HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/79 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1979 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen,' Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of ?Cay 9, 1979. 2.. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. Quitclaim Deed from Kern River Canal and Irrigating Company (City of Bakersfield) to First Baptist Church conveying all right and title to abandoned easement of Lateral 1-2-0; located in section 10 of 27/29 M.D.B.&M. just north of Olive Drive. - FOR BOARD CONS IDEPJtTION. 4. Correctory Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for redescribed portions of Beardsley lateral 1-1-0 (20-foot ditch) in Section 21, T.29S., R. 27E., M.D.B.&M. located just west of Fruitvale Avenue. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 5. Agricultural water rates for Kern River Water (other than '"Basic Contract") in 1979. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 6. Staff Comments 7. Board Comments 8. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY.OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1979 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Council Chambers. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Ratty Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer The minutes from the regular meeting of ~4ay 2, 1979, were ~approved as presented. City of Bakersfield Water Board's letter of response to Stanley M. Barnes, President of Henry Miller Water District in regard to Mr. Barnes letter of April 25, 1979 to Thomas M. Stetson was pre- sented to the board for consideration. After discussion of the letter Mr. Bergen made a motion that the letter be approved, the Chairman authorized to sign, and copies of the letter be sent to President's of the Board of Directors for Henry Miller Water District, Buena Vista Water Storage District, Kern Delta Water District and Jim Boswell, President of J.G. Boswell Company. The motion was passed. Board Comments At this ~ime Mr. Bergen made a motion that the board authorize Stanley C. Hatch, Consulting Attorney for the City to contact former attorney for the City Ralph Helms to obtain any documents he might have in his possession that should be in the City of Bakersfield's files. The motion was passed. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:15 P.M. J~/mes J. ~arton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Lf'~-da Hostmyer, SeCretary City of BakersfielJd Water Board y & ',~ .... '- , '.,~ I~lo..~'.. ':':" ' ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'5 USE ' , ..... ~.~:'.. : ...' . · . Ouitclaim Deed ' : '~ THIS FORM FURNIBHED BY T'ITLE INSURANCE AND TRUBT COMPANY ~h~ undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): ...:~ .Documentary transfer tax is $. :? '?.( )' computed on full value of property conveyed, or :,.;2 .( ) 'computed on 'full value less value of liens and encumbrance~ remaining ~tt time of sale.' .(; :~} ('. ) Unincorporhted area: ( ) city of. , ~tnd '.FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KE~ RIVER CANAL AND IRRIGATING CO~A~ hereby REMISE(S) RELEASE(S) AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM(S) to 'FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BAKERSFIE~ . ."~ . ~he .~ol]owh)~ described rea] properly in fl~e county o{ ' Kern ' Parcel 4 of-parcel. Map No. 5103, in the _unincorporated area of · ~ :~/the .county of Kern, state of california, as per map recorded .?~ ?: February 16, 1979 in book 22, page 81-of Parcel Maps, in the .'~;,~.. :.:~,p~.~.~ .of the .county rec0rde~ of said.'county. ~ ..-. , . . , ~, :~'%:,~,~, .~'.~,~.~,'/,~ . .... ,. · ..... .~ . . . ., ~?~: ;.:':~:'Th'~:s':q'fiit~laim deed is given for 'the'purpose of quitclaiming and :~'~}~}:~:~Jconve~ing-to"the grantee herein,':all right,'~title and interest . :i.? '~?~0f.Said"'grantors in' and to that. certain agreement and easement " :/.'/.'.:~.~:".'.~ated.. sept~er 22, 1978 and recorded February 1, 1979 ~n bopk ... ,...~:: ~:<51~73:,,~.page ,353'~-of. Official Records. ~ '. - .. ~-'. ' "... - ' /"~.