HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/78 A'G EN DA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1978 4:30 P. M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members: Rogers, Chairman; Barton, Bergen, 'Hoagland, Ratty 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of August 2, 1978. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Letter from Olcese'Water District to the Water Board dated August 2, 1978, regarding temporary accomodations between Olcese Water District, Buena Vista Water Storage District, and Henry Miller Water District. - BOARD TO DETERMINE ACTION. 4. Staff Comments 5. Board Comments 6. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1978 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rogers, Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Ratty Staff Present: Chafin, Bogart, Combs, Deitz, Needham, Hostmyer Others Present: George Nickel, President, Nickel Enterprises, Tom Clark, Nicket Enterprises, Mrs. Jean Swigart, Mrs. Mariam Boynton, Mrs. Marsha Davis. The minutes from the meeting-' of June 28,-1978, were approved as presented. SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mrs. Jean Swigart, 213 E1 Rio Drive, Stockdale Estates addressed the board at this time in opposition to the 50 per cent surcharge and the rate increase in her area. Mrs. Swigart presented to the board a detailed outline comparison of a study she had made on domestic water rates. At this time Mr. Barton gave an expla- nation of the domestic water sYstem and rates. Mr. Bergen com- . ~mented the board was required to increase the rates a larger percentage because Tenneco West, Inc. had not increased the rate structure to make the water operation self-supporting. They may have looked at their total operation including sales. The City made a commitment to the City tax payers that we would operate the system on a self-supporting basis. Mr. Ken Deitz, of Stetson Engineers, Inc., also addressed the board as to how the figures for the rate increase were derived. Mrs. Mariam Boynton~ 305 Starmount, at this time spoke Out in oppositiqn to the surcharge and rate increase and presented a letter to the Water Board showing a comparison between her 1976 and 1978 water bills. Mrs. Marsha Davis, 3101 Starmount Lane, Stockdale Estates, at this time stated that she felt that the increase and surcharge had more than doubled her water bill. She'also presented her past water bills to the board. Mr. Rogers commented these specific complaints show a substantial larger increase than the rates approved by the board. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the staff investigate these specific cases and a random sample of others to determine why some bills appear to exceed the rate increase approved and come back to the board with this report within a month. The motion was passed. Mr. Bergen requests the staff telephone those individuals present so they can attend the meeting when the staff report is presented. The Agricultural Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Budget was presented to the board for approval. After review Gene Bogart, Superintendent of the Department of Water, outlined those items appearing on the Capital Outlay Budget for the period July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1980. Mr. Chafin explained that the existing river weirs were in such a deteriorated condition that failure could occur at any time. He then explained that the consulting firm of Ricks, Taylor and Associates had been retained by the Kern River Interests to make preliminary engineering studies toward the replacement of 1st and ~2nd point of measurement and the Beardsley and Rocky Point River weirs. Manager Chafin said the Department of Water's share Of this.. engineering and feasibility study would be approximately $7000 for river weirs and $1000 for the measuring stations. After general discussion, Mr. Barton made a motion that the Agri- cultural and Capital Budget be approved. The motion was.passed. At this~time, Mr. George Nickel, representing Olcese Water- District Presented a letter agreement to the board stating ~--that Olcese has not objeCtion to a temporary or subsequent permanent agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District. Water Manager Chafin suggested that the Water Board receive Mr. Nickel's letter for staff review and an adjourned meeting be called Monday, August 7, 1978 for staff report at 4:30 P.M. in the City Hall, Caucus Room. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the letter be received and referred to the staff with action to be taken at our adjourned meeting. The motion was passed. Domestic Water Enterprise Operating and Capital Budget review was presented to the board for approval. Mr. Kim Combs, Accountant for the Department of Water stated that the same format had been followed as with the Agricultural Budget for the current fiscal year 1978-1979. We are projecting a portion of revenues from operations which we will be putting into our Capital Improvements that are needed in our domestic water system. After further discussion upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland which was passed, the Domestic Water Enterprise budget was approved. A letter was presented to the board from California Water Service Company by Kim Combs requesting that he be given permission to turn the net debit balance of $899.50 over to the collection agency. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the board give permission to have the above debit amount.turned over for collection to recover what we can. