HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/79 ~. ' AG E'N DA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 4:00 'P.M. Call meeting to.order. :Roll Call - Board Members: Ratty, Vic~-Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland . 1. Approve minutes of the regular board meeting of March 7, 1979. 2. Election of Officers. Scheduled Public Statements. 4. Agricultural Water Enterprise Operating Budget and Proposed Capital i' Outlay Program for 1979-1980. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. Grant Deed from Tenneco West,. Inc. to City of Bakersfield for por- tions of Stine Canal right-of-way between Stockdale Hwy. and Stine Road. These parcels escaped the original sale Tenneco to City to Kern Delta. BOARD TO CONSIDER GRAffT DEED FROM TENNECO AND QUIT- CLAIM DEED TO KERN DELTA. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. 6. Ditch Eradication Agreement and-Pipeline Easement granted by City of Bakersfield to Lewis E. Stratton, John D. Petris and Joyce Petris, real property described as follows: 1356.7 Lineal feet of 30" reinforced concrete pipeline installed in Beardsley Lateral 1-2-0 just north of Olive Drive located in Lots'28 & 29 of Tracts 3993 & 3995 of Section 9, TWN 29, RGE 27, - final fnspection made March 13, 1979. BOARD TO CONSIDER DITCH ERADICATION AGREEMENT. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. 7. Letter from Cawelo Water District regarding increase of its non- firm contractual entitlement with the City of Bakersfield. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 8. City of Bakersfield's response to California Water Service Co. 'to serve a customer within the City's Domestic Water Service area. BOARD TO CONSIDER. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. Letter attached for signature. 9. Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting a Policy on Fire Hydrant Installations. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. Attachment. lO. City of Bakersfield Water Board appointment of the Domestic Water Superintendent as the City's alternate member of the Kern County Water Agency's Urban Bakersfield Improvement District AdVisory Committee. BOARD TO CONSI, DER.'I IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. Letter attached for signature. ll. Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting permission to write-off Bad Debts and submit them for collection. ?OR BOARD ACTION. Attachment. 12. Board Comments. 13. Adjournment. MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979 4:25 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Ratty in the City Hall Caucus~Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Rat Vice-Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: None~ Staff Present: Bogar~, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Oberholzer The minutes from the regular mee~nglof January 31, 1979,~were approved as presented.~ , . ~ ~ ~ The City of Bakersfield Water Board Statementlof Policy Regarding Water Resources Management In ThelKern County Portion Of The San Joaquin Valley was presented to the board for consideration. Mr. Barton made a motion that the'board adopt the position paper. The motion was passed. Mr. Barton, also, requested that the position paper be submitted'tO the following: 1) City Council 2) Kern River Fan Group 3) Kern County Water Agency 4) Department of Water Resources -' California Water Commission 5) State Legislators - Congressman Thomas Senator Stiern Assemblyman Rogers Mr. Bergen at this time suggested that the Water Board might want to make a formal presentation of the postiion paper at the Hear- ing of the Assembly Committee on the Kapiloff Bill which will be held on March 30, 1979, in the Council Chambers. Domestic Water Enterprise second (2nd) quarter Operating State- ment-Fiscal year 1978-79 was presented to the board. The St~te-. ment'.was-accepted ~nd placed'on,file. A memorandum to the Water Board from Dennis Needham requesting purchase of a pickup was presented to the board. Mr. Barton made a motion that the purchase.be approved. The motion was passed. Staff Comments a) John Hansen, Domestic Water Superintendent informed the board that he had meet with Tom Stetson and Ken Deitz of Stetson Engineers, Inc. and California Water Service to discuss the future needs of the Domestic Water System. After a brief oral report by Mr. Hansen, he suggested the following improvements: 1) Drilling of more wells in the southwest. 2) A new water tank for storage. ~ 3) A .booster plant. 4) Additional pipeline. Mr~ Bergen stated that the Ashe water System was somewhat defi- cient in some areas, especially in storage at the time the City took over and ~these deficiencies~are causing a problem in fund- ing capital improvements. He does not want to see the City in- volved in a rate increase because of prior needs and he suggest- ed that the staff evaluate the possibility of funding these needs from other sources. He, also, suggested that the staff come back to the board with specific recommendations. b) At this time Mr. Hansen discussed the possible proposal of expanding the boundaries of our current service~area. Board Comments Mr. Bergen informed the board that the California Water CommiS- Sion at the request of Councilman Barton, planned to have their hearing in Bakersfield on May 3rd and 4th and he feels the Water Board should take an active part in these hearings. ! At this time Mr.~ Bergen reported~on the.discussion John Chafi~ and Tom Stetson have been having~'regarding~the proposed four ~. Way agreement between~Buena Vista Water Storage District,~Hen~y~ /. ~ ~OlceSeiwa~er District and the City of ' Miller. water District,i Bakersfield.~ This draft agreement dated February 15, 1979~inI 'its present form for spreading~andlrecovery~of water in the 28Q0 acres ~si'.n0t!ac.ceptable, because~it sacrifices the City's flex- ibility. Mr." Stetson will report to the board in more detaillin ~ the near future. Mr. Chafin stated that he felt it was very im- ' portant for us to have this agreement, and we should continue to work toward a satisfactory agreement, i Water Manager Chafin at this time informed the board that the First Point Group Committee held their first meeting on February 22,. 1979, and have a second meeting scheduled for March 29, 1979. Mr. Chafin stated that we were very pleased with the way the meeting went. There being no further business to come before the board, Vice- Chairman Ratty adjourned the meeting at 5:05 P.M. Donald K. Ratty, Vice-Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Linda Hostmyer, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural. Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues and Expenses For The Period 07-01-79 to 06-30-80 Estimated Actual Current Fiscal Year Fiscal ' Year PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET 1978-1979 1979-1980 Revenue From O~erat.ions (see attached) $1,849,470 $2,527,700 Operating Expenses ~ Field ExPenses: Wages and Employee Benefits $ 368,600 $ 332,400 U.S. ~orps of Engineers O & M - Take Isabella 22,110 30,250 Maintenance Expense 53,910 70,000 Weed Oontrol 27,400 30,000 Charges Fr~m V~hiCle pool 109,800 122,000 Charges Frc~ General Services Department 3,640 5,000 Expenses Reimbursed Clearing Accts. (Jnt. Facilities) (96,880) (90;000) Expenses Reimbursed-O & M (T.W.I. & R.R.B.W.S.D.) (51,300) (21,000) TOTAL Field Expenses $ 437,280 $ 478,650 Administrative Expenses: Gonsultants - Engineering and Attorney Fees $ 56,900 $ 75,000 Department of Water Resources - Snow Survey 3,170 3,300 U.S.B.R. - Contract Administratic~ 340 500 Insurance 47,960 47,960 Charges From Administrative Departments 10,100 11,000 Field Office - Rants, & Related Expenses 17,120 18,000 Property & Possessory Taxes 37,600 33,400 Miscellaneous General Expenses - Water Assoc. Dues, Security, Etc. 8,400 15,000 TOTAL Administrative Expenses $ 181,590 $ 204,160 Net Operating Inoome Before Depreciation: $1,230,600 $1,844,890 Depreciation (160,000) (160,000) Net Operating Income (Loss) $1,070,600 $1,684,890 Non-Oper&ting Expenses 1976 Water Bonds - Interest $ 829,640 $ 816,590 1976 Water Bonds - Principal 210,000 225,000 1965 NKWSD-Isabella Bonds - Interest & Fees 31,000 29,600 1965 NKWSD-Isabella BOnds - Principal 32,500 35,000 Less: Amortization of Bond Premiu~ (1,100) (1,1'00) Less: Rental of Isabella Storage Space (~4,470) (52,000) TOTAL Non-Operating Expenses $1,017,570 $1,053,090 Net Income Before Capital Outlay Program: $ 53,030(1) $ 631,800 Transfer to Capital Improvement Budget (53,030) (631,800) Net Income (Loss) $ ~ $ 9 $134,375 less than original budget estimate due to: a) increased principal and interest on 1976 Water ($ 178,820) Bonds; Agricultural Water. Operation assumed BOnds in 1977-1978 originally allocated to Domestic Water. b) increased reimbursement 'fore. maintenance, oper- 44,445' atic~s and storage rents frc~ other Water ~ ~ ~ ~ Page 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise Estimated Revenues For The Period 07-01-79 to 06-30-80 Estimated Actual' Current Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1978-1979 1979-1980 Sales to Five (5)' Major Districts $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Kern River Canal & Irrigation Sales 95,800 105,000 Lake Ming Agreement (County of Kern ) 4,700 4,700 Oilfield Discharge Agreements 12,600 13,000 Annual Pumping Agreements 2,400 3,000 Temporary Pumping Agreements 2,300 1,000 Borrow - Payback Exchange Fee g 110,000 Miscellaneous Irrigation Water Sales 114,470 440,000 K.R.C. & Irr. Co. Surplus Water Sales ~ 260,000 Sand Sales 21,200 25,000 Interest Income 66,000 66,000 TOTAL Estimated Revenues $1,849,470 $2,527,700 Page. 3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agricultural Water Enterprise capital Outlay Program For The Period 07-01-79 to 06-30-80 Fiscal Year 1979-1980 Source of Funds Capital Improvement Reserve $353,200 Net Operating Revenues 631,800 Total Source of Funds $985,000 Proposed Application of Funds 1) Control Weir at River Canal (final phase) $ 85,000 2) Water Department Operations & Conference Building 200,000 3) Improvements to K.R.C. & Irr. Co. Laterals 35,000 4) Replace Rocky Point River Weir 300,000 5) Replace Calloway River Weir & Headgate 215,000 6) Improvement of 2,800 Acre Spreading Basins 150,000 Total Capital Expenditure $985,000 " ~RECORDING REQUESTED BY " ',2~, ~,., DEP~RTM~T O~ WA?~ ~d,.. 1501 TRUXTUN ,AV~N~ . c~ BAKER~IE~, CALIFORNIA ~'°" L. , ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE '~:~i.T~NNECO.... . H~$T, INC~, successor to KernCounty~ Land Company, a California ~i!i~;.corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor", and ~ENNECO REALTY DEVE~O~HENT ":'~i.'iC0RPORATION,i successor-to S~ockda[e Development Corporation, a CaliforniaI :ii?'corPoration, hereinafter called "TRDC", each'a Delaware corporation, i~.i:r.here~nafter Collectively called "Grantors", and each as to its respective: ' .i~!i~:~..:ownershzp of the real property he=ezna~ter descrzbed, sub3ect to al ,~i~[?COndition subsequent, hereby GRANT ~to ithe CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a m~nicipa[ ,,~:~.~, ,,~ ;¢ r oration, ........ hereinafter called rantee~ ~ , ,, all that certain real~propert ,~ '~[!i~l:~ ~aa~od ,in ~h~ C~ty of Bakersf~e d"o~'£n the unincorporated area of. Kern.'S ~l~!~Cou,~ty, Californ~a~ described '~n ~xh~b~ A attached hereto and hereby made "t .~a part hereof .... ~ ~,' ":'. '": ! : ' , , .~ ' ~'~ ,: '~ , ? ' , ~ , ,I i ~ ' ' ~ , i ~ ' ' ;,,!", ~ ~XCE~TI~G A~D EXCLUDING ~flER~F~O~ all oil, gas and other minerals , '~:) ': contained within that portio~ o~ said real property herein conveyed 1 ~ '~ together with other rights as,excepted and reserved of record,by the! ~ .,i '~i ~'~ predecessor~,, !i~ title of~ Crantors;'and. . :. ; ,;i,.". ~XC~TI~G A~D ~ESE~VI~G ~o Grantor, ±ts successors and assigns ,, forever; ,ZLLL REMaininG oil~ gas and other hydrocarbons and all .... other minerals of ~hatever kin~ or character (all herein collectively called "minerals"), whether now known to exist or hereafter discovered (~[ being ±ntended that the word "minerals" as used herein shall be defined in the broadest sense of the word and shall include, but not ' be limited to, oil, gas, other hydrocarbons and all other mineral substances and products, both metallic and nonmetallic, solid, liquid or gaseous), which are upon, in, under of may be produced from " said real'property; all salt water which is'in, under or may be produced from said real property; the exclusive right, by whatever methods now or hereafter known, as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, to prospect for, investigate for, explore for, drill for, produce, mine, extract, remove and reduce to possession and ownership, all such minerals and salt water which are upon, in, under or may be produced from~said real property; the exclusive right to drill into and through said real property to explore for and thereafter produce and extract minerals which may be produced from adjacent real property; the right to lay, construct, erect and place upon and in said real property, and use, maintain and operate thereon and thereafter remove, all buildings, tanks, pressure plants and other machinery, fixtures and equipment, pipelines, telephone lines, electric power lines, roads, power houses and other structures and facilities as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, for the exercise and enjoyment 'of the rights herein excepted and reserved; the exclusive right to treat, process, (but not refine), store upon and remove from said real property such minerals and salt water; the exclusive right to produce and extract such minerals by repressuring the subsurface sands and strata with fluids or gases or by such other method or methods as Grantor or its successors or assigns may deem advisable, and to inject in and store and thereafter remove such fluids and gases, whether or not indigenous to said real property, the right at all