~ ~'~:~-'"~%'.,' ~ o;''lQT~ . . . '.. . KE~ RI~R CANAL ~ IRRIGATING ,"~':I //:?COUNTLOZ '"'." :'.'.'":. ', .' -., ......... :[.. ',..., .... :;...' ..' .' ,. .. ......... '"21. ,':.', On , ,'~: , u: ,'" [ ~ _ . before me, the u~der- .',.' ' . .: .. , ' '. ' '. ..,. ,.., ' ~ ~i'" I ;'[:'.aigned?~'~otar~'Pubhc In and for sa~d State personally appeared .... · ' ' ~,~;~, ....... :~ ... ., ... .... . . . . , .... ,. ~.. _ ; . . , .. ,,, ~ N,,': I,;5>. ;, ."~.'.v?.' ......... =' -' ' ~ .... ..,' ..... , ' . .... . ' - ' - . '. ' - · ' ~=~-.'i :~.-"',.": :..:?'" ' .... '.'* ' ' '" - , ,., '.. ..,' ' . ' ' ' . '. ~ . ' . :~"~' ? tO bo th~ por~n "7 whoso n~me ' : ':: s~b~ribcd to the within ,, '.,',". ' .' /. , ' . ' . '. : '" .' .- . . ,;~.'~! '"" "":'"*~' ' ' ' ' ' "" ' ' ' h ' ' '' ' ' ''~ ' ' ' "~" " .... ' ,..:-. . instrument and acknowledged tlmt . e~ecuted t e acme. ' . ,., ,, ' ,. · '. ~ . Na~e (Typed or Printed) .. ' .... · "* ' r'}~SeUted.:,.,., . . by ~ Corpor~t[ou t~e Corporation Form - ' '. .' :.~,, u% o/~c~ow[ed8lltet~g mEst ~ ~.. ' . (~hl~ ares tot om~l notarial scsi) Title Order No. ' Es'crow or Loan No. ',.c'. ..... :-..:,~75- - , ..... : .". ...... ~IL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE . .. , ~..,. ¥..~: ........... .. ' . .... '....5:'....'~.'..5:.~:~... _ ....... . ' ~.. Tenneco Realty Development ATenneco Comoany P.O. Box 9380 26 1979 C~Y OF £AKEP, Sr~LD April 9, 1979 DEPA~T~ ~ wA~c~ Mr. John Chafin Water Manager City of Bakersfield Department of Water 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear John: Enclosed for your review and execution by the Chairman of the~ Water Board is a Correctory Quitclaim Deed covering the area adjacent to the 20 foot ditch in Section 21, 29/27. This deed is necessary because an error was made by us in designating the actual lot numbers on the map. This caused the drafter of the legal description to start at an incorrect point. 'We also changed the basis of bearings to correct another mistake. We have enclosed for your use a print of the correct map and will appreciate any help you can give us. Sincerely, C. H. Tolfree Vice President CHT:gp Enclosures RECORDING REQUESTED BY ~-TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT~C RP. "°" P.O. BOX 9380 ~"" BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 A~ress Attn: Wayne E. Broome CI~ & Stat. L_ .......... SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CORRECTORY QUITCLAIM DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California municipal corporation, does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, the following described real property in the County of Kern, State of California: Lots 2, 3 and.~4~'of'Section 21, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.M. of Kern County Sales Map of Lands, Kern'County, California, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, a 20 foot ditch also known as "Beardsley to Calway Ditch" described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence along the west line thereof North 00° 00' 26" East, 503.977 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 87° 37' 19" East 86.673 feet; thence South 66° 49' 51" East 130.966 feet; thence South 62° 26' 21"~East 288.718 feet; thence South 82° 24" 45" East 107.399 feet; thence North 75° 07' 03" East, 75.063 feet; thence North 50° 48' 28" East, 30.628 feet to a point on the east line of said'Lot 4, said point lies North 00° 02' 42" East 349.722 feet from the south~east corner of said Lot 4; thence continuing North 50° 48' 28" East 69.119 feet; thence North 35° 43' 03" East 554.001 feet; thence North 49° 22' 25" East 107.016 feet; thence North 76° 32' 20" East 124.937 feet; thence South 81° 46' 49" East 87.745 feet more or less to a point on the~east line of said Lot 3, said point lies North. 