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 5:25 P.M., to be continued to 4:30 P.M., Monday, August 7, 1978, in the City Hall Caucus Room, for the purpose of acting upon the letter agreement presented by George Nickel that was received and referred to the staff. Donald A. Roge~rs,~airman ~ ~~ City of Bakersfield~Water Board ~i~da Hostmyer, Secret~ry City of Bakersfield Water Board ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE -- I lO NEW STIHL, SUITE N -- P, O. BIN 9448 -- BAKERSFIELD, CALIFo 93309 -- (805) 832-6963 August 2, 1978 Donald A. Rogers, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Rogers: Reference is made to Agreement #77-07 dated November 9, 1977 which provides for percolation and subsequent extraction of River water to be used in the City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District. Under such agreement, Olcese is to install certain wells that will be transferred in ownership to City. You have requested that the p. urpose of these wells can be expanded to accommodate a temporary, and possibly later a permanent, agreement between City and the Buena Vista Water Storage District and Henry Miller Water District. This letter is to advise you that 01cese has no objection to accommodating City in the proposed temporary, or subsequent permanent~ agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District and Henry Miller Water District. ,O~c~e~_e will arrange to install before the month o~f ~J~u~ly, 1979, suf~ficient wells to produce a minimum flow of-2~,00-0 ~a~cre-feet per month. If this amount ~of water is required by Buena Vista Wate~r Storage District and Henry Miller Water DistriCt, Olcese will make no claim on this amount of water during any temporary or permanent agreement that City may enter into with Buena Vista Water Storage District and Henry Miller Water District. S~ n~'e'r ely, 0LCES~ WATER DISTRICT -~George W. Nickel, Jr., President GWN: rjp Executed this day of August, 1978. Attest: Donald A. Rogers, Chairman Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Olcese Water District C~EORGE W. NICKEL, JR. AND LOST HILLS FARMING COMPANY, DBA NICKEL ENTERPRISES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP SAN JUAN RANCHING COMPANY KERN RIVER DELTA FARMS LOST HILLS ALFALFA COMPANY LOST HILLS MOBILE HOME PARK RIO BRAVO RANCH RIO I~RAVO SECURITY PATROL LOST HILLS CATTLE COMPANY ADDENDUM WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1978 4:00 P.M. e a. Letter Agreement to George Nickel amending Agreement No. 77-07 dated November 9, 1977. - FQR DISCUSSION, BOARD TO DETERMINE ACTION. ?'T Y o F ~~~:~~~~~L~ CALl FORNIA ~~~- DEPARTMENT OF WATER June 27, 1978 George W. Nickel, Jr. Olcese Water District P. O. Bin 9448 Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr. Nickel: Pursuant to your request to amend Agreement No. 77-07 dated November 9, 1977, which provides for percolation and subsequent extraction of river water to be used within the City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District, we will approve the following under.standing: This letter will constitute an agreement between the City of Bakers~ field (~ity) and Olcese Water District (Olcese) whereby Olcese may deliver water stored and extracted from the City's Kern River spread- ing area to areas outside of the City and Olcese. The following conditions shall apply: (1) The first priority for Olcese water extracted from the Kern River sPreading grounds shall be for the water requirements of lands within the City and within Olcese. (2) Unless mutually agreed to by the City and Olcese, water extracted under this agreement shall be limited to irrigation uses. (3) The amount of water eligible for extraction and use outside of City and outside of Olcese under this agreement each year shall be determined as follows: a0 On or about August 1st of each year, the City and Olcese shall determine the total amount of Olcese Water in storage at the City's Kern River spread- ing grounds, 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 · (805) 861-2715 Page 2 b. Concurrent with the calculations in paragraph 3(a) above, the City and Olcese shall estimate the re- sonable water needs of lands within the City and within Olcese for the following seven-year period, which water needs would be dependent upon Olcese spread water for their source of supply. c. The amount of water eligible for extraction for use on lands outside the City and outside Olcese in the following calendar year shall be the dif- ference between the quantities calculated in paragraph 3(a) less 5,000 acre-feet and 3(b) above. Example: (3)a. Olcese water in storage 8-1-78 = 68,000 AcFt Less ~'5','000 Net in storage 6~,006 AcFt (3)b, Projected requirements in City and in Olcese 35,000 AcFt (3)~, :Available for sale for irrigation outside City and outside Olcese 28,000 AcF.t (4) Water extracted under this agreement shall be considered Olcese water with respect to allocation of Operational Maintenance and Re- placement (OM&R) costs under Article III A, of the November 9, 1977 Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District. (5) Olcese shall pay to the City for the extraction of such water sold for use outside of City and outside of Olcese Three Dollars ($3) per acre foot subject to Article III D of the November 9, 1977 Agree- ment. Any such~.water sold in place will bear the same charge. (6) ~Olcese is to proceed im~_~e~_iately with construction of improve- ments, including wells, on the 'City's 2800 acres, in accordance with Article I of Agreement No. 77-07. (7) Olcese shall indemnify City, its officers and employees for any liability for injury to, or death of, any person or damage to any property caused by negligence or the operation of this agreement. Page 3 (8) In the event City is compelled to resort to litigation for the performance of conditions of this agreement including any payment due the City by Olcese, court costs and attorney's fees shall be paid by Olcese. If this agreement is acceptable to you please execute in the space provided below and return one executed copy to the City of Bakersfield Water Board. Sincerely, Donald A. Rogers, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board DAR:lh Executed this~ ~day of June, 1978. ~3~eorge W. Nickel, Jr., Presld~h~~ Olcese Water' District Attest: Secretary, Olcese Water District