times, without charge, to investigate for, explore for, drill for, produce, remove and reduce to.possession and ownership, those i quantities of fresh water from aquifers underlying said real Property i'!i deemed necessary by Gra!ntor or its successors or assigns to use in ~ .... prospecting, exploring, drilling,:mining,-producing, extracting I ' ~.:. ~ .. and removing (including, but not limited to, use in unit operations, waterflood, thermal, or other' secondary recovery methods now or hereafter known), ~or other operations in connection with the full enjoyment and exercise of the rights herein excepted and reserved; the right to exercise all rights herein excepted and reserved and any and all other .rights upon said real property as Grantor or its successors or .assigns. deems necessary, incidental to or convenient, whether alone or co-jointly with neighboring lands, in expl. oring for producing and ~extracting the minerals and salt water herein excepted and reserved; and~the u~nlimited and unrestricted right of access to said i minerals and ~salt water for all purposes provided, however ~that·!unless~ the consent of the surface owner is first obtained~ Grantor, its successors: and assigns shall not enter upon the surface or in or through the upPer five hundred (500) feet of the subsurface in the exercise of the rights' excepted and reserved herein. ~ITNESS wHEREOF,. Grlntorsl have executed this Grant 'Deed as of this !,i . I 1: i ' ' NNECO WEST, .... 'r '4 : ~ ' Executive Vice '. and by. ~' '~ '"" : ~ ' ~gistan~ Secretary TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CO.OPTION / ~enior~fce President CERTIFICATE' OF. ACCEPTANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated, july 25; 1977 from . TeDneco West; Inc. to City of Bakersfield, a political corporation and/or governmental .agency is hereby accepted by order of the Water Board of the City of '~Bakersfield on, March 28, 1979 , and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED By CHAIRMAN of the City )f i; .!!!' ~; .: ' : ~ ~ Bakersfield Water Boa::d ,' "' ! '[ .~'~ " i',l I'~ !~ ?' i .... ' ' ' j ; ' ' " ~.:!~,Th:.at ortion of Lot ? in Section 11, TOwnship 30 South, Range 27 East, ":::Mount 'Diablo Meridian, .according to the Sales Map of Lands at Kern 'i',l!County Land Company filed in'. the office of the County Recorder of '.i;,.sa'id County on January '25, 1894, which .portion is more particularly ",!i.described as :.follows: ~ !I,: ~ : ~ ' '" !:-' ':' i Beginning at' the point ,of interseCtion of the east line .'i i.i'~: .Of said iLot '17 iwith the ,north .line iof said Section 11, ~?-I...., '::,.,.,,, .:Which p0. int "is also the intersection of the centerline .',.., ~ Of the Public iRoad lying easterly :of the Stine Canal .,~ '... ....~ght of waY, ids shown on said Sales Map with said 'i.li i..i..: ' .... '~: ..north lines;i t]henCe westerly, along said north line, · i ~,.i'~ i'. 150 9 feet, more or less, to a point which lies 130 .. ~ ,,:,,..., ,.~. ,. "feet~ westerly. !of , ~as measured~: at right, angles to, said . .4"'"'"'"," Ii ! east. line~ thenceisouthWester!ly, parallel to and 130 .'. it'.~ ;i;.. ~i ~ feet'weSt~r~yl of, !as measuredi at right angles to; said ..ilf~,~!L. I~,, , , ' ~.;~t~'i '. ,east. line; to ia point'on the.~estiline of said Section .... t ~1; thence So~.therly along said west line to the point .....~..., f.. ~of intersection with the centerline of said Public Road; ',il,'?~.:t. .' thence northeasterly, a,long Said centerline, to the point of gi ! : ,! 'EXCEPTING THEREFROM those por.tions thereof heretofore conveyed to others ' ' i ': i " [ Parcel 2: The northerly forty (40) feet, as measured at right angles from the northerly 'line thereof, of the following described parcel of land, lying westerly of ..the centerline of the Stine Canal; That. portion of the NE/4 of Section 35, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section thence South along the east line thereof 1293.5 feet; thence West and parallel with the north line of said Section, 1353.7 feet to the southwest corner of that certain parcel of land ~ deeded to Lee Hong sing by deed recorded October 19, 1937 in Book 751, page 164 of Official Records; thence North along the westerly line of said. parcel deeded to Lee Hong Sing, ~' 160 feet to the true point of beginning for the following described parcel of land; thence continuing North along said west line of the land so deeded to Lee Hong Sing, 80 feet; thence West and parallel with the north line of said Section, 560 feet more or less, to the westerly line of a parcel of land conveyed, by Miller & Lux to Hill G. Mattly by deed recorded October 14, 1926, in Book 148, page 356 of Official Records; thence South 31~15' West, along the westerly line of said last named parcel of !and, 93.58 feet, more or less ' ' i .to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 80 :'. i i feet South of the north line of the parcel of land hereby '. described; thence East, 610 feet, more or less, to the true I point of beginning; ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM the .east 190 feet thereof. 'being the parcel 'of 'land described as Parcel 1 in that certain Grant .'.,iDe.e.d recorded, January 11, 1956 in the Office of the County Recorder sai? Kern. .C°untylint" i.... 'iB°°k 25;41'oft i~', '.?'il !'~Off~clial!! it Records at page .315...:. '. '.i. i"- 1!, ~, ..... that portion of the following described parcel of land, lying westerly the centerline ,of the ~t~ine Canal; ~ ~That portion of the NE/4 of Section 35, Township 29 South, Range 127 East, Mopn~ Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the hortheast corner of said Section; . thence:~ sbuth 0°07~30'' '.East, along the east line of said Section, '1323.60 feet~ to the centerline of the! e~st-west line of Real Road, sometimes known as Coun Road No~ 1 and also. known as Chester Lane; ' thence~ ait right 'angles South 89"52'30, West, along centerili~e, 1353.70 feet~to 'a.. point in the centerline. '~ of thel ~,orth-.south .port,ion of~ said Real Road, said. ~ last n~ed road .being also known as County Road No. 10861; thence North.0°07'30'' West, along the centerii!ne of said last mentioned road, 270 feet; : thence~ alt right a~gles~South 89o52'30" West, 175 .... feet to '.the' true Point of beginning of the following described parcel of 'land; thence from said true point of beginning North 0"07.'30" West, 60 feet; ! thence. South 89~52'30'' West, ~370.94 feet, more or - less, .t~ the westerly line of: the land conveyed by Millerl & Lux,. Inc~, a corporation, to Hill G. Mattly by deed 'recorded October 14, 1926 in Book 148, page 356 of Official Records; thence South 7030' West, along the west line of the land so conveyed to Mattly, 44.57 feet to an angle therein; thence South 31"15' West, still along the westerlY line of said Mattly land, 18.54 feet to a point which is distant 210 feet· measured at right angles, from the centerline · . of the 60 foot road conveyed to the County of Kern, by deed recorded August 28, 1941 in Book 1000, page 351 of Official Records, if said line were extended Westerly; thence North 89052'30'' East· 386.51 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. being the parcel of land described as Parcel 2 in that certain Grant'Deed recorded January 11, 1956 in the Office of the County Recorder of said i.