00° 04' 59" East 932.227 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence continuing South 81° 46' 49" East, 51.226 feet; thence South 66° 23' 29" East, 121.991 feet; thence South 57° 05' 36" East, 85.133~ feet; thence South 49° 20' 07" East, 157.938 feet; thence South 58° 30' 17" East, 102.384 feet; the~nce South 78° 25' 53" East, 106.349 feet; thence South 81° 23' 50"East, 121.601 feet;more or less to a point on the East line of said Lot 2, which point lies North 00° 07' 16" East, 636.683 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence along the east line of said Lot 2, North 00° 07' 16" East, 95.841 feet, more or less to a point which lies South 00° 07' 16" West} 601.728 feet from the north- east corner of said Lot 2; thence North 80© 51' 55"~West, 197.710 feet; thence North 62° 41' 30" West 72.842 feet; thence North 47° 11' 57" West, 157.495 feet; thence North 57° 11' 37/" West 99.027 feet; thence North 67° 49' 05" West 136.360 feet; thence North 78° 35' 33" West, 82.190 'feet more or less to a point on the West line of said Lot 2, which point lies South 00° 04' 59" West, 312.234 feet from the northwest corner thereof; thence continuing North 78° 35' 33" West, 96.372 feet; thence South 74° 28' 00" West, 163.749 feet; thence South 50° 31' 18" West, 147.397 feet; thence South 35° 56' 28" West, 512.Q97 feet'more or less to a point on the west line of said Lot 3, which point lies South 00° 02' 42" West, 849.057 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence 'continuing South 35° 56' 28".West, 38.788 feet; thence South 52° 07' 08" West 72.513 feet; thence North 83° 44' 27" West, 89.282 feet; thence North 64° 37"12" West, 277.697 feet; thence North 67° 10' 31" West~ 148.522 feet; thence South 89° 27' 39" West, 109.261 feet more or less to a point on the west line of said Lot 4, which point lies South 00° 00' 26~' West, 743.360 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence along the west line of said Lot 4, South 00° 00' 26" West, 89.632 feet more or less to the True Point of Beginning. This Quitclaim Deed is issued by the undersigned for the express and sole purpose of defining the right-of-way of the 20 foot ditch through said real property. This Correctory Quitclaim Deed is given to evidence the correction of the description originally contained in Quitclaim Deed dated December I4, 1977, and recorded January 4, 1978, in the Kern County Recorder's Office in Book 5080 of Official Records at page 66. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Correctory Quit- calim Deed this day of , 1979. FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD By , Chairman MEMORANDUM ............... ............... TO .............. .qT.Q.]! .~.....C.~ ..a.~ ~..~. ........................................................................................................................................ FROM ......... .G...e..n...e... ~..q g..a.~.~.. ........................................................................................................................................ SUBJECT Agr±cultural Water Rates for Kern R±ver Water (other than "Bas±c .... .................................................................................................................... With information now available from the State Department of Water Resources on snow-pack accumulation to date, and projecting aver- age future conditions in the Kern River watershed, it now appears that the 1979 Kern River water supply :W£~.. yield approximately 100% to 105% of normal runoff. This magnitude of supply appears consistent throughout the State (with s~ll variation) so we can expect other local sources such as the C.V.P. and State Aqueduct would yield normal or near-normal water supplies in 1979. With this information it appears the following schedule of prices for other than "Basic Contract" water in 1979 would be competitive with other local sources yet encourage use of the City's water supply for direct surface irrigation: WATER.UNIT PER AC. FT. 1) Beardsley Lateral consumers $12.00 2) Kern River Canal & Irrigation ._ 30% entitlement sale 12.00 3) Miscellaneous Water Sales (above basic contracts) 20.00 4) Kern River Canal & Irrigation entitlement and storage water if it becomes surplus to the requirements of the utility° 22.00 5) City water sold for ground- water replenishment (if and when available) 6.00 It is recommended the above rates be adopted for the period May 1, 1979 to February 1, 1980.