total Sales $ 637,535 $1,223,325 Operating Expenses Fi el d .Expenses :~ O. & M. Charges from Calfornia Water Service $ 151,140 $ 197,285 Power for Pumping 156,640 225,800 Extraordinary Maintenance 7,290 48,000 Total Field Expenses $ 315,070 $ 471,085 Administrative Expenses: Char§es~ from Other Departments $ 29,820 $ 32,800 Consulting Engineer Charges 34,385 75,600 Insurance Expense 12,040 9,965 Property Taxes 7,545 3,245 ..... Pumping Taxes 75,655 98,675 Management Fee' from California Water Service 14,990 18,750 Miscellaneo~s General Expenses. 1,155 5,000 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 900 3,055 Total Administrative Expenses $ 176,490 $ 247,090 Net Operating Income Before Depreciation $ 145,975 $ 505,150 Depreci ati on Expense 80,000 97,500 Net Operating Income $ 65,975 $ 407~650 Non-Operating Items Re venue: Non-reoccurring Bond Proceeds and Refunds of Prepayments .. $ 65,900 $ 124,500 Expenses: Bond Interest Expense $ 137,795 $ 142,695 Bond Principal Repayment -0- 36,120 Mainline Extension Refunds 2,780 23,475 Repayment of Cash Deficiency 71,825 62-,100 Net Non-Operating Items ($ 146,500) ($ 139,890.) Net Excess or (Deficiency) of Revenues ($ 80,525) $ 267,760 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Domestic Water Enterprise Proposed Capital Improvements For The Period 7-1-78 to 6-30-80 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Total for 1978-1979 1979-1980 Two Years Sources of Funds: Revenue from Operations $ 267,500 $ 325,500 $ 593,000 Depreciation 97,500 107,500 205,000 $ 365,000 $ 433,000 $ 798,000 Application of Funds: Storage Reservoir in S.W. $ 100,000 $ 230,000 $ 330,000' Meters for New CUstomers 40,000 40,000 80,000 Pumphouse at Well Site #9 20,000 -0- 20,000 Pumphouse at Well Site #1 20,000 -0-' 20,000 Pumphouse at Well Site #8 17,000 -0- 17,000 Driveway and Turnout at Well #4 3,000 -0- 3,000 Fire Hydrants in Developed Areas 24,000 12,000 36,000 Services from Existing Mains 6,000 6,000 12,000 Oversizing of Future Mains 25,000 25,000 50,000 New Well Sites in S.W. llO,O00 120,000 230,000 $ 365,000 $ 433,000 $ 798,000