~Kern County in Book 2541 of Official Records at page 315. Parcel 4: That.portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Thirty-Five (35), Township Twenty-Nine (29) South, Range Twenty-Seven (27) East', M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: 'Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 35, 'distance thereon South 00007'30" East, 1323.50 feet from the northeast corner thereof, which point is also the point of intersection of the centerline of County Road No. 1, also known as Chester Lane, with said east line; thence westerly along the centerline of said Chester Lane 1353.70 feet~ more or iless, ~to the point of intersection with the centerline of~ County Road No. 1086, also known as Real Road; thence along the centerline of Real Road North 00007'30'' West, ~884.38 feet· more or less, to a point in the south line of that certain iparcel of land conveyed by iDeed recorded in Book 1387 ~eCords 'a~ page 27; thence South L:'i~outt'iiline, 67.73 feet to' the ..~ t, :~]' I. r TRUE POINT O~BEGINNING, which true point is also the intersection of said south line with the westerly line of the parcel of land conveyed to David Charles Beauchamp, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 1528 of said Official Records at page 74; thence along said westerly line South 56"52'30" West,. 215.00 feet; thence South 38"52'30" 94 80 West, 151.00-feet; thence South 25°40'30'' West, . feet, more or'less, to the northwest corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to LeRoy W. Vogel, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 1233 of said Official Records at page 208; thence. South 08°08'30"iiWest, along'the west line of the 1asr said parcel, 237.:03 feet' to the southwest corner 'thereof, which corner 'is also the'northeast corner of that certain .Parcel'of iland described as Parcel 2 in the Deed to Kern County La~d Company recorded in Book 2451 of said Official Records at page.315; thence along the north line of!the last. said parcel South 89052'30" West, 127.52 feet,' more or less, to the westerly line of the land conveyed!by Mi!le~~& LUx, Inc,, to Hill G. Mattly by Deed recorded.OCtober 14, '1926~in Book 148 of said Official Records at page ~356; thence along last said west line (which line Was established as the common boundary between lands:!owned~by Kern County Land Company : and Miller & Lux, Inc'.,' in that certain agreement recorded July 25, 1922 in Book '383 of Deeds at page 198, Kern County Records) North 07°30' East, 295.13~feet to an angle point ~. in said'west line; thence North-31O00' East, 200.00 feet; ~'- ' thence North 50~00' East, 148 29 feet, more or less, to the southwest, corner of the parcel conveyed to John J. Green, · et ux, as aforesaid; thence North' 89052'30'' East, along the south line of said.parcel conveyed to John J. Green, 226.88 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the portion thereof conveyed to the State of California by Deed recorded February 1~ 1960 in Book 3234 of said Official Reqords : at page 525. i The parties recognize that the descriptions of some of the parcel of real property conveyed herein may be deemed to be inadequate for the .conveyance of real property, and that.more precise descriptions should be developed in the future for clarification. To implement this curative .... action, Grantors agree, and hereby binds itself, upon request of Grantee, .~. to cooperate with Grantee in the preparation and execution of appropriate ~" .recordable instruments to redescribe, in an adequate manner, those parcels . of real property which are 'reasonable deemed to be inadequate in thi: "; conveyance. ,; ::i: ,!i '"' "[ ,"~'/'+" I ~ .! '!~I ~ i i~ ..... .~ .?t~?:!'~ ,': I i;' ., ,: ST.~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF KERN ) On' this ~ day of July , 1977 , before me, the undersigned, & Notary Public in and for the State of California, personally appeared, W.I T. BALCH and WAYNE E. BROOME, known to me to be the Executive Vice' President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of TEN~CO WEST, INC., the : eo~oration that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be th~ persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the w~thin inst~x~n, ent pursuant i to its. ~ by-laws or a resolution of its board of IN WITNESS %~EREOF., I have.hereunto set my hand and affixed my official. seal~ . the. day an~. year~ of this~ certificate first above written. ' . . t-.~ '*~ <l';'v'~ NOTARY PL~SLIC . ,::,'~= .~.,,~,: ' ' ': ........ ~,,~:"~ Notary Public i~and for the ~:..~?~ ,~,~ cO~,=T~ l of 'California . ~','IY C. OMMI$SIC/'~ £XPH~.E'~; At"R!L 34, i':,7:; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF KERN On this 25th day of July , 1977 , before me, the undersigned,. a Notary Public in and for the State of California, personally appeared, MELVIN JANS and WAYNE E. BROOME, known to me to be the Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMEW£ CORPORATION, the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known ~ me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the. corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws~ or a resolution of ~ts board of directors. ;' IN WITNESS ~-IEREOF,"I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. MY COM~IbF, IO?~ EKP'.RES APR:L 2,1, ,,i ,, P~ORDING REQUESTED BY 'KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT and when recorded mail to: kERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 155, DEL KERN STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 Space above for Recorders use QUITCLAIM AND BILL OF SALE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY The City of Bakersfield, a chartered city, and a municipal corporation. of the State of California, -situated in Kern County, hereinafter called "Grantor", hereby QUITCLAIMS to the Kern Delta Water District, a public corporation of the State of California situated in Kern County, hereinafter called "Grantee", all that certain real property situated in the City of Bakersfield or in the unincorporated area of Kern County, California, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby made'a part hereof. (SEE EXHIBIT A) In witness whereof Grantor has executed this Quitclaim and Bill of Sale this 28th day of Mar~h 1979. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ATER BOARD By STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) GOUNTY OF KEP~ ) -- .. · On this 2seh . day of March , tn the year 1979 , before me Marquerite Anders6n (here inse~ the name and quality of the officer) personally appeared . , knov;n to me (or proved to me on the oath of . ) to be : ~h~rm~n of City of Bakersfield 'W~'ter .. (name of the public corporation, Board and kno'~vn, to me to be ~he person agency or ~olitical subdivision)~ .. ~vho executed the ~ithfn instrument on behalf of said public corporation, agency or political subdivision, and ackno~./ledged to me that such _ city of Bakersfield Wa~er Board , exec'uted the same. ~publi¢ co~poration, agency or political subdivision) :. %~qTNESS my hand an~ official seal. : ~ Marguerite Anderson ~ .(NametypeJ o~ ~rinted) Notary Public in and fo~ said State EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 1: That portion of Lot 7 in Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, according to the Sales Map of Lands at Kern County Land Company filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County on January 25, 1894, which portion is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of' intersection of the east line of said Lot 7 with the north line of said Section 11, which point is also the intersection of the centerline of the Public Road lying easterly of the Stine Canal right of way, as shown on said Sales Map, with said north lines; thence westerly, along said north line, 150.9 feet, more or less, to a point which lies 130 feet westerly of, as measured at right angles to, said east line; thence southwesterly, parallel to and 130 feet westerly of, as measured at right angles to, said ~ east line, to a point bn the west line of said Section ll; thence southerly along said west line to the point of intersection with the centerline of said Public Road; thence northeasterly, along said centerline, to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM those portions thereof heretofore conveyed to others 'by Predecessor in interest of Grantor: Parcel 2: The northerly forty (40) feet, as measured at right angles from the northerly line thereof, of the following described parcel of land, lying westerly of the centerline of the Stine Canal; That. portion of the NE/4 of Section 35, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section thence South along the east line thereof 1293.5 feet; thence West and parallel with the north line of said Section, 1353.7 feet to the southwest corner of that certain parcel of land deeded to Lee Hong Sing by deed recorded October 19, 1937 in Book 751, page 164 of Official Records; thence North along the westerly line of said parcel deeded to Lee Hong Sing, 160 feet to the true point of beginning for the following described parcel of land; thence continuing North along said west line of the land so deeded to Lee Hong Sing, 80 feet; thence West and parallel'with the north line of said Section, 560 feet more or less, to the westerly line of a parcel of land conveyed by Miller & Lux to Hill G. Mattly by deed recorded October 14, 1926, in Book 148, page 356 of Official Records; thence South 31o15' West, along the westerly line of said.last named parcel of land, 93.58 feet, more or less to an intersection with aiine drawn parallel with and 80 feet South of the north line of the parcel of land hereby described; thence East, 610 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the east 190 feet thereof. being the parcel of land described as Parcel 1 in that certain Grant Deed recorded January 11, 1956 in the Office of the County Recorder of said Kern County in Book 2541 of Official Records at page 315. page 2 EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 3: All that portion of the following described parcel of land, lying westerly of the centerline of the ~tine Canal; That portion of the NE/4 of Section' 35, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Section; ~ thence South 0007'30'' East, along the east line of said Section, 1323.60 feet to the centerline~ of the east-west line of Real Road, sometimes known as County Road No. 1 and also known as Chester Lane; thence at right angles South 89052'30'' West, along centerline, 1353.70 feet to a point in the centerline of the north-south portion of said Real Road, said last named road being also known as County Road No. 1086; thence North 0007'30'' West, along the centerline of said last mentioned road, 270 feet; thence at right angles South 89052'30'' West, 175 feet to the true point of beginning of the following described parcel of land; thence from said true point of beginning North 0°07'30" West, 60 feet; thence South 89o52'30'' West, 370.94 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of the land conveyed by Miller & Lux, Inc., a corporation, to Hill G. Mattly by deed recorded October 14, 1926 in Book 148, page 356 of Official Records; thence South 7°30' West, along the west line of the land so conveyed to Mattly, 44.57 feet to an angle therein; thence South 31°15' West, still along the westerly line of said Mattly land, 18.54 feet to a point which is distant 210 feet, measured at right angles, from the centerline of the 60 foot road conveyed to the County of Kern, by deed recorded August 28, 1941 in Book 1000, page 351 of Official Records, if said line were extended Westerly; thence North 89052'30'' East, 386.51 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. being the parcel of land described as Parcel 2 in that certain Grant Deed recorded January 11, 1956 in the Office of the County Recorder of said Kern County in Book 2541 of Official Records at page 315. Parcel 4: That portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4)~ of Section Thirty-Five (35), Township Twenty-Nine (29) South, Range Twenty-Seven (27) East, M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 35, distance thereon South 00007'30'' East, 1323.50 feet from the northeast corner thereof, which point is also the point of intersection of the centerline of County Road No. 1, also known as Chester Lane, with said east line; thence westerly along the centerline of said Chester Lane 1353.70 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection with the centerline of County Road No. 1086, also known as Real Road; thence along the centerline of Real Road, North 00°07'30" West, 884.38 feet, more or less, to a point in the south line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to John J. Green, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 1387 of Kern County Official Records at page 27; thence South 89052'30'' West, along said south line, 67.73 feet to the · · Page ~3 EXHIBIT "A" TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, which true point is also the intersection of said south line with the Westerly line of the parcel of land conveyed to David~Charles Beauchamp, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 1528 of said Official Records at page 74; thence along said westerly line South 56"52'30" West,. 215.00 feet; thence South 38"52'30" West, 151.00 feet; thence South 25040'30'' West, 94.80 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to LeRoy W. Vogel, et ux, by Deed recorded in Book 1233 of said Official Records at page 208; thence South 08008'30'' West, along the west line of the last said parcel, 237.03 feet to the southwest corner thereof, which corner is also the northeast corner of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel 2 in the Deed to Kern County Land Company recorded in Book 2451 of said Official Records at page 315; thence along the north line of the last said parcel South 89°52~30'' West, 127.52 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of the land conveyed by Miller & Lux, Inc., to Hill G. Mattly by Deed recorded October 14, 1926 in Book 148 of said Official Records at page 356; thence along last said west line (which line was established as the conm~on 'boundary between lands owned by Kern County Land Company and Miller & Lux, Inc., in that certain agreement recorded July 25, 1922 in Book 383 of Deeds at page 198, Kern County Records) North 07030' East, 295.13 feet to an angle point. in said west line; thence North 31000' East, 200.00 feet; thence North 50000' East, 148.29 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the parcel conveyed to John J. Green, et ux, as aforesaid; thence North 89°52'30" East, along the south line of said parcel conveyed to John J. Green, 226.88 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the portion thereof conveyed to the State of California by Deed recorded February 1, 1960 in Book 3234 of said Official Records at page 525. The parties recognize that the descriptions of some of the parcel of real property conveyed herein may be deemed to be inadequate for the Conveyance of real property, and that more precise descriptions should be developed in the future for clarification. To implement this. curative action, Grantors agree, and hereby binds itself, upon reques~ of Grantee, to cooperate with Grantee in the preparation and execution of appropriate recordable instruments to redescribe, in an adequate manner, those parcels of real property which are reasonable deemed to be inadequate in this conveyance. i~ecording Requested by and' when recorded mail to: J.~OI TRUXTUN A~J .- - DITCH ERADICATION AGREEMENT AND PIPELINE EASEMENT THIS AGREEMENTx dated June 2, 1978, between Lewis E. Stratton, John D. Petri-s and Joyce PeLris, hereinafter called "Fir'St' Pa~[y", whether one or more, and Kern Niver Canal and Irrigating Company, owned in full by the City of Bakersfield, hereinafter called "Second Party", W ITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS~ Second Party is the owner and operator of the Beardsley Canal lateral~ also known'as Lateral 1-2-0, now existing as an open ditch, and is the owner of a right of way and easement therefor over and across that certain real property owned by First Party in the County of Kern, State of California, particularly described as follows: A portion of the i~o. gthwest Quarter am_~~ the quarter (S~/4 of S8/4) of Section 9, T. 29 S., R. 27 E., 'M.D.B.&M., more exactly described as Lots 28 and 29 of said Section ~; and WHEREAS, First Party desires to fill in and eradicate said open. ditch and to substitute therefor a concrete pipeline, of the type and inside-diameter hereinafter specified, in and along' said easement and right of way, as hereinafter provided; and ..... WHEREAS, Second Party is wil.ling to consent to such substitution upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: I. First Party does hereby grant to Second Party the exclusive and permanent right of way.and easement to construct, install, main- tain~ alter, repair, improve~ reconstruct, enlarge and supplement and to flow and conduct water through a buried'pipeline or pipelines : over, along and in those certain strips of land in the County of Kern, State: of California~ more particularly described as follows: - :, The no~th 10 feet of the south 65 feet of Lots 28 and 29 of Section 9~ Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.&M ...... -- For purposes-of this description the south line of said lots is the south line of Section 9. . together' with all right convenient and incidental thereto, including ~ " the right of-ingress to and egress from said strip of land over and across said real.property of First Party, and First Party covenants add agrees that no building or other structure shall be constructed, and no trees, vines, or shrubs shall be planted upon said right of. way and easement. 2. First Party agrees, at its own expense, to procure an Ease, ment Guarantee Policy of title insurance in the amount of $1,000.00 from The Title Insurance and Trust Company or other title insurance company acceptable to Second Party, insuring that the right of way and easement herein granted is vested in Second Party free and clear of all liens and encumbrances excepting only those matters waived in writing, if any, by Second Party. ..... ..~.., ........ 3 ...... First.Par.ty..-agFees~--to-construct-- and--~n~.t'~-f--a"l-o~-~he----'cen'te~- line of said right of way and easement a 'th±=ty inch inside dia- meter concrete .,.-,. irrigation pipeline. 5aid pipeline shall be of the quality and on the grade and in the manner to be'designated and approved in writing-by Second Party's engineer';'--Sai'd conStrb'ction'and installation work shall be done at a time that will not interfere with the flow or distribution .of water through the present.ditch as re-- quired by Second Party. 4. First Party shall pay the entire cost of laying, constructing and installing said pipeline or pipelines, in.~ts, outlets, and other structures required by Second Party, inc]uding the costs of all labor and materials ~ncurred or used in connection with the installation, trenching, backfilling, leveling and testing the same, and the cost of all engineering, professional and other necessary services furnished. by Second Party or others in connection therewit.h.. In the event that First Party shall not pay the entire costs thereof and complete said work as provided in this agreement, Second Party may, but shall not be required to, pay such costs and complete such work, and First Party does hereby agree to repay Second Party any'amount so expended together with interest thereon at. 7~ per annum from the date the same ..... is expended until the date of repayment. - ......................................... .-- 5. First Party agrees to commence the construction and install- ,,... ati~~n of said pipeline or pipelines and structures within' a reasonable '- time. 6. First Party agrees that,, upon comp:]et, io_~..~o~__:c.on.~t.~uction.~.and ..................... installation'of said'-PiPeliAe or pipelines,, inlets, outlets and'other structures, the same shall become and remain the property of Second Party and First Party shall have no right, title or interest therein, and Second Party shall be in the sole and absolute control of the manner, method and time of conducting and discharging water through said. pipeline or pipelines and facilities; and the nature and.extent-- __.. ' of Second Party's right' of way and easement shall be in no manner d~minished or restricted by the construction of said pipeline by First Party. , 7. First Party agrees to keep and maintain said pipeline or . .. pipelines, and the inlets, outlets and other-structures~ thereon, in~ good operating condition and repair for a period of one.year after .,_ the completion of construction and.acceptance thereof bySecond~iParty, . . '. '., ~. '. ...... '. ~..~:~-~':~..'.'~L~.:,,,.,,.-.:_.x~---. ....' ...... ?'":~-;~"~,.~L...~:- .- -~ ~-~ ' ' : '- "'. . ' . ' ~ - -'.-..~ -: .'. -: ~:. '-..' '; .... ~ '-q.T~"~F~z~?{~.~TZ.':L~_'b~'.'~:~'~',Lz~..~ ~L. ,~'-.' "and*to gay all costs of such repairs and maintenance and of any replacement bf any part thereof required to maintain said pipel*ine "' or, 'pipelines and structures in good operating condition. First pa'rt'y- . .. agrees that, in, the event it fai Is, neglects 'or refuses to repair, maintain or replace promptly, upon demand, any part of said-~p, ip.eiine-, or the structures connected therewith, during:'said period'of one'. year,. Second Party shall have the right, but shall not be required; to make .... any such repairs or replacements, and First Party does hereby-agree to repay Second Party the cost of any such repairs or replacements ~ade by Second Party, with interest at 7~; per annum from the date such, cost is incurred to the date of repayment'~ ............ ................ : -_,' 8, First Par'(y agrees to indemnify and hold Second Party free and harmless of and from any and all claim-s'--an-d--'l-i-abili'ties"-ari-sing'" out of or in connection with the construction', maintenance and repair of said-' Pipel-ine Or piciei ides; 'and"'~inY"b-tl~-~i---[h-FSg--5-~--'Tfi'A'~.-[~'-~6~'~ or ' required herein to be done by First Party. 9. Upon full performance of this agree_me_n_t__.__b_y_._._F_i__r_s_t' the acceptance of said Pil~e]ine or pipelines and other strucutes by. _ Second Party, Second Party agrees to abandon that portion of its present open ditch' and right of way therefor which will be' replaced by said pipeline or pipelines and the right of way and easement herein granted. lO. First Party agrees to pay to Second Party reasonable attorneys' fees, trial preparation expense, and court costs in any successful action brought by Second Party to enforce any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this agreement. ll. Second Party agrees to quitclaim all prior easements of record. 12. This agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. . ..... , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Instrument to be executed i.n duplicate as of the day and .y_ea~ first....~abov....e~...w.ri[ten_'. - ..... ............................. Le w i's' E'.- Stratt-o n .<K6h-~ D' ~e[r'is . ' -.i Jo~ce I~etr is ' : .... "" ..... APPROVED AS TO FO:Ri, t: First_ Party KERN RIVER CANAL AND IRRIGAT.!NG. COMPANY ...... ' By " City Attorney - ~' .. ...'.:t ....., "-~" ....... -~'"i": .... :" ........ :"'"'7 ........... Sec:Ond.' county OF./ ,., ON Ju~ ~ , 19 78 ! before me, the undersigned, a Nptary Public in and for said State, personally appeared ., kllOWll to me, - .to be the person__ whose name__ - - - subscribed to th~ within Instrument, - ! i~* ;NA?AEr~K~.~i ~~FOIo?N~ I !I and acknowledged to me that __he__ executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~'~,' KErN COUNTY ; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 28.,~1979 ~ Notary Public in and for said State. ACKNOWLEDGMENT--General--Wolcott$ Form ~31--Rev. 3-64 ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ISS COUNTY OF Kern ,~xt June 9, .................................................................................................... , 19.-7.8-., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ........ !.s. ................................................................. ~~ ALYCE S. HOUSER °~ NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA .................. : ................................................................................................ : ............. : ............ ~-.~'~"'~/' BOND FILED IN '~;'~:~ name s .are-. subscribed to the within ~ ' - - KeeN'COUNTY -known to. me to. be the person_S_., whose ...................... :.--=-'---: ' MY COMMISSION EXPI2ES NOV. 11, 1981 ........... ' instrument, and acknowledged to me that .t...he.Y. executed the GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary's Signature ....... .~...':~..~- ............... ...:......':~....~-.~. .................................. Form 1~o. 15 ..................................................................... ' ' ' ~. . '7'ZZ.';.'-.." .:'ZZ" .-" ' ' '. . . . ~. ' :.Z.:. ~:. ~ ' ' ~"~ -' ' :~: ......... :-"' ":-~-';-:~' . . .............. :.::,. .... :: ...::::: 2 :_ . '- ':: '-' '--~::--~ ~:- "' :':' :'. .... ' '.. ~ : '" . ':::?:::'j_ :.' '..""".":::'-:'-: :'.:-.'::-T::;!':/" 5'." - '.' ~:.-:-. CAWELO WATER DISTRICT " ~ 305 Great Western Savings Building 1415- 18th Street BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bakersfield, California 93301 D. M. Camp, President Telephone (805) 325-9031 Ra~/mond J. Merrier0 Vice Pres. ' · John L. Jones M. E. Hall, Secretary March 21, 1979 J. Norman Dawe R. J. Vignolo Stephen E. Wall, Treas., Atty. CWO File No/' 480 City of Bakersfield Department of Water Water Board 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Mr. John E. Chafin, Water Manager Subject: Agreement No. 76-62 - Contract Entitlement Gentlemen: Cawelo Water District is interested in increasing the contractual entitlement under the subject agreement up to 45,000 AF should Kern River water be available to the City from existing unused long-term agricultural water contracts or other sources. The District could utilize an additional quantity even though such water would not be a firm supply each and every year. The agricultural demands of the District are increasing through utilization of the District's distribution system and due to an enlargement of the service area within the District. To assist.the District in its water planning and scheduling, it would also be most helpful to be able to compute the anticipated Kern River water from the City of Bakersfield by the use of charts or graphs supplied by the City based upon the annual APril-July state forecasts of Kern River runoff. Your consideration and assistance in these matters will be greatly appreciated. Very truly_yours, JLJ:Sj cc: C.H. Williams, N. Kern WSD R.L. Schafer S.E. Wall DEVELOPMENT SE RVICES DEPARTMENT .~ ~ .... -B.'A K E R.S Fi E L. D ~ DENNIS NEEDHAM, Director 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE (805) 861-2777 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 · BUILDING (861-2727) · PLANNING (861-2733) JV~aJ~ch 26· t979 · COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT {861-2777) · REDEVELOPMENT (861-2777) · DOMESTIC WATER (861-2777) B. D. Lewls~ Dtstr`tct Manager` Cattfor'nta Water` Ser`v[ce Co. t920 "~-!¢e" Str'eet Baker`set'etd, CA 9330t Dear` Mr. Lewis: In response to your` Januar`y 30, t979 [et[er`· Mr`. Jim F. Brown, 54t6 St[ne Road may continue to be ser`vtced by your- system at this time. However`~ [t~ ¢or` any r`eason the natur`e o¢ ser`v[ce or` pr`oper`t~/use sh°utd change· we r`eser`ve the right to pr`ov[de set-vice to the pr`oper`ty. It is l=or` this r`eason we r`eta[n this area within C[t-L¢ Domes~c Water Systems boundzu~[es. Very tr~ty your`s, JHH/gtp .! MEMORANDUM ___~..a_..c ~b..~.,._.!~Z _~. .................... TO .......... _ .C...h_a_i.n_ .m...a_n..o_~_.t. _h.?.. _W_ .a.t..e_r_ _E{_o_a_c~ .............................................................. F R OM ......... .J__o.h...n._ .H..:._.H.?_s_e_n..,.__D_o_ _m_e..s. ?j..c__ .W_ ~ C ~. 9.~9. ~ i~?.md_e.~_~ ................................ Request flor a Policy on Fire Hydrant Installations SUBJECT ..................................................................................................................................... In order to hold down the costs of.operation, a policy is needed on alt current and future Fire hydrant installations, not covered under Main tine E)<tension Agreements. Additional Fire protection should be paid by those parties creating the Fire flow requirements. This would keep these instal- lations from becoming a burden to customers within our service areas. dHH/glp DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT . , ,~,.. -.~ CITY of · BAKERSFIELD DENNIS NEEDHAM, Director 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE (805) 861-2777 BAKERSFIELD, CALl FORN IA 93301 · BUILDING (861-2727) · PLANNING (861-2733) · COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT {861-2777) Ma~ch 26, t97~) · REDEVELOPMENT (861-2777) · DOMESTIC WATER (861-2777) Jack G. Thomson, Board Pres[dent Kern County Water Agency Post O¢¢tce Box 58 BakersFtetd, CA 93302 Thomson." The City ol= BakersFietd Water Board has appointed our Domestic Water Superintendent, John H. Hansen, as our atternate member to the Urban Bakersl~ietd improvement District Advisory Committee. Mr. Hansen w[tt reptace Gene Bogart in this posit[on. Very t~u ty you rs, Chairman, Water Board JHH/gtp MEMORANDUM March 26, 1979 TO Water Board FROM John H. Hansen, Domestic Water Superintendent su ~ E C T ...... g..o_m ~.~G Lc.. _w..a..Le.r:_5 _s_.a .d_ .D. a .b..L~. ................................................................. Attached is a "Bad Debt Write-Off Register" dated February 1979 as supplied to the City by California Water Service Co. Attempts have been made to correct these accounts through the normat method, but have faired. We az-e therefore requesting permission to write-off the E3ad Debts and submit them to a correction agency. JHH/gtp Attachment CITY OF BFIKERSFIELI) ' BFI'D DEBT 14RiTF. OF.~ RIrGISTER FEBRURRY 1~7~ B FICCOUHT NUJ~gER CUSTOHER NFIJ4~ ' ' SERUICE Fit)DRESS - OFF .DFITE CFI DRTE TO CA 25,~1 2~0, ~50-52-10-0i~0-1 UHIUEi~SITY BLR5 1901 HFIHHING 05-0~-76 01-3i-79 3.1~ 50-53-10-2BSO-Z eI~UCE ~RNIEL 0 LE NU._O ?B. o.o o..o 50-57-10-E050-5 NRNCY HOLLINGSI4ORTH 5~Oq COCHRRN 11-OE-?6 01-31-7~ 38.0~ 30.0;., $0-57-10-7075-3 RICHr,~ R GILE 6~+I~_~F~RIRtIT 11~7..~~1'-79 33.37 50-57-10-e~0Q-I a S GONZRLES &~3 ~RRTNRN RUE 11-07-78 01-31-7~ 97.93 97.~ 5a-58-20-05~'-~ C H K~LLY 70n~I.F~R I~- -~ 01-31~7~ ~0,~g ~0.22 . ~O-61-IO-21~S-3 CLilITO:'i E CRL~UH RD20 CEe~:UOOO DRlUE 11-13-70 01-31-7~ ZT.~O 50-~2-05-057~-I D~:.:2,LO ROLLINS 6~0~ HRRTHRI4 RUE 11-0&-76 01-31-79 7.13 -7. ~0-~3-05-0~75-3 KEITH FR:~:~UO~TH 500~ LR~NCE CT 11-15-78 01-31-7~ Eg.e? ~'~3~b-0 =~ ...... J0;,:~'l ~R~L 1'' 5~1 g;:,::;,~l'U~4 I I-0 I-'/e 01-31=7~ .. q.88 ~.6~ so-~3-o~-~25-~ ,m;:~a ;nTS~r4 . 9~_I~37TP;4 CT ~J:~7:7.~ ._ 01-~J~7~ 10.83 1O~_ 50-~3-05-~7~5-3 NIK, [;,:(E~ 5105 HRRTFQRO 1~-11-78 01-31-79 16,73 16.73 ~0-~3-05-51~-q tl-?l~'T~T I-:~'.r=~Tr~ ~i~,,_, CqJCC~l.., .-:, . , ,. 17-~-7~ .... . ~.J:~J.:.7~ Ig=05 . 1O.Q~ SO-6q-OS-OQGg-3 't TED I;2W;;X:4 5101 PgG;4Z RD 11-17-78 01-31-79 35.70 ..... 35.70 ~0-~-05-1C~2-5 FLQYD_H UII. LI~S 5~n~t[y~ I.N I1-0~ 01.~1~7~ 7.95 '" 50-&5-05-~00-~ ED EFt5 R~O0 COU~TLEIGH 10-0&-78 01-31-79 35. Iq 35, TOT~ ~i~-OFF5 ~ RCcOUNT~ I 1,0~1 .~7 I-~031,57 NO. 0F CR NOTICES PRINTE~' ~7 ~(0UHT~ - RHT OF CR HOTICES PRIHTED 653.31 ~ITE-¢FI~TICES I I , 10 PCT 57.90 " SIGN ACT INF~ CITY OITY ATTNY. Cii'y CL~I~ - CGM..~ D ~V. ~ED~V. AGY. DIRECTOR MAR 8 1979 FORI~ P6-A  MEMO RAN D U M TO ............ .D...~...N~'....I. ~....N...~..~...D.~..A~... ................................................................................................................................... FROM ....... ~9.~ .N.... g~..~--7....Z..N. .......................................................... : ................................................................................ SUBJ ECT...N..~ ~...N....~.~..~..~.....C..O...$.?. ~. ............................................................................................................................. For your information and files is attached a 1977 "Waker Well Costs" report prepared by Arvin-Edison Water Storage District in 1977. From the table you can see the range of costs for initial investment, operation, maintenance and replacement. Also, shown is the power cost per acre foot per foot of lift for various depths and horsepowers. cc: T. Stetson A.! S. Hatch ............................. ESTIMATE OF ON-FARM WELL WATER COSTS ( BASED ON SERVICE TO 160 ACRE PARCEL WITH AN APPLIED .ANNUAL WATER RATE OF' 3.44 AF/AC ) ..... S'FATiC MOTOR WELL " INITIAL I~VE~ ANNUAL' SUBTOTAL'"~NNUAL ANNUAL POWER ' TOTAt. ANNUAL COSTS ', Y,~TER H.P. DEPTH WELL & EQUIP. $ OM a ~ tNtr INVESt ~-F~ TOTAL " CENTS/AE/FOOT. OF LiF:F ~ LEVEL TOTAL ANNUAL AT $ 6/H.P. '¢+550AF ~+550~F ¢ +~ ~+550~ ~ +¢ ~ +¢ [ :AT 8%,20Y~ INI~ INE + POWER TOTAL . i ,. F% _,. F% . ~ $ .- ., S $/A,K $ . $/A.E $ ~/A.E,. OM'-& R ...... , ...... ... 200 125 800 47~600 4~848 750 5,598 10.18 10,532 19.15 16,130. 29.33 S.1 9.6 14.7 - I " : ~ 250 --- t50 800 . 51,300 5,225 900 6,125 11.13. 12,496 22.72 18,621 33.85 4.4 g.1 13.5 , " t "' ' : 300 175 900 { I °79 I 1~050 7,029 12.78 14,5S2 26.46 21,581 39.24 4.2 8.9 13.1 ',.~4~'~50. 200 900 2,400 .. 5 1~200.. . ~ 7,555. 13.74 16,627.. 30.23' 24,182 43.97 4.0 8.6 12.6 ': 400 ~ 225 lO00 t69,800 7 109 1:5S0 ~ 8 459 ~ lS 38 ~ 18,700 54.00 27,159 49.58 3.8 8.5 t2'.3 [___~5~ 5 [ 73~S00 ~'~ 7j. 485 } _~ 500 ~ 8~986 ~ ~6 .34 . 20,774' 37.77' . 29,760. 54.11 3.6 8.4 ':' 550 300 I100.[84~600 8~617.. ' 1~800.. . !0~417 · 18.94' .24,905. 45.28._ 35,3~*-- 64.22 3.5 8..* .I1'7 ~,~00 ~25 i300 ,95,600 9,737 ~ !,950 1!.,687 21.25 26,904 48.92 38,591 70.17 3.5 8.2 11.7 ~50 350 1300 99~300 10~114 2,100 12,214 22.21 28,907 52.56 11,121 74.77 3.4 8.1 ~ ,,.~er Well Costs Base~ On: ' I "~ Drilling.[ development ~ $36/Ft. inc. ~6" casing. Well'.life = 20 yrs. ~.~. :ump, ~otor [ a~. equSp. (~nc. ~kaf~" ~ column) ~ $150/H.P. (20 Tr. life ext. i O.M.~ R.. ~ $6/Ii~. (inc. bowl replacement every S years). ..._ , Power fa:es P.G.[ E. PA-i effective 7/19/77. ~" Production rate cf !200 GP3.I or 267 CFS (equivalent to 7.5'GPr,{/ac for 160 acre ~ Water t, water elf. of 60~., "'=' ' '"